


Victoria Gallagher Certified Master Hypnotherapist


This e-book is copyright protected material.

All of the scripts were created by Victoria Gallagher, C.M. Ht., LLC.

And can be purchased from

The purpose of this e-book is to help you to work one on one with clients or to construct hypnosis

workshops on this material, but never to be recorded in any way.

You may not duplicate this script book, or any portion of it. You may not produce commercial

recordings for resale or promotional purposes of any kind using any portion of the material contained

in this book.

As an individual, you may make a personal recording for yourself, strictly for the purpose of creating

your own self-hypnosis recording that you can listen to. You may only use that recording for your own

personal use. You may not resell it or use it for any commercial purposes.

Do not try to hypnotize others against their will

© 2010, LLC. All rights reserved.

Script Book


Written and Published by:

Victoria Gallagher

Certified Master Hypnotherapist

[email protected]

© 2010, LLC. All rights reserved.

These scripts are the property of, LLC. They may be used only for the purpose of client sessions or in a

workshop setting. No reproduction of recordings or any duplication is authorized.

Table of Contents


Page 1: Desert Induction

Page 5: Elman Induction

Page 8: Healing Light Induction

Page 10: Smoking Induction


Page 14: Determining Your Core Values

Page 17: Forgiveness

Page 22: Goal Achievement

Page 26: Impeccable Body

Page 31: Irresistible Attraction

Page 33: Laboratory of Creativity

Page 36: Life Purpose Guidance

Page 38: Memory Improvement

Page 42: Motivation

Page 47: Positive Thinking

Page 50: Release Anger

Page 56: Sales Success

Table of Contents

Page 59: Self-confidence I

Page 63: Self-confidence II

Page 66: Sore Throat

Page 70: Stop Smoking

Page 73: Stop Smoking (Reduction)

Page 77: Stop Smoking Reinforcement

Page 79: Stop Smoking with NLP

Page 83: Thought Stopping

Page 86: Weight Reduction

1 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Desert Induction For more information go to

Imagine yourself walking through a desert. You are walking barefoot on the sand,

which is so very fine and warm. You can feel the warmth of the sand as it

envelops your every step and oozes between each of your toes. As you continue

your journey through the desert, you can feel a slight warm breeze. You can feel

the tiny sand graduals brushing up against your shins and your calves causing a

slight tingling sensation. Looking out into the horizon, you can see the desert

appears as though it continues on for an eternity. Off in the distance you can see

the sun. It is a very bright orangish-yellow. It gives off a golden glow all around

it and extends into a purple haze throughout the entire sky. And as the sun is

beginning to set it seems to just melt into the desert floor. If you look off to your

right, you can see a moon beginning to appear. You stop walking for a moment

and take a closer look at this moon. A very large moon that has a bluish tint and

a glow of a white ring all around it. Because you‟ve never seen the moon looking

quite as beautiful and magnificent as it does right now in this moment, you are

simply mesmerized and becoming very relaxed just by letting your eyes bring the

moon into full view. Allow your eyes to bring this moon closer and closer into

focus. Even closer now. So close that you actually feel like you can reach right

out and touch the moon. The moon is right next to you now. You can feel a

sensation of coolness coming over you now. The white ring around the moon now

is clearly a white energy field of light and this white light extends out into where

you are standing and completely outlines your entire body. You feel an electrical

tingling feeling running up and down throughout your entire body. It feels as

though you have joined the same energy force as the moon and it is pulling you

closer and closer toward it. It feels safe and you have no fear about walking even

closer toward the moon and actually putting your hand out to touch it. Go ahead

and put your hand out and touch the surface of the moon. It feels cool and kind

2 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Desert Induction

of chalky…kind of pasty… In a moment I‟m going to ask you to take a step

forward and when you do you‟ll actually be stepping onto the moon. And you will

notice that it has a relaxing affect upon you. Go ahead and take that step now.

Ahh, how relaxing. And now the moon begins to float upward and you have no

care in the world about this. You feel completely relaxed and at ease. And as you

are floating through the sky, you can see the stars as it is nighttime now and very

dark. The stars shine so brightly. And as you float higher and higher, you notice

the stars are becoming closer and closer and as they get closer they become more

clear and more bright that you‟ve ever seen them before. And the brighter they

become, the more deeply relaxed you become. Now listen to the silence. There

are no noises where you are. It is so quiet. It is so quiet that you can actually

hear the chatter inside your own mind. And as the stars become brighter, your

inner-voices in your own mind get more and more quiet. It‟s quite amazing to

notice how much noise is usually happening within your own mind until you tune

in and listen to it. Now you can actually see the stars so close as you pass them

by, you can only see one or two at a time as you realize that they are actually

other planets with the most amazing coloring. Very bright blues and greens and

yellows and purples swirled together in all different styles and shapes. And the

moon that is floating further up into the universe is now beginning to slow down,

slowing way down now and as it does you notice that even this far out into the

universe there are big white fluffy clouds all around you and you can use the

clouds to transport you to the other planets all around you. So you pull yourself

on to one of the clouds and allow yourself to drift for a while through outer space

while you find yourself a new planet to visit. It‟s so hard to choose. They are all

so intriguing. As a matter of fact they are not only very bright and beautiful, but

now you are even able to notice that they each have there own very wonderful

scent. One of them smells like a rose. Allow yourself to breathe in the beautiful

3 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Desert Induction

aroma of roses. Another smells like fresh pine trees. You stop here and explore

and so you step down off of the cloud and step onto this planet. The feeling under

your feet is a squishy, soft, rubbery-like feeling. Your feet sink into the surface

and leave an imprint with each step you take and you begin your journey to

explore this planet. Up ahead in the distance you notice it gets darker and darker

almost like the planet just fades into complete nothingness. You feel intrigued by

what is up ahead of you so much so that you begin to walk closer toward the

darkness. You are not at all afraid and feel completely safe and secure. For you

know that in this place, there is nothing that can bother you or harm you in any

way. You have everything you need to feel powerful. You have everything you

need to feel safe. You have everything you need to feel happy. You have

everything you need to just allow yourself to enjoy every aspect of your journey

without any worries at all. So you continue walking toward this area that is dark

and empty and find yourself walking into total nothingness. You find yourself with

nothing under your feet. You look all around you and notice that the planets have

disappeared, the moon, the clouds, the bright colors, have all disappeared. It is

quiet. And you find yourself slowly sinking…going down…sinking deeper. There is

nothing around you at all. And you feel completely safe and peaceful. The only

thing that is happening since there is nothing else is you are going down, deeper

and deeper. It‟s a very pleasant feeling. Very relaxing. A light feeling of euphoria

envelops you and you are feeling so good now. You are just allowing yourself to

float and drift down in a very peaceful way. You no longer feel like you are in

your body. Since you do not see a thing, you haven‟t been able to see your body

for many miles. Since you are so relaxed and drifting down in such a pleasant

peaceful way, you haven‟t been able to feel your body and so it just feels as

though you left it somewhere and you are left with only one thing. You are left

with your higher self. The part of you that can and will do anything you desire.

4 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Desert Induction

It is the part of you which follows directions. And right now, if you desire, you

may go ahead and give a command to this part of yourself. You may ask it to do

anything you desire it to do for you and it will listen and it will grant you whatever

you ask it to do if it is for your highest good and the highest good of everyone

else. So go ahead, do this now….Wonderful…Something else your higher self can

assist you with is it can provide you with answers to any questions you may have.

For this higher self has access to an all-knowing entity called universal intelligence.

To get the answer to any question you may have, all you have to do is ask the

question and then be silent and wait for the answer. You need do nothing else.

Just ask a question and wait. Let‟s go ahead and do this now. Ask a question

and when you have finished just be quiet. Great.

5 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Elman Induction

For more information go to

All right. So just let yourself relax into a comfortable position… with your arms

open and out at your sides… your legs uncrossed with your feet about 6 inches or

so apart. And take in a deep breath in through your nose… And let it out slowly….

as you exhale just allow your eyes to close…. Now I want you to just allow your

entire body relax… Let your entire body relax… from your head to your toes… And

as you do so… close your eyes tighter and tighter… that‟s right…. As you feel your

entire body relaxing from your head to your toes … close your eyes tighter and

tighter…. as you close your eyes tighter and tighter your body relaxes more and

more… more and more…. as you relax more and more your eyes close tighter

and tighter…. You don‟t have to close them quite so tight… as all the muscles of

your eyes relax more and more your body relaxes more and more… The muscles

of your eyes are now so relaxed… so relaxed that you just can‟t be bothered to

use them…. Don‟t use them… just let them relax more and more… more and

more so that you just can‟t be bothered to use them…. Just relax and let go… so

that you just can‟t be bothered to use your eyes at all…. Don‟t use them at all….

In a moment, I‟m going to ask you to TRY to open your eyes and when I do so,

you will simply TRY to open them you wont really open them you‟ll just allow

yourself to experience a feeling like you really can‟t open your eyes. Each time we

do this, you‟ll find yourself believing more and more strongly that you really can‟t

open your eyes even though you know you could open them if you really wanted

to. This exercise will cause you to relax into a very profound deep state of

relaxation. Ready, let‟s try it once. Go ahead now and try them… remember like

we said, try them, but just so much that they may only barely come open. Ready?

Once again, try to open your eyes…. Stop trying and relax. I know you are doing

well… Now I‟m going to count from one to three and this time your eyes will really

6 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Elman Induction

open on the count of three and then I‟ll count back from three to one and they‟ll

close again and you‟ll double that feeling of relaxation…. One, two, three… eyes

open… and three, two, one… eyes closed… and deeper relaxed, doubling the

feeling of relaxation… deeply relaxed… going even deeper… Relax. Anytime you

hear me say the word relax, you will relax more deeply than before. Relax.

Relax. Relax. In a moment we‟ll be opening and closing the eyelids again … each

time you do, you‟ll just notice yourself dropping into an even deeper state of

relaxation…. Relax. Completely now. Relax … all the way around your eyes…

your eyelids, your eyeballs… and every single muscle that controls the movement

of your eyes…. I‟m going to count from one to three now and your eyes will open

and from three to one and your eyes will close and you‟ll go even deeper relaxed,

one two three, eyes open… and three, two, one, eyes closed… and deeper relaxed,

doubling the feeling of relaxation. Deep, deep, deep… going even deeper now…

now just let go of any remaining tension… completely relax… relax more and

more…relax your eyes more and more. So much so that the muscles will not want

to work. Just let them relax, more and more… more and more, so that you put

them out of action temporarily. And they wont work. They just wont want to. Try

to open your eyes… and even if you opened your eyes and are closing them again

now … notice how you have doubled that feeling of relaxation. Very, very relaxed

all the way around your eyes. Now I‟m going to count from one to three and they

will open and from three to one and they will close again and you will double that

feeling of relaxation again. One, two, three, eyes open… and three, two, one, eyes

closed and deeply relaxed. Deep, deep, deeper relaxed…. Doubling that feeling of

relaxation. Now your entire body relaxes. All your facial muscles… your chin and

your jaw muscles. Down through the muscles of your neck. To your shoulders

and your shoulder joints. Your shoulder blades. And every bone and joint in your

spine. Every muscle and nerve in your back. That‟s right. Going even deeper.

7 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Elman Induction

Deep, deep, deeply relaxed. And from your shoulders, down each arm and hand,

down to your finger tips and from your shoulders through your chest and stomach

muscles and down to the tips of your toes, completely relaxed. Now I want you to

see the number 100 in your imagination. See that number 100 out in front of

you. In a moment I‟m going to count backwards from 100 and you‟ll just repeat

the numbers right along with me out loud. With each number that we count,

your feelings of relaxation will double deeper and deeper into relaxation. That‟s

right. As you‟re counting and hearing your own voice, hearing the sound of your

own voice will bring you into an even deeper state of relaxation. Once again, see

that number 100 out in front of you in your imagination Ready? 100 (now you

say 100 right along with me I‟ll be saying a few words between numbers to help

you deepen your relaxation and you‟ll just drift off into a deep state of hypnotic

rest. 99 … deeper and deeper…. 98 doubling the feeling of relaxation… going

deeper…97 … even deeper… doubling the feelings of relaxation. Go deep. 96

… even deeper now… just let go. Let those numbers fade away. Deeper and

deeper. Just let those numbers fade away. Deep, deep, deep. Just let those

numbers fade away. Deeper and deeper. Good. Now, you‟re in a sleep like

state. Where your subconscious mind is very open and very receptive to all of the

suggestions I‟m about to give you. Just let yourself relax and float and drift in this

wonderful hypnotic state.

8 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Healing Light Induction

For more information go to

Close your eyes and relax. Uncross your arms and legs. You can lay back on

the floor or sit upright in a chair. Take some deep breaths. Breathe in slowly

through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Let your mind be calm and

peaceful. Breathe. Let the sound of my voice be all that you are aware of. Allow

a ball of light…any color you choose…to enter your mind. Allow the light enter

your body through the top of your head. As it flows through your head, feel the

warmth of the energy as it relaxes your mind. As the healing force travels inside

your head, it relieves any anxiety you may have. Any thoughts about your day just

melt away. Any guilt about the day just past simply disappears. Any fears about

what the future will bring effortlessly fade away. You are right here right now

and you are safe. Breathe. Allow this healing light to relax your forehead…your

eyebrows…your eyelids…allow your cheekbones to relax…and your nose…and your

mouth…your jaws…your lips. Breathe. The light travels down your neck, relaxing

the back of your neck…the front of your neck…and your throat. You can actually

feel the warmth of the energy sending a tingling renewing sensation throughout

your neck. Let this ball of light branch off into your shoulders, relaxing them

completely. Breathe. Let it go down your arms…your upper arms…your

elbows…your forearms…relaxing…. and the palms of your hands. Allow the warm

tingling sensation to spread across your palms and into your fingers. Feel the

vibration of your body as it relaxes more and more deeply. Breathe. The ball of

light now goes into your chest area and relaxes any tension there and into your

heart, cleansing it to make room for more love. Feel the warmth of the energy as

it moves through your spinal column relaxing every vertebra…slowly…one by one…

The healing ball of light moves into your stomach, easing any tension there and

relaxing it completely. It enters your buttocks. You can feel the tension releasing.

9 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Healing Light Induction

Just relax…let go and breathe. The light branches off into your thighs, relaxing.

