Page 1: Scalar Prediction in Climate Using Data and Model...Scalar Prediction in Climate Using Data and Model Stephen Leroy∗ John Dykema James Anderson Harvard School of Engineering and

Scalar Prediction in Climate Using Data and Model

Stephen Leroy∗ John Dykema James Anderson

Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science, HarvardUniversity

Submitted toJ. Climate, February 25, 2008


We present an approach to predicting scalars of the climate system on inter-decadal timescales, and we callthat approach generalized scalar prediction. Generalizedscalar prediction combines the predictions of an ensem-ble of models that spans the community’s uncertainty range in climate modeling with a timeseries of any datatype, including hybrid data. The scalars can be any variableor linear combination of variables of the climatesystem, such as mass flux associated with the Hadley circulation or microscale precipitation. No preference needbe given to any particular model. The resulting equations show that both natural variability and uncertainty inmodels physics must be considered when finding indicators inthe given data type that optimize predicted changein arbitrary scalars. We demonstrate this approach using the CMIP3 ensemble of global warming simulations andthe output of an independent model serving as a proxy for datato predict regional surface air temperature andregional precipitation trends, surface air temperature and precipitation representing end members in the physi-cal certainty in our modeling of them. The approach gives accurate results, but the precision of the predictionsdepends on the certainty of model physics relevant to the scalar in question. We find a strong relationship be-tween the mathematical techniques of signal detection and attribution and generalized scalar prediction, but somesubtlety is required in the interpretation of results of theformer.

1. Introduction

The fields of climate signal detection and attributionand regional trend prediction are two of the central con-cerns of climate research, the former answering ques-tions regarding human influence on climate and the lat-ter answering questions of how climate can be expectedto change. A common approach to both of these prob-lems involves scalar estimation. In climate signal detec-tion and attribution, the scalars involved scale vectorsdescribing the shapes with which signals are expected toemerge. That methodology is optimal detection, or lin-ear multi-pattern regression, and it has been described atlength elsewhere (Bell 1986; Hasselmann 1993; Northet al. 1995; Hasselmann 1997). In regional trend pre-diction, the scalars are typically the rates at which sur-face air temperature and precipitation are predicted toincrease (Houghton et al. 2001). The two fields thusfar, even though both involve scalar prediction, have notbeen explicitly related. This paper addresses the rela-tionship between the two.

We define generalized scalar prediction the field inwhich any linearly formed scalar of the climate system

can be predicted based on any combination of data sets.The field of generalized scalar prediction in climate isthe essential focus of the community involved in re-gional climate prediction. Kharin and Zwiers (2002)were among the first to point toward the necessity ofusing a large ensemble of sophisticated global climatemodels for use in regional trend prediction. A combina-tion of the predictions of many models would averageout some of the differences between them and give un-certainty estimates due to inter-model differences in pre-diction. Giorgi and Francisco (2000a) took a step backto evaluate the dominant sources of uncertainty in re-gional prediction and found that inter-model differencesdominate over naturally occurring inter-annual variabil-ity and biases in model fields as sources of uncertainty.Giorgi and Francisco (2000b) in fact showed that a 3- or4-member ensemble of realizations of transient runs ofone climate model is enough to eliminate inter-annualvariability as a significant source of uncertainty in re-gional climate prediction. Giorgi et al. (2001) point outthat correlations between predictions of trends in differ-ent regions should contain important information on the

∗Corresponding author address:Stephen Leroy, Anderson Group, 12 Oxford St., Link Building, Cambridge, MA 02138.E-mail: [email protected]


Page 2: Scalar Prediction in Climate Using Data and Model...Scalar Prediction in Climate Using Data and Model Stephen Leroy∗ John Dykema James Anderson Harvard School of Engineering and

robustness of trend prediction for any one region. Atthat point, several studies sought to assign weights tovarious models according to their performances in sim-ulating historical and present climate. This is a natu-ral conclusion when Bayesian inference is applied, as isdone by Min and Hense (2006a,b); Min et al. (2007).In each of these papers, just as in Raisanen and Palmer(2001); Giorgi and Mearns (2002, 2003), each modelin an ensemble of models is evaluated on criteria com-posed by the forecaster, a subjective weight is deduced,and a linear combination of the model members of theensemble is combined to form a forecast. The ThirdAssessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (Houghton et al. 2001) sought to avoidcontroversy by equally weighting many climate modelsin deriving predictions of regional climate trends and as-sociated uncertainties.

Here we also apply Bayesian inference but with dif-ferent assumptions. We make no attempt to evaluatethe relative performance of climate models. Instead, wetake advantage of the strong relationships between vari-ables and regions in the predictions of decadal time scaletrends by different climate models. This assumption isthe same as that made in linear multi-pattern regression,or optimal fingerprinting/detection (Bell 1986; Hassel-mann 1993, 1997; North et al. 1995; Leroy 1998; Allenand Tett 1999), which has been applied to trend detec-tion and attribution to specific causes for a variety ofgeophysical variables (Stott et al. 2001; Tett et al. 1999,2002; Santer et al. 2003; Thorne et al. 2003; Allen et al.2006). The central claim is that, while climate mod-els have different sensitivities to anthropogenic radiativeforcing, the patterns of change are mostly insensitiveto these different climate sensitivities. We assume thesame. More recently, the small differences in patterns ofchange have been taken into consideration in the appli-cation of optimal detection (Huntingford et al. 2006), anapplication of a methodology described in Bell (1986).The result of our application of Bayesian inference withthe above assumptions is a method for using arbitrarydata to arrive at predictions for trends in arbitrary scalarquantities of the climate system in a way that takes ad-vantage of physical relationships of varying degrees ofuncertainty within the climate system. The final equa-tions are similar to those in Bell (1986) and Huntingfordet al. (2006) but with the distinction that critical atten-tion must be paid to the normalization of signal shapes.

In the second section we present a derivation of gen-eralized scalar prediction that considers physical con-nections in the climate system by applying Bayesian in-ference on climate signal detection. A set of equationswill result. In the third section we will present examplesthat illustrate various properties of generalized scalar

prediction. In the fourth we will summarize the resultsand discuss a few potential applications and limitationsof this technique.

2. Generalized scalar prediction

This derivation is based on two levels of Bayesianinference and a simple model for trend prediction. Wewrite down the well known Bayes’s theorem,

P (x|D) ∝ P (D|x) p(x), (1)

wherep(x), the prior, is a probability density functionon the scalar quantityx describing knowledge ofx be-fore data setD is obtained and analyzed;P (D|x), theevidence function, is the conditional probability of ob-taining dataD should the scalar quantity bex; andP (x|D), the posterior, is the probability density func-tion for x after analysis of dataD. The normalizationconstant for the posterior isp(D), the likelihood of thedata, which turns Bayes’s theorem into an equality:

P (x|D) = P (D|x) p(x)/p(D). (2)

This is a single level of Bayesian inference for the scalarx. In climate, a scalarx obtained from dataD is typi-cally obtained given the benefit of a model for the dataM , which itself is uncertain. As a consequence, thereare generally many models available that relate scalarquantityx to a data setD. We call that set of modelsM, the members of which areMi. The posterior prob-ably density function for the scalar becomes

P (x|D,M) ∝∑


P (D|x, Mi) p(x) p(Mi) (3)

with p(Mi) being the probability of modelMi relativeto all the other models inM. In the context of scalarprediction, this means that future trends can be esti-mated by timeseries analysis of historical data based onmultiple models and then averaging together the resultsbased on subjective weights.

