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Scroll The

A Publication of Mosaic Law Congregation

August 2013 | 25 Av - 25 Elul 5773

Inside this Issue

Services & Festivals 2

New Staff 2-3

From the President 4

Women’s Network 5

August Bar Mitzvahs 6-7

Community Notes 8

High Holydays

Information 10-15

Birthdays/Anniversaries 16

Donations 17-18

Mazel Tov! 18

Kiddush Sponsors

and Condolences 19

2300 Sierra Boulevard | Sacramento, CA 95825 | (916) 488-1122 | Fax: (916) 488-1165 |

At its simplest, transition is a

time of change. As we pass through the various stages of

life we experience many times of transition. For the baby

this can mean being weaned from milk to solid food, to

progress from diapers to being toilet trained. For the child

it means starting preschool and then elementary school,

moving up to the secondary school, and then maybe going

to university and leaving home. As adults we experience

marriage or divorce, children being born and changing the

family dynamic and then children leaving home. We may

change our job or take on new responsibilities and a new

role. A family member may die and then the family struc-

ture changes.

Transition is a natural part of growing and of maturing. If

we handle it well, then it makes us stronger people. But

when it is surrounded by uncertainty or negativity, then it

can make us most unhappy.

As many of you know, our synagogue is in the midst of a

transition, which I sincerely hope everyone within our

congregation will embrace positively.

We are blessed to welcome new members of our profes-

sional team, who now join me, Barbara Blue, Mary

Blumenstein, Lisa Wade, Martha Negrete, Laurie

Schmazel, Taliah Berger, our religious school teachers,

and youth group advisors in carrying out the mission and

vision established by our Board of Trustees to move our

congregation forward. Cantor Ben

Rosner, who recently moved with his

wife Alyssa Kaplan from Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania, is our new Hazzan.

Cantor Ben began his duties on July

10th with wonderful energy and en-

thusiasm. Joanne Evans, our new

Office Manager comes to Mosaic Law

with great skills in organization, having served for many

years managing the office at Shalom School. Irit Winston,

wife of Joshua and daughter-in-law of MLC members Jeff

and Irit Winston, joins the staff as our new Director of

Education and Youth. Irit, born and raised in Israel, is

excited to be part of our team and is filled with wonderful

ideas to enhance the quality programming formerly led by

Orit Morgenshtern, who moved with her family to Israel.

We really are blessed to have these three talented individ-

uals join our already existing team who have been so dedi-

cated and devoted to our synagogue, always walking the

extra mile.

Transition is part of life and we all deal with it in our own

ways. I want to encourage all members of our synagogue

to embrace each of these wonderful people to the Mosaic

Law team with patience, with respect and with love. If we

can remember to do that, then we will all indeed benefit

greatly by the newest additions to our synagogue profes-

sional staff.

I sincerely hope that all of you will have the opportunity

of getting to know Cantor Ben, Joanne and Irit. Welcome

them with open arms and allow them to get to know you

and the members of our family. Enjoy the rest of your

summer as we soon will enter the month of Elul in prepa-

ration for the upcoming High Holydays.

Transition & Change

High Holydays Form Deadlines! NEW DATE! Ticket Request - August

15th (page 12)

NEW DATE! Book of Remembrance -

August 15th (page 13)

Childcare - August 21st (page 14)

Lulav & Etrog Orders - August 21st (page


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The Scroll

August Services & Festivals

Shabbat Candlelighting Times

August 2 - 7:58pm

August 9 - 7:50pm

August 16 - 7:41pm

August 23 - 7:32pm

August 30 - 7:22pm

Shabbat Shabbat Morning Service


August 3 - Parshat Re’eh

Shabbat Mevarekhim HaHodesh

Havdalah - 8:59pm

August 10 - Parshat Shofetim

Havdalah - 8:50pm

August 17 - Parshat Ki Tetse

Evan Zorman Bar Mitzvah

Havdalah - 8:40pm

August 24 - Parshat Ki Tavo

Jack Cartwright Bar Mitzvah

Havdalah - 8:30pm

August 31 - Parshat Nitsavin/Yayelekh

Daniel Salman Bar Mitzvah

Jonathan Salman Bar Mitzvah

Leyl Selichot

Havdalah - 8:19pm

Minyan Schedule


Sunday – 9:00am

Monday, Thursday &

Rosh Chodesh – 7:15am

Federal Holidays – 8:30am


Monday – Thursday – 5:45pm

Friday Kabbalat Shabbat – 5:45pm

Cantor Ben Rosner

A graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary in New

York City, Cantor Ben Rosner - also known as “Cantor

Ben” - brings a dynamic approach to Jewish music and

synagogue life.

From July 2010 to June 2013, Cantor Rosner served as

the Cantor of Congregation Beth Shalom in Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania. In that role, he imbued synagogue life

with music; for example, he trained and conducted vol-

unteer choirs and a band for participation in services,

concerts, and other events.

Cantor Rosner also helped to spearhead a series of open mic performances at

the local kosher Dunkin’ Donuts, which brought together musicians and appre-

ciative fans from across the Jewish community.

As a young professional himself, Cantor Rosner emphasized the importance of

reaching out to young, unaffiliated professionals, facilitating home hospitality

dinners, Shabbat services in community members’ homes, as well as other


Cantor Rosner grew up attending services at KAM Isaiah Israel in Hyde Park,

Chicago, where he was exposed to the music of Max Janowski, the syna-

gogue’s famed music director. He began playing classical guitar at age 13,

earning a scholarship to the University of Miami’s conservatory program just a

few years later. While at UM, he started leading musical Shabbat services at

Hillel, an experience that inspired him to become a Jewish professional. Upon

graduation, the Cantor spent a year as the Jewish Campus Service Corps

Fellow at the Hartford Hillel Foundation, where he learned the importance of

reaching members of the Jewish community, wherever they are.

