Page 1: Sales Funnel Supreme - EMAIL LIST BUILDING · 1.Your sales funnel 2.Traffic In this e-book, we're covering one of these two things

Sales Funnel Supreme

by Lee Murray

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Table of Contents:

Legal Stuff........................................................................................................3

Introduction - “One Plus One Equals Freedom”..............................................4

Chapter One - “The Perfect Sales Funnel”.......................................................5

Component #1 – A Good Giveaway Product............................................6Component #2 – A High-Converting Squeeze Page...............................13Component #3 – An “OTO” That Makes You Money...............................15Component #4 – Monetized “Thank You” & “Download” Pages..............19Component #5 – A Blog...........................................................................23Component #6 – An Autoresponder Sequence.......................................24Component #7 – An Affiliate Program.....................................................25Component #8 – A Buyers List................................................................27Component #9 – Regular Broadcasts.....................................................29

Chapter Two - “Your One Week Action Plan” .................................................33

Chapter Three - “What You Stand to Gain”.....................................................57

Chapter Four - “What You Stand to Lose”......................................................59

Chapter Five - “Let's Talk Shortcuts”...............................................................60

In Conclusion..................................................................................................64


Want to Make Great Recurring Commissions?...........................................67

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Legal Notice:This publication includes personal use rights only.

You may not:

➢ Redistribute or give this book away➢ Sell this book➢ Claim authorship of this book➢ Copy, swipe, or rewrite this book➢ Re-transmit any part of this publication in any form (text, video, etc.)

Disclaimer:While the author has made every attempt to provide you with the most accurate and effective information possible, he cannot guarantee your success. Your own work ethic, copywriting abilities, ability to follow instructions, and perhaps even luck, coupled with current market conditions, may all play a role in your results.

The author assumes no liability for any expenses incurred by the reader as a result of following the advice set forth in this book.

Earnings Disclosure:As demonstration of the author's compliance with the legal guidelines set forth by the FTC, he wishes to offer you full transparency. It should be assumed that many of the links included throughout this publication are, in fact, affiliate links. The author may receive financial compensation for purchases generated via these links. Thank you for your support!

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Introduction – “One Plus One Equals Freedom”

How's this for simplicity?...

Your business really only consists of two things:

1. Your sales funnel2. Traffic

In this e-book, we're covering one of these two things in great detail. Your sales funnel is the obvious place for you to start when making a living on the Internet. Sure, you can just start driving traffic straight to affiliate offers... but that's not really a business, at all.

While you can certainly make some money doing this, it seldom provides folks with long-term results. Affiliate products come and go. Traffic sources dry up or become too expensive. And when these things happen, how is your income affected? Not too kindly, that's how!

So in this book, we'll be taking a look at a much better way to do business online, and that's through what is known as a sales funnel.

Now there are a million and a half ways to set up your funnel. I will propose that if you follow the specific guidelines set forth in this book, you'll be well on your way to having an online business that produces an incredible income for you... for many years to come!

But this is not to suggest that my way is the only way.

It requires time and patience to set this stuff up properly. And if you're short on either of these two precious commodities, then you can certainly cut a few corners and still be successful. We'll get to this a bit later.

For now, I would just like to present you with an overall outline of what makes a killer sales funnel that will rev up your online income in next to no time.

And so begins “Sales Funnel Supreme.” Enjoy!

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Chapter One - “The Perfect Sales Funnel”

There are nine components that any good sales funnel should have:

1. A giveaway product to entice new prospects2. A squeeze page to capture fresh leads3. A one-time offer (OTO) to make you some immediate money4. Monetized “thank you” and “download” pages5. A blog to build trust, credibility, and rapport with your audience6. A killer autoresponder sequence that helps folks and earns you money7. An affiliate program to build mutually profitable JV partnerships8. A buyers list building system9. Broadcasts

Throughout this book, I will be explaining each of these in detail. I will also present you with powerful action steps to help you hit the ground running. Some of the steps will cost a little money... but I stress, it is sincerely only a little bit of money. You can get your entire business off the ground for less than 50 bucks!

Hell, you may even be able to do it for less than 20!

But no matter how much money you're willing to spend (if any... there are always ways around this), please NEVER let a lack of capital prevent you from taking

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action. This is the Internet, my friend. And this world is CHOCK FULL of possibilities!

With that said, I would love to get started. Wouldn't you?

Cool. Then let's roll up our sleeves, put on our thinkin' caps, and do the damn thing! And please remember, reading books makes us smarter, but it doesn't make us one penny richer. Only a bit of sweat equity can do that for you.

But I promise you that if you take the time to build up a proper sales funnel, you will truly be setting yourself up for success. So please follow along with me here. Read and re-read this book. But for the love of all that is sacred, you MUST follow the action steps it gives you to follow. That is if you are, indeed, serious about creating a highly profitable online business for yourself.



Then let's get started...

Component #1 – A Good Giveaway Product:

This should absolutely be the first thing you consider when building your business. With a good freebie product at your disposal, the world is your oyster.

This allows you to immediately build trust and credibility with your audience. If you can help somebody solve a problem or gain valuable insight without charging them a single penny, they're probably gonna like you right away. This is especially true if your product is thoughtful, actionable, and genuine.

It is always better for you to create your own freebie, as you really want to brand yourself as an expert. At a bare minimum, folks will appreciate the effort. Even if you're not an expert, you will be perceived as such... provided the content included in your freebie has been well-researched.

If it helps people, it helps people. And they will be glad you took the time to compile and share such helpful information.

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“But Lee, What About Niche Selection?”

Good question.

In reality, you can go a number of ways when choosing a niche. You can stick with a topic that you know extremely well. Or you can pick a popular niche in the ever-lucrative health and beauty market. Or you can play with the big dogs in the MMO and IM niche. (MMO stands for “Make Money Online” and IM stands for “Internet Marketing,” just in case you're new to marketing vocabulary.)

Let's take a look at these individually:

➢ A Topic You Know Extremely Well – If you've got a great deal of expertise in a particular field, and you believe that you can sincerely help people who need the help by creating a freebie product, then this may be the route you want to take.

It is important, however, to make sure that there is, in fact, a market for it. Check for affiliate programs (Clickbank, Amazon, etc.) to see that people are already spending money in this niche.

You don't want to reinvent the wheel here. Online marketing is tough enough without throwing in the added pressure of trying to be a world-class inventor, too!

It's also worth mentioning that the niche you choose should give you plenty of back-end opportunities. For example, if you created a freebie product teaching people how to tie a bow tie, they're going to learn how to tie that tie. NOW what the heck are you going to sell them?

You want people to remain loyal customers for years to come, which is why the next two niches are really the only ones you should even consider getting into, in my opinion...

➢ The Ever-Lucrative Health Market – It's really hard to go wrong with this market. Choosing a niche within it can be pretty easy, too. Just find a problem that absolutely sucks for the people experiencing it... and make sure there's plenty of back-end opportunity to boot.

Two great examples of this are acne and weight loss. You can promote

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products to the customers in these niches for quite some time; and if your sales funnel is set up properly, they will continue to buy from you for a while.

In fact, you can really pick any skin condition (hyperpigmentation, rosacea, etc.) and even if the products you end up promoting and/or creating are able to solve the problem, it's very likely that people will remain in your funnel if you set it up so that general skin care is the theme.

You can then promote moisturizers, make-up, tanners, brighteners, and countless other general skin care items... and all long after you were able to help them solve their original problem!

The same thing applies to weight loss, where you can promote weight management programs, coaching clubs, body sculpting products, and anything that would appeal to someone who cares about their fitness and overall appearance!

These are great niche choices for anyone looking to keep cashing checks week after week, month after month, and potentially even year after year.

If you decide to go into the health market, I would encourage you to take a look at the Market Health affiliate program. They've got hundreds of products in multiple niches and subniches. Their payouts are extremely generous (always opt for the 50% rev share option) and they're masters at upselling people on bulk orders, where you can literally make $80 to $100 per sale.

Now let's take a look at the final (and my absolute favorite) niche...

➢ MMO and IM – This is where the big dogs play, sure. But it's also where the money is being spent the most feverishly, frequently, and consistently. And how many people actually feel like they have enough money and would absolutely HATE to have any more? Very few, I suspect.

For this reason, this niche has the greatest longevity. There's only so much weight a person can lose before they don't need to lose any more. There are only so many zits a person can zap before their skin is totally clear. But how much money is enough? How much is too much?

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People will ALWAYS want to make more money!

And it's actually not as cut-throat and brutal of a community as you may think. I used to think that it was a low-trust world where everyone was paranoid of each other. While there are certainly plenty of scammers out there, my perspective of the IM market has changed drastically since I've been involved in it.

I now find it to be a fantastic community of marketers helping marketers. And if that sounds too “good old boys club” for you, let's try different verbiage. Quite simply, it's good people sharing business strategies and tools with people who need these strategies and tools in order to lead better lives... and to better provide for their families during these incredibly difficult, economically trying times.

It's very noble, indeed.

Not only that, but for many of us, the sharing comes easy. Most marketers already live and breathe this stuff. We've immersed ourselves in the world of online business. We've got plenty to share, and we can share it passionately and authoritatively... and if we can't, then all we need to do is look at just one stupid little thing we know how to do.

“What the heck are you talking about, Lee?”