In this section, the equations of generalized scalarprediction are derived from the foundational Eq. 3 andthe method of climate forecast is presented based onstandard error analysis.

a. Equations of scalar prediction

This is similar to the approach taken by Raisanenand Palmer (2001) but with some assumptions of opti-mal detection included. In truth, the relative probabil-ity of model Mi must be conditional on the existenceof dataD and consequently the weightp(Mi) shouldbep(Mi|D) and not entirely subjective. These are themarginal probabilities of the model given dataD, and


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how this can be deduced based on timeseries data wasfirst presented in Leroy (1998) and thereafter by Minet al. (2007). For now we will only consider the sub-jective probabilityp(Mi) in the derivation and discusslater how one can refine conclusions by instead usingthe marginal probabilities of the models as weights.

The standard assumption in optimal detection is that,while various models models show different sensitivi-ties in greenhouse gas forcing, they nonetheless showvery similar patterns of change. It was noted in Giorgiand Francisco (2000a) that patterns of surface air tem-perature change, when normalized by sensitivity of amodel, are independent of greenhouse gas forcing sce-nario. Thus, it is reasonable to model a timeseries ofdatad(t) as

d(t) = α(t) si + dn(t) (4)

where the patternsi is the derivative of the model for thedata in a scalarα. Thedn(t) are realizations of natu-ral variability of the climate system viewed through the

filter of the data type represented byd. Here, naturalvariability refers to all temporal fluctuations of the cli-mate system not specifically related to trendsdα/dt thatresult from external forcings of the system. In the mosttypical application of signal detection,d is a longitude-latitude map of surface air temperature,α is the globalaverage surface air temperature, and the signal patternsi is given by

si =dg



whereg is a model of the datad that varies with thescalar quantityα. In one of the examples of section 3,the quantity on the right gives the trend in the longitude-latitude map of surface air temperature normalized bythe trend in regional surface air temperature. The mostlikely fit to the timeseries of datad(t) will give a timederivative ofα(t) that represents the secular trend in re-gional surface air temperature. The realizations of nat-ural variabilitydn(t) are normally distributed asdn ∼N (0,Σn).

We expand Eq. 3 using the trend in the datad(t) as the data and find that
















dt− si





dt− si




p(Mi), (6)

wherek is the rank ofΣdn/dt. We have assumed an uninformative prior fordα/dt (p(x)), an implicit assumptionof optimal detection. The natural variability covarianceΣdn/dt derives from the normal distribution expected fora residual trend induced by the natural variability,dn/dt ∼ N (0,Σdn/dt), and is related to the natural variabilitycovarianceΣn by

Σdn/dt =12

(N3 − N) (yrs2)Σn, (7)

with N the number of years in a continuous timeseries of annual average data, for serially uncorrelated naturalvariability. At this point we assume a continuum of modelsMi ∈ M such that the distribution of the signals isnormal:s ∼ N (s,Σs). Under this assumption, Eq. 6 becomes






∝ (2π)−k∣



dks |Σs|−1/2 (8)

× exp[





dt− s





dt− s




× exp[


2(s − s)T Σ−1

s(s− s)



Performing the integral overdks gives






∝ (2π)−k/2 |Σ|−1/2 exp[





dt− s




dt− s





whereΣ = Σdn/dt + (dα/dt)2 Σs. (10)

The most likely estimate for the scalar trenddα/dt is (dα/dt)ml, where

(dα/dt)ml = fT (dd/dt) (11)

f = Σ−1s(


. (12)


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The vectorf is thecontravariant fingerprintto the fin-gerprints and is best interpreted as a vector which givesan optimal and unbiased most likely estimate for a trendin the climate system. Eqs. 11 and 12 are the equa-tions for generalized scalar trend prediction for a singlescalar.

In this derivation, no condition is placed on the datad or on the scalarα; hence, they are completely general,and any data set can be used to determine trends associ-ated with any particular scalar quantity in climate. Datasets can be anything from in situ surface and upper airmeasurements to satellite hyperspectral measurements;the scalar can be anything from the mass flux associatedwith the Hadley circulation to microscale precipitation.The most standard application in the literature to datehas been to define the data setd to be gridded maps ofsurface air temperature and the scalarα the global av-erage surface air temperature (Huntingford et al. 2006).Generalized scalar prediction is well suited to regionalclimate prediction, though, because the scalar can be de-fined as a regional temperature and the data set chosenso as to minimize the influence of natural variability ondetection. It is possible that, depending on the scalarchosen, there exists a strong correlation in the climatesystem between trends in the chosen scalar and otherseemingly unrelated geophysical variables. Those cor-relations are found by using an ensemble of modelsMthat span our subjective uncertainty in climate forecast-ing to defineΣs:

s =∑


si p(Mi) (13)

Σs =∑


(si − s) (si − s)T p(Mi). (14)

When the models inM show agreement in some di-mensions of the signal space, the corresponding ele-ments ofΣs will be small and detection will be di-rected preferentially toward those dimensions. Our in-terpretation of this effect is that uncertain climate sys-tem physics should be factored into forecasts of regionaltrends. When the physics, in the form of relationshipsbetween variables in the climate system, is uncertain,then a posterior estimate of trends takes only interannualvariability into consideration. When it is more certain,however, a posterior estimate will begin to take otherelements of the climate system into consideration.

The application of Eqs. 10 and 11 depends upon thelength∆t of the timeseries ofd(t) in question. Natu-ral interannual variability in the space of the dataΣn isrelated to the influence of that variability on trend esti-matesΣdn/dt byΣdn/dt ≈ (∆t)−3 Σn for a continuoustimeseries,Σdn/dt ≈ (∆t)−2 Σn for a timeseries withmajor gaps. In either case, the longer the timeseries is

the less import natural variability becomes, because thesignal physics uncertainty term—the second term on theright of Eq. 10—is independent of the length of the time-series.

This form of detection ameliorates the difficultiesof eigenmode truncation typically associated with sig-nal detection. When a precise signal shape is prescribedin optimal detection, posterior estimates of trends be-come highly sensitive to the number of eigenvectors re-tained in the inversion ofΣn. Allen and Tett (1999)solve this problem by demanding that post-fit residualsbe consistent with estimates of natural variability andthat eigenmodes be truncated accordingly, but sensitiv-ity to eigenmode truncation remains. The eigenmodetruncation problem derives from the fact that eigenvec-tors of Σn associated with small eigenvalues occupysubspaces of the signal shape that are significantly moreuncertain than the subspaces defined by eigenvectors as-sociated with larger eigenvalues. As noted by Hunt-ingford et al. (2006) and Leroy et al. (2008), introduc-tion of Σs “washes out” the subspaces associated withsmall eigenvalues ofΣn, and the sensitivity to eigen-mode truncation is almost entirely lost. The termΣs inEq. 10 serves that numerical purpose here.

