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Sample SPM English Essay - My Best PalClose friendships are hard to come by these days. In an ever-changing world with people striving to achieve their interpretation of preordained success, it is hard to know who your true friends are. Fortunately, I found my best pal early at the tender age of seven. We were both enrolled at the same school and were at wits’ ends as we searched tirelessly for our designated classes.

Samantha and I got acquainted as both of us were in the same class and sat next to each other. Samantha was a happy-go-lucky girl who always managed to breathe fresh air into the sometimes arid classroom. She always knew what to say and would voice them at the best possible moments. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed her company and liveliness. There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her funny quips and expressions.

Samantha was born with a silver spoon. Her father was a businessman and her mother owned and ran a boutique. Both her parents were very caring towards her as she, just like I, was the only child of the family. Samantha came to school each day with a perpetual smile. She was a very nice person to be around with. She and I used to go everywhere together and both of us were rarely seen apart. We used to talk about so many things as we walked, thoroughly enjoying our time together.

One day, I went to school and forgot to ask my parents for lunch money. At first, I was not hungry and thought I could bear going without a meal but soon, my stomach began to growl. Without asking, Samantha generously paid for my meal and drinks during recess. The incident revealed to me how lucky I was to have such a caring and compassionate friend.

As time went on, people started teasing us as we were spending more and more time together. We seemed to know what each other thought and we cared for each other deeply. Was I in love with her? I did not know then and we both knew we were too young for all that emotional roller coaster.

Currently, Samantha and I are studying at different schools. It was hard to be apart at first, but technology in the form of instant messaging and e-mails have helped to bridge the gap in our friendship. I sincerely wish our friendship will never end as it would be equivalent to waking up from a beautiful dream.

Written by, Manu Menon (2007)

SPM English Essay - Describe an afternoon at the bus stationIt was two o’clock in the afternoon. I was heading towards the bus station with Mohan after Mrs Wong’s extra class. The sun was beating mercilessly on my back and I could feel my sweat trickling down my spine. I have often wished that my mother would allow me to ride a motorcycle to school. She says that I am not ready but we both know that she is terrified that a car would knock me down.

When I reached the bus station, it was nearly empty except for a handful of boys. Mohan and I strode to a bench near the stationmaster’s office. I could feel the tension on my shoulders as the straps of my school bag ate into my shoulder. “Where is the bus?” I sighed to myself. An elderly woman came and asked me where I was going. She started a conversation but gave up after my monosyllable answers.

Suddenly, someone shouted and I saw a bus swerved into the station. I got up, thankful for the chance to escape from the woman. . It was Mohan’s bus. The group of boys were jostling each other to get into the bus. “Masuk! Masuk!” shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be moving. The black fumes made me nauseous. All of a sudden, people started appearing from all directions to board their bus. In no time, the passengers were packed like sardines in the bus. It started to move, leaving some unfortunate passengers behind. I waved at Mohan when I noticed him dangling on the steps of the bus. The bus swerved out of the station again. It left another trail of black smoke.

I decided to go to Panjang’s ice stall. The iced sugar cane juice soothed my parched throat as I sipped slowly, all the while keeping an eye on the bus. Then I saw the bus heading towards the station. I paid for my drinks. “See you tomorrow,” I waved to Panjang.

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Once more, the crowd began to swell near the bus. I noticed that the elderly woman was being shoved around by the boys. She started hitting them with her umbrella. Then, I saw Raja, my classmate at the back of the bus. I hurled my bag through the window and he caught it. By the time I got into the bus, it had already started moving. I got into my seat and told myself that I must really try to convince my mother about the motorcycle again.

(415 words)(SPM Essential English, Pearson by Jenny Tan)

n spite of government’s clear call to students to study English well, many students still show very little interest in studying the language. As Chairperson of the English Language Society, you are going to try to persuade the students to study the language by writing an article in the school newsletter. In the article you have to tell the students the importance of studying the language. Your article is given in the point form below: 

will help you to further your studies  will help you to get a job  will help you in your job  will help you in your travels  will help you to enjoy many interesting programmes in television  will help you to appreciate many of the world’s most beautiful literary works 


The Importance of Studying English 

            It is a big concerned for teenagers nowadays as they are unaware of the importance of English language as they tend to ignore to learn the language. Students’ attitude towards the language is also crucial to make sure that these teenagers can face the future world better by learning English language as it is an international language. 

