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Page 1: Sales strategy



Why do we need a sales strategy?

Developing a clear & smart sales strategy for focussed sales

With a clearly defined sales strategy that is based on the needs of your market and is tailored to the

supply of EPs in the network we can be focussed in our sales. By understanding the needs of our market

and from this being focussed in who we sell to & what we sell we can be much more successful in our

sales activities. Developing a sales strategy will provide more direction and clarity to members in their

prospecting, understanding of the product and knowledge of how to tailor their sales approach.

Increasing our chances of raising a TN!

How to develop a Sales Strategy for your LC

Remember to keep being focussed & dynamic in your approach to sales!

Here are some simple steps to follow in creating a sales strategy for your LC

1. Market Segmentation

2. Company Need

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” Tony Robbins

Incoming Exchange 13|14

1. Market Segmentation

2. Company Need

3. Job Description

4. EP Requirement

5. Supply

Which industry am I going to focus on and what are

the needs of this industry?

e.g IT industry or non-IT industries.

What are the specific needs of our customers? e.g are the company in need of tech support or software developers

3. Job Description

What is the specific needs of our customers & what kind of role

could an intern fit into e.g software developer or database management

& analysis

4. EP Requirement

What are the specific skills & backgrounds required by the intern

5. SupplyWhich countries have

these specific skills e.g. Colombia, India, Poland

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How to develop a sales strategy...

Market Segmentation

1. First you will need to understand your market and whether the demand for IT talent comes from IT or

non-IT companies.

For many local markets the demand for IT talent will come from non-IT companies.

If your market has lots of IT companies that are in need of IT talent you need to define which types of IT

companies you are going to focus on i.e.. IT consultancy/ solutions companies, mobile / tablet application

companies web application/ services companies.

If you are focussing on non-IT companies you need to define which one or two industries you will focus

on. (e.g marketing, engineering, your University)

2. Then search for companies in that specific industry/ sector to start building your prospecting list

& identifying contacts in those companies.

2. Company Need

3. From the companies you have prospected start identifying what their specific needs for talent are.

Are they looking for to fill a technical support role or/and are they looking for software

developers ?

You can identify this need before you get in touch with the company so that you can tailor your sales

approach accordingly. As you already know that they have a need for talent and what kind of

talent they are looking for.

3. Job Description

4. We also need to understand what is the specific role that the company is looking to recruit for and

whether this is a role that matches the supply of EPs .

Is the company looking for a a mobile app developer or a network & data base analyst? With a

specific set & background.

5. If you can find out what is/ are the specific role(s) the company is looking to recruit as well as who the

line manager would be before you get in touch with the company, you can tailor your sales

approach even more! And contact the line manager directly.

Alternatively, you can find out the specific needs of the company in a meeting and tailor your

approach accordingly as a solution to the company’s talent needs.

4. EP Requirement

6. We need to be savvy and understand what kind of programming skills would be required of

candidates for each sub-products.

We also need to be hot on the movements of the IT market itself and know when new programming

skills or software development frameworks have been developed.

7. To be able to able to sell IT Talent we need to be able to speak the same language as the company

and understand the programming skills needed for each of the sub-products.

8. More information about the specific skills can be found on the IT sub-product explanation document.

It is important that we understand these skills & sub-products as a menu that a company can pick and

choose from as well as what would be their preferred language skills would be.

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8. We also need to know which programming language skills are currently available in our pool of EPs and agree on a job description and specific

skills that matches the availability of EPs.

To ensure that we can deliver on our promise to companies & build loyalty with our partners we need to ensure that we can deliver on the

job description that we are selling.

9. For us to be more efficient in matching and also to tailor our product even more to the needs of our prospective & current partners, we

need to know where we can find EPs with the required skills.

10. For more info, we need to be regularly checking the availability of EPs with the skills needed for the sub-products and which countries

have the supply of those EPs.

5. Supply


My focus in the IT sector and within the IT sector - mobile applications


I have a prospecting list of all the mobile app companies in bedford.I know this particular Mobile app

company is looking for software

developers & programmers from

my research on a recruitment

website.. I also found the name of the

lead software developer for the

company on linkedin.

After meeting with the

company, I understand that

they are looking to hire a

graduate for this position

for 3 months that can

perform this JD.

these are the background &

skills required by the trainee

to fill this position & i know

we have the supply of Eps


I already know that i can find Eps with these

requirements from these countries and can

explain this to the company

Page 4: Sales strategy

Market segmentation for

lc BEdford

How to segment your market

‣ IT solutions/ consultancy e.g Breeze IT (Nottingham’s partner, Tata Consultancy Services (Global Exchange Partner). ‣Web application/ services development ‣ Mobile application development

Other sectors also need IT talent:‣Marketing companies‣ University institutions (e.g IT and marketing departments)‣Engineering companies ‣Manufacturing companies (e.g Haybrooke Associates Ltd. Warwick’s partner)

Examplesuppose Bedford is hub for web application & marketing companies. market research highlights that these two sectors are looking to hire junior level it talent.

IT sector non-IT sector

Mobile application companies

marketing companies

The LC has created a prospecting list of all of the companies in these two sectors. and is looking up names of relevant people in these companies on

linkedin to get in touch with.