A word from the Cantor

Shalom Mosaic Law Congregation!

I am happy to say that I am settled into Sacramento, at home and at work. In

addition to getting to know everyone, I would like to invite you to contact me

at [email protected] with questions and ideas for musical programming –

religious and secular. Besides leading services, creating programming, and

participating in Adult Education, I will be tutoring B’nai Mitzvah students,

assisting Rabbi Taff in pastoral care. and being a part of your lifecycle events.

Many have shown interest in participating in a choirs (for all ages and levels)

and instrumental ensembles. I look forward to hearing from you if you are

interested. If there is enough interest, we may be starting rehearsals this

month. In addition, I look forward to assisting in the creation of services

geared to families with younger children, as well as for all ages.

While much of these ideas are in development, having been here just two

weeks, keep your eyes open and feel free to contact me with ideas.

Thank you!

Welcome Cantor Rosner!

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The Scroll

Welcome JoAnne Eastus Evans!

JoAnne Eastus Evans

JoAnne recently joined Mosaic Law Congregation as Office Manager. Prior to Mosaic Law,

JoAnne had a successful career in the executive search and staffing industry. She also served as

the Office Manager at Shalom School for fourteen years. For over 15 years, JoAnne co-owned

and managed a successful photography business with her husband, Craig Evans. She is also a

trained workshop developer and presenter, focusing primarily on personal development and moti-


JoAnne has been an active volunteer in health and community related organizations and is cur-

rently active with the Sacramento Valley Trail Patrol, California State Horsemen’s Association, and Sacramento Horse-

man’s Association. She has chaired and developed several successful fund-raising campaigns and was Hadassah’s 2001

Woman of Distinction.

Welcome Irit Winston!

Irit Winston

Irit has also recently joined Mosaic Law Congregation as the new Director of Education and

Youth. She was born and raised in Petach Tikva, Israel. She grew up in a religious family. In

addition to her mother and father, she has two brothers and four sisters – all living in Israel.

She moved to the United States and Sacramento in July 2012.

As a teenager she studied at a private boarding school, Yeshiva Tzfira, for six years. Follow-

ing high school she performed National Service teaching students aged 6-12 years and special

needs students.

In 2002, she received her B.A. in Education with a minor in Sociology from Bar Ilan Univer-

sity and a Teaching diploma from Talpiot College. In 2009, she completed a Masters in Edu-

cational Management from the College for Academic Studies in Or Yehuda.

For the past 10 years she was a kindergarten teacher for the Israel Department of Education. In addition, she lectured at

Mekor Hamaayanot College teaching Education classes for the teacher training program. Further, she mentored and

evaluated student teachers performing internships in schools throughout Israel.

During her first year in Sacramento she taught Hebrew at Shalom School, Sacramento’s only Jewish Day School, and for

Congregation Beth Shalom. At Mosaic Law she was the 2nd grade Jewish Studies teacher.

Irit is married to Joshua Winston and recently gave birth to their first child, Joel. They have a home in Carmichael. Irit

loves children and enjoys Pilates, yoga and salsa dancing in her spare time.

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Reflections from the President

Jonathan Lightman

The Scroll

Catching the S

Curve to 5774

By congregational applause,

“Many Lasting Connections”

was the winning submission

at our annual meeting, where

we all had the opportunity to

determine what, beyond Mo-

saic Law Congregation, do the initials MLC represent.

Congratulations to Jolie Baron on her truly insightful en-


Our synagogue is well past the initiation stage of facilitat-

ing lasting connections. We have been offering tefilot

(prayer), tikun olam (social action), education, and social

programs for decades. These are our core activities extend-

ing l’dor va’dor, from one generation to the next, during

good times and bad.

When I became board president in June, I laid out a fairly

extensive vision, not to replace what Mosaic Law Congre-

gation does well, but to improve upon it. Needless to say,

the emphasis on vision suggests a long-term framework,

not easily accomplishable overnight. As much as we’d like

our congregation to offer more programs, function more

smoothly, and meet more needs, that all results from a pro-

cess. In the words of Rabbi Tarfon, ours is not to complete

the task; neither are we exempt from beginning it.

In just one month, I am so incredibly encouraged by the

number of congregants not only wishing to share their

vision, but offering to help as well. Needless to say, we

want volunteers, we need volunteers, and we appreciate

volunteers – we are now trying to put the pieces in place

so that anyone who wants to contribute their time, their

energy, and their expertise can be channeled to the right

place to do so.

For a starting point, we need to ensure we have the proper

staff in place to coordinate all of our efforts. Less than a

week after I took office, we concluded the contract with

Cantor Ben Rosner who has now formally begun his posi-

tion as chazzan. We have also hired JoAnne Eastus Evans

as our new Office Manager. At the time of this writing, we

are in the process of interviewing candidates for the direc-

tor of Education and Youth, and for office. The applicants

for this position reflect a tremendous talent pool and we

are confident that we will soon have a full complement of

staff to help us reach our goals.

Even in this first leg of the longer process, I have been

approached by many congregants who sense a new spirit

in the air, reflecting optimism for a positive future. In

business parlance, the term du jour for this type of confi-

dence is called “Catching the S Curve.” It refers to compa-

nies that start slowly in a new or improved direction, scale

rapidly as circumstances improve, and plateau when con-

ditions taper off. High functioning organizations don’t

stop at one S Curve. They look to catch multiple ones with

overlapping timetables.