Although the government has repeatedly told us of the importance of English, many students are still not bothered about studying it seriously. There is also a campaign that still on to make all the Malaysian becomes a better English learner, which is ‘Enhance Proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia, Strengthen the English’. English is the most important and the most useful language in the world today. There are many reasons why you should study the language properly. 

First and foremost, English will definitely help you a lot when you want to further studies. Almost all books at university are written in English in all subjects. Plus, it is a compulsory for any candidate to pass English with credit before entering any universities. So, if you are poor in English, you will blow you chance for better education or worse, you are going to have a big problem studying at university. 

The second reason why you have to study English well is that it will help you to get a job. When you go for a job interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in English. The first impression you should give in order to success and have the job is, to respond in English fluently. Your chances of getting the job are very slim if you stutter while interviewing. 

A good command in of English will also help you greatly in your job. If the company you work is actively involved in international trade, you have to speak to prospective customers in English. Miscommunication might occur if your English is bad. And this will put your company at risk and you will likely be dismissed if this happen. 

    Good English will also help you a lot when you travel. Every country in the world studies English. Even the roadside stall-holders in China speak fairly good English! At least some of the people you

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meet on your travels in other countries can understand English. The language is certainly practical when you are lost in your trip. Communication problem will not happen if you can converse well in English. Inevitably, English is one of the languages used in any airport in the world in making announcement. Knowing English well, therefore, make travelling overseas easier. 

Besides all these, entertainment is one of the major advantages you will experience if you good in English. You will enjoy television’s best programmes. We must admit that many of the best programmes are produced by the Americans and British companies. High self confidence influenced by the programmes will indirect inculcate in yourself when you are fluent in the language. Quality time is worthily spent if you understand and enjoy the programmes. 

Based from all the above elaboration, I hope that students will see the importance and realise how importance the language is for their own future. Although it is a second language in our country, it is now a main language all over the world. 

544 words

DIRECTED: REPORT – Report to Principal   You are very disappointed by the conditions and services provided by your school canteen. You decide to write a report to inform your school principal about the poor conditions and services of the canteen. These would include: 

insufficient table and benches  food and drinks not covered   too little food counters  dirty and clogged drains – smelly   food – expensive and lacks variety  inadequate food – late comers have nothing to buy, to eat  cold food – not fresh  rude canteen workers 


To        :          Mr. Hasnan bin Jalal,                       The Principal,                        Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata  

From   :          Malik bin Abdul  Date    :          24 March 2011   

Report about the School Canteen               I am writing this report is to draw your attention regarding the school canteen.  Many of the students of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata are unhappy about the conditions at the school canteen. There were lots of complaints regarding this issue. 

                        In the first place, there are insufficient tables and benches. Our school has a student population of over 1 000. There is only one period of recess time for all forms. More than 80 per cent of the students go to the canteen during recess to buy food and drinks. Unfortunately, there are only about twenty-five tables and fifty benches which can accommodate less than half the number of students. As a result, many students have to stand while eating. 

            The food sold at the canteen not only expensive but lacks of variety. The menu is the same every day. For the past five years, ever since the present canteen management took over, students go back to the same food. 

            The hygiene and preparation of food leave a lot to be desired. The food and drinks are not covered. They way canteen attendants dress speak volume about hygiene. With their lackadaisical attitude, the food they sell would one way or the other become contaminated. 

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            My fourth complaint about the canteen pertains to the etiquette of the canteen workers. They are rude and arrogant. They often shout at students. The students are always on the receiving end of their bad moods. 

            We hope that conditions at the canteen will improve. The canteen should provide better amenities. There should also be a different menu everyday so that students will not have to taste the same food day in and day out. Cleanliness should be given top priority. 

