

    ASSIGNMENT -1(WEEK 3) NOUNS A noun is a naming word that is used to name living beings, places, ideas and feelings. FEATURES

    A noun is the name of person, place, animal or thing.

    It also names an idea or feeling. A Identify the naming words:

    1. Henry is a prince of Great Britain. 2. John swims better than Smith. 3. Mary Kom is a boxer. 4. Physics is my favourite subject. 5. Shanu planted a seed.

    KINDS OF NOUNS 1. Common Nouns 4. Material Nouns 2. Proper Nouns 5. Abstract Nouns 3. Collective Nouns

    Common Nouns: A common noun is a word that does not refer to any particular person, place or thing. It gives a common name to a person, place, animal or thing of the same class or kind.

    Proper Nouns: proper Nouns are words which name specific people, things, plaes or organisations.

    Collective Nouns: Nouns that name a group or a class of similar things or persons taken together and spoken of as one whole are called collective nouns.

    Here are more examples of collective nouns:

    1. A pack of cards/dogs/wolves 10. A bunch/bouquet of flowers 2. A suite of rooms 11. A mob of people 3. A team of players 12. A flock of birds/sheep 4. A school of fish 13. A bunch of

    bananas/grapes/flowers 5. A swarm of bees 14. A clump of trees 6. A crew of sailors 15. A cluster of huts 7. A herd of cattle/deer 16. A squadron of aeroplane 8. A litter of puppies 17. A shoal of fish 9. A cabinet of ministers 18. A library of books

    B Circle the proper nouns and underline the common nouns: 1. Rajiv and Priyanka are brother and sister. 2. The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu. 3. ‘Othello’ was written by William Shakespeare. 4. Teachers and students worked together for the exhibition. 5. The poem ‘Ode to Autumn’ was written by John Keats. 6. ;Happy Feet’ is an entertaining movie. 7. Mother washes Ritu’s clothes in the washing machine.


    MATERIALNOUNS: Nouns that name materials or substance that we see and touch or are ingredients for making things are called material nouns. FEATURES

    Material nouns are used in the singular form.

    No article is used before them.

  • A material noun becomes a common noun when there is an article before it or if the noun is in the plural form. ABSTRACT NOUNS: Nouns that name ideas or concepts, quality, feeling, some state or a thing which cannot be touched or seen are called abstract nouns. FEATURE

    Abstract nouns are names of things that cannot be touched or seen. FORMATION OF ABSTRACT NOUNS Abstract nouns can be formed by adding syllables like –ry, -ship, and so on at the end of the original words. Examples: brave + ry = bravery heal + th = health

    Lonely + ness = loneliness great + ness = greatness Friend + ship = friendship equal+ ity = equality

    FROM COMMON NOUNS Examples: Student – study, enemy – enmity, servant – service FROM ADJECTIVES Examples: kind – kindness, able – ability, generous – generosity FROM VERBS Examples: grow – growth, punish – punishment, invent – invention

    A Fill in the blanks with words given in the box and tick (√) the correct kinds of nouns.

    fun anxiety team gold pack honesty library gang

    1. We had lot of _________________ at the birthday party. 2. The cricket ________________ received a warm welcome. 3. The deer was followed by a ________________ of wolves. 4. The _______________ of the woodcutter impressed the fairy. 5. The __________________ of his result did not let Ram sleep that night. 6. Police managed to arrest a ____________ of robbers. 7. All that I want is a _____________ of books. 8. The king used to have food in plates of _______________.

    B Fill in the blanks with abstract nouns made from the words given in brackets.

    1. We were attracted by the _________ of the mountains. (beautiful) 2. Ram extended a hand of __________________ (friend) towards his new classmate. 3. Jane received _____________ (punish) for not finishing her homework. 4. Modern _____________ (invent) have made life easy. 5. Our _________ (happy) knew no bounds when India won the match. 6. All ________ (bitter) was lost between the two neighbours. 7. His ______________ (absent) at the school party made his friends sad. 8. Geeta’s ______________ (shy) held her back from participating in the debate.


    Nouns which can be counted are called countable nouns. Common nouns are usually countable.

    Nouns which cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns. Material nouns are uncountable nouns.


    Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

    ‘A’ ‘an’ and one used with singular nouns. ‘A’, ‘an’ or one is not used with uncountable nouns.