Eqs. 10 and 11 are iterative indα/dt. In the first it-eration fordα/dt, one should introduce a good estimatefor it into Eq. 10 and solve for a new value in Eq. 11.The quantitydα/dt in Eq. 10 plays the role of a weight-ing between the influence of natural variability and thesignal physics uncertainty which, in most applications,strongly weights toward natural variability. After thefirst determination ofdα/dt through Eq. 11, that de-termination can be inserted again into Eq. 10 to find anew determination ofdα/dt, and so on. Because of thestrong weighting toward natural variability, though, con-vergence is expected to be rapid. For this reason, in theremainder of this paper we only apply Eqs. 10 and 11one time with no iteration.

Some applications of generalized scalar predictionrequire the detection of multiple scalars simultaneously.In our example for forecasting trends in regional sur-face air temperature, the regional surface air tempera-ture is expected to rise with increasing greenhouse gasesbut fall with increasing concentrations of troposphericsulfate aerosols. Since future trends in these radiativeforcings are expected to evolve differently, it makessense to consider them separately when forecasting fu-ture trends, yet the historical record contains both ra-diative forcings simultaneously. In such instances, themodel for the data (c.f. Eq. 4) becomes

d(t) = α1(t) s(1)i + α2(t) s

(2)i + dn(t) (15)

wheres(1)i is the trenddg/dα in the data expected of


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increasing greenhouse gases with respect to the trendin global surface air temperature ands(2)

i is the trenddf/dα in the data expected of increasing sulfate aerosolswith respect to the trend in global surface air tempera-ture. A derivation following that given above for justone pattern gives the following equations for scalar pre-diction:

Σ = Σdn/dt +∑


p(Mi) (16)








δs(j)i δs



(dα/dt)ml = FT (dd/dt) (17)

F = Σ−1S (STΣ−1S)−1 (18)

in which the arrayα is composed of the individualscalarsαj , the columns ofS are the individuals(j), and

δs(j)i is the difference between the realization of signalj

by modelMi from the mean signalj over all models inM, or δs

(j)i = s

(j)i − s(j). The most likely estimate for

the generalized scalar trenddα/dt is (dα/dt)ml. Thecolumns of the matrixF are the contravariant finger-prints to the fingerprintsS because, when multiplied bythe fingerprints, yield the identity matrix (c.f. Eq. 12).Eqs. 16, 17, and 18 can be applied for, not just two, butany number of signals. These equations should be ap-plied following the same methodology as Eqs. 10, 11,and 12.

b. Climate prediction

With a determination of most likely trendsdα/dtand an assumption of linear trends in climate, the prob-ability density for the prediction of that scalar on inter-decadal time scales becomes

α(t) ∼ N(

(dα/dt)ml (t−t0), Σdα/dt(t−t0)2+Σn



The probability density as a function of the scalar valueshifts linearly in time at the rate(dα/dt)ml beginningfrom a nominal timet0. Its width is decided by twoterms, the first being the uncertainty on the underlying“climate trend”(dα/dt)ml and the second being an ac-counting for the perpetual natural fluctuations of the cli-mate systemδn. Both are accounted as full covariancematrices,Σdα/dt andΣn. The latter can be determinedby a number of means involving combinations of de-trended data and control runs of climate models. Theformer term requires more care.

Standard optimal fingerprinting techniques providea simple estimate for the uncertainty covariance in themost likely trend:Σdα/dt = (ST Σ−1S)−1, obtainable

from error propagation based on the model in Eq. 4 inwhich error enters through the formulation ofs and thenatural variabilitydn. The natural variability is gener-ally prescribed by a long control run of a climate modeland is rarely realistic, so a more relevant error analy-sis should be based on data alone. In the approach, wemultiply the contravariant fingerprintsF to each tempo-ral realization of the climate data vectord(t) to arrive ata timeseries of “detectors”α(t):

α(t) = FT d(t). (20)

The contravariant fingerprintsF are derived based ona prescription of natural variability, but it is possiblenevertheless to deduce an uncertainty which is semi-independent of the model-prescribed natural variability.We do this by linear regression on the timeseries of de-tectorsα(t) (now working with just one scalar):

m =(



(ti − t)2)−1



α(ti) (ti − t) (21)

b = α − mt (22)

with t the mean of theti, α the mean of the detectors,N the number of time intervals (generally years), andm andb the slope and intercept of the fit. Ifσ2

α is themean square post-fit residual of the detectors, then thesquared uncertainties in the slope〈δm2〉, the intercept〈δb2〉, and the covariance of their uncertainties〈δm δb〉are

〈δm2〉 =(



(ti − t)2)−1

σ2α (23)

〈δb2〉 = 〈δm2〉 t2 + σ2α/N (24)

〈δm δb〉 = −〈δm2〉 t. (25)

The fitted slopem is exactly the same as the mostlikely estimate of the trend(dα/dt)ml, but the uncer-tainty in the slope is not the same as the uncertainty inthe scalar trend. The uncertainty in the slope, given inEq. 23, only accounts for the uncertainty introduced bynatural variability and not the uncertainty due to uncer-tainty in the shape of the emerging signal. Because themost likely estimate of the scalar trend will be in errorin part because of error in the estimation of the signalfingerprints, this latter error must be included. This isdone by adding it to the uncertainty in the slope,〈δm2〉:

σ2dα/dt = 〈δm2〉 + fTΣsf (dα/dt)2 (26)

with thedα/dt being a prior estimate of the scalar trend.It is this expression for uncertainty in trend which en-ters into the climate forecast. In the case of a forecast


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of a single scalar, the forecast has meanαforecast(t) andstandard deviationσ2

forecast given by

αforecast(t) = mt + b (27)

σ2forecast(t) = σ2

dα/dt (t − t)2 + σ2α/N. (28)

Thus, the climate prediction for the scalar trendhas the probability density functionα(t) ∼N


αforecast(t), σ2forecast(t) + σ2



, as in Eq. 19.

3. Examples

In this section we demonstrate the methodology’spredictive capability within a modeling framework. Weutilize an ensemble of different models run with thesame boundary conditions for the same simulated timeperiod to prescribe the trend patternssi (signals). Onemodel from this ensemble is withheld and is used to rep-resent an independent physical realization and associ-ated set of simulated observations. We study two fa-miliar state variables, surface air temperature and pre-cipitation. We utilize the World Climate Research Pro-gramme’s (WCRP’s) Coupled Model IntercomparisonProject phase 3 (CMIP3) multi-model dataset for theSRES A1B emissions scenario, which provides a totalof 55 realizations for 24 different models for temper-ature and 53 realizations for 24 models for precipita-tion. We use generalized scalar prediction to make fore-casts of area-weighted regional quantities, choosing theCentral United States, Northern Europe, and the Sahelas representative (Table 1). Temperature and precipita-tion provide demonstrative examples of the extremes ofapplication of this type of multi-model ensemble pre-diction because the models predict positive, significanttrends in temperature but the precipitation trends are dis-tributed nearly symmetrically about zero (Fig. 1). Weproceed first with the discussion of temperature fol-lowed by that for precipitation.

a. Temperature

For each of the three regions, the following analysisprocedure is followed. First we compute a signal patternsi for each model realization by linear regression anal-ysis of the first 50 years temperature data for the 21stcentury. We calculate an estimate of the scalar trenddα/dt (regional temperature in this case) by finding thearea-weighted average of the atmospheric surface tem-perature trend at the model gridpoints lying within thetarget region. We normalize the global signal patternsfor each model (Eq. 5) by the corresponding estimateof the scalar trend. For models with multiple realiza-tions, we average the normalized signals obtained fromall realizations together to compute a single signal pat-tern per model, resulting in a set of 24 normalized global

signals. Each of these normalized signals is then re-gridded onto a uniform32 × 64 (latitude by longitude)reduced-resolution grid (Fig. 2). The mean signals andcovariance matrixΣs (Fig. 3) are computed from thesenormalized, regridded signal patterns.