            We hope that you will look into our complaints and take steps to remedy the situation. The students are prepared to boycott the canteen if their complaints go unheeded.   Reported by: Malik Malik bin. Mohd Jalil   Your school is having a month-long ‘A Healthy Body Campaign’. As President of the Health Club of your school, you decide to give a speech on the ‘Tak nak Campaign’ recently launched by the government.   

Tak Nak Campaign   

               A very good morning to our dear Principal, Mr. Hasnan bin Jaafar, teachers and students. 

            Recently, our former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an anti-smoking campaign called “Tak Nak”. You can now see this short and rhyming catch phrase “Tak Nak” everywhere – on billboards, posters, TV ads, and sometimes I even hear it on the radio. Though some people have criticised our government for setting aside a staggering sum of RM100 million over 6 years for the campaign, it is nothing compared to the huge amounts that tobacco companies spend to promote smoking. 

            But in this war against smoking, money definitely talks; it is necessary for the Tak Nak Campaign to constanly remind us of the hazard of smoking because about 50 Malaysian teenagers light up for the first time every day. In fact, some of these youth progress steadily from this to regular use, with addiction raking hold within a few years. And this is despite the warning on every pack of cigarettes that states unequivocally “Smoking is dangerous to your health”. 

            What can the Tak Nak Campaign do to combat this? Their aggressive advertising creates media awareness among the public, especially among the fashionable young crowd, that smokers have yellowed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it is not cool to smoke. It is also not responsible of them to affect non-smokers with second-hand smoke. 

            Also, there is a succession of infomercials on TV and in the papers showing the debilitating effects of tobacco addiction on the body and gruesome statistics of smoke-related deaths. We are now familiar with the graphic pictures of damaged lungs on billboards which should scare people into not smoking. This works, as I know some of my friends are quitting now, or trying to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke per week. 

            However, I feel any anti-smoking campaign is more effective if other people and organisations are actively involved too. Yes, the first step has been taken by the top, but sad to say, many of our politicians smoke themselves. Nearer to home, so do some of our parents and teachers. 

            These adults have to be good role models by not smoking themselves. If they do smoke, they should tell their children and students that they regret that they ever started, and then take steps to quit smoking as soon as possible. They must practise what they preach. 

On a more positive note, I commend the Malaysia Amateur Athletic Union for its zero-tolerance of smoking because they know that smoking and health just do not mix. How can our sportsmen excel if they cannot stop smoking. 

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Dear teachers and students, thank you for your attention. Let me end my speech by reiterating that smoking is a bad habit, so make Tak Nak your mantra. If you have started smoking, say Tak Nak and quit! And if you haven’t started smoking, say know that smoking not only damages your health but you are also literally burning your money.   

502 words 

DIRECTED: ARTICLE / REPORT: Newspaper Article / Report There has been an attempted robbery in your area. As a newspaper reporter, you have been assigned to write a report of the incident for publication in a local newspaper. Using the notes below, write out your report. 

couple – taking a walk  two men approached them  ordered couple to give jewellery  a struggle – husband injured  one neighbour – taking a dog for a walk  heard shouts – went to investigate  robbers saw dog – fled  couple made police report 

  Couple Foils Robbery Attempt 

  PULAU PINANG, Thu – An elderly businessman and his wife foiled a robbery attempt by two men armed with a screwdriver and a knife. The victims were reported safe from any bad injury. 

            Tan Ah Wok, 60 and his wife were taking a morning walk near their home in Helen Heights yesterday when two men on a motorcycle stopped them under the pretext of asking for directions. As Mr. Tan was giving directions, one of the robbers pointed a knife at him and ordered them to keep quiet. He then relieved Mrs. Tan of her jewellery and instructed Mr. Tan to hand over his ring and watch. When he refused, a struggle ensued. Meanwhile, his accomplice grabbed a helmet and hit Mr. Tan on the head with it. On seeing this, his wife started screaming. 

            One of their neighbours, R. Subramaniam, who was taking his dog for a walk, heard the screams and when to investigate. On seeing Subramaniam and his dog, the robbers fled. “I was taking my dog for a walk when I heard someone shouting for help. Knowing that something was wrong, I ran there as fast as I could. Before I reached the scene, the robbers fled on a motorbike. They were probably afraid of my Rottweiler.” 

