Page 1: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We


• PrulJate 0!erk'

:~ '


Volume 10 No JC). WHITE OAKS, NEW MEXICQ, THURSDAY, SEPTErlBER, 12th, tC)ol. Subscription, $1.50 a Year.


This article impresses the EAGLE with the tretnendous pos­sibilities of the use of electricity in the,opcration of the machinery

MORE FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- I ;;:~·;e~ in the· union th;it outrank • · --- ·· · I ~ew 1\Iexko in the tot a I of hen1s .

They Will Not be Created Until o\lter Con·· The cen~us. returns mar un-gress Has Amended Certain Laws.


.-. I dot_thtc<lly bt· takt•n as. correct. ltocky Mountain :o\e\\ '· . \Vurd h<\s been n.•tch·ctl from! It ~o]low~ then that taxes arc Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We

Th E · f Oth p I confidently believe that . the e xpenence 0 er eoa . . . . · I amount of mont.'y expended . to pie Who HaveThorougha propel the marhim·ry at the Old

\Vashington th,,L tlw department pal<l on ltttle mo:e than ha!f t-he of the interior has dt•cided to. number of sheep tn the terntory.

make no more forest re'-crn.·s un-/ . ly Tested The Possl- I A he mine and pumps would gcn- '] t 1' • th COMPULSORY ATTENDAN.CE. t1 congress mce s an< n·n..,es e i ·

crate enoug-h electricity to oper- law A few months ago the' •11

C.hlld 8

h . • f fl · .d · • · T . -, · T •• • , • · • . : " ren etween t e ,.ges o ve an

I ate the Old Abt', North and South. Natwnal Lt\'e Stock assoc1atwn I S ... 1

. S h 1

bllltles of Elec-

tricity. '-I .I I 1 I ' )' I ' . . . . lxteen Must uO 0 c 00 •

(.) f tl tl . l .. h . r omestakcs anc .. a< J uol tva. callel1 lhe attentton of the de-pe o 1e 11ngs w Hl' ts re- · . . . ; · Colonl'l J. Fr.ant·t•sro Cha \'t's,

I t . .. . th ·. · . I · ·'l'he plant could be placed at the partment to the fad that l't'rtam . . . . . vo u tontzmg e mtmng mstness · . . · · .

1 . k'


1. ·the krntonal supertnh•ncknt ol

. tl f 1 t . 1 h' coal mme anti all cost of haulage peop e were ta ·m•r a< ,·anta•rc o . . . . ts . te use o e ec rt(a mac mery. etc. sa,·e<l. The cnt~rprise would th . f "'tl l'l' ·] t . publtc mstructwn, has sent the

One of the most notable exam- ·' . ·. e tgnorance 0 te. 0 Il'l_a" o· folluwi·n•r ldter to the county also greatly retl\l~~e the cost. tn the have worthless lands set ast<lc as . '"'

1 ·

pies of the transformation of a . . . supt•rtntt·tH cnts: . · . . f 1 treatment of ores, and enable the forest resen·cs and the.n reltn-' ,. • ·

mtmng- property rom a non-wor {· · · . . .. . · , i Uear Str: 1 our more earnt•st ·11 · 't' · . th ·t C opt•rators to handle w1th proftt CJtllsh them to tlw g·overnnll'nt . . . .

a J e pro post ton lS e grca om- . . . . · . . . .a n<l t·aret ul at tent ton ts <It n·d<•cl k 1. _, . ,,: 1 Th' 1 1 1mudt of the low grade matcnals for lteu scrtp, w 1th whtdt they. . . ___ . .

stoc oue tn ..~.·n~\·a< a. · ts oc c . · . · to St't'tton };.,..,...., ol tht• ~:omptlcd was. as is well known worked to which now go over the dump as could take up 'aluahk ag-nt~ul- l . ,. ~r . f 1 . - .

· . t • · . 1 1 · 'l'h·· • aw_·s ol ...... ew ·' t'XIl'O o :-1'1,, 111 . was e. . rural and g-razmg- anc. s. , an immense depth unt1l the cost . . . rden•nl·e to the rompulson· at-

1, Again owners who arc unable U'O\·ernmt•nt, hann<r tl1\'csttg-ate<l, . . · · of mining becamc'criormous. he "'

1 "'

1 . tl t · tt-ndant·e ol t'llll<lrt·n to the tnth-

. · . to operate because of. the hean· has come to t tc ..:one uston ta ' . ·· . . . · . water flow was so 1mnwnsc that . • . · . . - · 1 · 1 )] · f tit 1r 1 ·trt ·t lt'<ltlt f tl h f . . . . ]] .h·l ._, fl lt'"ic'l.l)l ~0. l' (h l s . · . expt·nse o cos y mac tnery or tt 1s ttme to ca a a t. ,..,o a- , • · . the bwu·est pumps were requ1red I . · . , the <Jl'l'S ol ;-~ )'<'ars ll]l to and til·

'"'"',. steam appltantcs, could nune grant have bcctt the attl'mph to' 1 1

."' 1

I . . 1

. to handle 1t. · · I . 1 .. h · 1 . . 11 1

. 1

. 1. tl. c .uc tng· (,year-.;, an< 1t 1s, anc 1t

1,1 1.ffi 1 . t b t ,propertu·s wnc are nng- 1< e oJta 111 somL'ttltlg- or no 1111g-,. . . . 1e < t cu ttes o e surmoun ·1 ·

1 L' II t

1 1 ·1

, ts rt'![tlln•cl· :ttld dt•manck.] l•v tl11"' . . and arc onlv a source .of expense t tat ,..,ecrctarv 1 t.: tcoc' tas < e-' . . · · . .,:d were so U'reat and the expense 1. • . • . . • · otlice that supcrtnkn!knts ol

"" h t h . . t , 111 the wu Y ot assessment for un- tenn1ncd to rt•comme 11cHhe cstah-. . . . . so enormous t a t c prop<.·r Y 1 ·


1 f ,

1. s<·hools of <ltlfl'n·nt ,·ount1cs ol

· . · · patcnh•rl, and taxes on patented IS tment o no more t>r<.'st. re- · . . was abandoned, butsmce tlwelec- · . · . · t the t<•rnton· shall wtthout delay•

· 1 , · 1. h properties. serves unttl cun~rress ha-.; had an 1 • J • · • tnca transmiSSIOn o power as: , , f 1 . . . .· "' . . commnn11:ate w1th tht· school d1r-b . t 'bl' h. d f ··t th I he usc o c ednctty IS unyuc~:- opportu111 ty to amend ·the ]a\\ 111 : . • •

ecome an es a ts e a.: e 1 . . · · · 1ectors w1thtn tht•ir rcsp<.·,·tin• ~ . . · . . 1 · ttonably the solutiOn of the pow:- ·reuard to the exchang-e of lancfs., ..

Comstock 1s agam bemg clratnec ; bl f h . f "' · · 1 districts that tlll')' 111 u..,t ~end . .. .. , . , cr pro em or t e operatwn. o -- - 1 . : .

uf the a.:.:umulated watt:r and the, 1 . 1. h- 1. . . 1 I th<.•1r dt1ldren to tltt' Illthltr school . . , .. . . . . . . , t lC properties o t IS c IStrtLt, anc NEW MEXICO SHEEP. · . . .:hancesa.rethatwtth the tmpro\-. ·I ll b· th t·,. . . 1, ·t' and that sud1 attendance mm;t

. • • ')) • . S lOU ( c e Jrst COnSH CT <l 1011 , ed wt agatn hecomc.•, b f th . t 1 t" f T. hey Outnumber Those of •ny Other State I continue for thn·e months unk-.;s . . · e ore e 1 11 roc uc ton o more " · • a great dtvtdend payer. The flow b 1 . · Except on the Assessment Rolls. 1 such cltildn·n ar<· at the time at-. . cum ersome an< expenstve ma- · · . of water from thts property ts by. 1 . ~·1 ld tl 011 Ab Alhn•Juer•I'"'·'""'""'!J"'""~'~'nt. j ten11ing son1t' ~ood rl'putahlt•

. . · : c ttnery. -~ tou te c · c, I 'l'l f h · 1 · · · ' ' some clever de\'lces made to fur•! · . . . . . 1 1e part o t e report ol ttl': 11ri,·all' school each and ('\'t•rv

. . . ,for example take the tnthatne,, 1 1 1

. · 1

th ' J

111sh electnc power to dnve the . 1 h 1 . , census JUrcau < t•a tng- wtt 1 e Y<.''tr ·The strictest rom 11Jiann• . put tn a pant at t e coa mme, • • . - ' · · · machtnery. . I . 11 I 1. manufa..:tures of New Mc.·x~Lo with and imt>licit obedience to

• 't the tssuc wou < be mace, anc , All over Colorado and 111 the, h . ll f 11 'sars: this section uf the law is de-. . . 1 ot er properties wou c o ow, as 1 · •()

1 1 f

other mmmg states of the west . h . h . . f • ne notab e < evelopment o man1Jed of ~mpt•rintendcnts of • • . v.; ell as t c town, tn t e usc o an h

1 1 · h

1 ]' 1

electncal aparatus ts comtng . . • 1 1 1 t e < c-:a< e I'\ t c esta > 1o.; tment counties ·tnd it is made their im-•• > !electnc ltght pant, anc an• · , ]-- · ···l'·l i • ' ' •

more and more mto use. I crhaps 1 • . • h of lour \\Oo ·SLOttrtng ~::-;ta!J 1s 1-, pentn·e dutv to see tint the . . , electnc road to connect us wtt . . . ' J •

no where ts thts use more general _ . . , ments wtthm the borders of the I dircLtors of the se\·eral district-. • • ' T the new extensiOn northeast. . ' . ". r l\I ' .·. h· .. I . . .

than tn Crtpple Creek. Nearly E ld 1' . tLrntory. ...·H.:\\ ... CXl\..;0 clS a: rt:S]Jl'ctl\·eh· give comphanrc "Ill!] The .. AGL~ wou tke to sec: . . 1 · J · '

all the smaller plants have elec- . h . 1larger number o sheep than any. obedience to thi"l sedion of hw . . thts matter taken up by t osl' tn- · , , . , , - . .

1 1 • ' . . · . ' '

tnc hotsts and the larger ones are . . 1other state or tern tor}, cln< t te, as provided m the sedwn to. . . . terested and somethmg done tm- . · . . . 1' ·

bemg gradually equtpped wtth . . d I possesswn of factltttes for scour- which attention has heretofore . medtately. It ts reasonable an .

1 · · · f I

them. Every day some properties . . .. jmg the woo before tt ts or- already uet•n directed . . , senstble, and can be made proht- . 1 · ·

are adopting electnc power where . warded to eastern marl<ets IS Very respt•ctfully, etc., it has not heretofore been em- .able. ____ 1 prodng of great advantage to J. FHANCtsco CnAVHH,

ployed. It is often much more BIG MINING DEAL CLOSED,. the growers." Supt. PuLiic Instruction. easily available than steam power I Silver City, N • .M., Sept. 4.~It In the cen~uo.; reports of ten for a line of poles· can be penna-; is understood tha.t one of the )'cars ago; Tf'xas w.ts given first nently affixed to al steep hillside IJargest mining deals to be con- place in number of sheep on the and maintained summer and win-! summated in this locality for some ranges. It will be gratifying to ter wl'ere the utmost difficulty: time was ma.cle last week when New Mexicans to know that the would be' obtained in securing I some pr?perttcs ?f .the Mogoll~>n territory has eclipsed her gigan-

. mountatns, constshng of the Ltt· . . · · 1 · · ·Th, .suppltes of coal. tle Jessie and Copper Glance he bro~her 111 t u~ res.pect. . t

It seems quite likely therefore groups were sold;· The purcl.tas- •sheep mdustr! ts sttll forgmg tltat the coming power of big: ers in the deal were Untted ahead. Dunng the past year mines and small mines is electric· States Marshal C . .M •• Foraker, alone it is estimated that more

l . f . ·G. L. Rooks, general hve stock th "11" 11 · doll; r w •nt power, .Joth by reason o 1ts con·: f th S ta Fe railroad· and W. an a mt ton ~w . as c venience and its economy~ And ~tick1er~~ice-president a~d cash- into the sheep busmess. by the very reason of its economy· ier of the Bank of Commerce of 'fhcre's another phase of the it will enilble small propositions Albuquerqe. . . . sheep question, however, that to develop into paying .mines and' · The new owners. Wtlltncorl?or- might perhaps not be so welcome

. .• . . • · . ate a company wtth a capttal h bl' A .t1·n t th, wtll enable btgger properttes to stock of 5250,000• The mines to t e pu .tc. cco~u g o e pa_y. greater dividencls.-Daily 1 are cot~t?osed. of some .of .the best reports from the varwu~ county Mtmng Record. i propostttons 1n that dtstnct. assessors, there arc half a dozen


The stockholders of the Great Western Oil company of New Mexico are receiving some very encoutaging reports from their Guadalupe county fields these days. There arc 'now seven oil . '

compamc'l that have located lands around Santa Hos:t, and one of . .

them has a drill on the ground and will b17gin boring at once. Experts

who have been investigating the

oil bearing roc-k from there claim that there is 110 question that oil

. ' will be found.-- Si'J ver City Inde-

pendent. •

l ······· .•.


Page 2: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We

j '

' ' ' I '

• • ' i

--. --------------------------------------~~-- •

• WHITE OAKS EAOLE. ritorial, and also a check on prob- language we are most heartily in belief of the EAGLE that state­

able vicious, through the author- favor of state government. Our hood on the part of many of its­ity congress has over the legisla- ablest representatives in the advocates in the territ()ry is tion of our territorial law Philippin~s, Admiral Dewey and largely a matter of sentiment, maker!>. General MacArthur have warned and not based on or warranted

H:ntered at p011

tofflce. White oaks, N M., •• Of course it is easily under- us against the franchising of the by past experience.· oecoort-cla•~rn•'l matter. stood why a politician like Dele- Filipinos, and both of them we Now let us go . to the record

.,..,.-_ --~ ~---- · · - '' · · '-- ·' gate Rodey, Governor Otero and believe pave said that the Fil- and ascertain the truth of the .S. M.Wharton, Editor and Prop'r. many others are moving heaven ipino is more capable of self-gov- argument. Take for comparison

- -- • • ·-· ---- j -.- - - - - and earth for statehood. They ernment than the Cuban, and it the increase in population of the Offi(IAL <OUNTY PAPfR. allege that New Mexico now has is by many of political )nfluence following group of western

- ------ ---------- - - -- no voice in cortgress as would be saidto be a fact that the Cu.ban states: - Utah, North Dakota, T£Hl\IS OF SuBSCHIPTION: accorded through two senators outranks· in intelligence ma,ny of Washington, South Dakota,

One Year(in advance) ...... $1.50 and one representative, yet it is Nevr,~exico's inhilbitants. New Idaho, Montana and Wyoming in

S. M th 1 evident to the EAC>L£ that if the· .M_exico has been a territory since the two decades,- the one before· • 1x on s, ".. . . . . . . . . .00

Three Months ".. . . . . . . . . . 75 possibilities of a senatodal posi- 1850, and has had a reasonably and the other after admission, _______________ ·---:-~----=-----:-:;·.:--~-:-;:::- tion and that of representative fair system of public. schools for they comprise the western por­


, 1901

were taken ou~ of the fight that 20 years, and though' the native tion of the United States and in ___ Mr. Rodey, (xovernor Otero and population equals about 75 per all respects are so situated as to

STATEHOOD FOR NEW MEXI~~·I others ~ould ~ot be half so ar,. cent of tot~l inhabitants, our make the comparison a fair one. •. w <> .. duou·s tn thetr struggle for ad- courts, from justice of the peace The percentage of gain in. pop-.... urTon UITK AKII 1\!ARf.-E, · .

Wlolw uukM, s .. w Moxi~o: . mission. It might be well for to the supreme court of .the terri- ulation of these states in the ten_ Dear Sir: Will you kindly these gentlemen to remember tory, is filled with iQterprelers year~ preceeding admission was

f~t\·or ·me w!t~ a copy of t~e that there's many a slip betwixt and translators at high salaries, as follows: From 1880 to 1890: I•.Ac:r.H contamtn!{ vour ecl1tonal th 1 1. , · · · 1 1 · 1 · 1 Utah ag-ainst statehood for the terri- - e cup a~<. the -tp, and that as tsa so our egts attve assemb y. North D~kot~ - . - - <19~ tory? J 1) 0 want to see what sort many ambtttous statesmen and Our juries must have interpreters ~~'::~~'ll"a~~ta . _ _ ~J of an aq{~.ment you put up. politicians before them have and are often made up of men !t:.~fana · _ · _ _ k~

Smccrely yours, fallen short of the ideal in their who neither read, write or speak · Wyoming · · · 192

B. ~· RouF.v. race for power and p· olitical re- the language of the nation. It - A?d _for the decade following Dell•.ratc tn Con.rress. p admt f 11 F

f :'

1 "'· ·. d ferment, and should they be left has.been only. a short time since sston as o ows: rom 1890

Thl' on·f{otn!{ ettcr recetve - . . - - • · to 1900· . - . behtnd tn the great rush for sen- the statutes of New Mexico had · from Dl'le!{ate Rodey would nat- t . I h t h - . - to be or were writtert t'n two ~tahh n· - - - 33 urallv ll•ad on~ to· think that he al ortta onolrs, ehc., t ey may at w<:.~11n~~tu. . · . · U

· cas conso e t emselves that languages. No other country Mouth Dakota - 22 ,Jouhts that the oppo-.ition to Idaho - - - . 01

h I f ,., ,..

1 .

