Schedule and Plan for Home Learning (August 31-September 5, 2020)
Classes IV (Session 2020-21)
Subject Period 1 Period 2
English Reading comprehension L 4 – Banyan Deer L 5– Ah Ming: The Dragon Who

-7 -8
Mathematics Ch 9: Symmetry and Pattern Subject Enrichment Activity and Revision
Ch 3: Multiplication Ch 4: Division
Science Chapter 3 - Adaptations in Animals
Chapter 4 - Reproduction in Animals
Chapter 5 - Our body - Food and Digestion
Social Science
L-7 The Coastal Plains and Islands L-9 Our Natural Resources
The revision of the given topics will be taken up by the teachers during online class.
Revision worksheet will be shared in Kaizala group after the class to help students
practise the same.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Achoo! We all sneeze sometimes. Sneezing is a reflex that your body does automatically. That means you
cannot make yourself sneeze or stop one once it has started. When you sneeze, your body is trying to get
rid of bad things in your nose, such as bacteria. You have extra germs when you have a cold, so you sneeze
a lot more. You might also sneeze when you smell pepper! Inside our nose, we have hundreds of tiny hair.
The hair filters the air you breathe. Sometimes dust and pollen find their way through the hair and bother
your nasal passages. The nerves in the lining of your nose tell your brain that something is invading your
body. Your brain, lungs, nose, mouth and the muscles of your upper body work together blow away the
invaders with a sneeze. When you sneeze, germs from your nose get blown into the air. Using a tissue or
“sneezing into your sleeve” captures most of these germs. It is very important to wash your hands after
you sneeze into them, especially during cold and flu season. Do you ever sneeze when you walk into bright
sunlight? Some people say that happens to them often. Scientists believe the UV rays of the sun irritate the
nose lining of these people, so they sneeze. If someone nearby sneezes, remember to tell them
“Gesundheit!” That is a funny-looking word which is pronounced “gezz-oont-hite.” It is the German word
that wishes someone good health after sneezing.
1. Which parts of your body work together when you sneeze? 2. What does the German word ‘Gesundheit’ mean?
a. I wish you good health. b. I wish you God's blessings. c. I wish you a good day.
d. I wish you would stop sneezing.
3. Why do people sneeze when they walk into bright sunlight?
4. Based on the information given in the article, state three factors that cause sneezing
Answer Key
Ans1. The brain, lungs, nose, mouth and the muscles of our upper body work together when we sneeze. Ans2.(a)
Ans3. Some people sneeze when they walk into bright sunlight because the UV rays of the sun irritate the nose lining of these people, so they sneeze. Ans4. The three factors based on the information given in the article that cause sneezing are
i. cold and flue ii. bacteria
iii. dust and pollen
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Nothing was in my head
Except two heavy eyes
Like balls of burning lead.
And when it grew so black That I could know no place I lost all judgment then, Of distance or of space.
The street lamps, and the lights
Upon the halted cars,
I saw the fog grow thick
Which soon made blind my ken?
It made tall men of boys,
And giants of tall men.
A man passed by me close, I asked my way, he said,
"Come, follow me, my friend " -
I followed where he led.
He rapped the stones in front, "Trust me," he said, "and come"; I followed like a child - a blind man led me home.
a) Give a suitable title to the poem:____________________________________________
Based on your understanding of the poem choose the correct answers:
1. ‘It clutched my throat, I coughed’ tells us that
i) the poet was suffocating because of the fog
ii) the fog and the poet were fighting fiercely
iii) the fog held the poet by the throat
iv) the poet had a sore throat
2. The following statements are true except
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i) the fog grew so thick that the poet could not get his directions right
ii) a blind man who was also lost came to help the poet
iii) the fog caused the poet to see things differently
iv) the fog hut the poet's eye
3. The word halted shows that the cars were probably
i) stolen
ii) moving
iii) expensive
iv) stationary
4. The blind man could lead the poet through the fog because he
i) was wearing a pair of sunglasses
ii) had been to the poet's house
iii) had a stick with him
iv) knew the way
5. The last stanza of the poem tells us that
i) the blind man was boastful
ii) the poet trusted the blind man
iii) the poet could not return home
iv) the fog hurt the poet’s feeling
Answer Key
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To sit with parents and recall:
(i) Define resources
Prepare a collage on natural resources and post it on google classroom under the
assignment head (Subject Enrichment) by Monday, August 31, evening.
Subject: Mathematics
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Concept: What will I learn?
To See
To Read and Understand :-
– – 34 – 35(
Concept:Machines, computer system, input, output and processing unit of the computer
What will I learn? Student will be able to:
Revise the topics covered in Chapter 1
To Read & Understand: (Textbook- Page number) Page nos. 1-6
To Do Book exercise- page nos. 9 & 10 (only short question & answers)
Subject – Art & Craft
What will I learn?
How to use colours?
To do (in Artoons Activity Book):
Artoons page no.11 Princess Artoons page no.12 Lamp
Colour the Princess beautifully as shown in
the picture.
as shown in the picture.
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– 1
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– 2 ) – ) ) – ,
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Worksheet -6 (Story Building)
Once there was a scientist. His name was Charles. He created a robot and named it Jim. It
was an automatic robot and performed all operations. He followed the commands through
various signals. The scientist had an assistant. His name was Bob. He was not a good man.
He planned to steal the robot to misuse its powers. He also wanted to give it some
supernatural powers. He stole the password to start the robot. While he was trying to take
away the robot, an engineer from the scientist’s lab saw him and informed Charles. He
caught his assistant and handed him to the police. Charles, the scientist not only thanked the
engineer for his courage but also rewarded him with a good amount of money.
Answer Key
Social Science
4. Long Answer Questions:
(a) All those things which are useful to us are called resources. Air, water, land etc. all are
resources. Air, water, plants, forests, land, soil, etc. are natural resources. They are all gifts
from nature which help us to fulfill our daily needs.
(b) -Plants provide food to humans and animals. Trees provide shelter to animals and birds.
Tree wood is used as fuel. It is also used for making houses.
-Roots, leaves, barks and stems of some plants are used for making medicines.
-Plants are renewable resources.
Animals give us milk, eggs and meat. They are used as transport to carry goods and people.
They are also used to work in the fields. Like plants, animals are also renewable resources.
(c) Resources which are not easy to replenish or renew are non-renewable resources. These
resources are available in limited quantity and take thousands of years to be renewed by
-Minerals, coal and petroleum are such examples of non-renewable resources.
5. Beyond the text (HOTS Question):
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(a) Large wind farms are required for setting up windmills. These farms need vast areas
which do not have trees and buildings. The ideal place for windmills is where constant and
non-turbulent wind flows throughout the year. Places near the sea are considered to be the
most ideal places for setting up windmills.
(b) Solar energy is not used extensively in our lives because:-
The Sun’s energy is not available at all the places and in all the seasons.
It is more expensive to produce electricity from the Sun as compared to coal or water
