Page 1: Salient biological characteristics of cultured carps



Page 2: Salient biological characteristics of cultured carps

CARPSThe species of fishes which belongs to family

Cyprinidae under the order Cypriniformes is called carps. As for example: Labeo rohita.

The major carps which are cultured in our country can be named these three groups on the basis of their geographical occurrence.Indian Major Carps: Rui (Labeo rohita), Catla (Catla catla), Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala).Chinese Carps: Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), Bighead Carp (Aristichthys nobilis).European Carps: Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio).

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GRASS CARP(Ctenopharyngodon idella)

Introduced in our country from China.

Known as “aquatic cattle”.

elongated, chubby, torpedo-shaped body forms.

terminal mouth.

lateral line contains 40 to 42 scales.

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Surface feeder

Normally feeds on aquatic

weeds and phytoplankt

on .

Fry of 7-9mm long feeds on

protozoa, rotifers and


Cladocera and Copepods are eaten by 12

mm fry.

Fry of 30mm length, feeds

on phytoplankt

on and minute algae.

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• At the end of first year grass carp attains a length of 15 to 30 cm weighing 225g to 650g .

• A length of 60cm and a weight of 1.8 to 2.3kg at the end of second year.

• After four years, the weight may be 4.5 kg.

In natur

al water bodie


• Observed to be 2.8kg in Siberia.

• 3.3 kg in Turkmenia and south China,

• 4.7 kg in Indian subcontinent.

• In Chinese ponds, grass carp attains a weight of 225 to 680g in first year, 1200 to 2300g in second, 2700g in third and 3800g in forth year.

Under cultured conditio


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Maturity Differs from country to country due to environmental

factors. Maturity of grass carp in different countries:

Country Age at maturity




ChinaSouth 4-5 6-8

Central 4-5 6-8Northeast 6-7 6-8

 India Pond-breed 2 1.5

wild 3 4-8Malaysia 1-2 2.3-3-2Taiwan 4-5 3 or more

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Fecundity Fecundity of grass carp differs from the body sizes.

Total Length

Weight of Fish

Weight of ovaries

Weight of fish: weight of ovaries

Total number of eggs

Average diameter of ovaries(mm)

73.8 4768 540 6.7:1 372600 1.2175 5330 880 6.6:1 441700 1.3178.6 5476 656 8.3:1 396200 1.3578.9 5724 1129 5:1 618100 1.3079.2 7036 553 12.7:1 308800 1.33*From Alikunhi and Parsmeswaran

Size and fecundity of grass carp

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Breeding season and Spawning

The fish breeds during monsoon months in the flowing waters of its natural habitat, the rivers.

It does not spawn naturally in the static waters of ponds and tanks.

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Silver Carp(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)

Introduced from China.

Known as Chinese carp.

The silver carp is a filter feeder.

Like all Hypophthalmichthys Silver carp have no stomachs.

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FOOD & FEEDING HABITHerbivorous. Surface to column feeder.

Consume zooplankton & detritus too.

7-9 mm long fry mainly feed on zooplankton, rotifers and copepod naupli.

diet expands as the fry grow to include copepods, Cladocera and phytoplankton.

larger fry and adults feed on Flagella, Myxophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, etc., primarily phytoplankton and secondarily zooplankton.

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Under culture conditions,

growth is a

function of :

• Stocking rate.• Natural food

available and feed given.

• Competition with other species

Under a given set of conditions,

The growth rate of fry of silver carp is extremely high in the first 10 days.

The fish doubling its weight every second day and becoming about 19 mm long weighting 0.09 g in 10 days.47 mm long weighting 1.1 g in 20 days and 17 cm long weighting 5.5 g in 60 days.

Attains highest growth rate in length in the second year of life.

Maximum growth rate in weight in the third year.

