Download pdf - ScienceY4 Kit A

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Name:____________________ Class :___________________ Date :_______

    SECTION A [30 marks] Time: 45 minutes

    Answer all the questions.

    Instruction:Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct


    1 Which one of the following is not a basic need of a human?

    A B

    C D

    2 Animals need food toA help them grow and stay healthy.

    B help them breathe.

    C protect them from danger.

    D build up their muscles.

    3 he diagram below shows a simple e!periment.

    he e!periment abo"e shows that animals


    A sunlight. B food.

    C air. D water.


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    4 Which type of shelter does the animal shown in the picture below need?

    A #a"e B $est

    C %ole D #age

    5 he diagram below shows an e!periment.

    What can be learnt from the e!periment abo"e?

    A &lants need water to li"e.B &lants need air to li"e.

    C &lants need food to li"e.

    D &lants need sunlight to li"e.

    ! Animals need food for

    ' growth.'' good health.

    ''' energy.

    '( heat.

    A ' and '' only B ') '') and ''' only

    C '') ''' and '( only D ')'') ''' and '(

    " What is the gas we e!crete from our body during e!halation?

    A *!ygen B #arbon dio!ide

    C $itrogen D %elium

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    # Which one of the following is not a basic need of plants?

    A Water B Air

    C +oil D +unlight

    $ he diagram below shows the result of an e!periment after two wee,s.

    he conclusion of this e!periment is that animals need' food. '' water.

    ''' air. '( sunlight.

    A ' and '' only B ') '' and ''' only

    C '') ''' and '( only D ') '') ''' and '(

    1% 'n the figure below) which is not a human e!cretory organ?

    A & B -

    C D +

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    11 Which of the following animals refers to animal /?

    A B

    C D

    12 All the animals shown in the picture below e!crete through

    A the lungs and gills.

    B the s,in and gills.

    C the gills and ,idneys.

    D the lungs and ,idneys.

    13 he animals in the picture below breathe through

    A lungs. B the moist s,in.

    C gills. D tracheal structures.

    Animal / has sharp hoo,ed claws for climbing trees. 't li"es in the shelter of trees.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    14 Which of the following animals breathes in the same way as the animal shown in the picture


    A B

    C D

    15 'n which of the following are the animals grouped in the correct way according to the method

    of reproduction?

    &a' e((s )i*e +irt,A %en) bat oat) cat

    1 2uc,) birds 2olphin) horse

    # +uid) frog 2og) swan

    # +na,e) whale iraffe) lion

    1! Which of the following animals has the special characteristic which is stated in the

    information gi"en abo"e?A 1ird B 4rog

    C #hameleon D +uid

    he colour of its s,in can change to suit the surroundings.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    1" Which of the following are habits that are harmful to the health of a person?

    ' +wimming

    '' 2rin,ing alcohol

    ''' +mo,ing

    '( a,ing drugs

    A ' and '' only

    B ') '') and ''' onlyC '') ''') and '( only

    D ') '') ''' and '(

    1# Which of the following plants reproduce in the same way?

    ' ''

    ''' '(

    A '' and ''' only

    B ') '') and ''' only

    C ') ''' and '( only

    D ') '') ''' and '(

    1$ he plant shown in the picture below responds to

    ' water.

    '' light.

    ''' touch.

    A ''' only B ' and '' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    2% he e!periment in the diagram below shows that a plant responds to

    A air. B gra"ity.

    C water. D sunlight.

    21 Which of the following can delay a person5s response to stimuli?

    ' 2rugs

    '' Alcohol

    ''' #igarettes

    '( 6il,

    A ' and '' only B ') '' and ''' only

    C '') ''') '( only D ') '') ''' and '(

    22 Which of the following plants reproduces in the same way as the plant shown in the pictureabo"e?

    A 1amboo B 1alsam

    C 4ern D #oconut

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    23 Which of the following animals can shed its tail when in danger?

    A B

    C D

    24 Which one of the following animals can roll its body when in danger?

    A B

    C D

    25 %ow does the animal shown in the picture below protect itself from enemies?

    A 't has a body co"ering with hard scales.

    B 't secretes a blac, liuid into the water.

    C he colour of its s,in can change.

    D 't can mo"e "ery fast.

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  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    2$ Which one of the following plants can sur"i"e the strong wind?

    A #oconut tree B #actus plant

    C 7am D 4ern

    3% What specific characteristics of the plant shown in the picture below protect the plant frome!cessi"e loss of water?

    ' 't ,eeps water in its stem.

    '' 't has long roots to find water in the ground.

    ''' 't has sharp thorns.

    '( 't has a wa!y layer co"ering its stem.A ' and '' only

    B ') '') and '( only

    C '') ''' and '( only

    D ') '') ''') and '(

    SECTION B [80 marks] Time: 3% minutesAnswer all the questions.

    Write your answers in the spaces provided.

    1 A group of pupils carry out an acti"ity. wo rats are ,ept separately in two containers as

    shown in the diagram below. 1oth containers are left for four days.

    9a: What do they want to find out?


    [; mark]

    9b: +tate the following.

    i. What must be changed?


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    ii. What must be ,ept the same?


    [8 marks]

    9c: &redict what will happen to the rats in both containers after four days.


    [; mark]

    9d: i"e one reason for your answer in 9c:.


    [; mark]

    2 A student carries out an e!periment to show that sunlight is a basic need of plants.

    9a: &redict what will happen to the plants & and - after two wee,s.

    i. &< ___________________________________________________________________

    ii. -< ___________________________________________________________________

    [8 marks]9b: i"e the reason for each answer in 9a:.

    i. &< ___________________________________________________________________

    ii. -< __________________________________________________________________

    [8 marks]

    9c: What can the student learn from the e!periment?


    [; mark]

    3 he figure below shows the breathing organs of a human during inhalation and e!halation.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    9a: %ow does the si=e of our lungs change when we

    i. inhale air?


    ii. e!hale air?


    [8 marks]

    9b: +tate what component of the airi. is inhaled into our lungs.


    ii. is e!haled from our lungs.


    [8 marks]

    9c: What is the difference between the air that we inhale and the air that we e!hale?


    [; mark]

    4 he figure below shows the breathing organs of certain animals.

    9a: 6ar, the breathing organs of the animals with arrows.[8 marks]

    9b: $ame t-o other animals which ha"e the same breathing organs as & and .

    i. &< ______________________________________________________________________

    ii. < _____________________________________________________________________

    [8 marks]

    9c: What gas is e!creted by the animals abo"e?

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A



    [; mark]

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Name:____________________ Class :___________________ Date :_______

    SECTION A [30 marks] Time: 45 minutesAnswer all the questions.

    Instruction:Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct


    1 Which of the following figures shows the correct eye position for measuring the length of

    a nail using the ruler?

