  • 7/29/2019 ROCKS - Documentation - User's Manual (Version 2.01)


    ROadCostsKnowledgeSystem - ROCKS



    1.1. Background

    Road agencies, contractors, consultants and financial institutions require roadcosts information, which in general is locally available, but many times thisinformation is scattered, proprietary of some organizations, and collected Inunsystematic and unstructured ways. These entities need to assess costsdifferences among states and regions, but no framework to compare road costsexists.

    In 1999, in response to this demand, the World Bank made a first attempt tocollect this information from 67 Implementation Completion Reports of Bankfinanced projects that were implemented in the period 1995 1999. The study(2000) found that the level of detail provided in these type of documents waslimited and that there is a worldwide need for a framework to collect this type ofinformation. Consequently, the Bank decided to develop a simple system tocollect road costs and to explore other sources of information.

    This effort resulted on the Road Costs Knowledge System (ROCKS), which isbeing developed by the World Banks Transport Unit and is primarily based on

    the experience of Bank staff and the information contained in roads andhighways projects in developing countries. In November 2001 the first version ofthe system was tested, installed and staff from the road agencies were trained infive countries (Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Viet Nam, Philippines) in the South

    Asia and East Asia and the Pacific Regions. Based on that experience of thefirst consultation an improved second version was prepared, installed and testedin March 2002 in four countries the Africa and Europe and Central Asia regions(Ghana, Uganda, Armenia, Poland).

    1.2. Objective.

    The main objective of the system is to develop an international knowledgesystem on road work coststo be used primarily in developing countries toestablish an institutional memory, and obtain average and range unit costsbased on historical data that could ultimately improve the reliability of newcost estimates and reduce the risks generated by cost overruns.

    Average and range unit costs can be used:

    to monitor country road cost variations at different stages, from estimate tocontract and actual costs;

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    to assess road costs variations overtime;

    to compare road costs among states and regions, different financingsources, procurement methodologies (advertisement), etc;

    to establish relationships with different types of terrain, climate, regions,construction technologies, etc.; and

    to generate the data that is needed for other road cost related studies likelife cycle analysis applied in HDM-4.

    1.3. Key Concepts.

    The ROCKS framework is based on five key concepts that characterize thesystem, and provide the foundation to achieve its objective and intended outputs.

    The first concept seeks to systematically classify the different road worktypes and predominant work activities in order to be able to organize themand match them with typical civil works contracts;

    the second, defines a shared concept of unit cost as the fundamental costelement, and depending on the type of work suggests to use $/km, or$/m2;

    the third, establishes a minimum set of data requirements, that aregenerally available in any country and that allows the system to work;

    the fourth seeks to add flexibility to the system by defining a set of highlyrecommended data, and a series of optional data that allow the users toselect the levels of detail or criteria to be used, and in this adapting thesystem to their needs and to the available data, and

    the fifth, suggests to collect the data on any currency and reference date,but to bring all data to a single currency and a single reference year toallow for data comparisons.

    1.4. ROCKS Components

    The system includes initially the following components:

    ROCKS Database. Which is the main element of the system and the primarytool to collect and input the data. It is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to makeit accessible to any road agency in any region of the world.

    ROCKS View Module. Which is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheets used to filter,sort, view and print the information stored on the ROCKS Database.

    ROCKS Statistics Module Which is Microsoft Excel spreadsheets used tofilter, generate statistical reports, and analyze the information stored on theROCKS Database.

    ROCKS Disbursements Module. Which is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheetused to translate a series of actual current disbursement into a single cost on

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    a single base date.1.5. ROCKS Dissemination Package

    The entire ROCKS system including all the data collected and modulesdeveloped are part of the ROCKS Dissemination Package contained in a

    compact disc (CD) which is ready to be distributed worldwide free of charge. Itincludes the following files:

    Microsoft Excel Documents (xls)

    ROCKS Database WORLD (Version 2.01)

    ROCKS Database EMPTY (Version 2.01)

    ROCKS Module - Disbursements (Version 2.01)

    ROCKS Module - View (Version 2.01)

    ROCKS Module - Statistics (Version 2.01) ROCKS Documentation Data Collection Form (Version 2.01)

    ROCKS Documentation Road Works Classification (Version 2.01)

    ROCKS Documentation Annex 1 - Set of Statistics Report (Version


    Microsoft Word Documents (doc)

    ROCKS Documentation - Executive Summary (Version 2.01)

    ROCKS Documentation - Users Manual (Version 2.01) ROCKS Documentation Read Me First (Version 2.01)

    Microsoft Power Point Document (ppt)

    ROCKS Documentation PowerPoint Presentation (Version 2.01)

    1.6. System Development Status

    The second version of the ROCKS System has a Users Manual already in place.The System has been already used to collect and input a sample set of data

    obtained mainly from World Bank documents of road projects in developingcountries. The ROCKS Modules to view the information collected and to producestatistics, and the utility to translate actual disbursement series into a single costhave been successfully tested and are ready to be used. Currently, the systemcollects data for routine maintenance, periodic maintenance, rehabilitation,improvement, and new construction road works.

    1.7. Basic Reference Source for Definitions and Abbreviations

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    World Bank: Country Names, Region Names, Currencies Codes,Exchange Rates

    HDM-4: Climate Type, Pavement Type, Surface Material, BaseMaterial

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    The ROCKS framework is based on five key concepts that characterize thesystem, and provide the foundation to achieve its objective and intended outputs.

    2.1. Concept 1. Road Works Classification

    The first concept seeks to systematically classify the different road work typesand predominant work activities in order to be able to organize them and matchthem with typical civil works contracts.

    The road works have been classified in two categories: Preservation andDevelopment. The details on work classes, types and predominant workactivities are presented in the tables below.

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    Predominant Work Activity for Preservation WorksRecommended Alternative

    Work Category Work Class Work Type Predominant Work Activity Unit Cost Unit Cost

    Preservation Routine Routine Maintenance Routine Maintenance 1L Road $/km-yearRoutine Maintenance Unsealed 2L Highway

    Routine Maintenance Block 2L Highway

    Routine Maintenance Bituminous 2L Highway

    Routine Maintenance Concrete 2L Highway

    Routine Maintenance Bituminous >2L Highway

    Routine Maintenance Concrete >2L Highway

    Routine Maintenance Bituminous Expressway

    Routine Maintenance Concrete Expressway

    Periodic Grading Light Grading $/km

    Heavy Grading

    Gravel Resurfacing Regravelling $/m2 $/km

    Concrete PavementConcrete Pavement Preventive Treatment

    $/m2 $/kmPreventive Treatment

    Bituminous Pavement Fog Seal $/m2 $/km

    Preventive Treatment Rejuvenation

    Surface Treatment Slurry Seal or Cape Seal $/m2 $/km

    Resurfacing Single Surface Treatment

    Double Surface Treatment

    Triple Surface Treatment

    Asphalt Mix Asphalt Overlay 99 mm

    Mill and Replace

    Bonded Concrete Overlay

    Unbounded Concrete Overlay

    Concrete Pavement Concrete Slab Replacement $/m2 $/km

    Restoration Concrete Slab Repair

    Concrete Diamond Grinding

    Reconstruction Reconstruction Unsealed $/m2 $/kmReconstruction Block

    Reconstruction Bituminous

    Reconstruction Concrete

    Number of Lanes 1L - One Lane 4L - Four Lane

    2L - Two Lane 6L - Six Lane

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    Predominant Work Activity for Development WorksRecommended

    Work Category Work Class Work Type Predominant Work Activity Unit Cost

    Development Improvement Partial Widening Partial Widening to Unsealed 2L $/kmPartial Widening to Block 2L

    Partial Widening to Bituminous 2L

    Partial Widening to Concrete 2L

    Partial Widening and Partial Widening to Unsealed 2L and Reconstruction $/km

    Reconstruction Partial Widening to Block 2L and ReconstructionPartial Widening to Bituminous 2L and Reconstruction

    Partial Widening to Concrete 2L and Reconstruction

    Widening Widening Adding Bituminous 1L $/kmWidening Adding Bituminous 2L

    Widening Adding Bituminous 4L

    Widening Adding Concrete 1L

    Widening Adding Concrete 2L

    Widening Adding Concrete 4L

    Widening and Widening Adding Bituminous 1L and Reconstruction $/km

    Reconstruction Widening Adding Bituminous 2L and Reconstruction

    Widening Adding Bituminous 4L and Reconstruction

    Widening Adding Concrete 1L and Reconstruction

    Widening Adding Concrete 2L and Reconstruction

    Widening Adding Concrete 4L and Reconstruction

    Upgrading Upgrading Unsealed to Unsealed 2L Highway $/kmUpgrading Unsealed to Block 2L Highway

    Upgrading Unsealed to Bituminous 2L Highway

    Upgrading Unsealed to Concrete 2L Highway

    Upgrading Block to Bituminous 2L Highway

    Upgrading Block to Concrete 2L Highway

    New Construction New 1L Road New Unsealed 1L Road $/kmNew Block 1L Road

    New Bituminous 1L Road

    New Concrete 1L Road

    New 2L Highway New Unsealed 2L Highway $/km

    New Block 2L Highway

    New Bituminous 2L Highway

    New Concrete 2L Highway

    New 4L Highway New Bituminous 4L Highway $/km

    New Concrete 4L Highway

    New 6L Highway New Bituminous 6L Highway $/km

    New Concrete 6L Highway

    New 4L Expressway New Bituminous 4L Expressway $/km

    New Concrete 4L Expressway

    New 6L Expressway New Bituminous 6L Expressway $/kmNew Concrete 6L Expressway

    Number of Lanes 1L - One Lane 4L - Four Lane2L - Two Lane 6L - Six Lane

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    2.2. Concept 2. Unit Cost per Length and Unit Cost per Area

    The second concept defines a shared concept of unit cost as the fundamentalcost element, and depending on the type of work suggests to use $/km, or $/m2.