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MATURITY: Of the environmental factors, temperature exercises

maximum effect on the maturity of silver carp. Sexual maturity of silver carp reported from China and

Rumania are shown in Table:Country Sexual maturity Authority

Age(year) Weight(kg)South China 2-3 2-5 Kuronuma(196

8)Central China 4-5 2-5 Kuronuma(196

8)North China 5-6 2-5 Kuronuma(196

8)Rumania 6-9 6-8 Woynarovich(1


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FECUNDITY: the fecundity of silver carp weighing 3.18kg-8.51kg, as

145000-2044000. Chart showing the fecundity of Silver carp:

Particular of stock

No. of examined

Range and average Percentage of

ovarian weight, range and


Ova per g body

weight range and


Ova per g ovary

weight range and average

Ova diameter range and average

Length Weightg

One year old

induced bred

9 38.8-57.5(52.2)






2 year old Tone river stocked

reared in Cuttok, India.

8 56.5-7465.9







3+ stock 14 63.5-82.8(74.7)






4+ stock 2 80.2-82.5(81.4)






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Breeding and Spawning

Silver carp breeds naturally during April-July in the flowing waters of its natural habitat, the rivers of China.

In the Tone River in Japan, where the fish has established itself, it spawns naturally during June-July.

At Cuttack in India, pond reared fully ripe males are available during April-May and the females, a little later,

During May-July (Alikunhi et al.1963). The fish does not spawn naturally in ponds and tanks.

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BIGHEAD CARP(Aristichthys nobilis)

Originated from China.

Eurythermic fish, being able to tolerate water temperatures of 0.5-38 °C.Deep body that is moderately laterally compressed.Large head with a large terminal mouth.

Smooth keel on abdomen.

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At 7–17 mm feed primarily on small

zooplankton & protozoans .

At 24-30 mm take both phytoplankton

& zooplankton.


Primarily zooplankton,also

consume large amount of algae .

Phytoplankton consumed incidentally but remain undigested.

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High growth rates, reaching 0.75-1.5 kg in the 2nd year and 3-4 kg

in the 3rd year.

Maximum reported size 40 kg.

Similar growth rates for males & females.

In the Middle Mississippi River they

are reaching harvestable size in 2

(1 kg).


Highly variable, from 2 to 10 years.

Males typically

mature one year earlier

than females.

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ranges from 288,000 to

over 1 million

based on size of


Egg diameter

4.7-5.2 mm. Bathypelagi


Eggs require

current to stay


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April–June, peak in May

(Asia) .

Spawning temperature 22–30 C in

native range.

Large tributaries with high flow (0.8

m/sec) are required.

Males are promiscuous and will

chase females,

occasionally rubbing

their head against the belly of the


Spawning occurs at

the surface over rocky areas in flowing water.

A single female may spawn more than once within a


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COMMON CARP( Cyprinus carpio)

Known as “European Carp”.

Olive green coloration above, yellowish below.

Fins often reddish.

Body laterally compressed

Body height 1/4 body length.

Triangular head with blunt snout and thick nose plate.

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FOOD & FEEDING HABITCarnivorous & Detritivorous.

Juvenile First feeding at 6-7 mm.

At 10-20 mm feed primarily on small zooplankton & protozoans

At 20-100 mm feed on a variety of zooplankton, protozoans, small crustaceans & insect larva .

Larger than 100 mm feed on bottom detritus composed of decayed plant matter & benthic organisms.

AdultsFeed on bottom detritus composed of decayed plant

matter and benthic organisms.

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•Growth varies with geography •Highest in tropical and subtropical conditions.•Reaching 0.4 kg in the 1st year.•0.8 kg in the 2nd year.•1.5 kg in the 3rd year.•2.0 to 2.5 kg by the end of their 4th year.


•Age at first maturation: 2-3 years (males), 4-5 years (female)

•Weight at first maturation: 1-2 kg (male), 3-5 kg (female) •Length at first maturation: 25-30 cm (male), 34 cm (female)


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FECUNDITYTotal fecundity ranges from

90,000 to 300,000 ova/kg live weight

of the female

Egg diameter

1.0-1.5 mm

Eggs sink and adhere to rooted

vegetation or other firm substrates

Eggs generally occur in clusters

of several hundred

Can hatch in 6 days when

temperature is 21 deg C

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April-June in temperate climates

Year-round in tropical climates

Limited to freshwater

Begins around 17-23 deg C and ceases near 27 deg C

Occurs both day and night

Generally occurs in shallow water

One or more males will pursue a female as eggs and sperm are released in water

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RUI( Labeo rohita)Body compressed.