    A B

    C D

    2 Which of the following parts of the body were used as a measure for lengths in the oldendays?

    ' ''


    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    3 he use of a thread and a ruler is suitable to measure

    A the length of a boo,.

    B the height of a boy.

    C the length of a classroom.

    D the circumference of a tree stem.

    4 he figure below shows the measurement of a pencil case using erasers.

    'f the length of an eraser is 3 cm) what is the length of the pencil case?

    A ;8 cm B ;> cm

    C ; cm D 80 cm

    5 he following table shows the distances of three "illages..osition Distance /0m

    (illage & to "illage - 8>

    (illage - to "illage /

    (illage & to "illage >0

    What is the distance between "illage - to "illage ?

    A ;> ,m B 80 ,m

    C 8> ,m D @> ,m

    ! Which of the following can be used to measure area?

    ' iles

    '' 1oo,s''' 1ottle caps

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    " Which of the following is the correct unit to measure the length of a classroom?

    A 7ard B 6etre

    C +teps D ilometre

    # he figure below shows three si=es of a photo frame.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Arrange the photo frames according to their area from the smallest to the biggest.

    A & - B & -

    C - & D & -

    $ he figure below shows a rectangle.

    he area of the rectangle is 8@3 cm8. What is the width of the part labelled B if the length

    labelled as 7 is 8; cm?

    A ;8 cm B ;3 cm

    C ;C cm D ;> cm

    1% ichard pours 8>0 cm3of water into a measuring cylinder. hen) he puts a stone into the

    water in the measuring cylinder. he reading of the measuring cylinder shows 30> cm3.

    What is the "olume of the stone?

    A C> cm3 B >0 cm3

    C >> cm3 D D0 cm3

    11 Which of the following obEects has the smallest area?

    A B

    C D

    12 he figure below shows four obEects) labelled as &) -) and +.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Which of the two obEects ha"e the same area?

    A & and B - and

    C - and + D and +

    13 he following figure shows a s,etch of an obEect on a piece of graph paper.

    he estimated area of the obEect is

    A 83 cm8. B 30 cm8.

    C 33 cm8. D 3 cm8.

    14 he figure below shows an obEect and a cube with sides of 8 cm.

    %ow many cubes are needed to fill the obEect?

    A ;8 cubes B ;> cubes

    C 80 cubes D 8> cubes

    15 Which of the following can contain the biggest "olume of water?

    A B

    C D

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    1! he figure below shows the "olumes of water in a measuring cylinder before and after two

    identical ,eys were put into it.

    What is the "olume of one ,ey?

    A > cm3 B ;0 cm3

    C ;8 cm3 D 80 cm3

    1" Baire uses ;8 cans of water to fill a basin. he ma!imum "olume of each can is 8>0 ml.What is the "olume of the basin?

    A 8>00 ml B 800 ml

    C 3000 ml D 3800 ml

    1# he figure below shows an e!periment performed by a student.

    Which of the following is not true about this e!periment?

    ' he "olume of a magnet is ;> cm3.'' he "olume of each marble is D cm3.

    ''' he "olume for three marbles is ; cm3.

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    1$ he following figure shows the mass of four boo,s.

    What is the mass of each boo,?

    A CD00 g B 3C>0 g

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    C ;;>0 g D F80 g

    2% Which of the following liuids are measured in litres?

    ' 2iesel in a tan,

    '' #ough syrup prescribed by a doctor

    ''' #orn oil in a supermar,et

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    21 he mass of a bag of pineapples is 3>00 g. %ow many pineapples are there in the plastic

    bag if each pineapple has the mass of @00 g?

    A 3 pineapples

    B C pineapples

    C > pineapples

    D D pineapples

    22 he figure below shows the mass of a papaya measured using an electronic balance and a

    beam balance.

    What is the mass of each lime if the papaya has the same mass as ;0 limes?

    A ;0 g B ;00 g

    C 300 g D 3000 g

    23 he following table shows the groceries reuired by &uan ahmah.

    Item 4lour ice +ugar +alt

    Mass /0(: 8 ;0 ;.> 0.>

    he arrangement of the groceries according to their mass in decreasing order is

    A rice) flour) sugar) salt.

    B rice) sugar) flour) salt.

    C salt) sugar) flour) rice.

    D sugar) salt) flour) rice.

    24 he diagram below shows the comparison of the masses of three different obEects.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Which of the following is true about the diagram abo"e?

    ' he banana is hea"ier than the fish.

    '' he apple has the same mass as the banana.

    ''' he fish is lighter than the apple.

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    25 he following figure shows the time ta,en for three students to hold their breath


    Which student can hold his breath longest underwater?

    A amu B Bamani

    C Wong iat D Anand

    2! he table below shows the results of a C00 metres race.

    Name %amid +arEoo Wong at Adam











    Who ran the fastest?

    A %amid B +arEoo

    C Wong at D Adam

    2" G"eryday anEit goes to school at D.>0 a.m. %e arri"es at school at @.;> a.m. %ow long

    does it ta,e for anEit to go to school and return home daily?

    A 8> minutes B 30 minutesC >0 minutes D D0 minutes

    2# Which of the following is used to measure time during time of ancient ree,s and


    A Wall cloc, B +topwatch

    C 2igital cloc, D +undial

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    2$ he swing of the pendulum is affected by

    A the mass of the pendulum.

    B the structure of the pendulum.

    C the thic,ness of the thread.

    D the length of the pendulum.

    3% Which of the following sports depends on the fastest time for the competitors to win?

    A 4ootball B 1icycle race

    C ennis D 1adminton

    SECTION B [80 marks] Time: 3% minutesAnswer all the questions.

    Write your answers in the spaces provided.

    1 he following table shows the total arm span used by different students to measure the

    length of a classroom.

    Name Hian /i 6imi umari Iaili

    Total o arm san ;8 ;> ;; ;3

    9a: Who will be the first finish measuring the length of the classroom?


    [; mark]

    9b: What can be said based on the table abo"e?_____________________________________________________________________

    [; mark]9c: +tate the following.

    i. What must be changed?


    ii. What must be measured?


    iii. What must be ,ept the same?


    [3 marks]

    9d: +uggest a method to measure the length of the classroom accurately.

    _____________________________________________________________________[; mark]

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    2 he graph below shows the results of an e!periment to study the "olume of water

    produced from ice in a measuring cylinder when ice melts and time.

    9a: What is the relationship between the changes of "olume of water with time?


    [; mark]9b: What happens if the ice is heated?


    [; mark]

    9c: +tate the following.

    i. What must be changed?


    ii. What must be measured? ___________________________________________________________________

    [8 marks]

    9d: &redict the "olume of water after D0 minutes.


    [; mark]

    3 A student measures the masses of a ceramic glass and a plastic glass using an electronic

    balance as shown in the figure below.

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    9a: What can be obser"ed from the abo"e figure?


