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  • 8/9/2019 Roman and Gladiator


    Roman and Gladiator fighting Curriculum


    Ars Dimicandi (Roma)

    Gruppo Storico Romano (Roma)

    VegetiusJohann Wallhausens Romanische Fechtkunst (Medieval Book)

    Escrima (Doce Pares, Kalidu, Modern Arnis)




    5 cuts (leg x2, neck x2, head) form a circle

    9 thrusts (downwards, straight, upwards, and their sides right-left)

    DefensesHigh (umbrella, roof)

    Middle (inside, outside)

    Low (low inside, low outside, low outside for inner defense)

    X-defense (is a special defense and depends on the weapon, ideal for double swords)

    The order in which the weapons are teached

    medium range

    i) and ii) Gladius and gladius, gladius and shield

    iii) a.only gladius (use of the other hand like having a shield, the alive hand)

    b.only shield

    close range

    iv) Pugio (dagger)

    long range

    v) Pilum, spear, trident


    vi) Pugio and gladius, spear and gladius, spear and shield

    (small shield-defense, big shield-offense)

    very close range

    vii) Unarmed (same techniques like armed and introduction into pankration-the most difficult)

  • 8/9/2019 Roman and Gladiator


    With all the weapons we face

    a.enemy with the same weapon

    b.enemy with different weapon

    striking types

    according weapon distancei) long (cuts)ii) medium (thrusts)iii) close (with back end of weapon)

    according hand movementi) x-cutsii) fan-cutsiii) thrusts (straight-cross-backfist)iv) thrusts (from angle

    going in)

    basic drills

    i) stepping and avoiding finger of Lanista ii) diagonal inside step attack

    iii) thrust drill (straight-backfist-crossfist)

    wrist exercises (like nunchakus)

    i) with gladius

    ii) with spear

    drill exercise arts

    i) techniques in the air

    ii) techniques on a tree- on the pell (defenses are trained on the branches)

    iii) techniques with enemy (one or many)

    1 vs 1

    1 vs 2, 1 vs 3

    2 vs 2, 2 vs 3, 2 vs 4

    team vs team

    The defenses

    the defenses are teached to the beginner as static moves to learn better the attacks. Later they get

    corrected and only as parries used.

    Drills-only one attacks

    -only one defends

    -defense and counter with cut

    -defense and counter with thrust

    -estocada drills (4 counts)

    (vertical lesson)

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