Page 1: Roar! July 29 - August 2...9 am Ian Jones, Steve Fehniger, Brendan Walsh, Lisa Baruah Gather for Food and Fun! Games on the front lawn, hang out with cool CCGP People! Bring a dish

Weekly HigHligHts of ParisH life July 7 - 14, 2019

This Week AT ChrisT ChurCh


8 am Holy Eucharist (N)

9 am Holy Eucharist (N)**

10:10 am Lemonade on the Lawn (FL)

10:10 am Summer Starters (RG)

10:10 am Baptism/New Member Class (MH)


Offices Closed


8:30 am Morning Prayer (SMC)

9:30 am Staff Meeting (BL)

4 pm Holy Eucharist @ The Rivers (Offsite)

5 pm Evening Prayer (SMC)

5:30 pm Daughters of the King (FR)

6:30 pm DA (MH)


8:30 am Morning Prayer (SMC)

5 pm Evening Prayer (SMC)

5:30 pm Holy Eucharist (SMC)**

8:30 pm AA (LL)


8:30 am Morning Prayer (SMC)

5 pm Evening Prayer (SMC)


8:30 am Morning Prayer (SMC)

11 am Summer Starters Prep (LL)

5 pm Evening Prayer (SMC)


Offices Closed

8:30 pm AA (LL)


8 am Holy Eucharist (N)

9 am Holy Eucharist (N)**

10:10 am Lemonade on the Lawn (FL)

10:10 am Summer Starters (RG)

10:10 am Baptism/New Member Class (MH)

**Childcare is provided in B113/Nursery

Location Abbreviations:

BL - Bicknell Library CC - Children’s Chapel

EdW - 2nd fl. Ed. Wing FL - Front Lawn

FR - Family Room LL - Lower Level

MH - Miller Hall N - Nave

RG - Rose Garden SMC - Chapel

U - Undercroft

WeLCOMeW elcome to all! We come together on today to worship God and to discover what it means to

be a person of faith in this world. We encourage you to participate fully in this service of Word and Sacrament. If you are new to Christ Church, please know that you have a place among us. If you are looking for a spiritual home, we hope that you will consider making Christ Church that home. We are better together and hope you will join us on our common journey to the heart of Christ.

All Children are Welcome! Children gather at the Children’s Cross for the Collect of the Day and Dismissal to Children’s Chapel to hear the story of Jesus and engage in a meaningful reflection of the lessons for that Sunday, before returning to join in our Prayers and to share in the Peace and Holy Communion.

Church School for children has concluded for the year and will resume in the fall.

• New friends• Creative games• Surprising adventures

• Amazing experiments• Safari treats• Incredible music

Please join us as Christ Church Episcopal, First English Lutheran and St. Paul Lutheran, in collaborative ministry present:

Hosted by First English Lutheran Church

At Roar! VBS, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith through Bible stories, crafts, games, and more. They’ll discover that God is good no matter how wild life gets! For more information or to volunteer, please email [email protected].

Send your kids on an amazing wild adventure!

Registration Open Now - July 14

For more information and to register go to is $40 per child (family discounts and scholarships available.)

Half Day (ages 3 -5)9 am - Noon

Full Day (Entering 1st-6th)9 am - 3 pm

Roar! July 29 - August 2

Register at

Page 2: Roar! July 29 - August 2...9 am Ian Jones, Steve Fehniger, Brendan Walsh, Lisa Baruah Gather for Food and Fun! Games on the front lawn, hang out with cool CCGP People! Bring a dish

61 Grosse Pointe Boulevard • Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 • 313-885-4841 •

Parish & Community Events

Every Summer Sunday following the 9 am Service

June 23 - September 1Every year many Detroit children start their summer days hungry. Throughout the summer when children who rely on school breakfast programs go without, Christ Church volunteers gather to make difference.PREPARATION: (Fridays for 1 hour) Count supplies to organize for packing on Sunday. ASSEMBLE: (After 9 am Service) Every summer Sunday we’ll fill breakfast bags each with 7 breakfast meals for low income children through Crossroads’ Summer Lunch program. Everyone is invited to participate. We need Shepherds to guide the assembling process. DELIVER: (Sundays from 11 am - 12 pm) Anyone with a van/truck who is able and willing to deliver the “Summer Starters” bags to Crossroads on Sunday after they are assembled.