    [; mark]

    9b: What is the mass of the glasses in ,ilogram 9,g: unit?i. #eramic glass< _______________________________________________________

    ii. &lastic glass< _______________________________________________________[8 marks]

    9c: What can be learnt from this e!periment?


    [; mark]

    4 he following table shows the time for four students going to school and the time they

    arri"e at the school.

    Stuent Alan #heng &eng 4ari= amesh

    Time to (o to sc,ool D.30 a.m. D.8> a.m. D.00 a.m. @.00 a.m.

    Time arri*e at sc,ool @.8> a.m. @.0> a.m. @.;0 a.m. @.;> a.m.

    9a: +tate the time ta,en for each student to go to school and bac, home e"ery day.

    i. Alan< ______________________________________________________________

    ii. #heng &eng< ________________________________________________________

    iii. 4ari=< _____________________________________________________________

    i". amesh< ___________________________________________________________

    [8 marks]

    9b: i. Who ta,es the longest time to arri"e at school?


    ii. i"e a reason for your answer in 9b:i.

    ____________________________________________________________________[8 marks]

    9c: What is the a"erage time ta,en for each student to go to school?


    [; mark]

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Name:____________________ Class :___________________ Date :_______

    SECTION A [30 marks] Time: 45 minutesAnswer all the questions.

    Instruction: Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct


    1 What material is / in the figure below?

    A Wood B ubber

    C lass D &lastic

    2 A factory that manufactures cars increases production by >0J. he use of which of the

    following materials will increase in this factory?

    ' 6etal

    '' &lastic

    ''' Wood

    '( ubber

    A ' and '' only

    B '' and ''' onlyC ') '' and '( only

    D ') '') ''' and '(

    3 What materials are used for ma,ing the obEect shown in the picture below?

    ' ubber

    '' Wood

    ''' 6etal

    '( &lastic

    A ' and '' only

    B '' and ''' only

    C '' and '( only

    D ''' and '( only


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    4 he obEect shown in the picture below is made of plastic.

    What property of plastic ma,es it suitable for this obEect?

    A 't can stretch.

    B 't ma,es the obEect float.

    C 't is nonKabsorbent.

    D 't conducts heat.

    5 he picture below shows a dragnet.

    What are the materials used for ma,ing the parts + and ?

    S T

    A 6etal ubber

    B ubber &lastic

    C &lastic 6etal

    D Wood ubber

    ! Which of the following is made of a material that absorbs water easily?

    A +toc,ing

    B 1lan,et

    C +hawlD 2iaper

    " Which of the following obEects can conduct electrical energy?

    A 6etal spoon

    B lass plate

    C ubber band

    D Wooden ruler

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    12 he following picture shows a 3Kpin plug.

    What materials are used for ma,ing the parts labelled ) + and ?

    8 S T

    A 6etal &lastic ubber

    B &lastic &lastic ubber

    C 6etal Wood &lastic

    D &lastic 6etal &lastic

    13 Which of the following obEects is produced from a manKmade material?

    A B

    C D

    14 What is the mean of a natural material?

    A 6aterial that can be used directly from its source.

    B 6aterial that can be found on the Garth5s crust.

    C 6aterial that comes from animals) the soil and plants.D 6aterial not mi!ed with any other material.

    15 Which of the following materials come from animals?

    ' 4ur '' Ieather

    ''' #otton '( +il,

    A ' and '' only B '' and '( only

    C ') '' and '( only D ') '') ''' and '(

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    1! Which natural material is obtained through mining?

    A Ieather

    B 6etal

    C +oil

    D +il,

    1" What materials are used for ma,ing the parts labelled / and 7 in the figure below?

    6 7

    A &lastic Ieather B Ieather 6etal

    C ubber &lastic

    D Ieather ubber

    1# Which obEects in the picture below can be grouped together?

    A & and B & and +

    C &) - and D &) - and +

    1$ Where does sil, come from and what type of material is it?

    ' 't comes from plants.'' 't comes from animals.

    ''' 't is a natural material.

    '( 't is a manKmade material.

    A '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D '' and '( only

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    A food tin is coated with a substance / to pre"ent rusting.

    24 What property of substance / ma,es it suitable to be used to pre"ent rusting?

    A Waterproof B +mooth

    C %eatproof D +hiny

    25 What can be obser"ed in both test tubes in the figure below after one wee,?

    Nail . Nail 9

    A $ot rusty usty

    B $ot rusty $ot rusty

    C usty usty

    D usty $ot rusty

    2! What is the best method to pre"ent the rusting of the iron fence of a house?

    A #oating with grease B #oating with lead

    C &ainting D #oating with oil

    2" usting occurs in the presence of

    ' wind. '' water.''' air. '( light.

    A ''' only B ' and '' only

    C '' and ''' only D '') ''' and '( only

    #oating the surface of an obEect with chromium.

    2# Which of the following obEects uses the method to pre"ent rusting?

    A B

    C D

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    & L lass

    - L nife

    L 6il, tin

    + L &orcelain pot

    2$ Which of the obEects listed abo"e can rust?A & and - only

    B & and + only

    C - and only

    D &) - and + only

    3% An iron rod is immersed in boiled water tap. hen the water is co"ered with a layer of oil.

    What will happen after one wee,?

    A he iron rod has rusted.

    B he iron rod has not rusted.

    C he oil has become reddish.

    D he water has become muddy.

    SECTION B [80 marks] Time: 3% minutesAnswer all the questions.

    Write your answers in the spaces provided.

    1 A group of students carry out an e!periment. he results of the e!periment are shown in thetable below.

    Su+stance Initial len(t,cm &en(t, ater a 25 ( -ei(,t is ,un(cm

    A rubber band ;0

    A length of raffia

    A bicycle5s inner tube F

    9a: What can be said about the properties of the three substances?






    ______________________________________________________________________ [8 marks]

    9b: 'n this e!periment

    i. what must be changed?


    ii. what must be ,ept the same?

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    [8 marks]

    9c: What can the students learn from the e!periment?



    [; mark]

    2 hree bloc,s of different materials of the same si=e are dropped into water in a container. he

    positions of the bloc,s in water are shown in the figure below.

    9a: Write one hypothesis for the e!periment?


    [; mark]

    9b: +tate the relationship between the type of materials and its ability to float.

    ________________________________________________________________________ [; mark]

    9c: What must be changed in the e!periment?


    [; mark]

    9d: G!plain the meaning of flotation.


    [; mark]

    3 he graph in the figure below shows the amount of wood and plastic used in a factory from

    ;FFD to 800C.

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    9a: +tate how the amounts of wood and plastic used change from ;FFD to 800C.

    i. he amount of wood used.


    ii. he amount of plastic used.


    [; mark]

    9b: 1ased on the information in the figure abo"e) how is the use of a natural material affectedby the use of a synthetic material?


