  • Nanobiology2015-2016

    Erasmus MC

  • 6We needed a new type of scientist and engineer,one that can translate between the disciplines. TheNanobiology curriculum is developed specifically forthis programme. There will be substantial part ofbridge content between the disciplines.Furthermore, a new programme, means anopportunity to teach in new ways. We aim to have astrong integration of the courses throughout theprogramme. This will help students understand whythe courses are important in the larger scheme. It isa very interesting programme but demanding, bothfor the students, as for us teachers.

    Most things worth doing are not easy. TheNanobiology students will get to pioneer afascinating new dicipline in the best of two worlds.Delft University of Technology joined forces withErasmus University in 2012 to bring you this uniqueprogramme. About half of the programme takesplace in Delft and the other half in Rotterdam, atErasmus MC and the excellent labfacilities ofRotterdam University of applied sciences. We inviteyou to dive into the world of Nanobiology!

    Prof. Claire Wyman, Programme Director

    Why Nanobiology?

    IndexWhy Nanobiology?


    The program for you?

    Your future in Nanobiology

    What's next?








    Design: Fabrique

    DTP: PanArt

    Photography: Levien Willemse, Caren Huygelen, Michelle Muus, Rotterdam Marketing, Eric Fecken

    No rights can be obtained from the contents of this brochure.

  • Curriculum

    T he three-year Nanobiology programme isfundamentally interdisciplinary. Courseswill feature lectures, workgroups, labtraining and combinations of these. You

    get to study in small groups in both Rotterdam andDelft. Courses taught in parallel will often refer toone another using similar examples or other formsof integration. This helps you put your knowledge inperspective. Furthermore the curriculum focuses ontwo aspects: Nanoscience and nanophysics as applied to

    biological systems A quantitative understanding of biology as it

    relates to human health and disease.

    Year oneThe first year will give you a strong foundation intheoretical knowledge, as well as mastery of basicresearch skills, laboratory techniques and thescientific approach. First period you will follow thecourse Introduction to study in Nanobiology inwhich youll develop study and group research skills,while deepening your existing knowledge of biology.During the year students follow advancedmathematics in calculus and linear algebra, physicsand biophysics, genetics and biochemistry as well asintroduction to computer programming to simulatebiological systems. The program content has anemphasis on the quantitative approach. Whererelevant, course material elaborates on therelationship with the principles of health and disease.

    Year twoThe second year you will apply the fundamentals inadvanced math, physics and biology. The strongfundamental knowledge learned in the first year is astep towards bridge courses in the second half ofthe second year. Examples of bridge courses areOptics and Microscopy, Image Analysis,Bioinformatics and Nanotechnology. Practicalcourses are electronic instrumentation, microscopy/ nanoscopy practice and computational science.

    Year threeIn your third year you focus on doing research underlaboratory conditions. You will follow a minor - ashort study project in a scientific field of yourchoice. It provides an appealing opportunity todeepen your knowledge of Nanobiology or lookbeyond the bounds of your own discipline. In thesecond half of the third year you follow a selectionof elective courses and you get to work on yourbachelor research project. This takes 20 weeks ofworking in a research group, conducting researchthat you shape and define together under directguidance from an experienced researcher. Theconclusion to your research project forms the basisfor your bachelor thesis, a scientific report of yourresearch findings.

    Example from the classroomDynamics of a tumor supressorThe protein p53 is an important transcription factor.Its function is to stimulate expression of genes thatprevent cell proliferation. For that reason p53 iscalled a tumor suppressor. In many human cancers,p53 is mutated, which causes a loss of control in cellproliferation. Suppose p53 nuclear accumulation isgoverned by:

    1) constant synthesis2) stress-regulated cytoplasmic degradation3) constant nuclear import4) stress-regulated nuclear export

    What do we see under non-stress conditions innuclear and cytoplasmic compartments? Whathappens when we give stress to the cells in the formof a DNA damaging agent? Design different ways todecrease or increase nuclear accumulation of p53,based on computer modeling of the processeslisted. Compare the different ideas from differentlearning groups.Solutions and Explanation are available

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  • 6When I was in high school, I really didn't know whatto study. I really liked all the technical subjects, but Iwas interested in biology as well. I went to an openday at the TU Delft and I immediately felt I was at theright place. Then the study nanobiology caught myattention. It sounded like it had been developed forme, a new study which combined all fields I wasinterested in, and was a collaboration of the Erasmusuniversity and the TU Delft, best of both worlds so tospeak.

    Then I decided that Nanobiology would become mystudy, and still I am very glad I made this choice.While studying, you become constantly aware of thefact that nanobiology is a really new field in science,and that we are all actively taking part in thisresearch field.

    Ilja Briggeman

    Make the most of it

    T he program for you? A Nanobiology student should be aninquiring, inquisitive student with a stronginterest in math, physics and biology. You

    want to make a contribution to ground breakingresearch in the near future and youre willing to workhard to reach that goal.

