
18 9 2.









No, 60,-[32s. 6d.]-3766.

Preparation (not given). Printing (800 copies)


1,650 0 0


Atkinson, Thomas Henry Abrahams, Mrs. Elizabeth Armstroug, ,John A vis on, William Richard Aberdeen, William Armstrong, Mrs. Alice Armour, Mrs. Mary Appleton, .Frederick


Arnold, Mrs. J. W. Anderson, Andrew Atkinson, Frederick Calvert Allan, Mrs. Caroline

n. Balls-Headley, Waiter, M.D., F.R.C.P. Barrett, James William, M. D., F.R.C.S. Beaney, Hon. James George, M.D., F.R.C.S. Barker, James ... Brooks, Mrs. Emm:1. Birchall, Andrew Williaro Bishop, ~frs, Sarah Anna Bateman, Miss Annie Bickerton, William Bossence, Thomas Blashki, Phillip Butler, Rev. Patrick C. Boyle, Robert W. Bennett, David Roughen, William

-----.. -·--.. ·--··

Page 516 551 637 874 968

lOll 1268 1375 1379 1382 1405 1419

Dunne, Mrs. Louisa Dobbyn, William, M.R.C.S. n,~vies, Hon. John Mark Diekson, Mrs. Margaret Durham, Henry J. Denovan, "\Villiam D. C .... Dunu, Robert H., M.R.C.S. Dowding, Edwin P. Downes, Mrs. Amelia Draper, Mrs. Elleu Davison, Morris Davies, James G.


Dun can, Robert Byron, F.R.C.S .... Daley, Henry O'Brien ...

185 203 255 424 474

Duncan, James, M.B., Ch.M. Dawson, William Tenuent Dietz, Paul Dobinson, Judson

513 Evans, Captain James, R.N. 550 Eaton, Henry Francis ~:~ Edwards, Mrs. H. N.

686 Elmslie, Henry ...

712 Exon, Edwin

743 Edwards, Mrs. A. i\f.

753 Edwards, Charles

77 4 Elliott, Thomas

899 Earle, William ...


Brophy, Daniel Benjamin, Sir Benjamin Bell, William ...

932 Elston, William Lea Alfred


Eagleton, Francis George ... --····- .. _9.?_6 ~s~erby, Richard T~nniswood

1027 1051 1343 ·~ ,Eakms, George Hegmald, M.D. Brett, vVilliam Gore Balderson, Richard Bennett, Norman F. Bartleman, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Banfield, Jabez W. Brewer, Henry Edmund, M.R.C.S. Bree, Robert S. ... • .. Bennett, Arthur, M. D ... . Burtchall, David Brown, William Henry, M.R.O.S. Barry, John Burr, Mrs. Ellen H. Bush, Mrs. Charlotte

Cock, Charles ... Candler, Samuel C.


Curtis, Henry Charles, M.D. Caffyn, Mrs. Catherine ... Caffyn, Mannington, M.R.C.S. Clendinning, Mrs. M. J .... Cunningham, James Carr, William Picken Colquhoun, Archibald, M.B., L.R.C.S. Coundon, Ralph Coates, Thomas C. Curtis, John H. B. Clarke, Richard Compton, Walter Cameron, Angus Cross, William J., M.B .... Clemes, Alfred B. Cannon, John .. ; Clarke, Lindsay Cavenagh, Francis Cleverdon, John Castwood, George Corbett, Sister Mary F .... Campbell, Rev. A. J. • .. Cookson, Joseph, M.B. ... Cameron, Rev. Donald Alla.n Chri11tie, David

, '"10~2 .• ·.·, ... 1091, 1HJ1 • .. ,,l'l:11 ... i:Jl"? 1. ... ·cfl(4

":: 1183, 1209 ~ .. 1204

1246 1249 1306 1323 1420

336 362 501 556 564 615 658 720 824 892 894 984

1021 llOO, 1101 1101, 1130

1109 1142 1168 1175 1179 1227 1240 1271 1290 1369 1408 1449

" FitzGibbpn, Edmond Gerald ]'orbes, ·Robert Arthur .. . Fuller~.-William .. . )i~UWfng, J olm Wood Fitzgerald, T. N., F.R.C.S. Finlay, Miss Elizabeth ... Forbes, Rev. William Keith Flower, Charlee J. Fyfe, Arthur C. Freebody, 'fhomas Flowers, David ... Field, Frederick J. Fraser, George ...


Fleetwood, Thomas, F.R.C.S.I. ... Fleming, Harloe Ilenay, M.B., Ch.B. Finneg11n, Phillip ... Foyster, llobert George


Gibson, William H. Girdlestone, Tharp Mountain, F.R.C.S. Grant, David, M.D. Greig, James S. Gray, AndrewS., M.R.C.S. Goldstein, J acob Guillaumc, George Grondona, Charles D. Gcorge, Mrs. Sara.h Goodman, Hev. Cannon ... Grey,Joseph Henry Goodman, Mrs. Margaret Gordon, Arthur Henry, M.R.C.S. Goldsmith, Frederick William Gibbings, Hichard Gale, William ... Gardner, William Grose, Edward ... .. . Goldstein, Lieut.·Colouel J. R. Y.


!'age 575 656 764 773 830 846 877 885 893

1085 1259 1298 1332 1377 1403 1408 1429 14.55

I, 316, 1016 52

618 784 815 843 890 957

1243 1398 1421 1424 145()

66 88 95 98

227 .542 567 652 666 866 869 873 942

1225, 1230 1388 1413 1451

HiS 193, 280 289, 409

372 434.

437,448 583, 589, 1039

599 633 722 728 754 887 899

904, 932 914 938 949 988

The Library, Parliament of Vlctor1!

Garland, Richard ... Grano, George William ... Gi!es, Alfred Greed, George ... Gutteridge, Edwaru Sydney Gcohegan, Charles Robert Gresswell, Dan Astlt>y, M.A., M.D.

Hunt, James William Henry, Louis ... Hill, George B. Ilealy, Francis ... Ilinchley, James Hunt, Mrs. Kate Hitchcock, George M; Hoskins, John R. Ilarcourt, Mrs. Jennie Henderson, Dr. Colin Heppuer, Henry Hughes, John M. Hogarth, John Thurston Howard, .Tames Hanlon, Wiliiam Henry, Thomas E. C. Hayes, James B., L.R.C.P. Hyland, John Haynes, George Hogg, James ••• Hill, Francis Harper, Hobert ... House, Henry Whitern Hughes, Richard Harris, John George

Ingram, James ,.,

Jenkins, Jolm S.




Jackson, James, M.D., M.R.C.S. J ackson. John ... Jennings, Miss Sophia ... Jones, William ... J ackson, J ames Johnstone, Rev. John Cunningham


Kingston, Nathaniel Ke1ly, Henry Kennedy, Thomas J. N., M.B. Kennedy, Mary V. Klein,,Tohn F. Kelly, Edward ... Kenny, Arthur Kirkland, James Knight, Stephen G. Kozrninsky, Marks Kempson, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kennedy, Richard F. King, Thomas ... lGnnear, Miss J. Ramsay

La.ngton, Hon. Edward ••• Laurens, John, M.L.A. . .. Leslie, 'I'homas Godfrey I,ord, Mrs . .r ane Langtree, Henry Luckie, Alfred M. Langley, :Miss St. Clair ... Lang, Matthew ... Laurence, Edward Looker, William R. Langlands, John Levett, Francis F. Learrnonth, Peter Linton, Williari:t

Moore, William, M.D. Morris, l:lrs. Edith Morley, Eliza ... Alufiitt,Mrs. llary :Martelli, Miss Alice Magill, Miss Marie Gertrude Meldrum, William



Pnge 1128 1160 1396 1406

1410, 1418 1424

497, 1457

395 415 418 459 685 700 757 839 844

859, 958, 965 882

1026 1067 1115 1172 1181 1191 1209 1237 1245 1309 1309 1396

H25, 1435, 1440 1439

645, 660, 668

lOO 180 401 611 810

1407 1440, 1446

104 850 739 796 847 1!50 909 989

1098 1099 ll49 1213 1231 1306

45 246, 266, 326

382 631,634

675 695 771 968 975

1004 ll20, 1136

ll79 ll88 1258

294 469 490 492 493 553 679

Marwood, Arthur W. Murray, Hev. Thomas B. Murphy, William Morrison, George E., M.B. Mitchell, Hobert May, Samuel Macdonald, Hector A. C. 1\1iller, Hubert L., M.D .. Maxwell, John ... Mack, J oseph i'rlacmillan, Hev. J. K. Mouotti, J ames Morris, Edward ... Morgan, David Cravtn, M.R.C.S. Macdonald, Archibald, M.D. Mathers, Rev. George Moore, \Villiam Morphet, Mrs. Maggie

:\fcVean, Hev. Allan :McArdle, E. J., M.R.C S. McLuckie, Alfred McGowan, Samuel II. )1ci!roy, Jonnthan S. McKce, William D. McGrcgor, D. R. McDonald, William }IcNicol, Mrs. Maria 1\IcCahnan, Mrs. Jessie ... McLean. James Mclntosh, Charles McLeod, Donald McGillivray, Mrs. Mary ... McKenzie, Mrs. Margaret

Norman, Robert Chambers



Neild, James Edward, M.D., Ch.B. Nicholson, Mrs. Elizabeth ... Neilson, Mrs. Anne Newman, Fosscy J., M.B. Nichols, Miss Elizabeth P. Nankivell, Mrs. Elizabeth

Owen, John Officer, Charles Myles Ottey, William ... Oddie, James O'Donoghue, Rev. John Osborne, George

Perks, Hev. Charles T .••• Piferrer, Miss Angela C. Partridge, Henry William Papenhagen, Paul ... Pinnock, Robert D., M.D. Provan, William 8. Pauton, Joseph A. Purbrick, Mrs. Jessie ... Pemberton, John William Playford, Charles n. Palmer, Thomas W.



Paterson, Mrs. Susan ... ... ... Penny, Henry G., L.R.C.S.I., L.K.Q.C.P.I. Parker, George William Paull, John Paterson, Henry Peuberthy, Mrs. E. Peterseu, Mrs. Mary


Ryan, J. P., L.R.C.S. Rowan, Thomas, M.D., F.R.C.S .... Ryan, Charles, M.B., Ch. J'vl. ... Hudall, James Thomas, F.R.C.S .... Rathie, Isa bell a Rush, Thomas Joseph Reid, George M., M.D. . .. Roycraft, John ... Ryau, Edward, M.B. Hobinson, Leonaru, M.D., Ch. M .... Rippon, George R. Raw son, Hugh ... Russell, John Reed, James Ale:under, M.D.

Page 75:! 801 87:! !l::o 955

1125 1212 1221 1234 1236 1282 1321 1378 1402 1416 1431 1438 1453

635 682 695 830 836 911 97 4

1096 ll06 1107 1169 1251 1312 1324 1445

138 211 369 477 748 881


756 807

858, 862, 966 935

1178 1391

619 829

862, 966 901 925 945 979

1013 1133 1154

1164, ll69 1233 1242 1322 1354 1372 1395 1401

221 238 263 268 544 698 856 947

1086 1202 1207 1301 1381 1414

s. Service, Hon. James, M.L.C. Salmon, Philip ~felville ... 8nowball, William, M.B. Stein, David J. 8tobie, David Grieve Shields, Mrs. Agnes Smith, Miss Dorothy Sargeant, Mrs. Margaret Strong, Mrs. Henrietta ... Simmons, Rev. John W .... Solomon, Abraham Speuce, Miss Catherine Helen Sutherland, Miss Selina Murray McDonald Silcock, Miss Emma Semple, William Henry, M. D. Strong, Rev. Charles Sniders, Barnard Sharp, Edward .. . Strong, .Tames .. . Springthorpe, John William, M.D. Smith, John Charles Scott, William ... Swift, Mrs. Sarah Salter, Charles ... Shoppce, Charles C. Seott, Robert, M.D. Salmon, Henry R., M. B. Smith, Frederick Sinclair, ,John Thomas ... Sutton, Charles S., M.B. Samuel, Mrs. Mary Ann ... Scott, 'l'homas, M.R.C.S. Southcomhe, Thomas Sickler. John Smith, 'Samuel, M.R.C.S. Stevenson, l{alph Drummond, M.B. Sherlock, Sister Scott, Henry Serjcant, Miss Caroline Stratton, David

Thomson, .John 'l'opp, Charles A. Turnbull, Mrs. Patrick Turner, William ,John G. Taylor, John Henry Thompson, Mrs. Bessie ... Telford, W illiam Tolstrup, Charles


Tulloch, Major-General Alexander M, >6

96 275 324 349 363 480 482 484 498 503 509 52.) G26 692 702 118 735 758 790 794 913 915 918 921 923 939

10~2, 10:J9 1140 1167 1206 1218 1239 1247 129:l 1310 1356

1434, 1440 1446 1454

170 318 572 708 786 868 946

950, 958 1000

Thompson, Jamcs Thompson, William Tcstar, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomsou, William Tobin, John

Veal, John William Vance, Mrs. M aria Emily

Williams, James



Wehb, John H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. W illiams, :Miss Kate W eh b. Thomas Prout Wilsoi1, Clfrs. Henty Whelan, Mrs. Fanuy "Williamson, Miss Rebecca Woolley, George T., M.R.C.S. Wilkin, William vVeickhardt, Mrs. J. F ... . Wreford, Hobcrt ... ... Whitcombe, William P., M.RC.S. Walker, Miss IIarriet 'Vilkinson, l\1 rs. Elizabeth Wood, ,Jeffreys, M.D. Williams, }'rank Watson, .r.fiss Margaret ... 'Villiamson, Stephen Webb, James R., M.D. Wall, William J. Wilson, Patrick Clnson Wymond, Mrs. A. V. Whitton, Rev. Mervyn Moss Wolfenden, .Joseph Hines, L.R.C.S. Worthington, Hobert Wyse, John W oodford, William S. R., l\LB.

Xavier, Rev. Mother ~fary

You!, Richard, M.D. Young, George J., M.D. Yabsley, Mrs. Lavinia Yule, Mrs. Georgioa



Page llS2 ll92 1260

1325, 1342 1349

977 1394

105, 134 287 578 579 Gl3 i01 752

851, 060, 967 865 892 906

929, 931 934

1036 1073 1127 1131 1137 ll50 1248 1256 1265 1276 1364 1420 1434 1436


301 ll23 ll64 1305

The library, Parlla~nent or Vlctotfrl


(Taken at Melbmu·rw.) EvANS, Capt. JAMES, R.N. (18th and 25th April, 1890).-Inspcctor of the Industrial and Probationary

and Reformatory Schools, and Public Charities, ] . Held that position since July, 1884, 2. Been previously connected with the Rallarat Reformatory, 5. "Endeavours to visit each charitable institution once in twelve months, l I. State8 that the Government grant is gradually increasing, 34; and does not encourage economical management, 39; or local liberality, 41. Gives the cost of management of several hospitals, also amount of grants received from the Government, showing a great variation, 45. Thinks it has gradually drifted into this, 46. Does not think an institution has a right to take the interest accruing from the endowment fnnd and add it to the prindpal, 4 7. All institutions should be graded prior to amount of grant being fixed, 54. Thinks it would be better if grants were made every three or four years instead of yearly, .56. System of raising funds locally now is a had one, better for municipalities to increase their grant, and increase their taxation, 57. Does not think that more inspection than what he gives is needed, 64. The Governmeut accepts munieipal grants as local contributions, 73, 7 4. The municipal grants vary very much in amount, 76. Thinks a local rate would tend to make people more liberal, 77. Thinks it would be better to have a compulsory tax, 81. It would be advisable for municipal bodies to have a share in the management of charitable institutions in return for grant, R5. Thinks the South Australian Government management is very unwise, 86. The Government grants should cease altogether, but not suddenly, 89. \Vonld make institutions dependent on local rates, 90. All municipal or shire or borough grants are elubbcd together in the reports, 93. One institution deri1·es a benefit from many shires, 95. Municipal grants are not necessarily local grants, ~}6. Thinks mode of collecting by paid collectors very costly, 98. Gives one instance where cost was 30 per cent., 99. Knows of one or two institutions which have dis­pensed with collectors, 101. Not heard of any decrease by doing so, 102. Knows many instances where collectors have received commission on municipal gmnts, 110. Is against having the interest added to the endowment fund, 121. Would be difficult to assoeiatc the charities with a view of collecting money, 125. Does not object to an endowment fund by bequests provided it does not come from annual bequests or their interest, 129. Outdoor relief is better than taking patients into the institution, 141. Very undesirable to keep all the blind together in an asylum, 163. Has come across deserving cases of charity brought up before various magistrates and committed to gaol, 164. There is not sufficient benevolent accommodation in the colony, 165. Thinks inquiries should be made as to the fitness or otherwise of the inmates of the varions charitable institutions, 168. Difficulties are phwed in the wny of a man getting admitted into a hospital who is a member of 11 friendly society; thinks it should be the opposite, 17 4, 17 5. Very desirable to encourage peoplo joining friendly societies, 178. Is under the impression that there arc cases in the various benevolent asylums which could be discharged, 194, At some benevolent institutions inmates when asked to work resent it; thinks they should be expected to work, 195. Chronic cases should be kept in a hospital specially bnilt for the purpose ; the general hospital should only take acute cases and those likely to be discharged, 198, 199. Recommends increasing the ladies' benevolent societies, 202. Would remove the Immigrants' Home altogether, confine the buildings in town to casual cases, 203. Deserving eases should be admitted into any charitable institution without reference to a subscriber's order,215, 216. A great m1tny cases of imposition, 219, 220, 221, 222. Does not think paying wards should be established, 226. Only allow admission where patien1 is unable to get requisite relief outside, 227, 228. Admission shonld not be allowed simply because a patient can pay, 229. W onld recommend that the system of female nursing be more generally intro­duced, 284. Very desirable that one uniform standard for a certificate for nurses be adopted, 289. Nurses and domes tics should be kept as perfectly separate classes, 293. Nurses and matrons are being imported into the colony, as there is no nursing school in Victoria, 296. Thinks the committees of the various institutions would soon fiml a means of forming a training ground without Government assistance if shown the advisability of drawing up a standard certificate, 299. Beds occupied in various hospitals by patients merely requiring a home, to the detriment of far more deserving cases, and have nowhere to send them, 330, 33L Benevolent asylums should be required to relieve hospitals of such, 332. Not sufficient asylum accommodation in the colony, 333. Advocates the boarding-out system, so as to make use of the orphanages as benevolent asylums, 335, 336. Would change certain hospitals into benevolent asylums, 345. Thinks it desirable that some legislative enactment should come into force compelling persons to support indigent relations, 424. Thinks a hospital for consumptives would be very desirable, 451. Not desirable that members of hospital committees should be also contractors for supplies to same, 461, 462. Thinks the institution might be imposed upon, 463. Would advocate the removal of the Immigrants' Home, also the Benevolent Asylum, 469,470. \Vould remove the women from the Immigrants' Home and place them at the Protestant Orphanage, Geelong, 47 4. Does not think it desirable that members of municipal councils should be made life governors, 486 Page I

LANGTON, The Hon. EDWARD (9th May, 1890).-Twice Treasurer of Victoria, 492. Amount of Govern­ment grant during term of office .£120,000, 494. Oephan asylums shonld be left to the liberality of the denomination they belong to; does not think they would suffer by it, 496. Government grant was gauged according to the necessities of each institution, 497. Does not think it encouraged economy, ,500. Would abolish all grants-in-aid to institutions of a religious description, 5CH. Would

... Vlll

make every denomination support its own poor, 505. The change should be made gradually, 506. vVould form one board of management, which should <listribute the grant to the various institutions, 516, 517. About 2d. in the £1 would, if levied on the annual value of all the municipalities, supply the eutire amount of the grant, 520. Does not tl1ink the support of the poor a State obligation, but a local ~10, 521). A rate would not affect private subscript ions, 5.')2, 553. Is in favour of paying wards, 561. Some legblat.ion should be matle compelling people to support their indigent relations, 570. Female nurses should only he employed, 572 ... . .. .. . ... ... Page 45

EATON, HENRY FRANCIS (9th May, 1R90).-Umler-Treasnrer of Victoria. Held that position a year, 586, 587. Thirty-two years in the Department, 588. Explained basis on which allocation of Government grant was made, 590, 591, 592 Page 52

SERVICE, The Hon. J.HIES (9Lh :May, 1890).-Hel<l positions as Treasurer and Premier of Victoria, 606. Charitable vote based on nnsonnd and unjust priueiple; would a(lvi~e grant to be made at so much per bed, 611. Is against classification of hospitals, 612. W onld give all the hospitals one uniform grant per bead, 643. Also benevolent ni!ylums the same, 644. The whole mmw.gement of charitable institutions should be thrown upon the municipalities, butwoultluotexpect them to bear all financial responsibility, 652. If munieipal rates 'vere fixed for supporting the charitable institutions it should be l1one gradu­ally, 656. Approves of the system of collecting money by paid collectors, 670; because 110 other plan is availal>le, 671. Government quite justified in collecting probate duty on bequests, 672. Would not let endowment fund be free of probate duty, 678. Aware that people have been sent to gaol for want of proper accommodation, 691. Does not think the Immigrants' Home a satisfactory institution, 698. Melbourne Hospital should be removed for financial reasons, 702 l'age 54

SERVICE, The Hon. JAliEs (recalled, 16th May, 1890).-Committees of management should elect the medical officers for their institutions, 789. \Vould not elect medical officers for a long term of years, 791. Against the mode of election by ballot, 792. Would support boarding out, 839. In favour of having trained female nurses, 847. \~-ould make the various municipalities provide the money for the immediate wants of the poor; have every township or city divided into wards, 866 Page 76

Fnz Gmnox, Emmxn GERALD (16th :\fay, 1890).-Town Clerk of Melbonrne since 1856, 707. Does not think municipa.J bodies should contriLnte towards erection or maintenance of their charitable insti­tutions, 711. Would be very ill-advised, 711. Thinks it would materially affect private benevolence, 715. Does not approve of the State enforcing a probate duty on bequests, 732. Many cases in the hospitals that should not he there, 738. Thinks it a better plan sending out a paid collector to enforcing a municipal rate, 765. Every institution that receives Government aid should be obliged to keep officers to inquire into the circumstances of applicants for admission, 767. Trades unions should compel all their memLers to join a l>enefit society, 768.. There should be a building erected for the relief of casual cases; there is immediate need for one, 780, 781. Would amalgamate the Melbourne and Alfred Hospitals, 783 Page 66

FORBES, RoBERT ARTHUR (23rd May, 1890).-Councillor o£ the city of Prahran between five and six years, 872, 873. Would not express an apinion on the present allocation of the Government grant, 876, 877. Council contributell on an average over £500 per annum to charities, 879. Does not think the voting of municipal grant lessens local charity, 885. Does not think charitable institutions should l>e sup­ported locally by direct taxation, 886. Does not advocate that the responsibility of supporting the various institutions be thrown on the municipalities, H89. If the taxation were iucrea&ed thinks it would interfere with private subscriptions, 90 l. 'Would have a board over the charities, 903. Approves of the present method of collecting subscriptions, 904. Found that a great number of people from the suburbs, and from as far as Gippsland, in the typhoid season, came and stopped in Prahran for a short time in order to obtain admission to the hospital, for which the municipality had to pay 15s. per head per week, 910. Is in favour of pay wards, 919. Would establish a benevolent asy Inm in the country for the old and indigent, 922. Is in favour of removing the present benevolent asylum, 924. Would combine the :Melbourne and Alfred Hospitals, 925. Thinks the system of training nurses at the Alfred Hospital very good, 928. Thinks the Ladies' Benevolent Societies afford adequate relief for the immediate wants of the poor, 932, 933. ls in favour of hospital committees establishing an endowment fund, 942 .. . Page 88

FuLLER, WILLI.Al\I (23rd May, 1890).-Mayor of Prahran, 959. Councillor for a number of years, 960. Objects to making each municipality keep its own poor. Agrees with the evidence given by Councillor .Forbes, 963 l'age 95

SALMON, PHILIP MELVILU: (23rd May, 1890).-Councillor of Port Melbourne for two years, 970, 971. Is of opinion that the Government should take the control of the Parliamentary grant, say a Minister of Health with a board under him, 973. Port Melbourne contributes about £400 per annum to charitable institutions, 976,977. Is opposed to municipal councils supporting the charitable institutions locally by a rate, 980. Is against any one being elected life governor from the council's funds, 101. In favour of removing the benevolent asylum and hospital. Thinks an accident ward should be established in the centre of the city, 1005 Page 96

FLEl\IING, JOHN WooD (23rd May, 1890).-Councillor of Brunswick. Held that position 24 years, 1011, 1012. Against any special rato for charities, 1014. Thinks the Government should give pound for pound, 1016. Agrees with the present mode in which l'arliameut distributes votes, 1017. Thinks Government should govern institutions with a board and chairn1an of committee, lOll:l. His district supports its own destitute persons, 1027. Is against lifo governorship through the medium of municipal grant, 1032. Is in favour of removing the Melbourne Hospital to where tbo Pig Market and Horse-yards now are, 103!:3-1043. Against local infirmaries; would have onB main building, 1044. Council very much against probate duty being deducted, 1055, 1056 Page 98

JENIUNS, JoHN S. (23rd :May, 1890).-Councillor of the city of Richmond al>out seven years, 1057, 1058. Is satisfied that the allocation of the l'arliamentary grant works fairly well, 1063. Does not think a municipal rate would be received well by the conncil, 1067-1069. Present system of voluntary


contributions not satisfactory, 1070. Is in favour of a municipal poor rate, 1070-1074. Would nppoint a hoanl to :listrilmte dJC money, 1076. w-onltl collect the poor rate as a portion of the mnuicipal rate, 1078. Local board in cneh <li'ltriet shouhl strike the rate, 1083. Gives number of mtepayers nml amount colleeted, nlBo amonnt vote<l to charities, 1 085-lOH9. liaYe ditllculty in provitling for their poor. Tltc magiBt,rates often h:we to send poor men unable to work to gaol, 1110. Public board wonl<l do awai with this, 1118. The giviug of lifo goveruorship::; has a bad effect, 1119 Page lOO

KINGSTON, N ATIIA.N!EL (23nl :May, 18BO), l\tlayor of Riehmond.--In the council three years, 1137, 1138. Asks to have his examination postponed, has not had time to prepare any e\•itlcnce, 114 7 Puge 104, JAUES (30th May, 1890).-Secrotary of the Melbourne Hospital for 36 years, 1148--1150. Gives amounts voted annually Parliament, cost of maintcuancc, and amount of subscriptions, 1153-1163. Gi vcs amount of salaries and nnmber of attendants, 1171. :X mu ber of students in the hoF>pital, 200, 1178. Every stmlent on entering pays a fee of £5 6s. for a course of four years, 1187-1189. Gives objections to aiHI hiH views ou requiring munieipal bodies to contribute towards the erection of institutions and maintenance of the poor, 1206-1219. :Xot in favour of lift! governor­ships, 1221-122:1. Ko objection to conncil representatives holding tlwL privilege for twelve months, 1225, 1226. In favour of rating people according to their means. A board to govern this very desir:;hie, 1230-1233. Agrees with Captain Evans on tho mo(lc of grouping the charities, 1234. Advantages of collecting hy letter over pai<l collectors, 123Ci-1238. Cost of obtaining money through collectors ahont 17 1J per eent., 1242-1246. Sometimes collectors' fees hnye been paid on municipal grants, 1250-1262. In favour of a district hospital for paying pntieuts, 1303. Not so much irnpo~itiou exist» as is generally supposed, 1307. Present system of admission through snh­scribers bat1, 1322, 1323. An institnt,ion require\! for taking in incumhlc antl incapacitated persons, 1348-1362. Hospit2Ll accommodation for 11elbournc and snhmbs quite snfllcient, 1369. Does not think l\tlelhoume an<l Alfretl Hospitals couhl am a lgamatc, 1370-1376. Met ho;] of electing medical officers for the Melbourne Hospital very unsatisfactory. Suggests variuuB other better methmls, 1388-1413. Records of ho;-;pital appear greater through treating the same persons nt different times, 1418-1435. Condemns system of subscription carried on, in order to obtniu votEs, 1464-1463. Wonltl not compel persons to contribute towards support of indigent relative~; gives reasons, 14 7 4-1478. Boarding out of children from orphanages Yery (lcsirahle, 1481, 1482. The site for n new hospital, 1483-1500. Strongly in favour of female nursing, 1501-1507. On the hours of work for female nur~es, 1512-1621. Nurses generally aml their quarters, 153G-1563 Page 105

VVILLIA:I!S, .Lums (recalled, 6th ,Tune, 1890).-0n fire appliances at the hospital, 1588-1590. of the hospital, L"\97-1608. Drainage, 1612-1615. Hands in a return showing cost of subscriptions, 1650

Removal collecting Page 134

KoRliiAN, RonERT CHAMBERS (6th June, 1890).-Secretary and Superintendent of the Alfred Hospital; held those positions sixteen months, 1657, 1658. Does not agree with the present mode of distri\mting the GoYornment grant; gives suggestions for amending same, 1662, 1663. Cost per bed less t!Jan at the :Melbourne Hospital, 1666. There are said to be a groat many more people being pauperized than is actually the case, l G72. Gives his viev;s on requiring mnnieipal bodies to contribute towards the erection of charitable institutions and their support, 167 4-1679. Does uot think an;· privilege should he grantell to any one connected with the municipalities for the grant snl>scribed, 1682. Cost of collecting suhscri ptions 15 per cent., 1700. 'Vouhl ad vi se assoeiation of the Melhomue hospitals, so us to employ only one financial agent, 1708. Collector receives eotnmission on municipnl grants where he collects them, 1715. Does not think this slwnld be so, 1717. Commission is paid on money obtained through the newspapers, 17 30. Special hospitnls in prefereneo io Jlaying wrmls, 1733. Hns had to refuse eases in consequence of having paying patients, 1744-1753. Dificrent staff of nnrscs for the paying patients, 17 54-1757. Gives scale of fees for operaf,ions, 1764. l\tloney received from paying wards goes into the general fund, 17/G--1778. Paying patients occupyh:g- quarters cost of which was provided ont of funds intemled for the benefit of indigent poor, 1 810. More accommodation wanted for convalescent patients, shouLl Le; rcn1oYed n few miles from M elLourne, 181 c!-1817. Persons should be compelled to support their indigent relatives where it is found that through misfortune they have become so, 182.5-1829. Interest on all crHlowmcnts shoultl go to the mninteuame fund, 1831, 1832. On female nmsing, traini11g, 1847-18.j5. Vm·y mHlesirable to hire out hospitnl 11urses, Hl70. Accommodation for nurses at the hospital very inadequate, l887-1R91i. Fire appliances not efficient, 1930. Advocates indoor relief for aged and infirm people, 1936. \Vhile Seeretary of the Charity Organization Society found a great deal of imposition was being practised, I93n. Increased benevolent asylnm accommo­dation neccs;;my, 1952. In favour of election of the mc;lica1 ofllcc•rs by the board of management, 1959. Does not recommend amalgamating the Melbonrne awl Alfred Hospitals, 1970., Recommends hoarding out in preference to erecting a foundling hospital, 197 5-1977 [>age 138

Gmsox, W ILI.IAM H. (13th June, 1890).-Secretary and Superintendent of the Women's Hospital for three years, 1978-1980. Wonld classify the charities with reference to receiving the Government grant, 1984. Is of opinion that the grant shonlll be allocated according to the number of persons treated in each institution, 1987-1991. Municipalities should be made to contrihnte towards the ereetion of charitable institutions, 1993-1996. Snbscriptions collected by collector, 1997-1999. Collector receives commission on amounts received from municipalities and friendly societies, 2003, 2004. Interest of endowment fund goes to the maintenance account, 2008. Cost of collection of subscriptions, &c.; about 15 per cent., 2009. ~o paying w<ml in the hospital, 2046. Does not think there is as much imposition as is general! y supposed, 2051. Gi vcs amount of money reeei ved from patients, fees, &c, 2053. The gcueral hospitals should he relieved of iucmable cases, 2069. A great necessity for a foundling ho~pital; great many young ehildren die of neglect; would suggestthe development of the Infant Asylum, to save cost of erecting nnothcr institution, 2076. Gives nmnber of nurses employed at the hospital; found great difilcnlty in getting nurses for the infirmary department, 2081, 2082.