1 sul:h men as Aaron Burr, Alex- under the sun would ever have Montana - · _ s4

sta tc ooc or •"cw •• ext co un< er Wy,omlng - - - 52 ander Hamilton, Daniel Webster, countenartced such a thing. A · h 1 pn·-.cnt conditions rca'lly have gam t e atest census reports Henry Clay, Steven A. Douglas, The EAGLE does not wish to h th f 11 · any cause for so opposing aclmis- s ow e o owmg comparison

. ll . 1. . Roscoe Conklin, Jas. G. Blaine, be understood as favoring the existing betwee· 0 the sa· me lt'st of·

swn. OWCVl'r, as he IS SO lCit• ._1 r owell Cobb, Jefferson Davt's limt'tt'ng o· f th t' · f h' t t b ou'l of knowin!{ the EA<H.E's . e vo mg ranc tse s a es a ove and the r~aining position we will review· a few of and many others have also in to any citizenpf the United States territories for the decade of 1.890 the reasons heretofore advanced their small way fallen short on account Of race,· color or pre- to 1900: . • hy this paper on the subject of of .their ambitious goaL Even vious condition·s of servitude, but TEBRITonr•s

statehood. Alexander the· Great, Napoleon we do believe in the laws of the ~~~o~~xk,0 • • • 1~

. and the much loved William E. state bet'ng m d d t d b Oklahoma - - - - - r.« Among the many senstble reas-J G'l I t J 1' C - a e an execu e y Indian Territory - 117

h . ac s one, u tus aesar and an intelligent popu_lation, and in sTATEs rNos&AsiUI.

ons t at may be gtven to show M N t' f K · -- Utah - - - . 33

l N. l\l . . · rs. a ton o ansas have had forever barring alike the ignorant Colorado - - - " . ao

t Ill t ew extco IS not yet d h . . . . - North Dako•a . 7f . . . an are avtng thetr dtsappot'nt- wht"te black and ever otb South Dakot· · -

~eatdhy fbor ·~d~lsstonh wt e wtll say rttents. So gentlemen cheer up, and ~olor, who vo~e :ii~:~~ ~:~fami- -8

• - • • - ~ In C egtnntng t a we are op- 'f. t f }' . Washington - . . 411 posed to statehood because it has ~ yo;;re. ou. o po tttcs when knowing what they vote and who Wyoming - - - - ~ not heen shown ancl . cannot be . ew thextco ts.

11ready for admis- legislate without knowing what The EAGLE bas ·not at hand

shown that New Mexico will be swn. ere wt . be others as the results will be to themselves the statistics showing the rela-

1 t•t

1 th

1 1 . f anxtous to sacnfice themselves or to the nation. tive per centage of gain in as-

)l'ne 1 cc ere ,y, anc tn proo - . , -f th. .

11 th t 't

1 • on thetr country s altar, whose It is all bugabo() and senseless sessed value of property to go

0 ts wt say a capt a ts b '11' h d with the comparisons made of 1



. 1

. . n tance as not yet awned on t ddl t th th now rca< y anc WI mg, an< IS tn· th l't' I h . wa e o even presume at e relative population, but it neces-t . · h · · · e po 1 tea onzon. r t f t t h d d '1· f 11 n•s mg tn t 1s terntory tn every a gumen so our s a e oo a - san y o ows that t'his feature is

ll'!{itimate enterprise where it Again, ring rule and corrupt vocates that statehood would en- largely g~ve.rned by th.e percent-fan be shown that dividends are legislation, as now practiced, do courage immig-ration or stimulate age of gam tn population, how­reasonably certain. The EAGLR not encourage us to become a industrial devt.lopment more than ever there is a feature which the

state where we will be at the census of 1890 shows between a need not be taken as authority our territorial government does. group of states and territories on this statement, but the Albu- mercy of a political ring which on the other hand it cannot be du'ring the decade of 1880 to 1890 qucrque Citizen, one of the strong- regards not the interests of the successfully contradicted that the that may be interesting to tax­est ancl most influential republi- people and the tax-payers, but additional cost in a higher-rate of payers, and this is the compar-

1 · · N only looks to the spoils, as do t t' d f tson of the state and territorial

can c athes of ew Mexico, and axa ton to e ray the expenses of indebtedness per capita for that the leading statehood advocate, Mr. Otero and his Coal Oil Johns, a state government for a decade period: in its issue two weeks ago said political pets and favorites. Now at least, after admission, in sal- STATICs

h h k KllnllllB--.--- 1986 on this very point: "There we ave a c ec · on extravagant aries of state officers, etc., much Nebraska - :.~:oo isn't a jurisdiction over which and corrupt legislation, under of which is now paid by the gov- &:~fr':!•ta - - - · - · : ~:~ the United States tlag floats that statehood we should have .none. ernment, would add materially Oregon ·TBB~~.~- • I.ll!l

is as prosperous as the territory We_ wottld have j~dges of our to the burden of an already 1\~~~a - -_ -_ ·. - - t2.1U

of New Mexico, or that is making courts el~cted by ~n tgnorant and tax-ridden people. w::~ID~D --- -- -- - Lgg such strides of progress, etc.,· corrupt c ass h?ldmg th~ balance It may be shown and has been ~~mtna . • . · · . · : : · :! etc." Now if this is true, and of power; and tn many mstances shown by the EAGLE five years ~~;oA:zt~ : ·. ·. ·. -- 8;,t: Mr. Rodey evidently will not we would have judges as ignor· ago from statistics that state- Now if any rea~onable state-contnulict it what are we to ant and corrupt as the class _hood does not add in reality to !tood .advocate can fi~d anything gain in the ~ay of industrial de· bringing about· their election. the progressive interests or popu· m thts rec~rd on which to base

1 t 1 t h d h Now the EAOI."' · '11 dd b . . the assertion -that statehood ve opmcn unc er s ate oo t at ·~ Wt a e- lation of a commonwealth. The stimulates immigration • we are not now enjoying as a fore going further that if con· mere statement .of a question duces wealth the E ·or m-

. • T r. '11 'd · th bl' AGI.E ts ready !crrttory? he answer is, noth· g css wt provt e t~ e ena tng does not make it true, and th~_ to be convinced, but until more mg. But on the other hand, as a.ct. that the franc~ise shall be only way we may intelligently potent arguments are offered the EAm.n has before stated, cap- hmt.te(l to that portion of the in- judge the conditions of the future than have. yet been presented we ital has all the benefits to be had habttants of New Mexico who is by a comparison with exper· shhoodalrcfontNtnueMto • oppose state-

i · · · · · - I or ew extco under pres·

n a state government 1u our ter- 1 read, ~r1te and speak the Enghsh tences of the past. It is the ent conditions. _ -

• •



' '


' ~. I

Page 3: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We


,,-: '·- ,·

- .... ·- - . --··-·-·--. -~ __ __.,.__ __ -~·-- - - ----·

++++++++++++++++++++++++++ nlng, Mrs Cauning." flPI<•n l'nunin!f, City; C I<'

f · ~ Gmldurd. Anch.o; J L l'lnrk, Gt•o Wril{ht, U QF LQCI.NATLERr='ST., • l'udgt•,CilmpAllen; Ji>buMo•:·uurt. Morrlsll FOR FALL and WINTER


\Ve will make prices intere8ting \Ve have everything to wear For women, misses and children For men, boys and youths .

I;;. l'n•·ke•·, Eugene Helnnimun, H H lilt• .uuu~rh: . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CIRI't•nct~ .Moulton, T B Grt>!f.IJ, City; .\ ·1•

Uro\Yil, Snntu J:i"tl; R ll·TbolUJlSOn, Dt,nver; The public schools opened J A Hult•y, l'.tty. s s Dt1Rk, Sclwtor\·111"; 111 ...

l\Ionday with an . enrollment of ~~Hunt. St'lwi11rvllh·; M l'<•t••r•on. Gulllruu•; ~o,· K ~l.t'('alsiwll, U A Dlll·hum, I>nytiln, Ohio;

125 pupils. R v !Armstrong, 1~ L Ozutuw, ll A Hush,

h b t Jit•au·illa·.l A Donuhlsun, Houston, 'l'ex; ('I' R. D. Armstron!! · as een on · • ~ .Oldluun, !IOt•wtou. Kun; HOIII'Y Fritz, Eail

of the city a few· days. He re- F•·ttz, Ltnt·ntn; t> p Plwlp•. ,Houston. To•x; I"

turned 1\. IondaJ·.. . H Sml!h, Sl'llt'lnrvllle: L 'l'h"m""'· llullinu: . 0 I' Hml!h, ll F l'ohurn. t;uston; F II Htn•l'l,

l\Irs. \Valker Hr<le has made .S<•w Hnvf'll; u M Esty, <'II Huttlold, ::-llhts · ' • Mny, Estyl'lty; 1. l' 1\epto•y, Knnsusl'lly: II

·Place in White Oaks to trade is at, her husband happy by presenting 1• l'i·ury, City.

hini with a bran new girl. · oJICARILLA RUMBLE. S. M. Wiener & Son. E mil Fritz, one of Lincoln

Ct,rroHpoJadouco. ====7==-==-=-===== ·-=-===;·=·=·==-----=-_;:___-----=----·=~~.----=--= --- county's most enterprising stock Mr~. A. :'\. PriLe is quite sick, · · t men was in the city Tue~day. . suffering- froma fcn~r. H ote I Bax -er 'fhere is to be another of those I ·i'he son-in-law and caugl1tcr

much enjoyed dancing parties at of l\1~. McCoy, from Kansas, arc Ha~ the very best of accom- Hotel. Baxter tomorrow night a Yisitors in the camp, for a time,

· . . · · wcl'h.. . at least. modation~ to he found m

H. Lutz, collector and treas- Hostetler and Bryan was in· thi~ ~ection of ~ew :\Iexicn. urer of I .. incoln county .was in from the Gallinas · last wet•k

the city on business ::\lotiday and \and ~cport things going-along in Tuesday. . that camp on a substantial basis.

Con1e and ~t:e · u~.

Hon. E. W. l~ulbert came up Joe Hoss has gone to the hay from the county s1..•a.t l\Ionday fields to cut grass for winter usc,

======================:========.and s1jent a day or two looking and says there is more grass this

L•lt' tie (l (I no· ·. ·sllo.· on after legal matters. year than there has been for a

F. M. LUND, Proprietor.

UJ U ·~· Re,·. I~. P. Pope, the Baptist ~umber of years.


Imported Wines, Liquors ~~ Cigars

minister for this church, preached . A. Donelson left this morning his lirst ser~10~ si.~ce ~is a!>po,int~ \for !fou~to.n, 1~cxas, to be g·one for ment at thc B.tptlst thurdt Sun an tndeftnttc tnnc. He ha.:; been clay. · , sun·cying- lan<l for the "Joplin Co.

' .

. SOLf A6fNTS fOR 6RffN Rl\'fR WHISKU'. ·L?n

ClubRooms In Connection

Lincoln county had a g-enuine 1 reprl'senteJ hy ~lr. Bush of Ilous-~. old fashioned d~wn-pour l\Ionda._y ~·ton.

.aftL·rnoon .. Lmcoln county ts 1~. IJ.· Armstrong rl'turnecl

White Oaks Avenue Next Door East of EXCHANGE BANK. the banner stock county of New l from the (}.allinas saw mill this · Mexico, and this is one of our week and reports th~.· a hsl'nce of

_ --:-::::.:-::-::· ~----.---.-.-__ · .· ·· --- ,bal1lfler years. . log-s at the mi'JI for the want of

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: U. Pr.ay Smith, !'resident, Es- choppers and haulers. The rail--n tey Mining & !\lilling Co., B. F. road company had all the teams

Colburn, stockholder, Boston, in the cottritry. Mass., F. B. Stret>t, stoekhol<lcr, It is rumored here the Amer-

crf · ~ New Haven, Conn., and D. l\1. iran Placer· Co. will soon start ~.· xxx· X ! Estey, Sec. & Trea:s.; EstL·y City, operations on their big- machine. -n or are here looking at the resources They are waiting for some a'ddi·

at and surrounding White Oaks. tiona! machinery to put in the Plymouth church services Sun- elevator to carry ofT the waste

day Sept. 15. Sunclay school at and return the water as the 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock the pas- pump they now have is not large

=~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~li'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tor Dr. Miller will preal h, sub- enough to supply the amount re-

.Ask your Grocer for IT.


=====================-~~~=-~~~~~ ject: "It is not good for man to quirecl. ,Jive alone.'' At 7:."~0 o'clock in the It w;'1s with sorrow that the


Drugs, Books, Stationery, Toilet Preporations, Etc.

Special attention gi ve11 to Mail Orders. EI Paso, Tex.

e\·ening, 'lChildren's Harvest people of this camp heard of the Home Festival." Special music attemptccl assassination of Pn·si­program. Recitations and Dia- dent McKinley, and all express Jogues by the children. Every- themselves regarding the dastard­body invited. Iv coward who made the attempt,

S. S. Doak and Forest Smith that it would be a justifiable case were in the city from Scheler- for Judge Lynch. Such a brute ville, Tuesday. ~lr. Doak is the does not come under the protec­lowa & New Mexico Mining com- tion of the constitution or the pany's superintendent at Scheler- laws of God.

White. Oaks Passenger Line. ville now, and has put a force of Mr. Editor, in some of your men to work taking out ore for recent issues you have com­shipment. The properties there plained of the "Knockers." It

--.... 't .... ... •

,_. have been so far developed that seems we have a few out our way t" shipments to the smelters will and also, what is more, they at­g_ begin this next week. The ore tencl strictly to other peopleR' ;::3. bodies at a depth of 150 feet are business --not to the negl<'ct of

- -· t::1~ • so widened out that high values their own, for they have none. ~· may now be obtained after ship-· If they had it would be more ~ r-: ping to El Paso. profitable to them and others !)) :=

,: -- -~ 7J

,=i HOTEL BAXTER. who are trying to do something 2' w s Blanchard. Nogal: ,J o Jl:ahour~.- 1-!ott•Y for the country and themselves. - City: 0 L Kenorlok, Rnswell; J 1' Ovt•rt.nn,

Pa:o;z:.o~t>ngt'J'~ ·(·arrif>tl to Whitt> OukR a11tl any part of the . cnnntr\' on dw P~horw~t .notict~. A,Jdress:- White Oaks. N.M.

ne11sselorr. tnd.: c p Oldham, Newton. ICunR: As long as such people stay in a MIBB Morglc McCourt., (:'ltrrl7.ollollolieh; HIAR COUntry, men of fair minds atid Jennie Lt>e · enmprn•ll, OalloR. 'fox. : D W , Olonn, Park: Mrt1 M E .\ndci'IIOn, Mrll Lillie n means mtght as well shut up Moore, Nogal; Ails• Ol~ro IJytd, JuokAon, Mit.: shop. They arc . what I call J RTensdalc, IU LouiM. M": Nardt McCoy, PAUL MAYER. PROPRIETOR. Jlcorlllo; &I D Lincoln, Onlllnus: J II Con· backcappers •

-_.. ,. '

, ... '.,

•' .:1 .-:f ,. . , .• -~-:, ~-·:' :'j ..

Page 4: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We


' i ' J


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I ' I l

. !


---~-------···· ... --~-~· .......... ., • ...,.~· ·=·rr¥·=tnw·····m-·· .. ----F-.. _ =---···.........,--... ~--------.,..._--~---~

4 Important 6ateways 4

"!'io Trouble to Answer questiol15."


JRAIN. Thi" h<intl""'m..-:y t-.1uipp.,.d train li:a\;:-. El Pa"-0 daily and

ruth thr•,uKh t<1 St. J...oui" without ~hanl{e.- wht'rt:dirt"4.:t<onnec· ll11n., ar•· mad~- fur the :S<,rth and Ea.,t:.a/¥J din.x·t cJJnnection., I Ia Shro·\ t•J"'rt IJT :St•W ( )r!ean ... aJJ point'> in the So~theast ..

l.Jttst Pattrra Pallmaa 81Htt Slttpus fltga•t ~tw Chair· cars---Stab fru

Solid ltstibultd Tralas Tbrogllott. _ For •k .. riy~l\" p<smph;d, 'JT <1th..-r information. call

ad <I r.-......



E. P. TURNER 0. P. 6: P. A. .

EI l'a&Q, T~xu. Dalw. Tex.&.

----- --·- -· -- ==· --- .____.;:::.---=



DruarlfiMtN 4 fi!Jtatlon~rs, }'AINTS, OILS and WJNIJO\V f;LJ,S!I.

El Paso, Texas. .. -·--. - . - --~- ----------~-------- -·~- -.- ------- --~-- -~--

Three Rivers Store, G"AIN AND FLOU"


General Merchandise, Country Produce, Hay and Grain. Highest Prices paid for Hides, Pelts. Etc. Standard Liquors& l' .. ine Cigars.


-..---.. --~---

• . ~ ______ ..,__ ___ -- -- - -- ' . - - --- --------

••••• • •••••••••••••••++tt+ me:.!; of !>pcck:ed brook trout. ! BIDS FOR . + + - SINESS : An enjoyable dance was gh•eu + . BU - • + s d- d · ••••••••••••••••• +++++++++ at Ft. Stantpn last atut' ay an

E """ 'f T"D F~"EE 1 B was_ e·nJ·o_ved by following Lin-.,...., E:S .c.. " .- • • -

CoLL!EP.. Optician. colnite-;: ~lessrs. J. 1. Aragon, lea Cream at Lesnct Hotel 1. ~1. Serrano, Lawrence Dow,

Tu~dan. Thurs.da-rs and Satur- L. ~Iundell and wife, Mrs. B. H. dan.. · · ~IoeHer, ~lisses Lucy Serrano,

· . Edna Hulbert. Mela Aragon, .Mr. Fmc RExT: A g 1Qo 1 mowmg ·

1 . - 'j Jo». Ha11 and family. · All report

D:la.:hine and ha -r rake. r:qutre . •

1 pleasant ttme.

of C. D .. Ma ver. , I . Do not fail w look over the


immense o,tock of millinery good'> The firm of Aragon Bros. & Co. we qan~ just rect:i\·ed. of Lincoln. :Xew ~Iexico, who

_ZIEGLER Buos. commenced business Aug.l, 1901, I~k out for the seasonable is composed of )Ianuel Aragon,

ads of S. :M. Wiener & Son ~nd ). J. Aragon and B.H. MotHer. _Taliaferro Mercantile & Trading ~lanuel Aragon has been in ·-·company in this i<>'>Ue. general merchandise business for

~. z· ] . . f tb fi f z. the last 20 '\"ears and came from ."'1.. teg er. o e rm o .teg· - .

