
Contents of Section 2: Democracy.Chapter 2-Retaining the Democracy with little change.2.1-Introduction to democracy.2.2-Thoughts of our leaders and the programmes generated.2.3-Will these programmes will decline with VPA?2.4-Our leaders and the development in the nation.2.5-Selection of our future generator (Leaders).2.6-The process of election.2.7-Time to think about the alternate method of election.2.8-Modified system of election.2.9-Election campaign.2.10-Who is the best leader?2.11-Ruling and opposition party in the VPA.2.12-The election procedure.2.13-Candidates position in the election result and their designation in the VPA.2.14-Training for the new leaders.2.15-MLA and MP election.2.16-Advantages of newer methods of election.2.17-VPA – district centre monthly routines.2.18-PIN updates.2.19-Income for the MP - MLA - VPA elected members.2.20-Strong democracy is the need for the nation.

Views to make this ‘World’ developed and this ‘Earth’ as the lovely place for every ‘Human’.


Working together:

Cooperation and co ordination makes us better in general.

Division and re division makes us poor in general.

VPA is a democratic organisation for cooperation and coordination.

Chapter 2: Retaining the Democracy with little change:

2.1. Introduction to democracy.We got our independence in 1947, just one generation back. The people who fought for this and the people who saw this process as children are among us and we read all these thinks in our books so we believe it. Even though we got the independence, more than six decades ago, still, we have many problems with us in our day to day life, as it is mentioned in the section of ‘facts and figures’. I am writing this book to solve these problems; I have a great hope that, I will succeed in my efforts because my work will help everyone in this society.

We have our own constitution – the law which prevents the people doing wrong and protects the people who are right. The right and wrong are the relative phenomenon, some time the people who are at the top can make the right situation as wrong by using the power and with ‘the laws which are not clear’.

If I was born before 1947 and start writing the same book like ‘you create developed India’ the people of different nation who were ruling our nation might have put me ‘behind the bar’ or made me stop writing the book just by ‘hanging’ or do something like that by using the law.

The nation which was ruling our nation in the past, wanted better transportation only to transport the materials from India to (through the port) their nation, Indians are allowed to use that road because they need the people to load and unload the things as and when they were shifting the materials to their nation, they opened the hospital so that the people of India are healthy and thus work better and earn more for them and so on.

People from different nation may tell like ‘it is not a good project or not possible to do and so on. Because, they don’t want the people of India to come up in their life or becoming better. So called Indians with mind of selfishness or having idea to expand their company all across the globe, will make the people of this nation to ‘work for low salary’, thus they make the working people to live in ‘small house’ and they see that, the people who work will be leading the life in status quo ‘forever’. The owners of the company may think the people who work under them ‘should not change their work’ or ‘should not have good amount in their hand to invest in some productive work, thus they should not become self employed and self sufficient’ and they may make sure that, ‘these people should work under them forever, so that their company moves in better way’.

Now, I think, I can express my views without any fear. If the people who are sitting at the top understand the ‘theme’ completely, then I am safe. If people understand the theme in a wrong way and if the top intelligent people say ‘he is exaggerating the things and makes the things worst without understanding the ground reality’ then, I will land up in trouble. Still I am taking the risk and expressing my views through this book, which is necessary bring some positive change in the society and to eradicate the terms like poverty and hunger.

I feel the people will understand my ambition of ‘good for all’ and it is open for all through this book.

If no work is done even after reading the book then, I will not be able to help the nation in any way or my concepts may be wrong. And I am not sad or I will not tell ‘I had put lot of efforts in writing this book, why you are not considering this book as the project of the government’ or so on.

I have no intension to hurt anyone in any way. If someone feels that they are getting the hurt through my book, it may be their misconception or if such thing happens without may knowledge, then please let me know.

Many opinions like ‘yes it is possible – no it is not possible – yes it is practical – no it is not practical – yes it is good – no it is not good’ such comments may come from individuals – groups – organisation – institution and so on. I request all of them not to come to a conclusion without understanding the theme completely. Discussions will solve all these problems. The ultimate aim is to get good air – nutritious food – clean water – better shelter for all the people, who are living on this land. Good air – nutritious food – clean water – better shelter is available for many but not for the majority. The people who discuss about these problems will not suffer from the problem and people who suffer from the problem may not discuss about the problems.

2.2. Thoughts of our leaders and the programmes generated.We have our democracy and the leaders are working day and night to solve these problems in their own way by creating various programmes and boards to solve such problems, like, 1. Keeping the air and water clean: Pollution control board, 2. Providing good water: water supply and sanitation board; 3. Maintaining nutrition among the people of BPL: providing rice – wheat – kerosene – sugar for low price, 4. Maintaining nutrition of school going children and young ones: midday meal programme – ICDS programme – Providing milk to the school going children, 5. Encouraging girl child to go to school: providing money like two rupees per day, 6. Encouraging children to go to school who are away from the school: providing bicycles to them, 7. To increase the school attendance in government school: providing school uniforms, 8. To encourage female baby deliveries: bhagyalakshmi plan, 9. To encourage hospital delivery: Madilu plan, 10. Helping poor by providing sarees and dothis at low cost, 11. Providing shelter to the people of BPL: Ashraya yojane – providing bamboos – tiles – cement – bricks and money for construction to the people, providing single light under ‘deepa yojane’, 12. Encouraging the studies: school bus passes, at concessional rate, 13. Helping the elders and widows: senior citizen card – old age pensions – widow pension’s scheme – concessions in bus and railways – less interest for loans and more interest for deposits in the bank: 14. Protecting the orphans: Balagruha – supports to NGO’s, 15. Helping the parents of disabled people: disability monthly pensions.

2.3. Will these programmes, will decline with VPA?I am not asking the government to stop all these programmes, which are mentioned in the previous topic, with the establishment of VPA. But all these programmes may have their own decline with the establishment of VPA – MV – MN. The possible reasons are as follows,

1. Keeping the air and water clean: Pollution control board – universal practices in planning the village, maintenance and easy practise of waste disposal in the VPA will lead to less pollution. People may not be using any vehicle inside their village limit, thus the air and noise pollution will decrease to the maximum extent. The boards which look after these programmes will have less work and they may have to concentrate only in urban areas. Even in urban areas the level of pollution decreases since the people moving from the village to the urban area decreases. All the factories in the VP will maintain good pollution control methods since the factories not owned by single person with the mind set of earning more and least bothered about the nature. The total number of vehicle moving will decrease. Less repair and good status of the vehicle with CRS - CRTS will lead to less emission. CRS- CRTS will also decrease the distance between the places.