  • Qualified by ‘many’. ‘a few’ and numbers. Qualified by ‘much’ and ‘a little’

    C Tick (√) the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. (A few, A little, Much) people attended the function. 2. She brought (many, a little, much) books and distributed them among the children. 3. After (a few, many, a little, much) sugar should be added to the cake. 4. (A few, many, A little, much) sugar should be added to the cake. 5. Just (a few, many, a little, much) efforts is needed to get good grades in class. 6. Too (a few, many, a little, much) cooks spoil the broth. 7. The charity event was organised by (many, a little, much) eminent personalities. 8. The play was appreciated by (many, a little, much) people.

    कक्षा - छठी ह िंदी कार्य - पत्रक -1 (ततृीर् सप्ता ) पाठ -1 : व चिहिर्ा जो (कववता ) कववता का सार-: इस कववता में कवी ने एक छोटी सी चिहिर्ा के खाने पीने की िीज़ों तथा उसकी रुचिर्ों के बारे में बतार्ा ै | कवी क ता ै हक व नीले पिंखों वाली ,छोटी सिंतोषी चिहिर्ा दधू से भरे ज्वर के दानों को बिी रूचि और आनिंद के साथ खाती ै | उसे अनाज से भी ब ुत प्र्ार ै |व छोटी चिहिर्ा जॅंगल में वन-बाबा के चलए रास से भरा ुआ गीत गाती ै , उसे जिंगल से भी ब ुत प्र्ार ै | व अपनी मधरु आवाज़ से सबसे अपना सम्बन्ध बना लेती ै | व नीले पिंखों वाली ,छोटी चिहिर्ा तेज़ ब ती नदी में से जल हक एक बूूँद अपनी िोंि में भर कर उि जाती ै मनो व नदी का हदल टटोलकर उसमे से मोती उठा कर ले आई ो |व छोटी चिहिर्ा अपने ऊपर गवय करने लगती ै , उसे नदी से भी ब ुत अचधक प्र्ार ै | कववता से प्रश्न-1 कववता पढ़ कर तमु् ारे मन में चिहिर्ा का जो चित्र उभरता ै उस चित्र को कागज़ पर बनाओ | उत्तर-1 बच्िे चिहिर्ा का ऐसा चित्र बना सकते ैं जो कटोरी से दधू जुन्दी खा र ी ो अथवा जल से मोती चनकल र ी ो | प्रश्न-2 तुम् ें कववता का कोई और शीषयक देना ो तो क्र्ा शीषयक देना िा ोगे ? उपर्ुक्त शीषयक सोिकर चलखो- उत्तर-2प्र्ारी - चिहिर्ा ' प्रश्न-3 इस कववता के आधार पर बताओ चिहिर्ा को हकन-हकन िीज़ों से प्र्ार ै ? उत्तर-3 चिहिर्ा को चनम्नचलखखत िीज़ों से प्र्ार ै - अन्न से नदी से ववज़न से ( जिंगल से ) प्रश्न-4 आशर् स्पष्ट करो - (क) रास उूँ िेलकर गए लेती ै

  • (ख) छिी नदी का हदल टटोलकर जल का मोती ले जाती ै उत्तर-4(क) चिहिर्ा का गाना इतना मधरु ै हक ऐसा प्रतीत ोता ै हक व अपने गाने में रस उिेल र ी ो | इस गाने को सुनकर कानों को बिा आनिंद चमलता ै | चित्त प्रसन ो जाता ै | (ख) चिहिर्ा इतनी ितुर ोती ै हक व नदी के जल के बीि में से मोती ढूूँढ लती ै | व उफनती नदी में िली जाती ै |चिहिर्ा अपने काम में ब ुत कुशल ै |