Nurses' hours, system of training, examination, general status, 2083-2099. Committee electetl by the subscribers, 2100. MeJieal officers are elected-honorary by the subscribers, resident by the committee, 2101. Fire appliances inadequate, 2109 Page 158

THOMSO~, JOHN (13th ,June, 1890).-Committeeman of the Alfred Hospital for twenty years. Delegated by committee to give evidence, 2117-2119. InJividnally entirely disagrees with appointing a common collector for all hospitals, 2123. Government grant voted to Alfred Hospital insufficient, 2123. Charitable institutions should be maintained by the State, not by a local tax in any way, 2155. Would distribute Government grant acconling to the average expenditure, 2158. Is of opinion that munici­palities should contribute more freely, 2166. Thinks that by proper representations they would do w, 2175. Collector does not receive commission on municipal grants, only on sums directly influenced by him, 2185-2192. Would o"tablish a separate institution for receiving paying patients, 2193, 2194. Is of opinion that there is a good percentage of pat-ients in the Alfred Hospital in a position to pay, 2201, 2202. Had an inspector twelve or thirteen years ago to inquire into such cases, acting jointJy with the other hospitals; found the man incompetent, 2211-2216. Of opinion that if a competent inspector were appoiute;l it would lessen the amount of imposition, 2223. Cost of maintaining paying patients, 2232-2250. In favour of female nursing in all hospitals, 2269. Nurses' accommodation scarcely satisfactory; does not think the hours of work too long, 2273-227 5. Would appoint a geneml board to examine nurses and give certificates, 2277. Committee electeil by subscribers, 2287. Medical officers elected by the managers, 2288, 2289. In favour of compelling persous to contribute towards the support of indigent relatives, 2293 Page 170

J.acKSON, Jun:s, M.D., :M:.R.C.S. (20th ,Tune, 1890).-Delegateu by the ::\fedical Society of Victoria to give evidence, 2295. About to express individual views which would be indorsed to a great extent by the Society, 2296. Not connected with any of the charitable institutions of this colony, 2301. Is of opinion that the :Melbourne hospitals should be treated more generously than those in the country in distributing the Government grant, 230.5. Agrees in requiring municipal bodies to contribute towards charitable institutions, 2311. Benefits of the charitable institutions shoul(l be limited to the poor alone, 2314-2316. Not in favour of paying wards; would have hospitals for only one class, 2317. If a convalescent hospital were established it wonltl materially relieve the institutions, 2329, 2380. In favour of boanling out children, 2335, 2336. Would establish a foundling hospital, 2342. Is of opinion it would be the means of <locreasing infantici<lc, 2345. Believes thoroughly in female nurses ; ought to be means to afford special training for them, 2352-2355. In favour of a central board for governing the charitable institutions of the colony, 2358. :Melbonme Hospital might with ad vantage be moved, 2362. Thinks the sanitary smTountlings are not good, 2365. Would also remove the Benevolent Asylum and Immigrants' Home, 2366, 2367 Page 180

RuLs·HEADLEY, W ALTim, M.D., F.R.C.P. (20th June, 1890).-Thirtcen years in Victoria. Delegated by the :Medical Society of Victoria to give evidence. Represents the views of the Society, 2385-2387. Connected with the Alfred Hospital ; also has been a member of the staff of the ~Women's Hospital and the Hebrew Benevolent Society, 2390. A larger amount of the Gevernment grant should be given to the city hospitals than to those in the conntry, 2395. \Vou](l have the grant allocate(! at an average proportion to the cost per bed, 2297. Is not in favour of having pay wards connected with charitable institations, 2398. Is of opinion that children die at the 'V omen's Hospital from neglect., 2434-2438. Would erect a foundling hospital, 2•139-2444. In favour of boal'ding out chiluren, 2!47, 2448. Strongly advocates female nur~ing; they shon!tl he trained aml examined by two different staffs, 2151-2453. In favour of a national system of certificating tminetl nurses for the colony, 2458. Thinks government of the hospitals by committees is excellent; governments should be represented by a board to which subjects might be referred, 2468, 2469. Approves of the site of the Melbourne Hospital, but does not think the building suitable, 2473-2482. Would be beneficial to the inmates of the Benevolent Asylum to be removed into the country, 2483-2485. U ndcrstands that the Immigrants' Home is chiefly a benevolent asylum, 2-!86, 2487. \Vonld remove the Carlton Refuge to the country, 2488. Great need in certain (lepartmcnts for increased accom­modation, 2"191. 'Women's Hospital should be enlarged, 2494-2501. Election of medical officers should be by the committee, not by subscribers, 2502. In favour of a municipal rate if properly controlled, 2503 Page 185

GIRDLEsTONE, THARP MouNTAIN, F.R.C.S (20th June, 1890).-Practising in Melbourne since 1862. Prior to that in the country. Delegated by the Medical Society of Victoria to give evidence. Expresses the views of the Society, 2504-2506. Charitable hospitals should only be open fm· the sick poor, and apart from persons who can pay, 2510. Strongly of opinion that charitable institutions are being imposed upon by persons who are well able to pay, 2511. Cites case of person going to the hospitnl in order to evacle having to pay fee to have an opemtion performed, 2512-2523. \Vould take away all privileges 1tt present enjoyetl by sub.<Jcribers to charities, 2529, 2530. Is of opinion that if only poor and indigent cases were admitted into the various_ institutions that ample accommodation would be found there for them, 2537, 2538. Advocates the establishment of paying hospitals, 2539, 2540. Medieal Society is of opinion that Parliamentary grant should be distributed at so much per bed in the institutions, ~J568. Charitable institutions should be supported by the municipalities, 2572-2575. A central board essential for conducting and controlling charities, 2576, 2677. He-transferring patients from one institution to another; a central board ouce established shoultl also control this, 2579. Does not think a hospital built for charitable purposes has any right to take iu pnying patients, 2586. In favour of female nnrses, 2589. Recommends establishment of a foundling hospital, 260.). \Vonld re-build the Melbourne Hospital, but not in favour of removing it, 2608-2612. If removed, the Market a good 2613-2616. Benevolent Asylum site goOLl, but building inadequate, 2617,2618. Against establishing an accident ward in the city, 2619. Against method of electing medical officers at the Melboume Hospitnl, 2621. Mode of election at the AlfreJ Hospital far more satisfactory, 2622 ••• Page 193


BARRETT, JAMES WILLIAlii, M.D., M.B., F.R.C.S. (20th June, 1890).-Appointed by the Medical Society of Victoria to give evidence, 2629. Expresses the views of the society unless stating otherwise, 2630. In favour of requiring municipalities to contribute towards erection and maintenance of el.1ari· table institutions, 2640. Is of opinion tlmt a municipal rate would diminish voluntary contributiOns, 2641. Voluntary contributions do not represent pure benevolence, 2643. Does not think that recording patient;; in the hospital books twice ill the same year takes place to any great extent, 2662-2662. System of admitting people into hospitals very had ; money subscribed towards their support totally inadequate; inquiry should be made thoroughly into every case before admission, 2664-2668. Of opinion that a large number of person<> go to hospitals who arc not entitled to charity, 2682-2688. Objects to paying wards being affiliated with charitnble institutions, 2691. Great advantage to have a hospital for paying patient~ erected, 2692. Indivi<lually in favour of a foundling hospital, 2711. Female nursing, Melbourne status does not compare well with others, 2716-2731. In favour of a central board for regulating the charities, 2732-2736. Mode of election at the Melbourne Hospital extremely bad; strongly condemns snme, 2737, 2738. Recommends adopting Alfred Hospital system, or else some scheme such as Professor Elkington',, 2739. No objection to site of Melbourne Hospital, except want of space; if hospital were removed would prefer Pig Market site, on account of size, otherwise the present site, as being more central, 2752, 2i53 Page 203

NEILD, JAMES EDWAlW, :M.D., Ch.B. (27th ,June, l890).~Has been practising in Victoria 37 ycnrs, 2760. Has been deputed by the :Medical Society of Victoria to give evidence, 2761. Personally prefers that all the charity should bo supjlortcd by private contributions, 2768. Thinks that now too much powee in hands of subscribers who give such smnll <1uota to support of institutions, 2769. Thinks that if support of charitahlo institutions thrown on municipalities there would be a grent deal of heart-burning, 2770. Hegards the Catholic Orphannges as private institutions, 2774. Thinks it unfair that the Government, while giving the largest proportion of the money required for the management of charit­able institutions, should have no control in its expenditure, 2777. Thinks there is much imposition, 2779. All the members of the Medical Society are strongly against the combination of paying wards with ordinary charitable institutions, 2786. Paying hospitals should be a matter of private arrange· ment, 2787. Not very many destitute persons in the colony. Increased hospital accommodation not needed, 2793. Some country hospitals absolutely unnecessary, 2807. Cases in hospitals \vhich might with advantage be treatcrl in Benevolent Asylum, 2809. Subscribers do not take the trouble to ascertain the circumstnnces of the persons they recommended, 2812. No need for further henevolent asylum accommodation, 2816. Thiuks children better in a large iustitutiou than boarded out, 2824. Strongly advocntes the establishment of a foundling hospital; would lessen the crime of infanticide, 2826-2829. Site of the :Melbourne Hospital good, Lut building unsuited to requirements of present day, 2839. The Benevolent Asylum should be removed, 2843. Immigrants' Home a nui~ance, 2844. Gives views on female nursing, 2847. Thinks clmritahle institutions be better managed by a central board, 2858. System of electing medical staff at the hospitals uudesiraLlo, 2863 Page 211

RYAN, JA:;IES P., L.R.C.S.I., M.K.Q.C.P.I. (27th June, 1890).-Served as surgeon with the French army during the W!tr of 1870, 28/l. Appointed by the Medicul Society of Victoria to give evidence, 2872. Has been practising in Victoria for 17 yenr~, 2876. Of opinion that metropolitan hospitals are entitled to a larger share of the Government gmnt than country hospitals, 2878. In favour of requiring municipal bollies to contribnto towards the maintenance of charitable institutions, 2881. In favom of private contributions, 2882. Does not approve of pay wards in conuexion with the various charitable institutions, 2885. ln favour of separate institutions for paying patients, 2886. Of opinion that a great deal of imposition is practised on the vnrious charitable institution~, 2893. Of opinion that subscribers should derive no benefits, 2902. Not in favour of the hoarding-out system for young children, 2916. In favour of establishing a foundling hospital, 2922. In favour of female nursing, 2928. In favour of a central board to control tho business affairs of the charitable ins!,itutions, 2932. In favour of removing the Benevolent Asylum an!l also the Melbourne Hospital, 2934-2036. Does not approve of the present site of the Immigrants' Home, 2937. Does not approve of the present mode of electing medical officers, 294!:i Page 221

FITZGERALD, THO:VIAS N., F.R.C.S.I. (27th June, 1890).-Delegated by the Victorian branch of the British ::\fedical .Association to giYe evidence, 2957. Has been surgeon to the Melbourne Hospital for nearly 30 years, 2961. Of opinion that the metropolitan institutions should receive a larger share of the Government grant than those in the country, 2964. Strongly opposed to admitting paying patients into any institution receiving Government support, 2972. Iu favour of establishing a hospital for 1mying patients, 2973. Of opinion that the various charitable institutions a.Je greatly imposed upon, 2999. Of opinion that the Melbourne Hospital is quite inadequate to present requirements and a disgrace to Melbourne, :3009. Ueeommends that the :Melbourne Hospital be removed to the site of the pig market, 3020. In favour of establishing a foundling hospital, 3112. Approves of female nursing, 3118. Of opinion that nurses are excessively overworked, 3123. Of opinion that the Government should have something to do with the management of hospitals, H130. Does not approve of the present mode of electing medical offiecrs, 3133 Page 227

ROWAN, THmus, M.D., F.R.C.S. (4th ,July, 1890).-Has been in the colony sinco July, 1872, 3144. Delegated by the Victorian branch of the ::V1edical Association to give evidence, 3146. Has been connected with the ·women's Hospital for seventeen years, 3149. Of opinion that the charities of Victoria ought to be under a different system of management ; does not approve of the present allocation of the Government grant ; would support the various charities by means of n rate 31.'53-3167. Suggests that all persons on registering their votes be compelled to contribute a cort~in sum towards the support of charities, 3168. Strongly opposed to pay wards in charitable institutions, 3170. Do~s. not approve of hoarding ont_for children, 3196. Thinks it absolutely necessary that a foundling hospttal should he established, 32UO. Strongly in favour of female nursin<r, 3211. Of opinion that anything over eight hours' work for nurses is excessive, :12!4. Gives p:rticulars of training given at the Women's Hospital, 3226. In favour of the present mode of electing medical officers, 3241 Page 2:'1R


LAURENS, JoHN, M.L.A. (4th July, 1890).-Delegated by the committee of the Melbourne Hospital to give evidence, 32,14. Has been a member of the committee for fourteen years, 3248. Can see no reason to finzl fault with the allocation of the Goverument gmut, :3250. Considers that great expense is incurrerl for stimulants at the hospital, :3257. Not in favour of requiring municipal botlies to contribute towards the support of charities, 32()(). Personally is satisfied with the present mode of collecting funds, 3262. Expresses his views on the snbjcct of admitting patients, 3263. Does not think charitable institutions are imposed upon to any very great extent, 3278. Does not approve of paying wards in connexion with any charitable institution, a279. Of opinion that a ~eparate institu­tion is greatly ueedcrl for paying pacients, a28:.1. States that a great deal of embarrassment has always been felt at i ilC hospital through a number of chronic case;, that do not require hospital treatment, 32Hl. .Not in fayonr of requiring persons to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatives, 3300. Approves of the boanling;-out system for children, 3301. In favour of female nursing. 3a03. Does not thiuk there i;; snf!iciout relief for the immediate wants of the poor, 3804. Hands in a return showing the unrnher of case~ admitted into the Melbourne H0spital, 3309 . .. .. . . • .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . Page 246

BEANEY, The Hon. ,JA:m~s GEOUGE, M. D., F.R.C.S. (11th ,July,] 8£!0).-Has been in practice in Melbourne since 1857, 3311. Ha~ been conncctetl with the -:\Ielbonrnc Hospital for twenty ye!trS, 3312. Expresses his individual opinion, 3315. States that there is no reason to complain that persons treated !tt the .\lclbonrne Hospital contract certain dise;l;ses there; great improvements have been effected; new quarters have been erected for servants ; number of beds reduced. The hospital has really in the course of a few years been almost relmilt. Enumerates further contemplated improvements. Uecommenr1s that the hospital be not removed from its present site. In favour of iucreaseu hospital nccommodation. States that operations performed by him at the hospital have berm attended by good results, 3317. States that in .Lomlou there are 'tistinct hospitals for different diseases, which relieves the l?eneral hospitalci; allege•l insanitary condition of the hospital greatly exaggerated, 3321. Of opinion that surgeons in any way connected with the hospital should not hold post-mortem examina­tions, 3326-3:335. Differs from Dr. Fitzgcrnl•l's objections to the hospital being a disgrace, 3337. States that the sun can get into every ward in the lmilding, 3348-3349 Page 255

RY.A.N, CHARLES, ~LB., Ch.l\L (11th July, 1890).·-Is not a representative of the Melbourne Hospital Committee, :3371. Ono of the honorary surgeons of the l\Ielbourne Hospital, 3376. Occupies the same ward as Mr. Fitzgemld ; has never seen a case of erysipelas develop there during the last three years ; thinks that the hospital should he removed or rebuilt; agrees with Mr. Fitzgcrald that it is a disgrace to :Melbourne, 3379. Thinks the Pig Market woul,J he the most suitable site for a new hospital, 3384. Gives reaEons why rate of mortality at ).felboume Hospital is heaviet· than elsewhere, 3388. Thinks the Committee has done everything it can short of rebuilding, 3405. Need of more hospital accommodation in Melbourne, 3412 Page 263

LAURENS, S OHN, l\I.L.A. (recalled 11th July, 1890).-Charitable bequests should be relieved from probate duty ; committee of Melbourne Hospital agrees that it is not constrncted on modern lines ; that is the worst that can be saicl about it ; erysipelas not confined to the Melbourne Hospital; pyremia not developed in the institution, 3417 Page 266

RuDAT.L, Jums Tno~rAs, :F.R.C.S. (11th July, l8HO).-Delegated by the Victorian Branch of the British Medical Association to give evidence, :1418. General opinion of profession against pay wards, but from personal experience in the Alfred Hospital believes that in some cases a great boon, 3426. Does not think im1epewlent paying hospital;; can !Lt present be established, 3427. Does not think that every patient should pay according to his means, no matter how little, 34±2. Cases kept in hospitals which should be elsewhere; Convalescent Asvlum needed; more hospital accommodation will be necessary, 3460-3469. Strongly in favour of.fcmale nursing, 3471. Supply of trained nurses not equal to demanrl, 34·80. In fhvonr of establishing a Fonmlliug Hospital, would save life and diminish infanticide, 3496-3497. Agrees with the present system of management of our charitable institutions, 3505. l\lode of electing honorary st:ttf by subscribers the worst possible way, 3510. Pig Market site much more suitable than present one of Melbourne Hospital, 3518 Page 268

SNOWBALL, WILLI.UI, JYI.B. (11th Jnly, 1890).-Delegated by the Victorian Branch of the British :Medical Association to give eYidcnce, 3535. lleen associated with the Children'H Hospital for twelve years, 3538. Thinks pay wards in connexion with hospitals receiving state aid entirely wrong, 3539. Gives views ou paying patients generally, 3540-3556. Very few cases of imposition at Children's Hospital, 3559. Boarding-out system works well, 3568. A Foundling Hospital desirable, 3569. Mortality 74 per cent. amongst children of women who go out as wet-nurses, 8570. Number of weak-minded children in lunatic asylums who are not idiots, who under proper training would grow up to be able to take care of themselves, 3;385. School should be established for these, 3588. Views on female nursing and 1111r~os at Children's Hospital, 3594-3608. Agrees with present system of managing pnblic institutions by committees, 3609. Committees should elect medical staff, 3612. Necessity for Infectious Diseases Hospital, 3619-3624 Pa,ge 275

GIRDLESTONE, T. M., M.R.C.S. (recalled, 18th July, 1890).-Desires to give evidence in reference to statements made by :\fr. Fitzgerald in reference to the :Melbourne Hospital, 3631. Describes faults in the building of the Melbourne Hospital, 3633. A uew building absolutely necessary, 3634. A larger area ot ground required, 3636. Bad system of registering lleaths at the hospital, 3638-3645. Patients exposed to a great deal of risk on aecount of the hospital being filled with infectious germs, 3673, 36H. Great difficulty in getting post-mortems when required, 3683-3690 Page 280

WEBB, JoHN H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (18th July, 1890).-Surgeon in the Melbourne Hospital, 3697. Strongly advocates pulling down the Melbourne Hospital ant! re-building on the site of the Pig Market, 3700. House surgeon's accommodation very bad, 3701 Page 287

X Ill

GRANT, DAVID, lVI.D., C.M. (18th July, 1890).-Physician to the Melbourne Hospital, 3732. Con­dermts the hospital; s:mitary arrangements bad, wards inadequate, ventilation had, light insufficient; medical officers' quarters bad, can name five who were resident in these qnarters and who all diccl of consumption within a few years. System of removing excreta, open to serious objections. BuilJing generally uusatisfi1Ctory. In favour of removing same to the Pig :Market, 8733-37-!5 . .. Page 289

MOORE, WILLIA3I, ::VI.D., M.S. (18th ,July, 1S90).-In practice eight years; r;urgeon at the Melbourne Hospital to out-patients for three years, 3746-87 48. Condemus the lJuilding generally; septic poisoning more than once caused the death of a patient ; cites a case, no post-mortem held ; medical certificates of death unreliable, 37 51-3759. Condemns honse surgeons' quarters; several died from consumption, 3761, 3762. Out-patients' accommodation yery bad, 3770. In favour of removing the ho;;,pital to the site of the Pig :Market, 3772. No use trying to improve the old building, 3779. Knows of cases where the state of the hoopital has retartletl their recovery, 3787-3789. System of electing medical officers bad, 3796. Medical staff' always ignored when :111y altemLions arc a. bout to he made, 3799. Nurses' quarters not what they ;;hould be, 3~05, 3806 Page 294

YouL, RICHARD, :NI.D. (18th July, 1890).-Praetising 35 years in the colony, 3812. Held position of City Coroner for 35 years, 3814. Condemns t!JC out-patients' waiting-room in the Melbourne Hospital. Hospitals should be supported nationally, 3816, :1817. Condemns the-hospital generally; ventilation aml Eanitation bad ; death rate consequently very high, 3820-:1824. A<hocates crect,ing a temporary place in Melbourne for the treatment of acute eases of injury prior to their being sent to the ho,;pital, 3831-3833. Convnlescent hospital required badly, 3837. Against having paying wnrds in the public hospitals, 3839. Iucm·ables shonld uot be left in the hospital, 3S-W-3845. (25th July, 1890.)­Coincides with all the evidence given by Dr. Grant, 3847. Necessities of the ho,;;piml too great; they cannot provide for the patients in a proper manner, 3850. Advocatc;s using tents in cases of emergency for contagious diseases, 38.'i2-3858. Not in favour of compelling persons to support their indigent relatives unless they get them into a public charity, 3869, 3870. vVonltl esta.hlish a nnrses' training school under religious auspices, 3873, :-387 4. Some place urgently needed for the reception of destitute persons, :1879. They shonld not be sent to gaol; too expeusiYe to keep them there, 3881-3887. ·with respect to foundling hospitals, strongly advocates the boarding-out Fystem, 888H-3895. Great number of children got rid of prematurely, 3896. Opposed to all foundling hospitals, 3923. Both woman and child shonld be looked after, :3925, :1926. Is of opinion that in printc hospitals eYery death should be rcportell, :1947. Private hospitals should be registered and inspected, :-3948. Great need for private lunatic asylums, 3949-3951 Page 301

EvANS, Capt. JA:~ms, R.N. (recalled, 1st August, 1890).-Fire appliances in institutions, hot.h town and country, have been very much neglected, Melbourne Hospital and Benevolent Asylum particularly so. vVould be very beneficial for institutions to undergo periodical examinations to see how far they have complied with recommcndtttions made in this respect, 395:3-3967 ... Page 316

TOPP, CHARLES A. ( Ist August, 1890).-Chairman of the Public Health Department; ocenpied that position for about llve months, 3968, 3969. Offieittls have powers of entry into hospitals and other charitable institutions to direct or order necessary fire appliances, 3971. The functions of the Department relate more to health than to saving of life, 2978. Depnrtmcnt makes inspections to see that their reeommcn­datious carried into effect, 3980, 3981. Metropolitan institutions have not been perioJically visited, this should be done, 3986-3988. Is of opinion that the inspection of all institutions within a municipality should be carried out by the eouncil, :3992. In case of any neglect with regard to improvements recommended, would require a certain portion of the Government grant to be expended in carrying out same, 3994-:1996. Admits that certain important duties have been neglected by the Department, 3998-4001. The Board tlepemls more on complaints made than on personal inspection, 4009, 4010. Is of opinion that hospitals, require special attention; is having some special regula­lations dmwn up to that effect, 4011. Only two inspectors on the staff for the whole colony, 4017-4020. Quite impossible to inspect all buildings; would require at least 20 or 30 ofliccrs to do so, 4021. Five years since the ::V1elbournc Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum have been inspected ; should be inspected every two or three years, 4027-4031. Has applied for adllitional officials, 4082. The charitable vote for building should be approved by the Board of Health previous to being granted, 4040. Urgent necessity for an infectious diseases hospital, 4041 ..• Page 318

STEIN, DAVID J. (1st August, 1890).-Secrctary and Superintendent of the Fire I nsnrance Companies Brigade for over three years, 4047, 40,.!8. Authorized by the Chief Secretary to inspect the asylums and public institutions throughout the colony, 4049. Has inspected the Melbourne Hospital; read copy of report on same, 4051. Does not think it Yery safe; would have great difficulty in getting inmates out in case of fire, 4055. Also inspcctetl the Melbourne Gaol; principal fault the structural condition, not sufficient means of egress, 406:1, 4064. Does not think it a great deal of use inspecting unless the inspection be kept up, 4071. Would establish a fire brigade board with power to inspect the institutions to see that they arc protected from fire, 4077-4079 Page 324

LAURENS, JOHN, lLL.A. (recalled, 1st August, 1890). Respecting recommendations made by Captain Stein with reference to the Melbourne Hospital 11re appliances, states that the executive of the ~Iclbourne Hospital have trietl to carry out the improvements suggested as far as ci~cumstances would permit, 4080, 4081. Read statement with reference to the faults of construction of the Melbourne Hospital, and showing grounds upon which the committee refuse to believe Mr. l"itzgerald's charges of July 1886, and also the more recent ones ; hands in a return showing nature and number of operations performed by :Mr. Fitzgerald, and the results ; also return showing number of of erysipelas, pyremia, and septicremia admitted from OLttsiJe and occurring in hospital, :tnd results ; contradicts serious charges that have been made against the hospital with respect to tlte death rate from erysipelas; hands in a return showing death rate after deducting deaths within 72 hours of admission, and applying to the period eomplainetl of by Mr. Fitzgerald; hands in memorandum as to renovations in the :Melbourne Hospital; gives reasons why the Melbourne Hospital should not be removed from its


present site, 4082. The public have never been asked to subscribe towards erecting a new hospital, 4084. States that the question which has arisen with regard to registration of deaths has not yet been inquired into, ·1099-4103. Disapproves of the Pig Market as a site for the Melbourne Hospital, 4106. Room for one or two hospitals for the treatment of special diseases, 4106. Is of opinion that the Melbourne Hospital wants re-building, 4107 Page 326

CocK, CHARLES (8th August, 1890).-Deputed by the committee to give evidence on behalf of the Benevolent Asylmn, 4121. Government grant to the asylum has been reduced, but patients have increased, 4129. If the grant is to be allocated by the Treasurer it should be in proportion to the number of recipients that require aid, 4136. Have established an endowment fund, 4138. Gives amount of subscriptions, receipts, expenses, &c., 4140-4143. Accommodation at present sufficient, 4144. Not in favour of a municipal rate being struck, 4148, 4149. Not many cases of imposition practised; doubtful cases referred to the Charity Organization Society; have benefited by doing so, 4154. Suggests that the Government should appropriate the probate duties paid on deceased persons' properties for the benefit of the charities, 4158. V cry few private subscriptions obtainable, 4160. Is of opinion that <lirect taxation should be delayed until it is wanted, 4161-4165. Approves of the present system of obtflining snb:lcl"iptions, 4171. Collector does not receive a commission on municipal grants, 417 4-4177. Collector receives 10 per cent. on old and 16 per cent. on new subscrip­tions, 4179. Site of the asylum a Crown grant ; this does not prohibit admitting a patient who has a sum of money and places iL at the disposal of the institution, 4180-4185. Have at present nearly 6!50 inmates, 4188. Have sufficient accommodation for the fnnds at their disposal, but could not accommo­dnte all those who require relief, 4191, 4192. Thinks an additional ward holding 15 or 20 beds would suffice to meet all contingencies, 4200. On provisiCJn against fire, 4249-4259 Page 336

STOBIE, DAVID GRilllVE (16th August, 1890).-Secretary and Superintendent of the Melbourne Benevolent Asylum since April, 1883, 4296, 4297. Expresses his own views, 4301. Is of opinion that the Government shouLl bear the responsibility of maintaining charitable institutions, 4302, 4303. Collector receives a commission on municipal grants, 4315-4323. Not sufficient accommodation in the asylum for the requirements of the poor, 4333. Have lutd to turn :1way numerous cases for want of accom­modation. '1:336. Cases have been taken in from the gaols and lunatic asylums, 4339-4346. Is of opinion that persons should be made to support their indigent relatives, providing those relatives nre placed in some institution, 4355-4363. Death mte abont 16 or 17 per cent., 4389. Inmates who are able all do some kind of work, 4400. Gives classes of employes in the institution, 4401. Within two minutes call of the fire brigade, 4414-4419. Re fire nlarm, 4432-44.36. Thinks site excellent, 4439, 4440. Committee inspected ground at Cheltenham offered by Government as a site for the removal of the Benevolent Asylum; members were in favour of same, 4461-4467. On the proposed removal of the asylum generally, 4467-,±486 ... Page 349

CANDLER, SAMGEL C. (15th August, 1890).-Coroner for Bonrke since 1857, 4487, 4488. of any importance to gi vc

Has no evidence Page 362

SHIEr.Ds, Mrs. AGNES (15th August, 1890).-Member of the committee of the Women's Hospital for about fourteen years. Been delegated on behalf of the institution to give evidence, 4;503-4506. Not sufficient accommodation in the midwifery department, 4511. Have had to refuse admission to the infirmary from want of aecommodation, 4516. Of opinion that some steps should be taken to make people pay according to their means, 4523. In favour of special hospitals for paying patients, 4525. Does not approve of private hospitals; Government inspectors should visit them, 4540-·±546. Very little imposition practised, 4564. Great need for an infectious diseases hospital in Melbourne, 4566-4572. Is of opinion that a foundling hospital should be established, 4575. Medical officers of the institution conduct the examination of the nurses, 4613-l1615. Does not think the nurses are over­worked, 4616, 4617. Cost per head for feeding under ls., 4639. Extract of Captain Evans' Report read Te cost of maintenance, 4647. ::Yiedical officers elected by the subscribers, 4649 ... Page 363