    The unit cost per length refers to the unit cost per km, which includes all theassociated civil works costs like: mobilization, pavement, drainage, majorstructures, line markings, contingencies, taxes, etc.. It does not include thedesign costs that are usually needed for a consulting firm to perform this task, orthe supervision costs during construction; and nor any land acquisition orresettlement costs required.

    Cost per Length. Refers to the Cost per Km. of road section, which is

    calculated based on the aggregate length of the section or program and dividedby the total cost.

    Cost per Area. Refers to the Unit Cost per square meter, calculated based onthe width of the main carriageway, and excluding the width of the shoulders, orany bicycle lanes or median.

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    It includes

    all civil works costs:

    It does not include

    other agency costs:

    Mobilization Pavement -Drainage Design

    Major Structures - Line markings Land Acquisition

    Contingencies Resettlement

    Taxes Supervision



    CarriagewayLane Lane




    CarriagewayLane Lane




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    2.3. Concept 3. Minimum Data Requirements

    The third concept establishes a minimum set of data requirements, that aregenerally available in any country and that allows the system to work.

    The minimum set of information which is necessary for the system to work isgiven below, and in the detailed description in this manual it is identified with thecapital M in parenthesis (M).

    Record Identification;


    Project or Source Name;

    Cost Date;


    US$ Exchange Rate;

    Unit Cost ($/km, $/m2, $/km-year);

    Work Type Cost Type (Estimate, Contract, Actual);

    Cost Source (Program or Section);

    Number of Lanes

    2.4. Concept 4. Alternative Classes of Input Data

    The fourth seeks to add flexibility to the system by defining a set of highlyrecommended data, and a series of optional data that allow the users to selectthe levels of detail or criteria to be used, and in this way adapting the system totheir needs and to the available data.

    The highly recommended set is identified with the capital H in parenthesis (H)in the detailed description of each section of the data, and it includes:

    Predominant Work Activity;

    Total Cost, Length and Duration

    Main Carriageway Width

    Terrain Type and Climate Type

    Surface Class (unsealed, block, bituminous, concrete);

    Surface Type (Earth, gravel, sand, concrete block, brick, set stone,surface treatment, asphalt mix, jointed plain concrete, jointed reinforcedconcrete, continuously reinforced concrete);

    The optional set of data which is a long list is presented in the detailed sectionof the manual, and in the data collection form can be identified with a capital O inparenthesis (O).

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    ROCKS - ROad Costs Knowledge System Version 2.0 (09/09/02)

    Sections 1 through 5 - Cost and Work DescriptionRecord


    State, Department or Province

    User Classification 1User Classification 2User Classification 3

    World Region:Project or Source Name

    SectionReport Type

    Report LocationCost Date Cost TypeCost Source

    Currency Code US$ Exchange Rate

    Cost Financing Contract TypeBID Type Contractor Type

    Construction Method Economic Cost Factor Taxes (Y/N) Contingencies (Y/N)Work DescriptionWork Type

    Work Predominant ActivitySection 6 - Road Work Cost per Length

    Base Cost (M$) Length (km)Physical Contingencies (M$) Duration (months)Price Contingencies (M$) Total Cost per Kilometer ($/km)Total Cost (M$) Total Cost per Kilometer (2000 US$/km)

    Section 7 - Road Work Cost per AreaTotal Cost per Carriageway Area ($/m2)

    Total Cost per Carriageway Area (2000 US$/m2)

    Section 8 - Road Work CharacteristicsPavement Width (m) Climate TypeShoulder Width (mm) Pavement TypeNumber of Lanes Surface ClassResurfacing Layer Thickness (mm) Surface TypeDepth of Milling (mm) Surface Material

    Surface Thickness (mm) Base MaterialBase Thickness (mm) Patching or Crack Sealing Unit Cost ($/m2)

    Subbase Thickness (mm) Patching or Crack Seal. Quantity (m2/km-year)Structural Number Spot Regravelling or Regravell. Unit Cost ($/m3)Terrain Type Spot Regravelling Quantity (m3/km-year)

    Section 9 - Road Work Cost Details (% of Road Work Cost)Mobilization (%)Demolition and Site Clearance (%)Earthworks (%)

    Drainage,P Works,Culv.&Min. Bridges (%) Drainage and Protective Works(%)Major Bridges and Structures (%) Culverts and Minor Bridges (%)

    Accesses and Junctions (%)Pavement Courses (%) Subbase (%)Shoulder Works (%) Base (%)

    Line Markings and Signs (%) Subbase and Base (%)Environment (%) Surface (%)

    Dayworks (%)Other (%)Contingencies (%)

    Taxes (%)

    Total (%)Labor (%):Materials (%):Equipment (%):

    Total (%):Foreign Currency (%): Foreign Currency Code

    Section 10 - Other Additional Road Agency Costs (% of Road Work Cost)Land Acquisition (%): Design (%):

    Resettlement (%): Supervision (%):Land Acquisition & Resettlement (%):

    Minimum and Required Data Set Highly Recommended Data Set

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    2.5. Concept 5. Single Currency and Single Reference Date

    The fifth concept suggests to collect the data on any currency and referencedate, but to bring all data to a single currency and a single reference year toallow for data comparisons;

    Besides the (first) method already in place, the following two alternativealgorithms to obtain constant prices on a single currency are beingconsidered to be developed. They are needed to derive equivalentconstant-price costs in a single currency, from the current-price costsprovided by the data base, in order to compare costs from differentcurrencies, dates and locations.

    Second Method. It is still under study and proposes to: (i) divide each costinto local and foreign currency; (ii) take the local currency portion (i.e.Indian Rupees) and convert it to constant terms using the local currency

    CPI and the selected reference date; (iii) take the foreign currency portion(i.e. French Francs) and convert it to constant terms using the foreigncurrency CPI for the selected reference date; (iv) use the exchange ratefor the selected reference date convert -both constant local and foreignportions- to the selected foreign currency of the system (e.g. U$ dollars);and (v) add both portions to obtain the cost in a single currency and singlereference date.

    Third Method. It is still under consideration of development and it isintended to include purchase parity criteria in the algorithm.

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    3.1. System Requirements

    The ROCKS files, and modules have been developed or use Microsoft EXCEL2000, WORD 2000, and POWERPOINT 2000. Therefore, these are therecommended versions to use with the ROCKS system. The 97 versions of thesestandard packages should still perform the basic tasks, however some of theformat could be lost. The system has not been tested for earlier versions.

    3.2. Data Input Requirements.

    The minimum set of information which is necessary for the system to work isgiven below.

    Record Identification;


    Project or Source Name;

    Cost Date;


    US$ Exchange Rate;

    Unit Cost ($/km, $/m2, $/km-year);

    Work Type

    Cost Type (Estimate, Contract, Actual);

    Cost Source (Program or Section);

    Number of Lanes.

    The highly recommended set of data includes:

    Predominant Work Activity;

    Total Cost, Length and Duration

    Main Carriageway Width

    Terrain Type and Climate Type

    Surface Class (unsealed, block, bituminous, concrete);

    Surface Type (Earth, gravel, sand, concrete block, brick, set stone,surface treatment, asphalt mix, jointed plain concrete, jointed reinforced

    concrete, continuously reinforced concrete);

    The optional set of data which is a long list is presented in the detailed sectionof the manual.

    3.3. Data Collection and Technical Qualifications

    The staff responsible for collecting the data should have good knowledge of roadand highways technical terms and preferably experience in civil works cost

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    estimating techniques in order to ensure high standards on data reliability andconsistency. The professionals or staff selected to lead the data collectionand/or the technicians that will actually perform the data collection task shouldhave access to the sources of information and be capable of contributing withcomments, or suggestions to improve the system.

    It is important to ensure that at least all the minimum data requirements areavailable before starting the actual collection of data. Data can be introduceddirectly into the Database using the ROCKS Database Excel file, or collectedusing the Data Collection Form provided in this manual, and then transfer themto the Database.