It then travels through to your knees…your calves…your ankles…relaxing. Finally

the ball of light has reached your feet. Feel the healing light sending a warm

energy throughout every cell of your feet and toes. Visualize yourself as

completely cleansed and this light now leaves your body going back down into the

earth leaving through your toes…you are completely relaxed…warm…safe…and


10 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Smoking Induction

For more information go to

Now close your eyes and relax. In just a moment you will imagine all the muscle

groups in your body letting go of any tension. Take deep breath and gently

release it. And again, slowly inhale and slowly exhale. And just continue to focus

on your breathing. And allow your breath to relax you effortlessly. Now, move

your body into a comfortable position. If you tend to fall asleep during hypnosis,

you will want to sit up in a comfortable chair with your feet firmly planted on the

floor. Otherwise, allow yourself recline back, or lay on the floor, or a comfortable

bed. You will continue with your eyes closed until I ask you to open them again.

Allow yourself to become very quiet, calm, and peaceful. And continue to focus on

your breathing. Gently allowing yourself this time to relax and take a tour

throughout each muscle of your body. Breathe in relaxation. Breathe it in nice

and easy. Exhale… Let go of any stress or tension. Just relax. Continue to

focus all of your attention on your breathing. Become very aware of your

breathing. I am going to share with you a little about what you can expect during

hypnosis. You are already in a state of hypnosis. By definition, you are constantly

in a state of hypnosis. Hypnosis put simply, is a heightened state of suggestibility.

So, if you have acted on any of these suggestions, like stopping at a red light,

getting out of bed when your alarm clock rang, or yawned when you saw someone

else yawning you were in a state of hypnosis. There is no magic, no mystery,

and no trickery to Hypnosis. And by the way, if your eyes are closed now, you‟ve

already demonstrated that you can be hypnotized because you have the ability to

let go of control and act upon my suggestions. Slightly deeper levels of hypnosis

can feel like that nice deep relaxing way you feel just before falling asleep or just

after waking up. However you will stay awake and alert in hypnosis. As a matter

of fact what you really do in hypnosis is wake up. When you are relaxed in that

11 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Smoking Induction

way, your subconscious mind is open and you are more receptive to acting upon

suggestions. You are always in control and can respond to or reject any

suggestion I give you. You will always hear my voice, while at times it may fade

into the background. In deeper states of hypnosis you may notice your fingers

getting numb or tingly. You may notice a feeling of lightness in your body, like

you are floating. Or you may notice heaviness, like you are sinking deeper and

deeper. You may even feel some sensory distortion, like you have only been in

hypnosis for 5 minutes when it‟s actually been a half-hour. So, now that you

know what to expect you can relax even more deeply. Feeling the oxygen filling

your lungs and your diaphragm, moving into each and every cell of your body.

And as you continue to breathe in that oxygen imagine that relaxing energy is

being drawn in through your breath along with the oxygen and relaxing each and

every cell of your body. Cleansing and purifying your cells. And now become

aware of the cells at the top of your head. Focus all of your attention on the

energy circulating around the top of your head and you may notice that if you

concentrate strongly on that top part of your head you will feel a slight tingling

sensation. Just allow the top of your head to become totally relaxed and let that

relaxation flow into your forehead, smoothing out the tiny lines in your forward

and now relaxing your eyebrows. Just let go and relax, deeply and calmly. Let

the sound of my voice be all that you are aware of. And now your eyelids relax.

Just relax all the muscles around your eyes. Notice how you are already so much

more relaxed than you were just a few moments ago. Now concentrate on

relaxing the muscles in your entire face, your cheekbones relax… your lips, and

your jaw. Feel that relaxing energy flow down your neck. And this relaxation

feels so good … so calm … so peaceful. You are beginning to connect to your

inner strength and guidance. Guiding you into just the right level of relaxation for

you. You are opening up and allowing my suggestions to connect to the source of

12 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Smoking Induction

all your programs. The source of total acceptance and that knows you

completely. And completely and lovingly assists you in creating anything you can

image. You can recognize this deep inner-connection that feels so much better

than smoking ever made you feel, simply by noticing the relaxing sensation all

over your body. See it as a golden white light illuminating your entire being. Just

breathe that right into your body. Breathe in total relaxation. Breathe out any

stresses or negative thoughts. Just let them all go for now and enjoy this gift of

total relaxation you are giving yourself now. You are feeling so comfortable and

cozy. Now direct all that wonderful energy you are feeling into your shoulders and

let your shoulders relax and allow that energy to travel down into your upper

arms, your elbows, into your lower arms, down into your wrists, into your hands

and out to the tips of your fingers.

Let that relaxing energy move into your chest area and imagine it clearing away all

the old tars, nicotine‟s, and poisons from your lungs, cleansing this area

completely. Cleansing the area in and around your heart. Moving down into your

stomach and diaphragm. Washing away any toxins or residues there. Moving

down into your back, relaxing all the muscles in your back. Flowing down into

your buttocks … deeply releasing and at ease. Easily sending relaxation down

your thighs, your knees, your calves, traveling down into your ankles, your feet

and out to the tips of your toes.

Now, in a moment I am going to begin counting from one to 10 and you can

deepen your own level of hypnosis by imagining yourself in a very peaceful scene.

The peaceful scene can be a quiet beach, a stream in the mountains, or a calm

lake. Or … it can be your bedroom or a cozy fire on a cold winter night. You

can imagine whatever you want, floating on a cloud or flying on a magic carpet.

13 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Smoking Induction

The important thing is to allow yourself to become completely absorbed in your

peaceful scene and that will cause you to deepen your state of relaxation while I

am counting. Now consciously just allow my voice to become part of the

background and tune in to your peaceful scene if you have not already done so.

Many times people find their minds begin to wonder and that is perfectly o.k. It

takes lots of practice to let your mind stay focused on one thing at a time. So,

anytime you find your mind wandering you can gently bring yourself back to your

peaceful scene. You are now there, very relaxed and peaceful. 1. Go deeper and

deeper. 2. Go all the way down. 3. 4. You are very relaxed… tired and

drowsy… 5. 6. You are just letting go now. 7. 8. Go deeper and deeper. 9.

Go deeper and deeper. Completely relaxed… so relaxed. And 10… deep…. Deep …

deep… you are now very relaxed and open to receive the beneficial suggestions I

am about to give you.

14 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Determining Your Core Values

For more information go to

Close your eyes…take a deep breath…that‟s right…bring it in slowly…now

exhale…take another gentle and deep breathe…hold it a moment…now let out all

the tension and stress as you gently exhale…very good…now starting a the top of

your head…imagine a soothing, glowing, white ball of light coming into your head,

entering through your scalp…this is a relaxing light that relaxes every cell, every

muscle, every bone that it comes in contact with…imagine it slowly pouring in this

relaxing energy and filling up the top of your head…now this white ball of light

moves down into your forehead, relaxing it completely, down into your

eyebrows…your eyelids…down into your cheeks…feel the warmth…feel it relaxing

you completely…and now it moves down into your chin and your jaw and down

your neck…you are enjoying this restful relaxation and you notice how easy it is to

relax as your entire head has been put into a state of beautiful peace and

tranquility…caused by the warmth and the relaxing energy of this white ball of

light…and now this relaxing energy goes into your arms…your upper arms…your

elbows…and into your lower arms and your wrists…your hands…feel the

vibration…feel the way your skin is giving off a golden glow of light all around

you…you are sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation and it feels so good…so

wonderful…feel this light moving into your chest…relaxing it completely…into your

stomach…and now the entire upper part of your body is filled with this warm white

ball of light…you can actually feel the way the upper part of your body is more

relaxed than the lower part of your body…but not for long because now this

wonderfully relaxation white ball of light is working it‟s way down…through the

upper part of your legs…relaxing them completely…you can even feel this light

actually feels tingly as it moves down even further into your knees…and into your

calves…your ankles…and into your feet…your entire body is in a completely

15 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Determining Your Core Values

relaxed state and you feel so peaceful…you feel more peaceful than you‟ve ever

felt before…and now…picture yourself in a meadow…and in this meadow you

come to a headstone…and as you come a little closer to the headstone you can

see an engraving on it…no dates…just a name…it is your name…and underneath

your name their is a sentence…this is a sentence that describes the way you lived

your life…allow this image to come into full focus…this is what your family, your

friends, your spouse would say about you if you lived your life according to your

highest values…these are the final words…see it…hear them…now, back up in time

for a moment…and see your friends and your family and your spouse and anyone

else important to you at your funeral…and picture each one of them one by one

coming to the front of the room and saying a few things about you, about what

kind of person you are…what you valued…what you contributed to their life…what

your life meant to them…what your life meant to you…what you stood for…what

you are remembered for…your accomplishments…the gifts you shared…what you

enjoyed doing…what you experienced…now back up to your current age…imagine

you have heard that you have only six months to live…given only half a year to

live…what do you want to experience…accomplish…have…and now the thought of

only having six months to live is completely relinquished as it is false…you will live

a long, healthy life…and now that you have had sometime to imagine what you

want in your life…I‟m going to give you a moment to narrow your priorities or

values down to the top ten items…describing this value in one word…and I‟ll give

you a moment of silence to think about this for a moment…now…when I am going

to count from one to five…at the count of five you will wake up and write down

your experience in your journal…you will have total recall of this experience and

you will be able to write a list of your ten highest values in order of

priority…one…beginning to come awake now…two…remembering everything you

16 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Determining Your Core Values

experienced…three…any messages I gave you that are not in your best interest

simply melt away…four…beginning to stir and awaken more and more…five…open

your eyes, feeling wide awake, wonderful, and refreshed…

17 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418


For more information go to

Let your mind be calm and peaceful. Let the sound of my voice and the music be

all that you are aware of. Become aware of a ball of light just above your head.

It can be any color you choose. Let the light enter your body through the top of

your head. As it flows through your head, feel the warmth of the energy as it

relaxes your mind. As the healing force travels inside your head, it relieves any

anxiety you may have. Any thoughts about your day just melt away. Any regrets

about the past simply disappear. Any worries or fears about the future effortlessly

fade away. You are right here right now and you are safe. Allow this healing

light to relax your forehead, relax your eyes, relax your cheekbones, relax your

jaws, and relax your lips. The light travels down your neck, relaxing the back of

your neck and your throat. You can actually feel the warmth of the energy

sending a tingling renewing sensation throughout your neck. Then let this ball of

light branch off into your shoulders, relaxing them completely. Let it go down

your arms, relaxing, and then into the palms of your hands. Keep the palms of

your hands open as if you were going to receive a gift. Allow the warm tingling

sensation to spread across your palms and into your fingers. Really feel this

wonderful sensation. Remember your breathing. The ball of light now goes into

the chest area and relaxes any tension there and into your heart, cleansing it and

making room for peace. Feel the warmth of the energy as it moves through your

spine relaxing every vertebra. The healing ball of light moves into your stomach,

relaxing. It enters your buttocks. You can feel the tension releasing. Just relax…

and breathe. The light branches off into your thighs, relaxing. It then travels

through your calves, easing any tension there. Finally it goes into your feet. Feel

the healing light sending a warm energy throughout every cell of your feet and

toes. You are completely relaxed.

18 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418


Now imagine yourself walking through a bright green forest. Hear the leavings

crackling underneath your feet. Smell the freshness of the pine trees. Hear the

birds chirping in the trees. As you continue your journey through the forest, you

notice through all the trees that there is an enchanting lake a little ways down.

Pick up your pace a little and make your wake closer to this lake. It‟s a beautiful

sunny day out and the lake picks up the light reflection of the sun. When you

arrive at this lake, you notice it‟s actually a sandy beach and it is warm and bright.

You take off your shoes and sit in the sand allowing the suds of the water to come

up over your feet. Allow yourself to feel very quiet, calm, peaceful, and

comfortable. As you turn your head and look over to the right you notice a faint

image of someone walking toward you. You may not be able to quite make out

this person just yet. But in a moment I will count to three and as this person gets

closer to you, you will know who it is. It mostly will be the person you would like

to forgive now. 1. Still a little fuzzy. They are getting closer. The person who

you most need to forgive now will be there on the count of three. 2. Even though

you may still feel anger or resentment toward this person you can let go of any

resistance you feel toward them right now. 3. Bringing to mind the one you will

get the most benefit out of forgiving. Remember, this is for you. When you are

ready, invite this individual into your peaceful space. Softly say their name and

ask them, “Would you please sit down next to me?” When they have sat down,

imagine turning toward each other and taking both of their hands into yours.

Look deeply into their eyes as they are looking deeply into yours. Allow yourself

to feel a connection with this person for a moment. Good. And allow this

connection to take you back in time to begin getting in touch with the upsets you

have with this person. Maybe there have been many times. And perhaps there‟s

one that really stands out most for you right now. Just let yourself effortlessly drift

back to a time that is significant to you. And begin relive this moment as if it were

19 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418


happening right now. Let the scene become clear. Let the scene fully develop.

I‟ll give you a moment to let it develop and become clear. (pause 1 minute) Now

while you‟re in this scene, how are you feeling? Allow yourself to experience any

feelings of anger… frustration… pain… fear… or resentment you have toward this

person. Feel it as deeply as you can. Give yourself permission to feel. Give

yourself permission to express yourself however you need to fully experience your

feelings. If you have some tears, cry them. If you feel like talking out loud or

raising your voice, do it. If you need to move your body in some way, maybe by

kicking the floor or pounding on a pillow, let yourself. Release and let go of

whatever you‟ve been hanging on to right now. Let it all come out. It might help

you to think about or even say out loud what it was that hurt you the most. It

takes so much energy to hold in all these feelings so let them come out now. Let

yourself let it all go so you can be free of the burden of carrying it around

anymore. What was it that made you the angriest? What other feelings might you

have about this? What would your feelings be saying right now if they had their

own voice? It‟s alright to cry. Honor yourself and love yourself by honoring the

real feelings that you have and I‟ll give you a moment to experience whatever you

are feeling right now.

Let‟s talk about forgiveness for a moment. Forgiving does not mean condone

someone‟s abusive behavior. You may not completely forget and that is o.k. You

can free yourself however, from dwelling on the past. It is possible to learn from

the past and then leave the past in the past. Forgiveness is a function that

provides peace for you. Not forgiving affects you more than anyone else. You do

not need anything from the other person for you to forgive them.

20 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418


Now it‟s time to shed some light on this situation in a new way. In a responsible

way. In a way that empowers you to come from a place of creating what you

want in your life. If you were to be really honest with yourself right now, you

might ask yourself, what was my role in this? Was I in some way responsible for

the way things happened? Have there been any benefits generated in holding on

to resentment, anger, hurt, and frustration? What have I learned or gained from

this experience? Is there anything I might have done differently? If any of that

rings true for you, now is the time to fully heal this experience by seeing yourself

in the old experience with these new understandings. And I‟ll give you a moment

to do that now.

