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This paper reports the work carried out by iTEAM re-searchers in Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for un-derwater monitoring of cetaceans. It includes adescription of novel signal processing algorithms for de-tection and classification of aquatic mammal species aswell as a hardware system called SAMARUC specially de-signed in collaboration with marine biologists.

Keywords: Signal processing, Passive Acoustic Monitor-ing, Marine Bioacoustics Signal Processing, Signal Detec-tion and Classification.

1. Introduction

Underwater passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is a non-intrusive technique that can be used successfully to detectand classify marine mammals, monitor migratory patternsand even for density estimation of different species. Thisdiscipline has gained popularity among marine biologistsand other scientists in the last years. The procedure ofPAM involves using recording devices and algorithms. Un-derwater passive acoustic sensors are also commonly usedin other communities. Navies, for instance, have beenusing passive acoustics for a long time, but their systemsare generally expensive, complex and their performanceis usually classified. Biologists on the other hand, use smalland simple recorders for PAM. These recorders are some-times home-built, or purchased from small specializedcompanies. The devices typically employed fall into twodifferent categories: towed array systems connected to aboat that record and process the data in a laptop/desktopcomputer, and standalone autonomous systems that re-

main underwater for long periods of time and have to berecovered in order to access the data. In this work, we aregoing to focus on these autonomous devices, study theirperformance, algorithms and compare them to the sys-tem developed at the Instituto de Telecomunicaciones yAplicaciones Multimedia (iTEAM).

2. Passive acoustic monitoring devices

One of the most successful devices for PAM is the pop-up buoy developed at Cornell University [1]. The instru-ment consists of a small-scale recording device placed ina water-tight glass sphere. This system has been success-fully employed to monitor the critically endangered north-ern right whale. Another well known autonomous systemis the HARP instrument developed at Scripps WhaleAcoustic Lab. This system was developed to record baleenwhales that are known to emit low frequency calls (e.g.fin and blue whales [2], and beaked whales [3]). It is worthmentioning the C-POD as one of the first systems devel-oped that makes some signal processing within the in-sides of the device. Although the C-POD does not recordthe raw data, it is capable of detecting cetacean clicksalongside with some variables such as center frequency,sound pressure level, duration and bandwidth. The C-PODworks with all toothed cetaceans except sperm whalesand has been recently used for beluga whale monitoring[4]. Some other devices typically used by biologists are theEAR [5] as well as other instruments with a limited num-ber of publications. Table 1 shows a comparative study ofthe aforementioned devices.

At the present, the available systems cannot be pro-gramed to include specific algorithms for whale call de-

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SAMARUC a programmable system for passive acoustic monitoring of cetaceansRamón Miralles1, Guillermo Lara1, Alicia Carrión1 and José Antonio Esteban2

1 Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia, Universitat Politècnica de València, 8G Building - access D - Camino de Vera s/n - 46022 Valencia (Spain)

2 Parques Reunidos Valencia S. A. L’Oceanografic, Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, Valencia, Spain

Corresponding author: [email protected]

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tection and classification. Most of the systems work asdigital recorders and the recorded sounds have to beprocessed afterwards in regular computers with signalprocessing software. Although this may add versatility tothe process it can be a drawback when the system hasto be used by researchers with limited knowledge of sig-nal processing.

3. Passive acoustic monitoring algorithms

It is possible to find in the bibliography a large number ofPAM algorithms for specific applications. The majority ofPAM algorithms are based on computing some kind oftime-frequency representation of the acoustic recordings.The sound patterns or calls of the different species aresearched in these time-frequency representations bymeans of various signal processing techniques: spectro-gram correlation detector (XBAT) [6],[7], cross correlationwith a matched filter kernel [7], [8], two-dimensional lin-ear FIR filters [9], artificial neural networks [7], [10], andclassification and regression tree classifiers [10] are themost representative techniques. Some authors proposeusing algorithms to remove undesired noise and enhancethe spectrogram. Hussein used in [11] edge detectiontechniques to obtain enhanced spectrograms while pre-serving their temporal and spectral accuracy. Another ex-ample can be found in [12] where Baumgartner employeda Gaussian smoothing kernel and a tonal noise-removingalgorithm to reduce ship generated noise.

