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• 25 Questions – 4 star marked. Further ties will be resolved by sudden death.

• Top 6 teams go to the finals• Decision of Quiz Master is final• Questions cover very diverse fields of Science

& Technology

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• The Hughes Medal is awarded by the Royal Society of London "in recognition of an original discovery in the physical sciences, particularly electricity and magnetism or their applications".

• Only two Indians have received this medal. One of them is CV Raman, who is the other ?

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Dr. CNR Rao

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2.• A lengthy review by H. G. Wells was published in the

Times, who accused a certain movie of "foolishness, cliché, platitude, and muddlement about mechanical progress and progress in general." He faulted the movie for its premise that automation created drudgery rather than relieving it, wondered who was buying the machines' output if not the workers, and found parts of the story derivative of Shelley‘s Frankenstein, Karel Čapek's robot stories, and his own The Sleeper Awakes.

Wells called it "quite the silliest film.“• Which movie ?

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• This is a picture of the first escalator. • Where in London was it installed?

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4.• The national flower of Vietnam and Egypt gives

rise to the name of an effect, which is described as follows –

• Dirt particles are picked up by water droplets due to a complex micro- and nanoscopic architecture on the surface, which minimizes the droplet's adhesion to said surface.

• What is the name of the effect, also the name of the flower ?

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The Lotus Effect

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• If Leonard of Vinci was known to us as Leonardo Da Vinci , then Leonard of Pisa is known to us by what name ?

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• Depiction of ?

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Google Page Rank Algorithm

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• A French industrialist, Marcel changed his name from Bloch to Bloch-______ and, in 1949, to simply _______. _______ was the codename used by his brother, General Darius Paul Bloch, when he served in the French resistance, and is derived from the French word for "battle tank".


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• He was the French ambassador to Portugal.

• The name of which chemical is derived from his surname ?

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• The product gets its name from the first half of a Japanese word for "Friend," which also happens to rhyme with the Japanese word for "many”

• What is the purpose of this product and which company makes it?

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Paper Cutting, Victorinox

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• Richard Milner, an American historian of science, accuses which author as being the perpetrator of the Piltdown Man hoax of 1912, creating the counterfeit hominid fossil that fooled the scientific world for over 40 years ?

• Milner says that the author had a motive—namely, revenge on the scientific establishment for debunking one of his favourite psychics—and that one of his works contains several encrypted clues regarding his involvement in the hoax.

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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• Gas warfare in World War I was, in a sense, the war of the chemists, with X pitted against French Nobel laureate chemist Victor Grignard. Regarding war and peace, X once said, "During peace time a scientist belongs to the World, but during war time he belongs to his country."

• Identify X, known as the “father of Chemical Warfare”

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Fritz Haber

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12.• The China Syndrome is a 1979 American thriller

film that tells the story of a television reporter and her cameraman who discover safety cover-ups at a nuclear power plant.

• In one scene, physicist Dr. Elliott Lowell says that the China Syndrome would render "an area the size of Pennsylvania" permanently uninhabitable.

• Coincidentally, what happened in Pennsylvania 12 days later ?

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Three Mile Island accident

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• The observatories shown in the following slide are at a site, owned by the University of Hawaii. Which place are they located in?

• This place has a special geographic distinction, with which most of us are familiar.

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Mauna Kea

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14.• As a 22-year-old medical student at the University of Toronto, Charles Best

worked as an assistant to Dr. Frederick Banting. In the spring of 1921, Banting travelled to Toronto to visit J.J.R. Macleod, professor of physiology at the University of Toronto, and asked Macleod if he could use his laboratory. Macleod was initially sceptical, but eventually agreed before leaving on holiday for the summer. Before leaving for Scotland he supplied Banting with ten dogs for experiment and two medical students, Charles Best and Clark Noble, as lab assistants.

• Since Banting only required one assistant, Best and Noble flipped a coin to see which would assist Banting first. Best won and took the first shift. Loss of the coin toss proved unfortunate for Noble, given that Banting decided to keep Best for the entire summer and eventually shared half of his Nobel Prize money and a large part of the credit for the discovery of ______. Had Noble won the toss his career might have taken a different path.


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*15.• What device was used in 2013 by the Vatican to

shield the Sistine Chapel from electronic eavesdropping during the secret papal conclave to elect the next pope ?

• #kolstylz

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Faraday Cage/Shield

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• Still from ‘The Imitation Game’. ID the character Mr. Cumberbatch is portraying.

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Alan Turing

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• What is the subject of a photograph called ‘The Blue Marble’ ?

• This photograph was taken on December 7, 1972 and is the most widely circulated photograph of the subject in question.

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The Earth !

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• George Vernon Hudson, known for his astronomy/entomology work, had a shift-work job, which gave him very few hours of leisure time at the end of the day to collect insects. This led to him presenting a paper to the Wellington Philosophical Society in 1895 to proposing something, which has been used in Independent India only three times, in 1962 during the Sino-Indian War, in 1965 & 1971 during the Indo-Pak War.“

• What did Mr. Hudson propose ?

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Daylight Saving Time

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• This town was the seat of the Chandravanshi Tomar Rajputs who claim descent from Arjuna through Janmejaya. Its ruler King Ajmal Tomar was a descendent of Anangpal Tomar who settled Delhi (Lal Kot) and constructed the Iron Pillar at Mehrauli. Later became the seat of the Champawat Rathores, who constructed the Balagarh fort in the 14th century.

• Which town, whose name means “The place of five mirages” ?

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*20.• In his paper titled "Extraordinary facts relating to

the vision of colours“ which scientist wrote “that part of the image which others call red appears to me little more than a shade or defect of light. After that the orange, yellow and green seem one colour which descends pretty uniformly from an intense to a rare yellow, making what I should call different shades of yellow”

• He suffered from a rare type of colour blindness known as Deuteranopia. The disorder has been given a common name in his honour.

• Which scientist am I talking about, who is famous for his work in a completely different field ?

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John Dalton

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• With eminent doctors like Dr. Rajan Bhonsle and Dr. Prakash Kothari in the faculty, KEM Hospital in Mumbai is the only hospital in the country to have a department dedicated to a particular branch of medicine.

• Which one?

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Sexual Medicine/Sexology

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• Ahmet Üzümcü , a Turkish diplomat is the director-general of which organisation ?

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Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons – Winner of Nobel Peace Prize 2013

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• A Syllabus of Plane Algebraic Geometry (1860)• The Fifth Book of Euclid Treated Algebraically (1858 and 1868)• An Elementary Treatise on Determinants, With Their Application to

Simultaneous Linear Equations and Algebraic Equations• Symbolic Logic Part I• Symbolic Logic Part II (published posthumously)• The Alphabet Cipher (1868)• The Game of Logic (1887)• Curiosa Mathematica I (1888)• Curiosa Mathematica II (1892)

Works by which “mathematician” ?

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Lewis Carrol

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• Which organization has formulated this drink ?

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25.• Lateral epicondylitis is a condition in which the outer

part of the Y becomes sore and tender• Most of the names for this disease are misnomers: X

Y is a misnomer because most people that get this disease don't have anything to do with X and lateral epicondylitis is a misnomer because the patho -physiology does not involve inflammation (it is an -osis, not an -itis).

• XY ?

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Tennis Elbow#srtforever