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2. Terminology Macule flat lesion ,usually a circumscribed change of colour Papule small , solid, elevated lesion Nodule a large , solid , palpable and elevated lesion Plaque a lesion slightly raised over a larger area Blister an elevated lesion ,fluid filled Ulcer depressed lesion with loss of surface epithelium Atrophy a depressed lesion with intact surface epithelium Crust a mixture of scale and serum yellowish accretions on the surface of a lesion Petechiae non raised red-brown non blanchable lesions 3. Summary of Paediatric Skin Rashes: Adapted from Paediatric Handbook 6th Ed. Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne 4. SLIDE 1 5. SLIDE 1 1-Name condition and causative organism 2-Describe what you see 3-How would you treat it 6. SLIDE 2 7. SLIDE 2 1-Name the condition 2-What are typical causative organism 3-describe typical features 4-How would you treat it 8. SLIDE 3 9. SLIDE 3 1-Name the rash and the associated syndrome 2-name infective and drug causes 3-describe typical features 10. SLIDE 4 11. SLIDE 4 Name this disease ,what is its cause. Name the features Name a major complication of this disease treatment 12. SLIDE 5 13. SLIDE 5 Name this condition What is the causative organism How do you treat it 14. SLIDE 6 15. SLIDE 6 What is this rash Describe features 16. SLIDE 7 17. SLIDE 7 What is this called What is the causative organism Describe features treatment 18. SLIDE 8 19. SLIDE 8 What is the broad term used to describe this condition Name the subset of conditions which cause it. How do you treat this condition ? 20. SLIDE 9 21. SLIDE 9 Name this condition What is the cause of it How do you treat it 22. SLIDE 10 23. SLIDE 10 What is this called What organism causes it treatment 24. SLIDE 11 25. SLIDE 11 Name the condition What causes this condition Describe the features How do you treat it 26. SLIDE 12 27. SLIDE 12 Name the rash What causes this condition Name 2 types of this condition How do you treat this condition 28. References Pictures Derm atlas Oxford Handbook of Dermatology for primary care ,Saxe ,Jessop Topics in Paediatrics ,Basson& Ginsberg 29. SLIDE 1 1-Chicken-pox , Varicella zoster virus 2-Crops of vesicles mainly on the trunk and head. -Pass through various stages of papule, vesicle, pustule and crust. 3-Symptomatic :analgesia paracetamol for discomfort and pyrexia. -pruritis antihistamine or calamine lotion - acyclovir only for those at risk of complications or immunocompromised. 30. SLIDE 2 1-Impetigo 2-staph areus and streptococcal pyogenes 3-Thinroofed vesicles or bullae surrounded by narrow margin of erythema. The vesicles /bullae rupture to release thin cloudy yellow fluid. This fluid dries to form thick yellow crusts. 4-topical-bactroban(mupirocin) ointment/betadine cream - antibiotics flucloxacillin or erythromycin 31. SLIDE 3 1-Erythema Multiforme Steven-Johnson Syndrome (mucous membrane involvement) 2-Drug most commonly associated-Allopurinol5 Recent drugs- Nevirapine, lamotrigine, sertraline, pantoprazole, tramadol Antibiotics- Sulphonamides, including co-trimoxazole, penicillin cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, vancomycin NSAIDs- Piroxicam, fenbufen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen, tenoxicam, diclofena c, sulindac Anti-TB- Rifampicin, ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide Anticonvulsants- Barbiturates, carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproate, lamotrigine - Infective herpes simplex 3-target lesion round ,erythematous papules contain central blister or darker area of necrosis 32. SLIDE 4 1-Kawasaki Disease, systemic vasculitis 2- Classical features of Kawasaki disease Fever lasting 5 days Marked irritability of the child Erythema, swelling and desquamation affecting the skin of the extremities Bilateral conjunctivitis Rash Inflammation of the lips, mouth and/or tongue Cervical lymphadenopathy 3- coronary artery aneurysms 4 -Intravenous Immune Globulin 2g/kg x1 Aspirin: 80-100 mg/kg/day until fever x 14 day, then 3-5mg/kg/day x 6-8 weeks echocardiograms 33. SLIDE 5 1-Scabies 2-Mite sarcoptes scabeii 3 -Clothes, towels, and bed linen should be machine-washed (at 50 degrees Celsius or above) to prevent re-infestation and transmission. Items that cannot be washed can be kept in plastic bags for at least 72 hours to contain the mites until they die. -benzyl benzoate lotion ,apply for 24hours ,may be repeated in 1 week -permethrin cream Antiscabial soap alone is not an effective treatment Babies