    It is recommended to have a computer available, or at least a calculator to dosome of the basic calculations required in some the data base fields, especiallyfor the breakdown of costs in typical bill of quantities.

    3.4 Sample Outputs.

    In the following sample outputs the figures presented are based on actual datacollected, and they are used to illustrate the expected type of reports.

    Sample Output 1.

    Unit Costs per Km in Million US$ (Year 2000)Selected Work Activities in Thailand

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    Slurry Seal or Cape Seal (Reseal) 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011

    Asphalt Overlay 40-59 mm (50 mm) 0.045 0.050 0.045 0.045

    Asphalt Overlay 80-99 mm (80 mm) 0.068 0.077 0.068 0.068

    Reconstruction Bitum. (50 mm AC) 0.070 0.092 0.071 0.070

    Reconstruction Bitum. (80 mm AC) 0.081 0.104 0.082 0.080

    Reconstruction Bitum. (100 mm AC) 0.094 0.118 0.094 0.093

    TERRAIN TYPE Flat Rolling Mount. Flat Rolling Mount. Flat Rolling Mnt. Flat Rolling Mount.

    Widening Adding Bitum. 2L (2L to 4L) 0.470 0.485 0.725 0.548 0.563 0.823 0.489 0.504 - 0.464 0.479 0.720

    Widening Adding Bitum. 2L (4L to 6L) 0.380 0.390 0.503 0.462 0.472 0.596 0.390 0.400 - 0.373 0.383 0.496

    Widening Adding Bitum. 2L (6L to 8L) 0.465 0.463 0.548 0.562 0.565 0.657 0.470 0.474 - 0.452 0.455 0.540

    Widening Adding Bitum. 2L (8L to 10L) 0.380 0.390 0.503 0.462 0.472 0.596 0.390 0.400 - 0.373 0.375 0.496

    New Bituminous 2L Highway 0.337 0.351 0.567 0.387 0.401 0.634 0.352 0.366 - 0.332 0.347 0.563

    New Bituminous 4L Highway 0.650 0.685 1.075 0.745 0.781 1.201 0.678 0.714 - 0.643 0.678 1.067

    New Bituminous 6L Highway 0.834 0.865 1.357 0.956 0.986 1.518 0.870 0.901 - 0.824 0.855 1.347

    New Bituminous 4L Expressway 2.584 2.406 3.685 2.762 2.539 3.862 2.620 2.443 - 2.575 2.398 3.677

    New Bituminous 6L Expressway 2.913 2.796 4.129 3.114 2.961 4.327 2.960 2.842 - 2.902 2.785 4.118


    TERRAIN TYPE Flat Rolling Mount. Flat Rolling Mount. Flat Rolling Mnt. Flat Rolling Mount.

    Widening Adding Bitum. 2L (2L to 4L) 1.00 1.03 1.54 1.00 1.03 1.50 1.00 1.03 - 1.00 1.03 1.55

    Widening Adding Bitum. 2L (4L to 6L) 1.00 1.03 1.32 1.00 1.02 1.29 1.00 1.02 - 1.00 1.03 1.33

    Widening Adding Bitum. 2L (6L to 8L) 1.00 1.00 1.18 1.00 1.00 1.17 1.00 1.01 - 1.00 1.01 1.20

    Widening Adding Bitum. 2L (8L to 10L) 1.00 1.03 1.32 1.00 1.02 1.29 1.00 1.02 - 1.00 1.00 1.33

    New Bituminous 2L Highway 1.00 1.04 1.68 1.00 1.04 1.64 1.00 1.04 - 1.00 1.04 1.69

    New Bituminous 4L Highway 1.00 1.05 1.65 1.00 1.05 1.61 1.00 1.05 - 1.00 1.05 1.66

    New Bituminous 6L Highway 1.00 1.04 1.63 1.00 1.03 1.59 1.00 1.04 - 1.00 1.04 1.64

    New Bituminous 4L Expressway 1.00 0.93 1.43 1.00 0.92 1.40 1.00 0.93 - 1.00 0.93 1.43

    New Bituminous 6L Expressway 1.00 0.96 1.42 1.00 0.95 1.39 1.00 0.96 - 1.00 0.96 1.42




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    Sample Output 2.

    Average and range Unit Costs per m2 in US$ (Year 2000)Selected Works for Bituminous Surface Class - Worldwide Data

    Sample Output 3.

    Cost Breakdown in Typical Bill of Quantities and Other Agency Costs (%)India Estimates Widening Adding 2L and Reconstruction

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    Road Work Cost Details (% of Road Work Cost)Mobilization (%): 0.5%Demolition and Site Clearance (%): 0.5%Earthworks (%): 11.9%

    Drainage,P Works,Culv.&Min. Bridges (%): 16.8%Major Bridges and Structures (%): 5.7%Pavement Courses (%): 49.5%Line Markings and Signs (%): 5.8%Contingencies (%): 9.2%Total (%): 100.0%

    Land Acquisition (%): 5.1%Resettlement (%): 3.0%Supervision (%): 6.7%

    Other Road Agency Costs (% of Road Work Cost)






    0.811.53 1.84
























    Fog Seal Slurry Sealor Cape







    99 mm

    Pavement Preventive Treatment Surface Treatment Resurfacing Asphalt Mix Resurfacing Strengthening

    Maximum Average Minimum

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    Sample Output 4.

    Comparison between Actual Cost at completion and Estimated Costs atAppraisal for World Bank financed Projects All Countries

    Sample Output 5.

    Average and Range Unit Costs per Km in Thousands US$ (Year 2000)Selected Development Works - Worldwide Data

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    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

    Works costs per km: Actual Cost / Appraisal Estimate

    Probabilit < 1.0 = 38 %

    Probability > 1.0 = 62 %

    2L Highway

    Routine Maintenance Concrete >2L Highway

    Routine Maintenance Bituminous Expressway

    Routine Maintenance Concrete Expressway

    Periodic Grading Light Grading $/km

    Heavy Grading

    Gravel ResurfacingRegravelling

    $/m2Concrete Pavement Concrete Pavement Preventive Treatment $/m2

    Preventive Treatment

    Bituminous Pavement Fog Seal $/m2

    Preventive Treatment Rejuvenation

    Surface Treatment Slurry Seal or Cape Seal $/m2

    Resurfacing Single Surface Treatment

    Double Surface Treatment

    Triple Surface Treatment

    Asphalt Mix Asphalt Overlay 99 mm

    Mill and ReplaceBonded Concrete Overlay

    Unbounded Concrete Overlay

    Concrete Pavement Concrete Slab Replacement $/m2

    Restoration Concrete Slab Repair

    Concrete Diamond Grinding

    Reconstruction Reconstruction Unsealed $/m2

    Reconstruction Block

    Reconstruction Bituminous

    Reconstruction Concrete

    Number of Lanes 1L - One Lane 4L - Four Lane2L - Two Lane 6L - Six Lane

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    Routine PavementWorks corresponds to minor pavement defects caused by a combination of trafficand environmental effects, for example: crack sealing, patching, edge repair andspot regravelling.

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE. Comprises works that are planned to beundertaken at intervals of several years.

    For unsealed roads it includes grading and gravel resurfacing.

    Forconcrete pavements preventive treatment includes: joint sealing, loadtransfer dowels retrofit, longitudinal edge drains retrofit, tied concrete shouldersretrofit.

    Forbituminous pavements it could be:

    Preventive treatment. Which is the addition of a film of surfacing to improvesurface integrity and waterproofing that does not increase the strength of thepavement. This group includes: fog sealing, and rejuvenation.

    Surface Treatment Resurfacing of bituminous pavements with single,double or triple surface dressings, to improve surface integrity andwaterproofing, or to improve skid resistance, that does not increase thestrength significantly

    Asphalt Mix Resurfacing that involves the addition of thin overlays of lessthan 60mm thick.


    StrengtheningThe addition of thick surfacings, or the removal of part of the existingpavement and the addition of layers to restore or improve structuralintegrity and to increase the strength of the pavement. It includes asphaltoverlays of 60mm or more, mill and replace and inlays.

    Restoration CP

    Restoration works on concrete pavements includes: slab replacement, fulldepth repair, partial depth repair, and diamond grinding.

    ReconstructionThe removal of part or all the existing pavement layers and theconstruction of a new layer. Strengthening by multiple-layer overlaysthicker than 125 mm, granular overlays, recycling of base, reconstructionof concrete pavements. Reconstruction can include partial widening (SeeImprovement, below).

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    Development works aim to expand network capacity, provide stronger pavement,and improve road geometric characteristics.


    Partial WideningWould include typically changing from an intermediate lane 1.5 lanes to acomplete 2 lane, or increasing the width only in some parts of the section.

