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Tender No. : IGNTU/ PhysicsillGC-BSR-Star1-up/Equip mentl2019 I a qDate: o3-lo-13

'I'i'ris tender document contains 16 pages



LALPUR, DrSTT- ANUPPUR (M. p.) _ 484 887

Teiephone No. 07 629 -2697 01 -02 F ax No - 2 697 0 I -02

Paec i oi'16

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Tender No.: IGNTU/ Physics/UGC-BSR- Start-uplEquipment/2\l9loQ Date:fi!0.2019

Start Date of Tender: 03.10.2019

Last Date of Tender Submission: 04.11.2019

Technical Bid Opening Date: 05.11.2019

Tender Fees: Rs. 500/- (Five hundred only) (Non-refundable)/Tender

Estimated Cost: Rs.5,00,000/- (Five Lakh only)

EMD: Rs. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand only)

Reputed firms/manufacturers/dealers/suppliers with minimum three years of experience ofsupplying scientific instruments to government sectorlPSUs/educational institutions of repute areinvited for the submission of tender (s) for various scientific instruments from eligible andqualified vendors for supply, installation and servicing of laboratory and analytical instruments forthe Department of Physics under UGC Project-RP as per annexure I in Two-Bid System (Technicaland Financial Bids) on or before, 0-4.11.2019 at 6:00 pm. Both technical and financial bids mustbe submitted in separate duly signed sealed envelopes. The cover of the envelope should specifythe technical/financial bids with subject as "Tender for Physics under UGC Project-RP with nameof equipment(s)".The tender documents in sealed envelope must be reached to The Registrar (Atten: ProjectInvestigator - Dr. Ishwar Prasad Sahu, UGC Project), Indira Gandhi National Tribal University,Amarkantak,4848487, Madhya Pradesh, India on or before 04.11.2019 at_6:00 pm by speed-post/registered post only. The tender document submitted without tender fee and EMD, asspecified, will not be considered and hence shall be treated as rejected. lncomplete tender andtender received after the due date and time will not be accepted. Format for the submission of thetender document is appended below, which may be downloaded from the university website( Non-refundable tender fee Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred only) for each proposal andEMD must be remitted through Demand Draft in favor of Indira Gandhi National TribalUniversity, Amarkantak payable at Amarkantak, M.P. The direct Cash deposition into universityaccount and other mode of payment will not be considered. The university will not be responsiblefor any matter related to the no-payment of the fee. The EMD of un-successful bidders shall beretumed as per after expiry of the final bid validity or the DD may be returned as the case might be.

RegistrarIndira Gandhi lr{ational Tribal University,

Amarkan$[{MeP.)$.*?'ft.*.&t" ftp1x$!$?Se

"Bi,a-?5tr. fur*a,5,,.5 gr*"q

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1. fhe validity of the tender shoulcl be 1g0 days.2. Who can bid?

i. The venders should be dealing with the suppll, of similar equipment at least'I'IIREE years as on date of issue of this tenclir.ii" The venders should have an annual turnover of Rs. Twenty Lakhs or more during

the last three financial years.iii. The venders should undeftake to provide comprehensive onsite maintenance during

the warranty and after warranty period of AMC for a minimum period of One years.'l'he venders should be either an original manufacturer or the authorized deaierhaving been established in the field for'minrmum period of THREE years as on dateof issue of this tender.The firm should have registered with GST & pAN etc.The University has been granted the benefit of exemption from the payment of theCentral Excise Duty and Customs Duty by the Deparlment of Scientific andIndustrial Research (DSIR), Govt. of Indra in iespect of :

Scientific and technical instruments, apparatus, equipment including computers.Accessories and spare parls of goods specified in (ajabove and software, compact disks, cD ItoM, Recording magnetrc tapes,microfi lms, micro-chips etc.,









d. PrototypesHence, the bidders should take into consrderation about this facility of the Universitywhile quoting for the advertised Minor equipment.Venders having quoted for ISI/ISo certifiecl equipment/services shall be given pref'erence.The Bidder should also be Authorized Service Provider of the O-riginal equipmentManufacturer. Coplz of proof to be submitted.The tender documents shoulcl be submitted in 'fwo-Bid System i.e. Technical Bid &Financial Bid, separately. The technical bid will be opened on th. designated date and thefinancial bid containing the rate of various item(s) wiit be opened on a suitable date. to beintimated later to technically qualified biriders.That the delivery/supply will be made on F.O.R. basis to the tndira Gandhi National TribalIJniversity, Amarkantak, (M P ). Rates should be quoted inclusive of packagingForwarding, Postage and'fransporlation charges, Octroi. eic.If the tender document is submitted rvtthout cleposition of EMD and Tender Fee, it will notbe entertained.