Although there is a business side to Mosaic Law Congre-

gation, our purpose is not to produce widgets or pay share-

holder profits. We exist to create a community for Con-

servative Judaism within the Sacramento vicinity. Rela-

tional Judaism, or in the words of Jolie Baron, “Many

Lasting Connections,” stands at the top of our S Curve.

It’s now up to us to make that happen.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, as well as my family --

Janis, Ari, and Noah -- I wish you all a Shana Tova. May

you have a happy, healthy, and sweet new year, and may

we all catch our best S Curves into the Book of Life for


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The Scroll

From The Women’s Network

Sheri Pearl

Women’s Network

and the Mitzvah of

Seudat Havra’ah

Jewish mourning rituals both

honor the dead and provide a

structure for the mourning

process. When we are feeling

our most profound loss, and

desperate for direction and solace, we find comfort in the

traditions that have been handed down to us for thousands

of years. Among these is the seudat havra’ah (הארבה

meal of recuperation, the first full meal that (תדועס

mourners eat upon returning from the internment. Com-

monly known as the meal of condolence, the seudat hav-

ra’ah is traditionally provided by the neighbors of the be-

reaved. The obligation of the community to provide for

the mourner was considered to be of such significant im-

portance that it was biblically ordained. Indeed, the sages

of the Jerusalem Talmud admonished neighbors for dis-

playing callousness and indifference to the plight of their

fellow man if they did not provide for the bereaved. In

their grief, mourners often neglect their own needs, forget-

ting to prepare food and eat. When the community em-

braces them by performing the mitzvah of seudat hav-

ra’ah, they recognize that they are not alone in their grief

and the meal serves as a source of healing and comfort.

The beautiful custom of seudat havra’ah represents the

second formal expression of consolation. The first is a

silent tribute during which the mourner passes through

parallel rows of friends as they depart from the gravesite.

This elegant testimony demonstrates that the community

shares the mourner’s anguish.

The seudat havra’ah takes the community one step closer

to the mourner, moving us from spectator to participant as

we bring the mourner the substance of life, both figura-

tively and literally, providing him/her with the “bread” of

life. This expression of consolation is a silent one as well,

as the meal of condolence is not an occasion for socializ-

ing or idle talk. In fact, the meal of condolence is not

intended to be an elaborate feast consisting of fancy food

served to the guests. Rather, Jewish custom prescribes that

only the mourners partake of a simple meal consisting of

bread, hardboiled eggs and lentils, each having a symbolic

meaning. The book of Eikhah (ָהכֵיא) 1:17 recounts “Zion

stretches forth her hands” and so too the bread is passed

hand to hand to each mourner as a sign of grief. The long-

er an egg cooks, the harder it becomes, demonstrating that

mourners must learn to strengthen themselves when death

occurs. Finally, the round shapes of both eggs and lentils

symbolize the continuous nature of life.

The women of the Mosaic Law Women’s Network are

privileged to perform the mitzvah of seudat havra’ah,

nembracing members of our synagogue community and

providing consolation when they experience a loss. Our

dedicated volunteers prepare food and ensure that the

seudat havra’ah is waiting for the family upon their return

home from the cemetery. By preparing hard boiled eggs,

baking cookies, supplying bagels or setting out the meal,

each woman demonstrates the strength of our community,

showing the mourner that they are not alone in their grief.

As I embark upon my first year as president of the Wom-

en’s Network, I encourage each of you to join us in the

performance of this mitzvah. In the coming weeks, you

will receive a membership packet which contains infor-

mation about Women’s Network and a description of the

many volunteer opportunities available to you. I sincerely

hope that you will become involved in this vital organiza-

tion and look forward to working with you as we expand

our impact on the Mosaic Law community.

5774 promises to be a year of growth and opportunity for

MLC women as together we embark upon a journey of

chaverut (friendship), limud (learning), avodah (work) and



The Women’s Network invites the Women of

Mosaic Law to a Tea Reception

Honoring Judy Kahler (wife of Rabbi Taff ) &

Alyssa Kaplan (wife of Cantor Rosner)

Sunday, August 25th at 2:00pm in the

Mosaic Law Social Hall

RSVP at (916) 488-1122 or at

[email protected]

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The Scroll

August Bar Mitzvahs

Hello. My name is Jacob Sullivan. I attend school at Antelope

Crossing Middle School, where I am involved in the school

band in which I have been playing in the percussion section for

the last two years. In the future, I hope to learn to play the

drum set. I have also learned to play the guitar and the piano.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, play-

ing games, going to movies, playing tennis, and building Lego

sets. My biggest Lego accomplishment was putting together

the Star Wars Death Star which has 3,803 pieces. I am

extremely happy to be celebrating my Bar Mitzvah on August

8th. For my Mitzvah project, my family and I have been

collecting children's clothing to donate to the Sacramento

County Receiving Home.

Shalom! My name is Evan Zorman and I will be celebrating

my Bar Mitzvah on Shabbat morning, August 17th, Parshat Ki

Teitzei. I graduated from Shalom School in June, where I spent

the first 12 years of my life, and will be going into the 7th

grade at Arden Middle School in the High Achiever program.

I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing football and

soccer, and all water sports. For my mitzvah project I am rais-

ing funds for Yad Sarah in Israel with the goal of getting

enough money to buy five more wheelchairs for children. My

family has many relatives and friends coming from Southern

California, Arizona, Texas, Washington and Australia! I would

like to thank my tutor, Hannah Olson, and my family for get-

ting me ready for my Bar Mitzvah. I hope to see you there!

