Page 1: RuðerJosipBoškoviæ– Towardthe300th AnniversaryofhisBirth · 2014-12-19 · 1993 – 2008 15th Anniversary of the Croatian Academy of Engineering Croatian Academy of Engineering

1993 – 200815th Anniversary of the

Croatian Academy of Engineering

Croatian Academy of Engineering received a memo from the Ministry of Science, Educa-tion and Sports of the Republic of Croatia dated April 7th, 2008 with regards to the organi-zation of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Ruðer Boškoviæ in 2011.Extract of the memo:

“Apart from the preparations for international symposium celebrating the 200th anniversaryof the foundation of the Illyrian Provinces, a project of the celebration of the 300th anniver-sary of the birth of Ruðer Boškoviæ has also been announced.

We are free to entrust you with the organization of the celebration with the participation ofCroatian and French scientists and historians in 2011 in respect to the experiences gainedin the realization of the Nikola Tesla project.”

At the meeting of the Presidency held on May 12th, 2008 Croatian Academy of Engineeringaccepted the proposal of the Ministry. Therefore, we would like to inform you below aboutthe characteristics of the life and work of Ruðer Boškoviæ.

Ruðer Josip Boškoviæ –Toward the 300th Anniversary of his Birth

So far numerous pages have been written about famous and world renowned Cro-atian scientist Ruðer Josip Boškoviæ and his work. He has been a scientist with awide scope of activities; philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, physicist, geo-desist, constructor of instruments, hydro technician, expert in statics, archeologistand moreover a writer and diplomat. In preparations to commemorate the 300thanniversary of his birth, let us briefly remember his life and work with specialemphasis to his contribution to engineering.

He was born in Dubrovnik on May 18th, 1711 and died in Milan on February 13th,1787. In Dubrovnik he attended Collegium Ragusinum up to 1725 when he joinedthe Jesuits in the novitiate of St. Andrew on Quirinal in Rome. He finished the novi-tiate with ad studia rating in 1727. At the main college of his order, Collegium Ro-manum, he attended rhetoric from 1727 to 1729, as well as triennial studies of philo-sophy from 1729-1732 and theology from 1738-1741. In the period between the stu-dies of philosophy and theology he lectured, as master of grammaticae et humanita-tis, in colleges of Rome and Fermo. In 1740 as the third year student of theology hestarted lecturing mathematics at the Collegium Romanum study of philosophy. Hetook his clerical vows and the oath of obedience to the pope in 1744. During his lifehe changed four posts: public professor of mathematics at the Collegium Romanumstudy of philosophy from 1740 up to 1760, together with absence from Rome due toresearch and diplomatic reasons; professor of mathematics on the revived Universityin Pavia from 1764 to 1789 under Austrian authority; professor of applied mathema-tics with optics and astronomy at the court colleges in Milan from 1770 to 1773;head-master of optics with the French Navy from 1774 up to 1782.

He undertook four voyages: a visit to Dubrovnik in 1747, geodetic and carto-graphic expedition from Rome to Rimini from 1750-1752, travels to Lucca andVienna from 1756-1758 due to hydro technical dispute between Lucca andTuscany and a study travel to European capitals from 1759 to 1763 when he visited

Vol. 7(1) 2008

ISSN 1331-7210


Ruðer Josip Boškoviæ – Towardthe 300th Anniversary of his Birth..............1

23rd Annual Assembly of the CroatianAcademy of Engineering............................3

Draft of the Law on Croatian Chamberof Engineers and Technology ....................3

The HATZ Awards for 2007 ......................4

Annual 2007 of the Croatian Academyof Engineering ...........................................6

Ethic in the Application and Developmentof Engineering Sciences ............................6

Engineering Education – the BolognaProcess – Three Years Later.....................7

Signing the Agreement betweenBelupo Inc. with HATZ ..............................8

Life award Zlatna kuna:Prof. Vilko 5iljak, Ph.D...............................9

Center for Graphical Engineering of theCroatian Academy of Engineering (CGI).....9

Center for Environmental Protectionand Development of SustainableTechnologies (CEZOR) ............................10

Biotechnical Center of the CroatianAcademy of Engineering (BC) .................10

Center for Development Studies andProjects (CEDEP) ....................................11

Report from the 17th CAETS MeetingHeld in Tokyo, Japan ..............................12

Environment and Sustainable GrowthA Statement by CAETS ...........................13

Department of Communication Systemof the HATZ ............................................15

CAETS Council Meeting...........................16

Euro-CASE’s activities .............................16

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Page 2: RuðerJosipBoškoviæ– Towardthe300th AnniversaryofhisBirth · 2014-12-19 · 1993 – 2008 15th Anniversary of the Croatian Academy of Engineering Croatian Academy of Engineering

Newton's Cambridge. Even afterthe pope's suppression of the Jesu-it order in 1773 he remained priestand accepted his friend's invitationto continue his scientific works inParis. In 1747 he accepted Frenchcitizenship so he could becomehigh official in the French Navy.Having obtained a leave, he leftParis in 1782 and spent three ye-ars in Bassano in supervision of

the preparations for printing of his 5 volume works Operapertinentia ad opticam et astronomiam.

Among all Croatian scientists Boškoviæ has excelled byhis unsurpassed work which has not only promoted thescience, but also changed the scientific picture of theworld. In natural philosophy, astronomy and optics Boš-koviæ has been very influential. In series of documents,from his dissertation De viribus vivis (1745) to the synthe-sis in his master piece Philosophiae naturalis theoria(1758), he established original theory of forces.

In the period between 1751 and 1782 he published a num-ber of hydro technical expertise for rivers, water works,fountains and marshes. Among static expertise the mostimportant ones are about fissures on the dome of St. Pe-ter's Basilica in Rome (1742-1743), damages of the buil-ding of the Imperial Library in Vienna (1763) and the sta-bility of the spire on the dome of Milan Cathedral (1764).

Between 1750 and 1785, in the time of manual manufactu-ring of instruments, he achieved remarkable success in con-struction and verification of optical, astronomic and geode-tic instruments. He invented circular micrometer, dealt withlens flaws and their elimination, as well as improvementsof optical devices. For determination of the fraction and di-spersion of light he constructed a device named vitrometer.He offered a kind of binoculars filled with water. He madeoptical prisms with adjustable angle (Boškoviæ prism).

Rather early he was occupied with the problems of theform and size of the Earth (About the Evidence of theAncient for the Spherical Form of the Earth – De veterumargumentis pro telluris sphaericitate, 1739; Dissertation onthe Form of the Earth – Dissertatio de telluris figura, 1739)and with the problems concerning Newton's gravitation the-ory (About Inequality of Gravity on Different Locations ofthe Earth – De inaequalitate gravitatis in diversis terrae lo-cis, 1741). In order to solve these problems he had to, alongwith theoretical research, make measurements of meridiandegrees at different locations of the Earth.