A prescription of natural variability is obtained fromthe present-day control run of the NCAR CCSM 3.0model. The annual mean from each of the 600 modelyears of monthly data is found, and the covariance forthis annual average timeseries is computed. This covari-ance matrix is normalized by12/(N3 −N) as in Eq. 7,whereN is the number of years of “observations” avail-able to generate the prediction, to obtain the covarianceof the realization of natural variability,Σdn/dt (Fig. 3).Like signal uncertainty, natural variability is also con-fined largely to high latitudes, though it extends furtherinto continental regions. The optimization provided bythe method we present here narrows the uncertainty ofthe prediction by minimizing the influence of the areasof high signal uncertainty and natural variability that donot contribute proportionally to the scalar trend of inter-est.

The quantitiess , Σs andΣdn/dt (Eqs. 10,12) al-low the computation off , the contravariant fingerprintfor regional prediction. We averaged together the 31estimates off resulting from inversions ofΣ (Eq. 10)with eigenvalue 20 to 50 kept to obtain the value usedfor prediction (Fig. 4). In this exercise, we designatedone realization for one model as simulated observationsd and withheld all realizations for this model from thecomputation of this contravariant fingerprint. The appli-cation off to the timeseriesdi of annual average tem-perature observations produces a timeseries of detectorsα. The prediction ofdα/dt is made through linear re-gression analysis of these detectors. For these regionaldemonstrations, we choose GISS Model ER as simu-lated observations because it exhibits regional tempera-ture changes far from the ensemble mean (c.f. Fig. 1).From the designated GISS model data, we derive both atrue trend value, from all 50 years, and a simulated mea-surement dataset, limited to 10 or 20 years, from whichwe make a forecast. Henceforth these simulated mea-surement datasets of limited length will be referred to as“observations.”


In the analysis of the regional forecast for the Cen-tral United States, we retain only Northern hemisphericdata. The contravariant fingerprint (f ) for the CentralUnited States shows the importance of both local andoceanic effects for determining regional temperaturetrends (Fig. 4). This contravariant fingerprint shows astrong peak in amplitude over the central United States,


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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

bccr_bcm2_0 (1)cccma_cgcm3_1 (5)

cccma_cgcm3_1_t63 (1)cnrm_cm3 (1)

csiro_mk3_0 (1)csiro_mk3_5 (1)gfdl_cm2_0 (1)gfdl_cm2_1 (1)

giss_aom (2)giss_model_e_h (3)giss_model_e_r (5)

iap_fgoals1_0_g (3)ingv_echam4 (1)

inmcm3_0 (1)ipsl_cm4 (1)

miroc3_2_hires (1)miroc3_2_medres (3)

miub_echo_g (3)mpi_echam5 (3)

mri_cgcm2_3_2a (5)ncar_ccsm3_0 (6)

ncar_pcm1 (4)ukmo_hadcm3 (1)

ukmo_hadgem1 (1)

SRES A1B CentUS 50−year Annual Surface Temperature Trend

Scalar trend [K decade−1]

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80








8Annual Trend with Superimposed Gaussian

Scalar trend [K decade−1]



of m


s ou

t of 2


−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

bccr_bcm2_0 (2)cccma_cgcm3_1 (5)

cccma_cgcm3_1_t63 (1)cnrm_cm3 (1)

csiro_mk3_0 (1)csiro_mk3_5 (1)gfdl_cm2_0 (1)gfdl_cm2_1 (1)

giss_aom (1)giss_model_e_h (3)giss_model_e_r (2)

iap_fgoals1_0_g (3)ingv_echam4 (2)

inmcm3_0 (1)ipsl_cm4 (1)

miroc3_2_hires (1)miroc3_2_medres (3)

miub_echo_g (3)mpi_echam5 (4)

mri_cgcm2_3_2a (5)ncar_ccsm3_0 (7)

ncar_pcm1 (4)ukmo_hadcm3 (1)

ukmo_hadgem1 (1)

SRES A1B CentUS 50−year Annual Precipitation Trend

Scalar trend [mm yr−1]

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 30







7Annual Trend with Superimposed Gaussian

Scalar trend [mm yr−1]



of m


s ou

t of 2


FIG. 1. Distributions of Central United States temperature (upper) and precipitation (lower) trends from all avail-able model realizations of SRES-A1B. The left hand plots arebar graphs showing the regional trend predictedfor each model (computed from a simple average for models submitting multiple realizations). The names of themodels are given on the vertical axis, with the corresponding number of realizations in parenthesis. The righthand plots are frequency distributions for the same data as the left hand plots. The heavy black line shows thebest fit of a normal distribution to the data. Temperature andprecipitation provide a useful set of extremes forregional prediction because models show relatively good agreement for temperature change but much variation forprecipitation.

along with a signicant correlation with sea surface tem-peratures in the northern central Pacific, offset by an an-ticorrelation with north Atlantic temperatures. This fin-gerprint also indicates the dependence of the regionalsurface temperature trend on high-latitude temperaturesstrongly affected by sea ice variability off the east coastof Greenland and in the Bering Sea.

We computed the results for∆t equal to 10 and 20years—as if we had 10 or 20 years of data—to study theforecast accuracy gained as longer timeseries of data areutilized (Fig. 5). For 10 years, the estimate for the tem-perature increase resulting from trend analysis of the de-tectors (obtained from application of the contravariantfingerprint, Eq. 20) is 0.43 K with a one-sigma uncer-tainty of 0.40 K for the 30th year of the forecast. For 20years, the estimate of the increase is 1.19 K and has asubstantially reduced uncertainty of 0.30 K for the end

of a 30-yr forecast. The result for 20 years is very closeto the true value, obtained by trend analysis of all 50years of the model output of1.31± 0.03 K. The 10 yeartimeseries of “observations” is too short to sufficientlyresolve the relationship between the global temperatureand regional temperature trends to make an optimizedforecast, but remarkably generalized scalar predictionrecovers a positive trend from these 10 years of observa-tions when, in the same time period, the actual regionalaverage surface air temperature trend over the CentralUnited States exhibits a net negative trend of−0.13 Kyr−1.


