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  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review











    Starting Items

    There are 2 starting item sets with one being superior than the other. I've got a mathematical breakdown on

    which is the best start and most efficient.

    1st set:

    Sapphire Crystal along with some extra pots is the best spawn buy for Ryze. Don't confuse Ryzewith any other

    mage and remind yourself that your spells scale with Max Mana as well.

    Stats gained: 250 Mana | Overload5-10 dmg (scales p/level) | Rune Prison 6.25dmg | Spell Flux6dmg



    Donar's Ring along with 3 pots is the alternative to Sapphire. Doran's ring a solid mage start which comes along

    with 3 pots. The ring itself provides Mana Regen and 4 mana refilled per minion last hit. Overall, it's a great start.

    Stats gained: 60 Health | Overload 8dmg | Rune Prison 6dmg | Spell Flux 4dmg

    Final results:

    1st Set: Total: 250 mana + 17.25-22.25 damage

    2nd Set: 60 Health + 18 damage

    From what you can see, the Sapphire Crystal start is superior stat-wise. Now, in the mathematical calculations, you

    may have noticed that I did NOT include the base mana regen you get from Doran's Ring as well as the mana

    gained from last hitting. Why? Because you'll have to sell doran's later in the game thus losing 240 gold which is

    almost equal to what you get in value by mana potions (even though they don't exist anymore). Moreover, by the

    time you sell doran's ring you'll have gathered around 150 cs. 150cs = 600 mana. From the base regen of doran's

    you get 500 mana. 600+500=1100. However, bear in mind that this is the TOTAL mana. While by that point

    you'll have recalled around 5-7 times and re-filled the mana from Sapphire Crystal for a total of 1500. I don't want

    to get too in depth with the calculations more than this because it can easily get out of control and become boring.

    Just take my word and trust me on this.

    First Recal

    Try to recal with at least 550 gold(900 if you start with doran's ring) so you can buy both right away. If you got

    more than that then buy a Catalyst Protector by starting with an extra Sapphire Crystal. "Why not buy the

    Refilable potion along with the starting items instead of the 3 potions and buy it now?" you may ask. Well, the first

    time you get out of base is the most important one as you need to hold on as long as you can. On top of normal

    laning damage, you might also get ganked and lose half your health from that. Also, your opponent will see that

    you got less sustain on you and might play more agressive. You do NOT want to encourage your opponent on being

    more aggresive as you're weak in the early game. 3 Health Potion's give you 450 (+105HP+30MP from





    utopus Last updated on Today @ 12:41pm








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    Exactly when do you choose Ring over crystal?Give some examples (e.g. Leblanc? Azir?

    Ah - apologies. I didn'tread far enough down.I'll look to clean this up on mysecond pass through

    See last page for overall comments
  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review


    Secret Stash ) health while the 2 stacks from the refilable potion give you 200 (+20 from Secret Stash ). Once

    you buy it, you won't be needing any extra potions so don't waste extra money on them. As for upgrading it, don't.

    Hunter's Potion is more of a jungle's option and Corrupting Potion is too much gold spent for an item that

    will forever hold 1 spot in your inventory just for sustain. In the late game, all the stacks together will bearly

    manage to heal you for 1/5th of your max HP and it will take forever. Stick to your main build and from this point

    on you should rush to finish your core items.

    Core Items




    + Deals tons of damage

    + Gets stronger with Mana+ No skill cap. You always improve

    + Arguably tankiest mage in game

    + Huge Mana pool late game

    + Carries a Death Note




    - Hard to play. Even harder to master

    - No reliable escape mechanism- Weak early game filled with Mana issues

    - Heavily complex itemization-wise

    - Long ranged champions are flat out cheating

    - Enemy jungler transforms into a CoD camper


    Welcome to my advanced Ryze guide where I will cover everything you need to know about Ryze in order to

    dominate! Note that even though this guide will help you maximize Ryze's potential as a champion, you still have

    to be good a good player in order to climb up the ladder. Ryze is a champion who's really hard to fully master and

    carry with. Many have the idea that button mushing will carry you and that Ryze is an easy champion. Dead

    wrong. He was easy back in the days but after the rework, things have changed. Making right use of your passive

    requires a lot of focus, patience and knowledge on the game's mechanics. The build heavily rellies on your current

    state (fed/behind) as well as on the type of opponents you're playing against (mages/reset/adc/cc/assassins). Your

    Q {Overload} is now a skillshot and missing it greatly impacts your damage output and it's get even harder in the

    heat of the moment as you need to focus on around 7 things at the same time. These factors and many other arethe reason why Ryze is such a complex champion and doesn't have a steady global win ratio. If you suck and you

    play unorganized thinking that button mushing will help then you'll have around 30% win ratio while if you've

    mastered him you'll have around 70%.