            Mr. Tan, who suffered a small cut on his head, was given outpatient treatment at a private clinic. He said that it was a horrified experience as he never expected the two men would attack his wife and him. He thought that they were lost and needed help. He also mentioned that the guard who in charge nowadays easily allowed the strangers to enter their residents. State CID Chief Supt Harun Din advised him and the people to be more careful in giving help to strangers. The guard also must be stricter in letting people from entering any residents without proper permission. 

            He added that the suspects, aged between 25 and 30, were believed to be illegal immigrants. He said there had been similar incident last week when two men approached a factory worker who was on her way home after work. The duo then relieved her gold chain and cash. He advised the residents to be alert and reports to police any suspicious-looking characters lurking in their area. 

  380 words 

From: Spot on Model Compositions and Summary/Oxford Fajar/2007  

SPM English Essay - My Most Embarrassing Situation


My Most Embarrassing Situation

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Everyone has been embarrassed at one time or another. It is that moment in time when you wish the earth would open up and swallow you. The anxiety and discomfort felt during that time which may only last a few seconds feels like time has stood still.          I remember so well when I had my most embarrassing moment. I was in Form 4 and it was during the school recess. The minute the bell rang for recess, I rushed to the toilet because I had been controlling my urges since class started. I didn’t want to miss class because the lesson taught that morning was to include tips for the forthcoming examination.

            Without realising, I had rushed to the girls’ toilet. The prolonged control and an upset stomach made worse by two glasses of cold milk in the morning made me grunt and groan in what I thought in what I thought was the privacy of the cubicle. I thought I heard giggling outside and wondered why the giggles sounded unusually near. A few minutes later I came out the cubicle and discovered my horror that I had entered the girls’ toilet. To make matters worse, the few girls standing outside didn’t even turn away when I came out. Instead they looked down at me, then only they turned quickly away. Horror of horrors, I had forgotten to zip up! No beetroot could have matched the colour of my face at this point in time!

           They news of my predicament spread like wild fire throughout school. I was truly the talk of the town. I felt like I could either walk around feeling perpetually self-conscious and embarrassed or I could turn the situation round, perhaps even to my advantage. I remembered my mother’s words that ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’. So I decided to make fun of myself, to laugh at myself too. It works. Everyone got bored after a while and nobody teased me after that.

           It was indeed an eye-opening experience for me. I have learnt that when people laugh at you, you should laugh along. You must not take yourself seriously. Learn to look at yourself through other people’s eyes and you will realise that most of the time when they laugh at you, they just want to have some fun. They mean no harm. If you can make people laugh, it’s like bringing sunshine into their lives and as someone said, ‘those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.’

PM English Essay - Haze: A Danger to Health


DIRECTED: ARTICLE: Factual   You are concerned over the implications and long-term health effects of the haze. Write an article to the local newspaper expressing your concern based on all the notes below.   

the reasons behind the haze  role of government and society  steps that can be taken  give relevant examples of: 

-       health complications -       measures -       roles of government and individuals   When writing the article you should remember: -       to lay out the letter carefully -       to use paragraphs -       that you letter is to the press   

Haze: A Danger to Health               The haze is a constant phenomenon faced by Malaysia and her neighbouring countries. The haze is basically pollution of atmosphere, which is clogged with pollutants and other substances from forest fires. 

