Page 1: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

using visualisation to understand your dataMatt Biddulph

acquire parse filter mine represent refine interact

Page 2: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

acquire parse filter mine represent refine interact

Page 3: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

read: ben fry

Page 4: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

charts: Excel, gnuplot, etc

Page 5: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

charts: raphaël

Page 6: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data


Page 7: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

geo: google maps api

Page 8: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

graphs: gephi

Page 9: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

code: processing

Page 10: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

read: nathan yau

Page 11: Science Hackday: using visualisation to understand your data

thank you! questions?


Matt Biddulph | @mattb | [email protected]