August 8th, 2013

August 17th, 2013

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The Scroll

Hi, My name is Jack Cartwright and my Bar Mitzah is on

August 24th. My torah portion is Ki Savo. I am a seventh

grader at Arden Middle School, after spending 10 years at Sha-

lom School from Gesher to 6th grade. I've been looking

forward to this day for many years and have put a lot of time

into preparing for it. I would like to thank my family and tutor,

Deborah Gonzales, for helping me get ready for this moment.

My Bar Mitzvah project is making care kits to give to the

homeless, hoping to make their stay on the streets a little less


My name is Daniel Salman and I am an 8th grader at Arden

Middle School. My Torah portions are Nitzavim and Vayelech

which deals with Moses passing on the leadership to Joshua

who leads the Israelites into Cana 'an. My Hobbies are soccer,

snowboarding, playing my trumpet, swimming, tennis, and

traveling. I am sharing my Bar Mitzvah with my twin brother

Jonathan on August 31st. I am really looking forward to cele-

brate this special day with my friends and family.

My name is Jonathan Salman. I am currently in 8th grade at-

tending Arden Middle School. I am sharing my Bar Mitzvah

day of August 31, with my twin brother Daniel. Our portions

are Nitzavim and Vayelech. In these portions Moses is talking

to the people of Israel on the last days of his life, before they

cross the Jordan River. He and Joshua, the new leader, are

commanded by God to rewrite the Torah. My hobbies include

soccer, swimming, tennis, fishing, snowboarding, and playing

my saxophone. My relatives come from California, Washing-

ton, New York, Nevada, and Connecticut. I look forward to

seeing you all at this wonderful celebration.

August Bar Mitzvahs

August24th, 2013

August 31st, 2013

August 31st, 2013

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Community Notes

PJ (as in "Pajamas") Library

Friday, August 9th at 10am - Everything You Need to

Know to Raise a Child Who Loves to Read. Join PJ

Library and Temple Or Rishon as we celebrate literacy.

Sessions with Marcia Greene, Director of Education at

TOR, include a book-related art project, a celebration of

Shabbat, and opportunities for parents to enhance learning

experiences at home. 10:00-11:00am. Temple Or Rishon,

7755 Hazel Ave., Orangevale.

Friday, August 30, 2013. PJ Library Playgroup.

Are you looking for a comfortable way for you and your

child to learn more about Judaism, or just a fun way to

spend Friday mornings with other families? Enjoy stories,

songs, and art. 10:00-11:30am. Federation office, 2014

Capitol Ave., Sacramento. For more information about PJ

Library, contact Ardyth Sokoler at pjli-

[email protected] or 916-486-0906 ext. 311.

Sunday, August 11th - Hadassah Happy Hour Open

House. Just for fun! Come have fun with old friends and

make some new ones. Free. 4:00pm-6:00pm. Private

home. Please email or call for address. For more infor-

mation, contact Marlo Dewing at mar-

[email protected] or 916-243-9466

Tuesday, August 13th - Jewish Community Relations

Council. Israelis, Palestinians Reach Across Borders to

Restore Historic River Valley. Liora Meron, a Chief Ar-

chitect of the Kidron Valley-Wadi El Nar Master Plan Pro-

ject, presents how this project crosses boundaries, helps

Palestinians and Israelis, provides recreation and clean

water, cleans up the environment, and encourages people

to work together peacefully. Sponsored by the Jewish

Community Relations Council and the Jewish Federation.

Free. 7:00pm. Congregation Beth Shalom, 4746 El

Camino Ave., Carmichael. For more information or to

RSVP, contact JCRC Director Jessica Braverman Birch at

[email protected] or 916-486-0906 ext. 308.

Leisure League

Wednesday, August 14th - Summer Fun in Rocklin. Join

Mary and Ted for a delicious BBQ and beautiful quilt dis-

play. Ted will show off his culinary skills as Mary shares

the fine art of quilting. Home of Mary and Ted Blumen-

stein in Rocklin (address provided with RSVP). $5

includes lunch and entertainment. Noon-2:00pm.

Thursday, August 22nd - Toe Tapping and Hand Clap-

ping with Rancho Murieta Voices. Repertoire includes a

variety of oldies but goodies, offering enough variety for

everyone to enjoy a favorite song or two. They recently

added a few popular show tunes and sing a variety of sen-

timental songs from the 1940s. $5 includes lunch and en-

tertainment. The Albert Einstein Residence Center, 1935

Wright St., Sacramento. Leisure League is sponsored by

the Jewish Federation and the Trust Fund for the Jewish

Elderly. For more information or to RSVP, contact Federa-

tion at [email protected] or 916-486-0906, ext.


Sunday, August 25th - Evening of Roller Skating. Fed-

eration's Committee on Inclusion and Disabilities

invites you to an evening of roller-skating designed for

children with special needs and their families. Open to all

ages and abilities (including wheelchairs),and sensory-

friendly. Dairy snack bar open and dairy snacks from

home welcome. All children must be supervised by a par-

ent. Free. 5:15-7:15pm. King's Skate Country, 10408

Franklin Blvd., Elk Grove. Register now! For more infor-

mation or to RSVP, contact [email protected] or

916-486-0906 ext. 304.