•1~r Bros · r 1 ~-". 1 t F' 'd J El Pa.~o where he was assoctated ... . .. e urncq .as n a> . . • . from tb. b "' t k t h · 1 m the drv goods and furmshmg . ._ .... a5. ·t:TD mar e s, w ere . · . . he purcha'>t'd one of the largest bustness wtth hts brother J. 1.

• and most complete stocks of dn Aragon. g-OQd!> e,·er brought to Whit~ J. 1. Aragon who also comes

• Oak>. so look out for bargains. from El Paso, is extensively in-j terested in li,·e stock in Grant ' LINCOLN LOCALS. . . - and Sierra countie~ and was , C ·;..~vo·ndf>!lce _

School commen.:es today ~Ion· formerly iD the general mere ban-I-" S t ,, h · dise business_ at Hillsboro, :Xew , uay. ep . -,.t • I Judge Blan.:hard came in from ~texico, and later Alamogordo !the west wda •· · and El Paso, . B. H. ~loeller is ~ Work has ~ommenced on the well known in the county. being i cJJurt house repairs. formerly manager of establish· ! B. H. Moeller has completed ment of Charles Beljean, and one 'the roof of his houSe. of the incorporators of the_ Lin­

Le.,Jie Ellis. who for some time colo Trading Co., of Lincoln . has beMJ sick, is again about. Aragon Bros. &.Co. carry a full

\Vm. Brady. who was east for and complete line of dry goods, i some time. returned wsterda •· · groceries. Lo)ts and shoes. doth­! In.fant child of!-.Ir: and~~~. R. ing, furnishing goods, skirts, i Salazar died Sun_day of diarrhoea.· !~dies .w~ists. general . merchan· 1 Hon I. L. Analla and J. J. Ara- dtse and m fct'ct e\· essen­. gon made a trip to Picacho on the tial to carrying on a general mer-8th. chandise business. .

.Mr. and ~Irs. Knuckles were All customers will be and are agreeable ,·isitors from Capitan always appreciated and in show­on ~londay. ing goods, quoting prices etc ..

Rain bas been threatening here the firm will consider it a pleasure for two weeks with hardly a drop knowing their prices are bottom in that time. on everythi_ng.

!\Irs. A. E. Lesnet, from White -----Oaks passed through town on her TliRKEY CREEK MINES •

way ro Roswell. rorreopondon .. e:

Among our ,·isitors are includ- The Bird & Collard people are ed Messrs. Hudspeth. J. _E. Cree, going ahead on the Old Crow, and McReynolds; Mrs. Lesnet, and will put in a hoist, air compressor Mclvers. and drills. Things look good for

Fawcett & Little already have the future of the Bonito and Tar­material on the ground to com- key Creek properties. mebce work on their contract on J. M. Rice is building a wagon court bouse. road over the Parsons divide.

Acasio Gallegos· left Lincoln They are getting ready for ex~ this morning on an overland trip tensh·e developments. Every· to Santa Fe, taking with him his thing will soon be astir around two children. the Hopeful, Rio Alto and Par-

Hay .. . ------- ~ ..... ------- -~- . -- _.., .. -------~- -~~-----~------.,-, -

Aragon Bros. & Co. are putting sons mines. on an additional ware-house to their ah.-eady· large building. Assessment work is now pro--

Is Cheaper 1 Corn

I~SPECIALL Y if you use a Con­

, tinental Changeable Speed Mow·

er - a Granger All Steel Rake­and Whetmati Hay Press.

. Write for booklets ap•l prices to-··


I '

1 I



gressingon the Iowa & New Mex-Business must be good. · M & teo . M. ~ompaliy's properties

Born to Hon. and Mts. I. L. at Turkey Creek. As soon as as· Analla a baby boy on the 6th, sessment is finished a· shaft of weighi~g te.n pounds. Mother five hundred feet will be begun and child «lomg wel-l, father not on the Kt'ng R- - -d 1 f . e", au a tunue o quite a~ w~ll. . _ 1000 feet will be started on the

A ptcntc party composed of Richard Carvel Mrs. Hulbert and family, W m. __ • __ Ellis and family and Dr. and Mrs. Watson took an outing in Baca canon. Mr. Ellis caught a fine

Prof. Leo. Volker, aged 70 years, died in Wednesday.

German, Jicarilla,

--· ,, .. _.-,



Page 5: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We

't·~ ' ''- _-. ,. ,

• , •

, .

Suppletnent .White O.aks Eagle, Sept.· 12, 1901 • __ ----.:,_..___._ ·-~- -- - --- ---. - ... -·- - - - - --- -· ·-···--·---- ---- ______ ....__ ____ -- ---· ----·-·---------

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++·+++++++++++++++++++++++: ·t , , . , , , : , , Tiff ATTfMPHD ASSASSINATION , I,,

i : I : t +

t I I I

Of PRfSIDfNT M<K'INLfY. . I . ,

Of course you have heard of ~he attempted assas ... sination of President l\kKinley. The dastardly aLt is not only a heinous crime but a criminal .assault ag-ainst the·nation. The deed was corriniitted by an anarchist hy name, I.eon (~:wlosll, a Pole, who resides in Detroit, l\Iichigan.

TJ1e assassin approached the, President as if he

t ., I ·I I

were going to shake hands, and instead tired two t shots into the President's body, both taldng· effect in + the stomad1. The assassin was quickly captu·red, t and made a complete confession of the crime, stating + that be was an- anarchist from Detroit and that he ,+t had only done his duty. ·

The latest dispatch recei,·etl h~re before going- to f press says: , +

+ + t Dispatch 7, a. m. this morning states that the ~ t t President is still improdng,and his phisicians that he , + t will recoHr. :\IcKinley says •·I will recoYer." · t + , t !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~······:

-- - -·~-' ·-.---- .--··-


The shingle mill at Alto is run-; , I Bonito \'ull~y Jt .. m•.l , ,

11 . · C.-,rrf'flljolldt•IH'P.

utn~ continua y. . . - f Xo one at all acquamted wtth

Pete Philip left Thursday , or the 'White :\Iountain fruits ques-l~t>swell to attend school., ' . . . . · , , . twn thl.'tr L'Xt!Ulstte fla\'or, whtch

:\lio.,s l'la (~jlmore and Lueth~ is not fou;Hl in the taste Peters ldt Sunday for Tularosa, .1 of the deci!lious fruits of Cali­g-oing- thus far with :Matt (~ilmor~. \ fornia. The canned pear as put He ~ue::> to attend school at :\lest-' up in California and in the cast­lla Park. ern states under a Bartlett. brand,

. - . ·------ - ~--... -··- ~ .. --- - _,... .. ---·-· -----. ··-

-----~---·~ ---- --• J. c. Hight.ower a~d Dave; is nothing but a tasteless Kieffe:·. ~ I i ( ·)rl' I ...... I z 1, ...... r·c· ' I' ...... r· :l Cranmer are gomg to shtp a car pca.r presen-ecl in a syrU)J of su- 5 = -'1 ~ · -'1 -..- --'1 -~-1 , - - .J .J . .., .J - ~ .. ..J '"- • ofgoatsto market; will be the,garcheapened with glu~oseand . · f 1 f'L PRSO, TEXRS. tirst from l.incoln county, 1 not.


other condiments to give the European Plan. Buffet and Restaurant. the first from the territory. flavorless thing zest. ·

All the campers and visitors to . The jellies, jams and preserved w-..-_:::"',_':__""_ ,..,..,.,.._ ..... "'_._"'~ "',"',_:""'_" .. _"_"".:""._""_-__ "" __ ""_"'."'_."' .. "'._"'_"" __ ""' __ .""_-..,...,. ......... _:_"". -..-_ .... _-__ .... _,.J

Eagle Creek have left. Rev. J.C. 1 fruits of commerce are fearfully on to the Ruidoso. This would just emerged from one of the Chafin and family leave tomorrow and wonderfully concocted, and bisect the thickest inhabited por- many arroyas which hac! been for Clayton,N.M. They have been have for their basis apples, tion of the county. If a commit- carrying- off the water. He was !!'Uests at Hotel (~ilmore this 1mmpkins, etc. So if one wants · h f " tee of say three influential and getting t e component parts o summer. .the real thing they will have to public spirited citizens would his rig togl•ther which was be-

We are having plenty of rain, put up their own fruit. take this matter in hand and in- smeared with silt, ooze and crops are good, corn is better this The small wild plum is super- vestigate the feasibility of the slime, commonly called mud. He year than ever before, just splen- ior for preserving to the larg-e at- route and lay its merits before evidently had encountered a ca­did. Every body busy gathering tractive English variety. This the people they would be entitled lamity and as he was not making hay. Gardens tine, grass good, month of September is the prop- to the e\·erlasting gratitude of any particular howl I inferred he cattle and horses fat. er time for the housewife to se- the present and future genera- was short on vocabulary, or had

A sale has just about been do!'- cure the fruit as it is then more tions. We cannot have too many only an elementary idea of road ed for a mine on Eagle Creek, plentiful. good roads. a~tudies. amounting to several thousand ·, In regard to our road system, I put myself on record in cold -------·-------dollars. If it goes through work would say, while the matter is print several years ago that this C' A M •.1 will commence at once, and it, fresh in our minds that there are is to be a thit-kly settled .:ountry -'• • IJ8/U your correspondent thinks, will quite a number here who arc fa- similar to Belgium. The unde- · Contractor and Builder be one of the best. paying mines miliar with the county that be- velop,•d natural resources now. in Lincoln county. lieve a shorter and· -better route slumbering warrant it. The au- Eslimalcs Fumishtcl on .-.)toue

Mr. Editor I wish .you would can be secured to the inhabitants tomohile is coming to stay, Brick Hor.<·, ami Plastering. give your opinion about a normal of the upper Bonito, by way of hourly trips will be made from · school; why some teachers have the Bitter· canon road to where it White Oaks to Capitan for fifty • • • Lime and Cement· • •

------------·-----to attend the school, and some intersects the Henley road from cents fare. Edison's late inven­teach and get their pay without the south~ rrom tbere north to tiort has reduced the weight of THE c~TY flrESTURANT attending the normal. It is a lit- the old Telegraph canon road, storage batteries two-thirds and I ·_ - ··· -·· . ·· __ .',. -· --· tie expensive to dttend, and if where the gravelly ridge can be- with the cheap fuel we have, the they can teach and get pay sloped by a comparatively short possibilities of our section i~> very without attending, then it il'l get- and easy ~rade. Fro~ the top great. t' n from those that at- of. the ndge. there lS a very When your correspondent was 1ng mo ey . . , shght dcscenchng grade all the . C · I· k

tend for nothmg. Would hke to . t C· 't . UYh t returnmg from apltan cLSt wee . . . , way 111 o ap1 an. n a we . . . .hear from the editor on th1s sub-· need is a sort of King's highway over our new road, after a rant ject. [Editor'.~ nolc-m:xl u•cck.] from White Oaks to Capitan and

1 storm, he met a fellow who had

• • ••

·~- .. --~-~ "' .



Tables furnished with the very hest markets afford .


A Share ol your Patroaa~re .SOlicited •

I. . ..• '* ~ ... -T

' ' •

Page 6: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We

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:I il '' '



• i I . • •


' .

~ ... pif~.J!!'At;i( 4 I 4.1.1¥,)·9,. . __ .I. d.,I~~L~/·'·~''·IP'\1 £

! ........................ ,.

PERSONAL .. · + MENTION. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Attorney Bush is in from Jic­arilla. today.

Judge Hall is in the city from the county seat.

:O.lrs. f;. Jo;, Harber is in the city f 'I' R" . rom h rl'e 1 vt·rs.

J. 0. Nabours was in the city from Oscura last week.

. . . -- -· -~--~--


. S. M. PARKER. The annual dinner at Ashfield, M h

· f h ·A · d M. _A. Otero .....•...................... Go.vernpr • ass., t ts year o t e . !=-a em y Geo. H. w allact> ...................... Secretary association, of which George w. J. MHla ........................ Chief Josilee ·w illiatn Curtiu was founder, J. Crumpacker ........... } · ' F. H. Parker .. ·.· ...... ·: Associate Joetlces called 'forth utterances from Prof. John 8 · McFio;........... · D. H. Molllillen ......... .

Pedro Pt~rea .............. Delegate to Congra!a

NOTARY PUBLIC. fire and Life lnsuranH~

Charles Eliot Norton, ex-Gov. D. Quimbv Vance ................ Surveyor General A. L. Morrison .... Cullootor lnternnl Revenue

H. Chamberlain and Hon. Charles W. B.!ders .......... U.s. District Attorney REAL ESTATE


S. Hamlin, expressing their con .. Ci. M.Fonlker ..................... u.s. Marabal M. R. Otero ...... Register Land Office, lla11tn Fe

demnation of the· policy of the E. F. Hnbnrt .... Receiver Land Office, Santo Fe nation toward Cuba, Porto Rico TERRITORlAL .

d th Ph .1. • p f E. L. Bartlett ........... : ..... tlollcitor 01)oeral

Continental Oil

an e I lpptnes. ro essor R. ('. Gortoer ...... District Attorne)•, Santo Fe l~oad Su11ervi.sor ()wen is put- N 1 ·· W · · L E · · · . orton exc aimed, '' hat s1n, · mmett .. , ......................... Librarian

ting the roads in good condition. h f II JosoD.Sena .......... ClerkofSopremeCoin~ W at 0. y, what Shame ·are H. 0. IJroonm.: .. SnJIIlrintendent Penitontinry THE EAQLE'S CLUBBING RATES.

A. II. Norton was in the burg ours!" He affirms . that for w. II. Whiteman ... , ........ Adlotunt General To subscribers pa_ying one year a day or two last w<:ek from "th b J.H. Vuo11hn ......................... Treasurer in advance for theEAGLR the fol•

· .. r<:e ye~rs past we' ave. been I ~1. ('.de Buca ........ Supt. p.'ubl~c Instruction J i(:tri Jla. acting as tf no longer Amencans. L. M. Ortiz .................... rem toruli Auditor lowing clubbing rates are offered: ,

\" h 1 · F~ · · · · U.S. LAND COURT. EAGLE and Thrice a-Well~ World .... ·f2.00

Jose Montano, one of I.incol1,1's promirlt'nt citizens waf\ in the dt y on bm.i nt:ss .Monday.

Ramon Cujan, ex-comniissioner of I.inroln county, resident of the l·ity of I,incoln, was ht·re Monday

rYe aVe >Cen e<Ur0pean1z1ng J " bll 00 . osepb B. Read ..................... Chief Juatioe " St. Louis Repu c....... 2 ourse I ves;" Ex-G. :rovernor Cham- Wilbur F. Stone .......... l · " " IndnAtrial Record ...... :. · 2.2~

1'1' ' . berlain considers the Spanish wll'~::~i. ~~!1~~;.:::::: ~ Asonciate Jn•tice• ·• " Mlo<>Raotllllinernls.: ..... · 2.50 H ('Sl " "Daily MinimrRecord .... H)O war to· ha\'e been an unmt'xed, enry " us• ........... · J •• · .. IU"ttbew • • Revn<>lds u· S Att C'nomopolltnn.............. 2.10 " v• • . . ... .. . . .. .. • . • oroey "1 · h } W H p " " Commoner.. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . 2 ()() pure t'Vl, unng teous an( un- · · · npe ... , ....... Asatetn11t l'. s. Attorney · · 'fi l · . LINCOLN COUNTY. This offer applies tv old sub-jUSt! lit >le, a "ptece of high Looiann TruJillo............. Probnte J~dge scribers renewing. their subscrip-plaJ'I·ng to the .,.allert'es or 'pe· r 1· L. Analla ....................... Prubat<l 1 lerk t' t h E · d. · . · o' • • • Alfr<>dn Oonzaloo ......................... Hherilf · tOn 0 t e e<AGLE an paytng

A. C. Au~tin rame in from·the haps l ought to say, tQ the pit- .Purfirio<"havez ................... : ...... As•eswr one year in ad1•ance; also to new Henry Lutz ................ Tre!'surer & Collector b · b · · · · Willows, Wednesday. Hisdaugh- a touch of hell given by our rul- L.H.Rurliaille ................ " ... s('booiSupt. su sen ers paying one year tn

and Tuesday.

. J " H J ' tb t th h COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, advance. . . h•rs, ~liss Gra(e Austin and ~Irs. crs. e < emes a. · ere as T • . IPt Distrltt ....................... Sipin Ba.lazar he regular subscription to W. I •. tiumm, returned thi-. morninK.

