  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    SAP SD Certifcations Questions and Answers

    Here are some useful certications Questions and Answers. Bold are correct answers.

    Q1. What data elements that are delivered with the SAP Standard Conguration represent

    split criteria in illing creation.!" options are correct#

    a. Terms o Payment

    b. Payer

    c. Billing Date

    d. Ship$to$part% e. &aterial 'roup

    Q(. What elements are necessar% to determine the pricing procedure in a sales document)

    a. Sales Area

    b. Customer pricing procedure rom the customer master

    c. Account assignment group from the customer master

    d. Document pricing procedure o the sales document type

    e. Condition master data

    Q". *ou are as+ed to enter special shipping costs in deliver% documents, which will then e

    charged to the customer on the invoice. What must e done to fulll this re-uest) !( correct


    a. nsure that sales process and discounts are copied to the deliver%

    . /etermine a suitale pricing procedure using the criteria0 sales area, deliver% t%pe and

    customer pricing procedure

    c. A pricing procedure must be defned and assigned to the deliery type.

    d.!aintain the Price Source feld in copying control between the deliery and

    billing document at item leel

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    Q. Assigning Sales organi2ations to compan% codes uilds integration etween S/ and 34.

    Which of the following statements regarding the assignment of sales organi2ations to

    compan% codes are correct) !( correct options#

    a. A Sales 5rgani2ation can e assigned to several compan% codes.

    ."ach sales organi#ation is assigned to $ust one company code

    c. Sales organi2ations are assigned to compan% codes indirectl% using the sales area

    d. Seeral Sales organi#ations can be assigned to one company code.

    Q6. What part of the te7t control directl% determines the cop%ing of a te7t from a source te7t

    o8ect into another te7t t%pe) !1 option correct#

    a. 9e7t /etermination procedure

    .Te%t Type

    c. Condition 9ale

    d. Access se-uence

    Q:. Which statements regarding shipping are correct) !( correct answers#

    a. 9he valid route is determined in the order header.

    . 9he items in a deliver% can e processed using various shipping points

    c."ach Deliery must hae a uni&ue ship'to'party

    d.The shipping point is determined or each order item

    e. 9he organi2ational unit plant is responsile for the planning, e7ecution and monitoring of

    the shipping activities.

    Q;. What service des+ feature provides all the functions to anal%2e and monitor an entire

    SAP solution centrall%) !1 option correct#

    a. (oot cause analysis

    . 4mplementation roadmap

    c.SAP Solution &anager diagnostics

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    d. SAP

  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    Q11. After %ou have saved the illing document, the following message appears in the

    status ar. /ocument >??":111 saved !no accounting document generated#

    What are the possile reasons wh% no accounting document has een created) !( correct


    a. 9he reference numer and assignment numer dier. 9herefore accounting documentscannot generated

    . A posting loc+ was set for the illing document t%pe. 9his prevents the creation of the 34

    documents. However controlling documents were generated

    c. The account determination cannot determine an account or determines an

    account that cannot be posted to automatically

    d. -n the billing type used) there is a confgured posting bloc thereore) the

    bloced billing document has to be released

    Q1(. *our sales representative wants to enter a discount that should onl% e entered

    manuall% within the pricing screen of a sales order in addition to the conditions that were

    automaticall% determined.

    Which of the following wa%s do %ou implement this usiness re-uirement) !( correct


    a. "nsure that the condition type e%ists in the pricing procedure used in the sales


    . Assign an access se-uence to the condition t%pe

    c. &aintain a condition record for the discount that should e entered manuall%

    d. !ar the condition type within the pricing procedure as a manual condition

    Q1". When a deliver% document is created, the s%stem can perform chec+s at item level to

    ensure compliance with the usiness re-uirements which elements can e chec+ed % the

    s%stem) !" options correct#

    a. /ero &uantity

    . Shipping conditions

    c. !inimum &uantity

    d. oer deliery

    e. /eliver% priorit%

  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    Q1. When %ou create a new sales order, which master data is automaticall% copied to the

    sales order) !( options correct#

    a. The terms o payment rom the company code data

    b. The -nco'terms rom the sales area data o the sold to party

    c. 9he agreement on partial deliveries from the sales area data of the ship to part%

    d. 9he terms of pa%ment from the sales area data of the ill to part%

    Q 16.3or what purposes can %ou use transaction variants)

    a. To hide felds in a sales order.

    b. To defne deault alues or data felds.

    c. 9o add new e7ternal elds to the sales document.

    d. 9o dene values in a selection screen for a report.

