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Russian General Speaks Out On UFOsSource: Michael Hesemann

Russian General speaks Out!Interview with Major-General Vasily Alexeyev of the Russian Air Force.Space Communications Centre, Moscow, 1997

On behalf of 2000 FILM PRODUCTIONS, Michael Hesemanns internationallyactive company, our Russian co-worker and correspondent Valery Uvarovinterviewed one of the most knowledgeable Russian/Ex-Soviet Generals, MajorGeneral Vasily Alexeyev, on the subject of UFOs. The text was releasedexclusively in the German edition of MAGAZINE 2000plus in May 2000.

VU - Valery Uvarov, VA - Major General Vasili Alexejev

VU: As a military man when did you first hear about or have to do with UFOs?

VA: If we are speaking about my military capacity, it was in the 1980s when Ihappened to be serving not in a regular unit, but in the central staff. Work in thecentral staff entails close links with the units in the field and a large amount oftravelling. There were many reports from unit level regarding a large number ofobservations of unexplained phenomena. You should bear in mind that at thattime much was simply denied. The subject was to a large extent a closed one.On the ground, however, people wanted to find out what was what, to separatetruth from fiction. In that period a lot of things were presented in such a way thatyou lost the desire to believe. Accordingly an attitude to the subject becameestablished, where not only was there no desire to believe, it was evenundesirable to believe.

Nevertheless the information coming in from the bases was of interest if onlybecause it was not merely talk and rumours; there were eye-witnesses tophenomena and that was reflected in specific documents and the reports ofofficials. At times this information was of such a fascinating nature that it wasimpossible not to believe it. Later the question no longer seemed so fantastic andbegan to be examined at the level not only of the Defence Ministry, but of othergovernment departments as well. This interest specifically expressed itself incertain experts being sent to investigate, especially to those places where UFOs,let's call them that, appeared quite frequently.

I know a whole number of military bases in that category. As a rule they areobjects of strategic significance, rocket complexes, scientific test establishments,in other words the places where there is a high concentration of advancedscience and, to some degree, danger. Because every nuclear rocket, every newairforce installation represents a breakthrough both in science and in militaryterms; it is first and foremost a peak, the summit of human achievement. And thatis where UFOs appeared fairly often. Moreover, individual officers and

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commanders on the spot who knew about the phenomenon and had no officialinstructions on the matter, acted on their own initiative to investigate UFOs,recording data, and so on. I know that in some places they even learned tocreate a situation which would deliberately provoke the appearance of a UFO. AUFO would appear where there was increased military activity connected, say,with the transportation of "special" loads. It was enough artificially stimulate orschedule such a move for a UFO to appear. In other words, some kind ofconditional relationship emerged. And they detected it. We're an intelligent nation,nothing escapes us. I know that at certain testing ranges - I won't name them,although it's no longer a secret - they even learnt to make contact of a kind.

What did that consists of? First the UFO appeared; in most instances it was asphere, but there were other kinds. Contact was achieved with the help ofphysical indications of behaviour - pointing your arms in various directions, say,and the sphere became flattened in the same direction. If you raised your armsthree times, the UFO flattened out in a vertical direction three times as well. Inthe early 1980s, on the instructions of the then Soviet leadership, experimentsusing technical devices (theodolites, radar stations, and others) were carried outas a result of which the unidentified objects were firmly recorded as instrumentaldata.

VU: Can you say on what level those researches took place? While studying thematerial from those observations and the contents of certain documents I formedthe impression that the prime reason for circulars and orders on this matter in thearmed forces was that they most likely considered UFOs a new sort of weaponbelonging to some hostile country. Isn't that why orders were issued on therigorous investigation and examination of the appearance and behaviour ofUFOs by all available ways and means? What was the nature of the recording,on instruments and in written documents, of the time of appearance, trajectoryand other characteristics?

VA: I think that on the whole there were two reasons. First, a great deal ofinformation of various kinds was coming in from all over. I know of a case whenworkers from one of the research establishments outside Moscow flew toNovosibirsk, I think it was, to investigate an air crash. When they came back theywrote a report that they had had an encounter with a UFO that accompanied theirplane in the air. Being sensible people and inclined to scientific analysis, theymanaged to share out their roles so that during the observation some watchedand dictated, others sketched, a third group kept track of time. In that way theobservation acquired a certain scientific grounding. It wasn't just a sighting, but ascientific team at work, carrying out a sort of real-time experiment. Reports ofUFO sightings came in regularly. And evidently somewhere nearer the core ofour leadership in the sphere of the Defence Ministry, the Academy of Sciencesand so on, a lot of this kind of information began to build up. And not only fromordinary laymen, but from scientists and professionals as well. Military men ingeneral are not inclined to fantasise. They only report what they see, what

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actually occurs.

