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Scriptual Reference

200 Came Down To Earth 

 The two hundred demons came down to the sphere from the high heaven.

Book: Book of Giants

Chapter : Verse- K. Sogdian M.363 p.71 (First Page)

 Author/Translator: Henning 

200 Demons 

"The Coming of the two hundred Demons"H. Sogdian Tii S 20 p.70 & J. Middle-Persian Tii D ii 12, Vii 1-5

Book: Book of Giants

Chapter : Verse- H. Sogdian Tii S 20 p.70 & J. Tii Dii 12, Vii 1-5

 Author/Translator: Henning 

200 Demons; 36 Towns; Depth-Mt.

36 Towns; Before the Egregoroi (who live a thousand years) rebelled & descended from heaven…a prisonhad been built for them in the depth of earth beneath the mountains.

Book: Book of Giants

Chapter : Verse- S. Coptic Keph. 117:1-9

 Author/Translator: Henning 

200 Who descended Mt. Hermon 

 Two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mt. Hermon

Book: Books of Enoch

Chapter : Verse-  Watchers 6:6

 Author/Translator: Multiple; Enoch

32 Towns; Aryān-Wežan 

32 Towns @ Aryān-Wežan near Mt. Sumeru. * Claims 36 original, converted to 32 by Sogdian to fit Vedic33 Gods.

Book: Book of Giants

Chapter : Verse- G. Sogdian p.69-32

 Author/Translator: Henning 

32 Towns; Aryān-Wežan 

32 Towns prepared for them by the "Living Spirit" @ Aryān-Wežan near the sacred Mt. Sumeru.Originated the arts & crafts; Two hundred demons fight four angels.

Book: Book of Giants

Chapter : Verse- M23

 Author/Translator: Manichean

33 God's 

 The twenty-seven wives of Soma gave birth to many talented sons. Wives of Arishtnemi gave birth tosixteen sons. Thus in all thirty-three gods including eight Vasus, eleven Rudra, twelve Aditya, Prajapati and Vashatkar have been described in the Vedas.

Book:  Vishnu Purana

Chapter : Verse- Ch.10: Marriage of Prachetas & Birth of Prajapatis

 Author/Translator: Multiple

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36 Towns 

36 Towns towns had been prepared for the habitation of the wicked & long-lived sons of the giants beforethe were born.

Book: Book of Giants

Chapter : Verse- M27

 Author/Translator: Manichean

600: 300 Above, 300 Below 

Marduk established three hundred as a guard in the sky; did the same for for the earth, made six hundreddwell in both heaven & earth

Book: Enuma Elish

Chapter : Verse-  Tablet VI

 Author/Translator: K. Sublett; Multiple

7 Deadly Sins 

 The Seven 'Deadly Sins' ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Matthew 23:1-36; Luke 11:37-54; Isaiah 5:8-24

 Author/Translator: Multiple

7 Thing's Yahweh Hates 

Seven Thing’s Yahweh Hates · 1.Perverse Speech. 2.Proud Looks. 3.Feet Quick to Mischief. 4.HandsQuick to Shed blood. 5.Deceitfulness. 6.Plots/Plans to do Evil. 7.False Witness.

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse-  Proverbs 6:16-19

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Actions Speak Louder Than Words 

Bhagavad-Gita 3:3-7, 22-23; Devi Bhagavatam 20:42-44; Gatha Songs 3:5, 4:21, 8:16; Isha Upanishad; James 1:22-25, 2:14-17; 1John 3:17-18; Manusmriti 11:231-232; Menong-I Khrad; Romans 2:11-13; ShivaMahapurana; Siri Guru Granth Sahib 3; Quran 9:12:94

Book: Multiple

Chapter : Verse- Multiple

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Advocacy of Noah 

 The Advocacy of Noah · Noah speaking on mankind's behalf, chastises God, God 'relents'.

