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A Fantasy Role-Playing Game

Player’s Guide

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OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, heroic arcs and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation

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Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

© 2008 Lulu Author. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-257-98603-3

CREDITS Lead Design Vincent Venturella Additional Design Ryan Collier, Ryan Dickerson, Josh Longstreth, Corey Luczak, Thomas Lyons, Matthew Prorok, Angel Smith. Editing Hydy Cates, Cathy Venturella Cover Art Daniel Fox Interior Art Daniel Fox, Joshua Sarver, Jennifer Schutte, Matthew Stewart

Additional Art Public Use courtesy of Web Masters Rich Cates, Ryan Dickerson Playtesters Matt Achim, Sean Browning, Thomas Buroker, Hydy Cates, Rich Cates, Ryan Collier, Chris Craiglow (Timber), Topher Davis, Corey Derryberry, Ryan Dickerson, Daniel Eldritch, Sean Hoffman, Kevin Ketcham, Travis Lambert, Josh Longstreth, Jonathan Monk, Corey Luczak, Thomas Lyons, Mathew Prorok, Ben Rosser, Tim Rosser, Angel Smith. Website Special Thanks To my wife, Cathy, who has proven again that her patience with my dreams is truly endless and most definitely not a consumable item. I love you.

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Table of Contents THE LEGACY OF HEROES .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER 1: CHARACTER CREATION .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 ADVANCING BEYOND LEVEL 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

CHAPTER 2: CHARACTER BASICS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 ABILITY SCORES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 HEROIC RESERVES ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

CHAPTER 3: RACES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 RACE BASICS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 CONSTRUCT .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 DWARF ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 ELF ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 GNOME ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 HALF-ELF ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 HALFLING ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 HALF-ORC ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 HUMAN ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38 JINNAI ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 MINOTAUR ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 ORC .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 HALF-CELESTIAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 50 HALF-DRAGON ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52 HALF-FIEND .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 54

CHAPTER 4: CLASSES.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56 CLASS BASICS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56 BARD ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 57 CLERIC .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65 DRUID ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 FIGHTER........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 78 MONK ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 85 PALADIN ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90 RANGER ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 ROGUE........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 101 SORCERER .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 107 SPELLBLADE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 113 WIZARD ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 119

CHAPTER 5: HEROIC ARCS................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 125 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125 HEROIC ARC LIST ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 127 AFFINITY FOR NATURE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 128 AFFINITY FOR THE ARCANE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 129 AFFINITY FOR THE DIVINE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 130 AFFINITY FOR WAR ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 131 ALIENIST ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 132 ARCHEOLOGIST .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 133 ARTIFICER ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 134 ASSASSIN .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 135 BARBARIAN ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 136 BOUNTY HUNTER ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 137 CLERGY ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 138 COMBAT MEDIC ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 139 COMMANDER............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 140 DEMIGOD ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 141 DETECTIVE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 142 DUNGEON EXPLORER ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 143 EMPATH ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 144 ENTROPIST ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 145 GLADIATOR ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 146 GUILD MAGE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 147 GUILD THIEF ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 148 HIGH MAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 149 HOST .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 150 KENSEI ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 151

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LICH ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 152 LYCANTHROPE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 153 MUMMY ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 154 NIGHTMARE INCARNATE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 155 NOBLE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 156 OCCULT SLAYER .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 157 OUTRIDER ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 158 PERFECTED WARRIOR ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 159 RACIAL PARAGON ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 160 RETURNED WITH A PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 161 RUNE CASTER ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 162 SCOURGE OF THE SEAS............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 163 SOLDIER ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 164 STREET MAGICIAN ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 165 TOTEM WARRIOR ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 166 TRIBAL SHAMAN......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 167 VAMPIRE .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 168

CHAPTER 6: SKILLS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169 ENCOUNTER SKILL DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 172 NARRATIVE SKILL DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 181

CHAPTER 7: STANCES....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 185 CHAPTER 8: SET-UPS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 196 CHAPTER 9: MAGIC & SPELLS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 201

MAGIC ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 201 CASTING SPELLS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 205 SPELLS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 211 RITUALS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 243

CHAPTER 10: HEROIC TALENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 244 CHAPTER 11: EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 249

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 249 STARTING EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 249 ARMOR ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 249 WEAPONS................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 252 GEAR .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 256

CHAPTER 12: MAGIC ITEMS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 258 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 258 ITEM COST BY LEVEL................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 259 ADVANCING MAGIC ITEMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 260 ARMOR ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 261 WEAPONS................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 263 WONDROUS ITEMS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 265 CONSUMABLE ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 273

CHAPTER 13: FAMILIARS, FOLLOWERS, COHORTS & COMPANIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 275 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 275 COMPANIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 275 FOLLOWERS................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 282

CHAPTER 14: VISION, ENCUMBRANCE AND MOVEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................ 286 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 286 VISION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 286 ENCUMBRANCE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 287 MOVEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 287

CHAPTER 15: COMBAT..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 289 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 289 ACTIONS IN COMBAT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 290 INJURY AND DEATH .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 295 TACTICAL MOVEMENT& POSITIONING ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 297 CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 300 BENEFITS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 301

APPENDIX I: GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 302

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INTRODUCTION The Legacy of Heroes is a new Fantasy Role Playing Game with one singular focus: Imagination. The Legacy of Heroes aims to provide you, as either a player or a GM, all the tools you need to bring the myriad characters and stories you love from books, movies, video games, and your own mind, to life on the sheet before you. Our game doesn’t focus on flashy new mechanics and tricks. The simple fact is the most powerful mechanic of all is already present at most RPG tables: the players and the GM. We believe that the formula is Player’s Imagination + GMs Story = Fun. The real goal of the RPG should be to either facilitate that fun or stay out of the way of it. We know that it is impossible to give you every rule or define every situation, so we give you, the players and the GM, the tools you need to create your own milieu and your own game elements. In short, you create your own fun. The Legacy of Heroes is based on the OGL and cross-breeds that with the best inspirations from 40 years of RPG gaming to create an exciting system that is both familiar and new at the same time. You will still see your old friends of Race and Class, but new elements such as Heroic Arcs, Heroic Talents and more have been added to the mix, to add more customization and imagination to your character. We have sought to eliminate pointless barriers and unnecessary restrictions between game elements, allowing you to realize your character in an uncompromising way. The Legacy of Heroes offers a deep and involved system to design your characters, giving you new and exciting facets to build, customize and bring your ideas to life. The system takes many simple elements and combines them into a complex tapestry. At every point of character design we offer you choices and options that can both facilitate and spur your imagination, always seeking to deliver a role-playing experience like never before. The advancements we have made in the casting of spells offer more flexibility and choice than any other OGL game on the market. Don’t worry; it’s not just spell casters that get to have fun in The Legacy of Heroes. We have also changed the entire dynamic of playing a character that survives based on steel and skill to create a gameplay experience that is engaging, dynamic and at all times fun. If you are looking for a game that allows you to make rich and multi-dimensional characters like never before, then The Legacy of Heroes is for you. Flip through these pages, see what we have to offer. We hope you love it as much as we do. Vincent Venturella -Lead Designer

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INTRODUCTION This chapter will walk you through the various steps necessary to create a character in The Legacy of Heroes. If you have played fantasy role-playing games previously, many of these steps may be familiar to you. This chapter contains only the overview and you will always want to reference the listed chapter for full details on completing that individual step of character creation.

STEP 1: GENERATE ABILITY SCORES The first step to creating your character for The Legacy of Heroes is to generate your ability scores. You may use either of the two methods outlined below, or alternatively, any system of ability score generation prescribed by your GM.

ASSIGN ARRAY You may use any of the ability score arrays below. These may be placed in any order on your character sheet. 18,16,14,12,10,8 16,16,16,12,10,10 16,16,14,14,10, 10

ROLL DICE If you choose this option, roll 4d6, dropping the lowest die rolled. Total the remaining three dice and record the result. Repeat this process five more times for a total of six recorded scores. Assign each of these scores to a single ability (Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma).

STEP 2: CHOOSE RACE Next, you will choose your race. This player’s guide lists eleven available races, but your GM may have additional racial choices available unique to their milieu. Each race gains a group of bonuses under racial traits. All members of a race gain these bonuses. In addition, each race gains 10 (or 12 in the case of half-elf) ability points they may spend on any of the basic racial abilities. These ability points must be spent completely at level 1 and you may not save any of these points beyond character creation. At every level beyond 1, you will gain 1 additional ability point. You may save these points over levels and these may be spent on either optional abilities or advanced abilities assuming that all prerequisites are met. Note that certain races (such as half-celestial) are marked as Bloodlines. These may not be taken as your base race and must be purchased using your ability points. Full details on Bloodlines can be found in Chapter 3: Races.

STEP 3: CHOOSE CLASS Now that you have your race, your next step is to choose your class. Your class represents “what you do.” Are you a strong fighter, deadly with a blade, or an enigmatic sorcerer whose blood is magic? There are eleven classes in The Legacy of Heroes although your GM may have additional options available. All classes gain a set of abilities at level one, each of which is covered in brief below, see Chapter 4: Classes for complete details.

BUILD Most classes have some sort of build available. For example, fighters choose a fighting style, clerics choose a focus and wizards choose a specialization. This choice will grant your character certain abilities unique to your build at level 1 and will have additional options you may choose from as you level.

STANCES Classes such as fighters and rogues will gain stances. These represent a basic fighting technique or series of moves. Choose the number of stances indicated by your class from Chapter 7: Stances. Each build in your class will have a stance associated with your build, for example, if you are a Marauder Fighter, there is a Marauder’s Assault stance that aligns well with the general fighting style of that character. You are not required to make this choice, but it is highly recommended, especially for newer players. As you advance in level, you gain upgrades from your class that will improve the functionality of your stances.

SET-UPS Some classes such as fighters and paladins receive set-ups. Set-ups are move actions that represent basic tricks used by a trained warrior during combat. Choose a number of set-ups as directed by your class from Chapter 8: Set-Ups. Set-Ups also have secondary uses during Skill Engagements. Each of these abilities may be used once during any skill engagement. Like stances, Set-Ups have alignment with certain fighting styles, our Marauder above would most likely want to take Marauder’s Rampage. Once again, this choice is not required, but recommended.

SKILL ACTIONS Very talented characters such as fighters, rogues and rangers gain an additional action type known as a skill action. Choose a number of skill actions as directed by your class from Chapter 6: Skills. Skill actions rely on making skill checks at the Hard DC before attacking with weapons, so it is a good idea to assign your skill trainings and accrue specializations in skills that your skill actions utilize.

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SPELLS If you are a character such as a wizard or a cleric, you gain spells. Your class will direct you on your number of spells known (or in your spellbook if you are a learned caster). You will then choose the appropriate number of spells from Chapter 9: Magic & Spells. You may gain a number of Upgrades known as Arcane Masteries (for arcane characters such as wizards) or Divine Mysteries (for divine characters such as clerics). These upgrades are applied to the spell and from that point on when you use the spell in a daily capacity; it will have those upgrades applied. Your class will have the full description on your spells.

OTHER FEATURES Your class may gain other abilities unique to members of that class, such as your Heroic Moment uses. In this case, the class entry will supply all necessary rules for that class feature. Record the 2 uses for your Heroic Moment granted by your class and any other unique abilities.

STEP 4: HEROIC ARC Next, you will choose a heroic arc for your character. This represents your character’s current narrative. In very base terms, this is probably how your character thinks of themselves on a daily basis and how they see themselves in the world they inhabit. Choose a single heroic arc from Chapter 5: Heroic Arcs. Choosing a heroic arcs grants a set of Heroic Arc Statistics. These are applied each time you select the heroic arc. You will also be granted a set of Universal Features that are common among all members of that heroic arc. These are gained only the first time you select that heroic arc. At levels 8 and 16, you will choose a second and third heroic arc respectively. These may be the same or a new Heroic Arc. You also gain additional heroic arc upgrades as you level as indicated by the character advancement table in Chapter 2: Character Basics. Each time you receive such an upgrade, you will choose an upgrade from those available in your current heroic arc (i.e. the last heroic arc choice made at level 1, 8 or 16).

STEP 5: ASSIGN SKILLS The next step is to assign skills to your character. There are two types of skills, encounter and narrative skills. Encounter skills represent broad aggregations of abilities and are meant to be used during combat and other tense situations. Narrative skills are your character’s hobbies, interests and pastimes that are pursued “off-camera.” At level 1 all characters receive 12 encounter skill trainings and 10 narrative skill trainings. You may assign these trainings to any skill you like as long as you do not exceed your maximum trainings. Your maximum number of trainings in any single skill is a combination of the highest ability modifier for the ability related to that skill plus the

number of times you have specialized in that skill. Your race, class and Heroic Arc may add to both your trainings and your specializations. The skills are fully listed and described in Chapter 6: Skills.

STEP 6: CHOOSE EQUIPMENT No hero goes into the wilderness unarmed. Your next step is to purchase equipment. All characters receive a single weapon of their choice that they are proficient in. If a character has armor proficiencies, then they also receive a single set of armor and/or shield that they are proficient in as well. In addition to this basic equipment, each hero receives a set of standard clothing and 50 gp to spend as they see fit on additional weapons, armor or gear. Your character may not purchase magic items at level 1, but may purchase any mundane gear in Chapter 11: Equipment.

STEP 7: TOTAL COMBAT NUMBERS The next step is for you to total all combat numbers for your character. Each of those is discussed briefly below.

Hit Points: Your race, class and heroic arc will all add to your hit points. Total the contribution from these three sources plus any miscellaneous abilities you have purchased and add that to a base of 10. This is your total hit points at level 1.

Defenses: Total each of your defenses (AC, Fortitude and Will). Your race, class and heroic arc may add to these numbers. Total this contribution, adding your level and add that to a base of 10. These are your total defense scores.

Heroic Reserves: Each character begins play at level 1 with 10 Heroic Reserves.

Reserve Healing Value: You may receive a contribution to your Reserve Healing Value from your race, class or heroic arc. You also add the higher of your Constitution or Wisdom modifier to your Reserve Healing Value. Total this contribution and add it to 10% of your total hit points. This is your Reserve Healing Value.

Initiative: Your initiative is the higher of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier added to your character level.

Attack Bonus: Your attack bonus with any attack you are proficient in is your proficiency bonus of +4 added to your character level. So most 1

st level

characters will have an attack bonus of +5. Certain game elements such as your race, class or heroic arc may give you circumstantial bonuses to attack rolls with specific attacks or types of attacks.

Damage: Weapon attacks deal damage as per the weapon die listed in Chapter 10: Equipment added to the higher of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. Certain game elements such as your race, class or heroic arc may give you

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circumstantial bonuses to damage rolls with specific attacks or types of attacks.

STEP 8: CHARACTER DETAILS Your final step is to turn the collection of numbers you have assembled into a character. Hopefully, you already had a clear idea of the character you were creating when you were moving through this process. During this step, add your character’s name, height, weight and other cosmetic features. You should also define your character’s back story and try to determine what has led them to this point in their life? What has led them to be an adventurer? Once this is complete, your character is ready to begin building his own heroic legacy!

ADVANCING BEYOND LEVEL 1 If your adventurer is successful, then they will eventually gain levels. Every time your character earns enough experience to gain a level, you can follow the process below to advance your character to the next level of experience. Your race, class and heroic arc may all provide you with decision points at each level and we will cover each in turn below.

STEP 1: CHARACTER BASICS Your first step should be to refer to the Character Advancement chart in Chapter 2. This table lists the general benefits that all characters gain as they advance in levels. For example at level 2, all characters gain a +1 bonus to a single ability score of their choice. Record all bonuses listed on the table.

STEP 2: RACE At every level beyond 1, your character earns 1 ability point to purchase racial upgrades. These upgrades may be selected from Optional or Advanced abilities as long as all other prerequisites are met and points may be saved up over levels to purchase more costly abilities.

STEP 3: CLASS Your class has the largest effect on your character each time you level. Each part of the class’s effect on your level is described below.

Hit Points: At each level beyond 1, your character gains a random number of hit points. This number is listed in your class in Chapter 4.

Build: Your class will indicate when you are granted an upgrade to your build. At any such level, you may choose a single upgrade from those available to your build as long as you meet the prerequisites.

Stances and Spells: Stances and spells can both be upgraded with optional abilities that alter the way

the base stance or spell functions. At the levels indicated by your class, you will be able to select upgrade(s) for your stances or spells. Once those upgrades are applied, that stance or spell now functions in the enhanced way for the remainder of your character’s career (unless that option is retrained).

Other Features: As you level, your class may grant you additional unique features. These can be anything from additional elements you already have, for example another set-up, to a completely new feature, such as followers. Your class will define the full rules for these unique features.

STEP 4: HEROIC ARC At the levels listed on the Character Advancement table in Chapter 2, your character gains upgrades from your heroic arc. You may select any upgrade currently available as per your last theme choice. For example, if you chose Occult Slayer at level 1 for your first theme and then chose Assassin at level 8 for your second heroic arc, when you receive an upgrade choice at level 10, that upgrade choice would have to be drawn from Assassin.

STEP 5: SKILLS At each level after 1

st, your character receives a single

encounter skill training and a single narrative skill training. Just as with your initial skill trainings, you may assign this skill training to any skill you like, as long as you do not exceed your maximum trainings for that skill. In addition to this, all of your skills add your character level to the total bonus, so you will need to increase the total bonus of all of your encounter and narrative skills by 1 for each level gained.

STEP 6: UPDATE COMBAT NUMBERS The following combat numbers are all affected by level. At each level after 1

st, all of these values increase by 1.



Attack Bonus In addition, when you reach level 11, whenever you make weapon attacks, your weapon deals twice the normal amount of weapon dice in damage. So for example, if you weapon normally deals 1d8, at level 11, it deals 2d8. If it normally deals 2d4, at level 11, it now deals 4d4.

STEP 7: HEROIC TALENTS Beginning at level 3, and then again at levels 7, 11, 15 and 19, your character gains a heroic talent. These represent unique talents or abilities your character has learned or manifested during their time adventuring. These talents represent abilities over and above those possessed by the

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common man and mark your characters as true heroes. Chapter 10: Heroic Talents has your information on heroic talents. At each level you gain a heroic talent, you may choose any heroic talent for which you meet the prerequisites (if any). Note, you can not choose 2 heroic talents from the same category over the course of your career. The only exception to this is your legendary talent, which is gained at 19. Most legendary talents require a specific heroic talent as a prerequisite and may be from the same category as a previously chosen talent.

STEP 8: RETRAINING Beginning at level 2 and again at each following level, you may choose to retrain a single game element you had previously selected with your GM’s permission. For example, you may change a heroic talent if you decide that a previously selected talent no longer fits your character. Any game element (such as a stance, set-up, spell known, etc) may be retrained with your GM’s permission unless that game element expressly forbids retraining. This option is to allow people to correct choices with their characters that they are not pleased with in play that may have looked good on paper. Frequent abuse of retraining or attempting to game the system in any way should not be permitted and your GM may forbid you from retraining any game element at any time.

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ABILITY SCORES One of the first steps in generating a character is to generate your ability scores. Your ability scores represent the physical and mental capacities of your character. These abilities are a snapshot of your character’s basic innate talent and aptitude. They are a guidepost, but they are not your total character. The most important part to remember when you are framing your ability scores is that they are an abstraction. They do not completely define the speed, intelligence or insightfulness of your character. From this abstraction, you will build the totality of your character. Table 2.1: Ability Scores

Ability Score Bonus

1 -3 2-5 -2 6-9 -1 10 0 11-14 +1 15-18 +2 19-22 +3 23-26 +4 27-30 +5 Each 4 Add’l +1

Strength (Str) Strength is a measure of your physical prowess and power. This ability score represents your ability to lift weight and your overall muscle mass. Strength is used in the items below.

Encounter Skills: Strength contributes to Athleticism, Delving and Endurance

Narrative Skills: Strength contributes to Animal Handling, Blacksmithing, Charioteering and Riding.

Attacks: Strength is one of two scores that can add to the damage rolls of weapon attacks.

Defenses: Strength is one of two scores that can contribute to your Fortitude defense.

Constitution (Con) Constitution is a measure of your physical toughness and endurance. It is both your long term bodily health and your ability to withstand and heal physical damage and illness. Constitution is used in the items below.

Encounter Skills: Constitution contributes to Athleticism, Delving and Endurance

Narrative Skills: Constitution contributes to Blacksmithing, Foraging, Mining, and Singing.

Defenses: Constitution is one of two scores that can contribute to your Fortitude defense.

Hit Points: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by an amount equal to the higher of your Constitution modifier or Wisdom modifier.

Dexterity (Dex) Dexterity is a measure of your physical speed and reactions. It represents both your manual dexterity and your greater nimbleness. Dexterity is used in the items below.

Encounter Skills: Dexterity contributes to Athleticism, Heal, Stealth and Thievery

Narrative Skills: Dexterity contributes to Alchemy, Bowyer/Fletcher, Carpentry, Charioteering, Dancing, Fishing, Herbalism, Hunting, Juggling, Leatherworking, Perform (Instrument), Pottery, Riding, Seafaring and Tailoring

Attacks: Dexterity is one of two ability scores that can add to the damage rolls of weapon attacks.

Defenses: Dexterity is one of two scores that can contribute to your Armor Class.

Initiative: Dexterity is one of two scores that can add to your initiative modifier.

Intelligence (Int) Intelligence represents your IQ and your overall knowledge base. Intelligence is your ability to study, internalize and utilize data. Intelligence is used in the items below.

Encounter Skills: Intelligence contributes to Arcana, Delving, Heal, History, Nature, Perception, Religion, and Streetwise.

Narrative Skills: Intelligence contributes to Alchemy, Ancient History, Astrology, Bower/Fletcher, Brewing, Carpentry, Disguise, Engineering, Farming, Forgery, Gambling, Gem Cutting, Navigation and Stonemasonry.

Defenses: Intelligence is one of two scores that can contribute to your Armor Class.

Initiative: Intelligence is one of two scores that can add to your initiative modifier.

Wisdom (Wis) Wisdom is a measure of your understanding and judgment. It represents both your ability to synthesize knowledge and see the larger picture. Wisdom also represents the insightfulness of your character when facing deception and your will to fight on. Wisdom is used in the items below.

Encounter Skills: Wisdom contributes to History, Interaction, Intuition, Nature, Perception and Religion.

Narrative Skills: Wisdom contributes to Ancient History, Animal Handling, Artistry, Astrology, Brewing, Engineering, Farming, Fishing, Foraging, Gem Cutting, Herbalism, Hunting, Leatherworking,

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Mining, Navigation, Pottery, Seafaring, Stonemasonry and Tailoring.

Defenses: Wisdom is one of two scores that can contribute to your Will defense.

Hit Points: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by an amount equal to the higher of your Constitution modifier or Wisdom modifier.

Spell Control: When using spells that affect an area, you may choose to ignore a number of targets equal to the higher of your Wisdom or Charisma modifier. See the Magic chapter for full details.

Charisma (Cha) Charisma is a measure of your magnetism. It represents your ability not only to communicate clearly, but also to empathize (or fake such empathy) with those around you. This ability score governs your force of personality and your ability to successfully interact with those around you. Charisma is used in the items below.

Encounter Skills: Charisma contributes to Arcana, Interaction, Intuition Stealth, Streetwise and Thievery.

Narrative Skills: Charisma contributes to Artistry, Dancing, Disguise, Forgery, Gambling, Juggling, Perform (Instrument) and Singing.

Defenses: Charisma is one of two scores that can contribute to your Will defense.

Spell Control: When using spells that affect an area, you may choose to ignore a number of targets equal to the higher of your Wisdom or Charisma modifier. See the Magic chapter for full details.

HEROIC RESERVES What is it that makes a hero? What is it that separates the hero from the common man, from the world and everyone in it? In short, it is their destiny. Heroes are a special breed; they have a strange mix of toughness, tenacity and sheer luck. Somehow, despite the overwhelming odds arrayed against them, they manage to come out the other side victorious. Most of the time, the princess is saved, the dragon is defeated and the magic ring is recovered. How do the heroes win time and again? The exact reason is probably a factor of the particular story being told, but for purposes of the general game, the heroes win because they have a certain luck, a certain will and a certain destiny to overcome any challenge. This manifests in the form of Heroic Reserves. Heroic Reserves are the character’s ability to dig deep, to fight on, and to achieve the impossible because they must. Each character starts the game with 10 Heroic Reserves. These Heroic Reserves are expended to regain hit points in various ways and continue fighting. Various game elements (such a cleric’s cure

wounds spell) will allow a character to spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. When a character does this, he or she regains hit points equal to their Reserve Healing Value. All of your spent Heroic Reserves are restored when you take a Long Rest.

RESERVE HEALING VALUE The character’s Heroic Reserves have a base equal to 10% of the character’s total hit point value, rounded down. So if a character had 30 hit points, then his heroic reserve base is 3 hit points. As that hit point total changes, so too does the character’s Reserve Healing Value. Temporary hit points do not in any way affect the Reserve Healing Value of a character, as those are not part of your actual hit point total. The base 10% number of your Reserve Healing Value is modified by various other choices you will make such as your race, class and heroic arc. Once all of these components are added together, you will have your actual Reserve Healing Total.

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CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT As your character gains levels, additional benefits are accrued. The following table details the benefits your character gains throughout the game.

Table 2.2: Character Advancement

Experience Your characters earn experience for overcoming challenges in your narrative. When your character achieves the total amount of experience listed at each level on the chart, your character gains a new level of experience and all associated benefits. For example, when your character has achieved 2,000 XP total, your character is now level 3. Ability Scores At all levels with a +1, you gain a +1 bonus to a single ability score of your choice. This bonus is permanent and may not be retrained or changed in any way. At level 6 and 14, characters receive a +2 bonus to an ability score. This must be an ability score that is listed as under Racial Traits as one of your initial choices of ability scores to increase by +2. Skill Trainings All characters receive 12 encounter skill trainings and 10 narrative skill trainings at level 1. Characters also receive 1 encounter skill training and 1 narrative skill training at every level after that. See the Skills chapter for full details on skill trainings. Heroic Talents

Characters receive a Heroic Talent at levels 3, 7, 11, 15 and 19. The last Heroic Talent is a Legendary Talent and may be drawn from either the Legendary Talent or Heroic Talent list. See the Heroic Talent chapter for full details. Heroic Reserves All characters begin play with 10 Heroic Reserves. As they level and come closer to their destiny, their power as a hero increases. At every even numbered level, characters gain an additional Heroic Reserve. Heroic Arcs See the Heroic Arcs chapter for full details on how to gain and apply heroic arcs.

HIT POINTS All characters begin play with 10 hit points. This is the rough amount possessed by most sentient humanoid creatures in the world; it represents a basic amount of durability, willpower and morale. Heroes however are a tougher breed than the average peasant or goblin, and the hero’s race, class, heroic arc and other game elements may add to their hit point total.

Level Experience Ability Scores Skill Trainings Heroic Talents Heroic Reserves Heroic Arc

1 0 12/10* 10 Heroic Arc Choice 2 1000 +1 1/1 11 3 2000 1/1 1 Heroic Arc Upgrade 4 3000 +1 1/1 12 5 4000 1/1 Heroic Arc Upgrade 6 5000 +2 (Race) 1/1 13 7 6000 1/1 2 Heroic Arc Upgrade 8 7000 +1 1/1 14 Heroic Arc Choice 9 8000 1/1 10 9000 +1 1/1 15 Heroic Arc Upgrade 11 10,000 1/1 3 12 11,000 +1 1/1 16 Heroic Arc Upgrade 13 12,000 1/1 14 13,000 +2 (Race) 1/1 17 Heroic Arc Upgrade 15 14,000 1/1 4 16 15,000 +1 1/1 18 Heroic Arc Choice 17 16,000 1/1 Heroic Arc Upgrade 18 17,000 +1 1/1 19 19 18,000 1/1 5** Heroic Arc Upgrade 20 19,000 +1 1/1 20 21+ 20,000 Etc… Etc… Etc… Etc… Etc… * Encounter skill trainings/Narrative skill trainings **The Heroic Talent gained at this level is a Legendary Talent. See Heroic Talents for full details.

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LANGUAGES The world is full of divergent creatures that speak a vast number of different languages. Though magic can sometimes be used to bridge this gap, more commonly, the solution is a more mundane one of simply learning and using the language of the creatures you are attempting to entreat with. Diplomacy, trade and a host of other activities are nearly impossible if the two parties do not share a language. Languages are divided into two broad categories, mundane and supernatural. Mundane languages are those languages developed by the mortal creatures of the world. They are common and shared amongst vast members of a geographic region or race. These are very much akin to our real world languages that have developed and much like those real world examples, there are also dialects, accents and other such small idiosyncrasies. For game purposes however, if you can speak the language of a creature, then you can communicate effectively with the creature. Supernatural languages are those born of either magic or the immortal beings of the universe. These are the languages of the gods and their angels, of secret lore and of powerful demon lords. Unlike their mundane counterparts, these languages often consist of words of power and simply speaking them can often have a potent effect on those listening. The potent supernatural nature of these languages means they are also much less susceptible to language drift and so tend to be consistent across all speakers. Table 2.3 Languages

Language Speakers

Mundane Languages Common Humans, the civilized races Draconic Dragons, Kobolds, Lizardmen Dwarven Dwarves Elven Elves Giant Giants, Ogres, Trolls Gnomish Gnomes Goblin Goblinoids, Bugbears Gnollish Gnolls Orcish Orcs Sylvan Dryads, Fey, Nymphs Undercommon Drow, Kuo-Toa, Troglodytes,

subterranean races Supernatural Languages Aquan Water based creature Auran Air based creatures Celestial Gods, Angels, Good Immortals Druidic Druids Ignan Fire based creatures Infernal Demons, Devils, Evil Outsiders Terran Earth based creatures

The table above lists mundane and supernatural languages and the common speakers of those languages. The GM may have additional language choices native to the milieu you

are playing (for example dialects or languages spoken by a new race or members of a particular kingdom). Anytime you gain a skill training, instead of spending that on a skill, you may gain a new mundane language.

ALIGNMENTS Alignment represents your character’s general moral outlook and the way he or she perceives her place in the world. Alignment has very little mechanical impact and is not meant to be a slavish code your character follows. Instead it is an aggregate of the general principles your character will follow when faced with challenges. Situations may demand your character act against these principles and that is okay. Alignments are not doctrine and may be violated. They are meant to be a guideline to direct you as you make your way through the narrative and are faced with countless perilous situations. If you choose a particular alignment for your character, but over time find that, in fact, your character believes and acts in a much different way than you initially conceived, you should feel free to update your alignment to match your evolving world view. Many heroes of literature and myth may begin their tale with a particular alignment but by the end of the story, when the lessons are learned (or not), have come to be a much different person. There is no reason that your character should not be able to experience the same narrative transition. There are five alignments in the game, each of which is detailed below. The examples given of how the character will tend to act are again, only guidelines, and characters may at times violate these general suggestions.

LAWFUL GOOD This character values both the law and goodness. The character will seek to help, protect and save the innocent whenever possible. The character respects the stability that a lawful society brings, but is not a slave to it. A Lawful Good character will tend to…

Never kill an innocent being if it can be avoided

Follow and respect local laws and customs

Care for those in need

Give of themselves to the less fortunate when possible

Be concerned with their impact on their community and the world

CHAOTIC GOOD This character values goodness but finds the law to be too constricting. The character will seek to help, protect and save the innocent whenever possible. The character might respect law, and probably won’t go out of their way to disrupt it unless the laws are egregious or unfair, but they basically believe the laws do not apply to them or are unnecessary as long as they act in a basically good way.

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A Chaotic Good character will tend to…

Never kill an innocent being if it can be avoided

Follow local laws and customs only if it suits them

Fight against unjust or egregious laws

Care for those in need

Give of themselves to the less fortunate when possible

Be concerned with their impact on their community and the world with an eye toward the greater good

NEUTRAL This character is not concerned with alignment, with good or evil or the nature of law or chaos. This does not denote an intellectual laziness, but rather this person is often a pragmatist and sees that the world is full of grey areas. Holding to one particular ethos only serves to restrict one from doing what needs to be done. In conversation, this person might call their beliefs unaligned, as they do not side with any particular philosophy or moral code. A Neutral character will tend to…

Kill an innocent person only if it serves a greater purpose

Follow local laws and customs only if it suits them

Leave an area with unjust or egregious laws

Care for those in need if suits a greater purpose or their own desires

Be concerned with their impact on their community only if it impacts them directly

LAWFUL EVIL This character values the law, but has no concern for goodness or ethics. The character does not openly seek wanton destruction, but will gladly kill or commit other ethical violations if it serves their purpose. The character respects the stability that a lawful society brings, but is not a slave to it. A Lawful Evil character will tend to…

Kill an innocent being if it serves their purposes

Follow and respect local laws and customs

Ignore those in need

Enforce laws, even if they are egregious or unjust

Be concerned primarily with their own interests without concern for the community unless their actions would violate laws and destabilize

CHAOTIC EVIL This character values very little indeed. The character may commit acts of wanton destruction, but is not necessarily a mustachioed villain killing and burning everything in sight (though some more extreme cases may be). The character is concerned primarily with themselves and nothing else, ethics, morality and all of that is simply a bag of bricks weighing you down.

A Chaotic Evil character will tend to…

Kill an innocent being for fun, profit or any other reason that suits them

Disregard local laws and customs

Ignore those in need

Punish, abuse or exploit those in need

Be concerned only with their own ends regardless of the community

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INTRODUCTION The section that follows introduces the races available to choose for your character. These races represent the most common races of the world and those that would traditionally be encountered but in no way is this list meant to represent all of the races that may be available in your particular story or world. Your GM has been given full instructions on the creation of new and additional content and many more races besides those offered here may be available.

RACE BASICS Every race listed in this book has certain common features, each of which are defined below.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION & FEATURES These features, such as average age, height, weight and such, describe very broad aspects of the race. These are of course all averages and particular members of the race may diverge quite radically from the norm, just as in the real

world where humans often exist far outside of the “averages” described. This section also lists the terrain or area of the world the race is often found in (if any) as well as their general demeanor, pastimes, and traditional enemies. Basically, that which motivates the race, both good and bad may be found here. Finally, this section will contain some advice on why members of this race would become an adventurer, which is obviously very relevant to you as the reader since you are trying to build an adventurer. This section offers helpful advice and springboards for you to consider as to why your character has made the unusual choice to attempt to kill monsters and save princesses for a living as opposed to being a farmer or a blacksmith.

RACIAL TRAITS This section actually contains two groups of information about the race. The first section is the few universal traits possessed by all members of your race. In other words, this section has those traits that no matter when or where a member of that race is from, they share it. For example, all dwarves are sturdy and tough, and so the Durable feature is one of their universal racial traits.

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The second section here is optional abilities. These abilities represent abilities that the race has a whole, but that individual members of the race may not have. This is where you would find the abilities for what are traditionally called sub-races, or small racial groupings within the larger race. For example, it is in this area for the Elf race that the abilities that belong to dark elves are found. Your character receives 10 points at level 1 and 1 point at each additional after level 1 with which to spend on racial abilities. Your character must spend all of his points at level 1 and may not carry them past character creation. All points accrued at level 2 and beyond may be saved over levels to purchase larger abilities. For example, points could be saved for levels 2-5 to purchase a new 4 point ability at level 5. Abilities identified with sub-races are generally labeled as such and begin with the names for that race, i.e. Dark Elf Cavern Hunter. These may be freely chosen even if you do not see your character as a full blooded dark elf. This might represent a dark relative in your family tree or that you are part of a larger racial group with some interbreeding. Whatever the story, the racial abilities are there to facilitate your ability to tell the story you would like to tell with your character. You should think greatly about what type of “dwarf” or “elf” you want your character to be, and then find the racial abilities that accentuate those choices. As you level, you may choose abilities from either the base abilities offered or from the Additional Upgrades

section. Obviously, items from the additional upgrades area may be only be acquired with points gained after level 1. These abilities generally have prerequisites listed. Abilities in [brackets] must be taken before that ability can be purchased. If an ability has an {R} marked beside it, this means it is repeatable and may be selected multiple times.

BLOODLINES At the end of this chapter, three races are listed that have different rules than all other races listed here. These are marked with the “Bloodline” designation, and these represent a more fantastical heritage in your blood, such as demons or dragons. These bloodlines may NOT be chosen as your base race. Instead, you may elect to spend 3 of your racial upgrade points to gain access to the abilities offered within this bloodline. You may elect to use either your starting racial points or points that you accrue over levels (your powers simply manifest later in your adventuring career). These races have no base Racial Traits, only additional Optional Abilities that you may then purchase as normal with your racial points. You may never have more than one bloodline and unlike normal racial abilities, this choice may not be retrained. You must receive permission from your GM to change your character in such a way if you are going to leave behind or change a bloodline.

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CONSTRUCT Average Height: 6’0” (4’6” – 7’6”) Average Weight: 250lbs (80lbs – 420lbs) Lifespan: ? Years Vision: Low-Light Speed: 30 Feet (6 squares) Languages: Common, One Other Mundane of Choice

General Description There is no real general description of constructs for they represent such a vast array of characters. The unifying heroic arc of all constructs is that they are not normal living creatures who were born of parents and will die of natural causes. Instead, they are an artificial creation, perhaps the mechanical servants of an otherworldly power, perhaps they are the creation of a master artificer, a child of his fanciful imagination. Conversely, they could represent a whole race of arcane mechanical men built for the express purpose of war. In all of these situations, the only unifying heroic arc is one of servitude. Constructs are created with an indelible purpose by their creator and it is the tension of this purpose placed against the construct’s own free will that drives the character on. Physical Description Constructs have the widest range of any creature when it comes to physical appearance. Some are smallish mechanical representations of geometric shapes, wholly alien in design and thought. Others are towering behemoths, made to protect their frail masters. Finally, it is fully possible that a construct was formed in the image of its own human (or other race) creator, being roughly equivalent in size and shape to an average human. Personality Constructs have wildly divergent personalities depending on the original reason for their creation. Mechanical representations of the force of law tend to be orderly and methodic in their approach, taking the same actions over and over again in response to their original “programming.” Other constructs who are young (often only a few years old and effectively a functional adult) have a more child-like wonder and curiosity when it comes those around them and the greater world. These types of constructs will often be more likely to adopt the habits and idiosyncrasies of those around them in an attempt to fit in. Unique constructs created for by a single being tend to have the personality and outlook of their creator (assuming they are on friendly terms with them) or take exactly the opposite personality (if they are not). All constructs tend to have a problem with the more elusive and complex emotions of humanity such as humor and jealousy and this can often lead to conflicts both emotional and physical with creatures who do not take the time to explain such things.

Constructs don’t have the same passions or hatreds unless they have inherited them from their masters. The exception to this is most constructs feel uncomfortable by situations of extreme chaos and disorder. All constructs have a sort of inbred logic to them. Things that fly directly in the face of such order are hard for constructs to grasp. Constructs’ major shortcomings usually manifest as an inheritance of the sins of their “father.” Their own trappings, fears, hatreds and vices are a result of their master’s indelible mark upon them more than it is any racial history or memory. Why Adventure? Constructs have disparate reasons for becoming adventurers, but the most common by far is simply to find their greater place in the universe. Constructs may be rogue from their collective community, or they may have no community to begin with. In either case, they easily find themselves as wanderers in the world and the life of an adventurer becomes an easy fit to slide into.

Racial Traits All constructs possess the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 to any one ability score except Wisdom. Varied Design: Chose any single skill; that skill gains one additional specialization. Construct: You count as a construct for type. You do not sleep, eat or breathe. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level.

Ability names in [brackets] are prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Constructs have a vast and disparate array of abilities. Because they are created almost exclusively for a specific purpose, this is reflected in their racial power choices. Constructs have a great amount of versatility but lack the true depth of focus and racial training other races gain through centuries of shared experiences.


Ancient Construct: You gain a skill training in Ancient History and Ancient History gains one additional specialization.

Attached Weapon: Your weapon may be attached to your physical form. You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against any attack that would cause you

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to be weakened. You may only have one weapon attached at a time and attaching a weapon is a standard action.

Construct Empathy: You gain a +4 bonus on any Interaction checks made against creatures with the construct type.

Construct Slam: Your unarmed attack deals 1d8 points of damage.

Flesh Construction: You are made to look like a human (or similar humanoid). You gain a +5 bonus on any Interaction check to disguise your nature as a construct.

Programmed Response: You are considered to have rolled an 11 for all initiative checks.


Adaptable [may NOT have Programmed Knowledge] {R}: For each time you have selected this ability, at the start of the day you may gain a skill training in a single narrative skill that an ally also has a skill training in. All skill trainings must be in the same skill and you may only set the chosen skill once per day.

Berserk: The first time you are wounded in an encounter, your next attack deals an additional 5 damage and may score a critical hit on a 19-20.

Construct Mind: You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against effects with the charm keyword.

Construct Vision: You gain a skill training in Perception and Perception gains one additional specialization.

Programmed Knowledge [may NOT have Adaptable] {R}: Choose a single narrative skill, you gain a skill training in that skill and that skill gains one additional specialization.

Protected Voice Box: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against any attack that would cause you to be silenced.

Redundant Systems: You do not roll death saves when dying.

Reinforced Construction {R}: Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder. You gain resist 5 + level against ongoing damage of this type. Each time you select this ability, choose a different damage type.

Solid Frame {R}: Increase the push distance of any weapon attack you make by 5 feet (1 square).

Steam Driven: You gain a +1 bonus to speed. You must now drink water and are susceptible to the normal penalties for a living being going without water.

Wounding Strikes: Any target successfully hit by your unarmed attack may not regain hit points until affected by divine magic that restores hit points. This ability has the curse keyword.


The Alpha and the Prime: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Impenetrable Construction: You are made of solid metal or stone. You gain Resist Physical 5.

Poison Gas Breath: As a standard action attack, you may exhale poison gas in a 10’ x 10‘ area adjacent to you. All creatures in the area must make a saving throw. On a failed save, those creatures are impaired (save ends). This has the poison keyword.

Self-Repair: You gain regeneration 2 when wounded.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Alien Mind [Construct Mind]: The bonus granted by your Construct Mind ability also applies to effects that dominate you or have the sleep keyword.

Berserk Liberation [Berserk]: When your Berserk ability activates, you immediately end any stunned or dominated condition affecting you.

Discontinuity [Construct Vision]: Your Reflexive Perception counts as 4 higher for purposes of locating secret or hidden doors.

Emergency Restoration [Self-Repair] {R}: The first time you become wounded during an encounter, you gain 2 temporary hit points for each time you have selected this ability.

Fluidless [Impenetrable Construction, may NOT have Steam Driven]: Your resistance to physical damage also applies to poison.

Leverage [Attached Component]: You gain a +2 bonus on all attacks to disarm.

Shared Repairs [Self Repair]: You can extend your repairs to other mechanical items. You may touch a single mechanical item (such as a trap or large siege engine) or a magic item that has been damaged and is no longer functional. After one minute of maintained contact, the damaged item is restored and functional (at the GMs discretion). This may not be used on artifacts.

Solid Footing [Impenetrable Construction]: You do not suffer damage from caltrops or similar small impediments. You may ignore any difficult terrain resultant from scree or any similar small jagged rocks.

Steam Cloud [Steam Driven]: As a standard action, you may expel steam. This fills your square

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and each adjacent square with a light misty haze that grants partial concealment (attackers targeting anyone in the haze count as impaired for that attack).


Crushing Slam [Construct Slam]: Whenever you critically hit an enemy with your unarmed attack, that opponent is also knocked prone.

Enhanced Lifting Capacity [Steam Driven or Impenetrable Construction]: Your carrying capacity is doubled. You gain a +4 bonus to any checks to lift, push, pull or drag heavy items, or to open doors, gates and similar checks.

Logic Awareness [Construct Mind]: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against attacks with the illusion keyword. Your bonus to saving throws from Construct Mind also applies to any conditions imposed by such attacks.

Improved Construct Slam [Construct Slam]: Your unarmed attack deals 1d10 points of damage and gains the High Critical property.

Improved Construct Vision [Construct Vision]:When making a Perception check as part of a skill engagement where it is a primary skill, if your check is at least the Hard DC, you grant a +2 bonus to the next check made in that encounter.

Resilient Construction [Reinforced Construction] {R}: Your resistance to your chosen damage type applies to all damage of that type, not just ongoing. Each time you select this ability, it applies to another damage type you selected with Reinforced Construction.

Toxic Breath [Poison Gas Breath] {R}: Any target that is impaired by your breath also suffers 5 poison damage for each time you have selected this ability.

Upgraded Self Repair [Self-Repair] {R}: Your regeneration while wounded increases by 1 for each time you select this ability.

Wide Breath [Poison Gas Breath]: Your poison gas breath now fills a 15’ x 15’ foot (3 x 3 square) area.


Advanced Program [Programmed Response]: You are treated as having rolled a 13 for all initiative checks and you may no longer be surprised. Other members of your party must roll for surprise as normal, but you always take part in any surprise round.

Critical Repair [Redundant Systems, Self Repair]: Your regeneration doubles when you are below 0 hit points.

Imbued Form: Choose the properties of a single set of magic armor with a level no greater than your own. You now count as having these

properties. This counts as an advancing item and may be further enhanced as normal.

Improved Wounding Strike [Wounding Strike]: Any target struck by your unarmed attack also suffers ongoing 5 necrotic damage.

Perfect Vision [Construct Vision]: Enemies gain no bonus to their Stealth checks for being invisible when you use Perception to locate them. If you successfully use Perception to locate an invisible creature, they are only treated as having partial concealment.

Rampage [Berserk]: You may attempt to sustain your Berserk bonuses. At the end of each of you turns, you may make a saving throw. If this save is successful, the bonuses for Berserk continue and you suffer 5 damage. If the save is failed, the Berserk ends, you suffer 5 damage and you are impaired (save ends) from exhaustion.

Running Hot [Steam Driven]: You may run your boiler hot. Doing so is a minor action and causes you to suffer 5 points of damage. You gain a +2 bonus to speed for your move action and a +3 bonus to the damage rolls of your standard action attack that round.

Shared Enhancement [Imbued Form, Attached Component]: You may use the highest enhancement bonus from among your armor and weapon (as long as it’s attached) for both your armor and weapon. (i.e. if your weapon is +1 and your armor is +3, both count as +3).

Speed Leech: As a standard action attack, you may attempt to leech the speed from a single target within 50 feet (10 squares). The target must make a saving throw. On a failed save, the target is slowed (save ends). As long as the target is slowed, you are treated as hasted (move).

Virulent Breath [Poison Gas Breath]: Whenever a target of this attack fails a saving throw against the impaired condition, the target is instead stunned (save ends).

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DWARF Average Height: 5’1” (4’10” – 5’4”) Average Weight: 255lbs (230lbs – 280lbs) Lifespan: 350 – 450 Years Vision: Darkvision Speed: 25 Feet (5 squares) Languages: Common, Dwarven

General Description Many words have been used to describe the dwarven people; gruff, dour, serious, loyal, taciturn, greedy, strong, brave and more. All of these are true, but any one of these words is far too simple a description. The dwarves are a proud people who make their lives from stone and metal, and they share many qualities of these minerals. Physical Description Dwarves are short and stocky, standing on average just over five feet tall with their shoulders being nearly as broad. They have large powerful arms and hands which are usually calloused from hours of long work. They are muscular and despite their love of ale and mead, do not easily put on extra weight. Most dwarves wear a beard, taking great pride in the pleats and length of that beard. The exception to this is the dwarves who work the great forges deep in the dwarven halls. These dwarves hold a position of honor in dwarven society and are easily picked out by the deep black char that often encrusts their hands and arms. Dwarven skin color ranges from pale white to deep brown and despite dwarves’ great age, they tend to go grey at just over a century, with their hair only becoming more white as the years pass. Personality Dwarves value two things above all else, work and honor, and these two things are very closely tied together for the dwarven people. They take pride in everything they do and every dwarf, from the simplest miner up to a master smith, approaches his work each day as though he has the most valuable and important job of his society. This also means that everything is taken seriously, and dwarves do not tend to have a great sense of humor, often missing the simple jocularity of the other races of the world. Once this simple serious nature is penetrated however, dwarves have a true and loyal heart. Once the friendship of a dwarf is earned, no bond in the world is stronger. If there is any impediment to this friendship, it is only that dwarves tend to turn acquaintances into friends at a very slow rate. It can take a dwarf 50 years or even a century to truly call another being a friend, and most humans simply don’t have the luxury of that sort of time. Dwarves have a fierce hatred of goblins, orcs and giants, with whom they often compete for living space within their vast mountain halls. Dwarves also have a long history of mistrust with elves, whom they see as too

capricious. Despite this mistrust, when a large enough threat arises, dwarves will proudly march to war alongside their “point-eared” allies. If dwarves have a great shortcoming is a race, it is that their love of valuable minerals and metals can turn to avarice, and many dwarven lords have lost their way in the world amidst a sea of gold and gems. Why Adventure? Dwarves most often take up adventuring when they do not fit the mold of the perfect dwarven citizen outlined above. If a dwarf does not feel that a life of mining is his perfect existence. If a dwarf does not feel that hard work is a paradigm to be sought after above all else, then these dwarves usually have trouble fitting into their societies. This is an especially large problem for a culture that does not tolerate deviance or self-expression in areas other than blacksmithing, brewing and gem cutting. These dwarves are not shunned, but it is strongly implied that it may be a good idea for them to leave their mountain homes and head out into the world, where they can hopefully get any young foolishness out of their head and return to their kin serious-minded and ready to work.

Racial Traits All dwarves posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 Strength or +2 Constitution or +2 Wisdom Durable: Increase your Reserve Healing Value by 3. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level.

Ability names in [brackets] are prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Dwarves abilities manifest in their passions. They love drinking, mining deep in the mountains and they hate their enemies, the goblinoids and giants. All of these aspects of dwarven culture have representation below. Dwarves as a race also have a sub-race cousin, the Duergar. These foul tempered and evil grey-skinned dwarves live deep in the earth and have nothing but hatred for their “surface” kin.


Brewmaster: You receive a skill training in Brewing and Brewing gains one additional specialization.

Cave Hunter: You gain a +2 bonus to perception checks to notice hazards or natural dangers when underground.

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Duergar Deep Dweller: You receive a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when attacking troglodytes, kuo-toa or dark elves.

Duergar Moss Cloak: When you are underground, neither darkvision nor scent give any special ability to perceive you. If you are hidden, you must be seen by Perception as normal.

Goblin Death: You receive a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when attacking goblinoids.

Giant Dodger: You receive a +2 bonus to your defenses against the attacks of giants.

Heavy Armor Mastery: You do not suffer any reduced speed for wearing Armor with the Cumbersome property

Master Mason: Receive a skill training in Stonemasonry and Stonemasonry gains one additional specialization.

Tunnel Home: When using Nature or Delving to navigate underground, you gain an additional +2 bonus to those skills.


Ancestral Weapons: Choose axes, hammers or picks. You are proficient with all weapons of that type and you gain a +1 to damage with such weapons.

Duergar Shadow: You gain a skill training in Stealth and when you make Stealth checks underground outside of combat, you may roll twice and take the higher result.

Duergar Spell Resistance: You gain a +2 bonus to defenses against spells with the Illusion keyword or that would render you immobilized.

Endurance of Stone: You gain Skill Training in Endurance and Endurance gains one additional specialization.

Hardy Stock: You receive a +5 bonus to saving throws against effects with the poison or disease keyword.

Mountain Roots: You reduce forced movement you suffer by 2 squares. In addition, if you are knocked prone, you may make a saving throw to avoid the effect.

True Grit: You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against any effect with the fear keyword.

Underdark Dweller: You gain Skill Training in Delving and Delving gains one additional specialization.

Very Durable {R}: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 1.


Clan Patriarch: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Magic Resistant: You gain a +2 talent bonus to all saving throws against magic.

Smith of Legend: You gain Skill Training in Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing gains one additional specialization. In addition you are able to craft your own weapons and armor. You gain a +1 magic bonus to attack rolls with your crafted weapons and +1 magic bonus to AC when in armor you have crafted.

Unbelievable Fortitude: You gain an additional 5 Hit Points and +1 bonus to your Fortitude Defense.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Deep Roots [Mountain Roots] {R}: Reduce the distance you are moved by forced movement by an additional square.

Duergar Shadow Steps [Duergar Shadow]: You gain one additional specialization in Stealth.

Giant Slayer [Giant Dodger]: When you critically hit a creature with the Giant type when wielding a Great Foe weapon, that creature is also knocked prone.

Hearty Lager [Brewmaster]: You may use your Brewing skill to brew a special lager with nearly magical properties. Once per week, you may produce a single level 3 healing potion. You must be able to spend at least 8 total hours in that week brewing. Unfortunately, this hearty lager does not keep well over time and it only retains this magical property for 1 week. After that, it is simply a very potent alcohol.

Magic Siphon [Magic Resistant]: Whenever you are damaged by a magical spell, once that spell is resolved, you gain 5 temporary hit points.


Battle Hardened: When you use your Heroic Moment, you also regain 5 hit points.

Duergar Deep Magic: You may use invisibility once per day. You may not apply upgrades of any kind to this spell.

Fitted Armor [Heavy Armor Mastery, Smith of Legend]: When wearing a suit of armor you have created, you ignore any penalty to skills normally caused by this armor.

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Legend Bearer [Ancestral Weapons]: You bear a weapon with great cultural significance to the dwarven people. You gain a +2 bonus to all Interaction checks and may roll twice on such checks with dwarves. If you also have the Goblin Death, Duergar Deep Dweller or Veteran of the Goblin Wars abilities, your attacks against creatures these abilities apply to gain the fear keyword.

Master Crafter [Smith of Legend]: You may create magical items as per the imbue magic item ritual. You may only enchant weapons and armor in this way.

No Bleeding [Unbelievable Fortitude] {R}: You gain Ongoing Damage Resist 3. Each additional time you select this ability, increase your resistance by 3.

Truly Hardy Stock [Hardy Stock] {R}: You gain Poison Resist 5. Each additional time you select this ability, increase your resistance by 5.

Veteran of the Goblin Wars [Goblin Death]: Your bonus to attack and damage rolls applies to the goblinoids most frequently used allies as well, including Gnolls, Orcs, Trolls and Giants.


Duergar Spell Immunity [Magic Resistant, Duergar Spell Resistance]: You are immune to any spell with the Illusion keyword or that would render you immobilized.

Dwarven Thane [Smith of Legend]: Choose a single divine spell with the Protection domain. As long as you are wielding your crafted weapon, you benefit from the at-will version of this spell.

Endurance of Steel [Endurance of Stone]: You may roll twice and take the best result whenever you make an Endurance check.

Extended Dwarven Weapon Training [Ancestral Weapons]: Your damage bonus increases to +2 with the weapon group you selected for Ancestral Weapons. In addition, any such weapon that benefits from this damage bonus also counts as having the Great Foe property.

Underdark Paragon [Underdark Dweller]: When using the Delving skill, you must fail that check by 5 or more. In addition to this, when using Delving in a skill engagement, if you roll a critical success, it counts as 2 successes instead of 1.

Unyielding Fortitude [Unbelievable Fortitude]: You are immune to disease.

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ELF Average Height: 5’8” (5’4” – 6’0”) Average Weight: 150lbs (130lbs – 170lbs) Average Lifespan: 2500 years (?) Vision: Low-light Speed: 30 Feet (6 squares) Languages: Common, Elven, One Other of Choice

General Description Elves are the enigmatic and mysterious dwellers of the forest and fey realms. Many humans may go their entire life and never see an elf, to such people elves are as fantastic as dragons or unicorns. Adventurers are a different lot and may very well meet quite a few elves in their lifetime and if they are fortunate, even see the massive cities they construct or grow in the fey realms or in the heart of ancient forests. Elves appreciate beauty and are friendly to the other races that they tend to view almost as a stern adult views a child. Physical Description Elves stand just a bit shorter than humans, though they are lithe and thin, their seemingly frail form often cloaking an inner speed and dexterity. Their skin is almost always fair in color, though the dark elves, being the mirror of the elves in all things, have skin of pure obsidian. Elvish hair color runs the colors of the leaves of the trees, from greens and browns to the fiery red and flaxen blondes of fall hues. Their eyes cover an even wider spectrum, running through all colors of the rainbow. Those elves that advance all the way to the paragons of their race becoming lords of the eldar may have no iris or pupil at all, merely a white orb that now sees far more than normal vision perceives. Personality Elves value beauty and seek it out in all things. They love art, singing, dancing, swordplay and spellcasting. All of these things they view as an art to be studied and slowly perfected over the centuries. Elves are almost never brash or rush into things; they know that careful reason and logic will win over rash action every time. They examine problems from all angles and are more than willing to entertain alternate points of view in any discussion. This slow and reasoned approach to decision making often infuriates members of other races who cannot stand the hours, days or even weeks of deliberation around what they see to be a simple idea. Those humans who work frequently with elves are fond of saying “In the time an elf thinks about it, a dwarf has done it and a human has done it twice.” There is some truth to this and part of this slow deliberative nature may also explain why the elves tend to resist change. Change requires trying many different things and failing a great deal, elves like to do neither of these. Elves have a long-standing feud with dwarves, but this manifests more as simmering discomfort rather than

outright battle. The greatest enemies of the elves are the orcs, who often attempt to destroy and burn their forest homes. Elves greatest shortcoming can often be pride. They live nearly forever and have great reservoirs of experience to draw upon. This can often make them overconfident that they will always have the right answer, despite what the present situation may actually be. Why Adventure? Elves rarely take up the life of an adventurer. Some part of an adventurer must be rash and bold. To decide to rush a dungeon full of goblins at 5 to 100 odds is not a rational decision. So all elves who take up the adventuring life see some other value in what it brings. This most often takes the form of the world that the elf can experience by leaving their forest or fey home. Through adventure they are exposed to so much more beauty, so much more art and so much more wonder. All of this can then be incorporated into the elves’ own crafts and artistry, be they painting, swordplay or the spellcasting.

Racial Traits All elves posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 Dexterity or +2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma Swift Reflexes: Increase your initiative checks by +3. Hit Points: You gain 2 additional hit points

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below.


Sylvan Child: You are comfortable in environmental extremes and gain a +5 bonus on Endurance checks against environmental hazards.

Eyes of the Dark Elf: You gain darkvision.

High Elf Artisan: Receive skill training in either Artistry or Gem Cutting and the selected narrative skill counts as one of your Specialized Skills.

Sylvan Poultice: Receive skill training in Herbalism. This bonus increases by an additional 2 when in a forested environment.

Long Memory: You receive skill training in Ancient History and Ancient History gains one additional specialization.

Master Rider: You receive skill training in Riding and may mount or dismount as a free action.

Reverie: Trained in this ancient practice of your peoples, you are no longer required to sleep. Instead, you must enter a trance for 4 hours. While in this trance, you retain your Reflexive Perception and do not take penalties for sleeping.

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At the end of the 4 hours, you gain the benefit of a long rest.

Sylvan Empathy: You may use your Animal Handling skill to calm wild animals and magical beasts.


Aptitude for Magic: You gain Skill Training in Arcana and Arcana gains one additional specialization.

Art of War: Choose either Swords or Bows. You are proficient with all weapons of that type and you gain a +1 to damage with such weapons.

Charm Resistant: You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against any effect with the charm, sleep, or enchantment keywords.

Keen Senses: You gain Skill Training in Perception and Perception gains one additional specialization.

Light-foot: You gain Skill Training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

Nimble Stride {R}: You may ignore 1 square of difficult terrain when moving.

Poise and Elegance: You receive a +2 bonus to Interaction, Dancing, and Singing checks.

Dark Elf Cavern Hunter: You gain Skill Training in Delving and Delving gains one additional specialization.

Sylvan Wild Heart: You gain skill training in Nature and Nature gains one additional specialization.


Child of the Seldarine: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Dark Elf Inheritance: Once per day, you may cast create darkness, create light with the faerie fire upgrade, and levitation. You may not modify these spells with any additional Arcane Masteries or Divine Mysteries.

High Elven Magic: Enemies take a -1 penalty to saves against your magic.

Sylvan Wildrunner: You may no longer be tracked. In addition, you may track using natural scent. You gain a +2 bonus on all checks to track enemies and you ignore all concealment for any enemy adjacent to you.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


At Home in the Dark [Dark Elf Cavern Hunter]: You ignore the attack penalty for Concealment.

Dark Elf Pure Blood [Dark Elf Inheritance] {R}: You gain one additional use per day of the spells granted by Dark Elf Inheritance. Each time you take this ability, you gain an additional daily use of these spells.

Patron of Revelry [Poise and Elegance]: Receive a skill training in either Singing or Dancing. When making the chosen skill check at a community festival or gathering, you may roll twice and take the better result.

Relentless Tracker [Keen Senses]: You gain a +4 to tracking checks in either forested or underground environments (choose one).

Treetop Runner [Nimble Stride] {R}: As part of your movement, you may move on a vertical surface for 1 square as long as you end your movement on a horizontal surface. The number of vertical squares you travel increases by 1 each time you take this ability.

Windrider [Master Rider]: You gain a +4 bonus to riding checks when mounted on a flying mount.


Dark Elf Poison Distiller [Dark Elf Cavern Hunter]: You craft an insidious poison that you apply to a weapon prior to combat. The first attack you make in a combat with the designated weapon that hits causes the enemy to be slowed (save ends) in addition to normal effects. On the first failed save, the enemy becomes immobilized (save ends). On the second failed save, the enemy falls asleep and is helpless (save ends).

Dark Elf Poison Handler [Dark Elf Poison Distiller] {R}: You gain poison resist 5 and +2 to save vs. poison from your frequent exposure to poison. Each time you take this ability, your poison resist increases by 5.

High Elf Spell Girding [High Elf Magic]: You gain a +1 bonus to any saving throws against conditions you impose on yourself by using Major Metamagic

Master Herbalist [Sylvan Poultice]: You may use your Herbalism skill to create a non-magical poultice for treating poisons and diseases. When applied to a poisoned or diseased individual, they receive a +2 talent bonus to their next saving throw against the poison or disease. You may only create this caliber of poultice once per week and it requires spending at least 8 hours of gathering herbs in a natural environment.

Preternatural Awareness [Keen Senses]: You gain a +5 bonus on your Reflexive Perception to detect traps and hidden passages.

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Sleep Immunity [Charm Resistant]: You are immune to spells and effects with the sleep keyword.

Speed of the Wind [Nimble Stride]: You may ignore any aura effect that has a trigger of “enters” as long as you do not end your turn within the aura itself.

Spell Song [Aptitude for Magic]: If you have at least 1 skill training in Singing, you gain an additional +2 bonus to all Arcana checks.

Sword and Spell Style [Art of War]: When you cast an arcane spell, you gain a +1 to hit with your next weapon attack. When you hit with your weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to your next skill check made as part of a spell stance and a +1 bonus to damage with the next spell you cast.

Sylvan Shape [Sylvan Wildrunner]: Choose either great cat, primate or lupine, you may assume a form of one of these creatures as a move action (choosing a specific type of cheetah or something similar). You retain all your normal abilities. You gain a +5 bonus to any Bluff checks to pass as a normal member of that species.

Weathered Skin [Sylvan Child]: Choose Fire or Cold. You gain Resist 5 to that element.


Fleet of Foot [Nimble Stride]: Your speed increases by 2.

Free Spirit [Charm Resistant]: When you are subjected to a condition granted by an attack with the charm or enchantment keyword, you may immediately make a save to end that condition.

Highborn Drow [Dark Elf Inheritance]: Whenever you successfully attack a creature who has a weakness to your attack, if your attack is damaging, increase the weakness by 5 for this attack, if the attack does not deal damage, the affected creature suffers a -2 penalty to any resultant saving throws.

Magic Resistant: You gain a +2 magic bonus to all saving throws against magic.

Magic of the Old Ones [High Elven Magic]: Whenever you successfully attack a creature who is resistant or immune to your spell, that creature must make a saving throw. On a failed save, that resistance or immunity does not apply.

Master of War [Art of War]: You gain a +1 talent bonus to attack rolls and your damage bonus increases to +2 with the weapon group you selected for Art of War.

Sylvan Pounce [Sylvan Wildrunner]: When you charge an enemy and hit with your attack after moving at least 5 squares, you also knock that enemy prone and may choose to push that enemy one square.

Woodland Friend [Sylvan Empathy]: You gain an Elven Hound companion as per the Loyal Companion Heroic Talent. This may be a bodyguard, predator or trusted mount companion of the animal type and receives the standard number of upgrades. See the Familiars, Followers, Companions and Cohorts chapter. You may not select both this ability and Loyal Companion.

Unearthly Beauty [Poise and Elegance, High Elf Magic]: Any creature that fails a saving throw against one of your spells with the charm keyword is also slowed (save ends) this condition also ends if the target suffers damage. In social situations, members of the opposite sex will often go out of their way to aid you. During a skill engagement where Interaction is a primary skill, a check at the Hard DC with a member of the opposite sex counts as 2 successes.

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GNOME Average Height: 4’3” (3’9” – 4’9”) Average Weight: 85lbs (65lbs – 105lbs) Lifespan: 450 – 650 Years Vision: Low-Light Speed: 25 Feet (5 squares) Languages: Common, Gnomish

General Description Cheery, positive, industrious, tricksters, big-nosed, jocular, all of these descriptors are applied to gnomes and they are all true, all at once. Gnomes are unique in that they always seek a balance to all things in life. Gnomes value hard work and in many ways this would align them with dwarves, but a passer-by, hearing a group of gnome’s joyous songs and occasional uproarious laughter while working would never confuse them for a group of dour dwarves. Gnomes appreciate beauty, especially gems and the forest in spring-time, but they lack the seriousness of the elven race that shares this trait. Gnomes live in many places, but gravitate to hillocks and shallow caves surrounded by woods. The most important part of any gnomish community however, is the community itself, and all the joys and kinship that community brings. Physical Description Gnomes are roughly as tall as Halflings, but far more stocky. Gnomes grow facial hair and indeed most take great pride in a well groomed mustachio. Of course, the defining feature of the gnomish face is the nose, and gnomes take great pride in the size of their sniffer, a large bulbous nose being a greatly attractive feature in either sex. Gnomes hair and eye color runs the same gamut as that of elves, from the normal brown, blonde and black to the more exotic reds and greens. The skin color of gnomes covers the normal human range, but curiously, gnomes are unaffected by sunlight, they neither tan nor sunburn, their skin color remaining always permanent like the gems they value so highly. Personality Gnomes value hard work and are industrious in their approach to most of their tasks. In keeping with the normal balanced world view of the gnomes however, they always look to insert some humor and jocularity into any task they take to. Practical jokes are common, even in the most serious of times and many have noted that gnomes deal with sadness, fear and other negative emotions through their humor. Gnomes happily form fast friendships with other races of a similar mind-set, but such other races had better adjust quickly to the jokes and pranks or they are likely to be left sore quite often. Gnomes love a good joke and indeed at gnomish festivals (which are many and common) there is always a tale-spinner or jester

performing humorous routines to the great delight of those assembled. Gnomes have a hatred of goblins and trolls, but the one race they have no patience or good humor for is kobolds. Kobolds are the race’s most common competitor for space in their hillside homes. The long history of gnomish-kobold conflict is greater than what can be communicated here, but it goes without saying the races long ago exhausted any possibility of good will or peace between them. Gnomes have two shortcomings that can manifest if they step outside the balanced approach to life that is so enforced by their communities. The first is that some can go too far in making jokes and pranks and never actually get to work or learning. These gnomes are often chided by their elders and most gnomes grow out of this phase by the end of their first century. The second is more prone to affect gnomes especially as they age. Gnomes have an unyielding passion for gems, and they know well that such greed can lead easily to their downfall. An old miser is generally viewed quite negatively by the gnomish community at large and such a gnome quickly finds themselves ostracized from their kin. Why Adventure? Gnomes are very community-oriented and their insular humor often makes it easy for gaffes to occur with the other races. As a result of this, gnomes do not frequently become adventurers. In addition, gnomes rarely become outcasts as the balanced nature of the culture means that forgiveness is viewed as a great virtue. The few gnomes that become adventurers are almost universally driven to do so out of curiosity. Gnomes have an almost insatiable curiosity and need to understand the world around them. If things start changing in their immediate vicinity (such a new community of a different race near where they live) gnomes will want to know all about it. This can then lead to further questions unanswered and before the gnome knows it, twenty years of wandering and exploring have passed.

Racial Traits All gnomes posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 Constitution or +2 Intelligence or +2 Charisma Hidden Folk: You receive a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level.

Ability names in [brackets] are prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you

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are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Gnomes’ abilities speak to their balanced nature. They have enemies and friends, hatreds and passions and all of these things are apparent in their racial abilities. There are also several sub-races of gnomes, though most races know of the rock gnomes that most often interact with the other surface races, there are also the elusive forest gnomes, the idiosyncratic deep gnomes and the bizarre tinker gnomes, in whom curiosity is an insatiable passion.


Burrowing Animal Speech: You can speak with small burrowing animals (such as badgers). These creatures can still only communicate information from their own unique point of view.

Deep Gnome Non-Detection: You may not be located by any divination spell that specifically locates creatures.

Eyes of the Deep Gnome: You gain darkvision

Forest Gnome Forager: You gain a skill training in Foraging and Foraging gains one additional specialization.

Gemologist: You gain a skill training in Gem Cutting and Gem Cutting gains one additional specialization.

Kobold Slayer: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against kobolds.

The Nose Knows: You gain a skill training in Alchemy and you gain a +2 bonus to identify any alchemical substance or poison.

Rock Finder: You gain a skill training in Mining and Mining gains one additional specialization.

Tinker Gnome Engineer: You gain a skill training in Engineering and Engineering gains one additional specialization.

Troll Foe: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against the attacks of trolls and trolls may not regenerate from any damage you deal to them.


Deep Gnome Cavern Expert: You gain a skill training in Delving and Delving gains one additional specialization.

Deep Gnome Stealth: You gain a skill training in Stealth. If you have cover or concealment and do not move, you gain an additional +2 to your Stealth checks.

Forest Gnome Home: You gain a skill training in Nature and Nature gains one additional specialization.

Forest Gnome Pass Without Trace: You may ignore difficult terrain that is a result of natural plant growth, vegetation or similar impediments.

You may also not be tracked in such environments.

Gnomish Weapon Training: Gnomes gain a +1 bonus to damage with picks, short swords and darts, their favored weapons.

Gnomish Illusionist: When you use an illusion spell with the figment keyword, enemies suffer a -1 penalty to any saving throws to recognize the illusion as false.

Good Natured: You gain a skill training in Interaction and Interaction gains one additional specialization.

Just Kidding: Whenever you use Interaction as a primary skill in a skill engagement and roll a natural 1, you may immediately reroll the check, if the second check meets the Hard DC, then the check does not count as a failure. You still do not accrue any success for the check.

Small and Nimble: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against creatures of medium size or larger.

Tinkering with the Formula: When you expend your daily Heroic Reserves for the creation of a magic item, roll 1d4-3. This resultant number (which may be negative) is then applied to the actual number of Heroic Reserves expended. If this cost should exceed the total amount of Heroic Reserves you have available, you make no progress for that day.

Tinker Gnome “Trapsmith”: You gain a +4 bonus to all defenses against traps. In addition, when making checks in a skill engagement to disable a trap, if you roll a critical success or a critical failure (a 1 or a 20), the trap is immediately disabled. If you roll a 1, you are immediately affected as though hit by a single attack of the trap before it is disabled.


Deep Gnome Inherent Magic: You may use the non-upgraded version of etherealness and create image with the Personal Disguise upgrade only, at will. These spells may only be used on yourself and no other targets.

Hidden Combatant: Whenever you begin an encounter with cover or concealment, you may make a Stealth check to become hidden before initiative is rolled.

Master Tinkerer: Whenever you are wielding a magic weapon that you created you may score a critical hit on a 19-20 on attacks with that weapon, however you also critically fumble on a 1 or 2.

Prime Proboscis: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

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Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Bane of Kobolds [Kobold Slayer]: Your bonus to damage against kobolds increases to +3 and your attacks gain the High Critical property.

Deep Gnome Non-Existence [Deep Gnome Non-Detection]: You may not be located by divination spells.

Forest Friend [Burrowing Animal Speech]: Your ability to speak to animals extends to all animals with an environment of forest.

Forest Gnome Master Forager [Forest Gnome Forager]: When using foraging as part of a narrative skill engagement, your result always counts as one quality level higher than your roll achieves.

Gem Crafter [Gemologist, Tinkering with the Formula]: When creating any magic item based on a gem (such as a gem of true seeing) you may roll 1d6-5 instead of 1d4-3 when determining the total Heroic Reserves expended.

Tinkered Upgrades [Tinker Gnome Engineer]: Whenever you make an attack with a siege engine or similar large implement of war, you may score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 and your attacks have the High Critical property. However, if you roll a natural 1 on any such attack, the siege engine is immediately destroyed.


Alchemically Inured [The Nose Knows]: You gain a +2 bonus to any saving throws against conditions imposed by alchemical items or poisons.

Breach Barrier [Gnomish Weapon Training]: When wielding a favored weapon and adjacent to at least 1 wall or similar impediment, your bonus to damage increases by 1 and when you are subjected to forced movement, you may make a saving throw. On a successful save, you negate the forced movement.

Deep Gnome Cavern Master [Deep Gnome Cavern Expert, Deep Gnome Stealth]: Whenever you successfully make a Stealth check in an underground or cavernous environment, you are treated as being under the invisibility spell until you make an attack.

Down to Size [Gnomish Weapon Training]: Whenever you score a critical hit with one of your favored weapons against an opponent larger than you, that opponent is also knocked prone.

Fighting the Big Ones [Troll Foe]: Your bonuses against trolls apply to all creatures of the giant type. In addition, all of your weapon attacks are considered to have the Great Foe property and on a critical hit against such a target, the target is also stunned (save ends).

Forest Gnome Fighter [Forest Home or Forest Gnome Pass Without Trace]: When in any wooded or jungle environment, you gain a +2 bonus to initiative and to all attack rolls made in the first round of combat. If you have the Hidden Combatant ability, you also always count as having cover or concealment for purposes of this ability.

They’re Just Kidding [Just Kidding]: Once per encounter during a skill engagement, when any member of the party fails a primary skill check, you may immediately make an Interaction check. If the check meets the Hard DC, no failure is accrued by the original failed check. No success is earned by this Interaction check.

Sizeable Figment [Gnomish Illusionist]: You double the size of any figment you create with an arcane illusion spell.


Deep Gnome Awareness: You may not be surprised.

Deep Magic [Deep Gnome Inherent Magic] {R}: You may choose a single upgrade for either of the spells granted by Deep Gnome Inherent Magic. You must meet any prerequisites for that upgrade. From now on, when you use that ability, it has that upgrade though it retains its ability to be used at-will.

Great Grand Master Tinkerer [Master Tinkerer, Tinkering with the Formula]: Whenever you create a magic weapon or armor, you may apply a single property to that item it does not normally have but applies to that type of item (e.g. High Critical on a weapon). However, if you roll a critical fumble (with a weapon) or are critically hit (in the case of armor) you are also impaired (save ends).

Hidden Illusions [Gnomish Illusionist, Hidden Combatant]: When you use an illusion spell while hidden due to Stealth, if, after casting the spell, you retain cover or concealment, you may immediately make a Stealth check to remain hidden.

Impairing Illusions [Gnomish Illusionist]: Any time an enemy fails a saving throw against one of your illusion spells that enemy is impaired (save ends) in addition to any other conditions imposed by the spell. If the spell already imposes the impaired condition, then the target is instead slowed (save ends).

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Legendary Joke [Just Kidding]: When making the Interaction check allowed by Just Kidding, if your check meets the Hard DC, the check counts as a success in addition to preventing the failure. If you have They’re Just Kidding, this ability applies to that upgrade as well.

Tinker Gnome “Trapmaster” [Tinker Gnome “Trapsmith”]: When you successfully disable a trap (whether through completion of the skill engagement or through the special ability offered by Tinker Gnome Trapsmith, you may instead choose to leave the trap active, however it now affects only your enemies. The trap’s initiative changes to match your own and it activates once on each of your turns.

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HALF-ELF Average Height: 5’9” (5’4” – 6’3”) Average Weight: 150lbs (130lbs – 170lbs) Lifespan: 250 – 300 Years Vision: Low-Light Vision Speed: 30 Feet (6 squares) Languages: Common, Elvish

General Description Half-elves are the children of two worlds. They are most commonly the result of a union between an elf and a human, but half-elves breed true and any union of half-elves will produce half-elf children. Half elves have no home in the world, and that is one of their most defining traits. They are wanderers, finding temporary respite in friendly communities before moving along to the next town. Physical Description Half-elves stand on average about 5’9” tall, being just a bit shorter than the average human. Half-elves combine the sharp and perfected features of the elves with the more round and soft features of humans. This means that with just a bit of work, they can pass themselves off as members of either race if necessary. The exception to this is that half-elves, unlike their pure fae-blooded kin can grow facial hair, which many will if they need to remain inconspicuous in a human community unfriendly to elves. Personality Half-elves as a race are known to be friendly wanderers, they often take the role of ambassadors, negotiators and diplomats. Their heritage from these two distinct worlds makes them an expert at navigating two very different viewpoints and coming to one harmonious compromise. Because half-elves so often live amongst other races, they also easily pick up their customs, languages and habits, so that it becomes easy for these other races to be comfortable around them. There are a few half-elves that use this ability to make others comfortable as a weapon, they are the worst breed of assassins and killers, using their silver tongue to lull their enemies into a false sense of security before striking. Why Adventure? Half-elves lend themselves to the adventuring life nearly as easily as their human parents. Half-elves rarely have a home they are greatly attached too. Their lives have already had a fair bit of wandering and movement as children, so the idea of taking to the open road and going from place to place to make your living is not a new concept to a young half-elf. Their natural silver tongue and respected position in society as negotiators means that they often find roles as the face of an adventuring group.

The simple question for most half-elves is not why adventure – but why not?

Racial Traits All half-elves posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 Dexterity or +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma Dual Heritage: You count as both an elf and a human. Favored Parentage: You gain 2 bonus points (12 total) to spend on Optional Race abilities. These points must be spent in either the elf or human ability charts and adhere to the normal rules for your points at first level. You may not spend more than 10 points in any single race’s abilities. Hit Points: You gain 3 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below or you may purchase any 1 or 2 point ability from the Elf or Human chart. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level. Ability names in [brackets] are

prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Half-elves are friendly and diplomatic. They are viewed positively by nearly every other race in the world (with the exception of dark elves, who seem them as half-breeds and race traitors). Half-elves spend their lives negotiating their own internal conflict between elf and human, and some think this is part of the reason they are so good an empathizing and resolving others’ conflicts.

1 POINT You may choose any Elf or Human 1 point ability.

2 POINTS You may choose any Elf or Human 2 point ability.


Scion of Two Worlds: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Strong Blood: Your blood is stronger with one of your parent races. When you select this ability choose either elf or human. You receive one of that race’s 4 point abilities and may now purchase that race’s 4 point abilities. However, you lose access to all abilities of the race you didn’t choose

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(you may only choose that races abilities and Half-Elf abilities). This must be the first ability you choose and you may not have any abilities of the race you didn’t choose when you select this ability. You also gain a +2 bonus on any check to pass yourself as a member of the race you have selected, but a -2 to any such check for your other parent race.

Supreme Diplomat: You gain a skill training in Interaction and Interaction gains one additional specialization. In addition, when you use Interaction as part of a skill engagement, you grant anyone else also using Interaction a +2 bonus to their check. If you should score a critical success on such an Interaction check, you may remove 1 failure (and any associated penalties) from that encounter.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.

1 POINT You may choose any Elf or Human 1 point ability for which you meet the prerequisites.

2 POINTS You may choose any Elf or Human 2 point ability for which you meet the prerequisites.

4 POINTS You may choose any Elf or Human 4 point ability for which you meet the prerequisites. These 4 point abilities may only be drawn from the Additional Upgrades groups.

Affable Killer [Supreme Diplomat]: You may use the create a diversion Interaction skill use in combat to gain advantage as a minor action.

Silvered Tongue [Supreme Diplomat]: You may roll twice and take the higher result on any Interaction check.

Student of Life: Choose a single General Set-Up or spell. You may use that ability in addition to the abilities of your normal class. You may not apply any Arcane Masteries or Divine Mysteries if you select a spell, even if your class normally grants them. This spell or set-up may be used 3 times per day.

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HALFLING Average Height: 3’10” (3’6” – 4’2”) Average Weight: 90lbs (70lbs – 110lbs) Average Lifespan: 300 years Vision: Normal Speed: 30 Feet (6 squares) Languages: Common

General Description Halflings are a simple and innocent folk; many of them never travel more than few miles from their peaceful hillside homes. Though it seems for every 4 homebodies, there is at least 1 with a powerful sense of wanderlust in his soul. Such wanderers are generally frowned upon by the rest of Halfling society who see this person as a busy body who is only going to get him or herself into trouble. Physical Description Halfling’s stand just shy of 4 feet tall and tend to be a little pudgy for their size. Their wear such weight well however and it does not impede their nimble movements at all as many an overconfident “big folk” have learned. Halfling skin color covers the same range of humans from pale white to deep mahogany. Halfling hair is almost universally a ruddy brown to black and indeed to see a blond Halfling is less likely than seeing a white spotted elk. Personality Halflings have a reputation of being friendly, hospitable and inviting and for the most part, this is completely deserved. Most travelers are never treated so well as they are during the time they spend in a Halfling village. Unscrupulous Halflings know this and can use this to lure unsuspecting travelers into a false sense of security before making off with all their valuables. Halflings, once motivated properly, are also known for having a streak of untamable boldness. Such brave and even foolhardy maneuvers can sometimes turn the tide not only by the action itself, but by the hope it inspires in those who witness it. Why Adventure? Halflings, as a race, certainly look suspiciously at adventurers. To most Halflings, the idea of traipsing off around the world, getting in fights, being nearly killed daily and most importantly, missing meals, is so alien a concept that they can barely imagine such a thing. To those few Halflings gripped by the wanderlust, or who grew up on tales of bold knights and grand adventures, nothing could be more exciting or perfect, providing they don’t miss too many meals. The other reason many Halflings become adventurers is rooted in sad circumstances. Halfling villages are small, idyllic and peaceful, in other words, they are often the perfect target for ravaging bands of marauders and bandits. These villages are often caught completely

unaware and few survive. Those Halflings that survive such a horror are much changed. Their peaceful, ever cheery nature is replaced by a grim determination for revenge. Other Halflings refer to these as the Whispering or the Silent Knives, and they are feared as much by their own kind as the criminals and marauders whom they hunt.

Racial Traits All Halflings posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 Dexterity or +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma Stout Heart: You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level.

Ability names in [brackets] are prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Halflings are bold and quick, they have a natural curiosity and fearlessness. Many mistake this for naivety and perhaps sometimes it is, but from that innocence springs a hope that often motivates actions when others have given up. It is not that the small folk are unaware of the horrible things that happen in the world, they know all too well. They have simply chosen to live above it, to remain hopeful and happy, that things may yet improve.


Far From Home: You gain a +2 bonus to any endurance checks related to overland travel.

Hospitality: Whenever you or an ally expends a Heroic Reserve to heal during a rest, the amount of hit points restored increases by 3.

Quick Draw: Thrown weapons and slings may be drawn as a free action (slings are drawn already loaded as well)

Revel Leader: You gain a skill training in either Dancing or Singing and that skill gains one additional specialization.

Wanderlust: Your overland travel speed is increased by 25%.


Amicable: You receive a skill training in Interaction and Interaction gains one additional specialization.

Excited Exploration: Your movement speed increases by 2 for the first 2 rounds of combat.

Fear Resistant: You gain a +5 bonus to any saving throw against a condition or effect with the fear keyword.

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Fool the “Too Talls”: You gain a +1 bonus to AC against creatures of at least medium size.

Just Borrowing It: You receive a skill training in Thievery and Thievery gains one additional specialization.

“Look at what I found!”: Up to 3 times per day you may draw a small, simple, non-specific , non magical item that is not otherwise indicated to be in your possession. The item may not be more than 1 gold piece in value, and may not weigh more than a pound. Examples include a key, candle, short length of rope, or hand mirror. Your GM has the final say on whether or not the item is appropriate for this ability.

Nimble: You receive a skill training in Athleticism and Athleticism gains one additional specialization.

Sling Master You gain +1 talent bonus to attack rolls with slings.

Stealthy: You receive a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

Stout: When you spend your Heroic Moment, you may also make a saving throw.


Bold Gambit: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against any enemy to whom you are granting advantage. This does not apply on charge attacks as you do not grant advantage until after the standard action attack is resolved.

Child of the Avoreen: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Taunt: As a Standard Action attack, you may unleash a verbal tirade against a single enemy who can see and hear you and has an Intelligence of at least 5. The enemy targeted must make a saving throw. If this saving throw is failed, the enemy must attack you each round and may only attack you (save ends). This ability has the charm keyword.

Whispering Knife: When making an attack while hidden, you may make a Stealth check as a free action to remain hidden as long as you still have some cover or concealment.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Bold Reputation [Bold Gambit]: You gain a +2 bonus to any Interaction checks with non-hostile NPCs that are aware of your reputation.

Borrow and Stow [Just Borrowing It]: Whenever you use Thievery to steal an item, you may also make a secondary Thievery check as a free action to hide that item.

Excited Bounding [Excited Exploration, Nimble]: You may roll twice on any athleticism checks made during the duration of your Excited Exploration.

Felling the Giant [Sling Master]: Whenever you critically hit a target that is at least large or larger, that target is also knocked prone.

Good Find [“Look What I Found”]: When you produce an item from this ability, you may also roll a D20. On a 20, the item you produce is actually something magical and significant. The GM is encouraged to make this item something relevant to the character and the game. However, if your character starts using this ability at every possible moment just to try to trigger this, the GM is encouraged to make this baleful.

Hilarious Taunt [Taunt]: When the target of your Taunt fails his initial saving throw, you gain a +2 bonus to the next Charisma based skill action you make.

Life of the Party [Revel Leader]: When you use Singing or Dancing as part of a narrative skill engagement, when you achieve a critical success, your success counts as the next higher quality level.

Stout & Tall [Stout]: When you spend your Heroic Moment you also regain 5 hit points.


Big Fools [Fool the “Too Talls”]: The bonus to defense granted by Fool the “Too Talls” applies to all defenses.

Bold to the End [Bold Gambit]: If you are reduced to 0 hit points or killed by an enemy to whom you grant advantage, you may make a Standard Action Attack against that enemy before going unconscious as a free action.

Deadly Whisper [Whispering Knife]: You gain a +2 bonus to damage against any enemy that cannot see you.

Enraging Taunt [Taunt]: Any enemy that fails its initial saving throw against your taunt suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses; however, any attack from that opponent which successfully hits you deals 5 additional damage for the duration of the effect.

Every Nook & Cranny [Excited Exploration]: You ignore difficult terrain when under the effect of Excited Exploration.

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Full of Bounce [Nimble]: You gain an additional +2 on Athleticism checks made to jump or perform acrobatic stunts. If you are making such a check as a primary skill in a skill engagement, whenever you succeed, you gain a +2 bonus to the next Dexterity or Dexterity skill check you make.

Hope in the Darkness [Fear Resistant]: Your allies gain a +1 bonus to any saving throw against an effect with the fear keyword.

I Found Some More [“Look What I Found”] {R}: You may use your Look What I Found ability 1 additional time per day. Each time you take this, you gain 1 additional use of the ability per day.

Penetrating Stones [Sling Master]: Your attacks with the sling gain the high critical property.


Bold Reversal [Bold Gambit]: Whenever you successfully hit an enemy with a melee attack to whom you are granting advantage, you may move that opponent to any square adjacent to you and knock that opponent prone.

Boldness Pays [Bold Gambit]: You may critically hit an opponent to whom you are granting advantage on a 19-20.

Ghost in the Darkness [Stealthy, Whispering Knife]: When you successfully hit with an attack while hidden, you may move up to ½ your speed before needing cover or concealment to make your stealth check.

Never Get’s Old [Excited Exploration] {R}: Your bonuses from Excited Exploration last for an additional round per time you select this ability.

Startling Taunt [Taunt]: Any enemy that fails its initial save against your taunt is also slowed for the duration of the effect. Any additional failed save causes the target to be stunned instead of slowed.

Superior Hospitality [Hospitality]: Once per day, during a rest, you and all allies may regain a spell or ability that may normally only be used once per day. You may not regain this ability.

The Road Goes Ever Onward [Far From Home, Wanderlust]: You and all allies ignore any penalties to travel speed imposed by terrain. In any skill engagement where travel is a component of the encounter, anytime you succeed on a primary skill in the encounter at the Hard DC, you accrue two successes in the encounter.

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HALF-ORC Average Height: 6’2” (5’11” – 6’5”) Average Weight: 220lbs (190lbs – 250lbs) Lifespan: 70 – 90 Years Vision: Low-Light Vision Speed: 30 Feet (6 squares) Languages: Common, Orcish

General Description Half-orcs are born of conflict. Unlike half-elves, where the dynamism of humans is combined with the more passive nature of elves, in this the dynamism of humans is combined with the savagery of orcs. This makes half-orcs more driven, energetic and wild than either of their parent species. Half-orcs have no true home, to orcs, they are weak and to humans they are outcasts. More than any other race, half-orcs are a people without a home. Physical Description Half-orcs stand just over 6 feet tall on average, and they are almost universally powerfully built thanks to their orcish parentage. Half-orcs often have some degree of orcish features, be it a more porcine nose, overgrown teeth verging on small tusks, or skin that drifts toward a mottled green or grey. Their hair is usually within the same color range as humans, though they are far more prone to let it grow wild and unchecked. Unlike their orcish parentage, many half-orcs can and do grow full beards. Personality Half-orcs are almost always off-putting as a race. Despite their reputation, they are not always violent, however, they are almost always full of energy and drive hard at whatever their goal is. Many people find this level of energy hard to deal with, especially if they have a cross purpose to the half-orc, who is generally not very interested in taking the time to reason through alternate points of view. Half-orcs tend to take everything to extremes. Their emotions run deep and passionate, when they attack a task, they give it 100% every time and they have definitely inherited their human parentage’s failure to know when to quit. When one considers these facts, it is easy to see how many other races and peoples have come into conflicts with half-orcs. This is only compounded by their lack of a homeland, for it means they almost universally live amongst others who do not share their personality and point of view. Why Adventure? Half-orcs have adopted their human parentage’s favor of the adventuring life. As they are without a homeland, they are already used to wandering life. Their abundant energy, drive and exuberance makes them a natural fit for the long odds that adventurers often find themselves staring down. Unlike half-elves, they are also often a product of, or very

familiar with, violence. So the constant battle and near-death experiences are nothing new for a race who has experienced such things a simple way of life since childhood. Half-orcs favor roles that put their energy to good use, they like to be in the conflict, feeling the blood and sweat of the adventure. This means they are often the first in, no matter the situation. If it is combat, they are the first in, weapons drawn, if climbing a mountain or traversing a swamp, they are in the lead position. A role other adventurers are often more than happy to let them pursue.

Racial Traits All half-orcs posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 to any one ability score Dual Heritage: You count as both an orc and a human. High Energy: You gain a +2 bonus to speed when charging. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below or you may purchase any 1 or 2 point ability from the Orc or Human chart. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level. Ability names in [brackets] are

prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Half-orcs are high energy and love to be at the front of the operation. Once a half-orc has his mind set on something he drives toward it, heedless of risk or consequences. No other race loves to be in the middle of conflict so thoroughly, and excels so much when in that position.

1 POINT You may choose any Orc or Human 1 point ability.

2 POINTS You may choose any Orc or Human 2 point ability.


Energy & Endurance: You gain a skill training in Athleticism and Endurance and Athleticism and Endurance gain one additional specialization. You also gain an additional +1 bonus to any narrative skills related to these two skills.

Scion of Two Worlds: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This

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must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Strong Blood: Your blood is stronger with one of your parent races. When you select this ability choose either orc or human. You receive one of that race’s 4 point abilities and may now purchase that race’s 4 point abilities. However, you lose access to all abilities of the race you didn’t choose (you may only choose that races abilities and Half-Orc abilities). This must be the first ability you choose and you may not have any abilities of the race you didn’t choose when you select this ability. You also gain a +2 bonus on any check to pass yourself as a member of the race you have selected, but a -2 to any such check for your other parent race.

Taking the Lead {R}: Your speed increases by an additional 2 when you charge. You also gain a +2 bonus to any skill check made in the first round of a skill engagement.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.

1 POINT You may choose any Orc or Human 1 point ability for which you meet the prerequisites.

2 POINTS You may choose any Orc or Human 2 point ability for which you meet the prerequisites.

4 POINTS You may choose any Orc or Human 4 point ability for which you meet the prerequisites.

Driving Leader [Taking the Lead]: When engaged in a skill engagement, if you make the first check of a round and that check is at the Hard DC or greater, all of your allies gain a +2 bonus to their skill checks for that round. If you fail when making such a check, all of your allies suffer a -1 penalty to their checks that round. Also, any enemy that you successfully hit when charging grants advantage to you and all of your allies’ next attacks.

Negotiations Complete: If you have a critical success when using Interaction in any skill engagement with the negotiation type, that

encounter is immediately ended with the party being successful.

Pure Energy [Energy & Endurance]: When you make an Athleticism or Endurance check, you must fail by 5 or more for it to count as a failure. Success remains as normal.

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HUMAN Average Height: 6’0” (5’6” – 6’6”) Average Weight: 180lbs (130lbs – 230lbs) Lifespan: 70 – 90 Years Vision: Normal Speed: 30 Feet (6 squares) Languages: Common, One Other Mundane of Choice

General Description Humans are the most populous race of the world. They control the most lands and, despite the hopes or ambitions of the other races, the destiny of mankind is the destiny of the world. Human beings excel through a mix of adaptability, dynamism and tenacity. It seems there is no land that cannot be settled and tamed by mankind, no wilderness they will shy away from squatting in and calling their own. It should go without saying that this energy and drive also frequently brings them into conflict with the other sentient races. If humans have one weakness, it is in their seeming lack of foresight, they are known for driving at what they want, heedless of the consequences. Physical Description Humans stand on average about 6 feet tall. Their hair ranges from pale blond to the darkest blacks and plenty of ginger or bright red in the middle. Their skin ranges from frost white to deep brown and their eyes can be almost any color of the spectrum. The humans of your fantasy milieu are much the same in look as the humans of the real world, and any race or body type you may see or imagine in this world can also exist there. Personality Humans run the full range or personality types. There is no true average for the race, but if there was one quality that most all humans share, it is tenacity. It is a quality they are often not even aware they have until adversity is set upon them. Humans will struggle to the bitter end, and it seems that no situation is ever so grim that they cannot either fight it or learn to tolerate it. Beyond that shared trait, nothing is unusual for humans; the race at once contains humble angels, righteous avengers, wrathful bullies and greedy devils. This is yet another reason that they often come into conflict with other races. The other races of the world never know what to think of humans and have trouble determining how best to deal with them. Why Adventure? Humans lend themselves to the adventuring life quite easily. Their natural adaptability and energy makes them an easy fit for a life full of fighting and trekking through the vast wilderness. Humans become adventurers for glory, fame, honor, wealth, revenge, and knowledge; and those are just the reasons why they might willingly take up such a life. Many find themselves adventurers by the

happenstance of life; noble children whose parents squandered their fortunes, refugees forced to flee their homelands, parents lost in a war, etc. Whatever the reason it starts, humans seem to take to the life of an adventurer like a fish to water and many human lords and kings began their lives as adventurers with much more humble roots.

Racial Traits All humans posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 to any single ability score. Destiny of Heroism: You begin your day with one additional Heroic Moment. This is an exception to the normal rule that you may only have one Heroic Moment. You may not gain an additional Heroic Moment until you have spent both of these Heroic Moments and your normal maximum after these are spent remains 1. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level.

Ability names in [brackets] are prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Humans are adaptable and dynamic. They excel in a wide range of skills and professions, seeming to have aptitude in whatever they put their mind to. Humans also settle in any lands they can, from icy tundra to burning deserts, and their racial abilities represent this ability to not only survive, but thrive in any such environment.


Cultured {R}: You gain the ability to speak, read and write an additional mundane language.

Home Turf: Choose a single skill and a geographic location (such as a single large city, the forest of your birth, etc.) you gain a +2 bonus to that skill whenever you are in that geographic location.

Polar Endurance: You can survive in temperatures up to -30 degrees without making Endurance checks.

Sea Legs: You gain a +2 bonus to any skill check made on a sailing craft related to sailing, controlling or rigging the ship. This bonus would apply to climbing the ropes of the ship, but not performing alchemical research in the Captain’s Quarters.

Skill of Heroes: In any round where you use your Heroic Moment, you gain a +1 bonus to all skill checks made that round.

Versatile: You gain a +1 bonus to all skills you have no skill trainings in.

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Desert Dune Trader: You can operate in temperatures up to 140 degrees without making Endurance checks. You can also go twice as long without water before making Endurance checks.

Desert Sand Slider: You ignore any penalty to move speed on sand or sandy terrain.

Moment of Rest: Whenever you use your Heroic Moment, you also regain 4 hit points.

Moment of Solitude: When you use your Heroic Moment, you also gain the benefit of fighting on the defensive, without taking any of the penalties.

Never Out: When you are wounded, you increase your Reserve Healing Value by 4.

Polar Ice Walker: You ignore any penalty to move speed on icy terrain.

Professional {R}: Choose a single Narrative skill, you gain a skill training in that skill and it gains one additional specialization.


Inspiring Heroism: When you spend a Heroic Moment, all allies who can see you gain a +5 bonus to damage on their next attack.

Prodigy {R}: Choose a single Encounter skill. You gain a skill training in that skill and it gains one additional specialization. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to any of that skill’s related Narrative Skills. Each time you select this ability, you must apply it to a different skill.

Sea Prince: You were born to the seas. You gain a ship of no greater than Medium size. If you have the Home Turf ability, this ship may also count as your Home Turf.

Unflinching Tenacity: You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude and Will defense.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Advanced Linguist [Cultured]: You gain an additional supernatural language.

Ambassador [Cultured] {R}: You gain a +2 bonus to Interaction checks with a single race whose language you selected with Cultured or already spoke. Each additional time you select this ability, it applies to a new race.

Heroic Accuracy [Never Out]: When you are wounded, you gain a +1 bonus to any attack rolls

made as part of a Standard Action attack in a round where you spent a Heroic Moment.

Master and Apprentices [Professional]: Choose a single skill for which you have selected the Professional bonus. Whenever you make a skill check with that Narrative skill, all other allies gain a +2 bonus to their next check with that Narrative skill.

Ocean Master [Sea Prince]: You increase the speed of any ship you captain by 25%.

Polar Skill Adaptation [Polar Endurance]: When engaged in a skill engagement in an icy environment, you treat any skill at the Hard DC as being at the Moderate DC instead.

Prodigious Synergy [Professional]: When using any Narrative Skill for which you have selected the Professional benefit as part of a Narrative Skill Engagement, if you get a critical success, this automatically counts as the next higher tier of quality success than you actually achieved (Good becomes Great, Great becomes Extraordinary, etc.).


Critical Skills [Professional or Prodigy] {R}: Choose a single skill you for which you have selected either the Professional or Prodigy benefit. Whenever you roll a critical success with this skill during a skill engagement, you gain 2 successes in that encounter.

Desert Adaptation [Desert Dune Trader] {R}: You gain Fire Resist 5. This resistance increase by 5 for each time you select this ability.

Lead the Way [Prodigy]: Choose a single skill for which you have selected the Prodigy benefit. Whenever you make a skill check with that Encounter skill, all other allies gain a +2 bonus to their next check with that Encounter skill.

Know the Terrain [Home Turf]: You ignore difficult terrain that does not also impede flying creatures when on your home turf.

Polar Adaptation [Polar Endurance] {R}: You gain Cold Resist 5. This resistance increases by 5 for each time you select this ability.

Polar Ice Runner [Polar Ice Walker]: You gain a +2 bonus to speed on icy terrain and any enemy subject to forced movement from an effect you create moves an additional square.

Seize the Advantage [Home Turf]: You gain a +2 bonus to initiative when on your home turf.

Skill in Leadership [Destined Leader] {R}: You may choose a single contingent of followers you have. These become highly skilled and now provide a +2 bonus instead of +1.

Storm Rider [Sea Legs]: You reduce the effect of any forced movement on you by 1 square. If this

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movement has the lightning or thunder keyword, you reduce it by 2 squares.

Tenacity Proven [Unflinching Tenacity]: Whenever an attack misses your Fortitude or Will defense, you regain 4 hit points.


Desert Ambusher [Desert Sand Slider]: When you are in sand, you may spend a Standard Action to submerge yourself. You gain a +5 bonus to stealth checks as long as you do not move. The first attack you make against a foe that is unaware of your presence is automatically a critical hit.

Destined Leader: Double your number of followers.

Destined to Survive [Never Out]: Once per day when you spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points, you do not spend the reserve, but still regain the hit points. You must have at least 1 Heroic Reserve for this ability to function.

Give it All: You may expend all of your remaining Heroic Reserves to automatically succeed on the next attack roll or skill check you make. You must have at least 1 Heroic Reserve to use this ability.

Tenacious Skill [Prodigy or Professional]: Choose a single skill for which you have selected either the Prodigy or Professional benefit. Whenever you make a check using one of these skills, you may roll twice and take the highest of the two results.

This is My Ship [Sea Prince, Home Turf]: When on your ship, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, initiative checks, movement speed and saving throws.

True Master [Prodigy]: Choose a single skill you have selected with the prodigy ability. This skill gains one additional specialization and you gain an additional training in it. Also, you do not accrue a failure in this skill unless you fail the skill by five or more.

Unbelievable Inspiration [Inspirational Heroism]: All allies that gain a bonus to damage from Inspirational Heroism may also make a saving throw.

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JINNAI Average Height: 6’1” (5’9” – 6’5”) Average Weight: 205lbs (185lbs – 225lbs) Lifespan: 100 – 150 Years Vision: Low-Light Vision Speed: 30 Feet (6 squares) Languages: Common, One Other Mundane of Choice

General Description Long ago, a powerful race of Genie escaped their servitude and fled to the mortal world. These creatures were great in power, but lacked the ability to create more of their own kind. When these genies paired with the humanoids of this world, their off-spring became a race unto itself, breeding true. Those progenitor genies are long lost to time, but their children, the Jinnai, the “hidden elements” continue on to this day. Now, they roam the vast deserts, nomads making trade with outsiders before disappearing again into the dunes. Physical Description Jinnai tend to be just slightly taller than humans, standing just over six feet tall. They are often muscular, but trim for their height, having the lean build of their desert dwelling ancestors. The jinnai do not tend to put on weight easily and most retain a very nomadic lifestyle, though this may be from having no true home as much as it is from their ancestral nature. Jinnai skin color ranges through all the colors of the rainbow; from reds to violet. Most jinnai have skin that closely matches with their heritage and the element that heritage represents. All jinnai are tied to one of the four basic elements in some way, which identifies the type of genie they are long descended from. Because of this, jinnai tend to have minor aspects of the elements about them; waves of heat radiating, slight breezes constantly blowing and so on. Personality Jinnai are nomads and wanderers. They are proud, but they are not foolish and other than those with ifrit blood, rarely rush headlong into decisions. This then identifies another major aspect of the jinnai, their personalities often are also influenced by their heritage. Descendants of the dao, the genies of earth, tend to be calm and slow, rational thinkers. Those with fiery ifrit blood are fast and easy to anger. The jinnai that hail from the marid, the water genies, are usually calm but are known to have a terrible anger when aroused. Finally, the djinn, those hailing from air genies, tend to be more aloof and carefree. These are stereotypes and individual jinnai you meet is just as likely to defy them as follow them, but they can be useful when looking at the race as a whole. Jinnai are slow to give their friendship, their nomadic nature combined with the fact that they live outside of normal society means that they are often wary

of civilization and the trappings it brings. Perhaps it is their racial memory of the millennia their ancestors spent enslaved, but the jinnai seem to find any form of permanent responsibility, such as owning land, to be more trouble than it’s worth. Given this love of freedom, it goes without saying that jinnai hate slavers. As a result, they frequently come into conflict with orcs and other such despicable creatures that take slaves. Jinnai also cut a wide berth around any humanoid kingdom that allows such practices. Why Adventure? Jinnai live half of the adventurer’s life natively; that is the life of a wandering nomad. It is the realizing and acting as a hero that jinnai can often find more difficult. It is often easier for jinnai to become insular and be concerned only with their own culture and people, rather than reach out and try to be something greater than themselves. Those jinnai that do realize the life of a hero are truly exceptional, for they that reach great heights of power hearken back to the magnificence of their long dead genie ancestors, and the incredible abilities they wielded.

Racial Traits All jinnai posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 Dexterity or +2 Intelligence or +2 Charisma Resist: Choose either acid, cold, fire or lightning; you gain resist 5 to this damage type. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level.

Ability names in [brackets] are prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Jinnai abilities manifest according to their heritage. There were four tribes of genies that escaped servitude and founded the race, the wind-riding djinn, the fire blooded ifrit, the water-born marid and the earth infused dao. But the elements are not the only defining feature of the jinnai, they also have a vast reservoir of magical abilities gifted to them from their ancestors to protect them as they wander the desert sands.


Ancient Ancestors: You receive a skill training in Ancient History and Ancient History gains one additional specialization.

Dao Stability: When you make a saving throw to avoid being moved against your will into

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dangerous terrain or to avoid falling, you may remain standing.

Desert Endurance: You may go three times the normal amount of time without water (9 days) before you suffer any ill-effects from thirst. You may also survive comfortably in temperatures up to 120 degrees without any ill-effects or Endurance checks.

Desert Home: Receive a skill training in Navigation. This bonus increases by an additional 2 when in a desert environment.

Djinn Cloud Leap: Whenever you use Athleticism to jump, you may exceed your base speed.

Dune Rider: You gain a skill training in Riding and Riding gains one additional specialization.

Dune Trader: You may ignore difficult terrain caused by sand or desert terrain.

Forage the Sands: You gain a skill training in Foraging and whenever you collect food in a desert environment with any skill, you may provide for 2 additional people.

Marid Divining Rod: You may use goodberry with the Create Food Upgrade only and only to create water for 5 people. You may use this ability at-will.

Revolt from Enslavement: If an enemy dominates you or an ally, you gain a +2 bonus to damage against the enemy for the remainder of the encounter. You may not gain this bonus more than once per enemy. You gain this same bonus against any enemy who clearly has slaves.


Additional Resistance {R}: Increase the resistance granted by your Universal Traits by 5.

Arcane Infusion: You gain a skill training in Arcana and Arcana gains one additional specialization.

Dao Durability {R}: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 1.

Djinn Levitation: As long as you move no more than 3 squares with your move action, you may fly that distance. At the end of this movement, you land in the square directly beneath your current position.

Hidden Elements: You gain a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

Ifrit’s Licking Flames: Any attack you make with a weapon deals an additional 1 fire damage. This makes any attack with that weapon gain the fire keyword.

Marid Discorporation: When you are critically hit by an attack, you may move 3 squares as a free action once the attack is resolved.