They are people you can believe. You should not forget that the arms race wasstill going on at this time, a struggle for military and other priorities. Newdiscoveries in science and technology were being made all the time. The UFOswere something new and not understood. And there really was an idea that theymight be some means of gathering intelligence. I don't think that it only happenedhere. For example, one of the reports of a state commission that worked on oneof the testing-ranges in Volgograd region proposed several versions for the originof the phenomenon. They referred to possible natural processes that we havefailed to recognise, but did not exclude the possibility that it was a form ofreconnaissance.

At that very time, and slightly later, a whole group of disguised electronicintelligence-gathering devices were in reality discovered on those testing-ranges.But it is interesting that one of the official versions from the commission, includedamong the final points, was the possibility that UFOs belonged to anextraterrestrial civilisation! That was very interesting!

VU: At what level was investigation carried out? To what extent was there ascientific approach, or was it simply recording data?

VA: It was more like recording data. By the nature of my work I receivedinformation from various military units across Russia, the Soviet Union as it thenwas. I know that that material was sent on without any explanations orannotations to the relevant bodies higher up. I was aware that there were groupsengaged in investigating UFOs, and perhaps something more, but at that timethe level of secrecy over this question was such that all that took place wasreceiving information and subsequently sending it on higher up: people came tosee me, but, as we were military men, there were no explanations of any kind.They simply said they were interested in this or that. Then they came up with atable with pictures of all the shapes of UFOs that had ever been recorded - aboutfifty, ranging from ellipses and spheres through to something resemblingspaceships. Witnesses were asked what it looked liked, then they pinned downthe locality and so on. After which all the material was passed on. As a result it ishard to say how the work was continued, to what extent it was scientific.

I knew that some kind of work was going on in the Defence Ministry, theAcademy of Sciences and the intelligence services. But things were such thatthose who weren't directly connected with the investigations didn't know whatwas going on. We only provided the information. I must admit that there was anawful lot of information. And here, around Moscow, above many air-defence sites,testing-ranges and other installations - those are the places where UFOs appearmost often.

VU: You just said that people came to you who were interested on information

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about UFO sightings. Then that information was passed on up. Some intelligenceservices were engaged in analysing the information. What do you think - as aman of experience who has attained such a high position and rank - regardingthe interests of humanity as a whole, was the information you provided gatheredand used to positive or negative ends? In the West the idea is firmly establishedthat when gathering information about UFOs the intelligence services in America,and in Russia too, were and are guided not by the interests of humanity as awhole, but rather the opposite.

VA: I think that politics interfered with science here. Investigation of what wasunidentified and not understood was carried out above all in order to clearmatters up. Military specialists and military science in general has an immensepotential that can be compared with that of the Academy of Sciences, and insome spheres that potential is even greater. Military technologies have alwaysbeen the most advanced. I don't imagine the intelligence services were inferior.Behind the military and intelligence services' interest in UFOs lay the desire toget to the bottom of the new phenomenon, where it was leading, what it was allabout. What if it did represent some kind of threat, from the object itself? Thatwas why they had to get to the bottom of it. But I don't think, in fact I practicallyexclude the idea that the Russian military were scheming in some way. It issimply out of the question. The very structure of the military organisations, theintelligence services and the Academy of Sciences make it impossible to decidematters of that kind without the intervention of the government and other stateinstitutions.

Anyone with common-sense, knowing the structure of the state, will have toadmit that such a thing is simply impossible. The more so as the work oninvestigating UFOs was being duplicated by several bodies. Even if only onedepartment of state had studied the question, and some maladjusted individualworking there tried to conceal information and use it to his own ends, that toowould have been impossible. If, say, the Defence Ministry had had a monopolyon the question, the intelligence services would in all likelihood have knownabout it, reports would have been passed by various channels anyway. After all,we don't have one organisation that does the checking, ours is a system with lotsof facets and lots of channels, which absolutely rules out the possibility of makingselfish use of the results for hidden goals.

VU: Thank you. That is a very important question that worries people not only inRussia, but around the world.

VA: I agree. It is a global issue, a geopolitical one. I am sure that the Americansand other countries have built up a large quantity of this kind of information. I amcertain today that there is a great deal of this information. And anyway, this issue,like thermonuclear weapons, is a global one. It is a question of the survival ofhumanity, considering how poor our conceptions about the environment andenergy resources are, the ecological problems that are emerging. We burn up

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the oxygen and do a lot of other things, and in the last resort it is hard to saywhere we will end up and to what extent these processes are irreversible. A wayout has to be found; there must be some kind of breakthrough. With thoseproblems in mind, the study of UFOs may reveal some new forms of energy to us,or at least bring us closer to a solution. Therefore questions bound up with UFOsand all the accompanying phenomena are, I believe on the whole, the concern ofall mankind.