Listen, even if you've only been working online for a month, then you still know a month's worth of stuff that 99.99% of the people in this world don't know. Do you know how to build a Squidoo Lens? Can you create a hyperlink? Do you know how to edit images using FotoFlexer? Can you write an article? Are you familiar with the interface of the Warrior Forum?

Guess what, my friend... you've got a mothergrabbin' freebie product to write!

In the IM niche, I'm willing to bet that you've got more than enough “good stuff” swimming around in your head to write a short 6 to 10 page report. And if you don't, there's certainly no shortage of research material available to you!

A Final Note On the IM Niche:

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There is another highly compelling reason to work within the IM niche, and that's the JV opportunities. SO MANY marketers have email lists that they're willing to send an email out to on your behalf. They'll either do this for a cash payment (solo ad) or a return mailing to your list on their behalf (ad swap).

You can literally make your living just with these two JV partnerships alone. Hell, you could make your living with just ONE of them!

But the plot actually thickens.

Because so many marketers have IM email lists and blogs, you can find LOADS of affiliates to promote your paid products when you get to that stage of the game. This can seriously explode your income to guru status if you seek out and find enough good affiliates. But that's outside the scope of this book.

Let's get back to talking about your freebie, shall we?

Three Ways to Get a Great Giveaway Product:

1) Do it yourself. Either write a short report or create a video/software product.

2) Pay someone else to create it.

3) Acquire master resell or private label rights. (MRR or PLR)

I generally recommend creating your own product. I stick to writing e-books because I love to write. Plus, despite the ever-growing popularity of video and software products, I personally believe that there's something about the written word that just really resonates with people. Lots of people!

Plus, it doesn't really require any special skills or tools. All you need is OpenOffice (free), an idea for your e-book cover, and $5 to pay someone at fiverr to bring that e-book cover to life! It really couldn't be simpler.

Coming up with an idea for your giveaway product can be as simple as browsing through online forums (such as the Warrior Forum, if you're in the IM niche) and finding some thread titles that catch your eye. It should most likely be a question

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or something that looks like the OP (original poster) is struggling with something specific. Then, simply read the thread and start taking notes on how other members are helping the OP solve said problem.

For example...

As you can see, the OP has asked a question about outsourcing. And there are currently 24 replies to his question. Here is his post...

Look for power words that really grab your attention. For me, the word that

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stands out is “nightmare.” Very powerful.

Now the gentleman has already asserted that outsourcing has helped him earn six figures online, so you know that you can use that angle in your product. But the word “nightmare” is quite jolting. So I've already got a title (and a subtitle) for our new giveaway e-book..

“Outsourcing Nightmares: 5 Easy Ways to Avoid Catastrophe... and Earn Six Figures In the Process!”

Then, I would simply go through the thread, look through people's posts, and jot down the top 5 solutions that make the most sense to me. I'll spare you the many screen shots it would take to pull off a visual here, but just going through the thread myself, I've found...

1. Remember it's a numbers game. Don't get discouraged.2. Be willing to pay a little more for top-quality help.3. Interview many potential candidates to expand your choices.4. Get references. Check reviews.5. Have leading prospects work on a trial basis before assigning big projects.

Then, you would simply expand on each of these points and start writing your “book” in an OpenOffice text document. Once you're finished, you'll just click the little “PDF” icon on your top OpenOffice toolbar and just like that, you've got yourself a product!

Next, you'll want to head over to, type “ebook covers” into the search box, and then sort the results by rating. Take a look at the top few artists and choose one whose samples you most like. Be sure to check the reviews.

I personally use Jasmin for my e-book covers. She's great, and her turnaround time is just 3 days. You can check her out here:

Give the e-book cover artist a general idea of what you're looking for. For “Outsourcing Nightmares,” I may suggest that the cover be dark. Perhaps an image of someone waking up sweating, in a panic, would be ideal for this particular cover.

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Generally, you can just trust the e-book designer to come up with a cover you like. In most cases, it's how they make their living. So all's well.

Once you've received your e-book cover, go back into your e-book's OpenOffice document and insert your image on the very first (cover) page. If you'd like, you can scroll back up to the top of this book to see what I'm talking about.

Once you've inserted your image and everything seems to be in order (including a table of contents, footer, page numbers, and legal pages – use this book as an example), you can celebrate. For you now have one of the most critical elements of a winning sales funnel in your hands... an awesome new freebie!

By the way, it never hurts to include a few affiliate links in your freebie. Just make sure the offers are highly relevant to your giveaway product's main theme.

Once you've come this far, and after you've had a few beers and are feeling absolutely wonderful about yourself, you'll want to create the mechanism through which you can share your gift with the world. But remember, you're getting something extremely valuable in return here... lots and lots and lots of email addresses!

Time for the next component of a great sales funnel...

Component #2 – A High-Converting Squeeze Page:

Along with your freebie offer, your squeeze page is perhaps the most important part of your entire sales funnel. This is what gets people through the door. It's where you transform ordinary web surfers into white hot leads.

The money is in the list. And as much as I hate clichés, this is one I can certainly embrace because I've seen its truth and its power time and time again. With a large enough (and responsive enough) email list, you can essentially write your own paychecks (another cliché I'm perfectly okay with) day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year.

And with a high-converting squeeze page, you can build such a list very quickly. The difference between a squeeze page that converts at 25% and one that converts at 50% is massive. Half the advertising budget, half the time, twice the results... no matter how you look at it, it is always important to strive for the

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highest conversions (aka “opt-in rates”) possible.

I do have a book called “Your Squeeze Page Is Bananas!” that walks you through the entire process of achieving killer conversions with your squeeze page. In fact, if you're a member of my “List Building E-book of the Week Club,” then that's the second book you'll receive (this one is the first).

But here in “Sales Funnel Supreme,” I'll give you the Reader's Digest version. In fact, I can make this extremely short and extremely sweet by simply giving you a link to my own squeeze page.

The link I'm giving you is for “The White Hot List,” which is essentially my list building and email marketing bible. I would certainly encourage you to opt-in to grab a copy, and to stay subscribed to my newsletter. By doing these two things, you'll see what a good campaign looks like. You'll learn why 97% of all the email marketers out there are doing it completely wrong!

But whether you decide to opt-in or not, I would really like you to scrutinize my squeeze page. This page converts at right around 52 to 53 percent, and I'm always split testing (covered in “Your Squeeze Page Is Bananas!”) and tweaking things to improve this conversion rate. So please feel free to model your squeeze page after mine. I have absolutely no problem with that.

Here's your link...

>> Click Here to Visit “The White Hot List” <<

Here are a few things you'll notice when you visit my squeeze page:

➢ There are no bullet points.➢ There is no “We hate spam as much as you” statement.➢ There is no “Powered by Aweber” link.➢ There is no “name” or “first name” field.➢ It is very clean and basic. Not flashy at all.

There are other nuances involved with building a fantastic-looking squeeze page, but these are covered in great detail inside my “Your Squeeze Page Is Bananas!” book. So be sure to either pick up your own copy or simply wait to receive it in your inbox, if you're a member of my “Book of the Week” club.

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And if you're brand new to all this stuff, and you don't have an Aweber account or know how to generate an opt-in form or any of that good stuff, then I cannot urge you strongly enough to pick up your own FREE copy of The White Hot List, which will walk you through ALL of it!

If you'd like the same squeeze page template I use for TWHL, you can visit Mike Cowles' site to download it for free.

Moving along...

Component #3 – An OTO That Makes You Money:

Again, I've written an entire book (“OTO, My!”) dedicated just to this one topic. It's that important. Your sales funnel needs a little thing we in the biz like to call the “one-time offer,” or OTO.

Here's the deal.

As you grow your list, you want to be making money. I doubt I'll get much of an argument from you on this point. But let's take a quick look at why you'll want to be making this money:

➢ It will keep you motivated to stay aggressive.➢ It will make you feel more confident in your process.➢ It will offset the costs of paid traffic. This is HUGE!

So what is an OTO?

Essentially, it's the offer you make to fresh subscribers immediately after they've opted into your list. It usually comes in the form of a product with a low barrier of entry. In other words, it's cheap! I've found that products selling for $7 to $19 are ideal.

There are 3 main ways you can come up with an OTO. You can create one yourself. You can use a MRR or PLR product. Or you can promote an affiliate program.

There are pros and cons to each of these options. Let's take a quick look...

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#1. Create Your Own OTO:


➢ Branding benefits➢ The ability to say exactly what you want➢ Pride of ownership➢ You make the rules and control the rights➢ You can add your own affiliate links inside the product➢ Can use to build your buyers list➢ Full control over pricing


➢ Will require expertise and/or research➢ Takes time to produce

#2. Use Pre-Existing PLR or MRR Products:


➢ Requires less work. Just set up your payment button and go!➢ You can rename many PLR products, and claim authorship.➢ You can edit PLR products, and drop your affiliate links inside.➢ Ready-made research➢ No need to be an expert➢ Can use to build your buyers list


➢ The information contained in many of these products is outdated.➢ The included sales pages are often cheesy and don't convert well.➢ No true pride of ownership

#3. Promote Affiliate Products:


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➢ Virtually zero work on your part➢ Can quickly test different affiliate programs for highest conversions➢ Can still build a buyers list... but it's kinda tricky.➢ If you promote 100% commission WSO's, you get paid instantly!➢ Many vendors have back-end products that they'll pay you for, too!