8' Tender Fee and EMD fee shall be deposited through DD in favor of Indira Gandhi NationalTribal University, Amarkantak payable at Amarkantak, Mp. Other mode of pa;rment and

_ direct cash deposit into university account will not be accepted9' The Eamest Money (Bid Security) of unsuccessful bidders will be returned at the earliest.l0' The bidder should have an average annual financial turnover of Rs. Twenty Lakhs or moreduring the last three financial year (Attach audited profit & loss A"corrt" und balance sheetfor the last financial year duly audited by CA andparticulars of turnover in the precedingyears).

1 1' Bid will be rejected if rates are not quoted in the prescribed format and should quote theiroffer/rates in clear terms without ambiguity. The rates should be quoted Uoit, io figures andwords and legibly written without any over*writings. In case of any correction, ih. ,u*.must be attested by the bidder with full signature. H6wever, no over-writing is permissible.r

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12. Lowest bid (L1) will be decided by the price of the equipments quoted including charges

for inland transportation, installation, commissioning, training charges, insurance and other

local services required if any for delivering the equipments

13. The warranty p.rioa should be minimum oNE year with spares or as mentioned in

technical spetifications (whichever is higher) from the date of installation with satisfactory

performance as per specifications. For standard items which carry warranty of more than

two year, standard warranty shall be applicable'

14. University will not be responsible for any postal delay'

15. Any dispute arising out of or relating to thisJender_inquiry shall be subject to jurisdiction

the district court Aiuppur MP/Honb'le High Court, Jabalpur only.

16. Indira Gandhi National Tribal Universityieseryes the right to accept 1n part or in fuli any

tender or reject any tender without assigning any _reason

or to cancel the tendering process

and reject ail t"nders at any time prior to awarO of Contract, without incurring any liability,

whatsoever to the affected venders'

17. The freight, insurance charges, if any, will not be borne by the IGNTU' Similarly, shortage,

pilferage in transit will be ihe sole iesponsibility of the supplier. Th9 defective supply will

irave ti be replaced by the supplier within 15 days without freight/transport or any other

charge failing which gtrrtolp.ifonnance Security will be forfeited and other lawful action

may be taken.1 8. Th; delivery of the equipments will be at the risk and cost of the supplier only'

19. The venders shall ensure that their tenders should be duly sealed and sigrred (with date) on

each page, complete in all respects as per instructions contained in the Tender Documents

and send the same in a sealed envelope to the Registrar, Indira Gandhi National Tribal

university, Amarkantak, 484887, Madhya Pradesh, India on or before 04.11'2019 at

6:00 pm by Speed/Registered Post only'

20. Venders must state thi firm(s) has not been currently banned, blacklisted and debarred by

rany ministry/department of Centrat or State Governments' Please submit an affidavit to

this effect on a noh-judicial stamp paper'

2l.The supply "f

Edip;ents will frr". to be completed within 45 days; however in case of

imported instrumfnis it may be complete within !! days from date of issue of the Work

Order/Supply Order. The liquidated charges @ 0.5% per week shall be imposed if supply

made after expiry of delivery period Jubjeit to maximum 5o/o of the total value of

equipments lcoitrictvalue. EMD will be forfeited in the said case'

22.Thefirm will have to supply the Equipments as per specification mentioned in supply/work

order/in this tender documlnt. Shbrt supply of material will not be accepted in any

circumstances.23.Ifany of the equipment supplied by the vender is found to be substandard, refurbished, un-

merchantable or not in accordance with the Tender Document specification or otherwise

faulty, the IGNTU will have the right to reject the ^eqlipment

or it-s nart The prices of such

equipment shall be refunded bV th. vender with 8.5% interest if such payments fo1 rychequipment have already been *ud. to him and the Performance Guarantoe will be forfeiled'

24. Alldamaged u, ,rnuppioved equipments shall be returned at suppliers cost and risk and the

incidental expenses incurred thereon shall be recovered from the supplier. Defective part in

equipment, if found before installation and"/or during warranty period, shall be replaced

within 30 days on receipt of the intimation from this office at the cost and risk of supplier

including all other related charges'

25. No payment will be made for unsatisfactory/damaged supply of equipment(s) and

uninstalled item(s)'26. No revision in rate (on higher side) will be accepted at any stage'

Zl.The firm shall not assigi or sublet the work/jtb/supply order any part of it to any other

firm.2g. The euoted rate shall be valid for period of six month from the execution of the date o

award of work.