    कक्षा- छठी ह िंदी कार्य - पत्रक -2 (ततृीर् सप्ता ) पाठ-2 : बिपन अभ्र्ास कार्य

    सिंस्मरण से - प्रश्न-1 लेखखका बिपन में इतवार की सुब क्र्ा-क्र्ा करती थीिं ? उत्तर-1 लेखखका अपना बिपन र्ाद करते ुए बताती ै की उन् ें रवववार की सुब अपने अपने मोज़े धोने ोते थे और अपने जूतों को पोचलश करनी ोती थीिं | प्रश्न-२ 'तुम् ें बताऊूँ गी हक मारे समर् और तुम् ारे समर् में हकतनी दरुी ो िकुी ै '- इस बात के चलए लेखखका क्र्ा -क्र्ा उदा रण देती ै ? उत्तर-2 लेखखका बताती ै हक मारे समर् और तमु् ारे समर् में हकतनी दरुी आ िकुी ै | र् ाूँ तक की बिपन की हदलिखस्पर् ॉँ भी बदल िुकी ैं | उन हदनों कुछ घरों में ी ग्रामोफ़ोन ुआ करता था |आजकल तो घर में टेलीववखजन और रेहिर्ो ैं | मारे वक़्त की कुल्फी आज आइसक्रीम ने ले ली |किोरी , समोसा -पैटीज़ में बदल गर्ा ै | श ततू और फालसे और खसखस के शरबत कोक और पेप्सी में बदल गई ैं| इस तर मारे-तुम् ारे बीि ब ुत कुछ बदल गर्ा ै | प्रश्न -3 पाठ से पता करके चलखो हक लेखखका को िश्मा क्र्ों लगाना पिा ? िश्मा लगाने पर उनके ििेरे भाई उन् े क्र्ा क कर चिढ़ाते थे ? उत्तर -3 िश्मा लगाने की आदत न ोने के कारण ब ुत अजीब लग र ा था पर लेखखका के पास और कोई रास्ता न ीिं था , पर इसे लगाने के बाद मेरी शक्ल अजीब सी हदखती ोगी तभी मेरे भाई मुझे चिढ़ाते थे | खजससे मुझे खीज़ ोती थीिं | प्रश्न-4 लेखखका अपने बिपन में कौन- कौन सी िीज़ें मज़े लेकर खातीिं थीिं ? उनमें से प्रमुख फलों के नाम चलखो | उत्तर-4 बिपन से ी लेखखका को ि कलेट और िना और अनारदाने का िूणय खबू खाती थीिं| रसभरी ,कसमल और काफल उनके वप्रर् फल थे |


    NATURAL NUMBERS: Counting numbers are called natural numbers

    WHOLE NUMBERS: All natural numbers together with 0 are called whole numbers.

    SUCCESSOR OF A WHOLE NUMBER: If we add 1 to a whole number, we get the next whole number, called its successor.

    PREDECESSOR OF A WHOLE NUMBER: One less than a given whole number (other than 0), is called it predecessor.

    EXERCISE 1. Write the next three whole numbers after 30999.

    2. Write the three whole numbers occurring just before 10001.

    3. How many whole numbers are there between 1032 and 1209?

    4. Which is the smallest whole number?

    5. Write the successor of: a. 2540801 e. 9999 b. 50904 f. 61639 c. 687890 g. 5386700 d. 6475999 h. 9999999

    6. Write the predecessor of: a. 97 e. 10000 b. 36900 f. 7684320 c. 1566391 g. 2456800 d. 100000 h. 1000000

    7. Write down three consecutive whole numbers just preceding 7510002.

    8. Write (T) for true and (F) for false against each of the following statements: a. Zero is the smallest natural number. b. Zero is the smallest whole number. c. Every whole number is a natural number. d. Every natural number is a whole number. e. 1 is the smallest whole number. f. The natural number 1 has no predecessor. g. The whole number 1 has no predecessor. h. The whole number 0 has no predecessor. i. The predecessor of two digit number is never a single digit number. j. The successor of two-digit number is always a two-digit number. k. 500 is the predecessor of 499. l. 7000 is the successor of 6999.


    OPERATION ON WHOLE NUMBERS: o CLOSURE PROPERTY: If a and b are any two whole number then, (a+ B) is also a whole

    number. o COMMUTATIVE LAW: If a and b are any two whole numbers then, (a + b) = (b + a) o ADDITIVE PROPERTY OF ZERO: If a is any whole number then, a + 0 = 0 + a = a o ASSOCIATIVE LAW: For any whole numbers a, b, c we always have

    (a + b) + c = a +(b + c)

    MAGIC SQUARE: A magic square is an arrangement of different numbers in the form of a square such that the sum of the numbers in every horizontal line, every vertical line and every diagonal line is the same. One magic square id shown here It may be noted that Row wise sum = (9 + 2+ 7) = (4 + 6 + 8) = (5 + 10 +3) = 18 Column wise sum = (9 + 4 + 5) = (2 + 6 + 10) = (7 + 8 +3) = 18 Diagonal wise sum = (9 + 6 + 3) = (7 + 6 + 5) = 18