Now, it‟s time to bring yourself back to the present moment at the beach where

you are sitting next to the person you are forgiving. And you can begin sharing

with them any new perceptions you may have about this situation. And I‟ll give

you a moment to do that now. And now you can repeat after me. I forgive fully

you. I have made a personal choice to move forward in my life and put the past

behind me and I forgive you. Tell them all that you forgive them for. And I‟ll give

you a few moments to do that now.

Again, repeat after me. I forgive you with all my heart. I forgive you for whatever

you may have done that caused me pain, intentionally or unintentionally, through

your actions, through your words, even through your thoughts. Through whatever

you did, through whatever you didn‟t do. However the pain came to me through

you, I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. Now allow a white light to shine

from the center of your heart into the center of their heart and allow it to grow

and envelop you both in a healing loving white light. Let the feeling of warmth

and peacefulness be felt in your body and project it outward. Let them be

21 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418


forgiven. And thank them for listening to you and for allowing you to clear your

past with them. And now it‟s time to let them go and say good-bye. They are

gone now.

Now it‟s time to forgive yourself. And repeat after me. For the energy and power

I‟ve given away to hold on to anger and resentment, I forgive myself. For any grief

I have caused myself, I forgive myself. For any revenge I may have taken out on

myself or someone else, I forgive myself. For the happiness and peace I have

denied myself by holding on to unforgiving thoughts, I forgive myself. I forgive

myself. I forgive myself.

Now put one of your hands over your heart and allow a renewed sense of loving

feelings to be felt right there at the center of your chest. And take a moment to let

that feeling expand and grow. (Pause) You are now at peace. As you now

stand up on the sandy beach, you notice yourself feeling a little lighter. And you

start to head back through the forest, you notice the green in the trees is a

brighter than before. You notice how much more energy you have and how you

simply feel happier.

Reflect on your journey for a moment. In a moment I‟ll be counting from 1 to 5.

When I reach 5 you will open your eyes, feel wide awake, refreshed and full of

energy. 1. Allow yourself to slowly become aware of your atmosphere. 2.

Wiggle your fingers and toes. 3. Stretch your back by putting your arms way up

high over your head. 4. Breathe in a deep breathe of wakeful energy waking you

up completely. And 5. You are now wide awake, refreshed and you may open

your eyes

22 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Goal Achievement

For more information go to

Close your eyes…take a deep breath…that‟s right…bring it in slowly…now

exhale…take another gentle and deep breathe…hold it a moment…now let out all

the tension and stress as you gently exhale…very good…now starting at the top of

your head…imagine a soothing, glowing, white ball of light coming into your head,

entering through your scalp…this is a relaxing light that relaxes every cell, every

muscle, every bone that it comes in contact with…imagine it slowly pouring in this

relaxing energy and filling up the top of your head…now this white ball of light

moves down into your forehead, relaxing it completely, down into your

eyebrows…your eyelids…down into your cheeks…feel the warmth…feel it relaxing

you completely…and now it moves down into your chin and your jaw and down

your neck…you are enjoying this restful relaxation and you notice how easy it is to

relax as your entire head has been put into a state of beautiful peace and

tranquility…caused by the warmth and the relaxing energy of this white ball of

light…and now this relaxing energy goes into your arms…your upper arms…your

elbows…and into your lower arms and your wrists…your hands…feel the

vibration…feel the way your skin is giving off a golden glow of light all around

you…you are sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation and it feels so good…so

wonderful…feel this light moving into your chest…relaxing it completely…into your

stomach…and now the entire upper part of your body is filled with this warm white

ball of light…you can actually feel the way the upper part of your body is more

relaxed than the lower part of your body…but not for long because now this

wonderfully relaxing white ball of light is working it‟s way down…through the

upper part of your legs…relaxing them completely…you can even feel this light

actually feels tingly as it moves down even further into your knees…and into your

calves…your ankles…and into your feet…your entire body is in a completely

23 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Goal Achievement

relaxed state and you feel so peaceful…you feel more peaceful than you‟ve ever

felt before…

Now silently say the following words to yourself…”I am in the process of

manifesting my goals in my life, right now.” And repeat it a few more times as I

guide you. “I AM in the process of manifesting my goals in my life, right now.” I

am in the process of manifesting my goals in my life RIGHT NOW.” “I am in the

process of manifesting MY GOALS in MY LIFE right now.” Now bring to mind one

of your short term goals. See all the details about having achieved this goal.

Imagine yourself having already attained this goal. See yourself admiring it. See

your friends and family congratulating you on attaining this goal. Hear the words

they are saying to you. Imagine them giving you an applause for having achieved

this goal. Feel yourself now. Feel how you would feel having attained this goal.

And while still visualizing this goal, affirm to yourself the following “I am willing

and ready to have this or something better manifest in my life right now.” And

now imagine that this goal is in the shape of a photograph. Imagine placing this

photo in an envelope. And on the outside of the envelope, imagine writing the

words, to the universe and then seal the envelope, place a stamp on it and

imagine it going into the mailbox. You have now asked the universe to help you

make this goal a reality. And now bring another goal to mind… See all the

details…Imagine already having attained it...See yourself admiring it. See your

friends and family congratulating you on it …Hear what they are saying to you

about it…Hear the applause…Feel it. Feel the excitement… the joy…the self-

respect…affirm once again “I am willing and ready to have this or something

better manifest in my life right now.” And now send it off to the universe in

whatever way you want to imagine. And now bring another goal to mind… See the

details…Imagine having it... admiring it… Being congratulated on it…Hear what

24 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Goal Achievement

they are saying to you about it…Hear the applause…Feel it…Feel how wonderful it

feels to have achieved this goal… feel how happy you are…affirm once again “I am

willing and ready to have this or something better manifest in my life right now.”

And now send it off to the universe. And now bring one more goal to mind… See

the details…Imagine having it... admiring it… Being congratulated on it…Hear what

they are saying to you about it…Hear the applause…Feel it…Feel how wonderful it

feels to have achieved this goal… feel how happy you are…affirm once again “I am

willing and ready to have this or something better manifest in my life right now.”

And now send it off to the universe.

And now allow anything you want to imagine to come to your minds eye, any of

the goals you are working with, or something you are grateful for having in your

life now. And repeat the following phrases: “I trust myself to know what I want”

“I am successful” “I achieve my goals easily” “I deserve to be happy and I have

the ability to create what I want” “I am happy” “I am attracting what I truly

desire into my life” “I let go of doubt and worry because I know I‟ll get what I

want” “I am becoming better and better everyday” “I think positively about myself”

“I think positively about my goals” “I am worthy and I have worthwhile goals” “It

is perfectly O.K. to have what I want” “I am getting closer to achieving my goals

everyday” “I know my goals are becoming a reality” “I feel good about myself”

“Everyday I wake up energized and excited about my goals” “I have desire toward

achieving my goals” “I know I will achieve my goals because I have faith in

myself” “I feel loving about myself and about achieving my goals” “I am

enthusiastic” And now take this time to allow your imagination to run free. See

yourself winning at all your goals. I‟ll be quiet for a few minutes and just allow

yourself this special time to add anything at all that you want. (Pause 3 minutes)

25 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Goal Achievement

Now, I‟m going to count from one to five…at the count of five you will awaken

feeling wide awake… refreshed … and wonderful about yourself…

One…begin coming awake now…two…more and more awake…three…wiggle your

fingers and toes…four…breathe in wakeful energy…and five … open your eyes…

26 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Impeccable Body

For more information go to

Close your eyes…take a deep breath and hold it…let it out, and feel a sense of

relaxation coming in as the air is expelled. You are feeling safe…just allow

yourself to relax… Focus on your breathing…and allow your entire body to become

completely relaxed starting from your head…moving into your forehead…your

cheeks and jaw… Your body knows how to relax completely now…you have been

learning to relax for some time now and it simply becomes easier and easier for

you to let go and completely relax…quickly and effortlessly…and now bring this

soothing sensation you‟re feeling down into your shoulders…your upper

back…your lower back…your chest…your stomach…allow your arms to become

relaxed…and let this relaxation travel down into the tips of your fingers…and now

focus on your legs…let your legs become deeply relaxed now….you are feelings so

wonderfully relaxed and now let that relaxation in the upper part of your legs

move into your knees, calves and out through the bottom of your feet. And in a

moment I'm going to relax you more completely. I am going to begin counting

backwards from 10 to 1. The moment I say the number 10, you will, in your

minds eye, see yourself at the top of a small set of stairs. The moment I say the

number 9, and each number there after, you will simply progress down each stair

… and as you go down you will relax more completely. At the base of the stairs is

a large feather bed, with a comfortable feather pillow. The moment I say the

number one you will simply sink into that bed, resting your head on that feather

pillow. Number 10, keeping your eyes closed you find yourself at the top of those

stairs. Ten ... Nine, relaxing and letting go. Nine ... Eight, sinking into a more

comfortable, calm, peaceful position ... Seven.... Six ... going way down ... Five ...

moving down those stairs, relaxing more completely. Four ... Three ... breathe in

deeply ... Two ... On the next number, number one, simply sinking into that bed,

27 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Impeccable Body

becoming more calm, more peaceful, more relaxed ... One ... Sinking into that

feather bed, let every muscle go limp and loose as you sink into a more calm,

peaceful state of relaxation.

From this moment forward you have embraced a new found respect for your

physical body. You realize that in order for your body to be free of stress, taking

care of your body properly is essential. You also realize that in order for your

body to do the things you would like it to be able to do, you need to treat your

body with respect. And because of that, you have made a decision to become

healthy. Think about what a car needs in order to function properly. A car has a

life span, which is several times less than that of a human. When a car quits

working, we have to go out and get a new one. Therefore, we treat the car with

respect so that it will last a long time. Our cars absolutely refuse to run without

proper fueling. So do our bodies. In the same way that leaded fuel is unhealthy

for our cars, foods with extra fats and lots of sugar are unhealthy for our bodies.

In fact, our cars tend to run better with premium fuel. Just like our bodies run

better with foods rich in vitamins and minerals and protein. Our cars need proper

lubrication, such as oil and water, in order to run smoothly. And without proper

levels of water and oil, our cars can become permanently damaged. Likewise, our

bodies require loads of water to function properly. And if our cars are left in the

garage too long without being driven, they have trouble getting started again.

Similarly, our bodies require regular exercise in order to keep going and keep our

energy level high.

Because you completely honor and respect your body, it feels completely natural

to enjoy doing healthy things for your body. Imagine standing in front of a full-

length mirror. Notice the reflection starting from your toes and slowly moving

28 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Impeccable Body

upward toward your head. Examine every element of this beautiful body, this

work of art standing majestically before you. Notice the way the legs are

sculptured and defined and how well toned they are. And bring the stomach into

view now. Become aware of the way that the stomach is firm and well defined.

And now visualize how the chest area is formed just right. Exactly the way you

like it. And allow the arms to come in to focus now. These strong arms having

just the right amount of muscle and very little fat. You will find very little fat

anywhere on this body. This body stands straight and tall and is proud. See your

face now in the mirror. The face of a healthy, happy person. See yourself

smiling. And now, going within the body itself, visualize your circulatory system.

See this functioning in a healthy normal way. Blooding flowing throughout your

body effortlessly, bringing needed oxygen to every cell. Your veins are healthy.

Your heart pumps the blood in a rhythmic manner throughout your veins in a

normal healthy way. See the way your lungs, your healthy lungs, are breathing

effortlessly. Notice how beautifully they perform their task of taking in only pure

clean air, sending it to your cells, and breathing out all the old stale air to make

room for more clean air. Now focus on your bones. Notice how healthy and

strong and solid they are. Your body is so clean and pure and healthy. Your

nervous system, your digestive system, all your organs are in such good condition

as good as new.

You are sensing a renewed feeling of love for this body of yours. A feeling of

pride. You have a new found willingness to treat this body the way it deserves to

be treated. This body is your best friend. This body has been with you since you

were born and will be with you until the day you die. And it can even keep you

alive a very long time if you take care of it properly. Your body wants to live. Your

body wants you to live.

29 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Impeccable Body

Your body deserves and craves the types of foods that are low in fat and provide

nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Your body craves the nutrients

founds in fresh fruits and vegetables. And you feel compelled now to choose these

kinds of foods. Your body craves the nutrients founds in lean meats. And you

have a desire to feed your body only the types of food that it craves. You can no

longer tolerate the way junk food makes your body feel. You can no longer

tolerate even the taste of junk foods because now they taste nasty. Junk food

tastes like fat. That thick gooey yellowish cluster of sticky gunk. The thought of

putting this gunk in your mouth is disgusting. You are repulsed by the smell and

taste and thought of foods that contain gunk, which is junk food. You immediately

sense this gunk from this moment forward on any type of food, which is high in

fat and does nothing good for your healthy wonderful body. Whenever you see

foods like cookies, potato chips, cakes, ice cream, and other foods that have high

fat content, you see them for exactly what they are. You see them as gunk.

Without a second thought, you are turned off by such foods and you opt for

something sensible that will enhance your body. Water has now become

increasingly more attractive to you. Your body craves water so much. Water has

become an important part of your lifestyle. You understand the cleansing affect

that water has on your physical body. Just like we use water to wash the outside

of our bodies and wash out the inside of our mouths. The body needs an

enormous amount of water to flush out the inside of the body. To flush out our

lungs, our digestive system, to cleanse our cells and to regulate our temperature.

Water is also needed to lubricate our joints and keep our skin, lips, nails, and hair

soft, young, and supple. Pure, unadulterated water has a new meaning to you.

You never allow your body to get to the point of thirst, as you can only be kind to

this body of yours. Being kind to your body means giving it lots and lots of fresh

water throughout each day. You also have a strong desire to keep your body in

30 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Impeccable Body

motion. You enjoy the energy that comes with exercising your heart muscle

through Aerobic exercise. You enjoy the way stretching your muscles out releases

the toxins from your muscles. You look forward to the tingling sensation of

stretching because you know that it is doing your body good. You look forward to

the warm burning sensation you get from exercising the muscles in your body.

You love the way it feels to breath deeply and have a routine to help you focus on

your breathing on a regular basis. Exercising is an enjoyable habit for you. You

exercise regularly and you work on sculpting your body in a way that is pleasing

for you and others to look at. You also enjoy the energy that exercise gives you.