First incentive for geodetic measurements Boškoviæ owed tothe invitation of Portuguese king Joao V in 1750. With thepermission of the Jesuit general he applied for the departureto Brazil so he could take part in the demarcation of Spanishand Portuguese kingdoms provided that he would be allowedto measure one meridian degree. His intention was altered bycardinal Valenti, state secretary of the Holy See, who procu-red the appointment of pope Benedict XIV and Boškoviæhad to set for “an astronomical and geographic journey”along the Rome-Rimini meridian in the Papal States. For hiscompanion Boškoviæ chose Christofer Maire and spent twoacademic years (1750-1752) on the journey. In 1755 the re-sults were published in the scientific report De litteraria ex-

peditione per Pontificiam ditionem (About Scientific Rese-arch through the Papal States) in addition to which the firstmap of the Papal States, Nuova carta geografica dello StatoEcclesiastico, was issued on a separate folio, made by C.Maire according to joint data. Therefore, Boškoviæ can beconsidered as one of the precursors of Croatian cartography.In 1964/5 Borèiæ wrote in detail about terrain works whichpreceded the making of the map and its important elementssuch as adopted dimensions of the Earth's ellipsoid, map sca-le, cartographic projection, dimension of the folio, the purpo-se and content of the map, as well as its reproduction met-hod. Boškoviæ published main results of his geodetic measu-rements three more times: in 1757 in the abstract for the jo-urnal of the Academy of Bologna, in 1760 in the supplementof the Benedict Stay's poem and in 1770 in French transla-tion of his major geodetic work Voyage astronomique et ge-ographique, dans l’Etat de l’Eglise.

Furthermore, Boškoviæ announced the existence of tidalwaves of solid Earth crust. He was the first to define irregu-lar form of the Earth, later named the geoid (J. B. Listing,1873). He suspected that meridians were ellipses and con-firmed it by his measurements. He claimed that the form ofthe Earth is not only curved, but also adjustable in time,what was established only many years later.

Boškoviæ set up the theory of izostasy (1742, 1755, 1785),although the name of the theory derived from Americangeologist C. E. Dutton (1889). According to the theory theaccumulation of masses and existence of gaps in theEarth's crust have been compensated by corresponding di-stribution of masses in the interior of the Earth. Discoveryof the Mohorovièiæ discontinuity between the Earth's crustand the Earth's mantle in 1910was in accordance with the Boš-koviæ's ideas of izostasy.

Boškoviæ was the first in the hi-story of science who establishedthe method of measurement resultsadjustment having set up two con-ditions which later on P. S. Lapla-ce rendered in a mathematical formso that it was named after him asLaplace's method (more recentlyBoškoviæ-Laplace's method).

During his life Boškoviæ received numerous recognitions.For instance, he was full member of Scientiarum et ArtiumInstitutum atque Academia in Bologna (1746), associatemember of Académie des Sciences in Paris (1748), hono-rary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Pe-tersburg (1760) and full member of the Royal Society inLondon (1761). On September 16th, 1757 the Senate of theRepublic of Lucca pronounced him esquire due to his me-rits in the settlement of hydro technical disputes with Tu-scany. In the Roman circle of Croatian Latinists he was po-etic inspiration: Benedict Stay in the tenth volume of hispoem Recentioris philosophiae… dedicated 1,600 hexame-ters to the natural philosophy of Boškoviæ and RajmundKuniæ wrote an elegy and several epigrams in Boškoviæ'shonour. A crater on the Moon has been named in his hono-ur, and in Croatia respectable scientific Kalendar Boškoviæand Almanah Boškoviæ have been named after him, as wellas the most prominent Ruðer Boškoviæ Institute and renow-ned award in natural sciences Nagrada Ruðer Boškoviæ.

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Page 3: RuðerJosipBoškoviæ– Towardthe300th AnniversaryofhisBirth · 2014-12-19 · 1993 – 2008 15th Anniversary of the Croatian Academy of Engineering Croatian Academy of Engineering

23rd Annual Assembly of the Croatian Academy of Engineering

March 14, 2008

23rd Annual Assembly of the Croatian Academy of Engi-neering was held on Friday, March 14th, 2008 with thefollowing


1. Opening of the Assembly and Report of the Presidentabout the work of the HATZ in 2007

2. Adoption of the 22nd Assembly Protocol

3. Draft of the Law on Croatian Chamber of Engineersand Technologists

4. Edition of the Lexicographic Institute ‘MiroslavKrleNa’ – Technical Lexicon and its promotion

5. Performance of guitarist Mate Matišiæ and accordio-nist Marjan Krajna

6. Ceremony of the presentation of the HATZ Awards:

a) Award to the Young Scientist ‘Vera Johanides’

b) Annual Award ‘Rikard Podhorsky’

c) Life Achievement Award ‘The Power of Knowledge’

7. Election of new supporting members of the HATZand allocation of acknowledgements

8. Election of the members emeriti of the HATZ

9. Promotion of the Annual 2007 of the Croatian Aca-demy of Engineering

10. Promotion of the Colloquiumproceedings ‘Ethics in Appli-cation and Development ofEngineering Sciences’

11. Election of the HATZ Elec-tion Committee about toelect new Governing Boardfor the period from July 1st,2009 up to June 30th, 2013

12. Financial statement from2007 Balance Sheet and itsacceptance

13. Agenda and financial planof the HATZ for 2008

14. Closing of the Assembly.

Draft of the Law on Croatian Chamber of Engineers and Technology

more on “”


By the proposed Law, that corresponds to existing legisla-tive approach in other areas of economic activities, Croa-tian Chamber of Technologists and Engineers would beestablished in the fields of: agronomy, biochemical engi-neering, biotechnology, shipbuilding, electrical enginee-ring, geological engineering, geotechnical engineering,graphic technology, information and communications tec-hnologies, chemical engineering, mining, petroleum engi-neering, food processing technology, computing, mecha-nical engineering, textile technology, protection and pre-servation of environment and similar areas. The Chamberwould associate engineers and technologists who meetformal conditions (university graduate study), stipulatedservice (work) in profession, professional exam (when sti-pulated) and who perform or intend to perform most com-plex professional duties of their profession specified bythe Law. By their membership in the Chamber they wouldacquire the status of “licensed engineers” who can per-form most complex duties and tasks in the area in whichthey have been educated and in which they have beenworking: project making; drafting of professional docu-mentation, drawing up of studies, elaborations, plans, pro-

grams and expertise; revision of projects, professional do-cumentation, studies, elaborations, plans, programs andexpertise; conduct and performing of works: constructionand reconstruction of buildings, facilities and managementsystems; professional training; technical expertise; qualitytesting of: products, equipment, processes. As opposed toother laws, the proposed Law does not stipulate obligatorymembership to the Chamber. The members of the Cham-ber (engineers who meet conditions) are free to decidewhether they wish, by their membership in the Chamber,to acquire the status of licensed engineers and get the li-cense for their respective professional work.

The Law will also regulate other issues of importance tothe work of the Chamber, as well as the way of how toconvene and constitute the first session of the Assembly.Constitutional Assembly of the Chamber will be constitu-ted by votes of all engineers signed in the Register of Li-censed Engineers who will, in their professional gradesaccording to the areas of their activities, elect their repre-sentatives to the Assembly in the way to ensure the repre-sentation of the members of all professional grades in theAssembly of the Chamber.