    EXERCISE 1. Fill in the blanks to make each of the following a true statement a. 458 + 639 = 639 + ________ d. 864 +2006 = 2006 + ________ b. 1946 + _______ = 984 + 1946 e. 8063 + 0 = ______________ c. 53501 + (574 + 799) = 574 + ( 53501 + _______) 2. Add the following numbers and check by reversing the order of the addends: a. 16509 + 114 b. 2359 + 548 c. 19753 + 2867 3. Find the sum: (1546 + 498)+ 3589. Also, find the sum: 1546 + (498 + 3589). Are the two

    sums equal? State the property satisfied. 4. Determine each of the sums given below using suitable arrangement a. 953 + 707 + 647 d. 1983 + 647 + 217 + 353 b. 15409 + 278 + 691 + 422 e. 3259 + 10001 + 2641 + 9999 c. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 96 + 97 + 98 + 99 f. 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 45 + 46 + 47 + 48 5. Find the sum by short method: a. 6784 + 9999 b. 10578 + 99999 6. For any whole number a, b, c. is it true that (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)? Give reasons. 7. Write (T) for true an (F) for each of the following statements: a. The sum of two odd numbers is an odd number. b. The sum of two even numbers is an even number. c. The sum of an even number and an odd number is an odd number.

    8. Complete each one of the following magic squares by supplying the missing numbers:

    9 2



    9 2 7

    4 6 8

    5 10 3


    Q1: Give two examples each of modes of transport used on land, water and air. Q2: Fill in the blanks: (i) One metre is _______ cm. (ii) Five kilometre is ________m. (iii) Motion of a child on a swing is ___________. (iv) Motion of the needle of a sewing machine is __________ (v) Motion of wheel of a bicycle is __________. Q3: Why can a pace or a footstep not be used as a standard unit of length? Q4: Arrange the following lengths in their increasing magnitude: 1 metre , 1 centimetre , 1 kilometre , 1 millimetre Q5: The height of a person is 1.65 m . Express it into cm and mm. Q6: The distance between Radha’s home and her school is 3250 m. Express this distance into km. Q7: While measuring the length of a knitting needle, the reading of the scale at one end is 3.0cm and at the other end is 33.1 cm. What is the length of the needle? Q8: Write the similarities and differences between the motion of a bicycle and a ceiling fan that has been switched on. Q9: Why would you not like to use a measuring tape made of an elastic material like rubber to measure distance? What would be some of the problems you would meet in telling someone about a distance you measured with such a type? Q10: Give two examples of periodic motion. CLASS-VI SUBJECT – SCIENCE ASSIGNMENT-2(WEEK 3) CH- 10 (MOTION AND MEASUREMENT OF DISTANCES) Q1: Tick the correct answer: i) Earliest mode of transport on water was a) Aeroplane b) Hovercraft c) Logs tied together ii) One of the early measures of distance was a) Litre b) Gram c) Pace

    16 2



    2 15 16

    9 12

    7 10

    14 17

  • iii) A car moving in a straight line on the road shows _________ motion. a) Circular b) Rectilinear c) Periodic iv) Windmill blades show _______ motion. a) Circular b) Periodic c) both a and b v) A tailor uses ________ to measure the size of our chest. a) ruler b) measuring tape c) metre rod Q2: Fill in the blanks: a) The standard unit of length is ____________. b) The motion described by a simple pendulum is _________ motion. c) Length more than one thousand metre are measured in _______. d) In 1790, the French created a standard unit of measurement called ___________. e) In __________ motion, the object moves along a straight line. f) Invention of ________ made a great change in modes of transport. Q3: State true or false. Also, correct the incorrect statements. a) Eg: One centimeter is equal to 100millimetres. (FALSE) Correct: One centimeter is equal to 10 millimetres. b) Motion of needle of sewing machine is circular motion. c) Thread can be used to measure the length of a curved line. d) Diameter of a circle is half its radius. e) March past of soldiers in a parade is a circular motion. f) In ancient India, small length measurements used were an angul or a mutthi. Q4: Classify the following into circular, rectilinear, rotational or periodic motion: pendulum of a clock, child on a swing, army soldiers in a parade, blades of an electric fan, strings of guitar, a bus on road, Moon around Earth, hands of a clock

    CLASS VI SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSIGNMENT-1(WEEK 3) CIVICS LESSON 1: DIVERSITY IN INDIA (UNDERSTANDING DIVERSITY) DIVERSITY IN INDIA Diversity means the presence of wide range of features or qualities . There are several types of birds , trees , flowers , animals as well as human beings . You can see differences in the behaviour of nature as well as sometimes it rains sometimes it is extreme cold and sometimes it’s hot . Geographically also India’s diversity is also well marked . It is covered by Himalayas in the north and Arabian Sea , India. Ocean and the Bay of Bengal on the other three sides . SOCIAL GROUPS India is multi religious , multi lingual , multi cultural and multi ethnic country .