You refuse to ignore your body‟s need for exercise. Never again will you abuse

your body. Never again will you neglect your body‟s needs. Your body is your

best friend and you enjoy being a friend to your body. From now on you listen to

what your body wants. From now on you give your body what your body needs.

From now on you protect and honor your impeccable body.

31 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Irresistible Attraction

For more information go to

You are now attracting positive rays of pure positive attractive energy in your life

right now. This attractiveness is an energy life force that is part of the universe

and part of you now. This energy brings wonderful wealth and wonderful

experience to your life. You are peaceful and at ease. You are letting go of all

anxiety as you trust the universe is taking care of your needs. It increases your

attraction toward money. Money flows to you effortlessly. Think of a time when

money flowed into your life effortlessly. See it… Feel it… and Hear it. Money is

energy and so is love. Love and money flow in and out as pure energy at the

same time. All is energy. Think of a time when love flowed into your life

effortlessly. See it… Feel it… and Hear it… You can even taste it and smell it. You

are a magnet for love and a magnet for money. You are irresistibly attractive.

Think about being irresistibly attractive… See yourself… hear yourself… and feel

yourself radiating this attractiveness. Letting go of worry. Letting go of

disappointment. Let go as you are now feeling supported by more positive feelings

like excitement… passion… trusting that powerful part of your being. You are

attracting what you desire into your life right now. You attract the very thing you

think about and so you want to only think of the positive and the wonderful. You

are filled with a radiant energy that attracts what you desire into your life right

now. Feel this radiant energy. It‟s like a white glowing light that comes into your

body starting from the ground and moves in through your feet… up through your

legs… through your pelvic area… through your solar plexus… feel it circulating

throughout your chest area and your heart… easing all tension… erasing negative

thoughts… feel it moving throughout your arms… and into your hands… and the

tips of your fingers…feel it moving throughout your shoulders and back area… now

feel it moving up now into your throat area… your face… eyes… forehead…and

32 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Irresistible Attraction

scalp… and feel this energy circulating throughout your entire body now… sending

vibrant rays of energy extending beyond your body. Creating a layer of this

attractive force all around you. You attract now and bring forth the peace and

tranquility within yourself. Take a moment to experience the peace and tranquility

welling up inside this magnificent body…

Imagine this energy is taking away the pain that negative thoughts have caused…

erasing the negative thoughts away… Anytime you sense a negative thought…

within less than a second it automatically fades away… losing it‟s effect… losing

any power it once had…only positive thoughts are allowed in this attractive energy

center … only positive wonderful exciting feelings are present within this body and

mind and spirit… and you are taking responsibility for everything you have ever

created and everything you can create from this moment on…feel this positive

energy flow progressively getting more and more vibrant and intense…sending

positive vibrations out into the universe to attract the very things you desire…

love… energy… money… health… time… success. Feel the confidence welling up

inside and create a sense of knowing that you can have everything you want. Feel

a sense of pride now and the joy and satisfaction of your accomplishments. Feel

the happiness of having achieved your desired outcome. Your needs are already

taken care of… You let go of struggle… You let go of control… You let go and

thereby gain all. You are ready and willing to have your desires become a reality

in your life. Whenever you feel anxious or disappointed, your energy centers

automatically kick into action and create a soothing feeling of peace and tranquility

in your mind, your emotions, and your body. You are attractive… You are love…

You are energy…You are your thoughts and you are directing your thoughts in

beneficial ways right now.

33 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Laboratory of Creativity

For more information go to

Now, close your eyes, relax, and breathe deeply. Allow yourself to just relax, nice

and easy. Starting at the top of your head, feeling a gentle relaxing sensation

moving into the top of your head like a wave of energy that just melts away any

tension that may be in that area and flowing down now into your forehead,

relaxing it completely. Feel this wave of energy sending cool tingling relaxing

sensations down your cheeks and into your jaw relaxing your entire head

completely… allow this energy to flow into your neck and shoulders… So relaxing…

let go now and feel the vibration of this energy relaxing you so completely and

moving down into your upper back and through your spine and into your lower

back… Let it relax you deeply… deeper than ever before. Deeper now. And now

let it move into your chest letting your chest feel loose and limp and feel the way it

flows down into your abdomen… going back to your upper arms, feel the wave of

relaxing energy circulating throughout your upper arms and into your elbows and

your lower arms… and finally now into your hands and all the way through and

beyond the tips of your fingers… you feel so relaxed and at peace right

now…letting all your tensions just simply melt away. And now bring this down into

your buttocks… this soothing sensation spreads relaxing energy like a wave down

into your thighs… feel it moving into your knees and your lower legs, circulating

through out your shins and your calves… so very relaxing… your body feels so

wonderful when relaxed in this manner… so peaceful… so wonderful… and bring

this soothing relaxing sensation into your feet and your toes and just feel the

peacefulness pervading your entire body… feel the vibration of the energy

circulating throughout your entire body. In a moment, I‟m going to be asking you

to create with your mind, a room, a laboratory… but before I do that… just allow

your mind to drift off for a moment to a very special place… a place you choose in

34 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Laboratory of Creativity

anyway that lets you feel peaceful… happy… and… feeling wonderful… there now…

go ahead and begin creating this laboratory… in this laboratory … you will have

some furniture… whatever style feels comforting to you… your spirit guides will

come in and of this room and as you meet them, you can call upon them

whenever you need assistance… you will have the mirror of truth… this is a mirror

that you can look into to bring others into this room anytime you choose… all you

have to do is bring someone to mind … look into the mirror and see their image

there and they will then be able to join you in your room… you can ask them

questions… which is why it‟s called the mirror of truth… you can ask the mirror of

truth anything you want and it will tell you the truth … the mirror speaks in images

so, in order to get the answer, you will have to allow the mirror to display an

image relative to your questions… additionally in your laboratory you have an

examination table… here is where you can examine and analyze anything that

might be a problem for you… you can even examine people, physically on this

table, and heal them…just decorate this room now how ever you wish… there can

be windows… you can paint the walls or use wallpaper or even bricks or stone…

how does the floor look? Are there other rooms? Are there pictures on the walls?

A fireplace? A waterfall? If you are writing a book, you can come in to your

laboratory and turn on your computer or sit at a desk with a writing tablet and

begin to write. If you want you can make some magic potions say for creativity in

that case to help inspire your writing. Have fun with your laboratory. Create it

like a dreamland if you want… it doesn‟t have to be realistic… allow your

imagination to take you as far as you can go… decorate with symbols of what

spirituality means to you… In this place is where you will discover your truths…

reinvent yourself… find a new path… get answers… or just sit and be peaceful…

and now that you have created your laboratory… I‟m going to bring you back to an

alert waking state, at the count of 5 you will awaken, feeling refreshed and full of

35 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Laboratory of Creativity

energy… 1) slowly coming awake now 2) letting your fingers and toes move 3)

breathing in wakeful energy 4) remembering everything you experienced and 5)

open your eyes…

36 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Life Purpose Guidance

For more information go to

(Do an induction here)

You are becoming in tune with your inner guidance. And you are well on your

way toward finding your life purpose. Through this inner guidance you are

beginning to see the direction you need to take in your life. You are taking time

each day to get in touch with your inner guidance and confirm the direction and

your purpose. Each time you go within you will be closer to your life purpose until

finally you are living your life purpose.

Each day you wake up with more of a sense of direction. Each day you wake up

with a sense of knowing who you REALLY are. Each day you feel an urge

growing stronger to take time to tune in to your innermost thoughts and feelings

and emotions. Each day, you experience an even deeper and more inward level

of mind. Each day your life experience becomes richer. You feel more and more

drawn to follow the guidance given to you during this centered state of mind. You

feel inspired by your thoughts and feelings. You are centered. You are becoming

more and more centered each day. You feel totally confident about yourself and

accomplishing finding your life purpose. You have more than enough of what you

need to follow your life purpose. You are happy. Happiness is a natural state of

mind, which you feel more and more all the time. You are prosperous. You are

open to guidance. You are creating a clearer sense of knowing what you REALLY

want. You are becoming more receptive to the guidance you receive when you

are centered. It simply feels good to be more centered. Everyday you are

discovering more and more about what you enjoy doing the most. Everyday you

are enjoying the discoveries you are making. Finding your life purpose feels

natural for you. Feeling centered helps you feel more loving and nurturing. As

37 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Life Purpose Guidance

you begin moving toward your life purpose you will discover that your relationships

are getting better… Especially your relationship with yourself. Take a moment

now to listen within to that guidance. There is a voice way deep inside of you that

knows you completely, that knows what is best for you and will begin speaking

with you now. You will tune in to this voice now. (long pause)… Very well, now if

there were any messages you received that are of importance to you, go ahead

and affirm those messages to yourself about three or five times now. (pause)

Good. And now see yourself in the action steps necessary to follow through with

this guidance. (pause) Good. And finally what does it feel like in your body and

emotionally to have this come to pass? (pause) Very good. Each and every day

that you practice this you will go deeper within and you will become more in tune

with the voice of guidance within you. You are well on your way toward finding

your life purpose. Each day you will also notice things around you in a new way.

You may experience feelings of déjà vu more often or situations will present

themselves to you in ways that were unavailable to you until now. It feels good to

know that you are on the right path in your life. Every day in every way you are

becoming free of any limitations that have kept you limited from truly exploring

your real self and your purpose of life. You are letting go of the past and moving

toward a life that will benefit you and will benefit the world.

(Do coming up process)

38 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Memory Improvement

For more information go to

Your learning ability is directly linked to your success in your life.

You also realize that learning is a necessary component for personal advancement.

I want you to imagine yourself living the life you would be happy with. It‟s not

important to know exactly what it is right now. Just allow yourself to have the

energy of the gratification of being in that life flow through you. See it, hear it and

feel it.

I want you to allow yourself to feel so confident about that life now because it is

going to soon become a reality for you. Having this as a goal to focus on will help

motivate you to want to become better at memory, recall, and learning.

At a young age in your life you might have made a decision about yourself that

you had a hard time with learning. And because of that, your mind has forgotten

how to learn. But now we‟re going to remind the mind how to learn.

You see, your subconscious mind has retained everything that was ever taught.

Your subconscious mind remembers everything you have ever read or heard no

matter how fast or slow your reading speed. So, if you‟d like to improve your

comprehension, concentration, memory, and recall, all you have to do is practice

your relaxation for one-and-one-half to two minutes just before you start to study,

or do anything that is usually disconcerting to you.

You‟ll remember the art of memory is the art of attention and retention. In being

able to recall something, it‟s simply a matter of storing the information properly;

you have to put the facts in your memory bank before you can recall them.

39 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Memory Improvement

If you imagine that your mind is like a room with lots of filing cabinets. And inside

the filing cabinets there are drawers and inside the drawers there are file folders

and inside the file folders are files. Up to this point you have simply been

throwing information in to this large room without first becoming aware of what

the information is or where it might go. Now, whenever you receive information,

you want to file it away neatly so you can access it later. So, now you find

yourself interested and paying a great deal of attention to information you want to

remember and when you do that, it‟s easy to remember the information.

Now that you are increasing your confidence in your ability to learn, you are

finding more things interesting. You are growing ever more excited and

stimulated by your thirst for information. You are going to be on a role now, easily

remembering information you read, hear, and learn in other ways.

You admire people with high intelligence. Everyone was born with the same level

of intelligence. There is no person more intelligent than another. Realizing this,

you admire all people including yourself.

As you become even more confident you are becoming the type of person who can

study quickly and efficiently ace everything. Your reading is becoming faster each

time you decide to open a book and pay attention to it. You have the ability to

read quickly and comprehend well.

Whether it is written or spoken, you remember it excellently and grasp the

meaning of it.

Your academic as well as social life is improving.

You are the one that people look to for answers about many topics

40 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Memory Improvement

You realize that you can read, learn, & comprehend much better & faster,

You are able to absorb any information quickly and thoroughly,

You do have excellent recall.

You are able to read & retain fast

You are interesting and carry on intelligent conversations about almost anything.

And the key to all of the is that you are becoming a keen observer.

Becoming more aware.

Now you are able to read & study much more quickly and much more effectively.

You already have the skills necessary to advance in any career you decide to

venture into. Now it‟s just a matter of applying what you already know.

You are becoming more knowledgeable and proficient on whatever subject matter

given to discuss.

You take time to understand whatever it is that you need to learn. And as you

learn to comprehend and understand more thoroughly, it is automatically

becoming easier and faster.

And as your confidence is growing you know with all certainty that you have the

right answer to a question

You are becoming more confident each day.

You know that you are able to read and learn quickly and effectively

41 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Memory Improvement

You have the confidence to put those skills to good use, and master whatever it is

that you are learning or reading

You are now much more aware of what is going on around you, and much more


And this contributes to your ability to recall.

You are becoming more aware or observant as you want to be.

You now have the confidence that you can take any career path that you want.

You are able to read, learn, remember, and comprehend whatever it is you read

or learned.

You are able to do these things with the utmost speed and proficiency

42 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

M o t i v a t i o n

For more information go to

The foundation of becoming motivated to succeed begins with intention, a desire to

complete a worthwhile goal. As you are seeking motivational improvement it is

necessary to have a worthwhile goal in mind to focus on that you would like to

achieve and complete. A goal could be something that will benefit you or benefit

others. To be successfully motivated, decide on a goal that you look forward to

having the experience of achieving and completing. Just bring that goal to mind

right now however you choose. I will be silent for just a moment so you may

bring to might a clear picture of a goal. (30-seconds of silence)

Now, allow the following thought to enter deeply into your subconscious mind.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” That‟s right; think it

over and over again in your mind…. “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe

it can achieve.” Think about the words in that sentence for just a moment.

Are you visualizing this goal while you are repeating these words now? Whatever

the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.

As you are thinking about your goal, allow yourself to really focus on it.

Remember whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. Think

about the word conceive in that sentence. Can you imagine for a moment, what it

might have been like when Thomas Edison conceived of the light bulb? Or when

Henry Ford conceived of an automobile? Or when The Wright Brothers conceived

of an airplane? The very action you are taking right now, visualization; conceiving

of your goals is the exact first step what they used to achieve great success. Right

now you are modeling a behavior some of the most successful people ever known.

It may seem so easy that you wonder why everyone wouldn‟t use this great idea.

You may wonder if it will even work for you. However, that very question is the

43 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

M o t i v a t i o n

reason most people will never achieve great success in life. On the other, you are

allowing yourself to take advantage of one of the best-kept secrets on achieving

great success. Trust the power of your mind. Trust that you are capable. Trust

that you deserve success. Believe in yourself. Believe in the process that others

who have achieved great success have already used. Make a commitment to

yourself right now that you will listen to this tape everyday for 90 days no matter

what. There are no circumstances that could possibly stand in the way of my

taking 30 minutes a day to program my mind in such a way that I feel motivated

to achieve all of my goals.

