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HISTORY OF Hevea brasiliensis

• Common Name : Rubber Tree

• Scientific Name : Hevea brasiliensis

• Family : Euphorbiaceae

• No. of Species : 11

• Origin : Bolivia – Beni (north); Brazil – Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Para;Columbia – Amazonas;

Peru – Huanuco,Loreto,Madre de Dios,Pasco,

San Martin

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4 Phases of development:

1. Pre Industrial phase.

2. Starting to organize planting and used for export based on demand and supply.

3. The establishment of plantation to meet the demand of the emerging industries such as automobiles and hospitals etc.

4. The emergence of synthetic rubber as a competitor

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Rubber in Malaysia

11th June 1877 - 22 Hevea plants either Wickham* or Cross* arrived at Kew garden, Singapore. They were successfully raised and distributed in Malaya.

1888 - Hendry Ridley a Director of Singapore Botanic Garden, began experiments on the tapable trees

Wickham* - 14/06/1876 – 17,000 seeds of Wickham Upper Amazon arrived at Kew & 2,700 germinated.

Cross* - 23/11/1877 – 1,080 plants of Cross Lower Amazon arrived at Kew.

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Local Name: Rubber

Scientific Name: Hevea brasiliensis

The tree can grow up to 40 m tall in plantation area. (in the wild it can grow much higher).

The stems are smooth and straight

The bark is grayish in colour.

The trunk unbranched up along way.

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Branched with leafy canopy.

The roots are well developed.

The leaves are 10 –15 cm long and 3 – 6 cm broad.

The flowers are numerous, creamy, yellow or green in colour and sweet scented.

The rubber tree seeds are mottled brown and variable in size (about 2.5 – 3.0 cm long & 2-4 g each.

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Excellent irrigation system.

Deep and fertile loamy soil.

Availability of much organic manure.

PH of 4.3 – 8.0

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The highest plantation level: about 500 m for

sea level (the highest the level, the lowest the

activity and yield.

Tropical climate: 1000 km to the north and

1000 km to the south of the equator.

Rainfall about 180-250 per year.

Temperature between 25 – 35ºC.

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„Clones‟ is used to identify a tree variety

bred by clonal propagation, which is a

normal plant breeding technique. The

word has since to be associated with

exact replication.

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Differ in characters of economic importance.

Yield level.

Growth vigor before and during tapping.

Bark thickness.

Colour and dry rubber content of latex.

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Timber quality.

For environment with known wind damage

incidence (wind prone areas).

Major diseases.

Problematic soils and terrain (soil types,

moisture stress areas).

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Methods of classification.

◦ Conventional planting.

◦ Crown budding.

◦ Rootstocks.

◦ Smallholding.

◦ Planting in smallholdings.

◦ Estates.

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1. Conventional Planting

Class I

Refer to planting materials which are:

Suitable for large scale planting.

Tested widely and have yield performance

confirmed from trials and commercial

yield results.

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Class II

Refer to planting materials which are: Suitable for moderate scale planting.

Promising clones with potential for upgrading to Class I.

Good yielder in certain environs but constraint by

undesirable secondary characters.

Clones of comparatively recent breeding.

Clones, which have a certain amount of risk.

Moderate-scale planting, here means that

planting for any one clone from this class

should not exceed 10% of the land area in a

single year replant. 18Prepared by: Muhamad Syukrie Hj. Abu Talip

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Class III◦ Consists of experimental planting materials and is

subdivided into two subclasses, viz. IIIA and IIIB.

Class IIIA◦ Refers to planting materials which are:

Tested in large-scale clone trials only and which show early promise in yield and growth.

Allowed to be planted up to 10 hectares. It is recommended that planters should not attempt to plant more than 10% of the total planted area in any one estate from this class. This is because there is insufficient information on these clones to warrant large, or moderate scale planting.

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Class IIIB

◦ Refers to planting materials which are:

Planted in one task, size blocks only.

Selections, which have only been, tested in small scale trials.

The main purpose for planting clones from this class is to ensure that there will be a source of available budwood if some of these clones prove successful.

Clones in this class are new selections and have been tasted only in small-scale trials involving a limited number of trees.

These were recently established for further test in large-scale trials. Interested planters should refrain from planting more than 5 % of the planted are in any one estate from this class.

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Clones recommended for crown budding.

Recommendation for crown budding involves trunks and crown for moderate and experimental scale planting.

The trunks include both recommended clones and discard clones that show good yield potentials.

However, there are deficiencies in one or more secondary characteristics, which prevent their usage in certain environs.

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Both the trunks and crowns have been tested

in trials and they show promise.

The clones are given exclusive and are not

intended to indicate that other clones outside

of those listed are not good; many clones are

excluded because of crown budding

experience with them.

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Changes from Previous Recommendations.

Results from both trials and commercials areas have necessitated changes in the RRIM planting recommendations.

The change made are as follows:

E.g. from Class II to Class IIIA

Poor initial yield.

Susceptible to wind damage.

Undesirable secondary characteristics.

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E.g. upgraded from Class IIIA to Class II

On account of their better yield performance in clonal trials in various parts of the country.

However, it should be noted that RRIM 905 is prone to wind damage and should only be planted in area that do not have severe wind damage problems.

E.g. Class IIIA upgrade from Class IIIB

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2. Crown Budding

The following changes have also been made in the clones recommended for crown budding.

The classification for crown budding has been dropped and only clones with crown budding experience and show promise are considered.

These lists of clones are recommended is therefore reduced to eleven trunk clones and five crown clones.

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3. Rootstock

The recommendations made on this

section remain essentially the same

except for the deletion of smallholders.

The recommended rootstocks are now

given as follows:

◦ Proven performance: PB 5/51, RRIM 623

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◦ Projected good performance: RRIM 605, GT 1, PB 217, PB 235, PB 260, PR 255 and PR 261.

◦ Polycross seedlings from selected polyclonal areas: RRIM large-scale clone trials.

◦ Prang besar further proof gardens and boundaries between clones recommended for large and moderate-scale planting.

Projected good performance bur limited seed availability: PB 217, PB 235, PB 260, PR 255 and PR 261.

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Planting Materials for Smallholdings and Estates.

Each environment will continue to have

its own group for large and moderate-

scale planting. Seedlings and

experimental clones continue to be

recommended for all environments.

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4. Smallholding

The clones recommended for smallholdings should be reliable, tolerant to high frequency tapping in the individual smallholding and should respond well to IS d/2 or lower frequency tapping in block-planted smallholdings.

For these reason, only Class I clones and some low risk, closely supervised Class IIclones are recommended for smallholdings.

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In the case of Class II clones for smallholdings it must be emphasized that most of the high yielding Clones is this class are susceptible to brown blast and should therefore be tapped on IS d/3 tapping system.

Crown budding may be recommended only on a project basis for block-planted smallholdings. Seedlings are not recommended because of relatively low yield, brown last and variable growth.

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5. Planting in Smallholdings

The following practical guidelines should be observed when planting in smallholdings:

◦ Individual holdings of 1 ha may be planted with only one clone.

◦ A clone should not be planted with more than 50% of the planted area on individual smallholdings, which are between 1 ha and 2 ha, or more than 25% of the total block-planted area, unless the environmental constraints severely restrict the number of usable clones.

◦ If a class II clone is included in the planting program, this should not exceed 10% of the area under block planting.

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- Clones-recommended for smallholdings is a


Class I: GT 1, PB 217, RRIM 600, RRIM 712,

PR 255, PR 261.

Class II: PB 28/59, PB 235, PB 255, PB 260, PB

280, RRIM 623, RRIM 701, RRIM 728, RRIM

901, RRIM 905, IAN 873, PM 10

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6. Estates

◦ Clones (Classes I, II, and III) and seedlings continue to be recommended for estates.

◦ Crown budding is also recommended as follows:

In difficult environs where wind damage or crown diseases severely limit the choice of Class I clones, crown budding is recommended up to moderate scale.

In regions where local environmental factors such terrain, soil depth of high water table reduces the range of usable clones; crown budding is not recommended unless it is an experimental scale.

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Characterization of Rubber-growing areas

Environmax method of planting recommendation:

◦ Environments which display the factors that act as constraints in the selection of clones.

Identified by a boundary and a distinctive colour or combination of colour and alphabetical codes.

Soils categorized into five broad groups based on soil-suitability.

◦ The productivity ratings according to physio-chemical and morphological characteristics.

◦ Class I to III : generally very suitable.

◦ Class IV : generally unsuitable for clones with heavy crowns.

◦ Class V : major limitations.