2. Providing good water: water supply and sanitation board; RCS will provide good water to all the VPA’s, still the VPA can manage water purification centre and supply water to the people. Sanitation becomes the perfect act as there is good drainage system and there are dedicated spaces for the same, VPA will manage these things.

3. Maintaining nutrition among the people of BPL: providing rice – wheat – kerosene – sugar for low price; all these things will not arise because all the people will be getting good income from the VPA and the brand of below poverty line can be eradicated.

4. Maintaining nutrition of school going children and young ones: midday meal programme – ICDS programme – Providing milk to the school going children; Since the parents are well to do and will be providing nutritious lunch box to their kids continuation of mid day meal may not be required.

5. Encouraging girl child to go to school: providing money like two rupees per day; this will not be required, with the establishment of VPA all the children will go to the school automatically.

6. Encouraging children to go to school who are away from the school: providing bicycles to them; all will be walking inside the MV and all the blocks become closer with inter building bridges and thus no necessity to use bicycle or vehicles and so on.

7. To increase the school attendance in government school: providing school uniforms: parents become well enough and they will be able to provide the necessary things to their children.

8. To encourage female baby deliveries: Bhagyalakshmi plan; All the deliveries will occur in the hospital and there will not be any discrimination between the male and female in the society, female will also get the equal share in properties, dowry system will vanish and thus such type of schemes will not stand.

9. To encourage hospital delivery: Madilu plan; All the deliveries becomes the hospital deliveries and the parents will be able to buy anything they want by themselves.

10. Helping poor by providing saris and dhotis at low cost: All these things will vanish and no one will be eligible for such schemes.

11. Providing shelter to the people of BPL: Ashraya yojane – providing bamboos – tiles – cement – bricks and money for construction to the people and the ‘deepa yojane’ to provide ‘meter less’ single light to the houses; Houses constructed under Ashraya yogane, will not remain for long time,

they are the single layer of houses and consumes lot of space, these houses lacks basic facilities, strong wind or rain can damage these houses. This can be cross checked by the data’s like how many houses have been constructed in the past two to three decades as per the records and how many houses are remaining as on today at the constructed sites. It is waste to invest the money in plans like ‘Ashraya yojane’, if the life of the houses are less than 10 years. These houses may be existing away from the school – offices – market place and so on. This leads to delay in initiation of education and keeping these people away from the mainstream people. Possibility of snake – rat – scorpion entering in to the house is high; lacks sanitary facility thus promotes the open air defecation and thus the diseases.

All will get the houses in the MV and there is nothing like ‘Ashraya yojane’ will remain and the poor houses will not be constructed.

12. Encouraging the studies: school bus pass at concessional rate: Rural area all the children will walk and reach the school in MV and in the urban areas school buses will take care of the transportation.

13. Helping the elders and widows: senior citizen card – old age pensions – widow pension’s scheme – concessions in bus and railways – less interest for loans and more interest for deposits in the bank; government can continue these schemes but the number of people eligible for such schemes will decrease.

14. Protecting the orphans: Balagruha – supports to NGO’s: VPA can manage such issues. Illegal pregnancies, family disputes, parents not leading the faithful life thus the children choosing the wrong path and going away from the family will decrease thus the number of orphans decreases. People making mistake and staying in the jail and their children becoming the orphans will also decrease.

15. Helping the parents of disabled people: disability monthly pensions. The disability rate decreases drastically as all things are handled well with the VPA – VPH.

2.4. Our leaders and the development in the nation.The developmental work done by the government in the past six decades might have made little change in the nation, but it is very less, as we compare the progress, with some of the developed nation.

The developmental programmes are created by the leader or the group of leaders belonging to one party in India. As these leaders formulate the programme, the development of the nation depends on the way they think for the nation. Thinking generates in the mind of the leaders. If the leaders mind has love for the nation, then he will not make any mistakes in creating the programme, but he may create ten rich people out of thousand poor people.

The people who administer the programme may become better economically with the money meant for the beneficiaries of the programme. It is a two way loss. The people, who became rich, will spend the money lavishly, like going to costly hotels, national – international tours, recreation, making property in the nation and also outside, buying foreign items and enjoying the life in a costly way

(depending on the position and as per their income), this makes the money to go out of the nation through exchange. On the other side the programme will not eradicate the poverty or will not give the permanent solution for the poor or sometimes not even the temporary solution for the poor thus make the poor to sustain their status (sustainable poverty) and thus the programmes creates ambition in the mind of the poor and make them to wait for the little thing available from the government side thus they are dependent continuously, and thus the leaders formulating the programmes in the name of poor and the people who involve in the process of formulation and distribution enjoying the money to the maximum extent, thus not solving the real problem will lead to generation of another set of same kind of programmes with different name and repetition of the same cycle by the different government or by the same government at different time will drain all the national economy with persistence of poverty in the people. The nation and the leaders are generous in this way, they will be continuing the programmes like this and gradually the nation will lose its money in this way and stands poor in terms of economy with the rest of the world.

Most of the time the money which goes from the government in the name of the programme, may not reach the beneficiary to the maximum. The money that the government spend is the money of the people collected through the tax, and it should be utilised for the same people, but not to ‘ten to hundred people out of millions of poor’ then to foreign nations. And this applies to all the nations.

I am not telling enjoying the life is wrong, because the people of the developed country enjoy the life better than so called ‘rich’ in India, because they are economically better with the money they get in the name of their salary and their salary is good enough to do all such thing in their life.

But our nation is not like that, politician’s gets very low salary or honorarium and they have lot of expense, so they are forced to earn in the wrong way. There is no correlation between the money they get legally and the life style they lead, still our people loves them a lot, and they need to love them and exception are present for all.

The major issue in this is, our productivity is low, and because of this we feel that top ten people are corrupt. The money our leaders and our top people earns and the properties they make with legal (salary / honorarium) and illegal way (corruption), will be equal to the legal earnings and the legal properties they make in the developed country, because, their economy is good.

A person living in the hut, sees a small building, may feel ‘that person is earning more which is not possible legally’. A person who lives in the small house when he sees a big house may feel ‘I struggled so hard to build this small house with all my efforts, constructing that big house is not possible legally’. Like this the thinking will go.

Earning one crores per month as salary by one person becomes legal, and making one crores property throughout his life of a person in government service who gets ten thousand rupees as salary per month becomes illegal. Thus there is a wide gap in this way. There are very good leaders, officers and the supporting law is present to look after all such issues.