Right now, this very moment, your mind already understands that every great idea

that has ever come into fruition was once only a thought in someone‟s mind … a

concept … Continue to and conceive of and focus on what it is that you really

want. Maybe it‟s to become more motivated to make sales calls… maybe it‟s to

increase your closing ratio. Maybe it‟s to increase the over all size of your sales…

Maybe it‟s a new idea that you want. Whatever it is that is you to want to have

this motivation for put that picture in your mind right now and visualize it as

clearly and vividly as possible. Maybe it‟s the satisfaction of always doing your

best. Maybe it‟s the recognition of being the best. Maybe it‟s the satisfaction of

earning a high income. Maybe it‟s having more liberty to take vacations or buy

expensive items. It‟s perfectly fine to dream a little here. Dream a lot here. Let

your mind wander. Let your mind get caught up in the glory of having more of

the good things in life. Having what‟s important to you. Understanding one thing.

Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what‟s real and

imagined. With that in mind you are making a decision right now that you want to

and will take time to imagine having what you want each and every day. The

more you imagine it the better you become at using your imagination. The better

44 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

M o t i v a t i o n

you become at using your imagination the more real your imagination will be and

the more real your imagination becomes the easier it is to believe you will actually

achieve what you desire.

Next, the most important concept your mind already understands is that you are

the direct result of your beliefs about yourself. Any concept that your mind ever

conceives becomes a reality, as you believe it to be true. Maybe not immediately

and sometimes your belief is challenged. Let‟s talk about belief for a moment.

Your belief dictates your behavior. Behavior is what creates results. Motivation is

simply a behavior. It‟s a driving force of energy that will take you in the direction

of your goals so long as you have clear goals and you believe in them. As your

belief in your ultimate goal increases your motivation level increases. Whatever

you now believe is true you are now planting the seeds toward making it so. So,

what do you believe is true right now? Until now you either lacked belief or lacked

a concept or a goal. So once again, focus on your goal. And allow yourself to be

in the state of mind of already having achieved this goal. And allow yourself to

fully enjoy the experience you desire from achieving this goal. Allow the energy of

this concept to move from your head down into your heart area where you can

experience the emotional sensations of achievement this goal? What are the

feelings, the emotions you have about this goal? What are your thoughts about

yourself having achieved this goal? How do you look? How are you breathing?

What is your body posture? Do you feel excited? How do others respond? Can

you feel just a little bit of energy flowing through you? Can you feel some

excitement? Confidence? Now allow yourself to experience what the very steps

involved in achieving this goal feel like. Feel yourself and see yourself in the

experience of the action steps involved. And now knowing that this goal has

45 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

M o t i v a t i o n

already come to pass, does it seem even just a little bit easier to take the action

steps necessary?

One thing that helps you stay motivated is becoming aware of how important you

are. You realize that you are the most important person in the world. The

universe is waiting for you to accept your greatness. You have the capability of

achieving outstanding accomplishments. You are important, and it serves the

planet more when you are living your life realizing your own importance. And

realizing your own importance you realize that everyone else is important too. You

also realize you must care for yourself before you can really care for others. As

you adopt this viewpoint you increase your self-confidence, your self-respect, and

your self-acceptance.

You deserve the recognition and status the creator intended for you to have… you

deserve a good life, you deserve a happy life, and you deserve to attain the

success you would like to have for yourself…

So, now that you understand that once you have a goal that is important to you,

and that all the motivation required to fulfill that goal comes from your belief in

attaining that goal, I want you to really allow yourself to notice that sensation of

being motivated to envelope you now. Maybe by focusing on a time in your life

when you remember how you felt motivated. At some point in your life, you have

felt motivated. As you are relaxing deeply you can simply allow a situation to bring

about an experience of motivating energy to travel throughout your body now.

Stimulating you into action. And as you really feel yourself creating this sensation

of motivation throughout you now, let that feeling grow and expand like a fireball

of light within you as you realize that all the motivation you have ever needed has

always been there within you and you are waking up to it now as you remember

46 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

M o t i v a t i o n

this experience and as you focus your attention on it. It‟s beginning to feel

familiar to you, like an old friend. So, now, while maintaining this feeling within

you, I want you to let the image of the situation fade away, and just focus now on

how you feel motivated inside. So much so, you must direct that energy into

something and so you‟ll bring your goal to mind and allow this energy you feel to

come into this new situation. Feel it growing more and more. More and more.

More and more. This level of motivation IS growing more and more each day.

And it feels better and better, more and more familiar to you with each day. Good,

so I will now be bringing you back to an ordinary waking state. You‟ll be coming

back feeling yourself so ready to go about your day, so wonderful, so refreshed.

Number 1, begin coming back… sensing a renewed enthusiasm for life… number

2, sensing that enthusiasm growing, waking you up more… number 3, even more

now, waking energy growing and circulating throughout all your bodily functions

now, and number 4, breathe in waking energy, creating even more enthusiasm for

accomplishing all that you set out to do today and in your future, and 5, you may

now open your eyes, feeling totally revitalized and ready to carry on with your day.

47 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Positive Thinking

For more information go to

Close your eyes…take a deep breath…let it out slowly…take another deep

breath…and as you exhale…feel your body wanting to relax…

Now I want you to think about the top of your head... many people don't realize

that tension often starts in the little muscles of the scalp, so I want you to think

about those little muscles and the skin of your scalp and just allow them to let go

and relax... now all the muscles of your face, just let them let go... your forehead

and your eyes and eyelids... your cheeks, mouth and jaw muscles... it's a

wonderful feeling when you let your face totally relax, because you can actually

feel the skin settling, smoothing out... it might mean that your mouth opens

slightly, but whatever is best to you, just let it happen... unclenching your teeth

and relaxing your tongue, because the more you physically relax, the more you

can mentally relax... thinking about your neck and shoulder muscles now, and into

the tops of your arms, letting all tensions drain away as you think on down

through your elbows... into your forearms... down through your wrists and into

your hands... right down into the very tips of your fingers and tips of your

thumbs... just letting all those muscles let go and relax... and now think about your

breathing, noticing that you're breathing even more steadily, even more slowly, as

you relax more and more, so you can let any tension in the chest area simply

drain away as you think on down to your stomach muscles, letting those muscles

relax, too... think down into your back now, the long muscles either side of the

spine, just let those muscles relax... and your waist... and your main thigh

muscles, as you think on down through your knees, down through the shins and

calves, just allowing all those areas to relax and let go, as you think on down

through your ankles, through your feet, into the very tips of your toes... all the

muscles of your body beautifully relaxed and easy... very lazy...

48 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Positive Thinking

Now…Think about worry for a moment…is there anything worrying can do for you?

Can you prevent something from happening or not happening by worrying about

it? Worry usually signifies a negative outcome… The best way to make something

happen is to see it happen. The mind cannot differentiate between seeing a

picture that you are worried about or one that you want to attain. Be careful of

what you are thinking about. You wouldn‟t want to attract the very thing you are

worried about. From this moment on you realize there is no need for you to

worry …because you know that worry never makes it better…you now only focus

on the wonderful and the positive that you want to bring in to your life. Let‟s talk

about feelings for a moment. Have you ever noticed how when you have gotten

angry, you can make yourself angrier by thinking about the situation you are

angry about? Have you ever noticed how when someone tells a joke, some people

think it‟s funny and they laugh, and some people don‟t. Feelings are created by

your perception of a situation. Now that you know this, you will no longer hold

another person responsible for your feelings. Now that you know this, you have

more control over your feelings. Now that you know this, you have already

reduced your level of stress. You now have the ability to remain calm and relaxed

during all kinds of situations, because you know that it is your perception that

makes a situation desirable or undesirable. You prefer to be in the moment.

Whenever you are thinking about a situation, you are either feeling guilty about the

past or you are worried about the future. It is O.K. for you not to think all the

time. It is perfectly O.K. to just BE. To just experience. To just allow. When you

are able to experience, you are able to feel without filtering the situation through a

thought. Your subconscious mind comprehends this concept if you don‟t

understand it consciously. Instead of using words like it should, could, or must,

you now prefer to use a very simple word, a very powerful word. The more this

word is used, the less stress you have. Each time you say this word, and

49 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Positive Thinking

especially when you use the word instead of should, could, or must, you feel more

powerful and more in control. That great word simply is, the word IS. As in you

now accept a situation as it is. As you accept the situation, you gain more power

over the situation. This doesn‟t mean you even have to like the situation. You

recognize that while a situation is similar to other situations, they are not all the

same. Every situation has it‟s own characteristics. Unless you are a fortuneteller,

you also realize that you can not predict the outcome of any situation. You are

beginning to realize that the less you know about or make up about the situation,

the more power you have. The more power you have, the less stress you have.

The less stress you have the more powerful you are. You now realize that you are

powerful. Powerful over your own life. The more powerful you feel over your own

life, the less you feel you need power over anyone or any situation. And you

accept these learning‟s, as they become an integrated part of you now. I will

count from one to five, at the count of five; you will awaken fully, feeling refreshed,

revitalized, and full of energy. One…everything I said is true, is already happening

and you are successful…Two…you are beginning to awaken and stir…Three…You

will remember everything with understanding…Four…Beginning to awaken more

and more moving your fingers and your toes…And five…open your eyes feeling

wonderfully renewed.

50 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Release Anger

For more information go to

Imagine yourself walking through a desert. It is very hot. Feel the way the heat

beats down on your face. Feel the way it warms your skin. You are walking

barefoot on the sand which is so very fine and warm. You can feel the warmth of

the sand as it envelops your every step and oozes between each of your toes. As

you continue your journey through the desert, you can feel a slight warm breeze.

You can feel the tiny sand graduals brushing up against your shins and your

calves causing a slight tingling sensation. Looking out into the horizon, you can

see the desert appears as though it continues on for an eternity. Off in the

distance you can see the sun. It is a very bright orange-yellow. It gives off a

golden glow all around it and extends into a purple haze throughout the entire

sky. And as the sun is beginning to set it seems to just melt into the desert floor.

If you look off to your right, you can see a moon beginning to appear. You stop

walking for a moment and take a closer look at this moon. A very large moon that

has a bluish tint and a glow of a white ring all around it. Because you‟ve never

seen the moon looking quite as beautiful and magnificent as it does right now in

this moment, you are simply mesmerized and becoming very relaxed just by letting

your eyes bring the moon into full view. Allow your eyes to bring this moon closer

and closer into focus. Even closer now. So close that you actually feel like you

can reach right out and touch the moon. The moon is right next to you now. You

can feel a sensation of coolness coming over you now. The white ring around the

moon now is clearly a white energy field of light and this white light extends out

into where you are standing and completely outlines your entire body. You feel an

electrical tingling feeling running up and down throughout your entire body.

Allow yourself to sit down in the sand and visualize the situation that has been a

problem for you. What in your life is causing you to feel anger? Do you even

51 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Release Anger

know what it is? Maybe you know exactly what it is and it could be that you‟ve

been angry so long you can‟t remember why. We‟re going to stop and examine

each area of your life to see what makes you angry. I‟ll just be going through

some of the more common problems people have to deal with in their life. You

may feel something about some of these issues, you might not. You can just take

some time now to recall some anger provoking situations in your life. Now allow

yourself to get in touch with whatever is making you angry.

Maybe you‟ve got a lot of health problems that never seem to go away. Always in

pain. Or you‟re having to face an illness of some kind. Yours… or Someone

else‟s. The kind of illness that keeps coming back… over and over and over

again. Let‟s take a look at your eating habits. Do you feel so out of control

when it comes to food that you find yourself not being able to get enough and

over-eating to the point that you feel sick? Or are you attempting to starve

yourself? How about the sleep you‟ve been depriving yourself of? Maybe you‟re

sleeping too much. Can‟t get out of bed.

What about your money situation. Do you feel like there‟s never enough money?

Do you feel like you‟ll never make enough? The bills never seem to go away?

They keep coming and getting bigger and the months go by faster and it seems

like there‟s never enough left to spend on really living is there.

So you keep working harder and longer hours. You never really feel appreciated

by that boss that keeps hounding you, working you like a slave… and you just

take it. Or maybe not. Maybe you‟re the type of person that doesn‟t know when

to keep your mouth shut and it‟s created a hostile work environment where you

can‟t get along with your co-workers or your afraid of being fired? I don‟t know

what it is for you. Could be that you‟re not working at all and you‟re not even

52 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Release Anger

motivated to find any work? Or it might be that you‟re totally dissatisfied with the

kind of work you‟re doing but you‟ll just stay there because you‟re afraid to take

the risk to do what you‟re heart really wants to do. That‟s right… What do you

really want to do? And why aren„t you doing it?

What‟s your living situation like? Your neighborhood. Is it the kind of

neighborhood you‟ve always dreamed of with neighbors that look after each other.

Or do you have to lay in bed, listening to the sound of gunshots at night

wondering if some stray bullet will come through your window some night, or

worse yet though you or one of your loved ones. Is your home neat and orderly

or is it always a mess? And things are constantly breaking down?

What is it? What are you so angry about? You‟re listening to this for a reason, so

let‟s do some work here. What makes you so mad?

Maybe it‟s your relationships? He wont listen to me. She just doesn‟t appreciate

me. What about the relationship with your parents? Your mom? Your dad?

When did you speak to them last? Or the kids you might resent having to be

responsible for all the time. Do you get lonely, feel left out, want more intimacy?

Is it that you just don‟t have anyone you could really call a friend? Or maybe you

just don‟t get along with anyone? Oh, it‟s them. It‟s the whole world. Not me. No

way. Is it the end of your love affair with someone you thought you‟d spend your

whole life with?

Maybe you just need to have some fun or a vacation and you keep denying

yourself of any recreation.

Or perhaps your anger covers up your feelings of depression, or your lack of

motivation, or your nervousness.

53 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Release Anger

Something is causing that anger. What is it? Let‟s get it out on the table.

Now, imagine the problem that causes you to feel anger. Imagine every detail.

Create a movie screen in front of you. And imagine you are watching a movie

about the situation and you are going to describe the problem in detail. What time

of the day is it? Where does it take place? Who are the characters in the scene?

What happens? How does it happen? When was the last time it happened? Why

does it happen?