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Identifications of Clones

Characteristic seed shape (ventral, dorsal, side, frontal, micropiler) and Patterns of Markings on the seed coat, which enable it to be identified with certainty if its seed can be compared with, referenced seed collection.

In young immature budding and young to mature stage of growth depends on differences in a number of botanical features and disease resistant and can be done by trained clone-inspectors who have knowledge of these features and considerable experience in recognizing differences of detail between clones.

Nursery stage (shapes, crown size and diameter, disease resistant signs, amount and distance of branches whether it is touching each other).

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Young stage of growth (Not branched)

◦ Leaf structure with 4-5 whorls.

Young stage (2-6 years)

◦ Branching system and shape of the crown (round, oval, conical, distance of leaves.

◦ Main stem (branch stems, round, oval, curved, upright, straight and smooth, with humps, grooves, buds mark or dents).

◦ Disease signs and symptoms.

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Mature stage (during tapping)

◦ Small branches “pruned off” by itself.

◦ Balanced tree system

◦ Latex, thickness and thinness of bark.

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Rubber Planting Clones

1. Since 1928, RRIM has been successful in increasing latex yield through breeding and selection from 550kg/ha/yr to more than 2500kg/ha/yr.

2. Number of stages involved (15 years).

◦ Production of a large number of hand-pollinated seedling progenies.

◦ Early selection in the nursery.

◦ Testing elite progenies in the field with proper experimental design in optimum conditions (agronomic and management practices regardless whether it is for smallholders and estate).

◦ Recommending the new cultivars to grower for commercial planting.

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3. The classification system of clones, which have traditionally three classes, has been replaced by two major groupings.

4. The planting of selected latex-timber clones from Group II of the previous RRIM Planting Recommendations under the Monitored Development Project (MDP) was initiated in 1996. The MDP concept.

Liberalized the planting of new clones and has created and interest on replanting with new high yielding latex timber clones.

An adaptation of the block planting approach- involves in large planting of new clones in large hectarage.

Wider exposure to diverse environmental conditions and from the results thus obtained, accelerates the process of recommending new clones in various environmental condition.

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5. Group I clones gathered from large-scale clone trials and commercial areas- proven track records; tested and grown widely and their yield performances for at least five years are obtained. Estate planters and smallholders are free to plant without any restriction in size.

RRIM 901, RRIM 908, RRIM 911, RRIM 921, RRIM 936, RRIM 937, RRIM 938, RRIM 940,

PB 260, PB 280, PB 355, PB 359, PB 366

PM 10

(RRIM 600, RRIM 712, PB 28/59, PB 217, PB 235, PB 255, PR 255 PR 261 and RRIC 100 removed) based on unsatisfactory yield performance, susceptible to wind damage, unfavourable growth characteristic and susceptibility to local leaf diseases.

Environmaxs- distribution maps of soils series, wind damage and disease problems.

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6. Latex Timber Clones- RRIM 908, RRIM

911, RRIM 921, RRIM 936, PB 260, PB

350, PB 355, PB 359: have good latex

yield as well as timber yield; have straight;

upright, smooth trunk characteristics.

7. Latex clones- RRIM 901, RRIM 937,

RRIM 938, RRIM 940, PB 280, PB 366,

PM 10- have good latex yield but low

timber yield.

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8. Group II- clones with limited information on yield and growth performance selected in small scale clone Trials (SSCT) based on five years yield record and the secondary characters available: planting only under close supervisions.

◦ 39 clones from RRIM 900 series (second selection), RRIM 2000 series (first selection) RRIM 2000 series (second selection).

◦ Latex Timber Clones- 14 in the RRIM 900 series (second selection) and RRIM 2000 series are considered suitable.

RRIM 928, RRIM 929, RRIM 2001, RRIM 2002, RRIM 208, RRIM 2009, RRIM 2014, RRIM 2015, RRIM 2016, RRIM 2020, RRIM 2023, RRIM 2024, RRIM 2025, RRIM 2026.

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RRIM 900 series (second selection)- 2 promising clones RRIM 928 and 929.

RRIM series (first selection)- 8 promising clones RRIM 2001, 2002, 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2020.

RRIM 2000 series (second selection)- 4 promising clones RRIM 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026.

◦ Latex clones- 25: RRIM 924, RRIM 926, RRIM 927, RRIM 930- 935, RRIM 942-943, RRIM 2003, RRIM 2007, RRIM 2010-2013, RRIM 2017-2019 and RRIM 2021-2022.

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Establishment and Maintenance of


1. Definition:

A special established area or location within a rubber plantation

where plants are nursed and raised for either later field planting,

after extraction.

• Maintained in situ as sources of budsticks for

vegetative propagation.

• Various types of advanced planting materials,

such as budded stumps, stumped buddings and

soil core plants can be grown and prepared in a


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Objectives of Setting Up a Nursery

i. Nurture and raise high quality planting materials in large scale.

ii. Prepare advance-aged planting materials, if necessary.

iii. Ensure that planting materials transplanted into the field achieve high initial establishment success.

iv. Reduce costs of plantation development by reducing failures at the initial stage.

v. Obtain plants in the field reaching early maturity.

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Choice of Nursery Site

i. The soil must be well structured and textured

ii. There must be a good of water supply

iii. The land must be flat or slightly sloping

iv. Water table should be below 75 cm from the surface

v. The land should be an open area

vi. It must be free from root disease source

vii. Preferably having good infrastructure.

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Seed Germination

Seed should be go through the germination process:

i. Germination process can be done by constructing a raised bed of loose soil, river sand or well-weathered sawdust (15 cm high, 100 cm wide.

ii. A raised partial shade of 1 m high is erected over the bed to prevent direct sunlight.

iii. The seeds are spread over the bed in one layer, close together.

iv. Then pressed into the germination bed surface.

v. Seeds are covered by putting a layer of loose soil, river sand or well-weathered sawdust to the thickness (1.5cm).

vi. Seeds are watered twice daily.

vii. Germination occurs on tenth day.

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Germination Process

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2. Two types of nurseries:

i. The ground nursery.

◦ Sustain the seedling stocks from the time the germinated seeds are transplanted from the germination bed at the required distances to grow for later budding.

◦ A source bush nursery is a unique type of ground nursery where plants are to raised and regularly trimmed encourage profuse branching for the purpose of harvesting budsticks which will be used for budding seedling stocks.

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Ground Nursery

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ii. The polybag nursery.

Polybags, filled with soil, are placed in rows at

assigned distances. Germinated seeds are

transplanted into the polybags and allowed to

grow for later budding, either as young buddings

or as conventional green buddings.

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Polybag Nursery

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3. Establishment.

a. The method of nursery establishment mainly

differs between ground and polybag nurseries.

Nevertheless, some perquisites for establishment

are common for all nurseries.

b. When siting any nursery, a major consideration

would be the availability of a constant water

source, either a running, stream, subterranean

source or from a main pipe supply.

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c. The land must be of undulating terrain with

free drainage: priority rating and not

confined to discarded areas abandoned

valley tracts or areas of low depression or

near rivers where the groundwater level is

subject to considerable fluctuation.

d. The nursery must be so located to allow

easy supervision and maintenance.

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e. To prevent animal pest damage, the nursery

must be fenced effectively.

f. Especially those raising advanced materials,

proper accessibility must be provided to

enable smooth transportation of planting

materials to the field.

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Ground Nursery

Plants are grown on the ground, in the case of ground nursery; the soil type is of prime importance. It is recommended that the nursery should be sited on a fairly heavy textured, good structured friable soil.

Soon after clearing, the land is cultivated with one ploughing and two harrowings. During ploughing, 250 kg of magnesium limestone is broadcasted per hactare, followed by 625 kg of rock phosphate per hactare, which is harrowed in. Soon after cultivation, liming is done and germinated seeds (at plumule and radicle stage) are transplanted.

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Green budstick source bush nursery.

Germinated seeds are first established in the ground for later green budding at five to six months. At a planting distance of 120 x 90 cm, the original stand is 8,960 points per hectare.

The successfully budded plants are cut back and the scion shoots allowed growing for eight to nine months until they have about 90 cm of brown bark. A green budstick source bush nursery can also be raised from green budded stumps in polybags.

They are then pollarded to a height of about 90 cm, just above a whorl of buds. Four healthy side branches are left to grow for about twelve weeks before they are harvested as green budsticks at a few centimeters from the base.

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Budwood trees

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One or more new shoots are allowed to grow from each of the branches where shoots have been harvested earlier.

Allowing for runts and other losses, a final harvest and subsequently an annual production of about 125,000 budsticks in four-rounds.