Only effective programmes will bring changes in the nation. Any programme should focus on the permanent change in a progressive way, thus making the people independent economically and thus the government can withdraw support like ‘giving rise for low price’ and so on. Spending money to support the poor, which is not leading them to progress in their life, make them to wait in ‘Q’ sitting

in front of the calendar for the day to come to get the free gifts of the government through the cooperative ration shops, will never bring any change in their life, except for making them to sit in front of the calendar for the ration day to come.

A person who wanted to become the leader of the village should love his village first. The people of that village should be at least wise enough to recognise the love he has towards his village. A person who commits mistakes from his adolescence for any reason will not be able to love his village, so the people should know the history of the person that they are going to elect them as their leader and giving him the place of ‘God’.

The person who loves the village but does not having much ideas about the problems of the village and the solution for the same may start listening to the ideas given by his friend and if they are not good, then that village is going to spoil. Thus the leader should also have intelligence, independent thinking, able to adopt scientific skills, able to utilise every second (time) of every individual in an effective way, able to utilise every square inch land of the village in a productive way, able to assess the after effects of his plan before telling his plan to his people along with the love and affection for his people with faithfulness.

Young and energetic man not working in any wing, but he is in search of a suitable job for his qualification for ten years is going to cause great loss to the nation. In the same way, a useful land which may belong to the government but remains useless for ten years because no one is doing nothing with that land is also a great loss for the nation.

To look in to such issues we need to select good leaders from the level of VPA till the level of the Parliament through elections. When our nation is economically not strong, we need to decrease the cost of the election but at the same time we need to retain the quality in democracy ‘better than today’s’ without the problems like quarrels in the process of election. People should have less confusions, they should know the person well, and they should not have the feeling of ‘no use in putting the vote because, no one brings any change for them’.

2.5. Selection of our future generator (Leaders).When the people put the vote for someone then they should have few things in their mind:

1. He should be good in his character from his childhood and the people should make sure of it.2. He should love his people, which the people should assess from his talk, expression and the body language, not merely the person who makes big noise with group of people. 3. He should be faithful; his talk should contain possible and practical points and should be able to make good decision.4. He should know the details of his place, problems existing in his place and the possible solutions for the same.5. He should be able to make decisions which should be progressive in long run, which brings productivity and not distributing the things and money.6. He should not have any fear inside his mind by his personnel life or by the others.7. He should not have the mind to stick to the chair always and spending his precious time ‘in the process to make sure that, he is not going to lose the seat’. Instead he should always be thinking

about the progress of his village, his maximum thinking time, should be utilised for the progress of the village but not for retaining the seat. This, the people should recognise.8. He should be free from guilt. No history of involving in bad activities, incidences causing pain to his teachers / classmates / public / parents / steeling / damaging public and private properties, not using the bad words, not involved in criminal activities. 9. He should be healthy, energetic, helpful, affectionate, scientific in thinking, calculative in working, should love his village, nation and the world.10.Should have good practical knowledge, may not be the qualification with the sense of practicality and humour.

People with all these character may not be able to participate in the present election, but with the modified type of election any member of the VPA will be able to participate in the election, even if he does not have any money with him. Since he participates in his own village and the people of the village has good faith in him, then that person will have high chances of getting good support from the people.

At present the people are confused at the time of voting. People may give some reason for voting to a particular candidate like ‘he is good, it is a good party, they do well for us, and he helped us a lot, so on’. Some time some people may not vote telling that ‘both are not good, no party does good for the people, it makes no change if we does not vote, it is a waste putting vote for such person, we don’t know who are the people standing for election and where are they from and so on’. Thus we are not seeing 100% voting in most of the elections. Many a times people vote for some particular sign without knowing anything about to whom they are voting. Most of the time the people vote as per the instructions given by the head of the family or relative or their well wisher or they may sell their vote for money or for something. Putting proxy votes are also presents, some incidences like attacking the voting booth, and such related instances, we read in the news paper.

We read in the news paper under the heading like ‘know your MP’ or ‘know your MLA’. They will give some details about them which may not be sufficient for some people to decide whether he is a good person or not, most of the time, many people who vote will never read about them.

2.6. The process of election.There are many regional and the national parties exists in this country. Parties spend lot of money for the preparation of election and to give good competition to the opposite candidates. Government also spend lot of money for this mega activity, even with the poor economy of the nation. It is one of the most important expenses the nation has to do to retain good democracy in the country. We need to retain the democracy because it is one of the safest methods of administration which exists in this world, but we need to think one aspect in the process of election is about the ‘expense’.

Now, it is the need of the nation to create the situation in such a way that, the parties need to spend less money but still need to give good competition to the opposite candidates, the government needs to spend very less money but still it should conduct very good election, and the result should be the selection of very good candidate from the society with lot of love for the nation and the

village with the mind to work for the nation in a progressive way. We need to identify the paths for such election methodology for our nation.

We see many bad instances during the time of election like ‘quarrelling in one party by the friends to get the party ticket, quarrelling between different party candidates for various reasons, quarrelling among the friends and relatives due to support to different parties during the season of election. Quarrel which started at the time of election may turn in to lifelong enmity, which may not be possible to correct in many generations. Suppressing the people, kidnapping, threatening, abusing with bad words, evil people involving in criminal activities make the situation favourable for their party – including the bomb blasting, pouring crores of rupees in the form of money – liquor – gifts, and so on’ makes the good people to keep away from contesting for the election. Some people with lot of dare may contest for the election and ultimately lose some property and next in their life time they will not think about the election.

People spend lot of money in the name of election campaign and they make lot of money when they are in the power. They may have good circle of people around them, they make sure that their leader comes for the power in every election by various election techniques, in turn they may get some projects from the government and they may make good money out of it. Most of the time, people with self interest, and idea of corruption in mind may be elected in this way. This group of people may not have much knowledge in making permanent solution for the problems of the people.

On the other hand some people may have good idea for making the permanent solution for the problems of the people, but will fail to win in the election because people will not recognise them; they lack the power to reach the people or may not be good in election technique.

A person who comes to the power will be spending most of his time and the government money to retain his people of the party and to acquire the power in the next election and at the same time the leader in power may make lot of money for the next election.

A person who thinks always about the progress of the nation and he is strict in his activity may lose his people of the party and ultimately the power. If he is very prompt, and not making any money, but will have lot of expense will lose his personnel property.

So, good people coming to the power and retaining the power without any money to spend, is not possible in the present situation.

So, it is necessary to create the situation in such a way that, the people who has interest to serve the people, who has idea to solve the problems of the people permanently, and those who love the people has to come to the power even though they do not have any money in their hands.

2.7. Time to think about the alternate method of election.It is now the time to think ‘Is it not possible make the election procedure in such a way that, where people will not make any mistakes or wrong activities or there is no fear for anything by any candidate during the season of election. It is necessary to make the election season in such a way that, where everything goes well and the nation gets good leaders to create the developed nation’.