Metamagic Endurance: You gain a +1 bonus to any saving throws against conditions you impose on yourself by using Major Metamagic.

Mirage Adept: You gain one additional upgrade for a single spell of the illusion spell that you know.


Djinn Wind Buffet: Enemies must pay one additional square (5 feet) of movement when moving to any square adjacent to you.

Genie Caliph: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Ifrit Heat Wave: Any target critically hit by one of your attacks is overwhelmed by heat and impaired (save ends).

Marid Trueblood: You gain a swim speed equal to your base speed and you may breathe normally underwater.

Nomadic Wanderer: Your speed increases by 2.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Ancient Lore [Ancient Ancestors]: When using Ancient History in a narrative skill engagement, you may roll twice and take the higher result.

Cloaked in Sand [Hidden Elements]: You gain an additional +2 bonus to Stealth checks in desert environments.

Charge Down the Dunes [Desert Rider]: Your mount may ignore any difficult terrain when you charge while mounted.

Distant Mirage [Mirage Adept]: Double the base range of the illusion spell you applied your Mirage Adept upgrade to.

Djinn’s Gust [Djinn Levitation] {R}: Increase the number of squares you may fly as part of your Djinn Levitation by 1.

Improved Dao Stability [Dao Stability]: You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws made to avoid moving into dangerous terrain or to prevent falling.

Oasis Swimmer [Marid Trueblood] {R}: Your swim speed increases by 1.

Revolting Advantage [Revolt from Slavery]: You gain advantage against any target that you gain the damage bonus of Revolt from Slavery against.

Rolling Wave [Ifrit Heat Wave]: Any target that is impaired by your Ifrit heat Wave is also knocked prone.

Nomadic Trader [Nomadic Wanderer] {R}: You learn an additional language.

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Dao Solidity [Dao Durability] {R}: You gain resist physical 3 for each time you select this ability. You may only select this ability once for each time you have selected Dao Durability.

Desert King [Dune Rider]: When you are mounted, you and all allies who can see you gain a +1 bonus to damage. In addition, if you have the Trusted Mount companion, you may select one additional upgrade for your mount.

Djinn Whirlwind [Djinn Wind Buffet]: Enemies must pay one additional square of movement when moving into any square adjacent to you (2 total).

Ifrit’s Consuming Flames [Ifrit’s Licking Flames]: Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon attack that applied the damage of your Ifrit’s Licking Flames, that target also suffers ongoing 10 fire damage. If you also have Ifrit Heat Wave, the target is also slowed (save ends) instead of impaired.

Marid Complete Discorporation [Marid Discorporation]: Instead of moving 3 squares when critically hit, you may choose to become incorporeal until the start of your next turn.

Sand Double [Mirage Master]: Whenever you become invisible, you may create a duplicate of yourself from sand in any square adjacent to you. This image has one damage instance and all of its defenses are 10. It does not leave its square, but otherwise, acts as you.

Sandstorm Walker [Hidden Elements]: When you have concealment from a storm, fog or similar ambient environmental effect, you may make Stealth checks to become hidden without total cover or concealment.


Djinn True Levitation [Djinn Levitation]: You do not need to land at the end of your flying movement but instead remain aloft in your current square.

Ifrit Aura of Heat [Ifrit Heat Wave]: Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to you or enters a square adjacent to you suffers 5 fire damage.

Mirage Master [Hidden Elements, Mirage Adept]: You may use the invisibility spell as a standard action.

Mixed Tribe: Choose a second resist from Universal Traits, you gain resistance in this second damage type equal to the resistance of your primary resistance.

Waterform [Marid Trueblood]: You may move through enemy spaces.

Wish [Arcane Infusion, Genie Caliph]: Once per day, you may choose a single spell, you may use

that spell as a standard action with any three upgrades (either Arcane Masteries or Divine Mysteries) of your choice. All prerequisites for upgrades chosen must be met except the normal level requirement. Persist spells used in this way have a duration of 5 minutes.

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MINOTAUR Average Height: 7’1” (6’4” – 7’9”) Average Weight: 380lbs (330lbs – 430lbs) Lifespan: 90 – 130 Years Vision: Low-Light Vision Speed: 35 Feet (7 squares) Languages: Common

General Description Minotaurs are a strong and proud people. They are known as great soldiers, warriors and seafarers and through their size can be off-putting, most other races have a positive view of them. Minotaurs tend to take up residence in vast grasslands or plains, finding this terrain to be the most suitable to their diet, which is mostly grass and grains. The fierce winds that often plague such vast expanses pose the thick fur-covered minotaurs little issue. Minotaurs live in small simple tribal societies, some are completely nomadic, while others have taken to agriculture and farming and established more permanent roots. Physical Description Minotaurs stand just over 7 feet tall on average. Most have brown or mottled fur, though variations from white to black exist. Their horns vary greatly in size, and perhaps as proof they are not related to cows as many joke, both males and females have horns with no particular sex tending toward larger specimens. In fact, a child born with large horns, or horns that curve greatly out with particular sharpness are seen as an omen from their gods that this child is blessed and perhaps destined for great things. Minotaurs have normal humanoid arms, but their legs, as opposed to ending in feet, end in thick, tough hooves. Personality Minotaurs have a reputation as fearsome and often angry creatures; however, this is mainly due to the fact that most other races encounter them only as soldiers or mercenaries on the field of battle. In these situations, it goes without saying that their ferocity and skill can often be their defining traits. This is not true for minotaurs in their own lands however, who value community and tribe over all else. Amongst their own people, they have a much more calm and reserved nature. They love the artistry of simple things, preferring to work with cloth, beads and hides. All minotaur children are taught the simple arts of sewing and tanning, and so often much of the clothing of a minotaur may be of his own construction. Why Adventure? Minotaurs most often become adventurers when they survive battles as soldiers, mercenaries or hired arms. They are valued for their size, skill and physical prowess and so many mercenary company commanders actively recruit and hire minotaur warriors. Some less scrupulous

commanders have been known to kidnap young minotaurs and indoctrinate them as bloodthirsty killing machines. This is not without great risk however, as if a tribe ever became aware of such a transgression, they would mercilessly hunt such a kidnapper until justice was done. The Great Horned, as they are known amongst the minotaurs, or those who were born with especially large or protruding horns and seen as blessed by the gods, are also expected to leave the tribe for at least 7 years and 1 day. They are expected to leave to prove themselves in the greater world, growing in knowledge and wisdom that they can use to lead the tribe when they return.

Racial Traits All minotaurs posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 Strength or +2 Constitution or +2 Wisdom Horns: Your unarmed attack deals 1d8 damage. Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level.

Ability names in [brackets] are prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Minotaurs as a race have a bit of a dichotomy about them, but then, this is not surprising since they are half-man and half-bull. Their dual nature manifests itself in both a love of culture and arts, as well as a prodigious skill in things such as seafaring, tactics and wilderness survival. At the same time though, there is a powerful beast resting just below the surface, a creature of rage that is lurking, waiting to make itself known in a most violent way.


Artist: You gain a skill training in Artistry and Artistry gains one additional specialization.

Creature of Myth: You gain a skill training in Ancient History and Ancient History gains one additional specialization.

Illusion Awareness: You receive a +2 bonus to saving throws against effects with the illusion keyword.

Thick Fur: You can survive in temperatures up to -30 degrees without making Endurance checks.

Seafarer: You gain a skill training in Seafaring and Seafaring gains one additional specialization.

Sharpened Horns: Your unarmed attack gains the Bleeding property.

Wayfinder: You are immune to the maze upgrade of the dimensional assault spell.

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Goring Charge: When you charge, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Great Horns: When you are making unarmed attacks, you gain an additional +2 bonus to damage.

Horned Rage: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls when wounded

Iron Shod Hooves: You may ignore one square of difficult terrain whenever you move. In addition, you do not suffer damage from caltrops, sharp scree or other such hazards.

Keen Eyes: You gain a skill training in Perception and Perception gains one additional specialization.

Maze Dweller: You gain a skill training in Delving. You gain an additional +2 bonus in any constructed (non-natural) dungeon or maze and you always know exactly what direction you are facing.

Razor Horns: Your unarmed attacks gain the High Critical property.

Tough Body: Increase your reserve healing value by 3.


Bull Lord’s Horns: Your unarmed attack damage increases to 1d12.

Ground Stomp: As a standard action attack, you may stomp the ground, causing it to rumble and shake in close proximity. All enemies of Large or smaller size adjacent to you must make a saving throw or fall prone.

Hulking Heft: You may wield weapons one size category larger than normal for a creature of your size.

Icarus Bane: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Bringing Size to Bear [Hulking Heft]: You gain a +2 bonus to your defenses against Bull Rush or Trip attacks.

Goring Grapple [Bull Lord’s Horns]: Any creature that grabs you suffers 3 points of damage.

Labyrinth Master: You gain a +2 bonus to any check related to finding secret or concealed doors.

Raging Charge [Horned Rage]: You gain a +1 bonus to speed when wounded.

Sea Legs [Seafarer]: You automatically succeed on any saving throw to avoid being knocked prone on a ship, boat or sailing craft due to collision or environmental hazards/conditions.

Solid Blow [Hulking Heft]: Whenever you choose to render a creature unconscious instead of killing them, that creature is unconscious for twice as long and remains slowed for 1 day after regaining consciousness.

War Veteran: You gain a +2 bonus to any Interaction checks made to command troops, soldiers or your own followers.


Improved Goring Charge [Goring Charge] {R}: When you charge, you also push any target hit by that attack 1 square.

Jagged Horns [Razor Horns]: Whenever you roll the maximum on your damage die for your unarmed attack, that attack also causes Ongoing 5 physical damage (save ends).

Proning Charge [Goring Charge]: When you charge, you also knock any target hit by that attack prone.

Raging Endurance [Horned Rage]: You gain Resist 1 All when you are wounded. If you already have resistance to all damage (such as from Magical Armor) this stacks with that resistance.

Refined Scent: You ignore concealment for any enemy within 15 feet (3 squares) of you.

Shaggy [Thick Fur] {R}: You gain Cold Resist 5. Each time you select this upgrade, that resistance increases by 5.

Shattering Earth [Ground Stomp]: Your ground stomp also deals 5 points of physical damage to any creature knocked prone by the attack.

Too Wise for Tricks [Illusion Awareness]: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against illusions.

Tough Hide [Tough Body]: You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.


Clear Eyed [Keen Eyes]: You roll twice and take the highest number whenever you make a Perception check.

Earthquake [Ground Stomp, Shattering Earth]: Any creature that suffers damage from your Ground Stomp is also slowed (save ends).

Grounded in Reality [Wayfinder]: You may not be teleported against your will.

Improved Refined Scent [Refined Scent]: You ignore Invisibility for any target adjacent to you.

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Line Breaker [Goring Charge, Proning Charge]: When you charge, all creatures adjacent to you after that attack has resolved must make a saving throw or be knocked prone.

No Illusions [Illusion Awareness]: You are immune to attacks with the illusion keyword.

Rage of the Bull God [Horned Rage]: You gain a single stance with the assault keyword. This stance may only be activated when you are wounded and automatically ends if you are no longer wounded.

Steel Shod Hooves [Iron Shod Hooves]: You ignore all difficult terrain when you move that does not also affect flying creatures.

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ORC Average Height: 6’4” (6’0” – 6’8”) Average Weight: 240lbs (200lbs – 280lbs) Lifespan: 60-80 Years (Theoretical) Vision: Low-light vision Speed: 30 Feet (6 squares) Languages: Common, Orcish

General Description Orcs can best be summed up by one word: savage. To most of the other races in the world, orcs are a menace, a scourge, a plague that sets upon them, burning their towns and pillaging their goods. Orcs have no homeland and usually settle in whatever rocky wasteland is unclaimed. These barren wastes produce very little in the way of sustenance for their race, and so they often raid, pillage and destroy the lands of the civilized races around them. Physical Description Orcs do not stand that much taller than humans, but they are disproportionately strong and tough for their size. Orcs’ rough life on the edges of civilization and violent society mean that only the biggest and strongest members of their race survive, so while there may occasionally be a “runty” orc, they generally do not last long. Orc’s skin is any shade of mottled green or grey and their eyes encompass most colors of the spectrum, though the most common is red. All orc’s eyes glow a faint red at night due to their low-light vision. Personality The average orc is a fearsome, violent, uneducated savage. Orcs fight amongst themselves as often as they fight other people. It seems that the entire culture of orcs is based on war and fighting. Whether this is a result of the orcs being pushed to the fringes of civilization where there are little to no resources, or whether this is simply a part of the orc’s intrinsic nature may be a subject of interest to scholars, but it bears little interest to those forced to withstand the brutal and unrelenting assaults by raiding bands of orcish warriors. Orcs have a general respect of only one thing, as appropriate for a culture based around war; strength. The largest and most powerful orcs are almost without exception the leaders. There are amongst the hordes, however, those orcs with greater than average cunning or intuition. If these orcs are not large and powerful, they often become the tribe’s shamans or witch doctors. If they are both cunning and strong, then any nearby civilization should be afraid, for the orcs will come. Why Adventure? All adventurers are, by their very nature, exceptions from their race, and nowhere is this more true than those orcs who take up such a life. Adventuring orcs take up such a life usually because they are repelled by the brutal and

bloodthirsty nature of their own kind. Orcs that adventure are outcasts by necessity, they have almost no connections anymore to their own people, having turned away from barbarism and sought a better life (though often, still a very violent one).

Racial Traits All orcs posses the following traits. Ability Scores: Choose +2 Strength or +2 Constitution or +2 Dexterity Savage: You deal 2 additional damage with attacks. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points.

Optional Abilities You have 10 points to spend on any collection of abilities below. You must spend all 10 of these points at 1

st level.

Ability names in [brackets] are prerequisites for those upgrades. You must have any such perquisites before you are able to purchase that upgrade. Abilities with an {R} next to them are repeatable and may be taken multiple times. Orcs are savage killers and this manifests in their abilities. Orcs take great glee in the destruction of their enemies and are known to use any weapons they can lay their hands on to kill anyone they can, though of course a nice axe sharpened for chopping is always preferred.


Beast Rider: You gain a skill training in Riding and Riding gains one additional specialization.

Broad Back: Double your medium and heavy load for purposes of encumbrance penalties.

Dwarf Slayer: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against dwarves.

Elf Foe: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against the attacks of elves.

Everything is Deadly: You increase the damage die of improvised weapons one category (one-handed becomes 1d8, two-handed becomes 1d12).

Waste Dweller: You gain a skill training in Foraging and Foraging gains one additional specialization.


Cavern Orc: You gain darkvision. You also gain one additional specialization in Delving. You gain a +2 bonus to this skill underground.

Diet of Filth: You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against effects with the poison or disease keyword. You may still gain sustenance from any ingested item with such a keyword.

Orcish Weaponry: You gain proficiency in all axes and a +1 bonus to damage with such weapons.

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Peaceable Outcast: You are recognized as an orc that has left your ways behind. You suffer a -2 penalty to all Interaction checks with orcs. You gain one additional specialization in Interaction and your bonus with that skill increases by an additional 2 when you are dealing with Humans, Elves, Dwarves or Gnomes.

Rugged Survivor: You gain a skill training in Endurance and Endurance gains one additional specialization.

Slave Driver: Any creature you have dominated gains advantage when attacking his allies.

Waste Runner: You gain a skill training in Athleticism and Athleticism gains one additional specialization.


Bellow: You gain the War Bellow attack. As a Standard Action Attack, you may Bellow loudly, bawling in such a ferocious manner so as to unnerve your foes. All enemies adjacent to you must make a saving throw or immediately move 2 squares away from you. This ability has the fear keyword.

Wounded Rage: You gain Resist All 2 when wounded.

Savage Revelry: Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you gain a +1 bonus to damage for the remainder of the encounter. This bonus is cumulative.

War Boss: You may choose an additional ability score from Racial Traits. This must be a different ability score than your initial choice.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, you gain 1 additional point. You may spend these points on any ability above, or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Wounded Athleticism [Wounded Rage]: You gain a +2 bonus to Athleticism when Wounded.

Deep Dweller [Cavern Orc]: Whenever you critically succeed on a Delving check during a skill engagement where it is a primary skill, you gain 2 successes. In addition, you may roll twice when making a Delving check to identify a subterranean creature.

Drive the Runts [Bellow]: Whenever a creature smaller than you fails it’s saving throw against your bellow attack, you may choose to knock that creature prone instead of having it move.

Filth & Dirt [Diet of Filth]: You may consume inedible plant matter, dirt or even rocks and draw

sustenance from them. You can consume such matter for up to one week without needing to make Endurance checks to avoid starvation.

Grab it All [Everything is Deadly]: Your one-handed improvised weapons gain the off-hand property.

Improvised Grip [Everything is Deadly]: You may treat any improvised weapon as a two-handed weapon.

Jagged Axe [Orcish Weaponry]: Whenever you critically hit an enemy with an axe, that enemy gains ongoing 5 physical damage (save ends).

Savage Infiltration [Peaceable Outcast]: You no longer take the -2 penalty when interacting with orcs.

Savage Shift [Savage Revelry]: When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you may move 1 square as a free action as long as that movement takes you closer to another enemy.

Waste Home [Waste Runner]: You ignore difficult terrain that is a result of scree, rocks or other such debris. You also gain a +2 bonus to all Perception checks to notice hazards within the Wasteland environment.

Waste Leader [Waste Runner or Rugged Survivor]: Whenever you succeed on a skill check for which you have selected either Waste Runner or Rugged Survivor ability, all other allies gain a +2 bonus on their next check with that skill.


Ancient Foes [Elf Foe, Dwarf Slayer]: Your bonuses against elves apply to dwarves and your bonuses against dwarves also apply to elves. Those bonuses also increase to +2.

Blood-soaked Revenge [Wounded Rage] {R}: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls when wounded.

Deadly Improvisation [Everything is Deadly]: All improvised weapons you wield gain the High Critical property.

Drive the Weak [Bellow] {R}: When you use your bellow ability, any enemy affected by the attack moves away one additional square.

Improved Wounded Rage [Wounded Rage] {R}: Your damage resistance when wounded increases by 1.

Orcish Axe Mastery [Orcish Weaponry]: When wielding an axe it gains the Great Foe property. Your bonus to damage also increases by 1.

Rejuvenating Filth [Diet of Filth]: Whenever you make a saving throw against an effect with the poison keyword, you gain 5 temporary hit points.

Renewed by Blood [Savage Revelry]: Whenever you reduce a foe to 0 hit points, you may make a saving throw.

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Savage Speed [Savage Revelry]: Whenever you reduce a foe to 0 hit points, you gain a +2 talent bonus to speed for the remainder of the encounter.

Slavering Beast [Beast Rider]: Whenever you charge a creature while mounted, if you hit your target, that target is also knocked prone.


Beast Companion [Beast Rider]: You gain the services of a Beast Companion as per the Loyal Companion Heroic Talent. This is a brute or trusted mount companion of the animal type which receives the standard number of upgrades. See the Familiars, Followers, Companions and Cohorts chapter. You may not select both this ability and Loyal Companion.

Bloodscream [Bellow, Wounded Rage]: Whenever you use your Bellow ability while wounded, you also cause any creature that fails their save to be slowed (save ends).

Crack the Whip [Slave Driver]: If you are wielding a whip, any creature within your reach that you have dominated suffers a -1 penalty to saving throws to end that condition.

Drive the Horde [Bellow]: Your bellow increases to a 15 foot (3 square) range around you.

Revel in Blood [Wounded Rage] {R}: Whenever you end your turn wounded, if you have attacked a foe that round, you gain 5 temporary hit points. You gain 5 additional temporary hit points for each time you take this ability.

Savage Bellows [Savage Revelry, Bellow]: Whenever you critically hit an enemy, you may immediately use your Bellow attack as a free action.

Savage Exaltation [Savage Revelry]: Whenever you reduce a foe to 0 hit points, you heal 5 hit points.

War Lord [War Boss]: Double your number of followers.

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HALF-CELESTIAL BLOODLINE Average Height: No Change Average Weight: -20lb Lifespan: +200-300 Years Vision: Low-light vision Speed: No Change Languages: Celestial

Prerequisite You must spend 3 racial points on access to half-celestial and you may not have any other Bloodline.

General Description You have the blood of angels within you. The power of the celestials, the servants of the good gods, flows through your veins and those near you cannot help but feel touched by hope and inspiration when you are near. Physical Description A half-celestial looks much the same as their base race, but more perfected. They will seem sharper and those around them will be naturally drawn to them, both physically and mentally. There may be minor cosmetic differences that develop over time, such as hair that is far too golden and radiant, a slight nimbus of light or eyes that turn pure white or glow. Personality Half-celestials are often a more calm and reserved version of the base race. They seem to have a quiet certitude to them and in this way, they are a calm in the storm to those going through hardships beside them.

Optional Abilities You may spend your racial points freely on either the abilities below or your base races abilities. You must still spend all 10 of your initial starting points if you have bought access to your bloodline at level 1.


Blood of the Angels: Your type changes to Outsider from its normal type.

Destroyer of the Dead: Any weapon you wield gains the Accurate property when used against creatures of the undead type.

From the Heavens: You gain a skill training in Astrology and Astrology gains one additional specialization.

Hell Slayer: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against demons and devils.

Smith of the Gods: You gain a skill training in Blacksmithing and Blacksmithing gains one additional specialization.


Divine Inspiration: You gain a skill training in Intuition and Intuition gains one additional specialization.

Divine Knowledge: You gain a skill training in Religion and Religion gains one additional specialization.

Divine Mercy: You gain a skill training in Heal and Heal gains one additional specialization.

Divine Resistance {R}: Choose a single damage type from among cold, fire or lightning. You gain resist 5 against that damage type for each time you select this ability.

Divine Sight: You gain darkvision.


Lesser Magic Resistance: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all saving throws against spells.

Protective Aura: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses against creatures adjacent to you.

Weak Wings: You have nascent feathered wings that are not yet strong enough to carry you aloft. You never suffer damage from falling and if you are forced to make a save to avoid falling, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, when you gain 1 additional point, you may spend those points on any ability above, on any

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ability from your base race or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Absorbing Magic [Lesser Magic Resistance]: Whenever you successfully save against an effect or condition caused by a spell, you gain 3 temporary hit points.

Experienced [Hell Slayer]: You gain a +2 bonus to all monster knowledge checks against outsiders. This bonus increases to +4 against demons or devils.

Light in the Dark [Destroyer of the Dead]: You automatically counter and prevent any undead ability that would reduce the lighting conditions to anything below normal light.

Miraculous Healer [Divine Mercy]: You gain a +2 bonus on all heal checks made to activate a Heroic Reserve on a dying ally. In addition, any ally that spends a Heroic Reserve as a result of your check heals an additional 10 hit points.


Ancient Foes [Destroyer of the Dead, Hell Slayer]: Your bonuses against undead apply to demons and devils and your bonuses against demons and devils also apply to undead. Those bonuses also increase to +2 where appropriate.

Dangerous Knowledge [Divine Knowledge]: The first time in an encounter when you succeed on your Monster Knowledge check when using Religion at the Moderate DC or greater, you also gain a +2 bonus to damage to all attacks made that round.

Divine Language [Divine Inspiration]: When you speak Celestial, you may choose for any creature to understand your words, even if they do not speak Celestial. You also understand all spoken languages.

Sharp Eyes [Divine Sight]: You gain a skill training in Perception and Perception gains one additional specialization.


Aura of Menace [Protective Aura]: Any enemy that begins its turn adjacent to you must make a saving throw or become impaired (save ends). This ability has the fear keyword.

Gift of the Gods [Smith of the Gods] {R}: You gain an advancing magic item of your level or lower. Each additional time you select this ability, you may upgrade that weapon as long as you meet the minimum number of Heroic Reserves that would

normally be required to craft an item of that level. You may not increase the item beyond +3.

Greater Magic Resistance [Lesser Magic Resistance]: Your magic bonus to saves against spells increases to +2 and you may never lose any resistance to a damage type gained from half-celestial to a spell attack.

Strong Wings [Weak Wings]: You gain a fly speed equal to your base speed.

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HALF-DRAGON BLOODLINE Average Height: +1 foot Average Weight: +100lbs Lifespan: +50-100 Years Vision: Low-light vision Speed: No Change Languages: Draconic

Prerequisite You must spend 3 racial points on access to half-dragon and you may not have any other Bloodline.

General Description Of all the creatures that roam the mortal world, few can match the might and awesome power of the dragons. You have some portion of that power within you, crying to be set free. Half-dragons, like their draconic kin, are creatures of extremes and power, where they travel, the world often shakes. Physical Description A half-dragon is easily recognizable as being vastly different from the base race. At minimum, the features take on a draconic visage, far more common, the face becomes fully draconic and the body becomes covered with scales. These can either be of a uniform color (meaning a strong single parent bloodline) or mottled (meaning multiple draconic ancestors). A half-dragon is usually also taller and more powerfully built than the average member of his or species and so going beneath notice is nearly impossible. Personality Half-dragons are far more brash and confident than the other members of their base race. Dragons are known for their well-earned pride, and this always seems to trickle down to half-dragons. Some control this demon, others use it and seek out as much greatness as they can, earning their pride. The other vice half-dragons often wrestle with is that of greed. Their ancestor’s love of wealth, jewels and gems often infects half-dragons as well.

Optional Abilities You may spend your racial points freely on either the abilities below or your base races abilities. You must still spend all 10 of your initial starting points if you have bought access to your bloodline at level 1.


Blood of the Dragons: You gain the Dragon subtype.

Claws: Your unarmed attack deals 1d6 points of damage and your unarmed attack gains the off-hand property.

Impressive Stature: Your encumbrance amounts are doubled. You gain a +2 bonus on any checks made to break or open items.

Tail: You gain a +2 bonus on any saving throw made to avoid being knocked prone.

Years of the Dragon: You gain a skill training in Ancient History and Ancient History gains one additional specialization.


Draconic Hide: You gain a +1 magic bonus to AC.

Draconic Knowledge: You gain a skill training in Arcana and Arcana gains one additional specialization.

Draconic Resistance {R}: Choose a single damage type from among acid, cold fire, lightning or poison. You gain resist 5 against that damage type for each time you select this ability.

Draconic Fortitude: You gain a +2 magic bonus to saving throws against any spell with the sleep keyword or the immobilized condition.

Draconic Sight: You gain a skill training in Perception and Perception gains one additional specialization.


Dragon Breath: When you select this ability, choose acid, fire, cold, lightning or poison. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. As a standard action attack, you may breathe. This attack has a range of 1 and an area of 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4 squares). All creatures in that area must make a saving throw or suffer 5 damage of the type you selected.

Dragon Fear: As a standard action, you may unleash your dragon fear. All enemies adjacent to you must make a saving throw. If this save fails, they must move their speed away from you, ignoring hazardous terrain. They are then impaired (save ends). This ability has the fear keyword.

Lesser Magic Resistance: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all saving throws against spells.

Weak Wings: You have nascent leathery wings that are not yet strong enough to carry you aloft. You never suffer damage from falling and if you are forced to make a save to avoid falling, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, when you gain 1 additional point, you may spend those points on any ability above, on any

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ability from your base race or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Chromatic Breath [Dragon Breath] {R}: You may choose an additional damage type from the list of damage types in dragon breath. Your dragon breath now does damage of that type as well as the base type chosen. Each time you choose this ability, you must choose an additional damage type you have not yet chosen.

Esoteric Lore [Draconic Knowledge]: When you score a critical success on a primary Arcana check in a skill engagement, you earn 2 successes instead of 1.

Fearful Advantage [Dragon Fear]: Any target that is impaired by this ability also grants advantage until they make a saving throw against your dragon fear.

Sharp Claws [Claws]: Your unarmed attacks gain the Bleeding critical property.

Tail Slam [Tail]: Any creature that is knocked prone while adjacent to you also suffers 5 physical damage.


Draconic Immunity [Draconic Saving Throws]: You are immune to attacks with the sleep keyword.

Overwhelming Fear [Dragon Fear]: You may choose to have any enemy that fails their saving throw against your dragon fear fall prone instead of moving away.

Thick Hide [Draconic Hide]: Your magic bonus to AC now applies to all defenses.

Wing Buffet [Weak Wings]: As a minor action, you may push a creature adjacent to you 5 feet (1 square). If you have Strong Wings, this distance increases to 10 feet (2 squares).


Dragon Magic [Draconic Knowledge]: If you have proficiency in Arcane Magic, you gain a single Arcane Mastery you may apply to any spell you know.

Great Stature [Impressive Stature]: You are large. Your reach becomes 2.

Greater Magic Resistance [Lesser Magic Resistance]: Your bonus to saves against spells increases to +2 and you may never lose any resistance to a damage type gained from half-dragon to a spell attack.

Powerful Breath [Dragon Breath] {R}: The damage dealt by your breath weapon increases by 5.

Strong Wings [Weak Wings]: You gain a fly speed equal to your base speed.

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HALF-FIEND BLOODLINE Average Height: No Change Average Weight: No Change Lifespan: +200-300 Years Vision: Low-light vision Speed: No Change Languages: Infernal

Prerequisite You must spend 3 racial points on access to half-fiend and you may not have any other Bloodline.

General Description You have the blood of dark creatures within you. Perhaps these are devils, perhaps demons, whatever the case, you carry a dark mark upon you and those who associate with you cannot help but feel the dark power that courses through your veins. Physical Description A half-fiend looks much the same as their base race, but darker, with hints of their sinister nature manifesting as they grow in power. Some grow horns, leathery wings, eyes that glow like burning coals or worse. Personality Half-fiends are usually more brash and confident than members of their base race. They know exactly what runs through their veins and they are not afraid to flaunt their power should the situation arise. Though they may make their own way, some part of their soul will always be haunted by that inescapable darkness of their lineage.

Optional Abilities You may spend your racial points freely on either the abilities below or your base races abilities. You must still spend all 10 of your initial starting points if you have bought access to your bloodline at level 1.


Blood of the Fiends: Your type changes to Outsider from its normal type.

Claws: Your unarmed attack deals 1d6 points of damage and your unarmed attack gains the off-hand property.

Heaven Slayer: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against angels.

Poisoner: You gain a skill training in Alchemy and Alchemy gains one additional specialization.

Tail: You gain a +2 bonus on any saving throw made to avoid being knocked prone.


Fiendish Bargaining: You gain a skill training in Interaction and Interaction gains one additional specialization.

Fiendish Knowledge: You gain a skill training in Arcana and Arcana gains one additional specialization.

Fiendish Resistance {R}: Choose a single damage type from among acid, cold fire or poison. You gain resist 5 against that damage type for each time you select this ability.

Fiendish Sight: You gain darkvision.

Fiendish Stealth: You gain a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.


Burst of Evil: When you select this ability, choose acid, fire, cold or poison. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. As a standard action attack you may unleash a burst of this energy around you. All enemies adjacent to you must make a saving throw or suffer 10 damage of the appropriate type.

Lesser Magic Resistance: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all saving throws against spells.

Telepathy: You can communicate without speaking with any creature you can see. You grant all allies whom you can see a +2 talent bonus to all Interaction checks.

Weak Wings: You have nascent leathery wings that are not yet strong enough to carry you aloft. You never suffer damage from falling and if you are forced to make a save to avoid falling, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

Additional Upgrades At every level beyond 1, when you gain 1 additional point, you may spend those points on any ability above, on any ability from your base race or on the additional upgrades offered below.


Absorbing Magic [Lesser Magic Resistance]: Whenever you successfully save against an effect or condition caused by a spell, you gain 3 temporary hit points.

Quick Nudge [Fiendish Bargains, Telepathy]: Once during any skill engagement, when you or an ally fail a primary Interaction check, that check may be rerolled, but the second result must be used.

Stench of God Lackeys: When you use Arcana to detect magic or an aura, you gain a +4 bonus to

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the check if the caster is a granted caster (any divine magic user).

Wave of Fire [Burst of Evil]: If you chose fire as your damage type, any target damaged by this attack is also moved 5 feet (1 square).


All Slayer [Heaven Slayer]: Your bonuses against angels applies to all outsiders and elementals.

Hellish Knife [Fiendish Stealth]: Whenever you successfully attack a target you are hidden from, you may move that target 2 squares.

Sharp Eyes [Fiendish Sight]: You gain a skill training in Perception and Perception gains one additional specialization.

Spores [Burst of Evil]: If you chose poison as your damage type, any target damaged by your burst also suffers ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends).

Stinger [Tail]: Your tail grants you a natural weapon unarmed attack that deals 1d8 poison damage. On a critical hit, this attack also deals ongoing 5 poison damage.


Greater Telepathy [Telepathy]: You are immune to the silenced condition.

Greater Magic Resistance [Lesser Magic Resistance]: Your bonus to saves against spells increases to +2 and you may never lose any resistance to a damage type gained from half-fiend to a spell attack.

Hellfire Summoner: Anytime you make an attack that deals necrotic damage, you may choose for it to also deal fire damage and vice versa. Any attack you make that deals both fire and necrotic damage gains a +2 bonus to damage.

Strong Wings [Weak Wings]: You gain a fly speed equal to your base speed.

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INTRODUCTION The section that follows introduces the classes available to choose for your character. These classes represent the calling or method of your character as he or she adventures. Are you a fighter who uses steel and talent to destroy his enemies, surviving by skill and intuition alone? Are you a rogue stealing everything that isn’t nailed down; a deadly ghost in combat? Perhaps you have mastered the ways of arcane magic and the very elements themselves dance on your fingertips as a wizard. All of these options and more are available to your characters. It is also possible that the classes offered here may be supplemented by additional offering from your GM’s milieu.

CLASS BASICS Every class listed in this book has certain common features, each of which are defined below.

CLASS OVERVIEW This area describes the place of the class in the world. How do members of the class see themselves? What did they do to acquire their skills and how do those skills continue to improve? All of this information is listed in this area as well as some historical, literal or mythological personages that could be considered members of these classes. The heroes of our legends, storybooks and past are often fertile soil to plant the seeds of ideas for new characters.

CLASS STATISTICS This short section contains all of the basic mechanical features associated with playing a member of that class. This lists things like the amount of extra hit points gained, armor and weapon proficiencies, skill information and bonuses to defenses. All of these items should be notated and added to their appropriate places on your character sheet. Each class has certain strengths and weaknesses, and some of these might be spoken to in this area. For example, wizards, with their focus on learning and study, are usually not the most physical or durable of individuals, and so they receive a smaller number of hit points than their fighter or paladin companions.

CLASS FEATURES This is the area of the class that defines the unique features and abilities of that particular class. If the class can acquire fighting stances, cast spells, or perform incredible feats of skill, all of that information will be contained within this section. This section will also contain the information for the various specialties available to that class. These have

different names, e.g. for fighters they are Fighting Styles, for Clerics they are Focuses, but the ultimate result is the same. Each of these things represents a particular specialization your character has that differentiates him from other members of the same class. Does your fighter prefer to move quickly around the battlefield, hitting and moving, or does your fighter prefer to stand resolute in place, battling a single foe, knowing his heavy armor and shield will protect him? The answer to that question is contained in your specialization. This specialization will often manifest into other game elements and can help you to select the appropriate options for your character from among the many offered in the book. For example, if you choose a marauder fighter, you will need to choose stances and set-ups. When reviewing those game elements, you will see that there is a marauder stance, and a marauder set-up. Though these are not required, they have been designed and labeled to work well with the general way the marauder fighter is meant to work. Finally, this section will contain information on your class’s Heroic Moment and how that can be used. Each class has at least 2 ways to use their Heroic Moment and usually this will be one option which can be taken advantage of anytime, and one more corner-case unique option that may only come up occasionally. Individual encounters may have additional options for how your character can utilize his or her Heroic Moment to achieve amazing ends. Table 4.1: Class Descriptions

Class Short Description

Bard A master of performance

Cleric The servant of divine powers

Druid A spell caster that is one with the wild

Fighter A martial warrior without equal

Monk A disciplined and spiritual combatant

Paladin The martial sword-arm of their faith

Ranger A lone hunter in wild places

Rogue A warrior of skill and stealth

Sorcerer Innate spell casters of great power

Spellblade A weaver of steel and spell

Wizard Unparalleled master of magical knowledge

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INTRODUCTION The bard is the penultimate performer. They are a unique breed of adventurer for they do not rely on their force of arms nor their spells alone. Bards speak in the base magic of the world and no matter what their skill, be it chants during battle, songs of power or displays of weapon prowess. Their ability to perform imbues these simpler acts with an ancient and powerful magic. The bard is about using each part of his skills in turn, alternating between spell and blade, the bard blends all the disparate parts of their skills together through their performance. The music, the story, even the riddles and jokes, serve as the glue that binds their actions together and imbues them with supernatural power. The bard has many historical allegories. The earliest bards are from Celtic lore and were basically druids who did not fully complete the necessary training and learn all of the rituals. These were the lore keepers and storytellers for their people. The Troubadours of the Renaissance period are the image most people have when they think of a bard, the traveling storyteller with lute in hand. In more recent history, the movies of Errol Flynn offer a great example of the swashbuckler style of bard. In all of these cases, what ties these different people together, is the art, and the performance that is the manifestation of their art. So what is a bard? Is it a fop wandering the countryside strumming a funny guitar? Is it a jack of all trades and a master of none? The bard is far more than any of that. The bard is the consummate performer and that infuses everything that he does.

CLASS OVERVIEW The bard is about harmony, and like the composition of a good story or song, all of the component pieces have to

work together for the performance to truly shine. So it is too with the bard and his actions. Each is but a small piece of a great whole performance. The bard begins his round by determining his performance; bards have 2 performances available to them, steel and spell. This then sets the stage for what the performance shall be and whether it shall be about weapon or magical attacks. Once the performance has been chosen, the bard then begins. Starting the performance is a minor action and sets the bonuses that he and his allies receive as long as the performance continues. The bard’s move action is spent continuing with a performance set-up, unique to the bard. Once that has been completed, the bard then

attacks with spell or steel, as appropriate for that round’s performance. All of the elements of the round are but a small part of the greater harmony that is the performance. In the following rounds, the bard may continue that performance, bringing on Act II and III of the story, or building the song to its inevitable climax. After a maximum of 3 rounds, the bard’s performance comes to a close and he must begin again.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies:

All Common and Military Weapons Armor Proficiencies: Leather Armors Magic Proficiencies: Arcane (Learned) Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+4 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: +2 to Fortitude and +2 to Will Specialized Encounter Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Perception (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis), Stealth (Dex/Cha), Streetwise (Int/Cha), Thievery (Dex/Cha) Specialized Narrative Skills: All


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TABLE 4.2: Bard Class Progression

Level Class Features Spells/Day Arcane Masteries

1 Idiom, Performance, Inspirational Opening, Advancing Movement, Heroic Moment

2 (2) 1

2 3 2

3 Idiom Advancement 4 3

4 5 4

5 6 5

6 7 6

7 Idiom Advancement 8 7

8 9 8

9 Narrative Skill Mastery

10 9

10 11 10

11 Idiom Advancement 12 11

12 13 12

13 14 13

14 15 14

15 Idiom Advancement 16 15

16 17 16

17 18 17

18 19 18

19 Idiom Advancement 20 19

20 21 20


st level, all bards choose an idiom. This is a

representation of the unique way that the bard has chosen to manifest his performance abilities, mixing steel, spell and art into one harmonious whole. Every bard develops his own idiom based on the way that his performances empower his allies, his spells and his weapon. The bard receives an upgrade to this idiom at levels 3, 7, 11, 15 and 19 which is chosen off the idiom upgrade lists below.

Idiom Short Description

Jester A dangerous pranksters whose riddles are magic

Lorekeeper A primal keeper of knowledge and wisdom

Skald A warrior bard who inspires from the front

Swashbuckler A dashing daring do who favors quick action and words

Troubadour A classic spinner of tale, story and song

JESTER Jokes, riddles, laughs and guffaws, these are the stock and trade of the jester. Though many consider the Jester a

simple comedian, and indeed, not every jester in the world is a bard, those few that are wield a power most incredible. The Jester may be the most dangerous of all bards for he is the last one you expect to be dangerous. When the jester bounces into the room, covered in ringing bells and pointed shoes, it is easy to write him off as a non-threat. The jester, though, carries great power in his innocuous jokes, riddles and puns and all too many great warriors have only realized that power too late as they collapse into a seizing, chuckling pile on the floor while the bard stands over them, a sly smile finally betraying his true intentions. Why is Jester the Best Idiom? Jester is the best idiom if you prefer a little comedy with your danger. The jester is by default a more light hearted character who none the less wields tremendous power. Each of us can recall a time in our lives when simple laughter made us fall from a chair, double over, lose our breath or smile until our face felt it was going to pop at the cheeks. Now imagine all of that, with the power of magic behind it. Jester Features

Bouncing: You gain a skill training in Athleticism. You gain an additional +2 bonus to any Athleticism checks made to tumble, jump, or flip.

Juggler: You gain a skill training in Juggling and Juggling gains one additional specialization.

Performer: Whenever you score a critical success with Interaction as a primary skill in a skill engagement, you grant a +2 to all Interaction checks made by you or your allies for the remainder of the encounter.

You gain 2 new Performance Set-Ups, the Riddle of Steel and Limerick of Spell detailed below.


Bard, Weapon

Special: You must have used the performance of steel this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed +1 ignoring difficult terrain. The next successful standard action weapon attack you make this round also knocks your enemy prone.

Limerick of Spell PERFORMANCE SET-UP

Bard, Spell

Special: You must have used the performance of spell this round.

Use: You may move up to half your speed. The next successful standard action spell attack you make this round also causes your target(s) to be impaired (save ends).

Jester Upgrades At level 3, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you gain an upgrade in your idiom. These represent additional powers you have gained

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as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

All Smiles: You gain a skill training in Interaction and Interaction gains one additional specialization.

Dangerous Distraction: Whenever you successfully use Interaction to create a diversion, you may move 3 squares as a free action and you gain a +3 bonus to damage against an enemy you have advantage against as a result of this skill use.

Endless Jokes: You may use Interaction to create a diversion any number of times during an encounter until you fail your check against any enemy. You must then wait until the next encounter to utilize this skill use.

Master Juggler {R}: You gain a skill training in juggling and juggling gains one additional specialization.

Saucy Limerick: When you use the Limerick of Spell the target’s first failed save causes them to be slowed (save ends).

Tricky Riddle: When you use the Riddle of Steel the target knocked prone must use both a move and minor action to stand up.

Tumbler: When using Athleticism in a skill engagement, you must fail by 5 or more to accrue a failure. Success still requires the normal DC.

LOREKEEPER The Lorekeeper is a memory carrier, a story-teller, a keeper of wisdom and knowledge. Lorekeepers most often come from less civilized people who cannot commonly read or write. These bards spend most of their early life learning the legends, myths, stories and ways of the world around them and they are always the best educated members of their society. In many such cultures, Lorekeepers are the allies of druids, some even take the initial druid training, but never go so far as to be inducted into the cabal that would grant them full access to a druid’s magic. Why is Lorekeeper the Best Idiom? The Lorekeeper is the best idiom if you like the idea of being a true master of knowledge and story. Few can match a Lorekeepers ability with a pure tale or their knowledge of their society. Their ability to weave the legends of their people into an enthralling story is unequaled. If you like the idea of playing someone with secret knowledge and access to unique spells, then the Lorekeeper is for you. Lorekeeper Features

Lore Master: You gain 1 additional spell per day at level 1.

Natural Skills: You lose your skill specialization in Athleticism and Thievery and you gain a skill specialization in Delving and Nature.

Old Master: You may learn divine spells of the Nature and Weather domains. You may never prepare more than half of your spells as these spells. You treat these spells as arcane and you may apply you Arcane Masteries to these learned spells to purchase Divine Mysteries. However, you may only apply ½ your level of divine mysteries instead of an amount equal to your level. You may prepare these spells as at-wills, but you may never have more than 1 of your 2 at-wills as one of these spells.

You gain 2 new Performance Set-Ups, the Lore of Steel and Lore of Spell detailed below.


Bard, Weapon

Special: You must have used the performance of steel this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed. All allies gain a +2 bonus to any Skill Action checks made against the next foe you successfully attack this round.


Bard, Spell

Special: You must have used the performance of spell this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed. All allies gain a +2 bonus to any saving throw they make as a result of using a Major Metamagic when attacking the next foe you successfully attack this round.

Lorekeeper Upgrades At level 3, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you gain an upgrade in your idiom. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Additional Lore {R}: You may cast one additional spell per day.

Deep Spell Lore: If an ally affected by your Lore of Spell scores a critical hit with a spell attack, they do not expend that daily use of the spell.

History Training: You gain a skill training in History and History gains one additional specialization. In addition, when you use History during a skill engagement as a primary skill and you succeed on your check at the Hard DC, you grant a +2 bonus to the next ally to make a check in that encounter.

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Magical Specialist: Choose either Arcana or Religion. You gain a skill training in the chosen skill and that skill gains one additional specialization.

Secret Lore {R}: Choose any spell, you may add that spell to your spell book. Proficiency applies as normal.

Wilderness Mysteries {R}: You gain an Arcane Mastery that may only be spent to purchase a divine mystery of one of your spells from the Nature or Weather domains.

SKALD The Skald is part warrior, part story-teller, part battle leader, but all bard. The Skald, much like the Lorekeeper, tends to hail from more primitive peoples. Unlike the Lorekeeper, the Skald does not value learning, wisdom and lore, but rather, he craves battle, action and the thrill of combat. The Skald can be found at the front of the lead warriors, boldly charging into the shield walls of enemies, chanting the battle hymns of his people and driving his allies to a near savage frenzy. It is said that “it is hard to tell if a battle is won because of a Skald, but it is easy to tell when one is lost because of a Skald.” Why is Skald the Best Idiom? The Skald is the best idiom for you if you love the idea of a more up front bard who is not afraid to be in the enemy’s face. The Skald leads from the front, for that is where the battle is the fiercest. If you like the idea of inspiring your allies to victory with your battle chants while crushing your enemies’ skulls for your own victories, then the Skald is for you. Skald Features

Warrior: You gain proficiency in chain armor and light shields.

Steeled: You increase the bonus damage from Advancing Steel for both yourself and your allies to +4.

Warsinger: You gain a skill training in Singing and Singing gains one additional specialization.

You gain 2 new Performance Set-Ups, the Chant of Steel and Chant of Spell detailed below.


Bard, Weapon

Special: You must have used the performance of steel this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed +2. If you charge an enemy this round, you may move your speed +2 for that movement as well. If you successfully hit that enemy, all allies gain advantage against that target.


Bard, Spell

Special: You must have used the performance of spell this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed. The next spell you use that targets only a single enemy also moves that enemy one square if it hits. This benefit applies to the next spell cast by any of your allies during this performance as well.

Skald Upgrades At level 3, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you gain an upgrade in your idiom. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Chant Master {R}: You gain a skill training in Singing and Singing gains one additional specialization.

Driven to Battle {R}: When your Inspirational Opening grants a bonus to damage, that damage bonus increases by 1.

Front Line Warrior: You gain proficiency in Scale armor.

Motivating Chant: Your allies gain double your bonus to speed when charging a target granting advantage from Chant of Steel.

Savagery {R}: Whenever you or an ally gain a bonus to damage from your Inspirational Opening, those affected also gain Resist Physical 5.

Wild Abandon: Whenever you score a critical hit, you gain 10 temporary hit points.

SWASHBUCKLER The swashbuckler is a warrior to be sure, he fights with steal and grace and if you were watching from a great distance, it would be easy to confuse such a combatant with any of numerous fighters or rogues. When close enough to perceive, to see and hear the fight, there can be no mistaking a swashbuckler. A fighter or a rogue wins based on skill. It could be one skill or a combination of many, but the swashbuckler, like all bards, is a master of performance. The combat, the dance of steel, the verbal quips and the displays of prowess are his performance, his art, his oeuvre. Why is Swashbuckler the Best Idiom? If you love the movies of Errol Flynn and the classic image of the bold and daring swordsman, then swashbuckler is for you. They are not just masters of their blade, but instead rely just as much on the perception of their mastery and their verbal quips to find victory.

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Swashbuckler Features

Dashing Strike: Whenever you successfully hit an opponent with a standard action attack, you may move 3 squares as a free action.

Leaping Movement: You may ignore difficult terrain based on vertical obstacles less than five feet high (such as fallen trees, tables, chairs, etc.) You may move over this terrain without penalty.

Performer: You gain a skill training in Perform (Weapon Display) and Perform (Weapon Display) gains one additional specialization.

You gain 2 new Performance Set-Ups, the Quip of Steel and Quip of Spell detailed below.


Bard, Weapon

Special: You must have used the performance of steel this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed +1 and you gain a +2 bonus to any Athleticism checks made as part of this movement. If you successfully hit with your standard action attack, your enemy may not move to any square that is not adjacent to you on its next turn.


Bard, Spell

Special: You must have used the performance of spell this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed. The next spell you use that targets Will and successfully hits an opponent causes that opponent to grant advantage to all allies for their next standard action attack.

Swashbuckler Upgrades At level 3, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you gain an upgrade in your idiom. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Dance of Steel {R}: The distance you may move from your Dashing Strike increases by 2 squares.

Display of Prowess {R}: You gain a skill training in Perform (Weapon Display) and Perform (Weapon Display) gains one additional specialization.

High Ground : When you use high ground to move onto difficult terrain less than five feet in height (for example an intervening table) and you attack from a position that is higher vertically than your enemies current position, you gain advantage for that attack.

Not just a Quip: If successfully kill an enemy or reduce them to 0 hit points, you may make an Interaction check as a free action. If you successfully achieve the moderate DC for your current level, you gain advantage against all enemies that can see you.

Quick Explanation: Once during a skill engagement when any ally rolls a natural 1 on an Interaction check, you may make an Interaction check as a free action. If you achieve at least the Hard DC, then this 1 does not count as a failure. Your check does not count as a success nor use your action for that round.

Taunting Quip: You gain the Taunt ability of the Halfling (see the Halfling racial description).

TROUBADOUR The Troubadour is the classic bard; a wanderer, a performer, a musician, singer, dancer and all around entertainer. They are beloved for the humor and happiness they bring with them wherever they go and indeed, for many small towns, being visited by such a bard is often the biggest event of the month, if not the year. Though the troubadour trains in all forms of entertainment, every troubadour is the master of some type of instrument. The most common is the lute, but certainly more elaborate or exotic instruments are also acceptable such as the harp, flute or mandolin. Why is Troubadour the Best Idiom? The Troubadour is the best idiom if you want to play a bard who brings the power of music, song and story to life. More than any other bard, the Troubadour is about the ability of his storytelling to lift not only the spirits of men, but their very souls. For the troubadour, a very ancient and powerful music hides beneath the subtle tones and harmonies of his songs. Troubadour Features

Full Performance: You gain an additional round of both of your performances (steel and spell) – the encore. During this 4

th round of sustaining the

performance, all of the previous rounds bonuses apply. In addition, any ally that successfully hits and damages an enemy with an attack that matches your performance regains 5 hit points. After this 4

th round, you must begin a new

performance as normal.

Performer: You gain a skill training in Perform (Instrument) in an instrument of your choice, and that Perform (Instrument) gains one additional specialization.

Influence: You can influence the attitudes of crowds with your words and song. If in a narrative encounter, you can use music and performance to make the NPCs more favorable in attitude toward you and your party. This will not encourage the

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NPCs to do anything against their own interests or best judgment and your GM has final say as to its effects. If you are using Interaction or Perform in a skill engagement as a Primary skill and you score a critical success, it counts as 2 successes instead of 1 in that encounter.

You gain 2 new Performance Set-Ups, the Song of Steel and Song of Spell detailed below.


Bard, Weapon

Special: You must have used the performance of steel this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed. The bonus to hit and damage granted by your Inspirational Opening increase by 1 (+2 to hit and +6 to damage) until the start of your next turn. You may never increase the bonus by more than 1 using this set-up.


Bard, Spell

Special: You must have used the performance of spell this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed. The bonus to hit and damage granted by your Inspirational Opening increase by 1 (+2 to hit and +6 to damage) until the start of your next turn. You may never increase the bonus by more than 1 using this set-up..

Troubadour Upgrades At level 3, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you gain an upgrade in your idiom. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Amazing Encore {R}: The healing granted by your Encore round increases by 5.

Faultless Performer: When you use Interaction or Perform (Instrument) in a skill engagement as a primary skill, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

Powerful Voice: When you use Interaction to intimidate an enemy, on a successful saving throw, the enemy is still impaired (save ends).

Song of Speed {R}: The bonus to speed granted by your Inspirational Opening increases by 1 when you use any Performance Set-Up.

Song of Victory {R}: The bonus to damage granted by your Inspirational Opening increases by an additional 2 when you use Song of Steel or Song of Spell.

ARCANE MAGIC All bards wield magical energy. Bards are consummate performers and wanderers; their very nature means that they imbue everything they do with a sort of base but potent magic. Their wandering however brings them into contact with many other spellcasters and from these others they frequently pick up bits of magical knowledge. They do not have the mastery of any other classes, but their magical ability also cannot be denied. Like a wizard, a bard’s magic is learned and all bards must carry a spellbook of some kind (though bards are far more likely to have exotic spellbooks based on magical instruments, or leather-bound tomes where the words are hidden within a vast sprawling story). Unlike a wizard, the bard must split his time between spell casting and swordplay, and so never really achieves true mastery. This is represented by the fact they can never use as many spells per day and never gain the ability to use any metamagic. Instead, it is with their performances that they enhance and improve their spells. Spells Known Bards do not have a maximum number of spells known like other casters. Instead, a bard may learn any number of spells, all of which are copied into his spellbook. Any fantastical thing could be a spellbook but there is one property that all spellbooks share. They are an external physical thing that is written on. This book contains all of the information the bard needs to internalize the spell and most bards would sooner die than abandon their spellbook. A bard begins play at level 1 with 3 spells in his spellbook. From that point on, the bard must find and accrue spells through adventuring to add to his repertoire. Also, unlike other arcane casters bards dabble enough in all magical arts that they even manage to learn a little bit of the divine, adapted by them into their own style of course. A bard may also select spells of the Healing domain that are normally divine only. These spells gain the Arcane keyword and the Bard may treat the Divine Mysteries as Arcane Masteries. The bard is limited to ½ his level instead of his level for the number of Arcane Masteries that can be applied to such spells. Spells Per Day Every bard has a certain number of spells that he can cast each day. This number represents the maximum amount of arcane energy that the bard’s mind can hold without snapping like a twig. At the start of any day, the bard spends a short amount of time (15 minutes) reading over his spellbook. The bard then decides which of the spells from his book he will memorize and have available that day. The bard can cast only the spells that he has memorized. He may memorize multiple copies of a single spell if he would like, though a wise bard knows his true strength lies in the versatility of magic available to him. So if, for example, a 1

st level bard had charm person and

create image in his spellbook and was capable of

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memorizing 2 spells per day, he could choose to have charm person and create image or 2 copies of charm person or any such combination. Also like wizards, bards have at-wills, these are simple magic that the bard has internalized and can always work into his song. The bard begins play with 2 at-will spells and he retains these throughout his career. At the beginning of each day, the bard simply chooses 2 spells from among those he knows and those are then usable without upgrades at-will that day. Arcane Masteries Unlike divine magic, which is granted in nearly finished form directly by a deity, arcane magic is made by the will of the caster from the raw energy of the universe. As bards study their magic and become more adept with it, so do they discover new ways to employ the magic. They learn new ways to stretch and change the spell so that it becomes larger, more powerful or just an altogether new form. These advancements in the spell’s application are represented by Arcane Masteries. The bard does not get as many of these masteries as some other casters such as the wizard due to his imitations in also needing to advance and study swordplay, but they certainly use their spells often enough that some level of mastery is endemic of the nature of being a bard. At each level, you may gain some number of arcane masteries. Each of these masteries is then applied to a spell you know. From that point on, when you prepare the spell at the start of the day, you are now preparing your more advanced version. For example, our bard above knew charm person and so upon leveling, decides to place an upgrade into that spell. The player looks at the spell’s entry and sees that there are several arcane masteries to unlock. After reading the list, the player decides to take Powerful Control, increasing the potency of the spell. From now on, when the bard casts the spell in any way but as an at-will, the spell will be in its more powerful version.

PERFORMANCES The most basic element of the bard’s power lies in his ability to perform. The bard has two performances, the Performance of Steel and the Performance of Spell. Each of these performances infuses that type of attack with the basic magic that the bard manipulates, creating a single unified harmony. The Performance of Steel This performance empowers weapons and those who wield them. When you use this performance, the bonuses you grant with your Inspirational Opening affect weapon attacks. In addition, you may only use your Advancing Movements that have the weapon keyword, and your standard action attack must be a weapon attack. The Performance of Spell

This performance empowers spells and spellcasters. When you use this performance, the bonuses you grant with your Inspirational Opening affect spell attacks. In addition, you may only use your Advancing Movements that have the spell keyword, and your standard action attack must be a spell attack.

Action Type Performance Action

No Action Performance is set to either Steel or Spell or a previous performance is continued to a maximum of 3 rounds.

Minor Inspirational Opening

Move Performance Set-Up

Standard Cast a spell or attack with weapon as appropriate for that performance

At the start of your turn, if you do not have a performance started, you may begin a new performance of either type. This does not require action, but is merely a choice you make at the start of the turn. Once you choose your performance, it becomes your performance until the start of your next turn. At the start of your next turn, you may choose to either continue your current performance or begin a new performance. All bonuses from your Inspirational Opening grow the longer you continue your performance. You may not continue any single performance for more than 3 rounds. If at the start of the turn you have continued the same performance for 3 rounds, you must begin a new performance. You may start another performance of the same type (i.e. you may begin a new performance of steel), but the bonuses reset to their original value.

INSPIRATIONAL OPENING As a minor action, the bard may begin (or sustain) an opening that inspires his allies. This is more than mere music or storytelling, this is the bard infusing his own actions and the actions of his allies with the most basic elements of magic, the primal energy of raw magic, shaped and fashioned into a beneficial force. The bonuses below apply to either all weapon attacks or all spell attacks (depending on the performance selected). The bonuses gained are outlined below; all bonuses are cumulative and last throughout the entire performance. The names for this vary based on the performance type the bard favors. If the bard does not spend a minor action on an Inspirational Opening, then all bonuses end and any bonuses granted in future rounds begin at the first round again. 1st Round (Exposition, Act I, 1

st Movement): +1 magic

bonus to all attack rolls and speed. 2

nd Round (Conflict, Act II, 2

nd Movement): Attacks score a

critical hit on a 19-20.

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Round (Resolution, Act III, Final Movement): +5 bonus to all damage rolls.

ADVANCING MOMENT As a move action, the bard may continue the performance. This is done through a special performance set-up. The bard starts with 2 performance set-ups, Advancing Steel and Advancing Spell. Each of those is outlined below. The bard gains one additional weapon and spell set-up from his Idiom.


Bard, Weapon

Special: You must have used the performance of steel this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed. The next standard action weapon attack you make this round deals 2 additional damage. All allies gain a +2 bonus to their next weapon damage roll against that target.


Bard, Spell

Special: You must have used the performance of spell this round.

Use: You may move up to your speed. The next standard action spell attack you make this round deals 2 additional damage. All allies gain a +2 bonus to their next spell damage roll against that target.

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A bard’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A bard may use his Heroic Moment to automatically end any effect causing him to be silenced. Alternatively, a bard may expend his Heroic Moment to sustain the bonuses of their Inspirational Opening even if unable to take actions (such as when stunned).

NARRATIVE SKILL MASTERY At level 9, the bard once again gains one additional specialization in all narrative skills. The bard also gains 2 skill trainings which may be applied to any narrative skill(s).

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INTRODUCTION The Cleric is the voice of his god and the living expression of the tenants and philosophy of the faiths. The cleric is a person defined by their faith who has entered a mutually symbiotic relationship with a deity. They worship their god, carry out his will in the physical world and often try to bring in or convert others. In exchange for this service, they are granted a small portion of the god’s divine power. Such divine power can be used to heal wounds, smite infidels with holy flame or in extreme cases, even raise the dead. Clerics are defined by their gods and the divine power they wield as a result of that relationship. The cleric, the martial warrior of the faith, does not have a large number of historical allegories. Certainly some sects of the crusaders from the 11

th and 12

th century

fit the mold of some of the more martial cleric focuses. The sohei of Japan would also fit the role of a martial spiritualist entering combat with their skill and their god to protect them. So what is a Cleric? Are they simply the lackeys of the gods? Are they people who made a bargain with a god for power? Though some of their enemies may label them as such, this is hardly an apt description of a cleric. Unlike any other class (save perhaps paladin), cleric has a personal relationship with the source of this power. A cleric is never truly alone, in the deepest darkest cave, on the most distant plane; the cleric never walks alone, for his god is there.

CLASS OVERVIEW The cleric is a servitor of faith. All clerics draw their power from the gods, and hence, the god that they worship defines what divine power, e.g. what spells, are at their disposal. Each god has only a certain portfolio and as such, can only grant certain magic. The cleric is, by his very nature, a multitasker; most clerics are simultaneously spells casters, martial warriors and even leaders (both combat and spiritual). Clerics do not blend together these elements like a fighter, or build them together like a mage, instead, they use their ability to multitask as an advantage, healing their allies one moment and crushing an enemy with their mace the next. Cleric’s ability to use healing magic as a minor action means that this is usually something they can do easily without using all of their effort. Cleric’s protective and bolstering magic usually requires a move action, and so they will usually unleash this type of magic once they are in close combat with their foes. Finally, clerics then choose to either unleash spells or strike their enemies with a weapon. Which the cleric prefers is often a matter of their deity and that deity’s preference for martial combat or destructive magic.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: All Common Weapons Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide and Chain Armors and Light Shields Magic Proficiencies: Divine (Granted) Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+4 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: +2 to Fortitude and +2 to Will Specialized Encounter Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Endurance (Str/Con),Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Religion (Int/Wis), Streetwise (Int/Cha)

CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.3: Cleric Class Progression

Level Class Features

Spells Known

Spells/Day Divine Mysteries

1 Focus, Heroic Moment Turn Undead

3 5 (1/1/0) 2

2 4 8 3

3 5 11 4

4 6 13 5

5 Focus Upgrade

7 15 6

6 8 17 7

7 9 19 8

8 10 21 10

9 Divine Conduit

10 23 12

10 11 25 14

11 11 27 16

12 Focus Upgrade

12 29 18

13 12 31 20

14 13 33 22

15 13 35 25

16 14 36 28

17 14 37 31

18 Focus Upgrade

15 38 34

19 15 39 37

20 15 40 40

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st level, all clerics choose a focus. This is a

representation of the type of cleric they are and this focus directly affects their divine magic both in the spells they cast (see Divine Magic above for full details on how clerics use the magic granted to them by the gods) and the way they fight. This focus is usually a result of the Cleric’s faith. Followers of a scholarly god of knowledge are most likely drawn to the role of the cloistered cleric, whereas followers of a god of war may be battle clerics or invokers. The cleric receives an upgrade to this focus at levels 5, 12 and 18 which is chosen off the focus upgrade lists below.

Focus Short Description

Battle Cleric A martial warrior of the faith

Cloistered Cleric A sage and student of his god’s ethos

Invoker A channeler of the divine wrath of the gods

Oracle A divine prognosticator

BATTLE CLERIC The battle cleric is perhaps the most well-known focus of the cleric. These are the followers of the gods armed with a heavy mace, a shield and the divine armament of magic. Battle Clerics tend to spend their time wandering, letting their deeds be a recruitment tool for their god. Through their amazing deeds and works, each hopes to show the power and wonder of his or her deity. Why is Battle Cleric the Best Focus? Battle Clerics are the best cleric because no other cleric so evenly balances all of the aspects of the powers of the class. Battle clerics are adept warriors who can fight with confidence on the front lines, they are also well armored and tough, a mixture of physical prowess and divine will makes them particularly resistant. In addition to these skills at arms, Battle Clerics can also call upon a full reservoir of granted divine magic, covering everything from healing to protective magic to thunderous invocations. Battle Cleric Features

War Priest: You gain proficiency in scale armor.

Battler: You gain proficiency in a single military weapon of choice. This is usually a weapon favored by your god.

Battle Guardian: You have access to the protection domain in addition to any domains granted by your god and may cast spells of the protection domain as a move action.

Battle Cleric Focus Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your focus. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Bolstered Blessing: When you are under the effect of a magic bonus to defenses granted by a divine spell of the protection domain, increase the bonus granted to defenses by 1.

Combat Medic {R}: Whenever you use a spell with the healing keyword on a wounded ally, the spell restores an additional 3 hit points.

Divine Armor: You increase the damage resistance offered by magic armor by 1.

Shield Proficiency: You gain proficiency in the heavy shield. CLOISTERED CLERIC The Cloistered Cleric is a reclusive monk or scholar. Cloistered Clerics often do live with others of their kind as that most easily facilitates religious debate, research and advancement. These cloistered monasteries become centers for learning and they are also one of the most reliable sources of quality books and other written material as the clerics there spend some of their time copying their important religious texts to be shared amongst the faithful. This is yet another reason that cloistered clerics

tend to congregate together, their monastic homes are a center of knowledge often more valuable than any monetary treasure. It for the protection of this collected wisdom that the clerics ultimately stay united. Why is Cloistered Cleric the Best Focus?

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Cloistered Cleric is the best focus for your character if you want to play a scholarly pursuant of religious knowledge. These clerics more than any other understand their faith and what it means to truly follow the instructions of their god as they have spent so much time reading the words and deeds of the god and the greatest heroes of the faith. Though Cloistered Clerics do not have the martial prowess of many clerics, they have a dividend of knowledge, and knowing is often half of any battle. Cloistered Cleric Features

Astral Seeker: You have access to the spells of the astral domain in addition to any domains offered by your god and may cast spells of the astral domain as a move action.

Astral Power: You may cast one additional spell each day of the astral domain.

Skilled: You receive 2 additional skill trainings, at least one of these must be in a knowledge skill.

Cloistered Cleric Focus Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your focus. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Divine Intuition {R}: You may cast one additional spell per day of the astral domain.

Divine Knowledge {R}: You gain an additional skill training. If you have already selected this ability once, you may instead choose to gain one additional specialization in the previously selected skill. You may only select this ability twice.

Enemies of the Gods: You gain a +2 bonus on any knowledge checks related to Undead, Demons or Devils. In addition, you may critically hit such creatures on a 19-20.

INVOKER Nearly all gods count Invokers amongst their faithful. These are clerics who have pushed their ability to contain and withstand their god’s power. Invokers favor the magic of destruction and channel their god’s power into a truly terrible divine wrath. Invokers are especially feared by the true enemies of the gods; undead, demons and devils, for their magic is known to be especially destructive to creatures that so clearly defy the will of the gods. Why is Invoker the Best Focus? Invoker is the best Cleric focus if you like the idea of a cleric that truly channels the wrath of the gods. Invokers have access to more destructive magic than most clerics and they can more easily make that magic destructive to things

like undead, demons and devils. Invoker’s do not often engage in melee combat, but what they lack in skill with weapons, they make up for being able to bring more of their god’s power to the world. Invoker Features

Trained in Destruction: You have access to the spells of the destruction domain in addition to any domains offered by your god. These spells may be arcane or divine and you treat all Arcane Masteries for these spells as Divine Mysteries.

More Destruction: You may cast one additional spell each day of the destruction domain.

Deific Destruction: You receive 2 additional divine mysteries. These divine mysteries must be spent on an upgrade for a spell of the destruction domain.

Destroyer: You do not gain a move action at-will spell, instead you gain one at-will slot for your standard action spell. The spell chosen for this slot must be a spell of the destruction domain.

Simple Weapons: You lose proficiency in all weapons save for the staff and dagger.

Invoker Focus Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your focus. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Bane of the Befouled {R}: You receive an additional Divine Mystery that can only be spent on an upgrade that makes the spell more potent against undead, demons or devils.

Divine Wrath {R}: You may cast one additional spell per day of the destruction domain.

Granted Metamagic {R}: You may select a single Major Metamagic. You may apply this Major Metamagic to your spells as per the normal rules for Major Metamagic.

Enemies of the Gods: You gain a +2 bonus on any spell damage against undead, demons and devils. In addition, you may critically hit such creatures on a 19-20.

ORACLE The oracle is one of the enigmatic and mysterious of clerics. Oracles have a connection to their gods, and the knowledge those gods possess, but this connection is not without a price. Holding the knowledge of the gods in a mortal mind slowly erodes sanity, and over the long term, most oracles give themselves over completely to their frenzied prognostications. They become lost in a realm of

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their own visions, unable to discern the present from the future or the past. Why is Oracle the Best Focus? Oracle is the best clerical focus if you like the idea of playing someone who has one eye on the future at all times. Others may guess at what is coming, but you have seen it. Your visions may not always be clear, sometimes they are clouded in metaphor and mystery, but you have seen more than most, if your mind can just contain it. Oracle Features

Oracle: You have access to the spells of the divination domain, regardless of their nature as arcane or divine spells. Such spells gain the divine keyword and you may treat arcane masteries of those spells as divine mysteries. In addition you may cast spells of the divination domain as a move action.

Diviner: You may cast one additional spell each day of the divination domain.

Master of the Divine: You receive 2 additional divine mysteries. These divine mysteries must be spent on a spell or spells from the divination domain.

Oracle Focus Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your focus. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times

Dangerous Insights {R}: You receive an additional Divine Mystery that can only be spent on an upgrade for a spell of the divination domain.

Divine Foresight: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses.

Risk of the Visions: At the start of any skill engagement, you may choose to roll 2 d20s. These rolls may be substituted for any single roll made during that encounter except a natural 1. If you roll a natural 1, not only does it count as a failure, but you lose these dice and 2 additional Heroic Reserves.

DIVINE MAGIC The most defining aspect of the cleric is his or her ability to channel divine magic. The cleric is defined by this ability and what it allows them to do. All clerics enter a mutually beneficial relationship with their gods. They agree to live according to the tenants of the faith and spread the word and philosophy of the god in the world. In return for this

service, the god grants the cleric some of his own divine power. The only limitation to what magic a cleric can wield is his own ability to withstand such powerful magic. The higher level the cleric, the more divine power that cleric can withstand and channel and the greater he becomes at channeling what he knows to potent effect. Most gods would love to give their clerics the most powerful magic they can, but the mortal shell can only handle so much divine magic. One advantage clerics have over other casters is that their magic is granted to them. This means they did not study for it, nor is it an innate part of them. Instead, a being more powerful than them “hands” them the completed spell, it is only for the cleric to channel it. This means that clerics can more quickly call their spells into the world. Clerics have the ability to cast several spells that require only a small amount of action (namely minor or move actions). The spell descriptions will explain the spell’s effect more thoroughly and the actual action taken is defined below. Spells Known The Cleric has a limited number of spells he can know. These are essentially the spells he has been able to channel from his god. The cleric may select any spell from among those of the domains of his god. Each god has access to only a restricted set of domains. For example, gods of war might not often have access to the knowledge domain. Table 9.3 in the magic section gives a sample of the philosophy of gods and what portfolios they tend to have access to. Ultimately, your GM has the final say on what domains are available to your cleric. The cleric may always choose to swap one of the domains granted by his or her god for the Healing domain. Upon gaining access to new spells known, the cleric reviews the domains available and chooses the appropriate number of new spells known from amongst those domains. Once this choice is made, it is permanent. That spell is one of the cleric’s spells from that point forward. The exception to this is that a spell may be retrained as per the normal retraining rules. Spells Per Day Every cleric has a certain number of spells he can cast each day. This number represent the maximum amount of full divine power the cleric can withstand channeling. At the start of any day, a cleric prays to his deity for spells, requesting specific divine magic. The cleric decides what each spell he has available is. For example, a 1

st level cleric

has 5 spells per day and knows 3 spells. Let us imagine that cleric has access to cure wounds, resistance and shield of faith. The cleric may choose to prepare those spells in any combination as long as the total does not exceed 5. In addition, there is some magic that the cleric can channel at-will. The cleric may select one spell he or she is capable of casting as a minor action (see Spell Action below), and one spell he or she can cast as a move action and those become

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usable at-will. The cleric has no standard action at-will spells. At-will spells may be used as often as the character likes, but they may never have any upgrades applied. See the Magic section for additional details on at-will spells. Divine Mysteries The magic of the gods is some of the most raw power in the universe. It is the magic of life and death, the magic of creation, and the magic of the natural world. Even when a cleric can channel a particular spell, that does not mean that he or she has unlocked all of the secret mysteries of that spell. Only through building up their power and repeatedly channeling a spell can a cleric truly begin to unlock all of the hidden facets of the magic granted to him. It is as though you were handed a beautiful gem cut with hundreds of sides, it would take you several minutes to spin the gem in your hand and examine the gem from every angle to see every face. So to it is with divine magic, except the sides of the gem are nearly infinite. At each level, you may gain some number of Divine Mysteries. Each of these mysteries is then applied to a spell you know. From that point on, when you prepare the spell through prayer at the start of the day, you are now preparing your more advanced version. The exception to this is the spells prepared in your at-will slots, which always function without upgrade. For example, our cleric above knew cure wounds and so upon leveling, decides to place an upgrade into that spell. The player looks at the spell’s entry and sees that there are several Divine Mysteries to unlock. After reading the list, the player decides to take Increased Healing, increasing the amount that spell heals by 1d8. From now on, whenever the player uses cure wounds from a daily slot, it will add that additional 1d8 to all healing. Spell Actions Because the magic the cleric receives from his or her deity is the god’s power, some of these spells can be used quicker than most spell casters. There is no need to reach deep within oneself to find the magic in the blood, or remember a complex set of arcane words and gestures. Instead, the magic is often more easily summoned, as per the table below.

Action Type Domains

Minor Healing

Move Varies (See Focus)

Standard All Others

TURN UNDEAD The gods are the natural enemies of undead. The gods’ magic is that of life and death, of creation and of the natural world. Some element of divine magic always speaks to one of these elements. Undead represent defiance of nearly all of these tenants. It is for this reason that divine magic is especially destructive to undead. Although many

spells in the clerics repertoire have mysteries which allow an enhanced effect against undead, the cleric may also choose to channel pure divine magic outward to turn or even destroy undead. As a Standard Action attack, the cleric may expend any daily spell, unleashing the raw divine magic contained within it to cause fear or even destroy the undead in the vicinity. All undead within 50 feet (10 squares) of the cleric must make a saving throw or become filled with fear. Those undead affected move their speed away from the cleric and are immobilized (save ends). If they should fail any secondary saving throws against this power, they are instead cowering and helpless (save ends). If at any point, a natural 1 is rolled on a saving throw against this power, the undead is instead destroyed. Gods who have in their portfolio the Death domain will occasionally allow their followers to use the undead as a tool (though they still generally abhor free-willed undead). These clerics use Turn Undead slightly differently. Upon the first failed save, the undead are controlled (dominated, save ends) instead of helpless. If at any time they should roll a natural 1 when attempting to save against the effect, they are instead controlled (dominated) until the end of the encounter.

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A cleric’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A cleric may use his Heroic Moment in one of the following ways. The cleric may expend his Heroic Moment as free action to cause a successful attack against himself to miss. The cleric may also use his heroic moment as a free action when an ally drops below 0 hit points to allow that ally to spend a heroic reserve after damage and effects of the attack are resolved. The ally does not fall prone, but is instead healed from 0 hit points to their Reserve Healing Value as per normal healing when below 0 hit points.

DIVINE CONDUIT At level 9, the cleric has channeled enough divine energy, that he has established a more open conduit to his god. This grants the cleric two benefits. First, the cleric can speak with the voice of their god once per day. During a skill engagement where Interaction is a primary skill the cleric may gain a +2 bonus to that check for the duration of the encounter. When this ability is active, if the cleric rolls a critical success on

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Interaction, the cleric gains 2 successes instead of one as normal. As an alternative, the cleric may instead invoke this ability to directly ask his god one question. The god is not under compulsion to answer and indeed, if the god feels it is important for the character to learn or figure this out for him or herself, the god may purposefully withhold such an answer. The god will generally want to assist the cleric however and if the information is available to the god, the GM is encouraged to communicate this information to the PC (though they are also encouraged to be cryptic or creative with the delivery if that would suit the god in question). You also gain a skill training in Religion and Religion gains one additional specialization.

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INTRODUCTION The druid is the rumble of thunder, the fury of a storm, the irrepressible and ever potent force of nature. No other character is so close to the wild. The ranger is comfortable in the wilderness and certainly at home alone in the uncivilized lands. The druid is a step beyond that, they are one with the wild, and they do not so much command nature, as much as they are simply a part of it. Does one command their arm to pick up a cup before them? For druids, summoning a storm, shaping plants, and speaking with wild animals is as normal as raising their arm. Though druids spend the majority of their time away from other people, they are never alone, the birds, beasts and trees are their constant companions. In addition to that, the lore of druids is not something written or kept in any library. Druidic secrets are only taught to the worthy by other druids. This has led some to accuse druids of having a secret cabal, and to a point, that is true. The society, language and lore of the druids are theirs and theirs alone. We do not know a great deal about historical druids. Much like their game counterparts, the druids did not write any of their lore or secrets down, but relied on verbal tradition. When their people were killed or displaced, these traditions were lost. We do have many modern stories of druids however; Bernard Cornwell’s Merlin is certainly analogous to the druid presented here. So what is a druid? Is it a tree-hugger wandering through the forest, dancing with the trees? Is it a man who turns into a bear? The druid, more than anything has a dual nature. They are man and beast; they are a being of civilization and nature. They are not a being of conflict however, but harmony, and more than any other sentient humanoid, they understand the division between man and nature is no division at all.

CLASS OVERVIEW The druid has a dual nature, and this manifests in everything that he does. In combat, the druid makes decisions of whether to fight as a man or to call upon his primal nature and assume the form of a beast. If the druid fights in his wild shape, which he can assume as a minor action, then he is calling upon the feral powers of the beast to be victorious in battle. The druid, when in animal form, is closer to his inner beast and this proximity allows him to more easily command his animal companion, having it attack far more fiercely than any normal animal. Finally, the

druid’s standard action when in animal form is to wade into combat himself, bringing the power of his bestial nature to bear. Finally, the druid’s companion attacks instinctually, not looking to kill the enemy, but using the natural talents of that animal to subdue and control the enemy. As was said, the druid is a being of dual nature, and the druid is just as dangerous in the form of a man. As a man, the natural world heeds the call of the druid. Nature however is not easily summoned and controlled; the druid must build his shaping of the natural world over time. The druid will spend his minor and move action simply shaping and growing the presence and power of the druid’s natural magic on the battlefield. The druid’s standard action is then split between using other magic, attacking with simple weapons or commanding their animal companion to attack.

Finally as normal, their companion attacks instinctually, often dragging enemies into the raging storms the druid has created.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: All Common Weapons Armor Proficiencies: Leather and Hide Armors and Light Shields Magic Proficiencies: Divine (Granted) Additional Language: Druidic Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+4 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: +2 to Fortitude and +2 to Will

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Specialized Encounter Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con),Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Nature (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis)

CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.4: Druid Class Progression

Level Class Features Spells Known

Spells/Day Divine Mysteries

1 Animal Companion, Manifestation, Heroic Moment, Spell Action, Wild Shape

3 4 2

2 4 7 3

3 5 10 4

4 6 12 5

5 Manifestation Upgrade

7 14 6

6 8 15 7

7 Form Upgrades

9 17 8

8 10 18 10

9 Hierophant 10 20 12

10 11 22 14

11 11 23 16

12 Manifestation Upgrade

12 24 18

13 12 25 20

14 Form Upgrades

13 25 22

15 13 26 25

16 14 27 28

17 Grand Hierophant

14 27 31

18 Manifestation Upgrade

15 28 34

19 15 29 37

20 15 30 40


st level, all druids choose a manifestation. This is a

representation of the type of druid they are and this manifestation directly affects their divine magic both in the spells they cast (see Divine Magic above for full details on how druids use the magic granted to them by the gods) and the way they fight, as well as other class features such as wild shape. This manifestation is usually a result of the way the druid interacts with the natural world. A druid who focuses more on the ability to call to nature becomes a world shaper, whereas a druid who taps into his inner

beast becomes a feral stalker. The druid receives an upgrade to this manifestation at levels 5, 12 and 18 which is chosen off the manifestation upgrade lists below.

Manifestation Short Description

Feral Stalker You release your inner beast

Nature’s Wrath You are the destruction of nature manifest

Pack Leader You lead your pack, and your allies, to victory

World Shaper You command nature as easily as your limbs

FERAL STALKER The feral stalker has given away some of his humanity and leaned toward the beast within. All sentient beings have a wildness within, a beast that civilization and society has trained most people to suppress, to control or to ignore. The feral stalker however gives into this beast. Using the magic granted to him, he assumes the form of a wild animal, and stalks his prey. Why is Feral Stalker the Best Manifestation? Feral Stalker is the best manifestation if you like the idea of playing a savage beast. The feral stalker uses his wild shape ability to assume the form of powerful, dangerous animals and brings the power these creatures posses to bear against their enemies. Feral Stalker Features

Feral Hunting: You gain a +2 bonus to damage when wild shaped. This bonus increases to +4 if you are attacking a target with advantage.

Leaping Transformation: When you use wild shape to transform from your normal form to an animal, you may move 2 squares as a free action.

Stalker: You gain a skill training in Stealth, and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

Feral Stalker Manifestation Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your manifestation. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your connection with nature and your connection with primal spirits. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Savage Hunter {R}: You gain an additional +2 bonus to damage when in wild shape.

Take Down: Whenever you charge and successfully hit a creature of your size or smaller than you when in your wild shape, that creature is also knocked prone.

Terrain Stalker: You ignore difficult terrain when in your wild shape.

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Unparalleled Stalker {R}: You gain a skill training in Perception. You gain an additional +2 to Perception when you are using the skill to track.

NATURE’S WRATH Nature may be the source of life, but that which giveth also taketh away. Nature can destroy, and when it does, its wrath is unmatched. What can match the driving fury of the hurricane, the tornado, the tidal wave, the earthquake, the forest fire? When nature empties the cup of its rage, nothing can stand against it. Whether in spells or in the form of the beast, you are Nature’s Wrath. Why is Nature’s Wrath the Best Manifestation? Nature’s wrath is the best manifestation for you if you like the idea of bringing the destruction of nature to bear against your enemies. Whether through spells or when in your wild shape, the elements of nature are yours to destroy your enemies with. Nature’s Wrath Features

Elemental Form: Your wild shape may be the form of an elemental instead of a natural animal. This is equivalent to the predator form and benefits from all enhancements chosen for that form, with the following additions.

o Fire: You deal 2 additional damage with standard action attacks and all of your damage is fire damage. In addition, any enemy you end your turn adjacent to suffers 5 fire damage. You gain resist fire 5.

o Water: You may move through enemy’s squares. One enemy whose square you move through must make a saving throw or be knocked prone. You gain resist cold 5.

o Earth: You gain a burrow speed equal to your base speed. When you charge an enemy, if you successfully hit, you also knock that enemy prone. You gain resist acid 5.

o Air: You gain a fly speed equal to your base speed. You gain resist lightning 5.

Elemental Stormer: When you use a spell with the terrain keyword that also has the acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder keyword, you deal 2 additional damage. On a critical hit with any such spell, the target suffers ongoing 10 damage of the same type(s) that the spell dealt.

Nature’s Wrath Manifestation Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your manifestation. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your connection with nature and your connection with primal spirits.

At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Elemental Potency: When you use a terrain spell that benefits from your bonus damage, you may choose to make it one additional damage type from your list and add an additional 2 damage. So if you use a terrain spell with the cold keyword, you may choose to make it cold and thunder damage.

Enhanced Resistance {R}: The resistance granted in your elemental forms increases by 10.

Lingering Elements {R}: You deal ongoing 10 damage when you score a critical hit either using terrain spells with the appropriate elemental keywords, or when in elemental form. In the latter case, the ongoing damage is of the type you resist. Each additional time you select this ability increases the ongoing damage by 10.

Para-elemental Form [Elemental Potency]: When you assume an elemental form, you may choose to gain all the benefits of a second elemental form, becoming a hybrid combination of both elements (for example, if you assume a fire form, you may also add earth, gaining the benefits of both and resembling something like magma).

PACK MASTER The most successful hunters in nature are those that hunt in packs. Their ability to synchronize their hunt makes the whole greater than the sum of its parts. A single creature, even a very powerful single creature, is no match for the combined prowess of the pack. The druid easily falls into the role of leader of his pack. They have the will to summon and control creatures, and the pack they lead is scarier, for the druids own intelligence is combined with the natural instincts and abilities of their animals to deadly results. Why is Pack Master the Best Manifestation? Pack Master is the best manifestation for you if you love the idea of playing the leader of a pack of wild beasts. You are the head of your hunting pack and together you and your animals bring down your foes like a synchronized machine. Pack Master Features

Pack Summoning: Anytime you use a spell with the summoning keyword that summons more than one creature, you summon an additional creature. All creatures you summon gain a +1 talent bonus to speed and all defenses.

Pack Tactics: Your animal companion gains a +2 bonus to damage. If it hits a target you are also adjacent to, then that target grants advantage to you for the next standard action attack you make.

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Surrounding Tactics: Whenever you, your companion or a creature you have summoned successfully hits an enemy, either you, your animal companion or a different summoned creature may move 10 feet (2 squares) as a free action.

Pack Master Manifestation Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your manifestation. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your connection with nature and your connection with primal spirits. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Deadly Summons {R}: Creatures you summon gain an additional +2 to damage. This bonus increases to +4 when the summoned creature has advantage.

Drag Down: Whenever you, your companion or a summoned creature under your command scores a critical hit with a melee attack, the target of that attack is also knocked prone.

Instant Surrounding: Surrounding Tactics grants 4 squares of movement instead of the normal 2.

Survival Instincts: If your animal companion is present for a skill engagement with Nature, Endurance or Perception as a primary skill, you gain a +2 bonus to any such rolls.

WORLD SHAPER The druid is the master of the natural world. The trees, the winds, the rivers and the earth reshapes itself at the druid’s request. Some druids build more skill in this than others. They are known as the earth singers, the terrain masters and the world shapers. They are perhaps the most secretive of the orders of druids, for their lore is more than just the ability to call animals or kill enemies. Their power is the power to remake the world itself. Why is World Shaper the Best Manifestation? World Shaper is the best manifestation for you if you like the idea of constantly changing the world around you to meet your demands. You cause storms to form, trees to grow and lava to burst from the earth. To fight you, is to fight the power of the earth itself. World Shaper Features

Abundant Terrain: You gain 1 additional spell known. This spell must be a divine spell with the terrain keyword.

Deadly Terrain: Anytime a terrain spell you have cast deals damage, the spell deals 2 additional damage of the same type(s), this affects ongoing damage caused by the terrain.

Terrain Control: You gain a single divine mystery of your choice; this must be applied to a divine spell you know with the terrain keyword.

World Shaper Manifestation Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your manifestation. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your connection with nature and your connection with primal spirits. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Additional Control {R}: You gain an additional divine mystery of your choice which must be applied to a divine spell with the terrain keyword.

Nature Lore: You gain a skill training in Nature and when using Nature as a primary skill in a skill engagement if you score a critical success, you gain 2 successes instead of 1. If such an encounter is a survival skill engagement, you may roll any Nature checks twice and take the highest result.

Vicious Terrain {R}: The additional damage dealt by your Deadly Terrain ability increases by 2 for each time you select this ability.

DIVINE MAGIC Druids are wielders of divine magic, much like clerics. Though unlike clerics, they do not always receive this power from gods. Certainly there are druids of gods of nature, and these druids are granted spells much like their cleric counterparts. Many druids however receive their magic from the spirits and primal forces of nature. The higher level the druid, the more divine power that druid can withstand and channel and the greater he becomes at channeling what he knows to potent effect. One advantage druids have over other casters is that their magic is granted to them. This means they did not study for it, nor is it an innate part of them. Instead, a being or spirit more powerful than them “hands” them the completed spell, it is only for the druid to channel it. This means that druids can more quickly call their spells into the world. Druids have the ability to cast several spells that require only a small amount of action (namely minor or move actions). The spell descriptions will explain the spell’s effect more thoroughly and the actual action taken is defined below. Spells Known The Druid has a limited number of spells he can know. These are essentially the spells he has been able to channel from his god or from nature. Unlike a cleric, where the domains vary based on the power and portfolio of the god, druids draw all of their magic from nature or gods of

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nature. This means that druids must draw their spells from the Divination, Healing, Nature, or Weather domains. Upon gaining access to new spells known, the druid reviews the spells available and chooses the appropriate number of new spells known from amongst those. Once this choice is made, it is permanent. That spell is one of the druid’s spells from that point forward. The exception to this is that a spell may be retrained as per the normal retraining rules. Spells Per Day Every druid has a certain number of spells he can cast each day. This number represents the maximum amount of full divine power the druid can withstand channeling. At the start of any day, a druid prays to his deity or communes with nature for spells, requesting specific divine magic. The druid decides what each spell he has available is. For example, a 1

st level druid has 4 spells per day and knows 3

spells. Let us imagine that druid has access to cure wounds, spike stones and plant growth. The druid may choose to prepare one of each of those spells, or 2 of any two of them, or one spell four times, as long as they do not prepare more than 4 spells. Divine Mysteries The full power of nature and creation is some of the most raw power in the universe. It is the magic of life and death. Even when a druid can channel a particular spell, that does not mean that he or she has unlocked all of the secret mysteries of that spell. Only through building up their power and repeatedly channeling a spell can a druid truly begin to unlock all of the hidden facets of the magic granted to him. It is as though you were handed a beautiful gem cut with hundreds of sides, it would take you several minutes to spin the gem in your hand and examine the gem from every angle to see every face. So it is with divine magic, except the sides of the gem are nearly infinite. At each level, you may gain some number of Divine Mysteries. Each of these mysteries is then applied to a spell you know. From that point on, when you prepare the spell through prayer at the start of the day, you are now preparing your more advanced version. For example, our druid above knew cure wounds and so upon leveling, decides to place an upgrade into that spell. The player looks at the spell’s entry and sees that there are several divine mysteries to unlock. After reading the list, the player decides to take Increased Healing, increasing the amount that spell heals by 1d8. From now on, whenever the player uses cure wounds, it will add that additional 1d8 to all healing. Spell Actions Druids are one with the natural world. An arcanist creates a bolt of lightning, shaping from the raw energy of magic. A druid calls out to the natural world, slowly building and summoning a storm, from which natural lightning is drawn. The druid’s magic may be slower to build, but it is far more

dangerous for once the druid has called it, the terrain and the very nature of the immediate world around the druid has been changed. This manifests for the druid in 2 ways. First, druids may use any spell with the terrain keyword as a move action. The druid may use both the spell and any granted terrain action as a move action. See the magic chapter for full details on terrain magic and how they differ from standard spells. Secondly, druids do not have to use divine mysteries to increase the size of terrain spells. Instead, as a minor action, a druid may expand the size of any terrain spell he currently has active by 10 x 10 (2 x 2) squares, adding that amount to the base area of the spell (so if the normal spell affected a 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4 square) area and the druid used a single minor action to infuse it, it would now be 30’ x 30’ (6 x 6).

Action Type Spells

Minor Terrain Growth

Move Terrain Spell

Standard All Others

ANIMAL COMPANION Druids spend a great deal of time wandering far from civilization in the wild lands. They frequently wander alone and despite their skill, such travel is dangerous in the extreme. This is why most druids have found it wise to attract a companion to travel with them. An extra pair of eyes and ears (and most likely quite keen ones) is never a bad thing in such dangerous lands. You gain an animal companion. This may be any standard animal creature (such as an eagle, a wolf or any creature native to the area your character is from). This companion follows the rules found in the Familiars, Followers, Cohorts and Companions chapter except that your companion has hit points instead of damage instances and must always be of the animal type. The hit points of the creature are always equal to your own. Upon reaching 0 hit points, your companion is defeated as normal and may be returned to fighting strength as normal. As always, your companion’s level is equal to your own. Any time you spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points, your companion heals a like amount of hit points. At level 11, your companion may select one additional upgrade from any section, including utility.

WILD SHAPE All druids have the ability to assume the form of wild animals. In the span a second, they change their form from a normal humanoid to that of a beast from the natural world. Using this new form, the druid can achieve things he would not be able to do as a simple humanoid. The druid may turn into an eagle to fly to scout a camp of orcs, or a mouse to sneak under a locked door, or a bear to maul

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their enemies. Wild shape brings the power of all of the creatures of nature to the druid’s repertoire. Druids may assume their wild shape as a minor action. They may resume their humanoid form also as a minor action. When in a wild shape, the druid may not cast spells of any kind or use his ability to affect terrain spells. All gear, clothing and weapons that the druid carries meld into his form when assumes his shape and continue to function normally (i.e. if the druid is wearing boots that allow him to fly, those continue to allow him to fly in his new form). The character may choose all of the cosmetic details of his wild shape (coloration, skin color, etc). When in wild shape, all attacks made by the druid are natural weapon melee attacks (claws, bite, tail swipes, etc) and you are considered proficient with these attacks. Exactly how these attacks manifest is detailed in your form. You may not use any other natural or unarmed attack damage die besides those granted by your form when in wild shape, but other effects and conditions of those attacks apply normally. Druids have three different wild shape groups; predator, mobility and utility. Each of these is defined below and when you receive upgrades to your wild shapes (at level 7 and 14) you may choose one upgrade for each of the wild shape groups. All attacks, upgrades and abilities are only functional when the druid is in wild shape. PREDATOR FORM Apes, Bears, Boars, Cats (Large), Wolves, etc. The druid’s predator form is his combat form. Most druids have a favored animal form they take (down to a favored pattern and coloration with fur and other details). This form places the druid in the most aggressive mindset and is the closest they come to the pure beast. Predator Form Features

Your base speed becomes 35 feet (7 squares).

Your standard action attack may consist of either 2 attacks (which may target one or two enemies) and deals 1d6 damage. (a pair of claws, 2 bites, etc) or a single attack that deals 1d12 damage and grabs the target.

You gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses.

You ignore concealment when making standard action attacks.

You gain low-light vision.

You are medium sized. Predator Form Upgrades

Your base speed increases by 2.

Your standard action attack may also move your enemy to any square adjacent to you.

You ignore total concealment or invisibility when making standard action attacks and do not count as impaired when making such attacks.

Any creature you have grabbed suffers 10 damage at the start of your turn.

Your bonus to defenses increases to 2.

Your wild shape becomes large. MOBILITY FORM Birds, Small Mammals, Underwater Forms (Fish, Sharks) The druid’s mobility form is used to give the druid an advantage either on the battlefield or to travel and get to places that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to reach normally. Most druids have a favored animal form they take (down to a favored pattern and coloration with fur and other details). This form places the druid in the most free-spirited mindset and is the closest they come to the pure uncivilized nature of beasts. Mobility Form Features

Your base speed becomes 40 feet (8 squares).

Your gain one alternate movement mode equal to your base speed. You may choose your alternate movement mode from flight, burrowing, climb or swim.

Your standard action attack may consist of either 1 attack that deals 1d10 damage and allows you to move 4 squares either before or after the attack. (a beak, a claw, etc) or a single attack that deals 1d8 damage and knocks the target prone.

You gain low-light vision.

Your size becomes either medium or small. Mobility Form Upgrades

Your base speed increases by 3.

You may move both before and after your standard action attack and that movement increases by 1 square.

Your standard action attacks that critically hit also cause the target to be slowed (save ends).

You deal an additional 1d8 damage when charging.

UTILITY FORM Mice, Snakes, other similar small creatures The druid’s utility form is used to give the druid some ability to do something he could not otherwise do, such as taking a very small form to scout stealthily or move under a door jam. Most druids have a favored animal form they take (down to a favored pattern and coloration with fur and other details). This form places the druid in a mind-set of a natural problem solver, allowing him to overcome obstacles with ease. Utility Form Features

Choose two skills from Athleticism, Perception, Stealth or Thievery. You gain a +5 bonus to these skills.

Your standard action attack is a natural melee attack that deals 1d3 damage.

You may be any size from diminutive (roughly the size of a mouse) to medium. If you are diminutive

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or tiny, you may squeeze through any area that at least your head would fit through (such as under a door frame, etc), usually a 1 inch opening.

You gain low-light vision or darkvision. Utility Form Upgrades

You gain the bonus to an additional skill in your form.

You gain an advanced sense from scent, tremorsense or blindsight.

You may breathe normally underwater.

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A druid’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A druid may use his Heroic Moment in one of the following ways. The druid may expend his Heroic Moment to assume a wild shape form as a free action. The druid may also use his heroic moment to either expand a spell with the terrain keyword twice as a single minor action or enhance/attack with a spell with the terrain keyword twice with a single move action.

HIEROPHANT All druids are part of an order of some kind. The size of these groups vary greatly depending on the local terrain and the presence of civilization. In general, the minimum size of these groups is 12 druids organized in a circle. Each circle has 2 hierophants and 1 grand hierophant. The hierophants are the lore keepers and teachers of the circle.

They are expected to teach the young neophyte druids and support them in their learning of the druid rituals and secrets. At level 9, you have advanced enough in the lore of the druids that you become the hierophant of your druid circle. This may mean you have duties to the grand hierophant, or may be expected to teach young druids in the secrets and lore. You gain a skill training in Nature and Nature gains one additional specialization. It also means that you gain a 40 by 40 square (200 x 200 feet) area within a forest or similar unclaimed wild territory that becomes your druid circle. This is your fey place of power. All spells you cast with the terrain keyword in this area gain the persist keyword and do not count against your normal limit of persist keywords. You may also choose a single location in another wild location (most likely the fey circle of a fellow druid) that you may teleport to freely, this becomes your fey crossing. Once this destination is set, it may not be changed. When in your circle, you may teleport to the chosen location as a move action. At level 17, you become the Grand Hierophant. This may mean additional duties within your circle as decided by your GM. In addition, your druid circle becomes a 100 x 100 square (500 x 500 feet) area and you may have 3 fey crossing destinations. You also gain a skill training in Nature and Nature gains one additional specialization.

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INTRODUCTION The fighter is a warrior, that much is always true. This is a man or woman who earns their living by skill of steel. Some fighters may be mindless brutes, all muscle and bulk, but these warriors rarely last long or achieve true greatness. Those are more common thugs destined for an unmarked grave on a blood-soaked field than a true fighter. What separates a fighter from a simple man-at-arms or soldier is a spark of greatness. It is a style and level of skill. Though at the beginning of their career, this style may be raw and undisciplined, the nascent seed of greatness still rests there, waiting to be nurtured and grow. Both history and literature are literally full of fighters, warriors of steel who came to fame and fortune. Robert the Bruce, Alexander the Great, Tokogawa Leyasu are just a few from history. Literature, movies and legend provide scores more with characters such as Gimli the dwarf, Beowulf, Sinbad, Maximus Meridius, and Hiawatha. In all of these cases, what separates the warrior from those around him is his talent. It may be his skill with a sword, a bow, his fists, a host of weapons, or his shrewd and tactical mind when applying such force of arms. So the question becomes, what is a fighter? Is he simply anyone who picks up a weapon and seeks to use it against another being? Or is he something greater? Any peasant or dull-wit may heft a length of steel or club, but this does not make them a fighter. A fighter takes that length of steel, that club, his fist, a bow, whatever, and makes art.

CLASS OVERVIEW As a fighter you are the epitome of talent at arms brought to bear. A fighter utilizes every movement as part of his style and no effort is wasted. To watch a truly masterful fighter at work is to watch art being created with steel and blood. The most basic element of a fighter is his stance, assuming a stance is always a minor action and you remain in that stance until you choose to begin a new stance or leave your stance as a free action. Unlike other classes, every action of the fighter is a manifestation of his prowess in combat, even his movements are set-ups for his attacks. It is for this reason the fighter uses his move action as set-ups, which directly alter the Standard Action attack he makes that round. Finally, the fighter is a warrior of skill, and each fighter has a selection of skill actions he calls upon. This is an action type unique to those with extreme talent in martial combat. If this action is successful, then the fighter’s attack has additional effect.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: All Common and Military Weapons plus 1 Exotic Weapon of choice

Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale and Plate Armors as well as Light and Heavy Shields Magic Proficiencies: None Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+6 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +3 Defense Bonus: +4 to Fortitude Specialized Encounter Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Perception (Int/Wis)

CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.5: Fighter Class Progression

Level Class Features

1 Fighting Style, 2 Stances, 2 Set-Ups, 2 Skill Actions, Heroic Moment

2 Stance Advancement

3 Additional Set-Up

4 Style Choice

5 Favored Skill Action, Stance Advancement


7 Style Choice

8 Stance Advancement

9 Lord

10 Stance Advancement

11 Style Choice

12 Additional Set-Up

13 Stance Advancement, Style Choice


15 Style Choice

16 Stance Advancement


18 Stance Advancement

19 Style Choice

20 Stance Advancement

FIGHTING STYLE The first and most important choice a fighter needs to make is his Fighting Style. Though the fighter may adopt several fighting styles throughout his career, initially, most neophyte warriors have a rudimentary understanding of one fighting style.

Fighting Style Short Description

Archer A warrior specializing in ranged combat

Duelist A specialist in single combat

Knight A heavy-armored lifetime warrior

Marauder A destruction specialist

Marshal A leader of men, a captain of war

Skirmisher A mobile warrior who prefers to sting and move

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At level 1, the fighter chooses a single Fighting Style. He gains all benefits associated with that particular style. As time passes and the fighter gains additional experience, so too does his fighting style improve. ARCHER Though the fighting style is called archer, this can actually represent any of a host of warriors specializing in ranged weapons. Though the bow has certainly been one of the most iconic ranged weapons of history, landing in the hands of everyone from Robin Hood to Legolas, this style suits any character that prefers to utilize the advantages of accuracy and distance to defeat his opponents. Some of those utilizing this style prefer heavier throwing knives or axes (akin to a Native American’s tomahawk) while others utilize crossbows, throwing stars, or any of a host of exotic ranged killing implements. A fighter utilizing this style prefers to be lightly armored so as to most easily remain mobile and keep his opponent at range, where the archer has the clear advantage. Why is Archery the best Fighting Style? Archery is the best fighting style for your character if you like to win before your opponent can even attack you back. After all, attacking from such a distance offers several advantages, not the least of which is a dearth of grievous sword wounds. Archer Benefits

Long Shot: You reduce the penalty for attacking at long range by half (-1 instead of -2).

Ranged Specialist: You gain a +1 talent bonus to attack and damage rolls with all ranged or throwing weapons.

Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Athleticism skill, Get the Point, which is below.

Get the Point

Skill Action (Athleticism, Special)

Your foe being close just provides the perfect opening for your arrow.

Success: Your next standard action ranged attack made this round against any target adjacent to you also blinds your target (impaired, save ends). You may move one square after this attack is made.

A few quick shots mean the guards never see you coming, or going, or anything.

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a skill engagement where Stealth is a primary skill, you may use Athleticism in its place.

Archer Style Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your fighting style. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method.

At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

Deadly Shot: You gain an additional +2 bonus to damage with all ranged and throwing weapons.

Eagle Eye: You ignore penalties for range.

Mobile Archer {R}: Whenever you successfully hit a target with a ranged attack, you may move 2 squares.

Pin the Target [Eagle Eye]: When you critically hit any creature with a ranged or throwing weapon that is adjacent to a solid stationary object larger than itself (such as a wall, wagon or column) that target is also immobilized (save ends).

Thread the Needle: You ignore penalties for anything less than total cover.

DUELIST The duelist is one of the most iconic of fighters, owing to our image of the duelists coming from a romanticized period of bold, dashing heroes. Characters such as Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride and of course, the Three Musketeers would all be duelists. This style suits any character that prefers to be toe-to-toe with a single opponent, letting only skill and steel decide who is the winner, and who is dead. Duelists specialize in one-on-one combat where the skill and talent of the warrior, his ability to react to his opponent, to read the terrain, to understand the confrontation, is of paramount importance. Though many of our images of Duelists are of lightly armored mobile warriors, this is owed more to the period these characters come from (where gun powder had made heavy armor irrelevant) rather than any essential necessity of the character. In earlier times, such characters may have been clad in any type of armor and/or shield. Why is Duelist the best Fighting Style? Duelist is the best fighting style for your character if you like the idea of proving yourself one-on-one against your enemies. This may also be your character’s strong sense of chivalry and belief in honorable combat. The Duelist is the best, because when he wins, it is skill and skill alone that has provided his victory. Duelist Benefits

Duel: At the start of your turn, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls and a +1 bonus to AC for each round you have remained in combat with a single enemy of your choice. To remain in combat with that enemy, you must either attack that enemy in melee or end your move adjacent to that enemy. If you end your turn not adjacent to your chosen foe or attack a different enemy, you lose your accumulated bonus

Insightful Opponent: You gain a +1 talent bonus on all Interaction and Intuition based skill action checks.

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Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Intuition skill, Weak Spot which is below.

Weak Spot

Skill Action (Intuition, Special)

You excel at finding the weak spots in your foe’s style and capitalizing on them.

Success: Your next standard action melee attack made this round may target any defense.

Your skill with spotting weakness does not extend merely to the tip of your blade.

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a skill engagement where Intuition is a primary skill, you may reroll the first failure that either you or any member of the group has when using that skill.

Duelist Style Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your fighting style. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

Deadly Duel: If the bonus granted by your duel ability is at least +4, you can score a critical hit against the target of your duel on a 19-20.

Duel Master: You may not be disarmed by the target of your duel ability and your bonus to damage granted by the duel ability also becomes a talent bonus to saving throws against the weakened condition imposed by the target of your duel.

Ending the Duel: If the bonus granted by your duel ability is at least +6 and you score a critical hit against the target of your duel, that target is helpless (save ends).

Improved Duel: You also gain a +1 bonus to all Skill Action checks made to alter a standard action attack against an enemy you are receiving the bonus of Duel against.

Mobile Duel: After you successfully attack the target of your duel ability, you may move 2 squares to any other square adjacent to the target of your duel as a free action.

KNIGHT The noble knight is a heavily armored foe, implacable in his advance, and a master of close combat. Between his skill at arms and his mastery of his armor and shield, a knight cuts an impressive figure on the battlefield. The knight navigates through situations with ease that would maim or kill lesser warriors. Next to the duelist, the knight is the other towering figure of western folklore. The Green Knight, Sir Ywain and countless more fill legend and storybook alike. Though many knights, such as those from these stories, are virtuous and brave, just as many are ruthless or brutal. Some take up bold quests while others

adventure purely for wealth and gain. The only constant amongst the knights is that they are highly skilled warriors not to be trifled with. Why is Knight the best Fighting Style? Knight is the best fighting style for your character if you like the idea of a tough and skilled warrior that is fearless on the battlefield. Whether your character is a noble knight errant, questing for love and honor, or a ruthless black knight, a lord-less terror of the countryside, the impressive figure you cut will make sure you are never underestimated. Knight Benefits

Protector: Any enemy adjacent to you counts as impaired when making an attack that does not include you as a target.

Strike the Cur: If an enemy willingly moves away from you on its turn without first including you in an attack, you may deal 5 physical

damage to that enemy and that enemy is impaired (save ends).

Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Endurance skill, Ally’s Shield which is below.

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Ally’s Shield

Skill Action (Endurance, Special)

Allies near you find aid and comfort.

Special: You must be wielding a shield to use this skill power.