    SA,"S D0C1!"2TS 3C1ST0!-/-245

    Q 1:. Which conguration setting is a prere-uisite to ensure the e7plosion of a ill ofmaterial in the sales document) !5ne option is correct#

    a. The item category o the main item must hae correct settings to allow the

    e%plosion o bill o material.

    . A suitale item categor% must e determined for the su$item components of the ill of

    material using the item categor% usage0 B5&.

    c. When customi2ing the sales document t%pe, the ill of material e7plosion chec+o7 must

    e set accordingl%.

    d. 9he schedule line categories of the main item must have correct settings to allow the

    e7plosion of ill of materials.

    B-,,-24 3C1ST0!-/-245

    Q. 1; %our nance team wants sales revenues for customers of aliated companies to e

    posted to a dierent sales revenue account in the general ledger.

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    Which of the following steps are re-uired to allow this)

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    Q.1> what is controlled % the item categor% of a sales document item)

  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    Q((. What is the dierence etween the SAP Sales documents /eliver% free of charge and

    Suse-uent /eliver% 3ree of charge!1 option correct#

    a. Subse&uent Deliery

  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    . 9he consignment ll$up is relevant for illing.

    c. 3or the consignment ll$up, a particular movement t%pe is dened in the item categor% of

    the outound deliver%.

    d. The material remains in the aluated stoc o the deliering plant een ater

    the consignment fll'up.

    Q(60 Which of the following criteria inFuence the shipping point determination in the sales


  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    e. Seeral plants can be assigned to one company code.

    Q(= 0 What settings are mandator% when implementing a pac+ing process ased on the


    0 How do the sales document t%pes Grush order and Gcash sales dier)

  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    . &aintain a customer$specic illing due list variant and schedule a periodic 8o.

    c. &aintain a illing date prole and assign it to the sales document t%pe.

    d. !aintain a actory calendar with a single date per month and assign it to the

    customer master record o the payer.

    Q "10 What is the purpose of the moving price or standard price on the Accounting view in

    the material master)

    !( correct ans...#

    a. 9o dene the sales price that is used when selling this material to customer.

    b. To determine the alue that is used or the accounting document when posting

    goods issue.

    c. To display statistical inormation or the costs in the pricing enironment o a

    sales order.

    d. 9o dene the value that is used when posting the receivales for a customer ordering this


    Q "(0 Which of the following elements can directl% inFuence whether an availailit% chec+

    will e performed)

    !( correct ans..#

    a. 9he deliver% t%pe

    . 9he item categor% in the sales document

    c. The schedule line category in the sales document

    d. The chec group in the material master

    Q ""0 Which of the following statements regarding the material master data are correct)

    !( correct ans..#

    a. 9he following information in a Sales 5rder is derived from the material master, material

    group, weight and item categor%.

  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    b. The sales iew o the material master data can be maintained or arious

    combinations o sales organi#ation and distribution channel.

    c. 4f a delivering plant is dened in the sales data of the material master, this plant is

    transferred to a corresponding sales document item and can no longer e changed.

    d. The control tool or the material master is the material type. -t needs to beselected wheneer you create a new material master record.

    Q "0 *ou have set up the condition t%pe D?(> as a gross weight$calculated discount ased

    on the material group. *ou now want to implement this for ordered materials elonging to

    the same material group. 9he s%stem should accumulate the gross weight of the items to

    determine the scale rate.

