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Page 14: Schooloftrade day trading newsletter 06 03 14 Day Trading Newsletter 06-03-14

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“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say” — Ralph Waldo Emerson”


Today’s Newsletter:

Last Night: Short-selling on Mini-Russell for easy profit!

Markets Today: Crude Oil and Gold sideways, Mini-Russell pushes


News for Tomorrow: Red-Star News in Asia, London, and into the


Trading Opportunities: Selling Crude Oil, Gold, and Mini-Russell


The Markets Today:

Crude Oil:

Crude Oil traded sideways today, inside the range from Monday, and between the

prior week’s lows and closing-price.

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We can tell that Crude Oil is waiting on ‘something’ later this week, and we have

some important news tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday to get the fireworks

started on the Crude Oil Futures market.

Keep an eye on the prior-week’s OPEN at 104.12 if the sellers fail later this week,

we have a big wide-open-space above us if these buyers can ‘catch a bid’.

Make sure you register for our Nightly-Newsletter on our website so you don’t

miss these winning trading opportunities next time!



Gold continues to wait on Thursday’s news announcement from the ECB, and

today we had another day of a narrow trading-range and sideways market-


We know what Gold is waiting for, so we will stay patient for trading

opportunities to sell short later this week.

Make sure you check out the charts at the bottom of this newsletter for our day

trading strategy on Gold for Wednesday.

Don’t forget to register for our Nightly-Newsletter so you never miss another

trading opportunity again!


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The Mini-Russell was the big-mover today in the US session, pushing lower and

getting us PAID in our Live Trade Room.

The Mini-Russell had lower-lows and lower-highs today, although the volume was

‘balanced’ we know that the sellers have control at this time so we are focused on

selling opportunities into Wednesday.

Trade Called Last Night:

Last night on our newsletter we advised selling short on the Mini-Russell at

1131.9 with a profit-target down at 1115.3, and we did exactly that today in our

Live Trade Room and made some incredible profit!

Did you register for the Nightly-Newsletter on our website? Make sure you

register so you never miss another newsletter or winning opportunity again!


News Tomorrow:

We have a TON of Red-Star News on the schedule for Wednesday, but we don’t

have to wait very long because we have important news being released in Asia

tonight starting at 9:30pm EST!

Asian Trading Session: We have news from Australia and Japan this evening at

9:30pm and 9:35pm EST. Both of these are considered ‘Red-Star News’ so we

expect to see a good reaction in the price-action.

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London trading session: We have a TON of Red-Star News in the London

trading session on Wednesday, starting at 3:50am from all the big players in the

EU. This news will take us into the US morning session.

US Morning Session: We have important Trade-Balance News at 8:30am EST,

and then we move into Crude Oil Inventories later in the session at 10:30am EST.

With Crude Oil Inventories we need to remember to stay patient tomorrow if

you’re trading Crude Oil before the news is released.

US Afternoon Session: We have the Beige Book tomorrow after at 2:00pm

EST, which tells us that the lunch session will be pushed ahead buying

opportunities 30-minutes so traders can go to lunch early and come back to trade

the reaction to the report at 2:00pm EST.

8:15am EST: ADP Employment Report

8:30am EST: International Trade & Productivity Costs

10:00am EST: ISM Non-Manufacturing Index

10:30am EST: Crude Oil Inventories

2:00pm EST: Beige Book

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Day Trading Opportunities for Tomorrow:

Crude Oil:

Crude Oil is pushing lower on our 32-anchor chart, so we are focused on selling

opportunities as we go into Wednesday.

We are looking for selling opportunities at the zones above us; 103.11,

103.24, 103.30 and 103.58. Our profit-target for the selling will be

101.87 and 101.44.

Our day trading plan for Crude Oil tomorrow has three (3) scenarios:

Higher: if we push higher, we are looking to sell short at the sell-zones

defined on our 32-anchor chart. Our profit-target is below us at 101.87 and


Sideways: If we trade sideways tomorrow we will mark the highs and the

lows of the range and then wait patiently to buy the lows and sell the highs of

the range.

Lower: If Crude Oil pushes lower without testing the 103.11 sell-zone

overhead we will then look for selling opportunities using our ‘wave-pattern

short’ and look for a profit-target down at 101.87 and 101.44.

Short-Term Trading & Scalping:

Please join us tomorrow in our Live Trade Room for short-term trades called with

exact entry and exit information.

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Gold has been trading in a narrow range for the last few days, but we can see

lower-lows and lower-highs so we are definitely bearish and looking for selling

opportunities this evening and into Wednesday.

Our day trading plan for Gold is to sell short at the sell-zones

overhead; 1249.6, 1250.7, 1250.9 and 1253.4 with a profit-target

down at 1239.9 and 1236.9.

Our day trading plan for Gold tomorrow has three (3) scenarios:

Higher: if Gold pushes higher we are going to sell short at the sell-zones

above us at 1249.6 and 1250.7 with a profit-target down at 1239.9.

Sideways: If we trade sideways tomorrow we will mark the highs and the

lows of the range and then wait patiently to buy the lows and sell the highs of

the range.

Lower: if Gold pushes lower without testing the overhead resistance level at

1249.6 we will look for new lower-lows and sell short using our ‘wave-pattern

short’ with a profit-target down at 1239.9 and 1236.9.

Short-Term Trading & Scalping:

Please join us tomorrow in our Live Trade Room for short-term trades called with

exact entry and exit information.


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Mini-Russell :

Mini-Russell is also pushing lower on our 32-anchor chart this evening. We can

see lower-lows and lower-highs on the way down to some major support levels

below us so we are focused on selling-short with this trend.

Our day trading plan on the Mini-Russell is to sell short at the highs of

the bearish price channel, along with the sell-zones at 1130.6, 1134.0,

1139.0 and 1141.9. We have a profit-target down at 1115.3 and


Our day trading plan for Mini-Russell tomorrow has three (3) scenarios:

Higher: if price pushes higher we are going to sell short at the highs of this

price channel, as well as the sell-zones at 1130.6, 1134.0, 1139.0 and 1141.9.

We have a profit-target down at 1115.3 and 1112.0.

Sideways: If we trade sideways tomorrow we will mark the highs and the

lows of the range and then wait patiently to buy the lows and sell the highs of

the range.

Lower: if Mini-Russell moves lower without testing the 1130.6 resistance we

have the ‘green light’ to sell short using our ‘wave-pattern short’ with a profit-

target down at 1115.3 and 1112.0.

Short-Term Trading & Scalping:

Please join us tomorrow in our Live Trade Room for short-term trades called with

exact entry and exit information.

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