    This guide seems familiar to you?

    In fact I already have this guide posted on TeamSoloMid. I came to post it here as well mainly because of requests

    coming from my fans. Some believe that the best guides come from this site because of how pretty and stylish it is

    while some others believe the opposite because mobafire isn't "serious" enough? Seriously guys, not accepting the

    content of my guide just because it wasn't brought to you by your favorite site isn't an acceptable excuse.

    Personally, I don't care at all because both sites are great and I love them. I have good relationships with

    moderators from both sites thus far and i'd love to keep it that way. Also, I don't think i'm breaking any rules here

    since I haven't noticed anything mentioned and I hope the admins won't get mad at me either. Nonetheless, by

    having it posted on both sites I am able to attract a much bigger audience which suits better both me and the


    Why did I create this guide?

    When I first started playing League and Talon was released, I was really inspired by him and wanted to be one

    of the very best Talon players out there. I would turn the whole internet upside down to find information on

    how to get better with him. In the end, I found some guides here on mobafire and felt so extremely happy that I

    could finally improve. After a while, I suddenly switched to Ryze and through the passing of years I would notice

    how bad Ryze's reputation was. After some research, I realised that Ryze is a champion who's often misused on

    terms of Runes, Masteries, Itemization Paths and Spell Casting Combinations, thus leading to a small amount of

    good players. I thought about it to myself and decided that I must come out there and create a HUGE guide

    containing as much information as I can possibly share. I want you guys to joy I felt back in the days when I

    mained Talon. A


    Address Ryze's power spikes At what point can he REALLY his opponents? Level 11?

    I'd try to reword this a little bit. Itcome off as demeaning to somereaders.

    I'm guessing this section isincomplete?
  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review


    AA: Auto attack

    AOE: Area of effect, a spell that deals damage to an area.

    AP: Ability power, a trait common to all champions that increases the magic damage of select skills.

    Starts with 0, unless boosted by items, runes, masteries, and passive effects.

    APC: Ability power carry, a champion that typically relirs upon ability power.

    CC: Crowd control, debuffs that impede the actions of an enemy champion. Includes silences, slows,

    stuns, suppression, knock-ups, snares, and knock-ups. If a player has reduced control over his

    champion, his champion has been CCed.

    CDR: Cooldown reduction, a trait common to all champions that affects the frequency with which

    skills can be cast. Bounded at 0% at the lower end, and 40% at the higher end.

    CS: Creep score, a number that indicates how many minions and jungle monsters you have killed.

    On average, the gold from 12 CS is equal to that you get from one kill.

    HP: Health points, a trait common to all champions that is a measure of vitality. If your health drops

    to 0 then you die. Death penalty follows.

    MIA: Missing in action, or also called SS. Used as an abbreviation to indicate that one's lane

    opponent(s) are not in lane and possibly threatening another lane.

    MS: Movement speed. Shows how many units of movement per second your champion can walk in

    a set period of time (same to all champions). Base movement speed is obtained at level 1 and does

    not improve with levels.

    MP: Mana Points, a trait common to most champions that is spent in order to perform skills.

    Nuke: Burst damage applied from a skill.

    Passive: A champions' innate or inherent ability that is available from the start of the game.

    Alternatively, some ability that requires is always in effect.

    Peel: The act of forcing champion(s) off a given ally.

    Skillshot: A skill that targets an area of the map rather than a specific object.

    Slow: A debuff that decreases the movement speed and/or attack speed of a given champion.

    Snare: A debuff that prevents an enemy champion from moving, but does not restrict usage of

    auto-attacks or non-mobility skills.

    Stun: A debuff that prevents an enemy champion from moving, auto-attacking, and using skills.