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Ceremony of the presentation of the HATZ Awards

Speech of the Prof.Slobodan Uzelac, Ph.D.Vice Prime Minister forRegional Development,Reconstruction and


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The HATZ Awards for 2007

Life Award: ‘The Power of Knowledge’

Prof. Branka Zovko-Cihlar,Ph.D.(Full Member of the HATZ)

Prof. Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Ph.D. hasthe reputation of notable expert intheory and practice of radio commu-nications, especially in the segmentof television, multimedia communi-cations and noise in electronics theevidence of which are her numerouspublished works and textbooks cove-ring those fields.

From 1960 she has been working in education and, as new theo-ries and methods of measurement in electrical engineering havebeen developing, she has introduced them into the training. Shehas participated in the production development of electroniccomponents and television sets of Radioindustrija Zagreb (RIZ),and has also been the initiator and main production organizer ofcommunication devices in the factory UNIS-Telekomunikacije,Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on the license contractwith Swedish firm LM Ericsson.

Prof. Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Ph.D. was appointed the Chairladyof the Council for Radio and Television by the Croatian Parlia-ment in July 2000.

She has organized and managed almost 40 conferences andsymposia with the participation of several thousand experts andscientist from Croatia and abroad. She is active member (head ofscientific committees and consulting boards) of international ex-pert and scientific conferences ((KOREMA, IEEE, ELMAR,MIPRO, IWSSIP, EURASIP).

Having been the member of the Croatian Academy of Enginee-ring – the HATZ from 1993 when she took part in its founda-tion, she also became the head of Department for Communica-tion Systems. In 2004 she was elected vice-president of theHATZ.

Annual Award ‘Rikard Podhorsky’

Prof. Tomislav Filetin, Ph.D.(Full Member of the HATZ)

Prof. Tomislav Filetin, Ph.D. gradua-ted from the Faculty of MechanicalEngineering and Naval Architectureof the Zagreb University in 1973where he took his master's degree(1979) and his doctor's degree(1986).

As the author or co-author he has pu-blished 128 scientific and expertworks, made more than 70 tests andexpertise of materials for industry, and with his team he has deve-loped 18 databases about characteristics of materials and compu-ter programs for the choice of materials and defining of parame-ters in processes. He has been the head of 7 scientific projects and2 technological projects, as well as associate in 8 projects of theMinistry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Cro-atia. As a co-author he has one recognized consensual patent.

He was awarded by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts(HAZU) for best scientific achievement in the Republic of Croa-tia in the field of technical sciences (2001) and he also got theFran BošnjakoviæAward by the Zagreb University (2003).

He was vice-president of the HATZ from 2000 up to 2005. From2004 he has been collaborating member of HAZU.

Prof. Bernard Frankoviæ, Ph.D.(Full Member of the HATZ)

Bernard Frankoviæ, Ph.D. is a fullprofessor at the Technical Faculty ofthe University of Rijeka for the cour-ses Science on Heat I, Science onHeat II and Thermodynamics ofAlloys at the Graduate Study of Me-chanical Engineering and NavalArchitecture, Basics of Science onHeat and Energy and Energy Proces-ses at the Graduate Study of Electri-cal Engineering, as well as for Chosen Chapters of the Scienceon Heat, Thermodynamic Analysis of Processes and Transfer ofHeat and Matter at the Postgraduate Scientific Study of Mecha-nical Engineering, Module of Thermo Energy.

His scientific and professional activities have been incorporatedin 100 scientific works, his doctor's and master's theses, contri-butions in various books and publications, as well as in 115 si-gnificant expert works (16 of them have been published togetherwith 20 studies, 25 works of laboratory testing and measure-ments and 65 valuable projects worked out in detail from the le-vel of the idea itself to preliminary designs, main projects andfeasibility studies) out of which most have been implemented.

Associate ProfessorIvan Petroviæ, Ph.D.(Collaborating Member of theHATZ)

Associate Professor Ivan Petroviæ,Ph.D. graduated with excellence in1983 from the Faculty of ElectricalEngineering and Computing of theZagreb University, Department ofElectric Machines, Drives and Auto-mation with the thesis Numerical Cal-culation of Inductivity of the ReluctantMotor's Coil under mentorship of Prof. Zijad Haznadar, Ph.D.

He is the author or co-author of 20 scientific works published inscientific publications and of 108 scientific works published inconference proceedings of international scientific conferences,as well as of 26 reviewed surveys and studies.

Associate ProfessorDarko Ujeviæ, Ph.D.(Collaborating Member of theHATZ)

Associate Professor Darko Ujeviæ,Ph.D. is a notable scientist and expertin textile technology. He has acqui-red his knowledge and experienceover many years in the plant “Pionir-ka” and afterwards in “Trimont d.d.

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Imotski” as technical director and later on as vice-president ofManaging Board for Development and Technical Affairs.

Particularly remarkable is his work on complex technologicalproject of research and development (STRIP) Croatian Anthro-pometric System (HAS) due to which he has been nominated forthis award. He has been the main researcher of the project whohas gathered 30 collaborators from several faculties and threeCroatian universities from the field of textile technology, medi-cine, pediatrics, anthropology, statistics and mathematics.

Prof. Stanka Zrnèeviæ, Ph.D.(Associate Member of the HATZ)

Scientific activity of Prof. StankaZrnèeviæ, Ph.D. is attached to catal-ytic reaction engineering. Particularlyremarkable is her contribution to theapplication of chemical engineeringmethodology in the development ofcatalytic processes by which noxioussubstances from industrial waste ga-ses and waters are removed. She haspublished over sixty scientific andprofessional works in local and foreign publications and takenpart at numerous scientific conferences at home and abroad. Shehas also been the head and associate of many scientific projects,and the co-author of several preliminary designs made for in-dustry. She is closely collaborating with several groups of scien-tist working at development institutes of our largest industries(INA, PLIVA) on the development and application of catalysts.

She has devoted all her pedagogic activities to the transfer of know-ledge and education of young experts. Special emphasis should beput to her book “Catalysis and Catalysts” the structure of which pre-sents her long-standing pedagogic and scientific work through clearand simple sentences, as well as competent explanations of both ba-sic scientific knowledge and issues deriving from practice.

Award to the Young Scientist ‘Vera Johanides’

Jurislav Babiæ, Ph.D.

Jurislav Babiæ was born on March14, 1978 in Gradaèac, Bosnia andHerzegovina. After having finishedprimary school and secondary schoolof technology, in 1977 he entered thestudy of food technology with theFaculty of Food Technology of the J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijekwhere he graduated from in 2002 asthe first of his generation.

He has published 15 scientific works out of which 4 in the journalindexed in tertiary publications (a1), 3 in secondary (a2) and 8 ofhis scientific works have been published in conference procee-dings of international scientific conferences (a3). He has takenpart in 12 international and 3 homeland scientific conferences.

Mato Baotiæ, Ph.D.

Mato Baotiæ was born on December23, 1973 in Brèko, Bosnia and Herze-govina. In 1992 he finished secondaryschool specializing for mechanicaltechnician in Orašje, Bosnia and Her-zegovina. In 1997 he graduated fromthe Faculty of Electrical Engineeringand Computing of the Zagreb Univer-sity, division of Automatics, with em-phasis on scientific research.