A budded stump nursery can also be converted to a green budstick source bush nursery by the extraction of thinning of the budded stumps to leave a final stand of 7,900 per hectare with planting distance of 120 x 90 centimeters.

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Producing Green Budsticks60Prepared by: Muhamad Syukrie Hj. Abu Talip

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Budded stumps production.

After the land has been ploughed and harrowed with fertilizer incorporated, the land is lined with a planting distance of 60 x 23 centimeters.

Planting of germinated seeds is carried out with the help of a marked rope, giving an initial stand of 71,630 plants per hectare and a final stand of 49,400 suitable for budding. Workers with sharp pointed sticks make shallow depressions in the soil for planting the germinated seeds, which are to be slightly buried.

When the stock plants are reach to six months oldand when the top whorl of leaves is hardened, they are ready for budding.

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Two or four rounds of budding operation may be required depending on the growth of the seedling stock plants.

Three weeks later the successfully budded plant are extracted from the nursery for transplanting to the field.

The budded stocks are cut back at 4-5 cm above the bud patch, the taproot is pruned to 30 – 45 cm and the laterals trimmed off. The cut end of the budded stock is sealed n molten wax.

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Budded Stumps


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Transplanting budded stumps into polybag

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Stumped budding reduction

The technique of raising stumped budding or maxi stumps is similar to those described for budded stumps, all of which are carried out in ground nurseries.

The planting distance is 90 x 90 cm, which will give an initial stand of 11,960 plants per hectare and a final stand of 9,880 for extraction 18 – 24 months after budding and cut back.

The se plants can also be raised in nurseries originally planned for budded stumps, after cutback from green budding success, some plants are extracted as budded stumps leaving the rest with planting distance of 90 x 90 cm.

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6 – 7 weeks before transplanting, a trench is cut along

one side of the plant. The exposed lateral roots are

trimmed off and the tap root is severed at a depth of

40 – 50 cm (the tailing process). The trench is

partially filled with soil.

10 – 14 days before transplanting, the stem is

pollarded at a height of 240 cm (brown bark) and

just above a whorl of dormant buds. The cut end is

treated with tree dressing and the stump is white-

washed immediately with hydrate lime.

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The stumps are extracted for transplanting when the

buds have emerged for about 5 millimeters.

Transplanting at a stag when the buds are much

longer than the above would cause considerable

damage. On the other hand transplanting before bud

emerge would result in greater failure. Expected

number of extractable maxi stumped budding is

about 9,880 per hectare.

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Large polybag nursery

Budding can also be allowed to grow to

seven-whorl stage in large polybags of 38

x 64 cm (lay flat dimension), which holds

23 kg of soil.

A suitable potting soil would be one with

heavy clay loam texture, good structure

and friability.

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Soil for the polybags must be collected from the top 0

– 15 cm depth:

◦ The top vegetation is removed and the soil from

the required depth is cut and removed.

◦ The soil is then partially dries, if too moist, pieces of

tough plant materials and rots are removed and

larger clods of soil are broken up to smaller pieces.

About 56 g or rock phosphate is incorporated into

the soil for each polybag.

◦ The polybags are filled to about 3 cm below the

brim; it is to gently tap to ensure no cavities are


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Seeds are germinated in sand beds under moist

condition. The number of seeds to be

germinated must be one and a half times more

than the number of plants required.

Two germinated seeds are transplanted per bag.

They are watered regularly. Shading is not


After one month of growth, the less vigorous

plant in each bag is removed.

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Soil core-whorl plant nursery

Soil core is successful if there is sufficient clay in

the soil (Class I soils for rubber) to produce a

firm core, which will not disintegrate on

extraction. Strong and extremely heavy soil is

unsuitable and sandy soil should be avoided.

The plants are raised in the same manner as in

ground nursery with a planting distance of 60 x

60 cm, which will give a stand of 26,680

plants per hectare.

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The seedlings are budded on reaching suitable size. The successfully budded plants are cut back and the scion shoots are allowed to grow up to two hardened whorl of leaves for transplanting.

They are extracted together with soil tore by means of special extraction equipment known as the „plantool‟. The soil core is wrapped in used newspaper and tied with a string.

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Young budding in polybag

The technique of young budding is another form of budgrafting on very young stocks.

The seedling stocks are raised in small size polybags of 15 x 33 cm (layflat dimension), which can hold 2.5 kg of soil.

The bags are arranged in two rows close together with spacing of 60 cm in between and are held together by plants or wires fixed around them. When the seedlings are about two months old, they are ready for young budding.

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The buds used are obtained from green budsticks prepared in the usual manner as for normal green budding.

The technique of budding is almost similar to that of green budding. The strip of clear polythene tape which is used for binding the budpatch should be half the width of that use in normal green budding.

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Successfully budded plants are cut back four

weeks after budding, taking care in the opening

of the polythene tape. A long snag of about 20

cm is left behind. The long snag with its food

reserve is essential to minimize dieback of the

emergent scion shoot. Any stock shoot that

emerges from the snag must be pruned off, to

allow the scion shoot to develop.

The plants can be transplanted into the field

when two hardened whorls of leaves have


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The nursery must be provided with optimum

agro-management inputs so as to maintain

the plants at the best stage of growth. The

inputs are discussed in the text that follows:

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Fertilizer application.

A balanced NPKMG fertilizer incorporating a soluble phosphate is to be applied for polybag plants and during the initial fifteen months for ground nurseries.

During fertilizer application, care must be taken to prevent scorching of the plants during the very young stage by avoiding contact of the fertilizer with the plant. In addition, it is recommended that manuring should not be carried out during flushing stage.

For young plants, during the first year of planting on the ground or in polybag fertilizer incorporating nitrate nitrogen must be avoided as this may cause scorching.

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The recommended manuring schedules for budded stumps, stumped buildings, soil core plants, polybag plants and source bush nurseries are provided in Table 1 and 2. For source bush nurseries, the schedule as for a nursery established for green budstocks.

For polybag nurseries, it is preferable to water the polybags soon after manuring. (Table 3). For young buddings in polybags, vigorous growth is maintained by the continued application of proper fertilizer in slurry form to the bags after cutback up to two weeks before transplanting.

Strict adherence to a proper fertilizer fungicide schedule is important to raise healthy vigorous buddings. A provisional schedule is given in Table 4. No shade is required to establish young budding in the nursery.

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Liberal watering is necessary at all stages of



Sufficient moisture must be available for maximum growth; watering is therefore essential during prolonged dry periods. This is recommended practice for polybag nurseries.

However, in ground nurseries and source bush nurseries, minimal irrigation during extreme dry weather can give significant beneficial results.

Irrigation can be carried out manually in small nurseries or mechanically by means of sprinklers for large nurseries (more than 4 ha and raising materials for more than 200 ha of field planting).

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General weeding.

Of the ground nursery and the spaces in between the polybags in the polybag nursery, is essential to prevent unnecessary competition mainly for water.

During the initial stages when the plants are still tender, manual weeding is recommended.

When sufficient brown bark on the stem has developed, appropriate herbicides can be used. Prophylactic chemical spraying rounds against leaf diseases and pests are also necessary, to maintain the plants at the best optimal stage of growth.

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Conclusion. With the optimum agro-management inputs, advanced planting

materials such as stumped buddings can reached 10 – 12 cm girth for transplanting by about 15 to 18 months after budding or 20 to 22 months since nursery establishment.

Large polybag plants of 6 to 7 whorls can be transplanted by 7 months after budding or 12 months from establishment. Source bush nurseries would be able to yield budsticks by about five to six months after cutback.

Young budding has a short production cycle, which allows it to utilize both seedfall season in spring (April/May) and Autumn (October/November). This allows planting throughout the year.

Young budding technique can also produce advanced planting material at comparable cost and input to that of two-whorled normal budding. Hence the use of advanced young budding can reduce the period of immaturity of rubber.

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Fertilizer Recommendation

Fertlizer Application on Budding.doc

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Propagation of Rubber

As an efforts to produce, increase or multiply quality planting materials.

The rubber tree can be propagated be sexual and vegetative means.

Sexual propagation produces offsprings which have variations in their characteristics whereby their performance are not guaranteed.

Propagation by this method is done through pollination which can occur naturally or manually.

The process involves the removal of the anther containing pollen grains from the male flower and putting it in the stigma of the female flowers

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Vegetative propagation reproduces almost exactly the type of mother plant.

Several propagation techniques such as cuttings, graftings and tissue culture.

Grafting is the most preferred and several options such as approach grafting, cleft grafting, root/seed grafting and bud grafting.

Budgrafting is the most popular as it is simplest and guarantees higher grafting success.

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Method of Propagation

1. Seeds

a. Rubber trees

Produce seeds once per year.