➢ No control over pricing or product quality➢ Trickier to build a buyers list➢ Offer can end at any time without warning

No matter which of these you choose, with a good OTO in your corner, you can actually grow your business exponentially. It's really as simple as buying traffic, instantly making your money back via your OTO, and then reinvesting that money in more paid traffic.

This is actually very achievable, and a great many marketers do this day in and day out. Some actually even make MORE than what they spend, essentially getting paid to build their businesses!

Now while I really can't recommend one of these OTO creation methods over the others – because I don't know you personally, and have no clue what your specific skills, abilities, and desires are – I can tell you which of these I personally prefer using, and that's #1: Create Your Own OTO.


Branding, baby! I want to be perceived as a list building expert. And because this is sincerely my area of expertise, I am able to write passionately and authoritatively. So naturally I want to create my own products, build my buyers list, and be looked upon as the “go-to guy” in the world of email marketing.

Some folks just want to make some damn money! And you know, there's nothing wrong with that, provided you're not blatantly scamming people or selling them fake promises. For these folks, options #2 and #3 are great.

I actually like the affiliate model because it's just so darn easy. In fact, here's all

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you'll need to do to get started with it...

Step One:

Go to and create an account using your Warrior Forum login credentials.

Step Two:

Click on the “Affiliates” tab along the top of the screen.

Step Three:

Click “View Available Offers.”

Step Four:

Sort by commission rate.

Step Five:

Choose an offer that is relevant to your freebie, pays a 100% commission, is priced between $7 and $19, has a refund rate under 5%, and has a minimum of 50 sales.

Step Six:

Click on the “request” link beside an offer you've chosen. A message box will pop up. This is where you will ask the product owner to let you promote for them. Many vendors like their affiliates to have “x number of posts” in the Warrior Forum before approving. This will vary from vendor to vendor.

Of course, it's always a good idea to try aiming for that 50-post level, but it's not always a requirement. Just apply for an affiliate program that looks good to you, using the following words:

“Hi, (vendor's name, if you have it)!

I'm interested in promoting (name of WSO) to my list. If all goes well, I will add your offer early into my autoresponder sequence.

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Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to work with you in the very near future.


(your name)”

Keep it short and sweet. You can also ask if they have any review copies of their product available, as this can really help you promote them with more confidence.

Step Seven:

Once approved, grab your affiliate link. You're now able to promote this offer as your own OTO!

Important Notice: If you'd like to promote my “List Building Book of the Month Club” as your OTO and make 50% monthly recurring commissions on every

member you generate for the life of their membership, then click here to learn how!

“Okay, Lee... So How the Hell Do You Actually Get Your OTO Out There?”

To promote your OTO to your new subscribers, you'll want to make use of a piece of virtual real estate we like to call the “thank you” page. Lucky for us, that's the very next item up for discussion...

Component #4 – Monetized Thank You & Download Pages:

When you set these pages up correctly, you can absolutely kill it with list building. In fact, I would dare to assert that your “thank you” page is the second most important component of your entire sales funnel, behind your squeeze page (and freebie product, of course!)... but there is a right way and a wrong way to set it up, so please pay close attention.

Let me ask you a question. Did you visit “The White Hot List” squeeze page? If

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so, did you appreciate its simplicity? I sure hope so, because it converts like a damn beast, and that's no joke!

Well, the exact same thing needs to apply to your “thank you” page. I've seen more than my fair share of lame-o “thank you” pages. They've been cluttered, promotional, full of links and banners, and all kinds of other garbage.

There's a magic word we like to use when it comes to squeeze page psychology. It's presupposition (discussed in great detail in “Your Squeeze Page Is Bananas!”), and it's a gem. In essence, we want our fresh new subscribers to click through from our “thank you” page to our OTO without them ever feeling pressured to do it.

By the way, I NEVER, EVER just lead them straight to an OTO right after they've opted in. It's too confusing and way too promotional.

You'll lose credibility right out of the gate.

So instead, you want to set up a clean, attractive “thank you” page that does only 3 simple things:

➢ Thanks your new subscribers for opting in➢ Tells them their freebie link is being delivered to their inbox➢ Entices them to click on the link to your OTO

Would you care to see my own example of an effective “thank you” page?

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Pretty straightforward, wouldn't you say? And hey, guess how many of the people who land on this page actually click on that link?

90 to 95 percent!

Yep, almost everyone who lands on that page clicks on my “Click Here For Something Exciting!” link. And once they've done so, they've already subconsciously made a commitment.

So once they land on my OTO, presupposition has already taken effect. As a result, my OTO's almost always convert at 5% to 6%... sometimes higher, depending upon the traffic source.

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Please model your “thank you” page after mine. You'll be doing yourself a great favor by doing so. (By the way, the link in the image above is purple because I've clicked on it. You'll want yours to be blue, as this is the color that most inspires people to click.)

To learn how to upload your squeeze page, thank you page, and download page to your server, please refer to Chapter 2, Days 4-7.

Your Download Page...

So let's take just a quick moment to discuss another important piece of virtual real estate that you're really going to want to take full advantage of, and that's your freebie product's download page.

This is where you will include your download link, along with a few other important things... namely, a link to an unadvertised bonus and “integration marketing” links. You can also include an affiliate link or two, for extra profit!

Again, here's my own personal example...

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The “unadvertised bonus” link points to an integration marketing partner's squeeze page. (You'll learn all about integration marketing, including my strategy for building your list twice as fast with virtually no extra effort, in my book “JV Double-Down.” If you're a member of my “book of the week” club, you'll be receiving that book in a few weeks, so make sure to stay tuned!)

Integration marketing, if you're wondering, is simply a fancy way of saying that two marketers send traffic to each other. Any time someone clicks on my “unadvertised bonus” link, my partner gets a visitor to his squeeze page. On his download page, there's a link back to mine. At the end of the month, we compare clicks. Whoever delivered fewer clicks to the other will then make up the difference by mailing their list or buying a solo ad.

And that's really all there is to “thank you” and “download” pages. Let's move right along...

Component #5 – A Blog:

A blog is not essential to successful list building. It's really not. You can build a massive list and make an absolute fortune online... and never create a single blog post.

However, there are many powerful advantages to incorporating a blog into your sales funnel. Let's take a look at just a few of them. With a blog, you can:

➢ Brand yourself as an expert.➢ Build trust among your subscribers.➢ Share great content and promote your business simultaneously.➢ Get fewer unsubscribes when you send emails.➢ Facilitate a community where you and your subs can interact.➢ Avoid triggering email spam filters.

I actually link almost all of my emails to blog posts these days. It's much safer and more effective because you don't have to say quite so much in your emails. Just create a great, highly useful blog post and then go into your Aweber account and generate a little teaser email that links to your blog post. Easy!

I recommend blogging whenever inspiration strikes. But when you create your

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follow up emails, each one should be spaced one day apart. You want your subscribers getting an email every day. And almost every email should link to a blog post. Actually 7 to 10 is a good ratio. 7 emails point to 7 blog posts, and the other 3 emails can be promotional, linking to an affiliate offer.

I've got a book that's part of my “book of the week club” that goes into great detail about how to integrate email marketing and blogging. The book is called “List, Blog, Profits.” Please be sure to keep your eyes open for it.

Moving on...

Component #6 – An Autoresonder Sequence:

This is truly the heart and soul of your email marketing business. Essentially, it's the driving force behind your income. In case you're unaware, an autoresponder sequence is simply a series of pre-written email messages sent to go out to your list of subscribers at set intervals.

Personally, I recommend setting these messages to go out daily. Some folks have different ideas about this, claiming that one email a day is far too frequent, and that it's almost a form of spam.

I disagree.

I believe that if you're a spammy marketer, then you shouldn't be sending emails at all. But if you're someone who's genuinely looking to help people solve their problems and move in the right direction, then you owe it to them to stay in constant contact.

And it's truly YOUR DUTY to capture their attention on a regular basis, instead of letting some less-than-ethical marketer dig their hooks into YOUR subscribers! It's merely a matter of perspective. But if you provide real, significant value to your list, then they will be thrilled to receive an email from you every day.

This goes back to blogging. If you have a blog, and you create high-value posts, your daily emails can simply direct your subscribers to these posts. Your popularity and perceived authority will soar, and your unsubscribe rate will be virtually non-existent!

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Now, if you're what I like to call a “turn and burn” marketer, which is someone who basically sends affiliate promotion after affiliate promotion to their subscribers, then you obviously won't need a blog. Your unsubscribe rate will be quite high, but as long as you're growing your list faster than you're getting unsubscribes, you'll be just fine.

If this is the kind of marketing you'd like to do, then I recommend setting up a 30-day autoresponder sequence in advance. Set these 30 emails to go out daily. Then, copy the first email (not your welcome mail) and use it as message 31, and repeat your entire sequence so that you've got 60 emails lined up!

However you wish to tackle this, it is important that you've got things pretty well set up before you ever start driving traffic. Too many people start with traffic, don't have an autoresponder sequence set up, and then give up because they're not getting results.

“You'll get to it later?” Hell no, you won't! So you'd seriously better do it now.

Let's see what's next...