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    Predominant Work Activity for Development WorksRecommended

    Work Category Work Class Work Type Predominant Work Activity Unit Cost

    Development Improvement Partial Widening Partial Widening to Unsealed 2L $/kmPartial Widening to Block 2L

    Partial Widening to Bituminous 2L

    Partial Widening to Concrete 2L

    Partial Widening and Partial Widening to Unsealed 2L and Reconstruction $/km

    Reconstruction Partial Widening to Block 2L and Reconstruction

    Partial Widening to Bituminous 2L and Reconstruction

    Partial Widening to Concrete 2L and Reconstruction

    Widening Widening Adding Bituminous 1L $/kmWidening Adding Bituminous 2L

    Widening Adding Bituminous 4LWidening Adding Concrete 1L

    Widening Adding Concrete 2L

    Widening Adding Concrete 4L

    Widening and Widening Adding Bituminous 1L and Reconstruction $/km

    Reconstruction Widening Adding Bituminous 2L and Reconstruction

    Widening Adding Bituminous 4L and Reconstruction

    Widening Adding Concrete 1L and Reconstruction

    Widening Adding Concrete 2L and Reconstruction

    Widening Adding Concrete 4L and Reconstruction

    Upgrading Upgrading Unsealed to Unsealed 2L Highway $/kmUpgrading Unsealed to Block 2L Highway

    Upgrading Unsealed to Bituminous 2L Highway

    Upgrading Unsealed to Concrete 2L Highway

    Upgrading Block to Bituminous 2L Highway

    Upgrading Block to Concrete 2L HighwayNew Construction New 1L Road NewUnsealed 1L Road $/km

    NewBlock 1L Road

    NewBituminous 1L Road

    NewConcrete 1L Road

    New 2L Highway NewUnsealed 2L Highway $/kmNewBlock 2L Highway

    NewBituminous 2L Highway

    NewConcrete 2L Highway

    New 4L Highway NewBituminous 4L Highway $/kmNewConcrete 4L Highway

    New 6L Highway NewBituminous 6L Highway $/kmNewConcrete 6L Highway

    New 4L Expressway NewBituminous 4L Expressway $/km

    NewConcrete 4L Expressway

    New 6L Expressway NewBituminous 6L Expressway $/kmNewConcrete 6L Expressway

    Number of Lanes 1L - One Lane 4L - Four Lane2L - Two Lane 6L - Six Lane

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    Partial Widening and ReconstructionWould include typically changing from an intermediate lane 1.5 lanes to acomplete 2 lane, but when the existing road need to be reconstructed.

    WideningComprises works that retain the existing pavement, but increase widththroughout the length of the section. It includes adding 1, 2 or 4 lanes inbituminous or concrete highways. It does not have any substantialimprovement on the geometric characteristics of the existing road.

    Widening and ReconstructionComprises works that increase width throughout the length of the sectionand need to rehabilitate or reconstruct the existing pavement. It includesadding 1, 2 or 4 lanes in bituminous or concrete highways and thereconstruction of the existing lanes. These works could also include some

    improvements on the existing alignment or the road, and junctionimprovements.

    UpgradingInvolves changes the pavement surface class and some improvinggeometric characteristics of an existing road section. Changing an earthroad to a gravel road or and unsealed road to bituminous or rigid concretepavement. This works could also involve changes in the road geometryfor part of a section, but retaining some of the existing pavement structure


    New SectionComprises works to create a new pavement in an entirely new location.These could be new 1, 2, 4 or 6 lane highways or new 4 or 6 laneexpressways of either bituminous or concrete. These type of workstypically involve land acquisition and resettlement costs. Those works onexisting tracks, paths or roads that will not save any substantialconstruction cost savings due to the existing infrastructure, should also beclassified as new construction.

    Note: If the description of the works is not clear and it can not be easily

    determined it is better to disregard this particular type of information.

    (H) Predominant Work Activity [ACTIVITY] [v]

    It should be selected from the Valid List and it is not mandatory specially for thecosts of program. However, it is highly recommended to introduce this data. Ifpossible, at least introduce an approximation in blue that can be revised later. Ifthere is no clear predominant work activity, then the one with the highest share inthe cost should be selected.

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    (O) Base Cost (M$) [COSTBASE] [i]

    It refers to the Direct Base Civil Works cost in the currency selected to input thedata, including taxes but without contingencies. It should be introduced usingmillions in terms of units (e.g. millions of Kenyan Shillings). Mostly used inappraisal reports or feasibility studies.

    (O) Physical Contingencies (M$) [COSTPHYSI] [i]

    Physical Contingencies in millions of units in the currency selected to input thedata.

    (O) Price Contingencies (M$) [COSTPRICE] [i]

    Price Contingencies in millions of units in the currency selected to input the data.

    (H) Total Cost (M$) [COSTTOTAL] [i]

    Total cost also provided in the currency selected to input the data. It results fromthe addition of Base Cost and the Contingencies. The total should alreadyinclude taxes.

    Notice that Base Cost, Physical Contingency, Price Contingencies and Total aregiven in Millions of currency and should not be costs per kilometer. These itemsare being collected only for the cases where the cost per km will be estimatedfrom these costs and the length of the project. See Note on Major Structuresbelow.

    (H) Length (km) [LENGTH] [i]

    It is the length of the road section or program. One decimal for length inkilometers is enough for the level of accuracy that the system is seeking.See Note on Major Structures below.

    (H) Duration (months) [DURATION] [i]

    It is the period of time in months required to carry out the specified works of theroad section or program. It should include the time needed to mobilize thecontractor to the site until the works are actually completed. It should not includetime needed to obtain permits, or for resettlement interventions or securities tosign the contract and the actual works; nor the usual time required in the contractfor good execution of works. See Note on Major Structures below.

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    Note on Major Structures: When the length and duration includes a majorstructure like a bridge that has a substantial impact on the unit cost, then itshould be subtracted in terms cost, length and duration. If a major structure cannot be excluded and subtracted in terms of cost, length and duration, then it

    should clearly specified so in the Section 9. Road Work Cost Details under theunit cost breakdown in Bill of Quantities Headings.

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    (M) Total Cost per Kilometer ($/km) [COSTPERKM] [i]

    It is the unit cost per length in the currency that has been chosen to input thedata. It can be introduced directly as an input data or it can be calculated basedon the total cost obtained (including taxes and contingencies), and divided by thelength of the section or program.

    (M) Total Cost per Kilometer (USD/km) (Year 2000) [USDPERKM] [e]

    It is the cost in US dollars per kilometer (year 2000). Different alternatives arepresently being studied, however the ROCKS Database on the existing version:

    (i) takes the unit cost on any currency and using the exchange rate provided for

    the corresponding date obtains the unit cost in the selected foreign currency ofthe system (e.g. US$ dollars), and then

    (ii) using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the selected foreign currency of theROCKS system (e.g. USA) the current value is converted to constant price termsfor a given reference date (e.g. year 2000). This calculation is done by a formulathat should be copied in the corresponding cell on this column.


    (O) Total Cost per Carriageway Area ($/m2) [COSTPERM2] [i]

    It is the unit cost per area calculated based on the total cost in the currencyselected, divided by the area of the main carriageway. The area is obtain basedon the length and width of the road, when these data is available. The width istaken from the main carriageway without shoulders either paved or non-paved.

    (O) Total Cost per Carriageway Area (USD/m2) (Year 2000) [USDPERM2] [e]

    It is the cost in US dollars per square meter (year 2000) of main carriageway.Different alternatives are presently being studied, however the ROCKS Database on its first version: (i) takes the unit cost on any currency and using the exchangerate provided for the corresponding date obtains the unit cost in the selectedforeign currency of the system (e.g. US$ dollars), and then (ii) using theConsumer Price Index (CPI) of the selected foreign currency of the ROCKSsystem (e.g. USA) the current value is converted to constant price terms for agiven reference date (e.g. year 2000). This calculation is done by a formula thatshould be copied in the corresponding cell on this column.

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    (H) Pavement Width (m) [WIDTH] [i]

    Refers to the width of the main carriageway without shoulders. When dealing

    with works that involve widening the column width should be left blank and forwidening and reconstruction the width of the resulting main carriageway shouldbe registered.

    (O) Shoulder Width (m) [SHOULDER] [i]

    It is the width of the paved shoulder. If non-paved shoulder width = 0. If the widthof one side is different than the other, the average should be registered.(H) Number of Lanes [LANES] [i]

    It is usually calculated based on and approximate width of 3.25 to 3.75 m perlane.



    Number of Lanes

    Single lane road 1.8 to 4.0 1Intermediate lane Road 4.1 to 5.5 1.5Two lane road 5.6 to 9.0 2Wide two lane road 9.1 to 12 3Four lane road 12.1 to 16 4

    For widening and widening and reconstruction follow the guidelines as specified

    for the width. When dealing with works that involve widening the column numberof lanes should be left blank and for widening and reconstruction the number oflanes of the resulting main carriageway should be registered.

    (O) Resurfacing Layer Thickness (mm) [THRESLAYER] [i]

    It should be used only with overlays, surface treatments and regravelling.

    (O) Depth of Milling (mm) [MILLING] [i]

    Only used when cold milling is included as part of Strengthening Work Types

    (O) Surface Thickness (mm) [THSURFACE] [i]

    It should be used only with reconstructions or new constructions.