In Malaysia for e.g. twice a year)- flowering March

& August.

b. Seedling trees

Ordinary seeds

Unselected (collected indiscriminately from

seedling area.


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c. Clonal trees

Clonal seeds are rubber seeds collected from

trees of a particular clone whereby it is a good

progeny and able to produce abundant seeds.

They must preferably be hight yielding and with

good characteristics, such as PB 5/51 and RRIM


Monoclonal (monoclonal tree)- one clone

Polyclonal (produced special polyclonal seed

garden polyclonal seed gain from their hybrid

nature.)90Prepared by: Muhamad Syukrie Hj. Abu Talip

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Clones show very wide variation I the no. of seeds


Heavier seeds produce more vigorous (healthy)

seedlings (suggested weight is 220 seeds = 1 kg).

Usually the first collection of the seed will be

throwing away, only the second collection will be

used. Each collection should be in 2 days gap.

Germination needs a free-draining friable material e.g.

sand, loose soil, wood dust (habuk kayu).

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Seeds are spread horizontally in a single layer

touching one another, and pressed lightly in the

rooting medium until the micropyle (lubang seni) is

buried under it.

Then the field is covered with a layer of matting or

similar mate to prevent moisture loss.

Seed germinate after 7 days. Those fail to germinate

within 14 to 21 days should be used.

Usually 80% germination is being good.

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On germination, the radicle pushes open the cap,

which closes the micropyle and emerges as a small

white stump with a flattered end. As it elongates

(memanjang), the end become conical – develop into

lateral roots. The conical tip grows into the taproot.

Once the taproot has developed, the epicotyl

emerges as loop, and as it grows, the plumule is pulled

out of seed. The shoot subsequently strengthens up

and becomes vertical.

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Germinated seed may be planted in:

◦ Seedling nurseries

well drained soil (enough water for irrigation)

Easy access

◦ Polybags

proper protection

Facilities for effective supervision

◦ Field.

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2. Vegetative

a. Cutting (keratan)


◦ Young stem from selected clone.


◦ Prune from 30 – 35 cm long.

◦ The base dips into fungus pesticides.

◦ Plant at the roof sand bed with continuous water

supply (except at night) for 6 to 8 week (when

start rooting).

◦ Get rid of the roof; let them exposed for a few days

before move it to the polybags.

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b. Approach grafting (cantuman sanding)

Involves the grafting of the scion without severing it

from the sources plant, to the stock plant, which is

raised in the bags.

◦ Scion shoots with one whorl of leaves.

◦ Stock plants in 5 or 6 whorls of leaves.

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Steps involve:

i. Placing the stock plants along with the bags

near scion in such a way that the portions

of the scion and stock intend to be grafted

remain parallel to each other.

ii. A strip of bark along with a thin slice of the

stock and scion over a length of about 18


iii. Then the exposed portions are pressed

together and hold with a bandage.

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iv. Stock-scion union will be over 7-8 weeks.

v. Then the scion severe from the source

plant by cutting about 5 cm below the graft

union and the stock cut back at about 5 cm

above the approach union.

vi. Grafted plants are nursed well for 1 to 2

months before they are transported to the


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c. Cleft grafting.

Shoot apex is grafted to the decapitated stem of the

stock plant

2 – 3 weeks old stock.

The stock is decapitated at the height of about 4 cm

above the collar with wedges shaped end. Then spilt

into two along the pointed edge with the dept of

about 1.5 cm.

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Basal end of the scion shoot is also shaped into a

wedge of about 1.3 cm with 2 opposing sloping cuts.

Based of the scion is then inserted into the spilt made

on the stock and kept in the position by bandaging

with clear polythene tape.

The plant kept in mist propagation for 2 weeks or

under the dense shade.

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d. Root grafting

Cuttings of rubber are rooted on mist propagation


A typical unit consists of a raised bed made of the

rooting medium such as river sand.

Healthy terminal cutting about 30 cm long with fully

expanded leaves and dormant terminal buds are used

for rooting.

The back at the size of 2.5 cm long & 0.6 cm width and

the exposed part deep in the fungicide- stimulants

(tetrametiltiuram disulphide 1%).

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The based of stock plant prune is slanting, 2.5 cm long.

Both the exposed tissue combines with string of

transparent polythene.

The cuttings are planted in the bed for 3 weeks with

continuous mist applied during daytime & at night

nutrients are provided through the atomizers.

After 3 weeks, it will transfer to polythene bag for 3-4

week before transplanted to the field.

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e. Bud grafting

3 types of bud grafting.

◦ Green budding (cantuman tunas hijau)

◦ Young budding (cantuman tunas hijau muda)

◦ Brown budding

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i. Green budding

Tender green coloured buds are use.

Young stock plants, 5 - 6 months old.

Healthy & vigorous plants, with a girth

of at least 2.5 cm above the collar &

brown bark up to a height of at least 15


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Under normal condition, 3-5 months are required for

stock plants to attain this stage, but with intensive

manuring they can be brought to budable size within 2


Stocks are used for budding when the bark peels off

very easily which usually occurs when the top whorl of

leaves (ring of leaves) is fully expanded, but not


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Green Budding Techniques

The base of the stock plant is wiped clean with a

piece of cloth or rag.

Two vertical cuts are made at the base of the stick

stem, 7.5 cm high and 1 cm apart, and they are joined

by a horizontal cut either at the upper or lower end.

The bark is then stripped off either upward or

downward where on where the horizontal cut was


The bark is cut away leaving 1 cm of tongue to hold

the budslip in position later on.

A budslip of 10 cm in length is cut away from the


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The bark is peel off to remove the wood.

One end of the budpatch is carefully slipped into the

tongue of the budding panel (make sure budpatch is

not placed upside-down)

The budslip is then firmly secured by tying a piece of

transparent polythene tape of 16 mm x 0.005 mm.

After 3 weeks, if the budpatch still green (with callus

formation around it), the budding operation is


The stock stem is cut-back at 10 cm above the

bottom end of the budding panel and at the same

time the polythene tape is removed.

The scion shoot is expected to sprout in 2 – 3


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ii. Young budding

Rootstock seedling age 8 weeks old, raised in polybag

(15 x 33 cm).

Stem diameter for rootstock- 6 mm diameter.

Stem diameter for scion- 6 mm diameter.

Clean the base of the stock plant, and then make 2

vertical incisions with 5-6 cm long and 0.6 width.

The stripped flap of bark is cut and removed leaving a

short tongue about 1 cm long at the top.

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Remove the bark from the bud patch and insert the bud

patch under the tongue of the bark of the stock plant.

The bud patch is fixed in postion by bandaging with

strip of transparent polythelene (20 cm long, 1.5 cm

width & 0.04-0.05 thick).

If the bud patch still green in colour after 4 weeks,

means it is successful.

The top of stock plant have to be pruned and leaving a

long stump. This will cause a lot of stock shoot to

develop and have to be pruned repeatedly.

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Green Budding Young Budding

Stock Plant


o Not less than 5 months.

o Same

o 7 –8 weeks (about 2


o About 5 weeks

Budding can

be performed

o Stocks are used for

budding when the bark

peels off very easily

which usually occurs

when the top whorl of

leaves is fully expanded.

o Budded plants are cut

back at a height of about

7.5 cm above the upper

end of the bud patch.

o Anytime irrespective of

growth condition of the

top whorl of leaves


o The budded plant

retained a long snag of

20 to 25 cm-with the

greater food reserves.

o More stock shoots are

likely to develop.

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New planting is defined as planting of

rubber in an area where rubber was

never planted before.

Replanting is defined as planting of rubber

in an area already planted with the same

crop with the aim of replacing the old

uneconomic trees with high quality

planting materials.

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New Planting Preparation

New planting operations:

i. Constructing drainage

ii. Underground brushing of ground vegetative

iii. Felling of jungle tres by chainsaw cutting or buldozing

iv. Drying of felled timber

v. Burning- primary burning

vi. Pruning and stacking

vii. Burning- secondary burning

viii. Constructing agricultural road

ix. Tilling

x. Field lining (straight and contour)

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xi. Terracing

xii. Establishing

xiii. Holing

xiv. Perimeter fencing

xv. transplanting

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Replanting Preparation

Replanting operations:

i. Underbrushing or blanket chemical spraying of ground vegetation.

ii. Felling of old rubber stand by chainsaw cutting and poisoning stump


i. Poisoning old rubber stand to facilitate rotting


i. Felling (uprooting of old rubber stand by bulldozing or mechanical winching.

ii. Removing felled rubberwood.

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All living plants needs water to survive. However,

excess water limits aeration in the soil and upsets the

breathing roots.