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29. Thepayment wili be reieased after successful supply of the ordered quantity and qriality o'"*

the equipments at out end in good condition- zubject to production of the physical

verification and installation report of the user department/nominated committee'

30. That bidder has to offer the e'lutC (annual maintenance contract) for the ONE year after the

warranty/gu aranty period and should quote the inclusive rate accordingly' In AMC, the

bidder have to 1i.*iA" free of cost visiVservicing and replacement of non-consumable

items.31. The bidder shall submit the copy of valid PAN number & GST number and registration of

firm.32.Thebills must be prepared/raised in the name of Th.e Registrar, IGNTU, Amarkantak' MP

and should be menlioned for the Department of Physics.

33. The bids shall be opened on date und tirn. us ,n.rriiored above. The bidders may send their

authorized."pr"r.rtutive to attend the bid opening, if t!"V show desire'

34. Corrigendurn, if issued any for the tender, shall form part of the tender document'

Corrigendum *itt U. posted on IGNTU website. BiddersA/endors are requested to visit

university website r.guturty and note the corrigendum/amendment to the tender without fail

and submit the offer"accoidingly. IGNTU, Lalpur, Amarkantak will not be responsible for

ignorance of the corrigendum35. fi case of the breaci of any of the conditions above, the decision of the competent

authority, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University willbe final and binding.

36. EMD of the successful bidder shall be retumed after the completion of warranty

period/Deposit of 10% performance guarantee against the supplied equipment'


Indira Gandhi National Tribal University,Amarkantak (M.P.)

si}$.14,ir.*qrjHS.w,;t *r, i**qi

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c0lEr, EHr_{wst

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(Separate sheet should be used for each item) Sub: Limited Tender (Two-Bid) Enquiry

for supply of scientific instruments for Department of Pharmacy Part-A


l. That Vwe have carefully studied all the tetms & conditions and shall abide by it.

2. I'hat VWe shall supply the items of requisite quality'

3. That VWe undertake that the information given in this tender are true and corect

in all respect and vwe hold the responsibility for the same.

4. Quotecl price are finai and no other payment will be claimed.

(Seal & Signature of the bidder)DatePlace

1 Tender Ref No/Notification No'

2 Nan e A tll address of the Firm & year of establishment

3 Annual Tutnover of the firm/company:

Last Three financial years (enclose documents in suppofi of

the claim)



4 @istered: under companyAct 1985' Ifyes enclosed certified docu

5 a) Ce Certified copies of income tax (TDS)

@e sheet and profit and Loss account ofthe last 03 years

6 a) PAN No.

b) GSTIN no.

1 ffiest moneyDeposit (EMD) as Per the

specifications of the equipment(s). If not applicable please

specify.8 D"t"ils of *re coit of the tender documents worth Rs' 500/-

(Rs. Five hundred only). If not applicable piease specify

9 @e been currently banned,/blacklisted by

any ministry/Deptt. of Central Govt. or any State Govt' If so

sive details. Submit an Affidavrt,


10 E"ide"ce of experience in timing supply to other

institutes/Govt. Organization

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o Plate material : Stainless Steelr Voltage :230Y150 Hzr With Temperature Sensoro Hot plate material should be

chemically non-corrosiveo Minimum of 1 Year Warran. Capacity: 15 Ton (Manual). Poiycarbonate safety guards

. Adjustable upper bolstero Adjustable pressure control

valveo Vacuum portso Pressure release valve. [-ow pressure conversion

gauges. Ideal for FTIR, I(Br and XRF

sample preparation. KBr Die Set for 13mm Pellet

Makingo Pellet Holdero Minimum of 1 Year W

Hydraulic Press 15

Ton Capacity(Manual)

o Temperature Range: 5oC above

ambient to 300oC,o Chamber Details: standard

double wall fabrication, innerchamber made of richlYanodized aluminum or highlYpolished aluminum chamberExterior fabricated out of thickmilled steel sheet duly finishedin white stoving enamel Powdercoated paint with mat finishedcolour combinations. Kanthalwire heating elements Providedon three sides to attain quickand uniform heating, controlledby capillary type thermostat. J-

shaped sensor is built-in type.

