
Romans Escape from Pompeii

Year 3/4 Autumn2017-2018

LiteracyOur literacy this term will be based around the book, ‘Escape from

Pompeii’ by Christina Balit. A fictional book based on the historic event of Mount Vesuvius eruption in Pompeii in 79AD.

We will then look at persuasive language, writing our own holiday brochure advising travellers to visit Pompeii due to its incredible

historical past.

We will also be writing our own narrative of the event from a different character’s perspective. In addition to this, we will record this tragic event

in the form of a newspaper.

Finally, we will learn about the Legend of Boudicca, writing our own wanted posters.

Within year 3 and 4 we expect writing to be completed to a high standard. Children should implement their targets within all writing activities across the curriculum, this includes complex sentences, adventurous vocabulary and a range of punctuation.

Year 3 Maths

Year 4 Maths


We are going to develop our geography skills by using an atlas and the internet to explore where the Roman

empire was. We will also look extensively at volcanoes.

HistoryThis term we will be covering many different areas

of the Roman period. Including; the life of a Roman, what they ate, wore, family life and the

hierarchy. The Roman army and the impact this had on Britain. Also Boudicca, a legendary leader who inspired her people to rebel against the Romans when they did not honour her husband's will.

Art & DesignWe will be creating their own

Mosaic pattern, they will also be creating their own shield. PSHE

New beginnings - The theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals

within their community and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all.

Throughout the theme, children explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and

fearfulness, and learn shared models for ‘calming down’ and ‘problem solving’.


This term the children will be improving their enquiry

skills by finding information on the internet. They will develop their Microsoft

skills, learning how to edit and present work.


This term we will be looking at rocks, children will compare and sort different kind of rocks based on their appearance and properties. Children will also learn how fossils are formed.

REDomestic Church – Family

Learning outcomes - understand our family trees and the family of God in scripture. Explore - ask questions about family trees. - compare family trees and understand that, sometimes, questions involving family trees are difficult to answer. Reveal - describe some ways in which characters from the Bible lived their lives. - make links between Bible stories and what people believe about God and Jesus.

Baptism – Belonging

Learning outcomes - understand that belonging to a group involves promises and rules; understand the meaning of the promises made at Baptism. Explore - ask and respond to questions about promises - ask questions about promises - make links between actions and promises made - Compare ideas about the expectations different people have of promises; what are the consequences of breaking a promise? Reveal - retell the story of the Baptism of Jesus - describe the actions and symbols used during Baptism - Develop religious vocabulary - Give reasons for the promises made at Baptism


Golden Skills


We like children to ask deepening questions

that will move on their learning. We

plan lessons to actively motivate the children to want to

find out more.


We encourage the children to have

confidence in their own ability. We like

children to feel comfortable to share

their ideas openly and give things a go.


Through target setting and non-negotiables we

encourage children to bec onstantly looking for

ways to improve their work. We also want the

children to aspire to improve their behaviour

and attitude towards their learning.


We teach the children to become

independent learners by encouraging them to find resources and equipment that will support them with

their learning.


We will understand the importance of

sticking with a challenge even when

we find it difficult.


We will be developing our communication

skills by the use of R-Time and talking

partners to establish appropriate ways to

talk to others.

At Saint Alban’s we believe that in order for the children

to become better learners, they require certain skills

that will enable them to be successful not only now but

in the future.

SMSC Social • R-Time • PSHE• Fundraising with the Charity

Chaplaincy team • Golden Book child• Classroom rewards

Spiritual• Daily prayers • Class and whole school liturgies • Hymn practice • RE lessons • PSHE• Class prayer books • Prayer tables

Moral• Circle time • PSHE • R-Time • Anti-bullying week • RE • E-Safety • School behaviour policy

Cultural• RE • Roman culture • Weekly French lessons


Year 4 swimming lessons will continue to take place every Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs Ruston-Donald - PE lesson will be on a Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Burton’s PE lessons will be on a Tuesday afternoon (Year 4 swimmers) and Friday Morning.

Mrs Morris’ PE lessons will be on a Wednesday morning.

Mr Karia will continue to teach a PE lesson with each class.

The children are expected to bring a full PE kit consisting of a white t-shirt, black or blue shorts and PE pumps. Please ensure every part of your child’s uniform is clearly labelled with their name and kept on their peg in school.

Earrings are not allowed for PE or swimming lessons and should be removed before they come to school unless the child is able to remove them on their

own or they are able to cover them with tape.

ReadingPlease support and encourage your child to read

each day at home as this will make a great difference to their progression. All children are

expected to take their reading book home every night and bring it back the next school day. A

member of staff will track the pupils’ reading record and change their book as soon as it is finished.