    (O) Base Thickness (mm) [THBASE] [i]

    It should be used only with reconstructions or new constructions.

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    (O) Sub-base Thickness (mm) [THSUBBASE] [i]

    It should be used only with reconstructions or new constructions.

    (O) Structural Number (#) [SN] [i]

    It should be used only with reconstructions or new constructions.

    (H) Terrain Type [TERRAIN] [i]

    The terrain type should be classified under the following 4 types, which aredefined by rise and fall, horizontal curvature and the speed limit, as presented inthe following table.


    Riseand Fall(m/km)




    TERRAINDES RISEFALL CURVATURE SPEEDLIMTFlat 0 50 100Rolling 20 150 80Hilly 50 300 60Mountainous 80 500 40

    (H) Climate Type [CLIMATE] [i]

    The climate type should be classified under the following types, which aredefined by moisture (rainfall) and the temperature, as presented in this table.


    ClimateMoisture / Temperature

    Moisture Temperature






    Days Temp.> 32 C(days)

    CLIMATE CLIMATEDES RAINFALL TEMPMEAN TEMPRANGE TEMPDAYSAT Arid / Tropical 180 27 15 90ASH Arid / Subtropical-hot 180 22 50 60ASC Arid / Subtropical-cool 180 18 40 30ATC Arid / Temperate-cool 180 12 45 15

    ATF Arid / Temperate-freeze 180 8 60 10SAT Semi-arid / Tropical 600 27 15 90

    SASH Semi-arid / Subtropical-hot 600 22 50 60SASC Semi-arid / Subtropical-cool 600 18 40 30

    SATC Semi-arid / Temperate-cool 600 12 45 15SATF Semi-arid / Temperate-freeze 600 8 60 10

    SUT Semi-humid / Tropical 1200 27 15 90SUSH Semi-humid / Subtropical-hot 1200 22 50 60SUSC Semi-humid / Subtropical-cool 1200 18 40 30SUTC Semi-humid / Temperate-cool 1200 12 45 15

    SUTF Semi-humid / Temperate-freeze 1200 8 60 10HT Humid / Tropical 2100 27 15 90

    HST Humid / Subtropical-hot 2100 22 50 60HSC Humid / Subtropical-cool 2100 18 40 30HTC Humid / Temperate-cool 2100 12 45 15HTF Humid / Temperate-freeze 2100 8 60 10

    PUT Per-humid / Tropical 2520 27 15 90PUSH Per-humid / Subtropical-hot 2520 22 50 60

    PUSC Per-humid / Subtropical-cool 2520 18 40 30

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    (H) Pavement Type [PAVEMENT] [i]

    It should be used only with reconstructions or new constructions classified underthe following types.






    AMAB Bituminous Asphalt Mix Asphalt BaseAMSB Bituminous Asphalt Mix Stabilized BaseAMAP Bituminous Asphalt Mix Asphalt PavementAMRB Bituminous Asphalt Mix Rigid (Concrete) Base

    STGB Bituminous Surface Treatment Granular BaseSTAB Bituminous Surface Treatment Asphalt BaseSTSB Bituminous Surface Treatment Stabilized BaseSTAP Bituminous Surface Treatment Asphalt Pavement

    STRB Bituminous Surface Treatment Rigid (Concrete) Base

    JPGB Concrete Jointed Plain Granular BaseJPAB Concrete Jointed Plain Asphalt BaseJPSB Concrete Jointed Plain Stabilized Base

    JPAP Concrete Jointed Plain Asphalt PavementJPRB Concrete Jointed Plain Rigid (Concrete) Base

    JRGB Concrete Jointed Reinforced Granular BaseJRAB Concrete Jointed Reinforced Asphalt Base

    JRSB Concrete Jointed Reinforced Stabilized BaseJRAP Concrete Jointed Reinforced Asphalt Pavement

    JRRB Concrete Jointed Reinforced Rigid (Concrete) Base

    CRGB Concrete Continuously Reinforced Granular Base

    CRAB Concrete Continuously Reinforced Asphalt BaseCRSB Concrete Continuously Reinforced Stabilized Base

    CRAP Concrete Continuously Reinforced Asphalt PavementCRRB Concrete Continuously Reinforced Rigid (Concrete) Base

    CBSG Block Concrete Block Sand/GravelBRLC Block Brick Lean Concrete

    SSGB Block Set Stone Granular Base

    GRUP Unsealed Gravel Unpaved-base type not applicable

    EAUP Unsealed Earth Unpaved-base type not applicableSAUP Unsealed Sand Unpaved-base type not applicable

    (H) Surface Class [SURFCLASS] [i]It should be classified under the following types.



    Bituminous Concrete

    (H) Surface Type [SURFTYPE] [i]It should be classified as a subset of the surface class.

    See table above under Pavement Type.

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    (O) Surface Material [SURFACE] [i]

    It should be classified under the following types.






    AC Asphalt Concrete

    HRA Hot Rolled Asphalt

    RAC Rubberized Asphalt Concrete

    PA Porous Asphalt

    CM Cold Mix (Soft Bitumen Mix)

    SBSD Single Bituminous Surface Dressing

    PM Penetration Macadam

    DBSD Double Bituminous Surface Dressing

    SL Slurry Seal

    CAPE Cape SealVC Vibrated Concrete

    RC Rolled Concrete

    FC Fiber Concrete

    PC Porous Concrete

    LT Lateritic Gravel

    QZ Quartzitic Gravel

    (O) Base Material [BASE] [i]

    It should be used only with reconstructions or new constructions classified under

    the following types.






    NG Natural Gravel

    CRS Crushed Stone

    WBM Water Bound Macadam

    EB Emulsified Base

    CS Cement Stabilized

    LS Lime Stabilized

    TNA Thin Asphalt Surfacing

    FDA Full Depth Asphalt

    JUC Jointed Unbounded Concrete

    RBC Reinforced Bounded Concrete

    CUC Continuously Unbounded Concrete

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    (O) Patching or Crack Sealing Unit Cost ($/m2) [PACTCHCOST] [i]

    (O) Patching or Crack Sealing Quantity (m2/km-year) [PACTCHQUAN] [i]

    (O) Spot Regravelling or Regravelling Unit Cost ($/m3) [REGRACOST] [i]

    (O) Spot Regravelling Quantity (m3/km-year) [REGRAQUAN] [i]

    Note that Patching, Crack Sealing and Sport Regravelling are the only caseswhere quantity per length-time are collected together with unit cost per m2 ofarea of works (not the carriageway area), or unit costs per m3.


    Every unit cost could be disaggregated in typical bill of quantities, as a function ofresources, or by percentage of foreign currency. Also other additional costs canbe collected as a function of the total costs. ROAD WORK COST BREAKDOWN BY TYPICAL BILL OFQUANTITIES(% of Road Work Cost, total=100%)

    (O) MB Mobilization (%) [PMOVI] [i]

    General Items. Mainly in relation to Mobilization and Initial Installation,employers and contractor facilities (camp sites), equipment mobilization. Installtelephone lines, and other utilities as needed.

    (O) DS Demolition and Site Clearance [PDEMO] [i]In the case of Reconstruction Work Types milling activities should be includedunder DS

    (O) EW Earthworks (%) [PEARTH] [i]

    (O) DPW Drainage and Protective Works (%) [PDRAINAGE] [i]

    (O) CMB Culverts and Minor Bridges (%) [PCULVERTS] [i]

    (O) DR Drainage, Protective Works, Culverts and Minor Bridges (%)[PDRACUL] [i] Total of DPW+CMB

    (O) BS Major Bridges and Structures (%) [PBRIDGES] [i]

    (O) AJ Accesses and Junctions (%) [PJUNCTION] [i]Accesses to bridges should be classified under BS

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    (O) PSB Sub-base (%) [PSBASE] [i]

    (O) PBA Base (%) [PBASE] [i]

    (O) PSBA Subtotal of Subbase and Base (%) [PSBASEBASE][i]

    (O) PSUR Surface (%) [PSURFACE] [i]

    (O) PV Pavement Courses (%) [PPAVEMENT] [i] (Total PSBA+PSUR)

    (O) SH Shoulder Works (%) [PSHOULDER] [i]

    (O) LM Line Marking and Signs (%) [PMARKINGS] [i]

    (O) EN Environment (%) [PENVIR] [i]

    (O) DW Day works (%) [PDAYWORKS] [i]

    If discounts are given and accepted before contract signature, those figuresshould appear under the contract data. Preferably the percentage costdistribution should be calculated before the discount to avoid the (minor) Dayworks impact on cost.

    (O) OT Other (%) [POTHER] [i]

    Under OT goes anything that can not be classified under the other categories.We should try to keep the OT percentage cost in zero or close to zero anddistribute the cost among the available categories.