Component #7 – An Affiliate Program:

If you yourself only want to earn your online income as an affiliate, then you obviously won't need to worry about this. But if you have any ambition of being a product creator and vendor, then you would be foolish not to have a good affiliate program set up.

If you've got a product of your own, then there are a number of affiliate platforms through which you can attract quality affiliates to promote for you.

My personal recommendation is for you to offer your product as a WSO and use WSOPro to process your payments and manage your affiliates. It's very simple to set up, and you will have affiliates requesting your approval almost immediately upon launching your WSO.

Other affiliate platforms you may wish to consider include JVZoo, Simple One Click, Clicksure, PayDotCom, and Clickbank, among others.

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Your first priority when offering an affiliate program is to treat your affiliates like gold. Treat them just as well as you'd treat your own customers, if not slightly better! With the right people promoting for you, you can make a whole lot of money in very little time, and without needing to generate all the traffic yourself.

Creating a JV Page... Smart Move, Kid!

Some vendors have extremely elaborate JV pages set up, which is great... but it's beyond the scope of my personal experience. In case you don't know, a JV page is simply a page you set up that tells potential affiliates what your product is all about, how it can help people, how much it costs, how much they'll get paid, and what kinds of bonuses you offer for top performers.

Again, some product creators go all-out with this, creating product graphics and banners, articles, promotional training, keyword lists, and all kinds of other goodies. You're welcome to take it that far, if you'd like. I don't.

I really just focus on attracting other list owners as affiliates. Since they really just promote via email, I don't need to mess with a whole lot of promo tools. You can give them email “swipe” copy if you want, but I don't really do that either. I don't want all my affiliates sending out the exact same email to their lists. I'd rather them take an honest look at my offer and promote it candidly, in their own unique way.

Here's what you'll want to include on your JV page:

➢ A brief description of your product offer➢ The percentage you're paying your affiliates➢ Any special performance incentives you're running (an extra $100 on

every 10th sale they generate for you, etc.)➢ A JV opt-in form

Click Here to See My “Book of the Week” JV Page... and Sign Up to Earn Great Recurring Commissions While You're At It!

Now you definitely don't want to use your JV email list to send offers to or anything like that. You just want to be able to contact these guys every now and

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again to “gently” remind them to promote for you... and to invite them to come in on any future product launches you happen to run.

And that's it. Setting up your affiliate program should only take you a couple hours, and that includes creating your JV page and new Aweber list & opt-in form.

There are other, more specific nuances involved with setting up a masterful affiliate empire, but to be perfectly honest, this isn't really my area of expertise. As such, I can only take you so far with this one. But setting up a good JV page and running a WSO is more than enough to get you started on the right track!

Turning Your Customers Into Affiliates:

Finding affiliates to promote your products doesn't need to be too big of a challenge. In fact, it can happen quite organically by simply inviting your customers to promote for you.

You can provide links to your JV page right from within your product. Just let your customers know that if they sincerely enjoy your product, they are welcome to promote it and make some extra money.

You can even send mails to your growing email list inviting your subscribers (even if they're not paying customers) to promote your stuff, as well.

Suggest that they create a promotional email and enter it early into their autoresponder sequence... or even link to it directly from their “thank you” page. It can be their OTO! This is a great way to help them earn easy profits, while simultaneously giving yourself free exposure and long-term business.

This is one of the easiest, most effective ways to build up an army of affiliates you're going to find anywhere. And yes, it really is that simple!

Let's continue, shall we? Great!...

Component #8 – A Buyers List

The difference between your subscribers list and an actual buyers list is beyond significant. You can earn up to 10 times as much money from a list of proven

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buyers as you can from a list of freebie seekers.

Another way of looking at this is that you can make the same amount of money from a 1000 person buyers list as you can from a regular 10,000 person subscriber list. Sometimes, the difference can be even greater!

As such, it is very important that you're able to siphon off people who buy from you, putting them on a fresh, new list. Doing this couldn't be any easier. You can set it up to happen automatically right from inside your Aweber account.

(By the way, if you don't have an Aweber account at this point, shame on you! It's only $1 for your first month, $19 a month after that, and is the #1

tool you need if you're really serious about being successful in this business. You can start your $1 trial by clicking this link now.)

Here's how to set up your buyers list...

Step One:

Create a new list in Aweber. This will be your buyers list.

Step Two:

From your Aweber dashboard, locate the “My Lists” drop-down tab. From the drop-down menu, click “Automation.”

Step Three:

Click the “Action” drop-down menu and select “Unsubscribe from list ___ when lead subscribes to...”

Step Four:

Select the name of your buyers list in the drop-down menu to the right.

Step Five:

Click “Save Automation Rule.”

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With a buyers list, you can do so much more than you can with a standard subscriber (freebie) list. You can enjoy much higher returns on your efforts. You can confidently promote higher ticket items. And one huge perk to having a decent-sized buyers list is that you can charge a premium price for solo ads, should you ever decide to go that route.

Alright, so let's move on to the final component of the perfect sales funnel...

Component #9 – Regular Broadcast Messages

This is where email marketing becomes so dang exciting, you may find it hard to contain yourself. This is where the massive paydays happen.

Listen, when you've set up a good autoresponder sequence, with the right balance of great content sprinkled with periodic promotions, you're going to make ongoing income. And it's going to be very nice to be able to rely on that income.

You simply send traffic through your funnel, and let your funnel do the work for you. But...

When folks are going through your autoresponder, only a small segment of your list will be presented with each email on any given day. And remember, only a small percentage of these emails will be promotional in nature.

But what if there was a way to send out a promotional blast to EVERY SINGLE person on your list all at once? Man, I'm telling you... that would be freakin' exciting! That's when you'd be able to push a button and start watching hordes of sales pouring in within minutes.

It exists, my friend. It's called a broadcast message.

With the right sized list, you can make thousands of dollars within a 24-hour period, all by sending out one simple little email to your entire list all at once.

Some guys even earn 10's of thousands of dollars... from a single email broadcast!

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When they say “the money's in the list,” this is what they're really talking about.

You use your autoresponder sequence to build relationships, provide value, and enjoy a steady stream of income on an ongoing basis. You use your broadcast emails to cash the hell in!

And the bigger your list gets, the more money you make. There's no limit, really.

Say you've got a list of 800 subscribers and you send out a broadcast email promoting an affiliate product. It's a good product, and the conversions are quite nice. This one broadcast email generates a total of $50 in affiliate commissions for you within 24 hours of sending it.

Not bad for just sending one stupid little email, right?

Well, what if your list actually had 8000 subscribers on it? There is absolutely no reason to assume that your results would be anything less than 10 times what they were with an 800-person list. That means you'd make $500 in affiliate commissions within that same 24-hour period... and with zero extra effort!

And when your list has grown to a healthy 80,000 subscribers (not too difficult at all, if you're good and aggressive)... well, you'd pull in $5,000 in a single day from that very same affiliate promo broadcast email.

Think about that. Some guys have lists well into the 100's of thousands in size. Using the example above, a list of 160,000 subscribers would earn you $10k in a day! A list of 320,000 (approximately the size of John Cornetta's list) would bring in a massive $20,000 in a single DAY! Not a year. Not a month. Not a week. One single DAY!

The secret is, you want to continually be growing your list size. You should always make it a goal to have more subscribers today than you did a week ago. Grow it fast and get these kinds of results every time you send out a good broadcast email promo.

WARNING: Do NOT overuse this... or your list will go cold on you.

Remember, your main job is to provide value for your list. You want to sincerely help people here. Your list is NOT a personal ATM, as many others have suggested. If you treat it as such, your reputation will suffer dearly.

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Your list is comprised of living, breathing, yearning human beings (much like yourself) who are looking for someone to show them the way. Making money for yourself should truly be your secondary consideration. Helping others get what they want should be your primary concern. And so it is with any legitimate business.

One or two major affiliate promotions (particularly for product launches) per month is good. Any more than this, and you'll be seen as uncaring and just out to make a buck. When you're selective about the products you promote, however, you can enjoy a rate of response like you wouldn't believe.

Are You Scared of Broadcasts... Or Excited?

Neither one of these are healthy if they're not balanced by the other. It you're too excited, you may be perceived as overly eager and just trying to “hit the jackpot.” If you're too scared, you may never pull the trigger at all.

Sending broadcasts is always a little scary. Even if you've sent 100 of these emails before, the 101st one should still be quite exhilarating. The day it isn't is the day you should quit this business.

I mean, you're about to send an email out to a whole lot of people all at once. You may get a lot of unsubscribes. You may get a complaint or two. Or you may make more money within the next 24 hours than you did all last month.

The way to achieve balance is simply to remember what I asserted above. Helping others is your top priority. Approach your broadcasts from a spirit of service. Feel confident that you're about to reach someone in a very meaningful way. And know that you will be compensated accordingly.

Read and re-read your email before sending it out. If you received that same email from another marketer, would you be compelled to click through to the offer? If not, you've got some editing to do.

And before you ever hit that green “queue” button, make sure you send a test copy to your own email address. Click each and every link inside your test email. Few things can kill a perfectly good buzz like realizing the links in a broadcast you just sent don't work. Not fun, my friend. Not fun at all!

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Hey, is it just me or is this like the longest damn book chapter ever? It's probably just me, but it is pretty long. I assure you, the remaining chapters won't be anywhere near this long. I just gave you all the ingredients you need to build a wickedly effective, profit-pumping sales funnel.