{vith him heen aitytbmg valorous in the 2nd Oistrict ............. s c. Wiener Chairman these·papers is largely in excess conduct of our army in ,Cuba or SrdD~striet..:·:.~·.:..:_·_:.. ........ Ed.i~.Pilnllst~.n of the clubbing rate given above,

Mrs; Juan I •. irt the Philippines. The Presi- Church Dl.rector"Y· • and any one desiring . to secure

l~t·yes will to~ ( h E cl.cnt of the United States here· two papers t e AGLE and any morrow brinK her !-lister, 1\1 rs. f l . S!'rvlces at Methodist Church. one of the others named) for a

. • . . crre' to as "an unscrupulous A ntonw Cordo\·a, m for medtcal 1 1

. 1,

1 . flabbllth Seh ol nun u ,. little more than .the price of on~

. , . ·an< ' cce1 th1 ' eader of. the na· · · ' : ·• " .... · ..... ,~, m. h 11 1 asstst<tnct•, She IS thought to be 1 • • Preaching, " 11:00 .... · ...... 11. m. s ou ( take a( vantage of this

1 1 .11

· · twn tnto a "career of vulgar and Aftt>rnoon QJeetlng" :i:OO · ............ 1•-m. liberal offer. c angcrous y 1 • • · · • ., Prtitlehlng. " 7:00 ............ p.m. ------

. . ag!,(ressi\'C expanston. Htrd of the company of Bird & . Prnyerrneet.lng,Wetl. 7:00 ............ P m. .JO!i WORK. UNITED.ST"TES. Ladll'a' Jl.M.S.Frl, 3;00 ............ p m. J b W k. f l . t' • • II r 1 f u · t · 1 h "' .... .. · o or . o every < escnp ton -..o a 1 , o oOtll o; pa JC t e • . .-. m..etlng, " 7:0:1 ............ p.m.

I• \u, ar • no lon.,.er th·e U 't 1 ·All tirecordlnllv In t•··d. ' neatlv and be 1 d t th '.Ac;I.H oftke a pleasant visit last .v ... ' e "' nt ec "" • c ap Y OI?-e a e

Wl'l"IL I>rop in gcntletnt>n when States of America, but it is now L. L. GL~D!.'Iv.v. Pnstor. EAGLE-office-New type, new ma-yuu an· in town, the latch-string ,!"ore cor~ectly the ~nited States THE BAPTIST CHURCH. chinery · and skilled wor}rmen. is always in working order. ·. ·of Amenca and Asta. One of S&nday ScboolatlOo'eloct• a.m. Preaching 1 Everything new and the best.

"'l,, r. u 1

Ch • the latest definitions reads as fol- lilt.nn•l llr•l. Sundnyat ua. m. ah<l 7 ::~p.m. Try this office for anythino- and· ·• t:ss s. nrown an( apman. · . Younar Peopl,.'s Unlon6:·4~ J•. m. Prnyer , . · . • . "'

}l.lV"'m·L·hl"n r''

1 1 lows: A federal repubhc com· meoUngTuesdav7:30JJ.m. J.F.Woon. everythtngtntbe]ob hne. Our

• ... • l: \: J 1 n p ace am are . . . p t rushing work on the oil well posed of 45 state~, ~ terntones, as or. facilities are the ·best, a.nd all

th•1·r ·otn

1 n

1· · k' t f and one federal d1stnct, together PLYMOUTH coN<aR"'ATION"L orders promptlv filled. ,· ~ Jll y · s stn mg cas o . . . . . ... ..

t )wn 1'h h tl 1 t w1th the outly1ng terntory of CHURCH. t • cy a vc 1e very JCS · • . ·

)f l·n(l1·. t'on n 1 t t t "k Alaska, the 1sland of Puerto c ca 1 sa ' cxpec o s n e ml at a dCJllh of 400 fl'ct. Rico, the Hawaiian group, the

Philippines and several small LETTER LIST. •

l,cttcrs remaining un~ullc.d for in the White Oaks Post Oflicc Sept. 1st., t•ml.

gd Crowell, Mrs. Crossic Drake, :O.ln~. S. J. l>owning, U.B.llumes, 'rrinidad I.opez, Ramon 1\lnnJuez, Jesse B. Malone, Bennet McCoy, Anastado 1\ledina, R.I.-. Wheeler, Miss Media Prccellar, Mrs. John Preston, Miss Corra Simins (2),

S.J. Wilburn, R. I.-. Wheeler. Very Respectf.ully,

JoHN A. BwowN.

AGENTS W ANTI~D: German Electric Razor Hone. Guaran· teed t..oqual to the best hone made. Can usc wuter, oil or luther. Will last n lifctitne. Each hone packed in neat cardboard case. Every one perfect. Just the thing for privt\tc use. Price 75cts. We want au agent in each township to whom exclush-c Rale wUl be given. Write for sample antl agents outfit, sent by mail. A money coiner. Address, Marsh Mf,r. Co., No. 542 WestLilkeSt., Chu:ago. ·

islands .


The Most Widely Read News­paper In America.

Time has demonstrated that the Thrice-a-Week World stands alone in its class. Other papers have imitated its form but not its success. This is because it tells all the news all the time and tells it impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. It is in fact almost a daily at the price of a weekly an(l you cannot afford to be without it.

Republican and Democrat alike can rcatl the Thrice-a-Week World with absohtte confidence in its truth.

In a<Mition ton~ws, it publishes first•dass serial stories and other feat\tres suite<l to the home and firesitlc.

The Thrice-a-Week. WorM's regular subscription price is only

Or. Miller's next lecture will be $1.00 per year and this pays for on Tue~(\ay night September 24. 15(, papers. We .offer this un­Subject, ·~Architectural an(l ·equaled· newspaper . and WJUTH l\tccbanical Arts of Ancient. Civi-l OAKS EAo:r.s together one year lbmtlon. · ' for $~.00. 1

ProacblngRervlces, Sunday. 11 a. m. ond 7:30p.m. .

Sunday School, 10:00 n. m. Christian Rndeavor meeting Sundays, 2. p.m.

Prayer moAtmg, Wodneaduys evening, i:80; Ladles' Aid Society, lat. Tburaday afternoon

nt2:110. HI'NIIY G. MILLEII, Ph. D., Pustor.


Bnter Lodp No. 9• K. of P. Meats Tbunday evt~nlng of eacb week at

Hewitt's ball. VIsiting brothers cordlall;r ln­vlb.'fl to attend.


E. G. F UJ:urucK. K. of R. & 8.

Oolden Rule Lodp No. 10. I. 0. o. F.

Meets Tuesday evcnlntr of eaob week ot Hewitt's ball at 8 o'clock. Vlaltlng brothers ct~rdlally Invited to attend.

R. D. A~llllTnoNQ, N. G.'

E.G. F. UxaRtclt, Secretary. . q

WblteOikt Lodp No. 9, A. 0. U. W.

Meet a ~~eml-mont 1111, ftrst and third 'V od nesdnya. at 8 o'clock, at Hewltt'11 baU. V llllt­inll' bi'Otbertl cordially Invited to attend. ·

A~ Rtuli&W A 1', W, M, J. J. McCOURT, Recorder.

Or~~nd ArDI)'· Kearaey P .. t. No. 10.

Moots tbe Urt1t Monday ID I!IIOb mcmt.b at o. A. n. Hall. Visiting comrade!! oordlall;r Invited. Tlt&o; W. HaM~N, P. C.

Joll!f A. DRoWN ,Atlj'L


[DIIJ, fXUIJI l .... ya.l Enatern mall Crom El·Paso arrives 11:30 p. m Eaatorn mall for El Pa80 Clloaeli at 1:00 a. m. Snutb&rn mall via Nogal. Gray, Lincoln and

Rc)awoll, arrives l:UO p. m .. a·loe~>s a:~ p. II!· Jlcarllla mall departt.Tuosday&and Yrldaye,

1 :00 a. m, Arrives :1 :00. p. m. Uklbard110n mall artl•cs Monday•, Wedne&o

daytl, •nd l'rluaya at 12 m. Departs fl&tno daye at t p.m.

SUtlllay bourtl from 1 a m. to 8:30 a. tn.

lliTEREST Ia flcla1 cllapla~d Ia tbe

llae or •mokeku pow era and acketcd bulleta In J~r~ec& lbre rlftca.

A 4 5 ~=tllbre bullet welpln1 500 alvei a abock 10 lar&e pme.tlial tba

tmaiJ tiOret c.a not alway aM depended oa lPf: __ Marna Mod•J 1895 Repcatera ban

opcclal Smokeleu Still" harrell. Por ·~ .. lnformalloil ... our au al o 1o Mailed rot a ttaillp~e THE MARUN FIR& ARMS CO.


.Drying preparation• •lmplJ de'fel­op iJr1 catarrh; the7 drs up .the ucretiona, which adhere to the membrane and deoom~ pose, cau.lng a far mcn:e uriouti'Oublethan the 0~ form of Cl6tarrh. A.Yoid all dry. ing fnhaltnta, fume1, amokea and anufle and ue that 'Which clean..., aoothea and heat.. ~··Cream lWm Ia aucb a remedy and will oure •tarrb or oold In the hwl easil,y and pleaaantly. A crial.tze ll'iU be mailed for 10 eenta. All-drugfClatneU the GOo. alxe. Ely Brotben, 56 Warren St., N.Y.

The llalni cure• wit.bolB pain, doe• aot irritate or oauu IIDHdng. li apre.da itself over ao irritated and anB'3' ~ relley. ing Jmllledlately the ~lnfill wfl•mmaUon. ·

'Witb Ely'• Cream Datm JO• are armed ~ Nalal Catarrh and JfA1 FeTer. ·

J <n"' . \




Page 7: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We



District Oourt, County of Lincoln, Territory New Mesico.

Jobu W. Owen, Plaintiff\

William G . .J:i>mp&on et . ~ No. 1295. al, DefendRDts. . J

Notiqe iJ· hereby given that b)' suthority and c.ommaLd of tbat certain Execution issued out of oaid court, in above callll8, ono.l tn me direct­ed a~rainst th11 said defendant William G. Thompson; commanding me that of the lands, tenements. goode and chattels uf· snid defendant, I do ca.uee to be mwle the "um or I4W.OO judg· ment and ~~. · 001118 nnd all HU blleqnent coste herein nod all intel'f'Btll ele 1 buill(J the amoun&e odJudged against oa1d tlpfemlant ii1 onld callll8, and the said soma~t hnvl;•ll heon llllid or aoy ·part thereof, 1 have-levlrd UIHlllllnd taken Into my po88BUion, the fullowlnllt>rot>erty, viz:

All the right, title, elu&ro and Interest of oald defendant Thom&~IIOD, In nnd te that certain Well DrilllniJ Machine, ct;mplete. Including ull .Parte, extras a11d a\laehmllnte with the horse­power etc, t,IA!. therelo belollglnl!, round in the POI!Bes•ion of 8 old J. \V . Owen. .\11d I will on Friday the 20th day of September A. 1). 11101, at 9 o'clock of the forenoon, at 'he place where

· said machinery l11 situated, to wit; the Gallo ~:nny<~n, In the Gallina Mountains~ In sold County of Lincoln, offer 'be whole thereof for sole by public vendue, and will then and there 11ell to the hi1Jhest bidder for inatant ca111h thl'

. whole of t.he ~~aid right. title, •hnre and interetlt of the said defendont Thompson In nod to the c~&me, te satisfy the "aid execution.

Witness my bond nt snid (~ounty of Lincoln, this 2'lnd day or AD(IUHt A. D. 11101.

It. E. Loud, plaintifl;e attorpey. . ALFREDO GONZAL£8, .

Sheri II, Lincoln County, by Chas. :!6. D. Moyer, Dl'pnty Sh .. rifl,

NOTICE OF SUIT. In the Distrirlo Court of the Fifth Jurlicial

Oontniniog 20.:!6 acres, ~d .formina part of Section 10, Township 1 S. Of Rance 12 Eaat, New .Mexipo prlnolpal Meridian.

The Location Notice of this Olalm Is recorded in the office of the Recorder of ~incoln Conoty New .Meltico, In Book'S' of Mining ~ations, at pa!f1l127. .

Adjoining Clalmnnte ore: on the North, Bosh, Johnson et ul Survey No. 4li7, and East, West and South, Jones Taliaferro. .

Hoosier Girl Li<•de. Beginning at Corner No.. 1, at a Quartzite

Htone, H x 12 s :U Ina. long, set in ground, with mound of Stone almur aide, chiseled 1 - loil!l QD side faQing this Claim: the curner to Sections 19, :U, 2li nod 30, 'l:owJJship 1 B. ol Ranges 11 &: 12 East. N. M. principal Meridian, bears S. 0 deg. 43 min. 30 sec. E. 78a.22 feet distant: Thence, Vnr. 12 deg. U8 min. East, H. 82 dPg. 2o min. E .. 473.6 feet to Cor. No. 2, a Quartzite Stone, 9 x 18-ll :U IDS, long, set. in ground, with mound of stone olcinll' side; chibeled 2 - lO!Ifl on side fac­ing this Claim: Thence, Vor. 12 de~~:. 15 mi11. E. N. 1 deg 40 min. E., 16114 feet to corner No. 8, n por&~by~y Stone, 10 x 18 x 26 ins. long; with mound of stone along side, ohostled 3-· 1U99, on stde facing tbt8 claim : Thence, Var. 12 l)eg. 00 mlu. E.,l!i. 82 delf. :Wmin. W., 47lU feet, te Cor, No. 6, 11 porphyry Si.ont 1 x 12 x :U ins. long, set in around, with mound of stone along aide. chis­eled 4 - 1099, on 11ide facing this Claim: ·Thence, \'ar. 13 deg. E. S. 1 ileg. (U min. W. 1404 feet 1-0 lbe corner No,. 1 the place nt beginning. Con­talninll 16.24 acres, and forming a portion of Sec. 111, TownshiJI l, S. Range 12 E. and Sec. u. Township .1. 8. Range 11 E., N. M, principal Meridian.

The Location Not1ce of thiR Claim is recorded In the office of the Recorder of Linculn County, New MexiCO, io Book 'f;' of Mining· Locations, ot page 128: .

Adjoining l'laimants are: No.rth by Public Lands; East Jones Tuliaferro; South and West Public Lnnds.

District of the T .. rritory·of !\ew Mexico, within Hoosier Boy Lode. and for· the County of Lincoln. Beginninu at Corner No. 1, a porphyr)' Stone,

Robert I!:. Lund, f ~ x 14 x 2tllnR. lung, set in around. with mound VR. · So. 13lr.. f ~t I id I I d John W .Germu~. o ., oue u ong s e, c •i•e e 1 --liM!, on side

The above named defendRDt is hereby notHied foci1111 thiu Claim; tbe corner to Sections 19, ~,l. thut o suit hllll been commenced u8o1nst him in 2~ und 30 Township 1 S. <tf llongt>8 11 & 12 E., N, •aid District C'ourt by. Robert E. Lund, the M. principal Meaidian, bears North 66 deg. :ill above named plaintiff, to obtain 0 judgment iu min. W ·• a72 ftlet distant: Thtlnce, Var. 12 deg. tlol' Mum of One. Hundred an·d Thirt)· Do•llara; 11 mm. E., S. b2 tl•lf· :W min. E. 600 feet to Cor. with interest from Angu~t bt, 11101, und c10~t• of No.2, a Quar~ztte St<me ~ x 10 x 2r> ins. lou~~:, Ret Rllit, enid (lrlnmp"l and lntMest l'lnimed to be in ~rronnd, with mound of Stone alon~r aide, due and owing the •aid r•laiutift for prnfesuinool chiRt'll'd 2 ~ 10110. nn s1de facinK this Claim: Jegnl •ervic..s rehdered by plllintill to and 011 Thence, Var. 12 deg. 1.0 min. E., N. 1 deg (()min· behalf of the ~aid John W. Germu'o; K.. l<&NI f~et to corn~r No.3, ~log corner No, 2

Tbut a writ of attachment ha11 beton i88ued In Old Hickory Lode, before described; cbltleled soid oao~~e and that. all. uf said d"fendant'a right, a- 10119 un Mide facmg this Glalm: Thence, Var. title nild lnter.11t in ROd to that certain mining 12 deg.lO min. E, N. 82 deg. 20 min. W. 600 feet. clnim, to wit: tha. "Boston Bot" Lode Claim. to corner No.6, being cmner No.1, Old Hickory sitoute in the White Oaks Mining District In the Lo<\P; before described. chiseled 6 -1U99; on Raid Coopty of Lincoln in. Nortli- Baxter. Moun- side facing thia t'Jalm: Tbence, Vur. 12 deg. to taln at the head of the ·• Little Mac" Gnlch, 88 min. E., S. 1 deg W min. W. 801.5 feet to inter­more fully set forth in the Notice of LOcution section J - 2llne of Survey No. 606 A- Summit thereuf, duly of record in the office of the Be- Lude...!eoroer 'No.5 of this liurvey, a Quartzite corder of ,...;d County of I,.inculn; Stone, 6 X 18 x 26 ins. set. In ground, chiseled

And that unles• the Raid defendant enters his II- 10IJII, on side facing tbis Claim: Tbence, Var. appearance In said caQ~Je on or bttfor" the 19th 12 deg. 10 min. E .. S. 61 deg. 30 min. E., 81.19 feet tlay of October. A. D. 11101, jod~rment will be to I :orner No 1, Summit Lode Suney No. 600 A rendered against him by defaultthereinund said and Comer No.6 of this Survey. a Quartzite tlttached property will be sold to 1111tisf) the · Stene 6 x 10 x ll! Ins. above ground, with mound same. of Stones along sid~Y~Uhiseled I - 1106 A on W.

Plaintilf's otteroey is R. E. Lund, White Oaks, face, and 6- lOIJII on aide facing this Claim: New Me:~ico. Thence, Var.12 deg. 10 min. E .. S. U deg. W.


Clerk of said District Court.