    (O) CT Contingencies (%) [PCONT] [i]

    (O) TX Taxes (%) [PTAXES] [i]

    The taxes percentage must be calculated as another cost component. It is notthe percentage applicable to the total direct cost including general items andothers. If it is already included in the total cost, it should be deducted and itspercentage estimated. SECTION 9. (CONT.) RESOURCES BREAKDOWN(% of Road Work Cost, Total=100%)

    (O) Labor (%) [PLABOR] [i]

    (O) Material (%) [PMATER] [i]

    (O) Equipment (%) [PEQUIP] [i]

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    (O) Percent Foreign Currency (%) [PFOREIGN] [i]

    (O) Foreign Currency Code [FORECODE] [v]

    4.2.10. SECTION 10. OTHER ADDITIONAL ROAD AGENCY COSTSAll of them expressed as a percentage of the total civil works cost

    (O) Land Acquisition (%) [PMATER] [i]

    (O) Resettlement (%) [PRR] [i]

    (O) Total Land & R&R (%) [PLANDRR] [i]

    (O) Design (%) [PDESIGN] [i]

    (O) Supervision (%) [PSUPER] [i]

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    5.1. Description

    Specially in large road works that require a long period of time to carry out theproject the total amount of costs are actually a series of disbursements. The

    ROCKS system has been designed to register only one single cost for each workand one date, in these cases there is a need to use the disbursement module.

    This module is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet used to translate a series of actualcurrent disbursement into a single cost on a single base date.

    When there is a series of costs over a period of one year it is good enough to usethe total sum and use the given year as the base year. However when thisperiod takes more than a year then it is necessary to bring all the series of coststo a single cost and a single base year, and for this purpose the disbursementmodule should be used.

    The module can used by selecting any country and therefore any currencyin the scroll bar provided in the worksheet.

    To define the base year it is recommended to select the year in whichmost of the costs have been disbursed in order to minimize thevariation generated by this computation. The year should be between1980 and 2005.

    All the costs for a given year should be added and introduced in thecorresponding year as provided for in the column Current

    Disbursements Costs.

    The module will calculate the constant cost using the consumer priceindex for the country selected.

    The instructions are found in the first tab Instructions of the DisbursementsModule Excel file. In the next page, together with the instructions there is anexample of a disbursement series costs for a 100 million Uganda Shillings projectand in the following page an example for a 100 million Polish Zloties.

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    ROCKS Disbursements ModuleVersion 2.00, 02/02/02

    The World Bank

    Roads and Highways Thematic Group

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    5.2. Disbursements Module Instructions

    Step 0) View the "Constant Cost Computation" worksheet.

    Step 1) Select the country using the pick list.

    Step 2) Define the base year by entering the base year in cell E14. Note thatthe base year has to be between 1980 and 2005.

    Step 3) Enter the current disbursement costs on cells D24 to D49 for thecorresponding years

    Step 4) View the resulting total constant cost in cell F54 and a chart of thecurrent disbursement costs per year on the "Chart DisbursementCosts" worksheet.

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    Constant Cost Computation from Current Disbursement CostsSelect Country

    Define Base Year

    Enter Base Year: 1999

    Enter Current Disbursement Costs per Year

    Country: Uganda

    Consumer Current 1999 1999

    Price Disbursement Constant Constant

    Year Index Costs Cost Cumulative Cost

    1980 0.0572 0.00 0.00 0.001981 0.1194 0.00 0.00 0.001982 0.1783 0.00 0.00 0.001983 0.2211 0.00 0.00 0.001984 0.3156 0.00 0.00 0.001985 0.8132 0.00 0.00 0.001986 2.1224 0.00 0.00 0.001987 6.3677 0.00 0.00 0.00

    1988 18.8560 0.00 0.00 0.001989 30.4413 0.00 0.00 0.001990 40.5230 0.00 0.00 0.00

    1991 51.8971 0.00 0.00 0.001992 79.1131 0.00 0.00 0.001993 83.9206 0.00 0.00 0.00

    1994 92.0887 0.00 0.00 0.001995 100.0000 0.00 0.00 0.001996 107.2210 0.00 0.00 0.001997 114.6490 20.00 21.27 21.271998 114.6269 25.00 26.59 47.861999 121.9114 40.00 40.00 87.862000 125.3569 15.00 14.59 102.442001 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 102.442002 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 102.442003 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 102.442004 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 102.44

    2005 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 102.44Total 100.00 102.44

    Total Cost in Year 1999 Value Using Uganda Price Index

    Total Cost in Year 1999 Value Using Uganda Price Index: 102.44

    TurkmenistanUgandaUkraineUnited Arab Emirates

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    Note on Consumer Price Index:

    The users can change the consumer price index with any other index that theymay find more appropriate, like civil works price index or even better road worksconsumer price index when and in those countries where they are available.

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    Constant Cost Computation from Current Disbursement Costs

    Select Country

    Define Base Year

    Enter Base Year: 1999

    Enter Current Disbursement Costs per Year

    Country: Poland

    Consumer Current 1999 1999Price Disbursement Constant Constant

    Year Index Costs Cost Cumulative Cost

    1980 0.0806 0.00 0.00 0.00

    1981 0.0960 0.00 0.00 0.001982 0.1955 0.00 0.00 0.001983 0.2454 0.00 0.00 0.001984 0.2832 0.00 0.00 0.001985 0.3158 0.00 0.00 0.001986 0.3681 0.00 0.00 0.001987 0.4651 0.00 0.00 0.00

    1988 0.7383 0.00 0.00 0.001989 2.5438 0.00 0.00 0.001990 16.6714 0.00 0.00 0.00

    1991 29.4595 0.00 0.00 0.001992 42.8132 0.00 0.00 0.001993 58.5966 0.00 0.00 0.001994 78.0813 0.00 0.00 0.001995 100.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00

    1996 119.8172 0.00 0.00 0.001997 137.8876 20.00 23.98 23.98

    1998 154.0551 25.00 26.83 50.811999 165.3147 40.00 40.00 90.812000 182.0591 15.00 13.62 104.432001 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 104.43

    2002 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 104.432003 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 104.432004 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 104.43

    2005 .. 0.00 #VALUE! 104.43Total 100.00 104.43

    Total Cost in Year 1999 Value Using Poland Price Index

    Total Cost in Year 1999 Value Using Poland Price Index: 104.43



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    6.1. Description

    The View Module is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheets used to filter, sort, view andprint the information stored on the ROCKS Database. It is particularly useful for

    the entities or individuals which have an specific interest in extracting (viewing)information from the database and in looking the details on specific line of data,country, or a given set of work type.

    The tab View Road Works Costs is organized in four sections:

    Section A. Collect Data from Unit Costs Databases. To specify thenames of the Databases from which to extract the data.

    Section B. Define Criteria and Filter Data. To specify the criteria basedon the valid lists for each criteria selected. The following fields can be


    Section C: Sort Data. To specify the order in which the user would like tosee the data. The following options are provided for:

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    ROCKS - Road Costs Knowledge System

    ROCKS View ModuleVersion 2.00, 02/02/02

    The World BankRoads and Highways Thematic Group

    State, User User User Predominant

    Department Defined Defined Defined World Work Work

    Country or Province Classification 1 Classification 2 Classification 3 Region Type Activity

    Cost Cost Cost Contract Procurement Contractor Construction Taxes

    Type Source Financing Type Method Type Method (Y/N)


    gencies Terrain Climate Pavement Surface Surface Surface Base

    (Y/N) Type Type Type Class Type Material Material

    Record ID


    World Region

    Cost per Km

    Cost per M2

    Work Type

    Predominant Work Activit

    Cost Type

    Cost Financing

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    Section D: View and Print Data. Allows the user to view and print thedata obtained given the defined filter criteria and sorted as specified.

    Sample View of the tab View Road Works Costs

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    In the first tab of the View Module Instructions the following set of instructionsare provided, as well as the disclaimer.

    6.2. View Module Instructions

    Step 0) When you open this workbook, select the "Enable Macros" option atthe initial Excel warning message. This workbook contains macrosneeded to compute the view and print the work costs.

    Step 1) View the "View Road Works Costs" worksheet located on thisworkbook by pressing the corresponding tab.

    Step 2) At the "View Road Works Costs" worksheet, enter on cells D6 to K21the names of the ROCKS Database workbooks. Note that the ROCKS

    Database workbooks should be saved on the same folder as theROCKS View Module.

    Step 3) Press the "Press to Collect Data" button to collect the data stored onthe ROCKS Databases defined on Step 2. Note that the procedure tocollect data can take some time. You will receive a message whendone, indicating the number of records collected.

    Step 4) If needed, you can filter the data by first entering the filter criteria oncells B29 to Y53, on the yellow area. In each column, for each criteria,you enter the values that you want to match on the database. You canenter the values manually or use the pick list options available on eachcell, which are activated when you place the cursor on each cell. Youcan enter up to twenty five values in each column, for each criteria,and you can enter values in more than one column. In this case, theExcel filter will match the criteria in all columns. You should leave thecriteria area blank, on a particular column, to extract all recordsindependent of a criteria for that column. On cell D55, describe thefilter criteria scenario, which will be displayed on all output reports.