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Exodus 32:7-14

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Airanakan; Airan-vej; Eranvej 

Chapter 12:25 - 14:4 - 15:28 - 20:13, 32 - 25:11 - 29:4-5, 12 - 32:3. Kondras mountain, Every species ofearth was discernible in Eranvej for a Hasar ('mile'). Hooshang & Guzhak. Maidyok-mah. Enclosure (var)formed by Yim; tree opposed to harm.

Book: Bundahishn

Chapter : Verse- Chapters: 12, 14, 15, 20, 25, 29, 32

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Airyana Vaeja; Mazda; Yazatas 

Had I not made every land dear (to its people)...then the whole living world would have invaded the Airyana Vaeja - The first of the good lands and countries which I, Ahura Mazda, created, was the Airyana Vaeja, by the Vanguhi Daitya. Yazatas.

Book:  Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Vendidad 1:1-2, 19:39, 2:20-21 Author/Translator: Multiple

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 Airyana Vaejah; Ahura Mazda 

 To her did the Maker Ahura Mazda offer up a sacrifice to the Airyana Vaejah, by the good river Daitya.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Ardui Sur Bano Yasht (Hymn to the Waters) 17, 104

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Airyana Vaejah; Husravah; Mazda 

 To him did the Maker, Ahura Mazda, offer up a sacrifice in the Airyana Vaejah, on a golden throne.Husravah, he who unites the Aryan nations into one kingdom...That king Husravah and all the Aryans inthe forest may smite him.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse- Ram Yasht 2; 32

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Airyana Vaejah; Zarathushtra 

 To her did the holy Zarathushtra offer up a sacrifice in the Airyana Vaejah, by the good river Daitya.Famed in Airyana Vaejah; and thou, O Zarathushtra! didst recite the first the Ahuna −vairya, four timesintoning it.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Ard Yasht 45; Drvasp Yasht 25; Yasna 9:14

 Author/Translator: Multiple


Places of the Antichrist · Egypt; Greece; Syria; Turkey. Ancient Rome.

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Daniel 7:8, 8:9, 8:23, 11:40; Revelation 17:10-11

 Author/Translator: Multiple


 Who are sinful, & non-Aryan

Book: Mahabharata

Chapter : Verse- Book 1: Adi Parva: Section LXXXIV 

 Author/Translator: Multiple


(Obedience to) the sacred law, conduct worthy of an Aryan, and purity. Aryan - duties and rights of an Aryan - Let an Aryan who has been initiated, (daily) offer fuel in the sacred fire - An Aryan must study the whole Veda together with the Rahasyas.

Book: Manusmriti

Chapter : Verse- Chapters: 2-5, 7, 9-10

 Author/Translator: Manu; Multiple

 Aryan contries 

I smite thee away from the Aryan countries.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Awerdad Yasht 6

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan- countries, nations 

 Aryan countries, Aryan Nations, That I may be as constantly victorious as any one of all the Aryans.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Warharan Yasht 48, 50, 53, 60 Author/Translator: Multiple

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 Aryan- countries, nations 

 Tishtar Yasht (Hymn to the Star Sirius) 36, 56, 58, 61. Aryan countries, Aryan Nations, Aryans will besmitten.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Tishtar Yasht 36, 56, 58, 61

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan- Nation, People 

 Aryan people, Aryan Nation, Aryan people, Aryans, Aryan people.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Ardui Sur Bano Yasht 42, 49, 58, 69, 117

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan nations 

 Aryan Nations - non-Aryan Nations - "extinguish at once all thenon−Aryan nations".

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse- Zam Yasht 56-57, 59-60, 62-64, 68, 69

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan Wezan 

 A peaceful sovereign [was] King Vištasp, [in Aryā?]n-Waian. From the end (…r t) of a hymn.