    Tenacity: An Status you gain from items or masteries which reduces the duration of disables by



    Runes give you an immense power advantage throughout the game. If you're a new player or you don't have all

    your rune slots filled then I strongly recommend you fill all of them. If you're low on IP and you're missing a lot of

    runes, buy in following order:

    1. Marks (3 marks are equal to 1 Quintess both in price and power but it's easier to devide the money

    making it easier to buy)

    2. Seals (Even though weak, they are extremely cheap)

    3. Quintessences (Sometimes expensive but extremely strong)

    4. Glyphs (Money efficient but expensive so leave them last)

    Tip: If you have no suited runes to fill the empty spots for a champion, fill them with whatever else you have and

    feel like using. For example, even AP Carries can make use of AD marks and quins since they'll still be auto

    attacking. Result? Instead of leaving an empty spot, you get some free damage to cs easier and deal more poke

    I'd put this in a [spoiler][/spoiler

    I'm going to try and beautify th

    bit too.

  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review




    Greater Mark of Magic



    Greater Seal of Scaling



    Greater Glyph of Scaling

    Magic Resist


    Greater Quintessence of

    Movement Speed



    There are no better marks for an AP Carry. I do not recommend Flat or Scaling AP

    because they aren't gold efficient. Not only they're bad, they are even worse on a

    champion such as Ryze who has low AP ratios. The only possible contestent would

    be Hybrid Penetration because they have a high amount of Magic Penetration. So,

    if you don't have Magic Pene but you do have Hybrid Pene, do equip those.



    After the patch 4.5, the flat armor seals have been nerfed while the scaling ones

    have been buffed. So, you get to choose between 27 armor on level 18 or a steady

    9 armor throughout the whole game. If you think about it, you gain that 9 armor

    on level 6 by using scaling armor. Basically, it's better to slightly def/farm until level

    6 and after that point on, you gain free extra stats with each level passing. Apart

    from these two, you may also use Scaling Health. These runes are awesome since

    they provide mixed defense for AD and AP but I don't really like them on Ryze.

    More often than not, I get rekt by spells that deal health percentage damage so it

    ends up being a disaster for me. Take Blade of the Ruined King for example. It

    shreds your max health but deals less damage the more armor you have. See the




    GlyphsMagic Resist is the best thing you can take for Ryze consering Glyphs. If you take

    ability power then you will gain an abysmal damage advantage while losing a lot of

    defense you would otherwise have. The main reason I take Magic Resist though, is

    because it's an element that's hard to find. There are plenty of items that give

    Mana, Ability Power, CDR etc... but not many that give Magic Resistance and that's

    a pretty bad thing because APC's will destroy you. Now, if you were to take Magic

    Resist then I would recommend you take scaling runes for the same reason as

    with the Armor Seals. However, there are some cases where Flat Magic Resist is

    better because you may be facing a hard counter such as Cassiopeiaor

    Brand. Nonetheless, keep in mind that having flat Magic Resist does NOT mean

    you are allowed to go ham in lane against long ranged champions. (12 magic resist

    compared to 27)



    Movement Speed because Ryze needs it a LOT! Ryze's range is similarly low both on

    AA's and spells and whici is the main reason I call him a melee mage fighter (even

    though he's ranged). Keeping distance with your opponents is extremely important

    as well as being able to dodge enemy skillshots. In the same way, movement speed

    helps you roam, initiate and flee easier and faster. Other possible options should be

    Flat Ability Power or Spell Vamp. Equip Ability Power if you're aiming to get a

    Rabadon's Deathcap after Seraph's Embrace and you like to play extremely

    aggresive on the laning phase. As for Spell Vamp, it's extremely cost efficient on

    Ryze because of your combos and sustainable damage potential. Let's not forget

    that now you can actually keep a permanent combo going on level 16 so it's like

    having a permanent ultra potion active. Do recommend and as a matter of fact, I
  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review


    can't lock my opinnion on whether of these two is the best. To put it simple, if you

    don't have Movement Speed or Spell Vamp runes, temporarily equip Flat Ability

    Power while if you do, go with one of these instead.


    or [ic



    Spawn Time: 2:30

    (Respawn time: 6 minutes)