  • We all depend on others for the fulfilment of their needs . That is why , each of us is brought up to live together in groups . The immediate group in which we love is our family . Family is of two types Nuclear family Joint family LANGUAGES IN India we have 22 languages which are recognised by our constitution . Languages are broadly divided into two groups on the basis of their origin . From southern India we have Dravidian groups of languages while those spoken in northern India are sanskrit. RELIGION In India there is diversity in religion as well. It is rightly said that India is a land of ‘ unity in diversity’ . ECONOMIC INEQUALITY This kind of inequality is due to unequal distribution of wealth . GENDER INEQUALITY The unequal treatment given to men and women is termed as gender inequality . Makes have always enjoyed more position and power in India whereas the female sex is discriminated . DRESS , FOOD , FESTIVALS AND DANCES People in different regions dress differently . Indians have diverse food habits . Indian diversity is also reflected in festivals , customs , and dances . We have various dance – forms in different parts of the country . Another important feature of India is SECULARISM – The word secularism means that the citizens are free to practice any religion that they want and government does not interfere in matters of religion . ASSIGNMENT

    I. Define Diversity . II. Write a short note on various religions followed in India . III. What is economic inequality ? IV. Define Gender inequality. V. Explain the cultural diversity of our country . VI. Define Secularism . VII. Name the dance forms performed in the following states

    a. Kerala b. Punjab c. Tamil Nadu d. Andhra Pradesh e. Gujarat f. Uttar Pradesh

    VIII. Write the name of the harvest festival celebrated in the following states a. Punjab b. Uttar Pradesh c. Tamil Nadu d. Kerala e. Assam


    a. Kangri b. Gender Inequality c. Diversity

    Ques 2: Multiple choice questions: (0.5x4=2 Marks) I. Kuchipudi is the dance-form of-

    a. Kerala b. Andhra Pradesh c. Tripura

    II. Number of languages in our country is;

    a. 22 b. 23 c. 24

    III. Phiran is a dress-form popular in the state of-

    a. Punjab b. Jammu and Kashmir c. Haryana

    IV. The Hindu Succession act, 2005 has given Hindu women equal rights to

    a. Vote b. Inherit Property c. Education

    Ques 3. Fill in the blanks: (1x3=3 Marks) a. In India we have ...............dialects b. The introductory part of our constitution is called.......... c. Freedom to practice one’s religion and beliefs is called.............

    Ques 4:Write True or False for the following statements. (0.5x4=2 Marks). a. Our present social structure is based in occupations. b. Women have no right over parental property. c. Untouchability has been abolished by our constitution. d. India is a multi-cultural country.

    Ques 5: Answer the following questions in brief. (2x2=4 Marks) a. The languages spoken in northern India are derived from which language? b. What do you understand by the term economic inequality?

    Ques 6: Answer the following questions in detail. (3x2=6 Marks) a. Why do you think the system of joint family is vanishing gradually from our

    society? b. Explain the cultural diversity of our country?

  • कक्षा- छठी सिंस्कृत कार्य - पत्रक -1 (ततृीर् सप्ता ) पाठ-2 शब्द - पररिर् -II की ह िंदी व्र्ाख्र्ा सिंस्कृत सरलाथय एषा का ? र् क्र्ा ै ? एषा दौला | र् झूला ै | दौला कुत्र अखस्त ? झूला क ाूँ ै ? दौला उपवने अखस्त | झूला बाग़ में ै | सा का ? व क्र्ा ै ? सा घहटका | व घिी ै | घहटका हकिं सूिर्चत ? घिी क्र्ा हदखती ै ? घहटका समर्िं सूिर्चत | घिी समर् हदखती ै | इन वाक्र्ों में एकविन का प्रर्ोग आर्ा ै | एते के ? रे् दोनों कौन ैं ? हकम ्एते कोहकले ? क्र्ा रे् दोनों कोर्ल ैं ? न , एते िटके | न ीिं, रे् दोनों गौरैर्ा ैं | िटके हकिं कुरुतः ? दोनों गौरैर्ा क्र्ा करती ैं ? एते वव रतः| रे् दोनों वव ार करती ैं | ते के ? वे दोनों कौन ैं ? ते िाचलके स्तः | वे िाचलकाएूँ ैं | ते हकिं कुरुतः ? वे दोनों क्र्ा करती ैं ? ते वा निं िालर्तः | वे दोनों गािी िलाती ैं | इन वाक्र्ों में हिविन का प्रर्ोग आर्ा ै | एताः काः ? रे् सब क्र्ा ैं ? एताः स्थाचलकाः | रे् सब थाचलर्ाूँ ैं हकम ्एताः गोलाकाराः ? क्र्ा वे आकार में गोल ैं ? आम ्, एताः गोलाकाराः एव | ाूँ, रे् सब गोल आकार वाली ैं | ताः काः ? वे सब कौन ैं ? ताः अजाः | वे बकररर्ािं ैं | ताः हकिं कुवयखन्त ? वे सब क्र्ा कर र ी ैं ? ताः िरखन्त | वे सब िर र ी ैं | इन वाक्र्ों में ब ुविन का प्रर्ोग आर्ा ै |