The case of the contravariant fingerprint for North-ern European temperature stands in contrast with that ofthe central United States in that it shows very little de-


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Target Region Latitude Range Longitude RangeCentral United States 35◦N−45◦N 110◦W−85◦WNorthen Europe 48◦N−55◦N 0◦E−18◦ESahel 23◦N−25◦N 13◦E−33◦E


FIG. 2. Trends of atmospheric surface air temperature normalized by trend in Central United States temperaturefor twelve models. Eleven of the twelve models contributed multiple realizations for the emissions scenario andthus provide a more robust estimation of the signal pattern.

pendence on the local temperature, indicating the long-term trend is determined mostly by large-scale effects.Like the Central United States, the surface temperature

trend is also dependent on ocean regions subject to agreat deal of sea ice variability, including the easternshore of Greenland, the Bering Sea, and the western por-tion of Hudson Bay and its environs. For Northern Eu-


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FIG. 3. The variance of natural variabilityΣdn/dt and signal uncertaintyΣs for prediction of Central U.S. surfaceair temperature trenddα/dt. The signal uncertainty is established using signals from 21 models that contributedto CMIP3. Those signals were determined by linear regression Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature ofthe first 50 years of SRES-A1B runs divided by the trend in surface air temperature over the Central U.S. over thesame time interval. Both are dimensionless, the natural variability Σdn/dt having been normalized by the estimatedtrend(dα/dt)2.

rope, analysis of a ten year timeseries of “observations”(∆t = 10 yrs) yields a predicted warming of0.35±0.43K, significantly lower than the true value of1.26± 0.03K obtained from model output. Increasing the length ofthe observational timeseries to∆t = 20 yrs provides aprediction of0.59 ± 0.23 K, a substantial improvementin qualitative agreement with the true value but quan-titatively it is three-sigma away from truth. This largedisagreement indicates that fundamental information ismissing from this prediction. Most likely this short-coming is due to a combination of small areal extentof the target region, which contains only three modelgridpoints for the reduced grid, and the relative paucityof models used to prescribe the mean signal shapesandthe signal shape uncertaintyΣs. The contravariant fin-gerprint reduces the natural variability effectively butmakes only a marginally quantitatively robust temper-ature forecast.


The contravariant fingerprint for temperature in theSahel shows an intermediate sensitivity to local effects,between the sensitivities exhibited by the Central UnitedStates and Northern Europe. On the large scale, the

fingerprint exhibits a subtropical-equatorial dipole thatmeasures the expansion of the Hadley circulation. Theincrease in cold air mass over the central and easterntropical Pacific is consistent with decreased subsidence,a measure of the weakening Walker circulation. Theanalysis of∆t = 10 years of “observations” yields aprediction of1.37 ± 0.46 K, so that the one-σ uncer-tainty envelope encompasses the true value of 1.73 K.For∆t = 20 years, the prediction is1.52 ± 0.16 K.

b. Mixed data types

We have argued that this method of scalar predic-tion is generalizable to arbitrary data types. This prop-erty can be particularly useful when homogeneous, ac-curate measurements of a scalar quantity of interest arenot available, but measurements of a different sort witha strong physical relationship to the desired scalar ex-ist. We demonstrate that behavior by utilizing simu-lated observations of microwave brightness temperaturerepresentative of the mid-troposphere (hereafter abbre-viated TMT), as would be measured by channel 2 ofa Microwave Sounding Unit-type (MSU) satellite sen-sor. We compute TMT using a radiative transfer modelapplied to upper air temperature, specific humidity, sur-


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Sahel Contravariant Fingerprint











x 10−3

Northern Europe Contravariant Fingerprint














x 10−3Central U.S. Contravariant Fingerprint

FIG. 4. The contravariant fingerprintsf for scalar prediction of (a) Central U.S. surface air temperature trend, (b)Northern Europe surface air temperature trend, and (c) Sahel surface air temperature trend.

face pressure, surface air temperature, and surface emis-sion temperature for a subset (14 models, one realizationeach) of the same model runs we used in the surface airtemperature-only exercise above. This calculation re-sults in two-dimensional spatial maps of TMT, whichare regridded to the same reduced resolution as the sur-face air temperature maps.

We incorporate the TMT data into the analysis inthree different ways. The first method includes large-scale maps of both surface air temperature observationsand TMT observations to form a joint observationaldataset. The second method includes surface air tem-perature observations drawn from target region alonetogether with large-scale spatial maps of TMT. The fi-nal methods includes TMT observations alone. In each

case, the TMT observations were treated according tothe same procedure as surface temperature. First a sig-nal in TMT is found from linear trend analysis of 50years of annual average 21st century forecast data. Thena normalized signal is computed by dividing this TMTtrend map by the trend in the scalar surface air tempera-ture for the region of interest.

The resulting contravariant fingerprint for the firstmethod, consisting of a map corresponding to TMT ob-servations and a map corresponding to contemporane-ous surface air temperature observations, in the case ofthe Central United States, is shown in Fig. 6. The sur-face air temperature component of the joint contravari-ant fingerprint preserves the key features of the sur-face air temperature-only contravariant fingerprint: peak


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2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050−1.5











y in




Ten Years of Data

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050−1.5











y in



Twenty Years of Data


FIG. 5. Application of Central U.S. surface air temperature prediction to “observations” taken from the output ofa forced run of a climate model. The climate model used as a stand-in for data was not included in the ensembleused to compose signal uncertaintyΣs. The natural variability was composed from a present day control run ofNCAR CCSM3. The black line and filled squares are the “observations”, defined to be surface air temperatureaveraged over the Central U.S. The dashed line and open squares are the detectorsfT d(t), the application of thecontravariant fingerprint to Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature year by year. The gray envelope showsthe forecast for the underlying trend in surface air temperature over the Central U.S. computed according to Eqs. 27and 28, and the light gray line shows the future evolution of surface air temperature over the Central U.S. Plot (a)shows the result for ten years of data and plot (b) for twenty years of data. Notice the ability of this technique tosuppress natural variability and produce a forecast that isaccurate and four times more precise than would havebeen obtained from extrapolating the surface air temperature over the Central U.S. only.

sensitivity over the central United States and strong sen-sitivity to temperature in Arctic regions correlated withareas of ice extent. The most prominent feature in theTMT fingerprint is a nearly annular pattern centeredaround 70◦N which corresponds to a prominent warm-ing around 500 hPa that may be seen in zonal cross-sections of upper air temperature trends for these mod-els under consideration here. This feature probably is ameasure of poleward migration of the polar jet.

Both ten-year and twenty-year prediction see de-graded precision when adding TMT to surface air tem-perature. Addition of information in generalized scalarprediction, inasmuch as it is a type of optimal estima-

tion, should improve the precision of prediction. Be-cause the ratio of TMT variability to surface air tem-perature variability realized in the “observations” dif-fer substantially than the same ratio in the prescriptionof natural variability by a different model, a proper un-derstanding of information content is not realized andthe suppression of natural variability is unable to han-dle the two data types appropriately. This is borne outby an increased in the post-fit residuals of the detectorsσ2

α in adding the Northern Hemisphere TMT field to theNorthern Hemisphere surface air temperature field. Thispoints toward the necessity of having the prescription ofnatural variability capturing structures of variability that


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Surface Air Temperature Contravariant Fingerprint












x 10−3TMT Contravariant Fingerprint

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050−1.5








2.5Twenty Years of TAS and TMT Data



y in


S [K


Time [year]

FIG. 6. Joint surface air temperature-TMT fingerprint for Central U.S. surface air temperature prediction. The datafield is taken to be Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature (TAS) and Northern Hemisphere mid-tropospherictemperature (TMT) as measured by the Microwave Soundings Units aboard the NOAA/TOVS satellites. The toptwo plots show the fingerprints in surface air temperature space and MSU TMT space. The lower plot follows thesame scheme as in Fig. 5. Notice that inclusion of TMT into thedata space adds little information to the forecastgiven 20 years of data. This means that long time records of Northern Hemisphere TAS and Northern Hemispheremid-tropospheric temperature contain substantially redundant information.

are useful in optimization.