NICHOLSON, Mrs. ELIZABETH (15th August, 1890).-Delegated Ly the committee of the Women's Hospital to give evidence. Member of committee for about twelve years, ,1666-4658. Agrees with the evidence given by Mrs. Shields, 4660 ... Page 369

GREIG, J AlliES G. (22nd August, 1890).-Secretary and Superintendent of the Immigrants' Home. Superin­tendent for 25 years, 4705, 4706. Expresses the views of the committee of the Immigrants' Home, 4 708, 4 709. Number of inmates 728, 4 715. Great want of more accommodation ; want at least space for 50 more beds, ·1722-4725. Many instances where men have been taken in who have been sent out from England, 4732-4737. All domestic labour done by the inmates, 4742. Gives amount of Government grant, private subscriptions collected by eollector, who receives 12tJ per cent. on the collections, 47·17-4766. Supervises the management of the institution at the Royal Park, also the one at St. Kilda-road ; is of opinion that if they were amalgamated the expenses would be increased, 4760, 4761. Royal Park cases are permanent, St. Kilda-road only temporary, 4762. Majority of cases come without any recommendation, '1775. Have no endowment fund, 4777. Not many inmates from other colonies, 4778. Good many cases of imposition, 4782. Advocates changing the name of the Immigrants' Aid Society, 4786-4790. Hands in medical officer's report on deaths, &e., 4794. Gives number of blind people in the institution, 4796. Gives percentage of deaths, 4797. Only one medical officer; he is appointed by the committee, 4 798, 4 799. The nurses are all inmates, 4804. Have no trained nurses, no accommodation for them, 4812. Hands in a paper giving the various classes applying to the institution for ndmission, 4833. Hands in a list of women received from the Lying-in Hospital, 4834. Committee elected by the subscribers, 4842. Average cost per Led per annum, £10 14s. 10~<1., 4844. States wl!at is done with the Inspector of Charities Reports, 4860-4872. In favour of the present mode of allocating the Government grant, 4873-4875. Present site of institution inadequate and unsuited to the requirements, 4876 ... ••• . .. Page 372


LESLm, THOMAS GODFRRY (22nd .August, 1890).-Secretary of the Eye arHl Ear Institution. Hel(l that position for over two years, 4881, 4882. Expresses his own opinions, 4B84. Allocation of Government grant should be made coujointly on the number of beds and the number of out-patients treated, 4886. Hpecial consideration being given to exceptional circumstances, 4890. vVith reference to the ccmtrilm­tions by municipalities, thinks the time has hardly come yet for casting the entire responsibility of erecting and maintaining institutions, 4.8Dl. In favour of establishing a hoanl to snpervise, but not to manage, charitable institutions, 4902-4905. Does not think the services of a colleetor can be dispensed with, 49<'6. Have a small ewlowment fund, 4913. Interest of same goes to the maintenance fund, 4916. Receive paying }Jatient~, 4925-4929. Gives amount of subscriptions and Government grant, Hospital Humlay I<'und, &c., 4931. Great many cases of imposition have been attempted, 4945-4954. Cites se\'oral cases of attempted imposition, 4959-4965. Institution has not sufficient accommodation for all applicants, ·t97H-4982. Does not per;;onally believe in life governorships being granted to municipalities, 4993-4!)99. Gi vcs the figures representing the progress of the institution, 5002-5009. Gives the cost of maintenance per he::t~l, 5014, 5015. :Medical officers appointe<l by the eommittee, 5021. Does not think the fire appliances arc ns good as they might Le, 503-1-5044. Of opinion that pay wards sbould not exi~t in charitable hm<pitak In favour of female Jmrsing. .Advocates establish· mcnt of convalescent homes in rural dbtricts, to relieve the hospitals. Advocates compelling persons to ilnpport their indigent relatives, 50±5. Hands in a paper on foundling hospitals, .5055. In favour of establishing a foundling hospital, 5056-5060. Memorandum, subse(pJCntly received as part of the evidence, giving particulars of cases refused treatment at the Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital ... Page 382

HuNT, JA~ms WILLIAM (22nd .August, 1890).-Delegated by the executive of the Homceopathic Hospital to give evidenco, 5061. Expresses the views of the committee, 5062. Of opinion that the Govern­ment grant should be allocated nccording to the number of patients treated during the year, excepting hospitals for incnrables, 5065-507 4. Government grant £ l ,000 lnst year, 5077. Munieipal contribu­tions £ l 00, 5079. Collector only rccei res commission on amounts personally influenced by 6087-5097. All bequestR go to the endowment fuml, interest of same goes towards maintenance, 6099,6100. Patients pay at the hospital according to their mean" ; those who cannot do so sign a declaration to that effect; once admitted all are placed on the same footing-, 5105-5107. Hite held under Govern­ment grant. Does not think this should make any difference to taking in patients who arc able to pay . .A new wing being built !Jy private gentleman at his own eost for paying patients. Patients who can­not pay are not to he refused admission, 5128-5135. Only female nurses employell. 5145. Gives cost of maintenance per head, 5151. Gives amounts paid to nurses, 5153-5161. Medical officers nppointeLl by the committee, 5167. Gives death-rate of the instituti0n, 5172-5176 Page 395

JACKSON, JonN (29th .August, 1890).-Secretary ofthe Chiltlren's Hospital for a year and a half; been connected with the hospital twelve years, 5180, 5181. Expresses the views of the committee, 5184 . .Amount of Government grant, £100. .Against requiring municipal bodies to contribute to building and maintaining medical charities, 5187. Collector receives 10 per cent. commission on mnnicipnl

IB of opinion that there is no objection to this, 5188-5193. If a munieipality subscriLes £20 per annum, life governor appointell every year ; if £-10 subscribed, two are appointed. Thinks if this were not done it would greatly reduee the amount of the grants, 5197-5215. Is of opinion that the in!ltitntion can dispense with tho Government next year, 5220, 5221. All subscriptions not

for any special pnrpoBe arc placed to the credit of the maintenance account, 5222. Collector receives no commission on the enJowment fund~ or bequests. Hands in a form for admitting children into the hospital. Hands in a returu of fhll paying patients received into the Children's Hospital, 5225. Hands in a mturn of contributing patients, 5229. Medical officers receive two-fifths of amount paid by paying patients, 5236-5238. Gives amount of fees, donations for year 1890, number that can he accommodated, &e., 5248. Gives return showing time of duty of the nurses, 5260-5275. Gives information Te fire appliances, 5276-5285. Daily eost of provisions, 6286. Gives amount of medical comforts, 5288. Thinks there is a great need for an infectious diseases hospital, 5290. 1\nmbcr of children refusctl admission through suffering from various infectious diseases, 52&1-5:302. Reads a portion of report re outbreaks of diphtheria and scarlet fever, 5308. Personnlly thinks n foundling hospital would be very de~irable, 5309. In need of more accommodation for the nurses, 5317. Collector receives a salary of £100 a year exclusive of his commission, 5338 ... 401

GRANT, DA vm (recalled, 29th .August, 1890). Gave evidence previously as an honorary medical officer of the Melbourne Hospital, 5341. 'Vas visiting medical officer of the Immigrants Home for two years, 5342. Will give some evidence with respect to that institution, 5343. General description of the institution, 5346. Various statistics relating to same, ,'5349. Insufficient provision of baths, &c.; appliances for nursing patients inadequate; medical appamtus also defective, 5350. Is of opinion that there should be a resident medical officer, 5352-5358. Difficulty experi­enced in working the two institutions (Royal Park and St. Kilda-road), 5373. No accommodation for the dressing of sores, ulcers, &c.; sanitary arrangements fairly satisfactory at the Royal Park; site of St. Kilda-rond institnLion is Lad; wards overcrowded; strongly condemns the condition of the casual ward-capacity insufficient, and the provisions are not what they should be, 5376. Gives particnlars of reforms required, 5380 ... Page 409

HENRY, Louis, :M.D. (29th August, 1890).-Visiting medical officer of the Immigrants Home; held that position a few months; has held position ns surgeon to a hospital in Berlin, 5381-5384. Is of opinion that the home has outgrown its original functions, 5385. :Medical comforts insufficient at the home, 5395-5398. Recovery has Leen retarded through the want of same; hands in a list particulars of cases admitted into the home; number of people in the asylum able to work they were able to obtain employment, .H00-540,1. The site unsuitable, 5406. Buildings insanitary, 5407. .A large number of cases which require as much treatment as those in the various hospitals, 5409 Page 415


HILL, GEOJtGE B. (29th August, 1890).-City court vi>'litor; held that position for over twenty years; has not visited the Immigrants Home lately, 5420-5428. Describes the class of people taken in there, 5429. h of opinion that all shelters and societies should be under muuicipal direction, 543l. Not snflleieut chet:k kept of ca,.;os relieved; a man can go from one institution to 1mother, getting relief every time; many cases sent to lYiolbounw from the conmry districts, thus f'wellinp: the metropolitan charitable in:Stitutious, 5434. Large percentage of impostors, 5438, 5439. Is of opinion that imposition is not pmctised much at the Immigrants Home, 5 H4. Advocates enlarging the present charitable institutions in preference to erecting a larger number, 5448-:H50. Approves of the mode in which money is distributed by the various ladies' benevolent societies, 5453, 5454. Compares English workhouses with the Immigrants Home, 5457-5465. Does not think the present site of the Immigrants Home a go<Hl one, 5466. Recommend:-~ the amalgamation of the Immigrants Home and the Benevolent Asylum, 5469-5471. Is of opinion the public relief reqnires greater :mpervision than it gets at present, 5473 Page 418

B.c~.RKER, J Al\I&S (9th September, 1890).-General secretary of the priBon gate aml rescue work of the Salvation Army; held that position for eight years, 5Hll-5-l8a. Been engaged in S:dvatiou Army work since 1878, prior to coming to this conntry, 5485. Suggest~ tlmt the amount aunnally voted hy Parliament to charitable institutions should be based on the amount received from the pnblic, 5488-5490. Municipalities shoul<l contrihnie a certain snm yearly townrtls the support of charitable institutions, the institutions iu their own municipality receiving the larger portion of their grant, 5491. Not in favour of a collector being paid by commission hut a state,) salary, 5490. Of opinion that money contriLmed towards :~ charitable institution for n certain fund should not be allowed to be transferred to any other, 6500. Is of opinion that the poor ~lwuld be relieve,! with provisions and not with money, 5501. Thinks tluct a central boanl of charity will h[lve eventually to come into existence, 5501. Gives number of eases and modo adopte<l by the executive of his association for relieving them, 550J-5530. Amount of grant received ft•om the Government £7 50, 5532; Gives. amount of private subscriptions, 5536. In favour of the establishment of pay wards, 5547, 5548. In favour of the general introduction of female nurses, 5,149. In the Sal v:ttion Army Female Hospital the nurses have not received any IJrevious training, 5557. Is of opinion that the hospital now in existence :in Melboume for incurable;> i8 insufficient to cope with the present number of eases, 5569. Read a paper giving particnlar5 of the numbet· of Salvation Army homes and brigades, the objects and management of same, 5565. Advocates the erection of an institution where persons could be provided for who, through no fault of their own, are now being sent to gaol in order to give them food and shelter, 5596-5606. Is of opinion the ladies' benevolent societies do a great deal of good, 5623 Page 424

Gl~AY, ANDRI£W S., M.R.C.S.Lonu. (19th September, 1890).-Has been in the colony since 1862; depute I by the executive of the Eye and Ear Institution to give evidence; giving his individual opinion, 5624-5626. Conncctecl with the Benevolent Asylum for 22 years, 5627. Occupies positions as smgeon to the Eye and Ear Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum, [)628, 5629. Condemns the

of admitting cases into the Benevolent Asylum, 5631-5634. Considers the system of admis-as carried out at the Eye aml Ear Hospital far better, 5635-5638. Is of opinion that the gene!'al

management of the Benevolent Asylnm could not be better; aL'!o that the site is a good one, 5639. Does not, however, think that the class of people in the asylnm should live in the heart of the city, 5641, 5f:l42. The institution is overcrowded, 5643-5646. Fire appliances at the Eye and Ear Hospital very defL;ctivc, 565±-5656. Ilave .50 beds in the Eye aml Ear Hospital, which are always full, 5659, 5660. Medical staff selected by the committee, 6663. The and Ear Hospital frequently receives people from the Benevolent Asylum to be operated on, 5665 Page 434

GOLDSTEI~, J.c~.COB (19th September, 1890).-Is secretary and inquiry agent to the Charity Organization Society ; held that position since May, 1889, 5666, 5667. Expresses the views of the executive of the society, 5670. Gives a list of the various societies for outdoor and indoor relief, 567.5. Gives number of cases and results of inquiries conducted by the society, 5687. Of opinion that all imposition should be prosecuted, 5688-5701. Gives amount of income and expenditure of the society, 5703, 5704:. Society gives about £14 per annnm in relief ; office expenses and salaries, &c., amount to £400 per annum, 5705-5707. Gives objects of the society, 5708. Gives number of cases investi­gated on behalf of the Benevolent Asylum, 5713-5719. Gives particulars of what the society has done in the way of organization, 5721. Gives list of societies and number of oases who have availed themselves of the society, .5722-.5724. Privt~te individuals also make inquiries through the society, 5725. Cases relieved through the medium of the society, although not done by the society as a society, ;5728-5731 Page 4;37

GoLDSTEIN, J Aeon (recalle(l, 26th September, 1890).-Recommends that all cases in charitable insti­tutions should be recorded indivi•lnally; hands in a copy of letter forwarded by the society to the managers of night shelters, 5810. Gives particulars of an investigation at night for houselcss poor through the streets of the city and suburbs, 5814-.1823 ... Page 448

HEA.LY, FRANCis (26th September, 1890).-Gives evidence in connexion with the society of St. Vincent de Paul; has been connected with the society since its establishment, 5861-586!1. General statistics of the society; hands in a copy of the rules, 5870, 5871. Hands in form of application for relief, 587 4. The society rolieves poor irrespective of what <1enominatiou, 5878. Gives partieulars of how the society's funds are derived, 1'5882. lt receives no Government grant, 5883. Is of opinion that the ladies' benevolent societies cannot compass all cases deserving charity in Melbourne, 5895-5898. in a copy of their quarterly report, 5913. Gives the objects of the society, 5937. As a rule the accommodation at the home for men at Fitzroy is sufficient, 5950. Gives amount of receipts, expenses, and general statistics, 5952-5959. Recommends that there should be a free dispensary established in every municipality, maintained out of the municipal funds, fi960. States that nnrses are highly trained under the St. Vincent de Paul Rociot.y in Sydney, which would willingly work a hospital here if necessary; hands in a report of that society, 5988, 5989. Is of opinion that each district should contribute towards the support of its own poor, 6095 Page 459


Monms, Mrs. Enrru (lOth October, 1880).-IIas been iuterestctl innnr:'ing for ahout twelve years. Hehl the position of honorary secretary to tile Nurs<'S Home for the lotst three years awl a lmlL 6012-6014. Hautle<l in a statLmcnt on-(L) The trainiug of uur~c..;, 6lll7. (ll.) Hoilsin;,:· or hnsp:tal 6022. (Ill.) llome for t.raine,] muse~, GtXW. (IV.) Stnttl~ of nursing n,c; n prol'e,,,,inn, (V.) Pension fund, 6008

BROOKS, Mrs. EmiA (lOth Octo her, l89D).-:'v1at.roa of the s~mlhurct Hospital; held that positiou J'or t;;·elve yearR, 60.'i7. Gives nnmbet· of Hur;;es employed in the insLitntion and general modu of training them, 6060-6105. Nu m bet· of beds in t.he institution, 150, G I 07. More accommodation retl itired, 6113-6116 Page 474

Nmtso~, Mrs. ANNE (10th October, 1890).-Matroa the Bnllamt Hospital. CmnJeete,J with that in~titution oYer fifteen years. Three years in the :;\lolboume Hospital a,; matron's ldp. Have three

to e1·ery 21 bed~ in the llallarat Hospital, (li35-6J.i3. Nurses' hours of duty from 'i :1.m to G 14G. Night nmses' hour~ of duty from 9.30 to 7.:m a.m., GL'5 l. Gi ncs partienlttr;; of Llnties, accommodation, rccrca tion, &e., 61 l'artienhr,; of training, 617 4-til tH. Gives

amount of nurses' salnries, Gl94, 6195 477

SliiiTH, Mi;;s DoROTHY (lOth OetolJer, l8!JO).- Nmse Gives particulars oE the eO\u·se of training iu t.lmt very inferior, food very bad, G:l2,)-G:Z:ll. 6259

in the TI.::ndigo Hospital for four years, 6210. insti tn t ion, G:! l3-G220. Nurse~' accommodation

three tliitereut methods of traiuing l'uge

Mrs. ::\IARGARET (lOth Oetober, 1R90).-Holll.'l position of superintendent in the Trained Nurses Homo, G2G7. Reads an:l hantb in a written statement 011-The qua.lificn.tions all probationers entering hospitals to l1e traiue,l as nmses sbonhi possess; U10lle of instructing nmsc~ in their dutie!:l accomodation, food, lmll,lnties; hours aud; night nurses; recommeu<lil a tet·m of three

as necessary, 6270. Each hospital ~hould he jll'OYided with a scpnrate anJ comforta.llle for its nurses, 627 4-6283

Mrs. lhNlliETTA (lOth Oetober, 1890).-J.Iatron of the Alfretl Hospital. Hel,l that po~ition for ten year8. Mntron of the Heatlwote Hospital for 11vc months previnu~ly, 6204-6289. Is of opinion that nurses' certificates shonld not be given b_Y the h•cturn,.; hut l.y mc<lical men attached to the institution, 6292. Is of opinion that eight hmtrs is sufiicient for a11y narso to work, if it were to do this, 6319-6334. Nurses' quarters at the inu<lequatc, 6353-6:366

MoRLEY, ELizA (lOth October, 1890).-Matron of the Austin Hospital; associated with the hospital for eight years, G-U5-G-tl7. Has never received any tmining a~ a nmse, G-119. Nnmher of lllir~cH in the Austin Hospitnl, ten, 6-±20. Cmiy t.he he a•.! llltrsc there lms rcceive<l tmining, 6-±2 I. J s of that trained nurses are not necessary for the class of cases at the hospital, CH2-± G-140. Gh-es the hours nurses are employed, 6441. N mses' not as as might he, 6-t5-!-G461. Nurses perform menial work, 649.3. \Vages paid to nurses, £35 per nmmm 490

MuFFITT, Mrs. MAnY (lOth October, 1890).--Matron of the Hommopathic Hospital; heltl that nearly iivo yenrs, previons to which helll position as head umsc, G471-Ci-170. Has reecb·ed no 647G. Nurses at itlstitution trninorl, GHR-0485. Gives ronmnemtion paid to mtrses, tH<:\IJ-l1±1:l:t;.

Gives hours of work, 6489-6497. Have a great tmmher of application~ for uurscs, 6498. thnt trained nmses are Yastly superior to nntrainet!, G50l, G502. Gives amonnt of remuneration pnid to nurses who attcn,l cases out:;id\', 6504,6505. Nurses' n.ccommorlation good, 650!). Give~ particulars of tmining, G507 -6522 l'age 492

:Miss ALIC'E (lOth October, 1890).- Has l!een connected with the Alfred Hospital, Children's HoflpHal, nud J\:Iaryhorough Hospital, G.123. In fuvonr of establishing a geueral examining board; of that nine honr.s is qnitc snfiicient for nny unrse to work, 6526. Certifict1teu nnrscs only

be employed, 6528-6530. iVonlrltulvocate (lifferent grades of eert;ifico.tes, 6.'5:31-G.'i:H. Nurses should not be in training less than two years 0r montlB, 65±0. Gives prefcrcn('C to edneuted nurses; is of opinion that nurses in the various are immfiiciently pnid, 6.j34-6ti38. opinions about the dressing of nurses, 6.5Gl-6565 J>age 493

D. A., M.D. (14th November, l n diploma on sanitary science, and has lmtl some experience in sanitary work, 6566. Has visited the J\:Ielbonrnc Hospital and Benevolent

Ilomreopathic, Chil(lren's, \Yemen's, and Alfred Hospitals, 6568. Has Yisited those with n view of inspecting the nccommodn.t.ion for infections diseases patients and the same, 65fi9. Considers the ::\Iclbournc Hospital dcfccti ve, 6570. h not quite prepared yet to evidence, 6571

SillmONS, Hev. JoHN W. (Hth NovemlJer, 18HO).-Represents the colony of Tnsmania, 6578. Is­man of the Holmrt Benevolent Society, (),579. The larp:m· hospitals in Tn;,mania supported hy Go\"ernment, 6585-6588. Outdoor relief societies also wholly Government., 6.591. Financial condition of the charitable institutious Yery good, 6602. A law in force in Tasmania compelling people to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatives, 6623, 6624. In favour of female nurses, 6626-6628 .. . 498

CURTIS, HENRY CHARLES, J\:I.D. (14th November, 1890).-Connccte<l with the Adelaille Children's Hospital and the Training School for Nurses, 6643. The Children's Hospital is supported by voluntary con­trilmtions, supplemented by the Gove!'llment grant of £1 for £l up to£1,000, aml also for all in building or furnishing, supplemented l>y the same amonnt that the board of mn.nal'emen t outlay ; all legacies are placed to the emlowment fnntl ; medical officers eledcd by the commit.tce ; nurses trained and examined, alHl recciYe first and ::;eeon,l class certificates ; arc two years in ; receive £12 per annum and uniform; mns::;s do no domestic work; work sixteen hours in the twenty-four, 6651-6662 Page 501


The Ubrary, Parliament of Vicror'lfl'l'l

XV Ill

SoLo~wx, AnrrAnnr (14th No,·embr, 1890).-Chairman of the llenevolent Institntioa in Dnnetlin, New Z::mlaml, and a me:nber of the charitable aiJ and hospital boards, GCJG3. One charitable aid board fol' e:wb provinec, which assesses en eh local body in proportion to the valllc of the ratenble property in tlwi1· district, whieh amonnt is snpplcmentod by a Government of £1 for £1, ()ti63-6G68. A law i:l forcG c:.nnp::l1ing peoplJ to co:ltril>ute towanl5 t.lw snpport of their intl relatives, G702-67ll. Cost of eae!t inmnte in the Bcnevole:lt Institution pel' heacl per week avcrag('S ;)s. ,1<!. l\fedical opinion in favour of female nnrses, G713-'~71.5. l'rob.ttionary nnr8e'< in the Dnne:iin Hospital receive £25 per anunm for Hr~t twd\·e months; after that they get t:50, 67.31 Page 503

SPEXCF:, CATJIImrxt' Ih;LEN (14th November, 1890) -A member of tltc South Australian Children's Council, G752. Boanling out eltilllrm bas been triel with vm·y rcsnlt3, 675! Page 509

BmcnALL, ANnmnv vVrLLLDr (14th Xovemher, 189()).-Is a member of the Lanneeston Hospital Board, ehairman of tlw finn,uce committee of the Hospital Rnrd, vicc:-cbairmnn of the Benevolent Soeiety, and n trustee of the Homo of Hope, G81 0. He:l,<l aml hamld in a statemeilt on the hospital in Lauueeston, its management and cost Page 513

ATKINSON, THO:'IfAS HENRY (Ht.h Novclllber, 1890).-Roprcsents tbc Destitnte Poor Department of South Australia, 6832. Head a statement on the dostitnto asylum, giving particulars of management, number of inmates, mode of admission, foot!, ami cost of maintenance; lying-in department connected with the asylum; gives particulars of outdoor relief awl the liceaserl foster-mother system Page 516

KKLLY, HENrtY (14th November, 189G).-Reproscnts same hoard as the last witness, 6850. wish to add anything to what has baon cmhl, 6852

Does not Page 850

SuTHErtLAND, :Miss Sn"INA 1\ft:rrRAY }\foDox ALD (21st November, 1890).-Is connected with the Children's Ai(l Society, Matemity Aid Society, n.nd District Nursing Society, 68.)7. Hamled in a statement, which was read by the Secretary, in which her views are expressed as follows :-In f:.v0ur of municipal bodies contributing towar,Js the maintenance of (lcstitute persons scut to charitable institutions in :Melhourne who h:tvc resided in any mnuicipa.Jity for at lcabt three yerLrs, 6!:!65. Recommen(b that many of the country lwspit:t!s !Je turned into convalescent homes, G872. Of opinion that the majority of poor in Victoria have become so by intemperat.e lwbits; gh'es illustrations under which they may be classed, 6877-6891. :'lfnmbors of people eomc to this colony snfl'ering from diseases and afterwards become a burden upon the StatC', 6892-6904. Suggests providing eottage homes in the country for the relief of those poor who arc past work; not in favour of the present night shelters; of opinion that they tend to encourage panporism, 6904-6038. Suggests thnt (t central office in lhe city shonld he estnblishcd for dealing with the relief of the immediate wants of the poor, through the medium of the ladies' benevolent societies, 6939-693S. Of opinion that there ~honlLl be no paying wards attached to the general hospitals; in favour of a (lbtinct paying ho."pital, 6939-7007. Gives her views on the training of nurses and :tccomm0:latiou, &c., for them, 7008-7030. Is of opinio11 that the establish· nwnt of fonniliing hospitals wonld ten~! to inere.tso immomlity, 7031-7042. In favonr of hon.r,ling out children, 70-lH-70<'52. Sugge:<ts that no boy or girl under sixteen years of age shouhl be sent to gaol ; of opinion Umt it h:ts a bad effect, 7053-7070. Chil<lrcn slwuld not be allowed in. police courts <lming the he:triug of cases; no mHler fifteen years of age shouhl be allowe<l to sell p~1pcrs, &e., in the streets, 7073-7080. GiYcs a table showing the number aid class of children rescued by the Children's Aid Society, 7108-7109 Page 525

FJxLAY, l\fiss ELIZABETH (21st November, 1890).-Is connected with the Women's Hospital, 7110. Hol(ls positiou tts matron at the hoi!pital, 7117. Eight nurses and seventeen pupil nurses employed at the hospital, 7119. Nnrses work abont thirteen and a half hours :1. day, 7131. Is of opinion these hours arc too long .. . Page 542

RATHIE, IsADEU"A (2lst Xon;rnbcr, 1890).-H•~hls position a~ matron of the Melbourne Hospital, 7192. Head a ~tatoment on tmini ng mtr~es, &c. Page 5±4

lliSHOP, SAnAn ANNA (21st November, 1890).-Ilolds a position as matron of the Children's Hospital, 728!-7286. Ha~ lnld that for sixteen year~, 7287. Head a sttLtement of hc>r views with reganl to tlw general manag;.nncnt of tho hospital Page 550

AnrrAHA:'IfS, Mrs. ELIZABI>TII (21st Ncwemher, 1890).-Appointed bv the Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Society to gi vc evi<lencc, 7;31 l. Society fonn1le,l 32 years ago, 73L-L Receives uo subsicly from the Govcmmcnt, 7318. The keeps apart fl'Om any other denomination and works iudepondently, 73.32-7340. Dealt with 292 eases last year, 72,13 Page .551

:MAGILL, 11iss ]}fAmE Gmnrrurm (28th Xovember, 1890).-Hns been connected with the Alfred Hospital, 735.5. Head a statement relating to her experience at the Alfred Hospital, 7351. Gives the general routine of clut.ics there; nccommo.latiou had; food very inferior; strongly of opinion that the work is too mneh for the nurses; haLl to on that account; gives several recommendations with reference to the work, accommodation, and meals; gives an account of a nHtniltc's assault upon her through insufficient assistanee being at haml to control him, 7357 ... Page 5;)3

CAF~'¥X, :Mrs. CATHEaiXF: (28th Novcmhor, 1890).-Rcnd a statement on her views regarding nursing. Read rL statement with refercnee to the Charity Organization Society, drawing attention to the large amount of imposition practi:'ietl by out-patients that attcn(l the Alfred an(l }felbonrue Hospitnls. ·Page 556

llATE~IAN, l\Ilss Assm (28th November, 1890).-Presi•lcnt of the La;lics' Association of Charity and the Home of Dischargd mul Distresoed I>risoncrs, 743[). Uca1l a statement on the work and objects of the association; sonr·ces from which funds 11rc Jeriyed; amount of expenditure, 7439-7441. Mode of giving relic£, 7-:1:41. Greatly in favour of the boarding-out system for children, 7453 ••• Page 560


C:AFFYN, 1\fAN'l"INGTON, :M.R.C.S. (28th N oven!l>cr, 1890).-Ilas been in England for the last two years ; proYions to whkh was for eight yearH in Victoria, 7176. Entunemtcs the v:uion9 hospitals, &c., he has lwo'1 co:wcctoJ with, 7J7G-7-ri8. Ho:Ld a statement on t,]w largo amount of imposition practised by ont-patieuh nt the 1\ldhonrnc :wtl Allrc<l IIo~pitnls, 7J79. 0!' opinion that the departments or the hospU::d~ should be and thus eotupd every one to join :t friendly society, H85 Pahe 564

Fom:n::s, Hov. \VlLLLDI KElTll (28th No1-ombor, 1890).-Dclcgatecl hy the District Nnrsing Society to evidence, 7325. Rea(l n statement on the work of the ]s of opinion that the "has

relieve;] the hospitals to a extent when cnses luii'e been turno,J away through want of aecom-1\lOlbtion. Society receives no Gm'ernm;mt gran~, i;);)() Page 567

TURNBULL, J\Irs. PATil.lCK (28th November, 1890).-8ecrot.ary of the 1Ielhourne Vtdies' Benevolent Society, 7690. Has heltl held thnt position for more than 20 Has been connccte,l with the socidy 35 years, 7 590, 7.)91. Hond a statement llrep:u·e.l by on the fornwtion of the society in 1846. System of opemtion i3 the ont<loor relief of the poor in their o"·n homes. Gh-cs numb(:!' of cttscs relieved ttnd sources of in3omo. Is not in fl<nHlr of e,.:tabli,;hing n central office in the city for the relief of the poot·, 7 595 ... Page .572

DUNNE, l\Irs. LoursA J\I. (28th No;'emher, 18DD).-Trc:tsnrer of the I,aclios' Bcl!e,·olent Society, 7635. Hns held that position for 22 ycan:, 7G3G. with prcvions witnesses' atltl!'Oss, 7G37, 7G38. Gives amount of receipts, 764:l-764G. Collector receives 16 per cont. on all subscription:;, /(H7, 7648 . .. .. • .. . .. . ... Page 57 5

\VrLLIAliiS, }fiss KATE (5th Dcoembol', 1890).-Gives cvi<lonco \vith rcfereuee to the patient who made ttn attack on Miss Magill; states that it could only have occurred through mismanagement on her part, 7656 ... Pnrt 578

\V1mn, TnmL\.S PrrouT (5th December, 1890).-0ccupies position of 1Iastcr-in-Lnnacy; has holtl that position for six year,.;, 7713. Gives iu~lrtnco of cases where persons of unsound mind were brought to this colony andaftorward11 became a bunlen on the State, 7il7 Page 579