Now, how do you usually respond? Do you respond immediately or do you wait

until some other time? When you respond are you in the same location? How do

you feel? What thoughts and explanations are you making up about it? What do

you want to accomplish? What would make you feel better about the situation?

Now that there are some details about the problem, let‟s do a little releasing of the

anger about this problem. Give yourself permission now just to be angry. That‟s

right. It‟s ok to be angry. It‟s important that you release however it feels natural

for you. If you‟re in a place that you feel safe to scream and yell, you can release

that way. Another way is to simply imagine yourself screaming and venting your

anger. You can keep saying words over and over like I feel angry or I feel sad or

whatever other words come to mind. You can just sit and cry. You can use a

pillow and pound on it a bit. Do what feels best for you to do in the moment. Just

set yourself free now of any feelings that might stop you from doing what your

body and your emotions feel like doing in the moment. Just let that all go for now.

And I‟m going to give you about 5 minutes now to really feel the anger. I might

throw in a sentence or two every now and then, but just stay with your


54 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Release Anger

Now I want you to notice if the anger is making it‟s presence felt in a certain area

in your body. Where do you feel the anger coming from? Where in your body?

Good. Now if you could imagine that the anger could take some kind of form,

what would it look like? Just use your imagination here. Whatever image comes

up is the right one. Don‟t think about it too much. Good. Now imagine that this

image could actually speak to you. And I want you to ask the anger what is it‟s

purpose for being here? What does it want. What does the anger want. What is

it trying to say? Just let the anger speak to you. What is it telling you? You are

doing so good. If you‟re not getting an answer just yet, say “I‟m listening to you

and I want to know what your purpose is?

Maybe there‟s some kind of underlying stress you‟re trying to stop by being angry.

That stress could be in the form of Hurt? Anxiety? Sadness? Guilt?

Or maybe it‟s a physical stress.

Frustration. Fear. What needs does this anger have that are not being met?

Now ask the anger what can I do to meet these needs in a healthy way? Let the

answer come to you. And now make any agreements necessary with yourself that

you will take care of meeting these needs from now on and in return you will free

yourself from these feelings of anger. And allow this whole experience to dissolve

completely in your body waking up feelings of hope and possibility. Waking up

positive feelings within you. And now allow yourself to silently repeat these

phrases in your mind.

As I release negative emotions and negative thoughts, I am becoming a happier

and healthier more positive person.

55 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Release Anger

I am becoming happier and healthier and more positive everyday… I enjoy letting

go of anger… I love myself...I accept people exactly the way they are...I accept

myself exactly the way I am…I deserve to have my needs met…I am forming

positive habits that cause me have more responsible and positive thoughts…I enjoy

meeting my own needs…I now have more energy than ever before…

And now, I am going to count from one to five and at the count of five you will

open your eyes. 1. Reflecting on and integrating all that you have learned and

gained from this experience. 2. Allow yourself to slowly become aware of the

atmosphere in the room you are in. 3. Wiggle your fingers and toes. 4.

Stretch your back by putting your arms way up high over your head. And 5.

When you are ready you may open your eyes.

56 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Sales Success

For more information go to

You are relaxed now, and listening only to the sound of my voice. And because

you are so relaxed you begin to feel free from all tension, anxiety, and fear. You

will easily imagine, all that I suggest to you. As you imagine each suggestion you

realize that you are already succeeding. You are succeeding at becoming deeply

relaxed. You are succeeding at visualization. You are succeeding at being

focused as you concentrate on bringing each picture vividly into your imagination.

As you demonstrate and affirm your own successes, you will notice you will be

attracting more and more success into your life. In the same way that you are

successful at focusing on becoming relaxed now, listening to my suggestions, and

using your vivid imagination, you can apply that same focus onto being successful

in your life, being successful in your work, and particularly with your sales.

So, for now, I‟d like you to think about some moment in your life when you

experienced success. One of the most exciting, moving moments of success in

your life. It can be anything at all. Purchasing your first home, getting married, it

could be your first really big sale, or the largest sale you have ever made, or that

really tough sale where you came out a success. As you are bringing that situation

into your mind, allow yourself to experience the emotional impact that made on

you then and re-experience those feelings as you allow this moment to become

more and more vivid. Allow yourself to feel the feelings as deeply as possible.

The sense of achievement, the accomplishment, the excitement, the happiness, the

recognition, the additional money it might have created. And just take a deep

breath to acknowledge that successful moment. Breath the energy of that

successful moment deeply into your body.

57 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Sales Success

Now, allow yourself to be very truthful and very honest with yourself here. I want

you to imagine, what is the one thing that you could do that would make a

difference in your current sales? Would it help if you improved a little in your

closing? Perhaps listening a little more intently? Would it support you to develop

the sale more thoroughly? What if it were to simply spend more time strictly

focused on selling? Do you like the way you handle objections? How about the

way your office is arranged and organized? Now just focus on one of those areas

as thoroughly and vividly as possible. I want you to focus on it the way it is right

now. And as you are allowing that thought to develop thoroughly in your mind,

put a black frame around it. So, just continue to imagine the entire scene of how

it is now.

Now, I want you to clear your mind of that thought completely, and bring back the

feeling you had about the success you have achieved before. And see yourself

handling this scene the way you would like to. Allow yourself to be supported by

your own feelings of your own success that you have already had at some point in

your life. And surround this positive scene with big bright lights. Any kind you

choose. And allow this scene to play out just the way you like it to. And allow all

of those wonderful feelings to support you in feeling good about being able to

achieve success in this area. Great. Now just allow your mind to become very

relaxed again. And you are feeling wonderful and relaxed in every way.

As you do this exercise more and more you will notice yourself making the

improvements you desire.

Success begins within your mind. The mind works just like a muscle. Just as you

exercise your body, your mind requires exercise in order to function optimally. It

needs stretching and exercise just as it needs rest and relaxation.

58 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Sales Success

You are now practicing this form of exercise for your mind, daily as you begin

each day with a visualization that gets you focused on your goals, priorities and

personal objectives for that day. Imagine yourself now, initiating this very action,

beginning your day in just that way. Just taking a few moments to think about

what you are going to accomplish that day, as well as some future goals you are

working toward attaining.

You are even increasing your sales directly by performing this exercise just before

each sales presentation. You can simply close your eyes for a few moments and

see yourself having the presentation going the way you would like it to go.

Imagine yourself speaking succinctly, establishing good rapport with your client,

effectively listening, making eye contact, becoming more efficient, and seeing your

client being in agreement with you, understanding the information being

presented, saying yes, and making a buying decision, and both of you being


59 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Self-Confidence I

For more information go to

Imagine yourself sitting in a field on a warm, sunny day. There is a slight breeze

that makes a pattern in the grass and the wind blows across the field. You are

just sitting there with the sun beating down on your face and neck. Just feel sun

as it warms you and the breeze cools you in a pleasant, calming way. The clouds

in the sky are fluffy and brilliant. They make beautiful formations as they slowly

travel by. And all around you there is nothing but silence. So quiet and peaceful.

It is so clear you can see for miles and miles. You feel relaxed and peaceful.

There are beautiful, colorful butterflies that land on the blades of grass near you

and they flutter very graceful and playfully as if trying to capture your attention.

The colors of the butterflies are very bright and brilliant. They look like what

stained-glass windows only try to emulate. And as you see the butterfly dancing

all around you, you notice that it‟s wings are fluttering at a slower pace than when

you first imagined them. It‟s as if they are on a movie screen which is being

played in slow motion. Even the wind slows down as you see it running through

the thick blades of grass all around you. The natural scene is beginning to get so

slow that it almost feels as though everything is about to stop. Your vision is

becoming distorted as if your eyes were getting tired and blurry. And the natural

scene just fades into nothing.

Now, picture yourself sitting in front of you. Say to yourself, I am on a journey to

becoming a more self-confident person. In order for me to achieve the most

success, I need for you to direct me to the behavior which limits my self-

confidence. In a moment, at the torso of the you that is sitting across from you

will appear a screen, kind of like a television screen. And when I say so, it will

begin to play for you all your self-defeating behaviors which prevent you from

being the self-confident person you choose to become. The self-defeating behavior

60 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Self-Confidence I

that stops you from accomplishing your goals. Before we do that, though, and

then we will go back and discover what has caused the self-defeating behavior. I

will count to three and when I do, the screen will begin to play. You have total

control over how the screen is played. A couple examples are that it will just flash

still pictures of you or it will play out scenes like a movie. If you want to in the still

picture mode you can make it play by reaching out in front of you and pressing

the play button which is at the bottom of the screen. While a scene is being

played out you can press rewind or pause to take a closer look at the situation.

When you see the self-defeating behavior imagine drawing a big black X right over

the screen. Continue to see as many scenes as possible and marking X‟s over the

ones that you would like to stop doing. Ready? One. Two. Three. The screen

is now running and continues to run until I say stop. You are seeing all of your

self-defeating behaviors right before your very eyes and as you do, just continue to

X them out of your life. As you are seeing these behaviors see them in

chronological order from the present all the way back as early as possible. When

I stop you, the screen will freeze on the earliest age you can remember. Go back

as far as you can go. (long pause) Stop. See yourself at the earliest age you

can remember now on the screen in front of you.

Where are you? How old are you? What are you doing? What is the negative

behavior? What does it feel like? How did you decide to do what you are doing?

Who was the main influence of that behavior? How did it benefit you? Does it

benefit you now?

bring to mind the goals that you would accomplish as a more self-confident

person. Whatever it is that you desire, bring it into your mind now. Is it better

health? More money? A new career? A relationship? Whatever that goal is, just

61 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Self-Confidence I

bring it into your mind now. See yourself as already achieving that goal. See

yourself being happy having achieved that goal. Image your family and your

friends congratulating you on your success of that goal and you simply saying

thank you and smiling and feeling proud of yourself. See all of the aspects about

what your life would be like if you achieved that goal. For example if it‟s to be

thin, see yourself on the scale, weighing the amount you want to weigh, and the

tape measure, measuring you with the measurements you desire, and the clothes

fitting you loosely, and looking at your new figure in the mirror, etc. If it‟s more

money, see your paychecks larger, see your bank account with more money in it.

See yourself out shopping and paying with cash, etc.

Now, imagine yourself putting into action, the necessary steps of achieving that

goal. See them becoming a habit. See yourself enjoying yourself while doing

them. It feels good to do the habits that support your goal. It feels so rewarding.

And see your family and friends acknowledging you, saying, “You are doing so

good.” “You should see results in no time.” “You are so motivated.” “Success

comes so naturally for you.”

Positive suggestions for success. I am a confident person. I have all the

confidence I need. I am so good at everything I do. I complete everything I begin.

I am accomplishing everything I set out to accomplish. I am successful. I am

intelligent. I can do whatever it takes to achieve my goals. I do what I say I am

going to do. The universe wants me to succeed. As I succeed I help others

succeed. I have everything that it takes right inside me. I always feel alert, happy,

and ready to start the day. I feel calm and relaxed. I know I will get what I want.

I know I can be anything I want to be. I am a wonderful person and I deserve

success. Everyday, I am noticing myself becoming more and more self-confident.

62 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Self-Confidence I

I am a powerful person. I am responsible for all that I have created and will

create in my life. I feel good about myself an my commitment to being my best. I

trust myself. It‟s o.k. for me to be successful.

63 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Self-Confidence II

For more information go to

You are relaxed now, and because you are so relaxed you begin to feel free from

all tension, anxiety, and fear. You now realize that you are more confident and

sure of yourself because you have taken the enormous first step to helping


You begin to feel this strength from within, motivating you to overcome any and

every obstacle that may stand in the way of your happiness, social life and home

life. You will find that from this moment on you are developing more self control.

You will now face every situation in a calm and relaxed state of mind. Your

thinking is very clear and sharp at all times.

You begin to feel that your self respect and confidence are expanding more and

more each day in every way. You now realize that in the past you felt helpless and

overwhelmed and you are replacing that with confidence, strength and self control.

You are becoming a happy person now with a positive attitude towards life. You

are succeeding now in all that you do and you have all the abilities necessary for


Realize that unhappy relationships are caused by value judging and resisting

yourself and others. Love is a natural state of being and you are naturally in a

state of loving when you accept yourself and others totally and unconditionally.

Realize that you do not have to approve of anyone's actions, behavior or

appearance in order to willingly accept and love them. Our actions are but the

means we choose to satisfy our dominant needs to feel good. You feel warm and

loving towards yourself and others, despite any undesired actions, behavior or

appearance. Realize that your number one responsibility is to fulfill you

fundamental human need to feel good mentally, physically and emotionally. Realize

64 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Self-Confidence II

that you have the freedom and the authority to do anything you feel necessary to

satisfy this basic need.

Realize that you are in charge of your own life and well-being, for you benefit or

suffer, feel good or bad, according to the consequences of everything you think,

say, do and feel. You are in charge of your own life. Your number one

responsibility is to fulfill your fundamental need to feel good mentally, physically

and emotionally. You do not resist the reality of any unwanted circumstances and

you accept the unwanted realities in your life and willingly allow them to be.

You now become aware of the self confidence within you. You are self reliant, self

confident and filled with independence and determination. You have opened your

mind to the inner security that was laying dormant within you. You are

transformed ... You are self confident. You think confidently, you talk confidently,

and you project an image of self confidence. You are independent and filled with

inner security. You are self confident internally and externally. You inner

confidence has emerged.

You are creating a new positive reality. You now experience all the warmth and joy

in life while detaching from the negativity.

From this moment on you see the positive side of everything that happens in your

life. You see positive opportunities in everything you experience. You positive

thinking now results in a more positive life. You experience a feeling of overall

well-being and mental calm. You are at peace with yourself, the world, and

everyone in it. Each and every day you experience more and more positive results

of your positive thinking.

65 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Self-Confidence II

Your self esteem is increasing. Your self confidence is increasing. You feel

enthusiastic about your life and look forward to the challenges. You now breathe

life with new optimism ... with new enthusiasm. A happy, self assured inner you

have emerged. You are a positive individual who sees the problems only as

opportunities. You are patient, calm and harmoniously centered at all times.

You let go of all fear-based emotions such as blame, jealousy, guilt, anger and

possessiveness. These negative emotions are now part of your past and you use

them only as building blocks for a more positive future. You are independent and

self responsible and you fully realize that you are unlimited in you ability to create

your own reality.

You keep your mind like calm water. You remain centered at all times; this means

to be physically relaxed, emotionally calm, mentally focused and alert. You are

confident and secure about everything. You maintain a calm mind and you think

only positive thoughts. You no longer worry about things you cannot change. You

are confident and secure, mentally at peace.