In the last years, some software packages for PAM havehave been developed. PAMGUARD (an open source proj-ect for semi automated real time detection), XBAT andRaven (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology) are the mostrepresentative. These packages integrate most of thestate of the art algorithms and provide a user-friendly in-terface for researchers. However, most of these packages

are created as research laboratory tools and require highcapacity processors. Additionally, the user needs to be fa-miliarized with different signal processing concepts inorder to achieve automatic detection of whale calls.

New technologies have begun to incorporate signalrecognition algorithms for a reduced set of species to beused in real-time systems while devices are recording[13], [14]. In order to achieve real time monitoring, a two-stage process is normally employed. The first stage con-sists of an activity detector designed to detect any signalthat is not background noise. The second stage is a spec-tral classifier designed to detect the desired whale vocal-izations. Different approaches have arisen to design theoptimum and with the lowest computational cost activitydetector: matched filter detector [15], local max detectors[15], energy detector [16], [17], entropy detector [18],and power-law detectors [19]. In a similar way, efficientalgorithms for classification based on principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) with discriminant analysis (DA) to fea-ture space dimensionality reduction achieve the greatestseparation of classes [20].

On the other hand, algorithms for automatic passivemonitoring of anthropogenic noise have been almost re-stricted to underwater noise from ships [21]–[23]. It isvery difficult to find any reference of algorithms for pas-sive monitoring of underwater noise from seismic airgunsurveys for petroleum [24], and naval sonars [25].

Beyond the state of the art of Passive acoustic mon-itoring algorithmEven though there has been previous research on opti-mizing automatic detectors for specific calls or specificspecies, the real time detection of any type of call by adiversity of marine mammal species still poses quite achallenge. The development of detectors and classifica-tion algorithms becomes more complicated if we add thepresence of underwater noise from sources such as ship-

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Table 1. Comparative specifications of the main PAM devices.

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ping, seismic airgun surveys, and naval sonars, that insome situations can be easily confused with somecetacean calls. This is of particular relevance if we takeinto account that underwater noise is growing at a rapidrate, with background noise levels doubling every decadeover the last half century [26]. A feasible alternative forpassive acoustic monitoring in the presence of noise con-sists of incorporating image processing algorithms basedon mathematical morphology to clean up the time-fre-quency representation. An example can be found in [24]where the authors designed an automatic detector forfin whale calls. In this work, it was shown that time-fre-quency representations contaminated with tonal noiseP(n,k) could be cleaned up by filtering in the Discrete Co-sine Transform Domain to obtain Pdenoised(n,k) as illus-trated in Equation (1):

Pdenoised (n,k)=P(n,k)-Pr (n,k). (1)

Where Pr(n,k)=DCT -1un[DCTnu[P(n,k)]·W(u)] with DCTnu

and DCT -1un the direct and inverse Discrete Cosine Trans-

form and W(u) the cosine domain filtering window. Pos-terior processing of the time-frequency diagram usingrow-wise Otsu´s thresholding as well as statistical infor-mation of fin whale calls allows to distinguish whale callsfrom seismic acoustic explosions (see Figure 1).

Advanced techniques employed in voice activity detectionof human speech can also be used to improve the detec-tion robustness and performance of cetacean call detec-tion in noisy environments [27]. Some examples are: theuse of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and variance-of-instantaneous-frequency detection, that seem to be ad-equate tools to separate the target echo signal from thereverberation [28] and the use of Mel-frequency cepstralcoefficients (MFCC) have shown to be very valuable in in-formation retrieval and audio similarity measurement.

The mel scale approximates many animals’ auditory sys-tem response in a closer manner than the linear-spacedfrequency bands and gives, in some species, superiorclassification percentages to some other features’ extrac-tion techniques. Following this idea, the authors havestudied an algorithm that applies the MFCCs for classifi-cation and detection of cetacean sounds, particularly tothe right whales [29].

MFCCs are the results of a cosine transform of the reallogarithm of the short-term energy spectrum expressedon a mel-frequency scale (Figure 2). The main coefficientsare obtained using Equation (2),


where n represents the MFCC coefficient number. Fur-thermore, the static MFCC vector at frame t, has 13 delta(dt) and 13 acceleration coefficients (at) appended toyield a 39-dimensional feature vector (Figure 3), where dtand at are respectively obtained by Equations (3) and (4):


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Advanced techniques employed in voice activity detec-tion of human speech can also be used in the detectionof cetacean calls.