GurLLAU~IE, GIWRGE (5th December, 1890).-Sccrctary of the Ncg\ccto<l Children's Department; has lwltl that position since ,July, 1882, 776G, 7767. Road a statement on the boanliug-out system, giving a g<meral outline of the system. Strongly opposed to the establishment of fonmlling hospitals. Gives his views suggesting altemativc measures, 7769 Page 583

GurLI.At:1.fE, GEORGE (recalled, 12th December, 1890).-Heatl a statement on the better protection of young gids; on the moans of checking destitution; neglected chihlren; existing facilities for rescue; industrinl schools; maintenance; colloclious, &c., 7786 J>age 589

GummoNA, CIIAHLES D. (12th December, 1!)90).-Reprc:oonts the St. ,Joseph's Home for Do~titnte Children and the St. Vincent de Paul's Home for 1\Ien, 7SUG. Re~d a stntement on <lostitnte and negleete<.l chil,lrcn. Recommends the ostablislnncnt of a foundling hospital, 7938-7~)43. Hentl a 8tatement on the St. Vinoeu t tle Paul's Homo [or }I en. Society provides shelter a!lll l;roakfa~t, &c. ; employment oceasionnlly found; medical assi~tance a[ortl,:<l; others supplied with clothes, &c. In favonr of the establislunont of a ccmtrnl bureau for the relief of the immediate and prossing wants of the poor, 8000 Page 599

,JENNINGS, Miss SOPIIIA L (12th Do,~emlwr, 1890).-Ropresents the St. Kiltla Bene\'olent Society. Has heltl a position as soeretary to the society for eight years, 8024. Read a statement on the establish­ment of the society; management; collection of subscriptions, and amount of Government grant. Mode of relief, 8028. Every cnsc visite<l hy visiting committee, 8029-8031 Page Gll

vVILSON, :Mrs. HENTY (12th Decomher, 1890).-Hcpresents the JUchmonll an!l East lVJolbonme Benevolent Society, 8061 Rea<l a statomeut on the an<l exteut of opor<J.tions of tlw society. Amonnt of Government grant received, £50 per anunm, 80()7. J\Inuicipal grant;; £50, 8070. Greatly in uoed of more ftmtls to adequately relieve the poor, 8077-8087 ... Page 613

CLENDINNTNG, Mrs. M. J. (12th December, 1890).-Represents the J>rnhmn I,Mlies' Benevolent Society, 8088. Reatl a statement on the general management of the society; receipts; expcndit.nre. tn great neetl of more fun tls, 8090 Page 615

EDWARDS, l\1 rs. H. X. (12th December, 1890).-Secrcbry of the Port :\Ielbournc Dorcas Society. Has held that j)Osition for ~cvoHteon years, previous to which was on the committee for three or four years, 8116-8118. Hea<l a Htatcment giving the amount: of Government gmnt received, municipal grant, and subscriptions. Income quite snflicient to relieve their 1ocul poor. Society umlenominational, 8124 P~tge 61$

PEHKS, Hev. C:nARI.ES T. (13th February, 1891).-Momher of the hoard of mrtnagement awl treasurer of the Richmonll Dispensary. Has been connecte·l with the dispensary since U'l70, 8141, 8142. Gives amonut of Govcmment gmnt, 8145. Also receives a gratuity from the Hospital SmHlay fund, 8146. Read a statement on the circumstances which led to the formation of the institution. Advocates the establishment of free dispensaries, 8170. A registration fee of one shilling charged to all who make me of the uispensnry, 8186-8189. Is in favour of the establishment of p::;,y wards in hospitals, 822() Page G 19

SILCOCK, }fiss KmrA (13th February, 189 l ).-Hcproscnts tho Deaconesses' Home. Has been co:mcctcd with same for two and a half yertrs, 8231-8233. ]{cad a statc:no:1t gi1'iug the objects of the institution; marmgemout; mode of snpport; mothotl.d of wol'lc Receives no Govemment grant, 8238. Amount of voluntary contributions, 8239. Amount of cxpemliture, 82·ll. Quotes two cases of people being sent out from England who havo become a burden on charity here, 8251-8263 Page 626

b z


LoRD, Mrs. JANE (13th February, 1891).-Represents the Brunswick Ladies' Relief Society; has held that position for fonr yenrs, 8321-8322. Read a statement giving her Yiows on relieving aml providing fin· the immediate wants of the poor; receives no Government grant, H3·W. Amount of contribution receh·ed from the council, 83.52 Page 631

GEORGE, Mrs. SARAII ( 13Lh Fclmmry, 1801 ).-Holds position as treasurer of the Brnnswick Relief Society, 8356. Reatl a statement on the best method of dealing with cases of poverty; subscriptions; of opinion that municipalities shonltl contribute towarcls the maintenance of local charitable institntions; strongly in favonr of compelling persons to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatiYes; of opinion that only one society is necessary in Brunswick, 8:360. Receh·es no Goverument 8371. An10unt of expenditure and receipts, 8375. Particulars of expenditure, 8380-8382 ... Page 633

LORD, :Yirs. ,JANr.: (recalled, 13th Felmmry, 1891).-Was invited to go on the committee after her husband retired from bnsine~s, but refused on account of not being thought gootl enough while in business, 8386 Page 634

McVEA:-l', Rev. ALLAN (18th February, 1891).-Repre~entative of the Ladies' Benevolent Society at Brunswick, 8391. Has held that position for thirty years, 8:392. 01Jjeets of the instittHion, 8393. Amonnt of money receivetl from private scnrce8; no expense~ incnrred in collecting snme, 83!H-8396. Certain amount of money lent as loans, 8398-8401. l~cacl a ;;taiement giving all account of his experience in charitable work aml reeommendatiom; for the g(:neral relief of poverty, 8402. Of opinion that one of the inHtitntions at Bruns1'riek be close<l with advantage if the mm1bor of tho executive were doubled at the other, 8401-tHOG. of opinion that no lady wrts ever asked to with~ draw from the committee beenuse her husband was in trade, 8411-8·!13 Page 635

(Taken at Beeclw,orth.) AmiSTRONG, JOHN (18th February, 1b9l).-Pre~ident of the (hens District Hospital; hns held that

position since J nne; hao he·c,n eonnoctc<l with the institution about 11ve years, 8·l79. Is of opinion that conndh;, as a rnlc, give very snHtll amounts towanls charitable institutions, 8428-8141. Recom­mends Lbe estnblishmcnt of a Government tax for charitable purposes, 8448-8450. Of opinion that the cost of collections through collectors is very extravagant, 8M)2-!:H69. Jntere:;t derived ti·om the endowment fnnd should go to the genom! aeconnt, 8472-8478. Gives radius from where the patients arc drawn, H-182, !H83. Is of opinion that there is a deal of overlapping of boundaries with regard to certain clmritahle institutions, 8483-84b9. paying wards in the hospital, but paying p:ttients are taken in, 8497-8504. Very little imposition practised, 8508~8510. Have oecasionally transferred patients from the hospital to the benevolent asylum, !:1511-8513. Hospital committee eleetctl yearly by the subscribers, 8517-8530. ;\fedical ollleers appointee] by the governor~:' and subscribers, 853.i. Collector receives commission on concerts, 8542. Dmiuage of the institution very satisfactory, b.H5~85:l L Fire applianees rlcfecdvc, 85.52-8560 Page 6:37

lNGitA>r, JA:\IES (18th February, 1891 ).-Vice-Presitlent of the Ovens District Hospital for 26 or 27 years, 8581. Gives amount of collections, cost of maintenance, 8583-8585. Jn favour of levying some speeial tax for the maintenance of the various charitable institutions, and the appointment of three corn~ missioners, 8iiH6-85DD. A letter was rend with reference to Captain Enws' report on the hospital, 8590~8<393. In favour of the Government levying a special tax for chnriLies, 859±-HG06. Of opinion that the interest. upon lugacie~ should he plaeetl to the maintenance fund, 8616-8620. Patients drafted from the hospital into the benevolent asylum; great many rcceiyed frnm the gaols, 8G29. Does not thiuk that only female nurses would work very well, 8630-8632. Iu favour of compelling persons to contribute towards the support of their indigent relntives, 863·1-8637. Medical officers appointed by the snbscribers, H63il-8643. Gives number of patients for the year, 8644-8646. Amount of entlow~ ment fund, 8653-86.'58. Is oppose<! to eyery locality having a small hospital; reeommends the establishment of hospitals on a large scale in convenient centres, 8659 Page 645

FLOWER, CHARLES .J. ( 18tli February, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Ovens Dist,riet Hospital; has held that position for twenty years, 8669,8670. Sot in favonr of a mnuicipal rate, 8672-8674. In favour of collectiug funds on behalf of charitable institutions by means of a collector, 867 5-8677. Charitable institutions are not sufficiently liberally supportctl by the municipaJities of the district, 867-'l-8687. In favour of the establishment of pay wards, 86.'l8-!:W94. Of opinion that father~ should be rnatle to pay for their sons whether over 21 or not, 8695. Not in favour of female nursing, l:l699-8713. Amount of liability of debt iucnrreu on new building, 8717-8724. Provisions supplied to the hospital l!y tender, 8743 Page 652

DoBBYN, Wn.LLnr, M.R.C.S. (18th February, 1891).-Resident surgeon of the Ovens District Hospital; has held that position about ten years, 8746-8748. Drainage gootl, with one or two CJi:ecptions, 87 49, 87 50. Opposer] to female nmsing, 87 51-87 58. Salary paid to nurses, 87 59-8761. Strongly opposed to paying wards, 8770. Separate ward in the hospital for the Chinese, 8771-877 5 Page 656

CuNII:I:-l'GHHr, J A~IES (19th Felll'lmry, 1891 ).-Treasurer of the Ovens District Hospital; has hel<l that posit.ion about twcl vo years, 8776, 8777. Gives particulars of the endowment fund, 8778-8789. Particulars of the new building and amount of debt on same, 8793-8798. Details the cost of provisions, 8800--8806 Page 658

lNGRAM, ,J HIES ( r0callel, 19th February, 1891).-Pt·esident of the Benevolent Asylum; has held that position for about 26 years, 8807, 8808. Of opinion that far greater difficulty is experienced in obtaining fumls for the benevolent a~ylum than for the hospital. ;\Iany cases sent to gaol because there was uo place in the asylum for them, 8809-8813. Amount of contributions receivecl from public bodies, 8814. Of opinion that a very small tax put on the district would he snfficicnt to support the asylum, 8818-8828. Amount of subscriptions, Go~·ernment grant, &c., 8829-8834. Funds collected by a collector, collector's salary, 88a5-8849. Institution not in debt to any great extent, 8861. Cost of maintenance very high, compares same with Castlemaine, 8864-8880. Amount of secretary's salary, 8881. Compares cost of collection with that at Castlemaine, 8883-8885 Page 660


:FYFE, ARTHUR C. (19th Fcbrnary, 1891 ).-Has been connected with t.he Bene;~olcnt Asylnm for 2!::! years; eight yem·s as collector; for some time was acti11g as secretary, collector, aml superintendent., 8~)03. Of opinion that tlte tluties of eollector for the hcnevolcnt n~ylum and hospital could not be combined, >l904-890G. Can give no satisfactory explnllatinn why the benevolent asylum is more expeusive in maintenance than the one nt Castlemainc, l:l907 -8916. '"' ater mte paid, 8922. Nothing paid for metlieal attendance, 8927. Fire appliances very dellcient, 8928-8~139 Page 66()

I:sGRA~r, ,JA~ms (fmther examined, 19th February, 1891).-:Many cases wore waiting the completion of the new ward, ·which being new also full some other means will have to be forthcoming to afford necessary accommodation, 8947 Page 668

(At PVangamtta.) BrcKERTON, 'V ILUAM (20th Fdmmry, 1891 ).-Treasurer of the '\Vangttratta Hospital; has held that poBition

between six anrl seven, 8952, 895:3. l 1 >trliament.ary grant has proved in;;uffieicnt. Of opinion that the is smaller in proportion to that. received hy other insr.itntions, 8961. In favonr of reqnil'lng mnnieipal bodies io contribute toward . ., the erection ancl maintenance of charitahle institn-

89G.5-tHJ6B. Givco ilw bouwlarics of the distriet, 8972-8()7(). Of opinion that by getting tiJO rate colleett.:d tbmugh the nmuicipal ho<lies, it wouJ,] be t!tc fairest and ehoapest way, but

wonlcl kill private benevolence, 8978-b91:l6. Mode of' colloctiHg private contributions, salary paid to coilector, 8989-900:3. Have no endowment fnnu. All bequests have hoen pnt aEicle to a building fm;tl, 900,~, 9001l. :\laiutcmmee fund quite insufficient, 9006. Sover:1l alterations in the ]Jresent in,otitution greatly noe<led, 9009-90li:l. Modienl oiHcer's ~alary, hours of attendance. Is of opinion that the mc(:ical oflirer's (]uties aud powers have uot workc·d satisfactorily, 0014-9024. J'\ot mneh pon:rty in the dbtrict, 9030, 9031. No pay wards in the institution. Patients assessed a(•conling to their menns, !1038-9019. Cnses of age and infirmity transferred to the Ovens Benevolent Asylum, 9050, 9\.liil. Dnos not think it worth while logi"Jatin~ for the purpose of compelling per~on;; to snpport their inllis;·c11t relatives, 9057, 9058. V cry much in wnnt of a resident ~uperintemlcnt, 9061-90():3 Page GG9

LANOTJmE, HENRY (20th Fohrnary, 1891).-0u the committee of the Waugaratta Hospital. Has hecn presideut for several 9079. Of opinion that the pal'iimnentary grant is most unequally dis-trilmted, 9082-90Cl4. favour of requiring mnnieipal hodics tu collect the charitable rate. Dore not think that a f'mallrate would kill pril'atc> Lenovolenco, 9085. At present paying a very heaYy rate for co]Jcctiug, 9088-9U98. Highly npproves of female nnming, 9099, 9100. Smtcs that tlte complaiut made by the In~peetfJr of Charitie~ of groat untidinel'~ exioting in the imlitution has been rectifie<l, 910l-910t. Comrnitll'e eleete'l ~ulbcribers, 9132 675

Jl.:fEr~Tllm:~r, \Vn~LTAJ\1 (20th Fehnwry, 1891).-Prcsi,lent of the '\Yangnratta liospital; has not l1cl,l that poEition a year, 9136, 9187. Ihs h:tll occnsion to wait upon two Trcasnrers with ro,poet io the amount of the Govc·rnmrnt grant. Gives particulars of the interyiows, 9138-9146. Not in favour of nmnicipnl ratiug·, 9147-Hl.56. Does not think oue collector for the Wnngaratia and Beoelnvorth institntions would be sufllcicnt, HL57. Not in fnYom· of the colicctiHg being done by the municipal ob'i.cer~'<, 9158 679

McArrou;, E. ,T., ::U.R.C.S. (20th February, 1891).-Has hold position as medical officer to the \Y angamtta Hospital for abont 26 months, 9182, Particnlar8 of aitcndanco at the hospirnl, 9185-9193. IB pradioally man::tgiug ::;nperintcndont, keep;; a eltcck of all nclmissious, has the privilege of mlrnitting patients, 91 9+-9\DS. Gives the cost of keeping incnmble cases in tlte ho~pital which ;,:honl(l l>c in the bonevolC'nt n~ylnm, D202. In favour of female 921 a, 92 H. Approves of connge hospitals for chiltlron, 9215, 92W Page ()82

HINCHLEY, ,JA~!ES (20th February, 1891 ).-Secretary and hcaJ wan1sman of the vYangarn tta Hospital has nothing to do with the collecting. Enumerate~ his dnties, 9246-9263. Salary, £100 per annnm, rations nnd quarters, 9270... 685

(At Kilmore.)

BossENCE, Tnm!AB (21st February, 1891).-:Member of the hospital eommittce, has been president of the hospital twieo, !l271, 9272. Of opinion that the present system of allocating the Govemmont grant is not good, 9274-9277. Amount subscribed by the loeal shires, 929.'). In favour of a municipal rate, 9296-9301. Mode of collecting funds, 9805-9308; amount of the endowment. fund, 9309-9;31 l. Rate of charges for paying patients. Of opinion that t.lw clmrit.y has been imposed upon, 9312-9317. }lode of admitting patients, 9318-9323. Average cost per bed, 9324-9327. In favonr of compelling peroons to contribute towanls the support of their itHligent relatives, 9336-9310. In favour of female nursing, but of opinion it would ],e more ex.pcush'e, 9342-93-JA. Does not think there arc many poor in the district, 93.16. Committee electcrl yearly hy the sub­scribers, 93:19. Amount oE doctor's sahuy, 93.')~. Provisions supplied by teJH]er, 935G. Amount of hou:;e stowanl's salary, 9364-9:369 .. . Page 68{)

SEMPU:, WrLLLU! HENRY, M.D. (21st February, 1891 ).-Gives evidence re tlte Kilmorc Hospital. Not in favour of pay war. Is, 9395-\)399. Is in no way rosponsil>k for the wpervision of sauitnry or other nrmngements, 9410-9460 Page 692

:McLL:CKlE, Al.I<RED JVL (21st. February, 1891).-Soeretary of the Kilmore Hospital. Amount of salary £-10 per annum, D4Gl, 9462. Hn!l(\6 in a table comparing the amount. of the Govemmc11t grant to the various hospitals, 94G5, ~li6G. }Jajority of the committen in fa vonr of municipal rating, 9467. Of opinion that the house steward is responsible for the superYi~ion of the sanitary arrnngements, 9480-9487 Page G95


RusH, Tnmus JosEPII (21st Fehmary, 1891).-President of the Kilmore Hospital. Has held that position since ;Tuly. Conneeto(l with tho in~iitntion fot· two yenrs preYion~ly, 9194-9490. Of opinion that the institution does not get its sh<tro of the (}overmuent !H97, 049R. In favom of compelling ehil<lren to support their parents, hut if n fhther ehiltl until he is a certain age, does not consider him any longer re,;pon~ihle, OJQI. Not mnch po,·erty m 11Je 9002-9505

HuNT, ::Vlrs. KATE (21st FebrlHiry, 1801).-Hns been a resident iu Kilrnore for twenty, 9530 Visits the institution as a volnnt<:er, 0535. Is treasurer of the Ln<lie~' Benevolent As~ociation, 95iJR, 9539. Gives the motlc of rclicl'ing carrierl on l>y the association, 9iJll-9.547. l1.mount, of income, 9;'),1!::1-9552. Not satisfie;l with the present GoYermnent grant, 90:53. In favom of tlw boarding­out system for children, 9562-9069 Page 700

WHELAN, JVIrs. FANNY 9572. Of opinion of same, 9580-9.50.5

lst Fei.JJ·uary, 1891).-Lady correspondent of the boarding-out committee, the boarding-out system is a good one, 9575-9577. GiYes general particulars

Page 701

(At Melbourne.) STRONG, Rev. CHARLES, D.D. (27th February, 1891).-)finistcr of the Australian Chnrch; has resided in

:Melbourne nbont sixteen years, 9,596, 9597. Read a Htntement on ll10 Social Improvement, Friendly Help, all(] Children's Ai<l Society, of which he is presi,lent, particulars of the objects aml work of same, 9699. Amount of money rceeive(l from prinHo ::mbseriptioHs, 9GOI. Not :,;ul>sid.ized by Government in any way, 9602. Amount of expenses, 9605. Number of children sent np country during the year, 960l). Hesults of sending- chihlren up country very satisfactory, 9608-9619. Is of opinion, by personal observation, tlmt a great deal of poverty exi~ts in certain part~ of 1\fclbourne. Enumerates several cases, 0626-0632. X ot in fa vonr of cstablishillg a foundling hospital, but advocates establishing centres in every suburb where fonwllingo:i could he boarded under Government supervision, 9635-0G3H. Strongly in favonr of the W<)rking of creches, 9639-96-12. Of opinion that the areas whieh sauitary inspectors have to examine arc too Expresses hi~ opinion as to the canse of poverty in :Melbourne ; kiml of work doue the poor; l'emuHemtion reeeiYed for same ; hours of work, OG43-96.)0. Largo mimber of wives among~t the poor; great many poor who are so through :drunken lw hits, 9651-9660. Of opinion that the various charitable societies and institutions do good work, lJut are not sufficiently protected against imposture, over­lapping, ami want of syBtcmatie method of dealing with porerty, Ol)I)L Is a member of the Charity Organization Society. Does not think it is fulfilling the ,york inlendeil iu its first inception, 966l!-9Gfi4. Does not think the prcscn t system of a<lmi,~ion to charitable institutions a good one, 9665. Thinks that the general J,otly of suh;;crilJCrs give indiserimiuate!y. Consiilers that some check shonlu he ]Jlaccd on the of tickets, 96GG-9G72. Atlvocates the estal,Jislnneut of private illStitntions, under public in8pection, for the accoHHnodation of patients who are able to pay, 9673, 9G7,L \Vould extend the area of the work o£ the Charity Organization Society. The lnmlen of Bnpporting tl1e charities falls on comparntil·ely l'ew. \Yould organize a system of eollecting from house to home, or, failing this, each municipality flhonld impose on itself a small tax. \Yonlcl prefer tlJC tax sy~tcm, 9677-9680. Wonld holtl the various conncils responsil>lc for the careful inspection of all hou~;es before being occupictl, as to dminap:e, &c., a!Hl the town council to be helcl responsible for any loss to the tenant arising- from inferior work, 0683-9685. Gives his views with reg:ml to stopping the overcrowding of house:;, 9687-9G89. Suggesis that the various pieces of vacant land should be purehasell by privnte companies or the municipalities and model lodging houses erected and would restrict the percentage of profit on same to 5 per cent. There should be authority to arrest the drunkard who l>rings poverty to his home, 0692, 9693. W oulJ place the pul>lic-houses under the direct control of the municipal councils, 9695-9701 702

BLASIIKI, PmLLlP (27th February, 1891 ).-Appointed hy the l\Ielhonrne Jewish Aid Soeiety to evidence, 9702. Gives the object~ of the society, ~)706-9732. Of opinion that sncct should be olwcked; suggests tlutt every subscriber of £1 to the Clmrity Organization Society receive a hook of 40 tickets, each of tho value of six ponce, which would cut it le the l>earer to either food or a boJ, 9734. In fhvour of a muuicipal rato, 9746 Page 712

SNmERs, llARNARD (27th Februnry, lt-591).-Appointed by lh<:! 'Jlelbonrue Jewish Philanthropic Soeiety to give evidence, 9789. Suggests that all chrtritable in~titutiom; should be empowered to demise for a term of years any unoccupied land gmn ted to them by the Crown, 9791. G i yes the objects of the society; amount of income ; Government grant ; private subscriptions, 9794-9799 ... Page 718

(At Geelong.) CARR, WILLIAM PICKEN (5th :March, 1891).-Presi<lent of the hospital, 9823,9824.

views on the best way of supporting charity, &e., 982G Expresses his own

Page 720

GoomiAN, Rev. CANON (5th March, 1891).-Has boon on the hospital committee a great nnmbee of years, 9860, 9861. Of 0pinion that a great deal of imposition exists, 9:-l69. District not snffidently canvassoJ. 9870, 9871. \Vonhl separate the lwspital from the benevolent asylnm, 9872. Expresses his opinion wlth reganl to the builtling and the accommoilatiou, 9874-9B87. Of opinion that it would l>e desirable to eompcl people to support their indigent relatives, 9888-9890. Paying patients in the hospital, 9898-9908. Greatly in favonr of trained nurses, 9921, 9922. Approves of boarding out children, 9924-9926. Surgical wards and operating room yery defective, 9933-9944 ... Page 722

... XXlll

GnEY, .TosEPH HE!'\'RY (5th March, 189l).-ls m::tyor of Newtown and Chilwell, 9952. Opposed to a mnuicipa! mle, 9956-9972. Not in favonr of the present method in which the ewlow­

mcnt is being administered, 9973-9990. Subscriptions oollceted by collector;;; cost of collection, 9991-9996. In favonr of paying wards, 9'.197. Expre'ise;:; his views on the hospital building generally, 10000-10010. Not in frwour of the way in whieh the present system of boarding ont children is being contlucicd, 10032-100.50 Page 72S

SHARP, En wARD (5th March, 1891 ).-Secretary and superintendent of the Gee long Infll'mary and Benevolent Asylum ; has heltl tlmt position for eighteen a !HI a half years, 10038-10059. Expresses his own IOOG3. Quite s:tlisfictl with the [H'CHcnt alloeation of the Government g:rant, 10066-10068. favour of a municipal rate, 10069-100713. The hospital building very defecti\·e, 10090-10093. Expresses hi~ views on the affiliation of the hone volent asylum with 1 he hospital, I 0094-101 Od. Think:< it wonhl l1e de~irable that all nurses should nndorgo an examination and be certificated, 10113-10120. Honorary medical staff elected the J012G-10130 Page 73.5

KENNEDY, TumrAs .r. N., M.B., B.S. (.5th March, Hospital ; has helLl that position fo~ ten monthH, 101 a bad state; nurses' quarters hall, 101 l7-10154. l<:vrm"~''" the hospital and the benevolent asylum; admis~ion 10167-10223

Meuiettl Officer of the Geeloug Is of opinion that the bnihling is in

his views on the general management of ; amount of impesition practised,

Page 739

BCTLEH, Rev. PATHICK C. (5th March, 1S91 ).-Is Director or Superior of the Christian Brothers in Geelong, 10224. Read a statement on the general management and objects of the St. Augustine's Orphanage. 10230-10239. Has not experienced very good results from boarding children out, 10240-102.52. Amount of expenditure; Government grant, &c., 10253-10260 Page 743

NEW>IAN, FossEY .J., M.B., B.S. (5th March, lt\91).·-Honorary physician atthe Gcclong Hospital, 10293. xnrP><k<>>< his own opinion; states that the building is quite unsuited for a ho~pital; the institution

not in any way be connected with the Benevolent Asylum, 10296. Is strongly against getting hospital supplies by contract, 1 0302-lO:Jl 0. Treatment of accident case~, 10311 Pnge 7 48

MARWOOD, AwrnuR "W., M.B. (5th March, 1891 ).-One of the honorary medical staff at the Geelong Ho~pital. Condemns the ho;;pital; of opinion that it would be inadvisable for the hospital an<l benevolent asylum to be affiliated; advise~ the establishment of some one who, by filling the position of collcctm· a!Hl inspector, would be in a position to imposition Page 7Zi2

WILLIAThiso::-., Miss REBECCA (5th March, I S91 ).-Represents the :Female Refuge of \:Vest Geelong. Gives particulars of t.ho work, accommodation, income, and expenses in connexion with same Page 752

BoYLE, Ro:BERT vV. (5th :March, 1891 ).-\Vas formerly secretary of the Female Refuge ; is now a member of the committee, I0:38tl-l 01399. )fade a statement giving particular,; of the work, objects, anu general financial position of the refuge, 103,10-10i$94 Page 753

Goon:lfA::f, Mrs. MARGATIET (5th March, 18i)l ).--Appointed by the Ladies' Benevolent Society of Gee long to evidence ; recommended that ladies desiring training as nurses should not be required to do any menial work ; better to board children ont from the orphan asylums ; that the town council be asked to contribute not loss than £lOO annually ; that there be a home for vagrants cstablishcu; that persons be compelled to support their indigent relatives; amount of income, 10:398. Government grant, 10399 Page 7.'i4

(.Sth March, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Hommopathic Dispensary ; has been associated years wHh the institution, 10424-10427. Sources from which income is drawn; amount

£110 3s. 3d.; Government grant, £50; Hospital Sunday collection, £13 10s.; expcn-10, 104.29-10432. :Niode of giving relief, 104:34. ~umber of cases relieved 1ast year,

l 0438 Page 7 56

HITCHCOCK, GEOHGE M. (5th March, 1891).-'l'reasnror of the Hommopathic Hospital, !0452. Par­tieularizos method of giving tickets; depenucnt on the eolleetor to a great extent for the income of the institution, 10453. Strongly in favour of adopting the New Zealand plan of ;;upporting charitable institutions, 10454, 104.55. A medical man sent to houses to give relief, 10457-10459 Page 757

STRONG, J A}IES (6th }larch, 1891 ).-)1ayor of Geelong, 10460. Recommends that the country be mappou out into distl'iets, and the districts be rated to snpport the charitable institnt.ions, 10163, 10464. Is more in faYont· of a rate than a Government subsidy, 104()5. Is simply expressing his individual opinion, 10468. Municipality does not contribute to the charitable institutions of the town, 10470. Of opinion that municipal rating wonltl not be tantamount to introducing the :English Poor I .. :tw

; in favour of compelling sister or brother, and husband or wife, aHtl 'L'ice ve1·sfi, to support each other, 10482-10487. In favour of the boarding-out system for chiluren, 10489-10494... Page 758

(At the Convent if Mercy.)

XAVIER, Uev. Mother )IARY (6th :March, 189 l ).-Is head of the institution ; has been assoeiated with same for 26 years, 10496. States the objects of the institution; number of inmates, I 0198-10,300. Cost per heacl for m~tiutenance, £14 12s. 10d., 10508-10510. States the means adopted before ehildren can be atlmitte;l into the institution, l052G·-10532. Amount of Government grant, £950, 10536, 10.537. In favour of the boarding-out system, provided that gooLl homes are fouwl, 10560-l 0567 Page 760


(At J.l1elbourne.)