This can affect the growth, and if this condition is

prolonged, death of young plants can occur.

Drainage can be defined as draining or removing

excess water in the soil.

It is transferred to another area or lowered deep into

the soil, or both.

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Objective of Drainage

i. Remove excess water in the soil.

ii. Ensure that the soil water table is not less than

100 cm from surface.

iii. Ensure there is sufficient water in the soil for crop


iv. Enable plants to obtain sufficient soil air.

v. Maintain healthy growth of crops

vi. Increase crop yield

vii. Prevent diseases connected with stagnant water

condition of soil.

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Drainage Construction

Subsidiary drain

50 m intervals



Main Drain

100 – 200 m


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Plantation Road

Road system is an important part of the


Movement of people, produces and vehicles must be

fast enough so as to maintain all deriveriues and

schedule on time.

A good road system is considered another sign of


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Objective of Road System

i. Maximise the general efficiency of all activities

undertaken by the plantation.

ii. Facilitate communication.

iii. Facilitate supervision of all field activities.

iv. Facilitate transportation of people, goods and

materials within the plantation and the outside


v. Reduce travelling time within the plantation.

vi. Reduce production cost of the plantation.

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Categories of Plantation Road

The main road

connecting the main or parent plantation or

headquarters and the normal public road.

Subsidiary road

connecting the headquarters with the various


Minor road

connecting field blocks in the plantation with the


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Construction of Plantation Road

• The width of plantation road should be 4 – 7 M.

•Total length per hectare: 25 M (Flat areas); 75 M (Hilly areas).

•Road surfaces must be constructed cambered towards the centre at 2°,

to ensure surface water can be quickly drained to the sides.

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Rubber Planting Design

Rubber planting requires a design or arrangement to portray rubber as a plantation crop.

Studies done by RRIM, 1 ha is suitable for planting 400 – 500 rubber trees.

The trees are spread evenly over the 1 ha area and by arranging them in well-planned design; square, rectangular, avenue, hedge, double hedge,triangular or quincunx planting system.

The planting distance should not be closer than 2 m.

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Field Lining

Lining is fixing of points in the field where planting is

to be carried out.

There are two (2) types of lining – straight lining for

flat areas and contour lining for hilly areas.

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Straight Lining

Equipment for straigh lining:

◦ Guide poles

◦ Planting pegs

◦ Lining robes

◦ A 30M measuring tape

◦ Prismatic compass

A straight lining can be square, rectangular or

triangular design.

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Planting Distance of 4 m x 5 m to obtain 500 points per hectare.

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Planting Distance of 4.8 m x 4.16 m (which perpendicular height

of the triangle) to obtain a density of 500 points per hectare.

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Planting Hole

The initial growth of crops in the field starts from the

planting hole.

Large and very well made planting holes are expected

to assist in spearheading the initial growth of crops.

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Objective of Holing

i. Obtain a block of loose soil.

ii. Facilitate root development at a critical stage.

iii. Remove rocks and other hard materials which may

be hidden in the soil.

iv. Remove root disease source.

v. Enable the weathering and seasoning of the

planting hole.

vi. Facilitate application of basal fertilizer (RP)

vii. Facilitate transplanting of rubber tree.

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Method of Holing

Planting holes are dug 2 weeks earlier before transplanting to allow them to weather by sunlight and drain.

Holes are dug at the planting pegs fixed during field lining.

The soil dug out is placed as near to the brim of the holes as possible and it not more than two heaps.

The minimum size of planting hole is 60cm x 60cm x 60cm (manually)

Mechanically, cylindrical planting holes of 45 cm diameter and 45 cm deep are constructed.

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After allowing the planting holes to weather for

about 3 – 3 weeks, transplantig activities can be

carried out.

Current technology requires the use of planting


◦ Polybag buddings

Budded stumps

Young buddings

◦ Advance-aged core stumps prepared in the nursery.

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Method of Planting

A polybag budding is normally planted up to the

base of the scion shoot or stem.

It also can be planted much deeper, until one

whorl of the scion is buried up to 15 cm of the

scion stem.

i. 1st, the polybag is placed upright in the planting

hole to determine the correct depth.

ii. The bottom of the polybag is cut away to expose

the soil.

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iii. A vertical cut is made on the side of the polybag.

iv. The hole is refilled with the top half of the soil first.

v. The cut polybag is then carefully pulled out.

vi. The hole is completely refilled with the rest of the soil after mixing it with 113g RP.

vii. Only the soil around the brim of the hole is pressed to avoid damaging the roots.

viii. Mulching is then applied around the plant.

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Mulching can be defined as providing cover to the soil

surface, especially around the base of crops with

whatever type of green litter and other materials.

Mulching is recommended particularly on

transplanted rubber crop.

It is an old established farm practice, but its

importance was only realised in recent year.

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Advantages of Mulching

Protect soil surface from direct sunlight.

Preserves moisture in the soil.

Encourages feeder root development in the top soil.

Prevent weed growth.

reduce soil erosion.

Improve soil structure.

Adds organic matter to the soil.

Enhances growth of rubber crops.

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Mulching Materials

Plant litter such as Imperata cylindrica (lalang), empty

palm fruit bunches, fruit skins, coconut husks, palm


Used packing materials such as fertilizer bags, cement

bags, sugar bags and other polythene or paper


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Method of Mulching

Mulching is recommended immediately after

transplanting of rubber planting materials into the


The mulching material is spread around the base of

the crop to cover the soil at a radius 30 – 60 cm with

a thickness of five cm.

A space of five cm should be left vacant around the

plant base to avoid fungal growth.

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General MaintenanceFertiliser Application

Fertiliser is defined as a substance that provides nutrients to plants for their growth to enable it to function well.

Rubber respond favourably in terms of growth and yield to adequate and proper fertiliser application.

Among the elements, the major ones are nitrogen (N), phosporus (P), potasium (K) and magnesium (Mg).

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Optimum Use of Fertiliser

In general, adequate and proper fertiliser application will:

◦ Encourage good growth in favour of early tapping.

◦ Increase latex production and wood volume.

◦ Provide early canopy closure that grants shade and retards undergrowth thereby reduces cost of weeding.

◦ Promote good renewed bark.

◦ Provide protection against diseases.

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Factors should be considered into before

fertiliser application is carried out are:

◦ Type of soil.

◦ Type of fertilisers.

◦ Rate and amount of fertiliser.

◦ Zone of fertiliser application.

◦ Depth of fertiliser application.

◦ Time of fertiliser application.

◦ Fertiliser application for stimulated trees.

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Lack of Symptoms on Leaves

Nitrogen Pale green then change to overall yellow

Symptoms due to mineral deficiencies

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Lack of Symptoms on Leaves

Phosphorus At the back of leaves turn to brownish starting

from the end part of the leaves.

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Lack of Symptoms on Leaves



Around the leaves turn to yellow

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Lack of Symptoms on Leaves

Magnesium The area around he vein shows pale yellow and

the vein looks like the fish bone.

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Lack of Symptoms on Leaves

Calsium At the end and side part of leaves softened,

from white colour to light brown.

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Lack of Symptoms on Leaves

Sulphur Common in young leaf, results in the leaf

becoming pale green and smaller in size, and

after something necrosis of the leaf tip and

margin occurs.

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Availability of Nutrients

Inland soil – far from seaside.

Types of fertilizer depend on age and

types of soil.

Sandy soil- usually lack of potassium.

Loose soil or clay loose soil- usually

contain mediocre amount of potassium.

Soil with cover crop- contain enough

nitrogen, therefore do not need nitrogen

fertilizer such as ammonium sulphate.

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Early stage of rubber trees development (1-5 months after planting) fertilizer, which can act, as aster rate such as Yellow Nitrofoska is needed.

One month after first bud, apply the mixture contain soluble phosphate such as Nutrex MX until they reach the age of 9 months. After that it can be followed by RRI, either the mix of magnesium M, X, C2 or Y according to age and types of soil. Usually applying fertilizer to the young rubber tree stop once it reaches age of 65 months where the rubber tree ready for tapping.

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Placement of Fertiliser

For the 1st round of manuring, 113 g rock

phosphate is incorporated into the planting

hole at the time of planting.

For the 2nd and sunsequent rounds,

fertilizer is broadcasted evenly around the

base of the plant in a full circle, the radius

of which depending on its age.

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Fertiliser application for young trees less than 15 months (circle broadcasting)

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Pests & Diseases Management

Types of pest

The rubber tree is also subject to attack

by animal pests, which are grouped into

three – insects, molluscs and mammals.

Pest- unwanted species of insect or animal that attack or cause damage to items of an economic importance

to man.