It is now the time to think ‘Is it not possible to have an election ‘without any quarrel between the friends, inside one party to get the party ticket, between different party candidates for various reasons, among the friends and relatives due to support to different parties during the season of election, without any enmity for any reason related to election, without suppressing the people, without kidnapping, without threatening, without abusing with bad words, and also, no people involved in criminal activities including the bomb blasting, no money plays any role in the election and so on’. We need to create the situation like this, but how it is possible is the question. We need to think, and then we will get the solution.

Let us understand some basic election psychology.

1. Any candidate who is participating from the village or from any constituency will tell ‘I love the people of this constituency’, it may be true. If it is not true then make the situation in such a way that (whatever he speaks from his mouth, if not with his heart like ‘I love the people of this village / constituency’) it should become true. It is the responsibility of the people to assess ‘the speech of their future leader, whether it is coming from his mouth or from his heart’ before they support that person. If a person, with the mind of making the money comes to the power, since the people misinterpreted him, then also make him working, but make sure that he will not be getting any illegal money from people through his activities. This is possible with one important decision the nation has to take like ‘no notes or coins play any role in the any type of transaction’. Make him to work and let him feel proud and record all his activity, including the phone calls. If ‘he is making mistakes or if is not faithful to the people’ then see that he will go the basic work as that is recorded at the stage of joining the VPA.2. People from all the parties will be involved ‘as leaders in the VPA’ as ‘ruling party and opposition party members’. Individual’s efficiency based on the people’s identification will be taken as the mark (through Voting) to occupy the places in different position in VPA. Single party people becoming friends and developing internal understanding among themselves to make some manipulations and thus grabbing the nation can be decreased, since, ‘both in the development and in identifying the mistakes’ both the parties will be involved. Single parties involving in same type of corruption and single opposition party not identifying the corruption or identifying the corruption when already the money reached the people involved in corruption is the possibility by one party ruling (they adjust among themselves and become corrupt) or the opposition party will know the corruption very late only when the process of corruption is over, through the right to Information through the files.3. Election in VPA is for position, but not for ruling and opposing: ‘Intelligent and people loving people are present in all the parties’ - this is the universal truth. Then the intelligence of all the intelligent people and love of all the village loving people have to be utilised for the growth of the village, let them be from any party. So we need to have election at the VPA level to select the people for different positions in such a way that, the person with the highest intelligence and love for the village will occupy the top most position in the VPA by getting the maximum vote from the people and he may be from one party, and another person who is also equally good in intelligence and people loving but he may get one vote less than the first person (he may be from the same party or from different party) thus he should not sit idle and not contributing his intelligence to the growth of the village and his ambition to serve his people should not go waste, thus we can make use of his intelligence and love by providing the next position in the VPA in the order of series.

The points like ‘make him to continue to work and identify and record all his activity’, ‘no notes playing any role in any transaction’, ‘election only for position not for ruling and opposing at the VPA level’ are some of the thing which make the situation better in the nation.

Now the problem with the people is to select the person who loves them, who is good in character, intelligent, and efficient. When the situation is in such a way that, ‘when we do not know about the next street person’ then how we will know ‘a person who is from different place and the people never met them in the past’. So, in the VPA people need to see the people inside the village and listen to one another about the various people in the village, various students in the school, their efficiency, their character, their judgement in various situations and so on. This will help the people in the future, if that person stands for election in the village in the VPA. So, the real character of the individual will be known only by the people of his village, who see him every day, who has seen him from his childhood, who hear about his good and bad every day, and thus the people of the village can judge better about their leader in side their village for VPA.

Identifying some person from a different village whom the people sees only for few seconds will not help them to identify him as good or bad.

So, make it a policy, if anyone wants to become the leaders of the village in VPA, then they should be from the same village. The leader above the level of the VPA, like MP and MLA, should first win the election in the VPA to get the position of president and vice president, and then only they can contest in the MP and MLA election.

Thus make it a policy that ‘those who are becoming the president and vice president of the VPA will be eligible for contesting for MLA and MP election’, and this will avoid many wrong people entering the responsible position and make the government to lose money in ill sustainable projects, but they making money out of it.

The nation will lose the money in two ways with not good thinking leaders. Number one, the projects are not going to be the permanent solution for the existing problem (giving ‘rise’ for low cost is not the permanent solution for eradication of poverty, but it do sustain the life of the poor people or giving milk for the students is not the permanent solution for eradication of malnutrition, but it is not completely the waste, it do help the growth and development of the children, especially in the adolescent age. Please note most of the growth of the brain occurs in the first two years of life, the future of their life will be decided in the periods of pregnancy, neonate, infancy and toddler).

Any person who occupies the higher level or when he is trying to occupy the good position which are beyond the boundaries of VPA, will have lot of expenses in the name of travelling / staying / visiting different places ‘to listen to the people and their problems’, because of this reason, make them to earn more in a legal way and at the same time it is necessary to make sure that they do not make money in an illegal way and thus they ‘spoiling the nation’ and later, the nation’s money will reach the pockets of their relatives / friends / well wishers, and they will shift that money to other nation through ‘exchange’.

Corruption will exist till there is imbalance between the earning and expense according to their position and life style. No law or policies will eradiate corruption to 100%. The people will identify

ways to earn money apart from their salary to lead the life like their friends and relatives. Nation, poverty, salary, law, religion and so on will not influence the faithfulness of an individual when they have the chances to earn money legally and illegally.

Finally everyone wants money for him, then to his wife, then to his children, then to his grand children’s, then to his relatives, then to his friends, then to his followers and so on. So, the person will think him as the centre of the circle and will start filling his pocket first as much as possible, then the pockets of the next inner circle, like this it will proceed, only when his pocket remains full always. In between if the money decreases in his pocket for any reason, he will stop filling it to next circle and he makes sure that his pocket is full again, before proceeding to the next circle. The nation is the outer most of the circle in this system, Majority of the people in power will not be able to reach that outer most circle. This concept holds good for many people in the society like so called leaders, religious heads, saints, and those who say who serve the society. ‘Whether, ‘I’ (the author) of this book belongs to what category’ needs to be assessed by ‘you’ (the readers), after finishing the reading and understanding this book completely;

The aim is to eradication the poverty and hunger, for which we need very good leaders from the level of the village, so we need to select very good leaders, they may not have any money in their hand, and people of the village know that he is good, so he need to win, make the election in this way.