He has published 12 scientific works in international publica-tions (out of which 7 works in prestigious CC publications and 3works – published as chapters of a book – in SCI publications),as well as 18 works on international congresses. On October 28,2007 according to the SCI database he was quoted 46 times (ex-cluding his own quotations): 36 quotations of his works were pu-blished in CC/SCI publications and 10 quotations of his workswere delivered at the conferences.

Iva Reziæ, Ph.D.

Iva Reziæ was born on December 15,1973 in Zagreb where she finishedSecondary Musical School “PavaoMarkovac” and in 1992 XVI HighSchool for Languages.

In 2007 she finished her postgraduatedoctoral study Engineering Che-mistry at the Faculty of ChemicalEngineering and Technology withher thesis “Application of ICP-OES:determination of heavy metals in tex-tile extracts after applying ultrasonic and microwave techniques”under the mentorship of Ilse Steffan, Ph.D. from the Institute forAnalytic Chemistry, the Faculty of Chemistry of the ViennaUniversity, Austria.

Anita Tarbuk, M.Sc.

Anita Tarbuk was born on July 19,1975 in Bjelovar where she finishedprimary and secondary schools. In2001 she graduated from the Facultyof Textile Technology of the ZagrebUniversity with her thesis “SorptionQualities of Medullar Wool” under thementorship of Prof. M. Andrassy, Ph.D.

She has participated in 33 internatio-nal scientific conferences with 43scientific works out of which 31 havebeen fully published. 22 works have been presented orally. At 5local scientific conferences 7 scientific works have been orallypresented out of which one has been fully published. Publishedworks are the result of research made within a two months' scho-larship for young scientists Arge Alps-Adria, Büro für Interna-tionale Beziehungen Karl-Franzens-Universität (KFU), Graz.

Darko Vasiæ, M.Sc.

Darko Vasiæ was born on February19, 1978 in Zenica, Bosnia and Her-zegovina where he finished primaryschool. He finished secondary schoolin Zagreb. He was a member of theCroatian national team at the 28thInternational Olympic Games inPhysics in Sudbury, Canada in 1997.

As the author and co-author of fiveworks he has published the results ofhis research in CC/SCI publications,as well as 19 works at scientific conferences. 5 works of his havebeen quoted in the ISI Web of Knowledge database and 4 workshe has been the author or co-author of in SCOPUS. He is standingreviewer of the publication IEEE Transactions on Instrumentationand Measurement. He is the member of following associations:Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), CroatianSociety for Medical and Biological Technology, International Fe-deration for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) andSociety of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).

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Annual 2007 of the Croatian Academy of EngineeringISSN: 1332-3482

The Annual 2007 is divi-ded in three units.

The first unit comprise si-gnificantly elaborated ver-sions of the papers submit-ted at the conference“Engineering Education –the Bologna Process – 3years later”. Thus in theintroduction we have thepapers of Dragan Primo-rac, the Minister of Scien-ce, Education and Sports,Aleksa Bjeliš, the Rectorof the Zagreb University,

4 papers of eminent scientists from abroad who have beenmonitoring the implementation of the Bologna Processinto higher education in Europe for years, as well as twopapers about the expectations of our economy from theBologna Process. There follow 12 papers of deans or pro-vosts of most prominent Croatian faculties in the field oftechnical sciences with their views on good and badaspects, advantages and problems in the educational pro-cess modified according to the Bologna guidelines. In theaddendum there are 9 PPT presentations of the authorswho have not sent their papers on time, but the editorialboard has considered their PPT presentations worth publi-

shing. The first unit gives a very interesting and compe-tent review of the issues and impact the Bologna Processhas made on the educational process in Croatia.

The project of changes in educational process accordingto the Bologna guidelines is one of the most importantprojects in the Republic of Croatia from its establishing. Itis the question of education of our youth, namely the bestwe, as a small country, have. In their hands lies the futureof our country. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that thepapers in the Annual are a small, but first serious contri-bution to the evaluation of present success, future pro-blems and possible improvements in the application andchanges of the educational process according to the Bolo-gna guidelines in technical and biotechnical field. It is re-commended to everyone involved in higher education inthe field of technical sciences and other areas to read thispart of the Annual 2007.

The second unit deals with international acknowledge-ments to the members of the HATZ and some details abo-ut our international cooperation. Special attention shouldbe paid to the review of development strategy of CAETSand to the conclusions of CAETS about environment andsustainable growth.

The third unit presents the updated list of the members ofthe HATZ – “Who is Who”.

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Ethic in the Application and Development of Engineering SciencesISBN: 978-953-7076-14-06

Colloquium proceedings"Ethics in Application andDevelopment of Enginee-ring Sciences" represent aselection of previously re-viewed papers from thecolloquium held on June3, 2005 in the Hall of theFaculty of Food Techno-logy and Biotechnology ofthe University of Zagreb.Foreword from theUNESCO web page givesthe best description aboutthe importance and signi-ficance of the colloquium

proceedings topic. As early as in 1998 UNESCO beganthe programme of "Ethics in Science and Technology",which was being extended these days to the boundaries ofspace technology and nanotechnology. Colloquium proce-

edings include nine papers in Croatian and in Englishfrom different fields of technical sciences, as well as phi-losophic reflections about the impact of applied techno-logy and biotechnology on the economy.

Those issues are of special interest and even more atten-tion should be paid to them in the years to come. By itsgeographical and economic definitions Croatia belongs tothe surroundings in which transfer of technologies frommore developed centers takes place, hence social structureof inhabitants and influence of multinational companiescall for additional concern of the society as to new inve-stments and unemployment issues. These colloquium pro-ceedings in Croatian and English are going to inform thepublic both at home and abroad about the way the Croa-tian Academy of Engineering, besides its regular program-mes of scientific research, development of new technolo-gies and lifelong education, also takes care about ethicsoriented to the welfare of humanity, being such an impor-tant global issue these days.

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Engineering Education – the Bologna Process – Three Years Later

The year 2007 will be re-membered as the year inwhich we initiated andsucceeded in returning thetitle of an engineer intoour higher educationsystem. Not for our sake,as we have our titles andnobody has deprived us ofthem, but for the sake ofthe future generations whoare going to meet theircolleagues all over theworld. The task of ourAcademy is not and willnever be to watch its own

narrow interest or the interest of its members, but to advo-cate knowledge, creativity and competence in order toprove that in proportion to the size of our country, we arenot only equal, but even better than many European coun-tries. If we take a look at huge programmes of the Europe-an Union which has a special platform dedicated to “Engi-neering Education”, if the United States of America anno-unce their programme “Engineering Education until2020”, then the efforts we made in the past were not use-less. Without regaining the title of an engineer we couldnot start our international conference “Engineering Educa-tion – the Bologna Process – Three Years Later” which,under the high patronage of the President of the Republicof Croatia, Stjepan Mesiæ, and in attendance of expertsfrom abroad together with our scientists and leading ma-nagers, established where we were, how we had preparedourselves for the second part of the Bologna Process ahe-ad of us and primarily, how we had prepared our studentsto understand the difference between the former and thenew system of higher education. It should be mentionedthat engineering education for the production of the 21stcentury is essentially different from the one we have to-day, since rapid development of technology will lead tounthinkable changes in the implementation of scientific

achievements. Our Aca-demy, rather than theother parts of the so-ciety, should not onlykeep pace with, but bean active partner tothousands of scientistsand experts through-out the world gatheredaround CAETS andEuroCASE.