    [; mark]

    9c: Why does the owner of the factory use more plastic?


    [; mark]

    4 'n the figure below) ) + and are sources of natural materials.

    9a: $ame the sources) ) + and .

    i. < ___________________________________________________________________

    ii. +< ___________________________________________________________________

    iii. < ___________________________________________________________________ [; mark]

    9b: i"e t-o other e!amples of substances from source .

    ________________________________________________________________________ [; mark]

    9c: What can be learnt concerning the sources of natural materials?


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    [; mark]

    5 he diagram below shows the apparatus set up by a student in an in"estigation.

    9a: &redict what will happen to steel wool & and steel wool - after a wee,.


    [; mark]9b: G!plain your answer in 9a:.







    [8 marks]

    9c: +tate t-o methods for pre"enting rust.




    [8 marks]

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Name:____________________ Class :___________________ Date :_______

    SECTION A [30 marks] Time: 45 minutesAnswer all the questions.

    Instruction: Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct


    1 Which of the following planets is the coldest planet and surrounded with ice in the +olar


    A he Garth B he $eptune

    C he &luto D he 6ars

    2 he figure below shows some parts of the +olar +ystem. What is /?

    A he 6oonB he +tar

    C 6eteor

    D Asteroid

    3 he following figure shows the position of the Garth) / and 7 from the +un. Which planet is

    / and 7?

    6 7

    A (enus 6ars

    B 6ars Hupiter

    C 6ercury (enus

    D &luto Mranus


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    4 he figure below shows some planets in +olar +ystem. What is &?

    6ercury(enus Garth &

    A +aturn B &luto

    C Mranus D 6ars

    5 he furthest planet from the +un is

    A 6ars. B $eptune.

    C 6ercury. D &luto.

    ! All planets orbit in an anticloc,wise) e;cet

    A (enus. B +aturn.

    C Hupiter. D Garth.

    " Which of the following are parts of the +olar +ystem?

    ' he +un '' he &lanet

    ''' he 6oon '( 6eteor

    A ' and '' only B ') '' and '''C ') '' and '( D ') '') ''' and '(

    # he figure below shows a planet in +olar +ystem.

    he planet shown abo"e is

    A +aturn. B Hupiter.

    C 6ercury. D &luto.

    $ he figure below shows the orbits of all the planets.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Which of the following is correct about the figure abo"e?

    A he bigger the orbit of a planet) the longer is the time ta,en.

    B he bigger the orbit of the planet) the faster is the time of orbit.

    C he si=e of the orbit for each planet in the +olar +ystem is the same.

    D he shape of the orbit of each planet in the +olar +ystem is different.

    1% he hottest planet in the +olar +ystem isA 6ars.

    B 6ercury.

    C Hupiter.

    D +aturn.

    11 he table below gi"es the information about the a"erage surface temperatures of some planets

    in the +olar +ystem.

    .lanet A*era(e surace temerature /

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    1! he picture below shows some light on the s,y. he light is

    A asteroids. B meteor.

    C star. D moonlight.

    1" Which planet has rings around it?

    ' $eptune '' Mranus

    ''' 6ars '( +aturn

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and '( only D ') '' and '( only

    1# Which of the following will happen if a meteor crashes on the surface of the Garth?

    A 6ountain B #rater

    C Ia,e D i"er

    1$ Which of the following is not the part of the +olar +ystem?

    A Asteroid B 6eteoroid

    C he planets D #onstellation

    2% Which of the following is correct to show the si=e of the +un) the 6oon and the Garth?

    Sun Eart, Moon





  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    2! he picture below shows a crater.

    %ow is this crater formed on the Garth5s surface?

    A he mo"ement of a layer of the Garth.

    B A star hit the surface of the Garth.

    C A meteor hit the surface of the Garth.

    D he rotation of the Garth around the +un.

    2" Which of the following is the same for planets and asteroids?

    A +i=e B +hape

    C 2irection of rotation D he features of the surface

    2# Which of the following planets ta,es the shortest time to rotate around the +un?

    A 6ercury B Garth

    C 6ars D Hupiter

    2$ he information below refers to a planet in the +olar +ystem.

    N %as the biggest orbit

    N he smallest planet

    Which of the following are also the features of the planet mentioned abo"e?

    ' he furthest planet from the +un.'' he coldest planet.

    ''' he nearest planet to the +un.

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    3% he figure below shows the orbit of planet / in the +olar +ystem.&lanet / is

    A 6ars. B Mranus.

    C &luto. D Hupiter.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    SECTION B [80 marks] Time: 3% minutesAnswer all the questions.

    Write your answers in the spaces provided.

    1 he following table shows the time ta,en by some planets to finish its cycle in the +olar


    .lanet T,e time o t,e c'cle

    6ercury days

    Garth 3D> days

    Hupiter C33@ days

    &luto F0 DDD days

    9a: Why is planet &luto ta,es the longest time?


    [; mark]

    9b: Which planet is the nearest to the +un?


    [; mark]

    9c: Which planet has different orbit from other planets?


    [; mark]

    9d: he planets are not colliding with each other. Why?



    [; mark]

    2 he figure below shows planets in the +olar +ystem.

    9a: $ame each planet in the +olar +ystem.

    & metres C.> metres 8 metres

    9a: What can you obser"e from this acti"ity?


    [; mark]9b: What is the reason for your answer in 9a:?



    [; mark]

    9c: Hamie cannot see obEects which are "ery far away. $ame a de"ice that can help him to see


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A



    [; mark]

    9d: 'n this e!perimenti. what must be changed?

    _____________________________________________________________________ii. what must be measured?


    iii. what must be ,ept the same?


    [3 marks]

    3 he pictures below show some de"ices used in air transport.

    9a: Which was the first de"ice used by humans to fly?


    [; mark]

    9b: %ow did the in"entor of the first aeroplane get the idea to inno"ate the 4lyer?

    ________________________________________________________________________ [; mark]

    9c: 1ased on the pictures abo"e) arrange the de"ices according to the de"elopment of

    technology in air transport.


    [; mark]9d: +tate t-obenefits can we get from the de"elopment of technology in air transport.




    [8 marks]

    4 he following figure shows the de"elopment of technology in construction.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    9a: i. $ame the in"ention in"ol"ed in the figure abo"e.


    ii. What is the purpose of the material mentioned in 9a:i?


    [8 marks]

    9b: +tate t-o differences between li"ing in a ca"e and li"ing in a flat.




    [8 marks]

    9c: What is the relationship between the materials used in building a flat and the strength ofthe flat?



    [; mark]

    9d: i"e one disad"antage of this technology to man,ind.


    [; mark]

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Name:____________________ Class :___________________ Date :_______

    SECTION A [30 marks] Time: 45 minutes

    Answer all the questions.