Figure 1. Top figure: time-frequency representationcontaminated with airgun explosions (blue rectangles)and ship noise (red rectangles). Bottom figure: Time-fre-quency representation after applying the technique de-scribed in [24].

Figure 2. Block diagram to obtain de MFCC.


Kcn= � log (Sk) cos n(k-0.5)�[ ]K n=0,1,…,L



dt=� p(ct+p – ct-p)

, where P=2


P�2 p2

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The choice of this approach is motivated by a desire toobtain a more accurate detection and classification of agiven whale species sound in low Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR) recordings. Additionally, using MFCCs makes it notnecessary to compute spectrogram related features mak-ing these algorithms more appropriate to work in realtime automatic detection systems.

Other techniques being studied by the authors, andwhose application has been never, or very little, studiedin cetaceans are the signal modality characterization [30]and the analysis / synthesis techniques modeling whalesound production mechanisms. These techniques mayprovide important information when trying to under-stand the nature of the signals and may yield new fea-tures related to the presence of nonlinearities, chaosdynamics and whale anatomy of the structures responsi-ble for sound production.

4. Brief description of the SAMARUCsignal processing and recording

system for PAM

The SAMARUC system is a PAM device that can run realtime signal processing algorithms for detection and classi-fication of underwater sounds. The major component ofthe system is a general purpose ultra low power consump-tion Digital Signal Processing (DSP) board. The board isconfigured in DMA Ping-Pong mode so that signal pro-

cessing algorithms can run simultaneously without sampleloss while the system is recording acoustic information. Ageneral overview of the system can be seen in Figure 4.

The electronics of SAMARUC can be activated by meansof a magnetic relay switch so that no waste of energy oc-curs while the system is being transported to the deploy-ment location. Additionally, the magnetic switch serves astrigger to start recording and processing the data. Thebattery block provides more than 30 days of autonomyto the pre-amplified hydrophone and to the DSP board.To do this, a highly efficient DC-DC regulator is employed.The acquisition subsystem is composed of a hydrophonewith specific electronics that adequate the output to theAnalog to Digital converter of the DSP board.

All these electronic components are placed inside of apressure housing with underwater connectors. The sys-tem was conceived with the requirement that it has tobe able to operate in up to a 1000 meter depth in thesea. To face this, the housing of SAMARUC was made ofstainless steel (Figure 7). First designs of the structure ofthe buoy are shown in Figure 6. Figure7 shows the hous-ing as it was built in the prototype.

The Ping-Pong configuration is suitable to include signalprocessing algorithms for detection and classification ofunderwater sounds (see Figure 8). These algorithms canbe programmed by the user, using the time slot shown inFigure 8. The DSP chip employed provides computationalpower enough to run in real time the majority of the al-gorithms currently employed for PAM and described inSection 3. As examples of applications we can mention,

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Figure 3. Feature vector.

Figure 4. General block diagram of the SAMARUC system.



at=� p(dt+p – dt-p)

, where P=2


P�2 p2

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are the use of algorithms for noise control of seismic ex-plosion boats or to simply count echolocalization signalsproduced by a species of cetacean that could be user pro-gramed and included as plugins into the system.

5. Monitoring dolphin sounds withSAMARUC.

The SAMARUC system is relatively new. In its first weeksthe system has been utilized in different environments, andfor different applications. The system was employed torecord the audio information from the risso's dolphin(Grampus griseus) that arrived on March 30, 2013 to theValencia harbor. Unfortunately, the risso´s dolphin was invery poor physical condition and died a few days after de-spite all the veterinarian expert efforts. The SAMARUC sys-tem was placed in the security perimeter to monitor andcheck if any sounds could indicate any change in the dol-phin´s health.

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Figure 5. Hardware components of the SAMARUC system.

Figure 8. Chronogram of the DMA Ping Pong Configuration.

Figure 6. CAD drawings of the SAMARUC system.

Figure 7. SAMARUC housing (left). Complete SAMARUC prototype (right).

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The system is also being employed to record audio infor-mation produced by the bottlenose dolphins (Tursiopstruncatus) located at the dolphinarium of theOceanografic of Valencia. In fact, more than 150 vocal-izations have been stored (see Figure 9). The purpose ofthese recordings is to prepare and test the system for amore intensive recording campaign that will be done inthe next months in the Mediterranean Sea. These testsserve also to check the usability of the system by biolo-gists and non-technical personnel.