    Step 5) Press the "Press to Filter Data" button to extract the records that matchyour criteria. You will receive a message indicating the number ofrecords that match the criteria.

    Step 6) View the resulting statistics of the data that was filtered on the table oncell E57. There are statistics on costs per km and costs per m2, as wellthe corresponding histogram graphs. Note that if you select a graph bypressing the corresponding button, you have to press the "Return"button, on the graph, to return to the "View Road Works Costs"workbook. You can print a graph using the Excel print button, at thecorresponding graph.

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    Step 7) If needed, you can sort the filtered records by selecting the sort criteriaon the table located on cell E74 and by pressing the "Press to SortData" button. You will receive a message when the sorting is done.

    Step 8) Press the "Press to View Data" button to view the filtered records. You

    will view Sections 1 to 8 (see example below) on a view form and bypressing the "View Sections 9/10" button, on the view form, you willview the corresponding Sections 9 and 10 for that record. On Section 9, you have the option of displaying the cost breakdowns in threeways:a) percentage of the total road works, (see example below)b) cost per km, (see example below) orc) cost per m2.

    To scroll through the records, use the scroll bar at the top of theview form.

    To print the information for a record, press the "Print" button on theview form. (see sample printed output below)

    To return to the "View Road Works Costs" workbook, press the"Close" button on the view form.

    Step 9) If needed, repeat steps 4 to 8 for other filter criteria.

    6.3 Sample View and Outputs

    6.3.1. Sample view of Sections 1 to 8

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    6.3.2.Sample view of Sections 9 to 10 [Display mode Work Cost %]

    6.3.3.Sample view - Sections 9 to 10 [Display mode Cost per Km (US$/km)]

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    6.3.4.Sample Printed Output for the same record All Sections

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    ROCKS - Road Costs Knowledge System

    Sections 1 through 5 - Cost and Work DescriptionRecord: INFA0088Country: West Bank and GazaState, Department or ProvinceUser Classification 1User Classification 2User Classification 3World Region: Middle EastProject or Source Name Roads Rehabilitation ProjectSection Azzoun-MashaReport Type Final Design ReportReport Location MNSID FilesCost Date 2000 Cost Type EstimateCost Source SectionCurrency Code USA US$ Exchange Rate 1.00Cost Financing WB Contract Type Unit PricesBID Type Contractor TypeConstruction Method Economic Cost Factor Taxes (Y/N) Y Contingencies (Y/N) N

    Work Description Reconstruction & Overlay & WideningWork Type ReconstructionW ork Predominant Activity Reconstruction Bituminous

    Section 6 - Road Work Cost per LengthBase Cost (M$) 0.82 Length (km) 12.10Physical Contingencies (M$) Duration (months)Price Contingencies (M$) Total Cost per Kilometer ($/km) 67,554Total Cost (M$) 1.28 Total Cost per Kilometer (2000 US$/km) 67,554

    Section 7 - Road Work Cost per AreaTotal Cost per Carriageway Area ($/m2) 12.28Total Cost per Carriageway Area (2000 US$/m2) 12.28

    Section 8 - Road Work CharacteristicsPavement Width (m) 5.50 Climate TypeShoulder Width (mm) 1.00 Pavement Type Asphalt Mix/GranNumber of Lanes 2 Surface Class BituminousResurfacing Layer Thickness (mm) 50.00 Surface Type Asphalt MixDepth of Milling (mm) 10.00 Surface Material Asphalt Concrete

    Surface Thickness (mm) 70 Base Material Crushed StoneBase Thickness (mm) 250.00 Patching or Crack Sealing Unit Cost ($/m2)Subbase Thickness (mm) Patching or Crack Seal. Quantity (m2/km-year)Structural Number Spot Regravelling or Regravell. Unit Cost ($/m3)Terrain Type Spot Regravelling Quantity (m3/km-year)

    Section 9 - Road Work Cost Details (% of Road Work Cost)Mobilization (%)Demolition and Site Clearance (%)Earthworks (%) 11.0%Drainage,P Works,Culv.&Min. Bridges (%) 6.0% Drainage and Protective Works(%) 6.0%Major Bridges and Structures (%) Culverts and Minor Bridges (%)

    Accesses and Junctions (%)Pavement Courses (%) 62.0% Subbase (%)Shoulder Works (%) Base (%) 25.0%Line Markings and Signs (%) 6.0% Subbase and Base (%) 25.0%Environment (%) Surface (%) 37.0%Dayworks (%)

    Other (%)Contingencies (%)Taxes (%) 15.0%Total (%) 100.0%Labor (%):Materials (%):Equipment (%):Total (%): 0.0%Foreign Currency (%): Foreign Currency Code

    Section 10 - Other Additional Road Agency Costs (% of Road Work Cost)Land Acquisition (%): Design (%):Resettlement (%): Supervision (%):Land Acquisition & Resettlement (%):

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    7.1. Description

    The Statistics Module is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that can be used to filter,generate statistical reports, and analyze the information stored on the ROCKS

    Database. It is particularly useful for the entities or individuals which have anspecific interest in analyzing the data stored in the database and in generatingreports for a given subset of information, country, or a work type, etc..

    The tab Analyze Road Works Costs is organized in five sections:

    Section A. Collect Data from Unit Costs Databases. To specify thenames of the Databases from which to extract the data.

    Section B. Define Criteria and Filter Data. To specify the criteria basedon the valid lists for each criteria selected. The following fields can be


    Section C: View Statistics per Km or M2. To obtain summary tables ofAverage Costs per km and m2, for different Costs Types, Cost Sources, Costper Year, Cost per Terrain, or per World Region.

    Section D: Cost Breakdown Statistics. Allows the user to view andprint detailed statistics on the selected data given by the defined filter criteria.

    ROCKS USERS MANUAL Page 49 of 56

    State, User User User Predominant

    Department Defined Defined Defined World Work Work

    Country or Province Classification 1 Classification 2 Classification 3 Region Type Activity

    Cost Cost Cost Contract Procurement Contractor Construction Taxes

    Type Source Financing Type Method Type Method (Y/N)


    gencies Terrain Climate Pavement Surface Surface Surface Base

    (Y/N) Type Type Type Class Type Material Material

    ROCKS - Road Costs Knowledge System

    ROCKS Statistics ModuleVersion 2.0, 05/05/02

    The World BankRoads and Highways Thematic Group

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    Section E: Analyze Data with Pivot Table. Allows the user to accessthe pivot table to prepared by the statistics module that can be use togenerate graphs or perform other specific data analysis.

    Sample view of the tab Analyze Road Works Costs of the Statistics Module

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    In the first tab of the module Instructions the following set of instructions areprovided, as well as the disclaimer.

    7.2. Statistics Module Instructions

    Step 0) When you open this workbook, select the "Enable Macros" option atthe initial Excel warning message. This workbook contains macrosneeded to compute statistics.

    Step 1) View the "Analyze Road Works Costs" worksheet located on thisworkbook by pressing the corresponding tab.

    Step 2) At the "Analyze Road Works Costs" worksheet, enter on cells D6 toK20 the names of the ROCKS Database workbooks that contain thedata to be collected. Note that the ROCKS Database workbooksshould be saved on the same folder as the ROCKS View Module.

    Step 3) Press the "Press to Collect Data" button to collect the data stored onthe ROCKS Databases defined on Step 2. Note that the procedure tocollect data can take some time. You will receive a message whendone, indicating the number of records collected.

    Step 4) If needed, you can filter the data by first entering the filter criteria oncells B29 to Y53, on the yellow area. In each column, for each criteria,you enter the values that you want to match on the database. You canenter the values manually or use the pick list options available on eachcell, which are activated when you place the cursor on each cell. Youcan enter up to twenty five values in each column, for each criteria,and you can enter values in more than one column. In this case, theExcel filter will match the criteria in all columns. You should leave thecriteria area blank, on a particular column, to extract all recordsindependent of a criteria for that column. On cell D55, describe thefilter criteria scenario, which will be displayed on all output reports.

    Step 5) Press the "Press to Filter Data" button to extract the records that matchyour criteria. You will receive a message indicating the number ofrecords that match the criteria. You can view some summary statisticsfor the filtered data on the table located on cell E57. There you canalso press some buttons to view the corresponding histograms graphsfor costs per km or costs per m2.

    Step 6) View the resulting statistics of the data that was filtered on the table oncell E57. There are statistics on costs per km and costs per m2, as wellthe corresponding histogram graphs. Note that if you select a graph bypressing the corresponding button , you have to press the "Return"button, on the graph, to return to the "View Road Works Costs"workbook. You can print a graph using the Excel print button, at thecorresponding graph.