For the first method, utilizing global surface air tem-perature and TMT data together, the forecast with∆t =10 years for year 50 is1.12 ± 0.62 K, a substantial im-provement over the result from the inclusion of surfaceair temperature observations alone. For∆t = 20 years,the forecast for year 50 is1.10 ± 0.35 K, which is aminor degradation in accuracy and uncertainty over thecase without TMT. For the second method, which joinsTMT with surface air observations for the just target re-gion, the forecast for year 50 is1.20 ± 1.26 K, also im-proved relative to the case with no TMT, but with muchlarger uncertainty than for the case with global surface

observations. From this we conclude that important ad-ditional information about the regional trend is embded-ded within TMT variable. In the third method, utiliz-ing just TMT with no surface observations, the forecastfor year 50 is1.40 ± 1.33 K. This uncertainty is still asubstantial improvement from that obtained from a pureextrapolation of the surface observations themselves forthe target region (equal to±2.96 K), and much moreaccurate as well, capturing the correct sign for the trend.

The results for the application of these methodsto the target regions of the Central United States andNorthern Europe are summarized in Table 2. The over-all accuracy of the scalar prediction is degraded some-


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Target Region Data Fields Baseline (years) Prediction at 50years (K)± one-sigma uncertainty

Central United States TAS NH 10 0.43 ± 0.40Central United States TAS and TMT NH 10 1.12 ± 0.62Central United States regional TAS and TMT NH 10 1.20 ± 1.26Central United States TMT NH only 10 1.40 ± 1.33Central United States TAS NH 20 1.19 ± 0.30Central United States TAS and TMT NH 20 1.10 ± 0.35Central United States regional TAS and TMT NH 20 2.40 ± 0.64

truth 1.31 ± 0.03Northern Europe TAS NH 10 0.35 ± 0.43Northern Europe TAS and TMT NH 10 0.82 ± 0.43Northern Europe regional TAS and TMT NH 10 0.88 ± 0.94Northern Europe TAS NH 20 0.59 ± 0.23Northern Europe TAS and TMT NH 20 0.69 ± 0.27Northern Europe regional TAS and TMT NH 20 1.79 ± 0.46

truth 1.26 ± 0.03


what for the case of Northern Europe, which is limitedto only 3 model gridpoints, as opposed to 8 for the Cen-tral United States. The results for Northern Europe stillshow great improvement, however, over the results ofextrapolation from the observations alone. For both tar-get regions, the prediction is improved by additional ob-servations for the case of∆t = 10 years. For the caseof ∆t = 20 years, the prediction is not substantiallydegraded by additional observations, although it is nothelped. From this pattern, we conclude that additionalmeasurements improve the prediction’s uncertainty con-tributed by natural variability that is particularly pro-nounced for a short timeseries of observations. Whena longer timeseries of observations is available, the in-fluence of natural variability diminishes with respect tosignal uncertainty; thus, TMT contributes less informa-tion but nevertheless still does not degrade the predic-tion. In the case of the extended observational period,however, when measurements are removed that con-tain the global spatial details that correctly constrain thescalar trend, the predictions including subsidiary mea-surements lose accuracy and precision. This propertyserves to inform prediction design based on the avail-ability and quality of measurements.

c. Precipitation

For precipitation, we will also consider scalar pre-diction for the trend in annual average precipitation forthe same three geographical regions: the Central UnitedStates, Northern Europe, and the Sahel, as defined inTable 1. The models do not predict a consistent sign forthe trend in Central United States precipitation, so we

choose two models as “observations” that capture thestrongest trends, both positive and negative (c.f. Fig. 1).From this exercise we conclude that the formalism doesnot have a substantial difference in predictive perfor-mance based on sign. The model ensemble distributionsof precipitation for Northern Europe and the Sahel arenot so nearly symmetric about zero, so we present theresults for just a single model as “observations” for theseregions. For these regions, we employ the same modelthat provides the large negative trend case for the Cen-tral United States.


Annual average precipitation contrasts temperaturein that the models do not predict a consistent sign forthe trend for the Central United States (Fig.1). Weconsider two end members of the corresponding multi-model distribution of precipitation trends as test casesfor scalar prediction. The INM CM 3.0 model predictsa linear trend in annual precipitation of about+13 mmdecade−1 in the Central United States based on a singlerealization. The MIROC 3.2 medium resolution modelpredicts a linear trend in annual precipitation of−15mm decade−1 based on three realizations.

The inconsistency in sign among the model precip-itation trends manifests itself in the substantially largerratio of signal shape uncertainty to natural variabilityrelative to temperature. In Fig. 7 we show the natu-ral variability and signal uncertainty fields associatedwith prediction of precipitation in the Central UnitedStates for a 20-yr timeseries. Additionally, the precip-itation case is distinguished by the dominance of the


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FIG. 7. The signal uncertaintyΣs and natural variabilityΣdn/dt associated with the Central United States (seeTable 1 for precise definition) precipitation. The diagonalelements of the dimensionless covariances are shown.The same procedures were followed to form these covariancesas were used for temperature, and the same CMIP3models were used (although the number of realizations per model varied slightly). In contrast to temperature, thesignal uncertainty is much larger than the natural variability. Both the signal uncertainty and the natural variabilityare dominated by the Tropics. The signal shape uncertainty has significantly more regional scale spatial structurethan temperature.

Tropics in the case of both natural variability and sig-nal shape uncertainty, even when considering a precipi-tation trend at mid-latitudes. These differences betweenprecipitation and temperature are also strongly evidentin the contravariant fingerprintf for precipitation pre-diction (Fig. 8). In the case of the Central United States,there is moderate sensitivity to the local precipitationbehavior and substantial sensitivity to precipitation onthe Pacific coast of North America centered near 45◦N.Beyond these correlations, however, the major predic-tors are to be found in the subtropical eastern Pacific,the tropical western Pacific, and the Indian Ocean basin.This contravariant fingerprint efficiently suppresses nat-ural variability by a factor of five or more for the case ofboth increasing and decreasing precipitation.

Determination of a contravariant fingerprint for pre-cipitation is hindered by the limited size of the CMIP3ensemble we use to estimate signal uncertainty. Themottled pattern of signal uncertainty as it appears inFig. 7 indicates that the physics of precipitation is highlyuncertain in climate modeling. The fact that patches oflow uncertainty are intertwined with patches of high un-certainty does not mean that the patches of low uncer-tainty point toward confidence in emergence of a pre-

cipitation signal. With an ensemble with as few as 24members, one should expect a mottled pattern of uncer-tainty rather than a uniform blanket of uncertainty. Withan ensemble of hundreds to thousands of runs, only thenshould a uniform blanket of uncertainty appear. Thelimited size of the CMIP3 ensemble should, then, per-mit some suppression of natural variability in the re-gions with relatively certain model physics that wouldbe inappropriate to apply to real data.