    The Dragon is the second most powerful neutral monster on Summoner's Rift

    in League of Legends. Killing the dragon gives experience to the killer and

    nearby allies. If the Dragon is slain, it will respawn after 6 minutes. Before you

    start killing dragon, make sure the enemy team hasn't warded the area to

    avoid ganks. If they do have, make sure to clean them out with stealth

    detecting items. Let me warn you that ganks at dragon are pretty frequent, as

    your team will be weakened by it and with limited escape paths. A good gank at

    the dragon may result in a lot of deaths for your team, with the dragon killbeing stolen by the enemies. Try to keep a ward in the river near the dragon to

    know wether it's being killed by your enemies. This ward also provides vision of

    enemy champions switching between the middle and bottom lanes. It is not

    your responsibility as Ryze to ward drake but you may do the favor for your

    team and ward it if you happen to be passing around there. Killing the dragon

    is one of the jobs of the jungler. He may require help from the team, especially

    from the bottom or the mid lane. This is one of the reasons why there are

    usually 2 champions in the bottom lane, with the top lane being solo when

    there is a jungler on your team. Fiddlesticks, Warwick and Shaco are

    examples of junglers that are capable of killing the dragon alone at early levels.

    Their kits allow him to kill it as early as level 3-4 so you better warn your team

    to put a ward there as early as possible. Catching them with vision doing

    dragon can often times be game winning. If you teleport, look for any

    oppurtunity to gather your team and do dragon.


    Slaying Dragon Reward

    Slaying the Dragon grants the Dragon Slayer buff to your whole team. The first four stacks of Dragon Slayer are

    permanent, while the 5th exprires after a small period of time.

    1. DRAGON'S MIGHT: +6% attack damage and ability power

    2. DRAGON'S DOMINANCE: +15% damage to minions and monsters

    3. DRAGON'S FLIGHT: +5% movement speed

    4. DRAGON'S WRATH: +15% damage to towers and buildings

    5. ASPECT OF THE DRAGON: Doubles all previous bonuses and your attacks burn for 150 true damage

    over 5 seconds. This stack only lasts 180 seconds or until death.

    This seems a little out of place.Talk a little bit more about how plays around dragon. In the midRyze struggles fighting around dragon area unless his team haway to initiate.

    Additionally, if Ryze gets a succflank on his opponents, it's gamwinning.
  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review


    "Pulling" The Dragon

    Attacking it and then backing away to lead it out of its lair can be vital! If it remains in its lair it is possible for an

    enemy champion to Smite from across the back wall, throw a projectile spell and generally steal the last hit if they

    realize that your team is attempting to defeat the dragon. This is especially important when playing on Red side.

    Your Role In doing Dragon

    Your role as Ryze most often comes down to bursting the dragon with your combo. If you're playing top then you

    won't have many chances to help at early dragons which doesn't matter too much either cause you're still weak.

    Now that first dragon's dead, keep your timer on the next respawn and act accordingly. You want to be present

    there but you don't want to sacrafise too much by doing that. Here are some tips on how to prepare for dragon:

    Recal to buy items and head towards drake

    Push your wave so that the opposing laner is forced to deal with it. If he doesn't he loses a lot of

    farm thus still giving you a small lead. If he does, you'll have time to help your team while he's busy


    Inform your team to buy you time until your Teleport is back up again so you can help your

    allies. They can do that by scaring your opponents off from rushing/forcing it.

    Press 'Tab' and look at the timers. When there's less than 1 minute left, immediately warn your

    team by typing "Dragon in 40 seconds. Start preparing"

    If your Teleport is down but you're aware that your lane opponent has it available, he'll probably

    try and help his team. Do NOT let him do that. Force him to stay in the lane by pushing hard and if

    he attempts something fishy then flash and Rune Prisonhim. That will interupt his teleport thus

    leaving your team in peace, or at best, at a fair 4v4 fight.


    Arcane Mastery: Arcane Mastery is a passive ability that triggers whenever Ryze casts an ability (apply at the

    beginning of spells' cast time). Casting spells grants a stack of Arcane Mastery for 6 seconds, stacking up to 5

    times. At 5 stacks, Ryze becomes supercharged for 6 seconds, gaining a shield that blocks damage. For the same

    duration, Ryze's spellcasts reduce his other spells' cooldowns by Overload's cooldown.