    Instruction:Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct


    1 he picture below shows the condition of a nati"e of a certain country.

    Which basic need is hard to find in the country?

    A 4ood B Water

    C Air D +helter

    2 he diagram below shows the apparatus set up by a pupil.

    Why does the hamster die after a few days?

    A 't does not ha"e a partner.

    B 't does not ha"e air.

    C 't does not ha"e sunlight.D he food is not enough.

    3 A person who stays in a cold room for some time will

    A secrete sweat.

    B feel numb.

    C ha"e a lower body temperature.

    D shi"er.


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    4 he picture below shows a type of plant.

    What are the basic needs of the plant?

    ' 4ood

    '' Water

    ''' Air

    '( +unlight

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D '' and '( only

    5 he figure below shows the passage of air during breathing.

    &art / is the

    A nostril. B mouth.C lung. D windpipe.

    ! What will happen if humans do not reproduce?

    A %umans will e"entually become e!tinct.

    B he number of humans will increase.

    C +ocial problems will increase.

    D he uality of life of humans will impro"e.

    " he following figure shows a pair of e!cretory organs in a human.

    What waste product is produced by the organs?

    A Mrine B #arbon dio!ide

    C Water "apour D +weat

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    # Which of the following are the e!cretory organs of a human?

    ' %eart

    '' Iungs

    ''' +,in

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    $ Which of the following habits are harmful to health?

    ' ''

    ''' '(

    A ' and ''' only B '' and '( only

    C ') ''' and '( only D '') ''' and '( only

    1% Which of the following are effects of smo,ing?

    ' he lungs of the smo,er dar,en.

    '' he mouth of the smo,er becomes smelly.''' he smo,er becomes intelligent.

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    11 Which of the following can cause accident?

    ' A healthy dri"er.'' A dri"er high on drugs.

    ''' A drun,en dri"er.

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    12 he following picture shows a poster.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    What does the poster discourage?

    A 2rin,Kdri"ing B a,ing drugs

    C +mo,ing D +tarting a fire

    13 he picture below shows an animal.

    Which of the following waste products are e!creted by the animal?

    ' *!ygen

    '' +weat

    ''' Mrine'( 4aeces

    A ' and '' only B ' and '( only

    C '' and ''' only D '' and '( only

    14 he picture below shows an animal.

    What are the respiratory organs of the animal?

    ' ills

    '' 6oist s,in

    ''' Iungs

    '( racheal system

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D '' and '( only

    15 %ow does the animal shown in the picture below reproduce?

    A 1y laying eggs B 1y gi"ing birth

    C hrough spore formation D hrough seeds

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    1! he following diagram shows the apparatus set up by a pupil.

    After se"eral days) the roots mo"e in the direction of

    A &. B -.

    C . D +.

    1" Which of the following is the correct seuence in the life cycle of a butterfly?

    A Adult lar"a eggpupa

    B Ggg lar"apupa adult

    C Iar"a eggpupa adult

    D &upa lar"a adult egg

    1# Which of the following classifications of plants is true?

    .rouces sores .rouces sees

    A +horea 6ushroom

    B Water lettuce 1ryophyllum

    C 1anana plant apioca plant

    D 4ern #orn

    1$ he picture below shows an animal.

    %ow does the animal protect itself?

    A 't stings its enemies.

    B 't bites its enemies.

    C 't mo"es away from its enemies.

    D 't changes its s,in colour to loo, li,e part of its surroundings.

    2% What is the specific characteristic of the animal below which enables it to li"e in the


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    A 'ts s,in is loose and folded.

    B 't has humps.

    C 't has thin fur.

    D 't has strong legs.

    21 What is the specific characteristic of the plant shown below which can protect the plant

    from enemies?

    A he plant secretes late!.

    B he plants secretes poison.

    C he plant has thorns.

    D he plant secretes a liuid that causes itchiness.

    22 Which are the specific characteristics of the plant below which help the plant li"e in the


    ' hic, stem'' #urly lea"es

    ''' Iong fibrous roots

    '( +hort fibrous roots

    A ' and ''' only B '' and ''' only

    C ') ''' and '( only D ') '') ''' and '(

    23 he length of the paper clip as shown below is

    A ; cm. B 8 cm.

    C 3 cm. D C cm.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    24 he following figure shows two groups of units that are used for measuring length.

    What are other e!amples of units which can be placed in the groups & and -?

    . 9

    A Jengkal ram

    B ilogram 6etre

    C apak ram

    D Jengkal 6etre

    25 What is the area of the shaded part in the figure below if the area of each suare is C cm 8?

    A 33 cm8 B C0 cm8

    C CC cm8 D >> cm8

    2! he area of the suare shown below is ;D cm8.

    What is the length of the side mar,ed m?

    A C cm B > cm

    C D cm D @ cm

    Units o len(t,


    Arm span9


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    What is the "olume of a coin?

    A 8 cm3 B 3 cm3

    C > cm3 D D cm3

    3% he four processes shown below occur repeatedly.

    ' ''

    ''' '(

    Which of the processes can be used for measuring time?

    A ' and '' only

    B '' and ''' only

    C ') '' and ''' only

    D ') '') ''' and '(

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    9a: $ame the parts labelled &) - and .

    i. &< _________________________________________________________________

    ii. -< ________________________________________________________________

    iii. < ________________________________________________________________

    [3 marks]9b: What are the waste products eliminated from the body during e!halation?

    _____________________________________________________________________[; mark]

    9c: What is the gas that enters the lungs during inhalation?


    [; mark]

    3 he diagram below shows a plant which is planted in a basin. egion W is watered e"ery


    9a: 2raw a diagram in the space below to show the condition of the plant after se"eral


    [8 marks]

    9b: What conclusion can you ma,e from the e!periment?


    [; mark]

    9c: A potted plant is turned sideways as shown in the diagram below.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    i. What will happen to the roots and shoot after a wee,?


    [; mark]

    ii. What can you learn from the e!periment?

    ___________________________________________________________________[; mark]

    4 he picture below shows a table. Abu measures the length of the table by using the cubit

    and a pencil.

    he following table shows the results he obtained.

    Measurin( tool T,e len(t, o t,e ta+le

    &encil F

    #ubit 3

    9a: 'n this e!perimenti. what must be changed?


    ii. what must be measured?


    [8 marks]

    9b: hen) Abu compares his answers with the answers of his friends. Are the readings that

    are obtained by using both measuring tools the same?


    [; mark]

    9c: What is your reason?

    _____________________________________________________________________[; mark]

    9d: What can you learn from this e!periment?


    [; mark]

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    SE> >EB &UBO> .USIN)

    .E.E8I>SAAN A>?I8 TA?UN


    Nama : @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    Ba,a(ian Mar0a,

    1ahagian A

    1ahagian 1



    Instruction:Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the

    correct answer.Arahan! "etiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan #awapan, A, $, C dan %. &ilih #awapan

    yang betul.