As seen in Fig. 9, the 30-yr forecast for INM CM3.0is +7 ± 21 mm, nearly three-sigma from the true valueof +66 ± 1 mm. This statistically improbable occur-rence is likely an indication that both the ensemble lacksenough members to fully span the space of possible pre-cipitation patterns, and that important information forprecipitation is missing from the analysis, informationon changes in the large-scale mid-latitude circulation.The forecast for the first realization of the MIROC 3.2medium resolution model is−3 ± 13 mm, which en-compasses the true value of−5.5 ± 0.6 mm. Note thatwe arbitrarily chose the first realization which shows asubstantially reduced drying relative to the mean of thethree realization. This prediction is accurate but the pre-cision is very low compared to the case of the temper-


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Northern Europe Contravariant Fingerprint











x 10−3Central U.S. Contravariant Fingerprint

Sahel Contravariant Fingerprint









x 10−4

FIG. 8. Contravariant fingerprints for regional precipitationprediction of the Central United States (upper left),Northern Europe (upper right), and the Sahel (lower).

ature forecasts. This result is a direct consequence ofmodels’ extreme uncertainty in the physics of precip-itation relative to the more certain physics of temper-ature change due to anthropogenically induced green-house forcing.


The precipitation trend in Northern Europe, as re-vealed by its contravariant fingerprint, is subject to morelocal influence than the trend in temperature. It isstrongly affected by the precipitation trend over the ma-jority of the European landmass and an eastward shiftin precipitation over the subtropical eastern Pacific indi-cated by adjacent areas of increasing and decreasing am-

plitude. Overall there are scattered contributions fromthe Gulf of Guinea, southeast Asia, and the westerntropical Pacific, but these contributions are much lowerin amplitude relative to the low-latitude dependencesin the Central United States fingerprint. The analysisof 20 years of “observations” generates a prediction of+14.8 ± 15.6 mm increase in precipitation (Fig. 10),compared to a true value of+13.0± 0.8 mm.


The contravariant fingerprint for Sahelian precipita-tion shows adjacent areas of increasing and decreasingprecipitation in the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceanbasins that is largely the result of inconsistent spatial


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2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050−150












y [m

m y

r−1 ]

Central U.S.: Increasing Precipitation

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050−150










y [m

m y

r−1 ]

Central U.S.: Decreasing Precipitation

FIG. 9. Two cases of “observations” are presented, following the same scheme as Figs. 5 and 6, but with precipita-tion in the Central United States as the target scalar. The upper panel shows a model realization of the 21st centurywith increasing precipitation over fifty years drawn from INM CM 3.0, and the lower panel shows decreasingprecipitation for the same period drawn from MIROC 3.2 (medium resolution). The timeseries of regional precip-itation are significantly more variable than temperature, but the contravariant fingerprint still provides substantialreduction in interannual variability.

patterns of precipitation trends among the multi-modelensemble. Most of the individual models show a cor-relation between overall decreases in precipitation inthe ITCZ and decreases in precipitation in the Sahel.The spatial disparity in the pattern of ITCZ precipita-tion change among the models results in the areas of al-ternating sign in precipitation change about the Equatorseen in the fingerprint. Application of the contravariantfingerprint for∆t = 20 years generates a prediction of+0.8 ± 8.6 mm (c.f. Fig. 10), compared with the truevalue of−8.1±0.2 mm. The true value lies just outsidethe one-sigma uncertainty envelope.

The contrast between the performance in tempera-ture and precipitation illustrates a key points about ourmethod of scalar prediction. The method relies on therelative robustness of trend patterns, as opposed to themagnitudes of the trends themselves, in making accu-rate predictions. The performance is therefore strong in

the case of temperature because the agreement amongthe model patterns is good compared with the ampli-tude of natural variability (Fig. 3). On the other hand,for precipitation, signal shape uncertainty strongly out-weighs natural variability, and trend forecasts are sub-stantially more uncertain. A path to potential improve-ment for the precipitation forecasts, based on the resultsof the inclusion of TMT in the temperature analysis, isthe addition of more data types. In particular, recentwork has shown that sea surface temperature plays astrong role in precipitation trends in the Sahel (Yoshiokaet al. 2007), and that upper air wind patterns are highlycorrelated with extreme precipitation events in North-ern Europe. Thus a future study incorporating surfacetemperature and geopotential height into a precipitationanalysis would be enlightening in this regard.


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2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050−60










y [m

m y

r−1 ]

Sahel Precipitation

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050−250













y [m

m y

r−1 ]

Northern Europe Precipitation

FIG. 10. The upper panel follows the same scheme as Figs. 5 and 6 but for 20 years of data on precipitation inthe Sahel. The true change in precipitation at year 50 of−7.76 mm is consistent with the scalar prediction of+0.86±8.61 mm. The lower panel shows the same but for precipitation in Northern Europe. Here the true changeof +13.02 mm is easily consistent with the predicted value of+14.80±15.57 mm. For both these cases, the scalarprediction method strongly reduces uncertainty due to nautral variability and represents a qualitative improvementover extrapolation of local observations.

4) Summary and discussion

We have presented a method for predicting arbitraryscalars of the climate system given a timeseries of anydata type. The equations are derived from the standardapproaches of ensemble prediction of climate changebut subject to the assumption that climate models pre-dict patterns of change better than they predict the mag-nitude of change, a fundamental assumption of optimalfingerprinting/linear multi-pattern regression. This as-sumption is reasonable because there are very few ob-servable variables whose pattern of change explains thephysics underlying the transient sensitivity of the cli-mate. Consequently, it is safe to assume the transientsensitivity of the climate is only weakly constrained byclimate models and quantifiable only from timeseries ofdata. Eqs. 10, 11, and 12 are the equations of general-ized scalar prediction for a single scalar, and Eqs. 16,

17, and 18 are the equations of generalized scalar pre-diction for multiple scalars. A contravariant fingerprintis determined such that, when it is convolved with thedata, an accurate and precise estimate of the underlyingmulti-decadal trend in the scalar is found. In optimaldetection, natural variability as determined by a climatemodel is implicitly used to estimate the uncertainty andconfidence bounds on detection. It is frequently the casethat climate models only poorly simulate inter-annualclimate variability, so in Eqs. 23 and 26 we present amethod for deriving scalar trend uncertainty that is onlyminimally dependent upon a climate model.

Generalized scalar prediction preferentially weightsthose subspaces of a data type in which there is littlenatural variability and there is strong certainty in thephysics relating the data to the scalar of interest. A longcontrol run of a climate model is used to estimate thenatural variability, and an ensemble of forced runs of


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a climate model is used to estimate the uncertainty ofthe physics of climate change. The ensemble of forcedruns is generated by either varying the tunable free pa-rameters of the climate model within physically reason-able values or incorporating different physically plausi-ble parameterizations of sub-gridscale processes. Whenthe physics of climate change relevant to a specifiedscalar is relatively certain with respect to natural vari-ability, generalized scalar detection selects subspaces ofthe data type where the physics relating the scalar andthe data is strong and the influence of natural variabilityis minimal. If the data space includes the scalar of in-terest, a significant component of the contravariant fin-gerprint strongly considers the past history of that scalar(surface air temperature of the Central United States)unless that scalar is naturally highly variable (surface airtemperature of Northern Europe). In other cases wherethe physics of scalar change is less certain, the weight-ing is strongly toward the historical trend in that scalar.