Dorsal profile is more convex than that of ventral profile.

Fins are gray in color with orange margin in larger specimen.

Lateral line present and complete.

Scales moderate

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Surface to Column feeder.

Feeds on plant matters including decaying vegetation

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• The minimum age at first maturity for both sexes is two years, while complete maturity is reached after four years in males and five years in females.

• In captivity with proper feeding the species attains maturity towards the end of second year



• Polygamous fish.• Spawning season,

extending from April to September.

• Optimum temperature for spawning is 22-31 °C.

• In nature, spawning occurs in the shallow and marginal areas of flooded rivers.

• However, breeding does not take place in such lentic pond environments.


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The fecundity varies from 226 000 to 2

794 000.

It depends upon fish size and ovary


On average it ranges from 200 000-300

000 eggs/kg.

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CATLA ( Catla catla)Compressed body.comparatively short

with broad head. Mouth is wide, upper

lip is thin and covered by skin of snout.

Lower lip is moderately thick,

Dorsal profile is more convex than that of abdomen.

Gill opening is circular.

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Carnivorous , Mainly column feeder.

Feeds mainly on zooplankton.

Utilize the mid layers of habitat.

Also consume detritus & decayed vegetation.

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• Catla is the fastest growing of all Indian major carps.

• In natural waters, catla attains a length of 295 mm in the 1st year,

• 514 mm in the 2nd year,

• 716 mm in the 3rd year.

• 323 mm in the 4th year.


•Catla attains first maturity in the second year of life.•Alikunhi mentioned that in ponds catla becomes mature when 22 months old.•Natarajan & Jhingran estimated that catla from River Yamuna at first maturity were in the second year age-group.


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This fish Breeds during summer and rainy season.

Eggs are not floatable, non-adhesive and yellowish in colour.

The spawning season of catla coincides with the southwest monsoon in north eastern India & Bangladesh, where it lasts from May to August and in north India and Pakistan, from June to September.

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FECUNDITYAge of Fish(Years)

Total Length(mm)

Weight(g) Weight of ovary(g)

No of ovary

3+ 783 11229 301 2308313+ 795 10445 335 3439873+ 795 11279 3187 12346764 840 13445 3325 32146675 915 15677 3340 345621985 925 16678 4435 34527895 935 17338 2345 30076545+ 950 18445 3118 3241987

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MRIGAL(Cirrhinus cirrhosus)The body is elongated and streamlined.

Dorsal profile more convex than that of abdomen.Ventral profile slightly convex. Grayish or greenish color on the back and silvery at the sides and below.Fins are slightly orange colored in larger specimen.

Lateral line present and complete with about 40-45 scales

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Bottom dweller. Detritivour.

Feed on both natural and

supplementary feeds.

Well habituated in taking rice bran, wheat bran, mustard oil cake and other supplementary

feed under aquaculture system.

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•In natural waters, the fish shows a very rapid growth rate in the first four years of its life.•Followed by a period of slow growth in the next 3 years.•The growth rate thereafter becomes even slower.


• Mrigal is reported to attain its first maturity when about 1years of old

• the males mature at the end of the first year and females, some time later.

• the first maturity of mrigal at a length of 349 mm, when the fish was 2+ years old.

• The minimum age of mrigal at first maturity, has been reported to be two years for males and three years for females.


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• The fecundity of mrigal vary from 124,800 to 1,905,000 in specimens weighing 904 g and 4,503 g.

• Maximum number of eggs released by a mrigal, weighing 4.76 kg, was 1,164,000


• The spawning season of mrigal depends on the onset and duration of the monsoon. It coincides with the southwest monsoon in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