    1 Which of the following are the basic needs of plants?

    Antara berikut adalah keperluan asas tumbuhan'

    ' +unlight O matahari '' Water O air''' +helter O tempat tinggal '( 4ood O makanan

    A ' and '' only

    B ') '' and ''' only

    C '') ''' and '( only

    D ') '') ''' and '(

    2 he diagram below shows an e!periment conducted on a plant.

    (a#ah di bawah menun#ukkan satu eksperimen yang di#alankan ke atas tumbuhan.




    ;0 hari

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    What does the e!periment show?

    Apakah yang dapat ditun#ukkan eksperimen'

    A &lants need air O tumbuhan memerlukan udara

    B &lants need water O tumbuhan memerlukan air

    C &lants need shelter O tumbuhan memerlu,an tempat tinggalD &lants need sunlight O tumbuhan memerlu,an cahaya matahari

    3 he following picture shows the parts of animal &) labelled as A) B) C and D. Whichis the part that is the breathing structure for animal &?

    )ambar berikut menun#ukkan bahagian haiwan &, yang dilabel sebagaiA, B, CdanD.*anakah bahagian yang merupakan struktur pernafasan bagi haiwan &'

    4 Which of the following animals reproduce in the same way as humans?

    *anakah haiwan berikut yang sama cara pembiakan dengan manusia'

    A Ii=ard O cicak

    B +uirrel O tupai

    C 1ird O burung

    D 4ish O ikan

    5 Which of the following shows the correct standard unit for length) "olume and mass?

    *anakah berikut yang betul unit piawai bagi pan#ang, isipadu dan #isim'

    &en(t,Panjang olumeIsipadu MassJisim

    A 6illilitre ilogram #entimetre

    B #entimetre 6illilitre ilogram

    C ilogram #entimetre 6illilitre

    D #entimetre ilogram 6illilitre

    ! he picture below shows Ba,i breathing in air / and e!pelling air 7 out.)ambar dibawah menun#ukkan +aki sedang menarik nafas dan menghembus nafas

    keluar -

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    o stay healthy) humans and animals must

    get rid their waste materials and undigested

    food from the bodies.

    ntuk kekal sihat, manusia

    dan haiwan perlu membuang bahan buangan dan

    makanan yang tidak dicerna daripada badan.

    Which of the following statements are true about air / and air 7?

    *anakah pernyataan berikut $enar tentang udara dan udara -'

    ' Air / contains more o!ygen. O dara mengandungi lebih oksigen.

    '' Air 7 contains less o!ygen. O dara - mengandungi kurang oksigen.

    ''' Air / contains more carbon dio!ide. O dara mengandungi lebih karbon

    dioksida'( Air 7 contains less carbon dio!ide. O dara mengandungi kurang karbon


    A ' and '' only

    B ''' and '( only

    C '') ''' and '( only

    D ') '') ''' and '(

    " he statement below refers to the life processes carried out by humans and animals.&ernyataan dibawah menerangkan proses hidup yang di#alankan oleh manusia dan


    %umans and animals do the abo"e through the process of*anusia dan haiwan men#alankan proses diatas melalui//.

    ' e!cretion. Operkumuhan'' defecation. Openyahtin#aan

    ''' reproduction. Opembiakan

    A ' and '' only

    B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only

    D ') '' and '''

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    & L &ulse O denyutan nadi- L Arm span O depa

    L Water dripping O titisan air+ L +winging of a pendulum O ayunan bandul

    # he following can be used for measuring.

    &ernyataan tersebut boleh digunakan dalam pengukuran.

    Which can be used to measure time?

    *anakah dapat digunakan bagi mengukur masa'

    A & and - only

    B - and + only

    C &) and + only

    D &) -) and +

    $ he following diagram shows an e!periment of the growth of the parts of a seedling.

    )ambara#ah menun#ukkan eksperimen pertumbuhan pada bahagian bi#i benih.

    What will be obser"ed after a few days?Apakah yang dapat diperhatikan selepas beberapa hari'

    A B

    C D

    apas lembapA,ar


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    1% Which of the following characteristics help a camel to sur"i"e in desert?

    *anakah ciri berikut dapat membantu unta hidup di kawasan gurun'

    ' %as thin fur O berbulu nipis

    '' %as thic, layer of fat O mempunyai lapisan lemak yang tebal

    ''' %as a hump to store food and water O bonggol bagi menyimpan lemak

    A ' and '' only B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only D ') '' and '''

    11 Which of the following shows the correct eye position when ta,ing the reading of the

    "olume of a liuid in a measuring cylinder?

    *anakah yang berikut adalah benar tentang kedudukan mata semasa mengambilbacaan pada silinder penyukat'

    A B

    C D

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    eusing Oguna semulaeducing O0urangkan

    ecycling O kitar semula

    12 he following figure shows the length and width of a card and a ; cm8 suare plastic

    chip labelled &. +e"eral suares of & are arranged to co"er the surface of the card)

    completely.(a#ah berikut menun#ukkan pan#ang dan lebar bagi sekeping kad dan kad plastik

    yang berukuran 1cm2 persegi yang dilabel &. $erapa banyak segiempat & disusun

    untuk memenuhi permukaan kad itu'

    $ilangan segiempat & diperlukan ialah ...

    A @. B ;8.

    C ;C. D 80.

    13 he list below are ways to sa"e materials.

    "enarai dibawah adalah cara men#imatkan penggunaan bahan.

    Why is there a need to sa"e materials?

    *engapa perlu dalam men#imatkan bahan'

    A 6aterials are e!pensi"e. O bahan adalah mahal

    B 6aterials will be used up. O bahan akan digunakan sepenuhnya

    C 6aterials are difficult to get. O bahan sukar dicari

    D 6aterials can be used to ma,e obEects. O $ahan boleh digunakan untuk membuatob#ek

    14 Which of the following comparisons between a steel spoon and a cor, are true?Antara perbandingan beri,ut adalah benar antara sudu besi dan gabus?

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Steel soon suu +esi Cor0 )a+us

    I 6ade of metal O%iperbuat daripada


    6ade of wood O diperbuat daripada


    II +in,s in water O enggelam dalam air 4loats on water O terapung di atas air

    III ood conductor of heat O 0onduktor

    haba yang baik

    ood insulator of heat Openebat haba

    yang baik

    I Absorbs water O*enyerap air 2oes not absorb water O idak

    menyerap air

    A ' and '( only

    B ') '' and ''' only

    C '') ''' and '( only

    D ') '') ''' and '(

    15 Which of the following can ,eep the water hot for the longest period of time?Antara berikut yang manakah boleh menyimpan air panas untuk tempoh yang

    paling lama'

    A B

    C D








  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    L 4lower pot Opasu bunga

    + L Wooden ruler Opembaris kayu

    L racing paper O kertas surihM L ransparency sheet O kertas transparen

    1! 1elow are obEects ) +) and M) which are made of different materials.