Sunday, September 29th - CUFI - Night to Honor

Israel. Featured Speaker is Dennis Prager, sponsored by

Christians United For Israel (CUFI). CUFI is the largest

pro-Israel organization in the US, with over one million

members. CUFI’s Nights to Honor Israel in communities

across the country are life-changing events that open

Christians’ eyes to the importance of supporting Israel and

the Jewish people. . For further information about CUFI

and its various pro-Israel activities go to:

and click on "About CUFI." Information regarding loca-

tion and tickets will be provided later.

"Aging in Place" Educational seminar, including a vari-

ety of topics for seniors and adult children caring for par-

ents. Details TBA. Two locations:

Wednesday, October 9th from Noon-2:00pm. Temple Or

Rishon, 7755 Hazel Ave., Orangevale.

Thursday, October 24th from 6:30-8:30pm. The Albert

Einstein Residence Center, 1935 Wright St., Sacramento.

This free program is sponsored by the Jewish Federation.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Elissa Provance

at [email protected] or 916-486-0906 ext. 304.

Local Kosher Items - Please be sure to shop at the stores

that have kosher items. They are hard to come by and we

want to encourage the stores to keep stocking kosher items

for the Jewish community. The stores that carry the most

products are Save Mart in Loehman’s Plaza, Costco at

1600 Expo Parkway, and Trader Joe’s on Marconi Ave.

Safeway also has kosher food located in the ethnic foods


The Scroll

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The KOH Library and Cultural Center has an

Advanced Accreditation with Association of Jewish

Libraries and is open to everyone in the greater

Sacramento area. It was established to provide a vast

array of Jewish cultural programming in addition to a

growing catalog of books and movies for loan.

We are self supporting and always looking for finan-

cial sponsorship and volunteers in order to continue

growing and meeting the needs and interests of the


Please keep an eye out for our monthly publication

KOH-nection, in the mail or your inbox.

Address: 2300 Sierra Boulevard, Sacramento, CA


Telephone: (916) 485-4143



Sunday, Monday, Thursday & Friday - 10am to 1pm

Wednesday - 1pm to 4pm

Closed Tuesday, Saturday & all Jewish Holidays

The Scroll

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The Scroll

High Holyday Dates to Remember - 2013/5774 Below is the schedule of all services for the upcoming High Holydays through Simchat Torah.

Please be sure to post this in your home as a reminder of these special services and programs.


Please Note: ALL times are approximate.

Saturday, August 31st - Selichot

Special pre-Selichot Program 9:00pm

Refreshments 10:30pm

Changing the Torah Mantels 11:15pm

Selichot Service 11:30pm

Wednesday, September 4th - Erev Rosh Hashanah Erev Rosh Hashanah Service (No childcare available) 8:00pm

Thursday, September 5th - 1st Day Rosh Hashanah

1st Day Rosh Hashanah Service 8:00am

(Childcare begins 9:00am in Religious School building)

Family Service for families with kids birth-1st grade

(Grand Hall) No ticket required. 10:00-10:30am

Service for children in 2nd & 3rd grade 10:45-11:15am

Service for kids 4th-6th grade. No ticket required 11:30an-12:15pm

Teen Service for grades 7th-12th grade begins immediately after the conclusion of Rabbi’s sermon (Chapel)

Tashlich - Guy West Bridge 5:30pm

Friday, September 6th - 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah

2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Service 8:00am

(Childcare begins at 9:00am in school building)

Family Service for families with kids birth-1st grade (Grand Hall) No ticket required. 10:00-10:45am

Service for children in 2nd & 3rd grade No ticket required 10:45-11:15am

Service for kids 4th-6th grade. No ticket required 11:30an-12:15pm

Teen Service for grades 7th-12th grade begins immediately after the conclusion of Rabbi’s sermon (Chapel)

No ticket required.

Blessing of New Babies 11:00am

Sunday, September 8th

Memorial Service (Home of Peace Cemetery) 11:00am

Friday, September 13th - Kol Nidre

Kol Nidre Service (Childcare in the school building beginning 5:45pm) 6:15pm

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The Scroll

Shabbat, September 14th - Yom Kippur/Yizkor

Yom Kippur Service (Childcare begins at 9:00am in the school building) 8:30am

Yizkor Service after the Reading of the Haftarah

Family Service for families with kids birth-1st grade 10:30-11:00am

(Grand Hall) No ticket required.

Service for children in 2nd & 3rd grade. No ticket required. 11:15-11:45am

Service for kids 4th-6th grade. No ticket required 12:00-12:45pm

Teen Service for grades 7th-12th grade begins immediately after the conclusion of Rabbi’s sermon (Chapel)

No ticket required.

Mincha Service 4:45pm

Neilah (No childcare available) 6:15pm

Children should meet in the RS Building for the Lightstick Parade at 7:15pm.

Wednesday, September 18th - Erev Sukkot

Erev Sukkot Service (Chapel) 5:45pm

Thursday, September 19th - 1st Day Sukkot

1st Day Sukkot Service 9:00am

Friday, September 20th - 2nd Day Sukkot

2nd Day Sukkot Service 9:00am

Wednesday, September 25th - Hoshanah Rabah/Erev Shemini Atzeret

Hoshanah Rabah Service (Chapel) 7:00am

Erev Shemini Atzeret (Chapel) 5:45pm

Thursday, September 26th - Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor/Erev Simchat Torah

Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor 9:00am

Erev Simchat Torah 7:00pm

Friday, September 27th - Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah Service 9:00am

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Deadline Extended to August 15th!

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Deadline Extended to August 15th!

