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Martin BuskeDirector of Engineering & Technical Sales, Europe

24th June 2015

Marketing to Consumers, Not Channels

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A data-driven approach to marketing that enables delivery of personalised and relevant content to each individual customer in real-time.

What is programmatic marketing?

“Programmatic is expected to develop rapidly –

potentially reaching 46% of total display in 2014”– IAB UK Research,

Media Owner Sales Techniques

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Automate & Improve Marketing Investment Decisions 

Benefits of ProgrammaticUse All That DataTake advantage of all the data available from your customer’s digital activity

Be Customer CentricDeliver 1:1 tailored experiences everywhere, at lower cost

Predict SuccessUnderstand and predict when, where and how customers are most likely to take action

Optimise Everything for ROIMeasure and optimise on everything you learn - in real time

The Digital Lifestyle launched the age of the consumer

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The changing consumer



Morning Afternoon Evening

41% of device switching comes from users trying to

continue the same task.*

… but marketers lose track of the consumer when they switch devices

*Source: Facebook Programmatic IO Conference

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TV Consumption is Changing More screens. More data. 1:1 Targeting.

Then Now

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Today’s marketers challenges

Goals: Last-Click CPA Goals: Brand Lift, Completed Views Goals: CTR

Silo’ed Channels make it difficult to get a complete view of the consumer

Goals: GRPs



30%Video Mobile

TV Budget Digital Budget

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The customer journey

Mobile impression No site visit

No click

Site visit, no media attribution

Retargeting impression, no conversion

Conversion + purchase, BUT

seems like campaign didn’t help

Morning Afternoon Evening


Shirt Sale!

50% off Shirt Sale! 50% off

Shirt Sale!

50% off

Remembers ad, visits on her laptop.

Searches for best price, retargeted on different site.

Later that night, decides to buy

shirt on her tablet.

Reads the news on phone.

Sees an ad for a shirt, doesn’t click.

Anna buys a shirt

and is thrilled!

Christian is sad his media

campaign didn’t work



‘The Planner’


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Data is the new opportunity

Data provides marketers with an extraordinary opportunity to understand and engage customers

…but disparate sources are only meaningful when considered in relation to one another.

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Real-time decisioning and analytics technology gives marketers the ability

automate and improve investment decisions by getting the right message to the right

person at the right time

Real-time Customer Engagement

Customer-Centric Messages across all formats & devices is essential


Big Data Driving Business Decisions for Ford

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Challenge: Siloed “Nameplate” Focus to Marketing Budgeting decisions happened at nameplate level

Pushed team beyond capabilities

Measurement approach limited consumer insights

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Solution: Corporate Re-organization Around Consumer Behavior

Spend following consumer interest, not nameplates

Measurement matches customer lifecycle

Hands-on approach to technology

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Results: Increased Performance & ROI More effective and coordinated team

20% increase in consumer engagement

More than 50% increase in efficiency of media investments

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What Marketers Want

Conversion Path in Real Time

See multi-device conversion

and path analysis

Improved Efficiency

Deduplication of Channels

Link TV Campaigns

Bridge digital and TV campaign data

Message Control


messages across devices

Accurate Frequency

Unified counting across all


Thank you!Martin Buske

[email protected]