2.8. Modified system of election.A new born with the date and time of birth will get the specific PIN number with the family tree and based on this the computer will add that pin in to the list of voters of that village if they have not changed the village or to the village to which their family is migrated (for reasons like transfer / working in the VPA as working member and so on) automatically with serial updates, throughout his life and thus the person becomes eligible for voting, the next day of completing his eighteen years. To contest for the election his name (better to tell PIN) should be present in the voters list and he should be the member of the VPA, either in the form of working member or in the form of owner member.

VPA election can be done once in five years, simultaneously the election for the corporations and town panchayaths can also be done not in one day but in a series of days over two to three months by the staff of the district commissioner’s office dedicated for conducting the election under the guidance of the district commissioner. The team which is dedicated for conducting the elections will go to one VPA with district commissioner or the person authorised by him, and will conduct the election and will announce the results then it moves to another VPA for the same cycle in some other specified date. Like this the whole district may have 10 to 12 VPA, 4 to 6 town panchayaths, one corporation, where we may have to conduct the election at few sittings. This work will be done by the team who are given training in election and they will have certificate to work in the election. Thus repeated trainings for large group of people will not be required. The same minimum trained staff, may be in one hundred to two hundred, will go to different places to conduct election in different dates, and this procedure will be more accurate with less errors.

The expense towards the election decrease drastically because same people will be involved in doing the process of election, there is very minimal training or updating is required, the team will leave the district head quarter in the morning and will reach the VPA election site, will conduct the election and will announce the result in the evening and will go back to their place on the same day. In the same way the election is done in all the places.

All the persons who are eligible for the election will file their nomination in the district commissioner’s offices as per the dates mentioned.

2.9. Election campaign.Each candidate will be given designated time in the VPA prayer hall in the morning assembly, to speak about his views about the village for ten minutes. If more candidates are participating in the election then the people have to sit for long time in the assemble hall and need to listen to the candidates’ views about the village. It is better to choose the people who talk better about the development of the village including the mistakes done by the different candidates for four consecutive days prior to two days of election, and all these four days all the candidates will be speaking in the alphabetical order on day one and three and in the reverse of the alphabetical order on the day two and four. For this meet all the people who are eligible for voting need to participate, like the working members of the VPA, non working members of the VPA, owner members of the VPA, the people who work for the government in the VPA, house wife’s and others eligible for voting in the village. It is very important for the voters to spare the time to listen to the candidates, because the voters might have seen him from his birth, they may feel ‘he is the best person they had seen, and they might have decided to vote for him. But, this is not enough for the village or for the nation, because the nation has to get ‘best among the best’ to lead the nation. To select the ‘best out of the best’ the people need to listen to the candidates and their views, then only one can identify the best among the all the candidates and will be able to vote for them. After listening to their speech the people may change their mind set and they may find better person, better than the person they had in their mind. It is necessary to listen to all of them in the same setting, because the people need to compare the views of the different candidates at a single set up, their expressions, and body language. The people need to analyse the views of the candidate, ‘whatever the candidate tells is, true or not, whether they are telling it from their mouth or from the heart, whether is it possible or not, what are its effect on the people of the VPA in long run, whether he is capable of doing the things in a better way or not.

The same candidate need to speak for four days, because he may come out with the better ideas on day two onwards, or someone might have given some statement which may be wrong or may be against one candidate on day one speech, that the candidate need to substantiate in the subsequent talks. People can write questions and submit it to the coordinators as general questions targeting all the candidates and if someone answers it in their next talk, which may have some positive impact on that candidate. Some people may do better day by day, some people may become poor day by day, and some may maintain the status quo. People need to identify the candidates who make wrong comments, who made mistake in the past and wants to cover it up with his talk, thus wanted to show him as the perfect man and so on. If the people are not listening to the candidates then there

is a possibility of choosing the wrong candidate or missing the right candidate, both are injurious to the progress of the village and the progress of the individual’s life.

Reversing the sequence of the speech may be necessary because the people may be fresh and alert at the beginning of the programme, but all the candidates speaking almost the same may make them tired and less attentive as the programme progresses, thus the most efficient candidate speech may given less attention at the end, thus making the order in the reverse way will also give an opportunity to the last coming candidates to speak in the beginning.

Speaking for ten minutes per day on four consecutive days by all the candidates which ends two days prior to the election is the only election campaign, the candidates can do in the VPA, and the work of the VPA will be halted during that period to see their future leaders live speech. The only material the candidates can give to all the voters is the printed matter of their views on the last day of the speech at the site of the speech. All the candidates leaf lets can be grouped together and can be distributed to all the voters for comparison. The voters can keep this with them and can show at appropriate time if the promises given by the candidates are not fulfilled after getting the power, this will have negative impact on the candidate in the coming election.

With this we can save crores of rupees we spend in the name of election and people spending lot of money in the name of election. With this a person who does not have any money in his hand but who has very good ideas about the development of the village and the nation can impress the people through his speech and can win.

All will not be able ‘take many vehicle for rent and go to different places with big group of people, meet different people, help them in different ways during election seasons and win, they win, then get the power and concentrate only on making the money, for the investment they did in the election’ till the next election season arrives. This type of election campaign will have adverse effects on the candidates who are poor and also on the national economy in both direct and indirect ways. The direct losses are ‘all the money spent on banners - cut outs - fliers and others will go waste within few days of election, it adds burden to the waste management and environmental pollution, It is the seasonal business - the industry will not have much business following the completion of the election. The indirect losses are ‘many people are involved in the process of sticking, tying banners and so on. The amount of the work they do is so high which makes them to leave their day to day activity, that means their routine work is going to stop and thus they will not get the income from their routine work, this candidate or the party has to compensate, thus the people who dependent on their work will suffer. With all these things, information the people are going to get is limited, because, all the things will have the same information, it makes the people to see the same picture repeatedly, and the question is ‘will the nation improves by looking at the same person picture for many times?’

This type of campaigning is possible only by the rich candidates, thus it makes them to come for the power repeatedly. The poor and the intelligent people will not be able to come for the power, if such type of election campaign is allowed. The nation saves lot of money in this way and this can be used for the development of the nation.

2.10. Who is the best leader?If a candidate gets the maximum vote in one election means ‘he is liked by the maximum number of the people of that village’ and ‘he is the best among the best in that VPA’. The people of that village loved that candidate to the maximum extent may be because of the following reasons,

1. The candidate loves all the people of the village.2. He is active.3. He is healthy.4. He is approachable.5. He is efficient.6. He is knowledgeable.7. He is ready to utilise his knowledge for the betterment of his village.8. He is ambitious, but not corrupt.9. He is sensible.10. He is practical.11. He is available to the people.12. He is willing to work all the days.13. He is humorous but practical in his talk.14. He is happy with his activity.15. He has the power to give salvation for the people who are in trouble.16. He is humble.17. Affectionate by his nature.18. He is nature loving.