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            The haze is a direct effect of forest fire in Kalimantan and other parts of Indonesia due to slash and burn method of farming. The Indonesian authorities appear to have no power to control farmers from practising such methods. The haze is further worsened by open burning practised by most Malaysians. Open-field burning of rice straw by the rice planters and open burning of dried leaves and garbage done by the public are a few examples that done by Malaysian. Many are ignorant of the health effects of open burning.             During the haze, hospitals and clinic often report a dramatic increase in respiratory problems, lung infections and asthma attack. The Air Pollution Index (API) usually indicates the hazardous and dangerous levels of pollution during this period. The haze has long-term side effects. Prolonged inhalation of polluted air will result in serious lung infection which particularly affects the elderly.             The government must play its role to reduce the haze treat. It has to cooperate with the Indonesian authorities to stamp out forest fires. The culprits must be brought to justice, either through healthy fine or prison sentence. Constant vigilance would ensure the perpetrators do not repeat their offence. The government should also raise the public awareness of the dangers of forest fire. Continuous campaign of the cause, solutions and steps-need-to-be-taken to reduce the haze need to be promoted through all types of social media like television, radio, newspaper and even via internet. The authorities should also provide assistance to farmers and introduce more sophisticated forest clearing methods.             In Malaysia, strict laws must be imposed to penalise those who practise open burning. On-going campaigns on the dangers of open burning should be intensified. Individuals too have a role to play. They must participate in every campaign and stop burning. Students can advise their parents not to practice open burning.             Every individual has to remember that we do not own the world, but instead we lent it from our future generations. We must protect our world so that our grandchildren woulh have a healthy earth to live.   

Ahmad Harun bin Hashim Seremban, Negeri SembilanCONTINUOUS: ONE-WORD ESSAY


Pollution is an issue of concern in the modern world that we live in today. There are many types of pollution, namely air, water and noise. Pollution in our environment will undoubtedly affect our quality of life. Our naturally beautiful world becoming ugly because it is suffering from the effects of environmental pollution. Pollution can also cause various health problems and other negative effects.

Air pollution is caused by the emission of toxic gases from vehicles, factories and open burning. Nowadays, there are more and more vehicles on the road as society gets more affluent. More and more people strive to have a better quality of life by having the convenience of driving to their destinations instead of taking public transportation. Automobiles provides transport to millions people around the world to enable them to travel to their workplace, school and other places, therefore, the air around us is getting more polluted by the carbon dioxide that is emitted. Carbon monoxide is another type of gas which harmful to the environment as it can cause the reduction of oxygen in the bloodstream.

Another example of contributor to the air pollution is the manufacturing factories. The manufacturing of products in factories to meet the growing demand of society is also causing air pollution. Factories release toxic gases to the environment. Some factories also use coal to generate heat and energy. As a result from the burning of coal, carbon dioxide is released into the environment.

            Besides factories, many people are still practising open burning as a way of disposing their household wastes. Although burning our household wastes is a convenient way of getting rid of our rubbish, it is harmful to the environment as it contributes to the worsening of the air quality. As a result, air pollution causes people to suffer from health problems such as chest pain and asthma. In extreme cases, people can contract lung cancer.

            Water pollution is also a problem that we are currently facing. The marine life is the first to suffer from water pollution as they depend on the nutrients in the water to survive. As a result, we are robbed of beautiful sea corals and unique species of fishes. Besides ruining our marine heritage, the disappearance of marine life will affect the livelihood of fishermen, not to mention our source of food. Water pollution is caused by harmful waster from industries, farms and sewerage systems which are dumped into our sources of water such as rivers

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and lakes. This irresponsible act contaminates our drinking water and can cause serious health problems and can even culminate in death.

            Noise pollution is another form of pollution. Noise from heavy machinery and vehicles can cause hearing problems and in extreme cases, deafness. As there is growing number of vehicles on the road, we are exposed to noise pollution every day. The government in advanced countries encourage their citizens to take the public buses and trains by providing an affordable and efficient transportation system. This effort discourages people from driving their private vehicles and consequently reduces the number of vehicles on the road.

            We must work together to reduce pollution so that the future generations can live in a healthy, unpolluted environment. As the saying goes, precaution is better than cure. Lets hands on hands together by recycle and conserve the world for the better future.

   375 words 

SPM English Essay - Social Networking Website


Social Networking Website

A large number of internet users have joined social networking websites. A social network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people. For example is for those who wants to share interests and, or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user which known often as a profile, his or her social links, and a variety of additional services.

Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service. In a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.

In the last five years, they have been growing up more and more popular. This increase in their popularity has led to a large number of members.One of the many reasons why Yahoo!, MySpace and Facebook social networking websites have increased in popularity is due to the fact that they cover a wide variety of different topics, issues and interest. They do not just focus on one particular group of individuals or one particular issue. Their policy is to invite as many types of internet users to join as possible. By this, it gives members a wide selection of online friends to choose from.