Book: Book of Giants

Chapter : Verse- U.Parthian Tii D 58

 Author/Translator: Henning 

 Aryan, Mazda 

 To the Aryan good fortune, created by Mazda

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Atash Niyayesh (Litany to Fire) 5, 17

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan, Mazda 

Unto the Glory of the Aryans, made by Mazda - Aryan glory - it destroys the non−Aryan nations.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Ashtad Yasht 0-2

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan; Aryanian 

01-077 H. LXXVII.Agni. V.3 ~ 01-096 H. XCVI.Agni V.3 ~ 01-130 H. CXXX.Indra V.8 ~ 01-156 H.CLVI.Vishnu V.5 ~ 02-027 H. XXVII.Adityas V.1 ~ 10-011 H. XI.Agni V.4. The pious Aryan tribes atsacrifices address them first to Agni.

Book: Rig-Veda

Chapter : Verse- Multiple

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan; Darius 

I am Darius the great king, king of kings, king of countries containing all kinds of men, king in this greatearth far & wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenid, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryanlineage.

Book: Naqs-i Rustam Inscription

Chapter : Verse- Upper Inscription (Dna) Author/Translator:  Darius the Great

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 Aryan; Fravashis 

 Aryan Nations - We worship the Fravashis of the holy men in the Aryan countries.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse- Frawardin Yasht 10, 43-44, 87, 143

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan; Mithra 

 We offer up libations unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures,who gives a happy dwelling & a good dwellingto the Aryan nations

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse- Mihr Yasht (Hymn to Mithra) 4, 13

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan; Mithra 

 We sacrifice to Mithra of wide cattle pastures, who gives an abode of joy, and a good abode to the Aryancountries.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse- Mihr Niyayesh (Litany to Mithra) 13

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan; Mlecchas 

Book 6: Bhishma Parva: Jamvu-khananda Nirmana Parva: Section IX. Aryans & Mlecchas, O Kauravya, &many races.

Book: Mahabharata

Chapter : Verse- Book 6: Section IX 

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan; Mlecchas 

 The Universe & Lord Brahma's Manifestation: Bharatavarsha. The residents of these Janpadas are knownas Mlechha and Arya.

Book: Markandeya Purana

Chapter : Verse- Bharatavarsha

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryan-Buddhist War 

 The Prediction of Buddhism [From the 29th chapter of the Pratisarga Parva.] There was a terrible battlebetween the Buddhists and the Aryans. In that war seven million Buddhists, and two million Aryans werekilled.

Book: Bhavishya Purana

Chapter : Verse-  The Prediction of Buddhism

 Author/Translator: Multiple


Husravah, he who united the Aryan nations into one kingdom.

Book: Holy Zend Avesta

Chapter : Verse-  Ard Yasht 41, 43

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryans; King Kasyapa 

 They were known as Aryans and by the grace of goddess Sarasvati their generation gradually increasedupto 4 million; Their King Kasyapa muni, ruled the earth for 120 years.

Book: Bhavishya Purana

Chapter : Verse- Chapters Four to Seven Author/Translator: Multiple

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Pratisarga Parva. Gradually the people of Aryavata are becoming theives...whereas the people of Aryavartaare bereft of good qualities.

Book: Bhavishya Purana

Chapter : Verse- Chapters Four to Seven

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryavarta; Aryans 

 The Prediction of Islam [From the third part of the Pratisarga Parva.] The arya-varta, the pious land issituated between Vindhyacala and Himacala or the mountains known as Vindhya and Himalaya. The Aryans reside there.

Book: Bhavishya Purana

Chapter : Verse-  The Prediction of Islam

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Aryavarta; Dasa 

Dasa, who subsists by working as a boat-man, (and) whom the inhabitants of Aryavarta call a Kaivarta. Aryavarta (the country of the Aryans).

Book: Manusmriti

Chapter : Verse- Chapter 2:22; 10:34

 Author/Translator: Manu; Multiple

 Asura; Deva; Krishna 

 There was an asura named Naraka who was killed by Krishna. Naraka had imprisoned sixteen thousanddaughters of the devas

Book: Harivaṃśa Puraṇa; Agni Purana

Chapter : Verse-  Avatars: The Harivamsha

 Author/Translator: Krishna Dvaipayana Veda V asa

 Avatars: Buddha 

9th Avatar of Vishnu. Many years ago, there was a war between the devas and the asuras in which thedemons managed to defeat the gods.