All presentations, lec-tures and discussionsare recorded with thehelp of CARNET andavailable on


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Members of “Platform for Engineering Education” EuroCASEfrom left to right: Prof. Reiner Kopp, Ph.D. – Germany,

Prof. Janos Ginsztler, Ph.D. – Hungary,Prof. Kurt Richter, Ph.D. – Austria

Guests of the University of Zagrebfrom left to right: Prof. Vedran Mornar, Ph.D. – dean of FER

Prof. Melita Kovaèeviæ, Ph.D. – Vice-rector for Scienceand Technology of the University of Zagreb

Prof. Bojan Baletiæ, Ph.D. – Vice-rector for Developmentand Spatial Planning of the University of Zagreb

Prof. Tonko Æurko, Ph.D. – Vice-rector for Financingof the University of Zagreb

Prof. Melita Kovaèeviæ, Ph.D., Vice-rector for Scienceand Technology of the University of Zagreb

Prof. Zlatko Kniewald, Ph.D.,President of HATZ

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Signing the Agreement betweenBelupo Inc. with HATZ

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Agreement Belupo Inc. with HATZ

Agreement signed Member of Board Belupo Inc. BrankaPerkoviæ and President of HATZ Prof. Zlatko Kniewald, Ph.D.

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Life award Zlatna kuna: Prof. Vilko <iljak, Ph.D.

Vilko Uiljak is a full pro-fessor with permanent titlein the field of graphic tec-hnology. He is a regularmember of the CroatianAcademy of Engineering.In 2008 he was awardedthe life achievement awardZlatna kuna (Gold Marten).The award was handed overby Luka Bebiæ, Presidentof the Croatian Parlia-ment. The award is givenby the Croatian Chamber

of Commerce and this year to professor Uiljak “for excep-tional contribution to the graphic industry development”.

Vilko Uiljak has a very fruitful cooperation in the field ofbusiness and with government institutions on which hehas based his research and development achievements. Hehas introduced new digitalization methods into the graphicindustry in all segments: prepress, press and post press.

Software has been introduced in printing plants for pro-duction managing and planning he has developed with hisclosest collaborators. Significant projects are the follo-wing ones: digitalization of the state topographic maps,documents and securities graphics, design of Croatian ori-ginal money – the Kuna.

He was born in Sveti Ivan Zelina in 1946. He got his doc-tor's degree in 1981 with the Faculty of Electrical Engine-ering in Zagreb and acquired the title “doctor of technicalsciences in the field of computer sciences”. Vilko Uiljak isHead of the Department for Typography and ComputerTechnique with the Faculty of Graphic Arts. With sixpostgraduate and many pre-graduate studies he has intro-duced subjects linked with modeling and simulation, grap-hics technology, informatics and visual research with thehelp of computers. Twenty two scientists have receivedtheir master's or doctor's degrees with various colleges un-der his mentorship. In his biography ( thereis a list of more than 400 titles: books, scientific and ex-pert works, cooperation in the field of economics, educa-tional films and projects with MZOS.

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Prof. Vilko Biljak, Ph.D.

Center for Graphical Engineering of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (CGI)

Conference “Printing 08”

The Conference entitledPrinting 08 held from Ja-nuary 31 to February 2,2008 at Stubièke Toplice,was organized by the Cen-ter for Graphical Enginee-ring of the Croatian Aca-demy of Engineering. Theevent was under the patro-nage of our two biggestpublishing and graphic or-ganizations, as well as TheSchool of Graphics Arts,Polytechnics of Rijeka andZagreb, The Osijek Gra-phic Engineers Society.

Scientists from Austria, Slovenia, Greece and Croatiapresented their papers at the conference. Among thosein the audience there were professors from Bosnia andHerzegovina, Germany and Spain. Many graphics en-gineers were interested in the opinion of experts on thesituation and development of the printing business tech-nology, innovations, and production automation. Theorganizing committee consisted of 22 top experts andthe scientific committee consisted of 38 professorsfrom Croatia and abroad. Papers were read on the achie-

vements of the scientific program “Digital Systems in thePrinting Business” and its projects with the Ministry ofScience, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.A special section presented the results of research workbased on the master's and doctoral theses from the previo-us year.

The papers have been printed in a book (ISBN978-953-7064-08-2, CIP 657497 NSK) under the same titleand can be found at the following web address: Lectures gi-ven by Suarez Prada, Ph.D., Werner Sobotka, Ph.D., MarioPlenkovic, Ph.D. and Klaudio Pap, Ph.D. have initiatedmany issues during the Conference and afterwards as wellduring the supper that has lasted well until morning hoursof the following day. The leading persons from Vjesnik,Zrinjski Printing Works, Slobodna Dalmacija, Istragrafika,Narodne novine, Grin (Gracanica, Bosnia and Herzegovi-na) made an effort to bring into coordination their viewpo-ints on investing and modernizing their plants together withthe experts present there. The day following the Conferenceturned into a working day as well: there were many que-stions, negotiations, planning of expert visits. New topicshave been opened that are going to determine the Conferen-ce issues next year. We are expecting guests from other co-untries that have already announced their arrival and parti-cipation, especially in working groups with set goals.

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Center for Environmental Protection and Development of Sustainable Technologies (CEZOR)

Conference “Water Treatment Technologies”

Zadar, October 21–24, 2007

From October 21st–24th, 2007scientific and professional con-ference Water Treatment Tec-hnologies was held in Zadar,under organization of the Cen-ter for Environmental Protec-tion and Development of Susta-inable Technologies of the Cro-atian Academy of Engineering.

Conference was attended by 80participants out of 100 registe-red ones. Bad weather was the

cause why a part of potential participants was absent.

Mrs. RuNica Drmiæ, Secretary in the Ministry of Agricul-ture, Forestry and Water Management was present at theopening ceremony.

Scientists, professionals and other university staff, peoplefrom business and other fields connected with water ma-nagement gathered on the conference.

The conference was organized through invited lectures ofprominent scientists and oral presentations. Presentationswere mostly dealing with problems and solutions in watertreatment technologies. Invited lecturers were Prof. Her-

mann H. Hahn, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Civil Enginee-ring of the Kalsruhe University, Germany and Prof. IvanMijatoviæ from the Faculty of Food Technology and Bio-technology of the Zagreb University. Presentations of re-spectable invited scientists and other scientists and profes-sionals from Croatia were very well attended. The confe-rence topics, quality and organization were highly markedby participants, lecturers and guests.

Two announcements were published (first and second), aswell as proceedings with 21 published papers and a CD.Special website was prepared which enabled direct registra-tion of participants. Several manufacturers and utility firmsfrom the field of environmental protection were presented.