If you are looking to join a social networking website that is more focused on creating friendships or partnerships between internet users preferable with the same interests, then you will want to focus on social networking websites. They have a particular focus. The prevalent websites focus on important issues, topics and hobbies, such as pet owners, religion travel and others. So before you join, think of an issue you are interested in and sign up for the website that focuses on that issue.

What really sets them apart from other websites? What is so special about them? These are questions which have been asked by many who show interest in joining. Primarily, it is the community. As mentioned, such social networking sites tend to focus on a particular topic, issue or hobby. This means that if you are a keen traveller and you would like to speak to other keen travellers, you will want to join a traveller’s networking sites.

The difference between these social networking sites and traditional ones is that you will automatically be paired with hundreds, if not thousands, of other internet users who share the same interests, views or beliefs as you. This is a big bonus to the members.

Another benefit to joining the social networking website is that you are, in a way, safer than those who are members of other networks. Most of them require activation before joining the site. Before activation can occur,

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many users are required to state their reasons for wanting to join the network or they may be required to fill out a small questionnaire pertaining to determine whether or not they have a genuine interest in the topic focused on by the network in question. By pairing you with a group of individuals who share the same beliefs, views and interests as you do is advantageous to members. It means that you do not have to spend hours researching a person or speaking to them just to learn what they are or are not interested in. Therefore, this enables you to jump right in and start making friends, almost as soon as you are granted access to the site that you have chosen. This service gives the social networking websites a great edge over other websites.

SPM English Essay - Which do you prefer, living in the countryside or living in the city? ( City )


Which do you prefer, living in the countryside or living in the city?City 

In my opinion, one has not experienced life until one has lived in the city. There is so much to see and experience in the bright lights of the city that you cannot get in the countryside. Here in the city, you can learn about how to get along with people of different types, encounter varied situations and solve problems. All these help a person to grow in maturity. After all, experience is the best teacher.

In the countryside, however, you only move around people you are used to. So, you seldom encounter strangers or new and demanding situations. Life is more mundane and routine-like. Staying in a secure, safe place does not allow for one to gain new experiences and grow in maturity.

Furthermore, young people need a life that is exciting and pleasurable. It is the city that offers you entertainment- cinemas, parks and eating places. Here you can hang out with friends and family members. Life as fast-paced and this keeps you active and alert all times. And when it comes to educational opportunities, the city abounds in this. There are good school and libraries that are necessary for your mental development. Furthermore, there are places like museums and educational centres where you can go, to increase your knowledge.

Such places that offer you entertainment or learning opportunities are of course not available in the countryside. For entertainment, there is only the occasional festive celebration or marriage feast or fishing outing. Some may find this appealing but not me. Moreover, opportunities to widen your knowledge are limited in the countryside.

Another point in support of living in the city is the available of jobs. In the city, you can find a job that suits your qualification or interest. If you find a job unsuitable, you can always move to another. This, naturally, increases your earning power and you have better chances of a more comfortable life. Of course, one may argue that one can live in the countryside and work in the city but this will only incur extra expenses and unnecessary inconveniences.

Thus, for all the reasons mentioned above, I think that life in the city is better than living in the countryside. After all, you are young only once.SPM English Essay - A Prominent Malaysian Leader

CONTINOUS: ARTICLE: Description on a PersonA Prominent Malaysian Leader 

            As the fourth and most dynamic Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad will indelible impression on the sands of Malaysia for many years to come. He held the post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, making him Malaysia's longest-serving Prime Minister, and one of the longest-serving leaders in Asia.

            Born on 20th December, 1925 in Alor Setar, Dr. Mahathir is the son of a teacher. He is the youngest of nine children of a school teacher and a housewife. His father, Mohamad Iskandar, was of Indian descent, being the son of a Muslim and a Malay mother, while Mahathir's own mother, Datin Wan Tempawan Wan Hanafi, was Malay. He is married to Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji Mohamad Ali, they have seven children, four sons and three daughters. From an early age, Tun Mahathir had the importance of education drummed into him by his father, who was also a strict disciplinarian.