Now, I'm gonna give you the step-by-step recipe...

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Chapter Two – “Your One Week Action Plan”

Alright, thinking cap off... hard hat on! It's time to get to work.

Listen, I've been typing my fingers to the bone here trying to give you every valuable piece of sales funnel wisdom I've been fortunate enough to accumulate and apply to my own online business.

Now I truly can't fault the person who picks up a copy of this book, reads it, and says “yeah, that makes a lot of sense... now let me go buy another IM product.” It happens to the best of us. It's called S_____ O_____ S_____. Were you able to fill in those blanks?

“Shiny Object Syndrome”

It's what keeps us investing in education but never really rolling up our sleeves and making success happen for ourselves. Clearly, there needs to be a balance between education and action. And the fact of the matter is, our best education

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usually comes from taking lots of action! We learn best by doing.

Email lists don't build themselves. Sales funnels don't build themselves.

If you're a member of my “List Building Book of the Week Club,” and I sincerely hope that you are, then I have designed your membership to be highly actionable. You get one e-book per week delivered right to your email inbox.

In each e-book, I give you a “One Week Action Plan” that I'd really like for you to implement for the entire week prior to receiving your next e-book.

That said, if you're a rock star and are able to set up your entire sales funnel in a week (the next few books you receive expand upon setting up a perfect sales funnel) and feel confident that it can produce great results for you, then please feel free to “move ahead of the class” and start sending traffic, if you already know how to do so.

You will notice that the action steps I give you to complete are not rigid, and many of them will depend upon the type of business (“turn and burn” affiliate marketing, branding, MRR/PLR) you'd like to focus on and implement.

Finally, I've designed these steps to be followed throughout the week, for a full 7 days. Again, feel free to go through them faster if you've got the time, energy, and drive. Likewise, if you need to take your time setting this up, please do... but get it done! These are just guidelines to get you moving in the right direction.

I sincerely hope you take action... starting right now!

Day One (Setup) Tasks:

1. Decide what kind of business you want to have. Write it down. Do you want to be a “turn and burn” affiliate marketer (fastest and easiest)... or do you want to be a product creator who really makes waves and brands yourself in your niche (most profitable long term, with greater opportunities for leverage)?

2. What are your goals? Do you want to have 7500 subscribers and be earning at least $5000 per month within the next 6 months? Do you want to help at least 10 other people achieve their goals within a year? Write these things down.

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3. What niche would you like to enter? IM? Weight Loss? Another niche you're passionate and/or knowledgeable about? Write this down and commit to this niche... and ONLY this niche! (Right now, “diversification” is a very, very bad word!)

4. How are you going to acquire your freebie product? Are you going to create it yourself? Will you outsource this task? Or will you use pre-written MRR or PLR content? Write your answer down and commit to it.

5. Are you going to have a blog?

At this point, what we're looking for is clarity. You need to get clear on what you want. The key takeaway here is that you don't want to diversify. You want to focus in on one niche and one business system like a laser.

Set your primary goal (6 month or a year) and dedicate your entire professional online life to reaching this goal. The example above was to have a 7500-subscriber list within the next 6 months. How much different would your life be if you were bringing in $5000 to $7500 per month or more each and every month starting just 6 months from now?

Now get excited! This is totally possible. It really is. YOU and YOU ALONE hold your own destiny in your hands. I want you to get so excited about this that you can't sleep at night and leap out of bed with sheer enthusiasm in the morning!

Complete the four action steps listed above. Do it now. Seriously, don't read another word until you've taken these four super simple steps.

Day Two (Freebie Product) Tasks:

1. Go to to get your e-book cover designed. Enter “e-book covers” into the search box and hit enter. Sort the results by rating. Look at a few of the top-rated cover designers and go with one you like.

Pay them five bucks, give them a rough idea of how you'd like your cover to look, and then sit tight while they go to work for you!

2. If you're creating your own product, visit an online forum in your niche and

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find a thread that addresses a specific concern. This thread should have plenty of posts from lots of people.

Choose a title for your product based on “power words” in the OP's post (see my example in the previous chapter in the “Freebie Product” section)... use a number to quantify solutions (5 steps, 7 tips, 3 ways, etc.), as this will help you gather and present a finite number of solutions.

Then, simply write down these solutions using people's responses in the thread as guidelines. Create a short (5 to 10 page) report using these solutions as chapters, or headings. If you don't have Open Office Writer, go to and download it for free.

Once your report has been written, click the “PDF” icon along the top to create your ebook.

(Note: You can always edit your ebook from within OpenOffice by opening up the .odt file. Once your ebook cover has been completed, be sure to put

it on the top page – aka cover – of your book. Also, include a table of contents, footer, and page numbers. You can do a quick Google or

Youtube search to learn how. Just model your ebook after this one!)

If you're using MRR or PLR products, go to (not an affiliate link) to find good freebie products you can use. Some of these are paid, some are free. Go whichever route you'd like. Just know that more marketers will have these “freely acquired” products on their squeeze pages, so you may want to spend a few dollars to get something less common.

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3. Once your PDF has been created, save it as “product-name.pdf” (without quotes) to your desktop. Be careful not to include any blank spaces. Use hyphens between words.

You've only got three things to do today. Remember, there is another way to get a freebie product, which is to outsource its creation. I'm just not covering that in this book because there are too many variables. For example, how long will it take them to complete your work? Will you be happy with it?

These things can delay your process and right now I'm trying to help you get all this setup stuff done in about a week. So I'm recommending you either create your own product (you should be able to knock this out in under 4 hours, from research to completion... we're just talking about a measly 5 to 10 page report, after all!) or acquire a MRR or PLR product.

In fact, if you go the MRR or PLR route, you'll most likely already have been given an e-book cover. If you like it, then by all means keep it. Otherwise, just have a new one designed at fiverr. If you've acquired PLR that allows you to change the name of the product and put your own name on it, then I highly suggest doing so.

FINAL NOTE: Always, and I mean ALWAYS have your e-book cover designer put your name on the cover. You should be looking to brand yourself every chance you get. Slap your name everywhere you can think of. You will be perceived as an authority in your niche in no time flat.

Once you've completed these three steps, you can move on to the next...

Day Three (Website) Tasks:

1. Get yourself a “Baby” hosting plan at Hostgator – choose the duration you'd like. I personally go with the six-month plan, just so I don't have to keep paying them every month. But you choose whatever fits your current needs and budget.

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2. Follow the steps, starting with registering your new domain name. You can also register your domain at GoDaddy or Namecheap. You might get a better deal with them, but you'll need to learn how to transfer DNS and all that jazz, if you don't already know how. You can learn at Youtube.

3. Once you've signed up for hosting and have a new domain name (which will ideally be the same name as your freebie product;, for example), you will receive a confirmation email with your cPanel username and password. DO NOT lose this login information, as you will be using it several times in the future.

4. Login to your new cPanel account by simply typing (use your actual domain name, obviously) into your web browser's address bar.

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5. Setup a new business email address within cPanel by locating the “Mail” menu and clicking the “Email Accounts” icon. Follow the steps to setup a new email address. Then, click “Go Back” and, still within the “Mail” menu, click the “Forwarders” icon.

Simply follow the instructions to forward your new email address to your primary email address. This way, you won't miss out on any important correspondence from the folks on your list. If this doesn't make sense to you, simply email me at [email protected] and ask me to walk you through it.

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6. Go back to your main cPanel dashboard and locate the “Files” menu. Click the “File Manager” icon and tick the “Document root for:” button. Select your domain from the drop-down menu and click “Go.”

Locate the “Upload” icon along the top toolbar in the file manager. Click it. Click the “Browse...” button and navigate your way to the PDF you created yesterday. You should be able to find it easily, since you saved it to your desktop.

Click on your PDF file and then click the “Open” button. Congratulations! You just uploaded your freebie product to the Internet! In your web browser's address bar, type in your domain name, followed by a forward slash and the name of your PDF. For example, Your ebook should display, and you should get really excited!

Today you've made some serious progress. You've now got the nuts and bolts of a highly effective sales funnel, and therefore a wildly profitable online business.

Up to this point, you've got:

➢ A niche and business model in place.➢ A goal that inspires you.➢ A freebie product (and an e-book cover on its way).➢ A domain name.

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➢ A hosting account.➢ A business email address, forwarded to your primary email address.➢ Your freebie uploaded to your server, ready to share with the world!

Once you've done these things, it's time to move on to the next phase of your sales funnel creation process.

Day Four (Squeeze Page) Tasks:

1. Go to and download your free squeeze page template from Mike Cowles. Watch the video he includes before you actually download the squeeze page template. Follow his instructions on how to get your new squeeze page online. However, follow the rest of MY instructions, too... I cover a few things that he doesn't.

2. Mr. Cowles shows you how to create a new folder in cPanel's “File Manager.” I want you to name this folder “index.html” so that when anyone lands on your root domain (, your squeeze page will display.

If you don't know how to get into your “File Manager,” simply login to your cPanel account (type “” into your address bar and use the login credentials provided to you – via email – by your hosting company when you signed up for their service.)

Once inside cPanel, locate the “Files” menu and click the “File Manager” icon. A box may pop up with some tickable buttons. Tick the button next to “Document Root for:” and select your domain from the drop-down menu. You will then be inside your “File Manager” dashboard.

