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Page 1: Script 'boy who cried wolf


Page 2: Script 'boy who cried wolf

Opening sequence Act 1 (Scene 1):

Harry is in his room getting ready for college and arrives at bus stopHarry: (Walks to bus stop listening to music and music fades; audience hear ambience to signal Harry’s arrival at the bus stop)Harry sees boy who he usually bulliesHarry: Oi you Boy: (ignores Harry and continues to walk on)Harry: I said OI YOU(Over the shoulder shot to signal the conversation happening between Harry and boy)Boy: Sorry Harry..I didn’t hear you, I didn’t mean to ignore youHarry: (Turns around and gives a cunning laugh) Your lying to me, WHAT have I said about lying to Harry?Boy: (Boy begins to stutter, and Interview shot is used) Li..Li li Liars (boy runs)Harry attempts to run after the boyHarry: Prick! If I see you again! Imagine, that fool try run away from me, me you know, me! Bus arrives and Harry gets on bus to college Lighting fades End of scene

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Act 1 (Scene 2) Harry gets of the bus and makes his way towards collegeA long shot is used to reveal sceneryBrief conflict with boy on stairsBoy runs past HarryHarry trips boy overBoy (stares at Harry and then runs)Harry laughs(Harry is now inside the classroom)Teacher: Hurry up Harry, your late!Harry: Sorry miss, the bus was taking too long I swearTeacher: that’s right, blame it on the bus again (shakes head and carries on writing on board)Harry to Sam: Sam let me copy your homework real quick pleaseSam: Fam, that’s copyright. Do your homework man; it wasn’t even that hard!Harry: I ain’t got time for that manSam: (shake head) you need to if you want to pass Teacher: Alright quiet down people! Can you all please put your assignments on the desks and yes this was homework, before anyone asks!Teacher turns around to board and carries on writingHarry turns around to boy sitting behind himHarry snatches boy’s homeworkHarry (to boy): Thanks mate (winks)

Hermoine approaches doorHarry approaches her

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(Act 1, scene 3)Harry: miss I’ve got mine!As Hermoine walks into classroom, Harry looses focus Hermoine: Hi miss, my names Hermoine. I was told this was my class after registrationTeacher: Ah yes I’ve been told about how great of a student you are and welcome! Introduce yourself to the class. Teacher: Alright listen up people, we have a new student joining our class today.Teacher sits on table and makes a gesture to Hermoine to introduce herselfHermoine stares at classBoys in class: she’s niceeeeeeGirls: heyHermoine: hiHarry in background: she’s a shy one! Boys laugh Hermoine looks for somewhere to sit and Harry points to hisHermoine (rolls eyes)Harry: Hey pretty!Hermoine ignores harry and carries on writing what’s on boardHarry: what, so your playing hard to get yeah?(grins)Hermoine continues to ignore Harry Teacher: Ok people, that will be all for today’s lesson. Please be sure to read over your notes. Teacher dismisses class

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Act 1 (scene 4) Harry: Listen babes, Im just trying to get to know you, that’s all.Hermoine: I don’t need you getting to know me in any matter ok? just leave me alone.Harry: Oo feisty yeah? I like that in a woman, keep it upHermoine: Im warning you, don’t try it with me. Hermoine walks away from HarryHarry shouts: Babes come back!Hermoine continues walkingEveryone in corridor laughs Hermoine (smiles with back turned to Harry) Act 1 (scene 5) Harry Approaches his friend SamHarry: listen yeah I told her she was too weird for me yeah. Obviously I can’t be with girls like that manSam (laughs): don’t lie man, we all know she didn’t want youHarry: Who’s lying? I told her she’s too weird, she even wanted me to hold her hand, talk about easyyyyyy.Sam: someone’s fast!

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Act 2 (scene 1)Everyone begins to become engaged in Harry’s conversationGirl 1: she’s easy, omgosh I need to tell Sonia about thisRumours about Hermoine begin to spread – Chinese whispers Hermoine makes her way downstairs and people begin to stare at herePeople: she has the cheek to show her face, pshh I would have left a long time agoHermoine turns around and looks uneasy Hermoine comes into contact with Harry and walks past him angrily Act 2 (scene 2) Harry leaves college with friendsSam: so, she proper wanted you innit?George: of course she wanted him man, girls these days are just too easyHarry: see you understand me! Anyways i’ll deal with her laterSam: your too much man, you said she’s weird so be careful of that oneHarry: don’t worry; I got my eye on her trust me. Harry: I can’t be bothered to wait for the bus you lot, Im gonna take the short cut, see you guys laterSam: Are you sure, look how dark it is man. Just watch out for your girl yeah (laughs)

Harry: whatever man (laughs) Harry leaves friends and walks into woods
