Page 1: RI Cannabis Activist Urges Non-Violence Towards Police



Activist Alan Gordon is urging Rhode Island's medical cannabis patients (already terrified of lawmen

from a police medicine growing ring monopoly scandal earlier this week) to remain calm after the recent

SC murder-by-cop was broadcast on international TV. The RI patients were already made uneasy this

week by bogus police raids of legitimate patients' cannabis, raids called by a commercial "Discompassion

Center" run by the former State Police Commissioner.

”Patients are already angry that the medical cannabis mob killers have hired the state police as

Pinkerton private security for their overpriced racket,” said Calvin Winston, 64, who suffers from cancer

of the larynx.

Asked what he means when he calls the Compassion Centers “killers,” Winston says that their lobbying

power allows them a monopoly, which they use to keep prices so high, most cancer, MS, and Chrohn’s

patients cannot afford the amount of cannabis required to stay alive. “Now, they’re bribing the

Assembly to take away our home grow rights, so some excop can have all the business to himself. F---

him! I’m growing anyway, what have I got to lose?” asks Winston defiantly.

"We're trying to make peace with the police so they can stop killing people, and the last thing the police

needed was more out of state footage of the kind of murder-and-cover-up we've all known about all

along," said Alan Gordon. Gordon says activists should channel their fear and rage into action, but

without hurting the police, no matter how untrustworthy they have shown themselves to be about

cannabis. According to Gordon, gravely ill patients upset about the visible police corruption, who are

opposed to the “no more homegrow” bill in front of the Assembly, are gathering to protest tomorrow

April 8th 2015 at 10:45 a.m. in front of the RI Statehouse in Providence