The person who gets the second maximum votes may also be equally good. He may become second in the process of election may be by getting one vote less than the first in the village. Like this the 2nd, 3rd, and so on, places are determined.

If ‘ten thousand and one people loves’ one candidate and thus he gets the maximum vote in the election, means he has all the qualities as mentioned earlier to become the leader of that village, it also means that the people of that village are more comfortable with him and they are sure that he will bring progress in that village, and his willingness to serve his people is the important aspect, the nation needs. The services of such people, as the ‘leader of the nation’ are essential for the nation.

Another candidate may be loved by ‘ten thousand people’ in the village, thus he gets the second maximum votes. He may also be having equally good qualities and he also has the willingness for serving the people and in some of the fields, he may have better skills than the first place won candidate. Since it is an election we need to accept the judgement of the people, where, even a single vote makes difference and thus this candidate becomes the second one in the series. If this is the case then why his efficiency should go waste in doing routine works in the VPA, and he may contribute lot of things to the village for its progress.

In the present election system utilisation of the services of the efficient people are not done effectively, because if a person gets one vote less than the winner, then that person is considered as the useless person and he has sit in the house, doing nothing for the village or for the nation. People with the brand of different parties even though they are efficient has to sit and speak, but will not be

able to do any progressive work with whatever knowledge they have with them, will not be able express their views, even if they express their views, it will go waste and no one will be there to listen to them, because they are powerless, and he becomes the rival of the winner in the season of the election. Sometimes the person in power will see that, his rival ‘will not come up in his life’ thus he will not have a tough opposite candidate in the next election. Many a time the winner may utilise all his power to suppress his rival opposite candidates, rather than thinking about the progress of his constituency. The maximum work done by the winner may be putting some signature to the files with the name of ‘projects for progress’ done by some officers under him and making sure that he gets the percentage from it before putting the signature. Thus, the efficiency of the winner and the loser becomes the national waste. So, it is not wise to leave such efficiencies to go waste at least at the level of VPA, because there are lot of works to do in the nation, we need efficient and nation loving people to participate in it.

A nation will not improve by branding someone as the loser and make him useless for certain period. The people of the village also need to understand quarrelling among themselves under the name of party to get the power by certain powerful persons in the village will not make the village better. We know opposition is required to show the mistakes done by the ruling people and the corruption may go very high in the absence of the opposition, but it should not be at total cost of suppressing the progress of the village and making the people to sustain rivalry for ever.

It is very much essential for us to work together by utilising all the possible skills available in the village, party should not come in the way of progress. People may have lot of knowledge and skills and sometimes lengthy qualifications, but what is the use if they don’t have the mind to work for the people. Their knowledge – skill – qualification will die as they die, and the investment done on these waste mind and body in the process of ‘filling the knowledge and skill in their mind’, and then giving the ‘degree for that knowledge’ is the national waste. We need to utilise our knowledge for the betterment of this society before our death in a progressive way, thus make our mind and body useful to the people even after the death through our work.

If a person has lot of ‘knowledge and skill in his mind’ and ‘affection and love for his people’, still the people are not recognising him, means that village is not going to progress in any way or the people of that village are under some strong evil force, that the government need to recognise and do the needful. Villages under the control of strong evil forces and the people of that village believing that as the right due to their faith in some practise make the nation like ‘keeping the bomb in the pocket and walking and waiting the bomb to explode’. The government should be intelligent enough to identify such special cases and take suitable measures, otherwise that evil force will occupy the entire village and later the nation, finally he may sell the nation, buy some island, will settle there, to enjoy the life in the way he thinks better.

If a person ‘participates in the election’, means he has the ‘love for the people’ and with that confidence he is participating in the election. If a person ‘participates in the election’, means ‘he is ready to serve the people’ because, if he participates in the election, then only he has the chance to win in the election, and if he wins then he has to spend lot of time for the progress of his village / constituency, that means he is ready to serve the people by utilising his time.

So let us have a different type of election, where we are going to utilise the skill of all the people and the services of all the people who are nation loving with very minimal expense for campaigning and

for conducting the election and it is need of our nation. We need to become little wise in this aspect, retaining the democracy and selecting the efficient leaders for the nation.

2.11. Ruling and opposition party in the VPA.We will have twelve ruling party members and eight opposition party members in the VPA. All these positions are fixed; no manipulations are done in this aspect. Interchanging of the positions is done only by the mutual understanding between forth to twelfth position of executive members. This can be allowed only if they have some special qualification (for example a doctor with the degree in allopathic medicine contesting in the election and winning the ninth place and becoming the executive member for education, he wants to change it to executive member for the health, which is the tenth place in the list, can be changed if the tenth place winner accepts and the district commissioner approves it) for it and if they have done special recognisable work in that field (A doctor had written books on education and published it and he has eleventh place in the election wants to become the executive member for education is possible if the ninth place person accepts it and the district commissioner approves it) and it is left the desertion of the district commissioner at the time of announcing the results, otherwise the position and their responsibilities will be decided by the place they get in series in the election by the voters. The person who gets the maximum vote in the village will occupy the first position; the next is the second position and so on.

2.12. The election procedure;Individuals interested in participating / contesting in the election of VPA will fill their details and the PIN and will submit it to the secretary of the VPA. The secretary of the VPA will give a receipt for receiving the application and the candidates has to submit the application before the last date and time mentioned in the VPA magazine, announced in the notice board of the VPA, VPA web site, and it is also announced by the president of the VPA in the assembly of the VPA. Cross submission can be done in the VPA web directly to the district commissioner for confirmation by the individual candidates to avoid the foul play or mistakes by the secretary. The district commissioner will go through the applications and can be rejected if it is found incomplete, incorrect, candidate involved in proved criminal activity.

Candidates can show that they are from specific party, if it is going to help them, many candidates can do the same thing if they wish to show that they are from that party by the flag / dress / symbol of the party.

Since all the people are residing in one MV, people coming to the place of voting will not be a problem. They need not use any vehicles for the same, because in MV people need not use the vehicle because, all will be in a walk able distance. Old people may be brought by the wheel chair by the members of their family.