DAYIES, Hon. JoHN MARK, ::VI.L.C. (13th March, 1891).-Has been appointed by the Austin Hospital to gil'e evidcuce, 10569. Considers that the institution does not receive ils fair share of the Government vote, 10572-10579. Ameuut of subscriptions, herpwsts, and donations in 1890, £2,665, I 0580, 10581 ; amount of expenditure in 11:590, £3,073, l05B:C. Amount of salary paid the collector in 1890, who also fiJ Is the position of secretary, £210, and £17 as commission, 1058:3. The interest of the entlowment fund devoted to maintenance, 105t\7-lO.'i89. Is personally opposed to requiring municipal boLlies to contribute townnls the erection and maintenance of charitable institutions, 10593. Is satisfied with the present morle of raising funds, but not with tbe mode of distribution, 10598. Number of inmates at present in the institution, 88, 10602. In favour of pay wards, on the principle that patients arc received and pay, or their relatives pay for them, aecording to their means; 10604, 10605. Amount paid by paying patients during the last twelve months, £al4, 10606. Would not go beyond rer1niring parents to coulri bute towards their children, and vice ve1'S(~' 10626-10631. In iitvour of fem!de nurses; woulrl reduce the duty on charitable bequests to one-half of the present, 10633-10642 ... ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Page 764

TuRN~~R, WlLLIAM JOHN G. (13th :March, 1891).-Secrctary and collector for the Austin Hospital; has held that position for about two years ; agrees generally with the views expressed by Mr. Davies, 10649-10651. Of opinion that the Government grant should be largely increase•l to the institution, 10669. States the mode adopted for admitting patients, 10680, 1068 J Page 768

LANGLEY, Miss ST. CLAIR (13th March, 1891).-Agent for the Social Improvement, Friendly Help, and Children's Aitl Society; has been associated ;vith same about eighteen months, 10706-10708. Gives evidence as to the objects and general management of the society ... Page 771

DroKSON, Mrs. :VlAnGARET (13th :March, 1891).-Vice-Presitlent of the Collingwootl Creche, 10748. Total number of children admitted during the year, 3,958, 10750. Of opinion that the institntion has been a great benefit to both the children and the mothers, I 07 5-±. Of opinion that two crcehes might well be worked in the district., 10755 Page 773

BEXNETT, DAYID (20th March, 1891 ).-Secretary to the Tralles Hall Council ; has held that positioanhout t\yo years and a quarter, 10783, 107!:14. Expresses his own opinion, 10786. Head a statement on objects of the Commission ; does not agree with municipal ratinf!:, 10790-lOtliS. Condemn.~ the present system of collecting subscriptions by means of a collector, 10t>l9-10829. 0£ opinion that all Loqucsts left to charitalJ!e institutions should be placed to the 1Jniluing fund, ant! not be used for general management, 10830-10832. Strongly in favour of the work done by ladies' benevolont societies ; does not think there is a very great deal of distress in i\Ielbomnc ; in filYonr of est.ablishing a friendly society for women, 10833-10849. Does not favour the belief that the charitable institntionR are used to any great extent by persons not entitled to use them, 101:550-10862. Not in favour of setting wards apart for paylug patients, but would place them on the snme footing as the non-paying; medical officers shouid not be aware who pays or who does not, 10863-10867. Advocates employing female nurses in preference to male, 1086B-10879. Approves of the boanling-out system, and suggests an extcn~ion of same, 10880, 1081:51. States his views with regard to the removal of the Melbourne Hospital to a suburban site; suggest~ moJc of conveying patients there, 10882-10890. Suggests localities where accident wards might be established, 10891-10893 Page 774

ELMSLIE, HENRY (20th 1\Inrch, 1891 ).-Has been elected by the Trades Hall Council to give evidence, 10898. Read a statement of his Yiews on the objects of the Commission ; in favour of a central board being created for the purpose of reed viug and distributing all moneys intended for charitable purposes, 10900-10907. Not in favour of municipal rating, 1090~-10917. Suggests that a system should be brought into operat.ion for the work of collecting funds by means of local collectors, 10917-10919. \V ouid divide any endowments that are not specified how to be apportionecl between the building and maintenance funds, 10920. Of opinion that if a man can pay he should not be admitted into any charitable institution; in favour of female nursing, and the improvement of the system under which nurses are employed ; in favour of the boanling-out sysrem for children Page 784

TAYLOR, JoHN HENRY (20th March, 1891).-Secretary of the Manchester Unity Independent Ot·der of Oddfellows; has held that position for twelve months, 10927-10930. Is expressing his own opinion 10931. States the amount distribntell by the Order during the last 25 years, I 0936. The benefits derived by members, 10940, 10941. Considers that the boarding-out system works very weli with respect to orphttn chlldreu, l09J5-10955. Suggests raising the status of nurses, 10956-10962. Is of opinion that funds might be eollectecl by employers from their employes to be used for their benefit in the event of becoming incapacitatetl by accident or otherwise, 10963-10979. Advocates the establishment of female friendly societies, 10981-10988 ... Page 71:>6

SPRINGTHORPE, JoHN WrLLIA:\f, M:.D. (20th March, 1891).-Connectetl with the Melbourne Hospital, 10991. Has not had sufficient time to prepare his evidence, 10994:, 10995. Advocates the establish­ment of a board of charities, 10998-11012. Opposed to compelling persons to support their indigent relatives, 11013-11023. Opposed to medical men having private hospitals, 11025-11027. Doe.'l not think that the Melbourne Hospital meets the present requirements, 11057, 11058. Expresses his views as regards the removal of the Melbourne Hospital to another site, ll 058-11077 .. . Page 790

SMITH, JOHN CHARJ,ES (20th M: arch, 1891 ).-Grand secretary of the Independent Order of Odclfellows, expresses the views of the executive, 11079. Head a statement giving the number of members and general statistics, 11085-110!:!9. Of opinion that the ,;ociety is a great saving to the State, 11091, 11092. In favour of the establishment of friendly societies for females such time as they become married, 11097, 11098. Is not in favour o! a municipal rate, 11099-1ll02. In favour of paying wards, 11108-11110 Page 794


(At the Convent of the Good Shepherd.) KENNEDY, Sister 1Lc~_rry V. (17th April, ltl9l), Lady Suporioross.-Has held her present position about

three weeks, 11112. Head a rPporL of the Fire Insurance Companie~' Brigade Association on the Con vent of t ho Good Shepltcnl, AbL•otsford, giving Yarious rocommomlations ,\'ith respect to the improvement of the fire appliauces, llll-1, 11115. States the objects of the iustitution, 11116-lll30. Amount of money collected from all somc:es, 11131-11134. Amonut of receipts by w; rk done by the inmates, 1113-1-lll37. Amonut of expenditure, lll38, 11139. Have not sufficient accommo­dation, 11155, 11156. Great di(ficnlty in raising the requisite subscriptions, 11158-11172. Has not found the boarding-out system work well, 11180-11196 Page 796

(At .1.Weluourne.) MuRRAY, I{Ev. THOMAS B. (1st May, 1891).-In charge of the St. Vincent de Paul's Orphanage; has

hold that position about a mouth, ll213, 11214. States the objects of the institution, ll219-ll224. Read a statement explaining the methotl of working the institution; the education of the children; number of yearly mlmissions average 50; Government grant £800; expend it nro :1 Lout £2,000, 11224, 11225. Amount or private snbscriptious £2,410 l2s., 11227. Not grently in fayour of the boarding­out system, 11256-11307 Page 801

OFFICER, CHARLES MYLES, :NI.L.A. (lst May, 1891).-Honorary trertsurer Victorian Deaf aml Dumb Institution; has held that position about eight or nine years, 11308. l{ead a statement expressing his Yiows ; not in favour of a mtmicipnl rate, 11312. Amount of money received from all sources £2,800, 11330. Of opinion that if it can he shown that the site occupied can be sold for a large sum, would be in favour of doing so, 11358-11362. Occupations of the inmates, 11375 Pag~ 807

J ONES, W lLLIA~I (1st May, 1891 ).-Superintendent of the Deaf and Dumb Institution, 11377. Has hold present position since beginning of the year; assistant secretary for se,·entecm years previously, 1!378. Read a statement setting forth the objects of the institution; amount o£ GoYornmont grant £1,600; application is maue to all shire and other councils for snppo:·t; gives amount of average receipts from this source; no collector employed no"· ; appeals are made for conlributiom; by moans of circulars; has been found to work well with old subscribl!rs, but does not do so with new ; amount of payments for pupils; all legacies placed to the endowment fund, the interest on which is placed to the credit of the mrrintenance fund; partieularizes the fire appli:mcos; extent of the groumb all<l buildings; roacl a return giving the :werago cost and attendance of inmates, 11380, 1138 l. .Explains the modo of admitting children ancl form that luu to be filled up, 11384-1138(:). Oi opinion that the institution conld be carried on efficiently in the country, but would not recommend that iho present building be destroyed in order to sell the laud, 11405-l Hl2 Page 810

ExoN, EDWIN (1st May, 1891 ).-Secretary and superintemlent of the Melbourne Orphan Asylum ; has held that position 31 years, J 1425, 11426. Head n statement giving particulars of the moue of collecting funds, which is done by moans of a collector and m·itteu appeals ; amount of Government grant £3,550, ll ±31. Amount of public contributions, £825 by means of le it or am1 £840 4s. 9d. hy the collector, 11-182. Amount doriYOll ti·om endowment fund £3,000, 11433. Amount of revenue derived from land which has cnme ns an endowment to the institution £2,000, ll4il:l-li4;38. Amount receh·ed from municipalities between £160 and £200, 11453, ll-154. Fonr hundred and thirty-ono chiltlren in the institution, 11456. Cost per head per annum £16 l6s., 11458. Bequests not specially appro­priated by will nml life governorship paymeuts placed to tLe endowment fund, the interest of which goes towards maintermncc, 11474-ll±79. Not in favour of pay wards in connexion with the asylum, 1 H80-ll48:l. ~While strongly approving of the boarding-out system is not in favour of abolishing homes at the institution; gives hi~ reasons Ior the same, ll485-ll512. Of opiuion that the institutions of the colony compare very favorably with similar iu~titntions in England, ll513-ll51G. States under what circumstances chil(lren are eligible for admission, 11523. No children who h:we money \Yhose trustees will not allow the same to go towards maintaining the child are aLlmitted inio the iusti­tution, 11535-11554 Page 815

(At Sandhurst.) CoLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD, M.D., L.R.C.S., E. (8th ;uay, 1891).-Resident surgeon of the Bendigo District

Hospital, 11556. Number of beds in the institution 150, 11563. Han,led in a copy of the rules for training nurses at the hospital, 11570-11580. In favour of a central bourd of examiners, ll58l, 11582. Duties of nurses extend to twelve hours per day, l158G, ll5S7. Of opinion that a largo ward should have a nurses' room attachecl to it, 11592. Would not approve of nurses living in the hospital and sleeping outside, 11595-11607. Head nurse receives £1 per week; assistants IUs., and after the first twelYo months l2s.; probationers are not paid during their eighteen months of probation, 11608. Nurses receive £2 2s. per week when employed by the public, 11(:)16-11619. No employment guaranteed by the hospital to probationers after the term has ended and they have gained a diploma, 11621-11633. Patients admitted on the recommendation of the subscribers; no inquiry made untir they are admitted, ll634-116:l8. Of opinion that there is very little imposition practised with regard to paying patients; is not in favour of paying wards in any charitable institution, 11639-11662 Page 824

PrFERRAR, Miss ANGELA (8th l\1ay, 1891).-A nurse in the Bendigo Hospital; has boon there two years, 11663, ll664. Has been trained in the hospital, ll665. Particularizes the training received by nurses at the hospital, ll669, 11689 Page 829

McGoWAN, SAMUEL H. (8th May, 1891).-Honorary treasurer to the Bendigo Distl'iet Hospital, 11690. Hospital about £400 in debt at present, 11692. Of opinion that the present allocation of the Government grant could be much improved on, 11693-11696. vVoultl divide the hospitals into different classes, according to the number of beds, 11699, 11700. Amount of revenue last year


£7,634; private contributions £1,332 lls. lOd.; Government grant £4,750; Hospital Saturday and Sumlay £38lJ; nmintenance of lunn.tics £399; p:tying patients nud donations from p;ttients £276 2s. 2d.; proceCJds from entertainments £225; iutercst Jrom oudowmcnt fnnd £247, 11701. Amount of enilowment fund £6,700, 11702. Not in favour of a municipal rate, 11706-11712. Of opinion that there is very littlo imposition, 11719-11728. The benevolent asylum up to tlte present has relieved the hospital of its helpless or indigent persons, 117~9. In favour of compelling persons to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatives, but woul,l limit it to father and son or mother and daughter or brothers and sisters, 11730-11736. Of opinion that casual cases arc too few to ju:>tify the expense of e~tablisbing an institution for snch, 11737, 117:38. Enmnorates the variouR sociotic8 in the disLrict, 117 42. ::Yletlical officers elected by the subscribers, 117 46 Page 830

DL""RHA>r, HENRY J. (8th 1\Iay, 1891 ).-Acting secretary to the Bemligo Di~trict Hospital; has held that po~iti.ou about threc; weeks, 11770, 11771. Has been in the hospital about twenty months, 11773. No commission is paid on subscriptions I'Cccivcd without the intervention of tl1e collector, 11779-11783. All patients are required to a declaration previous to being admitted, 11786-11788. A few in the hospital who might be removed to the benevolent asylum, 11789-11791 ... Page 835

MclLitoY, JoNATHA~ S. (8th May, 1891).-Superintcmlcnt of the benevolent asylum, 11801. Com~ mittco quite satisfied with the amount of the Government graut; amount of same £4,800; amount of private subscriptions £500; Hospital Sunday £331; the Easter fair £345; interest on the endow· ment fund of £600 per year on the average, ll803-1180;3. Total expenditure of the institution £6,000, 11806. In favour of establishing a municipal rate, 11807-11811. Amount of endowment fund £12,771 9s. Od.; interest on same used for maintenance, 11812-11814. The institution is over­crowded, 11819. In favour of compelling persons to support their indigent relatives within a certain degree of relationship, 11822-11825. Amount of ontdoor relief last year £2,537, 11827-11845. Would give preforonec to the boarding out of chilrlren, 11856, 11857 Page 836

HOSKINS, ,JoH~ R. (Dth May, 1891).-Mayor of Sandhurst, 11862. Has been in the council about fonr years, 11864. Has been on the committee of the llendigo District Hospital for eight or nine months, 11867, 11868. Committee not satisfietl wit.h the amount of the Government gmnt, would prefer it pro rata to the expenditmc, 11870-11874. Corporation of Sandhurst contribute~ £150 to each institution, llS7.5. Enumerates the other institutions and societies snb~cri11Cd to by the oorpomtion and amounts of same, 11876. Total amount of revenue about £28,000, 11877. Of opinion that the majority in the district are against a municipal rate, 11879-11887. Groat number of cases treated that llo not belong t,o the district, 11888-llS90. A great deal of distres~ at present in the district, which is largely supplemented by casmtls from elsewhere, 11891. Does not like the system of paying patients, 11901--11903 Page 839

EDWAHDS, 1\Irs. A. "M. (9th May, 1891).-Rcpresents the St. Vincent de Paul's Society, 11918. Income of the society about £300, which is made np by subscriptions and donations, 11920. Have no Government grant, 11921. Gives the amoLmts received from the various municipalities, 11922. Area of district, 11923. Is of opinion that the society onght to receive a Government grant, 11924. Receive no money from the Easter fair, 11926, 119~6. :Society never relief in money, 11931. Subscriptions falling off; does not approve of collecting, 11937 Page 843

HARCOURT, Mrs. JEXNIE (9th May, 1891).-Represcnts the Sandhurst Doreas Society, 11947. Has been connected with the society about twelve years; has jnst resigned the secretaryship, 119,±8-119.')0. Uovenue last year £167 l3s. Id., 119.51. States amounts received from the various municipalities, 11953. Does not think the wants of the poor in the district arc auoquatcly relieved, 11956. Of opinion that the work of the society is overlapping, 11959 Page 844

DE~OVAN, WILLUM D. C. (9th M:ty, 1891).-Grcat number of applications at the Town Hall for relief, 11964-11973. Condemns the present form of admission for the benevolent asylum; gives suggestions for improving same, 11974-11984 Page 846

KLEI~, JoHN F. (9th May, 1891).-President of the Iuglewood Hospital; also Mayor of Inglewood; twenty~four years on the committee of the hospital; institution has been established 26 years, 11985. Amount of collections last year £SOO; Government grant £1,500, 11987. Amount of municipal grant £35, 11988. Amount raised by subscriptions £94, 11989. General average of patients in the hospital about 50, 11990. Amonnt of Government grant rccoivcll £1,500, 11991. Amount of receipts by entertainments and churches £7 5, 11992. Number of beds in the hospital GO; maintenance £11 per head under the genernl cost of other hospital,;, 11995. The doctor has full management of the hospital; the dispenser is superintentlont, 12008. Doctor allowed private practice; salary £21 per month, 12013, 12014. Is of opinion that if a man has means to pay he shonld do so, 12027-12031. In fuvonr of compelling persons to contribute towards the support ol' their indigent relatives, 12032-12034. Nurses in the hospital arc not trained, 12036-12038 Page 847

KELLY, EDWARD (Sth .May, 1891).-Governor of the Sandhurst Gaol, 12018. A good many inmates of the gaol who should be in a benevolent asylum, 12049-120.53. Has held his present position for fifteen months, 12054. States that he will prepare a retnrn of all persons iu the gaol who have been there solely because they are destitute, 12055 ... Page 850

(At Castlemaine.) W oor~LEY, GEORGE 'I'., l\LR.C.S.,Eng. (11th :a.Iay, 1891 ).-Mnyor of Castlomaine, 12009. Has held a

position as honorary surgeon at the Castlemaine Hospital, 12070. The municipality subscribes anrlllally to the hospital £50; benevolent asylum £50; la<lies' committee .£20; Deaf and Dumb Asylum, :Melbourne, £3 3s.; Eye and Ear Hospital £:3 3s.; Discharged I'risoncrs' Aid Society£] ls.; Infant Asylnlll £1 1 s.; Soeiety for the Protection of Animals .£1 Is., 12073. Of opinion that it is ad visablc that municipal bodies should be required by law to contribute, 1207 4. Of opinion that the


nas bean built on too expansiv-e a scale; it could he altere cl so as to hol <1 more building in a les' expensive style, 12077. The inmates eonhl do more for

1:W79. In f.wour of o.;tal!li~hing a IUUIJieipal rate, but tl1c eonndl, wish to pnt it off as long as po.,~iulo ; of rating

12081. States that there b u deal practise<!; quMe:i a caf'o, \Yhieh lto to the presi<lont of the of which no uot,ice was taken, 1:?0:~:~-12086. Condemns the mode used hy the collector in ohtaining money from well-to-do people, ropro~en that hy the payment of one gniucn per annum they will be allowed medicines 12087, l20H8. In of the prw"ticc of allowing pntiont,; to pay for their maintenance ut the hut nt the same tim:; the priYato patie.trs of the doctor, l20DO. States tlm t the mrtiling is winked at by the hospital committee heenuse it is the means of briugiug in a rov(muc, wbinh they ,.;pon:l in orcc:ting co:-!lly huilui11gs, 12092-12095. Stute8 that the residetlt officer tlom> not hold ~nmcient eou,-;nltations with lwnorarv ~l:df; nmnerons <leaths occur whore no consultation ha,; been ltclrl, l:lO:J\l--121 00. (~notes n crtso whc•t:e a con~ultntion !mu hoen called too late the proper system of medica[ attcndam:o at the ]w,spita[ Jws )JeCl! aholishcd, 12103-12\12. medica\ o!liccr in receipt of a salary of £DOO per year, ,·;ith quarters, gas, ligl1t, the work is a mt'l\1 J:211:J-Ull6. A mnuicipnl rnte won],\ do away with irnpo::<ition untler the supervision of n lHJard gtmr<lians, !2118, 121 El. Of opinion that four-Jiftl1s of the patients in the hospital might be remove•! to the benevolent asylum, 12121~12124. Heconnncnds tbe establishment of a casual 1:2128-121:32 Pngo 851

R1uD, G i';oRGI~ :;}LD.,E,Un. (lhlt ~Iny, 1891 ).-One of the houornry surgeons at the hospitnl ; duties to at.ten•l consultations anll lake turu at operations, 12lil7·-121-i0. Of upiuiou that the bonomry stnff is summoned to all major 12141, 12142. States the systoru in vogue iu Edinburgh, 12145. A deal of imposition; qnoles a easo, 121·17-12150. In fann1r of pay wards; but would allow

to their moaus; would keep cost of maintenance awl nur~ing distinct from 12151. Not m:tllY ea:'c~ in the gnol wbich Phonld be in the henevolent many inmates o( the lwspitnl wlw should be in the 1onevolcut asylum, l21G,5. In favour of female unrse;;; there are uo qualified Imrses in the hospital; of opinion

that thoro t<hould 12iGG-12lG9 Page 856

0TTEY, \VILLLUI (11th Di~penser nml honi:e stewanl to the hospital; hospitnl managed the doctor nntl 71-1217:1. llant!cd in copy of rule:s, 1217G. Honorary

USell to have wccks for attendance; thi5 ]Jas Loon allowed to lapse, 121~0-12182. ~evoral rnlcs wore read which wore uot oheyc•l; eoudcmns the way the work is t1oue by the honorary nwdical 12l83-1218G. Total income of the ho~pital £:3,115 ; Govermnent grant was £I ,800, 12187 Page 858

HENDEI:SON, CoLIN, 1\I.D.,Aucrdeen ( llth May, 1891 ).-l{e~itlent smgeon at the Castlemaine Hospital; has hohl tltal po~ition fot· Jho yc,u·,;, 1219-b. About one-thinl of the in the might he in lhe benevolent a~ylmn, 121 !15. The collector inquires into the circumstances of evet·y one adntitted, 12201-1220:3. Does not thiuk tl:ere nre ,;ome patients who could attord to pay the full amount hut who <lo not clo so, 12204. Has notlling to •lo with into the circumstances of p1tticub mlmitter1; 'voulLl attend to any one bringing a ticket, 4-12221. States that the rnlos of the institution are HOW almost in abeyance, 1222·J-1222H. Several rules on the duties of and resille11t metlical ofl\ucrs were ·discm:sec!, 12230-12236. In favour of a mnnicipal

Page 859

0TTEY, \YILLIAU (recalled, 11th :\by, 1891).-Gives evidence as to the practice adopted in admitting ; rnte for payment fixed l,y the collector and committee; amonut of same ; lloes not consider

is mnch impo5ition, l2:2:J~-12247 Page 862

I"ARTIUDGE, liB:>ItY WtLLIAJI (llth ::\Iny, 1891).-Collcctor for tho Castlemaino Hospital; has held that sixteen years; nmonnt of >alary £100 per year ami 10 per cont. on all sums under £10,

I. Amount of GoYenJmeut graut £1,800; privata contributions £689 19s.; grant;; by £88 15,.;.; proccmls of entertninment £10 ; Hospital Sunday collections £:30 l7s. 3d.;

£4.0 :Js., L2JD2. Amount of tlpeoia l donations £1 J Os. Gd.; interest on invest­indoor patients £119 4s. 3ll.; patients' contributions £83 9;;. 9d., 12253.

CoHt of maintenance re\-enne [or the doctor; other amount to £8,115 1Gs. 1ld., 12255. Amount of the endowment Jnml £1,515 l6s. 1 ltl., 122,)(; l Interest, of same goes to the m.1intcnrtiWO 1:2239. Enumerates municipalities that contribute; amounts of their contributions, 1:2:2()1. There h:tve b:Jon ca::oes of imposition, 12261. Patients admitted without the ticket heiug

12276-1:2287 Page 862

\V ILK IX, \)'ILUAM 1th ;}fay, 1891 ).--President of the benevolent asylnm nitte month~ ; been on tho committee two or three years ; has 12:298-12302. In favour of e~tablishing a rate for the· of Does uot think there i:! much imposition npon the asylum,

has held th:tt position about in the tlistriet 30 years,

charitable institutions, 12304. Page 865

FREEBODY, Trr03IAS (11th May, 1891 ).-Secretary nnd snperintcudent of the hone volent asylum; has held that ahout uine years, 12;}20, 12321. Revenue of the institution 4!JO 1!Js. 6d; amount of Govemmen t grant £ l ,300 ; gives amounts of the ntriom; other sources of 123:22-12328. K{)t s:tlb!ie,J with the amount of the Govemment grnnt; slates reason~; for same, 12329-12337. InstittJiion fil 1)0 in debt, 12338. In favom of a municipal rnte, 12:3:JD. Aecommodation sufficient foT 100,] :2310. GiYe~ untnher of Pase,; frum the varions districlo, 12341-12:346. Private contributions <::<)lleetcd uy c<Jllcctnr, ,dw roeeiYeB £.30 per yenr a[l(l 20 per ecnt. on all sums under £!0, 12348, 1234D. Amonnt uf. endowmeut fmul, £599 12~.; interest of same nsetl for maintenance, 12350, 12:~.5 1 Page 866


THOMPSON, :Mrs. BESSIE (11th !YIR.y, 1891).-Treasnrcr of the Castlemaine IJadies' Benevolent Society; a!Iiliated wit.h the benevolent asylllm, 12358, l23GO. Receives no Govm·nment grant, 12362. Of opinion that the wants of the poor are adeqllately relicvetl ; Hot much imposition, 123Gl-1236G ... Page 86H

(At Amlwrst.) FLOWERS, DAVID (12th i\hy, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Amherst Hospital ; has held that position six years;

amonnt. of salrtt'Y £115 per anunm; amount of commi~sion on collections, 12370-12372. Gives the amount of income mhl grants of the hospital, l2377-12a85. Of opinion that the Government grant shonhl ];e allocated at so much for every occupied bed, 12386-12:391. Aclverse to a municipal rate, 12392. State5 the mode of admitting patients, 12·100-12±09 Page 869

(At M m;yborough.)

11unPHY, Wn.LLDI (12th ]\.fay, 18Dl).-Govomor of the }hryborouglt Gaol; has held that position twelve months, 12416, l2H7. Stnto~ the llnmbcr of cases in gaol which shonld Le in the benevolent asylum; number that have bee a srcnt there; mode of trausfctdng i.hem, ] 2-118-12±26 ..• l'agc H72

FIELD, FmmEIUCK ,J. (12th Mny, 1891 ).-:Mayor of JHarybc,rough, 1:!427. Amount of Go1~ernment grant ror~eivetl by the hospitnl £:~,500, 12-128. Gil·es aHwunt eontrilmte<l the council, 12432-12·~:34. Not in favour of a mnnieipal mte, 12·137, 12,Um. SLates the mode of admitting patients, 124·11-12446. Of opiuion tlmt the wants of the poor of' the district arc adequately relieved, 124".19-12451... Page 873

Aviso:<, WILLIA~I RrcnARD (12th :Mrty, 1!:191).-Seeretary and collector of the Maryborongh Hospitnl1

12452. Gives the ammmt. of collections mul subscriptions, &c., l:H5ii-l2·158. Rat.c of commission recoive,l on collections, 12±&9. Hns lJe]d pre,ent. position thirteen years, 12iG5. Amount of Govern­ment oTant insumcieut; institution :£700 in tleht, 12~GG-l2±G8. Verv little imposition, 12± 79. Hecei;es n salary of £150 per annum. Read a statement :vlvocatiug that th';; allocation of tbe Govern­ment grant ;;honkl not be confined to so mnclt per occupied bc:rl; opposed to a muuicipal rate; not in favom of pay wards iu conuexion with ho,Jpi ra!~ ; recommentls the more general introduction of femttle nursing; would leave the question of per:sons supporting their indigent relatives in the bands of the magistrates, 1248tl-12494 Page 87 4

DuNN, EommT H., 1LR.C.S. (1:3th May, 1891).-0f opiuion tlmt mnnicipal bodies shoul<l contribute more than they do n t prer<ent, l2cl98. States the mol le of admitting pat.icnts ; system in connexion with paying patients, l250J-L2i'}Or). States the nmuber of cases at pre:wut in the hospital who aro fit for the benevolent asylum, 12507-12513. Great nee,] for a benevolent asylum in the district, 12.514-12520. Of opiuion that some of ihe hospitals sbonld be tnruetl into 1Jenevolent a~ylmns, 12522, 12523. In favour of female nmsing, 12525--12529. S1,ates the nm·sed' hours of duty, 12630, 125:31 Page 877

Nwnou.s, 1hs. EuzAnETII P. (1:3th }lay, 1891).-Trensnror of the ~\Inryhorongh Ladies' Benevolent Society, l25iJ2. States the objects of the Hocict_v; nmonnt of revenue; the di~trict in great nce<l of a benevolent asylum, 12554. Hns found the boarding-on~ system work well, 12570 Page ti81

HEPPNER, HENRY (1.3th May, 1891 ).-Vice-presi<1out of the .Amherst Ho;;pit:tl ; has been connected with mme 26 years, 12574, 12575. States number of patieni,; who might he removed to a benevolent asvlum, 12578-12580. GiYcs rail ins from which patients are drawn, 12587 -12.)98. 11mle of admitting pa"tieu!s, 12600-12Gl2. No one in the hospital who pa.ys anything, 12();)() ... Page 882

DoWDING, En wiN P. ( UHh ~fay, 1891 ).-Secretary ol' the Shire of Tal bot; has been on the committee of the .Antl•er~t Hospital for ten or twelve years, 1:26il8, l2G39. Strongly against a municipal rate, 12640-126150. Very few 1Jenevoleut cases in the hospit:tl, 12G53-l265~. Is not mh·ersc to admitting paying patients, 12661-12667 Page 885

(At Ctunes.) GoRDON, ARTHUR HENRY, }lf.R.C.S,, L.R.C.P. (13th May, 1891 ).-Resident surgeon of the Clunes

Hospital, 12677. Has held that position ubont fonr months, 12677, 12G78. Scarcely 1 per cent. of imposition, 12683, 12684. Paying patients charged according to their means, 12688. Five eases in the ho"pit:tl at present which ~honld be in a benevolent a,;yJnm, 1269.3- EJ701. Salary £:?00 per annum all!l private pmetico, 12717. Strougly in fa,Tonr of female nursing, 12719. In favour of a central examining board for nurses, 12720-12721 Page 887

EDWARDS, CHARLES (13th ~lay, 1891).-President of the Clunes Ilospitul; has been for seventeen years on the committee, 127:34, 12735. States amount of revenue of the hospital ; Government grant, &c., 12736-12744. Of opinion that a municipttl rate for t.he support of charities would not meet with approval in the district, 127 50-12761. Of opinion that there nre too many hospitals in the district, 12765. Suggests that one be converted into a benevolent asylum, 12766-12769 Page 890

CouNDOX, RALPH (13th May, 1891).-Has been 011 the eommittee for about four or five years, 12771. Gives particulars of the fire appliances at the in~titution, 12772-12775. Is in favour of a municipal rate, hut does not think the district is lm·ge onougl1 to jn>til'y same, 12776-12778 Page 892

WEICKHARDT, .i\lrs. J. F. (13th May, 1891 ).-Trca~urer of the Chmes Laclics' Benevolent Society; has held that position soYen years, 1278-t, 12785. Gives amount of rovetme, Governmout gmnt, contributions, &c., 12786-12791. Gives particulars of the method 'lf relief, 12794-12803 Page 892

DOWNES, :Mrs. AMELIA (13th JI.Iay, 1891).-Secretary of the ladies' benevolent society, 12810. In fnvonr of making some prov:sion for benevolent asylum cases, 12814-l28lG Page 893


(At Ballarat.)

