
Brand Elements:Quick GuideMarch 2020

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Guten Tag!

We’ve developed this quick guide to outline the do’s and don’ts of using our brand elements – including word and design marks, creative tools, and design elements associated with the Saint Charles Oktoberfest.

Section 1: General Rules

Section 2: O Symbol - O Symbol - Clearspace - Sizing

Section 2: Oktoberfest Logo - Oktoberfest Logo - Clearspace - Sizing

Section 3: Oktoberfest Banner - Oktoberfest Banner - Clearspace - Sizing

Section 4: Color

Section 5: Typography

Section 6: Asset Links

Section 7: Event Logos

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General Rules

Please only use the brand elements found in these guidelines. Do not use any Saint Charles Oktoberfest brand elements taken from third-party sources.

Please don’t:

- Incorporate our brand elements, or anything

similar, into your own trademark, logo,

product or service name, domain name, or


- Alter any part of our brand elements

- Modify the elements “Oktoberfest”, “Saint

Charles”, or “1986”.

- Monetize our brand elements, such as selling

merchandise; Without prior written concent.

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O Symbol

If you’d like to use our O symbol, please follow these



- Follow the clearspace guidelines on the next page

- Only show the symbol in brand official colors (see page 13)

- Using a black backround, only show the logo in white.


- Alter, rotate, or modify the symbol

- Obstruct the symbol

- Surround the symbol with other characters or symbols

- Use the O symbol to refer to any product or service other than the Saint Charles Oktoberfest

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O Symbol: Clear Space

When you’re using the O symbol with other graphical

elements, make sure you give it some room to breathe.

The empty space on each side of the O symbol should be

equal to or greater than the width.


- Display the symbol side-by-side with other logos. If you include the symbol next to other logos, please display it in the same size as other logos


- Display the symbol larger than your own marks or branding

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O Symbol: Sizing

The minimum size for screen application of the

O symbol is 288 dp in height. In print, it’s 1.5

in/38.1 mm in height.

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Oktoberfest Logo

If you’d like to use our official Saint Charles Oktoberfest

logo, please follow these guidelines.


- Only use our full-color logo; (for a current version, see page 15)

- Follow the clearspace guidelines on the next page


- Alter, rotate, or modify the logo

- Obstruct the logo

- Surround the logo with other characters or symbols

- Use the logo to refer to any product or service other than the Saint Charles Oktoberfest

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Oktoberfest Logo: Clear Space

When you’re using our logo with other graphical elements,

the empty space on each side of the logo should be equal

to or greater than the radius of the inner yellow circle.


- Display our logo side-by-side with other logos. If you include our logo next to other logos, please display it in the same size as other logos


- Display our logo larger than your own marks or branding

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Oktoberfest Logo: Sizing

The minimum size for screen application of our logo is

288 dp in height. In print, it’s 1.5 in/38.1 mm in height.

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Oktoberfest Banner

If you’d like to use our official Saint Charles Oktoberfest

banner, please follow these guidelines.


- Only use our full-color baner; (for a current version, see page 15)

- Follow the clearspace guidelines on the next page


- Alter, rotate, or modify the banner

- Obstruct the banner

- Surround the banner with other characters or symbols

- Use the banner to refer to any product or service other than the Saint Charles Oktoberfest

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Oktoberfest Banner: Clear Space

When you’re using our banner with other graphical

elements, the empty space on each side of the banner

should be equal to or greater than the height of the

Oktoberfest O.


- Display our banner side-by-side with other logos. If you include our banner next to other logos, please display it in the same size as other logos


- Display our banner larger than your own marks or branding

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Oktoberfest Banner: Sizing

The minimum size for screen application of our banner is

288 dp in height. In print, it’s 1.5 in/38.1 mm in height.

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We’re proud to represent the colors

of the German flag. When using our

brand elements, we ask that you

please use our official color palette.







HEX #f57f2b HEX #bd2035 HEX #68914b HEX #00000 HEX #fffff

RGB 245 127 43

RGB 189 32 53

RGB 104 145 75

RGB 0 0 0

RGB 255 255 255

CMYK 0 62 95 0

CMYK 18 100 83 8

CMYK 64 25 89 7

CMYK 60 40 40 100

CMYK 0 0 0 0

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We use these font families:

1986 OKT - 1986 OKT

Montserrat - Montserrat

Berkshire Swash - Berkshire Swash







OktoberfestSaint CharlesFamily FunWiener Dog Races

German Music


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Asset Links

O Symbol

Click here to access the O symbol assets.

Oktoberfest Logo

Click here to access the logo assets.

Oktoberfest Banner

Click here to access the banner assets.

Font Package

Click here to access the font package.

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Event Logos

Run Logo

Click here to access the Run logo assets.

Wiener Takes All Logo

Click here to access the Wiener Takes all assets.

Auf Wiedersehen!