66 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Sore Throat

For more information go to

Now just go ahead and lay back comfortably and take a nice deep breath and as

you breath out, close your eyes and now just let your entire body relax from your

head to your toes and as you do so your eyes are closing tighter and tighter.

Close your eyes tighter and tighter. As your eyes close tighter and tighter, your

body relaxes more and more. As you relax more and more your eyes close tighter

and tighter. As all the muscles of your eyes relax more and more your body

relaxes more and more. The muscles of your eyes are so relaxed. You just can‟t

be bothered to use them. Let them relax more and more so that you just can‟t be

bothered to use them. Don‟t use them. Let them relax more and more. More

and more. You can‟t be bothered to use them. Just try them. Try to open your

eyes. Good. Very good. And now I‟m going to count from one to three and they

will open and then from three to one and they will close again and you will double

the feeling of relaxation. One two three. Eyes open. Three two one. Eyes closed.

And deeply relaxed. Deep deep deeply relaxed. Good. Now once again I‟m going

to count from one to three and your eyes will open and from three to one your

eyes will close again and you will double the feeling of relaxation once more. One

two three. Eyes open. Three two one. Eyes closed. Deeper relaxed. Deeply

relaxed. Very deep. And now once again I‟m going to count from one to three.

And you will open your eyes and then from three to one and your eyes will close

once again. And you will double the feeling of relaxation once more. one two

three eyes open. Good Three two one. Eyes closed and very deeply relaxed.

Deeper. Deep. Deeply relaxed. Good. Good. Very very relaxed. All the way

around your eyes. Your eyelids. deeper. (99) Deeper and deeper. (98) Deeper

and deeper. (97) Deep, deep, deep. (96) Just let the numbers fade away.

(95) Deeper and deeper and deeper. (94) Deep. Deep. Deep. (93) Deep.

67 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Sore Throat

(92) Deep, deep, deep. (91) Deeper, even deeper now. Just can‟t be bothered

to count anymore. Numbers fading away. Let the numbers fade away. Can‟t be

bothered. Deeply. Deeply. Deeply relaxed. And just go to sleep.

And now as you‟re relaxing deeply, I just want you to imagine.

Imagine a nice cooling light, healing light, any color you choose. Any texture you

choose. And this light is just swirling around. Swirling around the top of your

head. And somehow you‟re noticing that it just wants to go inside. Inside through

the top of your head. Moving down through your face. And yes, it knows exactly

where to go. Going into your throat area. Into the back of your neck. And you

can just feel this light. Feeling this cooling, cooling light.

Cooling, healing light. And as it‟s sitting back there. It‟s doing some very

important work. It‟s doing what it does best. It‟s healing the back of your throat.

Causing the cells in the back of your throat to heal perfectly. To heal faster. To

heal better. To heal in just the perfect way. I just want you to imagine the back of

your throat now. Imagine this light in the back of your throat, just doing it‟s job.

Just swirling around, kind of like erasing the soreness and erasing the redness,

and erasing any pain, and any sensation back there that might be unpleasant.

Just creating a nice easy soothing sensation. Just a nice normal sensation. The

way you like the back of your mouth to feel normally. As if there weren‟t anything

to think about at all. It‟s doing this all on it‟s own. And as each moment goes on.

You are feeling the healing taking place in a perfect amount of time that is just

right for you. And the way you‟ll notice that is that at some point, you will no

longer be thinking about it. And then you‟ll notice that you haven‟t noticed the

feeling in the back of your throat. You‟ll just notice that one moment. May this

next moment or the moment after that. You‟ll just notice that you realized that you

68 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Sore Throat

forgot all about it. That it‟s not even there. You‟ll notice that the pain is gone. As

a matter of fact, your throat feels very comfortable, very soothing, and very soft,

because this healing energy that‟s in the back of your throat is staying in the back

of your throat to heal it and when it‟s complete with it‟s healing, it‟ll just stay there

as a nice protective shield, just to protect you, and love you, and heal you, and

caress you, so that you‟ll stay nice and healed. You are healing perfectly as

nature intended you to do. And you‟re healing quickly and effortlessly, with ease.

Nature is speeding up this process so that you can feel better sooner. Feeling

better sooner than you ever thought possible Feeling better sooner than anyone

ever thought possible. And now I want you to see yourself doing the things that

you thought you might not be able to do and now you realize that you can. See

yourself doing those things now. See yourself doing things on a normal basis.

See yourself exercising and eating the kinds of foods you enjoy, drinking water,

laughing. Doing all of the wonderful things that you enjoy doing. And just feeling

wonderful. And just knowing that this has been a very effective session. Helping

you to feel comfortable and confident about your own ability to heal your body.

You are able to sleep through the night and sleep better. So just feel yourself

becoming completely healed. You are healed now. And just know that any time

you feel like you want to speed up the process of your healing just a little bit

more, you are able to bring yourself back into this state by counting backwards

from three to one, closing your eyes, and taking a nice long deep breath. And

then just focusing for a moment on that nice energy in the back of your throat,

healing, healing, causing a cooling sensation, causing you to feel wonderful,

wonderfully relaxed, wonderfully refreshed. And so now, I‟ll be counting you back

from one to five and on the count of five you will open your eyes and you will

come back effortlessly, and delightfully, feeling yourself clearheaded with all of

your energies alert and balanced to carry on with the rest of your day. Number

69 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Sore Throat

one, just notice your body. Notice the energy coming back into your body.

Number two, noticing all the little sounds around the room, noticing yourself

breathing. Number three, go ahead and take in a nice deep healing breath,

bringing oxygen, healing oxygen inside, causing you to wake up completely,

feeling wonderful. Number four, move your whole body around. Number five,

open your eyes, feeling wonderful.

70 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking

For more information go to

You have decided to become a non-smoker, an act of self, loving your body, loving

yourself. You look forward to the benefits that being a non-smoker brings into

your life: better health and breathing.

Becoming a non-smoker allows you to get healthy. You are feeling your energy

level going up since it is no longer weighed-down with heavy nicotine and tar. You

no longer feel the pressures of having to find time to buy cigarettes. This is one

less thing you have to do. You are now relinquished of the burden of having any

consequences associated with the smoking habit.

The moment you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do when you first

wake up is you take a couple of very deep breaths into your lungs, brush your

teeth and have an entire glass of cool, refreshing water. Water washes the

nicotine and tar out of your system and you crave water the way you used to

crave nicotine. Water has become one of your positive pleasures. Because as you

drink the water, it is sending oxygen to your brain, which stimulates the flow of

adrenaline and endorphins which give you great feelings throughout your entire

body. Drinking water has a new meaning to you now. The more water you drink,

the less you crave nicotine. And the more water you drink the sharper your mind

becomes. The moment you swallow a gulp of water, your mind starts stirring with

brilliant creative ideas. Cigarettes are now a turn off to you. You now feel that

same affinity toward water as you used to feel while smoking during the time you

are working. You now feel that smoking would only interrupt your creative state

of mind.

71 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking

You also know that from this moment forward you will never smoke another

cigarette again. You no longer rationalize its only one cigarette. The moment you

think you will only smoke one you will take 10 very deep breaths and repeat on

each breath, “I am a non-smoker.” “I am a non-smoker” Even if a stressful

situation was to happen. You have figured out a new way to deal with stress. You

know now that the only way to deal with stress is to be even more loving and

more kind to your body by the deep breaths, by eating delicious nutritious foods

which are high in vitamins B and C, by drinking plenty of water, and by getting

exercise. You have decided to handle stress by responding with loving care to

your body. Even now you are beginning to sense that because your health is a

priority, you may even enjoy taking a nice long walk so that you can enjoy

breathing in fresh air and get some exercise. Or you can even handle stress by

taking time to relax by reading a book, taking a bath, meditating, or writing.

You are going to be so pleased with the fact that you have a higher energy level,

your body stays well and free from disease, free from the hassle, free of feeling

trapped. You are breaking free right now. You are becoming more productive.

You are taking responsibility for showing yourself good habits. You are

conscientious about the affect smoking has on the health of those around you.

Those around you who love and care about you, such as your friends and your

family will appreciate your accomplish as well.

As you breathe deeply now, experience the feeling of fresh air coming into your

lungs. As you exhale, experience yourself expelling all tars, nicotine, poisons and

toxins from your lungs that were deposited thee by the destructive cigarette

smoking that you did before. Experience how you feel. The very thought of

cigarette smoking is increasingly distasteful to you now.

72 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking

Cigarettes are a form of self-destructive pollution. Cigarettes disgust you now.

Cigarettes taste terrible and you avoid them now.

You are now a non-smoker. You enjoy being healthy, happy, and free of the

addiction. You feel a sense of pride in your accomplishment. You know you can

do this. You know you can do this permanently. You know you can change your

whole lifestyle. You know that smoking doesn‟t solve your problems. You know

that it‟s silly to smoke. You know that smoking can cure nothing. You feel calm.

You feel happy. You feel positive. You feel powerful. You feel confident.

Now I am going to repeat the statement, “I am a non-smoker,” ten times. Repeat it

silently with me as I say it. Experience your own sense of conviction and

determination as you mentally say it with me 10 times, beginning now. “I am a

non-smoker.” (Repeat 10 times with varying inflections and emphasis.)

That‟s right you are a non-smoker. As a result, you‟re enjoying improving health.

Your health is getting better each and every day, now that you are a non-smoker.

This is your personal victory. You feel pride and satisfaction at being a non-

smoker. You feel an increase in your self-esteem. You feel good that you are in

charge. You are being good to your body, good to yourself, and this feels good!

You enjoy breathing fresh air into your lungs. It feels good to be in charge of

yourself. You are pleased and proud of yourself. Others are pleased and proud of

your, too. Every day, in every way, you feel better and better.

Count out.

73 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking (Reduction)

For more information go to

Very soon you will become a non-smoker. Right now and for the next seven days

you are programming your subconscious mind to become a non-smoker and that it

will be easy for you to quit. Becoming a non-smoker is easy. There are thousands

of people that become non-smokers every single day. The only reason you smoke

is because you have programmed your subconscious mind, which is 90% of your

mind that it‟s O.K. for you to smoke. Becoming a non-smoker is only a matter of

giving your subconscious-mind new information that you no longer wish to smoke.

Your subconscious mind works very much like your own personal computer. The

output matches the input. An example of how that works is this: every cigarette

you smoke is input telling your subconscious mind that you are a smoker. But for

this week, we will be changing the way you respond to that input. From now on,

every cigarette you smoke will give you more desire to become free of the burden

of smoking. Free of the smell and taste of tobacco. You are realizing more and

more that your body is the very important structure through which you experience

life… and you want to experience the rest of your life in a strong, healthy body.

The first step of that process is by replacing your smoking habit with a new

positive healthy habit. Each time you succeed by replacing smoking with your new

healthy positive behavior you are be sending a message to your subconscious

mind that you are becoming a non-smoker. During this week, you will reduce

your smoking to one half of the amount you previously smoked. You will wake up

each morning empty out a cigarette pack and fill it with one half of the amount of

cigarettes you formerly smoked. You will then and make a calm and firm decision

that the amount of cigarettes in that pack will be more than enough for you to last

you throughout the entire day. Your subconscious mind now will apportion those

cigarettes throughout the day so that you will find that they are more than enough

74 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking (Reduction)

for you. You may even find that upon going to bed each night a few cigarettes will

remain in the pack. You may notice more and more remain as the week

continues. You may even find yourself wanting to become a non-smoker sooner

than next week and if you do, it is perfectly o.k. to do so.

The second step of this process is that you will now be more aware of your

smoking than ever before. Smoking will feel like a waste of time. Smoking will

taste strongly unpleasant. You are fully aware of every step involved with smoking

and so you are no longer in the habit. You can choose to smoke or not to smoke

each time your reach for a cigarette. You are breaking the habit of smoking by

simply making a very conscious choice to smoke or not to smoke. Each time you

reach for a cigarette, your attention will be drawn to that cigarette and you will

focus uncomfortably upon it. As a matter of fact, you are so highly sensitive to

your own smoking that is becoming quite annoying and bothersome to you, so

much so that you may find yourself putting your cigarettes out half-way, wondering

why you ever chose to smoke in the first place.

Everyday, you are smoking less and breathing better and more deeply. You enjoy

breathing fresh, clean air into your lungs more so than ever before.

Now, picture yourself at those times in the day when you would normally smoke

and go ahead and put a black frame around that picture … And let that picture

fade away. Now, picture yourself in those same situations replacing your smoking

with your new alternative healthy behaviors. And allow that picture to be

surrounded by bright lights. See yourself drinking more water. And while holding

that picture, take in a nice deep breath and feel your breath become fresher

because you are using mints or gum to satisfy you orally. Continue to mentally

picture yourself and now throughout the entire day, making a highly conscious

75 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking (Reduction)

choice at each point: The first smoke of the morning, breakfast, driving to work, on

the phone, mealtimes, leisure times, stressful times.

You enjoy the benefits of becoming a non-smoker. Your breathing is improving,

your health is improving, you are experiencing more energy and vibrancy. You

are learning to respect your body. You are determined to treat your body well.

You even look more alive and younger as a non-smoker. You will be pleasantly

surprised to notice how easy it is to reduce your smoking this week and how easy

it will be to become completely smoke free. Every day, in every way, you are

feeling better and better, freer and freer. And this feels so good. Every day is a

success. You are becoming accustomed to success. And soon that feeling of

success will be far more important to you than any habit could possibly be. You

are confident, completely confident you are going to overcome the cigarette

smoking habit … you will be able to let go of the habit so easily. Know your mind,

now, that you will be able to do this … It is easy and you can do it …

You have been given a card with your affirmations on the back. This week it will

be good practice for you to at any point, should you have an urge to smoke and

should you choose to utilize this tool, take out your affirmation card and hold it in

your hand. Allow yourself to take in a couple of deep relaxing breaths and

become calm. Then read your affirmations to yourself three times. Each time

you put an end to an urge by reading your affirmations the urges will substantially

decrease and become fewer and far between. Every night before going to bed,

say your affirmations to yourself ten times and notice how you feel. Every day, in

every way, you are feeling better and better, freer and freer. This feels good.

Now I will count from one to five bringing you back to ordinary waking


76 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking (Reduction)

Begin Coming Back

Coming back more and more.