Roswell, N. ltl., July 29, 1901. SOTIC.I!: lshereb.v given that Jones Taliaferro,

whoue Pust Ultice a<ldrl'I!BIB · Wltlte Oaks, Lin­coln County, New Mexico, bae this day &led bill application for a Paten& for the 'Hoosier' Uroup uf MiniDif Claims, situate in f\ed Cloud M1ning

• l)istrict in the County of Lincoln territory of New Mexico, and desi(lnated bJ' the Field Notea and official Plat on file in thle oftlce, u Mineral Survey No. 10911, In Township J South of Ranp 11 &: 12 East, New Mesico principal MerldlaD. t!ald Mineral Suney !Ito. 1UIIII, beiDK described as follow11, to wit:

Old Hickory Lode

~oniog at Corner No. 1, a porpbyrf Stone, 1t U x 2& Ins. long eet In ground, with mound of

StoliD ulong aide, chiseled 1 - 10911 on side fac­lnK Claim.

The Comer to SectionR 19, :U, 25, :10, Township 1 tt. of Banlf"8 11• 12 &.at. New Me:dooprlnci&>Bl Meridian bears S. 22 deg., 10 min. W, 1629.ll6 fee& cUataot: Theilce. Var. l2 dea. CB min. E., !J, 82 ilea .. ;10 min. E. 600 to Corner No. 2, a rook in place, level with the ground lis 12 Ins., snr­face chi•eled with a X at Cor oolnt and 2 -10119 on top, wiJb mound ohitonealong alp•: Thence. Var. Ill «;le«-• 13m,n. ~. N. 1 c&e,., 40 min. E., U71l feet to Corner No. 3 of this LOde, beln11 ldeutl· cal wltb Corner No,' of Buckhorn Lode, Satve) ·Jioo. ~7; a qaartalk Stone 8s 12s8 iiJ&., above .-round, ehleeled ' - '87 on tep. and I - 10011 oti aide f&CilniJ Utledalm: Thence, Var. 12 de~~. 19 mia; E., N. ~ dl!lr. ao min. W ., 800 feet to corner No. 4, a por)lbyi'J StOne, 6s 18l& U Ina. loniJ set In ground. with monnd of Stone alon1 side, ebleeled & -1009 on 11ide facing Claim: Thence 9. 1 d ... (() min. Wf'tlt, Var. 12 dt!lf, 13 min. E., 14~ feet to Corner ~o. 1 the plaee of beainulng

... · ..

137.36 feet, to cGrner N.). 1 of this Suney, a Quartzite Stone, 10 s U x 26 los. long, set in ground, with mound of Stone along sldl', l'hisel­ed 1 - 1099, on side faclll(l this Claim : Thence, 'Var. 12 deiJ. 16 min. E., 8. 1 dell:. 40 min. w. MS.~ fed to corner No. 1, placu of beglnohog; containing 20.l13611 acret!, and forming a portion of the West half of Sec. 19and N. W. !,& of N. W. !4 Sec. 30, l'ownship 1 S. of Range 12 E., New Mexico Principal .Meridian. The Location of tblll Mine I Lodei Is recorded in the office of the 'RooorcJer of Lincoln County, New Mexico, in ~k 'S' Mining Locations, at 118iJe 100. Adjoln­iD8 Clabnauta are: North. &stand We~~t, Jones Taliaferro, udSoutb Public Landa.

EUUlUULUDE Beglnoln• at l:Ornar No. 1. a lll'&nlte Stone.

8 ll 10 x ~ iDa. lon~r, set In ground, w.ith mound of Stone along •Ide, chiseled 1 - 10011 on side faein~r tbl" Claim. 'l'ba Comer to 11ectlona 19, ~. 2$ and 30, Town•blp 1 South of Ranlf88 11 & 12 Eut. N • M. Principal Meridian, hears d. 70 de~~:. M min. W., 10'13.18 feet, dlatant: Thence, Var. p de~r. 16 Ill in. E., Sou'b 82 deg. 20 inlu. E., 1100 feet to eomer No. 2. a Qoartlllte St<•ne 7 x 16 x :U In•· long; llf't In srcmnd, a mound of Stone alou• side, chiseled 2- Ul'JIIon side facbltJ thia clalm;

Thence, Var. 12 rleg. lO'mln. E., North 7 der. 4o min. E. tr.oo fOI>t to Cornet No. 8, a Qnartdte Stone .8 X 11 x :U ins. IOIJM, set in ground w1$b mouo!J of · Swoe oilong alole. chi~Mjled a - 1099 on side faclnA' tble Claim: Tl•ence, V ar. 12 de11. 10 min. E., North f-2 detr. ~ min. W. eOO teet to Corner No. 6. a Qoartzltl! Stone, lis 10 x f'1 Ina. ion• eet In grynnd, a mound ofStonealoqftide, chl~~eled 6- 1099, on aide factus tbla Claim: Thence, VIII'. 12 d~. 10 min. E., SOuth 7 dlliJ. 40 min. W. 11100 f~ to Cornllr No. 1 place of betrla­olniJ. ContalnlniJ ~.«GacrH and forQI.ln~r a.,_. 'ion of the W ••t half of l!ec, t9 Townahlp 1 Sonth, Range t2 E. N. 11. Priuclpal lft~tldlu. AdJolnlniJ Clalmaotaare· Nonh, Efta\ and West. Jonea Taliaferro; Soutb, Public Landa.

'J1•e Locatio n of the Claim Ia ftOOtded In tbe

Through- Trains •

El Paso and Capitan.

£/ Paso . & · Northeastern Railway Co. ] •


Train l.envee ·Et Paso lO::iO a. m. Trnln leaves Carrizozo 9:30 a. m. .. arrives Alamogordo ·•·a~ P ..... ' • m • .. arrives Alamogordo 12:20 p .m. .. .. Carrizozo 6:211 p. m. •• .. El Paso ~:00 p. m. •



At Tularosa: For the Mescalero Indian Agency & San An­dres Mining Region.

At Carri~o~o: For White Oaks, Jicarilla, Gallinas and sur­rounding country. '

At Walnut: For Nogal.

At Capitan: For Fort Stanton Sanitarium, Lincoln, Richard-· son, Ruidoso and Bonito country.

For information of ~ny kind regarding the rallroa~t or the country adjacent thereto c:all on or write to .

Or: . J. W. WILCOX. Asent, Carrizozo.

records of Lincoln County New 1\l~xico. In Book 'M' of Mmlng rewrds PBRt' t:h.

WHITE OAKIJ LODE Be11i11nirigut Corner ~o. 1, being corner No.2

of Eurekn Lode, Of this Survey, before descrlb.. ed and chl~~eled 1 - - lOIJII on side facing tbls Claim, wbence the corner to Sections 19, z•. 2li nod 30 Township 1 !:Iouth of Ranges 11 & 12 ll:aet, N. M. Prinl'lpal Meridian, hear11 Sooth 80 deg. ~min. W. 1632.12 feE-t dl~tant: Thonce, Var. 12 deiJ. 10 min E., South t12 deg,'20 min. E., 600 root to corner No. 2, a Quartzite Stone, II il' 12 x 26 Ins. long, set In lll'OUlid, with mound of Stone a101ur side, chiseled 2- 10119 on side facln11 this Claim:

Thence, Var. 12.dru. 14 min. East, North 1 deg. •o min. East, 1000 feet te corner No.3, a par· phyry Stone 6 ll I~ X 24 Ius; loniJ, with -mound of stonr alonll' ftlde, chiseled 8 - 1099 on side fac· ing tbl" Claim. Thence, Vnr. 12 deg. 10 min. East. North 8'l d111r. 20 min. W, 800 feet to Corner No.4, being Comer No.3 of Eureka Lode, of this Bu"ey bt>fore desl.'rlbed, and chlloeled ' - 1U911 on "ide facing this claim: Thence, Var. 12 deg. 10 min, East, S<mih 7 de11. •o min. West, 11100 feet to Corner No. t, the place of beginning. Con· taining 20.66 acres and forming a portion of thll west half of Sec. 19, Township 1 S. of Ran(le 12 East, N. M. Principal Meridian. The Location of thla Claim Ia recorded in the recorda of Lin­coln County New Mexico, In Book '8' of Mlnin11 l.ocatione pa119 ·129. AdJolnbur Clalmante are: Sooth, Public Lands, North, East and West. Jones Taliaferro.

AnJ and all pereoll8 claiming ad•ereely, any pcrtiop of Mid .Mines, or Rnrface ~rrouod, are required to fila their adv~rae Claims with the ftetrlotoor of the United Stat81l Land Office, a& Roawsll,ln the Terrltorr of New Meaico, dar­Ina the alxty dan, period o~ publication he-.f, or theJ will be barred b.v •lrtue of the provilllons of the Statpte.

HowA•» LnAI!ID, 8-8-JOOl ~ster.

RELIABLE ASSAYS. G<M ........ I .IIOJGold, and Silver .. I .7~ Ltiad... ..... .110 Gold, aJly'r,eopp'r 1.00 *' a-pie• b)' ... , neal vii ,.._ptattentlcill

Rich Ores and Bullion Bought.

CODEN ASSAY CO., 14211 ieth Be.. Denver, Colo.

.. J ..... ~ --- _.1 .._ .., .. -"" .. ~ .. -~ ---~ • • ----~ • ~ = ..... • ........ """ ~ .-

Avenue Barber Shop - - -1!1\CLe BLOCK. .

Agent Troy Laundry, Bl Puo. Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited,

Chas. Adams, Proprietor,

A. S. OREIO, Oenl. Supt. & TraHic: nar.

Alainoaorda, N, M.


Livery feed a Sale Stable.

Oood Stock and Rigs. . White Oaka Aveau ..

~~·S>t'lillt'lil'l!llil!lililil!l!li' ·

! J. K. , D. D. S. I DENTIST, ~ OffiCe .,,otlte Talllfem'• Store. ! I WILL VISIT CAPITAN 1 .. ~ AND LINCOL·N ONCE ~ ~ EACH MONTH. ~ I Satisfac:tion Ouaranteed. I ,. ~

-~~li .. lilil!li .. liliS~!I!I!Iil!l!lil~ QOD~AEY HUQHE8 ~ O.

CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE 111 San Franeleoo Street

bL PASO, • • TEX.AIJ. •

We aot a• Aaent. for BblplH!re w Smelter

Control and Umpire Work a SpeclaUt We am propanid to handle 0n11 from a hand

••mple to ftvo-ton lou, u we bawo tbe. LABORST oruablnl' power plant of any •••J omce In tho 8outbwen.

Page 8: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We

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'f~t««ITO«v OI' Nuw MF.xico 1 TERRITORY OF N.~tw MExico, ( · CotJNTY 011 LINCOLN, f ss. CouNTY oF LINCOLN. · f ss.

In accordance with chapter twenty-two of the laws of Thirty- In accordance with and in pursuance of the laws of the Terri-third legislative assembly 'of the Territory of New Mexico, I, the tory of New Mexico, I, the 'undersigned, Treasurer and Ex-officio undersigned Treasurer and Ex-officio Collector of the County of Lin- Collector of the County of Lincoln, in the Territory of New Mexico, t:oln in the Territory of New Mexico, do hereby make, certify and do· hereby make, C!'!rtify and publish the following notice and list of puhlish the following notice and li:.t ofdelinquent taxes amounting delinquent taxes amounting to less than twenty-five dollars, with to not less thitn twenty-five dollars, with penaltie!! and costs thereon, penalties and costs thereon, payable in said county and delinquent payable in said county and delinquent on the first day of July,1901, on the second day of July, 1901, the same being herein below set the same being hereinbelow set forth in precincts, and containing forth in precincts, and containing first the names of the owne~:s of lirst the name of the owners of all property become delinquent; the all property becoming delinquent; -the amount of taxes, penalties and amount of taxe'>, penalties and costs due; the description of the c~sts due; the description of the property whereon the same are due, property whereon the same arc due and the amount of taxes due on and the amount of taxes du~ on personal property. personal property. And notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, Treasurer

And notice is h~reby given that I, the undersigned, Treasurer and Bx·officio Collector of said county of Lincoln, will offer for sale· and Ex-officio (:olledor of said County of Lincoln, will apply to the and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash the several pieces of district court, held in and for said county, upon the next return day property hereinbelow described, both real and personal, for the taxes, thereof, to-wit: the second day of De.cember. A. D. 1901,· the same penalties and costs due and delinquent against the several properties or(urring not less 'than thirty days after the last publication hereof, hereinbelow mentioned and described (the several amounts so due

' '

forjudg-mcnt against the lands, real estate and personal property and delinquent being specified in the following list and set opposite dc!it:ribccl in the following list, together with costs and penalties, the respective properties agai.nst which they are due and delinquent) and for an order to sell the same to satisfy such judgment. Ot1 the first Monday of November 1901, the same being the fourth

And further notice is hereby given that within thirty days after day of November, 1901,at the front door o(the county court house of tiH' rendition of sut:h judgment against such property, and after said county of Lincoln, the same· being the building in which the haring given notice by a hand bill po~tcd at the front door of the district court in and for said county is held; that I will continue the building in whkh the district court for the said County of Lincoln sale from day to day until all the property described in the follow­is held, to-wit: the court house of said county. of Lincoln, at. least ing list be sold, or until the respective am'ounts due shall be paid or ten days prior to said !'>ale, I, the undersig-ned, Treaiiurer an<l Ex-of~ realized; that the said sale will be held between the hours of ten lido Colll•t:tor of the· County of Lincoln, will offer for &ale at public · o,clock in the forenoon and four in the afternoon of each day of such aul"lion, in front of said building, the real and personal property sale; and that if a purchaser fails to pay the amount of his bid be­dt•!oOt:rihed in said notice, against which judgment may be rendered for fore ten o'cl~ck of the day succeeding the sale of the property bid t lll' &~mount of taxes, penalties and costs due thereon; continuing the for by him will be re-offered for sale, and he will not be allowed to sale from day to day, as provided by law, until the sam(• shall besolcl. make any further bid or bids on spch property; and that I, the un-

HENRY LUTZ, dersigned, will issue and deliver to the pur~baser or purchasers of Treasurer and Ex-Officio Collector, property at the s~tid sale a certificate of purchase of the kind and

Lincoln County, New Mexico, character provided by law. Dated, Lincoln, N. M., Aug. 30th, 1901·


Uhmubnrd Hru• n"' •2 MWl nr4. •w4 nw411t" ., • ., :t.~. t .. 7. tllf Ill. parrcol land o .. ed book ll, Pllreel huul Tl.•od b<••k M ltl u~r~o.

.. •• .. •• •• ai:J ..

tax l'JI.M, lul 1.211, pub I tu .. .. .. .. .. . . 21 11:1 M8lllallU J ..... ' ~ Ot'4 O(l(l 12 tl• 11 fllO u, NJ"

o2 nw4 nwl owl ae~ l!ll tp I I riCe 10, 120 u no4 o<>l d srt nw' .. ,. net""'' Wl.l" tu.r ll4 28 lnt I 21 l•uh I II!> . .. .. .. • • . . . .. .. .. 26. 49

PtiiOIMCT MO. a. WHITS O .. tea. AP.•ll Hnltl M Cu North lluml'stako mlno

W 0 ld D M fl North .ftom.,t>tnkt' mill olte 16 a, •ol ow4 eoal ooo 7 lp 1 fllft 1~. 411 n; \u 1114 ~. lnt 11.11. pub 70 .............. 204.00

u .. ulllll Thno. \\' ll•IOkford Ill ll 317 Sollnl M 1>. ('a•hlor me 314 Nueal M D diPv<•r 111 o ~II• NoARI M D. w~ lot 4 hl!J<'k ~ w n u I'• lute I, 2 hilt IU, lot• I ~ blk 67, Jo\ 2 blk lilt, h•t I! hilt to. lot 'i bi k 2, lut• 6, 6. 7, blk U: ta.r al!.O?,Iut 1.113, pub2.20 ......

ftowl\t Joo Y. ~~""''oW 00 tp 0 tl!1-' l:t, uol nw4 11w nto ooo Ill, 160 a, :M'-.!ll Lltllo Mao m ., ll2ll w o 111 d ot'4 ""' 060 II 'f II rp U, ow6 """ l~ uw aw& III'Cil31ll!nw wlhw' n8 "" oeo U ..,, nl't oPt 11114 ~ 11\, MO a. "2 II all 4 blk ~ w i> o 1> lot I blk 22: 4, ~ blk IU1l'2 Jut 4 blk 311; ~ IQt ll blk 311: w21ot ' blk :JU. lu\tl1, 8 bl• lllll·inooln """ 2ll.4.1\., <1. 1 ,\l,lU,l~U, ll'l.ltl, l1 .\!<,19,00,1!2 .1!3; W llluw aa. lut 1. 2. Ora ad at. 1, !1. 8, ~1 J'llwn • t. t. ~.a. 4. 6. 1, l'lne at.&, II,~. 8, 111.111. "••h• lu!ltull at. tl 1 ~. II. ltli W Oat l!ill•l 1. Ins :1a:.~.lnt I .611.. .... . .. . :111111

Rorie M W. Orand "'· lnl• 3. '· n, w " o •· l'toon •t. II. II, 10. wa )nl 8 blk 1.'1 w~ I . 611, M t.~. 1'>, blk 11'1.1 1181 blk M: I blk II, 1 b!k !1. 11:1 ll blk $,a Dl• 26. tu 18. 0!1, lnt 11.110 H.MJ .. , •.....•••.•.•...•... ··:··· ......... 113.~

"t~r~t.~rfl"~~' ~\l~·rh:t. bf~ 8~~~ c,~ 118 P\•!!l!r .,. lolll. t' 1. •nrfaoi'IDIJ• Mm. ""' (,abln Lude. ta:a 21!.notntl .a» I>OI) l ~ 211.18

Stewt~tl L W . lu1. I! bllllltl w \> o p wZ lot s fl•d e blll88 .lnonln avo I~) t L Wa•h­lo•ton at. l,&,IJ,4,11, taa 88.1& lot I. 04 pnh 1.00 .•. ~··················· ..•............• 1.29

I blk 311, .w2 lot' blli r.~, w2 lot~ blk :16, w2 ? aorl I! blk "· :1, 4, hiK 65 w2lut 6 blk 'H' '8' Komp 2nd Colllon~. tB:& 2'1 .23 iot 1.36 pub 4.20 .... ............................ :!2.711

White Ookalllloii!Jf <'<>. South Homestake m o Uti. 2tl a. 1:1. Hume8take mill site m e ~11. ~ Em11llne l'urcha•e 91!1 Nu 1 Kelly 1. 711:1 " No 2 Kellv PurchRSor !l.tii!O Mnrtlu I .012, so4 ow' ehurt 2 tu>real 811.· II 13 oe4 oo4 ew4 ac4 oec 3llot 1. 2, b k •o woop. taxl!ll2.211iotl2.61 pub 3.00 ..... 26~.90

Wlait.·num lll. w2 6 aud r. blk 85 w o o p w2 Jut a blk 1!, 'blk 7. W'llot 2 blk 9, w2 :i, blk U, e2\ot 2 blk 12, I blk U. e21ot 3 blk l!ll, w2lut 2 blk 311, lot 2 blk 113. ttt.X 29.011 lnt 1 r.u pub 2 211 .......................... l!ll.fl.~

Old Abo Oo. Rub E Leo !.ode •eo 2!1 tp 6 rllo 11 m o 71111. White Onka I.odo oeo 25 m t• Thll nw' -.,cr. tp 1 r~~t~13. UlO a. t&lr9li6.M lnt IO.t..'i pub 10 .......... .............. , .. 08.\.0'l'


Uray S T. ne6 BI!C ~\.\).13J 100 a ne4 1100 19-9 -1&, IflO und \i ~a no4 n: •e weo .!6-8-13 eur. face Imp. Land town elte. tal: 25.84 lot J.2Dputi l.W .............••..........•.... 21.&1


Vatt<lt-rbllt G II Co. American Mlpe ·Ill e ~~~ N<ll&l M D taz 113.011 l.nt :1.6:1 pnb ~ UIUI.'I

Van. Cru•O and 8 Co. Vera Crnil mine, Puet&miUitO, Ooldtlll Eqlo, Wa1bu, tax l!tl,ll:llo& 2.8:1 i>Ub I. W .... .................. 80.78

Plt&OINCT NO. 12, aONITO. John T () Ellt. of ,, lnt lloi>etol ·Mine Bo­

nlt.u M D me aM tal: 32.80 lnt 1.111 pnb 3!) ••••••••••• , ••••••••• · ••••••••••••••••••••• M.17 . '



Over SZS.OO.