Success: Allies adjacent to you when you make your next standard action attack this round gain 5 temporary hit points. This increases to 15 temporary hit points at level 11.

You take the failings of your allies onto yourself.

Skill Engagement: Whenever an ally loses Heroic Reserves as a result of failure in a skill engagement, you may choose to lose an equal number of Heroic Reserves in place of that ally.

Knight Style Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your fighting style. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

Bulwark {R}: As long as you are wielding a heavy shield, any damage resistance you have increases by 1.

Fell the Ignoble: Any target that takes damage from your Strike the Cur ability is also knocked prone.

Great Protector: Any enemy that is adjacent to you who makes an attack that does not include you as a target is slowed (save ends) instead of impaired.

Locked in Combat: Whenever you critically hit an enemy while in a stance with the defense keyword, that enemy is immobilized as long as you remain adjacent to them.

Punish the Ignoble {R}: The damage dealt by Strike the Cur increases by 5 for each time you select this upgrade.

MARAUDER The marauder is destruction and carnage given physical form. These warriors are often heedless of their own safety, wading into battle with as many foes as they can find, striking at all angles in search of death or glory. Marauders are often pillagers and bandits, but some are simply driven warriors, scarred by a past tragedy that has made them seek constant tests of steel and skill. Marauders tend to move about the battlefield, constantly seeking the greatest challenge to their skill, destroying the weak that stand in the way of their goal. Why is Marauder the best Fighting Style?

If you like the idea of being a whirlwind of death and mayhem on the battlefield, then marauder may be the fighting style for you. Marauders have many skills which let them easily deal with weak foes but are just as deadly against a single implacable enemy. If you believe that the best defense is a good offense, give marauder a try. Marauder Benefits

Deadly: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls when not wielding a shield.

Imposing Visage: You gain a skill training in Interaction and you gain an additional +2 bonus to this skill when you use the cow an enemy skill use.

Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Interaction skill, Panic which is below.


Skill Action (Interaction, Special)

Your success against one foe places fear in the hearts of your remaining enemies.

Success: Your next successful standard action melee attack made this round causes all other enemies adjacent to you besides the target of your attack to move away from you 2 squares as a free action.

You are an intimidating figure on and off the battlefield.

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a skill engagement where Interaction is a primary skill and you roll a natural 20 on an Interaction check, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks for the remainder of the skill engagement.

Marauder Style Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your fighting style. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

Bloody Destruction: When wounded, you may score a critical hit with standard action melee weapon attacks on a 19-20.

Overwhelming Panic: Enemies who move away because of the Panic Skill Action fall prone at the end of their movement if they move at least 2 squares.

Rising Panic {R}: The distance enemies move away from you when you use the Panic Skill Action increases by 1.

Terrible Wrath: When you use Intimidate to force a wounded foe to surrender, that enemy is impaired (save ends) regardless of the success or failure of the check.

Truly Deadly {R}: The damage bonus from deadly increases by 2 for each time you select this ability.

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MARSHAL The marshal is more than a common warrior or soldier. The marshal is a leader, a captain, a battlefield commander unparalleled. The marshal directs a battlefield as a composer directs a symphony, and indeed, if war is his opera, victory is his libretto. A marshal steels the spines of those he commands for they know that as long as they are with him, victory is but a single command away. Many great generals of history might be considered marshals. Figures such as Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great both led their soldiers to heights of victory previously though impossible. The shoulders of a marshal are heavy however, for they know more keenly than most, how easy a battle can turn, and how much the marshal does not control ultimately rests upon those shoulders. Why is Marshal the best Fighting Style? Marshal is the character for you if you love the idea of playing a bold warrior that leads his soldiers from the front, personally staring the enemies in the whites of their eyes as you charge forth. Your inspiration, your direction, your command is what separates total triumph from bloody defeat. Marshal Benefits

Inspiring Leader: All allies that can see you gain a +1 talent bonus to saving throws.

Heroic Charge: Whenever you critically hit an enemy with a standard action attack, you may expend your Heroic Moment to allow an ally who can see you to charge that target as a free action. If this charge attack hits, it is also a critical hit.

Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the History skill, Outmaneuver which is below.


Skill Action (History, Special)

Your enemy falls for a classic feint.

Success: Your next successful standard action melee attack made this round grants all allies that can see you advantage against the target of your attack.

Combat tactics are often easily applied in overcoming any challenge.

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a skill engagement where History is a primary skill and you succeed on such a check at the Hard DC, you grant all allies a +2 bonus to their next check in that skill engagement.

Marshal Style Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your fighting style. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method.

At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

Line Breaking: Whenever you or an ally who can see you charges an enemy, if that attack is successful, it also pushes the target 5 feet (1 square).

Raising Morale: Whenever any ally who can see you expends their Heroic Moment during their turn and successfully hits an enemy with a standard action attack, that ally may spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points.

Renewed Hope {R}: Whenever you score a critical hit with a standard action melee attack, all allies who can see you regain 5 hit points for each time you have selected this upgrade.

Swelling Forces: Your number of contingents of followers doubles.

Well Armed Troops: You gain 2 contingents of military followers of any type or equipment.

SKIRMISHER The skirmisher is a mobile and highly dangerous combatant. They exploit any weakness or terrain that can be exploited and constantly harry their foes, keeping them off balance and ready for the kill. Skirmishers stay light and agile in combat, knowing that getting caught in one place gives the advantage to their slower lumbering opponents. They prefer to dash in, strike and then retreat when the foe is still reeling from the powerful blow. Why is Skirmisher the best Fighting Style? For a skirmisher, the battlefield is a playground of terrain to be explored and turned to their advantage. If you like characters that are fast and deadly, but still pack a reasonable amount of durability, then Skirmisher is the fighting style for you. Skirmisher Benefits

Mobile Warrior: As long as you are not wearing armor with the cumbersome property, you may make your standard action attack at any point during your move action. If you utilize a set-up during this move action, you gain the benefit of the Set-Up on that standard action attack as long as you meet all prerequisites specified in the Set-Up (such as move distance). Any remaining move you have may be resumed after your standard action attack has been resolved.

Terrain Hopper: You ignore up to 2 squares of difficult terrain when moving during your move action.

Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Athleticism skill, Leap Attack which is below.

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Leap Attack

Skill Action (Athleticism, Special)

Your cover the distance to your foe with a surprise leap.

Success: You gain advantage for your next successful standard action melee attack made this round and if your standard action attack is successful, you also push the target 5 feet (1 square).

You cover terrain on and off the battlefield.

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a skill engagement where Athleticism is a primary skill and you roll a natural 20 on an Athleticism check, you accrue 2 successes instead of 1 in addition to any other bonuses.

Skirmisher Style Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your fighting style. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

Advanced Terrain Navigation {R}: You may ignore 2 additional squares of difficult terrain when moving as part of your move action for each time you select this ability.

Death from Above: Whenever you use Athleticism to reduce falling damage and end your move adjacent to an enemy, if you reduce the falling damage to 0, you gain advantage against that enemy for your standard action attack and deal an additional 5 damage.

Mobile Painbringer: As long as you are not wearing armor with the cumbersome property, whenever you critically hit an enemy after moving at least 4 squares during your move action, you may move your speed as a free action and repeat your attack against a second target.

Momentum {R}: Whenever you move at least 4 squares during your move action, you gain a +1 bonus to damage for each time you have selected this upgrade.

Skirmisher Supreme: You may expend your Heroic Moment to end a single slowed or immobilized condition instead of its normal usage.

STANCES Stances are the most basic elements of your fighting style. They represent the way you distribute your weight, the position of your feet, the pose of your body. All of these things are the fundamentals of combat, and any trained warrior can easily recognize the stances that an opponent is utilizing. At the beginning of your career, you know a few stances, most likely including the stance most related to your fighting style. As you advance in skill, you may choose to either upgrade your stance, or select new basic stances.

All stances give some benefit to your character. They will tend to affect the Fighter directly, granting him a specific buff or ability as long as that stance is maintained. Assuming a stance is a minor action and you are assumed to remain in that stance until either you assume a new stance as a minor action, leave all stances as a free action on your turn or go unconscious. Stances are listed in the Stance section and the stance most closely aligned with your fighting style will share a name with that style (for example Marauder’s Assault for the Marauder). At level 1, you will choose 2 stances. At level 2, 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18 and 20 you may choose to either upgrade all of your existing stances with a single upgrade or select a new stance.

SET-UPS Set-Ups are the next tool in the fighter’s arsenal. A set-up represents a move, a feint, a particular strike, a particular shuffle of the feet that then allows you to change your attack in some way. Set-ups require some investiture of action as they represent a specific move or technique. In mechanical terms, Set-Ups alter your Standard Action attack. They make that attack function in a way beyond its basic application. A peasant soldier can swing a sword at his enemy (effectively making a Standard Action attack) but only a character with true talent of arms can execute greater attacks with the same action. All Set-Ups are a move action to use. At level 1, you will choose 2 Set-Ups. At level 3 and 12 you gain an additional set-up.

SKILL ACTIONS This is the most advanced tool of every fighter. This represents a gamble, a special attack, a unique ability possessed only by those who train for years and masters of the art of combat. Skill Actions represent the highest art of the fighter’s style brought to bear; it is the ultimate combination of their skill and the weapons they wield.

The Skill Action is an additional action that only talent based characters posses. This action is in addition to the normal compliment of actions. Each skill’s Skill Action is listed in the description of the skill. To perform a Skill Action, the character makes a Skill Check of the associated skill. The DC for this check is the Hard DC for the character’s current level. This check represents both the character’s mastery of that particular skill and his ability to use this technique against the foes of the present encounter. The fighter begins play with 2 skill actions and is always awarded one additional skill action unique to his fighting style. At level 5, the fighter may choose a single Skill Action, this becomes his favored skill action and he receives a +2 bonus to all Skill Action checks with this skill.

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HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A fighter’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A Fighter may use his Heroic Moment to automatically succeed on a Skill Action (no check required) and roll twice on the attack roll that Skill Action is applied to. If the fighter is below 0 hit points, he may declare his Heroic Moment at the start of his turn. Doing so allows the Fighter to spend a Heroic Reserve as a free action at the start of the turn.

LORD At level 9 the fighter attracts followers. These could be soldiers seeking out a powerful lord for protection and service, or humble students coming to learn the fighting styles possessed by the fighter.

The fighter gains 6 contingents of followers. See the Familiars, Followers, Cohorts and Companions section for full details on followers. The fighter gains 1 additional contingent of followers for every 2 levels after 9 (e.g. 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19).

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INTRODUCTION The monk is a disciplined ascetic master of a unified mind and body. Monks spend their entire lives honing themselves into a perfected weapon. They are no blunt instrument, but rather a finely honed blade, master crafted beyond any steel ever made with forge and hammer. Monks are incredibly mobile warriors who have trained themselves so rigorously as to actually have gained supernatural abilities as they turn the power of their mind and spirit inward. Rigor is indeed the most appropriate word to describe these ascetics, for to walk their path is no short stroll; it is a lifetime of training and discipline, of pain and endurance. The monk is part mystic, part scholar, part warrior and part philosopher, for no part of body, mind or spirit must go hungry if the whole is to flourish. History and literature have many great examples of warrior monks, though admittedly, most of the historical content is more eastern in nature and may not be as familiar to western readers. But characters such as the five elders, Hung Hei-gun and Zhang Sanfeng have featured prominently in both history and myth. More modern sources have introduced the western world to the character of the monk and certainly many recent films have examples such as Master Li Mu Bai and Wong Fei Hung; the Drunken Master. So the question becomes, what is a monk? Is it an old man with a long white beard resting atop a mountain waiting to dispense wisdom (or perhaps beatings)? Is it a bald orange robbed ascetic, passing humbly through town hoping for rice? The truth is they are all of these things and none of these things. Much like the mysticism they study, there is no single answer, nor any right answer.

CLASS OVERVIEW As a monk, you are the combination of paradoxes. You are the perfect combination of mind and body, you move as water with the toughness of stone. All of the disparate aspects of a normal person, all those things that cause conflict, tension, discord – in the monk, these things flow together as a harmonious whole. Like many warriors, the monk utilizes stances, however it is more than a simple way the monk arrays his feet or holds his weight. For the monk, a stance is the total of mind, spirit and body poised for a single purpose. The stance unifies all of these elements and its form defines the monk in that moment. Like all characters, a monk may assume a stance as a minor action, the stance assumed on a monk’s turn is generally offensive in nature. This stance colors the monk’s attack. The monk then immediately moves into a set-up, using his move action to intensify his attack. The monk then makes a standard action attack as normal. A monk however is not done there, like the river, he continues to flow through combat. As the final free

action of the monk’s turn, he slides into a defensive stance, preparing himself to move nimbly with or against his opponent. Outside of combat, a monk is a creature of careful introspection. His wisdom and training gives him potent insights into the world and when things seem to be without answer and at their darkest, the monk will often have the intuition that sees the party through.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: All Common Weapons. Armor Proficiencies: None Magic Proficiencies: None Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+5 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +3 Defense Bonus: +2 to AC, +2 to Fortitude and +2 to Will Specialized Encounter Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Perception (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis)

CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.6: Monk Class Progression

L:evel Class Features

1 Discipline, 2 Offensive Stances, 2 Defensive Stances, 2 Set-Ups, Heroic Moment, Unarmed Aptitude

2 Stance Advancement

3 Additional Set-Up

4 Discipline Upgrade

5 Defensive Stance Advancement


7 Discipline Upgrade

8 Offensive Stance Advancement

9 Additional Set-Up

10 Discipline Upgrade

11 Defensive Stance Advancement


13 Discipline Upgrade

14 Offensive Stance Advancement

15 Additional Set-Up

16 Discipline Upgrade

17 Defensive Stance Advancement


19 Discipline Upgrade

20 Offensive Stance Advancement

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DISCIPLINE The first and most important choice a monk needs to make is his discipline. Though the fighting style used in combat is transitory, the discipline of the monk means something more. The discipline of a monk is the way he has chosen to apply his mystic abilities. The discipline of the monk is the way his supernatural abilities apply and the way his unity of mind, body and spirit manifest. He gains an upgrade to this discipline at levels 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19. These upgrades represent further advances toward the monk’s perfected unity of mind, body and spirit.

Discipline Short Description

Diamond Soul A ascetic who has enhanced his resistance to magic

Pure Ascetic A warrior who closes his senses to see inner truth

Shinobi A warrior who lives in shadow

Wholeness of Body

A disciplined combatant able to restore his own wounds

DIAMOND SOUL The discipline of the Diamond Soul monk is on making his spirit, mind and body truly indivisible. This monk is especially dangerous to those that would attempt to exploit the normal division by attacking only the mind or body alone. It is for this reason that monks of the Diamond Soul tradition are especially dangerous to users of magic, especially magic that targets the mind. Such a magic-user finds that his spells which normally easily control or dominate his enemies are less useful against a monk who has combined his mind, body and spirit into one unified functional whole. Why is Diamond Soul the Best Discipline? Diamond Soul is the best choice for your character if you like the idea of being able to resist dangerous magic and continue fighting while still dancing smoothly through combat, turning aside physical blows and dispatching dangerous foes. Diamond Soul Benefits

Tough Mind: You gain resist psychic 5.

Discipline: You may never be forced to make an attack against your will.

You gain a new Defensive Stance which is below.

Diamond Resistance STANCE

Defensive, Resistance

Use: Once before the start of your next turn, when you are successfully hit by a spell, you may make that attack miss as a free action.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

You may move 3 squares closer to the caster of the spell that misses.

The caster of the spell that misses suffers 5 psychic damage

Level 8

{R} When in this stance you may use this ability one additional time before the start of your next turn.

You gain advantage against the caster of any spell you cause to miss with this stance

Level 16

Once per round while in this stance, you may redirect the spell back at the caster. The caster simply compares the roll that would have hit you against his own defenses.

The caster of the spell that misses suffers 15 psychic damage

Diamond Soul Discipline Upgrades At level 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19, you advance in your discipline. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen discipline. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Allies Intuition: You are never a target of an ally’s area spell that targets Will.

Enhanced Resistance {R}: Your resistance to psychic damage increases by 5.

Enhanced Will: You gain a +2 magic bonus to Will defense.

Protected Mind: When helpless, you may not be the target of a coupe de grace attack.

Rejuvenating Defense {R}: Whenever you successfully save against a condition, you gain 3 temporary hit points. Each time you

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select this ability the temporary hit points increase by 3.

Unified Mind [Enhanced Will]: You treat the dominated condition as stunned.

PURE ASCETIC The discipline of the Pure Ascetic is simple, to close themselves off to the input of the rest of the universe to see the truth within. The pure ascetic believes that the information coming from the senses is a lie that only serves to confuse the knowledge we all have within us. At our birth, we have the perfect knowledge of the universe hidden within our souls; life and the dirt and detritus it represents slowly corrupts us and hides this truth from us. Why is Pure Ascetic the Best Discipline? Pure Ascetic is the best choice for you if you love the idea of playing a character constantly searching for inner truth. If you love the idea of a monk for whom the external world is merely a distraction, who contains all the power and knowledge they need to overcome any challenge, then this is the monk for you. Pure Ascetic Benefits

See All: You gain blindsight.

Awareness: You may never be surprised.

You gain a new Defensive Stance which is below.

Pure Ascetic STANCE

Defensive, Resistance

Use: Once before the start of your next turn, when you would gain the impaired, slowed, immobilized or stunned condition, you do not gain this condition nor any conditions dependent on it (such as ongoing damage ended by the same save.)

Upgrade Options

Level 2

You gain advantage against the enemy that caused the negated condition for your next attack.

You do not grant advantage for being surrounded.

Level 8

{R} When in this stance you may use the granted ability to avoid a condition one additional time before the start of your next turn.

You may reduce any forced movement when in this stance by 2 squares.

Level 16

Once per round while in this stance, you may cause the negated condition to be applied to the enemy that caused it (save ends).

You may negate any forced movement when in this stance.

Pure Ascetic Discipline Upgrades

At level 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19, you advance in your discipline. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen discipline. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Illusion Inured: You gain a +2 talent bonus to saving throws against effects with the illusion keyword.

Inner Instinct: You gain a skill training in Intuition and Intuition gains one additional specialization.

None but the One: When you are adjacent to at least three enemies, you gain advantage against those enemies.

Truth Validated {R}: Whenever you negate a condition due to a stance or save against a condition, you gain 3 temporary hit points for each time you have selected this ability.

Truth Within [Illusion Inured]: You are immune to spells with the illusion keyword.

SHINOBI The discipline of the shinobi is pure and simple, stealthy destruction of his enemies. The shinobi is a covert, specialized monk, far more offensive than most of his contemplative brethren. The shinobi uses any and all methods available to him to defeat his foes, disguise, stealth, trickery, sabotage and any other possible tools are not out of reach. For a shinobi, the only measure of success, is the completion of his mission and the elimination of his target. Although historically, the shinobi is a concept drawn almost entirely from a short period of feudal Japan, for our game, he shinobi is a broader class of character, representing any fighting monk who uses the powers awarded by his training, discipline and discipline for offensive and deadly purposes. Shinobis may be unaligned mercenaries, selling themselves to the highest bidder, or deeply spiritual assassins of a religious order that only takes missions to destroy the most potent threats to the world. Why is Shinobi the Best Discipline? Shinobi is the best choice for your character if you like the idea of playing a deadly master of stealth who uses of mix of extreme training and supernatural abilities to defeat his enemies. Shinobi see no purpose in a “fair fight” and leave honor to those who wish to end up dead and nameless on a battlefield somewhere. Shinobi Benefits

Stealth: You gain a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

Advantageous: Your bonus to attack rolls from advantage also applies to damage rolls.

You gain a new Set-Up as below.

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Shadow Slip SET-UP

Mobility, Offense

Special: You must be adjacent to a creature or in an area of dim light or darkness to use this ability.

Use: You teleport up to your speed -2 squares adjacent to another creature. You gain advantage against a single enemy you end this move adjacent to for your next standard action attack.

Skill Engagement: Once during a travel skill engagement where either Athleticism or Endurance is a Primary Skill, you may use Stealth instead of either of those skills. If your check is successful at the Hard DC, you gain 2 successes instead of the normal 1.

Shinobi Discipline Upgrades At level 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19, you advance in your discipline. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen discipline. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Focused Killer {R}: Your bonus damage from advantage increases by 2.

Master of Disguise: You gain a skill training in Interaction. When you use that skill to assume a disguise, you gain an additional +5 bonus to the check.

Shinobi Team Leader: Whenever you make a Stealth check, all allies gain a +2 bonus to their stealth checks until the start of your next turn.

Saboteur: You may use Thievery to sabotage complex devices in 1 round instead of the normal amount of time. If you use Thievery in a Trap Disarm skill engagement and you roll a critical success, you automatically disarm the trap.

Shadow Master: You gain a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

Walk in Shadows {R}: If you use a teleport ability that allows feet (squares) of movement, you may travel 5 additional feet (1 square) whenever you teleport. If you use a teleport ability that is counted in miles, you may double the normal distance.

WHOLENESS OF BODY Wholeness of body is a unique discipline as its effects are one of the visually noticeable of all of the foci. A practitioner of the wholeness of body may have his wounds close before your eyes. Blows that should kill a man are shrugged off seemingly without harm. An attack that should cripple such as a strike to the throat is ignored like a buzzing fly. All of these things and more are abilities of the followers of the wholeness of body discipline and it is not

hard to understand why they are often viewed with such awe and even fear by those who witness their unique talents. Why is Wholeness of Body the Best Discipline? Wholeness of body is the best choice for your character is you like the idea of a monk with superhuman toughness. This monk has turned his considerable focus inwards to make his body highly resistant to physical damage and things that affect only the body such as most poisons. If you like the idea of being able to shrug off many wounds and heal what you can’t shrug off, this character is for you. Wholeness of Body Benefits

Toughened: You gain a skill training in Endurance and Endurance gains one additional specialization.

Durability: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 2.

Resistance: You gain Resist Physical and Poison 3. Wholeness of Body Discipline Upgrades At level 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19, you advance in your discipline. These represent insights into your style that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen discipline. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Enhanced Resistance {R}: Your resistance to physical and poison damage increases by an additional 2.

Improved Durability: You ignore the impaired condition from any attack that deals physical or poison damage.

Rejuvenation: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by an additional 4.

Supernatural Durability [Improved Durability]: If you are slowed by an attack that deals physical or poison damage, you treat this as impaired instead. You may not ignore this impaired condition. Any enhanced conditions that result from failed saving throws still apply as normal.

Unified Body: Once per day, when you would lose a Heroic Reserve as a result of an attack or a failure in a skill engagement, you do not lose this Heroic Reserve.

Wholeness from Pain {R}: Whenever you successfully save against a condition, you may heal 5 hit points. Each additional time you select this ability increases that healing by 3.

STANCES Stances are the most basic elements of your fighting style. They represent the way you distribute your weight, the

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position of your feet, the pose of your body. All of these things are the fundamentals of combat, and any trained warrior can easily recognize the stances that an opponent is utilizing. At the beginning of your career, you know a few stances, most likely including the stance most related to your discipline. As you advance in skill, you may choose to either upgrade your stance, or select new basic stances. All stances give some benefit to your character. Unlike most character’s using stances, your entire being is poured into your stance and it is more a part of you than any other character. As a result, the monk’s stances are divided into offensive and defensive stances. As a minor action on the monk’s turn, he may assume any offensive stance. Unlike most characters however, the monk frequently changes stances as he adapts to his enemy’s style and moves. As a free action that is the last action of the monk’s turn (after he has rolled all requisite saving throws) the monk may change to a defensive stance. This circular rhythm is unique to the monk and a large part of the flowing nature of monastic combat. At level 1, you will choose 2 offensive and 2 defensive stances (stances with the Offense and Defense keywords respectively). At level 2 you may select a single upgrade for all stances you possess. At levels 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 20 you may choose to either upgrade all of the stances of the type listed (either defensive or offensive) or select a new stance.

SET-UPS Set-Ups are the next tool in the monk’s arsenal. A set-up represents a move, a feint, a particular strike, a particular shuffle of the feet that then allows you to change your attack in some way. Set-ups require some investiture of action as they represent a specific move or technique. In mechanical terms, all Set-Ups are a move action to use. Set-Ups are a move-action that precedes and alters your Standard Action attack. They make that attack function in a way beyond its basic application. A peasant soldier can swing a fist at his enemy (effectively making a Standard Action attack) but only a character with true talent can execute greater attacks with the same action. At level 1, you will choose 2 Set-Ups. At level 3, 9 and 15 you gain an additional set-up.

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A monk’s Heroic Moment is defined below.

A monk may use his Heroic Moment as a free action to change his stance. The monk may also use his Heroic Moment during his turn to move up to his speed as a free action. This movement may use any movement mode the monk currently has available.

UNARMED APTITUDE The monk’s unarmed attack deals 1d10 damage and gains the off-hand property.

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INTRODUCTION The Paladin is the militant arm of his god, a martial zealot who punishes the enemies of his god without remorse or hesitation. The paladin has the same mutually beneficial relationship as the cleric with their god, however, they have a far more militant calling. The cleric may often be asked to teach, or simply witness for the faith, but the paladin is called to action. Every faith, good and evil, has enemies and the paladin is the first line between those enemies and the success of their schemes. Because of this unique role, the paladin is granted special supernatural blessings, the result of his unwavering dedication and faith. The paladin has many allegories in history, mythology and fiction alike. Though the standard image of the paladin, the heavily armored crusading warrior (based on some mixture of the Teutonic and Templar knights of the 11


th century)

certainly still applies, for our purposes, the paladin is any warrior called to zealously execute the militaristic goals of his or her god. They are paradigms of the virtues their gods espouse and broker little compromise. When viewed though this lens, characters such as the fantastical Knights of the Round Table from Arthurian legend certainly match our image of a good god’s paladins. The Twelve Peers and Roland himself, from The Song of Roland also match this image. Character’s such as Don Quixote from the book of the same name easily match our broader definition as does a character such as nearly any incarnation of the Black Knight from Marvel Comics. Most paladins are paradigms of virtue, but there are those dark reflections as well, and in the end, the common thread is the extremism with which they pursue their god’s ends. So what is a paladin? Is it simply a heavily armored knock-off of a crusading knight? Is it a fighter who simply has some powers to heal? The reality is the paladin is a much more complicated character than either of these depictions allow. The paladin has a unique calling in the world. Gods, by their nature, cannot easily affect the

mortal plane and the paladins are their strong arms, the enforcers of their will and the bringers of divine justice and retribution.

CLASS OVERVIEW The paladin is a militant warrior for his faith and god. All paladins draw their power from the gods, and hence, the god (or gods) that they worship defines what divine power they wield and how their supernatural blessings manifest. Unlike clerics, paladins do not multitask as much, but tend to focus more exclusively on a path and follow it to its end. Like their larger goals, their round-to-round goals are about picking a path, and sticking with it to the very end, seeing it through to its completion no matter the cost. The simplest action a paladin can take is to call upon his supernatural

blessings. These are gifts and rewards from his god, based on his dedication and faith. This is most often a minor action. The paladin then has a choice of whether he wants to summon the minor magic he has been granted by his god, or call upon a set-up granted by his martial training. Both of these are move actions meaning the paladin may only take one of these courses per round. Finally, the paladin may either cast a spell or attack with his weapon, continuing the heroic arc of opportunity cost. The paladin is given a wide range of abilities, but is limited into how many he can call upon at once.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: All Common and Military

Weapons Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale and Plate Armors as well as Light and Heavy Shields Magic Proficiencies: Divine Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+6 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +3 Defense Bonus: +2 to Fortitude and +2 to Will Specialized Encounter Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Religion (Int/Wis)

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CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.7: Paladin Class Progression

Level Class Features

Spells Known

Spells/Day Divine Mysteries

1 Calling, Heroic Moment, 2 Set-Ups

1 1 1

2 Calling Upgrade

1 2 1

3 Turn Undead

2 3 2

4 Calling Upgrade

2 4 2

5 Additional Set-Up

3 5 3

6 3 6 3

7 4 7 4

8 Calling Upgrade

4 8 4

9 Crusader 5 9 5

10 5 10 5

11 6 11 6

12 Calling Upgrade

6 12 6

13 7 13 7

14 7 14 7

15 Additional Set-Up

8 15 8

16 Calling Upgrade

8 16 8

17 9 17 9

18 9 18 9

19 10 19 10

20 Calling Upgrade

10 20 10


Calling Short Description

Avenger A stealthy, covert servant of a god

Black Guard A remorseless executioner of his god’s will

Cavalier A mounted warrior and leader

Reaver A holy warrior who leeches the strength from his enemies

Templar A heavily armored defender of the faith

At 1

st level, all paladins choose a calling. This is a

representation of the type of paladin they are and this calling directly affects their divine magic both in the spells

they cast (see Divine Magic above for full details on how paladins use the magic granted to them by the gods) and the way they fight. This calling is usually a result of the Paladin’s faith. The paladin receives an upgrade to this calling at levels 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 which is chosen off the calling upgrade lists below. AVENGER The avenger deviates the most from the classic conception of the heavy armored paladin. That image is a useful tool and certainly avengers would be happy to let their enemies believe that is the only type of paladin that exists, for it would certainly make their jobs much easier. Avengers rely on stealth and subterfuge where the normal paladin relies on boldness in action. The templar is a hammer, and when you problem is a nail, that is exactly the tool. Some problems, though, require more precision and when the gods have such problems; their avengers are the scalpel they call upon. Why is Avenger the Best Calling? Avengers are the best calling for your character if you like the idea of carrying out the will of the gods through decisive yet covert action. Your character is part priest, part spy and part assassin. You undertake the missions that no one else in your order would have the chance of succeeding at because a frontal assault is impossible, or the enemies are too well guarded and prepared. It is just when the odds are long, that the avenger is ready to shine. Avenger Features

Shielded by Faith: You gain a +1 talent bonus to speed and AC when in flexible armor.

Beneath Notice: You gain a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

Divine Vengeance: You gain a +2 bonus to damage when not in armor with the cumbersome property.

Silencer: Whenever you critically hit an enemy, they are silenced (save ends).

Avenger Calling Upgrades At level 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 you gain an upgrade in your calling. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

By Faith Alone: Whenever you successfully end a condition, your next attack against the target that caused that condition can score a critical hit on a 19-20.

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Divine Connections: You gain a skill training in Streetwise and Streetwise gains one additional specialization.

Divine Infiltrator: You gain a skill training in Interaction and Interaction gains one additional specialization.

Divine Truth [Divine Infiltrator]: Your lies cannot be detected by any magical means and in any competitive skill engagement where Interaction is a primary skill, the first time you succeed on an Interaction check at the Hard DC, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks for the remainder of that encounter.

Doombringer [By Faith Alone]: Whenever you are under the effect of By Faith Alone and you successfully critically hit an enemy, they are also stunned (save ends).

Righteous Wrath {R}: Your damage bonus when not in cumbersome armor increases by 1.

Silent Death: You gain a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

BLACKGUARD Every light that is struck casts a shadow. Every image has its mirrored opposite. So it is with the blackguard. Where most paladins are virtuous, the blackguard is a force of death and destruction. The blackguard is the night to the templar’s day. Blackguards, like all paladins, will punish and destroy the enemies of their gods without hesitation or remorse. The difference for blackguards is that the enemies of their gods are most often the righteous and just rather than the evil and malign. Why is Blackguard the Best Calling? Blackguards are the character for you if you enjoy playing an extreme anti-hero (or even a villain). Most blackguards are willingly evil. To be clear, the blackguard does not think he is really doing “good” there is no delusion of righteousness. A blackguard knows full and well that the choices he makes are often evil and served for evil ends. He will kill, murder and destroy anyone that stands between him and the goals of his god. Despite this vicious nature, there are often reasons why this extreme character and a party of basically heroic characters might find themselves in alliance – namely a greater evil or chaotic force of destruction. If you would like to play the classic trope of a villain forced to band with the heroes to prevent some greater force of destruction, this may be the character for you. Blackguard Features

Destructive Touch: You may expend a prepared spell to use touch of destruction as a standard action attack against fortitude. This attack uses your normal attack bonus with your primary weapon (including proficiency bonus). On a successful hit, the target suffers damage equal to

your Reserve Healing Value and ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). Each failed save increases this ongoing damage as normal.

Darkened Blade: Your melee weapon attacks deal 2 additional necrotic damage.

Ill-Aura: Enemies adjacent to you suffer a -1 penalty to all defenses.

You gain the smite good set-up described below.



Use: You may move 1 square and sacrifice a Heroic Reserve. If you do, the next successful melee attack you make this round against a target of any good alignment deals 5 additional damage and causes the target to be stunned (save ends). At level 11, this damage increases to 15.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement by sacrificing a Heroic Reserve as you make any skill check. If you do, your dark god favors you and you may roll the check twice, taking the higher result.

Blackguard Calling Upgrades At level 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 you gain an upgrade in your calling. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Blessing of the Dark Gods: Enemies adjacent to you cannot critically hit you. Their attacks are still automatically successful on a 20, but no bonus damage is awarded.

Curse of the Dark Gods [Blessing of the Dark Gods]: Whenever an enemy would score a critical hit against you, but does not because of your Blessing of the Dark Gods, that enemy suffers the same damage as you as a result of the successful attack.

Debilitating Touch: Your touch of destruction ability also causes the target to be impaired (save ends both the ongoing damage and this condition).

Destroyer {R}: Your bonus necrotic damage increases by 1.

Improved Smite Good: Your smite good set-up gains: On the target’s first failed save, they are helpless (save ends). In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to your skill check when used as part of a skill engagement.

Improved Touch of Destruction {R}: Your touch of destruction ability’s ongoing damage increases by

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5. Each additional time you select this ability increases the ongoing damage by 5.

CAVALIER The cavalier is the premier mounted warrior and champion of the gods. The cavalier is most frequently found atop a fantastical mount leading the charge of an army of the faithful. The cavalier favors the mount both for the superior position it gives him in combat, but also for the aura of power and leadership it conveys to those he leads. This inspiration is often just as important as the cavalier’s own actions in combat, for the cavalier knows that battle is rarely won or lost because of one man’s ability to kill, but it is often won or lost because of one man’s ability to lead. Why is Cavalier the Best Calling? Cavalier is the best choice for your character if you enjoy the image of a bold mounted warrior, leading scores of faithful soldiers from the back of his warhorse, or her unicorn, or a flying silver dragon. This calling is all about not only your own prowess in combat, but also your ability to lead your faithful followers and secure glorious victory for your god. Cavalier Features

Mounted: You gain a mount. This is as the Trusted Mount companion except that the mount must be of the animal type and has hit points equal to your own. All upgrades are selected for the creature as normal.

Leader: Anytime you are leading followers as part of a skill engagement, you gain a +2 to any checks to Interact with your followers. You are also considered to be aided on any check where your followers would have a reasonable ability to aid you (such as an Athleticism check to break a battle line).

Charger: Whenever you charge an enemy while mounted, if you successfully hit your target, you and all allies gain advantage for your and their next attack made against that target.

Athleticism: You gain a +2 bonus on any Athleticism checks and a +1 bonus to speed when mounted.

Cavalier Calling Upgrades At level 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 you gain an upgrade in your calling. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Firmly Mounted: While mounted, when you are affected by forced movement or knocked prone,

you may make a saving throw to negate that forced movement or to remain standing.

Greater Mount [Improved Mount]: You may select 2 additional upgrades for your mount and you may select any type for the creature.

Improved Mount: You gain one additional upgrade for your mount from the Trusted Mount upgrade list.

Inspired Zealotry: Any time you are leading your followers as part of a skill engagement, you may roll twice on any Interaction checks and take the higher of the two results. On a critical success, you gain 2 successes in the encounter or conversely you may choose to gain 1 success and remove a failure.

Leader of the Faith: You gain the Leader of Men Heroic Talent. All followers must share your faith.

Trampling Charger: Whenever you successfully hit a target with a charge attack while mounted, you also knock the target prone. You do not grant advantage for charging to any opponent knocked prone in this way.

REAVER Reavers are most often associated with gods of evil and destruction, but unlike blackguards, this is not actually a truism. The powers of the reaver however are so awful to witness, the slow excruciating death of their enemies by poison and disease as their life force ebbs away, it is not hard to see where this reputation comes from. To most of the faithful, even within the very church or faith the reaver adheres to, the reaver is an abomination, a plague bringer and a curse carrier. Only the highest authorities in a church dare address a reaver directly or give them orders, for they know the horrible fate that awaits all who cross this zealot; slow, inevitable, death. Why is Reaver the Best Calling? Reaver is a good choice for your character if you like the idea of playing an unusual paladin in the extreme that uses his supernatural abilities not to heal, but to disease, not to mend, but to break, and not to restore, but to leech. A reaver literally draws the strength from those around him and the longer the fight drags on, the weaker his enemies become while the reaver only grows more powerful from his grisly works. Reaver Features

Durability: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 1.

Life Drainer: Whenever an enemy adjacent to you fails a saving throw, you gain 5 temporary hit points.

Diseased Touch: You may expend a prepared spell to use touch of disease as a standard action attack against fortitude. This attack uses your normal attack bonus with your primary weapon (including

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proficiency bonus). On a successful hit, the target is impaired (save ends). On the first failed save, the target is slowed (save ends). On the second failed save, the target is helpless (save ends).

Reavers gain the life leech set-up described below.


Offense, Disease, Poison

Use: You may move up to your speed ending adjacent to an enemy. The next successful melee attack you make this round causes ongoing 5 necrotic and poison damage (save ends). You regain hit points equal to any damage taken in this way.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when you score a critical success. You regain a Heroic Reserve.

Reaver Calling Upgrades At level 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 you gain an upgrade in your calling. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Improved Life Leech {R}: The ongoing damage caused by your life leech ability increases by 2 for each time you select this ability.

Improved Touch of Disease {R}: On the first failed save of your touch of destruction ability, the target is stunned (save ends) instead of slowed.

Malign Strength {R}: The temporary hit points gained when an adjacent enemy fails a saving throw increases by 3 for each time you select this ability.

Preternatural Toughness: Your Reserve Healing value increases by 4.

Spreading Plague: When you successfully hit a target after using the life leech set-up, you may choose for another creature adjacent to your enemy to also gain the ongoing damage (save ends). You heal all damage caused by this ongoing damage as well.

TEMPLAR When most people think of a paladin, they think of the templar. The templar is the strong hand of their god’s will, bringing his judgment and wrath to those that oppose the faith. The most potent ability of the templar is his belief in his god, but he is not armored by faith alone. Quite the opposite, most templars are replete in fully polished heavy armor and shield and few can match their determination to victory on the battlefield, for they fight for a cause far above money, title or even honor. Templars go to battle for

they are called to by the gods, and that is a calling one does not lightly dismiss. Why is Templar the Best Calling? Templar is a good choice for your character if you love the idea of playing a classic paladin, a zealous warrior for his faith. There is an old saying that it is easier to stop the flow of a rushing river than a paladin set upon his goal, and the templars are the impetus for this belief. Once they have been called to a purpose, only death (and sometimes, not even that) can stop them. Templar Features

Divine Health: You are immune to disease.

Strong in Faith: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against effects with the fear keyword.

Lay on Hands: You may spend a Heroic Reserve as a minor action to restore an amount of hit points to an adjacent ally equal to your Reserve Healing Value.

Templars gain the Smite Evil set-up described below.



Use: You may move 1 square and sacrifice a Heroic Reserve. If you do, the next successful melee attack you make this round against a target of any evil alignment deals 5 additional damage and causes the target to be stunned (save ends). At level 11, this damage increases to 15.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement by sacrificing a Heroic Reserve as you make any skill check. If you do, your beneficent god favors you and you may roll the check twice, taking the higher result.

Templar Calling Upgrades At level 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 you gain an upgrade in your calling. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your faith and in your mastery over the powers your god has granted you. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Cure Disease {R}: Once per week for each time this ability is selected, the paladin may attempt to remove disease from a creature. Doing so is a standard action and requires the paladin to touch the diseased individual. That individual may immediately make a saving throw with a +2 magic bonus. If this save is successful, the disease is eradicated (though the target must still recover from any other damage such as loss of Heroic

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Reserves normally). If this save is failed, this does not count as a Disease Saving Throw failure.

Fearless in Faith: You are immune to any effect with the fear keyword.

Improved Lay on Hands {R}: Allies healed by your Lay on Hands regain an additional 5 hit points for each time you select this ability.

Remove Curse [Cure Disease]: The paladin may use the Cure Disease spell in the same fashion to halt the progress of a curse as well.

Terrible Wrath: If the target of your Smite Evil fails its first saving throw against the stunned condition, the target is instead helpless (save ends).

DIVINE MAGIC Much like a cleric, the paladin also receives some measure of divine magic. Unlike a cleric, this divine magic is not what defines them. Instead, their god and their training has given them a larger tool set with which to enforce the will of the god they follow. Despite that larger reservoir of abilities, spells still play an important role in the lives and pursuits of a paladin and many of the same features of all divine magic applies. The higher level the paladin, the more divine power that paladin can withstand and channel and the greater he becomes at channeling what he knows to potent effect. Most gods would love to give their followers the most powerful magic they can, but the mortal shell can only handle so much divine magic. One advantage paladins have over other casters is that their magic is granted to them. This means they did not study for it, nor is it an innate part of them. Instead, a being more powerful than them “hands” them the completed spell, it is only for the paladin to channel it. This means that paladins can more quickly call their spells into the world. Though paladins do not have as wide of a range with this ability as paladins, they are still able to quickly summon many spells of protection for themselves and their allies. Spells Known The paladin has a limited number of spells he can know. These are essentially the spells he has been able to channel from his god. The paladin may select any spell from among those of the domains of his god as well as the protection domain. All paladins have access to the protection domain regardless of deity. Each god has access to only a restricted set of domains. For example, gods of war might not often have access to the knowledge domain. Table 9.3 in the magic section gives a sample of the philosophy of gods and what portfolios they tend to have access to. Ultimately, your GM has the final say on what domains are available to your character. Upon gaining access to new spells known, the paladin reviews the domains available and chooses the appropriate number of new spells known from amongst

those domains. Once this choice is made, it is permanent. That spell is one of the paladin’s spells from that point forward. The exception to this is that a spell may be retrained as per the normal retraining rules. Spells Per Day Every paladin has a certain number of spells he can cast each day. This number represents the maximum amount of full divine power the character can withstand channeling. At the start of any day, a paladin prays to his deity for spells, requesting specific divine magic. The paladin decides what each spell he has available is. For example, a 2

nd level

paladin has 2 spells per day and knows 2 spells. Let us imagine that the character has access to cure wounds and shield of faith. The paladin may choose to prepare one of each of those spells, or 2 of either of them. Divine Mysteries The magic of the gods is some of the most raw power in the universe. It is the magic of life and death, the magic of creation, and the magic of the natural world. Even when a paladin can channel a particular spell; that does not mean that he or she has unlocked all of the secret mysteries of that spell. Only through building up their power and repeatedly channeling a spell can a paladin truly begin to unlock all of the hidden facets of the magic granted to him. It is as though you were handed a beautiful gem cut with hundreds of sides, it would take you several minutes to spin the gem in your hand and examine the gem from every angle to see every face. So to it is with divine magic, except the sides of the gem are nearly infinite. At each level, you may gain some number of Divine Mysteries. Each of these mysteries is then applied to a spell you know. From that point on, when you prepare the spell through prayer at the start of the day, you are now preparing your more advanced version. For example, our paladin above knew cure wounds and so upon leveling, decides to place an upgrade into that spell. The player looks at the spell’s entry and sees that there are several Divine Mysteries to unlock. After reading the list, the player decides to take Increased Healing, increasing the amount that spell heals by 1d8. From now on, whenever the player uses cure wounds, it will add that additional 1d8 to all healing. Note that unlike clerics, paladins do not have at-will spell slots, all spells are expended on a daily basis. Spell Actions

Action Type Domains

Minor Protection

Move None

Standard All Others

Because the magic the paladin receives from his or her deity is the god’s power, some of these spells can be used quicker than most spell casters. There is no need to reach deep within oneself to find the magic in the blood, or

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remember a complex set of arcane words and gestures. Instead, the magic is often more easily summoned, as per the table below.

SET-UPS Set-Ups are the next tool in the paladin’s arsenal. A set-up represents a move, a feint, a particular strike, a particular shuffle of the feet that then allows you to change your attack in some way. Set-ups require some investiture of action as they represent a specific move or technique. In mechanical terms, Set-Ups alter your Standard Action attack. They make that attack function in a way beyond its basic application. A peasant soldier can swing a sword at his enemy (effectively making a Standard Action attack) but only a character with true talent of arms can execute greater attacks with the same action. All Set-Ups are a move action to use. At level 1, you will choose 2 Set-Ups. At level 5 and 15 you gain an additional set-up.

TURN UNDEAD The gods are the natural enemies of undead. The god’s magic is that of life and death, of creation and of the natural world. Some element of divine magic always speaks to one of these elements. Undead represent defiance of nearly all of these tenants. It is for this reason that divine magic is especially destructive to undead. Although many spells in the divine repertoire have mysteries which allow an enhanced effect against undead, the paladin may also choose to channel pure divine magic outward to turn or even destroy undead. As a Standard Action attack, the paladin may expend any daily spell, unleashing the raw divine magic contained within it to cause fear or even destroy the undead in the vicinity. One or Two undead within 50 feet (10 squares) of the paladin must make a saving throw or become filled with fear. Those undead affected move their speed away from the paladin and are immobilized (save ends). If they should fail any secondary saving throws against this power, they are instead cowering and helpless (save ends). If at any point, a natural 1 is rolled on a saving throw against this power, the undead is instead destroyed. Gods who have in their portfolio the Death domain will occasionally allow their followers to use the undead as a tool (though they still generally abhor free-willed undead). These paladins use Turn Undead slightly differently. Upon the first failed save, the undead are controlled (dominated, save ends) instead of helpless. If at any time they should roll a natural 1 when attempting to save against the effect, they are instead controlled (dominated) until the end of the encounter, at which point, they are destroyed.

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A paladin’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A paladin may use his Heroic Moment in one of the following ways. The paladin may use his Heroic Moment as a free action when an ally is reduced to 0 hit points or killed. The paladin may move his speed to a square adjacent to the enemy that damaged or killed his ally and make a standard action attack. Alternatively, the paladin may expend his Heroic Moment (taking no action to do so) at the start of his turn to end one condition. The paladin gains advantage against the enemy that imposed that condition.

CRUSADER At level 9, the paladin gains followers as per the Lord ability of Fighter with the exception that he receives half as many contingents, one of these contingents must have the Faithful upgrade regardless of the normal required ratio and all must share the paladin’s faith.

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INTRODUCTION The ranger is a hunter, a wilderness warrior, a lone wolf, prowling the wilds in search of the enemies of man. Rangers are driven, in a way few other warriors can match. Many warriors train in weapons, in fighting styles, even in killing, but only a ranger, studies in enemies. The world is a dangerous place, full of creatures that thrive on the murder and destruction of the civilized races. When such destruction is sewn by these creatures, what they do not usually count on, is that the ranger will be the one to help them reap what they have sewn. History and Legend give us several heroes who could easily be pictured as rangers. Robin Hood is the most famous, a skilled woodsman and bowman without equal. Orion the hunter is a more mythological reference. In more modern literature, our classic archetype is Aragorn of the Lord of the Rings. So the question is, what is a ranger? Is it simply a dirty man wandering the woods slaying orcs? Is it a wild man completely obsessed with the hunt? These might be the view of rangers taken by the peasantry, but this is far from the truth. Rangers, as has been said, are driven, but what truly sets them aside is their seeming lack of need of recognition or reward. Most rangers live their entire lives on the fringes of civilization, fighting creatures that fill the nightmares of the common man, doing violent work so that others may be safe. What is their reward? Most likely a death alone, when the enemies that they have made, (and they are often a multitude) come to call.

CLASS OVERVIEW As a ranger, you are a dynamic warrior with many specializations. You are truly the better of the enemies you have chosen to hunt and slay, and woe be to those favored enemies who would stand against you. A ranger is a skilled

warrior in the wilderness, but he is a hunter first and foremost, and what he chooses to hunt influences everything about what he becomes. The ranger, like many martial warriors, utilizes stances, but unlike normal warriors, these are not trained fighting styles that the ranger has carefully crafted by training under masters and perfecting in years of mock combat. Ranger’s stances are directly linked to their favored enemies. What they have chosen to fight

influences everything about who they are; including their most basic movements and attacks in combat. Rangers are accompanied by a loyal companion and indeed, they often have a closer kinship with their animal companion than they do with any human. This creature assists them in the hunt and they share a special, perhaps mystical bond. The ranger also has command of a small number of divine spells which aid him in his tracking and wilderness survival. Finally, the ranger is a warrior and it is with sword and bow that he does his deadly deeds, taking his enemies to task. Outside of combat, the ranger is usually a careful creature of habit. They are quiet and often slow to give friendship, but their skills in both nature lore and wilderness survival, as well as their nearly encyclopedic knowledge of their favored enemies, makes them a great ally indeed.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: All Common and Military Weapons Armor Proficiencies: Leather and Hide Armors Magic Proficiencies: Divine (Granted) Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+6 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +3 Defense Bonus: +2 to AC and +2 to Fortitude Specialized Encounter Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Nature (Int/Wis), Perception (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis), Stealth (Dex/Cha)

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CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.8: Ranger Class Progression

Level Class Features

Spells Known

Spells/Day Divine Mysteries

1 Terrain Specialty, (2) Favored Enemies, (2) Stances, (2) Skill Actions, Animal Companion, Nature’s Warrior

1 1 1

2 1 2 1

3 2 3 2

4 Additional Terrain

2 4 2

5 Stance Upgrade

3 5 3

6 3 6 3

7 4 7 4

8 Additional Terrain

4 8 4

9 Additional Favored Enemy

5 9 5

10 Stance Upgrade

5 10 5

11 Companion Upgrade

6 11 6

12 Additional Terrain

6 12 6

13 7 13 7

14 7 14 7

15 Stance Upgrade

8 15 8

16 Additional Terrain

8 16 8

17 Additional Favored Enemy

9 17 9

18 9 18 9

19 10 19 10

20 Additional Terrain, Stance Upgrade

10 20 10

TERRAIN SPECIALTY All rangers have a background, a wilderness they favor above all else. This is the land where they have made and met their enemies, where they have learned the howl of the wind and cry of every natural creature. This is their

home and they are experts at navigating it, surviving it, and slaying the dangerous creatures that wander within it. At level 1, the ranger selects a single terrain from the list below. Regardless of the choice made, the ranger gains the following 4 benefits in regards to that terrain. The ranger may select an additional terrain in which these benefits also apply at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

Rangers gain a +2 to damage against any enemies with an environment that matches their Terrain Specialty.

Rangers ignore difficult terrain that is a direct result of the environment in their terrain specialty (for example, an arctic ranger ignores difficult terrain resulting from ice, but not from a spell caster’s wall of fire cast while he is in the arctic).

Rangers may roll twice for any Endurance check made in their favored terrain (whether for survival or as part of a skill engagement).

When a ranger makes any successful skill check on a primary skill in a skill engagement while in the environment of his Terrain Specialty, all of his allies gain a +2 talent bonus on their next check made with that skill during the encounter.

Terrain Short Description/Alternates

Arctic Arboreal Shelves, Ice Flows, Tundra

Desert Barren Wastelands, Dunes

Forest/Jungle Tropical or Temperate

Mountain/Cavern Peaks, Plateaus, and the Underdark

Plains Grasslands, Savannah, Farmland

Swamp Fresh, Brackish or Sea Water, Wetlands

Undersea Any Underwater Climate

Urban Any City or Populace Center

FAVORED ENEMY Rangers are hunters, and they are defined most greatly by what they choose to hunt. There are many foul creatures in the world, and most of them have little love for humanity and the civilized races. Rangers stand as the greatest bulwark against these marauding beasts. At level 1, the ranger may select 2 favored enemies from the Favored Enemy list below. Each of those favored enemy choices in turn grants the ranger a particular stance. This stance represents a fighting style that makes the ranger especially adept at hunting his favored enemies, however, the lessons learnt from battle with his favored enemy often has wider applications than simply that particular enemy, and so the stance has several other benefits, as well. See Stances below for full details. You gain an additional choice from this table at levels 9 and 17.

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Favored Enemies

Favored Enemies

Examples Stance Granted

Aberrations Destrachan, Mutant Creatures, Grick

Aberrant Slayer


Goblinoids, Orcs Goblin Slayer

Dragons Chromatic Dragons, Drakes

Dragon Slayer

Giants Giants, Ogres, Trolls Giant Slayer

Planar Demons, Devils, Elementals

Demon Slayer

Undead Skeletons, Wraiths, Vampires

Undead Slayer

STANCES The favored enemies chosen by the ranger are more than just simple choices of a monster that the ranger is skilled at tracking and hunting. This represents a deep obsession for the ranger. It is a drive to seek out these creatures and destroy them, especially if they are on the borders of civilization and may do harm to innocents. It is not uncommon for the profession of ranger to be an unwilling choice, a necessity after a young child’s family is killed by just such a marauding beast that steels the child’s will and sets their resolve toward a life path of revenge. The favored enemies are something they spend their whole life fighting, and so rangers develop fighting styles specific to fighting that particular type of creature. As shown on the favored enemies table the stances the ranger gains are linked to his choice of favored enemy. These stances can be found in the Stance chapter. When a ranger gains additional favored enemies at levels 9 and 17, he also gains the associated additional stance. At levels 5, 10, 15 and 20, the ranger gains upgrades for his stances. The ranger may select a single upgrade for each stance known when this ability is received. This may be any upgrade that the ranger qualifies for at the time this upgrade is received.

ANIMAL COMPANION Rangers spend a great deal of time wandering far from civilization in the wild lands. They frequently wander alone and despite their skill, such travel is dangerous in the extreme. This is why most rangers have found it wise to attract a companion to travel with them. An extra pair of eyes and ears (and most likely quite keen ones) is never a bad thing in such dangerous lands. You gain an animal companion. This may be any standard animal creature (such as an eagle, a wolf or any creature native to your Terrain Specialty). This companion follows the rules found in the Familiars, Followers, Cohorts and Companions chapter except that your companion has hit points instead of damage instances and must always be of the animal type. The hit points of the creature are

always equal to your own. Upon reaching 0 hit points, your companion is defeated as normal and may be returned to fighting strength as normal. As always, your companion’s level is equal to your own. Any time you spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points, your companion heals a like amount of hit points. At level 11, your companion may select one additional upgrade from any section, including utility. Your bond with your animal companion grows stronger, reinforcing your connection to nature. You also gain a skill training in Nature and Nature gains one additional specialization.

DIVINE MAGIC Much like a druid, the ranger also receives some measure of divine magic. Unlike a druid, this divine magic is not what defines them. Instead, their training has given them a larger tool set with which to hunt and slay their enemies. Despite that larger reservoir of abilities, spells still play an important role in the lives and pursuits of a ranger and many of the same features of all divine magic applies. The higher level the ranger, the more divine power that ranger can withstand and channel and the greater he becomes at channeling what he knows to potent effect. Ranger simply never spend enough time however to gain the most truly potent magic. Spells Known The ranger has a limited number of spells he can know. These are essentially the spells he has been able to channel from his god or the spirits of nature. The ranger may select any spell from among those of the Healing or Nature domain, though certainly some unusual rangers (such as urban rangers) may have different domains. Ultimately, your GM has the final say on what domains are available to your character. Upon gaining access to new spells known, the ranger reviews the domains available and chooses the appropriate number of new spells known from amongst those domains. Once this choice is made, it is permanent. That spell is one of the ranger’s spells from that point forward. The exception to this is that a spell may be retrained as per the normal retraining rules. Spells Per Day Every ranger has a certain number of spells he can cast each day. This number represent the maximum amount of full divine power the character can withstand channeling. At the start of any day, a ranger prays to his deity for spells, requesting specific divine magic. The ranger decides what each spell he has available is. For example, a 2

nd level

ranger has 2 spells per day and knows 2 spells. Let us imagine that the character has access to good berry and cure wounds. The ranger may choose to prepare one of each of those spells, or 2 of any one of them.

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Divine Mysteries The magic of the gods is some of the most raw power in the universe. It is the magic of life and death, the magic of creation, and the magic of the natural world. Even when a ranger can channel a particular spell; that does not mean that he or she has unlocked all of the secret mysteries of that spell. Only through building up their power and repeatedly channeling a spell can a ranger truly begin to unlock all of the hidden facets of the magic granted to him. It is as though you were handed a beautiful gem cut with hundreds of sides, it would take you several minutes to spin the gem in your hand and examine the gem from every angle to see every face. So to it is with divine magic, except the sides of the gem are nearly infinite. At each level, you may gain some number of divine mysteries. Each of these mysteries is then applied to a spell you know. From that point on, when you prepare the spell through prayer at the start of the day, you are now preparing your more advanced version. For example, our ranger above knew good berry and so upon leveling, decides to place an upgrade into that spell. The player looks at the spell’s entry and sees that there are several divine mysteries to unlock. After reading the list, the player decides to take Create Food, allowing the spell to provide real sustenance for long journeys. From now on, whenever the player uses good berry, it will have that option. Note that unlike druids, rangers do not have at-will spell slots, all spells are expended on a daily basis.

SKILL ACTIONS This is the most advanced tool of every ranger. This represents a gamble, a special attack, a unique ability possessed only by those who train for years and masters of the art of combat.

The Skill Action is an additional action that only talent based characters posses. This action is in addition to the normal compliment of actions. Each skill’s Skill Action is listed in the description of the skill. To perform a Skill Action, the character makes a Skill Check of the associated skill. The DC for this check is the Hard DC for the character’s current level. This check represents both the character’s mastery of that particular skill and his ability to use this technique against the foes of the present encounter. The ranger begins play with 2 skill actions. These must be drawn from the skills of Endurance, Nature, Perception or Stealth. At your GM’s direction, if you are making a very different type of ranger (living in an urban environment or guarding tombs, etc), then with the GM’s permission, one of these skills could be traded for a different option.

NATURE’S WARRIOR The ranger spends a great deal of time in the wild and is well familiar with the creatures of nature and their weaknesses. Whenever you successfully use the Monster

Knowledge skill use of Nature and achieve the moderate DC, you receive benefits as per your level on the table below with all attacks made by you and your Animal Companion against such creatures. All benefits are cumulative. If you are an unusual ranger, your GM may allow you to choose a different knowledge skill.

Level Benefit

Level 1 Ignore any Resistance Level 8 +4 to damage Level 16 All attacks count as that

creature’s weakness (if any)

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A ranger’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A ranger may use his Heroic Moment as a free action during his standard action attack against a favored enemy. If the attack rolled is a hit, the attack becomes a critical hit. If the attack rolled missed, the ranger may reroll that attack. In either case the ranger suffers damage equal to 5 + his character level that can not be reduced in any way. The ranger may also use his Heroic Moment when either he or his companion successfully hit a target. If the ranger successfully hits the target, his companion may make a standard action attack as a free action. If the companion hit, the ranger may make a standard action attack as a free action.

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INTRODUCTION The rogue is many things, unless you are the enemy of the rogue, then he is just one thing; your end. Every shadow that is cast, every stranger you meet, every time you lay you head on your pillow hoping for a good night’s sleep, the rogue is there. They are a phantom in your mind, a nightmare lingering on the edge of your consciousness. Rogues are deadly foes, of this there is no doubt, but they are not dangerous in the same way as a fighter or a wizard. Both of those warriors are specialists, they spend their lives studying a particular method of fighting, becoming an absolute master of their craft. The rogue however is a different animal. The rogue does not focus on one trick, one weapon, one type of magic, the rogue lives on versatility. The rogue knows that over-reliance on any one weapon, simply opens one up to weakness. The strength of a specialist is also their weakness, for they know that one and only that one thing; they are easy predict and easy to defeat. A rogue’s strength lies in his unpredictability, his adaptability to any situation. History and literature give us many rogues which are allegories to the rogue. The Gyges of Greek myth certainly found himself in the role of a rogue. A later example drawing on the same source is of course Bilbo Baggins of the Lord of the Rings. The Gray Mouser of Fritz Leiber’s stories is yet another classic example from more recent historical literature. So what is a rogue? Is it a deadly killer lurking in the shadows? Is it an acrobat tumbling around danger? Perhaps they are a cutpurse stealing everything that is not nailed down? The truth is, they are all and none of these things. A rogue never limits himself by doing only one thing, or relying on only one thing. In the end, the only thing all rogues are is impossible to predict.

CLASS OVERVIEW As a rogue, your turn is spent engaging in tricks, dirty tactics and a versatile series of maneuvers that keep your foe off balance and open them up for you to land a deadly strike. Most people watching rogues fight find themselves confused at best and utterly at a loss at worst. The movements of the rogue, the random and erratic steps, feints and attacks are impossible to understand. To most, they would seem unskilled or even suicidal, but for a trained rogue, no movement is without purpose, and somehow, the chaos comes together into a single deadly symphony. A rogue has stances like most martial characters and beginning a stance or changing to a new one is a minor action. The rogue’s next trick is the set-up, which creates the opening they need for decisive blow. The final step before a rogue attacks is the Skill Action, the action unique to those warriors to whom skill is their real deadliest

weapon. The rogues attack then is the culmination of all of these disparate actions, and though the attack may seem simple, it often hides a greater, more devious and deadly purpose.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: All Common and Military Weapons Armor Proficiencies: Leather Armors Magic Proficiencies: None Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+4 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: +2 to AC Specialized Encounter Skills: All Skills

CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.9: Rogue Class Progression

L:evel Class Features

1 Dangerous Advantage, Knack , 2 Stances, 2 Set-Ups, 2 Skill Actions, Heroic Moment

2 Stance Advancement

3 Additional Set-Up

4 Knack Choice

5 Favored Skill Action, Stance Advancement

6 Dangerous Advantage Upgrade

7 Knack Choice

8 Stance Advancement

9 Use Magic Device

10 Stance Advancement

11 Knack Choice

12 Additional Set-Up, Dangerous Advantage Upgrade

13 Stance Advancement, Knack Choice


15 Knack Choice

16 Stance Advancement


18 Stance Advancement, Dangerous Advantage Upgrade

19 Knack Choice

20 Stance Advancement

DANGEROUS ADVANTAGE One of the most foolish things you can do is grant any kind of opening to a rogue. All rogues, no matter their training, have learned to capitalize on an enemy’s weakness. To represent this, whenever a rogue makes a standard action attack against an enemy they have advantage against, if the attack is successful, it deals an additional 5 damage.

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At level 6, 12 and 18, this damage increases by 5 (becoming 10, 15 and 20 respectively). Such attacks will also have additional effects based on the rogue’s knack as noted in the knack section.

KNACK The first and most important choice a rogue needs to make is his knack. Though the rogue may adopt several knacks, as they do not focus only a single method or weapon, all rogues begin with knowledge of a single knack. At level 1, the rogue chooses a knack. He gains all benefits associated with that particular knack. Over time, the rogue may improve his knack, but most rogues actually branch out. At each level the rogues gain a Knack Choice, they may either advance their existing knack or, unlike other classes, gain a new knack. Your upgrades may be drawn from any knack you have.

Knack Short Description

Acrobat A tumbler without equal

Gambler One has to bet big to win big

Infiltrator Deadly masters of stealth and disguise

Thief Don’t worry, they’ll never miss it

ACROBAT The acrobat actually represents a rather large group of rogues who rely on extreme mobility and tumbling to gain an advantage in combat. Some are circus performers, trained to move and contort their bodies in ways most people would not even believe possible. Other acrobats are extremely nimble runners who utilize speed and athleticism to quickly make their way under, over and through obstacles (and enemies). Acrobats utilize speed, mobility and speed to confuse, deter and ultimately defeat their enemies. Why is Acrobat the best Knack? Acrobat is the best knack for your character if you love the idea of being uncontrollably mobile in combat. If you like the idea of flipping over one enemy to surprise attack 2 more only to the tumble out of reach for their counter-attack, then the acrobat is for you.

Acrobat Benefits

Nimble: Your base speed increases by 2.

Athlete: You gain a skill training in Athleticism and Athleticism gains one additional specialization.

Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Athleticism skill, Stab and Dash which is below.

Stab and Dash

Skill Action (Athleticism, Special)

You move with shocking speed and then dash out of the way.

Success: If you successfully hit with your next standard action attack this round, you may move up to your speed as a free action after the attack. You gain a +5 bonus to any Athleticism checks made as part of this free movement.

A few quick shots mean the guards never see you coming, or going, or anything.

Skill Engagement: When you use Athleticism as a primary skill during a skill engagement, if you succeed on your check at the Hard DC, you gain a +2 bonus to your next check made in that encounter.

Acrobat Knack Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your knack. These represent insights into your knack that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method.

At each of the listed levels, you may choose to either gain a new Knack (gaining all of its level 1 benefits and its skill action) or you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

Athleticism: You gain a skill training in Athleticism and Athleticism gains one additional specialization.

Combat Tumbler: You may ignore difficult terrain when moving as part of any action other than your move action.

Nimble Tumbler: You may ignore difficult terrain during your move action.

Reactive Acrobat: Whenever you are attacked by a trap that targets your AC and that attack misses, you may move 3 squares. In addition, when an ally uses Athleticism as a primary skill during a skill engagement and they fail their check by 4 or less, you may make an Athleticism check as a free action. If you achieve at least the Hard DC with your check, no

failure is accrued by your ally’s check. You do not earn a success for this check.

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Tumbling Charge {R}: You gain an additional +1 bonus to speed when you charge and any creature you hit as part of a charge attack is also pushed 1 square. Your bonus to speed and the distance pushed increases by 1 for each time this upgrade is selected.

GAMBLER The high-roller, the risk-taker, the gambler; they are a wild and fearless breed who are not afraid to go all in if the situation demands it. The gambler will put everything on the line, up to and including his life, if the pay-off, if the potential pay-off, is big enough. Exactly how much of that gamble (and success) is skill, and how much is luck varies from rogue to rogue, but all will admit that both play a part. Skill can only take you far before you have to get lucky, and luck only holds out so long, so you better be pretty good at what you’re bluffing, too. For the lucky gamblers, the ones that seem to have the ear of the fates, a quick road to fame and legend awaits. For those the others, well, no one remembers those who bet big and lost. Why is Gambler the best Knack? Gambler is the best Knack for your character if you like the idea of a character that is not afraid to bet it all, even on a bluff. Gamblers are the brashest of rogues and they live big boisterous lives (that often end in a big boisterous flash). If you love the idea of playing a character where luck takes a hand, and pulling out incredible victories from the jaws of defeat, then Gambler is for you. Gambler Benefits

Double Down: Whenever you roll a Natural 1 during a skill engagement on a primary skill check, you may choose to “Double Down.” Immediately roll the same skill you failed on and if you achieve at least the Hard DC, then skill check becomes a success. If you do not achieve at least the Hard DC, then the check counts as 2 failures with all the normal associated penalties.

Go For Broke: Whenever you score a critical hit on a Standard Action attack you may choose to “Go For Broke.” Make your attack roll a second time. If you successfully hit, then the target is also slowed (save ends). If your second attack roll misses, then your initial attack no longer counts as a critical hit (dealing normal damage).

Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Interaction skill, Steely Bluff which is below.

Steely Bluff

Skill Action (Interaction, Special)

You go all in on your attack.

Success: You gain advantage for the next standard action attack you make this round and your attack deals an additional amount of damage equal to your dangerous advantage damage (this is in addition to your normal dangerous advantage damage). If you miss with the next standard action attack you make this round, you are weakened (save ends).

You risk your success to reap even bigger rewards.

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a skill engagement where Interaction is a primary skill and you score a critical success with that skill, you may immediately roll another check with Interaction. If you succeed at the Hard DC, you gain 2 additional successes, if you fail to achieve the Hard DC, you lose your initial critical success and instead accrue a failure.

Gambler Knack Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your knack. These represent insights into your knack that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method. At each of the listed levels, you may choose to either gain a new Knack (gaining all of its level 1 benefits and its skill action) or you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

All or Nothing: If the secondary attack from Go For Broke hits, the target is stunned (save ends) instead of slowed. However, if you miss with your second attack roll, then the primary attack roll misses instead of hits, as well.

Big Pay Off: When using Double Down, if you score a critical success on your second skill roll, the skill engagement immediately ends as a success in the party’s favor.

Dead Broke: When using Go For Broke, if you should score a critical success on your secondary attack roll, the target is helpless (save ends) instead of slowed and you deal an additional 10 damage.

Shake it All: If you roll a Natural 20 on a saving throw against any effect, you may immediately roll a second saving throw. If this save is successful you end all current conditions affecting you. If this save fails, you are impaired (save ends). You may not begin to save against this condition until the end of your next turn.

True Gambler {R}: You gain a skill training in Gambling and Gambling gains one additional specialization.


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You are a ghost in the darkness, a killer in the shadows, a nightmare in the gloom. You are the reason that people are afraid of the dark, though you do not go bump in the night, for you make no noise at all when stalking prey. The infiltrator is known for his stealth and deadliness, but great infiltrators are far more than just masters of moving in shadow. True infiltrators are also fully trained in the art of disguise, and may assume the role of a trusted friend or bodyguard of their targets for hours, days or even weeks before finally making their move. For this reason, the powerful fear infiltrators more than any other rogue and many an innocent close advisor has found the headsman’s axe when unthinkingly acting a bit strange around their paranoid master. Why is Infiltrator the best Knack? Infiltrator is the best knack for you if like the idea of playing a master of stealth, disguise and assassination. The infiltrator is a methodical and careful opponent, by necessity, he stays at least 3 moves ahead of his opponents, knowing what they are thinking and doing before even they do, so when the time comes to strike, their perfect planning seems to others impossible prescience. Infiltrator Benefits

Death in the Shadows: Whenever you attack a target from which you are hidden, you deal an additional 3 damage.

Stealthy: You gain a skill training in Stealth and Stealth gains one additional specialization.

Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Stealth skill, Fade to Black which is below.

Fade to Black

Skill Action (Stealth, Special)

You are a ghost in the darkness.

Success: If you are hidden, you may make a Stealth check as a free action after your next standard action attack this round to remain hidden.

It was nothing, just a flickering shadow.

Skill Engagement: When using Stealth as a primary skill, you must fail your check by 5 or more to accrue a failure. You still accrue success as normal.

Infiltrator Knack Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your knack. These represent insights into your knack that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method. At each of the listed levels, you may choose to either gain a new Knack (gaining all of its level 1 benefits and its skill action) or you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

At Home in the Dark: You ignore the impaired condition imposed by dim light and you may make non-area attacks against creatures with total concealment due to darkness. You still count as impaired for these attacks as normal.

Greater Shadow Death {R}: The damage from death in the shadows increases by 3 for each time you select this ability.

Impersonator: You gain a skill training in Interaction. You gain an additional +2 bonus to this check when used to bluff or impersonate.

Master of Stealth: You gain a +1 bonus on all Stealth Skill Action checks. In addition, if you roll a critical success with Stealth as a primary skill during a skill engagement, you gain 2 successes instead of 1.

Snuff Out: When wielding a ranged weapon, you may, as a minor action, extinguish all light sources such as candles, torches or lamps (but not magical sources) within 25 feet (5 squares).

THIEF Burglar, pickpocket, cutpurse, bandit; society calls you many things but in the end, who cares, you’re rich. Thieves are a divergent group. Some are con-men, working long games in the hope of getting a big score; some are mere street hustlers, grabbing any loose coin they can lay their hands on. Still others are honorable burglars, who would never harm an innocent life, but have no issue with liberating them of some of their “unneeded excess.” Finally, thieves might just be thuggish bandits, robbing unsuspecting passers-by. In any of these cases, the similarity is clear, all make their living by taking what isn’t theirs, and making it their own, through stealth, force or even a great smile. Why is Thief the best Knack? Thief is the best Knack for you if you love the idea of getting away with things that aren’t yours. Perhaps you are a Robin Hood type who only steals from the fortunate to give to the poor (even if you are counted among that poor), perhaps you love the idea of a smooth con-man making off everything a mark owns. If you love the idea of getting one over on your enemies and walking away just a little richer, then thief is for you. Thief Benefits

Quick Hands: When making a skill check with Thievery that normally requires multiple rounds outside of a skill engagement, you may make that check in one round instead. When making a thievery check that normally requires a standard action, you may perform that check as a move action instead.

Thief: You gain a skill training in Thievery and Thievery gains one additional specialization.

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Skill Action: You gain a new Skill Action for the Thievery skill, Master Thief’s Strike which is below.

Master Thief’s Strike

Skill Action (Thievery, Special)

Your attack hides a more insidious purpose.

Success: Choose one of these three options. Each of these happens only if your next standard action attack this round is successful.

You place a small item you can hold in one hand onto the enemy (into a pocket or similar place).

You remove any 1 item the enemy has besides the current weapon they are wielding.

You sabotage an item the enemy has in a simple way (stealing their belt buckle for example). The enemy is impaired (save ends).

You’re always ready to get more than you came for.

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a skill engagement where Thievery is a primary skill and you score a critical success with that skill, you gain 2 successes instead the normal 1.

Thief Knack Upgrades At level 4, 7, 11, 15 and 19, you advance your knack. These represent insights into your knack that either you yourself have developed or additional techniques learned from a master in your chosen fighting method. At each of the listed levels, you may choose to either gain a new Knack (gaining all of its level 1 benefits and its skill action) or you may choose a single benefit from the list below.

Bandit Lord: When successfully steal an item from an enemy, that enemy grants advantage to all allies for their next attack. In addition, if you attract followers, these followers may always be of the cutpurse type regardless of your current contingents.

Improved Quick Hands: When using Thievery to steal an item against a target that is impaired, slowed, stunned or helpless, your check requires a free action instead of a move action. This same bonus applies if you have advantage against the target of your Thievery. You may use this ability once per round.

Trap Thief: When using Thievery to disarm a trap, you may roll your Thievery check twice and take the highest result.

Versatile Thief: Whenever you use Thievery as a primary skill in a skill engagement and you achieve at least the Hard DC with your roll, you gain a +2 bonus to your next check of any kind in that encounter.

Well Hidden: When you use Thievery to hide an item on your person, you gain a +5 bonus to your

check. You may perform such an action as a minor action and draw any other item as part of that same action.

STANCES Stances are the most basic elements of your fighting style. They represent the way you distribute your weight, the position of your feet, the pose of your body. All of these things are the fundamentals of combat, and any trained warrior can easily recognize the stances that an opponent is utilizing. At the beginning of your career, you know a few stances, most likely including the stance most related to your fighting style. As you advance in skill, you may choose to either upgrade your stance, or select new basic stances. All stances give some benefit to your character. They will tend to affect the rogue directly, granting him a specific buff or ability as long as that stance is maintained. Assuming a stance is a minor action and you are assumed to remain in that stance until either you assume a new stance as a minor action, leave all stances as a free action on your turn or go unconscious. Stances are listed in the Stance section and the stance most closely aligned with your fighting style will share a name with that style (for example Infiltrator’s Shadow for the Infiltrator). At level 1, you will choose 2 stances. At level 2, 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18 and 20 you may choose to either upgrade all of your existing stances or select a new stance.

SET-UPS Set-Ups are the next tool in the rogue’s arsenal. A set-up represents a move, a feint, a particular strike, a particular shuffle of the feet that then allows you to change your attack in some way. Set-ups require some investiture of action as they represent a specific move or technique. In mechanical terms, all Set-Ups are a move action that precedes and alters your Standard Action attack. They make that attack function in a way beyond its basic application. A peasant soldier can swing a sword at his enemy (effectively making a Standard Action attack) but only a character with true talent of arms can execute greater attacks with the same action. At level 1, you will choose 2 Set-Ups. At level 3 and 12 you gain an additional set-up.

SKILL ACTIONS This is the most advanced tool of every rogue. This represents a gamble, a special attack, a unique ability possessed only by those who train for years and masters of the art of combat. Skill Actions represent the highest art of the rogue’s style brought to bear; it is the ultimate combination of their skill and the weapons they wield.

The Skill Action is an additional action that only talent based characters posses. This action is in addition to the normal compliment of actions. Each skill’s Skill Action is listed in the description of the skill.

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To perform a Skill Action, the character makes a Skill Check of the associated skill. The DC for this check is the Hard DC for the character’s current level. This check represents both the character’s mastery of that particular skill and his ability to use this technique against the foes of the present encounter. The rogue begins play with 2 skill actions and is always awarded one additional Skill Action unique to his fighting style. At level 5, the rogue may choose a single Skill Action, this becomes his favored skill action and he receives a +2 bonus to all Skill Action checks with this skill.

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A rogue’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A rogue may use his Heroic Moment to gain advantage against an opponent for his next attack. The rogue also threatens a critical hit on a 19-20 for such an attack. Alternatively, the rogue may expend their Heroic Moment when they hit a target granting advantage. Doing so causes the target to be weakened (save ends) or silenced (save ends) (rogue’s choice).

USE MAGIC DEVICE Rogues are about using whatever tool will work; specialization is for fools with no imagination. It is for this reason that rogues even dabble in the arts of magic, or at least, fake it well. At level 9, the rogue gains the Use Magic Device ability. This grants the following two benefits. First, the rogue counts as proficient when using any magic item that casts a spell (such as the ring of the deathly touch), gaining the full standard proficiency bonus to attack rolls with such items. Secondly, the rogue may attempt to use ritual scrolls despite not have the appropriate proficiency. They must spend the appropriate amount of time and Heroic Reserves, however, when the rogue has concluded the ritual, he must make a saving throw, on a failed save, the ritual fails to work. The Heroic Reserves are still used as normal and obviously, any time spent cannot be recovered. On a critical failure (a natural 1 on the saving throw) the failure may be spectacular at the discretion of the GM and the ritual being attempted.

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INTRODUCTION The sorcerer is the master of innate eldritch forces. For a sorcerer, magic is a puzzle within waiting to be unlocked. Sorcerers do not spend their days in pursuit of arcane understanding; instead, they simply use magic as part of their daily lives. For most sorcerers to go a day without using magic is as alien of a concept as going a day without breathing. Magic is literally in their blood and infuses their every thought, action and deed. Sorcerers are innately magical beings and because of this most commoners find sorcerers to be things of awe, wonder or fear. Sorcerers carry a greater social stigma than wizards and some choose to exploit this, casting themselves deeply into the role of a dangerous outcast, letting their reputation protect them as much as any magic they wield. The sorcerer does not have a great number of historical allegories, certainly any example of wizardly might from history could also be construed as a sorcerer. Characters such as Rasputin could also be viewed as sorcerers. Arguably most historical witches in a pre-wiccan term could certainly be sorcerers. The Witch of Endor from the Book of Samuel would most likely fit the description of a sorcerer as well. Religious figures such as Zoroaster seem to also be painted as sorcerers. So what is a Sorcerer? Is it a mad arcanist with the blood of dragons coursing through his veins? Is it the outcast spawn of a demon’s carnal desires? Sorcerers themselves might have the commoners believe such myths, but the reality is much deeper. Sorcerers are arcane magic users who live, breath and sleep magic. It is in their blood and inseparable from who they are.

CLASS OVERVIEW The sorcerer is the master of arcane magic, and this manifests completely every time the sorcerer casts a spell. Where a warrior spends his time doing several small things which make him a dangerous and deadly force, the sorcerer spends his time investing in his magic, layering it, building it, constructing it from the raw essences of magic in his blood and then unleashing it upon his foes. Every spell a sorcerer casts is altered in some way by his base

reserves of arcane energy. A sorcerer spends his minor action

often affecting his spell in some small way, applying a

simple metamagic alteration to tailor the

spell more to his current situation.

The next choice the sorcerer makes is whether to push his investiture in the spell even

further. Putting so much energy into a spell is

dangerous and often

destructive to the

sorcerer’s mind and body.

This more powerful metamagic is a move

action. Finally, the sorcerer unleashes the spell, incanting the

words that bring the unreal into the physical world.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: Staff, Dagger, Sling Armor Proficiencies: None Magic Proficiencies: Arcane (Innate) Hit Points: You gain 3 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+3 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +1 Defense Bonus: +2 to Fortitude and +2 to Will Specialized Encounter Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Endurance (Str/Con), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha) and Streetwise (Int/Cha)

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TABLE 4.10: Sorcerer Class Progression

Level Class Features Spells Known Spells/Day Arcane Masteries Metamagic

1 Heritage, Heroic Moment 2 7 2 1

2 3 10 3 1

3 3 13 3 2

4 4 16 4 2

5 Heritage Upgrade 5 20 5 3

6 6 22 6 3

7 6 24 6 4

8 7 26 7 4

9 Signature Spell 8 28 8 5

10 8 30 9 5

11 9 32 10 6

12 Heritage Upgrade 10 34 11 6

13 10 36 12 7

14 11 38 13 7

15 11 40 15 8

16 11 42 16 8

17 11 44 18 9

18 Heritage Upgrade 12 46 20 9

19 12 48 22 10

20 12 50 24 10



st level, all sorcerers choose a heritage. This is a

representation of the type of sorcerer they are and this heritage directly affects their arcane magic both in the spells they cast and the way they cast them. This heritage is usually the result of the sorcerer’s own blood and drifts over time. Essentially, the more necromancy the character uses, the more skilled he becomes with necromancy and so the more necromancy he uses and so on. The magic and heritage become one in the same, a virtuous circle feeding each other over the years of the sorcerer’s magical career. The sorcerer receives an upgrade to this heritage at levels 5, 12 and 18 which is chosen off the heritage upgrade lists below.

Heritage Short Description

Demonbound Summoner

A sorcerer who calls to beings of otherworldly destruction

Genie Elementalist The elements heed your call

Fey Enchanter A beguiler of supernatural prowess

Shadow Necromancer

The powers of shadow grant you control of the dead

Wild Mage Your magic is as uncontrollable as your spirit

DEMONBOUND SUMMONER The magic that flows through your blood has a dark origin. Perhaps your power is a result of a pact made by your

ancestors with demons, perhaps you are the spawn of a demon’s tryst with a mortal, whatever the source of your power, you have built upon your innate ability and can now call the very creatures that have fed you power to do your bidding. Alternatives: Fey blood would also make an excellent choice for this heritage. If this choice is made, then you call to creatures of the fey world instead of demons. Why is Demonbound Summoner the Best Heritage? Demonbound summoner is the best choice for you if you like the idea of playing a caster who has a dark source for his powers but instead of turning away from it has chosen to embrace the darkness. A demonbound summoner chooses to stare into the abyss, knowing full well it stares back at him; and he refuses to blink. Demonbound Summoner Features

Tough Summons: Any creature you summon gains a +1 bonus to all defenses and damage.

Distance Summoner: You may double the range where any creature you summon may appear.

Eternal Expert: You gain a +2 bonus to any Religion check to identify outsiders.

Demonbound Summoner Heritage Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your heritage. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance your internal mastery of your magic and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe.

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At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Brutal Summons {R}: Your summoned creatures gain a +1 bonus to damage for each time you select this ability. If you summon a creature with the demon type, this bonus increases to +2.

Demon Binder: Outsiders suffer a -1 penalty to the saving throws against conditions imposed by your arcane spells. This penalty increases to -2 for creatures with the demon type.

Summoner’s Bargain {R}: You gain one additional arcane mastery which must be applied to a spell with the summoning keyword.

FEY ENCHANTER You are one with the magic of the fey. These creatures have mastered the arts of illusion, trickery and enchantment. Countless adventurers have wandered into a fey crossing or woods and found themselves part of a wondrous celebration full of drink and dance, enchanted by the beauty, they joined in, never to be seen or heard from again. Alternatives: Devil blood would also make an excellent choice for this heritage. If this choice is made, then you call to creatures of the power of devils instead of the fey. Why is Fey Enchanter the Best Heritage? Fey Enchanter is the best choice for you if you like the idea of playing a caster who has the world on a string. The fey enchanter brings all the powers of charm, illusion and enchantment together to beguile and corrupt their enemies, whose weak minds are far from up to the task of resistance. Fey Enchanter Features

Careful Controller: Any time you force an enemy to make an attack, they gain a +1 magic bonus to the attack roll.

Simple Puppets: Any creature under a condition you imposed with an enchantment or illusion spell grants you advantage.

Charmer: You gain one additional specialization in Interaction.

Fey Enchanter Heritage Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your heritage. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance your internal mastery of your magic and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Brutal Control {R}: Any creature that you have dominated or that you force to make an attack gains a +2 bonus to damage.

Enchanter’s Intuition {R}: You gain an additional arcane mastery which must be applied to an enchantment or illusion spell.

Total Control: Whenever a creature you have dominated rolls a natural 1 when making a saving throw against that condition, they lose the ability to make saving throws to end that condition. The creature’s mind is shattered by this experience and at the end of the encounter; the enemy falls helpless (no save).

Thrall [Total Control]: If you select the Loyal Companion Heroic Talent, you may select 2 companions instead of 1. These companions must be of different types and otherwise follow all normal rules for Loyal Companion.

GENIE ELEMENTALIST Fire, earth, air and water; these are the bones of the world, there are the building blocks from which the universe is constructed. The blood of Genie is in your veins and as such, you have a natural connection to these elements. They appear, dance and destroy at your whim just as they do for your ancient Genie ancestors. Alternatives: Demon blood would also make an excellent choice for this heritage as they are creatures of the raw elements as well. If this choice is made, then you summon the elemental power of demons instead of Genie. Why is Genie Elementalist the Best Heritage? Genie elementalist is the best heritage if you think the best defense is a good offense. A foe cannot harm you if he is frozen in a block of ice, or incinerated to a pile of ash, and those are exactly the sorts of things that a Genie elementalist brings to the battle. Genie Elementalist Features

Genie Clan Blood: You may choose a single element (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder). You may make this choice at the start of your career and once set it cannot be changed (though it can be retrained). The element you choose becomes your favored element. You gain resist 5 to your favored element and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with your favored element. You suffer a -5 penalty to damage rolls with all other listed elements above. If a spell has multiple types of damage and one of those is your favored element, the spell counts as being in your favored element and you do not suffer the penalty.

Overwhelming Blast: When you enhance a spell of the conjuration school with the acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder keyword with a Major Metamagic that imposes the stunned condition on

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a failed save, you may score a critical hit with that spell on a 19-20.

Conjuration Master: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with any spell of the conjuration school.

Genie Elementalist Heritage Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your heritage. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance your internal mastery of your magic and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Elementalist’s Intuition {R}: You may cast one additional spell of the conjuration school that has the acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder keyword per day.

Meta-Destruction {R}: You gain an additional metamagic that increases the damage, range, area or number of targets of the spell it affects.

Favored Element Enhancement{R}: If you selected a favored element, you may select this ability. Each time you do so, your resistance to your favored element increases by 5 and your damage bonus increases by 2, however, your penalty to damage with the other elements listed also increases by 5.

Favored Element Mastery: If you selected favored element, you may select this ability. Anytime you successfully hit with a spell of your favored element and the target has resistance or immunity to your favored element, the target must make a saving throw. On a failed save, the resistance or immunity does not apply.

SHADOW NECROMANCER Though your blood is not black, your heart may well be. The unfettered power of shadow and darkness flows through your veins. Unlike other casters, you do not learn how to control the dead, you just do. Your power is their power and you are their master. Those that would resist your call are destroyed, those that heed it are useful allies…for a time. Alternatives: Demon blood would also make an excellent choice for this heritage as they are creatures that frequently have power over the dead. Why is Shadow Necromancer the Best Heritage? Shadow necromancer is the best choice for your character if you love the idea of someone using the powers of death and darkness to be a hero (or not). If you like the idea of raising the dead to do your bidding, as you cast baleful spells that literally flay the souls of your victims, then look no further. Though necromancer is dark, it is not

necessarily evil or even grim. Your necromancer may view undead as a tool, no different than a summoned elemental or a constructed golem. Whether the rest of the world agrees, may be a different story. Shadow Necromancer Features

Aura of Death: Any enemy that begins its turn adjacent to you suffers 2 necrotic damage.

Death Touch: Whenever you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage, you may instead choose to deal necrotic damage. If you do, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage dealt.

Necromancy Expert: You gain one additional arcane mastery which must be a spell from the necromancy school.

Undead Sage: You gain a +2 bonus to Arcana or Religion checks to identify magic or creatures of the undead.

Shadow Necromancer Heritage Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your heritage. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance your internal mastery of your magic and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Empowered Aura of Death {R}: The damage adjacent creature suffer when they begin their turn increases by 3 for each time this upgrade is selected.

Life from Death {R}: Whenever you kill an enemy or reduce them below 0 hit points, you may gain 5 temporary hit points. Each additional time you select this ability increases the temporary hit points gained by 5.

Necromancer’s Intuition {R}: You may prepare and cast one additional spell of the necromancy school.

Power over Undead: You gain the Turn Undead ability of the cleric. You are treated as a follower of a god of death and your turn dominates on failure as opposed to rendering helpless or destroying.

WILD MAGE Magic is energy and chaos. Those who would attempt to control it are delusion, fools or both. You understand the truth of the universe, chaos is all there is, and any attempt to bind order to it fights the natural way of things. Instead of warring against this eternal chaos, you embrace it, channeling it randomly and often to devastating effect. You are dangerous being, and not just to your enemies, but that is the cost for such power.

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Possible source: Fey would make an excellent power source for this heritage. The capricious and often chaotic nature of the fey lend themselves to such a use of magic Why is Wild Mage the Best Heritage? Wild mage is the best choice for your character if you like the idea of playing someone just a little (or a lot) out of control. You have fully given in to the random nature of the universe and the way magic has manifested in your blood. Though you do not have the predicable effects generated by other magic-users, you more than make up for that by the spectacular successes (and sometimes failures) you generate Note: Part of playing a Wild Mage cannot be captured through simple mechanics and tables. Wild mages, more than any other magic-user truly embrace the chaos that magical energy embodies. Because of this reality, when you cast your spells, feel free to constantly create small innocuous effects that accompany them. Perhaps a thin mist rises around your feet, perhaps flowers grow in the immediate area (even if the ground is pure stone, or fire), perhaps your eyes glow red like a demon, perhaps the air suddenly smells like fresh baked bread or you turn purple. The list of possibilities is as big as your imagination. The only stipulation for this rule is that your effect should be minor and have no mechanical game effect (the mist could not cause concealment for example). Be sure to communicate these effects clearly to the group and if your GM would like one of these effects to suddenly have a larger weight for story purposes; that is encouraged. Wild Mage Features

Wild Metamagic: When you use a Major Metamagic, you may roll 1d4 instead of saving against the normal condition applied by the metamagic. 1 = impaired, 2 = slowed, 3 = stunned and 4 = helpless. This is the condition you must then save against as normal.

Backlash: Whenever you roll a natural 20 or natural 1 when attacking with an arcane spell, you cause a wild magic backlash. Roll a die to determine a random spell from those sorcerer spells you know. You cast the randomly determined spell immediately as a free action. If you rolled a 20, you may choose targets for the spell as normal. If you rolled a 1, you are the only target for this spell regardless of its normal area or targets.

Split Luck: When you are affected by at least 2 conditions, you may choose to suffer a -2 penalty to one of the saving throws to gain a +2 bonus to one other saving throw.

Wild Mage Heritage Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your heritage. These represent additional powers you have gained as you

advance your internal mastery of your magic and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Bending Luck: When you use an arcane spell that targets multiple enemies, if you roll 2 critical fumbles (e.g. two 1’s), those 2 attack rolls are treated as though you had rolled two critical hits (e.g. two 20’s) instead.

Improved Backlash: Whenever you cast a free spell as a result of rolling a natural 1 on an attack, that spell may include its full number of normal targets, but you must be included in that spell’s targets or area.

Wild Turnabout: Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a saving throw you may choose to either end all conditions affecting you or apply the same condition on any enemy you can see (save ends).

ARCANE MAGIC The most defining aspect of any sorcerer is their innate mastery over arcane magic. The Sorcerer lives, breathes, eats and sleeps arcane magic. There is an old saying “wizards teach, sorcerers do”. There is some truth to that sentiment as being a great sorcerer requires action, the constant and unwavering use of arcane magic. Arcane magic is difficult to wield and channeling it can be destructive to both mind and body. Only years of repeated use leads one to be a successful sorcerer. One advantage that sorcerer’s have over other casters is that their magic is innate. This means they are not limited by what they have placed in a spellbook. Though there may be a maximum amount of magic they can safely channel in a given day, this limit is much higher than other types of casters. Unfortunately because sorcerers rely so much on instinct, they are not able to spend as much time developing their spells nor determining new and creative metamagic to apply to their known spells. Spells Known Sorcerers have a limited number of spells they can know. These spells are effectively all “within” the sorcerer from his birth, they are part of his blood. Only as the sorcerer grows and continually uses his magical power does he unlock all of these hidden reservoirs of power. As the sorcerer gains levels, he calls to his blood more strongly and is able to channel new and more potent amounts of magic. Spells Per Day Every sorcerer has a certain number of spells that he can cast each day. This number represents the maximum amount of arcane energy that the sorcerer’s mind can hold

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without snapping like a twig. The sorcerer is capable of channeling far greater amounts of magic than most casters as their magic is an innate part of them, it comes as easily as the air they breathe. The sorcerer may apply any of his known metamagic (whether minor or major) as he is preparing to cast the spell (as his minor and major actions that round). Also unlike other casters, a sorcerer does not have specific at-will slots he must choose to prepare. Instead, a sorcerer may use any of his known spells un-upgraded as at-wills. In the same way, the Sorcerer does not need to prepare daily spells, but may use any spell he knows at any time from a daily slot, applying all accrued Arcane Masteries as normal. Arcane Masteries Unlike divine magic, which is granted in nearly finished form directly by a deity, arcane magic is made by the will of the caster from the raw energy of the universe. As sorcerers build their power and become more adept with it, so do they discover new ways to employ the magic. They learn new ways to stretch and change the spell so that it becomes larger, more powerful or just an altogether new form. These advancements in the spell’s application are represented by Arcane Masteries. The sorcerer gets a smaller number of these than some other casters due to his lack of deep introspection and study of magic. At each level, you may gain some number of arcane masteries. Each of these masteries is then applied to a spell you know. From that point on, when you cast the spell you are now casting your more advanced version. The exception to this is the spells you cast as at-wills, which always function without upgrade. For example, our sorcerer knows magic missile and so upon leveling, decides to place an upgrade into that spell. The player looks at the spell’s entry and sees that there are several arcane masteries to unlock. After reading the list, the player decides to take Additional Missile, increasing the number of magic missiles produced by the spell by 1. From now on, when the sorcerer casts the spell, an additional arcane missile will be produced. Metamagic The magic of arcane casters is brought into the world by their own will. The caster grabs the raw energies of the universe and forces reality to change in the ways he or she wishes. Two things should come as no surprise from this. First, the act of conjuring magic is not easy and second, the will of the person summoning the magic plays a large part in how that spell actually manifests. It is within this paradigm that metamagic has its home. Metamagic is the manipulation of a spell, of the raw energies of magic, at the most base level. Some metamagic effects are more simple, and easy for an experienced caster to apply (these are generally minor actions), some metamagic, however, is more draining to the caster and can wrack their mind and body when used (these are generally move actions and

require saving throws to avoid conditions at the end of the turn). The sorcerer gains metamagic according to table 4.10 and the full list of metamagic can be found in the Magic chapter.

Action Type Metamagic

Minor Minor Metamagic

Move Major Metamagic

Standard Spell

None Any save resultant from Major Metamagic at end of turn

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A sorcerer’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A sorcerer may use his Heroic Moment as a free action upon becoming wounded for the first time during an encounter. The Sorcerer may cast any Daily spell as a free action once the action that caused them to be wounded has been resolved. Alternatively, the sorcerer may choose instead to use his Heroic Moment to apply all upgrades purchased for a spell to an at-will casting of that spell.

SIGNATURE SPELL At level 9, the sorcerer gains a signature spell. This must be chosen from a single spell the sorcerer knows, but may be retrained as normal as the sorcerer gains levels. If this option is exercised, the granted Arcane Mastery must also be retrained as part of the signature spell retraining. The sorcerer gains a single Arcane Mastery for the chosen spell which may be applied immediately or saved as normal. In addition, when the sorcerer applies any Major Metamagic to that spell, the sorcerer may choose to take 10 on the saving throw instead of rolling a standard saving throw.

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INTRODUCTION The spellblade is a true hybrid. He mixes spell casting and swordplay into a seamless combination. Spellblades are often called sword or blade dancers and the analogy is aptly fitting as their fluid movements and interplay of spell and sword are very dance-like, a deadly dance, but a dance none the less. Spellblades combine many of the elements of a fighter’s stylistic and learned approach to combat with an infusion of arcane magic, creating a synergistic style truly unique among their kind. Such a style can take just as long if not longer to master as either of the disparate styles alone. The spellblade probably has the least amount of historical allegories of any class as it is almost entirely a product of modern fiction. There are some historical examples that may be close to this concept such as Kullervo from Finnish mythology. More recently, characters such as Elric of Melnibone from Michael Moorcock’s stories may adhere closer to the concept of a warrior who mixes sword and spell. Elves of the Tolkien variety and of early Dungeons & Dragons also adhere closely to this paradigm, being magical beings that were also adept with blades. So what is a spellblade? Is it a dancing elf, nimbly bouncing through combat stabbing and casting spells? Is it an outcast albino king who uses magic of questionable origins? Perhaps, but the spellblade is really anyone who sees unity where others see disparity, who can imagine a harmony from distinct chords and who has the patience and dedication to train in two vastly different forms of combat, blending them into one synergistic whole.

CLASS OVERVIEW The spellblade is a master of combining two very different forms of combat into a seamless whole. This shows through in every round of combat where the spellblade is constantly working to bring both his magical ability and his force of arms to bear. The spellblade generally begins the round by assuming a spell stance (e.g. any stance with the Spell keyword). That spell stance is keyed to a particular type of magic and allows the spellblade to build up the arcane energies necessary to unleash a spell with his combat actions instead of with normal somatic components. The spellblade then generally positions himself for his attack with his move action. The spellblade’s standard action is then usually spent making a melee attack, as that is one of the components needed for him to unleash his building magic. If this attack is successful, the spellblade then makes a skill check as dictated by the spell stance. If this check is successful, then

the magic building is released and the spellblade unleashes a devastating spell in what seems like an instant, though in reality, the very actions taken in attacking have been building it the whole time. This energy released, the spellblade then leaves their stance until the next round.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: All Common and Military Weapons Armor Proficiencies: Leather Armors Magic Proficiencies: Arcane (Learned) Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+4 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +2 Defense Bonus: +2 to AC and +2 to Will Specialized Encounter Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Delving (Int/Str/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Perception (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis)

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CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.11: Spellblade Class Progression

Level Class Features Spells/Day Arcane Masteries

1 Edge, 2 Spell Stances, Heroic Moment

2 (1) 1

2 3 2

3 Stance Advancement 4 3

4 5 4

5 Edge Choice 6 5

6 7 6

7 Stance Advancement 8 7

8 9 8

9 Stance Advancement 10 9

10 Edge Choice 11 10

11 12 (2) 11

12 Stance Advancement 13 12

13 14 13

14 15 14

15 Stance Advancement, Edge Choice

16 15

16 17 16

17 18 17

18 Stance Advancement 19 18

19 20 19

20 Edge Choice 21 20


st level, all spellblades choose an edge. This is a

representation of the unique way that the spellblade has chosen to blend his martial capabilities with his spell casting. Every spellblade develops his own edge based on the spells he chooses and the way that his skill with a weapon interplays with those choices. The spellblade receives an upgrade to this edge at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20 which is chosen off the edge upgrade lists below.

Edge Short Description

Blade Dancer Blades and magic become a single deadly art

Curse Bearer The magic of your blade weakens and withers

Eldritch Knight Sword and spell are turned aside by your skill

Jumper How can you stop what you cannot catch?

BLADE DANCER The Blade Dancer is the epitome of the spellblade arts amongst the eldar. It is said this style was developed millennia ago by the powerful eladrin champions as a

method of combining their natural skill with blades and the elvish aptitude for magic. The result is something between combat and art, a deadly dance that contains as much beauty as lethality. Those that practice it are unequaled in their ability to seemingly float across the battlefield, casually dispatching all in their wake. Why is Blade Dancer the Best Edge? The Blade Dancer is the most mobile of the spellblades and a dangerous combatant as well. If you like the idea of playing a character that practices an ancient art of magic and swordplay, that combines these disparate elements into one beautiful dance, then the Blade Dancer is the edge for you. Blade Dancer Features

Dancer: You gain a skill training in Dancing and Dancing gains one additional specialization.

Engage the Dance: Whenever you move at least 5 squares as part of your move action, you deal an additional 3 damage with both your standard action attack and any spell cast as part of your turn.

Light Step: You may ignore up to 2 squares of difficult terrain when moving as part of a move action.

Unwilling Dance Partner: Whenever you successfully hit a target with a standard action weapon attack, you may move 2 squares as a free action after the weapon attack is resolved.

Blade Dancer Upgrades At level 5, 10, 15 and 20, you gain an upgrade in your edge. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your martial studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Alacritous Dance: Your speed increases by 5 feet (1 square).

Improved Nimble Dance [Nimble Dance]: You may ignore an additional 2 squares of difficult terrain when moving for each time you select this ability.

Lord of the Dance {R}: You gain a skill training in Dancing and Dancing gains one additional specialization.

Momentum {R}: The bonus damage from Engage the Dance increases by 2 for each time you select this ability.

Nimble Dance: Your light step allows you to ignore up to 2 squares of difficult terrain when moving in any way.

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CURSE BEARER Curses, hexes, words of power; all of these things are whispered of in hushed tones for fear that they will be visited upon the speaker. Since the beginning of time, charlatans and spell casters alike have promised such a fate would befall those that wronged them with varying degrees of veracity to their claims. The curse bearer, however, is not however making empty threats. He is a master of curses, both simple and complex, both quick and debilitating or slow and painful. To cross a curse bearer is to risk a weak, withering and whimpering death. Why is Curse Bearer the Best Edge? Curse bearers are the best edge because their powers are simple and debilitating. All of the actions of the curse bearer are ensuring his own victory as they slowly but surely weaken and cripple their enemies, through a mix of martial skill and arcane power. If you like the idea of playing a mysterious and enigmatic spellblade that could be feared for his abilities to bring things worse than death, then curse bearer is for you. Curse Bearer Features

Cull the Weak: You gain advantage against any target that is impaired or slowed by one of your attacks.

Impairment: Whenever you critically hit an enemy with an attack, they are also impaired (save ends).

You gain a new spell stance, the Aura of Ill-Fortune detailed below.

Aura of Ill-Fortune SPELL STANCE

Spell, Offense, Curse

Use: When in this stance, one target you successfully hit with your standard action weapon attack must roll twice on attack rolls and take the lowest result (save ends).

Spell Action Skill: Endurance

Spell Action Keywords: Curse

Upgrade Options

Level 2

Targets you successfully hit with a standard action melee attack are also impaired (save ends).

Any enemy affected by your stance that misses you with an attack suffers 5 force damage.

Level 8

Targets you successfully hit with a standard action melee attack are also slowed (save ends).

Targets you successfully hit with a standard action melee attack suffer a -1 penalty to saving throws any condition imposed by a spell cast with your spell action.

Any enemy affected by your stance that misses you with an attack suffers 15 force and necrotic damage. This stance can not cause damage more than once for each missed attack.

Level 16

Targets you successfully hit with a standard action melee attack are also weakened (save ends).

Targets you successfully hit with a standard action melee attack are also silenced (save ends).

Any enemy affected by your stance that misses you with an attack suffers 15 force and necrotic damage and is immobilized (save ends). This stance can not cause damage more than once for each missed attack.

Curse Bearer Upgrades At level 5, 10, 15 and 20, you gain an upgrade in your edge. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your martial studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Carrier: You gain a skill training in Endurance and Endurance gains one additional specialization.

Greater Impairment: When you critically hit an enemy with an attack, they are also slowed (save ends) instead of impaired.

Ill Turnabout: You may willingly fail a saving throw imposed by an enemy’s attack (you must make this decision before you roll your save). If you do, the next time that enemy rolls a saving throw against a condition you imposed; they must roll twice and take the lowest result.

Superior Impairment [Greater Impairment]: When you critically hit an enemy with an attack they are also stunned (save ends) instead of impaired or slowed.

Word of Curse: When you are reduced to 0 hit points or killed, you may curse the enemy that reduced you to 0 or killed you as a free action. The enemy is slowed (save ends). On the first failed save, the target becomes helpless (save ends).

ELDRITCH KNIGHT The eldritch knight has combined magic and spell to protect himself and his allies. An eldritch knight is often replete with magical protections layered over his mundane armor and when combined with his natural skill with a blade, the result is a nearly unbreakable bulwark. Unlike most spellblades, eldritch knights do not expend all of their spell power when casting their spell and instead retain some of that ability, maintaining their spell stance for the few extra precious seconds that can spell the difference between success and death. Why is Eldritch Knight the Best Edge?

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The eldritch knight is the most defensive of the spellblades, in nearly any war of attrition, the spellblade will come out the winner. Their defenses, especially in the short term while their spells hold out, combined with the layered protections and mundane armor means that many foes will simply be unable to kill or even injure the Knight. Eldritch Knight Features

Knightly Bearing: Any enemy adjacent to you counts as impaired when making an attack against any target except you.

Abjurer: Whenever your spell action is used to successfully cast a spell of the abjuration school, you do not leave your spell stance until the start of your next turn.

Knight: You may use the Knight’s Defense stance as though it had the spell keyword. The Spell Action skill for the stance becomes Arcana. The Spell Stance allows any spell of the Abjuration school to be cast with your Spell Action.

Eldritch Knight Upgrades At level 5, 10, 15 and 20, you gain an upgrade in your edge. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your martial studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Abjurant Resilience {R}: Whenever you cast a spell from the abjuration school, you gain 3 temporary hit points. Each additional time you select this ability it increases the temporary hit points granted by 3.

Aura of Protection: Any enemy that is adjacent to you and moves away from you on its turn is slowed (save ends). It loses this action from among its remaining actions.

Eldritch Defenses: When under the effect of any persist spell, you also gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses.

Greater Aura of Protection [Aura of Protection]: Any enemy that is adjacent to you and attacks an ally must roll twice and take the lowest result.

Improved Defenses [Eldritch Defenses]: The bonus to all defenses when under the effect of a persist spell increases to +2.

Knight of the Arcane: You gain a skill training in Arcana and Arcana gains one additional specialization.

JUMPER The jumper has focused his combination of magic toward one specific purpose, teleportation. The jumper is a blur in combat and never in the same place for more than a few

seconds. Jumpers fold space as easily as most people fold their shirts. The jumper is nearly impossible to contain or stop, grabbing them, restraining them, placing them in manacles or covering them with nets, all of these things are easily escaped. It is for these reasons that jumpers often have a dubious reputation as thieves and cutpurses, for most know there are few prisons that can contain them and few lawmen capable of bringing them to such a prison. Why is Jumper the Best Edge? Jumper is the best edge for you if you love the idea of playing an uncontainable dynamo in combat. The jumper moves about the battlefield at will and very few obstacles will hinder or slow such a spellblade. Your skills allow you to strike who and when you want, only to escape from their grasp at the first opportunity, you are as hard to catch as the breeze and as mobile as a leaf dancing upon it. Jumper Features

Teleporter: As long as you are in a spell stance, you have a teleport speed equal to your base speed.