Visits to the water abstraction on the river Zrmanja, a partof Zadar water supply facility, the factory of bottledspring water CEDAR in Krupa and wastewater treatmentplant Zadar were organized.

The conference was covered by media on local radio stations.

Such gatherings are greatly contributing to the promotionof scientific achievements thus enabling dialogue betweenscientists and professionals. Therefore, it is the wish of theorganizer to continue with the organization of such eventsin our country.

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Biotechnical Center of the Croatian Academy of Engineering

In collaboration with the Centerfor Lifelong Education of theHATZ, from February 11-22,2008 the Biotechnical Center or-ganized and held a workshop forthe employees of Belupo d.d. en-titled “Biotechnology and itsApplication in PharmaceuticalIndustry” (BPF 08). Before itsstart the workshop attendees (se-ven employees of Belupo d.d.) re-ceived the abstracts of lectures,

exercises and seminars which helped them prepare theirfinal exams. At the end of the workshop, workshop leader,Prof. Zlatko Kniewald, Ph.D., and Research and Develop-ment manager at Belupo d.d., Tatjana Šešok, M.Pharm.,have evaluated the results of exams and assessed that allattendees have successfully finished the workshop and re-ceived relevant acknowledgements.

Attendees expressed their opinion about the workshop intheir monthly “Glasilo BELUPO” No. 114, pages 15-16,of February 2008.

It has been only one in row of examples of the HATZ ac-tivities related to the programme of lifelong education forwhich there is an outstanding interest of our economy. Workshop Certificate

All attendants have successfully finished the Workshop

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Center for Development Studies and Projects (CEDEP)

Light or Darkness – about Energy beyond EmotionsISBN 978-953-95472-2-4

Information about the Expert Meeting held on January 18, 2008 at the “House of the HATZ”

Center for DevelopmentStudies and Projects –CEDEP of the CroatianAcademy of Engineering la-unched the project Light orDarkness – about Energybeyond Emotions in 2007with aspiration to contributeto the realization of Croa-tian scientific and technolo-gical policies. Namely, inthe document promoting thepolicies scientists are invi-ted to become actively in-

volved and contribute to its realization, as well as manu-facturing companies to reconsider their activities and de-velopment projects and adapt them to the scientific andtechnological policies.

The project has started by the publication of the book byAlfredo Viškoviæ, Ph.D. Light or Darkness – about Energybeyond Emotions which has, owing to the collaborationwith business weekly Lider, been printed in 10,000 copies.We have also marked the event by The First Expert Mee-ting: Croatian Energy Platforms and the EU.

According to the model of European Technology Plat-forms reflections upon Croatian energy platforms havebeen solicited in discussions about how to take advantageof the synergy of the HATZ in order to prudently connect,within its framework, fragmented Croatian production,professional and scientific potentials and meet the condi-tions for a modern working partnership with the EU.

The meeting was opened by the head of the CEDEP –HATZ project, Prof. Juraj BoNièeviæ, Ph.D., HATZ, andAssist. Prof. Alfredo Viškoviæ, Ph.D., HEP. Thereafter Prof.Ueljko Tomšiæ, Ph.D., Assistant Minister of Economy forEnergy and Mining talked about new Croatian energy policyand invited the participants to contribute to its realization.

The attendants were then greeted by the president of theHATZ, Prof. Zlatko Kniewald, Ph.D., who pointed outthat the issue of energy would be one of the special priori-ties in the programme of the next decade.

After the introduction the first speaker was Assist. Prof.Alfredo Viškoviæ, Ph.D., who emphasized that considerationabout Croatian energy projects and their participation in Eu-ropean Energy Platforms were integral part of the HEP Gro-up objectives the intention of which was to contribute to therealization of the Lisbon Strategy in Croatia as well.

Prof. Juraj BoNièeviæ, Ph.D., HATZ, presented latest objecti-ves of European Energy Policy and the concept of EuropeanTechnology Platforms as particularly important support to thepromotion of the Lisbon Strategy. He pointed out to the bene-

fits of the transfer and implementation of European expe-riences in Croatia that should be done as soon as possible.

Those messages were also rendered by lecturers who spo-ke about their own experiences and efforts to launch pro-jects in Croatia which would enable better approach toEuropean Technology Platforms and a modern partnershipof Croatia and the EU.

Prof. Davor Škrlec, Ph.D., FER, presented first steps of thecollaboration in the field of intelligent distribution networks.

Marijan Andrašec, Ph.D., ECOOLEUM, rendered the re-sults of several years of work on the project Ecology andEnergy in the Raša Valley and presented the correlation ofthat complex project with European Technology Platforms.

Prof. Bruno Saftiæ, Ph.D., RGN, described his efforts toestablish collaboration with European Technology Plat-forms through the research and development of demon-stration projects for the implementation of seizing and ge-ological storing of CO2 emitted by thermal power plants.Those initial steps and project development are particu-larly important contributions to the preparations for fulfil-ling obligations Croatia has taken over by the ratificationof the Kyoto Protocol.

Closing discussion emphasized the usefulness of the mee-ting and initiatives for urgent setup of work groups forCroatian mirror platforms for wind energy, intelligent di-stribution networks, CO2 storage and for bio fuels.

Prof. Vladimir Koroman, Ph.D., head of Brodarski insti-tut, has expressed the readiness of the Institute to join pro-jects and to define further activities on the soon to be heldsecond expert meeting.

Prof. Stjepan Car, Ph.D., President of the Board of Elek-trotehnièki institut Konèar, pointed out to the importancethat wider professional public and media should be acqua-inted with the messages of the project and especially withthe promotion of a positive climate for industrial develop-ment and consolidation. Furthermore, he has stressed thatdomestic electrical industry (joint-stock companies withproduction and services in Croatia) is successful exportingover 50% and importing a little, and that, through taxes, itsubsidizes the others (agriculture, shipbuilding, textile in-dustry…). Moreover, energy sector has become a lever fordealing with social issues and thus less potent for inve-stments. Hence in the energy sector lays a huge potentialfor economic development! Mr. BoNo Milkoviæ, managerof TIBO-3. MAJ, Rijeka has supported him in this matterand pointed out to the production capabilities of his firm.

Nikola Bruketa, engineer from Ekonerg emphasized theimportance and usefulness of the meeting and suggestedrecent resumption of the discussion and specification ofthe project.

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Prof. Danilo Feretiæ, Ph.D., FER, has advocated for a moreprofound and complex reconsideration of Croatian energy po-licy, since reflections about renewable sources without consi-deration of the whole are but partially useful and effective.

Tonæi Panza, engineer in Adria Wind Power, has infor-med the attendants that the firm Adria Wind Power d.o.o.has been involved in the SEEWIND project (research anddemonstration project) set up to explore specific windsdominant in the coastal and mountain parts of the So-uth-East Europe, as well as the influence of orography tothe accuracy of wind potential measurements for existingmodels (such as WAASP etc.). It is an example of thepossible participation in research and new technologieswithin the EU projects which should be announced in or-der to encourage our institutions and firms to take part,and to respectively propose interesting projects to be fi-nanced and applied. Total granted funds for the projectamount to 3.6 million Euros.