    3or the re-uired weight accumulation, what function should e used for condition t%pe


    a. Scale Basis

    . Structure Condition

    c. Condition Supplements

    d. 4roup condition

    Q"6. 9here is a condition DA?? !Sales Promotion#. *ou need to give est discount to

    customerA. Jse condition e7clusion group

    Q":. Where all can %ou set deliver% agreements

    A. Customer &aster

    B. &aterial &aster

    C. Sales doc t%pe

    /. C&4@

    Q";. 4tem categor% is 9A< and &@P t%pe is &5. 9his is not maintained in schedule line

    determination tale. 5n which asis schedule line categor% is determined

    A. 4tem categor%

    B. /ocument t%pe

    C. Condition techni-ue

  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    Q"=. Account group controls what

    A. Pricing procedure

    B. Partner determination

    C. 9e7t determination


  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    Q6. Sales area determination

    Q:. Shipping point determination

    Q;. Pic+ing location determination

    Q=. 3rom where %ou can directl% inFuence availailit% chec+

    A. Schedule line categor%

    B. /eliver% item categor%

    C. &aterial master chec+ group

    Q>. 5rder 9%pe 0 5@

    4ncompletion Procedure0 11

    4C /ialogue o7 is chec+ed

    A. When %ou tr% to save the order, it will not allow to save

    B. When %ou tr% to save the order, it will chec+ status group

    Q6?. 5utline agreements

    A. Scheduling agreement has 7ed scheduled dates and -uantit% for scheduling agreement

    B. Quantit% contracts has 7ed scheduled dates and -uantit% for scheduling agreement

    Q61. /ierence etween CS and @5

    Q6(. Billing t%pe used in CS.

    Q6". 9here is a re-uest to ill on end of ever% month. What to e done.

    Q6. What is the standard scenario in the orderA. 5rder released with in-uir% $L deliver% $L Billing $L /unning $L Accounting doc

    B. 4n-uir% $L deliver% $L Billing $L /unning $L Accounting doc

    Q66. Sustitution reason for material determination

    A. Automatic K &anual

  • 7/26/2019 SAP SD Certifications Questions and Answers


    B. Sales Area

    C. Condition tale

    /. Changes in 4&'

    Q6:. /eliver% w.r.t order. What all can e changedA. Weight

    B. Plant

    C. Ship to part%

    /. /eliver% /ate

    . Post goods issue

    Q6;. Compan% want to restrict customer with specic material

    A. &aterial listing

    B. &aterial determination

    C. &aterial master

    Q6=. 3ree good

    A. 4nclusive free good has to e same material and order -uantit%

    B. 4n inclusive, free goods item will e at su item

    C. 7clusive free good will have su item

    Q6>. When %ou create a illing document, the 'KE accounts will automaticall% get updated.


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    Q:(.Plant is assigned to which org. units

    A. 4t is assigned to comination of sales org. and distriution channel to delivering plant

    B. Plant is uni-uel% assigned to compan% code

    C. Several plants can e assigned to one compan% code

    Q:". 3or rental contract which customi2ing need to e done

    A. Assign illing plan to item categor%

    B. &aintain Billing relevance in item categor%

    Q:.Shipping point determination in order

    Shipping Conditions of sold$to part%

    Eoading group from &aterial master

    /elivering Plant

    Q:6.Where can %ou maintain indicators for availale chec+

    A. Schedule line categor%

    B. /eliver% item categor%

    C. &aterial master

    Q::0 5n what criteria the accounts are determined in the s%stem)

    Chart of accounts

    Sales organi2ation

    Pa%erIs account assignment group

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    &aterial account assignment group

    Account +e%.