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i. Grasshoppers (Valanga nigricornis)

Grasshoppers eat away the leaves of legumes

covers leaving only the veins and the young shoots

of germinating rubber seedlings. They are active

during the day.


Pesticide- Dieldrex 15 @ 0.1% (30 ml + 4.5 liter of

water), Dieldrex Extra @ 0.1% (30 ml + 6 liter of

water) or Malathion.


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ii. Leaf Eating Caterpillars

(Tiracola plagiata, Amsacata lactinea, Mocis undata)

A caterpillar has thirteen body segments and strong

chewing mouth. Young leaves are consumed entirely,

and the older ones skeletonised. It feeds within folds

or rolls of leaflets which bind together.


Dipterex 95 SP @ 0.2% = 11g + 5 liter of water,

Sevin 85% @ 0.2% + 10 g + 5 liter of water.

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iii. Termites (Coptotermes curvignathus)

The species can cause serious damage to rubber.

They eat away the tap root and into the trunk of

the tree.

They build mudway over the trunk, and from

beneath the casing of the mudway they feed on the



Spray with Dursban EC at 20 ml + 5 liters water,

Lorsban 40 at a 25 ml + 5 liters water, or Stedfast

at 330 ml + 5 liters water.

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i. Snail (Achatina fulica, Eulica similaris)

Snail have protective shells over them. snails also

climb up tapped trees to suck the latex along the

tapping cuts and also cause spillage.


Snail can be controlled by poisoned baits

consisting of powdered metaldehyde, hydrated

lime and rice bran in the ration of 1:4:6 by weight.

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i. Deer (Cerva unicolor)

They live in the jungle but roam the bordering

plantation for food. It feed on the bark, stripping it

off from the trunk and nibble away the foliage that

they can reach.


They can be kept away by applying repellent

substance such as Hinder on the trunk, especially

on rubber trees bordering the jungle.

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ii. Rats (Rattus jalorensis, Rattus argentiventer)

Damage caused by rats can be serious in areas where the undergrowth are not controlled. Rats eat cotyledons of germinating seeds, and nibble away the barks of young plants.


They can be controlled by rodencide such as zinc phosphide mixed with suitable bait in the ration of 1:19 by weight.

they also can be trapped by applying tanglefoot preparation which is available under the trade name ATOM.

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iii. Monkeys (Presbytis melalopos, Macaca irius)

Young plantings bordering the forests the

frequently attacked. They feed on shoots, foliage

and young fruits. Branches are broken when they

swing on them. seedlings are also pulled out and

the tops eaten away.



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Diseases and Control

Root diseases- the most dangerous disease for

rubber tree cultivation because it can kill the tree.

Cause by the fungus, which first attack the skin of the

roots and at the end can rotten the roots.

The disease can spread from one tree to another.

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Type of diseases

Name Fungus Description Chemical


White roots




The fungus

white in

colour looks

like white


Formac 2



Shell Collar


Red roots disease Ganoderma



Red fungus

spots on the

roots and

stick the soil

on the roots


Calixin Collar


Brown roots





fungus and

stick the soil

on the roots

Calixin Collar


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How to


oLand clearing- dig out all the roots


oCover the stump with kreosot

when cutting the trees.

oBefore planting the seedling, put

sulphur in the holes.

oPlant the cover crop- encourage

the insects to rotten the stump. (Cut

the food supply of fungus).

oSeparating drainage- so the

infected trees would not be in

contact with healthy trees.

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Collar Protectant

Part of the root infected is exposed by digging the soil at 30 cm

to 60 cm width x 20 – 45 cm depth.

The dead root & dead portion of tap root are removed and


Collar protectant is painted over the exposed tap root and 15

cm lateral roots.

Refill the hole with top soil.

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Initial stage of white root disease infection

Treated by drenching the collar region (20 cm wide x 5 cm deep)

with fungicide such as Bayleton 25WP (10g + 1 litre of water).

Chemical Drenching

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Isolation Trench

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i. Correction pruning

Sometimes there are 2 stems grow from one tree, so

the unhealthy one have to be cut off.

ii. Controlled pruning

Trees with 3 whorl, should be pruned any branch at

the lower whorl.


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Corrective Pruning

It is important to ensure that only a single scion

shoot grows to form the required tree.

Any other shoot that appears must be pruned off.

The strong straight and healthy stem with a central

branch known as the leader branch must be allowed

to develop.

Side shoots which may appear from whorl to whorl

are normally allowed to grow unless they are

unsatisfactory and require correction:

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Controlled Pruning

No pruning of side shoots or branches that appear

on the first or second whorl is carried out but when

the 3rd whorl of branches appears, all branches at the

lowest whorl are removed.

The plant continues to grow, and when there, are

three whorls of branches on it, all branches at the

lowest whorl are removed.

Pruning trees reach seven months and branches at

the lowest whorl have four flushes of leaves.

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Branches are induced on plants which have no

branches and have attained a height of 2 metres.

Meanwhile the tree continues to grow, and the same

pruning operation is repeated until 3 m of clean

straight stem is achieved.

This normally takes about eight to ten months.

After that, the tree is allowed to continue growing

until it reaches maturity.

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a. Direction and Flow of Tapping Cut

Latex flow through latex vessels founds in the barks of

the rubber tree.

Latex vessels run spirally from low left to hight at an

inclination of 3.7 - 5° from the vertical.

Latex will from out of the bark, only if the latex vessels

are severed or cut.

The more latex vessels are severed, the more will be

the floiw of latex.

Therefore, the tapping cut is made in the opposite

direction of the latex vessels from bottom right to top


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The inclination of the tapping must be carried with one

method to obtain the maximum yield of latex- speed of

flow to the latex cup.

Angle of tapping depends on the thickness of the bark,

between 45º and 25º the thicker the steeper the angle.

For clones- 30º and seeded clones - 25º, the thickness

of the clones are thinner but the quantity of latex is

high and the speed of the flow is faster and therefore

less risks in over flow of the tapping channel.

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Tapping Channel

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Height of Tapping Cut

For clonal materials recommended height for opening

of tapping panel is 150 cm, while the seedling from

seedling materials is 75 cm from the ground level.

clonal materials are opened much higher than

seedlings because of their cylindrical shaped trunk.

For both types of planting materials, the trunk girths

must attain 45 cm at opening of tapping panels at

their respective heights.

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Task size

Tas size is the number of trees in a task given to a

tapper to complete tapping at a specified time.

The number is based on several factors such as girth

size, density per hectare, tapping system and the

topography of the area.

Basically, when tapping alternate daily, at half spiral, a

tapper is given 500 – 600 trees per day of tapping


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Opening of Tapping Panel

Rubber tree are opened for tapping when their trunk

have attained 45 cm girth, measured at a height of

150 cm for clones and 75 cm for seedlings from the

ground level.

Girth Measurement

◦ The „beroti‟ 150 cm in length with a piece of wire of 45 cm in

length fixed at one end.

◦ The „Beroti‟ is placed upright against the tree trunk with the

bottom end at the ground level and the wire wrapped around

the trunk.

◦ If the ends of the wire do not meet, the girth of the tree is

taken as more than 45 cm.

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Equipments & materials required for

opening a tapping panel

a. Broti 150 cm long with a metal wire 45 cm

circumference at 1 end

b. to check that at 75% of the trees achieve 46 cm or

more circumference.

c. Broti 150 cm long with a piece of metal to measure

the slope of the tapping grove.

d. Metal spout: to channel the latex.

e. Latex cup: to collect the latex.

f. Metal wire to hold the latex cup.

g. Brush and paint: to mark the bark for monthly usage

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Marking the Slope of the Tapping Cut

◦ To mark the tapping cut on the tree trunk, a template is required by using a piece of wooden „beroti‟ of 150 cm in length for clones and 75 cm for seedling.

◦ A piece of zinc plate 40 cm long and 5 cm wide fixed at one end. The zinc plate is horizontally fixed at an angle of 30° for clones and 25° for seedling.

◦ The „beroti‟ is placed upright against the tree trunk with its bottom end at ground level and zinc plate wrapped around the tree trunk towards the left.

◦ Using crayon or nail, a mark is made along the top edge og the template and continued down along the „beroti‟ right to the base of the trunk.

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Leaning trees are sometimes present in the

plantation, especially in peat soil areas.

There are certain procedures to be followed when

leaning trees are opened for tapping.

This is to prevent spillage of the latex.

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Tapping and Collection

Good tapping and collection procedures are essential to obtain maximum yield.

In addition, cleanliness is also important in obtaining clean raw materials and finally high quality finished products.