PfiiOINOT NO• 8, WHI'titl O&IC8, HoWitt .lobo Y. 'nut 43.10 lnU.10 llllb 8:1 w. o . .11. ep. .. 1111.3!1 " t.l!a " 8!1

.,,,. 3U7 Toa-lc'-IUnln« A8Jit. Lot • w.eltP9 r~teiO

til Rl ~lee) Jlm Lode, Dt>lawartt LiJOif', '-'"1'' PIIIOINO't iwe), •• OAIIITANo ptlr Nat Lodt. (Jolon J110k l.otlf:l, (~o,>per · o s T "'-- ..., .... •t .,. ... - "" •

'I' "· 111J • ·- ., .... u lh ..... pn,. -···· ........ 1

Ol.ace Lotte, Prit'at~.! rult. u<lnlto, IIHOINOT /NO. tt, WotiAI. CIDOIIJlltiD Bar. tallllll.wluU.lUpubll.ll() 110.83

W•t(I(ID Wm. awhfl J*l'tlota !1,6,1, •t:ooll'.! V~tlf'rt, It 0 · U · Cb. Tu 'I:. ell lnt 1.111 &p s .. ,. •11, M a. neue .. _. ne4 IIIlO 10 tp 1 pub 8:1 ... • .. • • .. • .......... " .... •• • • .•• • .. Tl.&t

13 flO a W1111W.- U llQ, 1\, ~toWnllUI PIIIOINOT NO'. tl, ac>NITG• 11 "'".,:st.\ II "• l••t a blk 1 w o o P. Bate. Ed &tate of. T~ S:S • .'i3 lnt 1. 'l81»,1b a 21 .. 1ut•tl.T,9,tilk-&J.wtl, 11&38wi s:t .• ~~.-u ........................... .- ..... 31.11

' I

. ' •. ~'"-'l<_ ..... ~---· .

'· . ." ,. .• "


HENRY LUTZ, Treasurer and Ex-Officio Collector,

Lincoln County, New Mexico. Dated, Lincoln, N. M., Aug. 30th, 1901.

in& .08 pub 35 .•••.••.••....••.•...••.••...• 2.05 LuJan Marttntano. o2 nwt spo 29 tP 9 rge 16

• 7fatal:1..8lliot24pub Sll .................. !>.4~ l'lt.OINCT NO. t, LINCOLN. llflrauda Leonarda. o2 ow& 800 19 tp 10 rge

lJnrtleU Chu. aw& sw& s2Bw4~~e4 sw& seo · 11,80 Bo 11!8817 tax 2.42 int 12 pub 35 ....... 2.89 2tp 10 rge 111, nere11 711: tax6.01ot 32 pob Miranda Patricio. Pare IMd deed book M 35 ............. ~ ..................•.......•.. 7.13 pap8ll ta:J;3.2:ilu.tlftpub 30 .......•..... 8.74

Bnrl11110n Mar)' E. Blginoing cor 2-pb thence · Montano Lui•. Lo' 1 sec 3 tp 10 I'IJ~ 16 leas n 18 d~28' w 2.4 oh to cor 3-pb thence n 17 acres oft eaide82 ee' sec 20tp 11 rge 19 11 dell :12' w 1.69 eh to cor 1-01! thence a 00 nw& oe4 ne nw4 1100 29, 160 a tax 11.73 iot de11S2' e2 23 cb to cor~~~ 'henoe 88 dl'!f 69 pub 10 .... ................................ 1li.12 li.">' e 1.5 ch to plaoe of beatonioa seo 211 tJ:t Montano P A A de. 82 ee4 soo 20 tp 11 rp 19 9 16 (33 a) cor No. 66-011 var 12 dq 20' ow& oe' te4 nw' 1100 29, 151 a lesalleold tax t~ then~ 'D deg 32' . 114 ch to !!tone markt~d n '11 1 t llll b •o 19 .,. 1-pb thence n 80 deR li6' w .14 ch to cor · n pn ' "· · •• · • .. • ..... • ........ · ·"" 2-p 1 thence n 16 deg 26' w 2. w cb to cor Norman W 0 • Bo4 o w4 seo 3a tp D rge 111, 40 1\ 3-pb thence n 7 dec 4' w 6.1111 cb to cor (.pb tax '·01 int 20 pnb 35 ............. ,, ...... 4.59 thltDCO n 2$ delf ::rl' W J.ll: 0b to COf &-pb o-·· U--pe} Co Jd b b f h thenC"evarl!t\eglO'en'llldeg~' ch ~.,......, · meo c orr rom' ere to cor ' oP thenne alona tmrn !ICC!Qnhl to e 42ft, t.b~oce a '2 thence w 42 ft, thence o ror 3-oll whioh var • 10 des 89' e 8.~ oh 42.~ place of beginning tax l.tl2 In& .08 'thence a 111 tlea ~· e 2.23 ch to oor 8-os pnb ar. ...... · ................................ 2.05 thence 111 del' 40'1.80 ch to oor 7~ thence Pertla Oe&aviano. Conn~y aoneJ 99 Md 103 n II:! dttlf 20' a.~ ob to place ot beallll\ins curcept tr•lltbe!Pnnin" 1-pb. thence n 16 tax 811ni.OI pab 311 ....................... 1.20 26' w 2.&1 oh to cor 3-pb tli~ocen '1'1 d~~~r !'I' Sooa Geo. nw4 lle4 eeo 11 tp 9 rn 15,40 a ta1: w 1.89 eb to oorlk>e, thence 1119 d':.IJ 82' "· 2.0Uat10pub 15 ........................... 2.47 2.23 ob to eor lkJe thwoe a88.dea tl e 1.5 a. >~A & -• ·•J · oh to place of be!Pnning 111!0 29tp 9 r~te t6, .,..rrano ... · ew •~ u.,. ot 3 tp 7 rge 11 1.11!. a, traot of land frOm " .. c cor be- 18· UO a-' •w' 12 ~ 1-11 seo U tp 11 rge twMn seo *' rp 29t~ 9runnlna t>aateoo rt 18 ta:a 11.31 lot Ill pnb 10 . .................. 12.1)7 to BonllO Rbudown llllld rlnr ~ feet, 'l'orrne Jutmlta B de. ee4 nw• I\W4 11M eealll tbeoee 8W 2110 tb•n lo!Uiterl)' foiJoWinA! liCe- tp 111 rp 15 tllll 13 ?3int 89 pub o• . 1• 11 qnla~fUbeueenoliberijolllOOft to place . · ........ "... · WMI'e eaid Unelnteraectll ltiO tloe &lienelll V1ji1 Clara de Cuoe •. Deed book M pqe '68 niO'llilttot:ceotbNdnolulfeeollll til 11 . tu8,23lnt16pnb lm ...................... 8.1& 1'ilf> 16, Zl'> a $.&Hut~,pubt.Oil .• ··.... 8... PIIKOINO't NO. a. 8AN I'ATIIICIO.

Carrillo Nl01111ora. 1M nw& ~ HA 11e0 ·14 tg · · hpl~ewUIWheol8taXl.8Uut .08pu Ual .. OliLIIOIUI, rarolanddeed book "C'' 'ZO ..... 4 • •• •• •• •• •••• •• •• •• •• •••• •• •• • • •••• ... 1.40 ~It t._a 4.81 ant 24 pub 31 ..•••..... ~ .... s.u

ChuN: Al.tauacla. d te& eeolll tp 8 reo 18 GlllleiiO:fl IA•ro. Pare land deed book "II" · wa.w•NO #(ItO tU tax a.stint .08 jlub 'fO 8.40 paae !32 ta~ 2.83 bit ll pub~ ............. 3.82

Chavn &atola de VIctoria . .:1 nM eeolll tp Llicno Aaiotto. Deed Record book ''M" ~rpt8whwhcolll(l80a) tax UH Pllb paae.Utu!.S3iuti-Upub3:1 ............. ua •0.. . .. • • . . . • .. .. .. .•••••••••••• ~ ........ i.. It Dl ·-OlfQJD Lor81lM de. u& ... ·ao a leu 10 tax

CI"'OIin M Pate land deed tioolt . 1.8alati&D\l.bll& •. ~· •·.•· .: .................. 8.32 taai.IIU11,.08pilb311 ...................... 1.(15 BudolpbCa&arlna B .. No deettription tal:

llow <lonce11tlo11. ("om " O'lr • llae of ew t.ll!jnt .08' vub Ill ........ ,. ................ ll.<ll eor of ue4· NO I &p 10m ll thti!Oll doe n StnabealWquloo. 1U of 4 • 1511019 &p 10 ~ IIShda to e&oat mrnullllanht root mte.. 1 18 t-2 oht awheo :110 «<a, •• 80 aaree of tbf:lll"'lll'•terlJIITrdlttbe&ol)tmomuli!MI~ nt ewleeo a at nH alnwt • ao 80 a &ax aUoot mt• ~httllciltit1011tbt!1l/118t fda to · ll.lhlit 00 pub 1.115 .............. ., ......... 7.&8 et(!1le f.:!Olllllllliit. tiM~lllle e Jd" to Plll!tl SbQltroa Teotno. 1101 Btlf& 112 1141 lee ;it tp 10 of~~et~~Dill~ tu•.ot liiUOllnb:lll •••• •• ••••• 5 rpl'l,lOIIaaw "' (htia G6 acne)- aa001:

El1t,le L,_tle.,_ nh



11J10t11 ttip .J r&e 8.8l.llnU&pub '10. ... . • • •• •• • . • . • • .. • • .. .. • 10.02

•••••ueo tU nt ,,.po , ........ 1.116 Hlneroe Alduete Petra. wZewl set eec m Lun.z .. ac. betd ~kll paaort'i1tnl,«t tp lOrp l'l tU &.OUDt IOpllba:l .......... Ut


,, .,..,__


. '.~.,: . ' ·.. .· ' . ·'

Page 9: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We

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DELINQUENT TAX LIST. Trujillo Joan. nehwhwheHract sw ~ int .02 pub 20 ........... ~ .,:......... .... .. .63

eec 2'1 tplO rge 16 88 a tax i.U int 22 pob ' Lit&8ll W J Esi. Atwood Littell Alit. He 70.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . • . .. .. . .. 5. 36 Horse m e 755 w o m d l\Jil)' Lode 70i w o

m d. J!;mpire 1M w om d, 30 a,loi 5 blk 11 PltEOINCT NO •. 4. PIOAO ... O. woo p, lot 1, 2, blk U,lot 6, blk .• 1, tax

Analla Pedro.· n2 aw4 n2 se4 eoo 12 tp 11 rge 11 (90 acres) 18118 till acres aold w Jose An-alia of west end, tax 4.08 int 20 pub 35 .... t.63

Cuey W D. s2swhoo9 tp Urge 17 ne4 nw4 sec 11, tax8.08 lot« pnb 70 ............... 9.22

Casey Ellen E. s2 ee4 sea 8 tp U rge 18 sw4 •w4 sec 9, tax 14.MI iot 73. pob 70 .......... 16.01

Cline Auaust. Tract nw4 13 tp 11 rge 10 tax 4.~5 intll4 110b 35, ...................... 4.U

Goyae &(ollie. AU sw!.i. s Hondo sec 15 tp U

;~~t ~t~.~~. ~.e.~ ~~:2 .< 1~.~) ~~ ~~: 7~.~-~t:!l.47 Lombley W H. nw4 ue4 •ec 211 t'll 11! rge 11!

(W a) tu 2.42 int 12 pub llli ................ 2.811

PRECINCT NO. IS, RAVIENTON. Lueras D H. sehe4 •ec 14 tp 6rge 13 e2 ne4

soo 23 sw4 nw4 sec 24 (160a) tax 1.62 Inc .011 pub 70 ..................................... 2.40

Loerat1 Adela. ne4 uwf •rc 13 tp 6 r•e Ja 111'4 nw4 sec 12, 80 a cax 1.62 in& .U8 pub lU .... 2.40

.Lnerae .~fannel. n2 nw4 oec 13 tp 6 rgt: 13 s:t swheo 1~ (160 a) tax 1.62 int .US pub 70 ... Z.40

PRECINCT NO. e. ·RICHARDSON." Copeland ~ohn N. Se!4 ~whflo 2.S ~P 7 rge 1

e2 ow4 sec 26, ne ne4 sec 27 060 altus a. 23 · int 16 publ.O!I .............................. 5.44

PRECINCT NO. 8• WHITE OAK&. Adams Lots 1, 2\7. 8, blk 18, woo p; lot l,

blk 111; e2lot 2 olk 6; IRS 3.63 lot 11! pob 1.20 .... " ....................... " .......... ~.01

Bellomy M H. Lot~ 3. 11. blk 9 w o o p, lots e2 3 blk 11: a, 4, bllr; u, und ~ lot 8, blk !!, nod e2 lot 7 blk I! tax 10.43 int 62 110b UU 12.35

Bird J. Rnrett. w24. 1, 8, blk U, w o o p, II, blk 10; 4, 8, blk 27; 1 blk 28:2 blk In!; 1 blk :n, tax U.07 int 70 pob 1.!10 ............ 16.~7

Bonnell V J. J A ·Brown Agt. e2 nw4 ne ow4 nw .e. oec 19 t11 6 rge 1~. 160 a: tax 11.01! in~ 4b p~b 7U ................................... 10.23

Bonnrll Ed R Est. of. ~2. soo 11 tp 1 rgf' 1:1 3l0 a, lot ~.!!1 blk :!2 w o o p, w2, 2, blk 12; 2 blk 31. 3 bl& W. \V'..! 1, n112, H, 4, blk tJO; 3, bik 4~ 4. blk 40; 4. blk all; 3, 4, blk 63; 2, blk23: ••• x iot 82JJUb 3.~~ ............ 20.11

Bri~tl!ll Mn and Wilson M r•. H E Lund Avt. Lot 3 blK 27, W no p;!Ht 1 blk 42; e2 ll blk 4; tax 1.1!2 int .Oil pub OJ ..... : ............ 2.51

Bronron lra· D. Un<t 1'ii int Mi~nol Utero m e 203, 2U acres. und >;; 1 to lU aoc blk 1 w o B H; lo&81. 2,3, tl, 7, 8,11, 10, blk 2; lot~ G. 1. 8. D. 10. blk 3 lot.B 1, 3, 6.1, b, \l, 10 blk 4; Jots 1 to lU luc blk 5; lot• 4, 5, 6, 716, II, 10, blk 6; lots 11 a, 4, h. 11 •. 7. ~. o, 1u b k 7; lob 1 to 10 ittc bl& ~;lot 12 blk 0. lu&o l, 2 blk 10. ·~:tax 0.!1!1 i11t 45 Jmb 11.20 .............. 18.68

Bull Chao. Lo~ 4 blk 59, w o o p: lot li blk 3 tax 2.21int 11 11nbW ................... 2.78

9.113int4!!pub 1.8.'1 ...................... · .. 11.86 Li~tell w J. Lots 2; s. 4, 5, 6; blk 20 w 0 0 p,

tax 4.M. tnt 211 pub 1.00 .................. :. 5.17 Lrman Wm E. L<it 1 blk 4, w o ·o p tax 111 · ·

ot .06pub00 •.............. ~ ....•. : .... : .. 1.16 Melinda &rah J. Lot 1 blk 55, w o o p, tax ~lot .(t2 pub a:;, ...... ; ....... :............. .83

Montjean u. 1-10 int Little Mao m e b211 w o • q. Iron t:rown w o m d, tall: 23,60 . · int 1.1!! pub 70 ............................. 2li.48

Moller Bros. LoU blk 10 w o o p, tax 1.36 int .06 pab20 ................................ 1.62

McBee J N. e2 net e21ltl4 ~oo 2. tp 7 rgt> 11, · 160a tax 6.36 int B211nb 3li ................. 7.00

McGinniRAonaL. LoU blk« woop,tax ·

N:i'.!~~-/fle~.:' ;.;,i. ~~· 9· i · .. .; · ;8j; · i:i · ~:wr ·68 ~•• s2 sw4 ooo 10,100 a tax f.63tnt 18 pub 70 4.61

Newman E S. Lot 6 blk 18 w o o p tal: 91 int .05 pub&> ...... , ........................ 1.30

Owen Jno W. Lot2 blk A. w o Kemp2, tax Ill lot .05 pnb :!0 ............................. 1.16'

P~rker M JJ. Loti blk 66 woo 11 mt ~~~ J•nb aJ .......... ·.. .. . ............... ll!.lill

Parker F W. Lot 6 blk 12 woo· 11 taz 1!.16 Jn& 32 pu.b 20. ·- ...................• : ...•..•. 6.13

Prichard Ellen E. Iii Little Mack m e 5211 tu 18.15 iut91pub :1.'1 ...... , .............. 11U1

Real Henry. Lot 2 bllt 68, w o o p, tas 461ut ;ut .Ol! pub :W. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .68

Swank Jlarr)' AI. Lots 1, 2, blk 3 w o BH lot 4, 5, blk 4 tax 1.b2 iut .00 pnb.SO ........... Z.71

Tate P 1:1. Und '4 o64 ae4 ehort, soo U tp 6 . r11e 11, nod f'2 ne4 ne4 se4""" l!lll.:U a, uod loA lot 8 bl.k 22. "o o II· tax 1.82 1nt .Oil pob 9U .... ~· ........................•.....•.•...• 2.81

Teats Albina. Lut 2 blk U woo p tax 2.21 lut13 pnb 20 ....... .' ........................ Z.IIO

Treat (ioo S. Und ~ e21, blk6 woo p, lot · 3 4 blk61, lot 1 blk 211 Nogal, tax 5.90 lot .