Election will be done on the specified date, and the results are also announced in the same day in the VPA assembly hall. As soon as the results are announced the position and the responsibility of the different candidates will be known and this will be given by the District commissioner and they

will return back to the head quarter. If there are 50000 voters in one VPA, then 1000 trained people will come to that VPA, in twenty buses. Each will get the vote of the 50 members. The voter will go sit in the voting chamber, his hand scan, iris scan, retina scan, will be done then the voting red light will star blinking only if everything goes well and the voter will press the voting button until the green light comes. No replacement will be possible with this; there is no need of putting any mark for putting the vote. Creation of MV makes near 100% voting and the people who do not vote need to give explanation for why they have not voted and it will be added in to their PIN. ‘Negative voting / not liking any candidates contested in the election’ needs to be done in the process of election. If such voting is more in one village then the government need to think there is some problem existing in that village and need to probe in to it. The government needs to change the top officials of that VPA, appoint some efficient officials and they need to have good vigilance on the village, because there is a possibility that village may be under the control some strong evil leader / saint / belief in practise, and that village will be like ‘keeping bomb in the pocket’ for the nation. So the same 1000 trained people will go to the different VPA in different dates to do the same procedure. Thus they will complete the process of election in two to three months, may be in the summer holidays for the school.

2.13. Candidates position in the election result and their designation in the VPA.

Table showing the candidate’s position in the election result and their designation:

Candidate’s position in the election result


Ruling party: 1st place. President VPA.2nd place. Vice president 1 VPA.3rd place. Vice president 2 VPA.4th place. Executive member VPA –

Finance.5th place. Executive member VPA –

property management.6th place. Executive member VPA –

Irrigation and sanitation.7th place. Executive member VPA –

Agriculture and forestry.8th place. Executive member VPA –

village industry and business.9th place. Executive member VPA –

education.10th place. Executive member VPA –

Health. 11th place. Executive member VPA –

model village and model nation.

12th place. Executive member VPA – national security web.

Opposition party:13th place. Leader of the opposition party

– 1st opposition member.14th place. 2nd Leader of the opposition

party – 2nd opposition member.15th place. 3rd opposition member.16th place. 4th opposition member.17th place. 5th opposition member.18th place. 6th opposition member.19th place. 7th opposition member.20th place. 8th opposition member.This table decrease lot of confusion by the top leaders to decide about the positions they need to give it to the different elected candidates, and the pressure they face during the time of allotment. This twenty elected candidate will be from various parties and they need to work together keeping in mind that they are from their village and they need to work together for the progress of their village. Any number of candidates can be participated from one party and any number of candidates may be elected from one party, but they get the responsibility depending on the position they get in the election. They can take the help of the secretaries allotted by the government to make the office work in a systemic way.

Individual’s interest and the efficiency will count a lot in this method of election and they need to understand that the people of the village will be monitoring their work and will be reading the VPA magazine continuously and it will have an impact on continuing in the post. If someone is found to be made any mistakes and if it is proved, then he will be made as the ordinary member of the VPA, and this type of de promotion will be done only when a person showing the elected leader as a wrong person only after collecting the signatures of 50% of the members of the VPA and submitting it to the district commissioner. District commissioner will order an enquiry and if it proved true then the election for that post will be done.

2.14. Training for the new leaders;After the election, all the leaders need to undergo training programmes by the senior leaders; eminent people of the nation at the district head quarter and it will be coordinated by the district commissioner for a period of ten days. The speeches in the training programme should contain the history of the nation, administration, various tough situation the nation faced, importance of unity, the various ways the people can spoil the unity, the ways to identify it and to prevent it, the various data they need to furnish and the importance of the same, data’s of national importance, the various probable problems of the VPA and the solution for the same. And specific training for the specific groups like finance management, property management, RCS management, and so on.

All the office bearers with their secretary will meet on the day second of every month to discuss the progress in the village. Every month fifth, all the office bearers with their secretary will meet at the district to discuss the progress of the VPA.

2.15. MLA and MP election;Only the Presidents of the VPA or the equivalent positions in the town panchayath or the corporation will be eligible to contest in the election for the MP and MLA in the corresponding constituency. Election for MP and MLA are done one year after the after the election of the VPA, town panchayath and the corporations or twelve monthly meeting of the office bearers.

The voters for this election should be the twenty elected members of the VPA (including the opposition members), elected members of the town panchayath (including the opposition members) and the elected members of the corporation and town panchayath (including the opposition members) in their respective constituency.

Only the VPA presidents and vice presidents or the equivalent positions in the town panchayath and corporations will be able to contest for the MLA and MP elections in their respective constituency.

Any VPA president, or equalent in town panchayath, and city corporation, who is interested in participating in MP / MLA election, need to submit their application to the district commissioner of their respective district. And district commissioner will conduct the MP election and the elected person will be sent to the centre. MLA election is done one month after the MP election. Formation and maintenance of the government will be the same as of today.

Reason for giving one year gap between VPA election and the MP /MLA election: The eligible candidates for the MP / MLA elections are the presidents of the VPA or the equivalent positions in the town panchayath and corporation. And the voters for these elections are the elected members of the VPA / Town panchayat / Corporations. All may be good, but we need to select the best out of this best group. To recognise the best out of the best the voters will require some time to analyse the person. In this one year period they may be meeting for twelve times, they may be having conversation through the phone, some leaders may be writing the article for district level magazines or uploading their views in the web sites. The leaders of the VPA / Town panchayath / corporations need to observe all these activities and observe their efficiency, interest, judgement and so on. Voters need to listen to the comments they here about the president of the various VPA in their casual talk, thus they can decide about the best person for MP / MLA among the candidates who participate in the MP / MLA election.

When once the election for MP / MLA is over, the VPA president who becomes the MP / MLA, may not be able to manage the constituency and the village so the work of the VPA president will be taken up by the Vice president 1 of the VPA and one additional secretary will be posted to that VPA to decrease the work load on the Vice president 2.

The process of selecting the PM, CM and the ministers of the centre and the state will be the same.