COATES, TH01fAS C. (14th J'v[a.y, 1891).-Secretary of the 1hllarat Dititriet Benevolent Asylnm, 12817. Amonnt of Government grant £5,800, 121:ll tl. .Xuml,er of inmates 295, 12820. Give,; amonnt of municipal contributions, 12841-12844. Does not think a municipal rate would be favorably received by the committee, 12845, 128iG. Gives amount of totnl revenue, 128.51. Pm·ticnlars of the mode of giving relief, 12851-12856. Gives mode of' ~tdmit:sions, 1288ii, 12886. Cost of collectiug subscriptions, 12887--12894. Amount dcri;·e,J from the products of the garden, 1290 I, i 2902 Page 894

BOUGHEX, vYILLIA!l (14th .May, 1891 ).-SnperintotHlent of the benevolent asylnm; has held that position 31 years, 12905, 12906. Gives particulars of the general mode of working the institution, 12911-12920 899

GoLDSliiiTH, FREDERICK WrLLIAJII (14th May, 1891 ).-Sccretttry ami house Rteward of the Ballarat District Hospital, 1292l. Gives mnonnt of the Goyemment grant; total revenue, 129:H, 12932. Amount received from mu11icipal Lod 12941. Gives amount p:titl to collector, 129,47-12952. General mode of Immagement; mollo of admitting patients, 12953-12974 l'nge 899

PAPENHAGEN, PAt:L (14th :Hay, 1891).-I\lemLet• of the committee of the Hallnrat District Hospitnl; has held that position seventeen years, 12975, 129/f:i. Qnite satisfied with the GoYemment gmnt, 12977-12979. 8tateB amount received hom tlHl municipalities; does not think they snbserihe sufficient, 12980-129H7. Does not support the idea that the whole lmnlcn of supporring tlte hospitals should be placed upon municipal bodies, 1291;8. \Vonld not recommend enforcing a rate, 12989, 12990. l'aying patients admitted, but no separate wm'll~ kept for same, 12994-13003. In fanmr of perwus support-ing their indigent relatives within certain limits, 1:30 l 0-13012. N nrses' accommodation, 13021-13027 901

GmBnws, RrcuAHD (14th May, 1891).-Presidont of the hospital committee; member or the committee for 30 years, 13035. Perfectly HitLisfied with the Govemment grant, 1303(), 1:3037. Is o( opinion that the mnn ici pal bodies shou kl be compelled to subscribe more, 1 ;J038-l30J 0. States amount of salary paid to tho house surgeon, 1:3050, 13051. Amount of salary rmid to female nurses, 130li6-l3071 Page 904

(At Ballamt East.)

WREFOim, RommT (15th May, 1891).-Secrotnry of the BnJiarat Orphan Asylum, 13073. Amount of Government grant £1,800, 18074-13076. Amounts of grants receivell from mumci· palities, &r., 1:3077. Subscriptions colloctml by a collector; cost of same, 1:)085, 18036. Committee oppose<l to a municipal rate, 13091. Interest of eu<lowmcnt. fund goes to maintenance, li1093-13099. States the number of ehildren in the institntion, 13100, 13101. Cost per head, 13102. General nmnagomeut of the institution, ] 3114-13128 }Jage 906

KENXY, ARTIIUR (15th May, 1891) .-Snperintendont of the orphan asy In m; has held that position six years, 111129, 1:3130. Gives partieulars of the general management, 13182-13150. States amount of general revenue, 1:3156-13158. Expresses his ·;iews ou the boarding-out system, 13161-13171 ... Page 909

:1\-IcKEE, vYILLTAJII D. (15th May, 1891 ).-President of the orphan asylum; has held that position since ,July, 13172,13173. Has been on the committee of mann,gement about thirteen years, 13174. Not in favour of the boarding-out system, 13177-13186. Not in favour of a municipal rate, 13195-13204 Page 911

ScoTT, WILLIAM (15th ::Yhy, 1891).-0ne of the founders of the asylum, 13206. Gives evidence on the geneml mana,gement of the institution, expenses, &c., 13210 Page 913

GALE, 'YILLIAU (15th May, 1891).-"Jiayor of Ballarat East, 18214. Of opinion that tt municipal rate for charitable institutions wonld not meet with favour in the t.listriet; amount of present contributions, 18215. States there is not sufficient benevolent asylum accommodation, 18218-13220. In favour of aspeeified sum to be contribnted from every municipality, 13226 Page 914

(At Ballamt.)

SwiFT, .i\Irs. HARAII (15th May, 1891 ).-Is connected with various charitable institutions at Ballarat. enumerates same, 18229, 13230. States amonut of Govemmcnt grant to the ladies' clothiug society; amount of revenue, 13231-13235. State~ amount of Government grant to the female home; amount of revenue, 13249-13251. Number of inmates, 13252. Mode of admitting same, 13253, 13254t Greatly in favour of boarding out children, 18261-18276... ]>age 915

SAI.TER, CHARLES (15th :\!ay, 1S91).-Conncillor of the city of Ballamt, 13277. States the amount voted annually by the council for charitable purposes, 13278. Strongly opposed to a municipal rate for charities, 13283-13319. Quite satisfic(l with the present system of supporting charities, I 8320 Page 918

SHOPPEE, CHARLES C. (15th May, 1891).-Mayor of Ballarat; has held that position about six years, 13325, 13326. Of opinion that some of the shires do not subscribe sufliciently, 13332-13334. Is opposed to a poor rate, 13336-13839. Have snflicient accommodation for their own benevolent asyh1m cases, 13341. States a district where a benevolent asylum should be erected, 13348, 13344. In favour of compelling children to snpport their indigent parents, 131350 Page 921


ScoTT, RonEin, M.B.,Glas., C.M. (lllth May, 1891).-Was nntillatoly resident surgeon at the Ballurat Hospital for fonr and a half years, 13351. Greatly in f,wonr of female nnrsin", 133.52. In favom of the establishment of an ex:~mining board for Jll~rses, 13361, 13:)62. Strongly opposed to paying wards in any hospital, 13379-13384 ... 923

PINXOCK, HonEHT D., ::\I. D., Ch.M.,Gias. (15th :\ilty, 1891 ).--IIas been connected with the Ballarat Hospital as honorary surgeon about twelve years, 13391. States his views as regards the tlnties, &c., of the medical ofliccrs, 13392-1341 G. Qnite agrees with the e\'tdcncc of Dr. Scoft as rcgnrds nursing, 1342CJ-I:H23. Of opinion that there arc too many hospitalB in the ncighbonrhotl(l, 1342"L In fttvour of a uni versa! stan.Janl by which nurses can be tminetl, 13431. Gives particulars of amount charged to pn,ying p<1tients, l8Hi3-l3"H7 Page H25

WmTCOllmE, WrLLIA"!II P., M.R.C.S.,Eng. (15th )iay, 1891 ).-Has been i32 years in Ihllnmt, 13451. Of opinion that there nre too mtwy hospital~ in the neigh bonrhood, Uc\:54. Great need for more benevolent. asylums, 134.55. Does not think there should be any p:1y wanls in a general hospital, li3458-134G2. Of opinion that a great deal of imposition is pract.ised, 13464-13470 ... ... Page 929

MoRRISON, GEorwg E., M.D., C.:YI.,E<linlmrgh (15th May, 1891).-Gan evidence respecting ti1e dnties, &e., of honorary medical officers at the Halhwat Hospi!nl, l3480--l3c100 Page 9!30

WarrcoMBE, ·w. P., M.RC.S. (recallell, )5th :\lay, 1891).-Gavc eYidenco of the imposition in the out-patients' department, 13501, 13502 Page 93]

GIBBINGS, HICHARJ1 (recalled, 15th :\lay, 1891 ).-Gave evic1ence re8pecting the duties of the medical statT, 13;"103-13509 Pngc 932

BROPHY, DANIEL (15th Mrty, 1891).-Hesidont of Ballnrat for 36 year~, 13510. Of opinion that munici­palities should subscribe more liberally, 13512-13514. Does not think there is much imposition in the district, 13515, 135]{). In want of more benevolent asylum accommo(lrttion, 1:.1519. Ill favour of compelling persons to support their indigent relatives, 1:3521. Gnvc od(lencc respecting the orplmn asylum, 13525-13538 !'age 932

WALKER, Mrs. HARIUET (16th May, 1891 ).-Secretary of the laclie~' heuovolent clothing society, 13543. States amount of the Government grant, subscriptions, &c., 13544-1;3547. Gives particulars of the work of the society, 135•18-1:3557 Page 934

ODDIE, ,J AMES (16th May, 1891 ).-Has lived in Ballarat since 1851, 13573. States amount of collections, Government grant, and expcnditnrc for tile benevolent asylum, 13578. Mode of receiving patients from neighbouring municipalities, 13.38·1, 1i358.). Not in favour of n municipal rate f@r charity, 13586-13593. Does not think there is much imposition in the diiltrict, 13594. Of opinion that there should be a separate hospital for fever oases, 1:3600, 13601 Page 935

GARJ1N.Im, vVILLIAM (16th :.\Tay, 1891).-Govomor of the Ballaral Gaol, 13G05. Has held that position for two months, ] ::1006. States that there are a number of prisoners in the gaol whose sole offence is destitution, 13608-13613. Great need for more benevolent asylum accommodation, 13(:)14-13625 • Page 938

SALIIION, HEXRY R., M.B., B.S. (16th May, 1891).-Honorary me(lioal officer ut the orphanage, 13626, Has been connectetl with the orphanage five years, 13630. Prefers the orphanage to the hoarding-out system, 16632-13640. Considers the resident snrgeon responsible ut the hospital, 13642-13654. Strongly iu favour of trained female nursing, 13671, 13672 Page 939

(At Creswick.) FRAZER, GEORGE (lGth May, 1891).-Secrotary of the Creswick Hospital, 13679. Salary .£50 per year,

13680. States amount of salary aud commission paitl to collector; amount of revenue, 13681, 13682. Amount of municipal subseriptions, Ia686-13690. Is of opinion that the committee are opposed to a municipal rate, 13691-1369.3. Quotes several cases of imposition, 13696-13713. SLates the mode of admitting pa.ying patients, 13714-13729. ~ot sufficient benevolent asylum accommodation, 13731-13733. Hospital about .£200 in debt, 13747. Page 942

PROYAN, WrLLIAM S. (16th 1\fay, 1891).-Trcasurcr of the Creswick Hrspital, 137.54. Does not think the Government grant snflloient, 137 55-I3763 ... Page 945

TELFORD, \VrLLIAIII (16th May, 1891 ).-W ardsman and dispenser ut the hospital, 13776. States t.lw number of beds in the hospital, 13780-13784. Does not think there is any imposition, 13790. States amount of his salary, li3797 ... Page 946

ROYCHAFT, Jom< (16th May, 1891).-Has been connected with tho hospital since its foundation in 1863, 13802. Of opinion that the Government grant should be larger, 13803, 13804. Thinks that the municipal bodies contribute fairly, 13805. Does not think that the poor in the neighbourhoorl arc adequately relieved, 13813-13815. States amount of the Government grant, 13816 ... l~age 947

GROSE, EmvArW (16th May, 1891 ).-Ex-president ami a member of the committee of the Creswick Hospital; has been on the committee about eight years; does not appr·ove of the preBent mode of allocating the Government gmnt, 13836-l3tH2. vVould personally favonr the support of charities out of the local mtos, ]:38·15-13851 Page 9±9

TOLSTRUP, CHARLES (20th May, 1891 ).-Honorary secretary of the Castlemaiuc Hospital; has held that position since 1877, 13853-13856. Contradicts part of the evidence given Ly Dr. Woollcy, 13874, 1387 5. Gi vos particulars of rules, 13!:l80-lil906. Gives evidence regarding the medical staff, 13907-13924. ~Hates amount chargt:d for receiving paying pntieuts, 13935-13944. Quotes a case of imposition reflecting on a medical officer, 13945. Of opinion that a great deal of imposition is practised, 13949-13960 Page 950


(At Costlemainc.)

MITCIIELL, HonEHT (:.?Oilt :i\Iay, 11:\91).-0vcr 20 years a member of tho committee of the Cnstlemaine IIobpital, 139Gl. GiYe~ evidence respot•ii;,g the building, 139G-!-I:J9G7. Of opinion tltat the female w:ml is quite suitable ft>r the patient~, 13!:171-13079 Page 955

ELLIOTT, TnmrA:> (20th 1\I:ty, 18D1).-Five ye~rs on the committee of the Castlomaine Hospital, 13987. Ha~ no fault to tint! wit.h the fcmHie wan!:; in the hospital, HOOJ-H004 Page 957

Toi"STnLT, CnARI.ES (recalled, 20th May, 1891 ).-G ivcs an explanation of his letter sent to the Commission, 14005, 14006 Page 908

HENDEn..,o:..., Cor.rN, l\I.D., J •. R.C.P. (recallctl, 20tl.t May, 1891).-Denies the statements made by Dr. W oollcy against himself, 14007-14009. GiYC3 particulars of HJC mode of admitting patients, HOl0-14020. States nu m her of operations performed, 14025-14030. l<'cmale ward far behind modern improvement~, H03l-U037 ... Page 958

Woou.EY, GEORGlt TALBOT, ::\I.U.C.S.,Eng. (recn]\,:;,1, 20th May, 1891).-GiYes certain explanations of his previous evidence; furnishes d:tt.cs of the eases of ncg:lect, &c., 14043-14113 Page 960

IIE~DERSO~, Coi.TN, M.D., L.U.C.P. (recalled, 20th May, 1891).-Make~ statement respecting a certain case of neglect qnotctl by Dr. Woollcy, 14114-14121 Page 965

PARTRIDGE, IIE:<rRY Wn.r.IAM (recallerl, 20th May, 1891).-JYI!tkes a statement giving a denial of the charges of black-mailing made by Dr. \Yoolley, 14122-14127 Page 96G

0TTICY, WILLIA~I (recalled, 20th May, 1891).-Conoboratcs the evidence given by Dr. \Voolley with regard to 11rescriptions given by local doctors to be made up at the hospital, 14130-14H7 Page 96()

Woou,EY, GEORGE 'l'ALBO"r, M.R.C.S.,Eug. (recal!etl).-Gives further evidence with reference to a deserving case for chariLy, 14U8 Page 967

ABEIWEEN, WrLLIAJ\I (20th May, 189!).--States that the building is in a sound and clean condition, 14149 Page 968

(At 1~felbourne.)

LANG, MATTHEW (29th l\fay, 1891 ).-Mayot· of Melbonrue, 14Li0. Does not think any better system could be devisell than leaving to the Government the allocation of the grant, as at present, 14154-1±156. Is opposed to the city council giviug grants of money to charitable institutions, 14157 14161. Not in favour of a municipal rate, 14162-141()5. O.f opinion thnt the Nlclbonme Ho~pi shonhl he removed, l 416G-14179. States tlwt there t>hould be some means of inquiring into all enses seeking clmrity; gh·es suggestioJJs for reducing the amount of impm<ition, 14182-1418.?. Approves of the present mode of electing the medical ~tafi of the Melbourne Hospital, 14J86-14188. \Vonltl mhoC"atc tile remontl of the BeneTolent Asylum, 14191. Thinks the Eite of the lmmigrunts Home too v11luable for the purpose it is being used for, 14192-14194. In favour of a general rate throughout the colony, 14204--14208 ... IJage 968

BENJAMIN, Sir BENJAmN (29th May, 1891).-Ahlerman and nn ex-mayor of the city of Melbourne, 14209. In favom of the present system of allocating the Government grant, 14215. In favour of a board of iuq uiry lJeing ostahlisl10tl for the purpose of inq niring into the merits of ea eh insti tntion, 14220-14222. In favour of removing the NielJ.ourne llospilal if a suitable silo could he found, 14225-14232. Thinks thttt the Benevolent Asylum might he removed ~with ad vantage, 14282-14234, In fnvonr of a gencrnl hoard of management, hut is of opinion that each board should have power to manage its own institution, 14242-14244. In fayour of' the present mode of electing officers of the public institutions, 14246. Of opinion that a municipal rate for charitable institutions would be most objectionable, 14253 Page 971

1\IcGm:oon, D. R. (29th May, l8fll).-Treasurer of the Old Colonists' Association, 14257. States number of inmates in the iustitntion, 14261. Receive no Government grant, H263. Gives mode of working the institution, H264-14270 Page 974

LAURE:SCIC, EnwAIW (29th May, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Ancient Ol'ller of Foresters; has hehl the position for six or se yen yenro, 14276, 14277. Read a statement on friendly societies; mode of manngement &c.; in favom· of pay wards in hospitals; wonltl approve o£ a law compelling children to support their indigent parents; in favour of estaulishing friendly societ.ies for females .•. Page 975

VEAL, Jonx \VTI.LTA::If (29th Nlay, 1891).-Has been nominated by the South Yarra Home to give evhlcnce, 14293. Has been in existence about twelve years, 14295. Present number of inmates 42, 14297. States the objects and process of admission to the home, 14298-1430:3. States amount of suhFcripLions, 14304. Amount of the grants in aid, 14305-14312. Amount of money paid in salarieB, J4318. Employs a collector, states amount of commission paid to him, l4322-l4324. States amount of the maintenance account, 14:335 Page 977

PAXTON, ~TosET'II A. (29th Mny, 1891).-Stipcndiary magistrate for the City of Melbourne, and visiting magistrale for Pentridge, 1 '1358, 14359. Strongly of opinion that all charitable iustitntions shoulrl be snpported by the mtepayers, 14362-14369. ·w onltl have the inmates of benevolent asylums classified, 14370-14372. Suggests establishing an institution for drunkards, 14386. Of opinion that there are amplo means for alleviating the wants of the poor, 14407 Page 979

The Ubrary, Parliament of Victoria


<JUR'l'!S! JOHN II. n. (29th May, 1891).-Has been tlepnteil by the Friellilly Society of Druids to give eVttlence, 14418-14-120. Read a statement fbrtlt t!teobjcctsaml oe11cfits of the societv. Strongly in favour of establishiug similar societies for female-:!, 14423-.14±26 ... ... • Page 984

BELL, WrLLIA~1 M·•.r, lH9l).-Di~trict t.o thu lntlepen,lent Order of !{echahile>, H-128. Indivhlnally oppo"ed to a, municipal rate, 14·131 1:39. Assoeinti•m re;•ei ves no Government grant, 14440. Female bmnches established some years ago, l HH. Give;; statistics of sickness, 14442. In favour of compelling persons to contribute t.owards the support of the indigent relatives, 14cU8-l4453 Page 986

GoLDSTEIN, Lieut.-Ooloncl.T. R. Y. (5th J unc, 1891 ).-Ihs been connc~tcd with the Charity Organization Sodety from its inception; also connected with tho \V omen's Hospital an.l tho OonVrtle·H~cnt Aid Society for men, 14455, 14456. Reati a statement on the objects of the Commi~6iou. Suggests that tho Uovern­ment grant be at once reJnced to onc-llalf; gives rmtsons for s~me, 11c!5H. Of opinion that a gre~tt deal of imposition exi:Hs, 14459-144G4. Strongly opposed to requiring municip:tl councils to contribute to the erection and maintenance of charitalJle institutions; cotlclemns the pre,;eut. mode of collecting funds by private contribntionH as gravely deficient in the qualifications necessary to make it successful; cost of collection too great; all income shonld go to maintenance none for emlowmeut, except in cases of Lequests so devised; the relief of the immediate wnnls of the poor should be left to the various sot~ietie~ and benevolent imlividuals; all n,(lmittod to hospitals sh·mld if possible be compelled to pay something, no matter how ~mall; convalescent homes should be established for ,]iffcrcnt eases, some inlantl others at the seaside; a uniform system of nnrsing shoultl be adopted; destitute children should be under the control of private societic~, and boarded ont; persons should be compelled by law to support !heir imligent relatives; a central agency should )Je estalJlishetl to inquire into the merit of all cases of poverty; ~States the objects of the Ohnrity Organization Soeiety, LLW.5-1 H68. that a firm of cDllectors should be estu.blishml for the purpose of collecting funds for the various elwritablo institutions, l4i"J08-14511 Page 988

KIRKLAND, ,Tums (5th June, 1891).-Has been appointed by the Free Gardeners to give evidence; ha;; been connected with the society about twenty-one years, U,.543, 14544. 0 [ opinion that a great 'lea1 of imposition is practised on the .Melbourno Hospital, 14.547-14649. W oul<l establish a special rate for the :;npport of charitable institutions, 14.550-14.552. In favour of admitting women into friendly societies, 14554-14556 Page 989

TuLLOCH, Major-General AI.EXANDER (5th June, 1H91).-Comman,lant of the military force:" of Victoria, 14589. He>t,l a stn,tement giving his experiences ot bormling out chil,Ireu in Scotland and England. Comlemns the Immigrants' Home on the St. Kilda-road, 14596. In favour of removing the Benevolent Asylum to the country, 14602-14605 I>age 1000

I~oOKER, \VJLL!A~1 H. (5th June, 1891).-Kominatcd by the Protestant Refuge to gi1re evidence; expresses the views of those connected with the institution, 146:27-14029. Read a statement setting forth the of the rcfngo, number of mode of admitting same, &c. Gave evidence

for relief of odncated persons in distress ; work very much cramped for want of fnmls; states the of' the Discharged Prisoners' Aitl Society; of opinion that the Government grant is insuflieient t:J do jtl'!ticc: k1 all; thinks a small charitable mte should Le levied; present system of collecting funds very expoasiv0; would extend the ladies' benevolent institut.ious throughout the colony; thinks the present system of a(lmission to charitable instltutions is very faulty ; advocates the establishment of different classes of pctying wards; roeo;nmends establlshlng several grad;:,s of female nurses; in fnvonr of the removal of helpless persons to benevolent asylums; in favour of boardin.g out children ; of opinion that some legislation should take plaee for the purpose of compelling persons to support their indigent rebtives, 116tW Page 1004

ARMSTRONG, Mrs. ALICE (5th June, 1891 ).-K ominate,l by the Hawthorn L<t<lies' Benevolent Society to give evidenee, 14692. Has hehl a positi,m aH presillent for two yorrrs, 14691. States amount of tho Government grunt, 1469o. States mode of giving relief, 14700-14705. States particulars of income, expenditure, &e., 14713-14737 Page lOll

PURBRICK, :Mrs. JEssm (5th .June, 1891).-Xominat.ed by the committee of the Convalescent Home to give evidence, 14788. Hail hel·l that position for fom years, 14739. Give3 ptrtieulars of the objects of the institution, number of inmates, am~unt of expemlitm·e, &c., cost per hmtd for maintenance, geneml management, ll7-I0-14775 ... Page 1013

EVANS, Captain .TAMES, R.X. (recalled, 12th June, 1891).-Gives number of eases of persons in gaol who should be in the Benevolent Asylum, 14777-14836. In favour of removing the .Molbomne Benevolent Asylum, 14838. In favour of the boarding-out system, 14841, 14842 Page I OlG

CLARKE, RICHARD (.5th ,Juno, 1891).-Vice-president of the Geelong Protestant Orphanage, 1-1858. States the objects of the institution, number of children, officers, nmount of income and expenditure, 14862-14882. ~ ot in fa vonr of boarding out children on account of not getting snitab!o homes, 14885-14896. Cost per heed maintenance, 14924. Fire appliances not what thay shonlJ be, 14981-14938. States amount of the endowment fund, li939, 14940 Page 1021

HuGFH~s, JOHN M. (5th June, 1891).-:-Hepreseuts the :Mutual Meclicallienofit Soeiety of Victoria, 14:);58. States the objects of the society, 14959, 14960. Nnmher of members, amount of fees, and general management, 14963-14974 Page 1026


BRETT, WILLIAJ\f GoRE (19th June, 1891).-Inspeetor of Charities; has held that position since July of last year, 1497 5, 14976. Read a statement setting forth his views, 14978. Of opinion that the best way of relieving poverty is by purely locnl action, 1. Advocates e.;tn.hli..;hing a central authority for the manngement of all charities, S. Would form all charitable institutions into groups or district:", 6-8. Gives some suggestions as to allocating the Govermncmt grant, 10. Every mnnicipality should cont•·ibute a percentage of its annual revenue, ll. Gi ve8 particulars of governing charitable iustitn­tion by a new system, 12-31 Page 1 027

S;~nTH, FREDERICK (19th June, 1891).-Seeretary of the Geelong Protestant Orphanage; has held that position for five years, 15020, 15021. States amotmt of money received from aU sources, 15026-15030. A collector connected with the institution who receives commission only, 15031~15034. Number of children in the orphanage, cost of maintenance, mode of a<lmission, 15035-15039. BoyR kept in tbe ot·phanage till they are fourteen, and girls till they are fifteen, 1504S-l5047. Of opinion that the site is worth about £30 or £40 per acre, 15066. Amount of the endowment fund, 15078, 15079 I'nge 1032

WILKINBON, Mrs. ELIZABETH (19th Jnne, 1891).-Matron and superintendent of the Geelong Orphan Asylum l has held that position for eight years, 1509il, 1509 L Gives the mode of dealing wit.h the children in the asylum, and management of the same, 15101-15122. Quotes a case where the Government was imposed upon by a woman getting her three children boarded out to her, 15132-15135 Page l036

GUILLAUMK, GEORGE (reealle<l, 25th Jnne, 18i3l).-Senctary of the Department for Neglected Children and Reformatory Schools, 15163. Rca<l a statement supplementing his former evidence, showing the large diminution of dependent chihlren now a cbnrge on the State; lHI.nds in a return of Expresses his views on private nsylnms for children, 15168--15187. Strong-ly in faYonr of the boarding-out system, 15UI3. St.ntes results am! general pnrlicnlnrs ( f the bo:~r:liug-ont system, 15194-1.5225. Gives results of eompariug the barrack system with the present hoarding-out system, showing a saving of £3 per annum on each child since the atloptiou of the lat.tcr; pauperism among children has dcercased 2:3 per cent. since 1872 ; ha.mld in a lnhle showing the death-rate for the past eight years, compared with that for the same period preceding the adoption of the hoarding­out system, 15226--15258. Gives a return showing the percentage of all children iu the earc of the Department during 1890 l'agc 1039

BRETT, W. GORE (recalled, 3rd July, 1891).-Rccommends that the Goverument grant he gradunlly reduced until at length it could be done rt.way with altogether, 15266, 15267. Objects to a municipal rate for the support of charitable institutions, 15268-1.5273. or opinion that an endowment fund can be operated on and used hy the committee in of the inst.itntion conditionally or unconditionally, 1 5279-1.'5297. Expresses his view with rcganl to rcconstrncting t.he allocation of the Gon:rnmcnt gmnt, 15300 Page 1051

BAI,DERSON, RICHARD (3rd July, 1891).--:Membcr of the committee of the RliiHl Asylum; has been a subscriber fot· twenty-five years, and a member of the committee about six or seven years, 15441, 15442. Nominated by the Blind ARy1mn to give evideuee, LHH. Read a fitatement setting forth t.he objects and geneml manngement of the institntion, 1.)449, 15-!50. Page 1062

HoGARTH, JOHN THURSTON (3rd July, 1891).-Seeretary an<l superintendent of the Blind Asylum; has held that position about two month~, 15.519, 15.520. ~:ltates that the inmates are insubordinate, 15526-1.5.533. Of opinion that the older inmates should he in the Benevolent As.vlnm, lf1.'58-t, 15535. Gives the amount of cost for maintenance per head, 15556. Number of inmatc;s, salaries p,Jid to the staff, &c., 155.58-15571. Arnont. of private snbseriptions, £800, 15583_ Hcanlt of the labom of the inmates, 15584. Read statement expressing his views on the admiuistration of geneml chariry ; in favour of hospitals reeeiving paying patients; in favour of female nursing ; of opinion that the system of boarding out children is worth a careful trial ; would follow the English Poor Law for compelling persons to support their indigent relatives, 15612-15628 Page 1067

Woon, A. ,JEFFREYS, M.D., Ch.B. (lOth July, 1891).-Has been resident surgeon of lhc Melbourne Hospital for twelve months and the Children's lloiipital for three years, 1JG29. R.cad a statement on the eonstrnetion and management of in America. Would recommend the r.;moval of the Melbourne Hospital, 15649, 15650. The care of destitute children in America; fonndling hot>pita1s and asylums ; in favour of the boanling-out system in Victoria in preference to a foundling hospital, 15668-15688. Does not approve of the present mode of electing mediea1 officers at the l\1olbonrne Hospital, 15i29-l5736 1073

DRAPER, Mrs. ELLEN (lOth July, 1891).-President of the Williamstown Ladies' Benevolent Society; has been connected with the society for thirty years, 15755, 15756. States amount of income of the society, 15758. Gives particulars of the mode of assisting the poor, 15763-15772 .•. Page 1085

(At Nhill.) RYAN, EDWARD, M.B., Ch.B. (17th July, 1891).-Medical officer of the hospital; has held that position

nearly seven years, 15773, 15774. Receives a salary of £200 per annum, 15779. Advocates that the Government grant be allocated at RO mnch per occupied bed, 15784, 15785. In favour of requiring municipal bodies to contribute towards the erection and maintenance of charitable institutions, 15797~ 15805. Funds are collected by a collector, 15807-15809. l'aying patients received in the hospital, 15813. Frequently cases in the hospital that should he in the benevolent asylum, 15817-15829. Female nurses employed, 15830-16838. Gives particulars of the buiMing and general management, 15861-15892 Page 1086



BENNETT, NomrAN F. (17th July, 1891).-~ecretary, dispenser, and house steward of the hospital; has held that po:;ition about four years; connected with the institution about six years, 15893, 15894. States amount of sabtry he receives, 15898. Of opinion thftt the amount of the Government grant is too small, 15S99. Gives amount o£ salaries paicl to the staff, 15908-15910. Number of patients, 15911. Cost per head for maintenance, 15912. ~tates amount of money received from the munici­palities and mocle of raising same, 15919-1592(). Of opinion that the majority in the district would favour a municipal rate, 15929, 15930. Amount of commission paid for collecting c;;mtributions, 15931-15937. Gives particulars of certain cases in the hospital which arc fit subjects for the benevolent asylum, 15946-15956. Paying patients rcceiveu, but have no special wards for them, 15958-15963. Great need ofa benevolent asylum in the district, 15870, 15971 ... ... ... Page 1091

McDoNALD, WILLIAll{ (17th July, 1891 ).-One of the trustees of the Nhill Hospital and first life governor, 15987. Expresses his opinion that the method of obtaining contributions by meane of canvassing has given very unsatisfactory results; recommends a municipal rate, 15989-15999. States that there should be a bencv0lent ward in conucxion with the hospital for the aged and poor who are now sent to gaol for want of accommodation, 16000-16007 Page 1096

KNIGHT, STEPHEN G. (17th July, 1891).-Member of the hospital committee, 16008. Of opinion that a municipal rate for the support of charities is a requisite thing, 16010-16019 Page 1098

KozMINSKY, MARK (17th July, 1891 ).-Trustee and ex-president of the hospital, 16020. ·would enforce a rate for the support of charities, aud deduct a certain percentage of all wages paid by employers of labour, 16021-16028 Page 1099

COMPTON, WALTER (17th July, 1891).-President of the Nhill Hospital; has only held that position a few days, 16029-16031. Of opinion that a rate should be struck for the support of charitable institutions 16033-16034 Page 1100

BENNETT, NORliiAN F. (recalled, 17th July, 1891).-States that he is of opinion that a rate would not prevent present subscribers from subscribing, 16035-160,14 Page 1101