Teleport Push: Whenever you teleport adjacent to a creature, you may move that creature 5 feet (1 square) as a free action.

You gain a new spell stance, the Space Bender stance detailed below.


Spell, Mobility, Teleportation

Use: Whenever you teleport, you may move an additional 5 feet (1 square) if the teleport requires sight or double the distance teleported otherwise.

Spell Action Skill: Perception

Spell Action Keywords: Teleportation

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Increase your teleport distance by an additional 5 feet (1 square) or double the distance again (as per the base stance).

You may move any creature you teleport adjacent to any square adjacent to you instead of moving them 1 square.

Level 8

You gain advantage against any creature you teleport adjacent to.

Any creature you teleport adjacent to suffers 5 force damage.

Whenever you teleport an enemy they are also disoriented and impaired (save ends)

Level 16

You may knock any creature you teleport adjacent to prone.

Any creature you teleport adjacent to suffers 10 force damage.

When you teleport you may also teleport 1

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adjacent ally. That ally is then placed in any square adjacent to you at the end of your teleport.

Jumper Upgrades At level 5, 10, 15 and 20, you gain an upgrade in your edge. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your martial studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Enhanced Perception: You gain a skill training in Perception and Perception gains one additional specialization.

Improved Jump {R}: Your teleport speed while in a spell stance increases by 2. Each additional time you select this ability, that speed increases by an additional 2.

Instinctive Jump: You may cast any teleport spell you have prepared as a free action once per round when you fall or are forced to enter hindering or damaging terrain.

Preternatural Perception [Enhanced Perception]: You need not see the destination of your teleportation. When you teleport to a location you cannot see with a spell or ability that normally requires line of sight, you must make a saving throw, on a failed save, after the teleportation you are impaired (save ends).

Reactive Jump [Instinctive Jump]: You may cast any teleport spell you have prepared as a free action once per round when attacked as long as you are aware of the attacker and the attacker does not have advantage against you.

ARCANE MAGIC The first half of the spellblade is their abilities with arcane magic. Much like a wizard, their abilities with arcane spells are a result of study, learning and training. It may be argued they have to work and study harder than either of their “parent” classes the fighter and the wizard. Spellblades must learn not only each of those things, but they must also learn how then blend the two into a harmonious unified whole. This is a process that takes years of study and dedication to even begin to achieve, let alone master. Like a wizard, a spellblade’s magic is learned and all spellblades must carry a spellbook of some kind (though spellblades are far more likely to have exotic spellbooks such as a magic sword with intricate runes scrawled on it containing their spells). Unlike a wizard, the spellblade must split his time between spell casting and swordplay, and so never really achieves the true mastery of a wizard.

This is represented by the fact they can never use as many spells per day and never gain the ability to use any metamagic beyond what is allowed by their spell stances. Spells Known Spellblades do not have a maximum number of spells known like other casters. Instead, a spellblade may learn any number of spells, all of which are copied into his spellbook. Any fantastical thing could be a spellbook but there is one property that all spellbooks share. They are an external physical thing that is written on. This book contains all of the information the spellblade needs to internalize the spell and most spellblades would sooner die than abandon their spellbook. A spellblade begins play at level 1 with 3 spells in his spellbook. From that point on, the spellblade must find and accrue spells through adventuring to add to his repertoire. Spells Per Day Every spellblade has a certain number of spells that he can cast each day. This number represents the maximum amount of arcane energy that the spellblade’s mind can hold without snapping like a twig. At the start of any day, the spellblade spends a short amount of time (15 minutes) reading over his spellbook. The mage then decides which of the spells from his book he will memorize and have available that day. The spellblade can cast only the spells that he has memorized. He may memorize multiple copies of a single spell if he would like, though a wise spellblade knows his true strength lies in the versatility of magic available to him. So if, for example, a 1

st level spellblade

had magic missile, elemental blast and mage armor in his spellbook and was capable of memorizing 2 spells per day, he could choose to have magic missile and mage armor or 2 copies of magic missile or any such combination. Spellblades begin play with 1 at-will spell. They gain an additional at-will at level 11. Arcane Masteries Unlike divine magic, which is granted in nearly finished form directly by a deity, arcane magic is made by the will of the caster from the raw energy of the universe. As spellblades study their magic and become more adept with it, so do they discover new ways to employ the magic. They learn new ways to stretch and change the spell so that it becomes larger, more powerful or just an altogether new form. These advancements in the spell’s application are represented by Arcane Masteries. The spellblade does not get as many of these masteries as some other casters such as the wizard due to his imitations in also needing to advance and study swordplay, but they certainly use their spells often enough that some level of mastery is endemic of the nature of being a spellblade. At each level, you may gain some number of arcane masteries. Each of these masteries is then applied to a spell you know. From that point on, when you prepare

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the spell at the start of the day, you are now preparing your more advanced version. For example, our spellblade above knew magic missile and so upon leveling, decides to place an upgrade into that spell. The player looks at the spell’s entry and sees that there are several arcane masteries to unlock. After reading the list, the player decides to take Additional Missile, increasing the number of magic missiles produced by the spell by 1. From now on, when the spellblade casts the spell, an additional arcane missile will be produced. Spell Action Unlike other practitioners of magic, a spellblade does not use a normal set of somatic components. Instead the spellblade has trained to use his own movements with a weapon during combat as the build up to release his arcane energies. This is done through his spell stance and spell actions. When the spellblade chooses his spell stance (see below for full information on spell stances) that also determines what type of magic may be used during his spell action. If the sword mage successfully hits an enemy with his weapon in melee as part of a standard action attack, then he may attempt to unleash one of his prepared spells as a free action (called his spell action). The spellblade makes a skill check as determined by his spell stance, if that check is successful, he may use any prepared spell that is allowed by his current spell stance. Once that happens, the spellblade then immediately leaves his stance. The spellblade may NOT re-enter this stance on their next turn. If the spellblade should fail to successfully hit a target in melee with a standard action attack, or fail the spell action skill check, the spell may not be unleashed, nor is it gone from memory. The stance is retained and the spellblade may attempt the same attack again on the following turn.

SPELL STANCES Spell stances are unique to the spellblade. They represent the focus through which the spellblade combines his martial aptitude with his spell casting prowess. The spell stance allows the spellblade to turn his normal movements, and his martial attacks and maneuvers, into the somatic preparation for the unleashing of his stored magic. All spell stances give some benefit to your character. Each will give you some ability on your turn. Unlike normal stances used by someone like the fighter however, a spell stance has two additional elements, the Spell Action Skill and the Spell Action Keywords. The Spell Action Skill is the skill that must be checked on if the spellblade successfully hits with a melee attack and qualifies to take his spell action. This check is always at the moderate DC for the spellblade’s current level. If this check is successful, then the spellblade may cast a spell with his Spell Action. If the check is failed, then the spellblade may not cast a spell with that Spell Action, however the spellblade may remain in their current stance.

Exactly what spell can be cast is also determined by the spell stance. Each spell stance has Spell Action keywords; the spell cast with the spellblade’s Spell Action must have at least one of those keywords. If the spellblade no longer has any spells prepared with those keywords, then the spellblade may not cast a spell that round. Once the spell is successfully cast, the spellblade immediately leaves his current spell stance. The spellblade may NOT assume the same spell stance again during the next turn. Remember, if the initial Spell Action Skill check was failed, then the spellblade is not forced to leave their current stance.


Minor Assume a spell stance

Move -

Standard Melee attack –if successful, proceed to Spell Action Skill check

Free Spell Action Skill check at Moderate DC – if successful cast spell

Free Spell with keyword matching spell stance is cast and you leave your current spell stance

The spellblade may always choose to simply ignore this process and simply cast a spell or attack with their standard action as per the normal rules. If they choose to cast a spell with their standard action, they do not receive the special Spell Action but may use any type of spell regardless of their spell stance and they are not forced to leave the spell stance when the spell is resolved. At level 1, you will choose 2 stances. These may be either spell stances or normal stances, but your spell stance abilities only work with spell stances. At level 3, 7, 9, 12, 15 and 18 you may choose to either upgrade all of your existing stances or select a new stance.

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment. A spellblade’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A spellblade may use his Heroic Moment when they roll a natural 20 on a spell action skill check. The spellblade’s spell action attack automatically scores a critical hit against a single target of that spell. Alternatively, a spellblade may expend his Heroic Moment to cast 2 daily spells as part of a single spell action. The spellblade is then slowed (save ends) and may not save against this condition until the end of their next turn.

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INTRODUCTION The Wizard is the master of studied eldritch lore. For a wizard, magic is a mystery to study and unlock. Each day is spent in the pursuit of the perfect understanding of magic. Some follow this path for power, and indeed, a vast amount of that very thing lies at the end of a lifetime of arcane study, but not all mages are power hungry madmen, many are simple scholars. Whatever the reality of a wizard’s long term goals, the thing that they all have in common is the rigor, the unflinching pursuit, of the elements of arcane magic. The wizard does not have a great number of historical allegories, as the lack of magic in the real world inhibits such examples. Despite that, stories abound of people in history with magical power. Certainly characters such as Rasputin, Aleister Crowley and Edward Kelley would qualify. Literature has a much more vast number of characters to draw on. Literature gives us examples from Circe, Medea, Simon Magus, and Merlin up to more recent examples such as Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings. So what is a wizard? Is it a studious bookworm, an old man locked away in a tower deep in a swamp, a white-bearded grandfather blessed with otherworldly wisdom? Perhaps, but more often, it is a young man with a passion for learning, a young girl who has a memory that nothing seems to escape, or anyone who seeks to understand the vast and nearly unknowable universe of magic.

CLASS OVERVIEW The wizard is the master of arcane magic, and this manifests completely every time the wizard casts a spell. Where a warrior spends his time doing several small things which make him a dangerous and deadly force, the wizard spends his time investing in his magic, layering it, building it, constructing it from the raw essences of magic and then unleashing it upon his foes. Every spell a wizard casts is altered in some way by his base understanding of magic. A wizard spends his minor action often affecting his spell in some small way, applying a simple metamagic alteration to tailor the spell more to his current situation. The next choice the wizard makes is whether to push his investiture in the spell even further. Putting so much energy into a spell is dangerous and often destructive to the wizard’s mind and body. This more powerful metamagic is a move action. Finally, the wizard unleashes the spell, incanting the words that bring the unreal into the physical world.

CLASS STATISTICS Weapon Proficiencies: Staff, Dagger, Sling Armor Proficiencies: None Magic Proficiencies: Arcane (Learned)

Hit Points: You gain 2 additional hit points Hit Points Gained Each Level After 1st: 1d4+2 Reserve Healing Value Bonus: +1 Defense Bonus: +4 to Will Specialized Encounter Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Delving (Int/Str/Con), History (Int/Wis), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Nature (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis)

CLASS FEATURES TABLE 4.12: Wizard Class Progression Level Class Features Spells/Day Arcane

Masteries Metamagic

1 Specialization, Heroic Moment, Intelligent Mastery

3 (2) 5 1

2 4 7 2

3 6 9 3

4 7 (3) 11 4

5 Specialization Upgrade

9 13 5

6 10 15 6

7 12 17 7

8 Spell Mastery 13 (4) 19 8

9 15 22 9

10 17 25 10

11 19 27 11

12 Specialization Upgrade

20 (5) 30 12

13 22 32 13

14 24 35 14

15 26 38 15

16 Spell Mastery 27 (6) 41 16

17 28 44 17

18 Specialization Upgrade

29 47 18

19 30 50 19

20 30 (7) 53 20


st level, all wizards choose a specialization. This is a

representation of the type of spellcaster they are and this specialization directly affects their arcane magic both in the spells they cast and the way they cast them. This specialization is usually the result of the wizard’s own interests and drifts over time. Essentially, the more necromancy the character uses, the more skilled he becomes with necromancy and so the more necromancy he uses and so on. The magic and specialization become one in the same, a virtuous circle feeding each other over the years of the wizard’s magical career. The wizard receives an upgrade to this specialization at levels 5, 12 and 18 which is chosen off the specialization upgrade lists below.

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Specialization Short Description

Abjurer A master of protective magic

Diviner A prognosticator without arcane equal

Elementalist Shapers of the raw elements of the universe

Illusionist Their only limitation is their imagination

Necromancer Unrivaled lord of the dead

ABJURER Magic burns. Magic destroys. Magic ravages worlds. Magic defies the laws of nature, perhaps that is why those that practice it so often feel they may violate the laws of man and god. For every rule however, there is an exception, and in this case, that exception is the abjurer. The abjurer uses his magic to counter an enemy’s spell and turn aside an enemy’s blade. Abjurer’s create nearly impenetrable barriers and protect with unimaginable speed. Why is Abjuration the Best Specialization? Abjurer’s are the best specialists because no other wizard so thoroughly studies his own craft and the very nature of casting spells. Abjurers cast their spells with incredible alacrity and they can only achieve this through intense study and a nearly internalized root understanding of the way magic works, both their own and their enemy’s. Abjurer Features

Reflexive Protection: You may use any spell of the Abjuration school as a free action. You may use this ability once per round.

Studied Magic: You may prepare and cast one additional spell per day which must be a spell from the abjuration school.

You gain a +2 bonus to any Arcana check to identify a magic spell or school.

Abjurer Specialization Upgrades

At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your specialization. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Abjurer’s Intuition {R}: You may prepare and cast one additional spell of the abjuration school.

Arcanist: You gain an additional skill training in Arcana and Arcana counts as one of your

Specialized Skills.

Protector: You gain one additional use of Reflexive Protection each round.

Spontaneous Dispel: As a Standard Action attack, you may expend a prepared spell to immediately end any conjuration or zone within 10 squares. If the conjuration or zone was created by an enemy higher level than you, that enemy may make a saving throw. On a successful saving throw, the conjuration or zone is not affected. DIVINER Magic burns. Magic destroys. Magic ravages world, but all of that can be stopped, by one with the foresight to look beyond the senses, to see beyond sight. The diviner is the arcane master of divination magic, magic that either greatly enhances or goes

beyond the senses all together. The diviner is a specialist who spends their days looking into the future, into far away realms and into the hearts and minds of evil creatures. It should come as no surprise then that many diviners have lost themselves in their spells, madness now the only thing they see. Why is Diviner the Best Specialization? Diviner is the specialization for you if you love the idea of playing the character that can see it coming. If you like to feel as though your character has some intuition beyond what those around him see and experience, then diviner is

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a great choice. Diviners, like all prognosticators who spend so much time seeing beyond, also have the slight tinge of madness to them, as how many of their well intentioned warnings go unheeded before they begin to come unhinged. Diviner Features

Aware: You may not be surprised. Your allies must still roll as normal, but you may always take a standard action during the surprise round.

Studied Magic: You may prepare and cast one additional spell per day which must be a spell from the divination school.

Wizard Lore: You gain two additional divination spells in your spellbook at the start of play.

Diviner Specialization Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your specialization. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Diviner’s Intuition {R}: You may prepare and cast one additional spell of the divination school.

Improved Reflexive Action [Reflexive Action]: You may take a normal turn during the surprise round.

Reflexive Action: During the surprise round, you may also take a minor action.

See the Failure: Once during a skill engagement when you fail on a primary skill check, you may reroll that check with a +4 bonus. If you still fail at the check, you suffer double the normal penalty for failure.

ELEMENTALIST Magic burns. Magic destroys. Magic ravages worlds; and that is exactly the way an elementalist likes it. Though not every elementalist is a pyromaniac bent on lighting the world ablaze, it doesn’t take many such people to establish such a reputation. Elementalists specialize in the very core of magic, the elements that are the bones and blood of the world. They focus all their energies on taking the raw stuff of magic and using it to conjure forth fire, cold, lightning, thunder and more. The flashy nature of elemental magic means that these specialists are also the brashest of all mages, fearing nothing and destroying anything. Why is Elementalist the Best Specialization? Elementalist is the best specialization if you think the best defense is a good offense. A foe cannot harm you if he is frozen in a block of ice, or incinerated to a pile of ash, and those are exactly the sorts of things that an elementalist brings to the battle.

Elementalist Features

Specialist: You may choose a single element (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder). You may make this choice at the start of your career and once set it cannot be changed (though it can be retrained). If you choose an element, that element becomes your favored element. You gain resist 5 to your favored element and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with your favored element. You suffer a -5 penalty to damage rolls with all other listed elements above. If a spell has multiple types of damage and one of those is your favored element, the spell counts as being in your favored element and you do not suffer the penalty.

Meta-Master: You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against conditions imposed by your metamagic that increases the damage, range, area or number of targets of a spell.

Destructive: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with any spell of the conjuration school.

Elementalist Specialization Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your specialization. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Elementalist’s Intuition {R}: You may prepare and cast one additional spell of the conjuration school that has the acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder keyword.

Favored Element Enhancement{R}: If you selected a favored element, you may select this ability. Each time you do so, your resistance to your favored element increases by 5 and your damage bonus increases by 2, however, your penalty to damage with the other elements listed also increases by 5.

Favored Element Mastery: If you selected favored element, you may select this ability. Anytime you successfully hit with a spell of your favored element and the target has resistance or immunity to your favored element, the target must make a saving throw. On a failed save, the resistance or immunity to this spell does not apply.

Punishing Destruction [Favored Element Mastery]: The saving throw for your favored element mastery suffers a -1 penalty.

ILLUSIONIST Magic burns. Magic destroys. Magic ravages worlds, or at least, that’s what it seems like it’s doing to those that

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witness your magic. The illusionist is the master of chicanery, of misdirection, and of confusion. Illusionists may be the most powerful wizards, because their spells truly create something from nothing, and the only limit to that creation, is their imagination. Why is Illusionist the Best Specialization? Illusionists are the best specialization for you if you love creating and tapping your imagination to defeat enemies and overcome challenges. Illusionists have to be cunning, clever and resourceful, for in the end, everything they are doing, is just an illusion. If you like a challenge that also lets you flex your imagination muscle, illusionist is for you. Illusionist Features

Autonomous Illusions: If an illusion spell requires concentration, it gains a duration of 5 minutes for you. The illusions will still react as though you are commanding them (e.g. pretending to be hit, etc).

Sprawling Illusion: If you use an illusion spell that has an area, you increase that area by 10 x 10 (2 x 2 squares).

Studied Magic: You may prepare and cast one additional spell per day which must be a spell from the illusion school.

Wise to the Tricks: You gain a +1 talent bonus to saving throws against spells of the illusion school.

Illusionist Specialization Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your specialization. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Illusionist’s Intuition {R}: You may prepare and cast one additional spell of the illusion school.

Improved Sprawling Illusion {R}: The area of your illusions increases by an additional 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4 squares) for each time you select this ability.

The Fear is Real {R}: Any time an enemy fails a saving throw against one your illusion spells in any way, they also suffer 5 psychic damage for each time you have selected this ability.

NECROMANCER Magic burns. Magic destroys. Magic ravages worlds; at least, that is what it does if you have no imagination or skill. For those who have truly studied the arts of the arcane, such simple magic of destruction is but a pedantic show of fireworks. Those with true talent and mastery of the arcane have learned that not even death itself can stand as a barrier to their power. So many wizards can take life away, how many can grant it, or at least something close to it?

Why is Necromancer the Best Specialization? Necromancers are the best choice for your character if you love the idea of someone using the powers of death and darkness to be a hero (or not). If you like the idea of raising the dead to do your bidding as you cast baleful spells that literally flay the souls of your victims, then look no further. Though necromancer is dark, it is not necessarily evil or even grim. Your necromancer may view undead as a tool, no different than a summoned elemental or a constructed golem. Whether the rest of the world agrees, may be a different story. Necromancer Features

Companion: You may choose a single necromancy spell you know with the summoning keyword. This spell gains the persist keyword. You may now summon any creatures from that spell and they remain until destroyed. This spell may be active over and above the normal limit of 1 persist spell. At each level you may choose to apply this benefit to a new spell you know.

Studied Magic: You may prepare and cast one additional spell per day which must be a spell from the necromancy school.

You gain a +2 bonus Arcana or Religion checks to identify magic or creatures of the undead.

Necromancer Specialization Upgrades At level 5, 12 and 18, you gain an upgrade in your specialization. These represent additional powers you have gained as you advance both in your studies and the manipulation of the arcane energies of the universe. At each of the listed levels, you may choose a single benefit from the list below. If the ability has an {R} beside it, you may select this ability multiple times.

Empowered Servant: The creature(s) from your Companion feature are not merely defeated when they reach 0 hit points as per normal companions. During a breather, they may be returned to fighting strength as per normal companions without additional castings of the spell. Alternatively, you may use a standard action during combat to animate a single fallen creature as per animate dead to replace a defeated underling. You may only replace defeated underlings in this way and the raised creature must be of the same type and have the same upgrades as the defeated underling. Your normal maximum number of animated creatures applies as normal.

Life from Death {R}: Whenever you kill an enemy or reduce them below 0 hit points, you may gain 5 temporary hit points. Each additional time you

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select this ability increases the temporary hit points gained by 5.

Necromancer’s Intuition {R}: You may prepare and cast one additional spell of the necromancy school.

Power over Undead: You gain the Turn Undead ability of the cleric. You are treated as a follower of a god of death and your turn dominates on failure as opposed to rendering helpless or destroying.

ARCANE MAGIC The most defining aspect of any wizard is their mastery over arcane magic. The Wizard lives, breathes, eats and sleeps the study of arcane magic. It was once said “there is no such thing as a lazy wizard, we call those bards.” There is some truth to that sentiment as becoming a wizard requires years of focused study and discipline. It is no easy road and many fall short of the task. Arcane magic is difficult to wield and channeling it can be destructive to both mind and body. Only years of careful research and thoughtful examination leads one to be a successful wizard. One advantage that wizards have over other casters is that their magic is learned. This means there is no real limit to what they can learn. Though there may be a maximum amount of magic they can safely channel in a given day, there is no limit to what their spellbook may contain and indeed many old mages find themselves surrounded by tome upon tome containing untold riches of arcane secrets. Because mages spend their lives in study of magic, they also have more ability with metamagic than any other caster. It should be no surprise that those who spend their lives in pursuit of understanding magic, understand magic better than their peers. Spells Known Wizards do not have a maximum number of spells known like other casters. Instead, a wizard may learn any number of spells, all of which are copied into his spellbook. A wizard’s spellbook is not necessarily a large leather bound tome, though certainly many use such an item. A wizard could have sheets of demon skin scrolled in angel blood, he might have a book bound in bark with giant leaves magically treated so as to never dry out. Any fantastical thing could be a spellbook but there is one property that all spellbooks share. They are an external physical thing that is written on. This book contains all of the information the wizard needs to internalize the spell and most mages would sooner die than abandon their spellbook. The wizard begins play at level 1 with 5 spells in his spellbook. From that point on, the wizard must find and accrue spells through adventuring to add to his repertoire. Spells Per Day Every wizard has a certain number of spells that he can cast each day. This number represents the maximum amount of

arcane energy that the wizard’s mind can hold without snapping like a twig. At the start of any day, the wizard spends a short amount of time (15 minutes) reading over his spellbook. The wizard then decides which of the spells from his book he will memorize and have available that day. The wizard can cast only the spells that he has memorized. He may memorize multiple copies of a single spell if he would like, though a wise wizard knows his true strength lies in the versatility of magic available to him. So if, for example, a 1

st level wizard had magic missile,

elemental blast and wizard armor in his spellbook and was capable of memorizing 2 spells per day, he could choose to have magic missile and wizard armor or 2 copies of magic missile or any such combination. In addition, the wizard is a master of magic, and some of his magic may be used at-will. When setting what spells he memorizes, he must also allocate which spells he will memorize as at-wills. The wizard starts with 2 at-will spells and gains 1 additional at-will spell for each 4 level gained (4, 8, 12, 16 and 20). At-will spells may be used as often as the wizard likes, but they may never have upgrades of any kind applied, unless they are benefitting from Spell Mastery (see below). See the Magic section for additional details on at-will spells. The wizard may apply any of his known metamagic (whether minor or major) as he is preparing to cast the spell (as his minor and major actions that round). Arcane Masteries Unlike divine magic, which is granted in nearly finished form directly by a deity, arcane magic is made by the will of the caster from the raw energy of the universe. As mages study their magic and become more adept with it, so do they discover new ways to employ the magic. They learn new ways to stretch and change the spell so that it becomes larger, more powerful or just an altogether new form. These advancements in the spell’s application are represented by Arcane Masteries. The wizard gets a large number of them due to his lifetime of study on the subject. At each level, you may gain some number of arcane masteries. Each of these masteries is then applied to a spell you know. From that point on, when you prepare the spell at the start of the day, you are now preparing your more advanced version. The exception to this is the spells prepared in your at-will slots, which always function without upgrade. For example, our wizard above knew magic missile and so upon leveling, decides to place an upgrade into that spell. The player looks at the spell’s entry and sees that there are several arcane masteries to unlock. After reading the list, the player decides to take Additional Missile, increasing the number of magic missiles produced by the spell by 1. From now on, when the wizard casts the spell, an additional arcane missile will be produced. Metamagic The magic of arcane casters is brought into the world by their own will. The caster grabs the raw energies of the

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universe and forces reality to change in the ways he or she wishes. Two things should come as no surprise from this. First, the act of conjuring magic is not easy and second, the will of the person summoning the magic plays a large part in how that spell actually manifests. It is within this paradigm that metamagic has its home. Metamagic is the manipulation of a spell, of the raw energies of magic, at the most base level. Some metamagic effects are more simple, and easy for an experienced caster to apply (these are generally minor actions), some metamagic, however, is more draining to the caster and can wrack their mind and body when used (these are generally move actions and require saving throws to avoid conditions at the end of the turn). The wizard gains metamagic according to table 4.11 and the full list of metamagic can be found in the Magic chapter. Wizards are the unrivaled masters of metamagic, as they spend more time researching and studying magic than any other caster. The wizard may apply any of his known metamagic (whether minor or major) as he is preparing to cast the spell (as his minor and major actions that round).

Action Type Metamagic

Minor Minor Metamagic

Move Major Metamagic

Standard Spell

None Any save resultant from Major Metamagic at end of turn

INTELLIGENT MASTERY You receive a number of additional spells in your spellbook and Arcane Masteries equal to your Intelligence modifier. If your intelligence modifier should increase, you gain additional spells and Arcane Masteries commensurate with this increase.

HEROIC MOMENT In every fight, there comes a moment where the battle could be won or lost. It is in this moment, where true heroes dig deep, and prove themselves. It is in this moment where heroes are separated from the rabble, where greatness is parsed from luck. All characters begin each day with one Heroic Moment. They gain an additional Heroic Moment for every 2 Heroic Reserves spent, however a character may never have more than one Heroic Moment (so they should be not be held onto, but used when a good situation presents itself). A wizard’s Heroic Moment is defined below. A wizard may use his Heroic Moment to automatically succeed on a saving throw resultant from the application of a Major Metamagic. Alternatively, the wizard may choose instead to use his Heroic moment when casting a prepared daily spell. That prepared spell is not expended.

SPELL MASTERY The wizard is such the penultimate master of magic that even the nature of his ability to manifest at-will magic is beyond his spellcaster kin. At level 8, the wizard may select a single spell he currently has in his spell book. When preparing that spell in an at-will slot, the wizard may prepare that at-will with a single Arcane Mastery that does not have a level requirement and that the wizard has previously selected and use the at-will with this upgrade. This is an exception to the normal rule that at-will spells may never have upgrades of any kind. At level 16, the wizard may select a second spell to apply this benefit to and both spells may have any single Arcane Mastery applied that either has no level requirement or a level requirement of no higher than level 5.

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INTRODUCTION Heroic Arcs are the final leg of you character after race and class. Saying you are a dwarven paladin certainly communicates a great deal of information about your character, but it there is still a large piece missing. A dwarven paladin bounty hunter is certainly going to be a great deal different than a dwarven paladin vampire. This, then, is the third leg of character creation, the heroic arc. This communicates something important about who your character is on a day to day basis and what defines them. A character may not think of himself in the terms of being a “cleric” but if that cleric had the clergy heroic arc, that is most likely a large part of that character’s daily life. The various aspects of heroic arc are fully detailed within this chapter followed by an available heroic arc list. Obviously, this does not represent all possible heroic arcs and in addition to the advice offered here, you are encouraged to work with your GM to create a heroic arc apropos to your character if you cannot find or adapt anything within these pages. Throughout your career as an adventurer, if you are successful, you will gain 3 heroic arc choices.

HEROIC ARC CHOICES At level 1 and then again at levels 8 and 16, all characters gain a heroic arc choice. This means that character may select a heroic arc and apply its benefits and effects to their character. The heroic arc choice is a large one, as it more

than anything else, defines how your character perceives himself on a daily basis. Each time you gain a heroic arc choice, you may choose to either select a new heroic arc (as will always be the case at level 1) or choose a previously selected heroic arc again. Each time you select the same heroic arc, you advance in your abilities within that heroic arc and your title as a member of that heroic arc changes. For example, the first time you select the Vampire heroic arc, you are merely a vampire. If you select this heroic arc a second time, you become a master vampire. If you select this heroic arc a third time, you become a vampire lord. The titles themselves do not have any direct mechanical effect, but represent your character’s increasing level of investment into that heroic arc. The mechanical benefits are that certain heroic arc upgrades provide additional or enhanced abilities for each time you have selected the

heroic arc or may only be able to be taken if you have selected the heroic arc multiple times.

Certain heroic arcs can only be chosen once you have achieved certain levels. If this is the case, it will be clearly listed under Titles that the heroic arc cannot be selected until 8

th or



BENEFITS OF A HEROIC ARC A heroic arc adds to your character, but how? A heroic arc adds to you character in 3 ways; Heroic Arc Statistics, Universal Features and Heroic Arc Upgrades, each of those is described in detail below.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS These represent simple mechanical benefits that are gained by taking the

heroic arc such as bonuses to hit points or defenses. Each time you select a heroic arc, you gain all bonuses listed under Heroic Arc Statistics. If you are selecting a heroic arc you have chosen before, then you gain the benefits of the

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Heroic Arc Statistics again (e.g. if a heroic arc grants you 4 hit points, you gain 4 hit points each time you select that heroic arc). If the heroic arc grants a bonus with a type (such as a +1 talent bonus to defenses) your talent bonus simply increases by the amount gained (i.e. the second +1 talent bonus granted by the heroic arc statistics means you have a +2 total talent bonus). These modifications are generally simple and rarely conditional. Once they are gained, they are now simply a part of your character.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES Universal features represent the indelible thing that all members of that heroic arc have. Though not all vampires have the ability to summon bats and wolves or turn to mist, all vampires are undead, require blood and are vulnerable to sunlight.. No matter how many times you select a heroic arc, you only ever gain the Universal Features once (e.g. you only become undead once when you become a vampire).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Heroic Arc upgrades are the central way that benefits are accrued through heroic arcs. Over the life of your heroic arc, you will get several heroic arc upgrades (see the Heroic Arc table). Each time you receive an upgrade, you must select a single upgrade from the list available to you in your current heroic arc. For example, if your first selection was Clergy at level 1 and at level 8 you selected Solider to represent your character’s new found respect for martial combat, when you get your heroic arc upgrade at level 10, you would have to select an upgrade from the Soldier heroic arc. The benefit bestowed by heroic arc upgrades often increases the more times you select a heroic arc. For example, a heroic arc upgrade might say you receive a +2 bonus to damage with weapon attacks for each time you have selected this heroic arc. This applies to the past or future selections of that heroic arc. For example, if you select Vampire at level 1 and your first upgrade is Weapon Resistance, which gives you resist physical 5 for each time you have selected the heroic arc and you chose Vampire again at level 8, upon selecting that heroic arc at 8, you would now have resist physical 10. Some heroic arcs upgrades may list a benefit akin to if you have selected this heroic arc three times, in this case, immediately upon selecting the heroic arc the required number of times, you gain the additional benefit listed. Finally, some heroic arc upgrades may not be taken until you have selected a heroic arc a specific number of times (i.e. 2 or 3 times), these represent more powerful abilities of the creature or concept the heroic arc represents and to have access to such abilities, the heroic arc must become a larger part of your character.

The table below shows the progression for heroic arcs and when character gains both Heroic Arc Choices and Heroic Arc Upgrades. Table 5.1: Heroic Arc Progression

Level Selection or Progression

1 Heroic Arc Choice


3 Heroic Arc Upgrade


5 Heroic Arc Upgrade


7 Heroic Arc Upgrade

8 Heroic Arc Choice


10 Heroic Arc Upgrade


12 Heroic Arc Upgrade


14 Heroic Arc Upgrade


16 Heroic Arc Choice

17 Heroic Arc Upgrade


19 Heroic Arc Upgrade


OTHER REPRESENTATIONS The final entry in each heroic arc is a section called other representations. Heroic Arcs are very specific in the way they are presented, but the mechanics and rules they offer could very well represent a wide array of possible character concepts beyond those few we have listed here. This section details a few other ideas of what this heroic arc could be used to create with only slight modifications. You are encouraged to work with your GM to make such slight changes or simply change the name if you are happy with the base mechanics to use a new heroic arc that you feel better portrays the story you are attempting to tell through your character.

HEROIC ARCS & ADVANCING ITEMS Many heroic arcs grant advancing magic items in various ways. Anytime you are granted an advancing magic item by a heroic arc, or given the chance to upgrade an advancing magic item, if you already have an advancing magic item, you may instead choose to upgrade your existing item.

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HEROIC ARC LIST The remainder of this chapter describes the heroic arcs available; you can find an overview of those heroic arcs below. Table 5.2: Heroic Arc List

Heroic Arc Description

Alienist Spellcaster tapping into alien realms of madness

Affinity for Nature

A dabbler in the powers of nature

Affinity for the Arcane

A dabbler in arcane magic

Affinity for the Divine

A dabbler in divine magic

Affinity for War A dabbler in the ways of martial combat

Archeologist An explorer of ancient civilizations

Artificer A maker of magical and alchemical items

Assassin A hired killer

Barbarian A warrior of fury and rage

Bounty Hunter A hunter of criminals and outlaws

Clergy A member of a divine organization or church

Combat Medic One who treats the ill and wounded

Commander A leader of men and master of war

Demigod The scion of a divine being

Detective Brilliant clue finder and mystery solver

Dungeon Explorer

A specialist in enemy fortress and compound infiltration and wealth recovery

Empath Spellcasting controller of emotions

Entropist Master of decay

Gladiator Warrior fighting to the death for sport

Guild Mage Member of a magic organization

Guild Thief A member of an organization of con-men, thugs and burglars

High Mage A powerful master of arcane magic

Host One body, two minds

Kensei Sword saint, the master of a weapon

Lich Arcane caster given eternal life through undeath

Lycanthrope A were creature

Mummy A divine caster given eternal life through undeath

Nightmare Incarnate

Spellcasting master of fear

Noble One of a royal bloodline

Occult Slayer Hunter of all things magical

Outrider Mounted warrior and scout

Perfected Warrior

Unparalleled champion of martial combat

Racial Paragon Champion of your race

Returned with a Purpose

One who has come back from the dead to complete a quest

Rune Caster Master of an ancient language of power

Scourge of the Sea

A pirate and pillager of the oceans

Soldier A member of a military organization

Street Magician Master of trickery and illusion

Totem Warrior A warrior who draws on primal animal spirits

Tribal Shaman A primal mystic and magic-user

Vampire An immortal blood drinker

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st Selection: Nature Initiate


Selection: Nature’s Friend 3

rd Selection: Nature Adept

PREREQUISITE You may not have an animal companion or the Loyal Companion Heroic Talent the first time you select this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Though you are not a druid or a ranger, you have learned how to be one with the wild places of the world. Perhaps you were raised in the wild, or were simply an outcast from your own society, driven to live in such extremes. Whatever the source, some of the power of nature is now yours to command.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Animal Friend: You gain your choice of a bodyguard or predator companion of the animal type (see Chapter 13).

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Nature Knowledge: You gain a skill training in Nature. Trusted Companion: You gain one additional upgrade for your animal companion off of their respective list. Specialized Skills: Nature (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Additional Training {R}: You may select one additional upgrade for your companion. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Deadly Friends {R}: Your animal companion gains a +2 bonus to damage for each time you select this ability. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Heroic Advantage: You may expend your Heroic Moment when attacking a target adjacent to your Animal Friend, you gain advantage for that attack. Nature’s Blessing {R}: Choose a single spell from the Animal, Nature, Plant or Weather domain. You may cast that spell once per day. You count as being proficient in this spell, but you do not gain proficiency in divine magic. You

may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Nature Lore: When you use Nature as a primary skill in a skill engagement, if you roll a critical success, this counts as 2 successes instead of 1. Take Down: Whenever your animal companion scores a critical hit against an enemy you are also adjacent to, that enemy is also knocked prone. Terrain Mastery: Choose a single terrain type from the Ranger’s terrain list. You and your animal companion may ignore difficult terrain in this terrain when using your move action to walk.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as one with affinity for nature, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A character raised by wolves.

A druid expelled from the order before his training was complete.

A being chosen by a god or nature spirit to wield divine power for a greater purpose.

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st Selection: Arcane Initiate


Selection: Arcane Friend 3

rd Selection: Arcane Adept

PREREQUISITE You may not have proficiency in Arcane magic the first time you select this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Though you are not a wizard or a sorcerer, you have learned how to channel and wield a small amount of arcane energy. Perhaps you are a virtuoso who simply discovered additional magical abilities, or perhaps you absconded with a wizard’s spellbook and managed to piece together some of the most basic formulae. Whatever the source, some of the power of the arcane is now yours to command.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Source Agnostic: You may choose to be either a granted, learned or innate caster for your Arcane magic proficiency. Whatever your choice, you do not use that table, but instead only gain spells known and per day according to your selections in this heroic arc. Magic Proficiency: You gain proficiency in Arcane magic

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 2 additional hit points Spell Knowledge: You may select a single Arcane spell. You may now prepare and cast this spell once per day. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Additional Learning {R}: You may learn one additional spell. Your total number of spells per day does not change. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Additional Spell {R}: You may prepare and cast one additional spell per day. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc Arcane Mastery {R}: You gain a single Arcane Mastery that you can apply to a single spell that you know. You may not

apply a number of Arcane Masteries to a spell greater than the number of times you have selected this heroic arc. Heroic Magic: You may expend your Heroic Moment when casting a spell. If you do, that use of the spell does not expend your use of that spell for the day. Magic Crafter: Choose a single type of magic item (e.g. weapons, armor, etc) for each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may create magic items of that type as per the imbue magic item ritual. Metamagic Friend: You must have selected this heroic arc at least twice to choose this upgrade. You gain a single Minor Metamagic you may apply to spells you cast. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you gain a Major Metamagic. You may never use more than one Metamagic on a single spell you cast in a given round.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a Friend of the Arcane, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A character with an unknown source of power in his blood.

A neophyte wizard expelled from his school before completing his training.

A being cursed with dark powers by a god or because of an item he carries

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st Selection: Divine Initiate


Selection: Divine Friend 3

rd Selection: Divine Adept

PREREQUISITE You may not have proficiency in Divine magic the first time you select this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Though you are not a cleric or a paladin, you have learned how to channel and wield a small amount of divine energy. Perhaps you have the blood of an angelic being within you, perhaps you have been chosen by a deity for a greater purpose. Whatever the source, some of the power of the divine is now yours to command.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Granted Magic: You are considered a granted spellcaster for all game elements related to this heroic arc. Domains: Choose a single domain of the god you worship, you may only learn and cast spells from this domain. Magic Proficiency: You gain proficiency in Divine magic.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Spell Knowledge: You may select a single divine spell. You may now prepare and cast this spell once per day. Specialized Skills: Religion (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Additional Learning {R}: You may learn one additional spell. Your total number of spells per day does not change. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Additional Spell {R}: You may prepare and cast one additional spell per day. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Destroyer of the Dead: You may use Turn Undead once per day as a Cleric for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Unlike a Cleric, you do not need to expend a prepared daily spell to manifest this ability. Divine Mystery {R}: You gain a single Divine Mystery that you can apply to a single spell that you know. You may not

apply a number of Divine Mysteries to a spell greater than the number of times you have selected this heroic arc. Enemy of Hell: You gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls with standard action attacks against demons and devils and a +1 bonus to defenses against the attacks of demons and devils for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Heroic Magic: You may expend your Heroic Moment when casting a spell. If you do, that use of the spell does not expend your use of that spell for the day.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a Friend of the Divine, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A character with an unknown source of power in his blood.

An acolyte priest expelled from his church before completing his training.

A being chosen by a god to wield divine power for a greater purpose.

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st Selection: War Initiate


Selection: War’s Friend 3

rd Selection: War Adept

PREREQUISITE You may not have the skill action class feature the first time you select this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Though you are not a fighter or rogue, you have learned how to use talent and skill to overcome your enemies. Perhaps you were an unusual student of a great master. Perhaps you are simply innately talented. Whatever the source, you are able to channel that talent to be a most dangerous combatant.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Proficiency: You gain proficiency in military weapons and a single armor of your choice. You must have proficiency in armor with the cumbersome property to select any armor with the cumbersome property and you must have proficiency in a shield to select any shield. Skill Action: Select a single skill action. You may use this skill action as a minor action. The skill action may only affect standard action weapon attacks. If you roll a failure when attempting a skill action, you may not use that skill action again during that encounter. Set-Up: Choose a single set-up from General Set-Ups (See Chapter 8, Set-Ups). You may use that set-up once in any encounter.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Skill Training: Choose either Athleticism or Endurance. You gain training in that skill. Toughened for Combat: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 1. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below.

Athletic Practice: When you use Athleticism as a primary skill in a skill engagement, if you roll a critical success, this counts as 2 successes instead of 1. Deadly Training {R}: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with standard action weapon attacks. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Endurance Training: When you use Endurance as a primary skill in a skill engagement, if you roll a critical success, this counts as 2 successes instead of 1. Exotic Weapon Training {R}: You gain proficiency in a single exotic weapon of your choice. You also gain a +2 bonus to damage with standard action attacks made with that weapon if it deals damage. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Heroic Skill: You may expend your Heroic Moment when making an Athleticism or Endurance check as part of a skill engagement, you may roll twice and take the higher of the two rolls. Set Them Up: You may score a critical hit on a 19-20 with standard action weapon attacks in any round where you use a set-up gained from this heroic arc. If you select this heroic arc two times, you also knock any enemy critically hit prone. If you select this heroic arc three times, that enemy is also impaired (save ends). Stance Training [Warrior’s Stance] {R}: You gain a single upgrade for the stance you selected with Warrior’s Stance. You must meet all prerequisites for that stance as normal. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Warrior’s Stance: You must have selected this heroic arc at least twice to select this upgrade. You may select a single general stance from the Stances chapter. You gain this stance. You may remain in that stance for one round in each encounter for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as one with affinity for war, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A character raised from birth to be a warrior/assassin.

A young soldier expelled from the military.

A being possessing a weapon that grants the abilities of a great warrior.

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st Selection: Child of Madness


Selection: Whisper in the Darkness 3

rd Selection: The Other

PREREQUISITE You must have the ability to cast spells.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW This is a multiverse of rules, a world where things happen according to laws, a reality where things generally make sense. But just outside of our own world is another, a place of pure madness, a place of chaos, a realm where insanity is king and terror its only consort. The alienist believes that there is power to be had from this realm and taps into it for their own magic. Such experimentation is not often without cost, and many alienists eventually stare into the abyss for far too long.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Otherworldly Source: You may choose to cast your spells with the power of this alien other realm. Whenever you cast a spell, you may choose for it to be maddened. If you do, the spell gains the psychic keyword and deals psychic damage (if it deals damage). Any sentient creature with an Intelligence of greater than 3 suffers 5 +1/2 level psychic damage each time they fail a saving throw against such a spell. Dangerous Source: Whenever you cast a spell using Otherworldly source and you roll a natural 1 on any attack roll required by the spell, you are stunned (save ends).

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points. Madness Inured: You gain a +2 bonus to will defense. Toughened Mind: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 2. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Endurance (Str/Con), Intuition (Wis/Cha).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Crippling Madness: Whenever an enemy fails a saving throw against a spell you have applied Otherworldly Source to, they are also impaired until they make their first

successful saving throw against that spell. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, they are instead slowed and on the second failed save they are helpless. Feedback: Whenever any target successfully dominates you, that target is stunned (save ends). If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you treat the dominated condition as slowed and the above penalty still applies to your enemies. Infused with Madness: Any spell you cast with the psychic keyword that deals damage deals an additional 2 damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, spells you cast with the psychic keyword can also score a critical hit on a 19-20. Mind Destroyer: Anytime an enemy fails a saving throw against a spell you have cast using Otherworldly Source, that enemy also suffers a -1 penalty to Will for each time you have selected this heroic arc until they succeed on a saving throw against that spell. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, any psychic resistance the target has is also reduced by 10 for each time you have selected the heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc 3 times, these penalties are permanent. No More Fears: You gain a +2 bonus to defenses against any attack with the fear keyword for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you also gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against such effects. Otherworld’s Intuition: Once per day for each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may know the answer to a single question asked of you, regardless of your actual knowledge. If a narrative question is asked of you, the GM will answer the question with whatever your connection to the realm of insanity provides. If you willingly use this ability in a skill engagement, you may substitute Arcana for any other single skill check and roll twice, taking the highest result. Psychic Interference: You gain resist 5 psychic for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, this increases to resist 10 for each time you have selected the heroic arc. Secrets of Power {R}: You may select a single Arcane Mastery (if you have Arcane Proficiency) or a single Divine Mystery (if you have Divine Proficiency) and immediately apply it to a single spell you know. You may not select this ability more times that you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as an alienist, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A character who witnessed a terrible incident and is now broken.

A character whose mind was shattered by a powerful artifact.

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st Selection: Tomb Delver


Selection: Ruin Hunter 3

rd Selection: Master of the Ancient World

PREREQUISITE You must have a skill training in History and Ancient History.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are an archeologist, a discoverer of long forgotten truths, lore and treasures. Many adventurers find long forgotten pieces of art, brilliantly cut gems and potent magic items in the course of their adventure, but you understand these items and their significance.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Historical Knowledge: You may use History to identify magic items instead of Arcana. Unusual Tactics: You gain proficiency in a single exotic weapon of your choice.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Bonus Language: You gain an additional mundane language of your choice. Great Find: You gain an Advancing Magic Item of your choice from a previous excursion. This item advances automatically each additional time you select this heroic arc beyond first and you do not gain any additional items. Historical Knowledge: You gain a skill training in History. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Trap Defenses: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against the attacks of traps and hazards. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Delving (Str/Con/Int), Endurance (Str/Con), History (Int/Wis) Nature (Int/Wis), Perception (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis) Specialized Narrative Skills: Ancient History (Int/Wis)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Ancient Knowledge: When you use History to identify a magic item, if you are successful, you may also determine if the item is cursed. If you have selected this arc twice, you are immune to the curse and may begin making checks to redeem the item immediately.

Ancient Lore: You call upon long forgotten knowledge to answer a question or query before the player (such as where is the secret vault of Count Dlaner or similar esoteric lore). If the GM decides that this information is within your possible knowledge and lore, then the question is answered. You may have one such question answered per level for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Alternatively, you may use this ability once per encounter when using a primary knowledge skill in a skill engagement. You gain a +4 bonus to that check. Cultural Knowledge: You gain a +2 bonus to Interaction checks for each time you have selected this heroic arc with creatures whose native language you speak and you gain one additional mundane language. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, anytime you are engaged a skill engagement involving creatures to whom this bonus applies, when using Interaction as a primary skill, a critical success grants you 2 success instead of 1. In addition, when selecting a new language, you may choose supernatural languages. Curse & Fear Inured: You gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws against effects or conditions with the Curse or Fear keyword for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you select this heroic arc three times, you are immune to attacks and effects with the Curse or Fear keyword. Guardian Foe: Ancient knowledge is often guarded by ancient creatures. You gain a +4 bonus to damage against creatures of the Construct or Undead type for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also use History to identify such creatures as a Monster Knowledge skill use instead of their normal skills. History Lesson: Once per encounter for each time you have selected this ability, whenever you or an ally fails on a skill check, you may make a History check. If you achieve at least the Hard DC, the check may be rerolled. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you grant a +2 bonus to this second roll. Toughened Explorer: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 2 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Use Magic Device: You must have selected this heroic arc twice to select this upgrade. You gain the Use Magic Device ability of the rogue. If you already have this ability or later gain it, you gain a +2 bonus to the saving throw made when attempting rituals from ritual scrolls.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as an archeologist, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

An loremaster or similar scholar

A construct from a long forgotten culture suddenly reanimated.

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st Selection: Maker


Selection: Enchanter 3

rd Selection: Creator

PREREQUISITE You must have the ability to cast the imbue magic item ritual.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a maker, a crafter, a creator. So many beings in the world seek destruction, seek only to unmake, but you follow a different path. Perhaps you brew magical concoctions, perhaps you make legendary weapons or perhaps you actually create other beings. Your only limitation on your creations is your imagination.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Imbuer: Whenever you use a spell to provide a magic bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls or defenses, that bonus increases by 1. This does not apply to items you create.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Creator’s Recovery: After you expend your full amount of Heroic Reserves when creating a magic item, you regain 1 Heroic Reserve for each time you have selected this heroic arc. This does not affect the total amount required each day, and all normal Reserves must be paid before this benefit is gained. Hit Points: You gain 3 additional hit points Skilled Crafter: You reduce the time to create items by 1 day for each time you have selected this heroic arc. When making items that requires less than 1 day, you may create 1 additional item per day for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Delving (Str/Con/Int), Endurance (Str/Con), Nature (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Brewer: When creating a consumable potion with a creation time of less than 1 day, you may produce 1 additional potion of that type within a single day of work for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

Golem: You gain a bodyguard or brute companion as per Loyal Companion of the construct or undead type from Familiars, Followers, Cohorts and Companions (Chapter 13). This creature has the standard upgrade choices. The creature gains 1 additional upgrade choice of any type including utility for each time you have selected this heroic arc. You may not select both this ability and Loyal Companion. Homunculus Assistants: You create a group of small magical assistants. These may have whatever shape or form you like, but they have no combat capabilities. These count as a single contingent of Apprentice Sages (selecting Arcana) or Faithful (selecting Religion) for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, your assistants increase the amount of Heroic Reserves you regain with Creator’s Recovery by 1. Knowledge of Constructs: When you use monster knowledge to identify a Construct and achieve at least the Moderate DC, you gain a +2 bonus to damage and Resist 2 all against that creature for each time you have selected this heroic arc for the remainder of the encounter. If you achieve the Hard DC on this check, the bonus and resist increases +5 and Resist All 5, respectively. Mass Enchanter: You may target one additional weapon when casting enchant weapon for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Personal Armament: Select a single magic weapon or armor of your level or lower. You gain this item as an advancing magic item. This item advances automatically each time you select this heroic arc. Quick Crafter: You reduce the time it takes to imbue magic item by an additional 1 day for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, when making items of level 17+, this reduces the time by 10 days for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Restorative Tonic: Once per day for each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may brew a simple potion. Those who imbibe this tonic gain 10 temporary hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc. These tonics last 24 hours.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as an artificer, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

An idiot savant inventor

A construct seeking to make more of himself.

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st Selection: Hired Killer


Selection: Wet Works Specialist 3

rd Selection: Death

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a killer, pure and simple. Your overt motivation may vary, some kill purely for money, some have rules like no children or innocents, some do it just for the thrill, but no matter the reasoning, the justification or the rules, you are a killer, and your business is blood.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. All Alone: You gain advantage against any target that does not have a creature adjacent to it or that you are the only creature adjacent to. Vision: You gain low-light vision.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points. Deadly Advantage: You gain a +3 bonus to damage on all attacks you make with advantage. Stealth Training: You gain a skill training in Stealth. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Perception (Int/Wis). Stealth (Dex/Cha), Streetwise (Int/Cha) and Thievery (Dex/Cha).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Art of Stealth: When hidden, you are not automatically detected by Scent. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may not be automatically detected by any advanced senses such as blindsight. Bearers of such senses must win an opposed Perception roll to spot you as normal. Deadlier Advantage: You gain an additional +3 bonus to damage with Deadly Advantage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also score a critical hit on such a standard action attack on a 19-20. Lights Out: As a standard action, you may make the area in a 50 foot radius (10 squares) around you dim light (if the conditions are normally brighter). If you have taken this heroic arc twice, you may do so as a move action. If you have taken this heroic arc three times, you may do so as a minor action and the area becomes darkness as opposed to

dim light. This change in lighting conditions lasts until you leave the area of effect, the area does not move with you. Masque of Death: When using Interaction to intimidate a foe into surrendering, you gain a +4 bonus to this check for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, your target is impaired (save ends) regardless of the result of their save against the intimidation. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, the target is slowed (save ends) instead of impaired. Nerve Strike: When you score a critical hit with a weapon attack, your target is also slowed (save ends). If you have selected this heroic arc twice, your target also suffers ongoing 10 physical damage until they save against the slowed condition. If you have selected this heroic arc 3 times, your target is stunned instead of slowed. Poisoner: Your weapon attacks deal an additional 2 poison damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, this poison damage ignores all resistance to poison. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, this damage also ignores all immunity to poison. Shadow Stalker: You gain the teleport spell which you can use without upgrades and at-will with the exception that you can only use it moving through areas of shadow, dim light, or to move from being adjacent to a creature to being adjacent to a different creature. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may use the spell as a move action. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may use the spell as though you had the Long Distance upgrade even though you are using it at will. True Killer: When you gain your bonus damage from Deadly Advantage, the creature damaged cannot regain hit points (save ends). If you have taken this heroic arc three times, the creature cannot regain hit points.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as an assassin, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

Any religiously or politically motivated killer.

A being with supernatural powers of shadow.

A dark creeper or similar creature of darkness.

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st Selection: Barbarian


Selection: Ravager 3

rd Selection: Destroyer

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a barbarian, born of the wild lands outside of civilization. What you lack in etiquette, you more than make up for in deadliness. In combat, you are fueled by a primal rage that cannot be tamed and those foes that stand in your way or dare to attempt to bring you down only serve to further ignite your fury. Though barbarians are normally drawn from the warrior caste, some spellcasters also find that rage makes an excellent outlet to channel their spells.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Rage: The first time in combat that you are damaged or damage an enemy, you may enter your rage as a free action. Your rage lasts until the end of the encounter or until you are unconscious. When raging, you gain an additional +2 bonus to damage with all attacks. When you are wounded, this bonus increases to 5 and you gain 5 temporary hit points at the start of your turn. Seeing Red: When you have entered your rage, you must attack an enemy you can see each round. In any round where you do not make an attack roll against an enemy, you suffer 5 damage which cannot be resisted.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Damage: You gain a +2 bonus to damage on all weapon attacks Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Speed of Fury: You gain a +2 bonus to speed when charging. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Nature (Int/Wis) and Perception (Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Destructive Rage: When you make a standard action attack that has an attack roll while under the effect of your rage, you may choose to make that attack affect all enemies in a 25 x 25 foot area (5 x 5). This attack deals 10 physical damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc instead of its normal damage and effects. If you have

selected this heroic arc at least twice, the area is now also considered difficult terrain. If this is a melee attack, its range is 1 and the 25’ x 25’ area must be adjacent to you. Enduring Rage: For each time you have selected this heroic arc, you also gain Resist all 3 when raging. Grisly Victory: Your bonus to damage when raging increases by 2 each time you kill an enemy or reduce them to 0 hit points. Mind of Blood: When raging, you treat the dominated condition as stunned instead. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you treat it as slowed. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you treat it as impaired. No Impediments: When raging, you are immune to the slowed and impaired condition. If you have selected this heroic arc two times, you are also immune to the immobilized condition when raging. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you are also immune to the weakened condition. This immunity does not apply to conditions you apply to yourself (such as through Major Metamagic). Overflowing Fury: Whenever you score a critical hit while raging, you may deal 5 damage to any enemies adjacent to you. This damage increases by 5 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, you also knock any enemies damaged by this ability prone. Rag Dolls: Any enemy you damage with a standard action melee attack is also pushed 2 squares for each time you have selected this them. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, enemies pushed are knocked prone at the end of this movement. Ravager: You may only select this upgrade if you have selected this heroic arc at least twice. When you make a standard action weapon attack that targets only one enemy, that attack may now target one or two enemies.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a barbarian, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

Any berserker or wild warrior

A warrior imbued with the shard of a god of rage

A being cursed with dark powers by a god or because of an item he carries

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st Selection: Retriever


Selection: Tracer 3

rd Selection: Inescapable

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW The world is full of evil people, people who have done horrible things, and for whatever reason, escaped their proper punishment for these transgressions. Your job as a bounty hunter is simple, find these criminals and bring them to justice, one way or another. Your job is a dangerous one, but you are very good at what you do.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Mark: As a minor action, you may nominate a creature to be your mark. This lasts until you establish a new mark. For a creature to be your mark, you must either succeed on a Monster Knowledge check about that creature or be given a full amount of information about that creature (such as what local law enforcement would give you to take a job). If you accept a mark as a job from law enforcement or similar authorities as opposed to deciding a mark in combat, you may maintain this mark even though you establish new marks during combat. Proficiency: You gain proficiency in 2 exotic weapons of your choice.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Damage: You gain a +2 bonus to damage on all attacks made against your mark. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Tracker: You gain a skill training in Interaction and Perception. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Nature (Int/Wis), Perception (Int/Wis), Streetwise (Int/Cha) and Thievery (Dex/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Entangling Grasp: Whenever you knock an enemy prone when making an attack with a weapon with the Entangling property, you may also choose to move that enemy up to 5 squares closer to you or to any square adjacent to you. If you have taken this heroic arc at least three times, any

enemy knocked prone by such a weapon attack you make is also immobilized (save ends). Marked for Death: You gain a +2 bonus to all damage rolls against your mark for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Marked Pursuit: If you are adjacent to your mark at the start of your mark’s turn, and your mark moves to any square that is not adjacent to you, you may move up to 2 squares for each time you have selected this heroic arc as a free action as long as that movement brings you closer to your mark. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may move your speed or 6 squares, whichever is higher. Marked Resistance: You gain resist 5 all against the attacks made by your mark for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you also gain a +1 talent bonus to all saving throws against the effects and conditions of your mark. No Escape: You gain a +5 bonus to all Perception checks made to track your mark for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have chosen this heroic arc twice, your mark gains no benefit from concealment or invisibility against you. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, your mark may not teleport when in your line of sight. Questions Answered: When using Intuition, Interaction or Streetwise to track your mark, you may roll twice on these skills and take the higher of the two results. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you also gain 2 successes instead of one when using these skills as primary skills in a skill engagement involving or related to a mark you chose outside of combat, dispatched to you by law or a similar authority. Scourge of the Mark: When making attacks against your mark, you may score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, any weapon attacks you make against your mark also benefit from the High Critical property. Staggering Blows: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with any weapons with the Staggering critical property for each time you have selected this heroic arc. In addition, if you have taken this heroic arc twice, the Staggering property also causes targets to be slowed instead of impaired on a critical hit.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a bounty hunter, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

Any foe hunter or paid killer.

A predator or hunting creature with supernatural senses.

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st Selection: Priest


Selection: Bishop 3

rd Selection: Pontiff

PREREQUISITE You must have proficiency in divine magic.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are part of a religious hierarchy. Your church is organized and through this society you spread the message and cause of your deity far and wide. The overall attitudes and practices of your specific clergy depend heavily on the god the clergy is organized around. Clergy of gods of magic spend their days researching spells, while clergy of healing deities tend to the sick and dying. All clergy though, have a chain of command to facilitate the unity of ritual and message of the deity served.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Membership: Membership in the clergy has its privileges and its costs. Your church wields some amount of political power and when operating in an area of your church, officials and governments may react to you differently based on how your god is perceived by the local populace. Your church hierarchy may also ask you to undertake missions for the faith with some regularity.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Basic Training: You gain a skill training in Religion Divine Lore: You gain an additional divine mystery which may be applied to any spell you know. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Specialized Skills: Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Religion (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Acolytes: You may only select this upgrade if you have selected this heroic arc at least twice. You may utilize low ranking members of the clergy as followers for a single mission of the faith. These acolytes adhere to the rules for followers and you receive 2 contingents of followers for each time you have selected this heroic arc. You may use

this ability once per level for each time you have selected this heroic arc. By Faith Alone: Once per day for each time you have selected this heroic arc, when an ally is reduced to 0 hit points or killed, you may gain a Heroic Moment if you do not currently have one available. Church Resources: You may call upon the church for support. When using a specialized skill granted by Clergy in a skill engagement as a Primary skill, you may call upon your church resources to gain a +2 bonus to your roll. You must claim this bonus before you make your roll. You may perform this action once per level per time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, you also gain 2 successes instead of 1 whenever you roll a critical success with these skills. Divine Mystery {R}: You gain a single divine mystery which may be applied to any spell you know. You may select this ability only once for each time you have selected this heroic arc. God’s Favored Magic: Choose a single domain from among those granted by your deity. Once per day for each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may cast a spell from that domain as a minor action. Holy Relic: Select a single magic weapon or armor of your level or lower. You gain this item as an advancing magic item. This item advances automatically each time you select this heroic arc. Religious Expertise: When using Religion as a primary skill in a skill engagement, you may roll twice and select the highest roll. If you have selected this arc twice, whenever you score a critical success with Religion, it counts as 2 successes instead of 1. Warrior of the Gods: You gain a +3 bonus to damage with standard action attacks made against demons, devils and undead for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you also cause any such target to be slowed (save ends) on a critical hit. If you have selected this them three times, the target is stunned (save ends) instead of slowed.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as clergy, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A member of a secret cult

A religious leader of a tribe of savage peoples

A member of a powerful government theocracy

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st Selection: Surgeon


Selection: Corpsman 3

rd Selection: Combat Doctor

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You have seen the worst battle has to offer. You know the horrors that war brings, you have seen the men cleaved in twain, more blood on the ground that a human body should be able to contain, and those are the lucky ones. Those less lucky have grievous painful wounds that never fully heal, missing limbs, crushed skulls, and so much more. You have seen all of this and in this horror, you find your purpose. To try to heal these wounded souls, to repair their body, before the damage becomes permanent for their mind as well.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Cure Wounds: You may use the cure wounds spell at will. You may only use the at-will version and may not apply upgrades gained from any source to this spell (except those gained through this heroic arc).

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Basic Training: You gain a skill training in Heal Healing Expert: Whenever you spend a Heroic Reserve or allow an ally to spend a reserve, the Reserve Healing Value used increases by 1. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Specialized Skills: Endurance (Str/Con), Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Religion (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Condition Treatment: Whenever you attempt to remove a condition from a target using any skill, you gain a +2 talent bonus to that skill check for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may treat two adjacent allies with the same condition as a single move action. Determined to Save: You may use the Stabilize the Dying and Activate Heroic Reserve skill uses as a single move action. If you have selected this arc twice, any unconscious ally that benefits from this healing gains an additional 10 hit points when spending a Heroic Reserve.

Disease Treatment: Whenever you grant a target a saving throw against a disease using the Heal skill, they gain a +1 talent bonus to that saving throw for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Heroic Healing: In any round where you spend your Heroic Moment, you restore an additional 5 hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc whenever you use an ability or spell that allows an ally to regain hit points. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, the ally that regains hit points may also make a single saving throw. Improved Curing: You may select a single upgrade for the cure wounds spell that does not have a level requirement. Once per day, you may cast the cure wounds spell with this upgrade. If you select this heroic arc twice, you may select a second upgrade with a level requirement of no higher than level 5. You may now use the spell twice a day with both of these upgrades. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may select a third upgrade of no higher than level 15, you may now use the spell three times per day with all three of these upgrades. Master Healer: When you use Healing as part of a skill engagement as a primary skill, if you achieve at least the Hard DC, all of your allies gain a +2 bonus to the next check they make that round. If you have taken this heroic arc twice, a critical success in healing counts as two successes instead of 1. If you have taken the heroic arc three times, such a critical success also removes any penalties associated with the next failure (such as the loss of Heroic Reserves, etc). The failure is still accrued, but no penalties are suffered for that failure. Protect the Fallen: Any ally that is unconscious, helpless or dying and adjacent to you gains resist 10 all for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, such an ally is also treated as having rolled a 10 on any death saving throws they make as long as you are adjacent to them when they make such a save. Shared Resolve: Whenever you spend your Momentary Resolve and regain hit points, any ally adjacent to you may also spend their Momentary Resolve. This does not require action of any kind on the part of the ally. You and the ally regain an additional 2 hit points for each time you have taken this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, each of you may also make a saving throw if you choose to spend your Momentary Resolve.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a combat medic, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A young child blessed with the ability to heal as though by miracle

A religious shaman of a tribe of savage peoples

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st Selection: Warlord


Selection: Commandant 3

rd Selection: Legendary Commander

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Some are born to lead, to command. There are those whose very presence inspires those around them to greatness; those who seem to write the pages of history, every day. You lead your followers without fear or hesitation. Those who follow you would follow you to the gates of hell and far beyond.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Personal Standard: As a commander, you develop your own personal banner, standard or heraldry by which you are known (and perhaps feared). As long as you display your heraldry, you may not make Interaction checks to disguise yourself and must always make your true identity known. All allies that can see you when your standard or heraldry is displayed gain a +1 talent bonus to all skill checks. This bonus increases to +2 when you are wounded.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Command: You gain a skill training in Interaction Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Bold Leadership: Your Reserve Healing Value and the Reserve Healing Value of all of your allies increases by 1. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Heal (Dex/Int), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Streetwise (Wis/Cha).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Awesome Inspiration: When you use Interaction to end a condition or effect on an ally, you gain a +2 bonus to this check for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, such allies may also make a saving throw as a free action against all other conditions and effects they are currently affected by. Bias for Action: Whenever you expend your Heroic Moment, you and all of your allies gain 5 temporary hit points for each time you selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, then all allies also gain a

+2 bonus to damage as long as they have temporary hit points remaining from this ability. Demand Victory: As a standard action, the Commander may select two wounded allies or alternatively, if the commander is wounded, this can affect the commander and one wounded ally. The affected targets may make a standard action attack as a free action. Any target that successfully hits with this attack may expend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. They regain an additional 5 hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, this ability may affect 3 targets total. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, this ability restores an additional 10 hit points per heroic arc selection. Hold the Line: If you are wielding a shield, then you and any ally adjacent to you may make a saving throw to negate any forced movement besides teleportation. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you and allies may make this saving throw to avoid being knocked prone as well. Inspiring Victory: Whenever you score a critical hit with a standard action attack, each ally that can see you gains 10 hit points for each time you selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, any ally that heals from this may also make a saving throw. Lead from the Front: Your allies gain a +2 bonus to damage against any enemy you are adjacent to for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, all enemies adjacent to you grant advantage to your allies. Multitudes: You must have selected this heroic arc twice to select this upgrade. You gain 2 contingents of followers for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, your contingents may be of any type (Military, Special or Tradesmen). Zealous Exuberance: Whenever you expend your Heroic Moment, you and all of your allies may make a saving throw. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, then you and all allies gain a +1 bonus to the saving throw.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a commander, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A druid who is the head of a pack of animals.

A war leader of a tribe of savage peoples

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st Selection: Scion


Selection: Exarch 3

rd Selection: Demigod

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW The blood of the gods runs within your veins. Whether you are the direct child of a god or simply a descendant of one, it matters little, for the blood of the gods runs strong and true. You have been blessed with abilities beyond most mortal kin, but will you be able to raise yourself from the shadow of your powerful parentage.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Type: You gain the outsider type in addition to your normal types and you no longer are capable of dying of old age. You will advance until roughly the age of 30 and look that age for as long as you remain alive.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Blood of the Gods: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 3. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Shield of the Gods: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses. Specialized Skills: None

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Awesome Presence: As long as you have not been successfully damaged in combat, any enemy adjacent to you counts as impaired when attacking you. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, this ability lasts until you are wounded. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, adjacent enemies always count as impaired when attacking you. Beseech the Parent: You may call upon your powerful parent. You may “ask” one question (such as where is the secret vault of Count Renald or a similar piece of esoteric lore). If the GM decides that this information is within the knowledge of your godly parent and your parent wants to help you, then the question is answered. You may have one such question answered per level for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Alternatively, you may use this ability when using a knowledge skill as a primary skill in a skill engagement. You gain a +4 bonus to that check.

Boon of the Gods: Choose a single divine spell that does not have the persist keyword. You may cast this spell once per day. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may choose a single divine mystery for this spell with a level requirement of no higher than level 5. When you cast this spell using this feature, it now has this upgrade applied. If you have selected this heroic arc 3 times, you may select a second upgrade with a level requirement of no higher than level 15 as well. Destiny of Heroism: Once per day for each time you have selected this heroic arc, when you are reduced to 0 hit points, if you do not have a Heroic Moment available, you may gain a Heroic Moment. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, when you gain such a Heroic Moment, you may also spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points before you go unconscious. Divine Resistance: Choose a single type of damage. You gain resist 4 against this type of damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Fury of the Gods: You gain a +1 bonus to all damage rolls for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, whenever you score a critical hit with an attack, you may also spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. Terrify the Lesser: You gain a +2 talent bonus to Interaction checks made to interact with mortal creatures for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice this bonus doubles when you are attempting to cow such an enemy using the Interaction skill. Skills of the Gods: Choose a single skill. You gain a +2 magic bonus to that skill. Each time you select this heroic arc, this bonus applies to an additional skill.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a scion of a god, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A scion of any powerful being (a powerful elemental lord, a half-member of a potent race, etc).

The chosen of a god or their champion in the world.

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st Selection: Investigator


Selection: Sleuth 3

rd Selection: Master Detective

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW To most, the world is a strange and unfathomable place. People die, crimes occur, things happen, all seemingly at random and without any identifiable cause. You know however, that the answers are always there, just waiting to be found by one with enough intuition to put the pieces together and see the total picture.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Too Simple: You may select a single skill you have training in, whenever the DC for making such a check is the Hard DC, you may instead treat it as the Moderate DC. This does not apply to Skill Actions. In addition, once per skill engagement, when making a primary skill check with this skill, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Area of Expertise: Choose a single skill from Arcana, Delving, Nature or Religion. You gain a skill training in that skill. Area of Interest: Choose a single Narrative skill. You gain a skill training in that skill. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Perceptive: You gain a skill training in Perception and Intuition. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Delving (Str/Con/Int), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Nature (Int/Wis), Perception (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis), Streetwise (Int/Cha), Thievery (Dex/Cha).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Always Alert: You gain a +2 talent bonus to initiative for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you may no longer be surprised. Always Watching: You may make non-area attacks against adjacent enemies with total concealment or that are invisible. If you have selected this heroic arc three times,

you also ignore the impaired condition when attacking such enemies. Elementary: Whenever you score a critical success on a skill specialized in this class as a primary skill in a skill engagement; you gain 2 successes instead of 1. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, your allies also gain a +2 bonus to all checks made in the current round after such a critical success. Infer Weakness: You know the weaknesses of any creature you successfully make an attack against and gain a +2 bonus to any skills used as Monster Knowledge checks for each time you have selected this heroic arc. In addition, if you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, you may also target any defense when making an attack instead of the defense listed. If this attack targets multiple enemies, you must choose the same defenses for all targets. It’s All Simple {R}: Choose an additional skill for your Too Simple bonus to apply to. You gain one additional use of the skill engagement benefit for each time you select this ability as well. You may select this ability only once for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Not Easily Fooled: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses and a +1 bonus to saving throws for each time you have selected this heroic arc against any attack or effect with the illusion or charm keyword. Too Rudimentary: When using Arcana or Thievery to disarm a trap or similar hazard, you must fail by 5 or more to activate the trap. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, when you score a critical success using such a skill, the trap or hazard is immediately disabled. Street Connections: You gain a skill training in Streetwise and Streetwise gains one additional specialization. Once during a skill engagement, for each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may substitute a Streetwise check for any primary Arcana, Delving, Nature or Religion check. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also roll twice and take the highest result when using Streetwise in such a capacity.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a detective, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A natural genius or savant with unusual abilities.

A person blessed (or cursed) with the ability to see the truth in the hearts of men.

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st Selection: Explorer


Selection: Delver 3

rd Selection: Master Dungeoneer

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Dungeons are a fact of every adventurer’s existence. Whether it is an old tower occupied by a tribe of nasty goblins or an ancient castle now occupied by a mad lich, any hero will frequently find himself crawling and scraping through a dungeon environment, relying on his wits, skill and even luck to survive the horrors hidden to stop him.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Vision: If you have normal vision, you gain low-light vision. If you have low-light vision, you gain darkvision. If you have darkvision, you gain an additional +2 bonus to Perception checks.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Dungeon Expert: You gain a skill training in Delving and Perception. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Trap Dodger: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against the attacks of traps and hazards. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Delving (Str/Con/Int), Endurance (Str/Con), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Nature (Int/Wis), Perception (Int/Wis), Stealth (Dex/Cha), Thievery (Dex/Cha).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Countermeasures: You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws against attacks or effects caused by traps or hazards for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you do not ever take damage or suffer any conditions from a trap whose attack missed you. Delver’s Bane: When you use Delving to identify a monster, if you achieve the Moderate DC, you gain a +3 bonus to damage against that monster for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Dungeon Shadow: If you are in a cavern, dungeon or similar environment and you begin combat with cover or

concealment, you may make a Stealth check to become hidden before initiative is rolled. Evasive Maneuvers: Your exposure to traps has sharpened your dodging ability. You no longer suffer damage on missed area attacks. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you also gain a +2 bonus to your defenses against such attacks. Spelunker: You gain a +2 bonus to Athleticism checks made to climb or jump for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you may also roll any saving throw to avoid falling or being forced into hazardous terrain twice and take the highest result. If you have taken this heroic arc three times, you automatically succeed on such checks. Terrain Specialty: You gain the Terrain Specialty feature of the ranger, however, instead of the normal environments, it applies to any dungeon, underground or cavernous environment. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you also gain a +2 talent bonus to initiative when in such an environment. Trap Control: Whenever you successfully make an Arcana or Thievery check to disarm a trap, you may instead choose to take control of that trap until the end of your next turn. The trap will now attack as you direct it on its normal initiative count. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, if you score a critical success when disarming a trap, you retain control of the trap until the end of the encounter. Trap Springer: When using Arcana or Thievery to disarm a trap or similar hazard, you must fail by 5 or more to activate the trap. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, when you score a critical success using such a skill, the trap or hazard is immediately disabled.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a dungeon explorer, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A specialist in any sort of terrain or extreme environment.

A being raised in the underdark or similar underground locale.

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st Selection: Emotionalist


Selection: Dominator 3

rd Selection: Mind Lord

PREREQUISITE You must be able to cast spells.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Emotions are a powerful thing. They override logic, they consume our minds. Love, passion, fear, hatred, jealousy, envy and rage, each one as powerful as the next and as great in ability to disturb, disrupt and destroy the normal functions of the mind. For the empath, these emotions are a weapon, used to bolster his allies and hinder his foes.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Emotional Interference: If you have only one enemy adjacent to you, that enemy is impaired when making melee attacks against you. Will Breaker: You gain a +1 talent bonus to attack rolls with any spell that targets an enemy’s will defense.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Emotional Expert: You gain a skill training in Interaction. Hit Points: You gain 3 additional hit points Resolute Will: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 2. Specialized Skills: Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Streetwise (Int/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Charm Master: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with any spell with the charm keyword for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If the spell does not deal damage, the target instead suffers a -1 penalty to its first saving throw against such a spell for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Crushing Despair: As a standard action attack, you may make a Crushing Despair attack, affecting all enemies in a 25 x 25 foot area (5 x 5); this has a range of 1. All enemies in the area must make a saving throw or become impaired (save ends). If you have selected this heroic arc twice, any enemy that fails their save also suffers 5 psychic damage

for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, the damage increases to 10. Dominator: You must have selected this heroic arc at least twice to select this ability. Enemies that you dominate may take a minor action in addition to the normal dominated actions. If you select this heroic arc three times, your dominated targets receive all of their normal actions which you control and you and your allies count as the creatures’ allies during these actions. Emotional Understanding: When using Interaction of Intuition as part of a Negotiation skill engagement, you may roll twice and select the highest result. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, when you roll a critical success in either of these skills in such a challenge, it counts as 2 successes instead of 1. Fearsome: You may use the fear spell as a standard action up to three times per day. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may select a single upgrade that does not have a level requirement or has a requirement of level 5, from now on, when you cast this spell, the spell benefits from that upgrade. If you select this heroic arc three times, you may choose a second upgrade of no greater than level 15 as per the rules above. Reader: You may use the detection spell as a standard action up to three times per day. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may select a single upgrade that does not have a level requirement or has a requirement of level 5, from now on, when you cast this spell, the spell benefits from that upgrade. If you select this heroic arc three times, you may choose a second upgrade of no greater than level 15 as per the rules above. Renewed Hope: Once per day for each time you have selected this heroic arc, when you spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points, you may choose a single ally to also spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, the ally adds 3d8 hit points to the amount of hit points restored. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, all allies you can see may spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. Spark of Rage: As a standard action, you may ignite the rage of all allies you can see. You may remove allies from this effect using spell control as normal. All allies gain a +2 bonus to all damage rolls for each time you have selected this heroic arc, but also suffer from the “seeing red” ability of the Barbarian heroic arc. You may choose to end this effect as a free action on your turn.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as an empath, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A naturally psionic creature that unwittingly impacts emotions.

A being whose mind was experimented on by terrible creatures.

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st Selection: Ender


Selection: Eroder 3

rd Selection: Entropy Unbound

PREREQUISITE You must be able to cast spells.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Entropists are unusual characters to be sure. Some say they are all part of a vast cult, a guild of worshippers of the forces of decay who believe that order and peace in the universe are destined to fail. Whatever the truth of this rumor, one thing is sure, the Entropists do an excellent job of speeding their foes to a brutal unraveling ending.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Unleash Entropy: Whenever you score a critical hit, your target also suffers ongoing 5 damage of the same types dealt by the attack. If the attack already deals ongoing damage, increases that damage by 5.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Surrounded by Entropy: You gain Resist 5 to ongoing damage. This increases by 5 for additional selections of this heroic arc. Reserve Healing Value: You gain a +2 bonus to your Reserve Healing Value. Specialized Skills: History (Int/Wis), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Perception (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Assisting Entropy: You gain a +2 bonus to damage against creatures suffering ongoing damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you also gain advantage against any such target. Decay, Always Decay: Whenever an enemy successfully saves against your ongoing damage, that enemy suffers 5 necrotic damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

Entropic Advantage: If you have advantage against a target and successfully hit with an attack that deals ongoing damage, increases that damage by 5. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, increase that ongoing damage by 10. Entropy Unbound: You may only select this upgrade if you have selected this heroic arc at least 3 times. Whenever you score a critical hit, you may choose to apply ongoing 15 necrotic damage to all enemies you can see instead of doubling the damage of the successful attack. This replaces the normal 5 ongoing damage caused by your critical hits. Inured to Entropy: Your resistance to ongoing damage increases by 5 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Proven Beliefs: Whenever a creature is reduced below 0 hit points from ongoing damage you have caused, you gain 10 temporary hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may also make a saving throw. Spreading Entropy: Anytime a target fails a saving throw against your ongoing damage, a single enemy adjacent to that target gains ongoing 5 damage of the same type. The ongoing damage spreads to an additional adjacent enemy for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Touch of Decay: When you use your Heroic Moment, each creature adjacent to you gains ongoing 5 necrotic damage. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, the ongoing damage increases to 10, if you have selected it three times, the ongoing damage increases to 15.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as an Entropist, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

An individual cursed by the gods to decay everything he touches.

A creature returned from the grave or infused with the power of death.

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st Selection: Gladiator


Selection: Bestiarii 3

rd Selection: Rudiarii

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Gladiators are a special breed. They are warriors through and through, and mortal combat is a near daily reality for them. Most people would buckle under the strain of constantly being forced to fight to the death against man and beast. For a gladiator however, even if they are slaves forced into fighting; combat, the smell of blood and steel and the roar of an approving crowd becomes an all too potent drug to resist.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Proficiency: You gain proficiency in all weapons. Work the Crowd: You gain a skill training in Interaction. You gain an additional +2 bonus to this skill when using the skill to cow an enemy.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Mobile Combatant: You gain a +1 bonus to AC and Fortitude when wearing armor with the flexible property. Reserve Healing Value: You gain a +2 bonus to your Reserve Healing Value. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha) Perception (Int/Wis)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Bleed them Out: Whenever you score a critical hit on a standard action attack, your enemy suffers ongoing 10 physical damage (save ends) for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, your enemy is also impaired as long as they are suffering this ongoing damage. Finishing Swing: When you attack an adjacent prone target, you may score a critical hit on a 19-20 on any standard action attack that targets only that enemy. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, such an attack can score a critical hit on an 18-20. Gladiator’s Advantage: You gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls when attacking a target with advantage. If you have

selected this heroic arc twice, you also knock any target damaged by this bonus prone. Give them Blood: Whenever you knock an enemy prone, reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, or score a critical hit, you may make an Interaction check as a free action against the Moderate DC. If this check is successful, you gain a +2 bonus to damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc for the remainder of the encounter. Roar of the Crowd: Whenever you knock an enemy prone, reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, or score a critical hit, you may make an Interaction check as a free action against the Moderate DC. If this check is successful, you gain 10 temporary hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may also make a saving throw against a single effect that a save can end when you gain these temporary hit points. Rush from the Gates: You gain a +2 talent bonus to initiative for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, you may no longer be surprised. Submit!: You gain an additional +2 bonus to Interaction checks made to cow an enemy for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, your enemy is impaired (save ends) regardless of the outcome of the saving throw. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you enemy may not run on a failed save, but must surrender. Toughened by Combat: You gain Resist All 2 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, then you also increase your Reserve Healing Value by 2 for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a gladiator, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A warrior who bears a legendary artifact

A warrior granted incredible skills by his god or similar powerful being

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st Selection: Initiate


Selection: Factor 3

rd Selection: Guild Master

PREREQUISITE You must have proficiency in arcane magic

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are part of an organization of mages, arcanists and wizards. In unity, the guild is more powerful than any single member alone. Your status as an organization allows your guild to wield power both political and otherwise. Your guild knows that though magic is powerful, a single spellcaster, no matter how powerful can be overwhelmed and killed, but together, you are safe. The guild shares knowledge and information and together, the study of the arcane is advanced greater than any single wizard ever could.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Membership: Membership in the guild has its privileges and its costs. Your guild wields some amount of political control and when operating in an area of your guild, minor law infractions are likely to be swept under the rug. There are limits to this and a guild will often hand over an unruly member to be “made an example of” by the local law. The guild member is expected to either pay some amount of monthly dues or, in lieu of that, perform certain “jobs” for the guild, usually with minimal questions asked.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Basic Training: You gain a skill training in Arcana Guild Learning: You gain one additional arcane mastery. If you are a learned caster, you may also add one additional spell to your spellbook. Hit Points: You gain 2 additional hit points Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), History (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Charm Specialist: When a target fails a saving throw against a spell you cast with the charm keyword, they are impaired until they succeed on a saving throw against that

spell. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, they are instead slowed. Destruction Specialist: You gain a +1 bonus to all damage with spells for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may also score a critical hit on a 19-20 with spells. Guild Resources: You may call upon the guild for support. When using a specialized skill granted by Guild Mage in a skill engagement as a Primary skill, you may call upon your guild resources to gain a +2 bonus to your roll. You must claim this bonus before you make your roll. You may perform this action once per level per time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, you also gain 2 successes instead of 1 whenever you roll a critical success with these skills. Master Arcanist: You may use the Simple Magical Effect skill use of Arcana as a free action a number of times per round equal to the number of times you have selected this heroic arc. Necromancy Specialist: Whenever you cast a spell with the necromancy keyword, each enemy adjacent to you suffers 5 necrotic damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, any enemy that suffers this damage is also impaired (save ends). Sorcerous Stockpile: Select a single magic weapon or armor of your level or lower. You gain this item as an advancing magic item. This item advances automatically each time you select this heroic arc. Summoning Specialist: Any creature created by a summoning spell you cast gains a +1 bonus to speed and damage or each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you also summon one additional creature each time you use a spell with the summon keyword. Trainees: You may only select this upgrade if you have selected this heroic arc at least twice. You may utilize low ranking members of the guild as followers for a single mission. These guild members adhere to the rules for followers presented in the Companions, Cohorts and Followers chapter and you receive one contingent of followers for each time you have selected this heroic arc. You may use this ability once per level for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a guild mage, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A spy or government wizard or vizier

A member of a secret cabal.

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st Selection: Initiate


Selection: Factor 3

rd Selection: Guild Master

PREREQUISITE You must have a specialization in Thievery.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are part of an organization of rogues, ruffians, thieves, brigands or cutthroats. In unity, the guild is more powerful than any single member alone. Your status allows your guild to wield power both political and otherwise. The local law most likely ranges from afraid of your guild to simply on your payroll. The jobs you are able to achieve by leveraging the skills of the organization guarantee that those that know of you, are either cowed or dead.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Guild Tutelage: You gain the Thieves’ Distraction Set-Up. Membership: Membership in the guild has its privileges and its costs. Your guild wields some amount of political control and when operating in an area of your guild, minor law infractions are likely to be swept under the rug. There are limits to this and a guild will often hand over an unruly member to be “made an example of” by the local law. The guild member is expected to perform certain “jobs” for the guild.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Basic Training: You gain a skill training in Thievery Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Teamwork: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against an enemy that is surrounded. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Stealth (Dex/Cha), Streetwise (Int/Cha) and Thievery (Dex/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Guild Blade: You gain a +2 bonus to all damage rolls when you make a standard action attack with advantage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also score a critical hit on a 19-20 for such standard action attacks.

Guild Resources: You may call upon the guild for support. When using the Specialized skills granted by Guild Thief in a skill engagement as a Primary skill, you may call upon your guild resources to gain a +2 bonus to your roll. You must claim this bonus before you make your roll. You may perform this action once per level per time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, you also gain 2 successes instead of 1 whenever you roll a critical success with these skills. Guild Secrets: You may call upon the secret knowledge of the guild. You may “ask” the guild one question (such as where is the secret vault of Count Renald or similar esoteric lore). If the GM decides that this information is within the knowledge of the guild, then the question is answered. You may have one such question answered per level for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Alternatively, you may use this ability once per encounter when using a primary knowledge skill in a skill engagement. You gain a +4 bonus to that check. Impossible Job: When engaging in a skill engagement to disarm a trap (or to open a complex lock or similar test), you may, once in that encoutner, roll twice and take the higher result. If you have taken this heroic arc twice, you may instead choose to treat your check as though you had rolled a Natural 20. Make an Example of Them: Whenever you critically hit an enemy, or reduce an enemy to 0 with a standard action weapon attack, you gain advantage against all other enemies who can see you for your next standard action attack. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you gain advantage against all such enemies for the duration of the encounter. Master Thief : Once per encounter for each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may reroll a failed Thievery check. Share the Spoils: Select a single magic weapon or armor of your level or lower. You gain this item as an advancing magic item. This item advances automatically each time you select this heroic arc. Trainees: You may only select this upgrade if you have selected this heroic arc at least twice. You may utilize low ranking members of the guild as followers for a single job. These guild members adhere to the rules for followers presented in the Companions, Cohorts and Followers chapter and you receive 2 contingents of followers for each time you have selected this heroic arc. You may use this ability once per level for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a guild thief, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A spy or government assassin

A member of a bandit tribe or group

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st Selection (L8): High Mage


Selection (L16): Archmage

PREREQUISITE You must have proficiency in Arcane magic to select this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a spellcaster without compare. Your ability to understand, shape and conjure the complex tapestry of arcane magic is beyond that of a normal wizard or sorcerer. As a high mage, you are no longer simply working with magic, it has become the medium for your beautiful, deadly and powerful art.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Master of Magic: You gain a +1 talent bonus to attack rolls with Arcane spells.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 2 additional hit points Spell Mastery: You gain an additional Arcane Mastery which may be applied to any spell you currently know. Spell Protections: You gain a +1 magic bonus to defenses. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. High Mage Crafter {R}: You reduce the number of Heroic Reserves necessary to create a magic item when using the imbue magic item ritual by 1. You may select this ability only once for each time you have selected this heroic arc High Magic Mastery {R}: You gain a single Arcane Mastery that you can apply to a single spell that you know. You may select this upgrade only once for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Magic Unleashed: As a standard action attack, you may unleash a blast of pure magical energy. This attack fills an adjacent 25 x 25 foot (5 x 5 square) area. This counts as an Arcane spell. All targets in the area must make a saving throw, on a failed save, you may choose to either have the target be slowed (save ends), knocked prone or suffer force damage equal to 10 + ½ your character level. If you have

selected this heroic arc twice, you may choose any two of those effects for each use of this ability. Metamagic Mastery: You gain a single Minor Metamagic you may apply to spells you cast. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you also gain a Major Metamagic. These follow the normal rules for metamagic. Reconstitution: As a move action, you may sacrifice a single spell you have prepared in a daily slot (or a single daily use of a spell if innate) to regain 10 hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you may also make a saving throw against a single effect when you gain hit points in this way. Secrets of Magic: You may have one additional persist spell upon you (2 total).

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a high mage, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

An elvish master of ancient secrets

A member of a powerful and secret cabal of spell casters.

A spellcaster who has discovered long lost secrets (or a long lost spell book).

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st Selection: Carrier


Selection: Symbiote 3

rd Selection: Dual-Being

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are not alone. Your body may appear as only one being, but you are in fact a host to a second intelligence or being. Perhaps you share your body equally and willingly, and whatever consciousness is within you is a symbiote that shares its knowledge and wisdom with you. Perhaps the being inside of you is a parasite or has taken your body completely and now you are a prisoner to its will. In any case, this second intelligence has made you its home, for better or worse.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Dual-Mind: You treat the dominated condition as stunned.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Second Will: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 3. Toughened Mind: You gain a +2 bonus to will defense. Specialized Skills: Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Dual Resolve: You may only select this ability if you have chosen this heroic arc twice. When you use your Momentary Resolve, you may spend 2 Heroic Reserves to regain hit points instead of 1. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you also gain an additional 5 hit points for each Heroic Reserve expended in this way. Host Feedback: Whenever any enemy hits or misses you with an attack that has the psychic or charm keyword, you deal 5 psychic damage to them for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, such enemies also become impaired (save ends). Improved Dual-Mind: You instead treat the dominated condition as slowed. If you have taken this heroic arc twice, you treat the condition as impaired. If you have taken the heroic arc three times, you are immune the dominated condition.

Improved Second Will {R}: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 2 for each time you select this ability. You may select this ability only once for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Shared Skills: Choose a single skill; you gain a +2 magic bonus to that skill. You may apply this bonus to a new skill each time you select this heroic arc. Spellcasting Intelligence {R}: You gain a single Divine Mystery or Arcane Mastery which you may apply to any spell you know. You may select this ability only once for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Sudden Control: Your alien mind can take control in time of crisis. If you are forced to move or make an attack by any ability or effect with the charm or psychic keyword, you do not. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may instead move your speed to the target that made the attack. If you have selected the heroic arc three times, you may also make a standard action attack against that enemy as a free action after moving. Weak Body, Strong Mind: You may use your Momentary Resolve as an ability requiring no action when you are below 0 hit points but still alive. You gain an additional 5 hit points for each time you have selected your heroic arc when you use your Momentary Resolve in this way.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a creature hosting an alien intelligence, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A creature that natively has a dual consciousness or whose consciousness exists on two different planes.

A being with a fractured intelligence or multiple personalities.

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st Selection: Weapon Master


Selection: Sword Saint 3

rd Selection: Perfected Blade

PREREQUISITE You must have stances as a class feature.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW All warriors use weapons. Weapons, and the skill with those weapons, are what separate a fighter from a common peasant militiaman. A Kensei is to a fighter, what that fighter is to a peasant. For the Kensei, the weapon is no longer a tool, not something to simply be used, but a part of his soul and essence, an inseparable part of his being. For a Kensei, they are their weapon, and their weapon is them.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Favored Weapon: Choose a single weapon you own. This weapon becomes an advancing magic item. From this point on, this weapon is your favored item. You gain a +1 talent bonus to attack rolls with your favored weapon and any attempt to disarm your favored weapon automatically fails. This item advances automatically each time you select this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Damage: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with weapon attacks when wielding your favored weapon. Defenses: You gain a +1 bonus to a defense of your choice when wielding your Favored Weapon. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), History (Int/Wis), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Perception (Int/Wis)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Accurate Swing: When wielding your favored weapon, you may score a critical hit on a 19-20 on any standard action weapon attack that targets only one enemy. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, such an attack can score a critical hit on an 18-20.

Deadly Strikes: You gain a +2 bonus to weapon damage rolls with your favored weapon for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have chosen this heroic arc three times, this bonus increases to +3. Iajutsu: You gain a +2 talent bonus to initiative and a +2 bonus to damage in the first round of combat for each time you have selected this heroic arc when wielding your favored weapon. Impenetrable Defense: You gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses when fighting on the defensive for each time you have selected this heroic arc. In addition, if you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, then you also gain resist all 5 for each time you have selected this heroic arc when fighting on the defensive. These bonuses only apply when wielding your favored weapon. One Swing, A Thousand Cuts: Whenever you score a critical hit on a standard action attack with your favored weapon, your enemy suffers ongoing 10 physical damage (save ends) for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, your enemy is also impaired as long as they are suffering this ongoing damage. Soul of the Weapon: You may add any magical enhancement bonus to damage granted by your favored weapon as a magic bonus to your Athleticism, History, Intuition and Perception checks. Unimpeded Style: When impaired you do not suffer any penalty to your attack rolls with your favored weapon. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also ignore the penalty to attack rolls with your favored weapon when slowed. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you are immune to the weakened condition when wielding your favored weapon. Weapon of Legend: During the first round of combat if you draw your weapon, one enemy you are adjacent to must make a saving throw or become impaired (save ends). If you have selected this theme twice, this ability also triggers whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points or kill an enemy with a weapon attack with your advancing item. If you have selected this theme three times, any single enemy you can see is affected by this ability. This ability has the fear keyword.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a kensei, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A warrior who bears a legendary artifact

A warrior granted incredible skills by his god or similar powerful being

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st Selection (L8): Lich


Selection (L16): Archlich

PREREQUISITE You must have proficiency in Arcane magic to select this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Through a complicated and dangerous arcane ritual, you have turned yourself into a member of the walking dead. You have assured yourself a form of immortality, but traded away your humanity. Only time will tell what will become of this bargain, but time is something you have a great deal of now.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Type: You gain the undead type. In addition you need not eat, drink or sleep. You must still engage in six hours of inactivity to prepare new spells. Phylactery: Part of the ritual that made you into a lich was to seal a portion of your soul away into a small magical item, called a phylactery. This must be a real physical item, and if yours is lost or destroyed, you must create a new one (which is made as a magic item of your current level). Whenever you die, you may make a saving throw, on a successful save, you do not actually die, but instead, your spirit returns to your phylactery and within 24 hours you will return, reconstituted in a new undead body identical to your previous form. If you fail this save, you are dead and must be brought back as normal. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you no longer need to make the save, but automatically return to your phylactery. Vision: You gain darkvision.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Undead Durability: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses. Undead Resistances: Choose cold, lightning or necrotic, you gain resist 5 + ½ your level to this damage type. You must choose a new damage type each time you choose this heroic arc. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Endurance (Str/Con), and History (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Aura of Terror: As a standard action attack, you may invoke your aura of terror. All enemies within 15 feet of you (3 squares) must immediately make a saving throw. If this save is failed, those enemies must move away from you 15 feet (3 squares) for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you may choose to have the targets go prone instead of moving away from you. Fortitude of the Damned: You gain resist all 3 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. You also gain a weakness to radiant damage which both ignores your resistance and causes you to be impaired (save ends). Immortal Mastery {R}: You gain a single Arcane Mastery that you can apply to a single spell that you know. You may select this upgrade only once for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Touch of the Grave: You gain proficiency in unarmed attacks and your unarmed attack now deals 1d10 damage. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, then your unarmed attack also causes your victim to be slowed (save ends). Undead Mind: You gain a +2 bonus to your saving throws against any effect with the charm, sleep or polymorph keywords. If you select this heroic arc twice, you instead become immune to attacks with these keywords.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a lich, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

Any immortal spellcaster

A spell caster who trades his soul to a demon or other powerful being

A being cursed with dark powers by a god or because of an item he carries

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st Selection: Were-creature


Selection: Skin-Walker 3

rd Selection: Lycaon

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a were-creature. Whether you were bit or born as a shape shifter, you now have a dual nature, man and beast. You must constantly strive to constrain the passions of your animal side; the urge to hunt, to kill, to feed, for only if these desires are held at bay, will any part of you remain human(oid).

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Animal: Choose a single animal from the following list; Alligator, Bear, Boar, Cheetah, Crocodile, Hyena, Leopard Lion, Tiger or Wolf. This is your alternate form (see below). Alternate Form: You gain 2 alternate forms, that of the animal chosen above, and that of a hybrid between your normal humanoid form and the animal. Changing from one form into any other is a standard action. In either of your Alternate Forms your unarmed attack now deals 1d10 damage. Abilities labeled with an ‘AF’ can only be used (or only function) when in one of your alternate forms. When in your pure animal alternate form, you gain a +5 bonus to Interaction checks made to bluff to pass as a normal animal of that species. Animal Instincts: You gain a skill training in Perception.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Supernatural Fortitude: You gain a +1 bonus to your fortitude defense. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Speed of Fury: You gain a +1 bonus to speed (+2 in your Alternate Forms) Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Nature (Int/Wis) and Perception (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Beast Senses: You gain a +5 bonus on Perception checks made to track and a +2 talent bonus to initiative. If you select this heroic arc twice, you also gain scent. Bloody Ravage: When you are wounded or when you are attacking a wounded target, you may push any target hit by your standard action melee weapon attacks 1 square for

each time you have selected this heroic arc as long as that enemy is your size or smaller. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may push any target of one size category larger than you. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may choose to knock your target prone instead of pushing them. Feral Shredding (AF): When in your alternate form and you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack, the target of this attack also suffers ongoing 10 physical damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, such a target is also impaired for the duration of the ongoing damage. If you have selected this heroic arc 3 times, they are slowed for the duration of the ongoing damage. Night Runner (AF): When in your alternate form, your speed increases by 1 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you select this them twice, you no longer grant advantage when making the run action. Overflowing Fury (AF): Whenever you score a critical hit while in your alternate form, you may deal 5 damage to any enemies adjacent to you. This damage increases by 5 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, you also knock any enemies damaged by this ability prone. Regeneration: When wounded, you gain Regeneration 3 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. This regeneration cannot heal you beyond your wounded value in hit points. If you have selected this heroic arc 3 times, this healing not only triggers when wounded, but will heal you to your full hit point total. Supernatural Savagery: You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with melee weapon attacks for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also score a critical hit on a 19-20 with such standard action attacks. Weapon Resistant (AF): You gain Resist Physical 3 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. You also gain a Weakness: Silvered Weapons which ignore this resistance.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a lycanthrope, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

Any berserker or wild warrior

A warrior imbued with the shard of a god of rage

A being cursed with dark powers by a god or because of an item he carries

Any shape-shifting or feral warrior

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st Selection (L8): Mummy


Selection (L16): Mummy Lord

PREREQUISITE You must have proficiency in Divine magic to select this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You have utilized ancient and powerful divine rituals to enshroud and preserve your body beyond death itself. You are now a member of the walking dead, but the promise of eternity is yours.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Aura of Fear: Mummies radiate a truly supernatural aura of fear. To even approach them requires a strong will. Any enemy attempting to move adjacent to the mummy must spend 10 additional feet (2 squares) of movement. If the enemy does not have the available movement to do so, they may not end adjacent to the mummy. This ability has the fear keyword. Type: You gain the undead type. In addition you need not eat, drink or sleep. You must still engage in six hours of inactivity to prepare new spells. Slam: Your gain proficiency in unarmed attack and your unarmed attack deals 1d8 damage. Vision: You gain darkvision. Weakness: 10 fire

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Undead Durability: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses. Undead Resistances: You gain resist 5 + ½ your level to the cold damage type. Each time you select this heroic arc, the resistance increases by 5. Specialized Skills: Endurance (Str/Con), History (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Fortitude of the Eternal: You gain resist all 3 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you suffer ongoing fire

damage, you lose this resistance as long as you are under the ongoing damage condition. Immortal Mysteries {R}: You gain a single Divine Mystery that you can apply to a single spell that you know. You may select this upgrade only once for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Mummy Rot: Whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack, your target is affected by a horrible wasting rot. Your enemy is slowed (save ends). On the first failed save, they are stunned instead of slowed. On a second failed save, they are helpless instead of stunned. Rotting Touch: Your unarmed attack now deals 1d12 damage. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, then your unarmed attack also causes ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). Undead Mind: You gain a +2 bonus to your saving throws against any effect with the charm, sleep or polymorph keywords. If you select this heroic arc twice, you instead become immune to attacks with these keywords.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a mummy, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

Any immortal spellcaster

A being cursed with dark powers by a god or because of an item he carries

A spellcaster who has discovered long lost secrets (or a long lost cursed spell book) and used them to ill effect.

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st Selection: Fear Bringer


Selection: Terror Sewer 3

rd Selection: Dread Lord

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are the embodiment of fear, of terror, of nightmares given physical form. Even when you are not actively using your abilities, most people cut a wide berth around you, sensing the darkness that resides within you, just waiting to escape.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Personification of Fear: You gain a +1 talent bonus to all attack rolls with the fear keyword.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Unsettling: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by creatures adjacent to you. What is Fear?: You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws against effects or conditions caused by attacks with the fear keyword. Specialized Skills: Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Streetwise (Int/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Aura of Fear: You radiate a truly supernatural aura of fear. Any enemy attempting to move into a square adjacent to you must spend 1 additional square of movement for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If they cannot pay the necessary movement, they cannot end their move adjacent to you. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may push all enemies adjacent to you at the end of your turn five feet (1 square) as a free action. Fear Inured: You gain an additional +1 bonus to saving throws against conditions or effects with the fear keyword. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you are instead immune to attacks or effects with the fear keyword. Fearful Style: Choose a single stance or set-up you know. This stance gains the fear keyword as does any attack you make while within this stance. If you choose a set-up, your standard action attack made in the same round you use

such a set-up gains the fear keyword. If you have chosen this heroic arc twice, you may also choose to attack Will instead of the normal defense targeted when in this stance or after using this set-up. Gaze of Fear: As a standard action attack, you may make a Gaze of Fear attack, affecting all enemies in a 25 x 25 foot area (5 x 5); this has a range of 0. All enemies in the area must make a saving throw or move 2 squares away from you for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, any enemy that fails their save also suffers 5 psychic damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, creatures that are moved by this ability fall prone at the end of their movement. Infusion of Fear {R}: Choose a single spell you know, that spell gains the fear keyword. You may select this ability once for each time you have chosen this heroic arc. Intense Fear: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with any attack with the Fear keyword for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have chosen this heroic arc three times, such abilities can also score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Reason for Fear: Whenever you score a critical hit with an attack, the target of that attack must also move 1 square away from you for each time this heroic arc is selected once that attack is resolved. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, it must instead move its speed away from you. Scattered as Leaves: Whenever you cause an enemy to move a certain number of squares with an attack or ability, increase the distance they are moved by 1 square for each time you have selected this ability.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a bringer of fear, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

If the keyword were changed to charm, it could be a being of immortal beauty that enchants those around.

If the keyword were changed to sleep, this heroic arc could represent someone blessed with the powers of slumber or dreams.

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st Selection: Noble


Selection: Baron 3

rd Selection: King

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a member of the noble caste. Your birthright is lands, servants and wealth, or at least, it should be. Perhaps you are still due to inherit these things, but your siblings are in contention for the same items. Perhaps you are an outcast from your family and your birthright has been lost. The only thing that cannot be taken is your blood and the legacy that it symbolizes.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Birthright: You gain a single advancing magic item. This item represents your birthright. Each time you select this heroic arc again, your item advances. Familial Association: Every noble family has enemies, and you are no exception. Against enemies of your family, you suffer a -2 penalty on all Interaction checks.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Training: You gain proficiency in a single weapon or armor of your choice. You must have proficiency in armor with the cumbersome property to select any armor with the cumbersome property and you must have proficiency in a shield to select any shield. Noble Bearing: You gain a skill training in Interaction. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Religion (Int/Wis), Streetwise (Int/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Amazing Birthright: Your advancing magic item also grants you a +1 magic bonus to an encounter skill of your choice for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Aura of Noble Majesty: You and all allies who can see you gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you and all allies also gain a +5 talent bonus to saving throws against effects with the fear keyword.

Born to Lead: You gain a +2 bonus to damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc for any standard action attack made against undamaged creatures. Fortress: You must have selected this heroic arc at least twice to select this upgrade. You gain a fortress of medium size (no more than 25,000 square feet). If you select this heroic arc a third time, you main gain an additional large fortress (no more than 100,000 square feet) with one additional upgrade. Improved Noble Bearing: When you use Interaction as a primary skill in a skill engagement, you must fail by 5 or more to accrue a failure. You accrue success as normal. If you select this heroic arc at least three times, you may roll twice whenever you make an Interaction check and use the higher of the two results. Noble Leader: You must have selected this heroic arc at least twice to select this upgrade. You gain followers as per the Leader of Men heroic talent. If you select this heroic arc at least three times, you double your normal number of followers and they receive a free upgrade. Versatile Leadership {R}: Choose a single skill. Whenever you succeed on a primary skill check with this skill during a skill engagement, your allies gain a +2 bonus to their next check with that skill. If you are making a quality check, this bonus applies if you achieve a quality of at least good. Versatile Mastery [Versatile Leadership] {R}: Choose a single skill which you have selected with Versatile Leadership. Once per encounter, when making a check with this skill, you may roll twice and select the highest result.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a noble, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

Any gifted leader of great bearing

A religious figure of authority in a theocracy

A magic figure of authority in a magocracy.

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st Selection: Enemy of the Occult


Selection: Cabal Hunter 3

rd Selection: Mage Slayer

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are an occult slayer, a destroyer of spellcasters and a hunter of those who would abuse arcane or divine magic. Perhaps a spellcaster injured you in an unforgivable way, perhaps a secret cult kidnapped and brainwashed your children, perhaps a powerful necromancer killed and raised your spouse. Whatever the reason for your malice, you have made it your life’s mission to hunt down and destroy those that would misuse magical power.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Magic Negation: You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against any condition or effect imposed by a spell.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Defenses: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against spells. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Magic Hunter: You gain a +4 bonus to damage against any target capable of making spell attacks. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Endurance (Str/Con), and Religion (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Dispeller: Whenever you make a standard action attack with advantage against a target that can cast spells, if your attack is successful, you may attempt to end 1 persist spell, zone or conjuration they have created. The enemy may make a saving throw. If this save is failed, the spell ends. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, no save is allowed against this effect. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, all such persist spells, zones and conjurations end. Magic Resistance: You gain Resist Spell 5 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Non-Detection: You may not be seen or detected by any divination spell. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you may also not be detected by any advanced senses (such as blindsight) granted by spells. Enemies with such abilities must use Perception against any Stealth checks you make as normal.

