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SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANNissitissit Middle SchoolPepperell, Massachusetts


Shawna PrevostVicki DomingsJoanne Davolio

Sue BoswellKirsty Benson

Kim BurnsLaurie Masiello

Heather ZacharakisDiane Gleason, Principal

Lauren Young, Assistant Principal

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Part I: School Profile

The Nissitissit Middle School opened its doors for an 11th year to 611 children and staff. This beautiful facility, constructed on a 22 acre site, is designed to serve the middle school age population of Pepperell. Students in grades 5-8 will experience a state of the art facility which has the capacity to serve nearly 800 children. The school has a 504 seat auditorium with a full stage that is equipped for professional productions.

The mission of Nissitissit Middle School is to recognize the unique needs of the middle school student while providing a safe and respectful learning environment that inspires the students to exhibit the core values of CLICK: Courage, Leadership, Integrity, Curiosity, and Kindness. The Nissitissit Middle School core values are direct, powerful, and simple. These core values are intended to carry improvement objectives into the future. The core values can be integrated into many facets of Nissitissit Middle School life for students, parents, and faculty. Courage, Leadership, Integrity, Curiosity, and Kindness are values appreciated by most individuals and are universally understood. They have keen relevance in an educational environment. Together, the first letters of the core values form the acronym CLICK, a contemporary, direct, and to-the-point summary of these values. All members of the school community can carry these values with them. The CLICK concept serves as a basis for a variety of future initiatives.

The middle school is designed to support the arts and has a band rehearsal room, general music classroom, choral rehearsal room, two art rooms with kilns, and a photography darkroom. A health classroom and large gymnasium help support our commitment to developing healthy activities for our students. A modern, well equipped fitness room is also part of our health/physical education program. Technology and literacy resources are notably evident in our two (2) computer labs, three (3) mobile computer labs, and state of the art library/ media center. Each classroom at Nissitissit Middle School is equipped with three computers, cable television, a 36 inch TV/monitor, DVD/VCR, and power point presentation capabilities. Several smart boards are used throughout the school. Each of our nine (9) science labs are equipped with advanced materials which support the curriculum. Each science classroom has six (6) lab stations which are equipped with water, electricity, and natural gas. The science lab experience for Nissitissit children is outstanding and now is equipped with wireless computer internet access at each lab station.

The Nissitissit Middle School is pleased with its ability to offer a varied educational setting that meets the needs of all its children. The curriculum at Nissitissit reflects the standards written within the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and are aligning with the Common Core. We are committed to offering a challenging curriculum to our students while meeting their diverse needs.

Nissitissit has powerful technology resources in all classrooms. Each teacher has appropriate and safe access to the internet. The use of Aspen, the student information system, allows parents the opportunity to use the internet as a strong communication tool with the school. They can view homework assignments, the school calendar, their child’s schedule, and more. School newsletters are posted on the Nissitissit website and sent out via ConnectEd email. Our library and two computer labs have been equipped with outstanding resources. We currently have three mobile carts for students to use as well. The media center serves as a third lab for any classroom to visit. The school has recently implemented the use of ipads in some of our special education programs.

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Part II: Defining the School Beliefs and Mission


District: To develop an interactive and inclusive learning community dedicated to preparing students for productive citizenship in a global society.

Nissitissit Middle School: To recognize the unique needs of the middle school student while providing a safe and respectful learning environment that inspires the students to exhibit the core values of CLICK: Courage, Leadership, Integrity, Curiosity, and Kindness.


The schools of the North Middlesex Regional School District are essentially communities of learners organized for the care and development of young minds. As public schools, our schools assume the added responsibility of preparing all young learners as future citizens capable of securing their place in a global society. These two purposes are inextricably linked: the faith that built our public schools holds education to be the key to both our children’s and our nation’s success.

Because we believe that the continued well-being of society and its citizenry in this new century depends on the attainment of higher levels of education, our schools recognize the need to surpass past standards:

Where we once expected and accepted competence, we now expect and envision mastery in both teaching and learning. Where we once honored teaching as an “art,” we now see teaching as a complex professional endeavor about which we must continue to learn more. Where we once sought to expose students to technology, we now understand that technology is an indispensable tool for enhancing teaching and learning,

communication, and management. Where we once left school decision-making to past practice and “professional discretion,” we now expect decision-making to be informed by specific and

appropriate data. Where we once embraced a curriculum linked to a past era, we now engage students in a program of studies geared to the future in which these students

will ultimately work and learn. Where we were once constrained by school schedules influenced by our agricultural past, we now organize school days to both meet the educational needs

and enhance the educational opportunities offered to all members of the school community.

We must envision that our purpose as a public school system is to prepare students to continue their education well beyond the North Middlesex diploma on to a lifetime of independent learning, unlearning, and relearning since that is what success in the global society of this new millennium will most certainly demand.

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Teaching & Learning

We believe all students can learn, but not all at the same rate or in the same way. We believe high expectations are held by the staff for themselves and their students. We believe all students are guaranteed access to high quality curriculum. We believe in collaborative approaches for teaching, learning and management. We believe that a community is “whole” only when it has frequent, open, responsive, sustained, honest, and substantive communication. We believe in the integration of theory and practice. We believe in the pursuit of knowledge through real-life problem solving. We believe in the value of questions, of critical thinking and open inquiry, wherever it may lead. We believe that all members of the community, students and parents as well as teachers and administrators, share a personal responsibility

for meeting these goals. We believe, as in the “outside” world, success in learning, teaching and management should be valued, acknowledged and rewarded.