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The Scroll

August Anniversaries

1 Yair & Ayala Luria

2 Robert & Suzie Lauer

4 David & Delores Spitzer

4 Jerry & Nancy Shapiro

4 Phil & Robin Fine

6 Robin Berrin & Susanne


7 Steven Libovitz & Lisa


7 Larry Brown & Frences Sutz


7 Michael & Elizabeth Gurev

7 Bruce & Lori Anapolsky

8 Michael & Jennifer Klein

9 Donald & Shira Gilbert

10 Larry & Laurie Meyer

10 Zohar & Mindy Bogin

12 Robert & Stacy Spector

13 Martin & Gail Rubin

15 David & Diane Dulberg

16 Tom & Sandra Weborg

16 Isaac & Maureen BarShahar

18 Richard & Laura Weisberg

19 Jerry & Rosalie Roth

20 Martin & Susan Skeer

20 Mark & Debbie Aizenberg

21 Lloyd & Sharyn Rich

22 Mark & Judy Mannis

22 Jonah & Breanna Paransky

23 Alan Spilkin & Monica

Melamed Spilkin

24 Erich & Hannah Olson

25 Steve Kutler & Phyllis


26 Barry & Ann Goldberg

29 Irwin & Ilene Herman

29 Michael & Renee Schaffer

31 Alan & Leslie Sukin

1 Louise Caplan

1 Arielle Spector

2 Robert Lauer

2 Eric Milstein

2 Daniel Harbarger

3 Tom Revesz

3 Martin Rubin

3 Peggi Martin

3 Ary Spilkin

3 Eliana Meyer

3 Zachary Vasquez

4 Steven Fishbein

4 Shari Reisman

4 Noah Blank

4 Logan Barth

4 Roe’e Joelson

5 John Lewis

5 Bobbette Marvai

5 Mark Grijnsztein

5 Shoshana Kurzrock

6 Ofir Suchard

7 Jane Rubin

7 Debi Gold

7 Adrienne Schaffer

7 Daniel Schmelter

7 Aaron Futerman

8 Jeanne Herman

8 Maya Javanifard

9 Janice Berkman

9 Marvin Kamras

9 Hannah Shapiro

9 Michael


9 Elijah Howe

9 Elyssa Finkel

10 Milton Ruderman

10 David Spitzer

10 Inga Mitchell

10 Lesley Stein

10 Alan Prohofsky

10 Grant Kubel

11 Herb Marks

11 Leslie Cohen

11 Gale Kaufman

11 Donna Burris

11 Brian Golden

12 Murray Haberman

12 Nancy Brodovsky

12 Alan Spilkin

12 Hanna


12 Talya Kurzrock

13 Blair Tannenbaum

14 Myrian Liberman

14 Mitch Ostwald

14 Leslie Sukin

15 John Bach

15 Daniel Weitzman

15 Carey Wolf

15 Abby Karavani

15 Jeremy Tamarkin

15 David Waks

16 Martha Limberg

16 Eleanor Elzufon

16 Soni Meyer

16 Robert Mogull

16 Vladimir Sharg

16 Aaron Zorman

16 Adam Gilbert

16 Grace Sperber

16 Shai Paransky

17 Elliot Pearl

17 Elliot Yaffee

17 Sarah Poisner

18 Minna Erle Jacobs

18 Elena Gelfand

18 Ann Kerub

18 Adam Poisner

19 Nancy Wolf

19 Rachel Gutmann

19 Jack Cartwright

20 Sharon Saltzman

20 Michael Gurev

20 Dana Vaynberg

20 Eden Elliot

20 Orly Fahn

20 Jeremy Loventhal

21 Gavriel Olson

21 Danielle Fahn

22 Carol Loew

22 Dwight Freund

22 Pia Spector

23 Judy Persin

23 Joann Freund

23 Naomi Javanifard

23 Gabriel Harouni

23 Adam Friedman

23 Tillie Rubin

24 Tomer Tamarkin

24 Mary Friedman

25 Laura Weisberg

25 William Rosenberg

25 Tovah King

25 Nathaniel Spilkin

25 Sara Breslau

26 Theodore Feinstat

26 Yelena Lipskaya

26 Stuart Samoville

27 Iris Bachman

27 Madelyn Aizenberg

28 Joyce Berger

28 Phyllis Francis

28 Robert Eiselman

28 Lori Anapolsky

28 Michele Weil-


28 Katherine Gumpert

29 Anna Van Buskirk

29 Gayle Javanifard

29 Jennifer Melamed-


30 Doris Walters

31 Talia Leibovitz

31 Jacob Sullivan

31 Isaiah Ortego

August Birthdays

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The Scroll

Generous Gifts From Thoughtful People Donations Made Between May 26 - July 15

Building Maintenance


In honor of Deborah Gon-

zalez - Mazel Tov on your

Woman of Achievement


Dan Hoffman

In memory of Simon ‘Sam’


Eva & David

Gabbe Gross

Ernest & Sylvia Fahn

Israel Scholarship Fund

In memory of Max

Haberman, beloved father

and grandfather

Murray Haberman

In honor of Michael &

Louise Caplan on the mar-

riage of their son Alan to

Anna Nizza

Susan & Harry


General Synagogue Fund On honor of Caren

Zorman’s presidency at


Mark & Pam Rubin

Speedy recovery to Carol


Nancy & Dick


In memory of Saul


Charlie & Goldie


In memory of Arnold Roth

Edward & Gayle


In appreciation of Rabbi

Taff presiding at my GET

Suzanne Silverman

In honor of Deborah


Lisa Velazquez

In memory of Sam Ross

The Sonoma


In memory of Sam Ross

Shirley Cohodes

In memory of Deborah

Gonzalez’s father, Saul


Pia Spector

In memory of Sam Ross

Anthony & Chantel


In memory of Saul Hoff-

man, Deborah Gonzalez’s


In memory of Norma Ju-

dith Cohen, mother of Dr.