(At Horsham.) CAMERON, ANGUS (18th July, 1891 ).-Mayor of the Borough of Horsham, 16046. Member of the hospital

committee, 16047. Satisfied with the present amount of the Government grant, 16050, 16051. Amount of contribution received from the borough by means of a rote £40, 16053-16061. Amount of the Government grant last year £1,050, 16062. Ot opinion that no difficulty would be experienced in increasing the prcHeut rate if found necessary to do so; amount of present rate 1 s. in the £1, on which the Government subsidy is received ; u further mte of 9d. in the £1 on which no subsidy is received had to be struck, 16064-16073. :Number of patients in the hospital who should be in a benevolent asylum, 16ll2-16126 Page 1101

'McNICIIOL, Mrs. MAmA (18th ,July, 1891).-Reprcscnts the Horsham Ladies' Benevolent Society, 16130. States amom1t of Government grant, amount of donations, &c.; no collector employed, 16134-16142. Mode of relief, 16148. Not much poverty in the district, 16144 ... Page 1106

McCAI.MAN, Mrs .• JEssiE (18th July, 1891).-Treasurer of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, 16162. Society has been in existence about fifteen years; has been connected with it since then, 16163, 16164. Particulars of relief given, 16165-16171. Amount of money received from the borough council, 1617 5-16184. Has a favomble opinion of the boarding-out system, 16185-16196 Page 1107

CRoss, Wn.LIHI J., :M.B. (18th July, 1891).-:JYiedical officer of the hospital; has held that position more than ten years, 16200, 16201. Is quite satisfied with the arrangements in the operating-room, l62ll-16288. Expresses his opinions with reference to improvements recommended in the reports of the lw;pector of Charities, 16:239-16241. J>articulars of general management, 16242-16271. Expresses his views on the case of a patient who died in the hospital through want of immediate atten­tion, 16272-16282. States his hours of attendance, 16327-163:29. Great number of benevolent cases in the hospital during the year; experienced great difficulty in disposing of them, 16340-163,16 Page 1109

HowARD, ,JA:'IIES (18th ,July, 1891).-Secrctary and house steward of the Horsham Hospita.l; also acts as collector in the town; has held tlmt po;sition since November, 1889; states amount of salary, 16368-16370. Ennmemtes his duties, 16374-16397. Number of servants, 1G,102. Homs of duty, 16404. Mode of admitting patients; paying patients taken in; amount of fees received from same, 16418-16425. Gives particulars of tbe case of the patient who was brought into the hospital suffering from a fractured arm, and flnhseqnently tlietl, l6426--Hi433. Expresses his views witlt regard to the luspeetor of Clmritic~' report, 16444-16481 Page 1115

LANGLANDs, J OIIN (18th July, 1891 ).-Member of the hospital committee ; has held that position since 187.1, 16-183, 16484. System by which the hospital receives a percentage of the municipal income :first instituted six years ago, 164H6-16487. Has found it preferable to the old system of voluntary contributions, 16488-16493. States amount of the percentage, 16494--16499 Page 1120

YouNG, GEORGE J., M.B., Ch.M.Edin. (18th .July, 1891).-0ne of the honorary doctors of the hospital, 16521. States his views with regard to the accident which befell a patient who afterwards died, 16525-1Gii57 Page 1123

MAY, SAMUEL (18th .July, 1891).-0n the committee of the Horsham Hospital; has held that position for ten years, I G55H, 16559. States the circumstances under which the patient, which subsequently dieLl, was admitted; rclttte~ his conversation with Dr. Young regarding same, 16560-16589. Gives an account of the inquest, l6590-16UI9 Page 1125


WILLIUIS, FRANK (18th July, 1891 ).-President of the hospital; has only held that position for two days; on the committee for nine or ten years previously, 16620-16622. States that he has been absent for some time, but is of opinion that the friction amongst the staff is aue to the want of an officer having full control, 16626-16639 ... ... ... '" ... ... ... Page 1127

GARLAND, RICHARD (18th July, 1891).-Ex-president of tbe hospital; has resided in IIorsham about eight years, 16641, 16642. Nominated by t!Jc committee to give evidence, 16644. Pa.rtieulars of inspection as carried on by the house committee, 16649-16651. Considers the doctor the responsible head of the institution, 16652, 16653. Quite satisfied with the amount of the Government grant, 16666. Institution has no endowment fnnd, 16670. Paying patients received according to their means, 16671-16676. Of opinion that there is room for a benevolent asylum in the district, 16679-16682. Of opinion that the cause of the friction amongst the staff is due to previous mismanagement, 16691-16694 Page 1128

CA:MERON, ANGUS (recalled, 18th July, 1891).-Member of the house committee, 16695. Gives further evidence respecting the case, of death in the l10spital, 16699-16710 Page 1130

WATSON, Miss MARGARET (18th July, 1891).-Head nurse at the hospital, 16711. Has held that position since June, 16712. Was trained in the Alfred Hospital, 1671.5. States amount of salary, 16720. Enumerates her duties, 1()721-16749 Page 1131

PEMBERTON, JOHN WILLIAM (18th July, 1891).-Secretary of the Wimmera Shire, 16750. Gives particulars of the municipal vote, 16753-16760. Does not approve of the actions of the hospital committee, 16774-16776. Condemns the present m0de of electing, 16778-16780 Page 1133

LANGLANDS, JoHN (recalled, 18th ,July, 1891 ).-Gives particulars as to the mode of election, 16781-16789 Page 1136

(At Stawell.) WILLIA:MSON, STEPHEN (20th July, 1891).-Mayor of the Borough of Stawell; l1as held that position for

tweln mouths, 16793, 16794. Amount of the municipal vote to the hospital; of opinion that the ratepayers would be opposed to a rate, 16797-16821. Separate wards in the hospital for paying patients, 16827-16829 Page 1137

SUl'CLAIR, ,JOHN TnmrAs (20th July, 1891).-Town clerk of the Borough of Stawell, 16858. Amount of votes for charitable institutions ; amount subscribed towards the building of the benevolent asylum, 16859-16864. Present value of rateable property in the district, total revenue, 16867-16872 Pnge 1140

BARTLE~IAN, Mrs. ELIZABETH C. (20th July, 1891).-Honorary secretary and treasurer of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, 16886, 16887. States the objects and work of the society, 16888-16903. Have received no aid from the Government since 1889, 16904-16910 Page 1141

CLEllms, ALFRED B. (20th July, 1891).-Secretary of the Shire of Sta,vell and member of the hospital committee, 16922. Has been connected with the hospital for thirty years, 16924. Has not of late years been satisfied with the amount of the Government grant, 16925, 16926. Of opinion tl1at the Government has no system of allocation, 16934-16939. ·would have the allocation based upon local contributions, 16940-16944. Is individually in favour requiring municipal bodies to contribute towards the erection and maintenance of charitable institutions, 16945. Not in favour of compelling persons by means of the law to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatives, 16962-16965. In favour of female nursing, 16966-16970. Amount of salary paid to the secretary and the collector, 17021-17024 Page 1142

KEMPSON, Mrs. ELIZABETH A. (20th July, 1891).-Correspondent for the boarded-out children iu tho district ; a resident there for about thirteen years, 17026-17028. Gives an account generally of the eases in the district; of opinion that the boarding-out system works well where good homes eau be obtained, 17029-17054 .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. Page 1149

WEBB, JAliiES R., l\LB., Ch.B. (20th ,July, 1891).-Resident medical officer at the hospital, 17056. Amount of salary, 17056. Two honorary surgeons connected with the institution; mode of electing same, 17059-17067. Resident doctor held responsible for all cases, i 7068-17070. Agrees generally with the improvements suggested by Mr. Brett, 17071-17076. Of opinion that the hospital nnd asylum should not be a combined institution, 17081. Mode of admitting patients, 17084-17090. Of opinion that certain cases should be in a benevolent asylum, 17094. In favour of trained nurses, 17096. Enumerates the secretary's duties, 17108. Salary of the matron, 17117. In favour of adopting a certain curricnlnm for a standard for nurses' diplomas, 17132 Page 1150

PLAYJWRD, CHARLES B. (20th July, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Stawell Hospital ; has held that position since its foundation, 1713;-', 17138. Amount of salary, 17147. Gives particulars of the grounds, 17150-17160. Amount of money colleeted in the district, 17168, 17169. Particulars of general contributions, 17176-17191. Accommodation and particulars of improvements suggested, 17192-17236 . .. Page 1154

(At Amrat.) GR.ANO, GEORGE WrLLIAM HENRY (21st July, 1891 ).-President of the hospital committee, 17237.

Not satisfied with the amount of the Government grant, 17240-17242. Total amount of subscriptions, 17243, 1724·1. Institution is a hospital and benevolent asylum combined, 17245, 17246. In favour of requiring municipal bodies to contribute towards the erection and maintenance of charitable institu­tions, 17248-17250. In favour of a municipal rate, 17251-17254. Amount received from the shire, 17255. Funds collected by a collector, amount of commission paid, 17258, 17.259. Have no



endowment fund, 172GO. No special wards for p!iying p:ttients, 1726±-15274. In favour of a local rate for the support of charitable instilutions, 17279-17281. In favour of compelling persons to supporc their indig 'ut relatives, 17282-17287. In favour of boarding out children, 17289, 1 72!!0. In favour of female nurses, 17291-17294. States the objects and work of the Dorcas Society, 17296-17300. Thinks the institution works well as a hospitnl and benevolent asylum combined 17301-17304 Page 1160

YABSLEY, Mrs. LAVINIA (21st July, 1891).-I'resident of the Dorcas Society, 17308. Receives no Government grant, 17309, 17310. Objects of the society, 17312. Amount of local subscriptions, 17319 Page 1164

PAL:MER, TnOl\IAS W. (21st July, 1891).-Mayor of Ararat; is in no way connected with the hospital, 17325-17327. Sbtes amount of money given by the council to the hospitnJ, 17329. Inuividually is of opinion that a rate for the support of the charities should be struck, 17330, 17331. Expresses his opinion t.hat the hospital is unsafe against fire, 17341 Page 1 Hi4

SuTTON, CHARLES S., M.B., Ch.B. (21st July, 1891).-Resident medical officer of the hospital, acting for Dr. Palmer, 17370. Approves of the combination of the hospital and benevolent asylum, 17374. In favour of female nursing, 17377. Thinks the fire appliances deficient, 17387-17390. States his views regarding the Inspector of Charities' suggestions for improvements, 17387-17407 Page 116

CANNON, ,JOHN (21st July, 1891 ). -Secretary of the hospital ; hold~ position as collector also, 17 408-17 411. Expresses his views with rega.rtl to the fire appliances at the institution, 17414-17423 Page 1168

PAL~IER, THOMAS W. (recalled, 21st ,July, 1891).-Gave evidence with reference to the accounts of the institution, 17424-17426 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Page 1169

MACLEAN, JAMES (21st .July, 1891).-Shire secretary of Ararat, 17427. Has been connected with the hospital, 17 429. States amount contributed by t,he hospital, 17 430. Amount of the shire revenue, 17 437. Amount of Government grant, 17 441. I'ercentage voted annually to charities, 17 442, 17 443. In favour of amalgamating hospital and benevolent asylum accommodation, 17448 ... Page 1169

BANFIELD, ,J ABEZ W. (21st July, 1891 ).-Treasurer of the hospital; has held that position since 1862, 17456, 17457. Gives evidence respecting the Government grant, 17460-17468 Page 1171

(At Pm·tland.) HANLON, WILLIAH (21st July, 1891).-Mayor of Portland, 17469. Amount of the council's contribution

to the charitable institutions, 17 4 7 4, 174 79. Opposed to compelling municipal bodies to contribute towards the erection and maintenance of charitable institutions, l7 482-17 485. Of opinion that there are persons in gaol who should be in a benevolent asylum, 1 H89. In favour of the establishment of a county council for the management of charitn.ble institutions iu the district, 17 505. In favour of the boarding-out system, 17513-17 516. Amount of revenue from rates, 17 518. Amount of Government endowment, 17 519 Page 1172

BREWER, HENRY EDMUND, M.R.C.S.,Eng. (21st July, 1891).-Mcdical officer of the hospital and benevolent asylum, 17526. Hours of duty, 17528, 17529. Amount of salary, 17530. States that there are a certain class of vagrants in the gaol who will not remain in a benevolent asylum, 17540 Page 1174

CLARKE, LINDSAY (21st J nly, 1891 ).-President of the institution; has held that position for eleven or twelve years, 17547,17548. Has been connected with the institution about thirty yeal's, 17551. Amount of salary paid to the matron and steward, 17557. Salary paid to the secretary and treasurer, 17558. Mode of supplying outdoor relief, 17570. Of opinion that the institution is entitled to a larger share of the Government grant, 17 579-17584. General treatment of patients, 17585-17609 Page 1175

O'DONOGBUE, Rev. JonN, (21st Jnly, 1891).-Vice-president of the asylum; has held that position. for four or five years, 17610, 17611. Agrees with the views ex:pressed by the previous witness, 17614-17631 ... ... ... ... ... Page 1178

LEVETT, .FRANCIS F. (21st July, 1891).-Secretary, treasurer. and collector of the benevolent asylum; has held that position about twenty-tht·ee years, 17632, 17633. Amount of private contributions, 1763G. In favour of appointing a county council to govern charitable institutions, 17648 ... Page 1179

HENRY, THOliiAB, E. C. (21st .July, 1891 ).-Town clerk of Portland; member of the committee of the benevolent asylum; has held that position about twelve months, 17664-17666. In favour of apportioning a portion of the municipal income to the hospitals, 17668. In favour <>f compelling persons to support indigent relatives, 17681-17684 Page 1181

THOMPSON, JAMES (21st July, 1891).-Superintendent of the benevolent asylum, 17689. Gave evidence on the method of managing the institution, 17690-17722 ... Page 1182

(At Hamilton.) BREE, ROBERT S. (23rd July, 1891).-:M:ayor of the borough, 17723. On the committee of the hospital,

17724. Do~s not approve of the present allocation of the Government grant, 17727-17729. States the amount of rateable property in the district ; revenue derived from same, 17733, 17734. Of opinion that the support of the charitable institutions does not come within the functions of the council, 17737-17757. Of opinion that the district is over-rated at present, therefore is not in favour of a rate for the support of charities, 17758-17773. Institution does not pay for collecting money, 17771. Have no endowment fund, 17772. Very little imposition practised, 17773. States amount


paid by paying patients, 17779-17782. Persons should be compelled to support their indigent relative,;, hut would not go beyond farther and son, and vice versa, 17783-17788. Persons sent to gaol who should be in the benevolent asylum if there were sufficient room, 17792-17795. In favour of female nursing, 17816-17829 Page 1183

LEARMONTH, PETER (23nl.July, 1891).-President of the hospital; has been connected with the hospital for about twentv-five vears. 17830, 17831. States that the institution does not receive its fair share of the Governrri"eut grant, t'7832-1784l. In favour of establishing a municipal rate for the support of charities, 17842-17847. In favour of paying wards, 17848. Approves of the boarding-out system for children, 17868-17871 .. . Page 1188

HAYES, JAMES B., L.R.C.P. (23rd July, 1891).-Has been one of the honorary medical officers of the hospital; resigned about ten months ago; did not think he was treated properly by the othet• medical officers, 17872-17877. States that he was elected as honorary medical officer without knowing anything about the fact, 17878-17900 Page 1191

TuollrPso:>, Wn,LIAM (23rd ,July, 1891 ).-Vice-president of tho Hnmilton Hospital, 17901. Has held position as vice-president for four years; member of the borough council about twenty years, 17904. Does not think the institution receives a fair share of tbe Go\'ernment grant, l 7906-17912. In favonr of supporting charities by means of the local bodies, l7fil3-17925. Thinks benevolent asylums and hospitals should not be combined, 17934-17942 Page 1192

CAVANAGH, FRANCIS (23nl July, 1891).-Treasnrer of the hospital; has been on the committee for two years, 17976, 17977. Gives particulars of the finances of the institution, 17979-17982. Opposed to a percentage of the shire's rate;;; would favour a donation, 179!H, 17980. Amount of contributions, 17986, 17987. General amount of receipts and expenditure, 17995, 17996. Gives particulars of a case of imposition, 18018-1802!. In favour of adopting the New Zealand Act compelling persons to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatives, 18022-18031 ... Page 1179

RomNSON, LEONAIW, M.D, Ch.M. (28rd July, 1891).-Surgeon of the hospitRl; has held that position sinee September, 1889, 18032-18035. Amount of salary, 18036. Accommodation in the fever wards iuadequa.te, 18053-180GO. In favour of female umsing, 18061-18072. In favour of paying wat·ds, 18073-18075 Page 1202

BENNETT, AR'l'HUR, M.D. (23rcl .July, 1891).-Honorary medical officer of the institution, 18076. In fa,'our of paying patients where well managed, 18080. In favour of a municipnl rute for the support of charities, 180b7-18091. Does not think it necessary to have a resident medical officer, 18101, 18102 · Page 1204

SAMUEL, Mrs. MARY ANN' (23rd July, 1891).-Treasurer of the Ladies' Benevolent Asylum, 18116. Amount of Government grant; amount received from the borough and shire council, 18120, 18121. Objects of the society, 1til2! Page 1206

UIPPON, GEORGE R. (23rd July, 1891 ).-Has been connected with the hospital committee for ten or eleven years, 18137, 1Rl38. In favour of a municipal rate for the support of charities, 18141 Page 1207

BREE, RoBERT S. (recalled, 23ni July, 1891).-Gave evidence with reference to the work of the medical officers of the institution, 18155-18157 l'age 1209

(At rVarrnambool.) HYLAND, JOHN (24th July, 1891).-Mayor of Warrnambool; has held that position for twelve months,

18158, 18159. Not connected with the hospital or the benevolent asylum, 18160. Amount of revenue, 18162. Of opinion that a rate or pereentage on rate will have to be e~t!'.blished for tho support of clmritie8, 18166. Many cases sent. to gaol which should be in the benevolent asylum, 18172. In favour of compelling persons to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatives, 18174-18179. In favour of establishing a foundling hospital, 18182-18184 Page 1209

:MACDONALD, HECTOR A. C. (24th July, 1891).-Town clerk of Warrnambool; has held that position for seven years, 18207, 1!:!208. Amount of grantti voted to the hospital, 18210-18215 Page 1212

KENNEDY, RICHARD F. (24th ,July, 1891 ).·-President of the Warrnamboo1 Hospital; has held that position for two years, 18232-18233. Of opinion that charitable institutions should be supported locally, 18239. Amount of municipal gratit~, contributions, &c., 182·12-J 8244. The institution is a. hospital and benevolent asylum combined, 18247. Mode of outdoor relief, J 824/:l. Does not think there is much imposition practised ou the in~titution, 18253. Paying patients pay according to their means, 18257-18268. In favour of compelling persons to support their indigent relative~, 18269-18272. In favour of adopting female nurses, 18274-18290. Of opinion that moHt cases of aged persons in gaol have been placed there for previous misconduct in the benevolent asylum, 1829:?-18296. Thinks it desirable that hospitals and benevolent asy I urns should not be combined, 18832-18334 Page 1213

SCOTT, TnoMAS, M.R.C.S. (2!th July, 1891).-Honorary surgeon to the hospital, 18335. Approves of paying wards in the hospital so long aa the poor are not excluded on account of same, 18342, 18343. Approves of the present mode of supporting charities, 18356-18382 Page 1218

MILLER, HunERT L., M.D. (2Mh July, Hs9l).-Paid medical officer of the hospital, 18389. Amount of salary, 18390. Expresses his opinions with reference to trained nurses, 18395-18404. Not in favour of comhinetl hospitals and benevolent asylums, 184()5, Expresses his opinion with regard to the amount charged to- paying patients, 18444-18450, In fp.vour of grouping tl.te hospitals anll establishing a central benevolent asylum, 1845!, 18452 ... Page 1221


FLEETWOOD, THOMAS F., F.R.C.S.I. (24th July, 1891).-Honorary medical officer of the hospital, 18453. Agrees with the evidence given by the other medical officers, 18455 ... ... Page 1225

CLEVERDON, JoHN (24th July, 1891).-Secretary of the hospital; has held that position fourteen years, 18493, 18494. Enumerates his unties, 18495. Amount of GoYermnent grant, 18499-18502. In favour of a rate for the support of charities, 18505-18514. Gives particulars of general management, 18521-18540 ... •.. ... Page 1227

FLEETWOOD, TH01IAS F. (recalled, 24th July, 1891).-Gave further evidence with reference to his report on contagious diseases, 18541-18544 Page 1230

KING, TnolrAs (2Hh Jnly, 1891).-Member of the committee of the hospital; has held that position for over thirty years, 18545. Expresses his views as regards the support of charities, 18559-18578 Page 1231

PATERSON, Mrs. SusAN (24th July, 1891).-Correspondent for the boarded-out children in the district; has helu that position since 1873, 18579, 18580. Thinks the boaruing-out system works well, 18585-18595 Page 1233

MAXWELr,, JonN (24th July 1891).-Master of the institution; has held that position about four years; enumerates his duties, 18596-18598. Expresses his opinion with regard to municipal rating, outdoor relief, &c., 18600, 18601 ... Page 1234

MACK, JosEPH (24th July, 1891).-Shire secretary for Warrnarnbool, 18G12. Amount of contributions made by the shire, 18613. States that the shire is opposed to a !'ate for the pnrpose of assisting the charities, 18616-18623 Page 1236

(At Port Fairy.) HAYNES, GEORGE (25th July, 18Dl).-:Member of the hospital committee; has held that position about

thirty years, 18630, 18631. In favour of establishing a general rate, 18637-18640. Amount of income, Go,·ernment grant, &c., 18641, 18642. Amount of endowment funu, 18647. Amount received from J)aying patients, 18651. Amount of private subscriptions, and mode of obtaining same, 18654-18660. General management and accommodation, 18663-18689 Page 1237

Sou·rncoMnE, THO~fAS (2·1th July, 1891).-l\Iayor of the borough, 18690. In favour of levying a charge on the rateable property in the district for the support of charities, 18691. Expresses his views with regard to the general management of the institution, Government assistance, &c., 18696-18704 Page 1239

CASTWOOD, GEORGE (24th July, 1891).-Secretary of the hospital, 18705. Amount of salary, 18706. Enumerates his duties, 18707-18727. In favour of supporting charities by means of a rate, 18743 Page 1240

PENNY, Hr~NRY G., L.R.C.S.I., L.K.Q.C.P.I. (24th July, 1891).-Medical officer of the institution; has hold that position since February last, 18744-18747. Amouut of salary, 18748. Enumerates his duties, 187 52-18768. States what has been done with regard to suggestions made by the Inspector of Chal'ities for improvements, 18770-18786. Of opinion that it is very desirable that municipalities 8hould contribute towards the support of charities, 18787 Page 1242

EARU, WlLLIAM (24th July, 1891).-Vice-president and a member of the hospital committee, 18790. In favour of local management for charitable institutions, 18795. Approves of legislation coming into force compelling persons to support their indigent relatives, 18800-18804. Does not think that if a rate were paid from the shire funds towards the institution that it would be the means of decreasing private charity, 18805 Page 1243

HOGG, JAMES (24th .T uly, 1891 ).-Treasurer of the hospital; has held that position about five years, 18817, 18818. States amount of rates necessary, 18826 Page 124.')

BuRTCHALL, DAvm (24th July, 1891).-Masterof the institution, 18834. Hospital and benevolent asylum combined, 18839. Gives particulars of general management, 18840-18859. In favour of levying a tax for the support of charities Page 1246

SICKLER, ,JoHN (24th July, 1891).-President of the hospital, 18861. In favour of a municipal rate, 18863. Have not received any payment from the municipalities for patients sent into the institution, 18865-18869. Gives particulars of the management of the institution, 18870-18872 Page 1247

WALL, WlLLIA)[ J. (24th July, 1891).-Secretary of the Shire of Belfast, 18873. States amounts voted as grants, 18874, 1887 5. Not in favour of requiring municipal bodies to contribute towards the erection and maintenance of charitable institutions, 18885. Not in favour of a municipal rate, 18886-18905. No provision has been made by the shire for the relief of outbreaks of infectious diseases, 18906-Hl911 Page 1248

(At Colac.) BROWN, WrLLIAlii HENRY, M.R.C.S. (28th Jnly, 1891 ).-Doctor of the Colac Hospital, 18913. Has

been in Colac six months ; amount of salary, 18930. Suggests that several improvements be made in the institution, 18937-18941. In favour of trained nurses, 18945. Cost of maintenance, 18950 ... Page 1249

MclNTosn, CHARLES (28th .July, 1891).-Appointeu by the committee to give evidence, 18960. Amount of the Government grant, 18961. Of opinion that the grant is not fairly allocated, 18964--18969. Amount of local contributions, 18970-18980. In favour of a municipal rate for the support of charities,


18981- I 8993. Treasurer of the ho~pital, 1899!. Interest tlcrivc<l from the ent!o wmcnt fun1! goes into the general fmHI, 189fli, 1 SDD8. Givc3 particnlftl's of c:;;;cs of imp;l~itinu, l9002-1902~l. Paying patients taken in, 19021,19022. Bcnevo1eut asylum east''! ~cnt lo Gecloug, 19D~;1-l!)Oil:!. JJoes not think the wants of the poor are adequately rclic\·ou, 190:34, 19035. Give,; pv.rticnlar,; of the lad[es' benevolent societies, 190::36. Amount of the Government grant rcceh·ed by them, 19039. Particulars of the expenses of the hospital, 19044-19065 ... Page 1251

1VILS05, PATRfCK CLASON (28th ,July, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Colac Hospital; also secretary of the Shire of Colae, 19099, 19100. Agrees in evcrythi11g with the previons witness, 19101. In favourof a municipal rate for charitable pnrpo,;cs, 19116-191~3. Does not think that the wants of the poor of tLe di8trict arc adequately proddct! for, 19132. Think:; there is great need for a benevolent asylum in the tlistrict1 19136. Xumuer of out-patients at the hospital, 19139 Page 1256

LINTOX, WILUAM (28th July, 1891).-IIonso steward in the hospital, 19148. Amount of salary £100 per venr, 19150. Gives particulars of the general management of the institution, expcnse:4, &c., 191il Page 1258

DAVISON, J\foRRIS (28th July, 1891 ).-Of opinion that the hospitnJ accommotlation is ina,lequate, 19185-19191. 1n favour of municipal botlics contributing towards the cha,·itics, 1919:! Page 1258

(At Melbourne.)

TESTAH, Mrs. ELIZABETH (7th August, 1891 ).-Vice-president of the Victorian Infant Asylum ; hns been connected with the institntion since 1877, HJ201, 19202. Objects of the institution, 19204. I'artieuhrs of general management, &e., 19210 Page 1260

NANKIVELL, Mrs. ELIZABETH (7th August, 1891).-Honorary treasurer of the Infant Asylum, 19264. Sources from which subscriptions are derivetl, 19266. Amount of Government grant, 19267. Particulars of boartlcd-ont children, 19272-19:!80. Does not appt·ove of foundling hospitals, 19281-19286. General particulars of the institution, 19290 ... Page 1263

Wnro:m, :Nh$. A. V. (l•!th Angast, 1891).-Trensnrer of the Sonth Yarra Home for Fallen Women; has been connected with the institution for twelve yenrB, 19310, 19311. l\Iode of admitting inmates, 1931::3-19:~:24. Amount of Govemmont grnnt, contributions, &c., 19336-HJ::l41. Most of the inmates sent from the various police courts, 19:3!2. Does not approve of a foundling hospital, 19:363-1 9i3G2. Of opinion that the present sy~lem of ndmlnistering relief by the various charities is bad, 19370 Page 1265

AmrouR, Mrs. :M. (14th August, 1891 ).-Member of the committee of the Matemity Aid Society; has been associated with it for eight yem·s, l93ii-19379. H.oad a statement on the ohjects and manage­ment of the society, W380 Page 1268

(At Abbot.~ford.)

CommTT, Hister MARY F. (ith August, 1891 ).-Rend a statement giving partienlars of the fimnding of the convent, objects, aud general management of ;;ame, l942i Page 1271

(At 1Welbou1·ne.)

'WmTTOX, Rev. M~~RYYN ::Vloss (21st August, 1891).-Curate of St. ,John's Church, chaplain to Yarious Jwspital,;; of opinion that charity tends to panperize the reeipicnts, 19cl60. 'J'hinks there is a great deal of overlapping of charity, 19-16:3. In fanlllr of a spec;nl tax for the support of elmrities, 19472-194i9. Does not lhink sutricient. inquiries are matlc prior to atlllJitting pcr~ons into the various charitable institutions, 1 !:1480-19ci:H2. ln fnvonr of female nursing; wouhl compE-l persons to support their indigent 11ear relatiYei', !9517-19:H9 Page 12i6

MAOULLAX, Hov. J. K. (21st August, 1891).-Rcside;; at Hamilton, minister of the I'resbyterian Church; mnuncrates lhe inst.itn!ions he has been connected with ; has been deputed by the Committee of the Hamilton Hospital to gi1•e evidence, HJ529-19i)34. Heat! a statement on tl10 rnniutcnance of charitable in~titntions. Of opinion tllat t!,e pro;;ent system is not satisfactory; great. difficulty in obtaining funds; in fayonr of compelling persons who me able to contribute to tlo so; docd not think a mte would interfere widl private eltarity, 19535 Page 1282

CAMPBFLL, H.ev. A .• J. (21 ~t August, I 891 ).-Read a statement on the Geelong charities. Of opinion that the present ho,pita1 should be repLtce<l by another, 1B622--1962GA. In favour of having the benevolent asylum dissociated from the ltospital. lu favour of a rate for "upporting the charities. Recommends the C:'tablislunont of a body of tomrnissionet·s to govern the various chnritios, 19622 J>age 1290

(At Kyneton.)