    Tips and Tricks

    If you're about to die from ignite or some sort of dot, think of a fast way to enter passive mode to

    gain the extra shield. Look for creeps to cast spells or throw Q on air. Saved me plenty of times.

    Gathering stacks before teleporting can be quite tough. I recommend casting a spell and instantly

    teleporting as your time available is really small

    If you want to initiate a fight, make sure you have at least 2 stacks

    If you finished your job and everything you had to do while supercharged but still got some time

    left, think on whether you want to use your on thin air just to reduce the cooldown of your

    ultimate or other spells by 4 seconds. Sometimes it greatly matters

    (unknown embed type) Overload: You throw a charge of pure energy in a line, dealing magic damage to the

    first enemy it hits. This is your main farming tool as it has the lowest mana cost and thus making it also your main

    stacking spell. Use it on thin air before fights to gather stacks. When doing that, I recommend you throw it to your

    opponenets blind side (where they can't see) so they don't realise you're gathering stacks since it can give away

    your plan to your enemies. The projectile itself is fairly fast but can be hard to hit when your opponents have high

    mobility. Combine it with for improved results.

    Tips and Tricks

    Try and use it after locking your oponents with Rune Prison to guranteed you land it

    Cast it randomly if you're full Mana or waiting in base because it stacks your Tear of the Goddeess

    Use it on thin air to gather stacks before a fight breaks down

  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review


    Rune Prison: This is a single target spell that basically creates a 'prison' which snares your target (stops

    movement and deactivates Jump-Dash-teleport skills). It also has a 600 range which means you can use it from

    afar. The enemy becomes your b*tch for a set period of time that increases every time you rank this spell up. Note

    that when you chase someone, you want to use this spell first to stop the enemy's movement and buy you and

    your team some time to catch up. Use this spell defensively as well, for example, when someone is chasing you or

    one of your allies.

    Tips and Tricks

    Even though it costs a lot of mana, it's great for those hard last hits or the ones which you won't

    make in time with a normal auto attack or

    If you're supercharged (passive mode) and unleashing your combo on someone while having the

    option to choose between this spell or , definitely use first

    If you want to poke your opponent in the laning phase but you're low on mana, do NOT use by

    itself. Combined with , it's justifiable. Otherwise, it costs too much mana for too little damage and

    you also give up your main CC/escape tool.

    Spell Flux: Ryze unleashes an orb of energy upon the target enemy, dealing them magic damage and

    reducing their magic resistance for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. This is the one and only debuf Ryze has but

    it's a really damn good one since it shreds a lot of MR when leveled up and the best part is it stacks. After striking

    the target, the orb splits and bounces to Ryze and enemies near the target, capping at 6 targets and dealing half

    the orb's primary damage to each enemy hit. The secondary orbs then bounce back to the primary target, applying

    their damage again. Basically, poking in lane with creeps nearbly will double the spell's damage. Keep that in mind

    next time you poke.

    Tips and Tricks

    Sometimes it's justified to not buy magic penetration just because does it for you. Dont be too

    strict on your build path and buy Void Staff or Sorserer's Shoes when you're in desperate need for

    Magic Resist/Amor

    When pushing the lane for budget mana (aiming to recal soon) use over and it deals higher

    total damage even though spread amongst targets

    Desperate power: PASSIVE: You permanently gain cooldown reduction based on level (10%/20%/30%).

    ACTIVE: For 6 seconds you unlock your ultimate form where you gain 80 movement speed, spell vamp and your

    spells become AOE, dealing 50% damage to all enemies around the main target for the duration.

    Tips and Tricks

    Main reason you avoid Rylais and Will of Ancients is because your ultimate makes all your spells

    AOE, thus giving you lowered stats on the item's effects

    Don't be afraid to use it for small things like pushing, doing a camp or CSing as it costs 0 mana and

    the cooldown get's extremely low due to your supercharged form.

    Use it as early as possible when you need to escape even the slightest. Do NOT greed until the very

    last moment when it's already too late. That way you don't only discourage your opponents from

    chasing you but you also gurantee your escape. Holding on to it in dire moments will usually force

    you to flash and there are times where even that won't save you. Better safe than sorry.