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    Step 7) View the statistics reports for the filtered records by selecting aworksheet to view on the table located on cell C72. Select a worksheetby pressing the corresponding "Press Here" button. You have a choiceof:

    - Statistics of costs per km- Statistics of costs per m2and to obtain:- Average Costs, Minimum, Maximum, St Dev, and Count- Average Costs per Cost Type- Average Costs per Cost Source- Average Costs per Year- Average Costs per Terrain- Average Costs per World Region

    When you select a worksheet to view, you have to press the "Return"

    button, on the worksheet , to return to the "Analyze Road Works Costs"worksheet.You can print any worksheet using the Excel print button.

    Step 8) View the resulting statistics for the Levels 4 and 5 by selecting theworksheet on the table located on Cell C96.

    Step 9) Optionally, analyze the filtered records using Excel Pivot Tables byselecting a worksheet on the table located on Cell C103. Select aworksheet by pressing the corresponding "Press Here" button. Youhave a choice of:- Statistics of costs per km- Statistics of costs per m2On the Pivot Table, you have the option to:- Select all countries or a particular country- Select all cost types or a particular cost type- Select all cost sources or a particular cost source- Select all work types or a particular work type- Select all predominant work activities or a particular one

    To use the Pivot Tables, you will need some knowledge on using ExcelPivot Tables, therefore, refer to the Excel documentation.

    Step 10) If needed, repeat steps 4 to 9 for other filter criteria.

    7.3 Sample Set of Reports

    The statistics module has a set of 15 reports and 2 graphs (including the pivottables). A sample set of reports on the WORLD Database is presented asAnnex 1. They were used to prepare the average and range unit costs.=============================================================

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    For more information contact:

    The World BankTransport & Urban Development Department

    1818 H St. NWWashington, DC 20433

    Fax: 1-202-522-3223

    Rodrigo Archondo-Callao E-mail: [email protected]

    Anil Bhandari E-mail: [email protected]

    Alberto Nogales E-mail: [email protected]

    AAccesses and Junctions.....................37Actual..................................8, 11, 14, 21

    Alternative Classes of Input Data..........8Analyze Data with Pivot Table........... .50

    ROCKS USERS MANUAL Page 53 of 56

    DisclaimerThe World Bank provides no warranty in terms of correctness, accuracy, currentnessreliability or otherwise regarding the system. The user relies on the productsof the software and the results solely at his or her own risk. In no event will the

    World Bank or anyone else who has been involved in the creation of this productbe liable for its application or misapplication in the field. The World Bank reserves theright to make revisions and changes from time to time without obligation to notify any

    person of such revisions and changes.

    The ROCKS filesuse MicrosoftExcel 2000,Word 2000,Powerpoint 2000

    World BankCopyright 2002 by theInternational BankFor Reconstructionand DevelopmentThe World Bank1818 H Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20433USA

    World BankCopyright 2002 by theInternational BankFor Reconstructionand DevelopmentThe World Bank1818 H Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20433USA

    ROad Costs Knowledge System

    Version 2.0 (02/02/02)

    World BankTransport and Urban DevelopmentDISSEMINATION PACKAGE

    June - 2002

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Analyze Road Works Costs. . .49, 50, 51,52

    Asphalt Mix Resurfacing.....................27BBackground..........................................1Base........................4, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38

    Base Cost...........................................30Base Material..................................4, 36Base Thickness..................................33Bilateral..............................................22bituminous pavements........................27Black...................................................16blank...........................16, 20, 33, 45, 51Blue....................................................16bold.....................................................16CClimate Type.........................4, 8, 11, 34Collect Data......................43, 45, 49, 51

    Components.........................................2concrete pavements preventive

    treatment........................................27Construction Method...........................23Consumer Price Index..................32, 42Contingencies.........................24, 30, 38Contract........................8, 11, 20, 21, 22Contractor Type..................................23Cost Breakdown Statistics..................49Cost Date..................................8, 11, 21Cost Financing....................................22Cost Source........................8, 11, 21, 52

    Cost Type...........................8, 11, 21, 52Country.....................4, 8, 11, 17, 18, 21Ctrl D..................................................15Ctrl L...................................................15Culverts and Minor Bridges................37Currency Code.............................21, 39DData Collection.............................11, 12Data Input Requirements....................11Database....2, 12, 15, 17, 18, 32, 43, 45,

    49, 51, 52DATABASE MANUAL.........................15

    Day works...........................................38Define Criteria...............................43, 49Definitions and Abbreviations...............3Demolition and Site Clearance...........37Depth of Milling...................................33Description..................17, 36, 40, 43, 49Design..........................................20, 39Development Status.............................3DEVELOPMENT WORK CATEGORY28Disbursements Module.......2, 21, 40, 41

    DISBURSEMENTS MODULE.............40Dissemination Package........................3Drainage and Protective Works..........37Duration..............................8, 11, 17, 30EEarthworks..........................................37

    Economic Cost Factor........................23Environment.......................................38Equation Based..................................16Equipment....................................23, 38Estimate....................................8, 11, 21Exchange Rate.........................8, 11, 22FFilter Data.........................43, 45, 49, 51FRAMEWORK......................................5Ggrading...............................................27gravel resurfacing...............................27Hhighly recommended set.................8, 11IIMPROVEMENT.................................28INPUT.................................................11Input Data...........................................15Instructions.......................40, 41, 45, 51KKey Concepts.......................................2KEY CONCEPTS.................................5L

    Labor............................................23, 38Land Acquisition.................................39Length.............................7, 8, 11, 17, 30Line Marking and Signs......................38MMajor Bridges and Structures.............37Major Structures...........................30, 31Material.........................................36, 38Meaning of Colors..............................16Minimum Data Requirements...............8Mobilization.........................................37Multilateral..........................................22

    NNEW CONSTRUCTION.....................29Number of Lanes................................33OObjective..............................................1optional set.....................................8, 11Other...............13, 17, 20, 22, 23, 38, 39OUTPUTS..........................................11OVERVIEW..........................................1P

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    Partial Widening............................28, 29Patching or Crack Sealing..................37Pavement Courses.............................38Pavement Width.................................33PERIODIC MAINTENANCE...............27Predominant Work Activity........8, 11, 29

    PRESERVATION WORK CATEGORY.......................................................26

    Preventive treatment...........................27Procurement Method..........................23Program....................................8, 11, 21Project or Source Name............8, 11, 20Purple.................................................16RReconstruction............13, 22, 27, 29, 37Record................................8, 11, 17, 18red................................................15, 16Reference Source.................................3

    Regravelling........................................37REHABILITATION..............................27Report Location..................................20Report Type........................................20Resettlement......................................39RESOURCES BREAKDOWN.............38Restoration CP...................................27Resurfacing Layer Thickness..............33ROUTINE MAINTENANCE................26Routine Non-Pavement......................26Routine Pavement..............................27S

    Sample Output........................12, 13, 14Sample Outputs..................................12Sample Set of Reports........................52Sample View.................................44, 46Section. 8, 11, 17, 20, 21, 29, 31, 43, 44,

    46, 49, 50SECTION 1. RECORD - COUNTRY -

    REGION.........................................18SECTION 2. SOURCE OF

    INFORMATION...............................20SECTION 3. COST DESCRIPTION.. .20SECTION 4. ROAD WORK

    DESCRIPTION...............................25SECTION 5. ROAD WORKS COST

    AND DURATION............................30SECTION 6. ROAD WORKS COST

    PER LENGTH.................................32SECTION 7. ROAD WORKS COST

    PER AREA.....................................32SECTION 8. ROAD WORKS


    SECTION 9. ROAD WORK COSTDETAILS.........................................37

    Sections............................17, 46, 47, 48Shoulder Width...................................33Shoulder Works..................................38Single Currency..................................10

    Single Reference Date........................10Sort Data......................................43, 46Spot Regravelling...............................37State, Department or Province............19Statistics Module.................2, 49, 50, 51STATISTICS MODULE.......................49Strengthening...............................27, 33Structural Number..............................34Sub-base......................................34, 38Sub-base Thickness...........................34Supervision.........................................39Surface....4, 8, 11, 13, 27, 33, 35, 36, 38

    Surface Class.....................8, 11, 13, 35Surface Material.............................4, 36Surface Thickness..............................33Surface Treatment Resurfacing..........27Surface Type............................8, 11, 35System Requirements........................11TTaxes............................................23, 38Technical Qualifications......................11Terrain Type.............................8, 11, 34Total Cost...........................8, 11, 30, 32Total Cost per Carriageway Area........32

    Type of Entries...................................15UUnit Cost per Area................................7Unit Cost per Length.............................7Upgrading...........................................29User Defined Classification.................20Users Manual.......................................3USERS MANUAL................................1VValid List.................................15, 21, 29View and Print Data............................44View Module.......................2, 43, 45, 51

    VIEW MODULE..................................43View Road Works Costs. .43, 44, 45, 46,

    51View Statistics....................................49WWidening.......................................13, 29Widening and Reconstruction.............29Work Description................................25Work Type................................8, 11, 25Works Classification.......................5, 25

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    Yyellow......................................16, 45, 51Z

    zero..............................................16, 38((\end of file\........................................15