Marijan Andrašec, Ph.D., ECOOLEUM, has summarizedin the end possible messages of the meeting. Conclusionsare as follows:

1. The project Light or Darkness – about Energy beyondEmotions is an important support in reflection and un-derstanding of modern EU energy policy and basiccontribution to the communication and partnershipwith the EU.

2. At the next expert meeting, according to the analogywith European Technology Platforms, it is necessaryto propose Croatian mirror platforms and compatibleprojects.

3. It is necessary to invite economists and financial ex-perts to the meeting in order to be joined to work gro-ups.

4. The public and media have to be informed about theproject and the expert meeting and the informationabout the meeting put on the web pages of the HATZ(

5. It is necessary to inform the Government of the Repu-blic of Croatia, responsible ministries, scientific insti-tutions and universities, as well as industry about theproject.

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Report from the 17th CAETS Meeting Held in Tokyo, Japan

from October 23-26, 2007

17th meeting of CAETS (International Council of Acade-mies of Engineering and Technical Sciences) was held inTokyo from October 23-26, 2007 together with the simul-taneous symposium “Environment and SustainableGrowth” to which Prof. Zlatko Kniewald, Ph.D., presidentof the HATZ, was invited as commentator and presentedthe paper “Participation of Croatia as a West Balkan Co-

untry in EuropeanScenarios aboutEnergy and Green-house Gas Emis-sions”, the authorsof which were Zlat-ko Kniewald, GoranGraniæ and JasnaKniewald. Besidesits president, dele-gation of the HATZconsisted of Prof.Jasna Kniewald,Ph.D., president ofthe Committee forInternational Co-operation and Prof. Ivica VeNa, Ph.D., secretary of the De-partment for Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architec-ture of the HATZ who was in Japan at the time.

Following conclusions were adopted at the annual CAETSCouncil Meeting held on October 26th, 2007:

1. Changes of CAETS Bylaws have been accepted so thatthe members of the Board of Directors have a two yearmandate, the president of CAETS is elected each year andannual meetings of CAETS are to be held in the county ofthe president.

Croatian dele-gation on theCAETS meeting

Speech of the Prof. Zlatko Kniewald,Ph.D., President of the HATZ

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2. Schedule of the countries from which future presidentsare coming has been presented according to which Croatiais set for the year 2021.

3. President of CAETS for 2008 is Gerard van Oortmer-ssen from the Netherlands, CAETS Council Meeting willbe held on June 27, 2008 in u Delft, and the members ofCAETS are invited to register their members interested inthe symposium “Delta Technology” to be held before themeeting from June 25-26, 2008 in Delft.

4. John Leggat from Canada has been nominated forCAETS president in 2009 so the 18th Convocation andCouncil Meeting is to be held in July 2009 in Calgary.

5. Within the report about the acceptance of new membersin CAETS, it has also been suggested to CAETS membersto support Academies of Engineering in neighbouring co-untries which have potentials to become new members ofCAETS in the future.

6. Bulgarian Academy of Engineering (the representativeof which has been present at the meeting) has shown inte-

rest in joining CAETS and New Zealand has shown inte-rest in founding the Academy of Engineering. After theacceptance of the Croatian Academy of Engineering intoCAETS membership in 2000, only German Academy ofEngineering was also accepted.

8. Upon the recommendation of the HATZ delegation itwas unanimously accepted that CAETS would be one ofthe sponsors of international scientific conference “Engine-ering Education – the Bologna Process – 3 Years Later”which was to be held in Zagreb from November 8-10, 2007in the organization of the Croatian Academy of Enginee-ring, the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of theRepublic of Croatia and the University of Zagreb.

9. “CAETS Statement on Environment and SustainableGrowth” which has been prepared in the form of mainconclusions of the symposium “Environment and Sustai-nable Growth” has been accepted at the 17th Meeting. Thedocument is available on the web pages of CAETS andHATZ. Considerable progress has been made in that areaand special emphasize has been put to the contribution ofall CAETS members in the future.

10. Australian Academy of Technological Sciences andEngineering has put forward the project “Accelerating theTechnological Response to Climate Change” and invitedall CAETS members to join it, while relevant informationare to be sent by e-mail. HATZ has received the invitationand accepted its participation in the mentioned project.

11. Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences hasannounced the project “Strategies for Highly EfficientConversion and Reuse of Matter and/or Energy”, and invi-tations for participation are to be sent to all members ofCAETS.

Environment and Sustainable

A Statement by CAETS, International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Inc.Tokyo, Japan, October 23-26, 2007

At the 17th CAETS Convocation held in Tokyo on 23-26October 2007, a wide range of global energy and environ-mental issues was reviewed and discussed by more than230 CAETS academy representatives and specialists. Thestate-of-the-art of various technologies for improvingenergy efficiency, energy production with reduced carbondioxide (CO2) emissions, carbon-free electricity genera-tion; including nuclear power, and carbon dioxide captureand storage (CCS) was reviewed and discussed. The Con-vocation also considered water resources and pollution,control of noise pollution, recycling of materials and elec-tronic devices, global environment monitoring systemsand various strategies and measures for realizing sustaina-ble growth. It recognized the need for urgent internationaland national development and implementation of countermeasures for foreseeable local and global energy and en-vironmental challenges.

The Convocation participants noted that much progresshas been made in controlling air, water and other environ-mental pollution in developed countries, but that air pollu-tion remains a serious problem, especially in rapidly deve-loping countries, that millions of the planet's inhabitantsstill lack clean drinking water and sanitation and that envi-ronmental noise is a constraining factor for sustainabledevelopment.

The Convocation focused particularly on the impacts ofincreasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphe-re resulting from human activities as the world economygrows. Greenhouse gas emissions in the newly industria-lizing countries are increasing rapidly to rival those of thehighly developed countries. As reported by the Intergo-vernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), most of theobserved global warming since the mid-20th century isvery likely due to human-produced emission of green-

Participation of Croatian delegate Prof. Jasna Kniewald, Ph.D.on the CAETS Board Meeting

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house gases and this warming will continue unabated ifpresent anthropogenic emissions continue or, worse, ex-pand without control.

The Convocation participants agreed that the adverse im-pact of global warming could be dramatic in the mediumto long term future. The Japan Earth Simulator and otherglobal earth system modeling centers are making manysobering predictions of the likely impacts as CO2 concen-tration, global mean temperatures and sea levels continueto rise. CAETS, therefore, endorses the many recent callsto decrease and control greenhouse gas emissions to anacceptable level as quickly as possible. The Council reco-gnized that it is the responsibility of the academies of en-gineering and technological sciences worldwide to alerttheir governments and citizens to the dangers posed byunbridled damage of the natural environment and futureshortages or depletion of natural resources for fossil fuel;to work actively to apply existing solutions; and to fosternew and improved technology as part of the global effortto avert dangerous human interference with the climatesystem.

In light of the Convocation deliberations and in order torealize sustainable growth and enhance the quality of lifewhile reducing the use of fossil fuels for energy and curta-iling greenhouse gas emissions, CAETS recommends thatthe following measures be urgently addressed throughwell planned implementation programs and research anddevelopment, including partnerships between gover-nments and international organizations experienced withthe relevant environmental issues.