2.16. Advantages of newer methods of election;The advantages of newer method of election are as follows:

1. It is easy for the people of the village to identify the leaders for the VPA from their own village with good quality, because they were seeing – observing – hearing about the candidate every day from his child hood. Thus they can choose good person from their village. 2. Since the election is within the limits of the village where everyone knows about each other, mike announcements, banners and others will have least influence on the voters or it can lead to negative impact. Nothing of this sort will work out and only the love and affection that the candidate has gained from his childhood from the people of his own village will help him in this task of winning in the VPA election. The good behaviour and faithfulness from the beginning will work out better than acting good – speaking good – doing good – prising people – pretending loving – hard working – giving donation and so on in the season of election. Acting good and giving donation at the time of election will prove him as the corrupt person and the people will not support him, because the people will know the complete history of that person. 3. A person who is not good from his early life will not be elected as the president of the VPA, thus the bad people entering the parliament and the legislative assembly will not be possible, since only the presidents of the VPA or the equivalent in the town panchayath or the corporation are eligible for contesting for the MLA / MP election.4. Repeated census, updating the voters list will not be required as it is going generate automatically with the system of PIN. When the PIN updates are done at various places the possibility of missing from the voters list will not be the possibility. Transfers for the officials are avoided one month prior to the commencement of the election till all the election gets over. In rare instances where the PIN has not shifter from the place of last stay has to be informed at least one month prior to the election and thus the necessary procedures will be done in the present residing VPA to shift the PIN to that VPA (Marriage / pregnancy or post partum period ). For degree and post graduate students the PIN updates are done in the college itself. 5. Since there is no banners, cut outs, spending money for travel – food – stay by the candidates the expense for the election by the party and the candidates will decrease drastically.6. Preparing lot of people for conducting the election and thus the expense for the same will decrease as the single team of 1000 to 1500 will conduct the election in all the VPA / Town panchayath / corporations in different dates. The same less instruments will be used for the election in different places in different dates.7. Even the MP and MLA elections becomes simple where only twenty elected people per VPA, like this elected people from all the VPA’s and the town panchayath and the corporations will be voting with their PIN and the results will be announced immediately. Thus the expense for the MP / MLA election decreases. 8. Since the elected members from the VPA / town panchayath / corporation gets one year time prior to the MP / MLA election, the elected members can study the possible MP / MLA candidates well before they decide about the person they want to vote.

2.17. VPA – district centre monthly routines;The following table shows the VPA – district centre monthly routines:

Day of the month

Programme to be done

Day 1 Monthly report of the VPA in the VPA president’s office will be submitted to the VPA president (Elected person) by the secretary of the VPA (Government employ), in the same way the secretaries of all the departments in the village will be submitting their department monthly report to their executive members.

Day 2 Presentation of the reports by the various executive members and the president in the conference hall of the VPA. Opposition party executive members need to identify the mistakes done by the ruling party.

Day 3 The VPA president will present the VPA report in the district office in front of MP, DC, and MLA.

Day 4 Review meeting at the district head quarter. MP, DC, MLA will give instructions to the VPA president.

Day 5 Executive members of all the VPA in one district will present their progress in the district head quarter at their respective department.

Day 6 Review meeting at the district head quarter. MP, DC, MLA will give instructions to the executive members of the VPA.

Day 7 & 8

Meeting at district headquarter: by MP, DC, MLA, VPA presidents, secretaries of the VPA, policy makers, officials from state and national head quarter (in special circumstances)

Day 9 & 10

MP’s travel to the national capital, MLA’s travel to the state capital.

Day 11th to 24th

MP’s will attend parliament sessions; MLA’s will attend state sessions.

Day MP’s and MLA’s will return to their

25th& 26th


Day 26th to 31st.

MP’s and MLA’s will visit all the places in their constituency.

It is better to have at least 150 days of sessions in the parliament and in the state evenly distributed all over the year. Out of which the MP’s and MLA’s should attend at least135 days (90% attendance). All these will go to the personnel profile of the MP and MLA and the people of their constituency should be able to see what their president, executive members, MP and MLA are doing at the district / state / national head quarter. This is very much necessary to decide whether he is doing well for the nation or simply passing the time.

MP’s and the MLA’s should involve in the various national issues apart from getting the needy help for their constituency from the state and the central government. The national issues may be related to the borders of the nation / state, terrorism, water sharing and so on. MP’s and MLA’s should share their views and solutions with their party friends and well wishers of the nation, so that the person may get the position in the concerned ministry or the present people in the ministry may make use of that advises given by the MP / MLA among the many solutions received in the same way. People need to identify such leaders and need to support them if they have better solutions for state / interstate / national / international issues and to make the democracy stronger.

2.18. PIN updates;PIN updates with family tree are done at various places like,

1. At birth in the hospital (PIN registration).2. Entry to play home.3. Entry to nursery.4. Entry to LKG.5. Entry to first standard.6. Entry to eighth standard.7. Entry to first PUC.8. Entry to the degree education.9. Entry to the post graduation.10.Entry in to the job.

11.Entry in to the family life – marriage.12.Child birth – first.13.Child birth – second.14.Change of place in job.15.At every hospital admission.16.At death.

2.19. Income for the MP - MLA - VPA elected members;MP’s will get special shares from all the VPA’s of their district.

MLA’s will get special shares from all the VPA’s of their constituency.

Twenty elected members of the VPA and the elected or nominated coordinators in the VPA will get special shares from their VPA.

2.20. Strong democracy is the need for the nation.Jealousy, misunderstanding, in coordination, thinking only about the self development, continuously quarrelling with the neighbours to conquer them, made many foreigners to invade the nation and rule the nation for many centuries and thus looted the nation. If the same situation continues among the different parties, among the different people inside the same party, among different leaders- then this weakness may be used by an intelligent nation and can rule this nation in a different way sitting away from the nation in areas like industry, health, education and so on.So, it is very much necessary to create the group of leaders with strong democracy for the nation, which is not going to yield for any type of weaknesses and will lead the nation with peace and perfection. The group of strong leaders will be generated within the nation, who are nation loving even in the deepest of their sleep, and should not have any weaknesses for money, property and for sex. So the people need to identify such people among them. For this the people of the village need to observe every one with whom they come in contact. It is not to telling anything bad about the person, but to identify the best person out of the best in their village, and this inference will help the people to identify their future creator / leader and thus, this leader may take all his village people up in terms of economy and life style. It is also necessary to see that the bad people should not come to the power and spoil the system. If possible make the bad people good, otherwise at least the people should be intelligent enough to avoid the psychological hurt, economic loss to the public and private property. Selection of future leader and keeping that person in mind requires observations in his talk, binding to his words, faithfulness to others, practicality in work, responses to events, respect to others, the type of expenses, that he does, the way he communicates with the others, behaviour with various age groups and gender, and so on and observing his behaviour is important, because, he may become our future leader.

Giving power to the hand of a wrong man is like attempting mass suicide. If the people of the village gives power to the bad person and if he is not going to handle the situations well, then the whole

village is going to be spoiled. So putting vote to a better person means you are making your life better, putting vote to a bad person for ‘some money’ means you are killing yourself, and don’t think that the people who pour money in the process of election will be sitting quite after they get elected and get the power in the hand. Election is one of the great businesses in India at present with very high margins of profit and loss, as compared to any other business field existing on this earth.

So, observe everyone all the time. Try to guide few people at few times, only if they are ready to listen to it. Do all the works with caution. Be good to all, at all the time, if possible, because you are observed by other people of the village / town all the time.