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            After his early education at the Maktab Sultan Abdul Hamid in Alor Setar, he enrolled at the King Edward VII College of Medicine in the University of Singapore. Armed with a MBBS degree in medicine, he set up his own clinic, the Maha Clinic in Alor Setar. As a doctor, Tun Mahathir came into close contact with people from variety of social strata and enjoyed a close rapport with them. He understood their problems. Thus, when he was thrust into the politic limelight, he strove to fulfil the needs of the people.He was first catapulted into the world of politics when he became the Member of Parliement for Alor Setar in 1964. After holding a number of portfolios, including Minister of Education, Minister of Trade and  Industry and Deputy Prime Minister, he finally became the Prime Minister on 16th July, 1981. The country flourished with Dr. Mahathir at the helm of the government. His contributions to the nation are so immense and par excellence. He has left his mark in every aspect – in politics, economy or education.Realizing that government-owned enterprises are neither efficient nor profitable, he initiated the privation policy in 1983. This had immediate effect of cutting down bureaucratic ineptitude and operational cost while at the same time generating more revenue.

         With collapse of the prices of agricultural commodities in the eighties, Tun Mahathir decided that it was time to shift the nation’s focus to more profitable areas. Thus, he started the industrialization programme. Reputed as the country’s top salesman, he showcased Malaysia to investors abroad in a bid to woo them.  As a result of the heavy industrialization drive, major projects like national car project or PROTON and the steel company, PERWAJA, together with other mega project were launched one after another. Next, realizing that industrialization would require a good infrastructure, he set about improving it. The Mahathir era saw a successful completion of the North-South Highway, the East-West Highway, the Multimedia Super Corridor, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang and many more.

         An astute politician, he charted the growth of the country’s progress from the day he took office. He envisages that Malaysia can only attain the status of a fully developed country if it becomes an industrialization one and this ambition has been his main agenda during his tenure. With this in mind, he announced Vision 2020, his most ambitious vision.

         Frank and outspoken by nature, Tun Mahathir speak without fear nor favour. This has been the hallmark of thus much respected statesman. The inefficiency of local and international organizations has always come under his scrutiny and critism.

         It has been almost two decades since Tun Mahathir took over reins of the government. It has undoubtedly been the golden era for Malaysia with many notable achievements.

630 words

Idiomatic expressions 50 IDIOMATIC EXPRESSSIONS YOU MUST KNOWThe correct use of idiomatic expressions will earn you merit points when you write your essays.

1 aceGet an "A" on a test, homework assignment, project, etc.I heard that Susie aced the test yesterday

2 As easy as a pievery easyThe test was as easy as a pie.

3 at the eleventh hourat the last minute; almost too late.He finished the project at the eleventh hour and he nearly lost his job.

4 all earseager to hear what someone has to say.Tell me about your latest trip overseas. I’m all ears.

5 be brokebe without money.I need to borrow some money. I am broke.

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6 be on the gobe very busy (going from one thing or project to another).I am very tired. I've been on the go since 5 in the morning.

7 beatexhausted; very tiredI need a break after this. I'm beat!"

8 beat around the bushevade an issue; avoid giving a direct answer.Stop beating around the bush! Just tell me what happened to my car.

9 bite off more than one can chewtake responsibility for more than one can manage.Mrs Lee finds it difficult to finish all her work. She has bitten off more than she could chew!"

10 blow one's topbecome extremely angry. My father blew his top when he found out I had taken his car without his permission.

11 burn the midnight oilstudy/work all night or until very late at night.Johan is not ready for the test. He will have to burn the midnight oil."

12 call it a daystop work for the day.The labourers call it a day after working for five hours on the field.

13 can't make heads or tails of somethingcan't understand something at all;find something confusing and illogical.I cannot make heads or tails of your notes. Were you sleepy during the class?

14 catch one's eyeattract one's attention/interest.This colourful advertisement caught my eye when I was in the bus.

15 change one's minddecide to do something different from what had been decided earlier.David did not go to Australia. He changed his mind when he heard that his mother is ill.

16 cost (someone) an arm and a leg cost a lot;be very expensive.This car costs him an arm and a leg. He has to get another job to help pay for it.