1. Energy saving technologies must be greatly improvedand disseminated as quickly as possible among both deve-loped and emerging countries. Key initiatives consideredmost promising in the short term (in the next two decadesor so) include the improvement of the efficiency of elec-tric power generation and transmission and energy storageby batteries, effective use of heat pumps, advancement ofthe efficiency of internal combustion, electric and hybridvehicles, improved energy-efficiency in commercial buil-dings and residences, and utilization of Light EmittingDiode (LED) technology for illumination.

2. The opportunities provided by information, communi-cation and control technologies for reducing energy con-sumption, for example, by reducing the need for traveland through development of optimized logistics and smartpower systems, should be exploited aggressively, alongwith efforts to reduce energy consumption in ICT devicesand systems themselves.

3. Development of renewable and alternative energysources must be promoted and their application shouldbe encouraged. Breakthroughs in the technologies forhydro-electric, nuclear, solar, wind, biomass and geother-mal energies, and high voltage DC power transmission incombination with high frequency power conversion sho-uld be explored for near to medium term exploitation; the-ir appropriate use should be considered in light of the si-tuation of each region. Development of innovative techno-logies for remote exploration and enhanced extraction ofoil, gas and mineral resources from the oceans must beencouraged.

4. Studies must proceed to determine under what circum-stances technologies for the capture and storage of carbondioxide are feasible and cost effective. Other proposals toreduce emissions should be also encouraged and their ef-fectiveness evaluated. Since, for some time to come, theuse of fossil fuels will inevitably play a key role in econo-mic growth to meet the needs of expanding populationsfor an acceptable quality of life, immediate attention todevelopment of more effective (cleaner) and efficient useof coal and oil is essential .

5. The increased use of the nuclear power generation as anenergy source must be addressed as a key issue for sustai-nable growth. CAETS recommends the promotion of stu-dies on new generation reactors in the short and mediumterm and fusion research for the long term. Research toenhance safety measures, waste handling, economical per-formance and obstacles to non-proliferation are necessaryfor conventional reactors and associated fuel cycle facili-ties.

6. Other promising technologies warranting priority formedium to long term development, including hydrogenproduction, transport and storage and application of fuelcells for vehicles should be explored. The discovery andenvironmentally sound management of gas hydratesshould also be promoted.

7. Together with advances of the new technologies refe-renced above and the more effective and efficient use oftraditional energy sources, the modification of social in-frastructures, consistent with the conditions of each eco-nomy, must also be seriously considered. For example,development of well organized public transportationsystems should be investigated and implemented as appro-priate to offer an alternative to the expansion of auto-mobile fleets.

8. Nations should work together to ensure developmentand sustained operation of the Global Climate ObservingSystem (GCOS) and the Global Earth Observation Systemof Systems (GEOSS) to provide the data and informationneeded to support global, national and regional strategiesfor sustainable development, including, for example, eva-luating the total emissions of greenhouse gases andenabling more reliable projections of climate change.

9. Governments of all the countries should work towards anew post-Kyoto climate change framework, codifying theurgent and concerted actions needed to suppress the emis-sion of greenhouse gases.

CAETS members are well prepared for presenting objecti-ve data to facilitate the debate on these issues by gover-nments and national communities. By engaging their na-tional leaders, CAETS academies will encourage increa-sed investment in research and development on energy,and promote polices to encourage avoidance and mitiga-tion of environmental pollution and global warming.Through their leadership in the technological sciences andengineering, the CAETS academies will continue to con-tribute to the goals of sustainable development worldwide.Engineers and technologists must work together for thebenefit of humankind and promote wise utilization of thegifts of nature as represented by the Chinese character forengineering,

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Department of Communication System of the HATZ


49th International Symposium ELMAR-2007

September 12-14, 2007, Zadar, Croatia

International Symposium ELMAR has 49 years of conti-nuous tradition. ELMAR symposium is the oldest sympo-sium in Croatia, and one of the oldest symposiums in thispart of Europe. The fields of ELMAR symposia are imageand video processing, navigation, radio communications,multimedia communications, speech and audio processingand other advanced research areas. ELMAR-2007 sympo-sium took place under the technical co-sponsorship ofIEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Region 8, IEEECroatia Section, EURASIP, Croatian Academy of Engine-ering – HATZ, Ministry of Science, Education and Sportsof the Republic of Croatia, University of Zagreb, Facultyof Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb, and

University of Zadar. After the reviewing process Interna-tional Programme and Review Committee has selected57 submitted papers for the oral presentation. These re-search papers have been written by 138 authors. Partici-pants have come from 19 countries. International Pro-gramme Committee has invited several outstanding ex-perts as keynote speakers to present the state-of-the-art indifferent research fields: Professor Ramjee Prasad, Den-mark: Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Ph.D., Austria and ElmarNoeth, Ph.D., Germany. ELMAR-2007 organizing com-mittee is specially obliged to thank Tankerska plovidbaZadar, as general sponsor from the beginning of ELMARsymposia.

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Page 16: RuðerJosipBoškoviæ– Towardthe300th AnniversaryofhisBirth · 2014-12-19 · 1993 – 2008 15th Anniversary of the Croatian Academy of Engineering Croatian Academy of Engineering

International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences,

Council Meeting

0900 – 1700 Friday, June 27, 2008Royal Institution of Engineers KIVI NIRIA, The Hague, Netherlands

Proposed Agenda

EXECUTIVE SESSION (Attendance limited to MemberAcademy Delegations)


Welcome and Introductions of Member Academy Delega-tions and Guests

1. Opening and Approval of the agenda

2. Approval of the Summary Minutes of the CouncilMeeting of October 26, 2007

[Summary Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting ofOctober 22, 2007of Executive Committee Meeting of April 23, 2008]

3. Report of the June 25, 2008 Meeting of the Board ofDirectors

a. Audit Committee Report on FY 2007

b. 2009 Budget

4. Administrative Actions (a – c) and Issues (d – f)

a. Election of Board Membership for 2009

b. 2010 Dues

c. Reports on CIO and CCM activities; committeemembership

d. Distribution of CAETS Statement;“Environment and Sustainable Growth”

e. Future CAETS meetings:– 2009 18th Convocation, CAE, Calgary, Canada;

ExCom and Board Meetings, Monday, July 13;Convocation Tues. – Thurs., July 14-16;CAETS Council Meeting, Friday, July 17• 2010 Annual Meeting, ATV, Denmark• 2011 19th Convocation, AI, Mexico• 2012 Annual Meeting, SATW, Switzerland

5. Roundtable Discussion – Engineering Education

6. Discussion of ATSE proposal “Accelerating Techno-logical Response to Climate Change”

7. Report of the Workshop “The Global Noise ControlIssue”

LUNCH 12:00 – 14:00

8. Approval of CAETS Statement on “Delta Enginee-ring: Enabling Life in River Deltas”

9. Discussion on Engineering-Related InternationalActivities:CAETS and Member Academy Interestsand Opportunities

10. Discussion of SATW Project “Highly Efficient Mate-rial and Energy Transition”

11. Issues of Concern

12. Activities of Interest

13. New Business

14. Presentation of Certificates

15. Adjourn

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