Page 1: Safe PeoPle, Safe PatientS...and STOP® for Healthcare help guide the way. enhanced Patient experience Quality Safety and Comfort Continued Cost Reductions enhanced Health outcomes

Safe people and safe patients. It’s a simple concept. It’s a promise to first do no harm to patients and begins with a responsibility to keep employees safe.

Safe PeoPle, Safe PatientS DuPont’s Safety Training Observation Program (STOP®) will help bring this concept to life.

Did You Know?*More than 90 percent of hospitals say they have systems or programs in place for managing employee safety, yet healthcare is one of the most hazardous workplaces for employees in the United States.

According to OSHA, hospitals with satisfied doctors and nurses have higher patient satisfaction levels. Staff members who experience a workplace where safety is front of mind are better prepared to consistently offer safe, mindful patient care.

Copyright © 2015 DuPont. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ and all products denoted with ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.

Twenty-four percent of nurses said they had experienced unreported injuries in the previous year that required them to change shifts or take sick leave to recuperate.

24%Seventy-five percent of nurses reported that unsafe working conditions interfered with their ability to deliver quality care.75%


*Statistics from

Page 2: Safe PeoPle, Safe PatientS...and STOP® for Healthcare help guide the way. enhanced Patient experience Quality Safety and Comfort Continued Cost Reductions enhanced Health outcomes

Good Safety is Good business

In such a dynamic and fast paced environment, there is so much change to manage. Change in regulation. Change in ownership. Change in population. How can your organization achieve all of its safety and quality goals while managing all of this change? A strong improvement in safety culture must be put into place to enhance your organization’s capabilities and resiliency.

3 Keys to improving the Culture of Safety in the Healthcare industry:• Fostering a Continuous Improvement Mindset in all employees.• Improving the effectiveness of Communication about safety.• Improve Motivation & Awareness tactics to obtain

sustainable, consistent decision making.

the new foundation for a Reliable, Safe and Caring Culture DuPont’s STOP® for Healthcare is based on the idea that safety is everyone’s responsibility. Injuries don’t just affect one person. They affect many people. This is why safety counts. The objective of the program is to recognize not only unsafe acts but safe acts as well. The key to the program is that all levels of the organization participate from leadership down to the employees.

The Safety Training Observation Program is designed to help participants look at safety in a new way, so they can help themselves and their co-workers work safely. excellent Patient experiencesMust first be Safe experiencesSTOP® for Healthcare focuses on everyday safety by motivating staff to engage in peer-to-peer communication to enhance safe working conditions and safe actions around patients and each other. STOP® embodies two core principles that can help frame a renewed safety culture in health care settings:

• All injuries and work-related illnesses are preventable.• Everyone has an obligation and the ability to correct an unsafe situation.

For over 50 years DuPont has defined and refined safe practices in complex, high-risk industries including chemical manufacturing, aerospace, aviation and railway transportation. STOP® has been implemented and proven in these industries and is now refined for application in the complex, high-risk healthcare industry to help reduce staff injuries and enhance patient care.

There is a path to preventing all injuries and workplace illnesses. Let DuPont Sustainable Solutions and STOP® for Healthcare help guide the way.

enhanced Patient experience Quality Safety and Comfort

Continued Cost Reductions

enhanced Health outcomes

triple aim

Benefits of Safety: Reduced Spending for Workers’

Compensation Claims, Employee Injuries, Medical Error Litigation,

Lost Productivity, Reduced Readmission Expense

Benefits of Safety: Reduced Readmission, Reduced Error Related Complications

Benefits of Safety: Less Patient Suffering through Reduced Medical Errors, HAIs

and Injuries

Copyright © 2015 DuPont. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ and all products denoted with ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.

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