

Everybody by now will be aware that Attorney General Rob Hulls has

announced that he will fast track developers’ applications, worth more than

$5 million dollars from next month. Mr Hulls will create a new “major

projects” case list for developments at VCAT. Changes will mean projects get

super fast decisions to approve large developments more efficiently.

Recently, Save Dimmeys asked Planning Backlash (an umbrella planning

group for 140 groups) if this meant that a legislative adjustment was

required to create this fast track list. We received an email saying Mr Hulls

can do this immediately. Without the need to have Parliament make any

legislative changes.

This raises the question: Why would the developer of Dimmeys

(Richmond Icon Pty Ltd) bother going to Yarra Council for a

planning permit when they already know what Council’s position

is, and they could wait just a month and get on the express train at

VCAT direct in King Street for a much quicker decision?

Perhaps this is why the planning application hasn’t arrived at Bridge Road.

Is this like the train that won’t be coming? Time will tell.

Heritage Victoria: No determination yet.

Save Dimmeys MARCH 2010