
Save the HRA Human Rights Act is under threat. HRA Quiz: True or False Human rights culture supplants common sense and common law, and erodes individual dignity by encouraging citizens to see themselves as supplicants and victims to be pensioned by the state. Michael Gove, Justice Secretary Michael Gove at Policy Exchange delivering his keynote speech 'The Importance of Teaching, Policy Exchange 2013 Origin: The HRA The European Convention on Human Rights: Never Again Bringing rights home with the Human Rights Act The Human Rights Act Why save the HRA? The Act in action? HRA and Devolved Nations? Good Friday Agreement Repeal rejected by NI Assembly & Scot Parliament Fragmented Rights Sewell Convention Will of Scottish Parliament Constitution Crisis UKPhoenix79 - British Isles United Kingdom.svg The threat to the HRA Campaign Timeline Petition to Michael Gove Oct - Jan - enter the competition Oct - Consultation responses Feb - May - Lobbying MPs Activity: What can your group do? How can you engage your MP, local media and community? What activities could you do? 5 actions your group agrees to do. Lobbying Skills 5 top tips for lobbying! 1.Prepare know who you are talking to 2.Prepare know what you want to talk about 3.Prepare know what you want them to do 4.Be polite and stay positive! 5.The start of a fruitful relationship? Activity: Time to lobby! Prepare to Lobby your MP Always be prepared! Activity: Elevator Pitch What should you include? 1.Who are we? 2.What do we do? What do we care about? 3. What do we want them to do? Elevator Pitch The Three Cs Concise Compelling Customised Always follow up. What you can do now? Positive stories Local press Social Media The public Meet your MPs