We believe that diversity enriches our community of learning. We believe that care is what sustains us in our common pursuits, care for our own and others’ uniqueness, consideration for one another’s

feelings, and concern for those who need our help and understanding. We believe that respect is the basic requirement for whatever community we hope to achieve—

Respect for the truth, which is honesty; Respect for difference, which is the essence of diversity’ Respect for one’s self, which is the foundation of our human dignity; Respect for each other’s person and property which is a matter of law And a respect for the rules and the authority that govern our community, for without these there is lawlessness, and no community

Finally, we believe working with members of our community to achieve these values is essential to our mission, hence implicit if not explicit in everything we do.

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We believe that the best preparation for lifelong learning comes from a commitment by students and parents, teachers and administrators, to the following:


INDEPTH STUDY OF THE NATURAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, THE ARTS AND HUMANITIES AS THE BASIC WAYS OF UNDERSTANDING OUR WORLD AND US. The emphasis here is on the principles and methods that define these as disciplined modes of inquiry. These provide the standards of truth to guide the pursuit of lifelong learning.

A SERIOUS ENGAGEMENT WITH THE TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES OF RESEARCH. It is important to understand the methodologies leading to new knowledge in the basic disciplines. It is just as important to be able to locate what’s already known. Today, too much information has become as crippling as too little. Students must learn to navigate through libraries and computer networks to the primary and secondary sources that bear upon the questions that drive their learning, and then analyze and evaluate what they find there.


A COLLABORATIVE APPROACH TO BOTH TEACHING AND LEARNING THAT RECOGNIZES THE COMPLEXITY OF REAL-LIFE PROBLEMS AND THE RISK OF ONE-SIDED SOLUTIONS. Interdisciplinary studies, cooperative learning, internships, and student activities all model the learning students will pursue lifelong through the communities they join.

AN EMBRACE OF OPEN INQUIRY AND OPEN MINDS. The enemies of lifelong learning include uncritical acceptance of authority and past practice, the fear of new ideas, and intolerance of differences. Each shuts the door to possibilities. Where assumptions are questioned and biases challenged creativity and innovation flourish. Where diversity is embraced, the community of learning grows.

AN ATMOSPHERE OF CARING AND RESPECT. A love of learning is needed for it to become a lifelong pursuit, and love cannot grow where care and respect are absent. When safety becomes an issue, the community itself is at risk and all our goals are imperiled. Personal safety and well-being cannot be compromised. Care for others’ feelings and respect for others’ differences are expected of everyone.

A SPIRIT OF COOPERATION, NOT COMPETITION WITH OTHER KEY INSTITUTIONS IN THE LIFE OF OUR STUDENTS. Families, civic and religious organizations, private employers and public providers, and other educational institutions all need to have their unique contributions respected so that we can remain focused on what we do best – developing young minds and lifelong learners.

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Nissitissit School Improvement Plan 2014-2015District Goal: To provide rigorous, relevant academic programs

Nissitissit Goal: Increase science achievement in all grades

Implementation / Timeline Curriculum leader attends NSTA Conference in April 2014 Professional development time (days to be determined) with teachers to unpack standards and begin alignment process Create a STEM Committee for purpose of increasing STEM integration/focus. Committee will meet monthly. Provide professional development opportunities focused on STEM integration Host STEM career day in May of 2015 Incorporate/utilize resources available within the community

Assessment Increase in number of units of study aligned with NSTA standards Increase in number of units of study with STEM focus Student scores in MCAS, DDM’s, benchmark exams will improve

Nissitissit Goal: Increase knowledge and use of technology tools such as QR codes, Instagram, Twitter and Apps in education/home partnership

Implementation/Timeline Technology classes in grades 5 and 6 are introducing the use of these tools from an educational perspective All teachers are provided with training as needed throughout the school year

Assessment Quarterly check in with teachers to assess if there is an increase in student participation/motivation/interest. Quarterly check in with teachers to assess if homework completion improves.

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District Goal: To achieve all that is necessary: high expectations

Nissitissit Goal: Increase student motivation, resilience, and perseverance using research-based positive growth mindset strategies*

Implementation/Timeline Professional day in August used for teacher training in growth mindset research and strategies September: create PLC dedicated to data collection on growth mindsets September: Parent information night on growth mindsets

Assessment Teachers will report quarterly on student motivation and work completion

* see attached article “Boosting Achievement”

District Goal: Develop and implement communication and collaborative strategies that enable the district to build consensus on educational needs of NM students

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Nissitissit Goal: Improve the transitional experience for grade 8 students as they prepare to enter North Middlesex Regional High School

Implementation/Timeline Increase opportunities for middle school teachers to collaborate with high school teachers regarding expectations, curriculum and assessment

during professional development days Increase opportunities for grade 8 students to take part in appropriate events at NMHS throughout the year Provide similar experiences that can be built upon such as service learning projects

Assessment Fewer grade 8 students will attend high school outside the district Student anxiety regarding transition will decrease. This data will be based on guidance department/parent feedback.

District Goal: Provide a safe and productive learning environment

Nissitissit Goal: Absorb ALICE protocols into our existing safety plan

Implementation/Timeline Assemblies/drill in May 2014 Teachers attended ALICE training in March and April 2014 Two safety drills during school year, Fall and Spring Crisis/Emergency team will meet quarterly or as needed

Assessment Students and teachers feel well informed and execute drill successfully

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