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Page 1: Schizophrenia

SchizophreniaChapter 12

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Schizophrenia- a group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions or actions

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Disorganized Thinking, Disturbed Perceptions, and Inappropriate emotions

Disorganized Thinking- delusions (false beliefs) often of persecution or grandeur spill out words that are not there

Disturbed Perceptions- hallucinations See, taste, feel, smell things that are not

there Usually they hear voices that make

insulting remarks or give them orders

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Inappropriate Emotions or Actions Show opposite emotions than would be

normal Flat effect- no apparent feelings or

actions Perform senseless acts-continually

rocking, rubbing their arms, others remain motionless for hours (catatonia)

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Positives and Negative Symptoms

Negative Symptoms- actions and feelings are absent when they should be there No expressions on their face

Positive symptoms- inappropriate behaviors are present Hallucinations Talking is disorganized Laugh or cry at inappropriate times

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1 in 100 people develop Schizophrenia

Usually strikes in early adulthood Men usually get it more often than


0 10 20 30 40 50Identical

Both parents


One parent


Nephew or niece


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Abnormal Brain Activity

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Disease of the brain- abnormal brain tissue

Excess number of dopamine receptors Drugs that block dopamine receptors

often help symptoms Viral infection of a fetus Famine during pregnancy

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Low birth rate or lack of oxygen Mother was exposed to the flu when

she was pregnant Could be biological (inherited)