Stuard Cohen

Jonathan & Janis


In honor of Jerry’s 73rd

birthday on July 10th

In memory of Dr. Jonah


Jerry & Nancy


In memory of Saul


Sid & Linda


In meory of Bernice & Sam


Mae Chew Din &

Josh Din

In memory of Sam Ross

Benny & Barbara


In honor of Louise & Mike

Caplan on the marriage of

their son Alan to Anna


Steve & Linda


In honor of Breanna

Lowenstein’s Bat Mitzvah

Martin & Susan


Mazel Tov! Uri Herszage

on your Bar Mitzvah

Scott & Monica


Judah Jacobson Fund

In memory of Ruth David

Sharon Jacobson

Kesher Fund

In honor of the anniversary

of Marvin & Linda Kamras

Roz & Lou


KOH Library

In honor of Michelle Baron

- Mazel Tov on your mar-


Sharon Cohen

Mazel Tov! to Baryohay &

Tamara Davidoff on the

birth of your new grandson.

Sending good thoughts to

Stan Greenberg

Charlotte Ballard &

Robert Zeff

Inmemory of Dr. Ian

Goldberg, brother

Enid Malkin

Men’s Club

In memory of Simon Ross

Michael Stinson

Mishebayrach Fund

In appreciation of Rabbi

visiting Nancy while she

was hospitalized

Jerry & Nancy


Murray Bachman

Minyan Fund

In memory of Molly’s

mother, Lillian Kopilovitz

Molly & Bernie


In honor of Breanna

Lowenstein’s Bat Mitzvah

Martin & Susan


In memory of Sam Ross

Joyce Berger

In memory of Roselle


In memory of Arnold Roth

Charlotte Ballard &

Robert Zeff

Past President’s Youth

Fund In memory of Doris Blum

In memory of Irving

Herman, dear uncle of Jeff

& Irit Winston

In memory of Saul

Hoffman, father of Deborah

Gonzalez’s father

Bob & Suzie Lauer

In memory of your beloved

father & grandfather

Judy Persin

In appreciation of Rabbi

Taff for his outstanding


Dana & Alan


In memory of Saul

Hoffman, Deborah

Gonzalez’s father

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis

J. Weshner

Rabbi’s Mitzvah Fund

In honor of the birth of Irit

& Jeff Winston’s grandson,

Joel Winston

Lou & Roz


(Continued on page 18)

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The Scroll

Condolences for May 26 - July 20 The Roth Family on the loss of their dear father, Arnold Roth, of blessed memory.

The entire Ross, Wolf, Bregman, Goldberg, Gumpert, Long, Rosenberg and Zaretsky families and to all of the

nieces and nephews who are mourning the loss of their Uncle Sam.

Dr. Stuart & Denise Cohen on the loss of Stuart’s dear mother, Norma Judith Cohen, of blessed memory.

Ruth Elkins on the loss of her dear husband, Reginald Holton Poole, of blessed memory.

Deborah Gonzalez on the loss of her dear father, Saul Hoffman, of blessed memory.

Jeanne Herman on the loss of her dear husband, and our dear member, Irving Herman, of blessed memory.

Mr. Herman is also mourned by his nephew, Jeff Winston.

Judy Daru on the loss of her dear mother, Margaret Victoria Collins, of blessed memory.

Caron Zamansky on the loss of her mom’s best friend, Toni Gernsbacher, of blessed memory.

Carole Sussman on the loss of her dear mother, Christine O’Hare, of blessed memory.

Margaret and Joe Cohan on the loss of Margaret’s dear mother, Otilia Aguirre, of blessed memory

In memory of Joseph

Pretula (Yosef ben David


In memory of Wilhelm


Joyce Berger

Mazel Tov! to Rabbi &

Judy on their marriage

Carol Licker &

Sonny Cooperman

In memory of Meyer &

Tessie Stecher

Jill Stecher & Dan

Weitzman &


In honor of our friend,

Danny Weiss

Donna & Mark


In memory of Saul


In memory of Irv Herman

Sam & Sharon


In memory of Irv Herman,

Jeff Winston’s uncle

In memory of Deborah

Gonzalez’s father, Saul


In memory of Mark Blum’s


Michael & Louise


In honor of Breanna

Lowenstein’s Bat Mitzvah

Martin & Susan


Religious School

Scholarship Fund

In honor of Rob Berrin.

May you have many more

in the years to come.

The Shonkoff


Women’s Network

In memory of Roselle

Burstein (z”l), beloved

mother of David

Mazel Tov! Linda

Reitzenstein on her upcom-

ing special birthday

David Navi

Yahrzeit In memory of Elizabeth

Morvai, her mother

Julie Lavine

In memory of Gisela

Spigel, her mother

Eva Teilmann

In memory of Rose

Feingold, her mother

Sheila Lipshutz

In memory of Beral

Cohodes, her brother-in-


Shirley Cohodes

In memory of Meyer


Leonard Stecher

In memory of Robert Fried-

man (Hershel Eli ben Beryl


Terri Friedman

In memory of Theodore

Fishkin, his father

Edward Fishkin

In memory of Meyer

Metzger & Abraham


Deborah Metzger

& Joe Metzger

In memory of David

Einhorn, her father

Elissa Provance

In memory of Arnold Roth

In memory of Ludwig

Kraus, her grandfather

Karen Neuwald

In memory of Marjorie

Kludjian, her mother

Marilyn Benson

In memory of Israel

Dubnick, their grandfather

In meory of Rose Dubnick,

their grandmother

Barbara & Davina


In memory od Sumcha

Navi, his mother

David Navi

In memory of Louis

Zimmerman, his father

Art Zimmerman

In memory of Mosa

Morhsaz, her father



In meory of Ruth Berrin &

Stanley Ritter

Robin Berrin

In memory of Rose Ascher

Joyce Berger


(Continued from page 17)