Control panel is provided withselector switch of high or lowrates of power thermostatcontrol knob and indicators formains & thermostat. Suppliedwith cord and plug.

o Fan arrangement for forced aircirculation throughout thechamber.

o Double Walled - Outer MS -Inner MS or St.Steel.

.80120 Ni Heating Elementsplaced at two vertical sides in

L addition to the bottom one foruniform heating in the chamber

o Size: 300x300x300 mm

Oven Universal(Memmert type)

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4. 01

5. 01

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List of Instruments with Technical specifications and Quantity


lnstrument Quantity Specifications Compliances(Yes/No)

1 Ball Mill Machine 01 . Capacity: lkg I

o Flousing: Stainless Steel MS

Powder Coated. Jar Construction: Aluminum /


Stainless Steel I

o Speed: 80 rpm I

o Motor: FHP Geared Motoro Material leed size: < l0 mm. Final Fitness: < 10 pm, for

I colloidal grinding < I Pm

I . Grinding stations : I

I . Power Supply: 220 I 230 Volts,

J soH,I . Minimum of I Year Warranly_

2. Digital Balance 01 . Weighing Range : 0 to 220 g. Readability 0.0001 g (0.1mg). Weighing pan: Stainless steel

o LCD Display with backlighto Touch screen 8. automatic

calibrationo Linearity:0.0029, RepeatabilitY:

0.001 go Response time less < 5 sec oroLinearity(+)0.0029o Pan Size - 90 mmr Response Time - 3 to 4 Secs

o SS Weighing Pan, LevelIndicator, Adjustable Fit

o In build Rechargeable batteryfor continuous use.

. Weight - Should not be morethan 5 kgs

o Minimum of 1 Year WarrantY

J. Magnetic Stirrerswith Hot plate

01 . Type of product: Stirrers withHotplate

o Speed range: 100 to 1500 rpm. Speed accuracy : +l -2Yor Display : Digital LCDo Heating power: 400 W. Stir bar length: 20mmo Hot plate temperature : 50oC

-300 0c

o Temperature accuracy : +/- loCo Stining capacity :2L or bettero Dimension: 2}0x225x1 85 mm

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. Temperature Controller: Digitai

temperature controliedo Voltage :230Y150 Hz

. Minimum of I Year Wo Speed: 6000 rpm or better

o Maximum RCF : 5070 g or

higher. Phase: Single. Dimension : 380x470x300 mm

r Rotor CaPacitY: 24x i '5m1

o Number of tubes: 24

r Voltage / fiequencY inPut

Voltage : 220 - 240Y 150 Hz

o Capacity: 400m1

. Head Type: Angle

. Brushless induction motor with

variable frequencY drive.

o 7 segment LED disPlaY of

I speed.

o Digital countdown timer.o Dynamic brake for quick

deceleration.o Safety lid interlock to Prevent

lid opening duringcentrifugation.

o Imbalance & Inverter faultdetection with auto shutdown'

o Digital timer range: 0-59 min.. Minimum of 1 Year Warran


. Capacity: 250 mmo Automation TYPe: Semi

Automatico Colour: White & transParent

. Material : Polypropylene/Pco Usage: Vaccum. Minimum of 1 Year W


o Materiat; Stainless Steel

. Steel grade: SS304

. Voltage: 220 Volt

. Frequency; 50 Hz

. Capacity: 1.6 Liters

. Accuracy: * 1

o Heating power: 0.4 - 1.5 kWo Minimum of 1 Year Warran

Ultrasonic Cleaner(Sonicator)

o The front of the box is closed

with a magnetic lock, which can

be pushed oPen. A glass filter in

the viewing window Protectsthe eyes against reflected short-

wave LIV light' Great care has

been taken to ensure the correct

distance between UV lamP,

obiect and the obsSrvgjryYg-tg

Ultra VioletChromatograPhYInspection Cabinet

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th. t"t.*tt "G""d illumination

and untroubled viewing'. Made of MS sheet dulY Powder

coated, Provided withinspection hole, useful for

viewing TLC Plate under UVlight.