SmTH, SAML'ET", 1\f.R.C.S. (2ith August, 1891.)-Resident smgcon of the Kyneton Hospital, 19653. Has held that position about five months, 19656. Modo of admitting patients> 19H5-19i49. General particnlars of mallagement nnd nurse,;' acconuno(latiou, 19ifl0-l9i72 Page 1293

DAVIES, JAl\IES G. (21st At:gtn<t, lR9l).-tleer<'inry of Hw Kynoton Ilospitnl; has held tl1at pooition for fivo yo~rs: amount of snlary, l9'ii3-l9777. Parti<-ubrs a8 t.o the iiuancial stale of the institution, 19781-19821. Ill fayonr o( a rntc for the snppnrt of tltc charities, l9822-Hm33. Amount of snLs(:riptious receiveu, 19831-19841 Page 1298


RAWSON, Hmm (21st August, 1891).-Vice-presideut of the hospital; has been connected with the institution about eighteen years, 19860, 19861. In favour of n municiprtl rate, 19862-19864. Of opinion tlu>t the pre::~cnt 3)'1llem of allocating the Go\'Crmnont grant, i~ nnfiLir, 19867, 19868. Amount of endowment fund, 19S8::J-19906. Nurses' hours of duty, 19914-199!6 ... ... Page 1301

YuLE, Mrs. GEOHGIXA (21st August, 1891).-President of the Ladies' Benevolent Society; has been connected with the institution for twenty-seven years; ohjects of the society and nwLle of relieving, 19936-19957 Page 1305

KINNEAR, Miss J. RAMSAY (21st August, 1891).-Treasurer of the Ladies' Benevolent Society; agrees with the evidence given by the previous witness, 19958-19967 ... Page 1306

BARRY, JoHN (21st Angnst, 1891).-:Member of the committee of the Kyneton Hospital; has been connected with the institution for twelve years, 19968, 19969. ::Yiode of admitting patients and scale of charges, 19970-1998;). In fa vonr of compelling children to contribute to the suppot·t of their indigent relatives if able to do so, 19986-19993 ... ... ... ... Page 1306

HILL, FHAKCIS (21Ht August, 1801).-:iYimnbcr of the hospital conunittco; has been connected with the institution for two year;;, 20014, 20015. In favour of a umuieipal mte for the S\tpport of the charities, 20019-20022 Page 1309

HARPER, RoBERT (21st August, 1891).-Secretary of 1he Shire of Kyneton ; has held that position since 1869, 20028,20029. In favour of a mnnicipal ra.te, 20033-200-!6 Page 1309

(At DaJJle~fotd.) STEVENSON, RALPH DRUMMOND, M.B. (28th August, 1891).-Resident surgeon of the Daylesford

Hospital; has held that position for nine ye!us, 20018, 200-19. Gcneml particulnrs of dnties, 20053-20061. Paying patients admitted; scale of charges, 200li2-20Do7. The institution is a hospitaJ and benevolent asylum combined, 20078. Particulars of the nurses employed at the iustitutiou, 20084-~0086 Page 1310

McLEOD, DoNALD (28th August, 1891).-Presideni. of the Daylesford Hospital, 20088. Of opinion that the allocation of the G0venunent grant should be based on the average number of beds, 20097-20104. Expresses his views with regard to municipal rating, 20105-20143. Particulnrs of expenses, salary, &c., 20H7-20158. In favour of compelling persons to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatives, 20 179-2018~. Not in Savom· of female nur::;es in male wards, 20189-20193 Page 1312

MoNOTTI, J A~ms (28th August, 18D l ).-Secretary and collector of the Dayle~fonl District Hospital; has held that position for ten years and a half, 20196, 20197. Number of subscribers and amount of subscriptions, 20199-20220... Page 1321

PARKER, GEORGK WILLlAM (28th August, 1891).-Mayor of Daylesford; also member of the hospital committee for the last two years, 20221-20223. In favour of a rate for the support of charities, 20224-20234 Page 1322

HuaR, Mrs. HELEN H. (28th Angust, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Ladies' Benevolent Society; has held that position for ten or twelve years, 20238, 20239. Mode of giving relief, &c., 20240-20262... Page 1323

McGrLLIVRAY, Mrs. MARY (28th An gust, 1891 ).-Lady correspondent of the hoarded-out children in connexion with the Industrial Schools Department, 20263. Number of children boarded out in the district, 20265. Greatly in favour of the boarding-out system, 20278-202!'54 Page 1324

(At 1lfelbourne.)

TaoMSON, WrLLIAM (4th September, 1891 ).-President of the Kyncton Hospital, 20285. Does not approve of the present mode of allocating the Government grant, 20292. Particulars of general management, 20294-20351. In favour of a municipal rate for the support of charities, 20353-20378. Does not consider that the present arrangements for dealing with out-patients satisfactory, 20384-20386. Particulars of nurses' quarters, 20387-20390 .. . Page 1325

DuN CAN, RoBERT BYRON, F.R.C.S. (4th September, 1891 ).-Has .been conneetecl with the Kyneton Hospital for a number of years, 20403. Head a statement 0n the objects of the Commission. Does not approve of the present mode of alloct\ting the Government grant, 20408, 20409. In favour of establishing a rate for the support of charities, 20:110-20413. Suggests mapping out the colony into districts, 20416-20420. Stro11gly opposed to paying wards, 20423-20425. Gives particulars of mode of admitting paying patients, amount of charges, &c., 20-!26-20454. Condemns the present method ot administering outdoor relief, 2045.5. In favont· of female nurses, 20497. Particulars of accom­modation in the hospital for nurses, 20498-20503. In great w>wt of accommodation for benevolent asylum cases, 20530. Would convert various hospitals into benevolent asylums, 20533 ... Page 1332

THOMSON, WILLIHI (recalled, 4th September, 1891).-Gave fmther evidence respecting the endowment fund, 20531-20555 Page 1342

BnETT, 'VVILLIAM GonE (recalled, 11th September, 1 til.l l ).-Gave evidence referring to a report furnished by him on the St. Vincent de Paul's Orphanage, 20557. Of opinion that there are children in the institution who tue not orphans, 20566. States that admi~sion to the institution is gained too readily, 20581. Strongly in favour of the boarding-out system, 20628-20630. Of opinion that the hospital at Maldon and various others might with advantage he closed, 20648 Page 1343


TOBIN, JoHN (11th September, 1891).-Member of the committee of tho Maldon Hospital for nineteen years; has been doputerl to give eYidence on behalf of same, 206GG-20668. States amount of contri­butions, Government grant, &c., 20672-20:)77. Amount of expenses, salaries, &c., 20678. Average number of patients, 20579-20581. Of opinion that there is every necessity for the hospital at MnJdon, 20705-20708. Not in favour of a municipal rate, prefers the present system, 20735-20776 Page 1349

PAULL, JOHN (11th September, 1891 ).-Has been appointed by the committee of the Maldon Hospital and Benevolcmt Asylum to give evidence, 20788. Does not approve of the present method of raising funds for charities; also not in favour of a municipal rate, 20790-20803 Page 1354

(At St. Vincent de Paul's Orphanage, Nicholson-street, Fitzroy.) SH~;RLOCK, Sister (11th September, 1891 ).-In charge of the Orphan:1ge for Girls at South Melbourne,

20823. Read a statement on the foundation or the institutioa, it~ objects, &c., 20830. Gives rmrticnlars of the mode of application anrl admission into tlw itL,titution, 20835-20850. Have no power to detain a child again:;t a parent's wish; of opinion it would he deairable to have such power, 20853-20858. P,trticularo of genenl mtwtgement, ~tmount of funds, and proposed expenditure, &c., 20'351-20979 Page 1356

(At Dunolly. ) WoLFENDEN, ,J OSEPH HINES, L.R.C.S., Ireland (9th October, 1891 ).-Resident surgeon at the hospital;

has held that position about seventeen years, 20980, 20!:!81. Amount of salary, 20982-20987. Hours of duty, 20988. Mode of ar1mitting patients, 21027. Is responsible for the management of the insti­tution entirdy, 210!2. Particulars of management, 210!3-21066. Number of staff kept, 21069-21072. Charges made to outdoor patients, 210'7±-21079. Experience great difficulty in disposing of benevolent asylum cases, 21082-21089 Page 136±

CooKSON, JosEPH, M.B., Melbourne (9th October, 1891).-Refused to accept a position as one of the honorary staff of the Dnnolly Hospital owing to tho unsrttisfactory nature of the rules relrtting to same, 21124-21147. In favour of female nursing, 21162,21163 ... Pago 1369

PATERSON, HE~RY (9th October, 1891).-Socretary of the Dunolly Hospital, 21164. Enumerates his duties, 21167. Mode of collecting funds, 21171. Amount of salary, 21177. Amount of the Govern­ment grant, 21178. Amount received from the various municipalities, 21184, 21185. In favour of devoting a certain porlion of the shire's revenue to charitable institutions, 21195. Experience great difficulty in getting patients into the Benevolent Asylum, 21200-21204. Interest on the endowment fund is added to the principal, 21205-21212 Page 1372

APPLE TON, FREDERICK (9th October, 1891 ).-Appointed by the hospital committee to give evidence, 21248. Has been connected with the institution for eight years, 21250. Quite satisfied with the amonnt of the Government grant, 21251, 21252. Of opinion that the present system of collecting funds is better than a set vote from the municipalities, 21258-21267. Personally in favour of female nurses, 21268-21272 Page 137 5

DALE¥, HENRY O'BRIEN (9th October, 1891).-:\lember of the hospital committee for two years, 21287. Not in favour of a municipal rate, 21291 Page 1377

MoRRIS, EowARD (9th October, 1891).-Has resided in Dunolly for twenty-four years, 21302. Gave evidence wlth reference to the medical officers of the institution, 21305-21314 Page 1378

ARNOLD, Mrs. J. W. (9th October, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Ladies' Benevolent Society at Dunolly, 21317. States amount of the Government grant, annual income, &c., 21321,21322. Mode of giving assistance, 21327. Approves of the boarding-out system, 21338. Would give preference to placing some children in an institution, 21339-2134() Page 1379

RussELL, ,JonN (9th October, 1891).-Mayor of Dunolly, 21347. In favour of the present system of collecting funds, 21353-21359. Does not approve of giving the resident medical officer of the hospital unlimited outside practice, 21361-21364 Page 1381

(At St. Arnaud.) ANDERSON, ANDREW (lOth October, 1891).-President of the St. Arnand Hospital; has helu that position

about nine years, 21365, 21366. Expresses the views of the Kara Kara Shire and the hospital committee, 21370-21373. Not satisfied with the present allocation of the Government grant, 21380. In favour of a rate for the support of the charities, but of opinion that the Government subsidy should not be discontinued, 21381-21387. Funds of the institution collecteu by a collector, who receives a commission on same, 21388, 21389. In favour of receiving paying patients into the institution, 21394-21405. Of opinion that more benevolent asylum accommodation is required, 21432. ln favour of compelling persons to support their indigent relatives within certain limits, 21435-21446. ln favour of trained nurses, but advocates having ono male wardsman, 214±7-21449 Page 1382

FLEThiiNG, HARLOE HENAY, M.B., Ch.B., Dublin (lOth October, 1891).-Medical oilicer of the hospital, 21461. Has hold that pmdtion eleven months, 21462. Enumerates his duties, 21±63-21±9,3. Mode of admitting patients, 21496-21512. Of opinion that paying patients should not be admitted into hospitals other than those set specially apart for that purpose, 21537-21539. In favour of trained female nurses, 21540, 21541 Page 1388


OsBORNE, GEORGE- (lOth October, 1891 ).-Secretary of the hospital; has held that position over ten yenrs, 215,18, 21554. Amount of salary, 21565. Enumerntes his duties, 21.156, 21557. Amount of S11bscriptions, 21558-21561. States the bonntlaries of the district; thinks there is a gooJ deal of overlapping 21562-21567. Amount of the Government grant, 21570. Amount received from the various municipalities, 21572, 21573. In favour of compelling municipalities to contribute, 21591-21603. Thinks there is very little imposition practised, 21605. Amount paid by patients, 21608-21612 Page 1391

VANCE, Mrs. M ARIA E~HLY (lOth October, 1891 ).-Honorary secretary of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, 21613, 21614. Particulars of management and objects of the society, 21615-21640. Amount of contributions, 21641-21645. Experience great difficulty in providing for benevolent asylum cases, 21647, 21648 Page 1394

PENBERTHY, Mrs. E. (lOth October, 1891 ).-}fember of the committee of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, 21661. Has resided in St. Arnaud about thirty years, 21662. Agrees in all particulars with the evidence of the previous witness, 21663 Page 1985

GrLES, ALFRED (lO~h October, 1891).-:Mayor of St. Arnaud, 21668. ConnecteJ with the hospital as a committee man, 21671. In favour of a municipal rate, 21674-21677. Cases fit for a benevolent asylum have been sent to gaol for want of proper accommodation, 21678 Page 1396

HousE, HENRY WHITER~ (lOth October, 1891 ).-Secretary of the Shire of Kara Kara, 21689. Of opinion the council would be in favour of a mnnicipal rate, 21691. Of opinion that parents should not be compelled to support their chil!lren if by act of their own they have become improvident, 21699-21707. In favour of female nursing, 21708 Page 1396

(At Bai1·nsdale.) ELSTON, WILLIUI LEA ALFRED (23rd October, 1891 ).-President of the Bairnsdale Hospital, 21709.

Amount of the Government grant, 21710. Amount of municipal grant, 21721-21724. Not in favour of requiring mnnicipal bodies to contribute towards the erection and maintenance of charitable institutions, 21725. Cost of collecting funds, 21732, 217 33. Not in favour of a municipal rate, 21 H5-21753. In favour of patients paying according to their means; states amount received from same, 21763-21766. Experience great want of benevolent accommodation, 21769 Page 1398

PETERS EN, Mrs. 'MARY (23rd October, 1891 ).-Member of the Ladies' Benevolent Society; at one time president, 2177 5, 21776. Amount of the Government grant ; does not consider same sufficient, 21779, 21780. Amount of collections, 2171:11,21782. Particulars of relief given, 21789-21792... Page 1401

MORGAN, DAVID CRAVEN, 1\tl.R.C.S., England (23nl October, 1891).-Has heen connected with the Bairnstlale Hospital since its foundation, 21805. Number of cases in the hospital which should be in the benevolent asylum, 21808-21812. Particulars of general management, 21813-21832... Pnge 1402

DUNOAN, Jnms, 1\I.B. et Ch.M., ALerdeen (23rd October, 1891).-Has been connected with the hospital since its start, 21833. Great number of benevolent and incnrable cases in the institution, 21834:-21841 Page 1403

ATKINSON, FREDERIOK CALVERT (23rd October, 1891).-Master of the Bairnsdule Hospital; has held that position about three years, 21861-21864. Patients pay according to their means, 21873-21877. Medicine supplied free to outside patients, 21878, 21879. NumLer of cnses in the hospital which should be in a benevolent asylum, 21892-21899. Amount of salaries paid by the institution, 21906-21915 l)age 1405

GREED, GEORGE (23rd October, 1891).-Member of the hospital committee; has held that position about two and a half years ; gives particulars of the wages of the staff, expenses of collection, &c., 21930 Page 1406

JACK SON, J AlliES (23rd October, 1891 ).-Member of the shire council and of the hospital committee' 21933, 21934. Agrees with the evidence given by the previous witnesses Page 1407

DAwsoN, "\VILLIAM TENNANT (23rd Octobet·, 1891).-Shire secretary of Bairnsdale, 21947. P~trticulars of the population and number of ratepayers, 21948, 21949. Amount of revenue derived from the rates, 21952. Amount of GoYernment subsidy, 21956. Of opinion that the wants of the poor are adequately supplied, 21965 Page 1408

CA:IIERON, Rev. DoNALD ALLAN (23rd October, 1891).- Presbyterian minister, 21971. Visits the hospital frequently ; q nite satisfied with the condition of the same, 21972, 21973. Wants of the poor of the district are chiefly met by private charity, 21976-21978. Of opinion there is a necessity for a benevolent asylum in Gippsland, 21980-22003. In favour of compelling persons to contribute towards the support of their indigent relatives, 2200.5-22011 Page 1-108

(At Sale.) GUTTERIDGE, EnwARD SYDNEY (24th October, 1891).-Secrctltr·y of the Gippsland Hospital; has held

that position over three years, 22012, 22013. Amount of the Government grant, 22015, 22016. Amount of private contribntions, 2202a-22029. Cost of collection, 22031-22041. Amount of the municipal grants, 22053-220fH. lnrlivitlnally in favour of a municipal r~tte, 22062-22065. Paying patients recciveJ, 22077-22080. Amount of secretary's salm·y, 22087. General duties, 22089-22096 Page 1410


FINNEGAN, PHILLIP (24th October, 1891 ).-"Mayor of Sale, 22097. States amount voted by the corpora­tion towards charitable institutions, 2209D. Give,; particulars as to the patients in the institution, 22103-22116. In favour of a municipal rate for the support of charities, 22117,22118. Number of ratepayers in the borough ; amount of revenue, 22119-22122. Page 1413

REED, J A:.IES ALEXANDEr:, M. D., Abenleen (24th October, 1891 ).-One of the doctors of the hospital ; has been attending about nineteen years, 22136, 22137. :Many cases of imposition, 22144-22148. Of opinion that all patients should pay something, no matter how small, if able to do so, 22!~9-22168. Great number of patients in the hospital who should be in a benevolent asylum ; of opmiOn there is great need for a benevolent asylum in the district, 22169-22181. In favour of compelling persons to support their indigent relatives within certain limits, 22183-22186. In favour of female nurses, 22187-22196 Page 1414

lhcDoNALD, AucaiBALD, M.D., Philadelphia (2-lth October, 1891).-Agrees in all particulars with the evidence given by the previous witness, 22202,22203. In favour of supporting the charities by m~ans of a rate, 22206-22214. Of opinion that there is a great deal of imposition practised on the vanous hospitals, 22215-22218. In favour of patient~ paying according to their means, 22219-22221. Con­siders female nursing a great improvement, 22222, 22223. Thinks there is great need of a benevolent asylum in the district, 22225-22227 Page 1416

GuTTERIDGE, EDWARD SYDNEY (recalled, 24th October, 1891).-Gavc further evidence with 1·eference to subscriptions, 22235-22246 ... ••• ... ... ... •.. Page 1418

ALLAN, Mrs. CAROLINE (24th October, 1891).-Treasurer of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, 22247. Has held that position ahont ten years, 22248. States amount of the society's revenue, 22249. Amount of Goverument grant, 22251. Amount of grant received from the municipalities, 22254. Number of cases relieved, 22260-22265. Thinks there is great need for a benevolent asylum in the district, 22270-22272 ... ..• ... ... .•• Page 1419

BusH, Mrs. CHARLOTTE (24th October, 1891).-Has until lately been president of the society for years, 22278. Agrees with the evidence given by the previous witness, 22279. Recommends the erection of two wooden cottages for benevolent cases, 22280-22285. Mode of raising funds, 22287-22291 Page 1420

WORTHINGTON, RonERT (24th October, 1891).-President of the hospital; has held that position since the present year, 22292,22293. Has been on the committee for five or six years, 22294. Not satisfied with the present allocation of the Government grant, 22295. AdvocateR that the councils subscribe a percentage of their revenue for the purpose of supporting the various charitable institutions, 22307-22314. Does not think that much imposition exists, 22315. States amount of commission paid to the collector, 22321-22326. Page 1420

EAGI.ETON, FRANCIS GI<:oRGE (24th October, 1891 ).-Master and dispenser of the hospital, 22327. Gives particulars of the duties and attendance of the medical officers of the institution, 22330-22339. Thinks there is a great deal of imposition practised on the institution, 22340-22348. Does not think trained female nurses are more expensive than male, and considers them preferable, 22349-22356. Nurses' hours of duty, 22357-22359. Particulars of obtaining money from paying patients, 22364-22376 Page 1421

GEOIIEGAN, CHARLES RoBEHT (24th October, 1891).-Town clerk of the Borough of Sale, 22382. Has held that position twenty-seven years, 22383. Is of opinion that the hospital should he more liberally supported by the municipalitie::; than it is at present, 22390. Of opinion that the wants of the poor are adequately relieved in the district, 22393, 22394. Does not advocate the establishment of a benevolent asylum in the district, 22395-22399 Page 1424

EASTEU.BY, RtcHARD TrNXISWOOD (24th October, 1891).-Editor of the Gippsland 1lfe1'CU1'!J, 22404. Of opinion that public opinion in the district is in favour of a municipal rate for the support of charitable institutions, 22405-22408 ••• Page 1424

(At Swan Hill.) HUGIIES, RICHARD (28th October, 1891).-President of the Swan Hill Hospital; has held that position

for seven years, 22409, 22,110. Has been connected with the hospital for twcl ve years, 22411. The present building has only been in existence for two years ; states under what circumstances it was erected; particulars of how the money for same was mi:<etl ; cost of the building ; general particulars of accommodation, 22413-22454. States amount of the Government grant, 22456. Amount of contributions, 22457-22466. In favour of a rate for the support of the charities, 22467-22472. Particulars of the financial position of the institution, 22477-22481. Very little imposition practised on the institution, 22486. Patients pay according to their means, 224!:i8, 22489. Good many benevolent asylum cases in the hospital; gives particulars of same, 22490-22495. Nursing done by a wardsman and a female cook, whe acts as nurse for any female patients; of opinion that patients should be nursed by the sex they belong to, 22496-22501. Has sent several cases to the Bendigo Benevolent Asylum, 22504-22508 Page 1425

DIETZ, PAUL (28th October, 1891).-Secretary of the Swan Hill Hospital; amount of his remuneration, 22510-22515. Has been secretary since 1~74, 22516. Number of contributors; amount of contri­butions, 22517-22522. Hands in a return ~howing the number of patients treated; amount of contributions received from New South \Vales, 22523, 22.-524. Thinks a municipal rate for the support of charities very desirable, 22528-22530. States amount of collection for the institution, 225:n -22533 Page 1429

The Library, Parnament o1Vtcform


MATHERS, R. GEORGE (28th October, 1891 ).-Presbyterian minister, treasurer of the hospital ; has held that position for ten years, 22568-22570. States amount of the building oveTdmft, 22578-22583. Gives particulars of the new building, 22584-22596. States amount derived from the Hospital Sunday fund, 22604-22608. Of opinion that in time hospitals will be supported by means of a rate, 22609-22616. Thinks the outdoor relief of the pom· is adequate, 22621, 2262 Page 1431

vVYsE, JOHN (28th October, 1891).-Has been eonneeted with the committee of the hospital since 1870, 22623. Has heal'd the evidenee given by the previous witnesses, and does not wish to add anything thereto, 22624-22630 Page 1434

SoOTT, HENRY" (28th October, 1891 ).-Formerly vice-president of the hospital, 22631. Was connected with the eommittee about two years, !!2632. Does not think the money spent on the new building was a proper expenditure, 22633, 2263·:t Not in favour of a municipal rate, 22637, 22638. States his reasons for having resigned, 22639-22645 ... Page 1434

HuGHES, RICHARD (recalled, 28th October, 1891 ).-Has heard the evidenee of the last witness setting forth his reasons for resigning as a member of the committee; contradicts the statements made, 22646-22662 Page 143.5

'\VooDFORD. 'YILUAM S. R., M.B. (28th October, 1891).-Has been connected with the hospital about four or five months, 22663. States amount of salary, 22665. Has permission to praetise privately, 226G7. Honorary medical officer lives at Kerang, 22668, 22669. Average number of cases in the hospital, 22678--22681. Several benevolent asylum cases in the hospital, 22683-22688. Not many accident cases in the hospital, 22689-22692. Of opinion a great deal more should he done for the poor, 22695-22708. Would establish a poor-house, 22709, 22710. Does not think the hospital is imposed upon by those coming who can afford to pay, 22711-22714. In favour of trained female nurses, 22719-22721 Page 1436

:MOORE, WrLT-TA.ilf (28th October, 1891 )-Wanlsman an<l dispenser at the hospital ; has held that position about twelve months, 22728-22730. Does not think there are patients iu the hospital who should pay bnt do not do so ; hands in a form of admission, 2z731, 22732. 8eveml benevolent asylum eases in the hospital, 22733-22738. Crtses reqniriug immediate attention attended by himself in the absence of the doctor, 22739-22751 Page 1438

HARRIS, JoHN GEORGE ALEXANDER (28th October, 1891).-Lay reader of the Church of England; has been in Swan Hill for fifteen months, 227G6, 22767. Ag-rees with the evidenee given by Dr. Woodford, 22776. Of opinion that there are several caf5es in the hospital that should be in a benevolent asylum, 22778,22779 Page 1439

HuGHES, RrcnAHD (reealled, 28th October, 1891).-Gave evidence regarding the administration of medieal comforts in the hospital, 22780-22783 Page 1440

ScoT:r, HENRY (recalled, 28th October, 1891).-Exempts l\fr. Hughes personally from all blame as regards the matter of spirits whieh were ostensibly for the use of the hospital, but in reality were misappropriated by some one; states that l\Ir. Hughes was unfortunately the contractor to the hospital as well as president at the time, 22784-22787 . .. Page 1440

HUGBES, RICHARD (reealled, 28th Octo beT, 1891 ).-States that he was not contractor during the time he was president, 2278 Page 1440

(At Echuca.) JoBNSTONE, Rev. JoHN CuNNINGIIAM (30th Oetober, 1891).-President of the Echuca Hospital; has held

that position sinee its foundation in 1881, 22789-22792. Amount of GoYernment grant, 22793. Amount of local collections; contributions from the municipalities, 22794, 22795. Of opinion that the Government grant should be made acconling to the receipts from private sources and the number of occupied beds, 22797-22799. In favour of a tax for the support of eharitable institutions, but of opinion that it should be done by the central Governmellt, 22809-22832. States the number of rate­payers in the borough, 22835. N nm her of ratepayers in the sbire, 22837. Amount of commission paid for collecting, 22839, 22840. Of opinion that a certain amount of imposition exists amongst the patients, 22342-22844. Patients pay according to their means, 22845. Amount received from patients, 22846-22848. Does not think paying patients ::;hould receive extra treatment, 22849-22851. Practically there is a small benevolent asylum near the hospital; is of opinion that the Government might give a small grant towards the same, 22855. In favour of compelling persons to support their indigent relatives, but within certain limits, 22857-22860. Have no trained nurses in the institution, 22861-22864. Thinks that the wan(,s of the poor are adequately met, 22870. States amount of salarieB paid to the medical officers, 22871. Their houl's of duty, 22873, 22874 Page 1440

McKENZIE, Mrs. MAHGARET (30th Oetober, 1891 ).-Correspondent of the Boarded-out Children's Committee; has been eonneeted with same about two years, 22887, 22888. Number of boarded-out children in the distri<•t, 22890. States that a good many homes could be found in the district but an impression prevails that fault would be found with the foster parents, 22893-22904 ... Page 1445

SERGEANT, Miss CAROLINE (30th October, 1891 ).-Matron of the Consumptive Sanatorium, 22905. Number of patients in the institution, 22906. Supported by voluntary contributions aud a Govemment grant, 22908, 22909. Amount of expenses, 22911. Does not consider the home in a good situation, 22915, 22916. }fost of the inmates have been sent to this country speeially for their health without means of support; only one Australian native at present i!'. the institution, 22925-22935 Page 1446

JoHNSTONE, Rev. J. C. (recalled 30th Oetober, 1891).-Is ebairman of the local committee of the sanatorium, 22936. Gives the early history of the institution, 22940. States that the doctor of the Echuca Hospital has informeci him that a large number of its inmntes have gone to that institution


through the establishment of the sanatorium, 22943-22946. Considers the climate very beneficial for the cure of the disease; quotes a case of cure, 229±7-22950. The institution is purely philanthropic, 22956. Receive very few local contributions, 229.58. General feeling in the district against the institution, 22961-22963. The institution is 1mLinly supported Ly :Melbourne subscribers, 22966-22973 Page 1446

CHRISTIE, DAVID (30tJl October, 1891).-Secrel::try of the Echuca Hospital; has held that position for eight years, 2297 4. Enumerates his duties, 2297 5-22980. Personally in favour of a municipal mte, 22989-22991. Amount of Govermnent grant, 22999 Page 1449

EAKINS, GEORGE HEGINALD, :M.D. (80th October, 1R91).-Senior medical officer of the Echnca Hospital; has held that position about four ye:trs, 23003. Amount of salary, 2300;'), Particulars of duties, 28006-23014. No cases of old age in the hospital at present, 23015-23018. A good many phthisical cases in the institution, 23019-'23021. States that phthisis has appeared more in Echuca since the establishment of the Consumptive home, 23022-23024. In favour of trained female nurses, 23030-23035 Page 1450

}"'OYSTER, ROBERT GEORGE (30th October, 1891 ).-'rreasnrer of the Echuca Hospital, 2304,,1. Has held that position about ten years, 2i.l045. Amount of Government grant; considers the allocation unfair, 23048-23055. Amount raised locally, 2305(), Strongly in favour of a municipal rate, 23063 Page 1451

MoRPHET, :Mrs. MAGGIE (30th October, 1891).-Member of the committee of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, 23081. Holds position of vice-president, 23083. Has been connected with the society about twelve years, 23084. Hevenue of the society, amount of Government grant, shire and borough grants, 23085-23090. Mode of giving assistance, 23095-28107 Page 1453

STRATTON, DA vm (30th October, 1891 ).-Vice-president of the Echuca Hospital, 23108. Not in favour of the central Government maintaining the institution; would cancel the Government grant; in favour of maintaining the institution by means of a rate and private l!enevolence, 23110-23121 ... Page 145•1

DOBINsON, JUDSON (30th October, 1H91 ).-Has held a position as mayor last year, 23122. Of opinion that a great many inmates in the hospital come from New South Wales, 23124-23129. ln favour of a municipal rate, but of opinion that private contributions would decrease by adopting same, 23130-23139 Page 1455

(At Melbourne.)

GRESSWELL, DAN AsTLEY, :M. A., M.D., Oxon. (recalled, 20th November, 1891 ).-Medical inspector and member of the Board of Public Health of Victoria, 23140. States that he has been investigating the sanitary aspect of the charitable institutions in Melbourne, and the desirability of affording means for isolating communicable disease; the latter of these investigations has been completed, 23141. Has not been able to complete inspection of any of the charitable institutions of Melbourne, 23142. -:\fore assistance would not facilitate matters, 23144. Isolation in its general aspects. The purpose fot· which isolation is provided is to defend the health of the community and to afford medical aid to the sufferer; the object specially to be aimed at is the defence of the healthy against infection from the sick ; states that some infections are actually preventable, namely, typhoid fever; several diseases, although perhaps of a mild form, become more virulent, which, by isolation, would become checked. If a contagious diseases hospital were established, would place children and adults in the same institution, 23149. Gives an instance where persons who, 30 years previously, had died of scarlet fever, on the earth being removed over the graves the disease immediately mnnifestcd itself again, 23153. Great difficulty to certify that persons suffer from certain contagions diseases when in a very mild form, 23158, 23159. Gives particulars of the tleath-rate per 1,000 in London as compared with what it was before isolation was introduced, which is in favour of isolation, 23163-23167. Extent of communicable disease and of isolation of it in the metropolis. Has compiled charts showing the mortality of various infectious diseases. Shows annual number of deaths from croup and diphtheritic croup, diphtheria, erysipelas, measles, puerperal fever, scnrlet fever, whooping cough ; states the total number of deaths from these diseases. An immense increase in the number of typhoid fever patients treated in the hospitals, 23175. Of opinion tlmt erysipelns chiefly occurs in hospitals, 23176-23182. Effect of not -isolation on epidemic prevalcnces in the metropolis; condemns the system of giving certificates of death at the Hommopathic and Children's hospitals; states lhat there is no outdoor medical treatment for indigent persons suffering in their homes with infectious diseases, 23194, 23195. W on!d not allow the attendance of nny dangerous infectious case at the out-patients' departments, 23196-23199. Considers consumption a communicable disease, 23201. Reason for abstention from hospital on the part of the infectious sick. Present condition and requirements as to isolation in the metropolis. Considers it indispensably requisite that contagious diseases hospitals should be established, and recommends that they should be maintained by the various municipalities, 23227, 23228 Page 1457