00 plib 60 ............................ 0 •••••• 8.8() Tuttle A J. Lot 1 blk 23 w o o p tax Ill int

.0!1 pub 20 ................................... 1.16 .Tuttle W H. Lot 4 blk 18 woo p tax Ill lot

.0!1 pub20 ........................ : ......... 1.16 Un'kuuwo Owners. Lot 3 blk 8 w o o·p; lutR

2, 6, block :!6; ~. blk :12: JuH blk 30; 3, blk 44; lot 7 blk 311 e2 lota7. 8, blk U:lu\3, ~1 bl k 42 e2 Jot 2 all 4 blk &3: tu 4 .IJII lot ;ru vnh ~.611 ........ : ........................... 6.811

Uebrick E G F. Lot 1 blk 68w oo p w2, 2, blk 6, tax U.011nt 7~ pub w.: ........... 16.06

Walker Jno W. Lot 1 blk 60; woo p tax 46 iot .O'l 110b 20.. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .68

Wull• L C. .Lot 6 blk 32 woo p tall 46 lot .02 pub 20................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .68

W harl<m J V.. Lot 4 ae sw4 •ec 31 tp 6 rgf' 14 lotH a, 4 soo 6 tp 7 rge 14. 16!1 a tax 1.82 lot .09 pub 70 .................................. 2.61

\\'hlte 0 W. nw4 nw4 oeo 7 tp 7 r4re 13 Pw4 . 8Wb8C 6, 88 B, oe4 oeUec 12 t p 1 rge 12 se4 ~eh~ 1 QIX 8.63 lot •pub 70 ............. 4.111

Wi1110n Simon. 1 'II lot Miner'• Cabin and · 8iher Cblf me 212& 2'/3,1ot 1 blk 25 w o o

pl-6 tas 4.00 Jot 24 pub 110 ............... 6.04

Burger DB and Bcuj Filel!. Und 3-12 !Qt 1\lagoel Utel'1• :!0 a m e w om rt; and 3-12 1 to lU inc blk l w o B lh loU. 1, 2. 3, 6; 7, 8, ll.IO. blkl!;lotR6,~,8.9,10,blk3; Iota I, a .. 6, 1, 8,11, 10, blk 4; Iota 1 to 10 inc blk 5; lots 4. li, 6. 7, 8, 0, 10 blk 0; lots 1 \3, 4, li, 6, w o Imp. Co. Trac.· sw• 1000 211 tp 11 rgc 12, ..., 1. 8. II, 10 blk 1; Jots 1 w to inc bl& !!; lotR "" 1.2 blk 9; 12blk 103--IZ int; taX 6.1!1 lot a, tax 16.881nt8i 11ubali ................... 18.07 ll4pllb9.50 ................................. 1670 W ·0 B & L &. 1~ nt'reeswcorNortb

( 'upu&nl• Joe. Lot 6 blk 23, w 0 0 p. tax . 46 Bomesl&ke mill aite, lot 8 blk 3!1 • o o p, lot .02pobW ............................... 68 taziUlliotliOpnb ........... , .......... lUII

Capuano Rosalia. w2lot 4 blk 43, w 0 0 P Wright Afro Wm. Z. 1/lllot Miner'• Cabin and Hilver Cliflme2Tl 4213 lot 1 blk 2li

taJ:·l.361ut .. 07pob20 ...................... 1.63 W t • 90' L"' b 90 6 n• CaffreyWmliat.of. Lot7blkllwooptalE · 0

' as •. 10 ... lin .................. ·""

1.36int .07pob20 .......................... 1.63 PRECI.NOT NO. 0, CAPITAN. Chavee E Morrie J nun. f12 Jot 4 blk '::3 w o o

p, tal: lllillt .llt>pob2U .................... 1.16 1Mb Nellie B. Lot3 !Jlk 117 NC!Ifal, lot 6 ()ocbrao \V F. Lote 3, 4 blk 64 woo p, tax B1k 45; 2, f, 6, 8 1012 Blk 67; II Blk 3li: tax

1.56 iot .07 pob 40 .......................... 1.8:~ b1 lot .04 pnb 1.80 ......... , ................. 2.05 Coombs E 1:1. e2 loH w2 1 blk 8, woo p: 1.2, Wortley Sam. n2 as4 n2 aw4 sec Hp II rg~ .

blk 51; 7, &. blk 7; tu. 4.1'>4 int 2:ipobl.l!ll .• ~.117 14, 160, a tax 3.641nt 1!! pub 1111 ............ 4.17 Comery Bros. w2 se4 n2 ne4 8f't' 17 tf 6 r«e . PRECINCT NO. tO, RUIDC80.

13; 160 a, a part IotA 5 •nd 9 nw4 pe sec 25, 2~ a, in secor dPocription lot 8 blk 39 w o daatloo & Latham. •2 n~ sec 211 tp 11 rge op,tax!1.17ioHlpnb .90 ................ 9.48 14,!10a,taxUUint2tlpub311 .............. 4.119

( 'l!lrlr. () H. Lob 2, 3. 4, Blk 3 w o o p, tax Brown Mal'fl'arlta. w2 nehM 22 tp 11 rge 2.721otl411nbll0 ........................... 3.46 14,tax3.23in\16Jmb3li ................... 3.74

f'..oul!ins M P. Lot 1, Blk 70, woo p. islE 96 Gallegos Agapito. Pare land deed book M lnt .0!1 pllb 2C.................. . .. .. .. .. . 1.21 page 464, tax U in& .O'l pub&>.............. .78

Parsons E 8. 1-6 iot Hopeful Mine m e:S65 V tl p.a,t 21806, taX 16.15 int 81 pUb 311 ...... 17 .31

Slaclk E V Aln. st ew4 il2 ~~e4 soo liS · tp 10 r1111 13 1110 a, Lots 2. 3, seo Up 11 rp 13

<OMMISSJOlURS' · PROCflDlft6S. Procoodlngs· of tiae H()norable Board of

County Coanttalsslonera llleld at Lincoln, Lin· coin County, New Mexico, August 211, A .. D. 1901, at II a.m. It being spoolal session thoreof.

!10 a, taX ~.88 lot U pub 70 ................ II. 79


Len Thaa $25.00.

Predict No. I, 1.11Go11.

Hon. Sol c. Wilmer Cbalrman " Ed C. Pll01rsten Member ·• . Solplo Salazar ..

llfredo Gonzales Rbcrlll' Name. Tu. Int. Pub. Tot. 1. L, ~nalla Clerk.

Bar'let~ Chas. 1.'011 0.08 0.8!1 lUIS Comes now J. J. Jaaa und presente bill tor Blanchard Bros. 22.711 1.24 0.8li 24.&8 1 ( Burleson Pete 2.50 0.13 o;&. 2.98 nsuranooon •ourt HouacandJall from June Chav•:• Altl)griiOi& 1.!2 0.06 O.llli 1.63 10tb,l901 w .lune1!)t.h,1ilm, tor 187.50the same Cronin M. Estate· 12.112 0.11!1 O.llli 13.92 was allowed and a warrant ordered draw~ for Dow Conoe(JCioo. · 2.05 0.10 0.8li 2.00 Ellift Leelle · 20.:10 1.02 .0.8li 21.67 same. Garcia Jose Antonio 1.611 O.Oil u.Sll 2.W The collootorls bercby ordered and <llrectad A. E. 2.42 0.12 O.i!.~ · ,l!.llll to make bJs reports to the clerk a~ provided LnjanKlenaJ, ~.MI 0.{0 0.311 9.20 b b L1,1ja11 Martlniano 2.011 o: lU U.8li :11.48 Y c apler 87 section 3, Acta of 1901, and the Miranda Patricio . 1.62 0.08 o.a.~ Z.05 olt•rk 111 hereby oroered to serve ~aid treas-lllonisoo Jose 0.!11 O.Oi O.llli 1.20 urer and collector wltb a certified copy of this Montano Lois 1.6t 0.118 o:a.~ 2.07 Montano P A A de 2.4:1 11. !2 U.35 2. 90 order. !loorman W 0 1.21 o:oo O.llli 11.~ · The road supervisor or Precinct No. 9, 11 Ortilll Mannt>l 0·~ ll.Oi 0 35

1·.::! ordered to complete the road trom. Perea Oc.tabiano 1.22 0.00 u.s~ "" Salazar Jose 1.62 11.118 o.a.~ 2.0~ CApitan to An~rusas per petition and plan• ap-Sena Oeor11e 3.211 0.16 0.1111 ~· 7

597 proved by the board or county <lOmmisslonera

Serrano Z A !lire. 4.ot 0.20 0.8!1 •· <I to k h h Torr"" & OIKnin 2.42 0.12 0·.311 2.1!!1 on wor sue ot er. roadl as be •ay deem Torres Juanita H. de 1·22 0.06 0 3!1 1.6.'\ neeeseary for the public convenience nod

Predict No.2, Sltl Pltrltlo. defer work on tho rood from Capitan w Rlcb-Gallell'l• Lucas 0.41 0.•12 O.llli o. 78 :rd:n eteb, u~UI the nest regular meeUog of

" Leaaro 1.21! 0.00 0.3!1 1.68 oa sot at t muy determine the sistufl 8f Lucero Auloeto 0. U 0.02 0,18 s1\ld road. Sancht'l Jl:lliq_~iu 1.63 0.08 O.llli :!.05 Tbe treasurer Is bereby directed to transfer Siancros Teotuo 3.72 O.lH 0.3.\ 4.2li b · Trujillo Joan 1.21 0.08 u.:ill 1.66 t e sum of at,ooo.oo from the apcclul sinking

Pret!Kt No.l. Araell. fund to thl court house nod jail repair fund,

Lucero Apolonio 1.67 0.08 anil tho oll'rk It hereby or4el'fld to furnish ilald

0.3.~ Z.IO tniasurer with a certified copy of tbls pntor, Predict No. 4, PkltH.

A.nalla Pedro · 0.82 0.04 C'line AQJruet 0.111 O.m GuyHe Mollie 1!.59 0.43

s"I<II'IDOUIIt Is to be replaced as soon ae the 1.21 levy for sold repahl a a e coll<Jcted .. · ·

Lumblcy W H 0.40

Predict Ne. 5, Re•e•tOI. LueraA D H 1. 6:3 0 .. IJR Lueras Adela 0.81 U.Oi

· " Manuel 4.6!1 0.2:1 Robertw H B 11.4H 0.42 tledillo& MatiWI :W.ll 1.00

1.:!0 Dlds for court houso repulrs being opened,. ~:~ the IJI<l of Little & }'awoett WIIB acoopted as

per plans and speelflcatlone on file In the elerk's omce forthe sum of t1,01~.ou and said

g:illt ~:~ Little & Fawcett to file 11 bond 50 per cent oa II. 3.\ 11 ,.23 <ron tract price with clerk within flvo Itaya from O.:lli 11.26 this date. &ld contmct 11 to be completed by O .a~ 21.46 tile 1Mb of <Jetober A. D. 1!101. ITbe amount of

0.:1.\ O.llli O.llli 11.3.\

Prec:IKt No. 6, llldtll'ftol.

Copeland Jobn N. Lot'ern l!:pimenlo SteeleJ H

U.ll· 0.66 7.MI 11.3R 11.71 0.:!8

$400.0(1 was lldvance4 Little & j.•awcett on said O.llli l2.0'l contract. 0.211 R.31 The clerk Is borehy lnBtructed to l!ecure ·n ll.l\11 1\.~ rehuildlrag permit rrom tho Royal Insurance

Predict No. 7, Jlctrllll. Stoneroed Ueo Vf. 2. 45 0.12 I'. 3ll

Precinct No. 8, White Oakt. 11.60 0.~ 0.35

Boll Cbas. 1.112 0.011 U.:lrl C'npnano Joe 1.8:1 0.011 O.llli Comel'Y Broa 4. 71 O.U 0.3!1 Ureen A P !1.112 0.05 0.36 Haley John A 4.M 0.23 0.311 H .. rn Ju 11.46 0.0'.! O.llli Hoyle M W 4.119 0.20 0.3.~ Lacey J C 111.1111 0.113 O.llli Laop&on Emma 0.46 O.O'l O.llli

" J P G .3.64 0.18 O.llli Leslie Robert U.:~ 0.71 O.llli

" Llsha O.llli O.llli Litwll W J 0.91 0.115 0.36 1\o Ab . 1.82 0.09 O.llli Owen Jno W. 16.r•7 O.RII O.llli Osaone Hellen 1r.111 O.hO O.llli Prichard G W 4.M 0.23 O.a.~ Rld~reway A 7.26 0.36 0.8li Teate Albina 0.48 0.02 O.:l., Treat G S 3.18 0.16 0.311 Wat.oo Wm 6.83 O.:it O.llll Wbartoo J 1!: R.tl7 0.43 0.3ll WOB&LCo. 8.17 O.W 0.3., 'Wblte C W 2. 1t IJ.\3 0.8li Wilson Simon 1.112 0.011 0.811 Wrlabt Alre Wm Z 1.82 0.011 0 3.\

Precinct Ne. o, Cepltaa.

Capitan Prlntio~t Co. Uilmore A. E. GraJ 4: Reily J .. wett D. J. AI. A. OrmondJ. V. &Co. Pons Ha&tle

Co. tbrotigh J. J. Jaaa tlulli' agcn• to cover 2.112 repulron court house.

The uosessor appearing before the board llBked .tbe suld board for nddltlo.nal time to

6.32 finish hla Tau Duok, whlcb request wns srant· 2.2.6 ed l!.27 . . 5.:i6 ·nonrd adjourned tlll7 p. an. 1.32 II:U Duardmot pursuantto adjournment at 7 p. 0.83 Ill. 4.64 In the matter or LuQio Najar ilned by Justlee

1g;~ of the PeaccPrecll).ct No.ltor work on pubhc 4.17 road8, It Is ber by ordered llltordue coriehlcra·

15.'311 tloo ur the facts shown In sald cause thnt Maid 1t~~ Lucio Najar be released at onoe from tbe·eus· 2.26 tody of tho&herla, the olerk to give a certlfted

17 · 7~ copr of this order to tbe sberJa. 1~:~ Now oomes Porftrlo Chavez, asscs10r, and 7.91 pre110nte assessment roil for tho yoar 11101. The ~::': same havlnll'btJco by the board examined, wu 7.52 approved. 9.4~ Tbere being no furthnr bualnesa before the ~:: board, It adjourned Sine Die. 2.26 Attest, 2.211 I. L. AIULL.t.,


Approved. SoL C. WIENI:n


The Pe(os System. Dubois L p. Lot 4 Blk 41, w o o p. tax Ill Garcia Ellae. •2 eeheo 6 &p 11 rge 15. 112 aw4

lnt .05 pub 20 .............................. 1.16 sec ll, taz 7.21 illt36pub 10 ................ 8.83 Gfi!lln A P. Uod ~ Into 2, 8, 11; nnd P"4 se Munoz Adrian. sw!4 soo ZD tp 11 rge 14,

Rellr Nellie B. SlackW. W. Wetmore Ira 0. Wortle)' Bam

6.011 !l.40 10.25 0.:\1 6.{11 0.82 4.04 0.20 2.4% 0.12 1.~ 0 Ul 6.85 o.aa 1.114 0.08

10.07 0.95 0 . 41 ll.ll'.!