Book:  Agni Purana

Chapter : Verse-  Avatars: Buddha

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Avatars: Kalki 

10th Avatar of Vishnu. Yet to come. Age of 'the name'. Cf. 'Kali Yuga'. Cff. Kali

Book:  Agni Purana

Chapter : Verse-  Avatars: Kalki

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Avatars: Krishna 

8th Avatar of Vishnu.

Book: Mahabharata; Harivamsha

Chapter : Verse- Bhagavad-Gita

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Avatars: Lion-Man 

4th Avatar of Vishnu. 'Narasimha'.


Chapter : Verse-

 Author/Translator: Multiple

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 Avatars: Parashurma 

6th Avatar of Vishnu. Parashurma


Chapter : Verse-

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Avatars: Rama 

7th Avatar of Vishnu

Book: Ramayana

Chapter : Verse-


 Avatars: The Boar 

3rd Avatar of Vishnu. 'Varaha'. Hiranyaksha went out to fight with the devas.

Book:  Agni Purana

Chapter : Verse-  Avatars: The Boar

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Avatars: The Dwarf  

5th Avatar of Vishnu. 'Vamana'. When he was the king of the asuras, there was a war between the devasand the asuras. The gods were defeated & were driven off from svarga. Cf. War of Gods

Book:  Agni Purana

Chapter : Verse-  Avatars: The Dwarf 

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Avatars: The Fish 

1st Avatar of Vishnu. 'Matsya'. Svarga is heaven…"all the three lokas (Worlds) of bhuvarloka, bhuvarloka,svarga flooded"

Book:  Agni Purana

Chapter : Verse-  Avatars: The Fish

 Author/Translator: Multiple

 Avatars: The Turtle 

2nd Avatar of Vishnu. 'Kurma'. Many years ago there was a war between the devas (gods) and the daityas(demons) and the gods lost this war.

Book:  Agni Purana

Chapter : Verse-  Avatars: The Turtle

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Become All Things To All Men 

Become all things to all men, to win more to God

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- I Corinthians 9:16-23

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Bill of Rights 

Bills of Rights · Cyrus Cylinder; Bible, Common Law, Magna Carta, United States of America, UnitedNations

Book: Cyrus Cylinder Seal; Christian Bible;National Documents

Chapter : Verse- Isa. 10:12 Author/Translator: Cyrus the Great; Multiple

Nations & Em ires

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 The first objects that Brahma created were water, fire, the sky, heaven (svarga), wind, rivers, mountains,oceans, trees, herbs and time.

Book: Kurma Purana

Chapter : Verse- Creation Continued

 Author/Translator: Multiple


Heaven (svarga) was made from one half of the shell & the earth from the remaining.

Book: Matsya Purana

Chapter : Verse- Creation

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Creation of Man 

Creation of Man · Atra-Khasis; Enuma Elish; Genesis Chapter 2

Book:  Atra-Khasis; Enuma Elish;Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Genesis Chapter 2

 Author/Translator: Multiple



Book: Gathas

Chapter : Verse-  Yasuna 44:20

 Author/Translator: Zarathustra


 The Sons of Sagara Ch.52; The Sacrificial Horse is let loose

Book: Brahmananda Purana

Chapter : Verse-  The Sons of Sagara Ch.52

 Author/Translator: Multiple

End Time Prophecy 

Knowledge of the Beginning of the End

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Dan. 12:4; Mark 13:4-23

 Author/Translator: Multiple


Enoch · He walked with the Elôhîym Yahweh & then was taken to heaven without ever seeing death.