Pursuer: Whenever you successfully save against an effect imposed by a spell, you may move 3 squares closer to the target that imposed that condition. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you also gain advantage against any such enemy if you end this movement adjacent to them. Silencer: Whenever you score a critical hit with an attack, the target is also silenced (save ends). If you have selected this heroic arc twice, any creature silenced by this ability is also knocked prone. If you have selected this them three times, any target is also slowed as long as they are silenced by this ability. Slayer: You gain an additional +3 bonus to damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc against any target that can cast spells that you have advantage against. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 on such attacks. Spell Immunity: Once per round, when you are hit by a spell, you may make a saving throw as a free action. If this save is successful, you are not affected by the attack. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you no longer need to make the saving throw to be unaffected by the spell. Teleportation Anchor: Enemies adjacent to you may not teleport. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, enemies you can see cannot teleport.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as an occult slayer, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A hunter of any heroic arcd group of enemies

A warrior born with innate anti-magic qualities

The zealot follower of a god who abhors magic

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st Selection: Horseman


Selection: Cavalry 3

rd Selection: Rider of Legend

PREREQUISITE You must not have the Loyal Companion Heroic Talent.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Mounts; horses, giant lizards, elephants, whatever form they take, they form an important place in the history of warfare and these animals often form a special place in the hearts and minds of their keepers. The outrider is the master of mounted combat and has a special bond with the creature he has chosen to bore him into combat.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Trusted Mount: You gain a Trusted Mount companion as though you had taken the Loyal Companion Heroic Talent. You may not also take the Loyal Companion Heroic Talent if you have this heroic arc. Whenever your mount would suffer a damage instance as long as you are mounted, you may make a saving throw. If this save is successful, your mount does not suffer the damage instance.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Defenses: You gain a +1 talent bonus to a single defense of your choice when mounted. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Mounted Affinity: You gain a +2 bonus to weapon damage when mounted and your mount’s speed increases by 1. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), and Nature (Int/Wis). Specialized Narrative Skills: Riding (Str/Dex).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Additional Trick: Your may choose an additional upgrade from the mobility, attacks, or defense groups for your mount for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Additional Utility {R}: You may select a single upgrade from utility section for your mount. You mount gains this ability.

You may not select this ability more times than you have chosen this heroic arc. Mounted Warrior: You gain a +2 bonus to weapon damage rolls when mounted for each time you have selected this heroic arc. This bonus increases to +3 when you are charging while mounted. Rough Rider: When taking the move action, your mount may ignore up to 3 squares of difficult terrain for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you select this heroic arc three times, your mount may ignore such difficult terrain when moving at any time. Shared Spirits: You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws to have your mount avoid damage instances for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Stable Mount: When mounted, you reduce all forced movement besides teleportation by 2 squares for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you are immune to forced movement while mounted. Trample: When you are mounted, you and your mount may move your mount’s speed as a standard action, moving through enemy’s spaces. Any enemy’s space you move through must make a saving throw. If that save is failed, the enemy suffers 5 physical damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, any enemy that suffers damage is also knocked prone. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, such enemies are also impaired (save ends) and the damage increases to 10 per heroic arc selection. Urge for Battle: You gain a +2 bonus to initiative and your mount gains a +2 bonus to speed for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you or your mount score a critical hit on a 19-20 with standard action attacks while you are mounted.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as an outrider, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A warrior who has a special bond with any type of creature, changing the companion to bodyguard, predator, etc, would facilitate this easily.

A centaur or other half-quadruped creature.

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st Selection: Battle Chaser


Selection: Champion of War 3

rd Selection: Master

PREREQUISITE You must have the Skill Action class feature.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW The world is full of warriors, most of them, simple brutes who count their life in real combat in minutes. They focus on toughness or a weapon, or some other shortsighted thing. You focus on one thing; fighting.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Truly Skilled Action: You gain a +1 talent bonus on all Skill Action checks. Whenever you succeed on a skill action, your standard action attack that round may score a critical hit on a 19-20.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Defenses: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses when in a stance. Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Set-Up Affinity: You gain a +1 bonus to speed when using a set-up and a +1 bonus to damage on any standard action attack in around in which you used a Set-Up. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), History (Int/Wis), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Perception (Int/Wis)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Balanced Warrior: As long as you are in a stance, you reduce any forced movement against you by 2 squares for each time you have taken this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you may also make a saving throw whenever you are knocked prone. On a success, you do not fall prone. Capitalizing Critical: Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon attack, you may make an additional attack with a -2 penalty as a free action. This second attack is treated exactly as the additional attack granted by two-weapon fighting except you need not be wielding two weapons to

use it. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you do not suffer the -2 penalty to the granted attack. Critical Skills: When making a Skill Action check, if you roll a Natural 20 on your skill action, you may use an additional Set-Up as a free action after your skill action. If this is the second Set-Up you have used this turn, you may apply the benefits of both to your next standard action attack this round. Focused Warrior: You gain a +1 bonus to damage with weapon attacks in any round that you are in a stance for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you also use a Set-Up, the bonus damage increases by 1, if you also succeed on a Skill Action, the bonus damage increases by 1. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, whenever you are at 3 bonus damage per heroic arc and you score a critical hit with your standard action attack, that target suffers maximum damage (in addition to double damage). Incredible Skills: If you succeed on a skill action, you may expend your Heroic Moment to attempt a second skill action. You must use a different skill action than your initial success. If you are successful, the benefits of both of these skill actions apply to your standard action attack. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you gain a +1 bonus to your secondary skill action check. Master Set-Up: Choose a single Set-Up, you may use its skill engagement ability twice in any skill engagement instead of once. You may select an additional Set-Up and gain this benefit for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Resolved to War: You may use your Momentary Resolve as a free action in any round in which you succeed on a skill action. Your Momentary Resolve restores 5 additional hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Stance Dancer: Whenever you assume a new stance (i.e. go from one stance to a different stance or from no stance to a stance) you gain 5 temporary hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, the amount of temporary hit points granted increases to 7 per heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a warrior, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A naturally gifted combatant, such as the son of the god of war

The bearer of an item that grants incredible skills in battle

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st Selection: Advanced


Selection: Superior 3

rd Selection: Perfected


st Selection: Veteran


Selection: Thane 3

rd Selection: Dwarf Lord


st Selection: Eladrin


Selection: Ghaele 3

rd Selection: Tulani


st Selection: Prankster


Selection: Burgomaster 3

rd Selection: Kin Leader


st Selection: Wanderer


Selection: Bounder 3

rd Selection: Sheriff


st Selection: Paragon


Selection: Champion 3

rd Selection: Hero


st Selection: Sand Walker


Selection: Hidden Lord 3

rd Selection: Genie


st Selection: Greathorn


Selection: Labyrinth Walker 3

rd Selection: Monster of Legend


st Selection: Greenskin


Selection: War Leader 3

rd Selection: War Boss

PREREQUISITE You may only become the racial paragon of your current race.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW All races of the world have a divergent set of abilities that allow them to succeed and thrive. You are a paragon of

your race’s abilities; you embody the virtues, powers and qualities of your race in your every thought, word and deed.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Hero of the Kin: You gain a +5 bonus on all Interaction checks with members of your race. True Blood: You may select a second ability score from the list in Racial Traits that you did not previously select in any way. You gain the +2 bonus to this ability score.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain additional hit points equal to those granted by the selection of your race. Racial Training: You gain an additional point to spend on racial upgrades. Skill Training: You gain a skill training in a single specialized encounter and narrative skill that may normally be purchased with points by your race. If your race lacks any specialized encounter or narrative skill purchased with points, you instead gain training in a single skill that has an ability score bonus that matches the ability score you selected from your race. For example, if you chose +2 Dexterity from race, then you could select Stealth for your skill since it is a (Dex/Cha) skill. Specialized Skills: The two skills you have selected above.

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you gain the upgrade below. Unlike normal heroic arcs, there is no choices contained within the heroic arc itself, instead, you gain additional choices from your racial options. Racial Advancement: You gain 2 additional points to spend on upgrades available to you from your race. All normal prerequisites and restrictions apply to these bonus points.

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st Selection: Revenant


Selection: Servitor 3

rd Selection: Death’s Chosen

SPECIAL If you have died, with your GM’s permission, you may choose to exchange any of your existing heroic arc choices with this heroic arc. Any upgrades you gained from that heroic arc are lost and must immediately be replaced with upgrade choices from this heroic arc.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You have died. Whatever your original mission or purpose, you failed and fell into darkness. For some reason, perhaps beyond your reckoning, death has chosen to release her hold on you. You have returned to the mortal world, but now, you have a new purpose, as death’s servant upon this world, you know that your fate is forever entwined with death’s wishes.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Type: You may choose for your type to change to undead. Perhaps death did not restore to life in returning you. If you do so, you no longer need to eat or breathe, but must still sleep as normal. Purpose: You should work with your GM to determine what death’s purpose for you in the mortal world is. Perhaps this is known to your character immediately or perhaps it is something revealed over time.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Returned Durability: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 3 Returned Toughness: You gain a +1 bonus to your fortitude defense Specialized Skills: None

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Affinity for Death: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with all spells of the Death domain or that deal necrotic damage for each time you select this heroic arc. If you have selected

this heroic arc twice, you may also score a critical hit with such abilities on a 19-20. Bound to a New Fate: Once per day for each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may choose to take 10 instead of whatever you rolled when making a death saving throw. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, one of those three times you may choose to make your roll a natural 20 instead of 10. Chill of the Grave: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with all attacks with the cold keyword and resist cold 3 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Clarity of Purpose: Whenever you are engaged in a skill engagement related to your Purpose, with your GM’s permission, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks made in that encounter for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Your GM is the arbiter of whether or not this ability applies and depending on your purpose; this bonus may apply to other checks or situations as well. Death Resistance: You gain resist 5 necrotic for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have chosen this heroic arc at least 3 times, this resistance increases to 10 for each heroic arc choice. Resolved Focus: When you use your Momentary Resolve, you also gain a +1 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Returned Determination {R}: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by an additional 2 for each time you select this ability. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc. Stamina of the Returned: You gain 3 additional hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a returned character, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A being returned against its will to be an undead servant.

A member of the walking dead that broke free of its master and now wanders the world.

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st Selection: Rune Meister


Selection: Rune Scribe 3

rd Selection: Rune Master

PREREQUISITE Skill training in Ancient History and Artistry

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW Runes are some of oldest languages and some say they are the distilled words of the gods given form. Many cultures, including the dwarves and giants have not forgotten the power in such symbols and have magic based on the creation and manipulation of runes. You have learned the secrets of such magic and use it to aid yourself in battle.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Runecasting: You gain the ability to inscribe runes of power. As a standard action, you may inscribe a physical item (a sword, shield or even a person) with your rune sequence. If you inscribe an item, then any creature that wields that item will gain the full benefits of your rune sequence after wielding the item for 1 full minute. If you inscribe a person, they gain the benefit of the sequence upon completion of this action. This sequence represents your understanding of the secret art of rune lore. Using this ability counts as a spell and has the Persist keyword. Each upgrade offered by this heroic arc grants you knowledge of an additional rune you may add to your sequence. Your sequence begins with the Rune of Power in heroic arc statistics above. You may only scribe your rune sequence a number of times per day equal to the number of times you have selected this heroic arc. This ability counts as a persist spell for the person benefitting from the rune sequence. If you are the target of this persist spell, it may not be dispelled by any means.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Runic Durability: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 2 Rune of Power: You gain a +2 bonus to all damage rolls. Runecast: You gain 1 daily use of Runecasting (see below). Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), History (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis) Specialized Narrative Skills: Ancient History (Int/Wis), Artistry (Wis/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Rune of Antipathy: The bearer of your rune sequence is protected by an aura of antipathy. Any enemy must spend 1 additional square of movement when moving into any square adjacent to the bearer for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Rune of Defense: Choose a single defense when you use your runecasting. The bearer of your rune sequence gains a +1 magic bonus to the chosen defense for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Rune of Determination: The bearer of your rune sequence has their Reserve Healing Value increased by 2 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, then the bearer of this rune also gains 15 temporary hit points whenever they use their Momentary Resolve. Rune of Knowledge: Choose a single skill when you use your runecasting. The bearer of your rune sequence gains a +1 magic bonus to the chosen skill for each time you have selected this skill. If you have chosen this heroic arc twice, the bearer may reroll a single failure using this skill during a skill engagement. Rune of Movement: The bearer of this rune sequence gains a +1 magic bonus to speed for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, they also gain a flight speed equal to their base speed. Rune of Resistance: Choose a single damage type. The bearer of your rune sequence gains resist 5 against that damage type for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have chosen this heroic arc three times, the base resist increases to 10 per heroic arc. Rune of Shocking Retaliation: The bearer of your rune sequence deals 3 lightning damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc to any creature that hits the bearer with a melee attack. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, this damage increases to 10 lightning damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc when you are critically hit by such an attack. Rune of Stamina: The bearer of your rune sequence gains an additional 3 hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a rune caster, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A being blessed with unexplained supernatural abilities.

A member of race that uses language and words as power and the focus of spells.

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st Selection: Pirate


Selection: Buccaneer 3

rd Selection: Dread Pirate

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a scourge of the seas, a bandit of the oceans, a brigand of the wave, a pirate. You make your living by robbing those that share the sea lanes with you. You and your fellow pirates believe wholly in robbing from the rich (everyone else) and giving to the poor (yourselves). Though pirates often have a fearsome reputation, the reality usually falls somewhere between honorable thief and bloodthirsty killer. Every crew of a ship boarded by pirates hopes for the former and dreads the latter.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Reputation: The most important factor for any pirate is his reputation. A good pirate knows that his reputation, be it one of fear or honor, can go further to defeat his enemies than 100 well armed men. When you select this heroic arc, you must choose fear or honor. Certain upgrades have different effects based on this choice (see below). Ship: You gain a sailing vessel of no larger than medium size. You do not automatically have the necessary crew to pilot the vessel.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 4 additional hit points Parley: You gain a skill training in Interaction Rigging Master: You gain a skill training in Athleticism. Sea Rider: You gain a skill training in Navigation and Seafaring. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Nature (Int/Wis), Perception (Int/Wis) and Thievery (Dex/Cha) Specialized Skills: Navigation (Int/Wis), Seafaring (Dex/Wis)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Back-Stabbing Sea Dog: You gain an additional +2 bonus to damage when attacking a creature with advantage for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If attacking a creature that is stunned or helpless this damage bonus increases to +5.

Captain’s Introduction: If you are an honorable pirate, you gain a +2 bonus for each time you have selected this heroic arc to the first Interaction check made as a primary check in a skill engagement. If you chose fear, you gain the same bonus to the first use of Interaction during an encounter to cow an enemy. Captain’s Motivation: If you are an honorable pirate, all allies that can see you gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses. If you have chosen fear, all allies that can see you gain a +3 talent bonus to damage rolls. If you select this heroic arc three times, these bonuses double. Captain’s Orders: If you are an honorable pirate, anytime you successfully score a critical hit with an attack, all allies that can see you may move 2 squares per time you have selected this heroic arc as a free action. If you have chosen fear, all enemies must move 2 squares away from you with the same trigger. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, any allies moving automatically succeed on any Athleticism checks made to jump or climb as part of this movement and any enemies may be knocked prone instead of forced to move. Captain’s Share: You gain a single advancing magic item of no greater than your current level. For each time you select this heroic arc, you may advance the item as per the normal rules for advancing magic items. Deadly Marine: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with all weapon attacks for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Scale the Rigging: You gain a climb speed equal to your base speed. For each additional time you select this heroic arc, you climb speed increases by 3. Ship Upgrade {R}: You gain a new ship (losing your old ship) of one size category larger or you may choose a single magical upgrade for your ship. You may choose this ability once for each time you select this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a pirate type of character, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A privateer or government sponsored raider

A war-band or bandit leader on land (with changes to the ship aspect to be mounted warriors or a similar change)

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st Selection: Specialist


Selection: Lieutenant 3

rd Selection: General

PREREQUISITE You must have stances as a class feature.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are part of a military organization. You may be a member of an elite team or a special task force, but you are recognized as being something more than a common grunt. Whatever rank, you fight for king and country.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Proficiency: You gain proficiency in all military weapons and one exotic weapon of your choice. Service: Your duty as a soldier is a major part of your life. Though you are not a common grunt expected to train and drill with the other infantry, you are still expected to fulfill obligations and obey the direct orders of your superior officers. Your service also has benefits as you may be granted special equipment or privileges where appropriate for your missions.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Basic Training: You gain a skill training in either Athleticism or Endurance Combat Training: You gain a +1 bonus to a single defense of your choice whenever you are in a stance. Hit Points: You gain 6 additional hit points Drilled Soldier: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 2. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), History (Int/Wis), Interaction (Wis/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Commander: You may only select this ability if you have selected this heroic arc at least twice. As a standard action, you may attempt to inspire your allies and troops. You make an Interaction check against the Moderate DC. If you are successful, all allies who can see you gain 5 temporary hit points for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If

you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, all allies also gain a +2 talent bonus to damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc as long as those temporary hit points remain. Any defeated cohorts or followers may make a saving throw, if this save is successful, they return to fighting capability with one damage instance. Front Line Warrior: You gain a +2 bonus to all damage rolls when you make a standard action attack while adjacent to any ally. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also score a critical hit on a 19-20 for such attacks. Grunts: You may only select this upgrade if you have selected this heroic arc at least twice. You may utilize low ranking members of the military as followers for a single mission. These grunts adhere to the rules for followers and you receive 2 contingents of followers for each time you have selected this heroic arc. You may use this ability once per level for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Military Resources: You may call upon the military for support. When using a specialized skill granted by Soldier in a skill engagement as a Primary skill, you may call upon your military resources to gain a +2 bonus to your roll. You must claim this bonus before you make your roll. You may perform this action once per level per time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least three times, you also gain 2 successes instead of 1 whenever you roll a critical success with these skills. Mounted Calvary: You gain a +1 bonus to speed and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with standard action weapon attacks for each time you have selected this heroic arc when mounted. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, you may also ignore difficult terrain when charging while mounted. Officer’s Sidearm: Select a single magic weapon or armor of your level or lower. You gain this item as an advancing magic item. This item advances automatically each time you select this heroic arc. Specialist Training: Once per encounter, you may reroll a failed check with any Strength or Dexterity based skill. Tactical Training: You gain an upgrade for a single stance you currently know for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a soldier, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A criminal pressed into service for a military or para-military group

A person raised in the wild amongst animals with a rigid pack mentality

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st Selection: Busker


Selection: Prestidigitator 3

rd Selection: Illusion Master

PREREQUISITE You must have a skill training in Interaction.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a performer, a busker, an illusionist. You may not have the ability to summon real spells, but to those you perform astounding feats of amazement for, you are magic all the same.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Performer: You gain a new skill action for Interaction, if you have the Skill Action class feature, you may use this as a normal skill action. If you do not, you may use this ability as a minor action.


Skill Action (Interaction, Special)

With a flash, you are gone

Success: Immediately following your next successful standard action attack this round, you may become invisible and then move 2 squares. This is as per the at-will version of invisibility.

Disappearing at the right moment is always useful

Skill Engagement: Whenever an ally fails when making a primary Interaction check in a skill engagement, you may attempt your own Interaction check at the Hard DC. If you succeed, your roll replaces the ally and you may take no additional actions in the skill engagement this round.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 3 additional hit points Showman: You gain a skill training in Interaction. The Show: You gain a skill training in Disguise and Perform. Specialized Skills: Arcana (Int/Cha), Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Stealth (Dex/Cha), Streetwise (Int/Cha), Thievery (Dex/Cha) Specialized Narrative Skills: Disguise (Int/Cha), Perform (Dex/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Escape Artist: You gain a +2 bonus to Athleticism checks made to end immobilization or slowed conditions for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may roll twice on such checks and take the highest result. Into Thin Air: When you successfully use your Vanish skill action you may move 2 additional squares for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you also may not be automatically detected by scent. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may not be automatically detected by tremorsense. In all of these cases, the monster must succeed against your Stealth with Perception as normal. Is This Your Card?: You may use your Heroic Moment to make a Thievery check against an adjacent creature to Steal an Item as a minor action. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may make such a check as a free action. Levitation: You may cast the levitation spell at-will. You may not apply upgrades of any kind to this other than the upgrade granted through this ability. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you gain the flight upgrade and may use the spell at-will with this upgrade. Lovely Assistant: You gain a companion as per the Loyal Companion Heroic Talent. This must be a Spy or Thief companion but is otherwise chosen normally. You gain a single additional upgrade for your companion for each additional time you select this heroic arc. You may not select both this ability and Loyal Companion. Solid Through Solid: You may ignore 5 feet (1 square) of difficult terrain for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also ignore 5 feet of any blocking terrain (such as a wall, door or similar barricade) as though you had the incorporeal quality when moving. You must end such movement in normal terrain. Transposition: As a move action, you may trade places with any willing adjacent ally. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may use this ability once per round as a minor action. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you may switch places with any willing ally you can see. True Showman: You may use the Create a Distraction skill use of Interaction as a minor action. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you are not limited to one such skill use per encounter.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a street magician, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A minor magician or magical race of creatures

A mischievous fey trickster

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st Selection: Totemic


Selection: Animalist 3

rd Selection: Totem Lord

PREREQUISITE You must have a skill training in the Nature skill.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a warrior of nature. You have connected your soul with the totemic spirits and forces of nature, and now you may draw upon them to aid you in battle and in overcoming the challenges that lay before you. The spirits of the bear, the eagle, the lion and more now share a space in your own soul, infusing you with their power.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. Totemic Power: At the start of your turn as a free action, you may set the totem spirit you are calling upon. This choice lasts until the start of your next turn. There are 8 totem spirits, each aligned with a skill (see Specialized Skills below) as long as you remain in that totem spirit, you gain a +2 bonus to all checks with that skill. Each totem spirit also aligns with a single upgrade below. You may only use the ability of that totem when calling upon that totem spirit. So for example, to use the abilities of Spirit of the Bear, you must have chosen to be in the Totem Spirit of the Bear at the start of your turn. Each additional time you select this heroic arc, you may activate an additional spirit each turn.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Shared Soul: Your Reserve Healing Value increases by 2. Urging of the Beast: You gain a +2 bonus to initiative and a +1 bonus to speed when charging or running. Specialized Skills: Athleticism [Lion] (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance [Bear] (Str/Con), Heal [Monkey] (Dex/Int), Interaction [Fox] (Wis/Cha), Intuition [Owl] (Wis/Cha), Nature [Stag] (Int/Wis), Perception [Eagle] (Int/Wis), Stealth [Shark] (Dex/Cha)

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below.

Spirit of the Bear: Whenever you make a standard action weapon attack, you may push any target hit by that attack 1 square for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may instead choose to grab your target as long as you have a hand free after making the attack. Spirit of the Eagle: Whenever you move as part of a move action, you may fly for that movement but you must land at the end of that movement. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you instead gain a fly speed equal to your base speed. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, your fly speed increases by 2. Spirit of the Fox: You may use the Create a Distraction ability of Interaction a number of additional times in a combat equal to the number of times you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice, making such a check is a minor action. Spirit of the Lion: You gain an additional +2 bonus to speed when charging and gain a +1 bonus to damage on such attacks for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you no longer grant advantage when charging. Spirit of the Monkey: You gain a climb speed equal to your base speed. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you also gain a +2 bonus to damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc on ranged attacks made when you are at a higher vertical position than your enemy. Spirit of the Owl: You gain a +2 bonus to defenses against attacks with the illusion keyword and gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against such attacks or spells for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, you automatically succeed on any saving throw to determine an illusion with the figment keyword is not real. Spirit of the Shark: You gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks and damage against wounded enemies for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, wounded enemies may no longer benefit from concealment or invisibility of any kind against you. Spirit of the Stag: You gain a +1 bonus to speed for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you also are not limited by your move speed on Athleticism checks made to jump. If you select this heroic arc three times, the bonus to speed increases to +2 for each time you have selected the heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a totemic warrior, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

If the abilities were reflavored, the warrior could call different aspects of a single totem animal.

A minor shape shifter actually transforming into a humanoid version of these animals.

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st Selection: Shaman


Selection: Medicine Man 3

rd Selection: Elder

PREREQUISITE You must have the ability to cast spells.

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are (or were) the shaman for a tribe of savage or uncivilized humanoids. Perhaps you are revered by your tribe for your magical powers and wisdom, or perhaps the tribe fears your power and the curses you could lay upon them. Whatever the case, like your tribe, you are wild and the bounds of civilization hold little interest to you.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the feature below. At Home in the Wild: You may select a single Terrain (as per the Ranger’s terrain specialty). You gain all normal benefits of the Terrain Specialty selected.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points. Trained in the Wilds: You gain a skill training in Endurance, Nature and Religion. Wilderness Survivor: You gain a +1 bonus to your fortitude defense. Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Interaction (Wis/Cha), Intuition (Wis/Cha), Nature (Int/Wis), Religion (Int/Wis).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Battle Shaman: Whenever you cast a spell of the protection domain on an ally, that ally also gains a +1 magic bonus to a defense of your choice for the duration of the spell for each time you have selected this heroic arc. Chief’s Advisor: Whenever you use the Aid Another action to aid an ally’s skill check, the bonus you grant by aiding increases by 1 for each time you have selected this heroic arc. In addition, if you have selected this heroic arc twice, whenever an ally you successfully aided with a check succeeds at the Hard DC on a primary check, that ally gains 2 successes instead of 1.

Primitive Lore {R}: You may select a single Arcane Mastery (if you have Arcane Proficiency) or a single Divine Mystery (if you have Divine Proficiency) and immediately apply it to a single spell you know. You may not select this ability more times that you have selected this heroic arc. Terrain Home: You gain a +1 talent bonus to all skill checks for each time you have selected this heroic arc when in the terrain selected by your At Home in the Wild ability. If you have selected this heroic arc at least twice and you are using that skill as a primary skill in a skill engagement, when you roll a Natural 20, you negate the next failure suffered by you or your allies in that encounter. Tribal Hex Bearer: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with any spell with the curse keyword for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you cast a spell with the curse keyword that does not deal damage, whenever the target of that spell fails a saving throw against that spell, they also suffer ongoing 5 necrotic damage for each time you have selected this heroic arc (increasing to ongoing 10 and 15) until they make their first successful save against that spell. If you have selected this heroic arc three times, the bonus damage increases to 3 and the ongoing damage increases to 10 (20, 30). Well Traveled: You must have selected this heroic arc twice to select this upgrade. You may select a second terrain type for the At Home in the Wild ability to apply to. Wilderness Magic: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with all spells you cast from the Nature or Weather domain for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you have selected this heroic arc twice, you may also score a critical hit with such spells on a 19-20. Wilderness Wanderer: You gain a +1 talent bonus to speed and a +2 talent bonus to initiative for each time you have selected this heroic arc.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a tribal shaman, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

A different sort of druid, or similar Celtic based spellcaster.

A member of a race of magical fey creatures living far outside civilization

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st Selection: Vampire


Selection: Master Vampire 3

rd Selection: Vampire Lord

HEROIC ARC OVERVIEW You are a creature of the night, and only blood can slake your endless thirst. Perhaps you were bitten and transformed or perhaps you are a more unusual natural Vampire, born into the world of the creature of the eternal night, never having known a day of true unfettered sunlight in your life. However this condition came to afflict you, it is permanent now and there is no going back: ever. For the rest of your days, you will wander the world as one of the undead, a hunter, a killer, whose true desire can never be satisfied.

UNIVERSAL FEATURES When you first select this heroic arc, you gain the features below. Blood Drain: As a standard action attack, you may attempt to drain the blood from a target you have grabbed or that is stunned, dominated or helpless. If the target is grabbed or stunned it may make a saving throw, on a successful save, the creature is unaffected. If the creature fails the saving throw or is dominated or helpless the target suffers damage equal to your Reserve Healing Value and you may spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. Weakness to Sunlight: Weakness Radiant 5. If exposed to direct sunlight, you suffer ongoing 10 radiant damage and may not save against this effect until you are not exposed to sunlight. If you are covered by something equivalent to a heavy cloak and no skin is exposed, you are instead slowed if in direct sunlight. If you are in a building or some other way granted cover from the sun, this condition ends. Type: You count as undead for all purposes. In addition you need not eat or drink, but you must use your Blood Drain at least once per day. Unlike most undead, you must still sleep. Vision: You gain darkvision.

HEROIC ARC STATISTICS You gain the following features each time you select this heroic arc. Defenses: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses Hit Points: You gain 5 additional hit points Speed of the Undead: You gain a +2 bonus to initiative Specialized Skills: Athleticism (Str/Dex/Con), Endurance (Str/Con), Interaction (Wis/Cha) and Stealth (Dex/Cha).

HEROIC ARC UPGRADES Each time you are awarded an upgrade by your heroic arc, you may choose a single option from the list below. Creatures of the Night: For each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may, once per day, summon either 3 wolves or 3 bats, summoning these creatures is a standard action and they appear from mists around you. These creatures are exactly as presented in the Monstrous Catalogue except they are your level, underlings, and always deal 1 damage per level on a successful hit. These creatures last until destroyed. Deathly Regeneration: You gain regeneration 3 when wounded for each time you have selected this heroic arc. If you select this heroic arc 3 times, the regeneration applies regardless of if you are wounded or not. Flight: You gain a Fly speed of 6 with a maximum altitude of 2. Each additional time you select this heroic arc increases the flight speed by 3. If you select this heroic arc 3 times you no longer have a maximum altitude. Gaseous Form: For each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may assume a gaseous form for 1 minute per day as a standard action. In this form you are incorporeal, gain a fly speed of 6 and may pass through any opening air can pass through. You may not make attacks of any kind while in this form. Glare of the Damned: For each time you have selected this heroic arc, you may once per day attempt to take over the mind of an enemy as a standard action attack. You must be able to see your target and your target must be able to see you. The target makes a saving throw, on a failed save the target is slowed (save ends). If you have taken this heroic arc at least twice, then on the first failed save against the slowed condition, the target is instead dominated (save ends). Invisibility: Once per day per time you have selected this them, you may use the invisibility spell. You may not apply any upgrades and you must spend the normal standard action each round to maintain the spell. Speed Enhancement: You gain a +2 talent bonus to initiative and speed for each time you select this heroic arc. Weapon Resistance: You gain Resistance Physical 5. This resistance increases by 5 for each additional time you select this heroic arc. Silver weapons ignore this resistance.

OTHER REPRESENTATIONS Though presented here as a vampire, this heroic arc, with only slight modifications, could also represent any of the options listed below.

Any sentient free-willed undead

A flesh golem or similar artificial construct

A being cursed with dark powers by a god or because of an item he carries

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INTRODUCTION Skills represent the basic way that your character interacts with the world around him or herself. Skills embody what your character has trained in, what his passions are, and perhaps even what their career is when they are not adventuring (or at least their hobby). Skills define your character’s abilities both on and off the battle grid and they are but one part of what makes your character a complete person.

SKILL TYPES There are two types of skills in the game. Encounter skills and Narrative skills. Encounter skills are those meant to be used during a tense, combat or high-risk situation. These represent broad skills your character has trained in and worked hard to internalize so that when the heat is on, these skills respond almost intuitively. Encounter skills are most often used within the framework of rounds and initiative, or in combat itself. They are broadly categorized and have many divergent uses contained within them. Narrative skills on the other hand are those skills that may not have ready combat applications or risk resolution mechanics, but are none the less, part of any well-rounded character. These are skills that represent the character’s passions, hobbies and interests. Perhaps your character is a blacksmith or a master musician, these skills

are found within the narrative category. Narrative skills are any skill that your character might have learned growing up, or could actively pursue and speak to others in the game world with pride in that skill. It is hard to imagine a character in the game bragging up his “Perception” skill, as that is simply a mechanical manifestation of a game element for the player, but it is easy to imagine a fighter using Perform (Lute) to impress the princess he is trying to woo and win over. Narrative skills are most often used in “narrative time,” which isn’t really tracked time at all. This is the “in-between” time when there is not direct action. Perhaps the group is at an inn talking, perhaps they are building a rapport with the king in a long conversation, and perhaps they are all simply enjoying some down-time after a difficult adventure. In all of these cases, the GM is not tracking initiative and rounds, but simply allowing the PCs to fill the time. These skills give the PCs tools to both flesh out their characters more fully and fill this time.

SKILL TRAINING The next logical question is how does your character actually learn these skills? The answer is skill trainings. Each character receives 12 encounter skill trainings and 10 narrative skill trainings at level 1 and one additional skill training in both encounter and narrative skills at each level beyond 1. Each skill training is good for +2 in that skill. You may assign multiple skill trainings to a single skill, however the maximum number of skill trainings you can have in any one particular skill is equal to your ability score modifier for

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that skill. If multiple ability scores are listed, you may use the highest modifier between the ability scores listed. For example, you have just gained a level and are looking to invest your newly gained skill training in Perception. You look at Perception and see it is has (Int/Wis) next to it. This means that Perception is tied to both Intelligence and Wisdom. Looking at your character sheet, you see that you have a 12 Intelligence and an 18 Wisdom, which are good for a +1 and a +2 respectively. This means you will use your Wisdom to determine your maximum skill trainings for this skill, and that number is 2. Seeing that you only have 1 skill training in Perception, you assign the new skill training, increase your Perception bonus by 2 and you are done. If, however, you had already had 2 skill trainings in Perception, then you could not invest another skill training in Perception and would have to invest your skill training elsewhere. The exception to this rule is if the skill is specialized for you, which we will cover in the next section. Any skill check may be attempted for any purpose unless the skill use specifically says it requires skill training (or a certain number of skill trainings). Untrained skills checks are made using the total of the ability modifier, the talent, magic and any miscellaneous bonus the character possesses.

SPECIALIZED SKILLS Specialized Skills are those that your race, class and/or heroic arc may grant to you. For each time that a skill is specialized for you, the maximum number of trainings you may invest in that skill increases by 1. This means that the true maximum for the number of skill trainings that may be invested is as follows.

Highest Associated Ability Score Modifier + Total Number of Times the Skill is Specialized

So, if we return to our example above and our character trying to invest in Perception. If that character had an 18 Wisdom (for a +2 bonus) and already had 2 skill trainings invested (for a total of +4 to the skill) and was looking to invest another skill training in Perception, then that skill would need to be specialized by either that character’s race, class or heroic arc. If the skill was specialized twice (e.g. by race and class), then not only could the character invest this skill training in Perception, but would be able to invest another skill training upon gaining a new level at a later time. Note that all of these rules apply equally to both encounter and narrative skills.

TOTALING SKILLS A skill’s total bonus is the summation of all of its parts, as below.

+2 for each Skill Training + Level + The highest ability score modifier for the ability score of that skill + talent bonus + magic bonus + parent skill bonus + any miscellaneous bonus = Total Skill Bonus

This then represents your true capability with that skill. Your total bonus is an accumulation of your training, your innate abilities, as represented by your ability scores, your talents based on your professional training and any magical enhancements you possess. For narrative skills, having training in any of the related parent skills also provides a one-time bonus, as detailed below.

MAKING SKILL CHECKS Now that your skills are trained, you will want to use them. To do that, you will first need to know what type of check you are making. For our game, there are two types of skill checks, quality checks and difficulty checks.

QUALITY CHECKS A quality check represents your character trying to achieve something under relatively normal circumstance (i.e. not rushed and under duress). The thing your character is trying to achieve is also capable of being benchmarked against other similar things. For example, if your character is using Singing, that could be compared to other singing performances, both past and present. If you character is using blacksmithing to create a sword, the quality of that sword can be compared to other swords that have been crafted throughout history, or even the ability to craft swords in general. To make the check, you simply roll a d20 and add your total bonus for that skill. So if you were making a Singing check and had a +12 total bonus to the skill, you would roll a d20 and add +12, your result when compared with the table below, tells you the overall quality of your check. You can not necessarily “fail” at singing, but you can certainly have a less than inspiring performance.

DC Achieved Result

0 or Less True Failure

1-9 Barely Competent

10-19 Average

20-29 Good

30-39 Great

40-49 Extraordinary

50+ True Mastery

These results are left relatively open to interpretation, as they represent a broad swath of what can be accomplished through such an endeavor. In the end, the table is more for you to gauge your own character’s success or progress over time to determine just how good you have become at a certain skill.

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Quality checks are most often used with narrative skills, but there may be times when your GM calls upon you to make a quality check with any skill. The table and the relative level of success remains the same. Skill Engagements can be built around narrative skill use. These will most often be a representation of a large number of well trained people all coming together to achieve a common good (consider the building of a large ship for example). In these skill engagements, the penalty is not failure, but instead, the overall quality achieved will then impact the future of the game in some way. For example, if the ship built in our earlier example were of poor quality, it may more easily sink in a later encounter on rough seas.

DIFFICULTY CHECKS A difficulty check represents your character attempting a skill under some duress or where failure is a very real possibility with serious consequences. The thing your character can do is not being compared against all Athleticism checks ever, but merely against the challenge of the situation and whether or not that check is enough to succeed and avoid a nasty failure. The easiest way to consider this is a character attempting to leap over a monster of some kind using the Athleticism skill. This is not a quality check, because the situation is most definitely stressful and the consequences of failure are serious, namely landing right on top of the monster and being in an extremely vulnerable position. Table 6.1: Difficulty Class

Level Easy Moderate Hard

1 10 15 23

2 11 16 24

3 12 17 25

4 13 18 26

5 14 19 27

6 15 20 28

7 16 21 29

8 18 23 31

9 19 24 32

10 20 25 33

11 21 26 35

12 22 27 36

13 23 28 37

14 24 29 38

15 25 30 39

16 27 32 41

17 28 33 42

18 29 34 43

19 30 35 44

20 31 36 45

21+ +1 +1 +1

In these cases, the checks are made against an Easy, Moderate or Hard DC. Most checks of this kind are made against the Moderate DC, representing a serious, but not impossible challenge for a character of your PC’s current level. Each level, the DC for all three of these difficulty classes’ changes; increasing slightly to represent the ever growing capabilities of your character.

The results of a difficulty class check are open to much less interpretation. If you fail to achieve the set difficulty class, you fail at the check. This can bring anything from a small temporary set-back to very serious consequences, depending on the situation and what was being attempted with the skill check. Difficulty checks are most often used with encounter skills, but there may be times when your GM calls upon you to make a difficulty check with any skill. The DCs necessary for success as directed by your GM remain unchanged. Skill Engagements will often be built around encounter skills. The use of these encounter skills under duress is the very definition of a skill engagement. Skill Engagements require there to be a need for the PCs to accomplish the task and a real set of repercussions upon failure. One of the most basic examples of this would be the PCs tracking their way across a barren unfamiliar wilderness. Their checks may be skills like Nature, Perception and Endurance. Each success bring them closer to escaping or safely traversing the dangerous environment, but each failure, brings them closer to exhaustion and death; something that most definitely ranks quite high as a consequence.

CHECKS WITHOUT ROLLS All of your encounter skills are considered to have a reflexive setting. This is basically the average of your roll and what you can achieve when not aware you need to make the checks. For example, if you were making your way carefully through a corridor and a small kobold was lurking in the shadows unbeknownst to you, then you would use your reflexive skill check. Your reflexive skill check is your total skill bonus +10. In this case, no d20 is rolled, but the GM is able to take an average of your skill and determine what your character is capable of even when not actively “trying.”

NO CHECKS Generally, if a skill carries no risk for failure, has no time limit and is not a narrative skill where quality matters, then no check is necessary. Your character is simply assumed to have completed this mundane task without slowing the game down with a dice roll. An example of this would be a blacksmith making horseshoes or nails. These relatively simply items are made without any check and the character moves on without wasting any time in minutiae.

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ENCOUNTER SKILLS The list below represents the 14 encounter skills that characters can train in. The uses for these skills are defined in the lengthier skill descriptions that follow. All encounter skills represent broad categories of abilities. Most encounter skills also have a Skill Action associated with them that can be used by certain talent based characters such as the fighter and rogue, who live and die by the skills they are able to bring to bear. Table 6.2: Encounter Skills

Encounter Skills Ability Score(s)

Arcana Int, Cha Athleticism Str, Dex, Con Delving Str, Con, Int Endurance Str, Con Heal Dex, Int History Int, Wis Interaction Wis, Cha Intuition Wis, Cha Nature Int, Wis Perception Int, Wis Religion Int, Wis Stealth Dex, Cha Streetwise Int, Cha Thievery Dex, Cha

KNOWLEDGE SKILLS Knowledge skills are any skills used for monster knowledge checks. This includes Arcana, Delving, Nature and Religion.

NARRATIVE SKILLS The list below represents the narrative skills that a character may train in. These skills are much smaller and more focused than encounter skills. They correspond to a particular task, hobby, interest or craft. These skills serve several purposes, both allowing your character to be a more complete person with their own passions, but also to give your character a point of pride and a way to creatively contribute to the story that may be beyond the normal rubric of the encounter. Each narrative skill also has a Parent Encounter Skill. If you have any skill trainings in any of these parent encounter skills at any time, you receive a one time +2 bonus to the associated narrative skill. You may never receive this parent skill bonus more than once for any single narrative skill. If a skill has a (Cr) following it, this means it is a craft skill and is used to create simple mundane goods as per the time and quantity allowed by your GM. Table 6.3: Narrative Skills

Narrative Skills Ability Score

Parent Skill

Alchemy (Cr) Dex, Int Arcana, Nature

Ancient History Int, Wis History Animal Handling Str, Wis Nature, Athleticism Artistry (Cr) Wis, Cha Perception, Intuition Astrology Int, Wis Arcana Blacksmithing (Cr) Str, Con,

Int Endurance

Bowyer/Fletcher (Cr)

Dex, Int Nature, Perception

Brewing (Cr) Int, Wis Nature Carpentry (Cr) Dex, Int Athleticism, Endurance Charioteering Str, Dex Athleticism Cooking Dex, Int,

Wis History, Nature

Dancing Dex, Cha Athleticism, Interaction Disguise Int, Cha Interaction, Thievery Engineering (Cr) Int, Wis Arcana, History Farming Int, Wis Endurance, Nature Fishing Dex, Wis Nature Foraging Con, Wis Nature, Perception Forgery Int, Cha Thievery Gambling Int, Cha Thievery Gem Cutting (Cr) Int, Wis Delving, Perception Herbalism (Cr) Dex, Int,

Wis Heal, Nature

Hunting Dex, Wis Nature, Perception, Stealth

Juggling Dex, Cha Athleticism, Thievery Leatherworking (Cr)

Dex, Wis Nature

Mining Con, Wis Delving, Endurance Navigation Int, Wis Nature, Perception Perform Dex, Cha Interaction Pottery (Cr) Dex, Wis Perception Riding Str, Dex Athleticism, Nature Seafaring Dex, Wis Nature, Perception,

Athleticism Singing Con, Cha Interaction Stonemasonry (Cr) Int, Wis Endurance Tailoring (Cr) Dex, Wis Perception

ENCOUNTER SKILL DESCRIPTIONS The following section details the various uses for encounter skills. It also includes any Skill Actions that skill contains. Only characters that receive Skill Actions (Fighters, Rogues and Rangers) may use the Skill Actions associated with skills. If a skill use has a Trained following it, this means it may only be attempted if the character has any skill trainings assigned to the skill. If the skill use has a Trained # such as Trained (4) after it, this means that the character must have at least 4 skill trainings to attempt this use of the skill. If the skill use has the Flexible keyword, this means it can only be attempted in armor with the flexible property. This is most often the case for some extreme acrobatic skills. If the skill has the cumbersome keyword, it means

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the penalty for wearing cumbersome armor applies to all checks with this skill. If the skill has the knowledge keyword, this means it is used to identify properties and abilities of enemy creatures. All knowledge skills are used in the same fashion and share the same difficulty classes.


SKILL NAME Key Abilities The brief description of what the skill represents and how it used can be found in this section.

USE (ACTION) Keywords This will then detail what each use of the skill can do. For example, an Athleticism check made to jump. This will always list a general difficulty for this use of the skill, however, you GM always has final say if the DC is higher. Failure: This lists the ramifications for failure of the skill and whether or not it can be tried again.

SKILL ACTION This describes the Skill Action for this skill and how it may be used if chosen by the appropriate character.

ARCANA Intelligence/Charisma This skill represents your knowledge of all things arcane. This skill can be used to identify magical items or magical creatures, notice the spell cast by an enemy or even perceive the lingering auras of magic in an area. In short, Arcana corresponds to the character’s interaction with the magic world and the traces that magic leaves behind on the real world.

MONSTER KNOWLEDGE (FREE ACTION) Knowledge, Trained This skill may be used to identity magical creatures and their capabilities. This skill may be used to understand the powers and properties of constructs, elementals and magical beasts. A Moderate DC check identifies the monster’s resistances and weaknesses (if any). A Hard DC check also identifies the creature’s movement modes and speeds. For every 5 points over the Hard DC, the GM should reveal one additional piece of information. Failure: No knowledge is gained and the skill check may not be attempted again in this encounter.

DETECT MAGIC OR AURA (FREE ACTION) Trained This use of the skill identifies a spell being cast, a zone or lingering magical effect, or the presence of magic in the area (such as a very powerful spell caster). Generally such

checks are at the Moderate DC, but the GM has final say based on how potent, dangerous or well hidden the magic ultimately is. Failure: No knowledge is gained, but the skill check may be attempted again on the character’s next turn.

IDENTIFY MAGICAL ITEM (VARIES) Trained This use of the skill identifies a magical item. This skill use gives the bearer full knowledge of its magical properties and the effects of wielding it. Generally such checks are at the Moderate DC, but the GM has final say based on how potent, dangerous or well hidden the magic ultimately is. Such a check usually takes no more than a few minutes of holding and examining the item, but particularly powerful items (such as artifacts) may take longer or be simply impossible to identify in this way. Failure: No knowledge is gained, but the skill check may be attempted again on the character’s next turn.

SIMPLE MAGICAL EFFECT (STANDARD) Trained (5) or Arcane Proficiency This use of the skill allows you to produce a simple magical effect often referred to as a cantrip. This use does not require a skill check but merely happens. You may select any of the following effects of your cantrip. Under no conditions may this skill use make an attack, cause damage or force a saving throw of any kind.

Move an unattended object weighing no more than 5 pounds

Create a small noise

Create conditions of normal light in a 25 foot (5 square) radius for 5 minutes.

Clean an object, dirty an object, warm or cool an object or cause food to gain flavor.

Any other similar minor magical effect. Failure: N/A

ATHLETICISM Strength, Dexterity, Constitution This skill represents physical fitness and the capabilities that brings with it, including the ability to run, jump, swim and other such feats of physicality. Athleticism is a basic skill of any martial character, as learning how to navigate terrain (running, jumping, climbing) is essential when facing opponents that may be more mobile or capable than the warrior.

BALANCE (MOVE ACTION) Cumbersome You make this check when attempting any feat of balance (such as moving across a thin area with no handholds or on a surface of slippery ice). Such a check is usually at the Moderate DC, but your GM may direct otherwise.

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Failure: If the character fails, then the character does not retain their balance and falls. This check may be attempted again when (if) the character rights themselves. If the character is going to fall into dangerous terrain (say a 50 foot pit) the character may attempt a saving throw as normal. If this check is successful, the character falls prone in the square they began the action in.

CLIMB (MOVE ACTION) Cumbersome You make a check based on the DC of the surface you are attempting to climb. Each successful check allows you to move ½ of your speed across that surface. Though the table below lists DCs, your GM has the final say as to what DC is appropriate for any challenge. Failure: If the character fails, then the character does not climb and falls. This check may be attempted again when (if) the character climbs back up. If the character is going to fall into dangerous terrain (say a 50 foot pit) the character may attempt a saving throw as normal. If this check is successful, the character fails to move from the square they began the action in.

Surface DC

Ladder 0

Rope w/Knots 5

Wall with handholds 10

Uneven surface 15

Rough surface 20

Smooth surface 30

GREAT BULL RUSH (SKILL ACTION) This skill action is used to position your enemies where you want them, using your weight, force and momentum against them as a weapon.

Great Bull Rush

Skill Action (Athleticism)

You drive your foe from you and to his knees.

Success: Your next successful standard action melee attack made this round against any target adjacent to you also causes your target to be pushed 5 feet (1 square) and be knocked prone.

Your allies can be pushed out of the way just as easily as your enemies

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a trap skill engagement, you may use this anytime a character other than yourself would take damage or lose a Heroic Reserve. You take that damage or lose that Heroic Reserve instead. You may only use this ability on one ally per round.

ESCAPE IMMOBILIZATION (MOVE ACTION) You may attempt an Athleticism checks to end any immobilizing condition on yourself. This represents your

body taking control over whatever is holding you in place, be it a magical spell or strands of webbing. If you are successful, you may also move 1 square as part of this action. Failure: You do not end the immobilized condition. You may try again on your next move action.

JUMP (MOVE ACTION) Cumbersome You make this check when attempting to jump any distance over 5 feet. Your check is the distance (in feet) that you successfully jump. So an Athleticism check of 35 means your jump covers 35 feet (7 squares) of movement horizontally. The number divided by 4 is the distance jumped vertically. Note that your jump cannot exceed your total move distance, so if the above character had a move speed of 30 feet (6 squares) then that is actually the distance they would travel with the above check, not 35 feet. Failure: If the character fails, then the character does not make the jump and falls. This check may be attempted again when (if) the character is able.

SURVIVE FALL (FREE ACTION) Cumbersome, Trained You make this check whenever you suffer falling damage when conscious. You reduce your falling damage by an amount equal to your Athleticism check result. If this reduces the amount of damage below 0, you do not fall prone at the end of the fall.

SWIM (MOVE ACTION) Cumbersome You make this check when attempting to swim and make your way through water that is either choppy, dangerous or full of monsters. A check is not necessary in any calm water, or water where you can touch the bottom with your feet. The difficulty for the check is generally the Moderate DC, however particularly rough seas can increase that check to the Hard DC or above. Failure: If the character fails, then the character does remain on the surface and sinks. This check may be attempted again when (if) the character rights themselves. The character must now hold their breath. Characters under duress can hold their breath for 3 rounds without checks. However, on the 4

th round and every round after

that, the character must make a saving throw; a failure means the character begins drowning. On the first failed save, the character is stunned on the second failed save the character is helpless and they will die at the end of their next turn.

DELVING Strength/Constitution/Intelligence

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This skill allows you to successfully navigate caves, underground areas and dungeons. This allows you to detect the quality or hazard of stonework, your relative depth and any slope on your current path. This skill can also be used to identify creatures who make their homes in the subterranean world.

BREACH DEFENDER (SKILL ACTION) This skill action is used when you are in a position of safety and strength, with walls at your back or sides. Your position reinforces you and makes you a tougher foe to bring down.

Breach Defender

Skill Action (Delving)

Your back against the wall is exactly where you want to be.

Success: If you are adjacent to at least one vertical solid surface (such as a wall or similar structure), your next standard action attack made this round also grants you 5 + level temporary hit points and a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. You gain these bonuses regardless of the success of the attack.

Your allies can be pushed out of the way just as easily as your enemies

Skill Engagement: If you are engaged in a skill engagement in an underground environment where Delving is a primary skill, anytime you achieve at least the Hard DC on that skill, the next ally to make a check in that encounter gains a +2 talent bonus to the check.

MONSTER KNOWLEDGE (FREE ACTION) Knowledge, Trained This skill may be used to identify underground creatures and their capabilities. This skill may be used to understand the powers and properties of creatures with a Climate of subterranean as well as Traps, both mundane and magical. A Moderate DC check identifies the monster’s resistances and weaknesses (if any). A Hard DC check also identifies the creature’s movement modes and speeds. For every 5 points over the Hard DC, the GM should reveal one additional piece of information. For traps, a Moderate DC check reveals the trap’s area of effect and attack modes, as well as the skills to disarm. A Hard DC check identifies any other countermeasures or solutions to the trap. Failure: No knowledge is gained and the skill check may not be attempted again in this encounter.

DETECT/IDENTIFY HAZARD, CONSTRUCTION, SLOPE OR DEPTH (FREE ACTION) This use of the skill identifies a natural hazard in an underground environment, recent construction, a slope in your current path or your current depth beneath the surface. This skill can also be used to identify the origin of stonework or a particular “manmade” section of dungeon.

These skill uses are all at the Moderate DC. If the stonework is particularly old or esoteric in its origin the DC could be considerably higher. Failure: No knowledge is gained, but the skill check may be attempted again on the character’s next turn. In the case of identifying stonework or similar craftsmanship, the check may not be made again.

ENDURANCE Strength, Constitution This skill is your body’s raw ability to withstand punishment. It is a measure of your pure, unmitigated physical toughness. Your Endurance is your ability to take a beating and keep on fighting.

ENDURE ADVERSITY (NO ACTION) This skill is used to mitigate the penalties of extreme situations that adventuring brings about. Generally, this skill will be used as part of a skill engagement as opposed to a single instance of survival. Situations like surviving without food, air and water are resolved through direct saving throws. Endurance is more about surviving environmental hazards, damage and dangers. Such checks are generally at the Moderate DC but this can vary widely based on the potency of the adversity attempting to be resisted. Failure: Generally you may continue to make later Endurance checks (though you still suffer the full penalties for any failure) assuming you are still alive.

TOUGH ENOUGH (SKILL ACTION) This skill action is used when you need to prove your mettle, take the pain and fight on.

Tough Enough

Skill Action (Endurance)

What is pain?

Success: Your next successful standard action attack made this round allows you to spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points equal to your Reserve Healing Value +10. This increases to an additional 15 hit points at level 11.

Pain is a thing felt by lesser men.

Skill Engagement: When an ally loses a Heroic Reserve as a result of a failed Endurance check in a skill engagement, you may choose to lose those Heroic Reserves instead.

HEAL Dexterity, Intelligence This skill is used to treat the sick, wounded and dying. It eases pain and suffering and allows those being wracked by terrible illness some reprieve. It is a skill of mercy and compassion. Heal is trained by those who know that often, to cure the weak, is more heroic and necessary than to destroy the strong.

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ACTIVATE HEROIC RESERVE (MOVE ACTION) Trained This skill can be used to allow an adjacent conscious or stable character to spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. Failure: No Heroic Reserve may be spent. This may be attempted again on the character’s next move action.

BLEEDING OUT (SKILL ACTION) Your knowledge of anatomy can be turned into a weapon just as easily as it can save your allies.

Bleeding Out

Skill Action (Heal)

A carefully placed cut as you attack leaves your opponent bleeding severely.

Success: Your next successful standard action attack made this round also deals ongoing 5 + ½ level physical damage (save ends).

You can stop the pain felt by your allies…sometimes.

Skill Engagement: When an ally loses a Heroic Reserve as a result of a failed primary skill check in a skill engagement, you may make a Heal check as a free action. If you succeed at the Hard DC, you reduce the number of Heroic Reserves lost by that ally by 1. On a critical success, you eliminate all Reserve loss. You may only make such a check once per round.

STABILIZE THE DYING (MOVE ACTION) This skill use allows a dying unconscious character to stop making saving throws to avoid bleeding out. The character is then stable, but remains unconscious until healed. Failure: The character continues making saves to avoid bleeding out.

TREAT CURSE (STANDARD ACTION) Trained (5) This skill use allows the healer to treat curses. The Healer can grant the cursed target a saving throw. If that save should fail, this does not count as a failed save against the curse. A trained healer can grant only 1 saving throw per affliction period of the curse. Failure: N/A.

TREAT DISEASE (STANDARD ACTION) Trained This skill use allows the healer to treat diseases. The Healer can grant the diseased target a saving throw. If that save should fail, this does not count as a failed save against the disease. A trained healer can grant only 1 saving throw per affliction period of the disease. Failure: N/A.

TREAT STUNNED (MOVE ACTION) Trained This skill use allows the healer to remove the sunned condition from an adjacent ally. The check is generally at the Moderate DC, though a particularly tough enemy may stun in such a way that it cannot as easily be removed. Failure: The stunned condition persists.

HISTORY Intelligence/Wisdom The study of history allows you to know certain important facts, occurrences and goings-on and how those events may relate to your current situations or predicaments. History is the knowledge of where society and the world has been, and the study of it may help you to avoid some of the same pitfalls of the past.

HISTORICAL RECALL (MINOR ACTION) Knowledge History is most often used as part of a skill engagement or similar encounter to remember useful bits of lore about similar situations from the past, and how their solutions (or failures) may help in overcoming your current predicament. This skill is especially useful for military matters such as battles, leaders, and heraldry. You may use History to recognize any heraldry, its significance and lineage. Most of these checks are at the Moderate DC, but particularly esoteric or obscure lore could be much harder to recall. Failure: Failure during a skill engagement will carry ramifications as per that encoutner. Failure to recognize heraldry may not be attempted again until a new skill training is applied to History.

LESSON LEARNED (SKILL ACTION, SPECIAL) You have learned well from the failures of history, and you shall not be caught so unaware no matter the situation or peril you face.

Lesson Learned

Skill Action (History)

You have seen this before, and you know just what to do.

Special: You must be surprised to use the combat function of this skill. You may use this as “No Action” before initiative is determined.

Success: You and all allies are no longer surprised and may participate in initiative normally. If you roll a critical success on this History check, you and your allies gain a +10 bonus to initiative checks.

This turn of events is just like the one experienced by Commander Mardin at the battle of ...

Skill Engagement: You may use this skill when a new skill is introduced in a skill engagement or a new skill is revealed based on the success of a skill check. You and your allies each gain a +2 bonus to the next check with that skill.

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INTERACTION Wisdom/Charisma This skill is used to interact with those around you. Whether you are trying to lie to them, gently persuade them to see your point of view or simply cow them with your mighty presence, all of these are examples of the Interaction skill.

BLUFF (VARIABLE ACTION) This use of the skill is used to lie or spin a falsehood. This version of the skill is often used as part of a skill engagement. It is opposed by the Intuition of the enemy you are attempting to lie to instead of a flat DC. Failure: You falsehood is not believed and others are aware you attempted to lie.

CHARMING PERSONA (STANDARD ACTION) Trained (10) This use of the skill allows you to beguile people in a nearly supernatural way. As a standard action you may create an effect identical to charm person but that may only target creatures of the mortal type. You do not make an attack roll for this, the skill check duplicates the effect (the “hit” line). All the normal restrictions of that spell apply. Failure: You do not befriend the person. Extreme failure may anger the person and cause them to attack you directly.

COMPELLING CHALLENGE (SKILL ACTION) You are a master of goading others into being exactly where you want, when you want them there.

Compelling Challenge

Skill Action (Interaction)

Your opponent can not resist your barbed taunts.

Success: Before your next standard action attack, you may move any single enemy within 25 feet (5 squares) of you to any square adjacent to you.

You can goad your allies just as easy as your enemies and your words urge them on.

Skill Engagement: Whenever you are using Interaction as a primary skill in an encounter and you achieve at least the Hard DC, your allies receive a +2 bonus to the next Wisdom or Charisma based skill checks they make as part of that encounter.

COW AN ENEMY (STANDARD ACTION) You may use Interaction to attempt to force a wounded enemy to stop fighting. You make an Interaction check against the Hard DC for your level. If you are successful, a single enemy you can see that is wounded must make a saving throw. On a failure, they immediately surrender. Note, if the enemy has an easy way to flee, it will do that instead of simply submitting, especially if it believes its life will pay the price of its surrender.

Failure: The enemy does not surrender against its will. You may not try to cow that enemy again during this encounter.

CREATE A DISTRACTION (MOVE ACTION) Once during any encounter, you may use Interaction to attempt to create a distraction. You must defeat the Intuition (generally the reflexive Intuition) of all enemies who can see you. If you do, you may either gain advantage against a single foe you can see, or make a stealth check to become hidden. If your Stealth check is successful, you may then move 2 squares as a free action. Failure: You fail to create a distraction. You may not try again during this encounter.

INTUITION Wisdom, Charisma Intuition allows you to understand others and their motivations. This skill comports to the ability to “read” people and understand why they think and act as they do. Intuition is another way to understand your enemies and the more you understand about them, the easier it becomes to either manipulate them or work with them toward a common goal, depending on your point of view.

BODY LANGUAGE (SKILL ACTION) Your style of fighting is such that you are in perfect synchronization with your opponent and it becomes hard for them to easily escape your engagement.

Body Language

Skill Action (Intuition)

You read your opponent’s feet and movements, and you see where this is going.

Success: Whenever the next enemy you successfully hit with a standard action attack this round moves before the start of your next turn, you may move a number of squares equal to your speed, as long as you end closer to that enemy.

You can easily read opponents in any setting.

Skill Engagement: You may use Intuition in place of Interaction when Interaction is a primary skill in a skill engagement.

GENERAL FEELING (MINOR ACTION) You can use intuition to get a general feeling of the area you are in or the people in that area. For example, if you were in a town where a murderer was stalking the streets at night, you could use this skill to most likely learn that the people in the town were on edge. If they were not, then that would also be a signal that something was amiss. Failure: You may not attempt to get another general feeling until the situation or people change in some way.

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OPPOSE INTERACTION (NO ACTION) This skill is also used when someone attempts to use Interaction on you when bluffing (lying) or being diplomatic (learning their true intentions). Success does not tell you exactly what they are thinking or that they are necessarily lying, but it gives you a read that they have ulterior motives and/or are not giving you the whole story. Note, this check will most often use your reflexive skill check (10 + total bonus) Failure: If you do not successfully oppose the check, you are not aware of the possible lies or ulterior motivations and may not try again on that use of Interaction.

NATURE Intelligence/Wisdom Nature is used to find your way in the wilds, to forage for food and to identify natural creatures. Nature is a skill of rangers, scouts, druids and other people that find their homes in the vast wilderness outside of civilization.

BEFRIEND ANIMAL (STANDARD ACTION) Trained (5) This skill use allows you to befriend natural creatures of the animal type. This skill use has no effect on Magical Beasts or similar non-mundane creatures. As a standard action you may create an effect identical to charm person but that may only target animals. You do not make an attack roll for this, the skill check duplicates the effect (the “hit” line). All the normal restrictions of that spell apply. Failure: You do not befriend the animal. Extreme failure may anger the creature and cause them to attack you directly.

FORAGE (VARIABLE ACTION) This use of this skill allows you to gather food and shelter for you and your companions. A Moderate DC check will provide enough food and reasonable shelter for you and 4 other people. The Hard DC provides for 4 additional people. Failure: You do not gather the required amount of food, by may try again time permitting.

MONSTER KNOWLEDGE (FREE ACTION) Knowledge, Trained This skill may be used to identity magical creatures and their capabilities. This skill may be used to understand the powers and properties of animals, mortals and plants. A Moderate DC check identifies the monster’s resistances and weaknesses (if any). A Hard DC check also identifies the creature’s movement modes and speeds. For every 5 points over the Hard DC, the GM should reveal one additional piece of information. Failure: No knowledge is gained and the skill check may not be attempted again in this encounter.

NATURE’S ROAR (SKILL ACTION) You bring the fury of nature to bear. Whether in combat or a social situation, you are always a beast.

Nature’s Roar

Skill Action (Nature)

Your bellow drives your enemies before you.

Success: Before your next standard action attack, you may push all enemies in an adjacent 15’ x 15’ area (3 x 3 squares) 2 squares.

Your primal scream drives your allies to greater success.

Skill Engagement: During a skill engagement when any ally rolls a natural 20 on a primary skill check, you may immediately make a Nature check. If your check is at least at the Hard DC, your ally’s check counts as 2 successes instead of 1.

NATURE KNOWLEDGE (FREE ACTION) This skill is used to recall important bits of information about the natural world. This type of check is most often used in a skill engagement. This knowledge could be what plants are poisonous, what terrain is most dangerous or other important facts and information related to the natural world. Such a check is usually at the moderate DC, but particularly exotic terrain could be considerably more difficult. Failure: You may not try to recall information again in that situation.

PERCEPTION Intelligence/Wisdom The Perception skill is used to spot hidden enemies, detect concealed objects and find your way through obscured areas. Perception is your ability not only to notice the large details (such as a hidden orc waiting to swing his axe at you), but also the small details (such as the arm of a “suicide” victim being in an impossible position).

SPOT HIDDEN (NO ACTION) Reflexive This is the reflexive check made in response to a hidden enemy. As normal for reflexive checks, you do not actually roll anything, but instead you use the total of 10 + your skill bonus. Failure: This check, if failed may not be attempted again, you simply failed to see the hidden item.

TRACK HIDDEN (VARIABLE ACTION) Perception is used to track enemies. This can either be done in narrative time or as part of a larger skill engagement. Tracking a creature near your level is normally at the Moderate DC, though a particularly stealthy or tricky opponent may be at a higher difficulty. Failure: If you fail, you lose the tracks you are following.

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SEE ALL (SKILL ACTION) Your eyes are as sharp as an eagle, and nothing escapes your notice.

See All

Skill Action (Perception)

The slightest movement reveals your enemy’s position.

Success: Your next standard action attack ignores all penalties and restrictions for concealment or invisibility.

You catch the misstep your ally is about to make before they make it.

Skill Engagement: Once per round, during a skill engagement when any ally rolls a natural 1 on a primary skill check, you may immediately make a Perception check. If your check is at least at the Hard DC, your ally may reroll the check, but must accept the second result.

RELIGION Intelligence/Wisdom This skill is used to know and understand the various rules, rigor and ritual of religion. This skill can be used to recognize the holy symbol of a particular faith, understand the proper way to address a church official, or know the holy days of a faith.

MONSTER KNOWLEDGE (FREE ACTION) Knowledge, Trained This skill may be used to identity magical creatures and their capabilities. This skill may be used to understand the powers and properties of outsiders and undead. A Moderate DC check identifies the monster’s resistances and weaknesses (if any). A Hard DC check also identifies the creature’s movement modes and speeds. For every 5 points over the Hard DC, the GM should reveal one additional piece of information. Failure: No knowledge is gained and the skill check may not be attempted again in this encounter.

RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE (VARIABLE ACTION) Using religion in this way is either done to recognize a particular religious custom or answer a religious query. The other most common way that this skill is used is in skill engagements of a religious nature or where religious knowledge can be brought to bear to achieve success. Failure: This skill may not be used again until the situation changes that provoked the check. During a skill engagement, the penalties for failure vary, but the skill may be used again as per the challenge itself.

STEALTH Dexterity/Charisma Stealth is a skill of shadows and subterfuge. Stealth is about both not being seen and making one's self innocuous, simply fading into the background. True masters of stealth

such as rogues and rangers can equal feats of near invisibility through their training. Those who practice the stealthy arts, know that the best defense, is for your enemy to not even be aware of your presence.

BECOME HIDDEN (MOVE ACTION) You can make a Stealth check to become hidden. You must have total cover or concealment to make your initial check to become hidden. After that, you must maintain either cover or concealment and you must make a Stealth check as part of any move action made to actually move. You automatically become visible if you attack, though you gain advantage for that attack. Enemies must equal or exceed your Stealth with Perception to know your location and attack you without penalty. Failure: You are not hidden and can be seen normally.

SHADOW STRIKE (SKILL ACTION) You are one with the darkness.

Shadow Strike

Skill Action (Stealth)

The darkness simply cloaks your deadly assault.

Success: If you are hidden when you succeed on this check, your next attack this round deals additional damage equal to 2 + ½ your level.

The shadows cloak your every move.

Skill Engagement: During a skill engagement when using Stealth as a primary skill, if you roll a natural 20 on your check, you gain 2 successes instead of 1.

STREETWISE Intelligence/Charisma Streetwise is the skill for people who know people. It is the ability to network, build connections, learn important information and understand how that relates to the present situation in the community you are in. Streetwise can help you to locate a local thieves’ guild, or tell you who is in charge of that guild. It could be used to know the mistress of the new Lord Mayor or perhaps just get a general read on a community. In general, it is the gathering and interpretation of relevant facts about a social population.

GATHER INFORMATION (VARIABLE ACTION) This skill represents learning information about the town or community your character is currently in. This could be used for a one-off skill check to learn a particular relevant fact (such as the last item stolen by the Crimson Edge thieves’ guild) or it could be used as part of a larger skill engagement. In general, Streetwise checks will be at the Moderate DC to learn most information, though particularly well guarded or little known knowledge could be at significantly higher difficulties. Failure: You may only attempt to gather information again if your GM allows additional uses of the skill.

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CROWD NAVIGATION (SKILL ACTION) You are adept at winding through throngs of people in a busy city, what do a few opponents in combat mean to you?

Crowd Navigation

Skill Action (Streetwise)

You weave an easy path through the crowd.

Success: Before or after your next standard action attack this round, you may move up to 4 squares. You may move through enemy’s squares during this movement.

You know people that know people.

Skill Engagement: During a skill engagement in an urban environment when using Streetwise as a primary skill, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

THIEVERY Dexterity/Charisma Despite the name that implies thievery is all about stealing, it actually has much broader applications. Thievery can certainly be used to steal, it could be used to quickly palm an item from a vendor’s stall, or lift a note from a diplomat’s pocket. Thievery can also be used to disarm traps, open locks, or even secret away items on your person you don’t want others to see or find. Thievery can even be used to perform simple legerdemain or sleight of hand.

DISARM TRAP (VARIABLE ACTION) Trained Thievery can be used to disarm traps or even interfere with certain hazards. Using the skill in this way is usually part of a small skill engagement. The exact number of successes, action taken to use the skill and the difficulty class of the checks will all be determined by the trap itself and communicated by your GM. Failure: You may attempt to disarm the trap again, though failure could have repercussions as per that particular skill engagement.

LEGERDEMAIN (STANDARD ACTION) Trained This skill allows you to perform some trick or sleight of hand. This could be anything from street magic, such as a card trick or similar non-magical illusion to a larger spectacle such as making a wagon “disappear.” Your Thievery check is opposed by the Perception of those watching to determine the way the “trick” works. Failure: You have been caught while trying to steal the item.

HIDE ITEM (MINOR ACTION) This skill is used to secret away a small item on your person. The item must be in general no larger than your forearm to be hidden on your person innocuously. Anything larger is simply too big to secret away with any reasonable chance of success. Your Thievery check is opposed by the Perception check of someone searching you (whether visually or by pat-down, if someone is being careful in their pat-down search, they receive a +5 bonus to their opposed Perception check). Success means the opponent remains unaware of the item. Failure: The item you are attempting to secret away is found.

STEAL ITEM (STANDARD ACTION) Trained This use of thievery allows a trained character to lift innocuously an item carried by another person. This can be any item on their person that is readily visible and not currently being wielded (i.e. a weapon in their hands or the armor they have on). Your Thievery roll is opposed by the enemy’s Perception. If you defeat their roll, then you have successfully absconded with the item. Your next step is most likely to hide the item on your person (see Hide Item). Failure: If you failed by 5 or more, you were caught attempting to steal the item and do not receive the item, otherwise you simply fail to get the item.

QUICK GRAB (SKILL ACTION) You are adept at making items “disappear.”

Quick Grab

Skill Action (Thievery)

Your martial attack only serves to disguise your true intent.

Success: If the next standard action melee attack you make this round is successful, you may use the Steal Item use of Thievery as a free action against the target you successfully attacked.

You seize an opening left by an opponent.

Skill Engagement: During a skill engagement in which Thievery is a primary skill, anytime you or one of your allies rolls a Natural 20 on a primary skill check, you may make a Thievery check as a free action. If this check meets at least the Hard DC, you earn an additional success in the encounter.

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NARRATIVE SKILL DESCRIPTIONS The following section details the various uses for narrative skills. Narrative skill descriptions are much more vague and open than Encounter skills. These skills are meant to be used in creative ways during narrative time as another method of problem solving and character building.


SKILL NAME Key Abilities Parent Skills The brief description of what the skill represents and how it used can be found in this section.

ALCHEMY Dexterity/Intelligence Arcana, Nature This skill can be used to brew certain poultices, herbal remedies and assorted other non-magical chemical items. Though historically, alchemy was about the pursuit to turn base metals (such as lead) into gold, within the span of the game, it is more about creating concoctions that have unique properties (such as the ability to aid in restoring wounds, or potent poisons) without magic.

ANCIENT HISTORY Intelligence/Wisdom History This skill can be used to recall important information about esoteric historical lore. This skill can be used to discover more mundane minutia of ancient cultures, such as the crafts they engaged in, their familial structures, important holidays and other such small details that history may not be able to uncover.

ANIMAL HANDLING Strength/Wisdom Athleticism, Nature This skill can be used to calm and train non-hostile animals. This does not cover combat training but rather simple tricks (sit, roll over, etc.). Only normal animals, not beasts can be trained with this skill.

ARTISTRY Wisdom/Charisma Intuition, Perception This skill governs all forms of creative artistry. This includes but is not limited to painting, sculpting, drawing, poetry, composing, etc. Each time a training is selected for this skill,

a type of artistry such as above must be selected to apply the training to.

ASTROLOGY Intelligence/Wisdom Arcana This skill can be used to read the heavens and stars and chart the movements of astrological bodies. Certain religions and other such organizations consider the movements of such astral forms to bear portents or omens of the future and use such information to guide their decision making.

BLACKSMITHING Strength/Constitution/Intelligence Endurance This skill can be used to create basic items from metal through forge work. The craftsman can make items such as nails, horseshoes or weapons. The cost to create such items is one half the base price listed in the equipment section.

BOWYER/FLETCHER Dexterity/Intelligence Nature, Perception This skill can be used to create bows, crossbows and similar ranged items from wood or more exotic materials such as ivory. A bowyer is also capable of creating arrows through the application of this skill.

BREWING Intelligence/Wisdom Nature This skill can be used to brew alcoholic beverages. This covers of all types from beers (ales, lagers, etc), wines and their fermentation as well as the distillation of liquors and stronger drinks. Certain societies such as dwarves regard those who have such skills quite highly.

CARPENTRY Dexterity/Intelligence Athleticism, Endurance This skill can be used to create items from wood, big or small. This skill could be used to create simple wooden toys for children, furniture to outfit a home or even the home itself as long as it is constructed primarily of wood. Such a craftsman is highly valued by travelling merchants for their abilities to easily repair wagons which must make long journeys often across very rough trails.

CHARIOTEERING Strength/Dexterity Athleticism

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This skill can be used to guide and control a chariot. Such a vehicle is used mainly as a war machine, bringing several troops into battle quickly and causing a fair amount of destruction as it moves across the battlefield, easily cutting a path through lightly armored skirmishing troops.

COOKING Dexterity/Intelligence/Wisdom History, Nature This skill can be used to cook and prepare meals. The higher the check, the more flavorful and filling the dish created.

DANCING Dexterity/Charisma Athleticism, Interaction This skill can used to display prowess with dancing and covers the mastery of many forms of dance, from solo displays of acrobatic prowess to large coordinated dance routines often used by troupes of travelling actors and performers. Such entertainment is highly regarded by most civilizations especially at times of celebration and festival.

DISGUISE Intelligence/Charisma Interaction, Thievery This skill can be used to cover one’s own identity or even to impersonate another being’s identity. In the latter case, an Interaction check to bluff must also be made to pass yourself off as the individual being impersonated to any who are aware of or know that individual.

ENGINEERING Intelligence/Wisdom Arcana, History This skill covers the creation of a wide range of mechanical or complex creations, but can be used for simpler tasks as well. This skill could be used to rig up a pulley system to lift a heavy object to high place, to plan drainage for a city’s sewer system or construct the war machines for that city’s walls.

FARMING Intelligence/Wisdom Endurance, Nature This skill covers the operation of a farm and the production of goods from that farm. This could be in the form of crops grown, animals maintained and cared for with an eventual end of reproduction or for slaughter.

FISHING Dexterity/Wisdom Nature

This skill can be used to catch fish of all sizes and shapes. This skill also covers the basic knowledge of such creatures such as their habitat, hours of activity, basic diet and relations with other creatures that share their environment.

FORAGING Constitution/Wisdom Nature, Perception This skill can be used to aid in the collection of basic foodstuffs and supplies when in the wild. To actually accrue food, one must use the Nature skill, but this skill can supply supplementary knowledge such as safe places to bed down for the night and the safety of wild growing foods such as berries and nuts.

FORGERY Intelligence/Charisma Thievery This skill can be used to create false documents, writs and other such paperwork. Certain kingdoms or empires have writs of travel or identification that they require all citizens of the realm to carry and this skill can be used to create false version of those documents. This skill could also be used to create falsified books or writings in the style or idiom of an existing author.

GAMBLING Intelligence/Charisma Thievery This skill can be used to succeed at gambling, cards and other games of chance. This covers the full range of games from simple dice contests to complex betting matches. This skill can also be used to identify tells and other idiosyncrasies of other players or to perform other acts such as counting cards. Generally such games of chance are resolved through a series of competitive quality checks with this skill.

GEM CUTTING Intelligence/Wisdom Delving, Perception This skill can be used to refine and cut gems from their raw form into beautiful, polished finished stones. Certain races, such as gnomes and elves, respect such crafters highly and use such items in the crafting of their weapons, armor and other accoutrement.

HERBALISM Dexterity/Intelligence/Wisdom Heal, Nature This skill can be used to create simple concoctions of herbs and naturally growing plants. These powders, pastes and

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poultices are most often used for simple household or health remedies such as the flavoring of dull food, aiding in digestion or even treating common ailments and sicknesses.

HUNTING Dexterity/Wisdom Nature, Perception, Stealth This skill can be used to actively hunt common animals. This skill covers the knowledge of such creature’s habitats, feeding patterns and the ecosystem in which they live including their predator and prey animals. Tracking the animals requires a Perception check as normal to track. These skills are highly valued among the nobility as a proper hobby for an upper class individual to be engaged and trained in.

JUGGLING Dexterity/Charisma Athleticism, Thievery This skill can be used to perform feats of skill and performance through the juggling of various items. The most basic performers use small soft colorful balls that easily hold the eyes and attention of those watching. Skilled performers use more dangerous items such as lit torches, weapons or even small animals.

LEATHERWORKING Dexterity/Wisdom Nature This skill can be used to create items of leather and hide. This is generally done through either boiling and rendering of the hide with oil or other similar means. This skill can be used to create basic leather and hide armors of common sizes and shapes or to repair such items.

MINING Constitution/Wisdom Delving, Endurance This skill can be used to bring rocks, metal and gems from their homes deep within the earth. Mining is incredibly hard and dangerous work and those willingly engaged in such pursuits take great pride in their ability to “smell out” rich veins of ore or similar resources. Such raw materials are then used in other craft skills such as Blacksmithing, Engineering and Gem Cutting.

NAVIGATION Intelligence/Wisdom Delving, Nature, Perception This skill can be used to aid in your navigation of wilderness and unfamiliar territory. This skill grants you knowledge of things like navigating by the stars and other natural tricks

to aid in your ability to find your way through unfamiliar territory.

PERFORM Dexterity/Charisma Interaction This skill can is used to perform, usually with any type of instrument, mundane or exotic. Trainings are purchased in a group of instruments (such as wind instruments) or a particular talent (such as snake charming).

POTTERY Dexterity/Wisdom Perception This skill can be used to create simple items of clay or a similar more exotic substance. The most commonly crafted items are bowls, dishes, pots and cups which are then used for various household purposes. Some truly adept craftsman can make beautiful creations when using glazes and such work begins to border on artistry.

RIDING Strength/Dexterity Athleticism, Nature

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This skill is used to govern basic riding and control of a common mount such as a horse. This does not cover combat riding, but rather the proper control, pacing and understanding of the animal. This knowledge extends to understanding the endurance of the mount as well as coaxing it to perform more complicated tricks such as crossing dangerous terrain or jump obstacles.

SEAFARING Dexterity/Wisdom Athleticism, Nature, Perception This skill covers all manner of sailing and knowledge of the sea. This includes understanding wind and ocean currents, ship upkeep and rigging or rope use. Actual navigation or prediction of the weather requires a Nature check, but for basic sailing and ship maintenance, Seafaring is appropriate.

SINGING Constitution/Charisma Interaction This skill includes all manner of rhythmic vocal performance. This skill includes solo work as well as learning to harmonize as part of a larger group or choir and knowledge of scales, pitch and timbre. Singing is an especially important part of many religious traditions and most churches value the skill highly.

STONEMASONRY Intelligence/Wisdom Endurance This skill covers knowledge of stone work, the creation of mason structures and the mathematical engineering behind such creations. This skill does not cover sculpting or carving stone (which falls under artistry) but rather more practical concerns such as the construction of stone works and buildings.

TAILORING Dexterity/Wisdom Perception This skill can be used to create various cloth items. This skill governs the knowledge of the formation of bolts of such cloth as well as sewing, stitching and dyeing such items. This skill is most often used to create basic sets of clothing.

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INTRODUCTION Stances are the most basic elements of a character’s fighting style. They represent the way the person distributes their weight, the position of their feet, the pose of their body. All of these things are the fundamentals of combat, and any trained warrior can easily recognize the stances that an opponent is utilizing. Stances are the simplest currency of a character that relies on talent and martial skill to overcome challenges. All stances give some benefit to your character. They will tend to affect the character directly, granting him a specific buff or ability as long as that stance is maintained. Assuming a stance is a minor action and you are assumed to remain in that stance until either you assume a new stance as a minor action, leave all stances as a free action on your turn or go unconscious. You may never be in more than one stance at a single point in time and activating a new stance necessarily cancels your old stance.

STANCE TYPES Stances are a mechanic shared by many classes, but not any class can select any stance. The stances that follow are divided into 3 groups, General Stances, which can be chosen by any character capable of choosing stances, Spell Stances, which are unique to the spellblade, representing a stance blending talent and arcane power and finally Slayer Stances, which the ranger is granted by his choice of favored enemy. Each of these types of stances are divided into their own section and a character may choose any of the stances available to him anytime that character receives a stance advancement.

STANCE UPGRADES Stances are not a static quantity. As a warrior improves in his combat prowess, so to do his stances improve if that character should choose to focus on improving them. Each stance has a list of possible upgrades separated by the minimum level the character must be to select that upgrade. Anytime the class grants a stance advancement, the character may opt to upgrade an existing stance he possesses instead of choosing a new stance. Classes receive stance advancements at different rates of speed based on their predilection for skill at arms. See your specific class for information on what levels grant stance advancement.

STANCES BY CLASS The table below gives an overview of classes that receive stances and what stances they may choose.

Table 7.1: Stances by Class

Class Stances Allowed

Fighter General

Monk Offense, Defense

Rogue General

Ranger Slayer

Spellblade Spell Stance, General


1. Stance Name: This is the name of the stance. This

name will often match the name of a fighting style or similar class feature choice. This is to represent that this is an option tightly associated with that particular class feature and should be one of the first choices for a character selecting that option. It is not a compulsory choice in any way, but merely a flag to help you the player identify which stances are best suited for your character.

2. Stance Keywords: These describe in general terms the group(s) this stance is a part of. Certain class features, magic items and other game elements affect stances with certain keywords.

3. Stance Type: This is where the type of stance is identified. Stance, Spell Stance or Slayer Stance.

4. Use: This is the benefit gained from activating the stance. Remember, you may never be in more than one stance at a time.

5. Stance Advancements: Each time you gain a stance advancement, you may choose one of the options from this area as long as you meet the minimum level requirement (2, 8 or 16) for that particular upgrade. An ability that begins with an {R} is repeatable and may be chosen multiple times.

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ACROBAT’S EVASION You are a blur in combat.

Acrobat’s Evasion STANCE


Use: You gain a +1 talent bonus to speed and you gain a climb speed equal to 1/2 your total speed. In addition, you do not grant advantage from taking the run action.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

The bonus to speed increases to +2

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to Athleticism checks when this stance is active.

You may exceed your total speed when using Athleticism to jump.

Level 8

The bonus to speed increases to +4

The climb speed granted increases to match your total speed.

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to AC when this stance is active.

Level 16

The bonus to speed increases to +6.

You suffer no penalties to attack rolls when taking the run action

Squeezing does not reduce your speed or cause you any penalties.

ARCHER’S VOLLEY Arrows rain down upon your foes.

Archer’s Volley STANCE

Mobility, Offense

Use: When you make a standard action ranged attack, you may choose to make one additional ranged attack as a free action once that standard action attack is resolved. This additional attack does not receive bonuses to damage of any kind except the magical bonus of the weapon. This additional attack has the normal effect on a critical hit and properties of the weapon, both mundane and magical, apply as normal.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

You ignore the penalties for partial concealment.

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to speed when this stance is active.

{R} You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage with standard action ranged attacks

Level 8

You may make one additional ranged attack as a free action attack as per the restrictions of this


Whenever you score a critical hit with a standard action ranged attack, the target is also knocked prone.

Level 16

You ignore the penalties for any concealment.

Whenever you score a critical hit with a standard action ranged attack, the target also suffers ongoing 10 physical damage (save ends).

You may ignore the penalty for total cover when making standard action ranged attacks, however, you must deal enough damage to the intervening cover to destroy it and successfully hit your foe (roll attack and damage once and compare to both the enemy and the intervening object).

COTTON FIST Your soft defense is a ruse for the hard strikes to come.

Cotton Fist STANCE

Assault, Defense

Use: Once before the start of your next turn when you are successfully hit by a melee attack, that attacker suffers 15 physical damage once the attack is resolved.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

The damage dealt to the enemy is increased to 20.

{R} You may move 5 feet (1 square) after the triggering attack is resolved for each time you select this upgrade.

Level 8

The damage dealt to the enemy is increased to 25.

If the enemy scores a critical hit against you with the triggering attack, your automatic damage is also doubled.

You may use this ability one additional time before the start of your next turn (2 total).

Level 16

The damage dealt to the enemy is increased to 30

You may use this ability one additional time before the start of your next turn (3 total).

Any enemy dealt damage by this power is also impaired (save ends).

DUELIST’S ENGAGEMENT You have chosen your foe, and one of you shall walk away the victor, the other, will not walk away.

Duelist’s Engagement STANCE

Assault, Mobility

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Use: If you end your turn adjacent to an enemy and that enemy willingly moves away from you on its turn, you may move adjacent to that enemy as a free action once its move is resolved.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

When you use the ability of this stance to move adjacent to an enemy, you also gain advantage against that enemy for your next standard action attack.

Any enemy you move adjacent to using the special ability of this stance also suffers 5 physical damage.

{R} When you use the ability of this stance to move adjacent to an enemy, you also gain a +2 bonus to damage against that enemy for your next standard action attack.

Level 8

One enemy you move adjacent to using the special ability of this stance also suffers 10 physical damage and is slowed (save ends).

When you make a successful standard action melee weapon attack, you may move 1 square and move your enemy into the square you vacated as a free action.

When you critically hit an enemy they also lose their weapon and are immobilized until they pick up their weapon (as you hold your sword to their defenseless person). If they retrieve their weapon, your next standard action attack against that enemy can score a critical hit on a 16-20.

Level 16

Any enemy you move adjacent to using the special ability of this stance also suffers 15 physical damage and is slowed (save ends).

Whenever you score a critical hit with a standard action melee attack, the target is also weakened (save ends).

EAGLE CLAW Your unarmed strikes are hard as steel and as fast as the wind.

Eagle Claw STANCE


Use: Any target you successfully hit with an unarmed standard action attack is also grabbed. You may move that target to any square adjacent to you as part of the attack.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} You may move 1 square after a successful attack before you move your enemy.

Any target you move as a result of this stance

also grants advantage as long as they are grabbed.

Your unarmed attacks while in this stance may score a critical hit on a 19-20.

Level 8

Any target you move as a result of this stance is also knocked prone.

If you move your target adjacent to a solid object (such as a wall or column) that target suffers an additional 5 physical damage.

Your unarmed damage in this stance increases to a d12 and gains the High Crit property.

Level 16

If you move your target adjacent to a solid object (such as a wall or column) that target suffers an additional 15 physical damage.

You may move any target damaged by your unarmed standard action attack either 4 squares or to any square adjacent to you.

Enemies critically hit while you are in this stance are also stunned (save ends).

GAMBLER’S LUCK You have the ear of the fates, or so it seems.

Gambler’s Luck STANCE


Use: Whenever an enemy scores a critical hit on an attack roll against you, they must reroll that attack. In addition, anytime an enemy misses you with an attack, you gain advantage against that enemy for your next standard action attack.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

The enemy is impaired when re-rolling an attack as a result of this stance.

Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a saving throw while in this stance, you gain advantage against a single enemy you can see.

Level 8

When an enemy misses you with a melee weapon attack, they also fall prone.

Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a saving throw while in this stance, you gain advantage against all enemies you can see.

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to AC when this stance is active.

Level 16

The re-rolled attack when an enemy scores a critical hit against you must roll twice and take the lowest result.

When an enemy misses you with a melee weapon attack, they also fall prone and are impaired (save ends).

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You are immune to the attacks of traps and hazards.

HAZARD WALKER You will walk through the fire.

Hazard Walker STANCE

Mobility, Utility

Use: You ignore difficult terrain caused by hazards and traps. You gain resist hazard 10.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Your resistance to damage increases by 5.

You gain advantage against enemies in or adjacent to a hazard or hazardous terrain.

Level 8

{R} You gain a +1 talent bonus to any saving throws made to end conditions caused by hazards.

When you force an enemy to be damaged by a hazard or trap, that enemy suffers an additional 5 damage of the same type(s).

Level 16

When you force an enemy to be damaged by a hazard, that enemy suffers an additional 10 damage of the same type(s).

Enemies do not receive a saving throw against your attacks that would force them to move into hazardous terrain.

INFILTRATOR’S SHADOW Where does the shadow end and you begin?

Infiltrator’s Shadow STANCE

Offense, Utility

Use: You only require cover or concealment to make a Stealth check to become hidden. You gain a +2 talent bonus to damage when in an area of dim light or darkness.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Your damage bonus in dim light or darkness increases by 1.

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to Stealth checks when this stance is active.

Level 8

When you successfully attack and damage a creature you are hidden from with a standard action attack, you may choose to also knock that creature prone.

When you score a critical hit against a creature you are hidden from with a standard action attack, that creature must make a saving throw

or become helpless (save ends).

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to attack rolls in areas of dim light or darkness when this stance is active.

Level 16

When you successfully attack and damage a creature you are hidden from with a standard action attack, you may choose to also knock that creature prone and that creature becomes impaired (save ends).

When you score a critical hit against a creature you are hidden from with a standard action attack, that attack deals maximum damage (before being doubled).

Monsters may not use any advanced senses to detect you (such as blindsight) and must make Perception checks as normal to be aware of you.

KNIGHT’S DEFENSE You are an unbreakable bulwark. Your enemies crash against you like a rocky shore, and find their only option is retreat.

Knight’s Defense STANCE

Defense, Resistance

Use: You gain damage resistance 5 against any attack targeting AC.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

The resistance also applies to attacks targeting fortitude

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to AC when this stance is active.

Level 8

Increase the resistance to 10

This resistance applies to a single ally, chosen by you, who is adjacent to you at the end of your turn.

You also gain a +2 talent bonus to AC when this stance is active.

Level 16

Increase the resistance to 20

Adjacent allies gain this same resistance

Any enemy whose damage is reduced in this way also suffers half the reduced damage.

LOST TRACK FIST You dance as a reed in the wind.

Lost Track Fist STANCE

Mobility, Defense

Use: Once before the start of your next turn when you are successfully hit by a melee or ranged attack you may

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make a saving throw, if that save is successful, the attack instead misses and you may move up to your speed.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} You gain a +1 bonus to speed for the movement granted by this stance.

You gain a +5 bonus to any Athleticism checks made as part of this movement.

Level 8

You may use this ability one additional time before the start of your next turn (2 total).

You may move through enemies as part of the movement granted by this stance.

You may make a Stealth check to become hidden at the end of the movement granted by this stance if you have cover or concealment.

Level 16

You may use this ability one additional time before the start of your next turn (3 total).

You may fly for the movement granted by this stance, but you must end your movement on the ground.

Any enemy you move through as part of the movement granted by this stance must succeed on a saving throw or be knocked prone.

MARAUDER’S ASSAULT In combat, you are a whirl of steel and blood.

Marauder’s Assault STANCE


Use: At the end of your turn, one enemy adjacent to you suffers 5 physical damage. This damage applies as long as you are capable of making standard action attacks.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

Increase the number of enemies affected to 2.

Increase the damage to 7.

Enemies that suffer damage are also pushed 1 square.

Level 8

Increase the damage to 10

Increase the number of enemies affected to 3.

Increase your reach to 2 for this attack

Level 16

Increase the damage to 20

All enemies within your reach are affected

Enemies that suffer damage are also knocked prone

MARSHAL’S COMMAND To heed your call, is to heed the call of victory.

Marshal’s Command STANCE

Offense, Utility

Use: You and all allies that can see you gain a +1 talent bonus to all damage rolls and skill checks.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

The bonus also applies to initiative.

Any ally under the effect of this stance who scores a critical hit may roll damage twice and take the higher of the two rolls.

This bonus also applies to AC.

Level 8

The bonus granted increases to +2.

You and all allies can also score a critical hit on a 19-20 with weapon attacks.

Any ally under the effect of this stance who scores a critical hit can also use a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points.

Level 16

The bonus granted increases to +3.

You and all allies can also score a critical hit on a 19-20 with attacks.

This bonus also applies to speed.

SKIRMISHER’S WHIRLWIND You are impossible to call to heel.

Skirmisher’s Whirlwind STANCE

Mobility, Offense

Use: As long as you are not in armor with the cumbersome property, you gain a +1 talent bonus to speed and you deal an additional 2 damage on any standard action attack in a round where you moved at least 4 squares.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} The bonus to damage increases by 2.

Any attack you make that gains the damage bonus from this stance may score a critical hit on a 19-20.

Level 8

The bonus to speed increases to +2

You may not be slowed.

{R} Any enemy hit by an attack that gains the damage bonus from this attack is also pushed 1 square per time you have selected this ability.

Level 16

The bonus to speed increases to +4

You may not be immobilized.

Any enemy hit by an attack that gains the damage bonus from this attack is also knocked prone.

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TERRAIN RUNNER You suffer no impediments to your movement.

Terrain Runner STANCE

Mobility, Utility

Use: You ignore difficult terrain when taking a move action to move.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

You may move through enemies when taking a move action to move.

You gain advantage against enemies in difficult terrain.

{R} You gain a +1 bonus to damage against creatures in difficult terrain.

Level 8

You ignore difficult terrain when moving.

When you move you may designate any single square you move through, that square becomes difficult terrain.

Level 16

When you move you may designate any number of squares you move through, those squares become difficult terrain.

You may not be immobilized.

THIEVES’ COLLECTION Like a magpie, you are carefully building a collection of treasures.

Thieves’ Collection STANCE

Mobility, Utility

Use: Whenever you steal an item from an enemy, you may hide that item on yourself using Thievery as a free action. In addition, whenever you successfully steal an item from an enemy, you gain advantage against that enemy for your next standard action attack.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

Whenever you successfully steal an item from an enemy using the Thievery skill, you may move 2 squares as a free action.

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to Thievery checks when this stance is active.

Level 8

{R} You may steal one additional item with any use of Thievery that allows you to steal an item from an enemy.

When an enemy rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll against you, you may use Thievery to steal an item against that target as a free action.

Enemies are not aware of items you steal from

them using the Thievery skill unless they beat your Thievery check with an opposed Perception check.

Level 16

You may steal a weapon that an enemy is actively wielding with any use of Thievery that allows you to steal an item from an enemy.

Enemies are not aware of items you steal from them using the Thievery skill.

Whenever you successfully steal any items from an enemy using the Thievery skill, you may move your speed as a free action.

TIGER CLAW Your strikes are as the powerful unforgiving claws of the tiger.

Tiger Claw STANCE

Assault, Offense

Use: When you make a standard action melee attack, you may choose to make one additional melee attack as a free action once your standard action attack is resolved. This additional attack does not receive bonuses to damage of any kind except the magical bonus of the weapon. This additional attack has the normal effect on a critical hit and properties of the weapon, both mundane and magical, apply as normal.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

You may also move any target damaged by an attack while in this stance 1 square.

If you successfully hit the same target with both attacks, the target is also grabbed.

Level 8

You may make an additional attack as per the restrictions of this stance (3 total).

If you successfully hit at least 2 targets and move them adjacent to each other as part of this attack, both foes are also knocked prone.

You may move any target damaged by this attack 2 squares.

Level 16

You may make an additional attack as per the restrictions of this stance (4 total).

You may move any target damaged by this attack either 4 squares or to any square adjacent to you.

Enemies damaged by this attack are also impaired (save ends).

UNDER FALLING LEAVES Arrows and daggers are but annoying gnats to you.

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Under Falling Leaves STANCE


Use: Once before the start of your next turn, when you are successfully hit by a ranged attack, that attack instead misses you. You may then move your speed as a free action as long as you end that movement closer to the enemy that made the ranged attack.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

You gain advantage for your next attack against the triggering enemy.

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to AC when this stance is active.

Level 8

You may use the ability granted by this stance 1 additional time before the start of your turn (2 total)

If the triggering attack is made with a thrown weapon, you may now be wielding that weapon.

You may also use this ability against area attacks.

Level 16

You may use this ability 2 additional times before the start of your next turn (4 total).

If the triggering attack is made with a thrown weapon, you may now be wielding that weapon and make a ranged attack with that weapon as a free action.

When you move your speed after the attack has missed, you do not need to end this movement closer to the enemy.

UNDERWATER SPECIALIST You move through the water with grace and purpose.

Underwater Specialist STANCE

Mobility, Utility

Use: You gain a swim speed equal to half your speed and you suffer no penalties to your melee attacks for attacking underwater. You also gain a +2 talent bonus to any Endurance checks made to hold your breath.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

You suffer no penalties to any attacks when attacking underwater.

When underwater, you gain advantage against any enemy that lacks a swim speed.

Level 8

You gain a swim speed equal to your base speed.

Your bonus to Endurance checks made to hold your breath increases to +5.

Level 16

Your bonus to Endurance checks made to hold your breath increases to +10.

You gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses when underwater.

WHITE CRANE Your best offense is a good defense.

White Crane STANCE


Use: Once before the start of your next turn, when you are successfully hit by a melee attack, that attack instead misses you. You may then move the attacker to any other square adjacent to you.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

You gain advantage for your next attack against any enemy moved with this stance.

You also gain a +1 talent bonus to AC when this stance is active.

Level 8

You may use the ability granted by this stance one additional time before the start of your turn (2 total)

Any enemy moved by this power is also knocked prone.

You may also move one square as a free action after you have moved an enemy as a result of this stance.

Level 16

You may use this ability 2 additional times before the start of your next turn (4 total).

You also gain a +2 talent bonus to AC when this stance is active.

You may move your speed as a free action after you have moved an enemy as a result of this stance.


ABERRATION SLAYER STANCE Enemies of the aberrant type find you well prepared for their attacks.

Aberration Slayer SLAYER STANCE

Assault, Resistance

Use: You gain resist 10 psychic damage and you are immune to being grabbed. Whenever a creature’s attack would normally result in you being grabbed, you deal 10 physical damage to that attacker. Against aberrations, this resistance and auto-damage double. You also gain a +4 bonus to damage against such creatures.

Passive: You gain a +5 bonus on any attempt to track a creature with the aberration subtype.

Upgrade Options

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Level 2

{R} Your resistance to psychic damage increases by 5.

The damage suffered by enemies when they would grab you increases to 15.

If you are dominated, you treat the condition as stunned instead.

Level 8

You are immune to any special qualities of an aberration that result in damage.

The damage suffered by enemies when they would grab you increases to 25.

If you critically hit a creature with the aberration type, it is stunned, loses all resistances and cannot regain hit points (save ends).

Level 16

You are immune to any special qualities of aberrations.

When attacking a creature of the aberration type, if that creature has a weakness, your attacks count as that type.

Any enemy that suffers damage due to a grab attack against you is also slowed (save ends).

DEMON SLAYER STANCE Hell hath no fury to match your unending wrath.


Defensive, Resistance

Use: When you enter this stance, choose a single element from acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder, you gain resist 5 to that damage type. You may change this resistance as a minor action. Your attacks ignore the same amount and kind of the resistance of your enemies. In addition, any enemy you successfully hit and damage with a standard action attack cannot teleport (save ends). Against demons, devils or elementals, your resistance (and the like amount you ignore) doubles.

Passive: You gain a +5 bonus on any attempt to track a creature with the demon, devil or elemental type.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Your resistance to your chosen damage increases by 5.

You gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses against attacks that share a keyword with the resistance granted by this stance.

You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage of the type this stance grants you resistance to.

Level 8

You may choose 2 elements from the list when you enter this stance. You may still only change 1 of the resists as a minor action.

If you critically hit a creature with the demon, devil or elemental type, they lose all resistances and immunities (save ends).

When attacking a creature with the demon, devil or elemental type, if that creature has a weakness, your attacks count as that type of damage.

Level 16

You may choose 3 elements from the list when you enter this stance. You may still only change 1 of the resists as a minor action.

If you critically hit a creature with the demon, devil or elemental type, they lose their teleport speed.

You gain a +2 talent bonus to all defenses against attacks that share a keyword with the resistance granted by this stance.

DRAGON SLAYER STANCE Against enemies that employ the tactics of the dragons, their choice is not fight or flight, but flight or death.


Offensive, Resistance

Use: You gain a +2 bonus to damage against any creature that flies. You also gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses against any area attack or any attack with the fear keyword. Against a creature with the dragon subtype, these bonuses double.

Passive: You gain a +5 bonus on any attempt to track a creature with the dragon subtype.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Your bonus to damage against flying creatures increases by 1.

Your bonus to defense against area and fear attacks increases by 1.

When missed with an area attack or an attack with the fear keyword, you may move up to your speed as a free action as long as you end closer to the enemy that originated the triggering attack.

Level 8

You are immune to dragon fear in this stance.

You gain resist area 15.

If you hit and damage a flying creature, they are impaired (save ends). A creature with the dragon type is instead immobilized (save ends) and loses any current fly speed until they save against the immobilization. The creature falls as per normal rules for falling flying creatures.

Level 16

If you critically hit a creature that can fly, they lose their fly speed.

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You are immune to breath weapons when in this stance.

You gain resist area 30.

GIANT SLAYER STANCE The bigger they are...



Use: You deal an additional 2 damage against any creature larger than you and you gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses against the attacks of creatures larger than you. Against creatures of the giant subtype, these bonuses double.

Passive: You gain a +5 bonus on any attempt to track a creature with the giant subtype.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Your bonus damage granted by this stance increases by 2.

If you critically hit a creature larger than you, that creature is also knocked prone. If that creature has the giant type, they are also impaired (save ends).

Level 8

Your bonus to defenses increases to +2.

You may score a critical hit against creatures larger than you with standard action attacks on a 19-20.

If you critically hit a creature with the giant type, it is stunned, loses all resistances and cannot regain hit points (save ends).

Level 16

Your bonus to defenses increases to +3.

If you are missed by an attack from an enemy larger than you that deals damage on a miss, you take no damage instead.

Your standard action weapon attacks against creatures larger than you can target the lower of the creature’s AC or Fortitude.

GOBLIN SLAYER STANCE A horde of foes is just more wheat from the chafe.


Offense, Resistance

Use: When you successfully hit with a standard action melee attack, all other enemies adjacent to you suffer 5 physical damage. You gain resist underling 5. Enemies do not gain advantage from surrounding you. Against creatures with the goblin or orc subtype, the automatic damage and damage resistance double.

Passive: You gain a +5 bonus on any attempt to track a

creature with the goblin or orc subtype.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Your resistance to underling damage increases by 5.

The damage against adjacent enemies increases to 10.

If you critically hit a creature with the goblinoid or orc type, all other creatures of that type adjacent to you immediately move their speed away from you.

Level 8

When adjacent to 2 or more enemies, you gain a +2 talent bonus to damage.

Any enemy that suffers the automatic damage against adjacent enemies triggered by this stance is also moved 5 feet (1 square).

When adjacent to 2 or more enemies, you may not be knocked prone.

Level 16

The damage to adjacent enemies increases to 15.

Any enemy that suffers the automatic damage against adjacent enemies triggered by this stance is either moved 15 feet (3 squares) or knocked prone (your choice).

When adjacent to 2 or more enemies, you gain a +5 talent bonus to damage.

UNDEAD SLAYER STANCE You know how to send the dead to a more final and eternal rest.


Offense, Resistance

Use: You gain resist 5 necrotic damage. Your standard action attacks ignore the incorporeal quality. Against undead creatures, this resistance doubles and you gain a +4 bonus to damage rolls.

Passive: You gain a +5 bonus on any attempt to track a creature with the undead type.

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Your resistance to necrotic damage increases by 5.

{R} You gain an additional +2 bonus to damage against creatures with the undead type.

If you critically hit a creature that is incorporeal, the creature loses that ability (save ends).

Level 8

You may score a critical hit against creatures with the undead type on a 19-20.

Whenever you score a critical hit against an enemy with a standard action attack, that creature may not regain hit points during this

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You are immune to any impaired condition caused by a creature with the undead type.

Level 16

Whenever you score a critical hit against an undead creature, that creature must make a saving throw or be destroyed. This ability does not function on arch-villain creatures.

You are immune to any slowed or weakened condition caused by a creature with the undead type.


ABJURER’S SHIELD Your stance allows you to easily call forth the power of protective magic.

Abjurer’s Shield SPELL STANCE


Use: You gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. If you successfully hit an enemy with a standard action attack, you gain 5 temporary hit points.

Spell Action Skill: Arcana

Spell Action School: Abjuration

Upgrade Options

Level 2

The amount of temporary hit points you gain from a successful attack increases to 10.

If you successfully cast an abjuration spell while in this stance, enemies gain no bonus to their attack roll from having advantage against you until the start of your next turn.

When in this stance, any standard action attack that critically hits also allows you to regain hit points equal to the number of temporary hit points gained.

Level 8

You also gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

The temporary hit points granted by this stance are also granted to a single adjacent ally

Level 16

The amount of temporary hit points you gain from a successful attack increases to 20.

If you successfully cast an abjuration spell while in this stance, enemies gain no bonus of any kind from having advantage against you until the start of your next turn.

The temporary hit points granted by this stance area also granted to all adjacent allies

CONJURER’S ERUPTION Your stance calls forth a torrent of destructive magic.

Conjurer’s Eruption SPELL STANCE


Use: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with all attacks. If your attack has the acid, cold, fire, force, lightning or thunder keyword, this bonus increases to +3.

Spell Action Skill: Endurance

Spell Action School: Conjuration

Upgrade Options

Level 2

{R} Your bonus to damage with the listed keywords increases by an additional 1.

If you successfully cast a conjuration spell while in this stance, one enemy you hit is also moved 1 square.

One enemy hit by a spell with the listed keywords when in this stance also suffers ongoing 5 force damage (save ends).

Level 8

If you successfully cast a conjuration spell while in this stance, one enemy you hit is also knocked prone.

Your attacks with the listed keywords ignore the incorporeal quality.

All enemies hit by a spell with the listed keywords when in this stance also suffer ongoing 5 force damage (save ends). No enemy may gain ongoing damage from this stance more than once from a single spell being cast.

Level 16

If you successfully cast an conjuration spell while in this stance, each enemy you hit is also moved 1 square

All enemies hit by a spell with the listed keywords when in this stance also suffer ongoing 10 force damage (save ends). No enemy may gain ongoing damage from this stance more than once from a single spell being cast.

ENCHANTER’S ENSNAREMENT Your stance enchants the mind of your enemies, focusing their attention on you while simultaneously weakening their resolve.