3. Once you've created the “index.html” folder inside “File Manager,” double click this folder to open it up and view its contents. Then, click the “index.html” file to highlight it. Finally, click “HTML Editor” from the menu bar above. Click “Edit.” This will take you to the squeeze page template, which can be edited right from within File Manager.

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4. Go back to the previous screen (should still be open in a different tab) and click “Reload.” You should now see the “squeezepage” zip file in the contents of your “index.html” folder. Highlight it, then click “Extract.”

Again, click “Reload.” You should now be presented with a series of folders and files, including an “image” folder and “index.html” file. Highlight the “index.html” file and click the “HTML Editor” button along the top menu bar.

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NOTE: Between clicking “Extract” and clicking “Reload,” you will have a couple prompts to extract and close the pop-up windows.

5. Once inside the HTML editor, change the title and headline of your squeeze page to reflect the fact that you're giving away a FREE report. Tell your visitors what they stand to gain by downloading, reading, and using your freebie.

Follow Mike Cowles' video instructions to do these things. When finished, you can save the file in “Design” mode (button on lower left of screen)... but do not close the editor. You will return to it in step 13.

6. Sign up for your $1 monthly Aweber trial right now. Again, if you haven't already done this, you really need to work on that procrastination thing! ;=)

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7. Create a new list in Aweber and set it up following the instructions provided to you within Aweber.

Actually, a better guide for you may be my book “The White Hot List,” which you can pick up at (you'll need to opt in to get it, but it's well worth it to do so).

There are some things I do differently than what Aweber suggests... and these things can make all the difference to your success.

8. Next, you're going to set up your web form.

NOTE: If you would simply like to follow the instructions given to you on Mike Cowles' video, you are welcome to do that. In that case, all you'll really need to do is insert your list name and “thank you” page url where he tells you to do so. If this is the route you'd like to take, then skip ahead to step 13.

Personally, I believe that you'd be better served to create your own web form using the following instructions:

▪ Once your list is all set up and ready to go, click on the “Web Forms” tab in Aweber and create a new sign-up form. What you're looking to do here is just “brass tacks” the whole thing...

✔ Delete the header. ✔ Delete the footer. ✔ Change the border to “none.” ✔ Delete the “Powered by Aweber” link. ✔ Delete the “name” field. ✔ Change the background color to “no color.”

▪ All you really want is the “email” field and submit button. Change the email field to read “Your Best Email” or “Primary Email Address.”

▪ Center the submit button.

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▪ Change the word “Submit” to read “YES! Give It to Me!” or something similar beginning with the word “YES!”

(Many more details are provided in my “Your Squeeze Page Is Bananas!” book, so be sure to grab a copy. It will be your next book if you're a “List Building Book of the Week Club” member.)

9. Save your form, then click the “Next” button. You'll then be asked to name your web form. If you plan on having a blog with a web form on it, as well, then maybe just name this web form “squeeze” or something similar, and then name your blog's web form “blog” when you get to that point.

You will receive an email message every time someone opts into your list. In the subject line of these messages, the name of the form that was used to generate each lead will be displayed. This is just for your own information. You can track it if you wish. But it also just “lets you know.”

Again, name it anything that will identify your squeeze page as being the specific source through which the leads who did find you via your squeeze page were, in fact, generated. This is useful information to pay attention to, especially if you have a blog, or even a separate opt-in form for War Room members (in the Warrior Forum) and such.

If you happen to be a “War Room” member, then you can share your freebie there. But you are NOT ALLOWED to require people to opt-in to

your list.

What I personally do to get around this is share a super high-quality bonus. When I direct War Room members to their (own separate)

download page to access my product, I give them the option to claim a valuable bonus (mine is a 12-part squeeze page traffic video course) if

they do decide to opt in!

How did I get that 12-part squeeze page traffic video course, you ask? I bought it as a PLR course through the Warrior Forum's WSO (Warrior Special Offers) section. Wanna know how much I paid for it? 2 bucks!

Don't tell me you need to have a lot of money to make this happen!

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10. From the “Thank You Page:” drop-down, select “Custom Page.” A box will appear in which you'll need to type the web address of your “thank you” page. Obviously, you haven't created a “thank you” page yet. But this is not to suggest that you can't come up with a url.

A simple “thank-you” will work fine. Some folks like to use the word “success.” In other words, your url could be “” or “” Simply type one of those, or something similar, into the box.

11. Leave the “Already Subscribed Page:” drop-down menu set to “Basic Version” and click the “Save Web Form Go To Step 3” button.

12. Choose “I Will Install My Own Web Form” and select the “Raw HTML” option. Highlight that entire code and copy it to your clipboard. (You can hit “Ctrl+A” on your keyboard to highlight the entire code, and then hit “Ctrl+C” to copy it.)

13. Return to the HTML editor in your cPanel's “File Manager.” Click the “Source” button on the lower left of the screen. Find the line of code for the current (template) Aweber form. In my editor, it's line 57. The code begins with “<form action=”” and ends with “</form>”

Highlight this entire line of code and then hit “Ctrl+v” on your keyboard to paste your own Aweber form code in its place.

Click the “Design” button on the lower left of your editor screen. Then, click the “Save” icon on the upper left of the screen. Congratulations! Your opt-in form has been installed. Now, you've only got one step to go...

14. Hopefully, you've received your e-book cover by now. If not, then hold off on this step until you have it. But once it's been delivered to you, follow this easy process:

◦ Rename your image “product-name-cover.jpg” (or .png, if that's

the format your image was delivered to you in).

◦ Save it to your desktop.

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◦ In your “index.html” folder (in File Manager), click on the “images” folder.

◦ Once inside your “images” folder, click the “upload” button.

◦ On the next screen, click “Browse.” Navigate through your desktop and click on the “product-name-cover.jpg” image. Then, click “Open.”

◦ Go back to the previous screen (should still be open in a separate tab) and click “Reload.”

◦ Click the button that reads “Up one level” and click the “index.html” file to highlight it. Then, click the “HTML Editor” button from the top menu bar. Click “Edit.”

◦ Click the “Source” button at the bottom left of the editor screen.

◦ Locate the line of code that reads “<img alt="" src="images/video.jpg" border="0" height="350" width="540" /> (in my editor, it's line 35) and replace “images/video.jpg” with “images/product-name-cover.jpg” (or .png if that's your image's current format).

◦ Within that same code, change the height and width to something that makes your e-book cover look nice. I like to set the height to “375” and the width to “275,” but feel free to play with these numbers until your cover looks perfect (the height should be greater than the width, of course).

◦ Click the “Design” button at the lower left of the editor screen, then the “Save” icon at the upper left of the screen.

Guess what... you're done! You've now got yourself a winning squeeze page. Now, simply enter your domain name into your address bar and see how your new squeeze page looks. Opt in to your own list using your new web form. Check your notification email address and/or Aweber account to make sure you've been credited with the sign-up.

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Listen, I know this seems like an absolute TON of work. And yes, there are several steps involved. But the truth is, each of these steps is really, really short and easy. This shouldn't take you any more than 5 or 6 hours from start to finish. And this is time very well invested. Once you've got your squeeze page up and online, it's there to make you money day in and day out!

The next few days will be a bit more merciful, I promise.

And remember, if you don't have the time or desire to set this stuff up, you can either outsource the whole thing... or simply follow one of my shortcuts discussed in Chapter Five.

Alright, my friend. You're doing AWESOME! Sincerely, I'm impressed that you've even read this far... and if you've been taking action, that's even better.

Now let's take a look at our next set of tasks...

Day Five (Thank You and Download Pages) Tasks:

1. Just like yesterday, login to your “File Manager” dashboard (see day four, step 2.)

2. Today, you will be creating two new folders inside “File Manager.” You will name one folder “thank-you” (or “success” - whichever “thank you page” url you created in day four, step 9) and the other will be called “dlp” (short for “download page”).

3. Go into each of these folders and upload Mike Cowles' “squeezepage” zip folder, just like you did for your squeeze page yesterday (see screen shots).

4. Edit the “index.html” file inside your “thank-you” folder by highlighting it and clicking “HTML Editor.” Make the following changes:

◦ Click the “Source” button on the lower left of the page. Change the title to read “Thank You For Your Request!”

◦ Delete the “images/video.jpg” image and opt-in form code.

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◦ Click the “Design” button on the lower left of the page. Change the headline to read “Thank You For Requesting (Your Product Name)!”

◦ Change the sub-headline to read “Your download link is being emailed to you. Please check your inbox momentarily.”

◦ In centered, medium-sized, bold letters (Arial font works well), write “In the Meantime...”

◦ Under that, in larger bold letters (Arial is still fine, and keep it centered), write “Click Here for Something Exciting!” Highlight this text and hyperlink it to your OTO (use an affiliate link for now... see page 18 for instructions).

◦ Click the “Save” icon on the top left of the page.

5. Edit the “index.html” file inside your “dlp” folder by highlighting it and clicking “HTML Editor.” Make the following changes:

◦ Click the “Source” button on the lower left of the page. Change the title to read “Here's Your FREE Download!”

◦ Delete the “images/video.jpg” image and opt-in form code.

◦ Click the “Design” button on the lower left of the page. Change the headline to read “Thank You For Claiming Your FREE Gift!

