

Steinbach United

Sunday Morning Service April 24, 2016

Announcements and Sharing of Celebrations

Songs “My Love Colours Outside the Lines” MV 138“Give To Us Laughter” VU 624

Sharing and Learning “Laughter = Medicine for the Soul”

Song “Halle, Halle, Halle” VU 958

Psalm Reading “Psalm 148” VU 871

Song “Let All Things Now Living” VU 242

Reading Acts 11: 1-18; John 13: 32-35

Reflections “A New Imagination”

Song “Love Is the Touch” MV 89

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer [sung]

Mission Minute

Offering Song “Creator God” [verse 3] MV 27

Song “To Show by Touch and Word” VU 427

Blessing and Passing the Peace


Today - “Welcome Back Snowbirds” with cake and coffee in the CE Building, immediately following the service.

Last Prayer Breakfast for the season. Monday April 25th 9-10AM. Resuming in September.

30th on the 30th!! Steinbach Sizzlers are celebrating their 30th Anniversary at the 4-H Achievement Day on Saturday, April 30th at 2 pm at the Steinbach United Church Hall. All those who have participated in the past as members, leaders or contributed to our program, are cordially invited to attend. Steinbach United Church has been a great support to our 4-H club for 25 years, all congregation members are invited to attend. Please RSVP to Bev Burnell @ [email protected] or 204-422-6250.

“The Vicar of Dibley” – May 6-7th - Manitoba Association of Playwrights Presentation– see poster for details

2016 Power Smart Manitoba Summer Games August 7-13, 2016. (see reverse side of Pick Up & Walk insert for more details)

“Let there be more joy and laughter in your living.” Eileen Caddy