17 couch potatosomeone who spends too much time watching TV.You are becoming a couch potato. You need to get out and do some exercise.

18 Don't count your chickens until (before) they hatch (they've hatched) Don't assume that something will happen until it has happened.I think you should not count your chickens until they’ve hatched. Wait till the boys win the competition this Sunday.

19 drop someone a linewrite to someoneDo drop me a line when you have time.

20 drag one's feet delay;take longer than necessary to do something.Why are you dragging your feet? You should have finished your homework by now.

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21 an eager beavera person who is always willing to volunteer or do extra work.Rahim is an eager beaver. He is the first to volunteer for any job to be done.

22 feel bluefeel sad and depressed.Rita is feeling blue because she has not heard from her boyfriend for a long time.

23 fire someonedismiss someone from a job because of poor performance. Lokman might be fired if he continues to be late for work.

24 get itunderstand something (often negative).I don’t get it. Could you please explain it to me again?

25 get on one's nervesirritate someone; make someone upset.His constant chatter is getting on my nerves. Please tell him to keep quiet.

26 get out of hand:become out of control; become badly managed.The situation is getting out of hand. The relief centre can only hold forty people but we have one hundred people to care for.

27 give someone a handi. help someone.

ii. applaud someonePlease give a hand to the poor old lady. She is trying to cross the road.The gardener has done a wonderful landscaping job. Let’s give him a hand.

28 Hard-headedhave one's hands full stubborn; inflexible; unwilling to change.It’s pretty difficult to get Simon to change his mind. He is hard-headed.

29 have one's hands fullextremely busyPeggy usually has her hands full in the beginning of a new school term.

30 in the black:profitable; not showing a financial loss.The company is back in the black after suffering from great losses the last two months.

31 in the red:unprofitable; showing a financial loss.The company is in the red. We have to stop some of the workers if the situation continues.

32 keep an eye oncheck something regularly.Please keep an eye on the children while I go to the bank.

33 keep one's fingers crossedhope for the best.He is keeping his fingers crossed while waiting for the results of his interview.

34 lend someone a handhelp someone.Can you please lend a hand at the relief centre for the flood victims?35 live from hand to mouthsurvive on very little money; have only enough moneyto pay for basic needs.Ros and the children live from hand to mouth after the fire destroyed their house.

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36 make a mountain out of a molehillmake something seem much more important than it really is.Susila is making a mountain out of a molehill. I am sure the boys are perfectly capable of looking after themselves.

37 make up one's minddecide what to doMoses has to make up his mind whether to continue his studies or take up a job.

38 on the dot exactly at a given time.If you do not come on the dot, we will leave without you.

39 (on the) cutting edgeusing the most recent technologyThis car boasts of having a cutting edge technology. It has a computer and tracking system.

40 pull someone's leg tease someone by trying to make her/him believe something that's untrue.She pulled my leg when he said that he had quit his job to get married.

41 Rain or shineno matter what the weather"We're leaving for Cameron Highlands, rain or shine."

42 rain cats and dogsRain heavilyIt’s raining cats and dogs now. You better leave later.

43 read someone's mind:know what someone is thinking.I can read your mind. I know you are very hungry and I have ordered pizza.

44 rub someone the wrong wayirritate someoneI cannot stand Robert. He seems to rub me the wrong way every time we discuss something.

45 sleep on it take some time to think about something before making a decision.You should sleep on it first and we will discuss again tomorrow.

46 To make his own bed; now let him lie in it.Someone has caused his/her own problems; he/she will have to solve them himself/herself.He insisted that he should take up the project alone. So, he has made his own bed, let him lie in it.

47 under the weatherill; unwell.Susan was feeling under the weather yesterday, so she decided not to go to work."

48 until you're blue in the faceforeverYou can advise him until you're blue in the face, but he won’t change his ways.

49 wet behind the ears inexperienced and naive.I do not think Suresh is suitable for this project. He is still wet behind the ears, having only joined us last month.

50 wishy-washy:without an opinion of one's own.You better check with the other members. John can be wishy-washy at times.