◦ Change the sub-headline to read “Download (Product Name) Here.” Hyperlink this with the url you created on day three, step 6. is similar to how your freebie product's download url will look.

◦ In big, bold letters (I like the “Impact” font for this), write “Claim Your Bonuses Below:”

◦ Then, create a few bonus links. Use your own creativity and find relevant affiliate products or CPA programs to promote. Limit it to no more than 3 or 4 links.

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◦ Click the “Save” icon on the upper left of the page.

Once you've done all these things, you'll want to check out your new urls:


Be sure to check all the links to make sure they're working properly. Also, opt in to your own list to make sure there's nothing funky going on. If all looks good, it's time to move ahead to your autoresponder sequence.

By the way, if you really have been following along and performing these tasks, then I must say WOW! You're doing awesome! Seriously, that's extremely impressive. If you haven't been taking action and are just reading for now, then I still say WOW!

Most people won't have even read this far. So at least you're showing a lot of determination.

Again, if you're feeling overwhelmed by all this relatively techy stuff, don't worry. I wrote a chapter just for you. It's Chapter Five, “Let's Talk Shortcuts.” In that chapter, I show you 3 powerful ways that you can cut out most of the steps I've been sharing with you and just get right to the money-making stuff!

Be sure to check out Chapter Five... very powerful stuff. Until then, however, let's finish this week off in style...

Days Six and Seven (Autoresponder) Tasks:

1. Login to your Aweber account.

2. Be sure your list is setup properly. Use The White Hot List as your guide.

3. Click “Messages” and choose “Follow Up” from the drop-down menu.

4. Click the green “New HTML Message” button.

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5. Enter your subject line where prompted to do so. (See my 30-day autoresponder example bonus below.)

6. Click on the “Using The Block Editor” image, then click on the red “X” on the upper right corner to close this image out.

7. Click on the “PARAGRAPH” icon up above. Drag and drop it into the white space below.

8. Double click on the “Lorem ipsum” text to turn your cursor active. Go ahead and delete all that nonsense text.

9. Create your message!

10. Click the “Save” button, followed by the “Test & Preview” button.

11. In the “Preview & Test” box, enter your personal email address and click the “Send Test” button.

12. Check your email inbox for the message you just created. Open it and read it. Does it look and sound good? Do any and all included links work? If so, move on to step 13.

13. Go back to your open Aweber page and click the “Next” button.

14. Set each message (except the very first one, obviously) to go out 1 day after the previous. Click the “Save & Exit” button.

And that's really all there is to creating email messages in Aweber. Now let's take a look at a specific formula you may want to follow.

30-Day Autoresponder Example...

Message #1:

Thank your new lead for subscribing. Give him or her a link to your download page (remember, this will be “”). Tell your lead what he or she can expect from being on your list.

Message #2:

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Ask your subscriber if he or she was able to download your freebie okay. Ask if there's anything you can help with or questions you can answer. Express your gratitude for them being on your list. Tell them you're excited and grateful for the opportunity to help them succeed.

Message #3:

Invite your subscribers to contact you with their biggest question or concern regarding the niche you're in. If you have a blog, send them to a blog post that encourages them to leave a comment. You want to make this message interactive... and ALWAYS reply to any correspondence you happen to get.

Message #4:

Talk about a specific problem or concern in your niche. At the end of your email, you're welcome to very gently invite them to click a link through to an affiliate offer you're promoting. Something like “I actually came across this book that goes into much greater detail. Here's a link if you'd like to check it out.” And just leave it at that.

Message #5:

Talk again about the same specific topic from yesterday's email. But expand on it a bit more. Use the “table of contents” or certain bullet points of the product you're promoting to use as reference points. But don't try to promote the product. Say things like “The author of 'Tinnitus Miracle' had this same problem, and he was actually able to remedy it after 14 years of suffering. That should give you some hope.” Do that a few times throughout your email, and then offer another soft sell at the end.

Message #6:

Promote the product. Don't be a pitchman by any means. We're not sending text-based infomercials to our subscribers. We're simply encouraging them to take a closer look at the product because we believe it's relevant to their circumstances. What we're trying to be is a good friend who found something of value to share.

Message #7-9:

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Repeat messages #4-6, but with a totally different subtopic and a totally new affiliate product.

Message #10:

Send your subscribers to a free video or webinar.

Message #11:

Ask your subscribers for feedback and questions. Ask them how you're doing so far, and if they feel they've gotten value from being on your list.

Message #12-14:

Repeat messages #4-6, but with a totally different subtopic and a totally new affiliate product.

Message #15:

Send your subscribers to something offbeat and not niche-related. Share a recipe or a music video. Show them you're human.

Message #16:

Share a personal email. Talk about something crazy that happened in your childhood, or an important lesson you recently learned. Again, st-ay human.

Message #17-19:

Repeat messages #4-6, but with a totally different subtopic and a totally new affiliate product.

Message #20-22:

Repeat messages #4-6, but with a totally different subtopic and a totally new affiliate product.

Message #23:

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Give away a high-value free gift. This can be a report, a video series, or a piece of software. Find a cheap, but high-quality PLR product to give away. Create your own giveaway product. Perhaps give away something you've been selling. Build up the goodwill you've got with your list.

Message #24:

Ask your subscribers what they thought of the freebie. Then, send them to something offbeat and not niche-related. Share a recipe or a music video. Show them you're human.

Message #25-27:

Repeat messages #4-6, but with a totally different subtopic and a totally new affiliate product.

Message #28-30:

Repeat messages #4-6, but with a totally different subtopic and a totally new affiliate product.

Now just for clarity, when I say to “repeat messages #4-6,” I'm obviously not suggesting that you copy and paste the exact same emails and just swap out the names of the affiliate products and so forth. I'm simply saying to follow that same format.


Holy crap, Batman! You just set up a sales funnel! That's super awesome, and something that not too many people actually do. You're one of the exceptions, for sure. Now all you've gotta do is drive traffic to your squeeze page and let your funnel do all the work for you.

You'll still want to set up a buyers list, create your own products, recruit and nurture an army of affiliates, and all that other jazz. But for now, you've got everything you need to make ongoing, almost autopilot income.

And you are to be very seriously commended for this accomplishment.

Okay, next chapter...

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Chapter Three – “Here's What You Stand to Gain”By setting up a proper sales funnel in advance, you really set yourself up for the type of success that the Internet's elite marketers enjoy. Why? Well, because you haven't left any stones unturned, the work becomes extremely easy for you.

...And when the work is easy, the work tends to get done.

...And when the work gets done, you tend to make money!

...And when you make money, you tend to get excited!

...And when you're excited, you tend to be far more motivated!

...And when you're motivated, you tend to keep making money!

What's great about setting up a sales funnel is that it does all the money-making stuff for you. To be perfectly honest with you, I have autoresponder messages in my sequence that I don't even remember writing! Yet they continue to make me money day in and day out.

Another great thing about having a quality sales funnel in your corner is that folks who don't buy from you the first time around may very well buy from you the third, fifth, or even fifteenth time around! In other words, you're building relationships and establishing trust with people who may not become customers initially, but who end up warming up to you over time.

This means you leave FAR less money on the table.

Likewise, you're able to have multiple sales opportunities, not just in terms of “finally” getting them to buy one product from you, but actually getting them to purchase two, three, or even more products from you throughout their subscription to your email newsletter.

Driving cold traffic directly to offers is stupid. You will NEVER win long-term that way. But when you have a good sales funnel in place, you capture your prospects, whom you can then send to offers. If they don't buy, no big deal. You'll have several more chances in the very near future!

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So what do you stand to gain from having a good sales funnel in place?


This is especially true when you master the art of getting ridiculous conversions, both on your squeeze page and your thank-you page (your OTO). If you can actually recoup your paid traffic expenses with your OTO and reinvest them in yet more traffic, the world is your oyster!

Seriously, when you get to the point where paid traffic is actually free traffic, the only limit to how much money you can make is the number of solo ads you're willing to buy and/or how many free WSO's you're willing to launch!

Of course, we're hitting the subject of traffic now, and that's obviously not the focus of this particular book. But it's certainly worth noting that a well-structured, high-converting sales funnel can have you growing your list into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers... and earning as many dollars each and every month!

So that's it, really.

You benefit from a great sales funnel by:

➢ Not wasting time or effort➢ Not losing potential profits➢ Gaining repeat customers➢ Recouping paid traffic funds and reinvesting for explosive list growth➢ Making a crap-load of money

If these sound like benefits that you'd like to enjoy in your own life, then you'd be extremely wise to set your funnel up right away, using the “One Week Action Plan” in Chapter 2, or taking one of the shortcuts described in Chapter 5.

So let us forge ahead now, shall we?

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Chapter Four – “Here's What You Stand to Lose”Email marketing is far and away the most lucrative form of Internet marketing on the planet. It just makes the most sense. People check and read their emails. And if they come to think of you as a trusted advisor, they'll read yours.

They won't read all of them, of course. But they'll read some. And you will make money. It's a mathematical certainty, provided you're sending out at least half-way decent emails (not hard to do).

The fastest and arguably the most profitable way to do email marketing is via list building. Effective list building requires you to have a good sales funnel in place. You need a free offer, a squeeze page, an OTO, a download page, and an autoresponder sequence.

If you don't have these things, then you're not really building an effective list.