Enchanter’s Ensnarement SPELL STANCE


Use: Any target you make a standard action melee attack against is ensnared and cannot make any attacks that do not include you until the target suffers damage. Upon the first time it takes damage, this ensnarement ends.

Spell Action Skill: Intuition

Spell Action School: Enchantment

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Upgrade Options

Level 2

As long as the target is ensnared by the standard action attack of this stance, you gain resist all 3 against the attacks of that target.

If you successfully use an enchantment spell against your ensnared target, that target is impaired (save ends) in addition to any other effects of the spell.

Whenever you successfully hit a target ensnared by an attack from this stance with an enchantment spell, you may also move that enemy to any other square adjacent to you as a free action.

Level 8

As long as the target is ensnared by the standard action attack of this stance, you gain resist all 6 against the attacks of that target.

Any target ensnared by this stance cannot make attacks against any target other than you.

If you score a critical hit against a target ensnared by an attack from this stance, that target is also dominated (save ends).

Level 16

As long as the target is ensnared by the standard action attack of this stance, you gain resist all 10 against the attacks of that target.

If you successfully use an enchantment spell against your ensnared target, that target is slowed (save ends) in addition to any other effects of the spell.

ILLUSIONIST’S CLOAK Your stance infuses you with powers of arcane trickery and deceit.

Illusionist’s Cloak SPELL STANCE

Defense, Utility

Use: Whenever you successfully hit with a standard action attack, you gain concealment (All attackers count as impaired when making attacks against you) until the start of your next turn.

Spell Action Skill: Interaction

Spell Action School: Illusion

Upgrade Options

Level 2

Whenever an enemy misses you with an attack while you have concealment from this stance, you may move 1 square as a free action.

The benefits of this stance last until the end of your next turn.

Level 8

You may use the Create a Distraction skill use of Interaction any number of times during a combat

when in this stance.

You gain advantage against any adjacent enemy as long as you have concealment from this stance.

You become invisible instead of gaining concealment when you successfully hit with a standard action attack.

Level 16

As long as you are in this stance, you require only concealment to make stealth checks.

As long as you have any kind of concealment granted by this stance, all enemies must roll twice and take the lowest result when making a melee or ranged attack against you.

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INTRODUCTION Set-ups are another tool in the martial character’s arsenal. A set-up represents a move, a feint, a particular strike, a particular shuffle of the feet that then allows you to change your attack in some way. Set-ups require some investiture of action as they represent a specific move or technique. In mechanical terms, all set-ups are a move that precedes and alters your Standard Action attack. They make that attack function in a way beyond its basic application. A peasant soldier can swing a sword at his enemy (effectively making a Standard Action attack) but only a character with true talent of arms can execute greater attacks with the same action. Set-ups also have additional uses that can be brought to bear in skill engagements. True warriors are able to bring the lessons learned on the battlefield into their daily lives to help them navigate and succeed at whatever challenge is placed before them. All abilities granted by set-ups can only be used once in any particular skill engagement as once that trick has been used it is no longer a surprise and does not provide the same advantage.

SET-UP TYPES Set-ups are a mechanic shared by many classes, but not any class can select any set-up. The Set-Ups that follow are divided into 2 groups, General set-ups, which can be chosen by any character capable of choosing Set-Ups and Performance set-ups, which are unique to the bard. This section only details general set-ups. Performance set-ups are detailed within Bard as they are more limited and available only to that class.

ADDITIONAL SET-UPS Although what can be done by a single set-up is a known quantity, as a warrior trains and develops, they gain additional set-ups which they can bring to bear. Most classes that have set-ups begin with at least 2 set-ups. Additional set-ups may be granted by the class features or game elements of that class. Such classes also gain additional set-ups as they level, though not all classes gain set-ups at the same rate depending on their focus on martial skill at arms.

SET-UPS BY CLASS The table below gives an overview of classes that receive set-ups and what set-ups they may choose.

Table 8.1: Set-Ups by Class

Class Set-Ups Allowed

Bard Performance Set-Ups

Fighter General

Monk General

Paladin General

Rogue General


1. Set-Up Name: This is the name of the set-up. This

name will often match the name of a fighting style or similar class feature choice. This is to represent that this is an option tightly associated with that particular class feature and should be one of the first choices for a character selecting that option. It is not a compulsory choice in any way, but merely a flag to help you, the player, identify which set-ups are best suited for your character.

2. Set-Up Keywords: These describe in general terms the group(s) this set-up is a part of. Certain class features, magic items and other game elements affect set-ups with certain keywords.

3. Set-Up Type: This is where the type of Set-up is identified.

4. Use: This is the benefit gained from activating the set-up. Remember, you may never be in more than one set-up during any single turn.

5. Skill Engagement: This is the ability the set-up grants during a skill engagement. You may never use such an ability more than once in a single skill engagement.

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ACROBAT’S ADVANCE You move through your enemies, knocking them from your path.

Acrobat’s Advance SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed +2 squares. You may move through enemies’ squares during this movement. One or two enemies whose squares you move through as part of this set-up must make a saving throw, on a failed save, they are knocked prone.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when using Athleticism as a primary skill. You may roll twice and take the highest result on that check.

ARCHER’S ENSNAREMENT You move through your enemies, knocking them from your path.

Archer’s Ensnarement SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed. The next successful standard action ranged attack you make this round against a creature you have advantage against also causes that target to be slowed (save ends).

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when using Perception as a primary skill, you may roll twice and take the higher of the two results.

AVENGER’S FINISH You bring an injured foe down.

Avenger’s Finish SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed. Your next standard action attack you make this round against a target that is slowed, immobilized, stunned or wounded deals 5 additional damage and may score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. This damage increases to 15 at level 11.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when you are rolling to make the final success of the skill engagement. You may roll twice on any primary skill and take the higher of the two results. .

BLACKGUARD’S CULLING Your very presence destroys those weak of mind and body.

Blackguard’s Culling SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed -2. If your next

standard action attack this round hits, all enemies adjacent to you once the attack is resolved suffer 5 physical damage. You gain a cumulative 3 temporary hit points for each creature killed by this damage instance. At level 11 the damage increases to 10 and the temporary hit points become 6 per creature killed.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a survival skill engagement when using Endurance as a primary skill. A single ally takes a -2 penalty on their next check but you may roll your check twice with a +2 bonus and take the highest result.

CAVALIER’S CHARGE You ride your mount to bold victory.

Cavalier’s Charge SET-UP


Use: You may only use this set-up when mounted. You may move up to your mount’s speed +2 squares. The standard action charge attack you make this round also knocks your enemy prone and pushes them a square on a successful hit.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when using Athleticism as a primary skill. If you roll a natural 20 on such a check, you accrue 2 successes instead of 1.

DRUNKEN MONKEY You move erratically and seemingly without purpose.

Drunken Monkey SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed -1 square and you may move through enemy’s spaces during this movement. At the end of this movement you fall prone. Your standard action attack this round ignores the impaired condition normally imposed while fighting prone. If you successfully hit your target, all adjacent enemies are knocked and you may stand as a free action.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when you fail an Athleticism check. You may reroll that check but must accept the second result.

DUELIST’S CHOICE You single out your enemy in this engagement.

Duelist’s Choice SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed +2 squares, but you must end this movement adjacent to an enemy that is not adjacent to any other allies or enemies. You gain advantage for your next standard action attack against that enemy before the end of your current turn.

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Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when you are the only character using a particular primary skill during a given round. You gain a +2 bonus to that primary check.

GAMBLER’S BET Sometimes the only way out, is to climb down.

Gambler’s Bet SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed. You may roll twice on your next melee or ranged weapon attack this round, taking the lower of the two rolls as your attack roll. If this roll still successfully hits your target, your attack deals an additional 10 damage and causes the target to be impaired (save ends). This damage increases to 25 at level 11.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when making a check with a primary skill. You may roll twice with that skill but must take the lower result. If this check is still a success, you earn 2 successes instead of 1 in addition to any other bonuses.

INFILTRATOR’S OBFUSCATION You carry a bit of shadow with you.

Infiltrator’s Obfuscation SET-UP

Mobility, Utility

Use: You may move up to your speed. If you were hidden when you began this movement, you remain hidden even if you lose cover or concealment during this move.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when you fail while making a check with Stealth as a primary skill. You may immediately reroll that check.

KNIGHT’S CHALLENGE You call out a foe and dare them to face you.

Knight’s Challenge SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed +1 square. Any enemy you end your move adjacent to is impaired when making an attack against any target except you until the start of your next turn.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a competitive skill engagement. A single enemy may only select you to make an opposed roll against that round.

MARAUDER’S RAMPAGE You move amongst your foes, laying them to waste.

Marauder’s Rampage SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed -1 square. You may deal 5 physical damage to one or two enemies you move adjacent to during this movement. This damage increases to 15 at level 11.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a navigation skill engagement when using Athleticism as a primary skill. If you are successful on your check, all allies gain a +2 talent bonus to the next Athleticism check they make in this encounter.

MARSHAL’S PLOY Your feigned weakness lures a foe to a more advantageous position.

Marshal’s Ploy SET-UP

Offense, Utility

Use: You may move up to your speed -2 squares. At the end of that movement, you may grant advantage to a single foe you moved adjacent to during that movement. You may then move that enemy to any square adjacent to you.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when you roll a failure. You may immediately roll that check again, using the same bonus and the same skill. If you then succeed at the Hard DC, the failure instead counts as a success.

NATURAL FIST Your attack rushes your enemy, placing them off balance.

Natural Fist SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed +2 ending adjacent to an enemy. You and a single enemy you end adjacent to grant advantage. If you hit that enemy with a standard action attack this round. You no longer grant advantage and may not grant advantage until the start of your next turn.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a competitive skill engagement. If you succeed on an opposed roll against an enemy when using a primary skill, a single enemy suffers a -5 penalty to their next check in this encounter.

SKIRMISHER’S FLURRY Your movement only builds momentum for a deadly attack.

Skirmisher’s Flurry SET-UP

Mobility, Offense

Use: You may move up to your move speed +2. If you end at least 4 squares away from your starting position during

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this movement, you deal an additional 1d8 damage on your next standard action attack this round. This bonus damage increases to 3d8 at level 11.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement to aid two separate characters as one standard action.

SNAKE BOXING You strike a sensitive spot, bringing your enemy low.

Snake Boxing SET-UP

Mobility, Offense

Use: You may move up to your speed +1 square. Your standard action attack this round is made against the eyes, groin or other weak spot and imposes the impaired condition (save ends) on a hit.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a competitive skill engagement. When you succeed on any primary skill, your enemies are treated as being impaired for their next skill check.

STORM OF STEEL You strike in all directions at once.

Storm of Steel SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed -1 square. Your next standard action attack this round may be made against all enemies adjacent to you at the end of this movement. The attack deals only weapon damage and receives no bonus damage of any kind except for the magic bonus of the weapon. Any conditions or effects imposed by the attack apply as normal.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a competitive skill engagement. When you succeed on any primary skill, your enemies are treated as being impaired for their next skill check.

SWARMING BLADES Your attacks burst forth at all enemies before you.

Swarming Blades SET-UP


Use: You may move up to half your speed. Your next standard action attack this round may be made against all enemies in a 10 x 10 foot (2 x 2 square) area adjacent to you. This attack deals only weapon damage and receives no bonus of any kind except for the magic bonus of the weapon. Any conditions or effects imposed by the attack apply as normal.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a competitive skill engagement. When you succeed on any primary skill, your enemies are treated as being impaired

for their next skill check.

TEMPLAR’S ADVANCE The fury of your god will not abide such abominations.

Templar’s Advance SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed. Your next standard action attack made this round against a creature of the demon, devil or undead type ignores that creature’s resistance(s) and/or the incorporeal quality. If such a creature has any weaknesses, your attack counts as dealing that type of damage.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when using Religion as a primary skill. If you use this ability and succeed at the Hard DC, all of your allies gain a +2 bonus to their next check made in that encounter.

THIEVES’ DISTRACTION A bit of misdirection opens your enemy up for your other tricks.

Thieves’ Distraction SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed -1 square. If you end this movement next to an enemy that has another of your allies adjacent to it, you gain advantage against that enemy for your next standard action attack made this round and a +1 bonus to any Skill Action using the Thievery skill.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement when using Thievery as a primary skill. You gain a +2 bonus to your next Thievery check made in that encounter.

TRAMPLE You use your mount to deadly advantage.

Trample SET-UP


Use: You may only use this set-up when mounted. You move up to your mount’s speed +1. The next standard action attack you make this round deals an additional 5 damage. This bonus damage is dealt even on a miss. This bonus increases to 15 at level 11.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during an navigation skill engagement. You may use your Riding skill in place of Athleticism as a primary skill for your next check.

WING CLIP You bring a flying foe down to earth.

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Wing Clip SET-UP


Use: You may move up to your speed. You may move across vertical surfaces as though they were horizontal as part of this movement as long as you end your movement adjacent to a flying creature. If you are not on a horizontal surface at the end of this movement, you fall immediately after resolving your next standard action attack this round. Your next standard action attack this round against a flying enemy causes that enemy to fall a number of squares equal to its fly speed. If this movement brings the creature in contact with the ground, it is also knocked prone.

Skill Engagement: You may use this ability once during a skill engagement in an aerial environment. When making a single primary skill check in such a encounter, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

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INTRODUCTION What is magic? Is it the ability to summon fire from your fingertips? Is it the ability to bewitch the minds of your enemies? Is it the ability to summon creatures or even raise the dead? Though all of these things may be good examples of magic, none of them really are magic. Magic is making the unreal – real. It is taking non-reality and forging a new reality with it. It is your will changing the laws of the universe. Reality says you cannot make fire from nothing, magic says yes you can. Reality says you cannot fly, magic says you can. Reality says death is forever, magic says no it’s not. Of course, this still doesn’t really answer the question. What is magic? How is the spell caster doing those things above? The answer to that is not defined in the course of this game book, but rather left to the GM to define in your milieu. Magic in your world could be the remnants of energy left over from the creation of the universe. It could be a vast weave of power that undergirds reality and binds it in place. Perhaps all magic is derivative from the power of the gods (or even very powerful demons). All of this is for the GM to decide. In general, this will not have a great effect on the way that magic manifests as per the rules presented below. As usual however, the GM is the ultimate arbiter of the story and if, in his particular story, magic represents the collective energy of the power of the soul present in each being, the GM is free to change the rules however he or she sees fit (removing or

adding particular spells, schools, domains, etc). In the course of this chapter, the rules for spell casters will be provided. This includes how they acquire magic, how it is used, improved and shaped. The remaining portion of this chapter is dedicated to a spell list from which all spell casters draw their actual spells.

MANNER The manner is the way that the spell caster acquires his or her magic. Clearly, not every being in the world is magical or wields magic. If this is the case, then there is some way that an individual acquires magic. For the purposes of our game, there are 3 different manners to acquire magical power. Myth and literature may provide other ways to acquire magic as well, and certainly the GM is free to create those systems as he sees fit for the milieu in question, but we will only be covering these three in the scope of this work. The three manners presented in this book are Granted, Learned and Innate. Each is covered in details below.

GRANTED MAGIC Granted magic is that given directly to the spell caster by a more powerful being. Clerics are the most common granted caster, as they receive their magic directly from their god. This magic is generally not altered as greatly by the caster who is casting it as the more powerful being has already shaped the spell to a great degree. Clerics and Druids are both granted casters by default. They receive their magic either from the gods or from the spirits of nature. These powerful beings rely on

such characters to advance their purposes and ends in the world. The relationship between the caster and the god or spirit is mutually beneficial. The mortal spellcaster agrees to advance the goals and tenants of the god or spirit in the mortal world and in return, the mortal caster receives potent magic. Wizards and Sorcerers may choose to become granted casters instead of their normal defaults (see below). For these arcane casters, they are not generally going to beneficent gods or nature spirits, but instead, the casters are cutting powerful deals with demons, devils and other outsiders of incredible strength with limited access the mortal world. Such spellcasters are making these deals as a shortcut to power. They receive arcane lore that might have taken them years to learn or call from their blood directly, but at a terrible price. The cost for such

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exchanges is usually the soul of the spellcaster or something similar. In this case, the relationship is mutually parasitic, as both the otherworldly entity and the spellcaster are both either hoping or actively trying to renege on their portion of the bargain. Granted magic is often more powerful than other magic, as it is fashioned and given by a being of extraordinary ability. This means that those who employ this method of casting receive more chances to upgrade their spells than other casters to represent the more powerful nature of the spells they are given. Granted magic must be prepared, usually either through prayer or petition. See Method below for full details on how the spells are then cast.

LEARNED MAGIC Learned magic is achieved by years of rigorous study and dedication. It takes a brilliant mind to even begin the path toward being a learned caster, but more than that, it takes years of study and hard work. Words must be intoned and internalized, movements must be precisely mastered, components understood at a base level. Then each of these elements must be understood in their relation to one another. Finally, the spell caster can bring this all together to cast the spell.

Wizards are the most well known example of the learned caster, but both spellblades and bards also acquire their magic through study. In the case of the latter two, the time they dedicate to study is much more brief, and this is part of the reason they cast and master far fewer spells than their wizard counterparts.

Learned magic’s great advantage is that those who employ it have no real limit on the number of spells they can learn. If they are willing to take the time and study the complex arcane formulae, they can internalize and, with the right preparation, cast that magic. No other magic user can know as much magic as a Learned spellcaster.

Learned spellcasters must prepare their spells through a process of memorization. This is defined fully below in Method.

INNATE MAGIC Innate magic is not something that is acquired later in life like granted or learned magic. The caster may only become aware of his ability to cast spells later in life (usually through a traumatic or stressful event in the early teenage years), but the ability is usually there from the moment the person is born. It is in their blood and as much a part of them as their heart or lungs. The only exception to this is those casters who have innate magic from the circumstances of their upbringing, such as a child kidnapped and raised in the confines of a fairy circle. Innate magic is not all achieved the moment it is discovered however. Innate casters’ initial magic is barely calling to the power in their blood, they must still cast those spells, summon their internal reservoirs of power over and over

again to truly master the magic that lies within them. Learned casters must study to become better with magic whereas innate casters cast magic to improve. Sorcerers are Innate spell casters. Sorcerers have a power, a potency in their blood and being that no other magic users have. For an experienced sorcerer, summoning magical power is almost like breathing, advancing nearly to the point of a reflex. Because innate magic is summoned from within, it is easier for such a spellcaster to summon magic forth into the world. For this reason, innate spell casters are capable of casting more spells per day than other spellcasters such as wizards or clerics. Innate spellcasters do not prepare their spells or pray for them, they are simply spontaneously cast from those spells that the caster has awakened within him or herself.

ARCANE VS. DIVINE MAGIC Magic comes in two main varieties, arcane and divine. The differences between the two forms of magic are large, even though they can occasionally share effects or even spells. Arcane magic is the magic-user taking the ambient energy and magic in the world and shaping it to his will. Arcane magic can do many things that divine magic cannot, such as create areas of pure force (making something from nothing), manipulate time and enslave minds among other things. Arcane magic, because of its nature as something that is shaped by the caster at the time of incantation, can also be affected by metamagic, which is detailed later in this chapter. For the purposes of our game, an arcane spell is defined as anything that has the arcane keyword. Divine magic on the other hand is the magic of creation, of life and death, and of nature. It is the magic used by the gods to build the universe itself and tapping into such power requires extreme care. Divine magic can be just as destructive as arcane magic, but it tends to use the powers of nature (fire, lightning, thunder) to do so. Divine magic can often be summoned for varying amounts of action based on the type of magic-user, see Spell Action later in this chapter for full details. For the purposes of our game a divine spell is defined as anything that has the divine keyword. Note, a spell may have both the arcane and divine keyword, which means that it can be learned, prepared and used to full effect by people with either proficiency.

DOMAINS AND SCHOOLS Divine and Arcane magic have groupings referred to as domains and schools respectively. These represent a similarity of form and function among the spells that share this type. Though they do not all work the same, they all have a common thread called out by that domain or school. Other game elements frequently reference these domains or schools and allow characters special abilities with spells of a certain domain or school. Most arcane characters

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choose spells freely from their schools, but divine characters are always limited to a certain number of domains as per their god or pantheon. The exact rules of this will need to be defined by your GM and your milieu, but some examples can be found below. All deities will have either 3 or 4 domains available to the faithful that follow them. Table 9.1: Arcane Schools

School Description

Abjuration Protective magic Alteration Transmutation of one item to another Conjuration Creation of something from nothing Divination Foresight and prognostication Enchantment Layering magic onto the real world Illusion Complex phantoms to fool the senses Necromancy Magic of death and the undead

Table 9.2: Divine Domains

Domain Description

Astral Boons of godly power Creation Creating something from nothing Cunning Magic of trickery or deceit Death Magic of eliminating life Destruction Magic of the god’s wrath Divination Foresight and prognostication Healing Magic of restoring life Nature Magic of the natural world Protection Spells of defense Weather Magic of storms

Table 9.3: Sample Deities and Domains

Deity (God of) Domains

Change Astral, Creation, Death, Healing Creation Astral, Creation, Healing, Weather Death Astral, Death, Destruction, Healing Healing Astral, Creation, Healing, Nature Justice Astral, Destruction, Healing,

Protection Knowledge Astral, Creation, Divination, Nature Magic Astral, Cunning, Creation, Divination Oceans Astral, Destruction, Nature, Weather Trickery Astral, Cunning, Death, Divination War Astral, Death, Destruction, Protection Wilderness Astral, Destruction, Nature, Weather

Table 9.4: Sample Domains by Class (Build)

Class (Build) Domains

Cleric (Battle) Protection and by deity Cleric (Cloistered) Astral and by deity Cleric (Invoker) Destruction and by deity Cleric (Oracle) Divination and by deity Druid Divination, Healing, Nature, Weather Paladin Protection and by deity Ranger Healing, Nature

METHOD The method is the way that the spellcaster must translate the magic they know, into a spell affecting the world. It is the method of conversion from knowledge to practice. For the purpose of our game, there are two major methods employed by all magic users (though they may employ these methods in slightly different variations or with slightly different flavors). Those two methods are preparation and spontaneous. There may be additional methods that other myth or literature point to and those may be added as the GM sees appropriate for their milieu. We will be limiting our discussion to only the two methods defined below.

PREPARATION Preparation actually falls into three categories in how it manifests for the character, but mechanically, they are all identical in functionality. The three ways magic can be prepared is memorization, prayer and petition. Wizards and other learned casters are preparing their spells from a recipe that they have internalized. They must spend a small amount of time each day (usually about 15 minutes) clearing their mind and reading their spell book (or whatever item they have their formulae written in). The caster then decides which spells he will commit to memory that day by briefly reading them. Once these spells are in the wizard’s mind, they remain there until they are cast (staying for days or months if not used). Clerics and other divine granted spellcasters receive their spells through prayer. They must spend a small amount of time each day (usually about 15 minutes) clearing their mind and communing with their god or spirits. They are then granted their magic for that day. Once these spells have been granted, they remain until they are cast, just as the wizard. Finally, granted arcane casters, such as wizards or sorcerers who have chosen granted magic from a powerful patron must petition for their spells. They must spend a small amount of time each day (again, usually 15 minutes), quieting their mind and communicating with their patron. Some do this purely mentally, some actually create a magic circle and summon a visage of their patron. In either case, the effect is the same, the powerful being grants the magic for the day to the spellcaster. Once these spells have been granted, they remain until they are cast, just as the wizard.

In purely mechanical terms, a magic user who has the method of preparation must spend 15 minutes reading (or praying or petitioning) each morning. Once this is done, the caster may select any spells he has access to (whether in a spell book or a spell known) and commit them to memory. The caster may fill all of his daily and at-will spell slots in this time. The magic-user may memorize multiple copies of a single spell (allowing that spell to be used multiple times that day at full effect) or replace any spell previously memorized.

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For example, if a wizard has a 7 spells in his book (including magic missile and elemental blast), and may prepare 2 + 1 at-will. The wizard may choose to place magic missile in both daily slots, but decides he would like elemental blast at will. The wizard could have also prepared one daily magic missile and one daily elemental blast and made magic missile the at-will or any other combination.

SPONTANEOUS Spontaneous casting is far simpler than preparation. Spontaneous casters have innately magical qualities and only need to summon the magic from within. They do not prepare anything in advance, they merely call out a spell from one that they have discovered in their being. In purely mechanical terms, sorcerers and other innate casters have a limited number of spells they can know at any given point in time (as opposed to learned casters who have no limit on spells known). Whenever a spontaneous caster wants to cast a spell, he can cast any of those spells that he knows. The spellcaster must then choose wither to use the spell as one of his daily spells or as an at-will spell. See Spell Capacity below for full details on the difference between at-will and daily usage of spells.

SPELL CAPACITY Spells are not always summoned at their most powerful capacity. The spell may be used in one of two ways, either as an at-will or a daily spell. Effectively, the difference is whether the spell is summoned in its simplest most base form, or whether the spell is cast in its more complex and upgraded form.

AT-WILL Most spellcasters have some number of at-will

spells. These will usually be notated in their spell lists with parenthesis around them next to their spells per day. For example, a wizard begins with 2 at-will spells and gains an additional at-will for every 4 levels the wizard gains. At-wills represent the idea that though a spellcaster may be drained or even near exhaustion, there is always some simple magic that is at their command. At-will spells represent the caster calling on magic in its most simple form. These are the simplest versions of the formulae or the most basic creation of the magic. There are several important things to remember about at-will magic, all of which are outlined below.

At-wills do not benefit from Arcane Masteries or Divine Mysteries. They only use the base functionality of the spell.

At-wills may be used normally with Minor and Major Metamagic if your class utilizes metamagic.

Each class uses at-wills slightly differently if they have them. Be sure to read your class for full details on how many at-wills you have and whether they need to be prepared in advance.

At-wills have no limit on the number of times they can be used in any given day or encounter.

DAILY All spellcasters have daily spells, and this is the way that spellcasters create truly amazing and powerful effects. Spells are advanced through the application of Arcane Masteries and Divine Mysteries. These represent the ways the spell is grown to a larger, more versatile or more powerful effect. This also compounds the complexity of the spell and prevents the spell from being used in an at-will capacity. Each spell caster has a certain number of daily spells available to them based on their level. Once these have been exhausted, the magic-user may only cast at-will spells if they are available. Daily spells are the spellcaster unleashing the magic at its full potential (exempting metamagic, see below).

SPELL ADVANCEMENT A spell is not a single thing with a single effect. A spell is a dynamic, almost living organism. It can change, grow and advance as the magic-user becomes more familiar with it or unlocks more secrets of its use. Put in very concrete terms, the magic missile spells of two different casters of the same level probably do not look the same and the magic missile spell of a 1

st level wizard almost definitely looks and acts

differently than the magic missile of a 20th

level wizard. So how do those spells look and act differently? The answer is because the spellcaster advanced the spell. Different casters do this in different ways based on the type of magic they use. Regardless of this difference, every spell will have a certain number of arcane masteries or divine mysteries listed and every time you receive such an advancement (which could come from your race, class or heroic arc) you may select one such item on the table, See the Sample Spell Breakdown later in this chapter for additional information on the formatting of these advancements. The maximum number of upgrades you may apply to any single spell is equal to your character level. You do not need to spend these upgrades immediately upon receiving them, but may hold them over levels. You may only choose to apply them upon gaining a new level.

DIVINE MYSTERIES Magic users that wield divine magic are granted their spells by their god. These spellcasters must discover divine mysteries that allow them to understand and contain more powerful magic from their god. Only through experience and the acquisition of this secret lore do the divine magic-user’s spells improve. Your character class will grant you a certain number of divine mysteries as you level up. This information can be found in the class entry.

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ARCANE MASTERIES Arcane casters are not generally given their spells. Learned and Innate casters are attempting to discover the true power of the magic, they are constantly working to improve the way that they shape the magic to give it more power and greater effect. Arcane spellcasters apply Arcane Masteries to their spells which then give the spells new and amazing effects from then on. Your character class will grant you a certain number of Arcane Masteries as you level up if appropriate for your class. This information can be found in the class entry.

CASTING SPELLS There are several factors to casting spells and different magic-users have access to different ways to manipulate and alter those spells as they are being cast. The spell can be affected by metamagic, it can require a different action to cast and of course it could be cosmetically altered by the caster.

METAMAGIC Arcane spell casters have an additional layer to their magic use: metamagic. Essentially, this is the art of shaping the spell into the form you want as you are casting it. The spell is shaped using the creativity and the mental or physical endurance of the magic-user. Because divine magic is granted in its completed form, they do not have access to such spell manipulation (however, see Spell Action below). Metamagic comes in two primary varieties; minor and major. Each of these is detailed more fully below. Whenever your class grants you a metamagic, you may choose for this to either be a minor or major metamagic.

MINOR METAMAGIC Minor metamagic represents relatively small customizations that are applied to the spell as the magic-user is manifesting and summon the incantation. These are small touches and represent the fact that the arcane master must build the spell from the base energy of magic all around him every time the spell is brought forth into reality. Minor Metamagic requires a minor action and must be applied to a spell that is cast as a standard action in the same round the metamagic is used. If for some reason, the standard action spell is never cast, the minor metamagic is wasted and must be done again on the following turn if the magic-user would like to apply metamagic to the magic cast in that round. You may never apply more than one Minor Metamagic to a single casting of a spell. The full list of Minor Metamagic is below. Anytime your class grants you a metamagic choice, you may select an option from either this chart or the Major Metamagic chart.

Table 9.5; Minor Metamagic

Metamagic Description

Additional Element

Add an additional damage type to an elemental spell

Adjusting Spell Gain advantage when missing with single-target spell

Binding Spell Targets affected by conditions lose ability to teleport.

Bluffing Spell Make spell seem to originate from nearby ally

Careful Control Exclude one additional ally from area of spell

Delayed You may choose for the spell to actually resolve 1-4 rounds later

Minor Expansion Increase the area of the spell by 5 x 5 (1 x 1 square)

Minor Reach Increase the range of the spell by 10 feet (2 squares)

Repositioning Magic

Move 2 squares either before or after casting a spell

Shuffling Spell Single target affected by spell is moved 1 square

Stealthy Incantation

Your spells easily go unnoticed.

Additional Element This metamagic may only be applied to a spell with a damage type from the following list; Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Thunder. The spell gains an additional damage type from that list. The spell does not deal any additional damage, but all damage dealt is considered to be of both types of magic for the purpose of resistance. Adjusting Spell This metamagic may only be applied to a non-area, single target, instantaneous daily attack spell. If you miss your target with this spell, you gain advantage against that target for your next standard action attack. Binding Spell This metamagic can only be applied to a spell that causes a condition a saving throw can end (such as impaired, slowed or stunned). As long as that condition persists, the target also loses any teleport speed they possess and may not teleport by any means. Bluffing Spell When you cast a spell, enemies must make an Intuition check against your reflexive Arcana. If this check is failed, then the enemies believe that the spell originated from a single ally of your choice within the normal range of the spell. Careful Control The number of allies you affect with spell control becomes equal to the higher of your Wisdom or Charisma +1 instead

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of just the higher of your Wisdom or Charisma when using spell control. This metamagic may only be applied to spells that affect an area. Delayed This unusual metamagic causes a spell to seemingly do nothing when cast. You must still use your standard action to cast the spell in the same round that the metamagic has been used. When you spend your standard action to cast the spell however, nothing occurs except the spell being marked off of your daily allotment (if cast as a daily spell). You must choose a number of rounds between 1 and 4. The spell then occurs as the first action of your round that many rounds later. For example, if you choose, 1 round, the spell occurs at the start of your next turn. All targets and other variables of the spell are chosen at the time the spell is actually unleashed (the delayed number of rounds). Once the delayed spell has been set in motion, it cannot be stopped. The spell is cast at the appointed time, even if the situation has changed and that spell is no longer needed (or worse, now becomes a danger). Minor Expansion This metamagic increases the area of a spell by 5 x 5 (1 x 1 square). This is an increase applied to the actual number listed in the area of the spell. So if the base area of the spell was 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4), after you applied this metamagic, it would become 25’ x 25’ (5 x 5). If a spell has no area listed (such as a “-”) then this metamagic cannot be applied to that spell. Minor Reach This metamagic increases the range line of a spell by 10 feet (2 squares). This metamagic may only be used on spells that have a range of at least 5 feet (1 square). If a spell has a range of personal or 0, you may not apply this metamagic to it. All other aspects of the spell remain unchanged. Repositioning Magic You may move 2 squares either before or after casting your spell as part of your standard action. If you do not use your standard action to cast a spell that you have applied this metamagic to, you may not utilize the free movement. Shuffling Spell This metamagic may only be applied to a spell with an effect on a hit. A single target hit by the spell is also moved 5 feet (1 square). Stealthy Incantation When you cast a spell, enemies must make a perception check against your reflexive Arcana to notice that you are the origin of the spell’s effect or to notice that you have cast a spell. If the spell has vast visual effects, such as the creation of a multi-hued fireball, it will be obvious a spell was cast and this cannot be disguised.

MAJOR METAMAGIC Major Metamagic is the application of a major change to the nature of a spell being cast. Major Metamagic cannot simply be applied to every spell summoned by a magic-user without cost. Altering magic in such a vast way as you are incanting it is destructive to both mind and body. Spellcasters risk injury, unconsciousness and even in extreme cases death through the application of such powerful metamagic. Major Metamagic requires a move action and must be applied to a spell that is cast as a standard action in the same round the metamagic is used. If for some reason, the standard action spell is never cast, the major action metamagic is wasted and must be done again on the following turn if the magic-user would like to apply metamagic to the magic cast in that round. You may never apply more than one Major Metamagic to a single casting of a spell. The Major Metamagic table has an additional component to it: condition. This is the condition the Metamagic will apply to the caster if a successful saving throw is not made by the spellcaster at the end of a round in which he applied a Major Metamagic. Unlike normal saving throws, success does not eliminate the cost of the metamagic however, as such things are extremely rigorous and the save only serves to minimize but not negate the condition.

The conditions imposed by Major Metamagic adhere to the table below. When a Major Metamagic says it imposes the Stunned condition, this is the condition imposed on a failed save. On a successful save, you move down the progression one step (so that stunned would become slowed). If the condition imposed is slowed and the save is successful, the condition moves down one step to impaired. The exceptions to this are critical failure and critical success on your saving throws. If you roll critical failure on your save (a natural 1), you then move up a step on the chart (so stunned becomes helpless). If you roll a critical success on your saving throw (a natural 20), then you suffer no ill-effects from the metamagic and no condition is imposed. Table 9.6: Major Metamagic Condition Progression

Condition Impaired Slowed Stunned Helpless

All conditions imposed by Major Metamagic are

save ends and the character cannot make a saving throw against these conditions until his next turn (e.g. not in the same turn they are acquired). The condition is not actually acquired until the save is either succeeded or failed at the end of the round as normal.

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Table 9.7: Major Metamagic

Metamagic Condition Description

Contagious Magic

Slowed A single condition you have is transferred to a target of the spell.

Destructive Spell

Stunned Increase the damage done by the spell by 50%

Force Infusion

Slowed Infuse spell with force and affect incorporeal normally

Forceful Spell Slowed Single target spell also pushed 25 feet (5 squares)

Grounding Magic

Slowed Targets affected by conditions lose the ability to fly

Impairment Slowed Single target spell also causes target to be impaired (save ends)

Imprinted Spell

Stunned Spell is not lost when target is missed

Lingering Damage

Slowed Spell deals an additional 1 point of ongoing damage per die of damage dealt.

Major Expansion

Stunned Increase the area of the spell by 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4 square)

Major Reach Slowed Increase the range of the spell by 50 feet (10 squares)

Scrambling Spell

Stunned Move the targets of the spell to any other square in the area

Contagious Magic This metamagic may only be applied to a spell that has an effect on a hit. One target hit by that spell gains a single condition currently affecting you (such as slowed) save ends. You lose this condition. You may only apply a single condition affecting you at the time the spell is cast and any conditions gained from this metamagic apply at the end of the turn as normal. Destructive Spell This metamagic increases the damage done by the spell by 50%. The total damage of the spell is calculated and then multiplied by 1.5 (the final result is rounded down as usual). So if a spell cast with this metamagic did 32 damage base, after the metamagic it will deal 48 damage. This spell may not be applied to a spell that does not deal damage. Force Infusion This metamagic may only be applied to a spell that deals damage. That spell now deals an additional 1d6 force damage, gains the force keyword and may affect incorporeal targets normally (e.g. damage is not halved). Forceful Spell This metamagic may only be applied to a spell that targets only one creature. Any creature hit by this spell is also pushed 25 feet (5 squares) after the spell has been otherwise resolved. If the spell already has any forced

movement, this additional movement happens after that forced movement has been resolved. Grounding Magic This metamagic can only be applied to a spell that causes a condition a saving throw can end (such as impaired, slowed or stunned). As long as that condition persists, the target also loses any fly speed they possess and may not fly by any means. Impairment This metamagic may only be applied to a spell that targets only one creature. Any target hit by such a spell is also impaired (save ends). This condition is applied after the spell has been otherwise resolved. If the spell already causes the target to be impaired, slowed, stunned or helpless, then this metamagic may not be applied to that spell. Imprinted Spell This metamagic may only be applied to a non-area, single target, instantaneous daily attack spell. If you miss your target with this spell, that spell is not lost from memory if you are a learned or granted caster and does not count against your spells per day casting limit. Lingering Spell This metamagic may only be applied to a spell that deals damage. Any targets hit by this spell also suffer 1 point of ongoing damage per base die of damage of the spell. So, for example, if the spell does 10d6, then it would also deal ongoing 10 damage (save ends). If the spell already deals ongoing damage, the ongoing damage is increased by the this amount. Major Expansion This metamagic increases the area of a spell by 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4 squares). This is an increase applied to the actual numbers listed in the area of the spell. So, if the base area of the spell was 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4), after you applied this metamagic, it would become 40’ x 40’ (8 x 8). If a spell has no area listed (such as a “-”) then this metamagic cannot be applied to that spell. Major Reach This metamagic increases the range line of a spell by 50 feet (10 squares). This metamagic may only be used on spells that have a range of at least 5 feet (1 square). If a spell has a range of personal or 0, you may not apply this metamagic to it. All other aspects of the spell remain unchanged. Scrambling Spell Any target hit by a spell affected by this metamagic may be teleported to any other square within the spells area of effect after all other components of the spell have been

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resolved. The target may not be moved into dangerous terrain with this teleportation.

SPELL ACTION Divine magic-users have a different advantage when it comes to manifesting magic. Because the magic they receive from their powerful patrons is already nearly in a finished form, some of these spells become easier for them manifest. These spells can be called out quicker and with less effort than other spells. In mechanical terms, certain spells may be used by the magic-user as either a minor or move action instead of a standard action. Clerics, Paladins and Druids all have certain spells that they are able to summon with greater speed in this way. The actual actions for these classes are listed in their particular class entries and reprinted below. These advanced spell actions were created with the character and player in mind, allowing both to excel in their role while speaking to the multi-tasking role of divine spellcasters. Some GM’s may want to change the domains or keywords that certain classes have access to on such actions (swapping healing for necromancy for a cleric of a death god or something similar), but GMs should make such changes with extreme care, as it will greatly change the way that character plays at the table more than any other single game element.

Action Type

Cleric Paladin Druid

Minor Healing Protection Special (see druid)

Move Varies (By Focus)

None Terrain

Standard All Others All Others All Others

SPELL CONTROL Whenever a spell is used that targets an area, that spell will target all creatures in the area unless the spell specifically directs otherwise. This can be very dangerous for destructive spells which would stand a high chance of affecting your allies as easily as they affect your enemies. Spell control is the tool of the spell caster to avoid this inevitable destruction of their allies by their own magic. Whenever you cast a spell that has an area, you may exempt a number of creatures equal to the higher of either your Wisdom or Charisma modifier from the initial attack as well as any later attacks of the spell. Those exempted also ignore any difficult terrain or conditions caused by the spell. This represents your ability to either control the spell itself, shaping it around your allies, or to quickly command those allies and motivate them to be in the correct location at exactly the right moment.

COSMETIC The final component to casting a spell is deciding the visual manifestation of the spell and this is left largely to the character. Each spellcaster usually develops his own particular heroic arc for his or her spells. Some magic-users prefer bright flashy and colorful effects (screaming skulls, bright lights dancing about, etc), while others prefer their magic to be more subtle with as few visual elements as possible. In general, a magic-user may make his magic look like anything he likes as long the following restrictions are heeded.

The visual effects cannot have any additional rules effect (you cannot make a spell look so bright that it blinds people for example).

If the spell creates anything in the real world (everything from summoning a creature to a ball of elemental fire), then it must have some visual effect. Spells that make something in the real world cannot be completely non-visual in their effect. Increasing or decreasing the visual nature of the spells does not in any way effect the ability of those perceiving the caster to notice that a spell has been cast.

All spells, unless they have silent keyword, require the intonation of magical keywords. This means that they cannot be cast without speaking words. So, spells cannot cast spells when silenced. This also means of course that the spellcaster may not choose a cosmetic effect of casting silently.

PERSIST SPELLS Some spells will have a duration of ‘Persist’ and a matching keyword. These spells do not expire, but remain as a constant buff on their target. No creature may ever have more than one persist spell functioning on them at any point in time (barring a Heroic Talent). As long as you have a Persist spell cast, you do not regain the use of the spell slot used to cast that spell. Persist spells may only be used from Daily spell slots (a persist spell may never be cast from an at-will slot or as an at-will spell).

RITUAL MAGIC This chapter and the spells listed assumes that the magic is cast in the “normal” way, that is to say, the spell is incanted, the magic is shaped and then unleashed into the world. The nature of magic in combat demands that magic be summoned with alacrity. It is this nature of summoning the spell quickly however that often limits the true capabilities of what the magic is capable of. Ritualized magic is the solution to this conundrum. Ritual magic utilizes the same spells as standard magic, but takes a great deal longer to summon and cast the spell (e.g. hours instead of minutes). Casting the spell in this way makes it impossible to use in combat, but can alter the effect of the spell in drastic ways, increasing its duration,

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utilizing irregular upgrades or even achieving fantastic effects not normally possible with the spell. Ritual magic is not defined for every single spell in the book and you will have to work with your GM to determine what can be achieved when casting a spell in a ritual fashion. Several important ritual spells (such as imbue magic item) are defined at the end of this chapter. As a rule of thumb, casting a spell in a ritual manner must fulfill the following items.

The spell takes a minimum of 8 hours to cast.

The character must expend at least ½ of their Heroic Reserves for that day (and sometimes far more than half).

The spell itself must either be known to the caster, or provided in a ritual scroll form. Ritual scroll are the instructions for casting a spell. A character cannot learn the normal version of the spell from a Ritual Scroll, the character can only cast the ritual version as laid out on the scroll. These scrolls are prepared by spellcasters who know the spell and understand how to translate it into Ritual form. See the imbue magic item ritual for full details on creating Ritual Scrolls.

Also important is what is gained by casting the

spell in ritualized manner. Again, for the rituals spelled out in this book, no additional details are needed, but for rituals that you will design with your GM, here are some guidelines of additional features that might be added to the casting of the spell. As with all such game elements, the GM has final say on exactly how the spell is altered. The sample rituals at the end of the spell list will have several examples that fit the mold of the guidelines offered here.

The spell could be made permanent. This should only be done with spells that target an area (such as a terrain spell) or a spell that creates something wholly physical (such as solid wall). This should never be allowed for a spell providing a ‘buff’ of any kind to an individual.

The spell could achieve upgrades not normally had by the spellcaster. For example, if a lower level caster needed to use teleport to get to another plane, but was not high enough to actually have the upgrade, or if the spellcaster did not normally have teleport(because they were a divine caster). Ritual magic might be used to overcome these hurdles such as in the plane shift ritual.

The spell could achieve truly fantastical effects. For example, you might use the cure wounds spell to return someone from the dead as in the resurrection ritual.


1. Spell Name: This is the name of the spell. Spells are arranged in alphabetical order.

2. Flavor Text: This is the flavor text of the spell. This is a general description of the spell and its effect.

3. Spell Details a. Domain: This is the divine domain to

which the spell belongs. b. School: This is the school of arcane magic

to which the spell belongs. c. Range: This is the distance from the

spellcaster that the spell’s starting square may be or that a target may be nominated. If this is personal, that means the spell may only target the spellcaster himself. If the range is 0, the spell’s starting square must be adjacent to the spellcaster.

d. Area: This is the total amount of space the spell affects. If this is a “-” then the spell does not affect an area and instead has specific targets as per the target line. Whatever you choose as the starting square for the area of the spell must be within the range of the spell.

e. Duration: This is how long the spell lasts. Instant spells resolve immediately (though they may have lingering save ends conditions or similar effects). If a spell says persist, then the spell does not expire. Remember, you may never have more than one persist spell on yourself at any one point in time and as long as you have a persist spell cast, you do not regain the use of the spell slot that was used to cast that spell. Persist spells may only be cast from daily spell slots. Any spell that has a non-instant duration (such as 5 minutes) cast during combat automatically ends during a breather and any spell cast during a breather that is not a persist spell ends before the next encounter no matter the time that has elapsed.

f. Defense: This is the defense targeted by the spell. If an attack ever targets multiple defenses, you roll once and compare to all targeted defenses.

g. Keywords: These are the keywords of the spell. These can frequently change as a result of upgrades to the spell in the form of Divine Mysteries and Arcane Masteries. If a spell does any particular type of damage (such as fire) then it automatically gains that keyword.

h. Target: The actual creature(s) the spell is affecting.

i. Action: This is the amount of action that is used to cast the spell. Certain classes may modify this value based on other

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elements of the spell (for example, clerics cast spells of the Healing domain as a minor action).

4. Hit/Use: This line describes what happens when the spell is cast. If the line says ‘Hit’, then an attack roll must be made against the target of the spell. If the line says ‘Use’ then the spell simply occurs with no attack roll necessary. All items in this section occur in the order they are printed.

5. Terrain Action: Some spells will have an additional action called a terrain action. As long as the spell remains in effect, you may use the terrain action (usually an attack) for the listed action type (usually standard). Certain classes such as druids have abilities that allow them to utilize these terrain actions at a reduced action cost.

6. Upgrades (Arcane Masteries/Divine Mysteries): These are the upgrades that are allowed to improve the spell. If your class is capable of casting spells, then your class will grant you a certain number of these at each level. The maximum number of upgrades that can be applied to a single spell is equal to your character level.

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SPELL LISTS Table 9.8; Arcane Spells

Arcane Spells School (Persist)

Alter Self Alteration (P) Animate Dead Necromancy Beguiler Enchantment (P) Charm Person Enchantment Command Undead Necromancy Commanding Presence Enchantment (P) Confusion Enchantment Control Construction Enchantment Create Image Illusion Create Item Conjuration Create Light Conjuration Curse Necromancy Deadly Wail Necromancy Detection Divination Dimensional Assault Alteration Disease Necromancy Dispel Magic Abjuration Elemental Blast Conjuration Elemental Ray Conjuration Enchant Weapon Enchantment (P) Enhanced Senses Divination (P) Etherealness Alteration Fear Enchantment Force Barrier Abjuration Foresight Divination Grave Rot Necromancy Gravity Well Alteration Gust of Wind Conjuration Hallucinatory Terrain Illusion Haste Alteration Hold Person Enchantment Invisibility Illusion Levitation Alteration Locate Object Divination Mage Armor Abjuration (P) Magic Missile Conjuration Memory Hole Enchantment Mount Conjuration Mystic Answer Divination Necrotic Touch Necromancy Phantasmal Army Illusion Phantasmal Foe Illusion Prismatic Blast Conjuration Protection from Evil Abjuration (P) Resistance Abjuration Sleep Enchantment Solid Wall Alteration Summon Monster Conjuration Teleport Alteration Wall of Fog Conjuration Ward Against Foes Abjuration Web Conjuration Word of Power Enchantment

Table 9.9; Divine Spells

Divine Spells Domain

Alter Self Cunning (P) Animate Dead Death Arctic Swirl Weather Beguiler Cunning (P) Bless Astral Cause Wounds Destruction Charm Person Cunning Commanding Presence Astral (P) Create Image Cunning Create Item Creation Create Light Creation Cure Wounds Healing Curse Death Detection Divination Disease Death Dispel Magic Astral Divine Manifestation Astral (P) Divine Weapon Astral Enchant Weapon Astral (P) Enhanced Senses Divination (P) Foresight Divination Goodberry Creation, Nature Grave Rot Death Gust of Wind Weather Hallowed Ground Protection Hallucinatory Terrain Cunning Harvest Soul Death Heat Wave Weather Hold Person Cunning Insect Plague Destruction, Nature Life Shield Healing Locate Object Divination Memory Hole Cunning Mystic Answer Divination Nature’s Friend Nature (P) Pillar of Flame Destruction Plant Growth Nature Protection from Evil Protection (P) Regeneration Healing Resistance Protection Restoration Healing Shield of Faith Protection Solid Wall Nature Spike Stones Nature Summon Monster Creation Summon Storm Weather Terrible Smite Destruction Volcanic Eruption Destruction, Nature Wall of Fog Weather Ward Against Foes Protection Web Creation Word of Power Astral

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ALTER SELF Magic changes your form, altering you to better adapt to the environment you find yourself within.

Alter Self

Domain: Cunning School: Alteration

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine, Persist

Target: You

Action: Standard

Use: You change your physical body to that of any small or medium sized humanoid creature. You gain a +5 bonus to Interaction checks to bluff to pass yourself as this type of creature. You also gain a +2 magic bonus to any Endurance checks made to withstand adversity or extreme environments. This bonus may apply to other rolls at your GM’s discretion.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Environmental Adaptations: Choose either fire or cold. You gain resist to that damage type equal to 5 + ½ your level.

Underwater Adaptations: You may breathe water normally and you gain a +5 magic bonus to any Athleticism checks made to swim.

Brachiation [L5]: You gain a climb speed equal to your base speed.

Gliding [L5]: You gain weak wings which allow you to glide. You do not suffer falling damage and always land on your feet. You also gain a +5 magic bonus on any Athleticism checks made to jump and your jumping distance is not limited by your speed.

Improved Underwater Adaptations [L5, Underwater Adaptations]: You gain a swim speed equal to your base speed.

Size Change [L5]: You may now be any size from small to large and mimic creatures of that size. If you are large, your reach increases to 2.

Flight [L10, Gliding]: You gain a fly speed equal to your base speed.

Survival Mechanisms [L10]: You gain a +2 magic bonus to all skill checks made during a Survival or Navigation skill engagement. If you succeed at the Hard DC in a primary skill in such a encounter, you gain a +2 bonus to your next check made in that encounter.

Shape Change [L15, Size Change]: You may be any size creature. Your reach increases by 1 for each size category you assume over large (e.g. huge, gargantuan).

ANIMATE DEAD The corpse of a fallen foe rises to heed your command.

Animate Dead

Domain: Death School: Necromancy

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Divine, Summoning

Target: One Corpse

Action: Standard

Use: You animate a single corpse in range. The creature retains its size and has a speed of 30 feet (6 squares). This is a underling with one damage instance and its type is undead, but other than that has the standard abilities of a predator, bodyguard or brute companion with 2 upgrades. If the creature is destroyed, it may not be targeted again by this spell. You may not have more than 1 creature animated at any time with this spell. While this spell is active, you may not cast any other spell with the summoning keyword.

Arcane Mastery

Improved Defenses: Any creature animated by this spell has a +1 bonus to all defenses.

Additional Animate [L5]: You may animate an additional creature with a single casting of this spell and your maximum animates increases by 1 (2 total).

Additional Upgrades [L5]: Your animated companion gains 2 additional upgrades from their companion upgrades list.

Rotting Explosion [L5]: When any creature animated by this spell is destroyed, all creatures adjacent to the creature suffers 5 necrotic damage. You may select this upgrade again at L15, if you do, the damage increases to 10.

Shadowclad Animates [L10]: Any creature animated by this spell also causes targets to be slowed (save ends) on a hit.

Additional Animates [L10, Additional Animate]: You may animate two additional creatures with a single casting of this spell and your maximum animates increases by 2 (4 total).

Shadow Born [L15, Shadowclad Animates]: Any creature animated by this spell also gains a fly speed of 50 feet (10 squares).

Animate Undead Army [L20, Additional Animate]: You may animate any number of undead corpses and the range of this spell increases to 200. Each round you have more than 4 animates created, you must expend a Heroic Reserve. If you do not, all additional animates over 4 are destroyed.

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ARCTIC SWIRL Winds of icy power whip amongst your foes, scattering them as falling snowflakes.

Arctic Swirl

Domain: Weather School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: Instant Defense: AC

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Cold

Target: Each creature in the area

Action: Standard

Hit: 1d6 cold damage and you may move the target 3 squares.

Divine Mysteries

Intense Cold: You deal an additional 1d6 damage with this spell. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage dealt by 1d6.

Whipping Winds: This distance targets are moved by this spell increases by 2.

Chilling Winds [L5]: Targets hit by this spell are also impaired (save ends).

Large Storm [L5]: The area of the spell increases to 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4).

Pelting Hail [L5]: This spell’s damage becomes physical and cold damage.

Driving Winds [L10, Whipping Winds]: The distance targets are moved by this spell increases by an additional 2.

Icy Conditions [L10]: Any target moved at least 5 squares from its starting position by this spell is also knocked prone.

Chilled to the Bone [L15, Chilling Winds]: Targets affected by Chilling Winds are slowed instead of impaired.

BEGUILER You clad yourself in a glamour that makes you seem cordial, friendly and amenable, no matter your real intentions.


Domain: Cunning School: Enchantment

Range: 5 feet (1) Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Charm, Divine, Persist

Target: One creature

Action: Standard

Use: You gain a +2 magic bonus to Interaction checks and when using Interaction in a skill engagement as a primary skill, if you achieve the Hard DC, you gain a +2 bonus to your next primary check in that encounter.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mysteries)

Shared Interaction: The bonus you achieve with Interaction applies to the next one single check for you and each ally.

Silver Tongue [L5]: Once during a skill engagement, when you fail an Interaction check, you may reroll that check.

Easy Diversion [L10]: You may use the Interaction skill to create a diversion as a minor action as opposed to a move action,

Illusion of Grandeur: When you use Interaction to attempt to cow an enemy during combat, on a successful saving throw, the target is still impaired (save ends).

True Charmer [L10]: The bonus to Interaction increases to +4.

Improved Silver Tongue [L15, Silver Tongue]: You may use Silver Tongue when you or any ally fails an Interaction check.

BLESS You speak a few words of power and the attacks of you and your allies are guided true.


Domain: Astral School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Charm, Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target gains a +1 magic bonus to attack rolls.

Divine Mysteries

Damaging Blessing: Affected targets gain a +1 magic bonus to damage. You may select this upgrade again at L10 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage bonus by 1.

Deadly Blessing [L5]: Targets affected by this spell may score a critical on a 19-20 with standard action attacks.

Additional Blessing [L5] {R}: You may affect one additional target with a single casting of this spell.

Lucky Blessing [L10]: Any target affected by this spell that scores a critical hit, may either make a saving throw or spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points.

CAUSE WOUNDS Your touch corrupts the flesh of your enemies, bringing them a painful death.

Cause Wounds

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Domain: Destruction School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Necrotic

Target: One creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers 2d8 necrotic damage.

Divine Mysteries

Empowered Wounding {R}: You deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage dealt by 2d8.

Poisonous Caress: The damage dealt by this spell becomes necrotic and poison damage and the spell gains the poison keyword.

Repeated Wounding [L5]: You may use this spell with a duration of 5 minutes instead of instantaneous. If you do, the spell utilizes the use line below. Use: Until the end of the encounter, you may use this spell as a standard action with all of your purchased Divine Mysteries except this one. This counts exactly as though you are casting the spell and may be affected by all normal game elements but these additional castings do not count against your spells per day.

Lingering Wounds [L10]: The target also suffers ongoing 10 damage of the same type as the initial damage.

Harm [L15, Empowered Wounding]: You may expend 2 Heroic Reserves when you successfully hit a target with this spell. If you do, the spell deals additional damage equal to your Reserve Healing Value.

Destruction [L15]: Any wounded target critically hit by this spell must make a saving throw, on a failed save, the target dies.

CHARM PERSON Your magic beguiles your enemy’s mind, until you become one of his good friends. As this spell grows, so does your control.

Charm Person

Domain: Cunning School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm, Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target now views you as its friend. If you attack or damage the enemy in any way, this spell

ends immediately. You cannot force the target to take any actions or compel him to attack his allies. The enemy will attack your allies normally, but will not attack you (save ends).

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Sharp Control: If this spell hits, the target makes a standard melee attack against an adjacent enemy as a free action.

Greater Range {R}: Your range with this spell increases by 20 (4)

More Friends [L5] {R}: You may designate one ally when you cast this spell. The target also considers this ally a friend as above with the same restrictions and conditions as yourself.

Total Control [L5, Sharp Control]: The target is instead dominated (save ends).

Very Charming [L10]: You may target one additional creature with this spell.

We’re All Friends [L15 More Friends]: If you use this spell without dominating your targets, you may make this spell an area attack with an area of 50 x 50 feet (10 x 10). All enemies treat you and all allies as friends as per the basic spell and with the same restrictions.

COMMAND UNDEAD Your power over death allows you temporary control of undead in the area.

Command Undead

Domain: Death School: Necromancy

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4)

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm

Target: All undead in the area

Action: Standard

Hit: The target either makes an at-will standard action attack against a creature of your choice, moves its speed or falls prone as a free action. You must choose the same action for all targets.

Arcane Mastery

Varied Commands: You may issue a separate command from the list above to each target hit.

Impairing Command [L5]: Any target hit by this spell is also impaired (save ends).

Cloak of the Dead [L10, Impairing Command]: Any target impaired by this spell believes you to be undead and will not willingly attack you. This effect and the impairing condition end immediately if you attack or damage the target in any way.

Creeping Control [L10, Impairing Command]:

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Any target that fails a saving throw against the impaired condition is instead dominated (save ends).

Permanent Control [L15, Creeping Control]: Any target that fails a saving throw against the dominated condition may no longer make saves against that condition. Those enemies become underlings but remain under your control until destroyed.

COMMANDING PRESENCE Your magic amplifies your presence, giving you an aura of magnanimity that inspires those around you.

Commanding Presence

Domain: Astral School: Enchantment

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Charm, Divine

Target: You

Action: Standard

Use: Any underling creature under your command must suffer one additional damage instance before being defeated. Such creatures also deal 1 additional damage on standard action attacks.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Evasive Underlings: Underlings under your command are immune to damage from area attacks that deal less damage than your Reserve Healing Value.

Motivated Underlings: Your underlings gain a +1 magic bonus to speed.

Deadly Underlings [L5]: The bonus damage granted by this spell increases to 2. You may select this upgrade again at L15, increasing the damage bonus to 3.

Group Effort [L5]: Choose a single skill, as long as your underling(s) are present, you gain +2 bonus to checks with that skill. This bonus counts as being aided.

Strong Motivation [L10, Motivated Underlings]: The bonus to speed increases to +2.

CONFUSION Your incantation causes your enemy to lose control of themselves and act erratically. As the spell grows, so does the madness.


Domain: Cunning School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers 5 psychic damage and makes an at-will standard action attack against another enemy of your choice.

Arcane Mastery

Jarring Confusion: The psychic damage suffered on a hit by the target increases to 10.

Enhanced Confusion [L5]: The spell now causes the target to become confused. This means the target is impaired (save ends). As long as this condition lasts, the target must make any standard action attacks against a randomly determined creature it can see.

Panicked Confusion [L10]: Each time the target fails a saving throw against the impaired condition, it moves its speed in a randomly determined direction as a free action. This attack gains the fear keyword.

Improved Confusion [L10, Enhanced Confusion]: Until the target successfully saves against this spell, it also suffers ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).

Insanity [L15, Panicked Confusion]: If the target fails a saving throw against the impaired condition, it is instead insane and becomes a blubbering mass unable to think or act. The target is helpless (save ends).

Permanent Madness [L20, Insanity]: If the target fails a saving throw against the helpless condition, it is permanently insane and may no longer make saving throws to end this condition. It may only be removed by a Dispel Magic, Restoration or similar spell.

CONTROL CONSTRUCTION Your magic seizes control of a mechanical or arcane device. As the power of this spell grows, so does the length of that control.

Control Construction

Domain: Cunning School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm

Target: One construct or trap

Action: Standard

Hit: The target either makes an at-will standard action attack against a creature of your choice, or moves its speed as a free action. If your target is a trap, that trap is impaired (save ends).

Arcane Mastery

Lasting Control: The target is dominated (save ends) instead of the normal effects of this

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spell. If this item is a trap, you may choose its attacks and all targets.

Arcane Overload [L5]: If your target is a trap, and that trap has a spell attack, you may force the trap to make a saving throw. On a failed save, the trap discharges all of its spell energy, dealing 20 force damage to all creatures adjacent to the trap. The trap loses the ability to make that spell attack.

Disabling Incantation [L5]: Instead of having the target attack, you may automatically gain a success toward disabling the trap. If the trap only requires 1 success to disable, it no longer functions.

Improved Disabling [L10, Disabling Incantation]: Each round the target remains dominated, you accrue one success toward disabling the trap, the trap may still attack as normal however.

Warping Control [L10, Lasting Control]: If your target is a construct, as long as the target is dominated, it also suffers ongoing 10 psychic damage.

CREATE IMAGE You weave a complex tapestry of illusion, ensnaring all of those in an area.

Create Image

Domain: Cunning School: Illusion

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: Concentration Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine, Figment

Target: -

Action: Standard

Use: You create the illusion of any mobile animated creature(s) or beings within the spells area. This illusion may not cause damage directly (though it could cover a pit trap or similar terrain hazard that causes damage incidentally). The images will react appropriately as long as concentration is maintained (creatures seem to be hit and take damage, etc). At the end of any turn in which an enemy interacted with an illusion, they are entitled to a saving throw. On a successful save, they recognize the illusion for what it is. Advanced senses (scent, blindsight, etc.) automatically succeed on their saving throw against this spell.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Increased Area {R}: The area of the spell increases by 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4) (so 30’ x 30’ from the base spell)

Confusing Illusion: Any creature that fails a saving throw against this illusion is impaired

(save ends).

Personal Disguise [L5]: You may use this spell with a range of personal. You create an illusionary image for yourself, making yourself look any size from small to large. All cosmetic details are decided at the time of casting the spell. If you attempt to impersonate a specific individual, you gain a +2 bonus to any Interaction checks made to Bluff yourself as that creature. When you use the spell in this way, it gains a duration of 5 minutes.

Many Images [L10, Personal Disguise]: You create floating images of yourself that move with you and occupy your square. Anytime a creature attacks you with a non-area attack, that creature counts as impaired for that attack until it successfully hits you.

Thorough Illusion [L10]: Targets with advanced senses must save as normal.

Crippling Illusion [L10, Confusing Illusion]: Creatures that fail their saving throws are slowed instead of impaired.

Programmed Illusion [L10]: This spell’s duration becomes 5 minutes and no longer requires concentration.

Persistent Illusion [L15]: This spell gains the persist keyword.

Stunning Illusion [L20, Crippling Illusion]: Creatures that fail their saving throws are stunned instead of slowed

CREATE ITEM You call a simple item into existence, as you grow in power, so too does the complexity of items you summon.

Create Item

Domain: Creation School: Conjuration

Range: 10 feet (2) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine

Target: -

Action: Standard

Use: You create any single small handheld mundane item of average quality. You must fully understand the details of the item you are creating and the item may not be a complex machine or have any moving parts. For example, you could create a hammer as that is a simple concept understood by anyone. You could not however create the key to fit a specific lock if you did not make that lock, as you do not know all the details of the key you are creating. The GM has final say on the items created and their functionality.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

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Skilled Crafter: When you create an item with this spell, you may also make a related narrative skill check (for example, if you created a sword with the spell, you may make a blacksmithing check). The item is now of the quality you achieve with the quality check of your skill. The item must still be mundane but may provide certain circumstantial benefits in its use as per the GM’s discretion.

Sizeable Creation [L5]: The size of the item you can make can now be medium instead of small and handheld. The item could be as large as a wheelbarrow or similar item. You may choose this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20. Each time you do, increase the size of the item you can create by 1 category (Large, Huge, Gargantuan). The items retain all other normal restrictions.

Complex Items [L5]: You may now make items with simple moving parts such as a crossbow or small catapult.

Automata [L10]: Your creation may be a magical machine of crude but effective quality. This machine is as per the Bodyguard companion of your level, except it has no attacks. It may be tasked to perform a simple task (such as digging a whole, chopping lumber, or a task of similar complexity). It will repeat this task as often as it can to a maximum of once per round for the spell’s duration.

Skilled Automata [L15, Automata]: When you create your automata, you may select a single narrative skill you posses. The construct gains that narrative skill at the same bonus as you and may perform any tasks you may normally perform with such a skill. It may also aid you (providing an automatic aid on the skill once per round).

CREATE LIGHT Your magic calls a powerful light to banish the darkness. As you advance in power, so does the intensity of the light.

Create Light

Domain: Creation School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 50’ x 50’ (10 x 10)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine, Radiant

Target: Area within range

Action: Standard

Special: When you prepare this spell, you may prepare it as Create Darkness. In this case, you create total darkness in the area instead of light.

All instances of radiant damage are replaced with necrotic damage. If the spell mentions a penalty to stealth, this becomes a magic bonus. The spell gains the Cunning domain if used in this way.

Use: If the specified area is dim light or darkness, it becomes normal light.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Faerie Fire: All creatures in the area of the spell when it is cast suffer a -5 penalty to all Stealth checks as long as they remain in the area of the spell.

Expansive Light {R}: The area of the spell increases by 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2), so 60’ x 60’ from the base spell.

True Daylight [L5]: The spell creates true daylight. Any creature with a weakness to radiant damage suffers this weakness each round they remain in the area of the spell.

Focused Blast [L5]: You may choose to use this spell as an attack. If you do, its area is halved (25’ x 25’ from the base spell). The spell gains the attack keyword and targets Fortitude. On a hit, the target suffers 10 radiant damage and is blinded and treats all targets as having total concealment (save ends).

Intense Light: The area of the spell becomes overtly bright light. All creatures in the area are impaired until they leave the area of the spell unless they have godsight.

Revealing Light [L10]: Creatures may not benefit from invisibility while within the area of the spell.

Improved Focused Blast [L15, Focused Blast]: The radiant damage dealt by this use of the spell increases to 20.

CURE WOUNDS You have been granted the power of the gods to restore wounds most foul. Your magic restores the bodies and will of your allies.

Cure Wounds

Domain: Healing School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: -

Keywords: Divine, Healing

Target: One creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target may regain 1d8+5 hit points. This healing may not carry the target above their wounded value.

Divine Mysteries

Empowered Healing {R}: You restore an

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additional 1d8 hit points.

Additional Healing [Empowered Healing] {R}: You affect one additional target.

Deep Healing: The target of your healing may also spend a Heroic Reserve. If they do, this healing may carry the target above their wounded value.

Saving Grace [Deep Healing]: Whenever your target spends a heroic reserve, they may also make a saving throw.

Total Healing [L15, Deep Healing]: The target of this spell may choose to spend two Heroic Reserves. If they do, they regain all lost hit points.

CURSE You inflict a horrible curse upon your enemies that slowly consumes them.


Domain: Death School: Necromancy

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Curse, Divine

Target: One or Two Creatures

Action: Standard

Hit: The target is impaired (save ends). On the first failed save the target is slowed (save ends). On the second failed save, the target is weakened and slowed (save ends).

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Punishing Curse: Every time a target fails a saving throw against this spell, they suffer 5 points of psychic damage.

Spreading Curse [L5]: When a target fails a saving throw against this spell, you may repeat the initial attack against an enemy adjacent to the target.

Polymorphing Curse [L10]: On the second failed saving throw, the target is instead changed into a tiny animal such as a snail or turtle and helpless (save ends).

Improved Punishing Curse [L10, Punishing Curse]: The damage dealt by punishing curse increases to 10.

Deadly Curse [L15]: On the second failed saving throw, the target dies.

Arcane Mastery

Lingering Curse [L5]: When the target first successfully saves against this spell, they are impaired (save ends).

Divine Mystery

Curse the Heathens: Any evil target (if you are good) or good target (if you are evil)

suffers a -1 magic penalty to saving throws against this spell. .

DEADLY WAIL Your unleash a curdling scream, the wail of the dead themselves that beckons the living to join them.

Deadly Wail

Domain: Death School: Necromancy

Range: 5 feet (1) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm, Necrotic

Target: All living creatures in the area

Action: Standard

Hit: 1d6 necrotic damage

Arcane Mastery

Empowered Wail: You deal an additional 1d6 damage with this spell.

Fearful Moan: Any target hit must also move 1 square away from you as a free action. This spell gains the fear keyword.

Truly Deadly Wail [L5]: You deal an additional 2d6 damage with this spell. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage dealt by 2d6.

Crippling Wail [L5]: You may choose to instead also attack Will with this spell, roll once and compare against all targeted defenses. If you hit both defenses the target is also impaired (save ends).

Resonant Wail [L5]: The area of this spell increases to 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4).

Improved Fearful Moan [L10, Fearful Moan]: The target instead moves its speed as a free action.

Wail of the Banshee [L15, Crippling Wail]: If you hit both defenses, the target is instead slowed (save ends). On the first failed save against this condition, the target dies.

DETECTION You reach out with magical senses to detect the truth of a situation. As this spell grows, so too does your ability to sense truth.


Domain: Divination School: Divination

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine

Target: You

Action: Standard

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Special: If this spell is used as a divine spell, all instances of the word ‘Arcana’ are replaced by the Religion skill.

Use: You gain the ability to detect lies, mistruths and misdirection. For the duration of the spell, you may use Arcana in place of Intuition. If you use this skill as part of a skill engagement, and you score a critical success, you accrue 2 successes instead of 1.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Detect Creature Type: Choose a single creature type (such as dragons, giants or undead). For the duration of this spell you may instead use Arcana in place of Perception when attempting to locate such creatures.

Detect Disease or Curse: You may use this spell to alter your vision such that you can see if a creature is diseased or cursed. This will allow you to note only the presence or absence of a disease or curse, not that disease’s or curse’s current progress. This spell will also allow you to see that an item or place is cursed (such a cursed weapon or temple).

Magical Sight [L5]: You may use Arcana in place of Perception for the duration of this spell. If you use Arcana as such in a skill engagement and you roll a critical success, you accrue 2 successes instead of 1.

Detect Thoughts [L5]: You may use this spell to detect the thoughts of any living creature instead of its normal usage. This means you may always draw line of sight to any creature that would normally be in vision range regardless of concealment (ignoring things such as lighting conditions and invisibility). This only reveals the presence and rough location of such creatures, it does not actually allow you to read the creature’s thoughts.

Improved Detect Curse [L10, Detect Disease or Curse]: When you detect disease or curse, you can now see the relative strength of the disease or curse (i.e. its level) and if looking at an individual, know exactly how far the disease or curse has progressed (i.e. the number of Heroic Reserves lost and the number of successful/failed saving throws).

Improved Detect Thoughts [L10, Detect Thoughts]: Once you have detected the presence of a creature using Detect Thoughts, you may now focus in and determine what that creature is thinking. The spell gains a range of 50 feet, a target of one creature and gains the attack keyword targeting Will. On a successful attack, you glean a single piece of information from the target’s mind. The

target is aware that you are mentally probing it and will most likely actively resist such probing. You may repeat this attack each round, gaining additional information.

DIMENSIONAL ASSAULT You use your mastery of teleportation to scatter and reorient your enemies.

Dimensional Assault

Domain: Astral School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Fort

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Teleportation

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: You teleport the target 5 squares.

Arcane Mastery

Enhanced Distance {R}: Increase the distance you teleport the enemy 2 squares.

Enhanced Range {R}: The range of this spell increases by 20 feet (4).

Additional Rider [L5]: You may target one additional enemy with a single casting of this spell.

Scrambling Teleport [L5]: You may choose to make any target teleported by this spell impaired (save ends).

Swap [L5]: You may teleport and trade places with a single enemy targeted by this spell. The destination squares must be legal for both you and the target.

Maze [L10]: You may choose a single target of this spell that is hit and remove them from play (save ends). While removed, no creature has line of sight or effect to the target and they have no line of sight or effect to any creature.

Totally Scrambled [L10, Scrambling Teleport]: Targets affected by Scrambling Teleport are slowed instead of impaired.

Mass Teleport [L15, Additional Rider]: You may target two additional enemies with a single casting of this spell (4 total).

Mass Maze [L20, Maze]: You may choose to affect all targets you hit with this spell with your Maze ability.

DISEASE You inflict a slow wasting curse on your enemy that slowly destroys them from the inside out.


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Domain: Death School: Necromancy

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Curse, Disease, Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). On the first failed save the target is instead stunned (save ends).

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Wasting Illness: The target also suffers ongoing 5 poison damage until it successfully saves against this spell. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the ongoing damage by 5.

Lingering Sickness [L5]: The first time the target successfully saves against this spell, it is impaired (save ends).

Weakening Disease [L10]: The target is also weakened until it successfully saves against this spell.

Wracking Coughs [L10]: The target is also silenced until it successfully saves against this spell.

Severe Illness [L15]: Creatures that fail their first saving throw are helpless instead of stunned.

Arcane Mastery

Arcane Affliction [L5]: This spell may affect creatures normally immune to disease.

Divine Mystery

Righteous Affliction [L5]: Any demon, devil or undead affected by this spell suffers a -1 penalty to any saving throw.

DISPEL MAGIC You cut the threads of the weave of your enemy’s magic and the magic drains from the world.

Dispel Magic

Domain: Astral School: Abjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Divine

Target: One Persist Spell, Zone or Conjuration

Action: Standard

Hit: A single persist spell, zone or conjuration that enemy has cast ends.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Enhanced Dispel: You may dispel one spell cast by the enemy of any type with a non-instantaneous duration.

Additional Dispel [L5] {R}: You may dispel one

additional spell you could normally dispel.

Silencing Dispel [L10]: Any enemy that has a spell dispelled is also silenced (save ends).

Anti-Magic Shell [L10]: You may instead cast this spell with a range of 0 and an area of 15’ x 15’ (3 x 3). Any creature in this area gains resist magic 15. If affected by a spell that does not deal damage, but imposes a condition that a save may end, this spell grants a +1 magic bonus to that saving throw. All creatures in this shell count as being silenced until they leave the area of the effect. This condition is not affected by spell control.

Banishment [L15]: You may instead use this spell to dispel a creature not from this plane. You may target a single outsider with this spell. On a hit, the creature is entitled to a saving throw. If this saving throw is failed, the creature is banished to its home plane. It may return as normal if possible.

DIVINE MANIFESTATION The raw power of your god is channeled through you. This power is but a shred of your god’s total might, but it will serve.

Divine Manifestation

Domain: Astral School: Alteration

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Divine, Persist

Target: You

Action: Standard

Special: This spell assumes a good deity in its descriptions. If you have an evil deity, simply replace the appropriate descriptions (demonic countenance for angelic countenance, etc).

Use: You gain a +2 magic bonus to damage with all attacks and a +2 magic bonus to all Interaction checks.

Divine Mysteries

Divine Resistance {R}: Choose a damage type from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison or thunder. You gain resist 10 against that damage type. Each time you select this ability, you must choose a new damage type.

Energy Infusion: Choose a damage type from Divine Resistance above. All weapon attacks you make receiving a bonus to damage from this spell deal that type of damage in addition to physical damage.

Scorning Visage: Your magic bonus to Interaction increases by 4 when you are using the skill to cow an enemy. Even if the enemy

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succeeds on their saving throw, they are impaired (save ends).

Angel Wings [L5]: You gain a fly speed of 5.

Focused Wrath [L5]: Your magic bonus to damage increase to 4

Natural Weaponry [L5]: Your unarmed attack now deals 1d8 damage.

Improved Scorning Visage [L10, Scorning Visage]: Any wounded enemy must spend an additional square of movement when moving into any square adjacent to you. Such enemies count as impaired when making attacks against you.

Size of the Exarch [L10]: You become large. Your reach increases to 2.

Perfected Angel Wings [L15, Angel Wings]: Your fly speed increases to 12.

Superior Resistance [L15, Divine Resistance]: Any resistance granted to you by Divine Resistance increases to 20.

Unending Wrath [L15, Focused Wrath]: Your magic bonus to damage increases to 6.

DIVINE WEAPON You imbue a weapon with the power of the gods. As you discover divine mysteries, you are able to more greatly enhance those weapons.

Divine Weapon

Domain: Astral School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Divine

Target: One weapon in range

Action: Standard

Use: The targeted weapon deals an additional 5 radiant damage on all weapon attacks.

Divine Mysteries

Divine Elements: Choose an energy type from among fire, lightning, necrotic or thunder. The bonus damage may be this type instead.

Enhanced Divinity [L5]: The bonus damage increases to 10.

Enemies of the Gods [L5]: Critical hits against demons, devils or undead enemies deal maximum damage (in addition to the normal double damage).

Kneel before the Gods [L10]: Any attack with a weapon under the effect of this spell made with advantage also causes the target to be knocked prone.

Shared Blessing [L10]: This spell affects the weapons of any number of allies in the range of the spell with a single casting of the spell.

Weapon of the Gods [L15, Enhanced Divinity]: The bonus damage increases to 15.

ELEMENTAL BLAST You summon the elements to destroy your enemies. Flame, frost and thunder heed your command.

Elemental Blast

Domain: Destruction School: Conjuration

Range: 10 feet (2) Area: 25’ x 25’ (5 x 5)

Duration: Instant Defense: AC

Keywords: (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder), Arcane, Attack

Target: All creatures in area

Action: Standard

Hit: 1d6 damage.

Special: If you are a learned or granted caster, when you prepare this spell at the beginning of the day, you must select a single element from the keywords above. If you are an innate caster, you may select the keyword at the time of casting.

Arcane Mastery

Empowered Destruction: You deal an additional 1d6 damage.

Enhanced Area {R}: You increase the area of the spell by 5’ x 5’ ( so 30’ x 30’ from the base spell)

Greater Range [L5] {R}: Your range with this spell increases by 20 feet (4)

Powerful Blast [L5]: You deal an additional 2d6 damage with this spell. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage dealt by 2d6.

Explosive Spell [L10]: Anyone hit by this spell is also knocked prone.

Incredible Explosion [L15, Explosive Spell]: Any target hit by this spell is moved to any square adjacent to the spell’s area and then knocked prone.

ELEMENTAL RAY A jet of pure elemental power springs forth from your outstretched hand, ripping into your foe.

Elemental Ray

Domain: Destruction School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: AC

Keywords: (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder), Arcane, Attack

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

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Hit: 3d6 damage.

Special: If you are a learned or granted caster, when you prepare this spell at the beginning of the day, you must select a single element from the keywords above. If you are an innate caster, you may select the keyword at the time of casting.

Arcane Mastery

Empowered Range {R}: Your range increases by 10 feet (2 squares).

Lasting Ray: You may use this spell with a duration of 5 minutes instead of instantaneous. If you do, the spell utilizes the use line below. Use: Until the end of the encounter, you may use this spell as a standard action with all of your purchased Arcane Masteries except this one. This counts exactly as though you are casting the spell and may be affected by all normal game elements but these additional castings do not count against your spells per day.

Strengthened Ray [L5]: You increase the damage dealt by 3d6. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage dealt by 4d6.

Forceful Spell [L5] {R}: Anyone hit by this spell is also pushed 5 feet (1 square) for each time you have selected this upgrade..

Elemental Consumption [L10]: Targets successfully hit by this spell also gain ongoing 5 damage (save ends) of the same type(s) of damage of this spell.

Stunning Ray [L15, Forceful Spell]: Any target critically hit by this spell must make a saving throw or be stunned (save ends).

Total Consumption [L15, Elemental Consumption]: The ongoing damage of Elemental Consumption increases to 10.

ENCHANT WEAPON You imbue a weapon with arcane power and amazing properties.

Enchant Weapon

Domain: Astral School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine, Persist

Target: One weapon in range

Action: Standard

Use: The targeted weapon becomes a +1 magic weapon.

Special: This spell may also be used on armor, all rules remain the same, but all instances of

‘weapon’ are replaced with ‘armor’

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Bound Weapon: The wielder of the targeted weapon may not be disarmed. If the weapon is not in the wielder’s hand, that wielder may summon the weapon as a minor action as long as they are on the same plane.

Enhanced Weapon [L5]: The targeted weapon becomes +2 and acquires a single tier II property of your choice. Any normal properties possessed by the weapon are suppressed for the duration of this spell.

Improved Bound Weapon [L10, Bound Weapon]: The weapon may be summoned as a free action from any location.

Improved Enhanced Weapon [L15, Enhanced Weapon]: The targeted weapon becomes +3 and acquires two tier III properties of your choice. Any normal properties possessed by the weapon are suppressed for the duration of this spell.

ENHANCED SENSES Your magic focuses your senses, allowing you to perceive things hidden from normal observation.

Enhanced Senses

Domain: Divination School: Divination

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine, Persist

Target: You

Action: Standard

Use: You gain darkvision

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Sharpened Senses: You gain a +2 magic bonus to Perception checks while this spell is active.

Enhanced Awareness: You gain a +2 magic bonus to initiative checks.

Scent [L5]: You gain scent while this spell is active.

See Invisible [L5]: Invisible subjects do not have concealment of any kind against you and you may perceive them normally. If an invisible target is hidden for reasons other than invisibility, you must make a Perception check as normal to locate that creature.

Perfect Awareness [L10, Enhanced Awareness]: You may not be surprised and your magic bonus to initiative increases to +4.

Sight Beyond Sight [L10]: You may remotely view any location within 1000 feet of your current position as a standard action. You see this location with your enhanced senses.

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Tremorsense [L10]: You gain tremorsense while this spell is active.

Blind Sight [L15]: You gain blindsight while this spell is active.

True Sight [L15, Sharpened Senses]: Your magic bonus to Perception increases to +4 and you gain a +2 magic bonus to all saving throws against any effect with the illusion keyword.

Godsight [L20, See Invisible]: You may choose to activate godsight with this persist spell as a standard action. You must expend 1 Heroic Reserve to do this and you must continue to expend 1 Heroic Reserve each round you maintain godsight, though you need not spend any additional actions. You may end this godsight as a free action on your turn after spending the Heroic Reserve for that turn.

ETHEREALNESS Your spell allows your form to partially leave the mortal plane and become less than real. As you grow in power, the spell places more of yourself in the other realm.


Domain: Astral School: Alteration

Range: 5 feet (1) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target is immune to critical hits. Once per round as a free action when the target is hit by a melee weapon attack, the target may make a saving throw. On a success, the attack misses.

Arcane Mastery

Less Body: The target gains a +2 magic bonus to Fortitude when this spell is active.

Ranged Awareness: The target may use the free action granted by this spell against ranged weapon attacks as well.

Additional Phasing [L5]: The target may use the free action granted by this spell one additional time per round.

Fully Phased [L10]: The target of this spell is also incorporeal when the spell is active.

Magical Awareness [L10, Ranged Awareness]: The target may use the free action granted by this spell against all attacks (weapon and spell).

Ethereal Travel [L15]: You may use this spell with a duration of 5 minutes + concentration (standard). You and up to 6 additional

subjects may join hands and are all affected by a single casting of this spell. You and all targets become fully ethereal. This condition ends immediately if you or any affected target roll initiative or deal damage. While fully ethereal, you may travel at a speed of 1 mile per round.

FEAR This magic instills an irresistible fear in your enemies that you are a horror unable to be defeated.


Domain: Creation School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm, Fear

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target moves its speed directly away from you as a free action. It will avoid dangerous terrain. The target grants advantage to your next standard action attack against that target.

Arcane Mastery

Whimpering Coward: The target also grants advantage for all allies’ next standard action attacks.

Kneel Whelp!: You or any ally that hits a target granting advantage from this spell cause the target to be knocked prone in addition to any other effects of the attack.

Run Away [L5]: The target moves twice its speed away from you as a free action.

Maddening Fear [L5]: The target will not ignore dangerous terrain, but will instead move the farthest and most direct route away from you.

Fearsome Visage [L10]: The spell may be used with a range of 0 and an area of 15 x 15 feet (3 x 3 squares) affecting all creatures in the area.

Unending Fear [L10, Run Away]: The target may not move closer to you (save ends).

Overwhelming Fear [L15, Run Away]: The target is instead dominated but the only action you may give it is to use each action to move away from you by the most direct route possible regardless of terrain.

FORCE BARRIER You protect yourself with magical force. As your control over the magic grows, you are able to shape this force to protect others as well.

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Force Barrier

Domain: Creation School: Abjuration

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: 5 Minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Force

Target: You

Action: Standard

Use: You gain a +2 magical bonus to AC and resist physical 5.

Arcane Mastery

Shielding: You may end this spell as a free action to increase the bonus to defense to +4 when hit by an attack.

Force Wall [L5]: You may cast this spell as a wall with a range of 10 feet and an area of 50 x 5 feet (10 x 1). The wall is 10 feet high and provides total cover to creatures attacked through it that are not as tall as the wall. The wall must be on a horizontal surface. All attacks against the wall hit automatically and the wall has 100 hit points. Incorporeal creatures cannot use the incorporeal quality to pass through the barrier.

Forceful Restraints [L5]: You may use this spell as an attack targeting AC. On a successful hit, the target is immobilized (save ends). This effect also ends if the target suffers 30 or more points of damage.

Force Globe [L10, Force Wall]: You may manifest the force wall as a semi-circular hemisphere with a range of 0 and an area of 20 x 20 feet (4 x 4 squares).

Additional Force Protection [L10, Force Wall] {R}: The hit points of the wall increase by 10 for each time you select this upgrade.

Floating Force Wall [L15, Force Wall]: The wall no longer needs to rest on a horizontal surface and may be free floating.

Force Cage [Level 15, Force Globe]: You may manifest your force globe around an enemy with a range of 50 feet (10 squares). That enemy loses line of effect to all other creatures. The cage may be attacked as normal and has ½ the normal hit points of your standard force globe.

FORESIGHT This spell allows you to see a few seconds into the future, granting you great prowess in battle.


Domain: Divination School: Divination

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine

Target: You

Action: Standard

Use: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses and a +2 magic bonus to all damage rolls.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Enhanced Damage: The bonus granted to damage rolls increases by 1. You may select this upgrade again at L5 and L15, increasing the damage bonus to 1 each time.

Accurate Strike [L5]: You may score a critical hit on your standard action attacks on a roll of 19-20.

Spell Control [L5]: Your Spell Control increases by 1.

Improved Defenses [L10]: The bonus to defenses granted by the spell increases to 2.

Improved Spell Control [L10, Spell Control]: Your spell control increases by an additional 1 (2 total).

True Foresight [L15]: This spell gains a duration of Persist and the Persist keyword. When this spell is active as a persist spell, you may not be surprised and gain a +2 magic bonus to initiative.

Divine Mystery

Divine Warning [L10]: This spell may be cast without action in response to rolling initiative if you are not surprised and fighting creatures that you know to be demons, devils or undead.

GOODBERRY You create small magical food items that have restorative healing properties. As this spell grows, so does the power to protect and heal.


Domain: Creation, Nature School: Conjuration

Range: 0 feet (0) Area: -

Duration: Until consumed Defense: -

Keywords: Divine, Healing

Target: -

Action: Standard

Use: You create 8 berries. Each of these berries may be eaten as a minor action and each restores 5 hit points. These may not heal the target above its wounded value. The magic of these berries fades after 24 hours.

Divine Mysteries

Empowered Healing {R}: Each berry restores an additional 5 hit points.

Additional Berries {R}: You create 2 additional berries with each casting of this

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spell for each time you select this upgrade.

Create Food: Instead of berries, you may create a full meal for 5 people, this food requires a normal amount of time to consume and has no healing properties, but does have all the necessary nutrition to avoid hunger and starvation.

Cleansing Meal [L5, Create Food]: If you choose to create a meal, each person consuming that meal may immediately make a saving throw against any disease with a +2 magic bonus. A single creature may not benefit from this more than once per affliction time of the disease.

Heroes Feast [L10, Create Food]: If you choose to create a whole meal, each person consuming that meal may elect to spend 2 heroic reserves. If they do, they are restored to full hit points, gain 10 temporary hit points which last until their next full rest or until removed by damage. The target also gains Resist Poison 5 until their next long rest.

Great Berries [L10]: Each berry produced also allows a single saving throw when consumed.

GRAVE ROT Your enemies begin to suffer the slow rot of the dead. As you grow in power, so does the speed of the rot.

Grave Rot

Domain: Death School: Necromancy

Range: 10 feet (2) Area: 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4)

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Curse, Divine

Target: Each creature in area

Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Fast Rot: You increase the ongoing damage dealt by 5. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the ongoing damage dealt by 5.

Impairing Rot [L5]: Any creature suffering ongoing damage is also impaired until they save against the ongoing damage.

Debilitating Rot [L10]: Any creature that fails a saving throw against this effect also becomes weakened until they save against this ongoing damage.

Improved Impairing Rot [L15, Impairing Rot]: Your impairing rot now causes targets to be slowed instead of impaired.

GRAVITY WELL You tear a small singularity in space. As this spell grows in power, so too does the magnitude of the hole ripped in reality.

Gravity Well

Domain: Creation School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 5’ x 5’ (1)

Duration: 5 Minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Attack

Target: The 5 foot area of the spell

Action: Standard

Special: When you cast this spell, you must choose either ensnaring (pull) or repelling (push) all forced movement of this spell is of that type.

Use: The area targeted becomes a singularity. All creatures within a 15’ x 15’ area centered on the singularity must make a saving throw or be moved 2 squares. You may repeat this Use as a standard action for the duration of the spell.

Arcane Mastery

Forceful Repulsion: Any creature pushed by this spell suffers 5 force damage.

Impairing Well: Any creature pulled by this spell is impaired (save ends).

Increased Well [L5]: The area the singularity affects is increased to 25’ x 25’ (5 x 5).

Powerful Repulsion [L10, Forceful Repulsion]: Creatures pushed by the spell suffer 10 force damage and are knocked prone.

Slowing Well [L10, Impairing Well]: Any creature pulled by this spell is slowed (save ends).

Bouncing Repulsion [L15, Forceful Repulsion]: Creature pushed by this spell are instead thrown in the air 20 feet (4 squares). Falling creatures suffer falling damage or prone as appropriate.

Reverse Gravity [L15, Impairing Well]: Creatures pulled by this spell are instead lifted 20 feet (4 squares) into the air and immobilized (save ends).

Vast Well [L15, Increased Well]: The area the singularity affects increases to 35 x 35 (7 x 7).

GUST OF WIND You summon a powerful burst of wind. As you rise in power, your ability to sustain those winds improves.

Gust of Wind

Domain: Weather School: Conjuration

Range: 5 feet (1) Area: 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4)

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

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Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Divine

Target: Each creature in the area

Action: Standard

Hit: The target is moved 4 squares directly away from you.

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mysteries)

Mighty Wind {R}: The target is moved an additional square. Each time you select this upgrade, you move the target one additional square. If this brings the target into contact with a solid object (such as another creature, a wall or column) the target suffers 5 physical damage.

Flattening Wind [L5]: Any target moved at least 6 squares by this spell is also knocked prone at the end of that movement.

Greater Mighty Wind [L10, Mighty Wind]: Any target that is moved into contact with a solid object, suffers 10 physical points of damage instead of 5. If this object is another creature and you have flattening wind, both the target and the additional creature are knocked prone.

Grounding Wind [L10]: Any target hit by this spell that is flying is forced to the ground and takes falling damage as appropriate for the distance traveled.

Arcane Mastery

Sustained Gust [L5]: You may summon a lesser version of this wind as a spell with a 24 hour duration. The spell has no effect on creatures, but causes a sailing ship or similar wind powered craft to move at its maximum possible sailing speed for the duration of the spell.

Icy Wind [L10]: This spell gains the cold keyword and any target hit by this spell is also slowed (save ends).

Wind Wall [L10]: You may make this spell a wall with a range of 10 feet and an area of 50 x 5 feet (10 x 1). Any creature is impaired when making ranged attacks through the wall. Any creature attempting to move through the wall must spend an additional number of squares of movement equal to the distance targets are normally moved by this spell.

Divine Mysteries

Control Winds [L10]: You may instead use this spell with a range of 50 feet and an area of 20 x 20 feet (4 x 4 squares). You may move creatures in the area to any other square within the spell’s area of effect.

Summon Tornado [L15, Control Winds]: When using Control Winds, you may move the creature hit to any square within the area

or to any squares within the normal distance creatures are moved from the area of the spell’s effect. The spell gains a duration of 5 minutes, but you must spend your standard action each round to sustain the winds or the spell ends. When you spend your standard action, you may move the spell’s area up to 20 feet (4 squares).

HALLOWED GROUND You bless the ground at your feet, sanctifying it against your enemies and bolstering your allies.

Hallowed Ground

Domain: Protection School: Alteration

Range: 0 feet (0) Area: 15’ x 15’ (3 x 3)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Attack, Divine

Target: 5 feet in all directions around your square

Action: Standard

Use: The area around you becomes hallowed. Enemies in this area are impaired and grant advantage until they leave the hallowed ground.

Divine Mysteries

Sacred Light: Any enemy that enters or begins its turn in the area of your hallowed ground suffers 5 radiant damage.

Anathema to the Impure [L5]: Demons, devils or undead in the area of effect of the spell lose all resistances.

Bastion of Hope [L5]: You or any ally that successfully attacks a target in the hallowed ground with advantage may choose to either regain 5 hit points or gain 10 temporary hit points.

Font of Rejuvenation [L10]: You or any ally that scores a critical hit while within the Hallowed Ground may spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points.

Improved Sacred Light [L10, Sacred Light]: The damage from Sacred Light increases to 10.

Renewing Bastion [L10, Bastion of Hope]: You or your ally may choose to make a saving throw instead of regaining hit points.

Complete Anathema [L15, Anathema to the Impure]: Targets affected by Anathema to the Impure also lose all immunities and are slowed until they leave the area of the Hallowed Ground.

HALLUCINATORY TERRAIN The illusion you weave makes the ground seem dangerous and the terrain more treacherous to all who traverse it.

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Hallucinatory Terrain

Domain: Cunning School: Illusion

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4)

Duration: Concentration Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine, Figment

Target: 20 foot square area of the ground

Action: Standard

Use: You create the illusion difficult terrain. This could be anything from snow and ice, to fire and sand. Any creature moving through the area treats the area of the spell as difficult terrain. Any creature that ends their turn in the area may make a saving throw, on a successful save, they see through the illusion and may now move normally through the area. Any target that fails their saving throw continues to be affected by the difficult terrain.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Illusionary Winds: The affected area becomes three dimensional and affects all creatures flying in the area as well.

Impairing Terrain [L5]: Any creature that starts their turn in the terrain or enters the area of the terrain is impaired until they either leave the area or succeed on a saving throw against the spell.

Pit Trap [L5]: Any creature that is in the area of the spell when it is created or that enters the area falls prone and may not stand until they save against the spell.

Greater Area [L5]: The area of this spell becomes 30’ x 30’ (6 x 6).

Hazardous Terrain [L10]: The area of the terrain appears to be filled with roaring flames or biting winds. Any creature that fails a saving throw against this spell also suffers 10 psychic damage.

Persistent Terrain [L10]: The duration of this spell becomes 5 minutes.

Spiked Pit Trap [L10, Pit Trap]: Any target knocked prone by this spell also suffers 10 psychic damage and ongoing 10 psychic damage until they save against this spell.

Mass Terrain [L15, Greater Area]: The area of the spell becomes 1000’ x 1000’ (200 x 200) allowing you to reshape the terrain of a very large area. You must expend a Heroic Reserve each round this illusion is maintained.

HARVEST SOUL This deadly spell draws your enemy’s very soul into you for power.

Harvest Soul

Domain: Death School: Necromancy

Range: 10 feet (2) Area: 15’ x 15’ (3 x 3)

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Necrotic

Target: Each creature in the area

Action: Standard

Hit: Each creature in the area suffers 5 necrotic damage and you gain temporary hit points equal to the number of enemies hit.

Divine Mysteries

Drinking Deeply: You gain 2 temporary hit points for each target successfully hit by this spell.

Potent Death: The necrotic damage dealt by this spell increases by 5. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the necrotic damage dealt by 5

Spreading Death [L5]: The area of this spell increases to 25’ x 25’ (5 x 5).

Death Knell [L10]: If the damage done by this spell reduces a creature to 10 hit points or less, that creature is killed.

Deepest Draught [L10, Drinking Deeply]: You gain 4 temporary hit points for each target successfully hit by this spell instead of 2.

Rise Again [L15]: Any target killed by this spell or reduced to 0 hit points rises as a shade. This is as the predator companion except that its type is undead and it is incorporeal and receives no upgrades. The creature is your level and fades away (is destroyed) at the end of the encounter.

HASTE Your magic causes a creature to move with unnatural alacrity, but too much of this magic is destructive to those flare so brightly.


Domain: Astral School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes (spc) Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target of this spell becomes hasted (minor). The target of this spell may end it as a free action.

Arcane Mastery

Haste (Move) [L5]: You may choose to use this spell as haste (move).

Haste (Standard) [L10]: You may choose to use this spell to grant your target haste

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(standard). However, this energy is tiring and at the start of any player’s second turn and every successive turn in which they benefit from this spell, they must spend a Heroic Reserve or be impaired.

Haste (Turn) [L15]: You may choose to use this spell to grant your target haste (turn). However, this energy is tiring and at the start of any player’s second turn and every successive turn in which they benefit from this spell, they must spend 2 Heroic Reserves or be impaired.

Group Haste [L15] {R}: You may affect one additional target with a single casting of this spell.

Time Add [L20]: You may use this spell with a target of Personal and a duration of Instant. If you do, you may immediately take 1d4 additional turns. You may not make an attack of any kind or use any damaging spell.

HEAT WAVE A wave of roiling heat issues forth from you, bringing pain and exhausting those in its path.

Heat Wave

Domain: Weather School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: Instant Defense: AC

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Fire, Radiant

Target: Each creature in the area

Action: Standard

Hit: 1d6 fire and radiant damage and the target is impaired (save ends) from fatigue.

Divine Mysteries

Intense Heat: You deal an additional 1d6 damage with this spell. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage dealt by 1d6.

Scorn the Water Born: Creatures of the plant or water type hit by this spell are critically hit on an 18-20.

Draining Heat [L5]: Targets affected by this spell are slowed instead of impaired.

Wilting Heat [L5]: Any target that fails a saving throw against this spell falls prone.

Death of the Water Born [L10, Scorn the Water Born]: Creatures of the plant or water type critically hit by this spell are helpless (save ends).

Enlarged Wave [L10]: The area of this spell becomes 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4).

Sapping Heat [L15, Draining Heat]: Targets

affected by this spell are immobilized instead of slowed. Any target that fails its saving throw against this condition is instead stunned (save ends).

HOLD PERSON This spell binds your enemy in place, making them unable to move, as this spell grows in power, the chains only grow thicker.

Hold Person

Domain: Cunning School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm, Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends); this effect ends if the target suffers damage.

Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Stiff Recovery: When a target succeeds on their saving throw against this effect, they are impaired (save ends).

Encompassing Hold [L10]: Any enemies adjacent to the target when it is hit are also slowed (save ends).

Petrifying Hold [L15]: Any target that fails its saving throw against the immobilized condition imposed by this spell is instead petrified. They gain resist all 10 but are helpless (save ends).

Arcane Mastery

Dimensional Hold [L5]: Any target immobilized by this spell may not teleport and loses any teleport speed as long as it is immobilized.

Additional Target [L10]: You may target one additional enemy with this spell.

Mass Hold [L15, Additional Target]: You may target up to 4 creatures total in range.

Divine Mysteries

Hold the Impure [L5]: Any demon, devil or undead immobilized by this spell suffers a -1 magic penalty to all saving throws.

Immobilized Advantage [L5]: Any target immobilized by this spell also grants advantage to you and all allies as long as it remains immobilized by this spell.

INSECT PLAGUE A swarm of biting stinging insects floods the battlefield, hampering and poisoning your enemies.

Insect Plague

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Domain: Destruction, Nature

School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: AC

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Terrain

Target: Area of solid ground

Action: Standard

Use: The listed area becomes difficult terrain. Any creature entering this area or beginning their turn within it suffers ongoing 10 poison damage. The target does not take this damage during the turn they acquire the ongoing damage.

Terrain Action Target: One Creature in or adjacent to the spell’s area.

Terrain Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers 5 poison damage and any ongoing poison the target is suffering from increases by 5.

Special: If this spell is cast on an area where insects are already present either in substantial numbers or as giant versions, the initial area is instead 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4 squares).

Divine Mystery

Engulfing Insects: Any target that suffers ongoing poison damage from this spell is also slowed until they save against the ongoing poison damage.

Flying Swarm [L5]: This spell may now be cast in any area in the range of the spell and need not be on solid ground. Any flying creature that enters the spell area or starts their turn there must make a saving throw. On a failed save, the target is forced to land and may not fly until the save against the ongoing damage is made.

Virulent Poison [L5]: The Terrain Action attack deals 10 poison damage and increases any ongoing poison damage by 10.

All Consuming Insects [L10, Engulfing Insects]: Any target slowed by this spell is also knocked prone and may not stand until the slowed condition is ended.

Creeping Doom [L15, Engulfing Insects]: Targets may not save against the ongoing poison damage caused by this spell as long as they are in or adjacent to the area of the spell.

Insect Multitude [L15, Virulent Poison]: The ongoing damage caused by entering the spell area or starting your turn there increases to 20.

INVISIBILITY A quick magical word and you disappear from vision, cloaked and obscured to the senses of your enemies.


Domain: Cunning School: Illusion

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes (spc) Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Illusion

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target of this spell becomes invisible. The target of this spell may end it as a free action. The spell also ends immediately if the target attacks.

Arcane Mastery

Area [L5]: You may choose to have the spell become a 10 foot (2 square) radius affecting all allies in the area. If anyone benefitting from the spell attacks, the spell ends.

Improved [L10]: This upgrade may only be applied to the non-area version of the spell. The spell no longer ends when the target makes an attack.

Shared Invisibility [L10] {R}: You may affect one additional target when you cast this spell.

True Invisibility [L15]: You may not be detected by alternate senses (such as blindsight) automatically. Bearers of such advanced senses must use Perception and defeat the target’s Stealth as normal.

LEVITATION Your incantation allows a being to defy gravity and eventually realize the dream of flight itself.


Domain: Astral School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target of this spell may rise or lower 20 feet (4 squares) in the air vertically as a move action. The target cannot move horizontally.

Arcane Mastery

Buoyancy {R}: You move an additional 10 feet (2 squares) on your move action.

Featherfall: You may use this spell with an action of Immediate in response to yourself or an ally you can see failing a saving throw to prevent falling and suffering damage. The target does not suffer any damage from the triggering fall.

Flight [L5]: The target of this spell gains a fly speed equal to the amount of vertical movement previously allowed.

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Shared Flight [L10] {R}: You may affect one additional target when you cast this spell.

Overland Flight [L10]: You and any targets gain a flight speed equal to three times your base speed and this spell lasts until you cast another spell or you roll initiative. Once either of these events occurrs, all targets of the Overland Flight are slowed and their fly speed drops to 4. All targets may choose to end this effect as a free action and drop to the ground safely beneath their current square.

LIFE SHIELD This magic shields the life force of a creature, bolstering it against enemy weapons and spells alike.

Life Shield

Domain: Healing School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Divine, Healing

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target gains 5 temporary hit points.

Divine Mysteries

Empowered Shield: The temporary hit points granted increase to 10. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the temporary hit points granted by 5.

Restorative Shield: At the end of the duration of the spell, any remaining temporary hit points, become real hit points restored. This healing may not heal the target above their wounded value in hit points.

Defensive Shield [L5]: As long as the target has temporary hit points granted by this spell, they also gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses.

Sacred Shield [L5]: As long as the target has temporary hit points granted by this spell, they also gain Resist 10 necrotic damage.

Improved Restorative Shield [L10, Restorative Shield]: When the target is healed by Restorative Shield, they may elect to expend a Heroic Reserve. If they do, they regain the hit points for that heroic Reserve in addition to any hit points restored by the spell and this healing may heal the target above their wounded value in hit points.

Improved Sacred Shield [L15, Sacred Shield]: The necrotic resistance increases to 20.

Self-Restoring Shield [L15]: As long as the target has any temporary hit points remaining

from this spell at the start of their turn, the amount of temporary hit points the target has increases by 10. This may not carry the target above the original amount of temporary hit points granted.

LOCATE OBJECT You scry with your arcane senses for a particular object. As you unlock the secrets of such magic, you are able to find more rare items or people.

Locate Object

Domain: Divination School: Divination

Range: 1000 feet (200) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine

Target: -

Action: Standard

Use: You determine the location of the closest example of a non-unique single item in range. For example, you could request the location of the nearest gold piece (and would most likely get an answer of your own pocket) or ‘the nearest well’ (which would be more useful). You could not however ask for the specific key for a specific door (as that is a unique item).

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Locate Item Group: You may instead ask the location of a non-unique group of items instead of a single item (for example, a pile of gold with at least 1,000gp).

Enhanced Range {R}: Your range for this spell increases to 1 mile for each time you have selected this upgrade.

Locate Creature [L5]: You may instead locate the closest example of a single non-unique creature of a specified type (for example, the nearest orc).

Locate Creature Group [L10. Locate Creature]: You may instead ask the location of a non-unique group of creatures instead of a single creature (for example, a group of at least 10 orcs).

Locate Unique [L10]: You may locate the nearest unique items, but you must know that item’s name if it has one (for example, the vampire in charge of Fangren Keep will not work, but Sranthen, the Master Vampire will). If you attempt to locate such a unique sentient creature, that creature is allowed a saving throw, if that save succeeds, this spell does not locate that creature. The creature is not aware of this attempt to locate them.

Shortest Path [L15]: If you successfully locate a creature or object with this spell, you are

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also made aware of the shortest path to reach the object of your search. You are made aware of any secret or concealed paths along the route, but you are not made aware of any dangers or hazards that may be along this path.

MAGE ARMOR You surround yourself in armor crafted of pure magical force.

Mage Armor

Domain: Astral School: Abjuration

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Persist

Target: You

Action: Standard

Use: You gain a +3 magic bonus to armor class.

Arcane Mastery

Resistance Armor {R}: Choose a single damage type from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, poison and thunder. This armor also grants resist 5 to that damage type. Each time you select this upgrade, choose a new damage type, you gain resistance to that damage type.

Enhanced Defenses [L5]: This spell also grants its bonus to fortitude.

Reactive Armor [L5]: If you are struck by a melee attack targeting AC or Fortitude, the enemy that struck you also suffers 5 physical damage.

Improved Reactive Armor [L10, Reactive Armor]: Reactive armor now deals 10 damage.

Improved Resistance [L10, Resistance Armor] {R}: Choose a single damage type you choose with Resistance Armor. The resistance granted increases to 15.

Ablative Armor [L10, Reactive Armor]: When you are struck by a critical hit that would trigger your reactive armor, you may instead end the spell as a free action to take 0 damage from the attack and instead have the attacker take the damage that would have been dealt by the critical hit.

Hovering Armor [L15]: Your armor now also grants you a flight speed of 30 feet (6 squares).