To sign up for Preparation, Shepherding or Delivery go to

We invite you to join us any Sunday this summer to make a difference and help other know the good news of Jesus Christ!

For more information contact Joseph Daniel at [email protected] or 313-885-4842.

Circle Summer BBQsCircle Groups help form and deepen the bonds of affection that we share, not just with our friends, but across our broad community. Circles are hosting Summer BBQs in member’s home. Each event is a casual potluck with guests bringing their favorite dish to share. If you need a reminder of your Circle Assignment, contact the Rector’s Office at [email protected] or 313-885-4842.

• Circle 7 – July 12 Heather Jones, 37 Beverly Rd, GPF

Are you interested in hosting an event? Contact Fr. Walter at [email protected] or 313-885-4841, ext. 116.

Maya Prep Grosse Pointe SAT Class September 7 - April 4 (Saturdays only) 9 am - 12 pm in room B215Maya Prep will hold a year-long SAT Prep Class for high school students in the Grosse Pointe area. The weekly classes will focus on SAT subject areas and practice tests. An online Student Portal includes all tests, cliff notes, and homework.

For more information, including registration materials, contact Joseph Daniel at [email protected] or 313-885-4842.

Crossroads of Michigan: Loaves & Fishes Sunday, July 28Help us collect food to stock the emergency food pantry at Crossroads of Michigan. Look for the grocery bags with shopping lists attached next week in the Lobby and Narthex. Return your full grocery bag on Sunday, July 28 for delivery to Crossroads.

For more information contact Joseph Daniel at 313-885-4842 or [email protected].

Opportunities to Serve

Welcome to Christ Church!

We have many wonderful and dedicated volunteers who serve in our various ministries at Christ Church. Are you ready to get involved? Put your gifts and passions to work with friends new and old. Opportunities to Serve volunteer sign up sheets are located at the Communications Board.

Please submit your form to Joseph Daniel in the Church Office or call 313-885-4842.

Page 3: Roar! July 29 - August 2...9 am Ian Jones, Steve Fehniger, Brendan Walsh, Lisa Baruah Gather for Food and Fun! Games on the front lawn, hang out with cool CCGP People! Bring a dish

61 Grosse Pointe Boulevard • Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 • 313-885-4841 •

We Pray together:Please leave your written prayer request at our Reception Desk or contact Fr. Drew at [email protected]. In order to keep all our prayers for healing meaningful and current, we will keep names on the Prayer List for two weeks.

Assisting at Services:

In the Diocese of Michigan Cycle of Prayer: Church of the Redeemer, Southfield, Saint Stephen’s, San Pedro (DR); and Church of the Messiah, Detroit.

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for: The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea; The Most Rev’d Allan Migi.

In our Parish Cycle of Prayer this week we pray for: John & Donna Rabaut, and son, Nicholas; Jose & Jennifer Rahaman, and daughter Rachel; Robert & Annie Rahm, and children, Buck, Lainey, and Gray; Gary & Christina Rajah, and children, Frederik, Constantin, Ariana, and Theodore; Hayley Raska.

We pray for those in active military service for our country: Nathan Gaggin, Winston Hughes, Patrick Moore, Ryan Worrell, George H. Zinn IV.

We offer prayers for: Barbara, Bill, Bob, Connie, Constance, Ed, Emily, Gianni, Helen, Jane, Jim, Joann, Joyce, Kate, Kathie, Louie, Marie, Mary, Osborn, Otto, Pat, Patrick, Peter, Rob, Shiloh, Tom.

In celebration for the birthdays and anniversaries of: Mil Hurley; Geoffrey Everham; Amy Clark; Denise Crenshaw; Christine Alcantara; Betsy Creedon; Edna Muliett; . Kerry & Denise Crenshaw; James & Stephanie Flom, Jr.; Derek & Judy Gaffrey; Brenda Mattila; Ron & Kimberly Porter; Tim & Sally Whims.