...And if you're not building an effective list, then you're not using email marketing to your advantage.

...And if you're not using email marketing to your advantage, then you're settling for inferior marketing tactics.

...And if you're settling for inferior marketing tactics, you're not building the most profitable business you can.

...And if your business isn't very profitable, you're likely to become frustrated.

...And if you become frustrated, you're extremely likely to quit.

...And if you quit, then you're not going to make any money online.

I didn't write this book for no reason, my friend. I've been online for over 5 years now, and I've tried it all. Article marketing, SEO, PPC, classified advertising, providing services, ghostwriting, banner ads, Adsense, EMD's (exact match domains), PLR sales, flipping websites, creating multiple $7 niche e-books, etc.

The ONLY thing that has ever produced reliable results for me is email marketing via effective list building. I know that I can send out a promo

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broadcast email to my list right now and put real dollars in my Paypal account really fast!

The likelihood of me sending out an email and not making money is almost nonexistent.

Could I say the same thing about putting up a Squidoo lens or building backlinks to one of my many EMD's? Hell no! If I set up a PPC campaign, am I guaranteed to make any return on my investment? Absolutely not. I could lose my ass in an afternoon.

But email marketing is different.

So here's what you stand to lose by not taking action on the information I've presented you with today:

➢ You'll be surrendering the best chance you have to make a great, regular online income.

➢ You'll be relying on chance and inferior business models.➢ You'll have to work hard forever, instead of just working hard right now.➢ You'll never really know how powerful this is until you DO IT!➢ You won't make the kind of (autopilot) money you deserve to make.➢ Your life will likely remain the same.

To me, these are extremely powerful reasons not to put this off for even another second!

Listen, you've got to walk before you can run. Setting up your sales funnel is not sexy. It's not going to make you any money while you're setting it up. It is, essentially, walking. Driving traffic to your sales funnel is running.

But if you have nothing to drive the traffic to, then you can't walk or run. Understand? So... ummm... get your effin' sales funnel set up already!

This final chapter's going to kick your butt.

And it's gonna make setting up your funnel a whole heck of a lot faster and easier. It's perfect for lazy folks like me! Brace yo'self...

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Chapter Five - “Let's Talk Shortcuts”Okay, okay. So setting up a sales funnel isn't exactly a picnic. I get that.

And by no means do I expect everyone who reads this book to follow the One Week Action Plan I outlined in Chapter 2. In fact, I expect the vast majority of my readers NOT to. I'm not being cynical. Just realistic. Most of us don't follow through... especially when the tasks are so seemingly numerous.


What then?

Listen, what we're after here is a near-passive income. Let's not lose sight of the goal. It's to help lots of people and make lots of money.

“Sales Funnel Supreme” has revealed the ideal sales funnel to you. It consists of nine distinct parts. These parts all work together to create a highly profitable business – a business you would undoubtedly be proud to call your own.

But what if we could cut a few corners and still get the results we're after? What if we could still make money with fewer steps involved? That would be pretty awesome, right? Of course it would!

The truth of the matter is, there are countless ways you can go about crafting your funnel. And by no means do all of them include the entire 9 components we've discussed in this book. In fact, very few of them do.

So let me share with you a few shortcuts you can take to get your sales funnel up and running in next to no time flat...

1. Invest in “Street Smart Profits – Silver Level”

John Cornetta and Frank Salinas have created an amazing list building course. But it's not just literally the best email marketing course I've ever come across; it's also a virtual sales funnel in a box. It gives you your choice of freebie products and OTO's. It also gives you a squeeze page, OTO page, download page... the whole nine!

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All you need to do is enter your name and Aweber code and you're in business! Then all you'll need to do is setup your autoresponder sequence and drive traffic. This will literally shave 4-5 days off your sales funnel creation time.

But here's the thing... it's not cheap. The basic “bronze” membership is great, as it includes some really cool sales funnel training vids, software, invaluable interviews, and all kinds of killer bonuses.

But if you want the done-for-you sales funnel(s), you'll need to upgrade to “silver,” which I believe costs an additional $197. The “bronze” membership is $47, so we're looking at almost $250 here, but it is SO worth it if you've got more money than time right now.

You literally won't have to build your sales funnel at all. You even get 25 follow-up emails to load into your autoresponder sequence. Everything is done for you, which makes this such a great investment.

And did I mention, this is also some of the best video list building training you will find anywhere? John Cornetta built a list of over 300,000 subscribers in just over a year and makes ridiculous amounts of money from it. Think he might have something to teach you? Watch this video!

2. Go the PLR & “Turn and Burn” Route

If you can skip the whole product creation thing, you will save loads of time building your sales funnel. This is true for your freebie product just as much as it is for your paid product.

As mentioned earlier, many PLR freebies actually come with an included squeeze page, so all you need to do is change the autoresponder code to your own and upload the sucker to your server. You'll still need to create your own “thank you” and “download” pages, but those are the easy pages to make!

By simply promoting affiliate offers (or PLR products you happen to be selling), you can skip a whole lot of extra work and time. You won't have to bother with affiliates. If you're just doing affiliate marketing, you won't have to worry about order fulfillment, support, or even building a buyers list either... very easy and still very profitable!

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You can even load up your autoresponder with PLR content so that you don't even need to write anything! Just add your affiliate links and call it a day. For the very best PLR content on the web, I recommend you check out Tiffany Dow's PLR Mini Mart, and shop in the “autoresponder content” section.

3. Get this entire sales funnel for only $10!

I like this program. It's called the “Super Sign-Up System.” If you're trying to create a super fast sales funnel on a very tight budget, this may be an option worth considering.

It includes a freebie offer, a squeeze page, thank you and download pages, an OTO that can put up to $97 per sale into your pockets, and PLR/MRR rights. It also includes 100 pre-written email messages for you to edit and load into your autoresponder!

That's truly a hell of a perk, especially if you're a lazy bastard (like I tend to be from time to time! ;=)

Check out the “Super Sign-Up System” by clicking here.

I won't overwhelm you with too many options at this point. These are three outstanding ways to save yourself a whole lot of hassle while still putting together an effective sales funnel that can generate a tremendous income for you and your family.

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In Conclusion:I would like to give you my sincerest of thanks. Thank you so much for investing in my product. It means a lot to me. But far more importantly, thank you for reading (and hopefully using) it. I know it can provide you with an extraordinary quality of life if only you've got the fortitude to take action on it.

There is no “push-button” path to wealth. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that... or at least, I hope you don't. You need to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Even if you take advantage of one of the two shortcuts described in the previous chapter, success will still not happen automatically.

The great thing about setting up a winning sales funnel for yourself is that once the hard work is over, it's over for good! Then, it's just a matter of driving traffic, sending a broadcast email every now and then, and watching both your email list and bank account grow mightily.

If you want to earn the CRAZY big money, you'll need to put forth a bit more effort. You'll need to create products, recruit affiliates, build a buyers list, handle orders, refunds, customer inquiries and complaints, etc.

Is it worth it to take on this extra responsibility for more money? That's entirely up to you, my friend. If you're perfectly content quietly pulling in $10,000 a month doing nothing but sending traffic to your squeeze page, then by all means go for it! This is absolutely possible.

If, however, you won't be happy until you're pulling in 6-figures a month, then you'll likely need a bit more leverage (though this could still happen as just an affiliate... at least, I think it can!) - you'll need to own your own product or product line. You'll need a brand. You'll need to contribute massive amounts of value to the marketplace. This will take considerably more responsibility and action.

The bottom line is that you need to pick your path and get started now. Just do something to get yourself started. Follow my “One Week Action Plan” or choose one of the shortcuts described in Chapter 5.

The faster you get your sales funnel set up, the better. But don't cut so many corners that it loses its effectiveness. After all, the goal is to make money, not just to throw up a few crappy web pages and hope for the best.

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For this reason, I have written a series of books to help you maximize the effectiveness of your sales funnel's most key components. If you're a member of my “List Building Book of the Week Club,” then you'll be receiving these books within the coming weeks.

They're not nearly as long as “Sales Funnel Supreme,” which is great because the more time you spend reading, the less time you spend doing.

Rather, they get right to the point and help you do what's necessary to make more money. The sales funnel-oriented titles you're going to receive include:

➢ Your Squeeze Page Is Bananas!➢ List, Blog, Profits➢ Buyers List Bonanza➢ OTO, My!

These really get into the nitty-gritty of your sales funnel, allowing you to tweak each of these and enjoy the greatest possible conversions, profits, and longevity in your email marketing endeavors.

I am honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to help you with this book. I hope I was successful in doing so. Moreover, I sincerely hope to be able to do so again in the future... for a long time to come.

Now go build the crap out of a killer sales funnel!

Your friend in list building and life,

Lee Murray

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Recommended Resources:

Aweber – Get Your First Month For $1 Here!

Hostgator – Get Yourself Online Here!

Resell Rights Fortune – Get PLR and MRR Products Here!

Street Smart Profits – Extraordinary Training, Sales Funnel In a Box... Get Your Ultimate Shortcut Here!

Tiffany Dow's PLR Mini Mart – Get Awesome Autoresponder Content Here!

And If You're Not Already a Member...

Sign Up For My “List Building Book of the Week Club” Here!

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Earn Great Recurring Commissions Promoting My “List Building Book of the Week Club!”

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