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  • 8/15/2019 sason


    Saya mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada teman saya yang sudah memberi ide

    posting lagu Bahasa Inggris anak SD untuk tema weather and season. Lagu ini enak

    didengar dan yang jelas membuat anak selalu gembira. Berikut lirik dan link download

    lagu yang berkaitan dengan tema weather and season.

    SPRIN !I"# IS $%R" &'()R S#%S(NS*

    Spring time is warm

    !he song birds are singing

    Summer is hot

    !he bright sun is shining

    %utumn is cool

    !he tree lea+es are ,alling

    $inter is cold!he north wind iss blowing

    Spring time is warm

    !he ,lowers are blooming

    Summer is hot

    !he ,ruit trees are riping

    %utumn is cool

    !he ,armers are reaping

    $inter is cold

    the snow,lakes are ,alling

    Spring time is warm

    $e enjoy picnicking

    Summer is hot

    -ou enjoy your swimming

    %utumn is cool

    e enjoys his hiking

    $inter is cold

    She enjoys her skating