Typical operation of the SAMARUC system in measure-ment campaigns is illustrated in Figure 10. The SAMARUCsystem is transported to the location where it is going tobe deployed and dropped to the seafloor. The system sinksand remains firmly moored on the seafloor by means ofan anchor weight and is also equipped with an acousticrelease transponder (EdgeTech). A flotation device is usedto keep the system in vertical operational mode (Figure

10a). The system is moored for a period of time, recordingand processing all the sounds from different species (Figure10b). At the recovery phase, the control station issues anacoustic command. The control station is typically on aboat, but may also be a device operated by a diver ormounted on a remotely operated underwater vehicle.Upon receipt and verification, the acoustic release triggersa mechanism that drops the anchor weight. TheSAMARUC is carried back to the surface by the flotationdevice for recovery (Figure 10c).

6. Conclusions and future work

A new PAM system called SAMARUC has been devel-oped to register and do in-situ processing of sounds. Thepossibility of programming specific automatic detectionalgorithms that run within the system can be very valu-able and offers great usability. Additionally, the systemhas comparable (and in some aspects superior) technicalspecifications with respect to the rest of systems. On theother hand, the system is at its early stage and muchmore testing has to be done in the future. In the nextmonths, a long measuring campaign is planed.SAMARUC is going to be deployed in the Cabrera Archi-pelago Maritime National Park, in the Balearic Islands(Spain), a protected area with enough presence ofcetaceans. With these measurements SAMARUC will beready to be marketed and begin its expansion strategy.

Future applications of the algorithms and the system includeexpansion to automatically detect different species such asthe sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) or Cuvier’sbeaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris). Future enhancements ofthe system include a higher bandwidth A/D converter thatwill allow SAMARUC to be used to monitor the noise levelin our seas and oceans as well as to monitor underwaterdetonations during prospection. Another future develop-ment will be including a compact hydrophone array into thesystem. This will allow some localization capabilities as wellas taking advantage of spatial diversity signal processing al-gorithms to obtain a more robust PAM device.

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The possibility of programming specific automatic de-tection algorithms that run within the SAMARUCsystem can be very valuable and offers great usability.

Figure 9. Time frequency representation of bottlenosedolphin sounds recorded with SAMARUC.

Figure 10. a) The system sinks by means of an anchor weight, b) The system remains moored recording and processingacoustic information, c) An acoustic command is employed to release the SAMARUC.

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The authors would like to thank the funding receivedfrom the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion within theProject number TEC2011-23403.


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R. Miralles was born in Valencia(Spain) in 1971. He received the In-geniero de Telecomunicación andthe Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomu-nicación degrees from the Universi-dad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) in1995 and 2000 respectively. In1996 he became a lecturer in theDepartamento de Comunicaciones

at the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Gandía. From 2000until now he has been working as an Assistant Professorin the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Teleco-municación (Valencia). He is member of the managementteam of the Institute of Telecommunication and Multi-media Applications (iTEAM).

His research focuses in signal processing for passiveacoustic monitoring as well as in signal processing for in-dustrial applications, where he has been responsible ofdeveloping systems and algorithms for quality control inthe food industry. He is co-author of more than 22 jour-nal papers and 50 international conferences.

G. Lara was born in Valencia. Hehas received the Ingeniero de Tele-comunicación degree from the Uni-versidad Politécnica de Valencia(UPV) Spain in 2010. He is currentlya Ph.D. student in the Institute ofTelecommunication and Multime-dia Applications (iTEAM) of UPV.

His research interest is focused in pattern recognition andstatistical processing applied to submarine acoustics. Cur-rently, he is involved in the development of a submarinebuoy capable of recording cetacean sounds without sam-ple loss, programming the electronics and the internalhardware.

A. Carrión was born in Lorca(Spain). She received the Ingenierode Telecomunicación degree fromthe Universidad Politécnica de Va-lencia (UPV) in 2011, her MasterThesis was carried out at FraunhoferInstitute IOSB, Karlsruhe (Germany).Currently, she is a Ph.D. student inthe Institute of Telecommunication

and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) of UPV. Her researchinterests include nonlinear signal processing and signalmodality characterization in different fields such as sub-marine acoustics, construction and food industry.

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