Altar Guild:

8 am Mary Bamford

9 am Cathy Dawson, Lisa Baruah

Eucharistic Ministers:

8 am Frank Stellingwerf

9 am Margaret Torp, Al Torp, Mike DeFillipi


9 am Bruce Birgbauer


9 am Kate Peabody


9 am Miranda Ferrara


9 am Ian Jones, Steve Fehniger, Brendan Walsh, Lisa Baruah

Gather for Food and Fun! Games on the front lawn, hang out with cool CCGP People!

Bring a dish or dessert and a friend and SHARE THE LOVE!

For more information contact the Rev'd Walter Brownridge at [email protected] or 313-885-4841, ext. 116.

Help Us Keep Our

Gardens Looking Beautiful!We’re looking for parishioners who will maintain

a church garden bed for the growing season (April-November). Responsibilities include weeding, dead-heading flowers, picking up litter or trimming

dead or broken branches at least twice a month during the season.

(Specific instructions and training provided after sign up.)

To sign up go to

Wednesday, July 246 - 8 pm • Front Lawn

Page 4: Roar! July 29 - August 2...9 am Ian Jones, Steve Fehniger, Brendan Walsh, Lisa Baruah Gather for Food and Fun! Games on the front lawn, hang out with cool CCGP People! Bring a dish

Christ Church Grosse Pointe61 Grosse Pointe Boulevard • Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 • 313.885.4841 •

LessOns fOr The fOurTh sundAy AfTer PenTeCOsT,PrOPer 9Isaiah 66:10-14Thus says the Lord: “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice with her in joy, all you who mourn over her—that you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breast; that you may drink deeply with delight from her glorious bosom. For thus says the Lord: I will extend prosperity to her like a river, and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse and be carried on her arm, and dandled on her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem. You shall see, and your heart shall rejoice; your bodies shall flourish like the grass; and it shall be known that the hand of the Lord is with his servants, and his indignation is against his enemies.”

Psalm 66:1-81 Be joyful in God, all you lands; *

sing the glory of his Name; sing the glory of his praise.

2 Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! *because of your great strength your enemies cringe before you.

3 All the earth bows down before you, *sings to you, sings out your Name.”

4 Come now and see the works of God, *how wonderful he is in his doing toward all people.

5 He turned the sea into dry land, so that they went through the water on foot, *

and there we rejoiced in him.

6 In his might he rules for ever; his eyes keep watch over the nations; *

let no rebel rise up against him.

7 Bless our God, you peoples; *make the voice of his praise to be heard;

8 Who holds our souls in life, *and will not allow our feet to slip.

Galatians 6:(1-6)7-16[My friends, if anyone is detected in a transgression, you who have received the Spirit should restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness. Take care that you yourselves are not tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. For if those who are nothing think they are something, they deceive themselves. All must test their own work; then that work, rather than their neighbor’s work, will become a cause for pride.

For all must carry their own loads. Those who are taught the word must share in all good things with their teacher.]

Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. If you sow to your own flesh, you will reap corruption from the flesh; but if you sow to the Spirit, you will reap eternal life from the Spirit. So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest-time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.

See what large letters I make when I am writing in my own hand! It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh that try to compel you to be circumcised-- only that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. Even the circumcised do not themselves obey the law, but they want you to be circumcised so that they may boast about your flesh. May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything; but a new creation is everything! As for those who will follow this rule—peace be upon them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

Luke 10:1-11, 16-20The Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go. He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’ And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not, it will return to you. Remain in the same house, eating and drinking whatever they provide, for the laborer deserves to be paid. Do not move about from house to house. Whenever you enter a town and its people welcome you, eat what is set before you; cure the sick who are there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ But whenever you enter a town and they do not welcome you, go out into its streets and say, `Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet, we wipe off in protest against you. Yet know this: the kingdom of God has come near.’

“Whoever listens to you listens to me, and whoever rejects you rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me.” The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us!” He said to them, “I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

The Rev’d Andrew Van Culin, Rector • The Rev’d Canon Ron Spann, Director, Spirituality Center The Rev’d Walter Brownridge, Associate for Parish Life and Christian Formation • Scott Hanoian, Director of Music and Organist

Dexter Kennedy, Assistant Organist • Diane Ward, Associate for Finance and Administration