    $erikut adalah ob#ek (, ", dan , yang diperbuat daripada bahan3bahan yang


    Which of the following shows the correct classification of the obEects abo"e?Antara berikut yang manakah yang menun#ukkan pengelasan yang betul bagi ob#ek

    di atas'

    Transarent material

    Bahan lutsinar

    Translucent material

    Bahan lut cahaya

    Oaue material

    Bahan legap

    A + and M

    B + and M

    C M and +D and M +

    1" he picture below shows the use of an obEect made of materials & and -.)ambar di bawah menun#ukkan penggunaan ob#ek yang diperbuat daripada bahan3

    bahan & dan 4.

    Which of the following are the properties of materials & and -?

    Antara berikut adalah sifat bahan & dan 4'

    ' & is soft. O& adalah lembut

    '' & does not absorb water. Op tidak menyerap air''' - is transparent. O 4 adalah lutsinar

    '( - is hard and strong. O 4 adalah keras dan kuat

    A ' and ''' only

    B ') '' and '( only

    C '') ''' and '( only

    D ') '') ''' and '(

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    L &lastic comb Osikat plastikI L owel O tuala

    6 L Graser Opemadam

    $ L &lastic bottle O botol plastik

    1# What can you do to pre"ent an iron rod from rusting?

    Apa yang anda boleh lakukan untuk mengelakkan batang besi daripada berkarat'

    ' &aint the rod. O Cat rod.

    '' Apply grease on the surface of the rod. O "apukan gris pada permukaan rod

    ''' Wrap the rod with moist paper. O$alut rod dengan kertas lembap

    A ' and '' only

    B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only

    D ') '' and '''

    1$ he information below shows four obEects.*aklumat di bawah menun#ukkan empat ob#ek.

    What are the obEects made from natural materials?

    Apakah ob#ek yang diperbuat daripada bahan semula #adi'

    A I and 6 only

    B I and $ only

    C ) 6 and $ only

    D ) I) 6 and $

    2% Which of the following nails will turn rusty after a wee,?Antara paku berikut yang berkarat selepas seminggu'

    A B

    C D















  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    +aturn) 6ercury) $eptune) Garth

    5uhal, tarid, 6eptune, $umi

    N 't is a member of the +olar +ystem. O7a adalah ahli "istem "uriaN 't consists of roc, and metal. O7a terdiri daripada batuan dan logam

    N 't can be found between the planet 6ars and the planet Hupiter. O 7aboleh didapati di antara planet *arikh dan planet *usytari

    21 Which of the following is not a member of the +olar +ystem?

    Antara berikut yang manakah bukan ahli "istem "uria'

    A +tars O bintang

    B 6eteors O meteor

    C he +un O matahariD he 6oon O bulan

    22 he list below shows some of the planets in the +olar +ystem."enarai di bawah menun#ukkan sebahagian daripada planet3planet di dalam "istem


    Which of the following shows the arrangement of the positions of the planets from

    the nearest to the furthest from the +un?Antara berikut yang manakah menun#ukkan susunan kedudukan planet dari yang

    paling hampir dengan paling #auh dari *atahari'

    A +aturn) $eptune) Garth) 6ercury

    B Garth) 6ercury) $eptune) +aturn

    C $eptune) +aturn) 6ercury) Garth

    D 6ercury) Garth) +aturn) $eptune

    23 An obEect has the following characteristics."ebuah ob#ek mempunyai ciri3ciri berikut

    What is the obEect?

    Apakah ob#ek tersebut'

    A A comet O komet

    B An asteroid OAsteroid

    C A meteoroid O*eteoroid

    D A natural satellite O "atelit "emula#adi

    24 he figure below shows an obEect 7 mo"ing around another obEect / in the +olar+ystem.

    (a#ah di bawah menun#ukkan satu ob#ek - bergerak mengelilingi ob#ek dalam

    "istem "uria.

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    A sago seed O bi#i sagu

    A marble Oguli

    A bas,et ball O bola

    What are obEects / and 7?

    Apakah ob#ek dan - '

    O+ect 6 O+ect 7

    A A planet Oplanet A comet O komet

    B he +un O matahari A planet Oplanet

    C he 6oon O bulan he +un O matahari

    D he +un O matahari A meteor O meteor

    25 he following obEects can be used to compare the si=es of the 6oon) the +un and the

    Garth.8b#ek berikut boleh digunakan untuk membandingkan sai+ $ulan, *atahari dan


    Which obEects represent the si=es of the 6oon) the +un and the Garth correctl'?

    8b#ek yang mewakili sai+ $ulan, *atahari dan $umi dengan betul'

    T,e Moon T,e Sun T,e Eart,

    A A sago seed A bas,et ball A marbleB A sago seed A marble A bas,et ball

    C A marble A bas,et ball A sago seed

    D A bas,et ball A sago seed A marble

    2! 'n an in"estigation) a doctor wants to identify the germs that cause a dangerousdisease to humans. Which of the following de"ices will help him to do so?

    %alam penyiasatan, doktor ingin mengenal pasti kuman yang menyebabkan penyakit

    yang berbahaya kepada manusia. Antara peralatan berikut akan membantu beliauuntuk berbuat demikian'

    A A camera O kameraB A microscope O mikroskop

    C A microphone O mikrofon

    D A stethoscope Ostetoskop

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    2" he figure below shows the position of the Garth from the +un.

    (a#ah di bawah menun#ukkan kedudukan $umi dari *atahari.

    What will happen if the Garth is placed at position &?

    Apa yang akan berlaku #ika $umi itu diletakkan pada kedudukan &'

    ' he Garth will stop mo"ing around the +un. O$umi akan berhenti bergerak

    mengelilingi matahari.'' he Garth will become "ery hot. O$umi akan men#adi sangat panas

    ''' All li"ing things will die. O "emua benda hidup akan mati

    A ' and '' only

    B ' and ''' only

    C '' and ''' only

    D ') '' and '''

    2# echnology can be harmful to man,ind if

    eknologi boleh membahayakan kepada manusia #ika ...

    A it is de"eloped to benefit humans. O ia dibangun,an untu, memberi manfaat

    ,epada manusia.

    B it is used wisely. O ia digunakan dengan bi#ak.

    C it is used for war. O ia digunakan untuk peperangan

    D it is used to in"ent too many other de"ices. O ia digunakan untuk mencipta terlalu

    banyak peranti lain.

    2$ he following picture shows the instruments used in the de"elopment in the fields of

    communication)ambar berikut menun#ukkan instrumen yang digunakan dalam pembangunan dalam

    bidang komunikasi.