Superior Reactive Armor [L15, Reactive Armor]: Reactive armor now deals 20 damage.

MAGIC MISSILE A lance of magical force springs forth from your fingertips. These missiles grow in number and power over time.

Magic Missile

Domain: Destruction School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Force

Target: One Creature You Can See

Action: Standard

Use: You create a single missile of force which strikes a single enemy for 1d4+1 force damage.

Arcane Mastery

Additional Missile: You generate one additional missile, which may target the same or a different target. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, and L15. These additional missiles do not benefit from damage of any kind except those offered by this spell.

Empowered Range {R}: Your range increases by 30 feet (6 squares).

Improved Missiles [L5]: Any missile generated by this spell deals an additional 5 damage.

Driving Missiles [L5]: Any target struck by a missile is pushed 5 feet for each missile that strikes that enemy.

Greater Missiles [L15, Improved Missiles]: Any missile generated by this spell deals an additional 10 damage instead of an additional 5 damage.

MEMORY HOLE This incantation removes time from an enemy’s memory. As it grows in power, more and more time is erased.

Memory Hole

Domain: Cunning School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm, Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target loses all memory of the last round. It has no memory of anything that happened during that time. If used in a negotiation skill engagement, this can be used to erase a single failure earned in the last round. On a miss, the target is aware of this spell. In a skill engagement this may accrue either a single additional failure or lead to the immediate failure of the encounter (GM’s discretion).

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Universal (Arcane Mastery & Divine Mystery)

Expanded Time (Minute): The target loses all memory of the last one minute. The time for eliminating failures in skill engagements expands similarly.

Expanded Time (Hour) [L5]: The target loses all memory of the last hour. The time for eliminating failures in skill engagements expands similarly.

Expanded Time (Day) [L10]: The target loses all memory of the last day. The time for eliminating failures in skill engagements expands similarly.

Spell Wipe [L10]: The target loses a single attack that is not at-will and has the spell keyword. The target may not use this attack for the remainder of the encounter.

Expanded Time (Month) [L15]: The target loses all memory of the last month. The time for eliminating failures in skill engagements expands similarly.

Obliterate Memory [L15]: You may remove all elements of a single memory, no matter how far back they reach. For example, you could eliminate all memory of a particular person or place.

Memory Wipe [L20]: The target must make a saving throw. On a failed save, the target loses all memory and is stunned. This can only be reversed by a Dispel Magic or Restoration.

MOUNT You call forth a pack of steeds to serve you and your allies. As you gain in power, so to do the steeds become more incredible beasts.


Domain: Nature School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Special Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Summoning

Target: -

Action: Standard

Use: You summon 5 horses. These are light horses (They are underlings, have a speed of 8 and all their defenses are 10, they may not attack). This spell lasts until you cast another spell.

Arcane Mastery

Increased Speed {R}: The speed of your mounts increases by 20 feet (4 squares).

Additional Steeds [L5] {R}: You may summon 5 additional steeds with a single casting of this spell.

Phantom Steed [L5]: The horses become

incorporeal. They may ignore difficult terrain.

Flying Steed [L10]: Your mounts may fly at their normal speed.

Shadow Jump [L15, Phantom Steed]: Once during the duration of the spell, you and all allies mounted on mounts generated by this spell may teleport up to 5 miles as a move action. You must have a clear understanding of the destination and you and all allies must go to the same location.

MYSTIC ANSWER You call to otherworldly being for answers. As your power grows, so too does your ability to press these beings for clues.

Mystic Answer

Domain: Divination School: Divination

Range: 0 feet (0) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes or until all questions asked

Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine

Target: -

Action: Standard

Use: You may ask a single question of otherworldly forces. The question must have a binary answer (i.e. good/bad, yes/no, weal/woe). This knowledge must be knowable by many people or achievable by a skill check. The answer given is at the discretion of the GM.

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Additional Question {R}: You may ask one additional question of the otherworldly entities.

Cryptic Answer [L5]: You may ask a question that does not require a binary answer. The answer will be one full sentence, but may be cryptic.

Lengthy Response [L10, Cryptic Answer]: You receive a more detailed response in multiple sentences, but the full detail given is still at the discretion of the entities contacted.

Esoteric Knowledge [L15]: The answer given does not need to be knowable by multiple people or achievable through a skill check, but must still be known by at least 1 being.

Arcane Mastery

Deal with Devils [L10]: You may ask specific demons, devils or similar creatures for the knowledge. The answer will be less cryptic but must be knowledge such creatures would posses. You must sacrifice a Heroic Reserve as payment when casting this spell if this option is chosen.

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Divine Mystery

Trusted Source [L10]: You may ask your question(s) of your deity. The answer will tend to be less cryptic at the discretion of the deity, but the knowledge must fall within one of the domains of your deity as decided by your GM.

NATURE FRIEND The magic helps to guide you through the harshest wilderness, leading you to safe food, water and most importantly, the way out.

Nature Friend

Domain: Nature School: Divination

Range: 5 feet (1) Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target gains a +2 magic bonus to Nature checks. Normal animals will not attack the target and when using Nature in a skill engagement, a natural 20 results in 2 successes instead of 1.

Divine Mysteries

Additional Target {R}: You may target one additional creature with a single casting of this spell.

Foraging: This spell also doubles the amount of food and water found when using Nature to forage.

Beast Friend [L5]: Beasts must succeed on a saving throw to attack the target. This does not function if you attack the beast or deal damage to them in any way.

Natural Intuition [L5]: Once during any skill engagement where Nature is a primary skill, any target of this spell may roll twice and take the best result when using Nature.

Dangerous Knowledge [L10]: If a creature benefitting from this spell, succeeds at the Hard DC on a monster knowledge use of Nature, that creature gain a +2 bonus to damage and may score a critical hit on a 19-20 against creatures covered by that check.

Nature’s Ally [L10]: The bonus to Nature increases to +4.

Walk through Nature [L10]: You may ignore difficult terrain caused by plants, vegetation or similar natural growth.

NECROTIC TOUCH You reach out your hand and sap the life force from your enemy. As your power grows, so does the crippling nature of your touch.

Necrotic Touch

Domain: Death School: Necromancy

Range: 5 feet (1) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Curse, Necrotic

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: 2d6 necrotic damage and the target is impaired (save ends).

Arcane Mastery

Additional Damage Type: Choose either cold, lightning or poison, your damage now counts as this type as well and gains this keyword.

Deadly Touch [L5]: You increase the damage dealt by 2d6. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage dealt by 2d6.

Vampiric Touch [L5]: When you successfully hit with this spell, you also regain 5 hit points.

Enervation [L10]: You may use this spell with a range of 50 feet (10 squares). Any target struck is weakened (save ends) instead of impaired.

Improved Vampiric Touch [L10, Vampiric Touch]: When you successfully hit with this spell, you instead regain 10 hit points.

Energy Drain [L15, Enervation]: The target of this spell is instead weakened and slowed (save ends both). On the first failed save, the target is helpless (save ends).

Finger of Death [L15, Deadly Touch]: If you score a critical hit with this spell the target is helpless (save ends). On the first failed save, the target dies.

PHANTASMAL ARMY You conjure the illusion of forces rising up to aid you. Your enemies find themselves surrounded and unsure what is real and what is not.

Phantasmal Army

Domain: Creation, Cunning

School: Illusion

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 15’ x 15’ (3 x 3)

Duration: Concentration Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Figment, Illusion

Target: Area within range

Action: Standard

Use: All enemies in the area of the spell grant

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advantage as long as they remain in the area. Any enemy that ends its turn in the area may make a saving throw, on a successful save, they recognize the illusion and no longer grant advantage. On a failed saving throw, the target suffers 10 psychic damage and continues to grant advantage.

Arcane Mastery

Entrapping Illusion: Targets that fail their save against this effect are also slowed until they succeed on a saving throw or leave the area of effect.

Increased Area: The area of the spell increases to 25’ x 25’ (5 x 5).

Deadly Phantoms [L5]: The psychic damage suffered on a failed save increases by 10 (20 total).

Illusionary Phalanx [L5]: Allies in the area of the spell may not be surrounded and do not grant advantage based on the number of enemies adjacent.

Persistent Army [L5]: The spell’s duration becomes 5 minutes.

Grappling Illusion [L10, Entrapping Illusion]: Entrapping illusion now causes targets to be immobilized instead of slowed.

Vast Army [L10, Increased Area]: The area of the spell increase to 40’ x 40’ (8 x 8).

Devastating Phantoms [L15, Deadly Phantoms]: The psychic damage suffered on a failed save increases by an additional 10 (30 total).

PHANTASMAL FOE You conjure an image of nightmares for your enemy and the fear drives them to brink of death or beyond.

Phantasmal Foe

Domain: Death School: Illusion

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Fear, Illusion

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target is slowed and suffers ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).

Arcane Mastery

Entrapping Foe: Targets hit by this attack are immobilized (save ends) instead of slowed.

Dangerous Foe [L5]: Targets hit by this attack suffer ongoing 10 damage instead of ongoing 5 damage.

Lingering Memories [L10]: The first time that a target successfully saves against this spell, it is impaired (save ends).

Phantasmal Stalker [L10]: This spell may target Will in addition to Fortitude, roll once and compare to all targeted defenses. If you successfully hit both defenses, the target is stunned. If you hit only Fortitude the spell retains its normal effect.

Phantasmal Killer [L15, Phantasmal Stalker]: If you successfully hit both defenses when using Phantasmal Stalker, the target is instead helpless (save ends). On the target’s first failed saving throw against this condition, they die.

PILLAR OF FLAME You call down a pillar of cleansing fire from the heavens, and your enemies learn your god has a terrible wrath.

Pillar of Flame

Domain: Destruction School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4)

Duration: Instant Defense: AC

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Fire

Target: Each creature in the area

Action: Standard

Hit: 1d6 fire damage.

Divine Mysteries

Endless Wrath: The damage dealt increases by 1d6.

Holy Flame {R}: Choose lightning, radiant or thunder. This spell deals that type of damage in addition to fire and gains that keyword.

Wrath of the Gods [L5]: You deal an additional 2d6 damage with this spell. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the damage dealt by 2d6.

Lasting Flame [L5]: Any target that is hit by this spell also gains ongoing 5 damage of the same type(s) dealt by the spell.

Exhaust the Infidels [L10]: Any evil creature (if you are good) or good creature (if you are evil) hit by this spell is also weakened (save ends).

Consumed by Flame [L15]: Any wounded target critically hit by this spell must make a saving throw or die. On a successful save, the target is instead stunned (save ends).

Improved Lasting Flame [L15, Lasting Flame]: The ongoing damage increases to 10.

PLANT GROWTH You cause dense foliage to erupt in an area, entangling those caught within their viney grasp.

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Plant Growth

Domain: Nature School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: AC

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Terrain

Target: Area of solid ground

Action: Standard

Use: The listed area becomes difficult terrain. Any creature entering this area or beginning their turn within it is slowed (save ends).

Terrain Action Target: One Creature slowed by this spell.

Terrain Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers 5 physical damage and is immobilized (save ends) instead of slowed.

Special: If this spell is cast on an area of difficult terrain due to vines, shrubs, or similar vegetative growth, the initial area is instead 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4 squares).

Divine Mystery

Dragging Vines: You may make an Terrain Action attack against all enemies slowed or immobilized by this spell targeting fortitude. On a hit, you may move the target to any other square in or adjacent to the area of effect.

Lashing Vines [L5]: Any target immobilized by this spell also suffers ongoing 10 physical damage until they save against the immobilized condition. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the ongoing damage by 5.

Skyward Vines [L5]: This spell may affect any targets flying over it up to 20 feet in the air. Any target hit by the Terrain Action attack is forced to land in the square directly beneath it as a free action. It does not suffer falling damage.

Reaching Vines [L10]: Any creature starting adjacent to the terrain is affected as though they had started within the terrain.

Poison Vines [L10]: Any creature slowed or immobilized by this spell also suffers 10 poison damage for each time this ability is selected. You may select this upgrade again at L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the poison damage by 10.

Leaching Vines [L15]: Any target slowed or immobilized by this spell loses its teleport speed until it saves against those conditions.

PRISMATIC BLAST You summon a rainbow of colors that bursts forth, dazzling your opponent.

Prismatic Blast

Domain: Destruction School: Conjuration

Range: 10 feet (2) Area: 25’ x 25’ (5 x 5)

Duration: Instant Defense: AC

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, (Variable)

Target: All creatures in area

Action: Standard

Hit: Slowed (save ends).

Arcane Mastery

Enhanced Area {R}: You increase the area of the spell by 5’ x 5’ ( so 30’ x 30’ total from the base spell)

Dazzling Spell [L5]: This spell also targets Will, roll once and compare against all defenses. If both defenses are hit, the target is stunned (save ends).

Damaging Beams [L5]: Any target hit by this attack also suffers ongoing 10 damage (save ends). The type is determined as follows. 1=acid, 2=cold, 3=fire, 4=lightning, 5=poison, 6=roll twice. The spell gains the keyword of the damage type.

Focused Ray [L10]: You may choose to change this spell’s range to 50 feet and target only one enemy. If you do, you may roll twice on your attack roll. On a critical hit, the target is also knocked prone.

Overwhelming Spell [L15, Dazzling Spell]: This spell also targets fortitude, if any two defenses are hit the target is stunned (save ends). If all three defenses are hit, the target is helpless (save ends).

PROTECTION FROM EVIL You surround yourself with an aura that hedges you against the attacks of evil enemies.

Protection from Evil

Domain: Protection School: Abjuration

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: Persist Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine, Persist

Target: You

Action: Standard

Special: This spell assumes a good deity. If you worship an evil deity, replace all instances of evil with good.

Use: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses and resist 5 all against the attacks of evil creatures.

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Cleansing Protection: Any targets affected by this spell also gain a +1 magic bonus to all saving throws against conditions imposed by

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evil creatures.

Protective Aura [L5]: The bonuses of this spell apply to you and all allies adjacent to you. This counts as a persistent spell for those affected.

Enhanced Defenses [L10]: The bonus to defenses increases to +2.

Enhanced Resistance [L10]: The resistance provided by this spell increases to 10.

Reflective Circle [L10]: Evil creatures must spend one additional square of movement to move adjacent to anyone protected by this spell.

Superior Resistance [L15, Enhanced Resistance]: The resistance provided by this spell increases to 20.

Anchoring [L15, Protective Aura]: All targets affected by this spell can not be teleported against their will.

REGENERATION Your magic has a lasting effect, slowly knitting the wounds of those blessed together.


Domain: Healing School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Divine, Healing

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target gains Regeneration 2. This regeneration only functions when the target is wounded.

Divine Mystery

Increased Regeneration {R}: Increase the regeneration offered by this spell by 1.

Powerful Regen: When you affect a target with this spell, they may elect to expend a Heroic Reserve. If they do, they gain no hit points, but this regeneration will now function at all times and not just when they are wounded.

Additional Regeneration [L5]: You may affect one additional target with a single casting of this spell.

Total Regeneration [L5, Powerful Regen]: Targets under the effect of powerful regen can reattach severed limbs or missing body parts simply by holding them to the wound for a few seconds. Limbs that are completely lost can be regrown through 3 applications of the spell.

Mass Regeneration [L10, Additional

Regeneration]: You may affect two additional targets with a single casting of this spell (4 total).

Restore Reserve [L15, Powerful Regen]: When you cast this spell, if you target only one creature you may elect for that creature to regain a single Heroic Reserve instead of the spell’s normal effect.

RESISTANCE You weave a barrier of magical protection that shields your allies from a particular type of harm, blunting the attacks of your enemies.


Domain: Protection School: Abjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: Choose a single damage type. The target of this spell gains resist 2 to that damage.

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Increased Resistance: Increase the resistance granted by this spell by 5. You may select this upgrade again at L5, L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the resistance granted by 5.

Additional Target [L10] {R}: You may affect one additional target with this spell.

Reflective Shield [L10]: If you only affect 1 target with this spell, you may choose for the shield to also be reflective. If it is, anytime the target is struck by a melee attack that this spell’s resistance applies to, it deals the same amount of damage resisted to the attacking enemy as force damage.

Additional Element [L15]: You may choose one additional damage type. All targets of this spell are affected by the same resistances.

Immunity [L15]: If you only affect 1 target with this spell, you may choose for that target to be immune to the damage type for the duration of the spell. This may not be combined with Reflective Shield.

RESTORATION This curative spell eases the suffering of your allies. As you grow in power, so too does your ability to affect more potent conditions.


Domain: Healing School: Alteration

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Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: -

Keywords: Divine, Healing

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Use: The target makes a saving throw against a single condition or effect a save can end. This may not affect a curse, disease or similar effect that it requires multiple saves to end.

Divine Mystery

Potent Restoration: The target gains a +1 magic bonus to their saving throw.

Additional Saving Grace [L5]: The target may make two saving throws.

Expanded Saving Grace [L5]: You may affect one additional target with a single casting of this spell.

Counter Affliction [L10]: The target may make a single saving throw against a disease or curse. On a failure, this does not count as a failed save against the curse or disease and does not advance the condition.

Supreme Potency [L10, Potent Restoration]: The magic bonus to the target’s save increases to 2.

Total Cleansing [L10, Additional Saving Grace]: The target may make a saving throw against each condition or effect that a save can end that they currently have.

Mass Saving Grace [L15, Expanded Saving Grace]: You may affect two additional targets with a single casting of this spell (4 total).

True Restoration [L15]: You may elect to sacrifice 2 Heroic Reserves when this spell is cast. If you do, you may allow the target a saving throw against a single effect that is not normally ended by a saving throw (such as becoming petrified permanently or a similar effect). The GM has final decision on whether or not this spell may be used against such a condition and this decision is known before the spell is cast or the Heroic Reserves expended.

SHIELD OF FAITH This protective spell calls down the divine protection of the gods on you and your allies. Weapons are turned aside by the might of your deity.

Shield of Faith

Domain: Protection School: Abjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 100’ x 100’ (10 x 10)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Divine

Target: You and all allies in the area

Action: Standard

Use: All targets gain a +1 magic bonus to AC.

Divine Mystery

Resistant Shield: All targets of this spell gain resist 3 all.

Sudden Defense: Any target of this spell may end this spell as a free action. If they do, they gain a +4 magic bonus to a single defense that this spell affected against a single attack.

Guarding Shield [L5]: Targets of this spell do not grant advantage for being surrounded.

Total Shield [L5]: The magic bonus applies to all defenses.

Improved Protection [L10]: The magic bonus to defense(s) increases by 1 (2 total).

Improved Resistance [L10, Resistant Shield]: The resistance granted by Resistant Shield increases to 5.

Physical Bulwark [L15]: Enemies must spend one additional square of movement when moving into any space adjacent to a target of this spell.

SLEEP An enchanting spell lures your enemy to fall into a deep slumber despite the raging battle around them.


Domain: Cunning School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4)

Duration: Instant Defense: Will

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Charm, Sleep

Target: One or Two Creatures in Area

Action: Standard

Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). On the first failed save, the target falls asleep and becomes helpless (save ends) or until the target takes damage of any kind.

Arcane Mastery

Groggy Defenses: Any target slowed by this spell also grants advantage to all enemies until the slowed condition ends.

Rude Awakening [L5]: Any target that successfully saves against this spell is impaired (save ends).

Deep Slumber [L10]: Damage does not end the helpless condition. The condition may only be ended by a successful saving throw.

Additional Target [L10]: You may target one additional creature in the area (3 total).

Stasis [L15]: Any target that fails a saving throw against the helpless condition is locked

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in stasis. The target may no longer make saving throws against this effect, but is also immune to damage of all kinds. The target is effectively frozen in time until the caster chooses to end the effect or a successful Dispel Magic removes the effect.

SOLID WALL You create a solid wall of earth to carve the battlefield in twain.

Solid Wall

Domain: Nature School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 50’ x 5’ (10 x 1)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: AC

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Divine, Terrain, Wall

Target: Area of solid ground

Action: Standard

Use: A wall of earth 10 feet high rises in the specified area. This is a solid wall, blocking line of sight and effect as normal. This wall may be attacked as normal, all attacks against the wall automatically hit. The wall has 50 hit points.

Terrain Action Target: One Creature in or adjacent to the wall.

Terrain Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers 5 physical damage and is moved 1 square.

Special: If this spell is cast on an area of open earth, the wall may be 5 feet higher. .

Universal (Arcane Masteries & Divine Mysteries)

Lengthened Wall {R}: The wall increases in length by 10 feet.

Stone Wall: The wall is now made of stone, it has 100 hit points instead of 50.

Heightened Wall [L10] {R}: Increase the height of the wall by 10 feet.

Iron Wall [L10]: The wall may now be made of iron. It has resist all 10.

Toppling Wall [L10]: You may end this spell as a free action to deal 20 damage to any creature adjacent to the wall when the spell is ended.

Adamantite Wall [L15]: The wall now has 200 hit points.

SPIKE STONES You cause the earth to erupt in sharp rocks that inhibit your foes and cause grievous wounds to those that move over it.

Spike Stones

Domain: Nature School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: AC

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Terrain

Target: Area of solid ground

Action: Standard

Use: The listed area becomes difficult terrain. Any creature entering this area or beginning their turn within it suffers 5 physical damage.

Terrain Action Target: One Creature in or adjacent to the terrain.

Terrain Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers 5 physical damage and is knocked prone.

Special: If this spell is cast on an area of difficult terrain due to rocks, sharp stones, caltrops or similar scree, the use physical damage is 10.

Divine Mystery

Impairing Terrain: Any enemy that enters or begins their turn in the area of the spell is also impaired until they leave the area of the spell.

Enhanced Area [L5] {R}: The base area of the spell increases by 5’ x 5’ (1 x 1 square).

Improved Impairing Terrain [L5, Impairing Terrain]: Targets affected are instead impaired (save ends).

Tearing Rocks [L5] {R}: The damage dealt by your Terrain Action attack increases to 10.

Jutting Rocks [L10]: You may attack one additional creature in or adjacent to the terrain with a single Terrain Action.

Toppling Rocks [L10]: Any targets struck by the Terrain Action attack are also knocked prone.

Improved Jutting Rocks [L15, Jutting Rocks]: You may affect 2 additional targets with your Terrain Action attack (3 total).

Superior Impairing Terrain [L15, Impairing Terrain]: Any target affected by impairing terrain is instead slowed (save ends). On the first failed save, the target is instead immobilized (save ends).

SUMMON MONSTER You call creatures to aid you from far away planes and locales. As you grow in power, so too do the creatures summoned.

Summon Monster

Domain: Creation School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Divine, Summoning

Target: -

Action: Standard

Use: You summon a single creature. This may be

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any bodyguard, predator or brute. This creature is a underling with one damage instance, but is in all other respects as the listed creature. You may select a single upgrade from that creature’s chart. You may not have more than 1 creature summoned at any time with this spell. While this spell is active, you may not cast any other spell with the summoning keyword.

Special: If you choose to summon an animal with this spell, it becomes a nature domain spell. If you choose to summon an undead creature with this spell, it becomes a necromancy spell.

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Expanded Range {R}: Each time you select this upgrade, you may select another type of summon from the list. You may now summon that creature in addition to those listed above.

Additional Summons [L5]: You may summon 1 additional creature with a single casting of this spell. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the creatures summoned and your maximum creatures you may have summoned by 1.

Additional Upgrade [L5]: You may select one additional upgrade from the chart for the monster type selected. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the additional options selected by 1.

SUMMON STORM Fog rolls in and the storm clouds of vengeance gather to bring nature’s wrath to your enemies.

Summon Storm

Domain: Weather School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Terrain

Target: Area in range

Action: Standard

Use: The listed area becomes a bank of fog. Any attacks made against creature in or through this fog are treated as impaired.

Terrain Action Target: One Creature in or adjacent to the terrain.

Terrain Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers 5 lightning damage and ongoing 5 lightning damage.

Special: If this spell is cast on an area of fog or in the presence of a storm or similar weather condition, the additional attack lightning damage is 10.

Divine Mystery

Roiling Fog: Choose Acid, Cold, Lightning or Thunder, any enemy that enters or begins their turn in the area of the spell also suffers 5 damage of the chosen type.

Enhanced Area [L5] {R}: The base area of the spell increases by 5’ x 5’ (1 x 1 square).

Roiling Maelstrom [L5, Roiling Fog] {R}: Choose an additional damage type from the Roiling Fog list, the damage suffered gains this type in addition to the original choice.

Thunderous Bolt [L5]: The Terrain Action attack also deals thunder damage and causes any target hit to be knocked prone.

Forked Lightning [L10]: You may target one or two creatures with the Terrain Action attack.

Deadly Storm [L10]: The Terrain Action attack deals 10 damage instead of 5.

Improved Roiling Fog [L15, Roiling Fog]: The damage dealt by Roiling Fog increases to 10.

Perfect Storm [L15, Deadly Storm]: The Terrain Action attack deals 20 damage instead of 10.

Storm of Vengeance [L20]: You may cast this spell with an initial area of 1 mile by 1 mile instead of its normal range. At the start of each round, you must expend a Heroic Reserve or the spell ends.

TELEPORT In the blink of eye, you disappear and reappear in a new location. As your abilities grow, so too does the distance you can travel.


Domain: Astral School: Alteration

Range: Personal Area: -

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Teleportation

Target: You

Action: Standard

Use: You teleport 10 feet (2 squares). Until the end of the encounter, you may teleport 10 feet (2 squares) as a move action. You must be able to see the destination of your teleport.

Arcane Mastery

Increased Distance {R}: Increase the distance you can teleport by 15 feet (3 squares).

Group Jump [L5]: The additional teleportation granted by this spell may be used as a standard action, if you do, you may include all of your allies.

Long Jump [L10]: The additional teleportation granted by this spell may be used as a

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standard action, if you do you may instead teleport 1 mile for each 5 feet (1 square) you can normally teleport. You must have seen your destination at least once.

Improved Long Jump [L15, Long Jump]: You may teleport 100 miles for each five feet (1 square) when using long jump.

Planar Travel [L15, Long Jump]: You may instead teleport to any location you have seen at least once on another plane when using long jump.

Accurate Teleport [L15]: You no longer need line of sight for your teleport nor do you need to have seen the location when using long jump.

TERRIBLE SMITE You call down the wrath of your god, and the vengeance visited upon your foe is a terrible one.

Terrible Smite

Domain: Destruction School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Attack, Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: 1d8 radiant damage and the target is knocked prone. All enemies adjacent to the target suffer 5 radiant damage.

Divine Mystery

Varied Wrath {R}: Choose a single damage type from among cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison or thunder. This spell gains that damage type.

Awesome Wrath [L5]: The radiant damage dealt by this spell increases by 1d8. You may select this upgrade again at L10, L15 and L20, each time you do so, increase the radiant damage dealt by 1d8.

Flee Before God [L5]: Any target hit by this spell must move 2 squares away from you.

Kneel Before God [L10]: The prone condition imposed by this spell is (save ends).

Rippling Smite [L10]: The damage dealt to adjacent targets on a successful hit by this spell increases to 15.

Silence the Heretic [L10]: Targets damaged by this spell are also silenced (save ends).

Flee On [L15]: The distance targets move because of your Flee Before God increases to 5.

VOLCANIC ERUPTION Fire and lava erupt from the ground, scorching those nearby.

Volcanic Eruption

Domain: Destruction, Nature

School: Alteration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Attack, Divine, Terrain

Target: Area of solid ground

Action: Standard

Use: The listed area becomes difficult terrain. Any creature entering this area or beginning their turn within it suffers 5 fire damage.

Terrain Action Target: Each creature in or adjacent to the terrain.

Terrain Action: Standard

Hit: The target suffers 5 fire damage.

Special: If this spell is cast on an area of difficult terrain due to lava, or in an area of existing fire, the use fire damage increases by 5.

Divine Mystery

Expanding Lava {R}: Increase the initial area of the spell by 5’ x 5’ feet (1 x 1 square).

Intense Heat: The damage for this spell’s initial use and additional attack increases to 10.

Engulfing Lava [L5]: Any target that enters or begins their turn within the spells area is also slowed (save ends).

Extreme Heat {L10]: The damage for this spell’s initial use and additional attack increases to 20.

Exhausting Heat [L10]: On a critical hit, any target is also weakened (save ends).

Improved Engulfing Lava [L15, Engulfing Lava]: Any target affected by engulfing lava is instead immobilized (save ends).

WALL OF FOG You summon a flowing wall of fog that hides you from sight. As the spell advances, the fog hides more than simply mists.

Wall of Fog

Domain: Weather School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 50’ x 5’ (10 x 1)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: AC

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Divine, Wall

Target: Area of solid ground

Action: Standard

Use: A wall of solid fog 10 feet high fills the space. The wall blocks line of sight. Creatures cannot see

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creatures on the other side of the wall. Attackers are impaired when attacking a target in the wall.

Universal (Arcane Masteries & Divine Mystery)

Lengthened Wall {R}: The wall increases in length by 10 feet.

Damaging Wall [L5]: Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison. Any creature that begins their turn in the wall or adjacent to it or enters the area of the wall suffers 5 damage of that type. You may choose this ability again at L10, L15 and L20. Each time this is selected, increase the damage by 5.

Difficult Wall {R} [L5]: Moving through the wall costs any creature one additional square of movement for each time this upgrade is purchased.

Heightened Wall [L10] {R}: Increase the height of the wall by 10 feet.

Lingering Damage [L15, Damaging Wall]: Any creature that is damaged by your wall also suffers ongoing damage equal to the damage taken (save ends).

Divine Mystery

Terrain Blessing: This spell gains the terrain keyword. When this spell is affected by the terrain growth class feature, the wall grows by 10 x 5 (2 x 1) instead of 10 x 10.

WARD AGAINST FOES You create an area of protection that hinders a specific type of enemy and they find the area anathema.

Ward Against Foes

Domain: Protection School: Abjuration

Range: 0 feet (0) Area: 15’ x 15’ (3 x 3)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: -

Keywords: Arcane, Divine

Target: 5 feet in all directions around your square

Action: Standard

Use: Choose a single creature type from the following list; animal, construct, elemental, magical beast, mortal, outsider, plant, undead. Creatures of the chosen type must spend 1 additional square of movement when moving in the spell’s area and are impaired when making attacks within the area.

Special: If you are a learned or granted caster, when you prepare this spell at the beginning of the day, you must select a single type from those listed above. If you are an innate caster, you may select the type at the time of casting.

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Deteriorating Ward: You and all allies gain advantage when attacking a creature of the

chosen type within the area of the spell’s effect.

Banishment [L5]: As a move action, you may move any creature whose type matches that chosen and is within the spell’s area to any square outside of the spell’s area.

Improved Warding [L10]: The chosen creature type must spend 2 additional squares of movement when moving through squares in the spell’s area.

Antipathy [L15, Improved Warding]: Creatures of the chosen type must succeed on a saving throw to enter the spell’s area of effect.

Arcane Mastery

Greater Warding [L5]: The spell’s initial area of effect becomes 25’ x 25’ feet (5 x 5 squares).

Mobile Warding [L10]: As long as you move no more than 2 squares, the area of warding moves with you remaining centered on you. Creatures brought into the area of the spell’s effect are not automatically repelled, but may be banished as normal.

Divine Mystery

Holy Ground [L10]: Outsiders and undead, if the chosen type, suffer ongoing 5 radiant damage (save ends) when within the area of the ward. This damage may not be saved against as long as the creature remains in the ward.

WEB With a word you create sticky strands that entrap and debilitate your enemies.


Domain: Creation School: Conjuration

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: 10’ x 10’ (2 x 2)

Duration: 5 minutes Defense: AC

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Divine, Terrain

Target: Area of solid ground

Action: Standard

Use: The listed area becomes difficult terrain. Any creature entering this area or beginning their turn within it is slowed (save ends).

Terrain Action Target: Each Creature slowed by the terrain.

Terrain Action: Standard

Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends) instead of slowed.

Special: If this spell is cast on an area of difficult terrain due to webs, the initial area is increased by 10’ x 10’ (to 20’ x 20’ total).

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Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Infested Webs: Any creature slowed or immobilized by the webs also suffers 5 poison damage.

Expanded Webs: The initial area of the spell increases to 20’ x 20’ (4 x 4).

Ethereal Webbing [L5]: Creatures slowed or immobilized by this spell do not gain the benefit of the incorporeal quality against this spell and may not ignore the difficult terrain created by the web.

Flammable Webs [L5]: You gain a new standard action attack. All creatures slowed or immobilized by the web suffer 10 fire damage and ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). Any slowed or immobilized condition caused by this spell immediately ends as does the spell and all terrain created.

Dark Tendrils [L10]: Any creature slowed or immobilized by this spell suffers 10 necrotic damage. This upgrade may not be combined with Flammable Webs.

Terrible Infestation [L10, Infested Webs]: The poison damage caused by Infested Webs increases to 15.

Planar Webbing [L15, Ethereal Webbing]: Any creature slowed or immobilized by this spell loses the incorporeal quality and may not teleport until it successfully saves against that condition.

WORD OF POWER You utter a single word, and unbridled power flows forth from it.

Word of Power

Domain: Astral School: Enchantment

Range: 50 feet (10) Area: -

Duration: Instant Defense: Fortitude

Keywords: Arcane, Attack, Divine

Target: One Creature

Action: Standard

Hit: The target is either impaired (save ends), moves their speed as a free action or drops prone as a free action. The effect is chosen by the caster.

Universal (Arcane Mastery or Divine Mystery)

Powerful Word: Choose any two items from the list above, a target hit suffers both effects in the order listed.

Slow [L5]: The target is slowed (save ends) instead of impaired.

Weaken [L10]: The target is also weakened until it makes its first successful save against this spell.

Silence [L10]: The target is also silenced until it makes its first successful save against this spell.

Arcane Masteries

Lingering Power {R}: Any target that fails a saving throw against this ability suffers 5 psychic damage for each time you have selected this upgrade.

Death [L15, Slow]: The target is stunned (save ends) instead of slowed. On its first failed save against this power, the target dies. Arch-Villains do not suffer this effect.

Divine Mystery

Will of the Gods [L5]: You may target either Fortitude or Will with this spell.

Banishment [L10]: Any demon or devil that fails a saving throw against this spell is instead banished to its plane of origin. It may return to this plane as normal.

Additional Banishment [L15, Banishment]: You may target one or two creatures with a single casting of this spell as long as all targets are devils or demons.

Improved Banishment [L15, Banishment]: Creatures banished may not return to the caster’s current plane for 1 year.

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RITUALS Rituals are simply versions of spells cast in a different, slower and more deliberate manner. Rituals are fully described at the beginning of this chapter. The rituals presented here are merely a sampling of the possible ways that the spells presented could be converted into ritual magic. Feel free to work with your GM to create additional rituals that fit your character and the milieu you find yourself within.


RITUAL NAME Base Spell: The name of the spell the ritual is based on, you must either have this spell known or have a ritual scroll of this spell. Heroic Reserves: The number of Heroic Reserves that must be expended to use the ritual. If the ritual takes more than 1 day, this same number of Heroic Reserves must be expended each day. Time: This is the amount of time that must be expended in hours or days. The days need not be consecutive, but no benefit is gained from the ritual until the total days are expended. Each day of incantation means at least 6 hours of that day is spent working on the ritual. No additional days are gained for spending more than 6 hours in a single day working. Effect: The results that occur when the ritual is completed.


IMBUE MAGIC ITEM Base Spell: Enchant Weapon Heroic Reserves: Varies (see below) Time: Varies (see below) Effect: You create a permanent magic item. The amount of time it takes and the number of Heroic Reserves that must be expended each day are based on the level or bonus of the item, as per the table below. Special: If a consumable item is created, the normal number of Heroic Reserves must be expended but the item takes only 1/10

th (10%) of the normal time to create. If this

reduces the creation time below 1 day, the item requires 1 day to create. Natural Weapons: Natural weapons such as fists, claws, etc may be affected by this ritual as per normal weapons. Table 9.10 Imbue Magic Item

Item Level Days Heroic Reserves

Weapons & Armor +1 2 8 +2 8 13 +3 64 17

Wondrous Items 1-2 2 8 3-4 4 9 5-6 6 11 7-8 8 13 9-10 22 14 11-12 36 15 13-14 50 16 15-16 64 17 17-18 162 18 19-20 260 19 Artifact ? ?

PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION Base Spell: Solid Wall Heroic Reserves: 12 Time: 3 days for each amount of base construction generated by the spell. Effect: The effect of your solid wall may be an unusual shape (such as using it to make an obelisk, monolith or similar construction) and that construction is permanent.

PLANE SHIFT Base Spell: Teleport Heroic Reserves: 14 Time: 4 Hours Effect: You may teleport as per the spell, but you do not need line of sight to your destination and your destination may be any spot on any plane you are familiar with. Generally this means you must have either seen the location before, or been given an accurate description.

RESURRECTION Base Spell: Cure Wounds Heroic Reserves: 14 Time: 8 Hours. Effect: A single ally that has died is restored to life. The ritual caster must have some component of the deceased (anything such as a lock of hair will do). This cannot force a target to return to life, and the spirit of the character may deny this return to the mortal world. The target must have been dead for no more than 1 week per level of the ritual caster. If the target chooses to return to life, they may not come back without injury. Returning from the dead is not a simple or arbitrary process and can be easily damaging to the mortal body and mind. Perhaps your character is more easily frightened (or conversely more easily aggressive).

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HEROIC TALENT OVERVIEW Heroic talents are unique and amazing abilities possessed by your character. These are abilities that truly separate your character from the common man. These abilities are big and represent a special attribute of your character. Perhaps such a talent required years of training, perhaps it was bargained for with an otherworldly entity or perhaps it is simply the benefit of extraordinary luck. Whatever the ultimate explanation, your character’s Heroic Talents are not to be underestimated. Often the capabilities of your Heroic Talents can be the difference between being a surviving hero or a corpse on the floor. Heroic talents fall into 3 broad categories, Heroic Moment, New Abilities and Altered Abilities. Heroic Moment talents either allow you to do something new with your Heroic Moment or add a small bonus when using a Heroic Moment. A good example of this would be the Heroic Talent Seize the Moment. New Abilities tend to be completely new mechanics that are generally only available through the selection of the Heroic Talent. It represents a unique and interesting ability that only your character (or characters with such a talent) can bring to the table, such as Loyal Companion. Altered Abilities change some base element of the game’s mechanics. Usually, from the moment you select that Heroic Talent, that underlying game mechanic will now work differently for you. An example of this type of Heroic Talent would be Giant Strength. Your character gains their first Heroic Talent at level 3. They gain additional Heroic Talents at levels 7, 11, 15 and 19. You may only have one Heroic Talent from any single Category. The final Heroic Talent gained at level 19 is known as a Legendary Talent. This final Heroic Talent may be chosen from either the normal Heroic Talent list or from the Legendary Talent list. Legendary Talents represent truly epic abilities that only the most experienced of adventurers and heroes can bring to bear.

HEROIC TALENTS Table 10.1: Heroic Talent List

Heroic Talent Description

Allies Leader of Men Gain loyal followers Loyal Companion Gain a loyal companion Defensive Heroic Bulwark Allies gain bonus to defenses during

your Heroic Moment. Irrepressible Spend Heroic Reserve when you

succeed on a saving throw. No Weak Spot Critical hits deal normal damage to

you Sealed Mind Treat dominated as stunned

Shocking Parry Expend Heroic Moment to block Total Awareness Additional defense bonus during

Heroic Moment Durability Big Moment Gain more healing from Momentary

Resolve during Heroic Moment Heroic Stalwart Gain resist all during Heroic Moment Moment of Clarity Ignore impaired and slowed during

Heroic Moment Overwhelming Victory

Gain temporary hit points when you kill or critical hit an enemy

Tough Beyond Measure

Expend Heroic Reserve when reduced to 0.

Until the Job is Done

Fight on past death to defeat a chosen foe

Offensive Charging Prowess Benefits when charging Collision Master Knock enemies prone with forced

movement Crushing Critical Push or prone enemies with crit Enhanced Senses Ignore concealment/invisibility of

adjacent enemies Killer Kill standard enemies with critical

hits Truly Heroic Moment

Add 1d8 to attack rolls during Heroic Moment

Twist the Knife Kill weak creatures after your attack Skill Always the Answer Use knowledge in place of other

skills during skill engagement Masterful Success Extra benefit on critical success Quick Correction Reroll failure once per engagement Shared Skill Allies gain bonuses from your checks Too Good to Fail Must fail greatly to accrue failure

with chosen skill Speed Group Motivation Bonus to your and allies’ initiative Light on your Feet Base speed increases Master Cavalry Bonuses when mounted Seize the Moment Expend Heroic Moment to win

initiative Sudden Dash Expend Heroic Moment to move Supreme Awareness

Cannot be surprised

Utility Binding Shackles Immobilized foes are greatly

restrained Eidetic Memory Remember everything Giant Strength Lift great weight, ignore

encumbrance Heroic Dividends Regain Heroic Moment with critical

hit Natural Buoyancy Float when falling or swimming Survivor Go greater times without

succumbing to hunger and thirst. Upgrade Advancing Magic Item

Upgrade an Advancing Magic Item

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HEROIC TALENT DESCRIPTION Prerequisites: Other Heroic Talents required to select this talent if any. Category: You may only have one Heroic Talent from any single Category. You may have a Legendary Talent and Heroic Talent from the same category and many Legendary Talents have Heroic Talents as prerequisites. Benefit: This is the bonus, new ability or benefit applied to your character.

ALWAYS THE ANSWER Category: Skill Benefit: Once in any skill engagement, you may use a knowledge skill of your choice in place of any other skill. It still counts as the original skill for any unlocks or bonuses in the encounter.

BIG MOMENT Category: Durability Benefit: During any round when you expend your Heroic Moment, if you also use your Momentary Resolve, you may expend 2 Heroic Reserves and regain hit points for both.

BINDING SHACKLES Category: Utility Benefit: Whenever you use a spell attack to immobilize a foe, that enemy is also immune to forced movement including teleportation and grants advantage to your allies for as long as the immobilized condition lasts.

CHARGING PROWESS Category: Offense Benefit: You do not grant advantage to the target of your standard action attack when charging. In addition, if you successfully hit such a target, you gain advantage for your next attack against that target.

COLLISION MASTER Category: Offense Benefit: Whenever you utilize forced movement to move a creature at least 25 feet (5 squares), if that creature moves through an enemy’s space, any such enemy must make a saving throw or be knocked prone.

CRUSHING CRITICAL Category: Offense Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon attack, you may choose to either knock your target prone or push that target 5 feet (1 square). If the attack already pushes the target, this distance is cumulative.

EIDETIC MEMORY Category: Utility Benefit: You have a perfect photographic memory and recall anything you have witnessed with perfect detail. You gain a +5 talent bonus on Monster Knowledge checks. This bonus may apply in other situations as directed by your GM.

ENHANCED SENSES Category: Offense Benefit: You ignore any penalties for concealment or invisibility when attacking adjacent enemies.

GIANT STRENGTH Category: Utility Benefit: Triple your lifting capacity and you never suffer the penalties imposed by encumbrance.

GROUP MOTIVATION Category: Speed Benefit: You and all allies who can see you gain a +3 talent bonus to initiative.

HEROIC BULWARK Category: Defensive Benefit: In any round where you expend your Heroic Moment, all allies gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses. If you are wielding a shield, this bonus increases to +3.

HEROIC STALWART Category: Durability Benefit: In any round where you expend your Heroic Moment, you also gain Resist 5 + your level all until the start of your next turn.

HEROIC DIVIDENDS Category: Utility Benefit: If you score a critical hit on any attack made in a round where you used your Heroic Moment, you regain your Heroic Moment immediately after resolving the triggering attack.

IRREPRESSIBLE Category: Defensive Benefit: Whenever you succeed on a saving throw, you may expend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points.

KILLER Category: Offensive Benefit: Whenever you critically hit a standard enemy, that enemy must make a saving throw or die.

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LEADER OF MEN Category: Allies Benefit: You gain 2 contingents of followers. See the Familiars, Followers, Cohorts and Companions chapter for full details. Special: You may select this Heroic Talent multiple times despite the normal rules barring selection of talents sharing a category, each time you do, increase your contingents of followers by 2.

LIGHT ON YOUR FEET Category: Speed Benefit: As long as you are not wearing armor with the cumbersome property, your speed increases by 2. If you are in cumbersome armor, your speed increases by 1.

LOYAL COMPANION Category: Allies Benefit: You gain the services of a loyal cohort, companion or familiar. See the chapter on Followers for full details.

MASTER CAVALRY Category: Speed Benefit: When you are mounted, your mount’s speed increases by 2. This bonus increases by an additional 2 when your mount charges or makes the run action.


Benefit: Whenever you score a critical success with a primary skill during a skill engagement, it counts as 2 successes instead of 1. In addition, you gain a +1 talent bonus to all primary skill checks for the remainder of the skill engagement after such a success.

MOMENT OF CLARITY Category: Durability Benefit: In any round where you expend your Heroic Moment, you may ignore the effects of any impaired or slowed condition you are suffering from.

NATURAL BUOYANCY Category: Utility Benefit: If you fail a swim check by 5 or more, you do not sink. In addition, if you are flying and lose your fly speed you do not fall, but instead hover in place. If the attack would also force you to the ground, you land safely. In addition, when making a saving throw to avoid falling, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

NO WEAK SPOTS Category: Defensive Benefit: Critical hits do not deal double damage to you.

OVERWHELMING VICTORY Category: Durability Benefit: Whenever you critically hit or reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 5 + your level.

QUICK CORRECTION Category: Skill Benefit: Choose a single skill. The first time you fail with this skill when making a primary skill check in a skill engagement you may reroll that dice but must take the second result.

SEALED MIND Category: Defensive Benefit: You treat the dominated condition as stunned and you may never be forced to make an attack against yourself or an ally.

SEIZE THE MOMENT Category: Speed Benefit: You may expend your Heroic Moment to win initiative.

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SHARED SKILL Category: Skill Benefit: Whenever you succeed on a primary skill check in a skill engagement at the Hard DC +5, all allies making that same check gain a +2 talent bonus to their next check with that skill during that encounter.

SHOCKING PARRY Category: Defensive Benefit: If you are not granting advantage you may expend your Heroic Moment as a free action to make a successful attack against your AC miss.

SUDDEN DASH Category: Speed Benefit: As a minor action, you may expend your Heroic Moment to move up to twice your base speed.

SUPREME AWARENESS Category: Speed Benefit: You may not be surprised. Your allies must check for surprise as normal, but you will always act during the surprise round.

SURVIVOR Category: Utility Benefit: You may go three times as long as normal without food, drink or sleep without making Endurance checks. When you make such checks, you may roll twice and take the highest result.

TOO GOOD TO FAIL Category: Skill Benefit: Choose a single skill you have at least 1 skill training in. You must fail checks with this skill by 5 or more to accrue a failure. Also, natural 1’s do not automatically fail. You still achieve success as normal.

TOTAL AWARENESS Category: Defensive Benefit: In any round where you expend your Heroic Moment you also gain a +2 talent bonus to all defenses and you may not grant advantage until the start of your next turn.

TOUGH BEYOND MEASURE Category: Durability Benefit: The first time in a day you are reduced below 0 hit points, you may expend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. You do not fall unconscious or prone.

TRULY HEROIC MOMENT Category: Offensive Benefit: Whenever you expend your Heroic Moment, you may also roll 1d8. This becomes a bonus to the attack roll of the next standard action attack you make.

TWIST THE KNIFE Category: Offensive Benefit: Whenever you successfully hit a wounded enemy, if that enemy has 10 hit points or less after your attack, that enemy is killed.

UNTIL THE JOB IS DONE Category: Durability Benefit: Once per day, when an attack reduces you to 0 hit points or less, you may swear an oath to defeat a single foe you can see. Until this foe is either killed or reduced to 0 hit points, you do not die from hit point loss. At the end of each round you remain below 0 hit points, you must make a saving throw, if that save is failed, you lose a Heroic Reserve and regain no hit points. If, when the foe is defeated you are still at less than 0 hit points, you die.

UPGRADE ADVANCING MAGIC ITEM Category: Utility Benefit: An advancing magic item you posses upgrades 1 step. See the Magic Items section for full details.


A MEASURE MORE Prerequisite: Tough Beyond Measure Category: Durability Benefit: When you gain the benefit of Tough Beyond Measure, you may expend 2 Heroic Reserves instead of 1.

CHOKING SHACKLES Prerequisite: Binding Shackles Category: Utility Benefit: Any target affected by Binding Shackles is also silenced for the duration of the immobilization.

EPIC SKILL Category: Skill Benefit: Select a single skill. You gain a skill training in this skill and this skill gains one additional specialization. You may roll twice and take the highest result when making checks with this skill.

IMPENETRABLE MIND Prerequisite: Sealed Mind

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Category: Defensive Benefit: You treat the dominated condition as slowed.

ITEM OF LEGEND Category: Utility Benefit: A single advancing magic you posses that has at least a +3 enhancement bonus becomes an Artifact. It gains a +4 enhancement bonus and you should work with your GM to develop additional abilities based on the Artifacts creation guide.

FLEETNESS PERSONIFIED Category: Speed Benefit: Double your base speed.

PARRY ANYTHING Prerequisite: Shocking Parry Category: Defensive Benefit: You may use shocking parry against an attack that targets any of your defenses. In addition, you gain advantage against the attacker for your next attack made against that target.

PERFECT SENSES Category: Offense Benefit: You gain blindsight.

QUICK HEALER Category: Durability Benefit: You gain regeneration 2. This regeneration may not raise your hit points above your wounded value.

TO THE LIMIT Category: Utility Benefit: When you are wounded, you gain an extra minor action during each of your turns.

TRAINED AND PREPARED Prerequisite: Group Motivation Category: Speed Benefit: You and all allies who receive your Group Motivation bonus may roll twice for initiative and take the highest bonus.

TRUE KILLER Prerequisite: Killer Category: Offense Benefit: Standard enemies no longer receive a saving throw against your Killer talent.

ULTIMATE MARSHALL Category: Allies Benefit: Any underling, companion or follower under your command may make a saving throw anytime it suffers a damage instance. If this save is successful, no damage instance is suffered. In addition, when adjacent to you or any of your underlings or companions, your player allies gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses. Table 10.2: Legendary Talent List Legendary Talent Description Allies Ultimate Marshal Bonuses to underlings,

companions under your command Defensive Impenetrable Mind Improve Sealed Mind Parry Anything Improve Shocking Parry Durability A Measure More Improve Tough Beyond Measure Quick Healer Gain Regeneration 2 Offensive Perfect Senses Gain blindsight True Killer Improve Killer Skill Epic Skill Gain benefits with chosen skill Speed Fleetness Personified

Double base speed

Trained and Prepared

Improved Group Awareness

Utility Choking Shackles Improve Binding Shackles Item of Legend Gain an Artifact To the Limit Gain extra minor action when


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INTRODUCTION Heroes lead dangerous lives and most live by a simple adage: be prepared. Whether that means a sharpened sword, the best armor or the proper gear, equipment can often mean the difference between victory and death. Smart adventurers know that even simple goods and clever minds can often overcome the most powerful of protections, traps and foes. Contained in this section you will find all the equipment your hero requires to begin his adventuring career. Many of these items will remain staples of your character’s life throughout their many quests. Though some of the more mundane items presented in this chapter may be replaced by magical equivalents, the staples offered in these pages will form the foundation of all equipment gained over a prosperous campaign.

STARTING EQUIPMENT All characters begin play with some amount of equipment. This might represent the character’s life savings, the gift from a distant relative, or the weapons and armor of a parent long kept locked in a basement chest. Whatever the story, all characters begin play with something to their name. Characters may select a single weapon they are proficient in, a single set of armor they are proficient in and a single shield they are proficient in for free. Characters then receive an additional 50gp to purchase weapons, armor and gear as they see fit.

ARMOR Swords, arrows, claws, teeth, hurled rocks, fiery explosions; these are just a few of the things that an adventurer might encounter on an average day. It goes without saying that when facing such adversity, it is best to be well protected and armor serves just that purpose. When the slings and arrows of your enemies hurtle toward you, it is good to know there is something between that weapon and your skin.

ARMOR CATEGORIES Armors are divided into seven broad categories of proficiency (five armors and two shields). Proficiency in these armor categories can be granted to

your character by your race, class or heroic arc. Any character can wear any armor, even without a proficiency, but you count as impaired when wearing armor you are not proficient in.

CLOTHING This is basic clothing, robes or other soft materials of cotton or wool. These provide no armor bonus but are good protection against the elements and may be enchanted as normal armors.

LEATHER ARMORS These are simple tanned leathers, usually refined animal hides boiled in oil. The real protection of this armor is in the breastplate, shoulders and breaches. Often these leathers will then have metal or extra padding worked in to supplement the protection offered.

HIDE ARMORS This armor is actually made from layers of animal hide treated to be stiff and resistant to weapon attacks. These hides are thick and can often have metal plates worked in, especially covering the chest area.

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CHAIN ARMORS This armor is made from small interlocking metal rings on the exterior and thick cloth, silks or leather beneath. The chain absorbs the majority of the weapon’s impact while the cloth cushions the blow to the body itself. Many different sizes of interlocking metal rings may be used to fashion this armor.

SCALE ARMORS This group actually contains the largest group of divergent armor types. The common property is that small metal pieces are sewn onto an underlying canvas of leather or thick cloth. These scales could cover only the joints while larger metal pieces cover sensitive areas of the body or the entire suit itself could be made of these tiny layered scales.

PLATE ARMORS Plate armor without a doubt offers the best protection money can buy. Plate armor consists of several fitted plates of metal, usually specifically designed to conform to the wearer attached to an undercoat of chain and leathers. This undercoat has many straps and buckles that serve to make sure the weight of this armor is fairly evenly distributed over the body.

LIGHT SHIELDS These small shields are usually 1 to 2 feet in diameter and used to parry incoming weapon attacks. They offer little in the way of passive protection and are usually made of wood, perhaps with metal plating. Light shields must be wielded in a free hand and attached to the arm. As a result that hand cannot be used for holding a weapon, though smaller items, such as a torch, may still be held.

HEAVY SHIELDS These larger shields are often several feet long, covering the length of the torso at minimum. They are most commonly made with a wood undercarriage layered with thin metal plates. A heavy shield is difficult to penetrate and offers a great amount of passive protection merely by its presence. Heavy shields must be gripped firmly and attached to the arm when wielded, this means that hand may not be used for any other purpose such as holding items or weapons.

ARMOR PROPERTIES Armor has two main properties to speak of, and both are related to the amount that they encumber and inhibit the person wearing them. Heavier armors offer a great deal more in the realm of passive protection, which is very important for a soldier fighting in a large scale battle or as part of a shield wall where they may not be aware of all combatants attacking them. For adventurers however, who

are usually engaged in smaller battles with foes they are focusing on, lighter armors can often grant a degree of mobility that can lead to victory over a slower opponent. Cumbersome: Cumbersome armor is heavier and usually constructed primarily of metal. This armor offer higher degrees of protection, but at the cost of mobility. Cumbersome armor reduces speed by 5 feet (-1 square) and causes a -2 penalty to any skill uses with the cumbersome keyword. See the Skills chapter for full details on skill uses and armor’s effect on them. You do not gain any benefit to AC from your Dexterity or Intelligence when wearing cumbersome armor. Flexible: This armor is light and flexible, it easily moves with the bearer and causes no penalty to movement or skill checks. Certain skill uses may only be attempted when in armor with the flexible property. See the Skills chapter for full details on skill uses and armor’s effect on them. Flexible armor is light enough that you gain the higher of either your Dexterity or Intelligence ability score bonus to AC when wearing it.

ARMOR MATERIALS Not all armors are manufactured from mundane leather and metals, some are crafted from far more fantastic materials. These exceptional materials are harder to find and work with, but often provide the armor with additional

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and even fantastic properties beyond what any normal version of the armor could attain. The table below lists the available fantastic materials and the effect crafting armor from such a material has upon its use. The table also contains a cost change; this is a change to the normal base price of creating the weapon. Your GM may have additional fantastic materials for armor unique to your campaign world.

ARMOR LIST The table below contains the armors your characters may equip themselves with to survive the many travails they will meet in battle over their career. The various items of the table are explained below. Armor: This is the armor’s name. AC Bonus: This is the bonus provided by the armor. Note that the bonus from a shield will stack with the bonus from armor. This is the only exception to the same types of defenses stacking. Cost: The armor’s cost, in gold pieces. Weight: The armor’s weight, in pounds. Properties: The properties of the armor. Examples: Specific examples of the armor group. Though these have differing names, they are functionally identical for game purposes.

Table 11.1: Special Armor Materials

Material Cost Change


Adamantine +50% Adamantine armor is especially durable. The damage resistance offered by the enhancement bonus of the armor increases by 1. If the armor is not enhanced, the resistance bonus equals 1.

Dragon Hide

+50% The armor grants a resistance bonus of 5 of the same damage type the dragon resisted. This adds to the enhancement bonus of the armor and acts as a total bonus to any existing resistance.

Mind Iron +25% The armor grants a resistance bonus of 5 against psychic damage. This adds to the enhancement bonus of the armor and acts as a total bonus to any existing resistance.

Mithril +50% This metal is extremely lightweight. Cumbersome armor made from this metal does not apply its normal penalty to skill checks.

Spider Silk +25% This material may only be used to craft flexible armors. This armor grants a +2 bonus to any skill checks to escape immobilization.

Table 11.2: Armor & Shields

Armor AC Bonus Price Weight Properties Examples

Clothing 0 1 gp 5 lb. Flexible Clothing, Robes Leather Armors +1 10 gp 10 lb. Flexible Leather, Padded, Studded Hide Armors +2 25 gp 25 lb. Flexible Hide, Brigandine Chain Armors +3 50 gp 40 lb. Cumbersome Chainmail, Ringmail Scale Armors +4 150 gp 45 lb. Cumbersome Scale, Half-Plate, Bronze Plate Plate Armors +5 200 gp 50 lb. Cumbersome Full Plate, Field Plate Shields Shield, Light +1 5 gp 10 lb. - Shield, Heavy +3 15 gp 15 lb. -

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WEAPONS To say that for many characters a good weapon is the difference between life and death is an understatement. Fighters, Rogues and many other characters rely on weapons to do the dirty business of adventuring. This section contains all the information you will need to choose the proper weapon and equip yourself for battle.

WEAPON CATEGORIES Weapons are divided into three broad categories of proficiency. Proficiency in these weapon categories can be granted to your character by your race, class or heroic arc. Any character can wield any weapon, even without proficiency, but they do not receive the standard +4 bonus to attack rolls that proficiency grants if they are not proficient with that weapon. Proficiencies may be granted in either an individual weapon (as in proficiency in the Longsword) or a category or weapons (e.g. simple weapons).

COMMON WEAPONS These weapons represent the most basic of all weapons. They are capable of being used with little training or skill. Though they often lack the killing power of a military weapon, their ease of use makes them a common choice for many peasant militias and conscripted armies. These weapons are also often cheap to create and/or mass produce, which is another reason they are often found in the hands of masses of ill-trained troops.

MILITARY WEAPONS These weapons are the preferred weapons of trained soldiers and adventurers alike. They often require large amounts of training to truly use properly and true masters of these weapons spend a lifetime learning their intricacies. These weapons are often found in the hands of elite troops (or those that have killed elite troops). These weapons are also often more expensive to produce, usually having more metal or requiring longer to actually fashion and this cost keeps them from proliferating too greatly.

EXOTIC WEAPONS These weapons range the full gamut of size, shape and purpose. Exotic weapons require vast amounts of training to use properly and most were created for a specific purpose (i.e. to unhorse a mounted warrior, or capture someone without killing them). It is because of this corner case nature that exotic weapons are difficult to train with and master. These are most often found in the hands of specialized troops or crafty adventurers who see the benefit of having a weapon for every occasion.

WEAPON USAGE Weapons are further subdivided by a simple distinction, whether they are for use in melee or ranged combat. Swords, hammers and flails are clear examples of melee weapons, they are meant to crush, main or kill an enemy at arm’s length. Bows, crossbows and similar ranged weapons are made to do the same thing, but at a far greater distance and hopefully before the enemy ever comes close enough to use the aforementioned melee weapons on the shooter.

WEAPON SIZE All weapons presented here are assumed to be sized appropriately for use by characters of large, medium or small size. Both can wield the same weapons without great difficulty. Smaller or larger wielders of weapons (i.e. tiny or huge creatures) find their damage increased or decreased as per the chart below. Table 11.3: Weapon Size

Normal Tiny Huge/Gargantuan

1d4 1d3 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d10 1d10 1d8 1d12 1d12 1d10 2d8 2d4 1d6 2d6 2d6 1d10 2d8 2d8 2d6 2d10

WEAPON PROPERTIES Weapons have various and sundry properties that represent the special abilities of those weapons, further defining the way they are used to crush, main and ultimately kill other creatures. These properties are described in detail below. The types of weapon properties break down into three basic categories: basic, which defines the way the weapon is wielded; advanced, which defines a particular advantage of that weapon or weapon group; and critical, which defines the grisly additional effects the weapon has on a critical hit.

BASIC PROPERTIES Off-Hand: This weapon is small and light enough to be wielded in one’s off-hand when fighting with two weapons. These are usually smaller weapons used primarily for parrying or quick attacks. This method of fighting is most commonly referred to as dual-wielding. If a character is dual-wielding and at least one of those weapons does not have the off-hand property, then the wielder does not gain the bonus to attack rolls granted by proficiency. One-Handed: These weapons are light enough and properly balanced to be wielded in one hand without too much strain on the user’s wrist or arm. The wielder’s off-

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hand remains free and may wield or hold other items (such as a rope, off-hand weapon, torch or shield). Melee Thrown: These are melee weapons that are also weighted to be thrown without penalty. These weapons will have range listed and may be used to make ranged attacks without penalty. Two-Handed: These weapons require both hands to be used effectively. If this property is found on a melee weapon, you may roll the damage dice for your weapon twice and take the higher result on any successful attack. Versatile: These weapons may be used in either one or two hands. Switching between the two methods of wielding the weapon is a free action. If wielded in both hands, the weapon gains the two-handed property, if wielded in one hand; the weapon gains the one-handed property.

ADVANCED PROPERTIES Accurate: These weapons are especially deadly when the wielder has time to steady the blow and aim carefully. If the wielder spends their move action before attacking but does not move, the weapon may score a critical hit on a 19-20 on standard action attacks.

Close-Quarters: This property belongs to especially small weapons that do not require a great amount of maneuverability to use properly. These weapons ignore the penalty to hit caused by the impaired condition when grabbed or squeezing. Great Foe: Your weapon counts as one size category larger (see Weapon Size) when used against mounted enemies or enemies of at least large size. Indirect Fire: Weapons such as bows can be fired in an indirect manner over intervening terrain, obstacles or enemies at their targets. A weapon with indirect fire may be fired at an enemy behind total cover as long as that total cover does not have a horizontal ceiling (e.g. a person on the other side of a wall could be shot at, but a person hiding in a closed building could not). The shot is still made as though impaired as normal for firing at targets behind cover. Parrying: These weapons are just as good for defensive purposes as offensive purposes and easily repel an enemies attack. When you use the fighting on the defensive or total defense action, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (in addition to any defensive bonuses offered by the action itself). Reach: This weapon adds 5 feet (1 square) to your normal melee reach. A small or medium creature has a melee reach of 1.

CRITICAL PROPERTIES Bleeding: These weapons leave vicious wounds that refuse to close. When a user scores a critical hit with this weapon, the target also suffers ongoing 5 physical damage. If the attack already deals ongoing physical damage, that ongoing damage increases by 5.

Cleaving: When a user scores a critical hit in melee with this weapon, the wielder may deal damage equal to their level to a single adjacent enemy other than the target that was critically hit. Entangling: These weapons are made to trip up enemies and throw them off balance. When the user scores a critical hit with a weapon with this property, the target is also knocked prone. Knockback: These weapons rely heavily on momentum for damage and when they hit properly can send their targets reeling. When a wielder scores a critical hit a weapon with the knockback property, that target is pushed 10 feet (2 squares) in addition to any other effects of the attack. If the attack already pushes the target, this distance is cumulative. High Critical: These vicious weapons are especially good at landing deadly blows. When the wielder scores a critical hit with a weapon with the high critical property, the wielder may roll an additional weapon damage die before doubling the damage of the critical hit. (e.g. if the weapon normally deals 1d8+10 on a hit, on a critical hit, the weapon would deal 2d8+10 and then be doubled.) Powerful Draw: This is a property for bows that have been adjusted to account for the user’s strength. When this weapon scores a critical hit, the target is also knocked prone. Staggering: These weapons are especially crippling when they land a solid blow. When a user scores a critical hit with a staggering weapon, the target of that attack is impaired (save ends) in addition to any other effects of the attack.

WEAPON MATERIALS Not all weapons are manufactured from mundane wood and metals, some are crafted from far more fantastic materials. These exceptional materials are harder to find and work with, but often provide the weapon with additional and even fantastic properties beyond what any normal version of the weapon could attain. The table below lists the available fantastic materials and the effect crafting a weapon from such a material has upon its use. The table also contains a cost change; this is a change to the normal base price of creating the weapon. Your GM may have additional fantastic materials for weapons unique to your campaign world. Table 11.4: Special Weapon Materials

Material Cost Change


Adamantine +50% Adamantine weapons ignore an amount of damage resistance that would otherwise apply to attacks made with the weapon equal to 1 + the enhancement bonus of the weapon.

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Cold Iron +50% The weapon often ignores the resistances of fey creatures

Etherealum +25% This metal is treated to be effective against incorporeal creatures. Critical hits from a weapon made of this metal ignore the Incorporeal quality

Mind Iron +25% This weapon conducts mental energy well. Any attack made with the weapon that deals psychic damage gains the Staggering property.

Orichalcum +25% This reddish metal is lightweight and weapons made from it can perform unexpected stunts. Any attempt made using Interaction to gain advantage gains a +2 bonus to the check.

Silver +50% The weapon often ignores the resistances of lycanthropic or certain undead creatures

WEAPON LIST The table below contains the weapons your characters may arm themselves with to conquer the many foes they will meet in battle over their career. The various items of the table are explained below. Weapon: This is the weapon’s name. Damage: This is the damage the weapon deals on a successful attack. Range: If the weapon can be used for ranged combat, the effective range of that weapon is here. The range of the weapon is listed in feet (with squares in parenthesis). The weapon may be used at up to twice the listed range, but the wielder counts as impaired when making any attack over the listed range up to this limit. Cost: The weapon’s cost, in gold pieces. Weight: The weapon’s weight, in pounds. Properties: The basic and advanced properties of the weapon. Group: This is the group (such as swords) the weapon belongs to if any. If this hasa “-“ in it, then the item is not part of a weapon group. Critical: The additional properties of the weapon when the wielder scores a critical hit with that weapon.

Table 11.5: Weapon List

Weapon Damage Range Cost Weight Properties Group Critical

Common – Melee Club 1d6 10 (2) 0 gp 3 lb. One-Handed, Melee Thrown Club Dagger 1d4 25 (5) 2 gp 1 lb. One-Handed, Off-Hand,

Melee Thrown, Close-Quarters


Greatclub 1d10 0 gp 10 lb. Two-Handed Club Improvised 1d6 0 gp Varies One-Handed - Improvised 1d10 0 gp Varies Two-Handed - Javelin 1d6 50 (10) 1 gp 2 lb. One-Handed, Melee Thrown - Longspear 1d10 5 gp 10 lb. Two-Handed, Reach Spear Mace, Heavy 1d10 10 gp 10 lb. Two-Handed Mace Mace, Light 1d8 5 gp 5 lb. One-Handed Mace Quarterstaff 1d8 0 gp 4 lb. Two-Handed, Reach Staff Scythe 2d4 10 gp 10 lb. Two-Handed - High Critical Sickle 1d6 5 gp 2 lb. One-Handed, Off-Hand - Bleeding Spear 1d8 25 (5) 2 gp 4 lb. Versatile, Melee Thrown Spear Unarmed 1d4 0 gp 0 lb Versatile, Close-Quarters -

Weapon Damage Range Cost Weight Properties Group Critical

Common – Ranged Crossbow 1d10 100 (20) 30 gp 4 lb. Two-Handed, Accurate Crossbow Dart 1d6 25 (5) 1 gp 1 lb. One-Handed - Hand Crossbow 1d8 50 (10) 25 gp 2 lb. One-Handed, Off-Hand Crossbow Sling 1d6 50 (10) 1 gp 0 lb. One-Handed, Accurate -

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Weapon Damage Range Cost Weight Properties Group Critical

Military – Melee Battleaxe 1d10 10 gp 6 lb. Versatile Axe Cleaving Falchion 1d10 15 gp 10 lb. Two-Handed Sword High Critical,

Staggering, Bleeding

Flail 1d10 10 gp 5 lb. Versatile - Entangling Glaive 1d10 15 gp 10 lb. Two-Handed, Great-Foe,

Reach Polearm Staggering

Greataxe 1d12 15 gp 12 lb. Two-Handed Axe High Critical, Cleaving

Greatsword 1d12 15 gp 10 lb. Two-Handed, Parrying Sword High Critical Handaxe 1d6 25 (5) 5 gp 2 lb. One-Handed, Off-Hand,

Melee Thrown Axe

Halberd 2d6 15 gp 12 lb. Two-Handed, Great-Foe, Reach


Kukri 1d6 10 gp 1 lb. One-Handed, Off-Hand Sword Bleeding Lance 1d12 15 gp 10 lb. Two-Handed, Great Foe,

Reach - Knockback

Longsword 1d8 10 gp 4 lb. Versatile, Accurate, Parrying Sword Maul 2d6 15 gp 15 lb. Two-Handed Hammer Knockback Pick 1d10 10 gp 5 lb. Versatile Pick High Critical Pick, Heavy 2d6 15 gp 12 lb. Two-Handed, Great Foe Pick High Critical Rapier 1d8 10 gp 3 lb. One-Handed, Parrying Sword Bleeding Scimitar 2d4 10 gp 6 lb. Versatile Sword High Critical,

Cleaving Short Sword 1d6 10 gp 2 lb. One-Handed, Off-Hand,

Parrying Sword

Trident 1d8 25 (5) 10 gp 6 lb. Versatile, Melee Thrown Polearm Warhammer 1d8 25 (5) 10 gp 5 lb. Versatile, Melee Thrown Hammer

Weapon Damage Range Cost Weight Properties Group Critical

Military – Ranged Longbow 1d12 150 (30) 15 gp 3 lb. Two-Handed, Indirect Fire Bow Powerful

Draw Shortbow 1d8 100 (20) 10 gp 2 lb. Two-Handed, Indirect Fire Bow Powerful


Weapon Damage Range Cost Weight Properties Group Critical

Exotic – Melee Mancatcher* - 15 gp 15 lb. See Special Rules - Net 1d4 25 (5) 5 gp 5 lb. One-Handed, Off-Hand,

Melee Thrown - Staggering

Spiked Chain 2d4 20 gp 15 lb. Two-Handed, Reach - Bleeding, Entangling

Whip 1d4 2 gp 2 lb. One-Handed, Off Hand, Reach

- Entangling

Weapon Damage Range Cost Weight Properties Group Critical

Exotic – Ranged Blowgun* 1 25 (5) 0 gp .5 lb. See Special Rules - Bolas 1d4 50 (10) 2 gp 2 lb. One-Handed, Off Hand - Entangling Shuriken 1d4 25 (5) 1 gp .5 lb. One-Handed, Off-Hand - High Critical

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EXOTIC WEAPON SPECIAL RULES Four exotic weapons listed have special rules which are defined below. Blowgun: This weapon does relatively little damage. Its main purpose is to deliver a poison. A poison delivered through a blowgun applies even if the target resists all damage from the attack. Bolas: Instead of using this as a normal weapon, the user may attempt to entrap an opponent within it. The attack is made with the standard attack bonus, but on a hit, no damage is dealt of any kind. Instead the target is slowed (save ends). This counts as a successful attack and any other non-damage game element (such as stances, set-ups, etc) that trigger on that event apply as normal. Mancatcher: This polearm-like device was made to catch and subdue criminals and others wanted alive. This weapon may only be used against a target of small or medium size. On a successful hit, the target is grabbed (immobilized). Net: Instead of using this as a normal weapon, the user may attempt to entrap an opponent within it. The attack is made with the standard attack bonus, but on a hit, no damage is dealt of any kind. Instead the target is slowed (save ends). This counts as a successful attack and any other non-damage game element (such as stances, set-ups, etc) that trigger on that event apply as normal.

Whip: Instead of using this as a normal weapon, the user may attempt to trip up an opponent with it. The attack is made with the standard attack bonus, but on a hit, no damage is dealt of any kind. Instead the target is knocked prone. This counts as a successful attack and any other non-damage game element (such as stances, set-ups, etc) that trigger on that event apply as normal.

GEAR Armor polished, weapon in hand and ready to defeat evil? Not quite yet. The final component of any successful adventurer is their gear. Dungeons, cave complexes, ancient temples and abandoned ruins are dangerous places for reasons beyond the monsters that may be living in them. Natural hazards such as pits and sheer cliffs or manufactured traps will also be a common sight in these places. To overcome these challenges, an adventurer is well served by having the right gear in hand, after all, how will you reach the evil wizard’s mountain stronghold if you can’t even climb the mountain to get there?

ADVENTURING GEAR A few of the pieces of adventuring gear found on Goods and Services table are

described below, along with any special benefits they confer on the user. Candle: A candle dimly illuminates a 5-foot radius and burns for 1 hour. Flint and Steel: Lighting a torch with flint and steel is a standard action, and lighting any other fire with them takes at least that long. Ink: This is black ink. You can buy ink in other colors, but it costs twice as much. Jug, Clay: This basic ceramic jug is fitted with a stopper and holds 1 gallon of liquid. Lantern: A hooded lantern clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius. It burns for 6 hours on a pint of oil. You can carry a hooded lantern in one hand. Spyglass: Objects viewed through a spyglass are magnified to twice their size. Torch: A torch burns for 1 hour, clearly illuminating a 20-foot radius. If a torch is used in combat, treat it as a club that deals fire damage. Vial: A vial holds 1 ounce of liquid. The stoppered container usually is no more than 1 inch wide and 3 inches high.

FOOD, DRINK, AND LODGING Inn: Poor accommodations at an inn amount to a place on the floor near the hearth. Common accommodations consist of a place on a raised, heated floor, the use of a blanket and a pillow. Good accommodations consist of a small, private room with one bed, some amenities, and a covered chamber pot in the corner. Meals: Poor meals might be composed of bread, baked turnips, onions, and water. Common meals might consist of bread, chicken stew, carrots, and watered-down ale or wine. Good meals might be composed of bread and pastries, beef, peas, and ale or wine.

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MOUNTS AND RELATED GEAR Feed: Horses, donkeys, mules, and ponies can graze to sustain themselves, but providing feed for them is much better. If you have a riding dog, you have to feed it at least some meat. Horse: A horse (other than a pony) is suitable as a mount for a human, dwarf, elf, half-elf, orc, construct or half-orc. A pony is smaller than a horse and is a suitable mount for a gnome or halfling. Minotaurs do not usually ride horses. Table 11.6: Goods and Services

Item Cost Weight

Adventuring Gear

Backpack (empty) 2 gp 2 lb. Barrel (empty) 2 gp 30 lb. Basket (empty) 4 sp 1 lb. Bedroll 1 sp 5 lb. Bell 1 gp — Blanket, winter 5 sp 3 lb. Block and tackle 5 gp 5 lb. Bottle, wine, glass 2 gp — Bucket (empty) 5 sp 2 lb. Candle 1 cp — Canvas (sq. yd.) 1 sp 1 lb. Case, map or scroll 1 gp 1/2 lb. Chain (10 ft.) 30 gp 2 lb. Chalk, 1 piece 1 cp — Chest (empty) 2 gp 25 lb. Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb. Firewood (per day) 1 cp 20 lb. Fishhook 1 sp — Fishing net, 25 sq. ft. 4 gp 5 lb. Flask (empty) 3 cp 1-1/2 lb. Flint and steel 1 gp — Grappling hook 1 gp 4 lb. Hammer 5 sp 2 lb. Ink (1 oz. vial) 8 gp — Inkpen 1 sp — Jug, clay 3 cp 9 lb. Ladder, 10-foot 5 cp 20 lb. Lantern 7 gp 2 lb. Lock 1 lb.

Poor 20 gp 1 lb. Average 40 gp 1 lb. Good 80 gp 1 lb. Amazing 150 gp 1 lb.

Manacles 15 gp 2 lb. Manacles, masterwork 50 gp 2 lb. Mirror, small steel 10 gp 1/2 lb. Mug/Tankard, clay 2 cp 1 lb. Oil (1-pint flask) 1 sp 1 lb. Paper (sheet) 4 sp — Parchment (sheet) 2 sp — Pick, miner’s 3 gp 10 lb. Pitcher, clay 2 cp 5 lb. Piton 1 sp 1/2 lb.

Pole, 10-foot 2 sp 8 lb. Pot, iron 5 sp 10 lb. Pouch, belt (empty) 1 gp 1/2 lb. Ram, portable 10 gp 20 lb. Rations, trail (per day) 5 sp 1 lb. Rope, hempen (50 ft.) 1 gp 10 lb. Rope, silk (50 ft.) 10 gp 5 lb. Sack (empty) 1 sp 1/2 lb. Sealing wax 1 gp 1 lb. Sewing needle 5 sp — Signal whistle 8 sp — Signet ring 5 gp — Sledge 1 gp 10 lb. Soap (per lb.) 5 sp 1 lb. Spade or shovel 2 gp 8 lb. Spyglass 1,000 gp 1 lb. Tent 10 gp 20 lb. Torch 1 cp 1 lb. Vial, ink or potion 1 gp 1/10 lb. Waterskin 1 gp 4 lb. Whetstone 2 cp 1 lb. Food, Drink, and Lodging Ale

Gallon 2 sp 8 lb. Mug 4 cp 1 lb.

Banquet (per person) 10 gp — Bread, per loaf 2 cp 1/2 lb. Cheese, hunk of 1 sp 1/2 lb. Inn stay (per day)

Good 2 gp — Common 5 sp — Poor 2 sp —

Meals (per day)

Good 5 sp — Common 3 sp — Poor 1 sp —

Meat, chunk of 3 sp 1/2 lb. Wine

Common (pitcher) 2 sp 6 lb. Fine (bottle) 10 gp 1-1/2 lb.

Mounts and Related Gear Feed (per day) 5 cp 10 lb. Horse

Horse, heavy 200 gp — Horse, light 75 gp — Pony 30 gp —

Stabling (per day) 5 sp —

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INTRODUCTION The world is a place of fantastical beasts, of dangerous monsters and of powerful threats to mankind. These creatures have power far beyond those of most mortals and if heroes are going to stand a chance against them, they must have equipment that is also up to the challenge. These come in the form of magical items and accoutrement. These items are imbued with magic and have abilities far beyond their mundane counterparts. Swords that alight with flame, or boots that let you fly, in all of these cases, these items are the impossibility of magic distilled down into permanent magical form.

ACQUIRING MAGIC ITEMS The next obvious question is how does one acquire these fantastical items? How does your character gain and wield this powerful equipment? The answer is simply; adventuring. As your character goes on adventures, several things will come along (hopefully) as a result of success in these endeavors. The first is the magic items themselves. These items have been created since the dawn of time, and often these same powerful creatures that the PCs need magic items to defeat are themselves guardians of potent magical gear. Demons, dragons, giant jarls and many other powerful monsters horde such items for the same reason that the PCs desire them: power. Another frequent benefit from adventuring is gold. Coin drives commerce in the world and to most people, it provides the essentials they need to feed, shelter and clothe their families; to adventurers, wealth means something much more. It means that they can purchase additional items and gear to help them in their adventures. Magic items have a listed cost, but the actual purchase amount may vary wildly depending on the local economy. Magic items are a rare and powerful good, and like all such goods, they are sold (if there is demand for something it is sold), but like real world luxury goods, the prices can have a wide range and such goods are not available in all areas. In the end, your milieu will determine how available such goods are. Finally, there is one more side effect that comes from adventuring, and that is experience. As characters grow in power, the magical members of the group gain the ability to create items of greater and greater power. See

the imbue magic item ritual for full details on how such spellcasters can permanently solidify magic into item form.

IDENTIFYING MAGIC ITEMS Magic items do not often come with labels explaining exactly what they are and what they do. Their creator may at best “sign” them in some way, and often that signature is only visible to those with magical sight. Actually identifying the properties of a magic item (who made it, what it does, etc.) is a function of the Arcana skill. See the skills chapter for a full description of using Arcana to identify magical properties.

MAGICAL ITEM CATEGORIES Magical items fall into 3 main categories; Weapons, Armor and Wondrous Items. Magical weapons are any enchanted item that is used to attack, from a dragonslayer sword to the staff of an ancient and powerful magi. Magical armor is exactly that, any type of clothing or armor imbued with additional properties that offer additional protections to those wearing such an item. Finally, Wondrous Items are most other items a character can wear or use. These are items such as boots, rings and cloaks. Each such item is labeled with a place it is worn; it should go without saying that a single character cannot simultaneously wear multiple items that share the same item location (e.g. 2 pairs of boots). The only exception to this is rings. Characters may have 2 total rings (1 per hand generally).

OTHER MAGICAL ITEMS The three item categories presented here are the main way that magical items manifest, there are other expressions of magical items as well. Scrolls of magical

spells can be written, these are Ritual Scrolls and contain the instructions on how to cast these spells in long ritual form. See the Magic chapter for additional details on Ritual Magic. Your individual milieu may offer additional and unique magical items of either a permanent or consumable nature.

ENHANCEMENT AND PROPERTY Magical items have two possible ways that their inherent magic can manifest; enhancement bonuses and magical properties. Each of these represents different aspects of the abilities and bonuses bearing the item grants to the character. Each is defined in detail below.

ENHANCEMENT BONUS Enhancement bonuses occur only on magical weapons and armor. An enhancement bonus (e.g. +1, +2 or +3) has a different effect depending on the type of item that has the

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bonus. The bonus will always follow the weapon or armor name in the description, for example, a Longsword +1.

If the enhancement bonus is on a weapon, then it grants a magical bonus to weapon damage rolls equal to the listed number. So the above listed Longsword +1 would provide a +1 magical bonus to weapon damage rolls made with that weapon.

If the enhancement bonus is on armor, then it grants a magical bonus to damage resistance equal to the listed number. So for example, if a character was wearing studded leather armor +1, and they had no base damage resistance of any kind, then they would gain resist all 1. If the character had resist fire 5 and donned the armor, they would now have resist all 1 and resist fire 6. Like all bonuses, magical bonuses to damage resistance do not stack. All characters are assumed to have a base damage resistance of 0 to all damage for purposes of this calculation if they are not drawing a resist from any other source. Shields count as armor for the purposes of enhancement bonuses, but the enhancement bonus to damage resistance of armor and shields do not stack.

See the imbue magic item ritual for full details on creating items and how to apply such enhancement bonuses.

Any magic item of at least +1 that can be thrown automatically returns to the wielder once the attack that used the weapon is resolved. This does not apply to ammunition fired from a magical weapon.

PROPERTY Properties may occur on all types of magic items (except very simple weapons and armor, which are simply +1 with no additional property). These represent more fantastic qualities of the item, such as the ability of a sword to become pure fire, or the ability of a cloak to turn you into a giant bat. Weapons and armor (including shields) have a unified set of properties listed in their respective section. Each of these properties then has a listing for a Tier II and Tier III version of that property. This represents the more powerful ways such properties can manifest when they are created by a character of sufficient power. For example, a Tier II flaming property makes your weapon deal fire damage with the attacks with that weapon, the Tier III version of flaming can cause enemies to actually alight in flame and eventually incinerate to ash. Armor properties may occur either before or after the name of the armor itself (i.e. Resistance Plate Armor +2 or Plate Armor of Resistance +2). In the case of wondrous items, all they will have are their properties. These properties are not unified as in the case of weapons and armor and many have unusual or exotic effects that allow your character to do things that would be otherwise impossible for normal humans, such as flying, turning into a tiger or restoring grave wounds. See the imbue magic item ritual for full details on creating items and how to apply such properties.

All properties assume you are wielding that item and do not apply to attacks made with other weapons. If the property does not specify weapon attacks, it applies to any spell attacks made while wielding the weapon as well.

PROPERTIES AND PROFICIENCY If a property grants you an attack (such as the ring of the deathly touch), you must be proficient in the type of spell (in this case Arcane) to gain the proficiency bonus to attack with such a spell.

PROPERTIES AND METAMAGIC If a property grants you a spell such as Visrat’s lute of slumber you may not use any minor or major metamagic to affect the spell in any way.

ITEM COST BY LEVEL It will undoubtedly happen that you will want to purchase magic items for your character and there are certainly other beings in the world creating magic items. The table below lists the costs for magical items based on their level. These are the costs that PCs may purchase items for in the world assuming they have access to someplace that would actually carry such items. The GM should feel free to restrict access to such items based on the PCs current location in the world or modify prices based on the local economy (generally adjusting by +/- 20%). Remember, when selling items, PCs may sell items for a base 50% value of the item. The same rules apply to selling items as buying them. The PCs must be in a place where NPCs would have money on a scale appropriate to purchase such expensive goods and depending on the PCs actions or the local economy, the amount received for selling may be adjusted by a similar amount to their purchase (+/- 20%). PCs may never purchase Advancing Magic Items. Table 12.1; Items per Level

Level Wealth (gp) Level Wealth (gp)

1 100 11 14,000 2 300 12 17,000 3 600 13 20,000 4 1000 14 23,000 5 2000 15 26,000 6 3,000 16 29,000 7 5,000 17 32,000 8 7,000 18 35,000 9 9,000 19 38,000 10 11,000 20 41,000 *Note, armor or weapons made of Special Material cost an additional 50% over the base value listed here.

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ADVANCING MAGIC ITEMS Magical weapons and armor may also be crafted as or become through investment of character resources, advancing magic items. These represent items with a small amount of what one might call intelligence or empathy. They do not necessarily speak or have any kind of sentience, but they are items that are one half of a bonded pair. The other half is your character. As the character wields them and continues to adventure, the item will grow naturally and acquire advanced capabilities.

These items become a symbol of the character that wields them, they are iconic and associated with that character and if they don’t already have a name, after a long career of use, they will most certainly earn that character’s moniker (e.g. the Longsword of Arthanos). Advancing magic items can be acquired in one of three ways. The first is the same as all magic items, they can be found in the course of adventuring. The nature of the item as an advancing item will become apparent as part of the item’s standard identification. Once a character decides to bond with an advancing magic item, which is an important choice, as characters cannot have no more than one advancing magic item bound to them at any point in time. Advancing magic items can also be created as per the imbue magic items ritual. See that ritual for a full description of how the process of creation for these items varies from standard magic item creation. The final way these items can be gained is as part of a class or heroic arc. These character decisions may often grant an advancing magic item as part of the heroic arc or class. In this case, the item is simply gained (it is assumed to have been granted or acquired as part of the normal process of being a member of that class or heroic arc). These game elements will also usually offer upgrades that allow the magic item to advance. See Upgrading Advancing Items below. If a heroic arc ever grants you an advancing magic item when you already have one, you may instead upgrade that item as below, as long as you meet the qualifications for that upgrade. When you gain an advancing magic item, unless your GM directs otherwise, its power is based on your current level as per the table below.

Character Level Item

1-7 Tier I (Level 2) 8-15 Tier II (Level 8) 16+ Tier III (Level 16)

UPGRADING ADVANCING ITEMS Advancing Magic items can grow based on investment of time and resources as the bond with the character grows stronger. There are two ways to upgrade these items. First, all characters may choose to upgrade their item by spending a Heroic Talent to do so. They may choose to upgrade the weapon to the next tier as below. Conversely, if you have received the item from a heroic arc, then that heroic arc most likely also grants possible upgrades that may be selected. Each time this upgrade is selected, it increases as below. Each time an item is upgraded, it moves up one

tier of advancement. To choose an upgrade, you must have at least as many Heroic Reserves as would normally be necessarily expended in a single day if one was using the imbue magic item ritual to create the item. For example, a 2

nd level

character with 11 Heroic Reserves could not enhance an advancing item to +2 as creating such an item requires the expenditure of 14 Heroic reserves in each day of crafting.

If the item is +1, it becomes +2 and gains a single property of the wielder’s choice.

If the item is +2, it becomes +3 and gains a single property of the wielder’s choice and any tier II property becomes tier III.

LOSING/CHANGING ADVANCING ITEMS Once a character chooses to bond with an advancing item, this is usually a choice that remains for that character’s entire career. That weapon or armor and the character have a special bond and the item is iconic to the character wielding it. That being said, it is possible for a character to change the character resources he has assigned to an advancing item to a new advancing item. This is a special use of retraining. If a character is currently in possession of an advancing sword and finds a suit of advancing armor that the player feels fits their character far better, then next time the character gains a level, as the character’s retraining choice for that level, the character may unbond from the old magic weapon and bond to the new advancing magic armor. The old item loses all of its properties other than its magical nature (i.e. it becomes a +1 item with no additional properties) and is no longer considered an advancing item. The character may then assign any upgrades that had been chosen from class or heroic arc features (i.e. the upgrades gained from a heroic arc such as Relic Bearer). All other upgrades gained are lost in the transfer.

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Magic Armor Enhancement Properties

Tier I (Level 2) +1 - Tier II (Level 8) +2 1 Property Tier III (Level 16) +3 2 Properties

ARMOR PROPERTIES Armors may have varying properties. When creating magic items, the properties below represent those that may be applied to the armor. The format of these properties is explained below. Shields are considered armor for the purposes of these properties. You must wield the shield to gain the benefit of any applied property.

ARMOR PROPERTY NAME Armors: These are the armor types that this property may be assigned to. Family: This represents the general category that the property falls into from among Defensive, Mobility, Offensive and Utility. These are simply guideposts to assist the player in understanding the purpose of the property. Tier II: The mechanical effect of the property if applied as a Tier II property. Tier III: The mechanical effect of the property if applied as a Tier III property.


CAMOUFLAGE Armors: Leather and Hide Armors Family: Utility Tier II: You gain a +2 magic bonus to Stealth checks. In addition, in a forest, jungle or similar vegetative setting, you have partial concealment as long as you do not run or charge. Tier III: As above except that you may make Stealth checks to become hidden in such a forest or jungle environment using the partial concealment from this armor. You do not require total concealment to hide.

COMMAND Armors: Any Family: Utility Tier II: You gain a +2 magic bonus to Interaction checks. Any ally that can see you may roll damage twice and take the highest for any attacks made in a round where that character has spent their Heroic Moment. If that character

would already roll damage twice for that attack (e.g. if they are wielding a two-handed weapon) they instead gain an additional +2 bonus to damage on such attacks. Tier III: As above except the allies can roll a single attack roll twice and take the highest in addition to the damage roll.

DURABILITY Armors: Chain, Scale and Plate Armors, Heavy Shields Family: Defensive Tier II: The resistance to damage offered by this armor’s enhancement bonus increases by 1 (See Enhancement bonus above). Tier III: As above, except the resistance increases by 2.

FORTIFIED Armors: Scale, Plate Armors, Heavy Shields Family: Defensive Tier II: When you are critically hit, make a saving throw. If that save succeeds, the attack is not a critical hit, but otherwise hits normally. Tier III: You cannot be critically hit.

GROUNDED Armors: Any Family: Defensive Tier II: When you are affected by forced movement, you may make a saving throw, on a successful save, you are not moved. Tier III: As above, except the save also applies to being knocked prone. IMPERVIOUSNESS Armors: Any.

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Family: Defensive Tier II: The first attack made against you in any combat automatically misses. Tier III: As above but the first two attacks made against you.

MOMENTUM Armors: Any Family: Utility Tier II: Whenever you push a target with a standard action attack, increase that push distance by 5 feet (1 square). Tier III: As above, but increase the distance by 25 feet (5 squares).

PHASING Armors: Leather and Hide Armors Family: Mobility Tier II: You gain the incorporeal property when moving as part of a move action. Tier III: As above, and whenever you expend your heroic moment, you are also incorporeal until the start of your next turn.

RAZORED Armors: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: Any creature that grabs you suffers 5 damage. Any creature you end your turn grabbing also suffers this damage. Tier III: This damage also applies to any creature that strikes you with a natural weapon.


Family: Offensive Tier II: Any time you are hit by a melee attack, the attacker suffers 2 points of damage of the same type(s) dealt. Tier III: As above, but the damage reflected increases to 5.

REGENERATING Armors: Any Family: Defensive Tier II: You may use your momentary resolve twice in any combat. Tier III: As above and you gain regeneration 2. This regeneration cannot raise your hit points above your wounded value.

RESISTANCE Armors: Any Family: Defensive Tier II: Choose a single damage type from among acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. You gain resist 10 to this damage type. Tier III: Choose a single damage type from among acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. You gain resist 20 to this damage type.

SHIELDING Armors: Any Family: Defensive Tier II: At the end of your turn, you gain 3

temporary hit points. Tier III: As above except you gain 6 temporary hit points.

STAUNCHING Armors: Any Family: Defensive Tier II: You gain resist ongoing damage 5 and gain a +1 magic bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage. Tier III: As above except the resistance to ongoing damage increase to 20.

SUNRISE Armors: Chain, Scale and Plate Armors Family: Offensive Tier II: Whenever you are critically hit by an attack, all creatures adjacent to you are dazzled by the light and impaired (save ends). Tier III: As above except adjacent creatures are slowed and weakened (save ends).

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VIRTUOUS Armors: Any Family: Defensive Tier II: You gain resist 3 against all attacks made by evil creatures. Tier III: As above except the resistance increase to 5 and you may not be dominated by evil creatures. Special: The opposite of this armor is the Sinner’s armor. Replace all instances of evil with good.


Magic Weapon Enhancement Properties

Tier I (Level 2) +1 - Tier II (Level 8) +2 1 Property Tier III (Level 16) +3 2 Properties

WEAPON PROPERTIES Weapons may have varying properties. When creating magic items, the properties below represent those that may be applied to the weapon. The format of these properties is explained below.

WEAPON PROPERTY NAME Weapons: These are the weapon types that this property may be assigned to. Family: This represents the general category that the property falls into from among Defensive, Mobility, Offensive and Utility. These are simply guideposts to assist the player in understanding the purpose of the property. Tier II: The mechanical effect of the property if applied as a Tier II property. Tier III: The mechanical effect of the property if applied as a Tier III property.


BERSERKER Weapons: Any Melee Family: Offensive Tier II: Whenever you critically hit an enemy with this weapon, you may immediately charge another enemy as a free action once the triggering attack is resolved. Tier III: As above and you also gain 10 temporary hit points and knock all enemies hit by the triggering attack or the charge attack prone.

BUILDER’S Weapons: Staves Family: Utility Tier II: When you cast a spell with the wall keyword, the size of the wall is increased by 10 x 5. Tier III: As above except the increase in size is 50 x 5.

DANCING Weapons: Any Melee Family: Offensive Tier II: At the start of your turn as a free action you may loose this weapon (as per dropping it), but instead of falling, it animates and floats in your square. The weapon remains with you if you move. At the end of your turn, the weapon will deal its enhancement bonus (+2) damage to a single enemy adjacent to you. No bonuses of any kind apply to this damage other than the enhancement bonus of the weapon. Tier III: As above except the weapon deals its weapon damage plus its enhancement bonus (+3). No additional bonus damage of any kind applies to this damage roll.

DEFENDING Weapons: Any Melee Family: Defensive Tier II: When you use the total defense or fighting on the defensive option, you also gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses. Tier III: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses.

ELEMENTAL Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: Choose a single damage type from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant or thunder. This damage type is chosen once upon item creation (or randomly determined if found). Your weapon deals that type of damage and physical damage when making weapon attacks. On a critical hit, the weapon also deals ongoing 10 damage of the type selected (save ends). Tier III: As above. On a critical hit, the weapon also deals ongoing 20 damage of the type selected (save ends). If a standard or champion enemy fails two saving throws against this ongoing damage, they are consumed by the energy and die regardless of remaining hit points.

ELEMENTAL EMPOWERMENT Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: Choose a damage type from acid, cold, fire. lightning, necrotic, radiant or thunder keyword, when this item is created (or determine randomly if found). When you cast a spell you ignore any resistance the target has against this damage type. Tier III: As above except that if the creature has a weakness to the chosen damage type, you also gain advantage for all attacks made against that target.

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ETHEREAL Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: Your weapon attacks ignore the incorporeal property. Tier III: As above and if the target is incorporeal the target is slowed (save ends). Until the target saves against this condition, it loses the incorporeal property.

LUCK Weapons: Any Family: Utility Tier II: When you score a critical hit, you may also make a saving throw. Tier III: As above except you may also spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points.

MOMENTUM Weapons: Club, Hammers, Staves Family: Utility Tier II: Whenever you push a target with a standard action attack, increase that push distance by 5 feet (1 square). Tier III: As above, but increase the distance by 25 feet (5 squares).

NATURE’S ALLY Weapons: Staves Family: Offensive Tier II: Your spells with the terrain keyword deal 2 additional damage. Tier III: As above except the bonus damage is 3 and any ongoing damage dealt by such spells receives this bonus as well.

PSYCHIC POWER Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: Your weapon attacks deal psychic damage in addition to physical damage. On a critical hit, the target is impaired and grants advantage (save ends). Tier III: As above except on a critical hit the target is stunned (save ends). On a standard or champion monster’s first failed save, they are instead helpless.

QUICKNESS Weapons: Any Family: Utility Tier II: You gain a +4 magic bonus to initiative and you gain advantage against all enemies in the first round of combat.

Tier III: If your total initiative bonus (not counting this item, the bonus from any spell or stance) is at least +25, you always win initiative, otherwise as above except that you gain a +6 magic bonus to initiative.

RADIANT POWER Weapons: Staves Family: Offensive Tier II: When you score a critical hit with a divine power with the radiant keyword, that enemy and all enemies adjacent must make a save or become impaired (save ends). Tier III: As above except the targets are blinded and treat all other creatures as having total concealment on a failed save.

RIGHTEOUS Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: When attacking an evil target, if that target has any weakness, a successful attack with this weapon activates that weakness (i.e. if the creature has a weakness to radiant damage, then this weapon counts as dealing radiant damage on attacks when attacking that creature). Tier III: As above and you also gain advantage against any evil creature. Special: The opposite of this weapon is the Tainted weapon. Replace all instances of evil with good.

RIPPING Weapons: Axes, Swords, Dagger Family: Offensive Tier II: On a critical hit, the weapon also deals ongoing 10 physical damage and the target is impaired (save ends). Tier III: As above except the ongoing damage is 20 and the target is slowed (save ends). If a standard or champion monster should fail a saving throw against this effect, they exsanguinate and die. Note, if the creature has no blood, they are immune to this portion of the weapon (though the ongoing damage applies as normal).

SACRIFICE Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: Before making an attack roll with this weapon, you may elect to suffer 5 damage which may not be resisted in any way. If you do, your next successful attack with this weapon deals an additional 3 damage. Tier III: As above except the damage increases to 5 and is dealt to the target even on a missed attack.

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SEEKING Weapons: Any Ranged Family: Utility Tier II: This weapon ignores all penalties for partial concealment. Tier III: This weapon ignores all penalties for partial or total concealment and may be used against targets to whom you have no line of sight (you still require line of effect).

SHADOW ILLUSION Weapons: Staves Family: Offensive Tier II: When you use an illusion spell that has an attack roll, you may target Fortitude or Will. Tier III: As above except if you successfully hit both defenses, the target suffers a -1 magic penalty to end any conditions imposed by that spell.

SLAYER Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: Choose a single creature type from the ranger’s favored enemy table. This weapon may score a critical hit on a 19-20 against that type of creature and any critical hit causes the creature to be stunned (save ends). Tier III: As above except that on a critical hit, the target is helpless (save ends).

TERROR Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: On any successful weapon attack with this weapon, the target of that attack must immediately move 2 squares away from you as a free action. Tier III: As above except the target must move its speed away from you. On a critical hit with this weapon the target is instead paralyzed with fear and stunned (save ends).

VAMPIRIC Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: On a critical hit with a weapon attack, this weapon deals ongoing 5 physical damage (save ends). You gain all

ongoing damage dealt as hit points. This weapon’s bonus to damage increases by 1 against wounded targets. Tier III: As above but the ongoing damage is 15 and the damage bonus increases by 2 against wounded targets.

VENOMOUS Weapons: Any Family: Offensive Tier II: This weapon deals 2 poison damage with weapon attacks to any target you successfully attack with advantage. In addition, on a critical hit, the target is impaired (save ends). Tier III: As above except the damage increases to 3 and on the first failed save against the impaired condition, the target falls unconscious and is helpless (save ends).

VORPAL Weapons: Swords, Axes Family: Offensive Tier II: When you score a critical hit with this weapon, any weapon

damage die that you roll maximum on (for example an ‘8’ on a d8) may be rerolled and the new number added to the total damage. Repeat this process until no weapon die are showing a maximum result. Tier III: When you score a critical hit with this weapon against a standard or champion enemy, the target must make a saving throw. If this saving throw is failed, the target’s head is removed and the creature dies. If the creature succeeds on this saving throw or is an Arch-Villain, the Tier II property applies instead. Creatures without a discernable head (such as oozes) or creatures that can continue to fight without a head do not necessarily die to this effect.


WONDROUS ITEM PROPERTIES Wondrous items only have properties and these are not unified modular concepts as in weapons and armor above. Rather, these items are created for a specific purpose (e.g. to fly). As such, the base format of these items also changes. If multiple versions of the item are available with differing levels of power, then those items will each be listed under their individual level. The amount of time, resources and Heroic Reserves it requires to create items by level are all listed in the imbue magic item ritual in the Magic chapter.

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Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 6: This is the size of a normal belt pouch. The bearer may use the goodberry spell 3 times per day. Level 13: As the level 6 version of the bag except that goodberry may be used at-will.

WONDROUS ITEM NAME Item Location: Where this item is worn. If this item says consumable, it has no item location, but after a single use, it is expended. If an item has a location of None, it does not require a location and must simply be carried to be effective. Family: This represents the general heroic arc that the property falls into from among Defensive, Mobility, Offensive and Utility. These are simply guideposts to assist the player in understanding the purpose of the property. Level X: The mechanical properties of the item if created at the level listed. Level Y: The mechanical properties of the item if created at a different level. A single item can have as many as 3 different versions with different levels.

AMULET Amulets are brooches, medallions or similar gems on a chain around your neck.


Item Location: Amulet Family: Utility Level 5: You may score a critical success on Interaction checks made as primary checks in a skill engagement on a 19-20 and any such critical success counts as 2 successes instead of 1. Level 16: As the level 5 version except that if you have already gained 1 success with Interaction in the current skill engagement when you score a critical success, the encounter immediately ends in success for the PCs.


Item Location: Amulet Family: Utility Level 4: Once per day when you fail a check with a primary skill in a skill engagement, you may reroll

that check. Level 12: As the level 4 version of the amulet except you may use the ability twice per day and you may use it on a failed check by you or an ally.

BOOTS Boots come in a variety of sizes, styles and shapes. They are always a pair and worn on the feet.


Item Location: Boots Family: Utility Level 1: You gain a +2 magic bonus to all Dancing skill checks. Level 10: As the level 1 version of these boots except that you also do not grant advantage for being surrounded.


Item Location: Boots Family: Mobility Level 2: You gain a +4 magic bonus to Athleticism checks made to jump. In addition, you may stand up from prone as a minor action. Level 10: As the level 2 version of the boots except that your jumping distance is not limited by your movement speed and any creature you successfully hit with a standard action charge attack is also pushed 5 feet (1 square). If this attack already causes the creature to be pushed, increase that distance by 5 feet (1 square).


Item Location: Boots Family: Mobility Level 5: You gain a +1 magic bonus to speed (+5 feet). This bonus increases by 1 when you make the Run action. Level 10: As the level 5 version of the boots except the bonus to speed is +2 (+10 feet) and the bonus increases by 2 when you Run or Charge.


Item Location: Boots Family: Offensive Level 2: These boots rumble loudly as you walk. You automatically fail any Stealth check if you move. You gain the Ground Stomp attack of the minotaur. If you already have the Ground Stomp attack, creatures suffer a -1 magic penalty to the saving throw against this attack.

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Level 9: As the level 2 version of the boots except that your Ground Stomp is also considered to have the Shattering Earth upgrade. If you already have the Shattering Earth upgrade, targets knocked prone by the attack suffer 10 damage instead of 5.


Item Location: Boots Family: Mobility Level 8: You gain a fly speed of 6. Level 13: As the level 8 version of these boots except that the fly speed granted by these boots is 8 or your base speed, whichever is higher, and increases by 2 when calculating your overland movement

CLOAK Cloaks are loose flowing fabric attached at the neck that help to protect against wind and weather.


Item Location: Cloak Family: Mobility Level 5: You gain a climb speed equal to your base speed. Level 10: As the level 5 version of the cloak. You also gain resist poison 10.


Item Location: Cloak Family: Mobility Level 6: You may transform into a common bat as a standard action. In this form, you gain a fly speed of 8 and blindsight. You retain all other character abilities. You may not make attacks, either weapon or spells, nor deal damage, while in this form. Returning to your normal form requires an additional standard action. You also gain a +2 magic bonus to Perception regardless of what form you are in. Level 12: As the level 6 version of the cloak except that transformation into and out of the bat form requires only a move action. The magic bonus granted by this cloak regardless of form now applies to Stealth as well.


Item Location: Cloak Family: Defensive Level 8: Enemies count as impaired when making

ranged attacks against you until they successfully hit you with an attack. Level 16: As the level 8 version of the cloak except that enemies count as impaired when making any attack against you until they successfully hit you.


Item Location: Cloak Family: Utility Level 6: You gain a +2 magic bonus to Stealth checks. Level 12: As the level 6 version of the cloak. You also ignore difficult terrain that is a result of forests, jungle or similar plant growth.


Item Location: Cloak Family: Mobility Level 4: You gain a swim speed equal to your base speed. Level 10: As the level 4 version of the cloak, except that you also gain the ability to breathe underwater and you gain advantage when underwater and attacking any creature that lacks a swim speed. You may also ignore any penalties normally incurred for making weapon attacks underwater and do not suffer damage from depth.


Item Location: Cloak Family: Defensive Level 5: Whenever you are critically hit by an attack, you become incorporeal after the attack is resolved and may move 2 squares. You remain incorporeal until the end of your next turn. Level 13: As the level 3 version of the cloak except you may also choose to become incorporeal as a standard action. You must spend your standard action each round to remain incorporeal or the effect ends at the end of your turn.

GLOVES Gloves come in a variety of styles and materials from course leather to silk, to plates of metal. They come in pairs and are worn on the hands.


Item Location: Gloves Family: Defensive Level 6: You gain a +2 magic bonus to AC against

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ranged weapon attacks. Level 12: As the level 6 version of the gloves. Once per round as a free action you may cause a successful ranged weapon attack against you to miss.


Item Location: Gloves Family: Offensive Level 6: You gain a +2 magic bonus to attack rolls on standard action attacks made to grab. In addition, at the end of your turn, any creature that is immobilized because you have it grabbed suffers 1d6 points of damage. Level 10: As the level 6 version of the gloves except that the damage suffered by grabbed creatures is 1d12.