. Size/Dimension: 1 5x12x10 Inch

o Wave length: Long Wave

365nm, Short Wave 254nm &One fluorescent lamP

o Power SuPPIY: 220 I 230 Volts'

. Minimum of 1 Yeal W

10000c,o Working temPerature: UP to

900oC (maintained for long

duration 1.e., 4 hours without

fluctuation)o Heating Element: Kanthal A-1

o Inner Chamber Size:

150x150x300 mmo Temperature AccuracY: t/- loC

o Temperaturs Controller:

controlled bY microProcessor

. Mu* temperature: UP to

based digital controller cum

indicator &, Thermo couPle,

silver fuse.o Extemal Chamber Construction:

Outer shell made out of thick

mild steel dulY finished inattractive stoving enamel Paint'

o Internai Chamber Construction:

Fitted with grooved refractorY

for suPPorting the heating

elements made out of kanthal

wire and are easilY rePlaceable'

o Insulation: Ceramic wooi

insulationo Power SuPPlY: 2201230 Volts

o Stabilizer: As standard

o Minimum of I Year W

Muffle Fumace

. Max temPerature: UP to

14500c,o Working temPerature: UP to

1400"C (maintained for long

duration i.e., 8 hours without

fluctuation)o Heating Element: Silicon

Carbide (SiC). Surface temPerature: Not More

than 35oCo lnner Chamber Size:

High TemPeratureFurnace

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150x150x300mmo Temperature Accuracv: -/- 1oC

o Temperature Controller: PIDcontroller

o Control Unit: PID temperaturecontrol unit consists of Energyregulator

o Extemal Chamber Construction:MS w/ Powder Coating I 304Grade Stainless Steel

o Internal Chamber Construction:Ceramic Board & GroovedRefractory Chamber

o Insulation: Ceramic wooiinsulation

o Power Supply: 220 I 440 Volts.2 lockable wheels & 2 normal

wheels. Stabilizer: As standardo Optional Accessories: Tongso Minimum of 1 Year Warranty

12. Heating Mantles 01 o Power Rating : 150 W. Capacity: 250m1o Aluminum housing with powder

coating available in differentsizes.

o Temp. Controller by energyregulator.

o Provided with high qualityinsulation.

o Max. Surface Temp. 300"C.o With Spare Nett Coil.o Minimum of 1 Year Warranty

13. Alumina Cruciblewith covering lid

25 o Material: Aluminium oxideCeramics

o Covering lid: Aluminium oxideCeramics

r Colour: Creamyo Maximum Temperature: I 800oC. Capacity: 30 mlo Shape: Arc Shapedo Top Outside Diameter: 48 mmo Minimum of 1 Year Warranty

14. Silica Crucible 25 o Material: Silica Quartz Glasse Covering lid: Silica Quartz

Glassr Colour: Milk White. Maximum Temperature: 800oCo Shape: Arc Shaped. Capacity: 50 mlo Minimum of I Year Warranty

15. Pestle & Mortor 02 . Colour: White

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o Material: Porcelain. Size: 3.5 inch & 5 incho lnner Diameter: 90 mm & I25

mmo Weight : 400-600 gmo Finishing: Polishedo Thickness: 5 to 20mmo Base shape: Roundo Minimum of I Year Warran8

16. Agate Pestle &Mortor

02 o Colour: Blacko Material: Natural Agate.Size: 4inch&6incho Inner Diameter: 100 mm & 150

mmo Weight : 400-800 gmo Finishing: Polishedo Thickness: 5 to 20mme Minimum of I Year Warranty


a) Parties must mention make & model no. of the equipment offered by them, withdetailed specification (on separate sheet). Otherwise their tender will not be accepted.Leaflets and catalogues should be supplied with tender

b) Two years Comprehensive Warranty should be included in the quoted price.


1. VWe have gone through the terms & conditions as stipulated in the tender enquirydocument and confirm to accept and abide the same.

2. No other charges would be payable by the IGNTU. Amarkantak.

3. That VWe undertake that the information given in this tender are true and correct in allrespect and I/We hold the responsibility for the same.