The relative weighting of physical relationships ofclimate system and natural variability in generalizedscalar prediction is also a function of the length of thetimeseries of data available. Natural variability is antic-ipated to be a stationary random process in time, so thelonger the timeseries, the less important natural variabil-ity should be in trend estimation. As a consequence, ashorter timeseries of data will more strongly weight to-ward consideration of natural variability in the construc-tion of the contravariant fingerprint so that the influenceof natural variability can be suppressed in climate pre-diction. Longer timeseries of data will more preferen-tially consider uncertainty in model physics, becauseuncertainty in model physics is not impacted by lengthof the timeseries while natural variability becomes lesssignificant. Therefore, the timeseries of detectors—theresult of multiplying individual timesteps of data bythe contravariant fingerprint—for shorter timeseries willshow more suppression of natural variability than forlonger timeseries of data. In the end, longer timeseriesof data always give more precise forecasts of climatechange than shorter timeseries.

Generalized scalar prediction handles not only manydifferent types of data, it also handles them jointly. Theaddition of new data types is expected to add new infor-mation to the scalar prediction. Just how much informa-tion depends on the data type. If the data type revealsnew aspects of climate change physics relevant to thescalar in question, the data type should contribute sig-nificantly to the reduction of uncertainty in scalar pre-diction. Also, if the data type is sensitive to componentsof the climate system that are less naturally variable, ittoo should contribute to the reduction of uncertainty inscalar prediction. In the latter case, the contribution of

the new data type becomes less valuable with a longertimeseries of data because the increase in length of thetimeseries by itself acts to reduce the influence of naturalvariability in scalar prediction. This is illustrated by theaddition of mid-tropopheric microwave brightness tem-perature (TMT) to the surface air temperature record inpredicting trends in surface air temperature.

Practical application of generalized scalar predictiondepends on a satisfactory prescription of naturally oc-curring inter-annual variability of the climate system.The suppression of natural variability, or optimization,depends on the prescription of natural variability cor-rectly capturing patterns of variability and not necessar-ily on the overall amplitude of variability. If patterns ofvariability, represented by the dominant eigenmodes ofΣn, are incorrect, spurious optimization will take place,and addition of new data types to scalar prediction mightdegrade scalar prediction. This indeed is what occurredwhen adding the Northern Hemisphere TMT field to theNorthern Hemisphere surface air temperature field asthe data in predicting Central United States surface airtemperature trends. The amplitude of natural variabilityenters only in establishing the relationship between sig-nal uncertainty and natural variability in Eqs. 10 and 16,and this is only relevant at the level of order of magni-tude. In most circumstances, either signal uncertainty ismuch greater than natural variability or vice versa, thusestablishing dominance in evaluatingΣ without regardto the actual amplitude of natural variability. Moreover,the amplitude of natural variability plays little role inthe estimate of uncertainty in the scalar trend, becausenatural variability’s contribution to the uncertainty is de-termined by convolution of the contravariant fingerprintonto the actual data (c.f. Eqs. 23 and 26).

Practical application of generalized scalar predictiondepends strongly on a complete accounting for the com-munity’s collective uncertainty in the physics of anthro-pogenic climate change. In the examples presented inthis paper, we used the CMIP3 ensemble of 24 climatemodels which are somewhat but not fully independent.As a consequence, not all of our actual uncertainty is ac-counted for in the CMIP3 ensemble: real data might ex-hibit physics which is not included in the physical spacespanned by the CMIP3 models. A more appropriate en-semble would include several thousands of forced runsof a climate model, each run incorporating different yetreasonable values for the physical parameters represent-ing processes that are unresolved by the model’s spatio-temporal grid.

Practical application most likely also depends uponprediction using multiple scalars. Perhaps the most ob-vious application is forecasting of inter-decadal climatetrends due to anthropogenic forcing. Anthropogenic


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forcing of the climate system can take many forms,the most prominent of which are increasing well-mixedgreenhouse gases, sulfate aerosols, black carbon result-ing from agricultural burning, and changing land use.Social policy can influence each of these types of forc-ing differently, so generalized scalar prediction shouldincorporate scalars that distinguish between these differ-ent types of forcing independently. Then, given varyingscenarios for how these different forcings will evolveover the coming decades, we would have sufficient in-formation to formulate a climate forecast that consid-ers all of these types of forcings. In this application,then, it is essential that, for each prescription of modelphysics, individual runs be executed for radiative forc-ing by increasing well-mixed greenhouse gases alone,increasing sulfate aerosols alone, increasing black car-bon alone, and changing land use alone.

The equations of generalized scalar detection arenearly the same as those of signal detection and attri-bution (Bell 1986; Huntingford et al. 2006). Both signaldetection and attribution and generalized scalar predic-tion assume a model of a slow secular trend underlyinga timeseries of data with large naturally occurring inter-annual variability superimposed. Mathematically, thereis nothing inherent to signal detection and attributionthat dictates how signals should be normalized beforethe signal uncertainty matrixΣs is evaluated. General-ized scalar detection shows that normalization dependson the application, namely that the normalization shouldbe by the scalar for which apredictionis desired.

Results of the application of generalized scalar pre-diction, then, can be interpreted in the light of both sig-nal detection and attribution and scalar prediction. Inthe context of signal detection and attribution, for in-stance, trends in data relevant to regional scale can beattributed to anthropogenic greenhouse warming withan interesting paradox. It is possible that a region ex-hibits a cooling trend in a timeseries of regional data yethave generalized scalar detection find a positive trend,as in the example of surface air temperature in the Cen-tral United States and just ten years of data (Fig. 5, top).While it might seem odd to declare that global warm-ing is occurring in this region even though it has cooled,nonetheless, the technique has not only considered theregional data but also physically reliable indicators ex-ternal to the region that are useful in tying trends to thephysics of global warming. The individual researcherwho is uncomfortable attributing regional cooling to ananthropogenically enhanced greenhouse when regionalwarming is expected may feel more comfortable apply-ing signal detection and attribution with the data domainrestricted to just the region of interest, as in Kharin andZwiers (2002). Restricting signal detection and attri-

bution strictly to the domain of interest, though, wouldlikely produce less appealing results for prediction offuture trends.

Finally, we have assumed throughout that the under-lying trends in climate will be linear in time over thecoming decades. This is partially justified by the sim-ulations of CMIP3. In reality, though, we do not yetknow how the anthropogenic radiative forcings of cli-mate will evolve in the coming decades. Thus, some re-search will be necessary to determine how past trends inclimate translate to prediction if rates of anthropogenicradiative forcing change in the future.

Acknowledgments. We acknowledge the modelinggroups, the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis andIntercomparison (PCMDI) and the WCRP’s WorkingGroup on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) for their rolesin making available the WCRP CMIP3 multi-modeldataset. Support of this dataset is provided by the Of-fice of Science, U.S. Department of Energy. We thankProf. Richard Goody for many discussions which haveimproved our work. This work was supported in part bythe National Science Foundation, grant ATM-0450288.


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