0.:1.\ 8.83 0.3ll 11.11 ll.llli 7.111 0.8li 4.59 O.llli · 2.811 U.llli 2.\tl 0.36 7.33 0.3.'1 2,07' 0.3ll 20.31 O.llli 0.78 The Pecos Valley


Northeastern Railway Co.,...........

eec :U, Ifill a; tax 1.1>2 iot .00 pob 10 ........ 2.111 160 a, tal: 1.641nt lb publiCi .. , ............. 4.17 Green N A Mn. Jamet1 PIIICf'r 20 acn!l! ad- Najeres Andres. •w4 oe4116t' 14 tp 11 rge 14,

JoioiDII' •· o: tas 1136 int 32 1>t1b 3li ......... 7 .W al a. lea• 20 dtled book R paae 4U, tax 1.21 Gnmm MartbnA. Lotel,Z. 3, Blk 6, w o B int .UII\Jilb311 ............................... 1.6'l

H; t~x lb.91 iotlltpob 6lo .................. 20.51 Gumm & Broni!OD· Lot 8 ·BJk 3, w2 lot 3 Blk

5;td L36int.07pub40 ................... , 1.83 Gonzales Sabino. Lot 3 Blk 68, w " o p: tax

46iut .02pob 20 ............................. &4 Baley John A. wZ lot 4 Blk 8, w o o p; w2

lot a Blk 12; tax 1.82 lot .Oil pub 40 ........ 2.31 Henry Alre. W R. UtJd 1-12 Miguel Otero

tta e,20a,womd;ond 1-12 1 &o 10 ioe Blk 1, w o B H; lotR 1, 2, 3, 6 1, 8, 9, 10 Blk 2; lois 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Blk 3; lots 1, a, 8, 7, 8 9, 10 Blk 4; 1 to 10 ino Blk 5,lotB 4, 5,11\7, 8, !1,10 Blk 6i)Ois 1, 3, ~ 6,6, 7, 8,111 IO lJ k 7; 1 to 10 ino Hlk 8; i,ll, Hlk 9: 1,2, B It 10, 1-12 tax2.Zllnt .llpnbii.M .................... 11.1111

Bugitea MarY E. Lot 4 Blk 66 woo p, tax

Plt&CINOT NO. tt. NOQAL. Com Alfred. LotR 8, 9, 12 Dlk I Nogal, tax

4.85 in' U 'ub 60 .............................. S.61 Henley Thoe W. e2 ew 1000 12 tp 10 rre 13

ne4 nw4 nw4 ne4 eeo 13160 ~ II alln'8 n w cor Tol'MI patent Iota II, II, Blk 20; 1 .Uik Ill!: taX 4.85 int U pub{.:!& ................. 11.34

Henle.v Francie. Lote 9, 12 Blk 13 Nqal : f to 12lno Blk 42; taxll.46 int82pab80 .... 7.58

Henley Allen Eat. of, Thoa W. BeoleJ Adm. WZ nw4 ~eo 13 tp 10 rae 13, w2 ne 1e0 14 11111 a w2 ee4 lofmlts II '1, tall a; lots 7, 8, ~1 10, 11. 12, Blk tlO N ; 1 Dlk 118 1 II, II, 12 nlk b6· 3, 6, 1, 10~~1 lk 81; wU. 1, 'I Dlk 82; ili1 1\u, !10, all ulk 1!3, all Dlk 18, at Blk M; 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12. Dlk 61 1 tu 17.77 lot 811 pnb 6#70 •••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• ., ................ 26.318 .&6 lnt .~ pu.b M~. •• .. . ... . . . . . . . • .. • • . • . • •. .88

~~~! :~·.: ~· .. ~~.~.~~~. ~:.~~:.~ .. ~·i·~~ .&3 H:trzl~ ~: .~~~.~~~.~: ~~.~:~.~~~.~ a.'i• JoboRton IIIBrJ Lot Z IJlk 111, woo P. tax Host t::tark. Lot 1 " ,f II IDk 23 Nopl; uud

46tu& .0! pab·llli ........................... · .83 ~.I Blk 38 1\oaal; lax 10.110 lot liZ pub IIO .. U.IIZ Keel)' Adl!lle Mro. Lot 3 Blk 1 w o Kemp let • L8 W C. lmprot'ementll, tax 7'llnt .0& pub

taJC:1.7ZiDtliPDb21l .........•........... ~ .. 3.m S:. ........................ ., ................... 1.18 Kem~ltlla. Loteli,9,nw4 nel eec Jli'P MooreT.J. 1Athellw&aec:.»tp8r .. l'

6 ra• 12,80 a.leee amt plated In Kemp • let lot 1 oe ow•- 31. J80a; 11M ••• •w• Hf & 2lld ad to w o: Iota 1, Z, ~. 6, U, 12. blk !! Lote l! c't 3 aeo 31 &p II rp ll.tJ611 a: lt~ts 1, 2. w

0 Kemp 1M: Iota 1, 8, 5I 11. 7, !!I 9, IOi U, u • 81 k 42 N o«al; tas 1.118 lnUill pub 1.~. .. • . 11.111

blk ll•Jlut II blk A;, lHt, b k B 1 ots W I •fi&OIIIOT flO• ta. lOft ITO inc b k 0 i a •.•• b)K ; lpts 1, 2, :J, 4 blk T; 1 to 12 iDO bill K; lot111 to 12 lao blk L: Aoatin F F. w2 ns4eec 1Hp 10 rp 13 112 eet No 16, 1 to ZJ blk J&; tall ll.l!ll iot 1111 pub - 111«1 allA!IIItax u.annt&'l pub 70 .... 1%.67 7.10 ....................................... 19.611 Com W W. tu·8.Z7 int41 pab36 .......... II.IIJ

!Met J c. td ee4 •t'C 10 ~P 7 rge 13 !fl ne De EdmluatnJI Harrr nl nw4 •W lie& 1111e 8 tp H 114!Cll0 JIIOa, tell 4.114 10t 23pab .o ....... 11.41 · U 1'1(8 U, tax ll.illllnt l!Opub llll ........... 1.?1

Ltlo""'I\OD Emma. T..s IIi lot .(li pub 35., . . 1.31 Lon11 K 8. ·wz 4Nt4 e:a ilw4 • 8 tp 10 qe •s .. ~ 1

180 !l.i tal: 8.1l!.tntto pubacl ................ · 8,113 IAocaton J PC. Lot 4 blk 112, w o o p; ot 4 May •artin, ue& fie& 11J16 ne& n•• IW4 1e0

blk to Notral: Iota 1, .'1 blk 73: &as 1 .8:! lilt 12 tp IU qe 11 120 at * ll.:t.JIDt 18 pub 31 8.14 . UtpabllO .................................. 2.11 NonnaoJ A. Lol8blk24No«al, &AS 3.23

L!ilhe Rebert. Loti klb 29 woo p, to 41 luUII pab20 ............................... , 8,111

Precinct Na. to, Ruidoso.

Bastion & Letbam 1%.11:1 0.65 O.ali Brown Margarita 0.82 O.lli U.llli Gallei(Ofl Al'aplto 2.« 012 0.3!1 Hale L. 8•19 O.U O.ali Aluuoz Adrian 1.2'd 0.1111 0.311 N~eree Andrea 1.23 0.06 0.85

Precinct No. l 1, NogeL

18.11!1 1.21 2.91 8.11!1 1.61 1.64

Brown(:. Jl. (Jom Alfred Oar lord A. L,

!.1111 0.14 0.8li 3.311

.. M.D. Henle:r Tboe. W.

· " l!'raocie " Jas. A.

HlliJoe Huet Geo. W.

.. Clark MaU1n1J. W. Queen J. 8 . Roberti! D. W .

1.62 0.08 0.85 2.UG 0.41 o.os 0.21> 0.19 4.0G 0.20 . 0.311 4.60 0 13 0.0& U.3ll U~l 1.~ 0.08 0.3.~ 2.1fl

10.2:1 o.l\1 o.llli 11.011 •.r;a o.36 ~.t• 1 '71 0.08 0.36 2. u

11.77 0.~ 0,35' 12.71 1.113 0.08 0.311 2.011 8,1).'1 .0.40 0.85 !!.1!0 ua o.40 o.311 8.88

Pradnct N .. 1:1, Benito.

Auetln V. F. 1.211 0.06 0.85 Doollflll B. L. 4 .. ~1 0.23 0:311 Crockett T. J. 0.82 0.04 O.Bl\ Rdmloeton Har17 8.45 0.42 0.86 l!'eqcos.on Wm .II. 2.81 O.U 0.3.'1 How~ll L. W. · 8 . .:1 0.32 0.114 Hoyle Wm. . 2.12 OJt 0.:311 Jolilll T. {'.Eet. of, Oeo.

W . PrJclaard AUy Loud~. a. Jlar Martin. · Normllll J .,A.. Paroon• lt. s. PI!U!n E. P.

•• T. f!.. Rtrle JoliJI. llobl1110D B. ll.

Ul 0.011 0.3ll 1.21 0.05 O.Bl\ U2 0.06 0.311 1.114 0.08 0.36 4.8'l 0.31 2.48 OJ% 0.1!1 11.07 (1.00 0.1111 lUll 0.111 0.311 4.61 o.23 o.311

Ull 5.011 1.21 9.21 3.311 7.10 I.U

1.821 1.112 1.113 1.07 ~.46 1.00 8.12 U2 6.111

a. D. Webb for Dr•r •nd 1'-k•. Or• der~ p-:omptly ftillld, ~~ PallO 'l'es ...



Train No. • Ieaveii Pecos dallr I :05 p. m., and arrives at Carla bad 4:20p.m., leaves Carlsbad •=•lip. m. arrives noawell 11411 p. m.; leavH Roswell 8:10 p. m., arrive• A martllo • . •:ao a. m. connections wltb A. T. A 8. F. and F. w. A o. c. llallway11.

Train No .a loave11 .A mattlio dally G:liO a. m., arrlvca RoawellllOO p.m. lea vee Jtoflwell 2:00 p. m., arrJvetl Carlebad 11:16 p. m. Tralll ~. ' leaves Carlllla4.daily 7:30 a. m .. ar­rJvea Pecos 11:36 a. m.1 eonnootJnll' wltb Tcsaa t1 Paclllc 111.

...-slec:rlnll' can run between nne­well an Amarillo on Trah.l No. • andt • ..M'J · 5tu.. From Llnooln, Wblte Oakl and Noplleave Boewell at 'I' a. m. dally e.xoilpt Sllnda.r.

IF~; Jow ratetl, Information rer&rd· lnll' the oouoti'J''I rellellircctJ, pi1cClll or land8, or any other matf.tln of tnwroet to tbe pnbllc, apply to

B. W. MARTJIUII:LL, D. B, MICBOLI, 0. F. t1 P. A~rcnt. Oen, MlrJ' •



Page 10: RIVOLUTIONIZIN6 THI FOREST--~~s~~~;~:-,- · ---·· · I · Why Not White OakS Profit By I of the htinPs at White Oaks. We


. ·. ---~----·· -·--·.- --··--··-·-------·-· ·-----~

GAl-LINA RATTLE. he will place with his herd at I :orreoponduoe<t.

Hostetler is building on his Dead Man's Lake, four miles group. above the Hewitt ranch. James

Edward Suggs has struck a Crockett is in charge of his herd. good lead of galena on the Pier- There was a free-for-all drpnk· son. en fight at Ruidoso last week.

Howard Williamson is over 'fhe duellists ·were two Mexicans from CatJitan doing his assess- and two Americans.. Arrests mcnts. were made but the Americans

Chi ttcnden 's saw mill is in op- managed to buy off and none of t•ration, sawing tics for the rail- the parties were brought into road company. court.

Mr. McBroom, owner of the "The Best Is The Cheapest." "Old Rover," is showing up a good grade of copper ore.

U. D. Long, of Albuquerque, rcprel!cnting a Pueblo company, is here looking O\'Cr the district for his company.

Mark Thomas is doing the an­nual asst.•ssmerlt on his group of tivc claims. Law & Themscl arc also husy with assessments.

Miles Garrett is taking a rest, at the t.·nd of which he will again join the ranks of miners and pro_s11cctors in this district.

Taliaferro, Sp~ncc & Co. are pushing development ·work on ( Hd Hkkory shaft. This prop­l'rty shoul!l soon be a producing

• mme. C: :M. Bryan, not l ;jlJie, and

John Littleton, ha\1'' gone to White Oaks for miners' supplies, an1\ tu makt: proof on a number of claims.

St ... n·n..,on, Harrison & Hey­nollls are having- their asscss­llll'tlt work dom· on a group of 35 da i ms. Copper, lead and !{a lena in way up grades have been shown up on sor_nt.• of them.

Not how cheap, but how good, is the question.

'fhe 'l'WICE•A·WEEK REPUBLIC is riot as cheap as are some so-cailed newspapers .. But it is as cheap as it is possible to sell a first-class newspaper. It prints all the news that is wort.h pdnting. If you read it all the year round, you· are posted on all the· important and interesting affairs of the world. It is the best .and most reliable ncwsp;1pcr that money and brains can produce........:and those should be the distinguishing traits of the newspaper that is designed to be read by allmembersofthe family.

Subs~ription price, S1 a year. Any newsdealer, newspaper or postmaster will receive your sub­scription, or ·you may mail it direct to f.l:2'r THg RgPUBLlC,

St. Louis, Mo.


El Paso is preparing for anoth­er great Mi~l-winter Carnival to to be given January 14,15.16,17, and 18, 1 <J02. This will be the sec­ond annual event, and will be the greatest entertainment eve.- given in the southwest. . The "sunshine in January" .that


Zlf6LfR . BROS • New and complete $tock of Se~sonable

fall and Winter Merchandise Now En Route.

Wait for the arrival if you want the . .

The Very Best .. Values· for· Your Money· Ever offered in this market.

A complete stock of

fresh 6fO(eries as~~~~=~~ of 6enerdl Mer(bdndise will arrive next week ..

No trouble to show g:oods .

{XAmlne our StO(k Before .Maklnt Yoor f.•ll Pur £lYSes.

. ------- ~·

Shelton--Payne Company. Wholesale and Retail Fire Armes, Ammunition, Saddles, Harness and Leather Goods. We make a Specialty of Fire Arms, Ammunition and Stock Saddles. All mail orders given prompt Attention.

A. H. eioson and C. S. John­.. ton, tlibson & Johnston, New York hrokl'rs, are expected to ar­ri\·c hl•rc this week. Tht.•y have purchased a nunil•n of claim~ in this distrkt, and will Jllace a forl'e of men to work to prospect thl'lll with the view of putting in nutl'him·ry to develop the prop­l'rtit.•s if l'Otulitions warrant it.

so delighted the thousands of vis- : 305 North Oregon St., El Paso Texas. · itors in El Paso last year will ..... ._,..,.....,..,.._. ........ ._,..,...,...,.. .. .,. .... ,..,..,.. ... ,..


take thousands more there and. the coming event is expected to ============--=================

K S. Young of Tampa, Flor­ida, and A. H. Scott, of Albu­qm·rquc, made five lo~a tions in the clistrkt lately. Mr. Young will milk<: this his headquarters durin!{ the prospecting of the daims. 'l'hcs~· people have money and arc looking for in­\'estmcnt!\. ~r. Young is a mem­ber of the state legislature of Vloridu and promi ncn tly con­nected among the · ~apitalist~ of thut stntc.

• -----...-..--UPPER AUlDO&O.

Ourre•JK>ncl .. nt'tl.

Still Wl' get t)lcnty of ruin and crop prospects were never better.

John I .. atham, Jr., and N. Bas­tion have dissolved l)llrtncrship. 1'be dissolution was by mutual ~on sent.

surpass anything ever. given in the southwest, you can get a glimpse: of Mexico at El Paso and this, with the Mexican hull fights, is something that other cities can not afford. To see the ancient citv of Juarez Mexico is worth the ex pense of the trip and since the rail­roads have promised a very low rate from everywhere thousands will attend, there will be a miners' convention, medical and teachers' conventions, the largest cattle ex­hibition ever given in Texas, be· sides the regular program. El Paso is a famous town and has become famous as an entet'tainer and at the coming Mid-Winte-Car­nival the border Metropolis prom• ises the most extravagant free show, fiesta nml general jubilee ever seen between New Orleans ant\ Los Antfeles. The Carnival association 1~ now. wrepariul:l the program, whtch wtll be pubhsbed soon.

Newt. Allen,. employe on the Northeast ext~nsion, was paroled E. E. C. li~LINGAME A CO., for ten days tmd spent the time ASSAY OffiCE A&O f::g'J~"t AV h~fC at home. lbtablltbedluCotondo,l&U. 8ampltrJib,·m"llor

John I~atham, Sr., has re- ''T"'••••llrect-h.,...,o~;:'lCtt~~~t~= turned from l~oswell where he God I. Sliter BuiiiOI oft P\Jftcttuco. ·. • . l Tnts-•oo tb~~o or cat toad ,, ... plltcht\scd a numb\•r of fine bu~ks lUI·IUI Ltnvru•• .~~~:~:~~.!. ,.

• • •

~ ................................................. .

JOS. WHITE. Freighter and Contractor for all kinds

~ of Te~m w.ork, Hauling etc. Prompt ~ attention g1 ven to all orders. Prices

· -Reasonable ......................... .

YOUR TRAt:>E IS SOLICITED. • ..................................................

BROWN( & MANZANARfS (O. fast Las Vegas, N. M •. fl Paso, Texas.

.Wholesale Grocers, Wagons AND ~gricultural lm.plements, M.'Cormick R.akes and Harvesters. HIQHEST PRICE PAID FOR

Wool, Pelb and · frs. •

' . •

' '

J . .. ,,

~ •

''' ·'