(Seal & Signature of the Bidder)

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1.I/Wehavegonethroughtheterms&conditionsasstipulatedinthetenderenquirydocumentand confitm to accept and abide the same'

2,ThatVWeundertakethattheinformationgiveninthistenderarettueandcorectinall- ,.rf.., and VWe hold the responsibility for the same'



(Seal & Signature of the Bidder)

Man-ufuct,rre/ Make Quoted RateffinUrtemquotedBall Mill Machine

Digital Balance

S. No.



Magnetic Stirrers with Hot Ptate

4. Hydraulic Press 15 'lon uapaclry


5. Oven Universal (Memmert tYPe)

6. Revolutionary MtcroProcessur

T olrnrafnnr Centrifuse


8. Ultrasonic Cleaner (Sontcator.;

9. Ultra Violet Chromatograpny

lnsoection Cabinet__'_f -

-Muffle Furnace10.

11. Hieh t.*Perature Furnace

Heating Mantlest2.

13. Alumina Crucible with coverlng t1o

14. Silica Crucible

15. Pestle & Mortor


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1. This deed of Guarantee made this day of..... ........between Bank of ....(hereinafter called the "BANK") of the one part, and Indira Gandhi National TribalUniversity, Amarkantak, MP (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") of the other part.

2. Whereas the Purchaser has awarded the contract for Supply. Installation, Commissioning,Integration and Validation of of the equipment)(hereinafter called the contract) to .......: ..(hereinaftercalled the Supplier; (name of the Supplier)

3. AND WHEREAS the Supplier is bound by the said Contract to submit to the Purchaser aPerformance Security for a total amount of t/$/€/fA ......(Amountin figures and words)

4. Now, Vwe the undersigned, being fully authoize to sign and to incur obligations for andon behalf of and in the name of ... .....(Fu11 name of Bank),hereby declare that the said Bank will guarantee the Purchaser the fuIl amount oft/$/€/f/Y. ..(Amount in figures and words) as stated above.

5. After the Supplier has signed the aforementioned Contract with the Purchaser, the Bank isengaged to pay the Purchaser, any amount up to and inclusive of the aforementioned fullamount upon written order from the Purchaser to indemnif,z the Purchaser for any liabilityof damage resulting from any defects or shortcomings of the Supplier under the Contractmentioned above, whether these defects or shortcomings are actual or estimated. The Bankwill deliver the money required by the Purchaser immediately on demand without delaywithout reference to the Supplier and without the necessity of a previous notice or ofjudicial or administrative procedures and without it being necessary to prove to the Bankthe liability or damages resulting from any defects or shortcomings of the Supplier. TheBank shall pay to the Purchaser any money so demanded notwithstanding anydispute/disputes raised by the Supplier in any suit or proceedings pending before any Courtrelating thereto and the liability under this guarantee shall be absolute and unequivocal.

6. This Guarantee is valid for a period of thirty six months from the date of signing. (Initialperiod for which this Guarantee will be valid must be for at least ninety (90) days longerthan the anticipated expiry date of warranty period).

7 . At any time during the period in which this Guarantee is still valid, if the Purchaser agreesto grant a time extension to the Supplier or if the Supplier fails to complete the work withinthe time of completion as stated inlhe Contract, or fuitr to discharge himself of the liabilityor damages as stated under Para 5 above, the Bank shall extend this Guarantee under thesame conditions for the required time on demand by the Purchaser and at the cost of theSupplier"

8. The Guarantee hereinbefore contained shall not be affected by any change in theConstitution of the Bank or of the Supplier.

9. The neglect or forbearance of the Purchaser in enforcement of payment of any moneys, thepayment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or the giving of time by the purchaserfor the payment hereof shall in no way relieve the bank of its liability under this deed.

10. The expressions "the Purchaser", "the Bank" and "the Supplier" hereinbefore used shallinclude their respective successors and assigns.

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In witness whereof I/We of the bank have signed and sealed this guarantee on the of .... .......(Month & Year) being herewith duly authorized

for and on behalf of the ........Bank.

Signature of Authority

Bank official Name:

Designation: ....

Stamp/Seal of the Bank:

Signed, sealed and delivered for and on behalf of the Bank by the above named the presence of:

Witness 1




Witness 2




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We hereby undertake that there are . . . . ...pages, serially

numbered, in the submitted tender including the supporting documents. (Please number all the

pages including blank page, if any) signature and seal of the bidder.

Signature of Bidder with seal and date

Paec l6 of 1(