Generally, latex is only collected when it stop dripping. This may take two to tree hours depending on various factors.

Collection commences when the first few tapped trees cease dripping.

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During collection, the latex is completely scooped

out of the cup and poured into the collecting bucktet.

The cup is then replaced on the hanger in the

inverted position, unless late drip is anticipated.

Collection is continued until latex from all tapped

trees in the task is collected.

The collected latex is immediately sent to the

collecting centre or factory for processing.

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Collection of Latex

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Frequency of Tapping

(First cut- true frequency followed by practical


Cut per unit time for a day (d)

d- day divided by the no of rounds per day or

alternate days.

True Frequency

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d/1 Everyday

d/2 Alternate day (tapping once in two


d/3 Every two days (tapping once in

three days)

d/4 Every three days (tapping once in

four days)

d/5 Every four days (tapping once in

d/6 Every five days (tapping once in 6


d/0.5 Twice a day

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When the tapping is rested a day, the following tapping

is considered the practical frequency.

d/1 2d/3 Daily tapping followed by 2 days

tapping and a rest day

d/2 6d/7 Alternate day tapping, followed by 6

days tapping and a rest day

d/9 6d/7 Every 8 days followed by 6 days

tapping and a rest day

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Period tapping

One or more cutting in unit time for a week (w), month

(m) and year (y).

2w/4 2 weeks within a period of 4 weeks (2 weeks of

tapping followed by 2 weeks rest)

6m/9 6 months period within a period of 9 months (6

months tapping followed by 3 months rest)

2w/4 6m/9 2 weeks within a 4 weeks period within 6 months

within a 9 months period (2 weeks tapping followed

by 2 weeks rest within a period 6 months tapping

followed by 3 months rest)

d/2 6d/7

3w/4 8m/12

o Tapping alternate days

o 6 days and tapping on the 7th day

o For 3 weeks within a period of 4 weeks

o With a period of 8 month from 12 months

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d/2 6d/7 3w/4 8m/12

Tapping alternate days for 6 days followed by 1

day rest for every three weeks followed by a

week of rest within a 8 months with 4 months


d/2 – true frequency

6d/7 – practical frequency

3w/4 8m/12 – period

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Rotational Tapping Panel

Tapping several panels or a group of panels, every

tapping at alternate days or within a period of tapping.

Indicated by brackets- rounds of change to the first or

second panel.

t- tapping

w- week

m- month

y- year

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(t, t) 2 panels, every panel are tapped alternately

every time it is tapped.

(6m, 6m) 2 panels, every tapping rotates 6 months.

(w, 2w) 2 panels, the first tapped for a week followed

by the second for 2 weeks.

(10t, m) 2 panels, the first tapped for 10 times

followed by the second for one month.

d/2 (t, t) Tapping every alternate day, with 2 panels,

every panel is tapped alternately.

d/0.5 (t,


Tapping twice a day, with 2 panels, every

panel is tapped once a day.

d/2 (t, t)


Tapping every alternate day, with 2 panels,

every panel is tapped alternately for a period

of 6 months followed by 3 months rest.

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Change of Tapping Panel

½ S →⅓ S Tapping downwards from half the

circumference to one third in the same


½ S → ¾ S Tapping downwards from half the

circumference to three quarter in the

same direction.

½ S ↑ → ½

S ↑

Tapping downwards from half the

circumference to half but in the upward


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Change of Frequency of Tapping

½ S d/2 6m/12 → ½ S d/2 (t, t) 6m/12 = half S panel downward tapping

at alternate day for 6 months period followed by 4 months rest change

to half S panel downward tapping at alternate panel for the second 6

months period.

Combination Tapping

(Use of different length and type of tapping grooves on the same tree)

½ S ↑ + ¼ S ½ S + ¼ S (same day)

¼ S ↑ + ⅛V ½ S, ¼ S First day followed by second day)

¼ S, ⅛ S↑ (come represent alternate days)

½ S, ¼ V

Type of tapping are different therefore ¼ S + ¼ V = ½C

Length and type of tapping are the same ½ S + ½ S = 2x ½ S

½ V + ½ V = 2x ½ V

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Optimal Tapping

½ S d/2 = 4 x ½ x 182.5 x 100 = 92%


Total of tapping days in percentage; 4

times the length of the tapping panel with

the number of days tapped per year

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Panel Symbol

0 Virgin bark

I First re tapped barked

II Second

III Third

B Lower panel opened below 150 cm

H Higher panel opened above 150 cm

B0 – 1 First panel from virgin bark from lower panel

B0 – 2 Panel two from virgin bark from lower panel.








B11-2 B11-1

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Latex Yield Stimulation

In Malaysia, ethephon was introduced for

commercial adoption in the early 1970‟s.

Stimulation is a method to increase tapping yield of

Hevea trees by prolonging latex flow with or

without the use of chemical.

Subsequently, gaseous stimulation was developed

and introduced to the industry during the 1990s .

At present, conventional ethephon stimulation has

its limitations whilst gaseous stimulation is only for

15 year-old and above.232Prepared by: Muhamad Syukrie Hj. Abu Talip

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Ethephon (ET)

Currently, intensively used and is mixed with carriers

such as palm oil and water.

Ethephon, through the ethylene it release, dlays the

plugging mechanism in latex vessels, thereby enabling

latex flow.

The stimulant has to be in contact with the bark for a

stated period of time to attain the effective response.

Ethephon is available in the market at concentration

of ET 2.5% (blue), ET 5.0% (green) and ET 10% (red).

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Important Points to Remember

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Controlled Upward Tapping

High panel, especially on trees with straight clean

stems up to the height 3 m.

Actually, the upward tapping had been practiced since


The upward tapping technique is the controlled

upward tapping (CUT), which is an improvement of

the old one.

It is controlled in respect of the slope of the tapping

cut and the bark consumption.

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Tapping system: ¼ s ↑ d/2.

Brush the Etefon (Ethrel) 5.0% to the grooves once a


Do not need a long groove to get high yield.

The upward tapping should be on rest during the

wintering (4 months)

◦ Cause the reaction of the stimulant less effective & the

taper do not have to tap against the sunlight.

◦ During this period, the normal tapping system ½ s,


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Advantages of Upward Tapping

a. Gives high yield; virgin bark at the higher panel

is in better condition.

b. „Pulau Kulit‟, where the decrease in yield can

be avoided.

c. Can practice the changing of panel system.

d. The tree can be tapping for longer duration.

e. Does not need a ladder.

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ii. Micro Tapping-Inject Tapping

2 types:

a. Inject tapping

b. Micro-X tapping

The method to release the latex from rubber tree, by

drilling the bark with needle.

The place that will be drilled, have to brush with etefon


It against the normal tapping, which is cutting the vessel.

Introduced in 1906 in Africa, but cannot be

commercialized because no latex stimulant.

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a. Inject Tapping

Drill on virgin bark, starting 250 cm from the tree base.

From vertical grooves, 1 cm width and 100 cm long by

scraps off the bark. The middle line with 2-4 mm depth.

5-7 drill made along this grooves with same distance.

Drill with blunt needle (1mm diameter)

The next drill, only once in 2 days, with 1 cm distance

from the first drill.

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Keep on going for about 1 month.

Next vertical grooves, 1 cm gap with the previous

vertical grooves. Keep on going till complete 1 circle.

2nd round, use the gap left before. Upon the

completion, move to the space below.

Tapping symbol: 5P1 (100/1) d/2 ET5%.

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b. Micro- X Tapping

A combination of injects tapping & cutting the bark

(normal tapping).

The inject tapping perform on the normal tapping


Usually 3 holes drilled along the grooves with same

distance between each hole.

The bark will be “ditoreh buang” after 9 days drill

tapping, had been performed, which will give 9-drill & 3

days normal tapping.

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The latex- stimulant: Etefon 5% or less, brush along the

grooves every month.

Move to the next panel, at the other side of previous


After low panel, move to the high panel, drill starting

from the tapping opening moving upwards.

Blunt needle (1mm diameter), drill less than 1 mm

depth for average thickness of the bark.