And here our leaders at the relevant level should take matters seriously and findan acceptable solution. Many prominent scientists of world rank have spoken ofthe need for such an approach. Why it hasn't come about yet is hard to say. Atthe present moment it is probably bound up with the formation of a new Russia.At times our funding is irregular and not very well organised. Well, God willing,we'll struggle through. Many countries today have reached a certain level inscience and in the study of this question. We have obtained certain results, andat present the issue is the creation of some single body that would bring togetherall our knowledge on this matter. I believe things would be easier then. TheAmericans have got something interesting, so have we. Conclusions have beenmade and data assembled, for years gone by as well, and now they have been"shelved" somewhere. Perhaps it would be enough to put one thing together withanother for the whole question to appear in a completely different light.

VU: How are things today as regards investigation, recording and so on, in yoursphere, for example.

VA: Much worse today than they were before. But that is not due any decline ininterest. What is the chief concern in the armed forces now? - How to survive!Who's going to bother about UFOs? The question has, I think, temporarilybecome secondary purely for economic reasons. We will resume this work assoon as we get a bit stronger.

VU: Are you personally interested in the question of UFOs?

VA: I have a strong personal interest. While still a schoolboy I dreamt aboutextraterrestrial civilisations; I looked for life on Mars and even on Venus.Sometimes I regret that I have never myself observed a UFO in an activemanifestation like some people - when it was not simply a glowing sphere butsomething more intriguing. And there are a great deal of facts like that, right up tocontacts with aliens.

VU: During our last meeting you said a lot about encounters between militarypersonnel and UFOs.

VA: There was a case with us outside Moscow when two warrant officers felt aninner urge to go outside. And one of them found himself directly at the landingsite of a flying device. He made mental contact - not at the level of speech, but

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telepathically, in thought forms. He was given a invitation to visit the space-ship,but due to fear or some purely personal reasons he couldn't accept. Later hemade some interesting drawings of the ship. I saw the their explanatory notesand drawings depicting what they had seen. Their account was supplemented bythe reports and drawings of the duty officers and their deputies and a wholenumber of conscripts who were on guard duty. In all the accounts the place andtime were compatible and the drawings of the ship flying away had much incommon.

VU: After talking to you I form an impression I would like to hope is true - that youare the person who is willing and able to help get to the bottom of thisphenomenon.

VA: Yes, when you have the mass of documentary material which I have workedwith, from specific people, eye-witnesses, and that over a period of several years,in different regions, then your attitude to the UFO phenomenon naturally changes.You know I have kept some photographs for myself. Here they are fixing anobject with instruments that determine the distance to it, measure its angularvelocity and so on... They start to probe it with the locator. As soon as the locatortouched it, the object disappears and the observers see it in a different place.The object runs away. There are a large number of facts like that, inexplicable forcontemporary science. As if some kind of intelligence was reacting.

VU: Can I ask your opinion on the question you have probably asked yourselflots of times? What do you think - are UFOs representatives of other civilisations?

VA: I think it highly possible.

VU: What in your opinion draws them here?

VA: I think that if their level of civilisation allows them to move in space acrossgreat distances, possibly in other forms of material - and that is indeed the case -then at their level of development, when it comes down to it, they are alsoconcerned about normal relations between people, some sort of progress,ultimately the survival of intelligent life, if it does exist in the world. And if we lookat the Earth from that point of view, then our whole history is a tale of wars, a taleof self-destruction, and not creation. Its the history of murders and the death ofwhole peoples. Not a single truly civilised society could tolerate that. Life has adifferent meaning. No normal person can walk past if a child is drowning! Theywill save it, if only because that child represents their future. And the higher thelevel of civilisation, the greater the awareness of that. If that works at the level ofthe single individual, then it will also work at the level of civilisations. But they donot interfere nevertheless, because each civilisation should developindependently, according to certain laws.

Outside interference in natural processes is always a risky business. But some

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sort of correction, not allowing processes of disintegration to begin when they willbring the history of civilisation to an end, is evidently included in the plans of theHigher Intelligence.

VU: Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I really hope that this will not bethe last time we meet. We will probably think of more questions for you.

VA: I wish you every success. I hope you find help not only from God, from youractive engagement, but that you encounter people who will help you to realisewhat you have conceived, because it is not only important for the whole ofhumanity, it also demands serious investment. But it seems to me that you havesufficient energy and enthusiasm. The main thing is that you have plenty ofpeople alongside you who provide moral support. That is very important. All thebest.

Interviewer: Valery Uvarov, Moscow, March 1997

Copyright © 2000 Michael Hesemann. All rights reserved.