    Skilling Sequence

    > > >

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Q W E Q Q R Q W Q W R W W E E R E E


    Like in all champions, level up Desperate Power whenever possible. You are extremely dependant
  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review


    on it to be at level 11/16 so you can have impactful teamfights full of crazy combos etc. Addionally,

    you get +10% cdr per level which is great and in my opinion slightly overpowered.

    Second spell is . Riot basically forced us to max Q first because the passive is useless without it.

    With each level, the duration gets increased up to double the base value. Without your passive you

    can't burst people or execute long combos so yeah. "Game diversity" it's called. Apart from that,

    each level increases the Mana Scaling ratio as well as which is extremely important. Moreover, you

    don't risk your passive getting weaker because leveling up Q doesn't lower the spell's cooldown.

    3rd you want to max . The stats you gain per level may seem really small but it's important to

    have a longer snare dunation to cast your combo more easily on a locked target. When your target

    has 0.5 seconds to move around in between each snare it's a lot harder for you to focus on hittingas well as repositioning your cursor on the target compared to 0.1 sec.

    Leave this spell for last. Each level gives nothing but damage and compared to your other spells its

    better left off for late game. The AOE damage shred helps more on teamfights isntead of the laning

    phase where you might accidentaly push the wave with one E (if you max it first). However, the

    are rare cases like when facing Yorick who spams ghouls giving you extra targets. In this case you

    want to level 3rd and leave last.


    This section contains damage comparisons between Mana and Ability Power scalings on your spells. As you know,

    Ryze scales from both AP and Max Mana but not only on one or two spells. He does on all of them and thus it

    becomes important to investigate on this matter. On the other hand, someone like Blitzcrankwho has only his

    passive, Mana Barrier that scales with Max Mana isn't justified to change his whole build around it.

    Spell Base Damage + Scaling ratios

    Overload- MAGIC DAMAGE: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+0.55 AP) (+ 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4% Max Mana)

    Rune Prison - MAGIC DAMAGE: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+0.4 AP) (+2.5% of Max Mana)

    Spell Flux Main damage - MAGIC DAMAGE: 36 / 52 / 68 / 84 / 100 (+0.2 AP) (+2% Max Mana)

    Spell FluxSecondary damage - MAGIC DAMAGE: 18 / 26 / 34 / 42 / 50 (+0.10 AP) (+1% Max Mana)


    If you take the same amount of mana and ability power you can buy with 100 gold then it's on average:

    100 Gold =70 Mana

    Q - 1.4-2.8

    W - 1.8

    E - 1.8

    100 Gold =4.6 Ability Power

    Q - 2.5

    W - 1.8

    E - 1.2
  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review


    Results: With 100 gold you choose between:

    70 Mana + 5-6.4 damage OR 5.5 damage

    Abvious winner = Mana

    Why Mana Is Better

    You don't only get the same damage from the same gold but you also gain additional mana to use

    even more spells.

    The Mana will later on give you even more damage when you finally upgrade your Tear of the

    Goddess to Seraph's Embrace.

    Enemies will get mind f*cked when they see how low your Ability Power is and actually

    UNDERESTIMATE your damage output.

    Ready numbers on some items that give either Mana or Ability Power.

    (Sorted: Price)

    250 MP

    Q - 5-10

    W - 6.25

    E - 6


    20 AP

    Q - 11

    W - 8

    E - 6


    250-1000 MP

    Q- From 5-10To 20-40

    W - From 6.25 To25

    E - From 6 To24


    40 AP

    Q - 22

    W - 16

    E - 12


    60 AP

    Q - 33

    W - 24

    E - 18


    If you want to become better in League then you might concider Enabling SmartCast (if you aren't using it

    already). I added this section because in order to use the combos in perfect flow you absolutely MUST be using

    SmartCast! Ryze simply can't go without this feauture so definitely start using it.

    Select Quick Cast All

    Casting Smart

    SmartCasting is an option that causes your abilities to be cast when you press down the key towards where your

    mouse cursor is. Basically, it reduces the actions you need to make from 2 to 1. So, instead of pressing the skill and

    then clicking you simply press the button and your job is done. Only problem when using SmartCast is that you

    lose accuracy because you can't see the range of the spells but that doesn't mean a thing because Ryze has more

    or less the same range in all his spells (600) and you'll get used to it extremely fast.
  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review



    MOBAFire is a strategy guide tool and community for League o






    Learn the League - Smart Cast (Ep. 31)

    This video is not mine. The credits go to the re


    UPDATE log

    10/11/2013 - Guide published.