    Q:;. What are the uses of Standard price maintained in &aterial &aster)

    A. We maintain cost condition t%pe NP@S in pricing procedure

    A. Which is used to determine selling price in sales order

    Q:=. What are the two sales document t%pes which re-uires a mandator% reference)

    Suse-uent deliver% free of charge !S/3#

    4nvoice correction re-uest.!@D#

    Q:>. Sales process

    A. 4n-uir%, Quotation, order, deliver%, 9ransfer order, Billing, Accounting

    B. 4n-uir%, -uotation, Nalue contract, @elease order, Billing, Accounting

    Q;?.Where can %ou maintain controls for posting loc+

    A. 4n illing t%pe we maintain posting loc+, which need to e released

    B. Account determination for account, donIt ta+e place

    Q;1.Sales document structure consists of

    A. /ocument t%pe

    B. 4tem categor%

    C. Schedule line categor%

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    Q;(. 4f we want to maintain new freight cost, with the elds sales org, distriution channel,

    4ncoterm, /estination countr%, which is not e7isting currentl% ut in future %ou want to


    A. Condition t%pe

    B. Access se-uence

    C. Pricing procedure

    /. Condition tale

    Q;".What is controls we maintain for Quotation order

    A. Cop% control for -uotation to e mandator% to refer order

    B. Whether pricing again happen during order

    Q;. What controls are there in deliver% item categor%)

    A. Chec+ min -uantit%

    B. Oero Quantit%

    C. 5ver deliver% -uantit%

    Q;6. Where all can %ou set deliver% agreements

    A. Customer &aster

    B. &aterial &aster

    C. Sales doc t%pe

    /. C&4@

    Q;:. 4n sales order, the material availailit% is ? 4n the plant, ut still it is giving conformed

    -t%. How

    A. Considering @eplenishment Eead 9ime

    B. Stoc+ will e ta+en from other plant

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    C. from Availailit% chec+ screen other plant is automaticall% detected

    d. 3rom Availailit% chec+ screen, other plant has conrmed -uantit%

    Q;;. Pic+ing location determination

    A. Based on Storage determination rule maintained in /eliver% document t%pe!&AEA,

    &@A, @9A#

    Q;=. 4tem categor% value contract !WD1# is determined

    A. Jsage0 NC9@

    Q;>. /eliver% w.r.t order. What all can e changed

    A. Weight

    B. Plant

    C. Ship to part%

    /. /eliver% /ate

    . Post goods issue

    Q=?. 3ree good

    A. 4nclusive free good has to e same material and order -uantit%

    B. 4n inclusive, free goods item will e at su item

    C. 7clusive free good will have su item

    Q=1.4nvoice correction re-uest is created with reference

    A. 4nvoice

    Q=(.Where will %ou maintain the message for -uotation

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    A. 4n sales document t%pe

    Q=". What are the mandator% partner function for a sales order to e processed)

    Sold$to part% !SP#

    Ship$to part% !SH#

    Pa%er !P*#

    Bill$to part% !BP#

    Q=. 7plain the partner determination procedure for customer master

    Partner 3unction to the Account group

    Partner 3unction to the Partner Procedure

    Partner procedure to the Account group

    Q=6. Where can %ou maintain the /eliver% Agreements)

    A. 4n Customer master

    B. 4n Customer$material info record

    Q=:. How a contract is fullled)

    With individual release orders.

    Q=;. How can %ou maintain Eean warehouse

    A. Assign Warehouse numer to the plant and storage location

    B. Assign warehouse management to sales order

    Q==. 9he following are true aout cancellation of goods issue.

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    9he s%stem carries out an inventor% posting ased on -uantities and values with a

    @eversed K$ sign.

    9he cancellation document is entered in the document Fow for outound deliver%.

    9he goods movement status is reset to G. 3or what the upper and the lower limit in a condition is maintained)

    &anual changes in pricing elements can e limited ased on these limits.

    Q>?. How condition t%pes and record of reate agreement dier from that of the standard


    A. Accruals are created automaticall% for reate conditions

    B. Condition class

    C. Calculation t%pe

    Q>1. What is a pricing report)

    4t is an overview of condition records for anal%sis. .g. Customer specic prices.

    Q>(. A pricing agreement with a higher$level node is valid for all the suordinate level


    *esK". 9he following are true aout down pa%ments.

    Processing carried out using illing plan functionalit%.

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    5ne or more down pa%ment agreements are stored as a date in a illing plan.

    9he value entered as down pa%ment can e either 7ed or percentage

    Q>. 4f we want to print the te7t t%pe using sap script form

    A. &aintain the printing control in that particular te7t t%pe