Coming back even more… wakeful energy moving through your arms and legs

Breathe in deeply… breathe in wakeful energy…waking you up

completely…clearing your head…filling your body with waking energy…and

Open your eyes…

77 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking Reinforcement

For more information go to

You feel surprised and amazed at how well you have done and how easy it has

been. The good news is that it gets even easier this week and every week after

that. You have succeeded and not only have you become a non-smoker, the urge

is completely gone forever. You couldn't be bothered with smoking any more.

There is no point to it because you are a non-smoker. That part of your life is

completely finished. You are through with smoking. Cigarettes disgust you. In

fact, you are so stubborn about your refusal to smoke that no matter what urges,

no matter what ideas, no matter what situations may take place, whatever feelings

you experience, whatever nervousness or anything else you may experience. You

now deal with all these situations that happen in normal daily life effectively

whatever they are and under no circumstances do any of these cause you to

smoke. There is no situation that could possibly arise in your life that could break

down your stubborn refusal to smoke.

How refreshing it is to be so stubbornly strong. This is a good kind of

stubbornness because you are making a stand for yourself and for your body as

you stubbornly refuse to smoke. You won't even listen to any other suggestion.

You've realized that you don't like to smoke, so why would you possibly every

consider doing it? That‟s just the way it is. It seems that it has been that way all

along now, doesn‟t it.

You are far happier as a non-smoker. It's easy. It's a simple matter of saying no

to something you refuse to do any way.

It makes you feel better and enjoy life more. The time you used to spend poisoning

yourself with tobacco is now spent on doing more interesting activities. Your lungs

feel healthier and clear. The air is cleaner and your body is more vigorous and full

78 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking Reinforcement

of life because you have gotten rid of all that poison. Nothing can ever cause you

to take it back. You are too stubborn. You refuse. You are through with poison.

All these suggestions imbed themselves now in the deepest part of you

subconscious mind and take complete and thorough effect upon your mind, body

and spirit, causing you to feel relaxed, clear-headed, vivacious, vigorous,

completely restored in every way. Full of pep and vitality. I am going to give you a

few moments of silence again and during those moments, these ideas are

reinforced over and over again.

That period of silence begins now.

Now I will count from one to five bringing you back to ordinary waking


1. Begin Coming Back

2. Coming back more and more.

3. Coming back even more… wakeful energy moving through your arms and legs

4. Breathe in deeply… breathe in wakeful energy…waking you up

completely…clearing your head…filling your body with waking energy…and


79 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking (NLP)

For more information go to

Allow yourself to bring the feeling of motivation to your body. The motivation that

you feel to live a happy life…and allow that feeling to come about by going back to

a time in your life when you really strongly felt motivated…this feeling of motivation

can be intensified now by a factor of two…go ahead and double the intensity of

the feeling of motivation that you feel within your body now and this is how

strongly motivated you are to be completely free of smoking…feel that motivation

multiplied by a factor of two…very good…now allow yourself to transfer all that

feeling of motivation into the feeling of happiness. Transfer all that feeling of

happiness into the feeling of excited. And as you‟re feeling the feelings experience

yourself as a non-smoker. Experience yourself with radiant health. And this is

how you feel about taking care of yourself and taking care of your body. And as

you experience these feelings, imagine yourself enjoying and taking care of

yourself in any way you choose. Imagine how it will feel to breath in deep

breaths… taking in deep breaths as a non-smoker… how clean your lungs are


We‟re going to talk for a moment about some of the ways that smoking has made

you feel in the past. Before I do that, I‟d like you to go ahead bring back the

feeling of motivation. Go ahead and bring that back… bring that back into your

body… and I‟d like you to focus on sending all of that feeling of motivation directly

into your left hand… feel all that motivation and excitement and happiness of being

a non-smoker gently in… feel it circulating through out your left hand. Now all of

the wonderful, positive feelings associated with being a non-smoker are there in

your left hand for you to feel and experience any time you choose.

80 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking (NLP)

And so now we‟re going to go on and talk about some of negative feelings

associated with smoking. And I‟d like you to go ahead and bring up the feeling of

being tired and weak and unmotivated. You are doing very well. Now, I want you

to tie this feeling in completely, this is how I feel when I smoke and now allow

yourself to double the intensity of that feeling. Double the intensity of feeling tired

and weak. And while this is going on allow the smell of cigarette smoking on your

body to become present in your awareness. Take in a big whiff of how that smells

and how you no longer wish to smell. And imagine taking a drag of a cigarette

and how it feels like poison is going throughout your body. Now experience your

breathing becoming shallower. Notice any anxiety that you may feel when going

without a cigarette for a while. Notice it causing you to feel even more tired and

weaker. And now think to yourself this is the way smoking makes me feel. This is

the way smoking makes me feel. And I‟d like you to transfer all the feeling that

you feel right now into your right hand. Imagine all of that feeling being

transferred out of your body right into your right hand. Feel that feeling right

there in the palm of your right hand.

And so now, we‟re going to go back to your left hand and experience yourself

feeling your left hand… feeling the motivation… feeling the happiness … focus on

your left hand. And in your left hand you have your good health, you have the

feeling of loving yourself and your body. Just experience all those feelings being

transferred from your left hand going throughout your body… anytime you think

about your left hand you automatically feel this motivation feel the happiness and

the excitement and the radiant health. Feeling relaxed. Feeling a sense of

accomplishment and achievement. Living without an addiction. Feeling free.

Feeling free of any burdens or worries. Allow all that positive feeling to well up

inside of you now and allow yourself to go ahead and double the intensity of that

81 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking (NLP)

feeling. Feel it twice as much, twice as powerful. Your left hand is your powerful

hand. Your left hand is where all of your wonderful positive feelings are stored.

Now go back to your right hand. Go back to your right hand now allow yourself to

experience all the feeling all the negative feelings that are stored within your right

hand. The old smell of smoke. Feeling tired, weak, unmotivated. Sense the

poison, the shallow breathing, and the anxiety. The stress you still feel even when

you smoke. The damage it‟s doing to your body. All of that is there within your

left hand. And now take both hands and spread them out in front of you. And

feel all your negative feelings in your right hand.

Feel all your positive feeling in your left hand. And as I say right and left just allow

yourself to switch back and fourth between the feelings. Feeling the negative

feelings in your right hand. You‟ll be able to do this quickly as I go to your left

hand now. Your left hand feeling all the positive feelings associated with being a

non-smoker. Feel it all there contained within your left hand. You right hand.

Your left hand. Your right hand. And as I‟m doing this, as I‟m repeating right and

left, start to bring your hands closer together as if you were going to shake hands

with yourself. Just closely and gradually bring your hands closer and closer

together. Your right hand. Your left hand. Your right hand. Your left hand. Your

right hand. Your left hand.

You are now a non-smoker. You now absolutely feel 100% motivated to live a

happy, excited, healthy life. Feeling good health. Loving yourself. Feeling strong.

Feeling motivated. Immediately turning toward positive habits such as deep

breathing, yoga, and drinking water as your first inclination. Any time you feel any

stress coming on you immediately turn to the positive the deep breathing, drinking


82 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Stop Smoking (NLP)

You are feeling more and more of a sense of accomplishment. You are feeling

more and more freedom that comes with being a non-smoker. Repeat to

yourself several times. I am a non-smoker. And as I say it, you can say it silently

to yourself. I am a non-smoker. I am a non-smoker. The more you say this, the

more motivated you feel. The more happy and excited you feel, as you say these

words. I am a non-smoker. I am a non-smoker. Any time you get the slightest

urge that you may want to have a cigarette. All you do is think about your right

hand. Take your left hand and take hold of your right hand. Your left hand will

support you now in ways you never imagined before. Your left hand is your more

powerful more positive hand. All you do whenever you get the slightest urge at all

is bring up the feelings within your right hand and allow your left hand to take

charge, take over, by grabbing a hold of your right hand. And all the feelings of

wanting to have a cigarette melt away within seconds.

And go ahead and practice this once now. Imagine yourself having an urge. Now

transfer the feeling, feeling all the negative feelings in your right hand. And go

ahead and put those feelings out by grabbing a holding of your right hand with

your left hand and now your left hand makes it o.k. and safe and you feel good

and positive again. Your left hand nurtures you and you feel all the positive

motivation and the happiness and the excitement. And it supports you to continue

to be in good health, loving yourself, taking wonderful care of your body. It has

your feelings of excitement, happiness and joy and motivation to live a healthy life

as a non-smoker no matter what. And allow yourself to say these words again and

again. I am a non-smoker. I am a non-smoker. I am a nonsmoker. I am free. I

feel the freedom inside of me. I am living a life without addiction, without burden,

without worry. I am a non-smoker for good. And this excites me and motivates

me to go on and live a wonderful healthy happy life.

83 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Thought Stopping

For more information go to

Thought stopping is one of the oldest cognitive techniques practiced. Introduced

back in 1928, thought stopping involves concentrating on an unwanted thought for

a short time, then suddenly stopping it by shouting “stop” and emptying your

mind. This is still a very effective technique today, especially with phobias or with

repeated images or thoughts that lead to unpleasant emotional states. For this

exercise, all you‟ll need is your thoughts and your journal. I will take care of the

rest. After doing the entire exercise few times, you will get in the habit of hearing

the word stop in your mind when those unwanted thoughts come up during other

parts of the day. An entire exercise consists of repeating the following sequence

four times: of thinking the negative thought, stopping, clearing your mind, and

shifting to the positive thought.

Now take out your journal. In a moment you will write in your journal. Spend

about 5 - 15 minutes writing down every stressful thought that comes to your

mind, such as worrying about being on time, worrying about your physical health,

or worrying about money. Just write down a word or a short sentence about the

worries you have in order to get as many things written down in a short period of

time. When you have finished writing, I will guide you through the next step.

(Next Step)

At this point, your journal may consist of anywhere between 10 to 50 stress-

provoking thoughts. Go ahead and put a star next to the four most stressful or

most frequent unwanted thoughts.

84 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Thought Stopping

Now in a moment you will be spending 5 - 15 minutes writing down a list of

pleasant thoughts, like a vacation, a beautiful peaceful place, making love, playing

a sport, whatever is pleasurable for you.

(Next Step)

Now, your journal should have two distinct sets of thoughts. Negative thoughts on

one page, and positive thoughts on another page. Once again, put a star next to

the four most pleasurable thoughts.

Now, go ahead and set down your journal and either lie down or sit in a

comfortable chair. And from your list of unwanted thoughts, starting with the one

that bothers you the least, pick a thought out of the four that you starred.

Close your eyes and concentrate on the thought and allow the scene to be played

out in detail. Really focus on any sights… sounds…tastes…smells…involved in the

scene…the scene is becoming more and more vivid…stay with it for a while…Dwell

on it…you are really obsessing on the thoughts connected to it…dwelling on it…you

are totally connected to this scene now…(pause for about 1 minute) Shout STOP!

Now focus on a positive that and allow this scene to become more and more

vivid…seeing every detail…the smells…the tastes…the sounds. (Pause for about 1


Now repeat this exercise with the next negative thought. You can keep the same

positive thought if it still holds your attention. If not, chose another one. I will

guide you less and less each time we do the exercise because talking can be a


85 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Thought Stopping

Now go ahead a close your eyes…Focus on the negative thought…Allow the scene

to stay in your mind until you feel you are really connected to your thought….


Clear your mind. And go to the positive thought. Take pleasure in this place…

Let‟s repeat this exercise with the third negative thought.

Close your eyes…and think of your negative thought….concentrate on all aspects of

this thought …. STOP!

Clear your mind. And go to the positive thought

Last time…You‟re doing wonderful

Close your eyes…Bring the remaining negative thought to mind…STOP!…

Clear your mind. And be with the positive thought now.

Very good. You did a great job!

86 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Weight Reduction

For more information go to

You are now feeling so peaceful, calm, and relaxed, and this feels so much better

than food ever made you feel…because this good feeling comes from within you,

and can not be created by anything external to yourself.

As a result, your body feels more and more relaxed every day. The cells of your

body are relaxing and releasing all excess liquid and fatty tissues.

You are well on your way to achieving your ideal body and looking your best.

Right now, just visualize yourself in whatever way you like at your ideal body.

Examine your entire body from head to toe. And then see your face, with a look

of pride and accomplishment. You feel so happy, having achieved this goal. You

not only look better, you feel better and therefore you accomplish even more now.

You have a new sense of appreciation for the way you treat this body. Something

else you are noticing is that you feel healthier and you feel better about life in


One reason you have chosen to reduce your body is because of the clothes you

will be able to wear. You will feel so good about yourself that you will want to

show off that body and you will wear clothes that are suitable to your preference

and that fit your body the way you like them to.

Another reason you have chosen to reduce your body is because you would like to

improve your self-esteem. Imagine yourself in whatever way you wish, having a

high sense of self-esteem. Reducing your body reduces your chance of heart

disease and high blood pressure. And now imagine your heartbeat and your

blood flowing in a natural healthy manner. You have learned to take control of

your body. You are taking control of the way you eat. You are taking control by

87 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Weight Reduction

eating what‟s right for you. This may mean that you will like buying food at the

grocery store. Now imagine yourself at the grocery store, in the fresh fruit isle, as

you are picking out your favorite fruits and vegetables. Natural fresh fruit is so

satisfying to you. It tastes so good. And you especially enjoy eating fruit in the

mornings with plenty of water. And throughout the rest of the day, you are eating

delicious, nutritious, leaner foods enjoying fish and poultry, vegetables and fruits.

Notice how you are the foods such as sweets and potato chips seem to taste like

cardboard now.

Water is very refreshing and it flushes your body out and rids it of all the toxins

and rids it of the fat. You are in the habit of drinking lots of fresh water

throughout the day. It just feels good and tastes so refreshing to you.

You are achieving your goal… you are in control of your habits… it feels good to

have people notice your body. Your goal is achievable and you are motivated…

you feel excited and positive about it.

You are committed to a specific work out schedule. See yourself working out

now. And feel the wonderful energy it gives your body. You are continuing your

habit of working out least three times a week. You may desire to slowly increase

the intensity of your workout.

Experience now how your body feels, your energy moving throughout your lean

firm body.

Every day, in every way, you are feeling better and better, leaner and stronger,

lighter and freer than ever before.

88 Script Book One Written by Victoria Gallagher, C.M.Ht © 2010, LLC., LLC 4521 PGA Blvd., #383. Palm Beach Garden, FL 33418

Weight Reduction

Soon I will count from one to five and you will bring the awareness you now

experience into your waking consciousness. Each and every day you are slimmer

and trimmer than before, rapidly achieving your ideal body shape and lightness.

Now I will begin to count. When I get to 5, you will open your eyes feeling

peaceful, calm, relaxed, refreshed.