    At last, your journey of reading has come to an end. If you're wondering how much time it took me towrite all this then here are some precisely calculated numbers. Throughout the period of 3 months,

    I've spent a total of:

    212 hours to create the guide.

    21 hours updating based on patch notes.

    I didn't really have to put so much effort, information and detail but It's not everyday you create

    something like this and I'm a man of quality so here's my masterpiece. While editing, I tried to make

    everything look top notch. By that I mean appealing for the reader's eye, grammar/vocabulary correct

    and all this while also including jokes every once in a while to make it more interesting. My guide

    can't be compared with some of the perfect ones like Elusive Ferret's who's guide is just gorgeous but

    this is the best I can offer with the time I have availble ^^. And I know what you're thinking right

    now: "What an idiot. Wasting his time like this" and I'm saying this because i've heard it countless

    times, but hey. As I said, I'm a man of quality and this is the way I enjoy 'wasting' my time.

    "If you enjoy the way you spend your time, you aren't wasting it" -Unknown

    Let's not put aside the fact I met so many people and made so many friends because of my guide. All

    the support I got through your kind words, through your donations and all those expensive skins yougifted me... I really couldn't have been more thankfull. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this guide as

    much as I enjoyed writing/editing it. ^^

    What to expect:

    I will always add new lane match up's or make changes in order to keep this guide up to date.

    Everything depends on the League patch changes.

    I will add more Pro Tips whenever they come into my mind.

    If you ask a question in the comment section then it should take me a maximun of 2 to 3 days to


    If there's huge demand to make a guide on a specific champion, I'll do it. Most certainly if you donate.

    I'm always League active and I do take coaching orders for payment in case you're interested.

    Special thanks go to Spooky1986 for inspiring me to play Ryze in the first place, LordNisroc for helping

    me out with Vocabulary/Grammar and TheAbbas for reminding me about a lot of things that needed to

    get updated.

    If you want to follow me, be updated on my progress or contact me then here are my details:League summoner name: SecondCaller [Nordic East + West]



    If you like the guide, don't forget to Vote, Share and Comment in the comment section down bellow!
  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review


    Legends, an online battle arena style game based on Defense

    the Ancients, a popular mod for Warcraft 3.

    LoL fans are encouraged to explore our vast library of user

    generated champion build guides to enhance their battlefield

    strategy. Learn new, effective, winning strategy from players

    dominating the field.

    League of Legends is a team based, real time strategy game s

    in a mythical world of swords & magic where epic battles decid

    the fate of mystical nations. Game players take on the role of

    Summoner who conjures and controls champions to fight for th

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    Dr. Mundo


















    Jarvan IV














    Lee Sin









    Master Yi

    Miss Fortune
































    Tahm Kench








    Twisted Fate


  • 7/24/2019 Ryze guide review














    Xin Zhao








    Build Guides

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    There are a couple things that I think the guide has missed thus far:The first would be your combo.The all-in combo for ryze differs from 2 stacks to >2 stacks IIRC. I'd like you to take some footage of own gameplay and show your readers EXACTLY what the combo is. Using the combo when your pacharged feels a little unnatural compared to the old ryze.I'd like you to talk about positioning in fights. Once ryzes passive is up, you're basically immobilized, really important that you teach your readers to position well to make the most out of ryze's passive. Atry to take some footage from your own gameplay and really try to show how far away you spaced froyour opponents front line, their carries, and WHY you positioned exactly where you did in that team f

    There's one (maybe two) chances where you can actually orb walk in ryze's combo. For advanced pwould be quite handy for them if they knew more advanced combos.

    I'd also like you to go into further detail about how to survive laning phase against bullies.A lot of it revolves around ryze's passive, and using that well allows you to win trades.

    Lastly, if you include a section on how to flank successfully with teleports, that'd help your readers imeven more.

    If you do all of these things well, i'll +scout your guide. You'll need 2 scout votes in order to get your gfeatured.