    If you... have a high aptitude for mathematics, physics and

    biology are a team player have a good grasp of the English language enjoy exploring a new area where biology,

    mathematics, physics and technology meet like to work in small groups want to make a difference in the future of

    biomedicine are not afraid of a challenge appreciate teaching staff with an international

    background value a good job perspective

    ...the bachelor Nanobiology is your program!

    Admission criteriaThe Bachelor programme in Nanobiology welcomesapplicants with a Dutch VWO diploma: Nature and Health with Physics & Mathematics B Nature and Technology with Biology Other diploma with VWO Physics, Mathematics B,

    Biology and Chemistry International diplomas see: www.admissions.

    Improving your oddsNanobiology is suitable for students with a VWO-diploma with the NT profile with biology or an NGprofile with mathematics B and physics. You shouldbe an inquiring, inquisitive student with a stronginterest in math, physics and biology. You want tomake a contribution to groundbreaking research inthe near future and you're willing to work hard toreach that goal.

    Binding study adviceWe want to make sure you progress in your studies.If you experience difficulties, you will receiveintensive study guidance. At the end of your firstyear you will receive a binding study advice. Formore information check the site:

    Study counsellingEvery student will be assigned to a mentor group.The mentor regularly meets with the group to listenand offer advice. If necessary, he will refer you to theacademic counsellor. The academic counsellor isthe person you contact if you need adviceconcerning study related topics or physical,psychological or familial issues which influence yourstudy in a certain way. Third, a teacher-tutor will beassigned to each student. Two times a year youmeet with your tutor to discuss your study progressand future study and career perspectives.

    2e jaars

    It sounded like it had beendeveloped for me, a newstudy which combined allfields I was interested in..



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  • Your future inNanobiology

    T he Nanobiology bachelor programmeprovides the fundamental knowledge andskills needed to describe, and study further,the complexity of living systems. It does

    that in a quantitative way, and based on the principlesof physics. The field of Nanobiology is developingfast, bringing changes that will soon have an impacton our society, in the medical field and beyond.

    The field of Nanobiology is developing fast,bringing changes that will soon have animpact on our society, in the medical fieldand beyond.

    Master ProgrammesAfter your bachelors degree, the Delft University ofTechnology (Applied Sciences) and the ErasmusUniversity Rotterdam (Erasmus MC) will offer you ajoint masters program Nanobiology. The two-yearmasters program features exciting further studiesand prepares you for a PhD or a job as scientificresearcher in Nanobiology and related fields. Abachelor in Nanobiology will also give you access tothe research masters Molecular Medicine,Neuroscience and Infection and Immunity inRotterdam. The bachelor in Nanobiology combinedwith required additional courses could also giveaccess to the Delft University of Technology masterprograms of Applied Physics and Life ScienceTechnology in Delft.

    Career ProspectsYou have learned how to analyze complex problemssuch as occur in biological systems and have thequantitative tools to address these problems. Youhave learned skills that you can apply in Nanobiologyresearch like biomedicine, synthetic biology, optics,biotechnology, etc. either in academia, medicalinstitution or within industry. Beyond research, youcould find your place at an industrial company, ascientific institution, or a government agency whereyou will use your scientific knowledge to draft andevaluate research proposals and policy plans fromnational and international research groups. With yourability to shift between domains of science andtechnology, you also have a great foundation for acareer as a teacher, science journalist or advisor. Yourexcellent problem solving skills will offer you greatjob opportunities!

    The field of Nanobiology

    represents the cutting

    edge of science and

    technology: your career

    prospects are excellent.

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  • Check these websites for more

    What's next?

    M ake a good studychoiceChoosing your studies is very importantand influences the rest of your life. Sothink about what youd like to do and what

    your talents and competences are. ErasmusUniversity warmly invites you to the campus to getto know the university and study programme better.Your study time can only be a success if you choosethe right programme. Dont hesitate to ask for help!

    Application prcedureIf you meet or will soon meet the admissionrequirements and you have decided to apply to DelftUniversity of Technology and Erasmus UniversityRotterdam, you must follow several steps in theapplication procedure. More information on theprocedure can be found on our website.

    Apply before May 1If you would like to start a bachelor programme inSeptember, please be aware that you should applybefore May 1. Applying on time will give you to theright of admission (for programmes without furtherselection criteria or with limited enrollment). Undercertain conditions, it is possible to alter your choiceof study until September.

    Open daysSeveral times a year Erasmus University and DelftUniversity of Technology host open days and wewould be pleased to welcome you there. You cantour the campus and attend information sessionsabout specific study programmes and the universityin

    Student for a dayYou can also take part in Erasmus Student for aDay programme, taking lectures and practicals,getting a real taste of student life at ErasmusUniversity and Delft University of Technology. Contact usErasmus University Rotterdam/ Delft University ofTechnologyE: [email protected] or [email protected]/bachelor/opleidingen/nanobiology

    Comemeet us!

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