Tapping symbol: 3PG (1/2 S), ½ S d/2 (9t, 3t) ET5%

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Slaughter Tapping

Tapping at an above-optimum tapping


Conducted on trees that have reached

the end of their economic life, prior to


Designed to extract the maximum

amount of latex while killing the tree

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Advantages of proper technique/Method

of tapping rubber trees

a. To obtain maximum yield

b. Minimum tapping cost

c. Maintain healthy trees

d. Little damage to the trees

e. Bark saving

f. Little drying of bark

g. Time for bark renewal

h. Maximum economic life

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Methods in maximizing the latex yield

a. Use the sharp tapping knives.

b. Tapping during the morning time cell still fresh.

c. Removes the scrap from the grooves, spout & cup before

the tapping- to protect from pollution.

d. Clean the cup from dirt or any liquid inside.

e. Tap properly- to maximize the vessel cutting.

f. Tapping in dept to remove the latex plug.

g. Make sure the later flow properly into the cup.

h. Collect the latex only when it stops dropping.

i. Collect the latex from the cup using finger proper spoon.

j. Hygiene practices all the time to keep the latex from


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Summary of Rubber Processing

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Rubber Processing

Approximately 80% of the rubber tree yield is in the form of latex, while the other 20% is the lower grade field coagula/scrap rubber (cuplumps, tree laces and other forms of solid rubber).

Field latex, which is in liquid form which contains considerable amount of water, can be concentrated on coagulated and this is a major process.

Coagulation process is also necessary for the production of conventional sheet rubber; Unsmoke Sheet (USS), Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS), Air-dried Sheet (ADS) & Standard Malaysian Rubber (SMR)

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Rubber Processing Involve

i. The cleanliness

Very important (main factor) to produce a good quality

of rubber.

High quality- high price & easy to market.

The cleanliness divided into 3 levels:

a. Estate/ Field Tapping

To keep latex in liquid form till it reaches the factory

Use clean tools, remove the scrap from the panel,

conduit, and cup.

Twist the cup to an upside-down position after


Don‟t expose the latex for too long.

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b. Factory/Processing Cleanliness

General cleanliness must be maintained at the

factory building and surroundings.

All equipment in the factory must be kept clean.

Sufficient supply of clean water for use at any time

when the factory is in operation.

The latex must first be strained to remove any dirt

in it.

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c. Post-processing Cleanliness

Rubber that has been processed must be washed

clean an allowed to drip under shade in a clean


Sheet rubber; USS, ADS and crepe must be hung

individually for at least four hours before putting

them in the drying chamber.

Rubber must always be stored in a clean, dry and

well ventilated area.

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Dry Rubber Content in Latex (DRC)

Dry rubber content (DRC) is referred only to the

rubber particles found in latex.

The DRC varies according to season, climate, soil

condition, clone, age of trees, tapping system (length

of cut and frequency of tapping, stimulation).

Usually, the DRC of latex is within the range of 20-

45% and 35% can be taken as an average.

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Importance of Knowing the DRC

a. As a guide in the sale and purchase of latex.

b. As a guide to standardize the latex in the

process of making sheet rubber

c. As a guide for the payment to rubber tappers.

d. As a guide for calculating the amount of

chemicals require in processing bulk rubber.

e. To know the yield of an area as a guide in latex

estate management.

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Method of DRC Determination

1. Normal Laboratory Method

◦ Flask cone 50 ml

◦ Clean cup

◦ Measurement cylinder

◦ Steamer

◦ Jug

◦ Analytical scale

◦ Oven

a. Measure the latex in kg unit.

b. Take 45 ml latex and put into flask cone.

c. Take 20 gm of latex and put in the clean cup as a sample.

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d. Coagulate the latex with 150 ml acetic acid 0.5%.

e. Put the cup in steamer so the latex coagulates faster.

f. Take out the coagulated latex from the cup and clean properly.

g. Coagulated latex need to be thinned to 2 mm. The thinning coagulated latex is known as biscuit.

h. Dry it in the oven with 70o for 26 hrs.

i. Cool the biscuit in the jug for a few minutes.

j. Measure the biscuit in unit gram.

k. Repeat the process- set the average of DRC.

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Table 13: DRC Calculation: Laboratory Method

**This method needs big capital and skilled employee** 260Prepared by: Muhamad Syukrie Hj. Abu Talip

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Calung Method (Chee method)

◦ Calung measurement 50 g

◦ Aluminium cup

◦ Scale “Triple Beam”

◦ Formic Acid 2%

a. Filter the latex and measure in kg unit.

b. Take 50 g of latex and pour in the clean cup as sample.

c. Coagulate the latex with 25 g formic acid 2%.

d. Clean the coagulated latex properly and thinning to 2 mm (known as biscuit).

e. Dry the biscuit in oven with 70oc for 16 hours.

f. Scale the biscuit in gram unit.262Prepared by: Muhamad Syukrie Hj. Abu Talip

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Hydrometer Method

◦ Metrolak

◦ Metrolak cylinder

◦ Measurement cup 0.5 litre

◦ Pail 2 litre

a. Filter latex

b. Measure the volume of latex in litre or scale with kg, and then convert to litre. (1 litre: 1 kg)

c. Take 1 portion of latex (0.5 litre) and mix with 2 portion of water (1 litre), so 3 portions.

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c. Put the latex in metrolak cylinder.

d. Dip metrolak in the cylinder

e. When the metrolak settle, take the reading.

High error: 4.053, easy method and cheap

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Rubber Processing

1. Sheet Rubber: USS (Unsmoked sheet)

i. Bulking and Standardization

◦ Factory and equipment must be clean and

sufficient amount clean water available.

◦ The latex is transferred into the bulking tank to

obtain uniformity.

◦ The DRC of latex is estimated for standardization

purpose (12.5, 15 or 20% DRC).

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◦ This achieved by diluting the field latex with sufficient

volume of clean water by using the formula.

◦ After the addition of correct volume of water, a few

minute rest is allowed for the impurities to settle.

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ii. Coagulation and sheeting (milling)

The standardised latex is then transferred into coagulating tank.

The latex is made to pass through 16 – 24 mesh percentimetre monel-metal gauze strainer to separate dirt that mayb present in it.

The required amount of diluted acid (pH 4.5-4.8) is poured into the coagulation tank and thoroughly stirred with the latex.

The partition sheets are then placed in position and the tanks covered.

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The latex is considered coagulated when a clear

serum is seen oven the coagulum.

The tank is then floodd with clean water to submerge

the coagulum to avoid oxidation.

Milling (sheeting) is carried out the following day,

when the coagula are firm enough for easy handling.

The partition sheets are removed, and the coagulum

slabs taken out and allowed to pass through

motorised smooth surfaced roller presser to reduce

the thickness to 4 mm.

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The sheets are then passed through a pair of groove-surfaced roller presser to give the sheets the ribbed appearance as well as to quickly drain off surface water.

At the end of the milling, the sheets are again washed.

The long sheets are then cut into shorter length before being hung individually on a trolley and allowed to drip in a clean shady area for four hours.

The sheets then ready to be dried in the smokehouse.

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Objective of Smoking USS

USS can be dried by atmospheric air, but the process takes more than 3 weeks.

The process take a lot of space and the sheets can get infected by mould (fungus) which brings down the quality.

With smokehouse, the drying time can be reduced by about 80%.

USS dried in this way become translucent against light and his facilitates its grading.

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Grading of RSS

RSS is graded to determine its quality and its depend

on the defects found in the RSS that is being graded.

The quality of RSS is determined by the defects.

This in turn determines its value in term of price.

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Defects in RSS

The defects that are found in RSS mostly occur during processing.

The following are the types of defect found in RSS.

i. Air bubbles – can be seen at anyway over the sheet.

Occur due to incorrect amount of acid not being satisfactorily mixed the latex during processing, using contaminated utensils or dirty water.

ii. Dirt, specks, bark and sand – can be seen against the light.

This is due to non-observance of cleanliness requirement when handling latex and latex may not have been strained properly or dirty water has been used.

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iii. Rust – brownish deposit can be seen on the RSS.

This is caused be keeping the freshly milled USS in poorly

ventilated place overnight or the sheet not being

adequately washed during milling.

iv. Mould – patches of greyish fungal growth can be seen on

the sheet

This is normally favoured by humid conditions, poor

ventilation and low temperature and poles where the USS

are hung have mould growing on them.

v. Greasy Sticky Surface – The RSS surface sticky when


This is due to excessive use of acid or sodium sulphite in

latex and insufficient washing of the sheet during milling.

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vi. Dark patches – irregular shaped dark and light coloured

patches can be seen over the RSS.

This can caused by surface oxidation brought about by the

action of oxidising enzymes in the latex and stacking of

wet USS can also can lead to these.

vii. Blister – cracks can be seen over the sheet.

This can be caused by the froth remaining on the surface

of the latex during coagulation, defective roller preses.

viii. Thickness or thick ends – thick portion that are found on

the RSS occur during machining due to overlapping and

folding. The sheet must be rolled to 4 mm thickness.

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Grade of RSS

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After grading, sheet rubber will be packed according

to the quality grade before exporting.

The packing should follow the international standard.

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