  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    Which of the following shows the de"elopment of technology from the past to the


    Antara berikut yang manakah menun#ukkan perkembangan teknologi dari masa laluhingga kini'

    A / P7 PQB PW B / PW PQB P7

    C 7 PQB PQ/ PW D B PQ/ PW P7

    3% Which of the following statements are true about a tele"ision and a computer?

    Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar tentang televisyen dan komputer'

    ' 1oth can be used for storing data O0edua3dua boleh digunakan untuk menyimpan


    '' 1oth can be used for entertainment O0edua3dua boleh digunakan untuk hiburan''' 1oth can be used for transportation O0edua3dua boleh digunakan untuk

    pengangkutan'( 1oth can be used for communication O0edua3dua boleh digunakan untuk


    A ' and ''' only B '' and '( only

    C ') '' and '( only D '') ''' and '( only

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A




    SECTION B [80 marks] Time: 3% minutesAnswer all the questions.

    Write your answers in the spaces provided.9Jawab semua soalan pada ruang #awapan yang disediakan.

    1 A group of pupils carried out three e!periments on balsam plants as shown in thediagram.

    "ekumpulan murid men#alankan tiga eksperimen pada pokok keembung

    seperti yang ditun#ukkan dalam ra#ah.

    E;eriment 1 E;eriment 2 E;eriment 3

    he following table shows the results recorded after a wee,.Jadual berikut menun#ukkan keputusan direkodkan selepas seminggu.

    E;eriment 8esults 0eutusan

    .lant A .lant B

    ; Ali"e O hidup 2ied O mati

    8 Ali"e O hidup 2ied O mati

    3 Ali"e O hidup 2ied O mati

    9a: What do they want to find out from these e!periments?

    Apa tu#uan eksperimen ini'


    [; mark]9b: +tate the reasons why plant 1 died in e!periments ;) 8 and 3.

    *enyatakan sebab3sebab mengapa tumbuhan $ mati dalam eksperimen

    1, 2 dan :.

    i. G!periment ;< ,erana tumbuhan tida, mendapat_______________

    [; mark]

    ii. G!periment 8< ,erana tumbuhan tida, mendapat_______________

    disiram disiram

    ida, disiramdisiramdisiram

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    [; mark]

    iii. G!periment 3< ,erana tumbuhan tida, mendapat_______________

    [; mark]

    9c: What can the pupils learn from these e!periments?Apakah kesimpulan ekperimen ini'

    umbuhan memerlu,an__________)__________dan__________ untu, hidup. [; mark]

    2 Amin carried out an in"estigation using a pendulum. he bar chart below shows the

    result of the in"estigation.Amin men#alankan satu penyiasatan menggunakan bandul. Carta bar di bawah

    menun#ukkan keputusan penyiasatan.

    9a: What is the trend in the number of pendulum swings as the length increases?Apakah corak dalam bilangan buaian bandul kerana kenaikan pan#ang'


    [; mark]9b: +tate

    i. what must be changed O &6 < _______________________________________

    [; mark]

    ii. what must be obser"ed O &1< _______________________________________ [; mark]

    9c: +tate one hypothesis for the in"estigation.

    6yatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen tersebut.


    [; mark]

    9d: &redict the number of pendulum swings if the length of pendulum string is D0 cm.

    amal,an Eumlah ayunan bandul Ei,a panEang bandul D0cm.

    1ilangan ayunan

    bandul dalam 30 saat

    &anEang 1andul 9cm:



  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A



    [; mark]

    3 he diagram below shows an in"estigation using three si=es of cloth immersed in

    water.(a#ah di bawah menun#ukkan satu penyiasatan menggunakan tiga sai+ kain yang

    direndam di dalam air.

    'nstructions O arahan0 ml of water. O 7si tiga bikar yang berbe+a

    dengan 2;< ml air.

    8. 'mmerse the pieces of cloth &) - and of different si=es partially in the water. 9&)

    - and are of the same material:. O enggelamkan keping kain &, 4 dan ( yangberlainan sai+ sebahagiannya di dalam air. =&, 4 dan ( ialah bahan yang sama>.


    3. After ;0 minutes) lift the pieces of cloth from the water. O "elepas 1< minit,angkat keping kain dari air.

    C. 6easure the "olume of water left in each bea,er. O "ukat #umlah air yang

    ditinggalkan di dalam setiap bikar.

    esult O ,eputusan 0 ml

    of water respecti"ely.

    N When material H is used) the "olume of water left is 8>0 ml.N When material is used) the "olume of water left is less than 8>0 ml.

    Penyiasatan diteruskan dengan menggunakan bahan J dan K. J dan Kdi tenggelam dalam 250 ml air. Apabila bahan J digunakan, jumlah air yang tinggal ialah 250 ml. Apabila bahan K digunakan, jumlah tinggal air adalah kurangdaripada 250 ml.


    [; mark]

    9b: 1ased on the in"estigation) state the following.i. What must be changed O apa,ah yang berubah O &6?


    [; mark]ii. What must be obser"ed O apa,ah yang di perhati,an O &1?


    [; mark]iii. What must be ,ept the same O apa,ah yang ditetap,an O +ama?


    [; mark]9c: 1ased on the results) state the relationship between 9b:i and 9b:ii.

    1erdasar,an ,eputusan) nyata,an hubungan antara 9b: i dan 9b: ii.



    [; mark]

    9d: i"e reasons for the results abo"e.

    $erikan sebab terhadap keputusan diatas


    _______________________________________________________________ [; mark]

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    4 he following figure shows the positions of three planets from the +un.(a#ah berikut menun#ukkan kedudukan tiga planet dari *atahari.

    he following table shows the period for one complete mo"ement of the planets

    around the +un.

    Hadual beri,ut menunEu,,an tempoh untu, satu gera,an leng,ap planet mengelilingimatahari.

    .lanet .erio or one comlete mo*ement


    #emp$h satu pergeraan yang lengap


    / 8

    7 ;8

    B C

    9a: #ompare the position of planet / and B to the +un.1anding,an ,edudu,an planet / dan B dengan 6atahari.

    ____________________________________________________________________ [; mark]

    9b: What is the relationship between the position of the planet and the period for one

    complete mo"ement of the planet round the +un?

    Apakah hubungan antara kedudukan planet dan tempoh untuk satu gerakanlengkap mengelilingi *atahari'

  • 8/12/2019 ScienceY4 Kit A


    &lanet / is hotter than planet 7.

    &lanet adalah planet yang lebih

    panas daripada -.


    [; mark]

    9c: &lanet + ta,es @D years to ma,e one complete round the +un. &redict the position

    of planet +.&lanet " mengambil masa ?@ tahun untuk membuat satu pusingan lengkap

    matahari. (amalkan kedudukan planet ".


    [; mark]

    9d: i"e a reason based on the statement abo"e.$erikan satu sebab berdasarkan kenyataan di atas.


    [; mark]