    कक्षा- छठी सिंस्कृत कार्य -- पत्रक -2 (ततृीर् सप्ता ) पाठ-2 शब्द - पररिर् -II अभ्र्ास कार्य

  • प्रश्न-1 वणों को जोिकर पद कोष्ठक में चलखखए – क् +उ+र ्+उ +त ्+अः= कुरुतः उ +द् + र् ्+आ +न ्+ए = उद्याने स ्+थ ्+आ +ल ्+इ+क्+आ = स्थाचलका घ+्अ+ट्+इ+क्+आ = घहटका स+्त+्र+्ई+ल+्इ+ङ्+ग+्अ = स्त्रीचलङ्ग म+्आ+प+्इ+क्+आ = मावपका प्रश्न-2 चित्र देखकर सिंस्कृत पद चलखखए:- उत्पीहठका पेहटका नौका िटका वदृ्धा मावपका प्रश्न-3 विनानुसार ररक्त स्थान भररए:- गीत गीते गीताः पेहटका पेहटके पेहटकाः खट्वा खट्वे खट्वाः सा ते ताः रोहटका रोहटके रोहटकाः प्रश्न-4 कोष्ठक से उचित शब्द िनुकर वाक्र्ों को पूरा कीखजए :- (क) अजे िरतः। (ख) हििहक्रकाः सखन्त। (ग) नौका िलचत। (घ) सूचिका अखस्त। (ि) मखक्षकाः उत्पखन्त। प्रश्न-5 सा,ते,ताः इनमे से उचित सवयनाम पद िनुकर ररक्त स्थान भररए:- (क) मह लाः भवखन्त। - ताः भवखन्त। (ख) सुधा वदचत। - सा वदचत। (ग) जवचनके दोलतः। - ते दोलतः। (घ) वपपीचलकाः िलखन्त। - ताः िलखन्त । (ि) िटके कूजतः। - ते कूजतः। प्रश्न-6 मञ्जूषासे कत्तायपद िनुकर ररक्तस्थान भररए:- (क) पुष्पमालाः सखन्त। (ख) बालकः पश्र्चत। (ग) लेखखका चलखचत। (घ) चसिं ा गजयखन्त। (ि) वत्रिहक्रका िलचत।

  • प्रश्न-7 मञ्जूषा से कतायपद के अनुसार हक्रर्ापद िनुकर ररक्त स्थान भररए :- (क) सौम्र्ा नतृ्र्चत। (ख) िटके वव रतः। (ग) बाचलके गार्तः। (घ) छात्राः चलखखन्त। (ि) जनाः पश्र्खन्त। CLASS –VI COMPUTER ASSIGNMENT-1(WEEK 3)

    Topic: Powerpoint Shortcut Keys Write the function of the following Shortcut keys of MS Powerpoint:- Ctrl+M - ………………………………………………………………………… Ctrl+D - ………………………………………………………………………… Shift + F3- ……………………………………………………………………….. F7 - ………………………………………………………………………… F12 - ………………………………………………………………………… Esc. - ………………………………………………………………………… Ctrl+Z - ………………………………………………………………………… Ctrl+Y - ………………………………………………………………………… Ctrl + F - ……………………………………………………………………….. Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow - ………………………………………………........... Shift + F5- ……………………………………………………......................... Ctrl+L- …………………………………………. ……………......................... Ctrl + Delete -…………………………………………………………….......... F1 - …………………………………………………………..................... Ctrl + - ……………………………………………… …………….................

