
Round 1

1:11 What were Pithom and Raamses?


A. supply cities

B. Hebrew midwives

C. Rulers in Egypt

Round 1

2:4 Who stood afar off to know what would be done to him?


A. His sister

B. Moses

C. Aaron

Round 1

2:12 Where did Moses hide the Egyptian he killed?


A. In the river

B. In the sand

C. Behind the levee

Round 1

3:21 What was Horeb?


A. The mountain of God

B. Moses’ father-in-law

C. A river in Egypt

Round 1

4:14 Who did the LORD mention after His anger was kindled against Moses?


A. Cain and Abel

B. Aaron the Levite

C. Adam and Eve

Round 1

5:12 Where did they gather stubble?


A. Pithom and Raamses

B. Throughout all the land of Egypt

C. Along the river bank

Round 1

7:23 Where did Pharaoh go after the waters were turned to blood?


A. He went into his own house.

B. He dug around the river.

C. He went to the Red Sea

Round 1

8:19 What did the magicians say when they were unable to bring forth lice?


A. Let the men go.

B. This is the finger of God.

C. Let them sacrifice in the land

Round 1

8:22-23 At which plague did the LORD FIRST say He would make a difference between His people and the Egyptians?


A. Frogs

B. Death of Firstborn

C. Flies

Round 1

9:8 What did Moses and Aaron take from a furnace?


A. Coals of fire

B. Wood

C. Ashes

Round 1

9:25 What was broken by the hail?


A. Tents

B. Every tree of the field

C. Chariots

Round 1

10:13 When did the east wind bring the locusts?


A. About noon

B. At midnight

C. At morning

Round 1

11:5 Who was NOT mentioned concerning the death of the firstborn?


A. Pharaoh on his throne

B. The Female servant at the handmill

C. The magicians

Round 1

12:5 Describe what was to be taken.


A. A male lamb w/o blemish, of the first year, either a sheep or a goat

B. Articles of silver and sapphire

C. Pots of meat and bread to the full

Round 1

12:42 How is the going out from Egypt described?


A. A night of solemn observance

B. The end of 430 years of captivity

C. The beginning of 40 years in the wilderness

Round 1

13:19 Who said “God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here with you?


A. Joseph

B. Jacob

C. Moses

Round 1

14:19 What moved from BEFORE the camp of Israel and went BEHIND them?


A. Hornets

B. Pharaoh and his army

C. The Angel of God and the pillar of cloud

Round 1

15:4 What happened to Pharaoh’s chosen captains?


A. Sorrow took hold of them

B. They were dismayed

C. They drowned in the Red Sea

Round 1

15:22 After the Red Sea, where did Israel go?


A. The Wilderness of Shur

B. Horeb

C. Midian

Round 1

16.1-6 What did the children of Israel complain about in the Wilderness of Sin?


A. Thirst

B. Hunger

C. There were no graves in Egypt

Round 1

17:1-3 What did the children of Israel complain about when they camped in Rephidim?


A. Hunger

B. No graves

C. Thirst

Round 1

18:1 Who was the priest of Midian and the father-in-law of Moses?


A. Jethro

B. Reuel

C. Joshua

Round 1

19:10 What were the people to do to get ready?


A. Shear their sheep

B. Clean their tents

C. Wash their clothes

Round 1

23:18 What was the rule about the fat of the sacrifice?


A. It was to be given to the priests

B. It could not remain until morning

C. It was to be cut away

Round 1

21:10 What 3 things were not to be diminished?


A. Food, clothing, marriage rights

B. Crossword puzzles, word searches, and Millionaire games

C. Questions, questions, and more questions