Item Location: Gloves Family: Utility Level 4: You gain a +2 magic bonus to Thievery checks. When you steal an item from an enemy, you may make a Thievery check to hide it on your person as a free action. Level 12: As the level 4 version of the gloves except that if you are using Thievery to disarm a trap or as part of a skill engagement to disarm a trap and you score a critical success, that trap is immediately disabled. In addition, you must fail Thievery checks by 5 or more when disarming a trap to accrue a failure and/or activate the trap.


Item Location: Gloves Family: Utility Level 5: Your Strength counts as 5 higher for the purposes of Encumbrance. In addition, if you use a standard action attack that pushes an enemy, you may push that enemy an additional 5 feet (1 square). Level 14: As the level 5 version of the gloves except your Dexterity counts as 10 higher and you gain an additional 15 feet (3 squares) to the appropriate attacks instead of 5 feet (1 square).


Item Location: Gloves Family: Offensive Level 6: As a minor action, you may cause your hands to transform into over-sized hammers. You

may not wield weapons while this effect is active and ending it is a free action you may only take on your turn. Your unarmed attack now deals 1d8 damage and you gain a +2 magical bonus to all standard action attacks made to bull rush or trip. Level 10: As the level 6 version of the gloves except that your unarmed damage becomes 1d12.


Item Location: Gloves Family: Offensive Level 5: Whenever you use an arcane spell with the acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder keyword, you may instead have that spell deal the damage of pure magic (force damage). Level 14: As the level 5 version of the gloves except that when you change your damage type to force, you may also roll twice and take the highest result for your damage roll.

HELMS The category of helms actually covers any item worn on the head from a simple cloth cap to a full plate enclosure.


Item Location: Helm Family: Utility Level 3: You gain a +2 magic bonus to all disguise checks and any associated Interaction checks made to bluff your identity as part of your disguise. Level 12: As the level 3 version of the hat and you may use the create image spell with the Personal Disguise upgrade at-will. You may only use the spell in this way and may not use any other upgrades or the normal version of the spell.


Item Location: Helm Family: Utility Level 8: You and all allies who can see you gain a +2 magic bonus to initiative. In addition, any underling creature or companion that serves you may make a saving throw each time it suffers a damage instance from an area attack. On a successful save, the creature does not suffer that damage instance. Level 16: As the level 8 version of the helm except that underlings or companions may make a saving throw to avoid any damage instance. You also gain a +2 magic bonus to all Interaction checks. If you score a critical success with Interaction as a

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primary skill in a skill engagement, you gain 2 successes instead of 1.


Item Location: Helm Family: Utility Level 2: You may cause the 100 feet area around you to become an area of normal light if it is currently darkness or dim light. Doing so is a minor action. Level 12: As the level 2 version of the helm except that you may cause the same area to become overtly bright light. You ignore the concealment normally imposed by this lighting condition.


Item Location: Helm Family: Utility Level 7: You may use the detection spell with the detect thoughts upgrade as a standard action. You may only use the spell in this way and may not access the base version of the spell or any other upgrades. Level 14: As the level 7 version of the helm except you may use the spell with the Improved Detect Thoughts upgrade.


Item Location: Helm Family: Mobility Level 5: You may use the teleport spell at-will. Level 15: As the level 5 version of the helm except you may expend a Heroic Reserve to use the spell with the Long Jump upgrade.

OFF-HAND These are items that aid in spellcasting and are meant to be held opposite a weapon in one hand. You may never benefit from or equip more than one Off-hand slot item.


Item Location: Off-Hand Family: Utility Level 3: You restore an additional 3 hit points whenever you cast a spell of the Healing domain that restores hit points. Level 13: As the level 3 version of the rod except the additional hit points restored is 6 and any regeneration granted by a spell of the Healing domain is increased by 2.


Item Location: Off-Hand Family: Defensive Level 7: The first time in an encounter that you or an ally are critically hit by an enemy, that enemy suffers ½ the damage dealt by the critical hit. Level 17: As the level 7 version of the rod except that both the enemy and the ally suffer only ½ the damage of the critical hit (both effectively receiving the same non-critical damage).


Item Location: Off-Hand Family: Utility Level 9: You gain a +2 magic bonus to Interaction checks. Underlings and companions under your command gain a +1 magic bonus to speed and all skill checks. Level 19: As the level 9 version of the rod except that you also gain the magic bonus to all primary skill checks in a skill engagement where you are leading followers and the speed and skill bonus to underlings and companions under your command increases to 3.


Item Location: Off-Hand Family: Offensive Level 5: This rod can be used as a light mace +1. It also grants its magic bonus to damage to all divine spells cast when wielding it. Level 15: As the level 5 version of the rod except the mace is a Light Mace of Righteousness +2 and the bonus to divine spell damage increases accordingly.


Item Location: Off-Hand Family: Utility Level 6: You gain a +1 magic bonus to spell damage with arcane abjuration, alteration and divination spells. You also gain a +1 magic bonus to saving throws against conditions imposed by your Major Metamagic. Level 16: As the level 6 version of the wand, except the magic bonuses are +2.


Item Location: Off-Hand Family: Offense

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Level 7: You gain a +2 magic bonus to spell damage with conjuration and necromancy spells. Level 17: As the level 7 version of the wand, except the magic bonus to damage is +4.


Item Location: Off-Hand Family: Utility Level 5: Whenever a target fails a saving throw against one of your enchantment or illusion spells, that target grants advantage until it successfully saves against that spell. Level 15: As the level 5 version of the wand, and your allies gain a +3 bonus to damage against any target granting advantage in this way.

RING Rings are anything from simple bands of silver or gold to bejeweled and ornate pieces. They are worn on the fingers and you may not equip more than 2 magical rings.


Item Location: Ring Family: Utility Level 3: Whenever you successfully hit a target with an unarmed attack, you may also push that target 5 feet (1 square). If that attack already pushes the target, this movement is cumulative. Level 11: As the level 3 version of the ring except the distance pushed is 20 feet (4 squares).


Item Location: Ring Family: Offensive Level 6: You may use the necrotic touch spell at-will. Level 12: As the level 6 version of the ring except the damage dealt is 6d6.


Item Location: Ring Family: Defensive Level 9: Once per day, you may cast force barrier with the Force Wall upgrade. You may only use the spell in this way and may not use any other upgrades. Level 16: As the level 9 version of the ring except force barrier may benefit from the Force Globe upgrade.


Item Location: Ring Family: Mobility Level 9: You treat the slowed condition as impaired. Level 19: As the level 9 version of the ring, except you may also still take a move action when stunned.


Item Location: Ring Family: Utility Level 9: You may use the animate dead spell 3 times per day. Level 14: As the level 9 version of this ring, except you may use the spell with the Additional Animate (2 total) upgrade. The spell may not be used with any other upgrades or in any other fashion.


Item Location: Ring Family: Utility Level 7: You may use the invisibility spell at-will. Level 17: As the level 7 version of the ring except the invisibility spell counts as having the Improved upgrade. You may only use the spell in this way and may not apply any other upgrades.


Item Location: Ring Family: Defensive Level 7: You gain resist psychic 5 and may not be forced to make an attack against your will. Level 16: As the level 7 version of the ring except you also treat the dominated condition as stunned and your resistance increases to 10.


Item Location: Ring Family: Utility Level 4: You gain the effect of the beguiler spell as long as this ring is worn. This counts as a Persist spell functioning on you as normal. Level 17: As the level 4 version of the ring except you gain the Silver Tongue and Improved Silver Tongue upgrades.


Item Location: Ring

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Family: Defensive Level 8: You gain a +1 magic bonus to all defenses. Level 18: As the level 8 version of the ring except the bonus also applies to saving throws.


Item Location: Ring Family: Utility Level 8: You gain regeneration 1. This healing may not raise your hit points above your wounded value. Level 16: As the level 8 version of the ring except you gain regeneration 2.


Item Location: Ring Family: Utility Level 4: You may survive comfortably in temperatures from -50 degrees to 130 degrees without needing to make Endurance checks. In addition you can go three times as long without eating or drinking (3 days and 3 weeks respectively) before making Endurance checks for starvation or thirst. Level 15: As the level 4 version of the ring except you do not need to eat or drink and you gain resist fire and cold 5.


Item Location: Ring Family: Utility Level 4: Whenever you achieve a critical success on a Monster Knowledge check against a creature, you gain advantage against that creature for all attacks for the duration of the combat. Level 14: As the level 4 version of the ring except you also ignore any resistance possessed by the creature and if the creature has any weakness, your attacks trigger this weakness (for example, if the creature has a weakness to fire, your attack is considered to deal fire damage).


Item Location: Ring Family: Utility Level 9: Once per day you may select a single spell you know if you are a learned or granted caster. You may place that spell in the ring as a standard action. You may now use that spell at-will. If you are an innate caster, select a single upgrade you know for a spell that you know. This upgrade may

not have a level requirement. You may place that spell into the ring and use it at-will with the single upgrade. Level 20: As the level 9 version of the ring, but you may select 2 spells.

NONE These items have no item slot and either simply need to be carried on your person to be effective or must be activated with a specific action described in the item itself.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 3: This is the size of a normal belt pouch, however it may hold up to 100 pounds of items. Only items of large size or smaller may be placed into the bag. Level 13: As the level 3 version of the bag except that it may hold up to 1000 pounds of items.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 5: When struck loudly, you may make a Thievery check against a locked door, portal, chest or similar item you are adjacent to as a standard action without actually touching the item. You gain a +2 magic bonus to this check. As long as you do not fail this check by 5 or more, you do not trigger any trap on the item. Level 12: As the level 5 version of the item except that you may make the check against all locked doors, portals, chests and similar items within 50 feet (10 squares).


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 6: This is the size of a normal belt pouch. The bearer may use the goodberry spell 3 times per day. Level 13: As the level 6 version of the bag except that goodberry may be used at-will.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 3: As a standard action, this bowl fills with food. This is flavorless gruel, but contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals to stave off

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starvation. If you have the cooking skill, you may make a skill check as you activate this item. On a quality success of at least good, you may instead create any dish of your desire that will fit within the bowl. This will be delicious and aromatic, but its nutritive properties remain the same.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 7: When this item is created, choose a companion creature type. This figurine is of that type and gains 2 upgrades of your choice. Once per day, you may summon this companion. The creature lasts until defeated at which point it disappears and may not be summoned again that day. Level 17: As the level 7 version of the item except the companion gains 1 upgrade of each normal category +1 upgrade of any type and may be summoned three times per day.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 3: This small unobtrusive bottle is always full of fresh potable water. Level 13: As the level 3 version of the item except that the water may be set to pour as a torrent from the flask. If the flask is set on the ground, it will flood a 5 x 5 area (1 square) for each round it is left unstoppered. The initial square affected must be adjacent to the bottle and all additional flooded squares must be contiguous to the initial square. This area becomes difficult terrain. After ten minutes of such flooding, the item ceases automatically and will not function again for the remainder of the day.


Item Location: None Family: Mobility Level 9: This carpet is 10 x 10 (2 x 2) and may hold 4 medium sized creatures safely. The carpet can be commanded to fly at a speed of 6 as a move action once per round. Level 13: As the level 9 version of the carpet except the carpet is 15’ x 15’ (3 x 3) and may hold up to 9 creatures of medium size.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 4: This item may duplicate the effects of the Arcana skill use Simple Magical Effect. You need not be trained in Arcana or make any check to activate this item. Level 14: As the level 4 version of the item and the bearer also gains a +1 magic bonus to all narrative skill checks.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 4: You gain a +2 magic bonus to all Monster Knowledge checks. Level 12: As the level 4 version of the item and if you succeed at the Hard DC on your Monster Knowledge check, you also gain resist 3 against all attacks made by that creature for the duration of the encounter.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 8: Three times per day as a minor action, you may command this item to shine with bright light. This causes the area in a 100 foot (20 square) radius to be illuminated as per normal light if the lighting conditions were darkness or dim light. In addition, you or one ally in the area of light may spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. Once activated, this light lasts for 5 minutes or until cancelled as a free action that may only be taken on your turn. Level 14: As the level 8 version of the gem except that the light counts as true daylight and any creature with a weakness to radiant damage suffers 5 points of radiant damage at the start of each of your turns as long as it remains in the area of daylight and you and one ally or two allies may spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 8: These pipes grant the bearer a +2 magic bonus to Perform (Wind Instrument) checks. In addition, as a standard action, the user may play the pipes and make a Perform (Wind Instrument) check. On a quality check of at least good, the performer may use a charm person spell on all

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non-hostile creatures who can hear the pipes. The targets are not aware of this spell and the spell lasts only so long as the performer continues to spend a standard action performing and continues to achieve a result of at least good.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 2: This is a 50 foot long rope. As a standard action, you may command the rope to attach itself to any location in range a normal rope could be tied to. This could be a rock 50 feet above you on a cliff side. Level 10: As the level 2 version of the rope except that climbers also gain a +4 bonus to any Athleticism checks made to climb the rope.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 6: When you use Interaction to create a diversion, you both gain advantage and, if your subsequent attack is successful, make a Stealth check to become hidden as though you had total cover or concealment. Level 11: As the level 6 version of the belt except that you may also now use Interaction to create a diversion as a minor action.


Item Location: None Family: Utility Level 5: This item grants a +2 magic bonus to all Perform (Stringed Instrument) checks made with it. In addition, once per day, the bearer may use the sleep spell. Level 15: As the level 5 version of the lute, except the sleep spell is treated as having the Deep Slumber upgrade and may be used twice per day. This spell may not be used with any other upgrades or in any other fashion.

CONSUMABLE ITEMS The items below are also wondrous items, but they are consumable. They allow once use only and then their magic is gone. As these items are created and costed differently, they have been listed separately from the other wondrous items.


Item Location: Consumable Family: Offensive Level 6: You may use this item as a free action when casting any spell with the thunder keyword. That attack scores critical hits on a roll of 19-20. Level 14: As the level 6 version of the stone except that on a critical hit the target is also thunderstruck and stunned (save ends).


Item Location: Consumable Family: Offensive Level 4: Drinking this potion allows the user to make single standard action attack. Range 1; 25’ x 25’ area; all creatures in the area must make a saving throw or suffer 10 fire damage. Level 13: As the level 4 version of this potion except the damage is 15 fire damage and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).


Item Location: Consumable Family: Utility Level 6: When creating this potion, choose Interaction, Intuition or Streetwise. Drinking this potion allows you to roll your next check of that type in the present encounter twice and take the highest result. Level 14: As the level 6 version of the potion except the potion also grants a +2 magic bonus to that skill for the remainder of the encounter or skill engagement.


Item Location: Consumable Family: Utility Level 3: Drinking this potion grants a cure wounds spell. Level 13: As the level 3 version of the potion except the cure wounds spell benefits from the Deep Healing and Saving Grace upgrades and restores 2d8+5 hit points (in addition to the Heroic Reserve).


Item Location: Consumable Family: Defensive Level 2: Drinking this potion grants a resistance

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spell. Level 11: As the level 2 version of the potion except the resistance spell benefits from the Increased Resistance upgrade twice.


Item Location: Consumable Family: Utility Level 3: Drinking this potion grants the ability to breath underwater for 1 hour. Level 11: As the level 3 version of the potion except the user can breathe underwater for 8 hours and is also unaffected by the pressure of the water when deep beneath the surface.

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INTRODUCTION When adventurers set off, they are rarely alone. The odds that such heroes face are often overwhelming and that is the reason they band together in the first place, they know that as a whole, they are greater than the sum of their parts. Some heroes take this to the next level and attract additional followers, cohorts and companions. Some classes, such as the Ranger and Druid, begin play with such a companion, whereas others, such as the fighter, eventually attract followers when they build a reputation of success as a hero and a champion of great martial prowess. Your character may gain familiars, followers, cohorts or companions in many different ways, but no matter how they are achieved, they function basically according to the rules below. If a class, heroic arc or spell should provide any change to these rules, that change will be specifically mentioned in that game element. These allies to your characters are divided into two groups. The first, which contains familiars, cohorts and companions, represent powerful creatures that adventure and fight with you. Throughout the rest of this chapter, these will be referred to simply as companions, but it could be any of these things. These creatures are potent in their own right, though they are not of the same power level as your hero. These types of creatures often represent trusted allies or longtime friends that your character has a special bond with akin to his relationship with the rest of the party (perhaps even better). Examples of this category would be a druid’s animal companion, a wizard’s familiar or the bound demonic servant of a demonbound summoner sorcerer. The second group of possible allies that serve your character are followers. Followers represent a much larger category. These are usually commoners or low-level individuals attracted to your hero because of his fame, fortune or knowledge. Examples of this group would be a fighter’s followers gained through advancement in his class; these could be warriors who flock to the fighter’s banner to serve for gold and glory. Conversely, these could be students who have come to the character to learn the secrets of the fighting style in which they are a recognized master. These followers do not commonly adventure with you as most of the travails encountered by your PCs at that level are far too dangerous for these individuals. These followers do however provide you with many benefits, and at high enough levels, perhaps even allow you to change the world.

COMPANIONS Companions are potent allies for your character. They represent a wide swath of potential associates for your character including animal companions, bound demons, trained warriors, and countless more. The only limits to the possible companions for your character are your own imagination and the milieu you are playing within. As always, the GM has final say on what type of companion you may select and whether it is appropriate for the story being told. Companions come in 7 varieties, each of which is outlined below. These broad types represent the general nature of the companion and do not speak to the specific creature actually serving you. For example, the Predator companion could be a hunting tiger, a vicious devil, a trained elvish scout or even a ravenous ghoul. What exactly your companion is and is capable of is determined by the choices you make when building him and your own cosmetic decisions. You may set the looks and cosmetic details of your companion as long as these do not have any rules effects. For example, if you want a demon surrounded by a slight haze from heat, that is fine, but no concealment or other rule benefit may be drawn from this decision.

COMPANION TYPES This book presents 7 types of possible companions for your characters. Each of these represents a broad type or role for a companion that might be in service to you. It is certainly possible for your world to contain different or unusual companions of types not presented here. If you feel there is a companion you would like that is not offered within these rules, work with your GM to create a new companion you both find acceptable.

COMPANION UPGRADES Each companion is presented with very basic stats and few special abilities. Upon selecting a companion, you may choose 1 item from each default upgrade category of type, movement, attack and defense. If you do not elect to choose an upgrade from one of these categories except type, which must be chosen, you may choose a single upgrade from utility in its place. Companions do not receive a utility choice by default, and only by not choosing one of the other categories can this list be selected from. If you should be granted a temporary companion from a spell (such as summon monster), that spell will instruct you what types of companions you may choose and how many upgrades you may select. This overrides the normal rule of one per category. The companion upgrades have names (such as “claws”) but this is only to capture their general purpose. The aforementioned upgrade could just as easily represent a warrior attacking with two blades. Feel free to rename these abilities whatever you feel is appropriate.

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COMPANIONS & MAGIC ITEMS Companions, cohorts and familiars do not use magic items in the standard fashion. The upgrades that the companions can receive are meant to simulate the magical abilities of the creature as it grows in power, whether this is from an innate ability or from a weapon they are wielding. To this end, the rules below define how companions, cohorts and familiars use magic items. Once during the campaign, you may give your companion creature, regardless of type, a magical item. The item is then “used” and the companion may select a single upgrade as per the chart below. Once the upgrade is selected, the item may not be recovered and the upgrade may not be retrained. The item given to the companion must be of at least your level -2 to qualify for this trade. At level 8, the companion may make this trade one additional time, though it must be a different item given (i.e. if a weapon was given the first time, it must now be given either armor or a wondrous item). At level 16, the companion may make this trade a third time for whatever item has not been traded yet. Consumable items may not be used in this way; the item must be a permanent magic item. Table 13.1, Companion Magic Item Swap

Item Type Upgrade Available

Weapon Attack Upgrade Armor Defense Upgrade Wondrous Item Mobility or Utility


LEVEL A companion’s level is always assumed to be equal to your own. This represents a general conception of the companion’s abilities and skills both independently and because of the training and learning gleaned from adventuring beside you.

INITIATIVE A companion does not roll initiative, it simply takes its turn at the same time you do. See companion actions for a description of what the companion may do during their turn.

DAMAGE INSTANCES Companions do not have hit points, as they have neither the resolute toughness nor will of the hero. Instead, companions have damage instances. This is the number of times that a companion can suffer damage of any kind or amount before being defeated. When a companion suffers damage instances equal to their damage instance value, they are defeated and may no longer participate in that combat. They are removed from the battlefield and may only be brought back to fighting strength next time the party rests in any way (a few minutes for a breather will suffice). In this time, the PC is able to return his companion to fighting strength. A companion dies if all members of the party he is following are killed, or if the PC he is following is killed and the remaining survivors are forced to flee without taking a small rest. This second situation may be negated if the PCs are able to carry the body of the fallen companion with them as they retreat.

LISTED SKILLS The companion has listed encounter skills. These may be used by the companion where necessary (i.e. to jump, hide, etc). If a skill is not listed, assume it has a bonus equal to the companion’s level. Companions may never make skill checks in a skill engagement unless specifically to directed to by the GM.

COMPANION ATTACKS Your companion’s attacks use the listed bonuses for mele and ranged. All companion attacks are considered weapon


COMPANION ACTIONS Your companion receives his own compliment of actions (minor, move and standard). Your companion does not receive any special actions that you possess, such as a skill action, nor does your companion have any ability to use things as different actions than listed, such as a cleric’s ability to heal as a minor action. Your companion takes his full suite of actions during your turn, and the two of you may take your actions simultaneously. Companions may take any normal actions offered by the game (such as retrieving an item, or applying a potion) regardless of type.

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BODYGUARD The bodyguard represents creatures that are naturally defensive and protective of their allies. These might be loyal constructs, a knight sworn to protect or a mother wolf who has adopted the character as a cub. These companions are loyal and devout servitors that seek to safeguard their master’s life.

Bodyguard Companion

Perception: 2+ level Initiative: - Damage Instances: 2

AC: 15+ level Fort: 14+ level Will: 11+ level Speed: 6

Standard Actions Melee: Melee 1;+3+ lvl vs. AC; 3+ level physical damage Ranged: Ranged 5; +2+ lvl vs. AC; 1+ level physical damage Minor Actions See Upgrades Skills Athleticism: 4+ level Endurance: 4+ level

BODYGUARD UPGRADES You may select 1 upgrade from the categories of Type, Movement, Attacks and Defense. If you elect not to select an item from any one of these categories except type, which must be chosen, you may select a single upgrade from utility in the place of that choice. Type

Choose a single type from animal, construct, elemental, magical beast, mortal, outsider, plant or undead. You may also choose one subtype from angel, demon, devil, dragon, fey, giant, goblin, orc or any of the races presented in this book (human, elf, etc). Your companion gains this type and subtype.


Combat Athleticism: Your companion may ignore any difficult terrain that you ignore.

Defensive Shift: When adjacent to you, your companion may move to any other square adjacent to you as a minor action.


Bash: Your companion may push your target 5 feet (1 square) on any successful attack.

Damage Type: Choose a type from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. Your companion’s attacks become this

type and deal 1 additional damage. Defense

Heavy Armor: Increase your companions AC by 2 and reduce his speed by 1. At level 11, this bonus increases to 3.

Resistance: Choose a single damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. If you companion is affected by this type of damage, they may make a saving throw, if this save succeeds, this damage does not count as a damage instance. At 11, you may select a second damage type.

Shared Shields: When your companion is adjacent to you, you gain resist all 2. At level 11, increase this resistance to 5.

Stalwart: As long as you and your companion are adjacent to each other, you both reduce any forced movement by 2 squares. At level 11, forced movement is negated.


Aura of Defense: You or any ally adjacent to your companion gains a +1 talent bonus to all defenses. At 11, this bonus increases to 2.

Bond of Retaliation: If you are reduced to 0 hit points your companion may make a standard action attack as a free action and gains a +3 bonus to damage until you regain consciousness.

Covered Advance: As a minor action, if your companion is adjacent to you, your companion may allow you to move 5 feet (1 square).

Restorative Companion: Once per encounter, as a standard action, your companion may allow you to activate a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. At 11, the amount healed increases by 10.

Skill Training: Choose Delving, Heal, Intuition,

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Nature or Religion. Your companion now has a listed bonus of 4+ level in that skill.

BRUTE The brute is a killing machine, pure and simple. These could be furious demons, a ravenous wolverine or even a loyal barbarian servant. These companions often join the character for the promise of near constant battle and violence that the life of an adventurer will bring.

Brute Companion

Perception: 0+ level Initiative: - Damage Instances: 3

AC: 12+ level Fort: 15+ level Will: 10+ level Speed: 5

Standard Actions Melee: Melee 1;+1+ lvl vs. AC; 10+ level physical damage Minor Actions See Upgrades Skills Athleticism: 6+ level Endurance: 6+ level

BRUTE UPGRADES You may select 1 upgrade from the categories of Type, Movement, Attacks and Defense. If you elect not to select an item from any one of these categories except type, which must be chosen, you may select a single upgrade from utility in the place of that choice. Type

Choose a single type from animal, construct, elemental, magical beast, mortal, outsider, plant or undead. You may also choose one subtype from angel, demon, devil, dragon, fey, giant, goblin, orc or any of the races presented in this book (human, elf, etc). Your companion gains this type and subtype.


Burrow: Your companion gains a burrow speed equal to his base speed.

Charging Fury: Your companion gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.


Crush: Your companion may also grab the target on any successful melee attack. At level 11, your companion may also use a minor action to deal 5 physical damage to a grabbed target.

Damage Type: Choose a type from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. Your companion’s attacks become this type and deals 2 additional damage. At 11, this bonus damage increases to 3.

Level the Field: When your companion charges a target and hits, that target is also knocked prone. At 11, the target is also pushed 1 square.

Massive: Your companion’s melee attack becomes melee 2. At level 11, you may choose for your companion to become Large.

Savagery: Your companion deals an additional 3 damage when attacking prone targets. At 11 this bonus damage increases to 6.


Resistance: Choose a single damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. If you companion is affected by this type of damage, they may make a saving throw, if this save succeeds, this damage does not count as a damage instance.

Tough: Your companion’s fortitude defense increases by 1.


Aura of Offense: You or any ally adjacent to your companion gains a +2 talent bonus to all damage rolls. At 11, this bonus increases to 4.

Baleful Roar: As a minor action, your companion may roar. This causes all enemies adjacent to your companion to move 1 square. At 11, increases the distance to 3.

Bond of Retaliation: If you are reduced to 0 hit points your companion may make a standard action attack as a free action and gains a +3 bonus to damage until you regain consciousness. At 11, this bonus damage increases to 6.

PREDATOR The predator companion represents creatures that stalk and kill their prey. Whether they are highly trained hunters working on years of experience, or feral stalkers running on instinct alone, these companions use stealth and surprise to disable and destroy their opponents.

Predator Companion

Perception: 4+ level Initiative: - Damage Instances: 2

AC: 13+ level Fort: 11+ level Will: 11+ level Speed: 7

Standard Actions Melee: Melee 1;+3+ lvl vs. AC; 3+ level physical damage Ranged: Ranged 10; +1+ lvl vs. AC; 2+ level physical damage Minor Actions See Upgrades Special The predator gains a +2 bonus to damage against a foe that is surrounded. Skills Athleticism: 4+ level Stealth: 4+ level

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PREDATOR UPGRADES You may select 1 upgrade from the categories of Type, Movement, Attacks and Defense. If you elect not to select an item from any one of these categories except type, which must be chosen, you may select a single upgrade from utility in the place of that choice. Type

Choose a single type from animal, construct, elemental, magical beast, mortal, outsider, plant or undead. You may also choose one subtype from angel, demon, devil, dragon, fey, giant, goblin, orc or any of the races presented in this book (human, elf, etc). Your companion gains this type and subtype.


Climber: Your companion gains a climb speed equal to his base speed.

Shifty: Your companion may move 2 squares as a minor action. At level 11, this increases to 4 squares.

Speedy: Increase the base movement speed by 2. At level 11, this bonus increases to 4.

Stealthier: Your companion may move at full speed when hidden without penalty.


Claws: When your companion hits with a melee attack, it may make a secondary attack against the same target at a -2 penalty, if this attack hits, it deals an additional 5 damage or 15 damage if the companion is level 11 or higher.

Damage Type: Choose a type from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. Your companions attacks become this type and deal 1 additional damage.

Distance Hunter: The melee attack bonus for the companion is reduced to 1+lvl and the damage is reduced by 3. The companion’s ranged attack increases to range 20, becomes 3+lvl to attack and 3+lvl damage.

Sniper: Your companion gains advantage on any ranged attack made against a creature with no other creatures adjacent to it.

Take Down: Whenever your companion scores a critical hit with a melee attack, the target of that attack is knocked prone and grabbed (immobilized).


Evasive: Increase your companions AC by 1.

Resistance: Choose a single damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. If you companion is affected by this type of damage, they may make a saving throw, if this save succeeds, this damage does not count as a damage instance.


Darkness Friend: Your companion gains concealment in any area of dim light and may make stealth checks in such a circumstance even without total cover or concealment.

Frenzied Stalker: Your companion and any creature adjacent to it deal an additional 2 damage on attacks against wounded targets.

Hunting Pack: One creature your companion attacks grants advantage to you and all allies for your next attacks against that target.

Skill Training: Choose Delving, Intuition, Nature, Streetwise or Thievery. Your companion now has a listed bonus of 4+ level in that skill.

SPY The spy is usually a small creature, able to slip into areas unseen and observe, reporting the gleaned information to their master. This might be a tiny magically created homunculus, an imp or similar demonic creature, or even a trusted Halfling associate good at keeping to the shadows.

Spy Companion

Perception: 6+ level Initiative: - Damage Instances: 2

AC: 12+ level Fort: 11+ level Will: 14+ level Speed: 8

Standard Actions Melee: Melee 1;+2+ lvl vs. AC; 1+ level physical damage Ranged: Ranged 10; +2+ lvl vs. AC; 1+ level physical damage Minor Actions See Upgrades Special Spy companions gain 1 bonus utility upgrade. Skills Stealth: 6+ level

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SPY UPGRADES You may select 1 upgrade from the categories of Type, Movement, Attacks and Defense. If you elect not to select an item from any one of these categories except type, which must be chosen, you may select a single upgrade from utility in the place of that choice. Type

Choose a single type from animal, construct, elemental, magical beast, mortal, outsider, plant or undead. You may also choose one subtype from angel, demon, devil, dragon, fey, giant, goblin, orc or any of the races presented in this book (human, elf, etc). Your companion gains this type and subtype.


Climber: Your companion gains a climb speed equal to his base speed.

Flyer: Your companion gains a fly speed equal to its base speed.

Phasing: Your companion gains the incorporeal quality when moving. At level 11, your companion may move in any direction when moving in this way.

Stealthier: Your companion may move at full speed when hidden without penalty.


Damage Type: Choose a type from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. Your companion’s attacks become this type and deal 1 additional damage.


Evasive Escape: If your companion is the target of an area attack, the companion may make a saving throw. On a successful save, the companion does not suffer a damage instance. If the companion should have both this ability and resistance, it may only make such a saving throw once.

Resistance: Choose a single damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. If you companion is affected by this type of damage, they may make a saving throw, if this save succeeds, this damage does not count as a damage instance.


Adept Assistant: Once during any skill engagement when you fail a primary skill check on any skill your companion has a listed bonus in, you may reroll that check with a +2 bonus, but your companion then counts as defeated for the remainder of that encounter (the companion got in the way of the sour fate intended for you due to your failure).

Linguist: Your companion may read and speak 3 additional mundane languages, regardless of type. At 11, the companion gains 1 additional supernatural language.

Ready for the Worst: If your companion should be defeated when you are not present (i.e. the creature is spying on something at a distance and discovered). You are immediately aware of the defeat. You may, once per day, as a free action in response to this, summon your defeated companion to your side. At level 11, you may use this three times per day.

Skill Training: Choose two skills from Arcana, Athleticism, Delving, Interaction, Intuition, Nature, Streetwise or Thievery. Your companion now has a listed bonus of 4+ level in that skill. At level 11, you gain 1 additional skill of your choice.

Spying Eyes: Your companion can see invisible creatures normally and suffers no penalty when attacking such creatures. At 11, your companion gains Blindsight.

Stealth Adept: Your companion may make Stealth checks with only cover or concealment instead of total cover or concealment. At level 11, your companion can not be automatically detected with scent, tremorsense or Blindsight. Creatures

using such vision must use Perception as normal to spot you.

THIEF The thief covers a wide range of creature, but whatever their size or type, the unifying factor is that they are natural filchers. The thief might be a pet magpie, trained to steal only what you command, it might be a tiny undead monkey adept at sneaking off with gold coins, it might even be a demon of shadow who sneaks and steals at will.

Thief Companion

Perception: 4+ level Initiative: - Damage Instances: 2

AC: 12+ level Fort: 11+ level Will: 12+ level Speed: 6

Standard Actions Melee: Melee 1;+4+ lvl vs. AC; 3+ level physical damage Ranged: Ranged 10; +4+ lvl vs. AC; 3+ level physical damage Special The Thief does an additional 2 damage when attacking with advantage. Minor Actions See Upgrades Skills Stealth: 4+ level Thievery: 4+ level

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THIEF UPGRADES You may select 1 upgrade from the categories of Type, Movement, Attacks and Defense. If you elect not to select an item from any one of these categories except type, which must be chosen, you may select a single upgrade from utility in the place of that choice. Type

Choose a single type from animal, construct, elemental, magical beast, mortal, outsider, plant or undead. You may also choose one subtype from angel, demon, devil, dragon, fey, giant, goblin, orc or any of the races presented in this book (human, elf, etc). Your companion gains this type and subtype.


Climber: Your companion gains a climb speed equal to his base speed.

Flyer: Your companion gains a fly speed equal to its base speed.

Phasing: Your companion gains the incorporeal quality when moving.

Shadow Step: When your companion has cover or concealment, they gain a teleport speed of 4 squares.

Stealthier: Your companion may move at full speed when hidden without penalty.


Damage Type: Choose a type from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. Your companion’s attacks become this type and deal 1 additional damage.

Deadly Advantage: The bonus damage dealt by the thief when attacking with advantage increases to 5. At level 11, this bonus increases to 8.


Egress: As a free action once per round, whenever an enemy moves adjacent to your companion, your companion may move its speed once the enemy’s movement is complete.

Resistance: Choose a single damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. If you companion is affected by this type of damage, they may make a saving throw, if this save succeeds, this damage does not count as a damage instance.


Aura of Shadows: Your companion has partial concealment. At 11, your companion may become invisible as a standard action. This invisibility lasts until the creature attacks.

Skill Training: Choose Arcana, Athleticism, Delving, Interaction, Intuition, Nature or Streetwise. Your companion now has a listed bonus of 4+ level in that skill. At level 11, the companion gains 1 additional skill training.

Stealth Adept: Your companion may make Stealth checks with only cover or concealment instead of

total cover or concealment. At level 11, your companion can not be automatically detected with scent, tremorsense or Blindsight. Creatures using such vision must use Perception as normal to spot you.

Thieving Attack: If your companion successfully attacks a target with advantage. The companion may make a Thievery check against that target as a free action to steal an item.

TRUSTED MOUNT The trusted mount is the cavalryman’s best friend. This is the creature that carries the warrior into battle; it is often the warrior’s best friend and closest companion. For many characters, this takes the form of a warhorse or similar animal that is always present when the hero needs either a quick escape or a quick way to get into the fight. Many other mounts are certainly possible up to an including fantastical creatures such as dragons.

Trusted Mount Companion

Perception: 2+ level Initiative: - Damage Instances: 2

AC: 15+ level Fort: 14+ level Will: 11+ level Speed: 6

Standard Actions Melee: Melee 1;+3+ lvl vs. AC; 4+ level physical damage Special This creature is large and may be ridden as a mount. Minor Actions See Upgrades Skills Endurance: 4+ level

TRUSTED MOUNT UPGRADES You may select 1 upgrade from the categories of Type, Movement, Attacks and Defense. If you elect not to select an item from any one of these categories except type, which must be chosen, you may select a single upgrade from utility in the place of that choice. Type

Choose a single type from animal, construct, elemental, magical beast, mortal, outsider, plant or undead. You may also choose one subtype from angel, demon, devil, dragon, fey, or giant. Your companion gains this type and subtype.


Charger: Your companion’s speed increases by 4 when charging.

Flyer: Your companion gains a fly speed equal to its base speed.

Speed: Your mount’s speed increases by 2. Attacks

Breath Weapon: Your companion gains a breath weapon. This attack uses the companions melee

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attack and melee damage in a 15’ x 15’ area of a damage type chosen from acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison or thunder.

Damage Type: Choose a type from among acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. Your companion’s attacks become this type and deal 1 additional damage.

Trample: When your companion charges, regardless of whether the attack hits or misses, the target suffers 5 damage.


Pull the Reins: If you are mounted on your companion, once per round as a free action, you may choose to take the damage and any conditions of any attack that would cause a damage instance on your mount. Your mount does not suffer a damage instance if you take the damage in this way.

Resistance: Choose a single damage type from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant or thunder. If you companion is affected by this type of damage, they may make a saving throw, if this save succeeds, this damage does not count as a damage instance.


Massive: The creature’s melee reach increases to 2. At level 11, you may increase the companion’s size to huge.

Mounted Defense: You gain a +1 talent bonus to all defenses as long as you are mounted on your trusted mount companion. At level 11, this bonus increases to 2.

Protective Instinct: If you are reduced to 0 hit points or killed while mounted on your trusted mount companion, you do not fall prone, but instead remain mounted. Your mount may then move its speed as a free action. At level 11, your mount may double its speed for this movement.

Skill Training: Choose Arcana, Athleticism, Intuition or Nature. Your companion now has a listed bonus of 4+ level in that skill.

Spirituous Charger: You gain a +4 talent bonus to initiative as long as you are mounted on your trusted mount companion. At level 11, this bonus increases to +6.

Terrain Explorer: If you are forced to lose Heroic Reserves due to failure in a Navigation skill

engagement, as long as your trusted mount is not defeated, you lose 1 less Heroic Reserve than normal. You also gain a +2 talent bonus to all Athleticism and Endurance checks made as part of such a skill engagement.

FOLLOWERS Followers represent simple soldiers, commoners and peasants attracted to your character due to his magnanimity. As heroes adventure, news of their deeds, their heroic exploits and their skill travels far and wide on the lips of bards, storytellers and sometimes the adventurers themselves. Followers represent those people that hear of these exploits and decide to join with the character’s cause or come to the character to study the knowledge and skill that they have amassed through their many adventures. Unlike companions, followers do not generally accompany your character into battle or on adventurers. At the end of the day, these are simple folk and could not begin to withstand the rigors and horrors that adventurers must persevere through on a daily basis. Instead, followers represent a vast resource that your character can call upon to leverage their expanding power in the world. Often, high level warriors who have amassed enough followers become lords, barons or even kings themselves due to the shear influence they wield among the populace.

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GAINING FOLLOWERS Followers are granted to a character in many ways. Several classes such as fighters and paladins accrue followers as a matter of course in their class. Heroic Arcs can also grant followers, although generally in smaller numbers. Finally, followers can be gained through the Leader of Men Heroic Talent. Followers are accrued in contingents. This does not represent a set number of individuals (such as a 100 people) but rather represents a grouping appropriate to the character’s fame and the availability of the local population. For example, a famous fighter in a highly populated kingdom may have contingents consisting of much larger numbers of people given the population base than a tribal warrior on sparse plains. The difference is mostly irrelevant however as amongst the set population, the contingent represents a similar amount of ability, influence and capability per capita. The source that granted the followers will specify how many contingents of followers are granted as well as when and how additional contingents may be attracted. Each contingent of followers has some skills that they bring the command of the character, such as skilled blacksmiths, masons or soldiers. These upgrades are chosen from the list below.

FOLLOWER UPGRADES Each contingent of followers may be granted one upgrade from the list below. This represents the general skill sets possessed by the amassed individuals. These contingents are not faceless masses, but individuals and may have many unique skills, but these upgrades represent what they are all collectively capable of and in sometimes abstract terms, how this may be made to aid the causes and exploits of the character they have chosen to follow. Follower upgrades fall into three basic categories; Military, Tradesman and Special Skills. A character must have at least 3 contingents of followers trained in Military or Tradesmen skills before that character may elect to have a contingent trained in special skills. This final category represents more seasoned, experienced or simply knowledgeable followers that are not attracted to the character until there is some proven track record of success.

MILITARY These upgrades represent training in the militaristic arts. This could be formal training as in the organized military body of a nation with a disciplined regimentation and

training structure, or more basic conscripted soldiers that learned their skills through a “trial by fire.” The difference is irrelevant and left largely to the character to define. In general, these upgrades provide the character with soldiers that may be used in large scale combat or to simply stake out and defend a territory that the character owns (through force or that has been granted by a higher noble authority). Each upgrade represents your troops being trained in a specific art of warfare. The rules below assume the forces are used in a standard long term military campaign skill engagement. The GM however may have additional rules or ways that your followers may participate and aid you in such conflicts that go beyond the rules listed below and you are encouraged to work with your GM to best find a way to bring the influence and power your followers bring you to bear.


Footmen: These are the most basic type of troop, and this must be the first upgrade selected if your character selects a military upgrade. These warriors are armored most often with simple light armors, a light shield and simple weapons such as a spear. Such warriors are the back bone of any army and allow the force to take and hold large amounts of ground on the battlefield. o Each contingent of soldiers assigned as footmen

grants a +1 bonus to any skill check made to take and hold a portion of the battlefield.

Light Cavalry: These troops are lightly armored horsemen. They are used for scouting and harassment

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of enemy’s flanks and supply lines. They tend to be equipped with light armors and simple ranged weapons such as javelins or shortbows. o Each contingent of soldiers assigned as Light

Cavalry grant you a +1 bonus on any skill check made to scout or affect your enemies supply lines.

Heavy Cavalry [Light Calvary]: You must have at least one contingent of light cavalry to select a contingent of heavy cavalry. These troops are heavily armored and wield dangerous weapons such as longswords and lances. These troops are line breakers and are used to drive deep into enemy lines, shattering your enemy’s position. o Each contingent of soldiers assigned as heavy

cavalry grant you a +1 bonus on any skill check made to assault an enemy position.

Archers: Archers are used to blunt incoming assaults before they can make purchase or pose serious threat. Archer’s greatest advantage is simple; they can kill an enemy long before the enemy can attack them back. Archers are rarely given armor or even melee weapons and are more often expected to retreat once their job is complete. o Each contingent of soldiers assigned as archers

grant you a +1 bonus on any skill check made to defend a position.

War Machines [Engineers]: You must have at least one contingent of engineer tradesmen to select a contingent of war machines. These specialized platoons bring large scale siege equipment onto the battlefield. These weapons are slow to move and set-up, but once in position are capable of dealing tremendous damage to enemy positions, especially unfortified positions. o Each contingent of soldiers assigned as war

machines grant you a +1 bonus on any skill check made to destroy an enemy stronghold or fortifications.

TRADESMEN These followers are the most basic form of followers a character can attract and they are often the most useful in the long term. These are not trained warriors, but simple peasantry with useful skills that adventurers have neither the time nor inclination to master. These followers are blacksmiths, carpenters, masons, engineers and so on. In general, these followers provide the character with the ability to alter their immediate situation the most directly. For example, if a character wants to construct a stronghold, tradesmen are required in large numbers, engineers to plan the building, masons and carpenters to construct it and so on. The upgrades for tradesman are simpler than those for military troops. Each contingent of followers is trained in a single craft skill (an italicized skill marked Cr on the Narrative skill list). Each of these contingents then provides a cumulative +1 bonus to the

character when they are attempting such skills in a situation where their followers may be used. So if they were trying to construct a war machine on their land, their followers would provide the bonus, if they were trying to construct the same war machine on the frozen tundra of the northern plains thousands of leagues from their home, this bonus would not apply.


Skilled Tradesmen: These followers are all adept at a certain narrative skill and may assist the PCs when possible in the execution of this skill. o Each contingent of tradesmen assigned to a

particular narrative skill grants the character a cumulative +1 bonus to checks with that skill when the followers can be utilized.

SPECIAL SKILLS This actually represents a wide array of myriad skills that followers may possess. Such followers may only be gained once the PC has attracted at least 3 contingents of tradesmen or military followers. This 3 to 1 ratio must be maintained as the PC continues to attract followers. These followers are more experienced than common followers and can present the PCs with more potent abilities. Followers with special skills tend to represent low level individual trained in skills somewhat similar to the PC’s own classes. Though these individuals are far from heroic adventurers, they are certainly competent beyond that of the common man and indeed many may even have a lesson or two they could teach the PC. Each contingent of followers represents a group of specialists trained in an encounter skill (often but not always a knowledge based skill). Each of these contingents then provides a cumulative +1 bonus to the character when they are attempting such skills in a situation where their followers may be used. So if the character is researching a new magical ritual in their laboratory, their apprentice sages may grant their bonus to the PC, but if they were researching the same ritual in the heart of the abyss, the bonus could not be gained.


Apprentice Sages: These are scholars, herbalists, lore masters and knowledge keepers. Each contingent must be assigned a skill from Arcana, History, or Nature. o Each contingent of followers assigned as

apprentice sages grant a +1 bonus to any skill check made with the assigned skill. This generally is not used for a one-off check, but rather as part of a larger skill engagement, such as researching a new ritual or learning about a strange creature. This bonus may never be gained in a combat encounter.

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Cutpurses: These are street urchins and scoundrels, trained in the basic arts of simple cons and thievery. Each contingent must be assigned either the Streetwise or Thievery skill o Each contingent of followers assigned as cutpurses

grant a +1 bonus to any skill check made with the assigned skill. This generally is not used for a one-off check, but rather as part of a larger skill engagement such as the theft of important information from an enemy territory. This bonus may never be gained in a combat encounter.

Diplomats: These are ambassadors and men of peace used to negotiate with foreign powers such as enemy kingdoms, warring tribes or even settle internal strife. Each contingent must be assigned a skill from Interaction or Intuition. o Each contingent of followers assigned as diplomats

grants a +1 bonus to any skill check made with the assigned skill. This generally is not used for a one-off check, but rather as part of a larger skill engagement such as settling a war or negotiating a peace treaty. This bonus may never be gained in a combat encounter.

Faithful: These are religious scholars, acolytes and clergy trained in the ways of healing and religion. Each contingent must be assigned either the Heal or Religion skill. o Each contingent of followers assigned as faithful

grant a +1 bonus to any skill check made with the assigned skill. This generally is not used for a one-off check, but rather as part of a larger skill engagement such as researching a divine ritual or combating a large scale plague. This bonus may never be gained in a combat encounter.

Scouts: These are men and women of the wild, learned warriors who are adept at remaining unseen and scouting enemy positions. Each contingent must be assigned a skill from Perception or Stealth. o Each contingent of followers assigned as scouts

grants a +1 bonus to any skill check made with the assigned skill. This generally is not used for a one-off check, but rather as part of a larger skill engagement such as charting a pass through the mountains or following enemy’s maneuvers across your lands. This bonus may never be gained in a combat encounter.

MAINTAINING FOLLOWERS It is generally assumed that your followers mostly take care of themselves. The bulk of your followers will be able bodied individuals more than capable of providing for themselves and their family. It is assumed that you provide certain aid and succor to these followers when necessary and it is not necessary to deduct any portion of your money won through adventuring for basic follower maintenance, though it certainly may be necessary if you want them to

undertake large projects such as the construction of a castle or going to war. Your followers, however, are not slavish devotees and will not simply usher themselves off to death or worse on your command. These are living, breathing individuals who are looking to your character as a paradigm of skill and perhaps virtue. Mistreatment of followers can lead to contingents being lost on a temporary or even permanent basis if the offense is serious enough. Ultimately your GM is the arbiter of the fairness with which you treat your subjects, but the GM should never simply remove your followers on a whim without advising and warning you first that you are walking a dangerous line or ordering them to do something that may cause trouble or desertion in the ranks.

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INTRODUCTION As your characters move about the world and not the battlefield, you will encounter situations of extreme weather and terrain. The world is not always the most generous place for bold explorers, as the bones of many dead ones lying in swamps, on mountain tops and under desert sands would attest. The rules below inform what exactly your character can see in such situations and how far you can travel in such areas. These are general rules based on terrain and vision, but are not meant to be immutable rules. Your GM may well have similar environments with vastly different qualities based on the emergent properties of your milieu.

VISION There are four possible lighting conditions, each of which is detailed below. These vision conditions may arise from any of numerous environmental effects and represent large swaths of the actual amount of ambient light. Certain spells or abilities may also alter the amount of light or lighting conditions in the immediate area (for example, a torch will brightly illuminate a small area). Your GM will be the ultimate arbiter of the present lighting conditions. This section also covers special senses that creatures might have that allow them to mitigate or ignore penalties due to lighting conditions or similar forms of concealment. Those additional sensory modes are detailed below.


DARKNESS This is either total darkness or very little light, such as the illumination provided by stars on a moonless night. This lighting condition grants total concealment to all creatures within it. Creatures with darkvision may ignore this condition and can see normally.

DIM LIGHT Dim light is representative of areas of low illumination. A large room lit by a single torch, nighttime when the moon is at least ½ full and similar conditions. Dim light grants partial concealment to all creatures within it. Creatures with low-light or darkvision may ignore this condition and can see normally.

NORMAL LIGHT Normal lighting conditions cover the wide area of lighting where all creatures can see each other normally and without impediment. This could be outdoors during daylight hours, or inside a well lit room. Creatures may be seen and targeted normally in areas of normal light.

OVERTLY BRIGHT LIGHT Overtly bright lighting conditions make it hard for creatures to see for exactly the opposite reasons of dim light. In this case, there is too much light and it is hard to focus on anything. This could be the equivalent of a very sunny day on a snow packed mountain or staring down several bright magical lights. Several creatures also cause conditions of overtly bright light. This lighting condition grants concealment to all creatures within it. Only creatures with special sensory modes may ignore this concealment.


BLINDSIGHT Blindsight represents a creature that can “see” without actually using the standard visual spectrum. This could be a form of echolocation (as in a bat) or similar sources of perceiving creatures and objects without relying on eyes. Several monsters within the game have a sense like this based on their ability to perceive conscious minds or a similar psychic sense. Creatures with blindsight treat all lighting conditions as normal light and may see and nominate targets without penalty.

GODSIGHT Godsight is the penultimate form of vision for it sees everything as it truly is. Godsight is a power possessed only by those who are extremely mighty, the divine and their chosen. There is no earthly equivalent for godsight. Creatures with godsight treat all lighting conditions as normal light. In addition, such creatures can see a creature and know its relative toughness (its level), its current health (hit points, status of disease, number of Heroic Reserves, etc.) and any and all magic affecting the creature. Those with godsight are immune to all Illusion spells with the figment keyword, immediately seeing them for what they truly are. Finally, a creature with godsight sees through all forms of invisibility, even those normally immune to advanced senses.

SCENT Scent represents a creature with wildly enhanced olfactory senses. Creatures with such an enhanced sense can use scent much like human beings use vision. This means that individual scents are recognized and identifiable, much as a human being can see a house and identify it as a house, or

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see their friend John and identify that person as John. For creatures with scent, a similar sense memory is maintained, allowing them to recognize both general and specific scents. Creatures with scent ignore all penalties for concealment from lighting conditions when within 50 feet (10 squares) of their target. Such creatures also gain an additional +4 talent bonus when using Perception to track. Creatures adjacent to a creature with scent do not benefit from Invisibility.

TREMORSENSE Tremorsense is to the sense of touch, what scent is to the sense of smell. Tremorsense is effectively a highly advanced sense of touch such that any small disturbance on the ground is felt by the creature. This is much like how a spider senses disturbances on their web, except that it works when the creature is in contact with any kind of earth or ground (be it dirt, stone, or otherwise). Creatures with tremorsense ignore all penalties for concealment when within 50 feet (10 squares) of their target. This applies to concealment from effects like invisibility as well as those from ambient lighting conditions.

ENCUMBRANCE An adventurer has to have broad shoulders, for there is much to carry. Such heroes are accustomed to carrying the weight of many lives, perhaps even the world or the multiverse itself on their shoulders, yet they do not bend or break. For those burdens that are less metaphorical in nature, the rules of encumbrance are used. The table below defines the amount a character can lift and carry without penalty, as well as the penalties for that encumbrance. Your GM may rule that certain items are more or less encumbering due to their unwieldy nature. All weights listed are the maximum for that category. So a normal load is your Dexterity score x 10. If you have a Dexterity of 20, you can carry up to 200 lbs without penalty. If you exceed this limit up to your Dexterity score x 20 (i.e. 400 lb. on a Dexterity of 20), you are instead impaired and so on. Table 14.1: Encumbrance

Strength Normal Load

Heavy Load

Lift Drag

Penalty None Impaired Slowed Slowed, Weakened

Strength Score

Strength x 10

Strength x 20

Strength x 30

Strength x 50

HEAVY LOAD This is the maximum amount of weight you can carry and move around with. You count as impaired when you have a heavy load and you may not run.

LIFTING The amount you can lift is the total weight you can lift over your head. You can move with this, but not easily. When carrying this amount of weight, you are slowed and may not run or charge.

DRAGGING This is the maximum amount of weight you are capable of pushing, pulling or otherwise forcing to move. When moving this amount of weight, you are slowed and cannot run or charge. In addition, you are weakened and may not make weapon attacks.

MOVEMENT Moving in combat is covered in the Combat section, but of course, characters are not always engaged in bare-knuckle brawls for their lives. Often, characters are simply moving about the world, and this necessity of travel can sometimes come against inhospitable environments. The tables below cover the base amount that a character can travel overland in a day and the amount that is modified based on exotic terrains. Table 14.2: Movement & Distance

Movement and Distance

——————— Speed ——–———— 15

feet 20 feet

30 feet

40 feet

50 feet

One Hour (Overland)

Walk 1-1/2 miles

2 miles

3 miles

4 miles

5 miles

One Day (Overland)

Walk 12 miles

16 miles

24 miles

32 miles

40 miles

The columns of this table represent your speed, and the rows are how much far you can go in the time listed. You may attempt to hustle, which will double the amount of terrain covered in the same amount of time, but each hour spent hustling causes a saving throw with a bonus equal to your Constitution or Wisdom ability score modifier and a penalty equal to the number of hours hustling. If this save is failed, the character can no longer hustle and returns to normal speed. This table represents 8 hours of travel in a day, which is the maximum amount that a normal person can travel without causing extreme fatigue. Pushing this is also dangerous and exhaustive. Each additional hour spent traveling over 8 allows additional movement equal to the One Hour Overland distance, but each additional hour causes a saving throw as per hustling.

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HUSTLE/PUSHING TRAVEL CHECK Saving throw + Bonus of Constitution or Wisdom modifier – Penalty of number of hours hustling/pushing. Table 14.3: Terrain & Movement

Terrain and Overland Movement

Terrain Highway Road or Trail Trackless Desert, sandy x1 x1/2 x1/2 Forest x1 x1 x1/2 Hills x1 x3/4 x1/2 Jungle x1 x3/4 x1/4 Moor x1 x1 x3/4 Mountains x3/4 x3/4 x1/2 Plains x1 x1 x3/4 Swamp x1 x3/4 x1/2 Tundra, frozen x1 x3/4 x3/4

The table above represents the bonus or penalty to the movements listed on the Movement and Distance table as they are affected by terrain. If you are hustling to achieve extra distance, this multiplier is applied after the doubling for hustling.

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INTRODUCTION Combat is a regular part of the life of any adventurer. The world is full of monsters and evil creatures looking to sew death and destruction. The PCs, as, heroes stand as the bulwarks against this onslaught. Though wise adventurers avoid combat whenever possible, some combat is just unavoidable and some evil must be defeated or destroyed though magic and force of arms. Combat is one of the 3 forms of encounter resolution available in the game (the other two being skill engagements and role-playing). Combat is the most mechanical of these three and the rules for how your PC participates in combat is detailed below.

ROUNDS VS. TURNS Throughout this chapter, you will see several references to the words round and turn. A round represents an entire pass through the initiative (e.g. from the time one creature goes until that creature goes again). A turn is what an individual creature takes during a round. A creature’s turn consists of a minor, move and standard action, as well as any special actions that character may have as a result of class.

HOW COMBAT WORKS Combat is cyclical; everybody acts in turn in a regular cycle of rounds. Combat follows this sequence: 1. Determine if either side of the combat is unaware of

their opponents at the start of the battle. All combatants roll initiative at this time, but only those that are participating in the surprise round may act. In initiative order (highest to lowest), combatants who started the battle aware of their opponents each take one action during the surprise round. Combatants who were unaware do not get to act in the surprise round. If no one or everyone starts the battle aware, there is no surprise round.

2. All combatants are now ready to begin their first regular round of combat.

3. Combatants act in initiative order (highest to lowest). 4. When everyone has had a turn, the combatant with

the highest initiative acts again, and steps 3 and 4 repeat until combat ends.

INITIATIVE At the start of a battle, each combatant makes an initiative check as follows: Initiative Level + Higher of Dexterity or Intelligence Modifier + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers If two creatures are tied on initiative, they act in the order of who has the higher bonus. If they are tied on that as well, a single d20 is rolled with no modifiers and the higher roll goes first.

SURPRISE When a combat starts, sometimes not all creatures are aware of the other creature in the battle. This most often happens when creatures are hidden in some way and spring suddenly on the other side of the combat. In this case, if either side is hidden at the start of a combat, or unaware of the enemy combatants for any reason, then a Reflexive Perception check is made against the hidden creatures’ Stealth checks. If any member of either side of the combat has a high enough Reflexive Perception to notice the hidden creatures, then there is no surprise round, as that combatant is able to warn his allies of the ambush. If however no member of the opposing side succeeds on spotting the hidden enemies, then the side that is hidden gains a surprise round and may take a single action. Enemies not acting in the surprise round grant advantage to enemies for all attacks made. The GM may also declare that one side or another has surprise if an encounter is set-up such that one side could not possibly be aware of the other at the start of the combat. Such surprise round are completely at the discretion of the GM.

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DELAY By choosing to delay, you take no action and then act normally on whatever initiative count you decide to act. When you delay, you voluntarily reduce your own initiative result for the rest of the combat. When your new, lower initiative count comes up later in the same round, you can act normally. You can specify this new initiative result or just wait until sometime later in the round and act then, thus fixing your new initiative count at that point.

You never get back the time you spend waiting to see what’s going to happen. You can’t, however, interrupt anyone else’s action. Your initiative result becomes the count on which you took the delayed action. If you come to your next action and have not yet performed an action, you don’t get to take a delayed action (though you can delay again).

If you take a delayed action in the next round, before your regular turn comes up, your initiative count rises to that new point in the order of battle, and you do not get your regular action that round.


THE COMBAT ROUND Each round represents 6 seconds in the game world. A round presents an opportunity for each character involved in a combat situation to take actions. Each round’s activity begins with the character with the highest initiative result and then proceeds, in order, from there. Each round of a combat uses the same initiative order. When a character’s turn comes up in the initiative sequence, that character performs his entire round’s worth of actions.

For almost all purposes, there is no relevance to the end of a round or the beginning of a round. A round can be a segment of game time starting with the first character to act and ending with the last, but it usually means a span of time from one round to the same initiative count in the next round.

ACTION TYPES An action’s type essentially tells you how long the action takes to perform (within the framework of the 6-second combat round) and how movement is treated. There are four types of actions: standard actions, move actions, minor actions, and free actions.

In a normal round, you can perform a minor action, move action and standard action. You can also perform one or more free actions. In some situations (such as in a surprise round), you may be limited to taking only a single action. Each action type is defined in detail below.

Standard Action: A standard action allows you to do something significant; most commonly make an attack

or cast a spell. Such an attack is referred to as a standard action attack and several game elements make reference to this type of attack. This may be an attack with a weapon or the casting of a spell. You may make one such attack with your standard action attack. See Special Combat Actions under Standard Actions below for the full options that apply to your standard action attack. You may take a move or minor action in place of a standard action.

Move Action: A move action allows you to move your speed or perform an action that takes a similar amount of time granted by your class, such as a set-up. You may take a minor action in place of a move action.

Minor Action: A minor action allows you to do a small quick action. This will usually be something like entering a stance. Your class will most likely define what you may do as a minor action in combat.

Free Action: A free action represents something that takes nearly no time, such a shouting a quick command. You may take any number of free actions on your turn, though your GM may restrict how many free actions are available if the situation would not allow it.

No Action: Occasionally, you will be able to do something for no action at all. This usually represents something that is an inherent part of a larger action. This is not an action type, but rather the absence of an action. No action things may be done even if you are stunned or helpless and unable to normally take actions.

YOUR TURN Your turn consists of three phases as follows. 1. Beginning of Turn. In order, you regenerate, suffer any

ongoing damage, and then suffer any other miscellaneous effects. You may not take any actions during this phase.

2. Actions. You may take your standard compliment of actions; minor, move, standard plus any special actions.

3. End of Turn. In order, you make a single saving throw against any effect or condition, then resolve any miscellaneous end of turn actions granted by your class. Other than these granted actions from your class, you may not take any actions during this time.

COMBAT STATISTICS This section summarizes the statistics that determine success in combat.

ATTACK ROLL An attack roll represents your attempt to strike your opponent on your turn in a round. When you make an attack roll, you roll a d20 and add your attack bonus. (Other

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modifiers may also apply to this roll.) If your result equals or beats the target’s defense, you hit and deal damage. Automatic Misses and Hits: A natural 1 (the d20 comes up 1) on an attack roll is always a miss. A natural 20 (the d20 comes up 20) is always a hit. A natural 20 is also a critical hit.

ATTACK TYPES Attacks fall into several broad categories; melee, ranged, spell and other. Each of these is defined below. Melee Attacks This is any attack roll made with a melee weapon. Your melee reach is defined as any creature you can attack with such a weapon and some weapons may extend your melee reach. Ranged Attacks This is any attack roll made with a ranged weapon. Spell Attack This is the attack roll resultant from any spell with the attack keyword. Other Attacks This is any large group of miscellaneous attacks granted by race or heroic arc. These attacks will often not have an attack roll, but rather, will force enemies to make a saving throw or suffer ill-effects.

TARGETING ATTACKS Your attacks have targets. If you are making a weapon attack, this is usually one or two creatures within your weapon’s reach, though certain abilities may allow you to go beyond this limit. Spells target all creatures in their area, or a certain number of creatures as specified by their target line if they do not have an area. Weapon Attacks When making an attack of your own volition with a weapon (e.g. when not dominated or under a similar condition) you always choose the targets of your attack and the order you will attack them before you make the necessary attack rolls. Spell Attacks When making an attack with a spell, if that spell does not have an area of effect (under ‘area’ there is a “-”) then you always choose the targets of your attack and the order you will attack them before you make the necessary attack rolls. If you are using a spell that has an area listed, that spell will most often target all creatures in that area. You may remove targets from this attack through spell control. Other Attacks

Sometimes other elements will also grant attacks such as Racial Powers. These attacks will specific who is targeted in the description. Spell Control Whenever you cast a spell that has an area, you may exempt a number of creatures equal to the higher of either your Wisdom or Charisma modifier from the initial attack as well as any later attacks of the spell. Those exempted also ignore any difficult terrain or conditions caused by the spell. This represents your ability to either control the spell itself, shaping it around your allies, or to quickly command those allies and motivate them to be in the correct location at exactly the right moment.

ATTACK BONUS Your attack bonus is calculated as follows: Weapon or Spell or Attack Level + Proficiency Bonus + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous modifiers Other Attacks Other attacks will usually not have an attack roll, but rather will allow your enemies to make a saving throw. If an attack is required, the ability will specify all bonuses.

PROFICIENCY BONUS Your class and possibly other resources such as your race will grant you proficiency in various methods of attacking. These might be weapon groups (such as military weapons) or a particular weapon (such as the Longsword). Proficiency can also be granted in a particular type of magic (such as arcane or divine). Whatever the proficiency granted, the character receives a +4 bonus to all attack rolls made with that type of attack. Weapon Damage Increase At level 11, proficiency in weapons grants an additional benefit. The weapon die granted by the weapon doubles. So if the weapon normally deals 1d8 damage, at 11

th level,

the damage increases to 2d8 damage. This represents the mastery the character has achieved after more than half of his career working with this weapon.

CRITICAL HITS If you roll a natural 20 on your attack roll, you have scored a critical hit. The target you scored the critical hit against suffers double damage from the resultant attack. You double the total damage after all modifiers (i.e. if your attack deals 1d8+10 damage and you roll a ‘4’ on the die, then you deal 28 damage).

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DAMAGE When your attack succeeds, you deal damage. The type of weapon or spell used determines the amount of damage you deal. This damage reduces a target’s current hit points. Your damage is calculated as follows. Weapon Attack Weapon Damage + Higher of Strength or Dexterity Modifier + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers Spell Attack Spell Damage + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers Other Attacks Other attacks will have set damage values specified in their description.

DEFENSES Your defenses represent how hard it is for opponents to land a solid, damaging blow on you. It’s the attack roll result that an opponent needs to achieve to hit you. Your AC is equal to the following: AC 10 + Level + Armor Bonus + Shield Bonus + Class Bonus + Higher of Dexterity or Intelligence Modifier (if wearing no or flexible armor) + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers Fortitude

10 + Level +Class Bonus + Higher of Strength or Constitution Modifier + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers Will 10 + Level + Class Bonus + Higher of Wisdom or Charisma Modifier + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers

HIT POINTS When your hit point total reaches 0, you’re unconscious. If it reaches a negative amount equal to half your normal hit point total, you are dead.

SPEED Your speed tells you how far you can move in a round and still do something, such as attack or cast a spell. Your speed depends mostly on your race and what armor you’re wearing. If you use two move actions in a round (sometimes called a “double move” action), you can move up to double your speed.

SAVING THROWS Saving throws are made to end harmful and deleterious conditions or effects. Saving throws are made during your End of Turn phase. You roll a single saving throw against all condition or effects that a save may end (or sustain). You may only roll once for each such effect or condition. If you have multiple conditions or effects, you must declare what you are attempting to save against before you roll your saving throw. You make a saving throw as follows. Saving Throw D20 + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers – Any Penalties (such as from the impaired condition) If this number equals or exceeds 10, you have rolled a successful saving throw.

MOUNTED DEFENSES If you are mounted, your mount may be attacked as normal using its own defenses. If you are mounted on a underling creature, whenever it would suffer a damage instance from an area attack, you may negate that damage instance as a free action. If you are unable to take actions, your mount suffers the damage instance as normal.

ACTION USAGE The section below describes how you may use your various actions in combat. Additional options beyond those below may be granted to you by your class or a similar game element.

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Table 15.1: Actions in Combat

Action Description

Standard Actions Bull Rush Attack to push enemy 5 feet (1

square) Charge Move as part of attack, but

grant advantage Coupe de Grace Fell a helpless opponent Disarm Attempt to knock enemy

weapon to the ground Fighting on the Defensive

Deal less damage to prevent granting advantage

Grab Attempt to hold your enemy immobilized

Standard Action Attack The basic form of attacking Total Defense Forgo attacking for defense

bonuses Trip Attempt to knock an enemy

prone Move Actions Crawl Move prone at half speed Escape Escape a grab and move away 1

square Mount/Dismount Climb onto or off of a steed Ready/Loose Shield Ready or remove a shield Run Move quickly but suffer

penalties Stand Up Stand from prone and move 1

square Minor Actions Draw or Sheathe a Weapon

Draw or sheathe an unreadied weapon

Drink a Potion Drink a potion Drop Prone Fall to the ground Manipulate an Item Various interactions such as

opening doors Momentary Resolve Spend a Heroic Reserve to

regain hit points Skill Actions Skill Action Use a Skill Action (fighter, rogue

or ranger) Free Actions Drop an Item Release a held item End a Grab Release a grabbed opponent Speak Utter a few words or sentences

STANDARD ACTIONS Standard Action Attack The most basic way to attack is to make a standard action attack. This may be an attack with a spell or a weapon. You make an attack roll as previously described and compare it to your target’s defenses. If your attack has the capability targeting multiple creatures, you make a damage roll only once, but roll a separate attack for each target of that attack.

There are also several other options for your standard action attack, each of which is defined below. These options are generally made in lieu of a normal attack with a weapon or spell, or modify the way you make a weapon or spell attack. Bull Rush Bull rushing your opponent is attempting to push them into a different position. When making a bull rush attack, you are not making a weapon or spell attack, though certain weapon or spell effects may mimic the effect of a bull rush. To make a bull rush check you make an attack roll as follows, you do not deal damage with this attack and if you successfully hit your target’s Fortitude defense, they are pushed 5 feet (1 square). Level +Higher of Strength or Constitution Modifier + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers Charging Charging your opponent is rushing heedlessly forward, propelling yourself into combat. You may only charge when making an attack with a weapon. A charge attack allows you to move your speed as part of your standard action attack. You then make an attack roll or use any other available standard action attack (such as a bull rush, grab, etc.). You grant advantage to all enemies until the start of your next turn once this attack is resolved. You may not combine charging with fighting on the defensive. Any underling creature that charges must end its turn immediately after it charges. If you charge while mounted, your mount may make its standard action attack against the target of the charge as well. This attack happens simultaneous with your own charge attack and both you and your mount grant advantage as normal. Coupe de Grace You may only make a Coupe de Grace attack against a helpless adjacent target. You may use and standard action weapon or spell attack. If you use a weapon attack, that attack is mighty (it adds your level to the weapon damage roll). If you use a spell attack, that attack is empowered (it adds your level to the spell damage roll). Disarm Disarm is an attempt to knock your opponents weapon from their hand. This ability can only be used against an opponent wielding a physical weapon and may not be used against creatures relying on natural or unarmed weapons (such as claws or fists). When making a disarm attack, you are not making a weapon or spell attack, though certain weapon or spell effects may mimic the effect of disarm. To make a disarm check you make an attack roll as follows, you do not deal damage with this attack and if you successfully hit your target’s AC, a single weapon they are wielding falls into the ground of their current square. If the

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creature occupies multiples squares, it falls in a square of the disarmer’s choice. Until retrieving the weapon, the creature may not make any weapon attack reliant on that weapon. Retrieving the weapon is a minor action that may be taken by any creature that has reach to the square of the weapon. Level +Higher of Strength or Dexterity Modifier + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers Fighting on the Defensive You may choose to fight defensively, rather than attacking all out. Fighting on the defensive may only be done when you are making a weapon attack. You must declare you are fighting defensively before declaring targets or making an attack roll. You do not deal any additional damage from your Strength or Dexterity modifier on your standard action attack or any other attacks you make this round, and you may not grant advantage to any enemies until the start of your next turn. You may not combine charging with fighting on the defensive. Grab You may elect to try to grab your opponent and hold them in place rather than deal damage to them. When making a grab attack, you are not making a weapon or spell attack, though certain weapon or spell effects may mimic the effect of a grab. You do not deal damage with this attack and if you successfully hit your target’s AC, they are immobilized until the grab ends. You are also impaired for as long as you maintain the grab. You may end the grab as a free action on your turn. You may make other standard action attacks when grabbing an enemy, though you suffer the standard penalty for being impaired. Certain weapons may ignore this penalty, namely those with the Close-Quarters property. You may not grab more than one enemy at a time. . To make a grab attack you make an attack roll as follows and you may only make such an attack against an enemy within your natural reach (i.e. not the reach granted to you by a weapon such as a glaive). Level +Higher of Strength or Dexterity Modifier + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers Power Attack You may choose to fight offensively, attacking all out. If you are not granting advantage at the time of your Standard Action weapon attack, you may choose to grant advantage to all enemies until the start of your next turn as part of making your standard action weapon attack. If you do so, you gain an additional +2 bonus to damage with that weapon attack. This bonus damage increases to +4 at level 11. Total Defense

Instead of making a standard action attack, you may spend your standard action assuming a totally defensive posture. If you do this, you may not make an attack of any kind, but you gain a +2 bonus to defenses until the start of your next turn. Trip Tripping your opponent is attempting to knock them off their feet. When making a trip attack, you are not making a weapon or spell attack, though certain weapon or spell effects may mimic the effect of a trip. To make a trip attack you make an attack roll as follows, you do not deal damage with this attack and if you successfully hit your target’s Fortitude defense, they are knocked prone. Level +Higher of Strength or Dexterity Modifier + Talent Bonus + Magic Bonus + Conditional/Miscellaneous Modifiers Two-Weapon Fighting If you are wielding 2 weapons, you may choose to engage in two weapon fighting. Whenever you make a standard action attack, you may also make an attack roll with your off-hand weapon. You may only attack in such a way with a weapon with the off-hand property. On a successful hit with your off-hand weapon, you deal only that weapon’s damage plus any magical bonus to damage granted by the enhancement of the weapon. No other bonuses to damage apply, nor to any special abilities, conditions or effects granted by stance, set-up or skill actions unless they specifically call for attacking with two weapons. The attack may still score a critical hit as normal.

MOVE ACTIONS With the exception of specific movement-related skill uses, most move actions don’t require a check. Move The simplest move action is moving your speed. If you have a non-traditional form of movement, such as a climb, fly or swim speed, you may move the distance of those speeds as a move action. If you are mounted, you may use the higher of yours or your mount’s speed when moving. There are also several other options one can use their move action for listed below. Your class or similar game elements may offer yet more options for your move action and those will be defined within that game element. These actions are generally taken in lieu of actually moving, but the full description below will detail their usage. Crawl You can crawl one half-your speed as a move action when prone. You may not use any other form of movement (such as flying, climbing, etc.) when crawling. Escape

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If you are grabbed by an enemy, you may make an Athleticism check as a move action to escape that grab. If successfully achieve the Moderate DC, you end the immobilized condition and may move 1 square as part of this action. Mount/Dismount a Steed Mounting or dismounting from a steed requires a move action. Ready or Loose a Shield Strapping a shield to your arm to gain its shield bonus to your AC, or unstrapping and dropping a shield so you can use your shield hand for another purpose, requires a move action. Dropping a carried (but not worn) shield is a free action. Run You may only run when double moving (spending both of your move action and standard action to move). You may increase your speed by 2 for both move actions, but you count as impaired until the start of your next turn and you grant advantage to all enemies. Stand Up Standing up from a prone position requires a move action. You may stand and move 1 square (regardless of your normal speed) as a move action. Difficult terrain may inhibit your ability to move the square, but you may still stand regardless of whether you move this additional square.

MINOR ACTIONS Draw or Sheathe a Weapon Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a minor action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. Drawing ammunition for use with a ranged weapon (such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, or shuriken) is a free action. Drink a Potion Drinking a potion is a minor action. Drop Prone Dropping to a prone position in your space is a minor action. Manipulate an Item In most cases, moving or manipulating an item is a minor action. This includes retrieving or putting away a stored item, picking up an item, and opening a door. Momentary Resolve

Once per combat encounter, you may use a minor action to spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points equal to your Reserve Healing Value. SKILL ACTIONS Certain classes are granted an additional action type known as skill actions. These are in addition to the class’s normal compliment of actions (minor, move standard). Unlike other actions, this action can neither be used to take other actions types nor can you use other action types to replicate this action. You cannot for example use a minor action to use a skill action. Skill Action You use the skill action you have chosen. You may never apply the benefits of more than one skill action to a standard action attack. FREE ACTIONS Free actions don’t take any time at all, though there may be limits to the number of free actions you can perform in a single turn or round. Some common free actions are described below. You may not perform free actions when stunned or helpless. Drop an Item Dropping an item in your space or into an adjacent square is a free action. End a Grab You may release a creature you have grabbed as a free action on your turn. Speak In general, speaking is a free action that you can perform even when it isn’t your turn. Speaking more than few sentences is generally beyond the limit of a free action.

INJURY AND DEATH Your hit points measure how hard you are to kill. This is a combination of your willpower, your morale and your physical toughness combined. No matter how many hit points you lose, your character isn’t hindered in any way until your hit points drop to 0 or lower.

LOSS OF HIT POINTS The most common way that your character gets hurt is to take damage and lose hit points. You do not suffer any negative effects from losing hit points (though you may suffer conditions as part of attacks that deal hit point damage) until your hit points are reduced to 0 or less.

WOUNDED When your character’s current hit point total drops below 50%, your character is considered wounded. If a game

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element ever refers to your wounded value in hit points, this is simply shorthand for 50% of your hit point total. As long as your hit point total remains below 50% of your normal total, you are wounded.

DYING When your character’s current hit points drops below 0 hit points, they are dying. A dying character is helpless and must make a death saving throw each round. If a dying character is reduced to an amount of negative hit points equal to ½ their normal total hit points, they are dead. Death Saving Throw When you are dying, you may take no actions, though you still make all saving throws as normal. In addition to all normal saving throws, you must make a Death Saving Throw each round. This is made as a normal saving throw detailed above with the following exceptions. 1. A death saving throw never suffers penalties or gains

bonuses of any kind. Success is always on a 10+. 2. A natural 20 on a death saving throw allows the

character to spend a Heroic Reserve to regain hit points. The character is now conscious and may act as normal.

3. If the character is not making their first death saving throw during an encounter, a natural 1 on a death saving throw means the character dies.

4. A failure of any other kind results in the character beginning to bleed out. If the character fails 3 such saving throws, they are dead.

DEAD When your character’s current hit points drop to below a negative number equal to ½ that character’s normal hit point total, he fails 3 death saving throws, or fails a saving against an effect that causes death, he’s dead.

HEALING After taking damage, you can recover hit points through natural healing or through magical healing. In any case, you can’t regain hit points past your full normal hit point total. If you are dying (below 0 hit points) and you receive healing of any kind, that healing is applied as though you were at 0 hit points. For example, if your character were at -12 hit points and received 13 points of healing, the dying character would now be conscious and at 13 hit points (NOT 1 hit point). Long Rest Your character may elect to take a long rest. This requires 6 hours of sleeping at minimum. During this time, your character returns to full hit points and regains all lost Heroic Reserves. Certain characters, such as spell casters may gain additional benefits from taking a long rest, such as the ability to recover expended spells. Breather After most fights, your characters will have a short breather. This represents some moments of inactivity and generally during this time, characters are checking on wounds or fallen comrades, searching the area for treasure or traps and other assorted out of combat duties, including walking to the next encounter. During this time, the character may spend a single Heroic Reserve to regain hit points on his own. Magical healing may allow him to spend additional resources (see below). There is no such thing as multiple breathers, because a breather isn’t a set amount of time, it simply represents the down time in-between battles, no matter how long that may be unless the PCs go all the way up to a Long Rest. There is simply only so much damage that one can recover from in the span of a few minutes. Any spell that has a non-instant duration (such as 5 minutes) cast during combat automatically ends during a breather and any spell cast during a breather that is not a persist spell ends before the next encounter no matter the time that has elapsed. Magical Healing Various abilities and spells can restore hit points. You can never recover more hit points than you lost. Magical healing won’t raise your current hit points higher than your full normal hit point total. Magical healing may be used in or out of combat to restore hit points. The only limitation for magical healing is the number of spells that the healer possesses and whether that spell can be used at-will.

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TEMPORARY HIT POINTS Certain effects give a character temporary hit points. These are additional hit points that are over and above the character’s current total. These temporary hit points may advance beyond a character’s normal total and should be tracked separately. Any damage a character suffers after gaining temporary hit points is subtracted from the temporary hit points first. Only after all temporary hit points are expended does a character suffer damage to his normal hit point total. Multiple sources of temporary hit points never stack, but a character may gain a new amount that is larger than his current amount. For example, if a character has 5 temporary hit points and an ally uses an effect that allows that character to gain 10 temporary hit points, that character now has 10 temporary hit points (the 10 essentially replaced the 5).

When temporary hit points are lost, they cannot be restored as real hit points can be, even by magic.

MOUNTED DAMAGE If you are mounted on a underling creature, whenever it would suffer a damage instance from an area attack, you may negate that damage instance as a free action. If you are unable to take actions, your mount suffers the damage instance as normal.


MOVEMENT Generally, if you want to move, you simply declare your intention to do so and then move the requisite number of feet (or squares if you are using a grid) that you would like to move. Your speed determines your move distance, but certain other factors can impact your ability to move around the battlefield, each of these is detailed below.

MOVING THROUGH A SQUARE Friendly You can move through a square occupied by a friendly character, unless you are charging. When you move through a square occupied by a friendly character, that character doesn’t provide you with cover. Opponent You may not move through a square occupied by an enemy. The only exceptions to this are a creature of at least 3 size categories larger than you or a creature that is helpless. For example, a medium size creature may move normally through a gargantuan creature’s squares. The character must still end such movement in an unoccupied square.

TERRAIN AND OBSTACLES Blocking Terrain Blocking terrain is any terrain that completely occupies its area, such as a wall, a tree or other solid intervening object. Only creatures with the incorporeal quality may move through blocking terrain. Difficult Terrain Difficult terrain hampers movement. Each square of difficult terrain counts as 1 extra square of movement. If you occupy squares with different kinds of terrain, you can move only as fast as the most difficult terrain you occupy will allow. Flying creatures may not be affected by difficult terrain (if they can fly over it), burrowing creatures may similarly be able to move under it. Creatures with the incorporeal quality ignore difficult terrain completely. Squeezing Squeezing: In some cases, you may have to squeeze into or through an area that isn’t as wide as the space you take up. You can squeeze through or into a space that is at least half as wide as your normal space. When squeezing, a creature counts as one size category smaller than its current actual size. Each move into or through a narrow space counts as if it were 2 squares, and while squeezed in a narrow space you are slowed and grant advantage on all attacks.

FALLING Falling can sometimes happen purposefully (such as when you jump off a great height) or accidentally (such as when you are pushed off a great height). Falling does not count as your movement and requires no action. The following rules apply to falling.

Falling Damage: You suffer 1d10 points of damage for each 10 feet of distance you fall. For especially long falls (50+ feet) this should simply be calculated as 25 damage per 50 feet fallen.

Fall Prone: If you suffer damage from a fall, you are prone at the end of the fall.

Flier: If you have a fly speed, you do not fall unless the attack that caused you to fall specifically causes fliers to lose their speed or fall as part of the attack.

Save to Avoid: If an effect or attack forces you into a position where you will fall, you may make a saving throw. If this save succeeds, you fall prone in the last legal safe square you occupied. If this save fails, you fall as normal.

FORCED MOVEMENT Forced movement is any movement that applies to your character without his or her direct will. This could be an ally moving your character to a more beneficial position or an enemy attempting to shove your character off a cliff. The following rules apply to all forced movement.

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Counts as Movement: For the purposes of all other game elements, forced movement counts as movement. For example, if an area of dangerous terrain causes damage when “entering the area” or a creature has a triggered attack when a PC “moves adjacent,” both of these would trigger off of forced movement.

Ignores Difficult Terrain: Forced movement does not pay the extra cost for difficult terrain.

No Action: Being moved in such a way does not require any action on the part of your PC and you are still subject to forced movement even if stunned or helpless. The only exception to this is movement that may be granted by an ally (which may require a free action).

Mover: If an effect that moves a creature does not dictate who is moving the creature (i.e. you push the creature) then the creature itself may decide the forced movement, but must always fulfill all criteria and restrictions of that forced movement and move the full distance prescribed unless physically unable to do so.

Pull & Push: Most forced movement simply moves you as the effect dictates and you may be moved to any location as specified by that effect. Certain forced movement effects however are labeled as either a push or pull. A push may only move the target away (each square of movement must carry the target farther away) from the source of the forced movement. A pull may only move the target closer (each square of movement must carry the target closer) to the source of the forced movement.

Reducing Forced Movement: Certain game elements grant the ability to reduce forced movement. This only applies to any effects that have a set number of feet or squares you are moved (e.g. pushed 3 squares, or moves 2 squares away). If the effects simply moves you to any square adjacent to an enemy or in the area of a spell, that forced movement is not reduced.

Save to Avoid: If forced movement should carry you into dangerous terrain of any kind (including damaging terrain such as a fire or off of a cliff) you may make a saving throw. If this save succeeds, you fall prone in the last legal safe square you occupied. If this save fails, you move as normal. This rule applies to forced teleportation as well with the last legal square you occupied being the square you were in when the teleport effect triggered.

INCORPOREAL Creatures with the incorporeal property are not completely in this world. These are creatures such as ghosts or similar ethereal creatures. Creatures with the incorporeal quality ignore difficult terrain and may move or end their turn in blocking terrain. If a creature should be in blocking terrain

and lose the incorporeal quality, it is moved to the nearest unoccupied square and is stunned (save ends).

SPECIAL MOVEMENT RULES These rules cover special movement situations.

Accidentally Ending Movement in an Illegal Space: Sometimes a character ends its movement while moving through a space where it’s not allowed to stop. When that happens, you move to the last legal position you occupied, or the closest legal position, if there’s a legal position that’s closer.

Losing the Ability to Move while moving: It could sometimes happen that while moving, you lose your ability to move (by suddenly becoming immobilized or the like). If this happens your move immediately halts and the action you had spent to move ends.

Mounted Combat: When mounted on a creature, that creature does not take move actions. Instead, you spend your move action but may use the higher of your or the mount’s own movement score.


COVER Cover represents any solid obstacle between you and your target capable of actually stopping an attack, such as a wall or column. There are two types of cover, partial and total cover, each are defined below. Partial Cover If any part of the target (or the target’s square if using a grid) is visible, such as target on the corner of a wall or behind a low fence, the target has partial cover and you may attack the target. You count as impaired when making an attack against a target with partial cover. Total Cover If no part of the target (or the target’s square if using a grid) is visible, such as a creature on the other side of a windowless wall, then you may not attack the target. You do not have line of sight or effect to the target.

CONCEALMENT Concealment represents any non-solid obstacle that impairs the proper vision of your target. This could be something such as fog or the leaves of a tree. There are two types of concealment, partial and total concealment. Partial Concealment If any part of the target (or the target’s square if using a grid) is visible, such as a target where you can see their outline in a fog, or a creature on the other side of a thick bush, the target has partial concealment and you may

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attack the target. You count as impaired when making an attack against a target with partial concealment. Total Concealment If no part of the target (or the target’s square if using a grid) is visible, such as a creature in fog so thick they cannot be seen or an invisible creature, then you do not have line of sight to the target and may not make any attack that relies on sight. Only area attacks that naturally target all creatures within the area of effect may be used and even then, you count as impaired when making such an attack.

SURROUNDED Defending yourself against one opponent can be challenging, having multiple foes ganging up can make it

near impossible to properly turn aside enemy blows. When making an attack, you gain advantage for that attack if at least 2 of your allies are also adjacent to that same enemy. Allies that are stunned or helpless do not count toward this calculation.

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INTRODUCTION Combat is a messy affair, and throughout the duration of a combat, your character may be exposed to other ill-effects besides damage. Several types of conditions may be applied to your character that limits that hero’s abilities on the battlefield. Below each of these conditions is defined in detail. Note that several of the conditions list effects that can cause the conditions, called Flavor Descriptions. These are general guidelines and not meant to be a hard rule. For example, if a giant insect spits goop into the eyes of a hero he may be temporarily blinded (impaired, save ends). The actual condition will always be listed in italics, the triggering effect is simply a flavorful way to describe was has cause this condition.

APPLYING CONDITIONS Conditions are applied in many ways. The most common is the result of an attack, but this is far from the only way a condition can occur. Auras, environments and other dangers may all apply dangerous conditions that limit or impair the PCs. Unless stated otherwise, all conditions are ended with a successful saving throw. Multiple conditions of the same type do not stack (e.g. if you are slowed, you can be slowed again). The exception to this is ongoing damage. Ongoing damage may not stack if it is from the same source (i.e. the same attack of the same creature). Different instances of ongoing damage stack as normal (i.e. two different creatures using the same attack that deals ongoing damage).

ENDING CONDITIONS As previously stated, conditions are all save ends unless the effect itself says otherwise. This is not the only tool the PCs have however to remove conditions. The characters can also use various skills to remove the effects of harmful conditions on oneself or one’s allies. The full description of these skill uses can be found in the skills chapter, but they are also summarized below for convenience. All such skill uses are a move action. Table 15.2: Conditions

Condition Skill to Remove Performer

Dominated Interaction Allies Helpless Heal Allies Immobilized Athleticism You or Allies Impaired Endurance You Ongoing Heal You or Allies Silenced Arcana, Religion You or Allies Slowed Athleticism You or Allies Stunned Heal, Interaction Allies Weakened Athleticism,

Endurance You


DOMINATED Flavor Descriptions: Mind Controlled, Possessed Effect: You may not take any actions. The dominator may choose a single move action and make standard action attack each round the domination continues. If the dominated target is forced to do anything that would directly cause damage to themselves (such as jumping in lava or attacking themselves) or is self-destructive in any way, they may immediately make a saving throw to end the condition. If this fails, they take the self-destructive action as commanded. Skill(s) to End: Interaction

HELPLESS Flavor Descriptions: Unconscious, Subdued, Terrified Effect: You may not take any actions and any attack made by an enemy adjacent to you may be a coupe de grace. Skill(s) to End: Heal

IMMOBILIZED Flavor Descriptions: Grabbed, Webbed, Paralyzed Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls and you may not move or stand by any means other than teleportation. Any forced movement effect on you fails unless that forced movement is caused by the source of the immobilization willingly moving (e.g. an enemy has you grabbed and moves with you). Skill(s) to End: Athleticism

IMPAIRED Flavor Descriptions: Blindness, Poison, Deafening, Dazing, etc. Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls until a saving throw is made to end this condition. Skill(s) to End: Endurance

ONGOING Flavor Descriptions: Bleeding, On Fire, Poisoned, Freezing to death, etc. Effect: You suffer an amount of damage, expressed as Ongoing X damage. No bonus to damage adds to ongoing damage unless the bonus specifies ongoing damage. Each time you fail a saving throw against this condition, the ongoing damage increases by its original amount (e.g. 10 becomes 20 on the first failed save and 30 on the second failed save and so on). Skill(s) to End: Heal

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SILENCED Flavor Descriptions: Choking, Local Paralysis Effect: You may not cast spells. Skill(s) to End: Arcana, Religion

SLOWED Flavor Descriptions: Poison, Entangled, Underwater, etc. Effect: You suffer a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls and you lose an action of your choice each turn. Skill(s) to End: Athleticism

STUNNED Flavor Descriptions: Poison, Nerve Strikes Effect: You may not take any actions. You still suffer from any other conditions and benefits as normal and make saving throws at the end of your turn. Skill(s) to End: Heal, Interaction

WEAKENED Flavor Descriptions: Poison, Crippled Effect: You may not make any weapon attack. Skill(s) to End: Athleticism, Endurance


INTRODUCTION The opposite of the harmful conditions imposed by enemies and environments is benefits. Most benefits will be specifically granted by a particular source and are unique to that source. For example, a stance or a spell may grant resistance to some type of damage. There are however some universal benefits that can apply in multiple situations. These could also be the result of an attack, or granted by a beneficial effect such as an ally’s spell or a divine blessing.

SUSTAINING BENEFITS Most benefits have a set duration. If they are resultant from a beneficial spell or attack, they will usually last one of 4 durations.

Until your next attack: This will most often be a combat benefit that lasts until the next time you make an attack against an enemy and then this benefit is lost.

5 minutes: This is the standard length for most beneficial magic or inspiring effects in the game. This is basically the length of a standard combat encounter when combat, post-battle clean-up, searching and looting are all figured in.

Persist: This is a particular type of spell. Persist spells represent large benefits and great amount of protective or empowering magic. No character

may ever have more than one persist spell on them at a single point in time unless they have taken the appropriate Heroic Talent, and even then, they are limited to two Persist effects.

Save Sustains: This is the opposite of save ends for a negative effect. This usually represents some magic or benefit that the character themselves must work to maintain, or a beneficial effect that lasts a variable short amount of time. On a successful saving throw (e.g. 10+) the effect continues for at least 1 more increment of time (usually 1 round). On a failure, the benefit ends.

WHEN THEY APPLY Some of the benefits below can be gained without any outside effect. Benefits such as advantage are gained based on the state of the opponent. If this is the case, it will be listed in the benefit under ‘Gained if:’ As previously stated, these are not the only way to gain these benefits, other game elements such as stances, set-ups, skill actions, spells or the environment itself may grant these benefits.


ADVANTAGE Gained If: Enemy is dominated, helpless, prone, stunned surrounded or enemy charged. Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against the creature you have advantage against.

EMPOWERED/MIGHTY Gained If: Enemy is helpless and you are making a coupe de grace attack (see Page 293). Effect: You gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to your level.

HASTE (ACTION TYPE) Gained If: N/A Effect: You gain an additional action of the type listed by the haste benefit. For example, if you gain Haste (Minor), you gain an extra minor action in each turn that the benefit persists.

INCORPOREAL Gained If: N/A Effect: You suffer half damage from all sources.

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APPENDIX I: GLOSSARY Below, please find the most commonly used game terms and their definitions.


ABILITY MODIFIER The bonus or penalty associated with a single ability score. Ability modifiers affect other game elements such as skills.

ABILITY SCORE The numeric rating of one your six abilities (Dexterity, Dexterity, etc). Your ability score determines your ability modifier.

ADJACENT In a square that shares a border or corner with a designated square. Each square is adjacent to 8 other squares on the battle grid.

ADVANTAGE See Benefits (Page 301)

ALLY An ally is any member of your party that is not you, or any creature friendly to you. If an ability says it affects all allies in an area, you may always choose to exclude allies from that ability as part of using that ability.

ARCANE SPELLS Any spell summoned by a caster using Arcane Proficiency.

ARCANE MASTERIES An upgrade applied to a spell by an arcane caster. The maximum number of arcane masteries that can be applied to a single spell is equal to your character level.

ARCH-VILLAIN These represent the greatest threats to the PCs. These creatures alone are a match for many creatures and perhaps even an entire adventuring party. Creatures such as demi-gods, gods and demon or devil lords are always arch-villains.

AREA Area is the amount of space affected by an attack, spell or ability. Area will be described as Y x Y feet (Z x Z squares). Generally, all creatures in the area are affected by an

attack. Spells and abilities will specify what in the area is targeted. Though only 2 dimensions are listed (i.e. 10 x 10 feet), it assumed that all effects are actually 3-dimensional when relevant and affect a similar amount of vertical space (i.e. 10 x 10 x 10).

ARMOR BONUS This is a bonus to your Armor Class from Armor or Shield. Armor bonuses never stack except in the case of 1 set of armor and 1 shield.

ARMOR CLASS (AC) A number representing the creature’s ability to avoid being hit in combat. See Combat (Page 292).

ARTIFACT A magical item of incredible power. Your GM will have additional information about these items.

ATTACK Any of numerous actions intended to harm, disable, or neutralize an opponent. Any time you make an attack roll against an enemy’s defense, you are making an attack. Using any spell with the attack keyword also counts as an attack.

ATTACK ROLL Attempting to hit an enemy’s defense. See Combat (Page 290).

BASE SPEED This is the creature’s speed under normal circumstances when moving on foot across the ground. This is listed usually in X feet (Y squares) format.

BLINDSIGHT An enhanced sense. See Vision (Page 286).

BONUS A positive modifier to a die roll. Bonuses may be of a type (Talent or Magic) or untyped. Bonuses of the same type never stack. Bonuses from the same source (i.e. the same spell cast twice or any example of the same game element), even if untyped, never stack.

CHAMPION An exceptionally powerful or well trained creature that is a more dangerous than most normal NPCs or monsters. These creatures are often leaders or commanders of their own kind.

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CHARACTER CLASS One of the eleven character classes presented in this game (or any additional classes designed by your GM for your game world). See Class (Page 56).

CHARACTER LEVEL A character’s total level.

CHECK A method of determining the result when a character attempts an action that has a chance of failure. Checks can be based on many different game elements and checks are made by rolling a d20, adding modifiers and comparing the result to a set number (which could be an enemy’s defenses or a set number like the Moderate DC for a given level). If the roll with modifiers equals or exceeds the target, then the check succeeds.

CONCEALMENT See Combat (Page 298).

COUPE DE GRACE An attack against a helpless enemy that deals additional damage. See Combat (Page 293).

COVER Intervening Terrain. See Combat (Page 298).

CREATURE A living or otherwise active and mobile being, not an object.

CREATURE TYPE One of several broad categories of creatures. The types are Animal, Construct, Elemental, Magical Beast, Mortal, Outsider, Plant and Undead.

CRITICAL HIT When a natural 20 is rolled on the dice when attacking, this attack is a critical hit. Such an attack always hits regardless of penalties and deals double damage. All dice are rolled, bonuses added and then this total is doubled.

CRITICAL SUCCESS When a natural 20 is rolled on a check or in a skill engagement, this is a critical success. This is always a success and may have additional benefits.

DAMAGE Any reduction of hit points. See Combat (Page 292).

DAMAGE TYPE The type of damage dealt. The available types of damage are acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, physical, poison, psychic, necrotic, radiant and thunder.

DARKVISION See Vision (Page 286)

DEAD A character that has died (usually by failing death saves, failing against an effect that kills or reaching the character’s negative wounded value in hit points).

DIFFICULT TERRAIN Terrain that costs 2 square of movement for every 1 square moved through. See Combat (Page 297).

DIFFICULTY CLASS (DC) The target number that a character must meet or beat when attempting a check. Each level has an Easy, Moderate and Hard DC for that level of play.

DIVINE MYSTERIES An upgrade applied to a spell by a divine caster. The maximum number of divine mysteries that can be applied to a single spell is equal to your character level.

DOMAIN The rough area of effect a spells falls into for divine spell casters. Gods grant access to certain domains based on their ability to reach into the existing domains. See Magic & Spells (Page 202).

DOMINATED See Conditions (Page 300).

ENEMY Any creature that is not you or one of your allies that is hostile to you.

ENHANCEMENT BONUS The magic bonus of magical weapons and armor. See Magic Items (Page 258).

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FAILURE An unsuccessful result on a check or other die roll. This may have additional consequences as defined by your GM or the game element used.

FORTITUDE Your physical toughness and ability to withstand attacks against your body. See Combat (Page 292).

FREE ACTION See Combat (Page 295)

FORCED MOVEMENT Movement against a creature’s will. See Combat (Page 297).

GARGANTUAN The largest type of creature designation. Gargantuan creatures take up at least 20 x 20 feet (4 x 4 squares) though they could be far larger. These creatures have a default reach of 4.

GODSIGHT A very enhanced sense. See Vision (Page 286).

GOLD PIECE The primary currency used by adventurers.

GRAB A grabbed creature is immobilized. See Combat (Page 294).

HELPLESS See Conditions (Page 300).

HIT A successful attack roll (the attack equals or exceeds the targeted defense).

HIT POINTS A measure of a creature’s (or object’s) toughness, will power, inspiration and morale. See Character Basics (Page 13).

HUGE A creature of huge size is takes up a 15’ x 15’ area (3 x 3 squares). Such creatures are usually at least 15 feet tall as well. These creatures have a default reach of 3.

IMMOBILIZED See Conditions (Page 300).

IMMUNITY A creature may be immune to an attack, a keyword or a damage type. If a creature is immune to something, it means that they do not suffer damage, effects or conditions from attacks of those types. For example, a creature immune to fire suffers neither fire damage nor any condition that is resultant from an attack with the fire keyword.

INCORPOREAL This quality is possessed by creatures not wholly in the real world. All sources of damage deal half damage to such creatures. Such creatures also ignore all difficult and blocking terrain and may end their turns in blocking terrain. See Combat (Page 298).

INITIATIVE The order that combat turns occur in. See Combat (Page 289).

INVISIBLE A creature with total concealment. Certain advanced senses can see through invisibility. See Vision (Page 286) and Combat (Page 298).

KEYWORD An identifier placed on a game element. This serves as a categorization of the game element. If an attack has a keyword, this keyword is used to determine immunity, resistance and vulnerabilities to that attack.

KNOWN SPELL A spell that a caster has learned and is able to prepare. For Learned casters, this is a spell in their Spell Book, for other spell casters (granted and innate) this is a spell they have gained the knowledge of manifesting. See Magic & Spells (Page 201).

LARGE A creature of large size is takes up a 10 x 10 area (2 x 2 squares). Such creatures are usually at least 9 feet tall as well. These creatures have a default reach of 2.

LINE OF EFFECT Line of effect tells you whether an effect (such as an explosion) can reach a creature. Line of effect ignores visual ability and instead is only halted by blocking terrain or similar solid objects.

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LINE OF SIGHT The ability for a creature to see another creature or object. An imaginary line is drawn between the square of the primary creature and the secondary object or creature attempting to be seen. If this line passes through blocking terrain that obscures vision (such as a wall) then there is no line of sight. If it passes through a solid object that does not block visual abilities, such as a window, then line of sight is retained. Lighting conditions (such as darkness) or total concealment (such as an invisible target) can also prevent line of sight.

LONG REST Sleeping for the night. See Combat (Page 296).

LOW-LIGHT VISION See Vision (Page 286).

MEDIUM A creature of medium size is takes up a 5 x 5 area (1 x 1 square). Such creatures are usually at least 5 feet tall as well. These creatures have a default reach of 1.

MELEE ATTACK Any attack roll made against a creature using a melee weapon within the character’s reach.

MODIFIER Any bonus or penalty applied to a die roll when making a check. Modifiers from the same source (the same game element such as a spell or stance) do not stack. Modifiers with the same type do not stack. In all cases, only the highest modifier applies.

MOVE ACTION See Combat (Page 294).

NATURAL ROLL The natural result of a roll is the actual number appearing on the die when it is rolled, not modified by any modifiers.

NATURAL WEAPON A creature’s body part that deals damage in combat. All creatures have at least one natural weapon in their unarmed attack (usually represented by a punch or kick).

NON-PLAYER CHARACTER (NPC) Any creature controlled by the GM as opposed to the players.

OCCUPIED SQUARE A square occupied by a creature or other object.

ONGOING DAMAGE Damage suffered at the start of any turn. See Conditions (Page 300). No bonus to damage adds to ongoing damage unless the bonus specifies ongoing damage.

PENALTY A negative modifier to a die roll for making checks. Penalties from the same source (the same game element such as enemy auras or conditions) do not stack. Penalties with the same type do not stack. In all cases, only the highest modifier applies.

PLAYER CHARACTER (PC) A character controlled by a players as opposed to an NPC controlled by the GM.

POINT OF ORIGIN A single square from which the area of a spell is determined. This square must be within the listed range of the spell.

PREREQUISITE A requirement that must be met or ascertained before a given benefit can be accrued.

PRONE See Combat (Page 295).

RANGE The maximum number of feet (or squares) at which a ranged attack may target an enemy or begin its origin square.

RANGED ATTACK Any attack roll made against a creature using a ranged weapon.

REACH This is the number of squares (5 foot increments) that a character can target when making a melee attack.

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REGENERATION This represents a creature’s supernatural ability to heal its own wounds. A creature will have a value listed if it has regeneration (such as Regeneration 5). The creature regains the listed number of hit points at the Start of its turn unless it is dead. Unlike all other healing, regeneration does not begin from 0 hit points, but instead stabilizes the creature the first time it applies (no additional death saves are made unless additional damage is taken) and then adds to the character’s hit points (removing the negative, then adding to the positive total). If a creature is killed (by reaching its negative wounded value in hit points, failing against an effect that causes death or failing death saving throws, regeneration does not apply.

RESISTANCE A creature that has resistance to a damage type, removes the listed amount of damage each time it takes damage of that type and only that type. For example, if a creature has Resist 5 Fire, and suffers 13 fire damage, after resistance, the creature will only suffer 8 hit points of damage as the other 5 was resisted. A creature must resist all damage types of an attack to resist any damage of the attack and then only the lowest resistance value applies. If resistance reduces the damage of an attack to 0, other non-damaging effects of that condition may still apply as normal.

RESULT The numerical outcome of a check or similar die roll.

ROUND The time from the beginning of one character’s turn to the start of the same character’s next turn. In a round, all creatures take at least 1 turn.

SAVING THROW A roll made to end an effect or condition. See Combat (Page 292).

SCENT An enhanced sense. See Vision (Page 286).

SCHOOL The rough area of effect a spell falls into for Arcane casters. Certain spell casters have specialization or advantages with particular schools of magic.

SILENCED See Conditions (Page 301)

SILVER PIECE The most prevalent form of currency amongst commoners and the currency most trade and day to day business is done in. 10 Silver pieces are equal to 1 gold piece.

SIZE The physical dimensions of a creature and the rough amount of space that creature takes up on the battle grid. The sizes are tiny, small, medium, large, huge and gargantuan.

SKILL The representation of a special training the character has. See Skills (Page 169).

SKILL ACTION An extra action possessed by certain character classes. See Combat (Page 295).

SKILL CHECK A check relating to the use of a skill. See Skills (Page 170).

SKILL TRAINING An amount of effort expended by the character to improve his abilities with a single skill. See Skills (Page 169).

SLOWED See Conditions (Page 301).

SMALL A creature of small size is takes up a 5 x 5 area (1 x 1 square). Such creatures are usually at least 3 feet tall as well but no taller than 5 feet. These creatures have a default reach of 1.

SPEED The amount of space a creature moves when using any of its various movement modes, usually as a move action. See Combat (Page 294).

SPELL The casting of magic. Certain characters are capable of casting spells. Monsters will also have abilities that are classified as spells and certain game elements interact with spells (such as the silenced condition).

SPELL CONTROL The ability to remove allies from spells. See Magic (Page 208)

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SPELL PREPARATION Part of the spellcasting process for Learned and Granted casters. Preparing spells requires some amount of time (either reading a spell book or praying). The character then decides which spells are assigned to each of the character’s at-will (if they have them) and daily spell slots. Once they are cast from a daily slot, that spell is gone until the character takes a long rest and prepares the spell again.

SPELLCASTER Any creature capable of casting spells.

SQUARE A 1 inch by 1 inch square on the battle grid. This represents a 5 foot by 5 foot area. The terms 5 feet and 1 square are generally interchangeable.

STANDARD ACTION See Combat (Page 293).

STANDARD CREATURE Any creature that is not a underling, champion or arch-villain.

STUNNED See Conditions (Page 301).

SURPRISE Some combatants getting the drop on other combatants. See Combat (Page 289).

TARGET The intended recipient of an attack, effect spell or ability. Certain game elements (such as spells) may have primary or secondary targets as specified by the game element.

TINY A creature of tiny size is takes up a 5 x 5 area (1 x 1 square). Such creatures are usually at least 1 feet tall, but no taller

than 3 feet. Unlike small creatures, tiny creatures do not have reach into adjacent squares.

TREMORSENSE An enhanced sense. See Vision (Page 287).

UNDERLING A simple shock troop that is easily dispatched in combat. Underlings do not have hit points, but rather have a certain number of damage instances. When these reach 0, the creature is killed or defeated.

UNTRAINED Any skill that has no skill trainings applied to it.

WEAKENED See Conditions (Page 301).

WEAKNESS A creature may have a weakness, which is a vulnerability to a particular damage type, material or attack. If a creature has a weakness to any part of an attack, then their weakness applies to that attack. If the creature has a weakness to multiple elements of the attack, only the largest penalty or extra damage applies, Multiple weaknesses do not stack.

WILL This defense represents the creature’s mental capacity and the ability to shrug off assaults on the mind.

WOUNDED A creature is wounded when they are at any amount of hit points under half their normal hit point total. See Combat (Page 295).

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