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Kiddush Sponsors, Hosts and Co-Sponsors for May 26 - July 20 Anonymous

Bev & Art Zimmerman in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Avery, in


Molly & Bernie Goldberg in honor of Bernie’s birthday

Nancy & Alan Brodovsky in honor of their anniversary

Marlene & Mel Chernev in honor of Marlene’s birthday

Michael & Milly Hayward in honor of Michael’s birthday

Herb & Maddy Marks in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary

Dr. Daniel Khazzoom in honor of Mark Rubin’s visit and his talk about his

Holocaust experience.

Ronald Becker in honor of his birthday

Davina Dubnick in honor of her sister Barbara’s Hebrew birthday on Shavuot

Judy & Jim Lawson in honor of Jim’s birthday

Robert Mehler in honor of his birthday

Bernie & Molly Goldberg in honor of Bernie’s birthday

Dr. Karl & Sheri Zeff in honor of their son Danny’s graduation from Chapman

University, Danny & Karl’s birthdays & Sheri & Karl’s wedding anniversary

Jack Zorman in honor of Caren’s hard work and dedication as MLC President and

for her endless hours of volunteering in the office

Daniel Khazzoom in honor of Jonathan Lightman and in appreciation of Caren

Zorman’s exemplary commitment to community

Robin Berrin & Susanne Leitner in honor of Robin’s birthday

Stephen & Joyce Weinberg in honor of Joyce’s special birthday

Mike & Betsy Singer in honor of their 46th wedding anniversary

Jerry & Leslie Kuperstein in honor of the Aufruf of their son, Ro’e to

Pamela Engelberg

The Scroll

Mosaic Law Congregation

Board of Trustees


Executive Board President - Jonathan Lightman

First Vice Pres - David Long

Second Vice Pres - Dan Ott

Treasurer - Alex Zamansky

Secretary - Erich Olson

Immediate Past President -

Caren Zorman

Board of Trustees

Mark Cohn

Joshua Heller

Tamsen D’Souza

Burt Ginsburg

Michael Levy

Carol Loew

Michelle Masoner

Arlene Pearl

Randy Pollack

David Rosenheimer

Marty Skeer

Todd Sperber

Karl Zeff, MD

Joel Zimmerman

Women’s Network President -

Sheri Pearl

Men’s Club President - Bud


Past Presidents Alan Brodovsky

Mark Cohn

Alan Edelstein

Morton Ehrlich, MD

Deborah Gonzalez

Kenneth Goore

Frank Gumpert

Marvin Kamras, MD

Steven Mopsick

Charles Nadler

Michael Opper

Mitchell Ostwald

Arlene Pearl

Elliott Pearl

Steven Polansky, MD

Sid Rosenberg

Marc Sussman

Robert Zeff, MD

Scholarship Fund

The KESHER SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established approxi-

mately 10 years ago by Linda and Marvin Kamras. To ensure

that this fund remains solvent, we match dollar for dollar ANY con-

tributions. Thus a "chai" donation becomes $36, just as a $500 do-

nation becomes $1,000. Our children need adults to look into the

future to guarantee and recognize their desire to be part of a Jewish

and civic minded community. For Kesher Scholarship forms, con-

tact [email protected].

Mazal Tov! May 26 - July 20 Charlie & Goldie Block on the birth of their newest great-grandchild - number 15!

Charlie & Goldie Block on the birth of their newest great-grandchild - Catherine

Marija Esther - number 16! (Yes, 16!)

Michael & Louise Caplan on the marriage of their son, Alan, to Anna Nizza next

week in Jerusalem.

Daniel Racket for becoming an American Citizen this past Wednesday, July 17th at

Memorial Auditorium.

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The Scroll

Mosaic Law Congregation

Rabbi Reuven Taff……………………....ext 13

email: [email protected]

Cantor Ben Rosner……………………….ext 20

Email: [email protected]

Cantor Emeritus George Wald

email: [email protected]

Rabbi’s Secretary Mary Blumenstein………………..ext 19

email: [email protected]

Education & Youth Director Irit Winston…….………………..ext 17

Education & Youth Assistant;

Weekly/Monthly Scroll Designer Barbara Blue……………………..ext 18

email: [email protected]

Accountant Lisa Wade………………………..ext 16

email: [email protected]

Office Manager JoAnne Eastus Evans……………ext 10

Email: [email protected]

President Jonathan Lightman

email: [email protected]

Men’s Club President Bud Miller

email: [email protected]

Women’s Network President Sheri Pearl

email: [email protected]

The Scroll Editor Laura Wendel, Editor

email: [email protected]

Published monthly by:

Mosaic Law Congregation

2300 Sierra Boulevard

Sacramento, CA 95825 A member congregation of United

Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Office Hours: Mon-Thu: 9am - 5pm Fri: 9am - 4pm Sun: 9am - 1pm (during the Religious School year only)

Telephone: (916) 488-1122 Fax: (916) 488-1165 Website:

Scroll Deadline

Deadline for submissions to The Scroll is

the 15th of the month prior to publication.

Please send your article to:

[email protected] and

[email protected].

Submissions received after the deadline will

be held until the next Scroll is published.