Book: Christian Bible; Book's of Enoch &Giants

Chapter : Verse- Genesis 5:21-24; Hebrews 11:5

 Author/Translator: Multiple


Forth from there it produced for Eranvej, first, two oxen, a pair, male & female, &, afterwards, otherspecies, until the completion of the 282 species

Book:  Vizīdagīhā Ī ZādspramChapter : Verse- Chapter 9:8

 Author/Translator: Multiple

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Eyes Window To Soul 

 The Eyes Are the Window to the Soul ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Matthew 6:22-23; Luke 11:34-35

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Full Dedication 

Full Dedication ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Matthew 10:37-39, 19:29; Luke 9:56-62, 14:26

 Author/Translator: Multiple

God Respects No Person 

 Yahweh Respects No Person · Ephesians 6:9; II Chronicles 19:7; James 2:9; Deut. 1:17; Job 13:10, 32:21;Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34; Pr. 24:23, 28:21

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Ephesians; II Chronicles.James; Deut.; Job; Romans

 Author/Translator: Multiple

It's Not Good To Be Alone 

It's not good for man to be alone · 'Helpmeet'. Contrary to the ideal, "All you need is your relationship with God."

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Genesis 2:18

 Author/Translator: Multiple


 Jabez · 'The Prayer of Jabez'

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- I Chronicles 4:9-10

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Knowledge of the End 

Knowledge of the Beginning of the End · Expansion of Knowledge, Know the Season

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Dan. 12:4; Mark 13:4-23

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Let 'Us' Create Man 

Let 'Us' Create Man · The Elôhîym

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Genesis 1:26-27

 Author/Translator: Multiple


Love · The Bible on 'Love'.

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- I Corinthians 13; Romans 12:9-21 Author/Translator: Multiple

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Lust of Flesh/Christ's Temptation 

3 Major Religions/3 Main Temptations?

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Prov. 27:19-20; 30:16; Hab. 2:5; I John 2:16

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Masonic Favorites 

Masonic Favorites · D.O.T.S. identified verses: adored, mis-used, manipulated, idolized, & worshipped byMasons.

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Ecclesiastes 12; Amos 7; Ps ?

 Author/Translator: Multiple


Hanuman. Cf. Rama's Bridge

Book: Mahabharata

Chapter : Verse-

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Mt. Sumeru 

Description of the location of Mt. Sumeru

Book: Markandeya Purana - Vishnu Purana

Chapter : Verse-  The Various Manvatars, Bharatavarsha - Part 2, 1-3

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Seeking Oracles/Samuel’s Spirit 

Seeking Oracles/Samuel’s Spirit Raised to Talk ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- I Samuel 28:3-25

 Author/Translator: Multiple


 Time Chapter ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Ecclesiastes 3

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Time Reversed 

 Time Reversed ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse-  Isaiah 38:8; II Kings 20:9-11

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Time Stopped 

 Time Stopped ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse-  Joshua 10:12-14 Author/Translator: Multiple

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Time Travel 

 The story about a fishermans visit to Ryūgū-jō, the palace of Ryūjin - he stays there for three days and,upon his return to his village, finds himself 300 years in the future.

Book: Urashima Tarō

Chapter : Verse-



Description of the Clans of Manu's Daughter. Tridevas (trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Lord Shiva).

Book: Bhagavat Purana

Chapter : Verse- Chapter 4

 Author/Translator: Multiple

Trust No Man 

 Trust No Man ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse-  Jeremiah 17:5; Micah 7:5

 Author/Translator: Multiple

War of Gods 

 This led to a terrible war between the devas and the asuras. There were twelve major wars between thedevas and the asuras.

Book:  Agni Purana

Chapter : Verse- Dynasties

 Author/Translator: Multiple

War of Kings 

 War of Kings ·

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Genesis 14

 Author/Translator: Multiple

When Good Men Do Nothing 

 When Good Men Do Nothing · Hosea 4:6

Book: Christian Bible

Chapter : Verse- Hosea 4:6

 Author/Translator: Multiple

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