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    HAAD Mobile Application

    Development and Support

    RFP # no: 16/S/HAAD/PT/2014

    Bid issue date: April 22, 2014 

    Deadline for submission of proposals: May 20 ,2014 

    Closing time: 02:00 pm

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    SECTION A.  INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ........................................................................................ 6 

    1.1. TIMETABLE / DEADLINES................................................................................................................... 6

    1.2. PACKING AND LABELING OF PROPOSALS .............................................................................................. 61.3. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS .............................................................................................................. 6

    1.4. PROPOSAL CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... 7

    A. TECHNICAL OFFER ............................................................................................................................ 7

    B. FINANCIAL OFFER ............................................................................................................................. 8

    1.5. BID BOND ...................................................................................................................................... 8

    1.6. RFP TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................ 8

    1.7. VALIDITY OF PROPOSAL ..................................................................................................................... 8

    1.8. INCOMPLETE AND LATE OFFERS ......................................................................................................... 8

    1.9. INQUIRIES....................................................................................................................................... 8

    1.10. ALTERATION OF PROPOSALS .............................................................................................................. 9

    1.11. ELIGIBLE BIDDERS ............................................................................................................................ 91.12. COSTS FOR PREPARING PROPOSALS ..................................................................................................... 9

    1.13. CLARIFICATION................................................................................................................................ 9

    1.14. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS .............................................................................................................. 9

    A. TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF BIDS ........................................................................................................ 9

    B. FINANCIAL EVALUATION OF BIDS ......................................................................................................... 9

    1.15. AMENDMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 9

    1.16. CONFIDENTIALITY ............................................................................................................................ 9

    1.17. OWNERSHIP OF PROPOSALS............................................................................................................. 10

    1.18. BID CANCELLATION ........................................................................................................................ 10

    1.19. BIDDER’S RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................. 10

    1.20. AWARD........................................................................................................................................ 10SECTION B.  TERMS OF REFERENCE .............................................................................................. 11 

    2-1 GENERAL BACKGROUND OF HAAD ................................................................................................... 11

    2-2 PURPOSE OF RFP........................................................................................................................... 11

    2-3 RESULTS TO BE ACHIEVED BY THE VENDOR / CONSULTANT / SERVICE PROVIDER ....................................... 11

    2-4 PROJECT OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................... 11

    2-5 PROJECT DURATION ....................................................................................................................... 12

    2-6 PROJECT SCOPE ............................................................................................................................. 12

    SECTION C.  DRAFT CONTRACT AGREEMENT AND CONDITIONS .................................................... 32 

    ARTICLE 1. SUBJECT ................................................................................................................................ 32

    ARTICLE 2. STRUCTURE OF THE CONTRACT .................................................................................................. 32

    ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT VALUE .................................................................................................................. 32

    ARTICLE 4. COMMENCEMENT DATE .......................................................................................................... 32

    ARTICLE 5. PERIOD OF EXECUTION & MAINTENANCE ................................................................................... 33

    ARTICLE 6. PERSONNEL ........................................................................................................................... 33

    ARTICLE 7. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED TO THE VENDOR ......................................................................... 33

    ARTICLE 8. REPORTING ........................................................................................................................... 33

    ARTICLE 9. PAYMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 34

    ARTICLE 10. CONTRACT PRICE.................................................................................................................... 34

    ARTICLE 11. CONTACT ADDRESSES .............................................................................................................. 34

    ARTICLE 12. PERFORMANCE BOND ............................................................................................................. 34

    ARTICLE 13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ......................................................................................................... 34

    ARTICLE 14. NON-ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................................. 35

    ARTICLE 15. VENDOR’S OBLIGATION ........................................................................................................... 35

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    ARTICLE 16. CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ 36

    ARTICLE 17. CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................................................... 36

    ARTICLE 18. PENALTIES ............................................................................................................................. 36

    ARTICLE 19. TAXES ................................................................................................................................... 36

    ARTICLE 20. TERMINATION........................................................................................................................ 36

    ARTICLE 21. CORRECTIVE ACTION............................................................................................................... 36

    ARTICLE 22. GOVERNING LAW AND LANGUAGE ............................................................................................ 36

    ARTICLE 23. ENTIRE AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................... 36

    ARTICLE 24. DISPUTE SETTLEMENT ............................................................................................................. 37

    ANNEX I – TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................................................... 38 

    ANNEX II – FINANCIAL EVALUATION TEMPLATE ................................................................................ 39 

    ANNEX III – SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT ........................................................................................... 40 

    ANNEX IV – PROBLEM ESCALATION GUIDELINE ................................................................................. 41 

    ANNEX V – PROJECT PHASES & DELIVERABLES .................................................................................. 42 

    ANNEX VI – HAAD CURRENT APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES ............................................................... 43 

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    The complete Request for Proposal shall include the following:

    Section A: Instructions to Bidders

    Section B:

    a.  Terms of Reference (Technical requirements/ specifications)

    b.  Financial Proposal (To be submitted by the bidder in the Financial offer using the

    template Provided)

    Section C: 

    Draft Contract Agreement and Conditions

     Annexes:  Annex I: Technical Evaluation Criteria

      Annex II: Financial Template

      Annex III: Service Level Agreement

      Annex IV: Problem Escalation Guideline

      Annex V: Project Phases & Deliverables

      Annex VI: HAAD Applications and services offered

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    Definitions and Abbreviations:

    The terms used herein this RFP and the subsequent contract shall have the following


    ADSIC Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre

    App Mobile Application

    Bidder A legal entity entitled to submit proposal in respond to this bid

    BRD Business Requirements Document

    Consultant / Vendor The awarded bidder selected to perform the project’s scope ofwork

    Contracting Authority/ HAAD Health Authority- Abu Dhabi

    Cross-platform compatibility Software/App that can run on multiple types of platform.

    Days Calendar days

    Dedicated Mobile Web App A website that is tailored to function on a mobile device.

    GIS Geographic Information System

    Government Government of Abu Dhabi.

    GPS Global Positioning System

    Hybrid App It’s a type of application has cross-platform compatibility but canstill access a phone’s hardware 

    IPC International Patient Care

    MEAP Mobile enterprise application platform

    N/A Not Applicable

    Native App Is a smartphone application that is coded in a specific programming

    language, such as Objective C for iOS and Java for Android

    operating systems

    OS Operating system

    RAR Readiness Assessment Reports

    RFP Request for Proposal

    SDD System Design Documents

    Service/ project The specified Scope specified herein Section B of this RfP

    TFS Team Foundation Server, Microsoft product which provides source

    code management.

    ToR Terms of Reference

    TRR Technology Recommendation Report

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    Section A. Instructions to Bidders

    In submitting proposals, bidders must comply with all instructions contained in this RfP document.

    Failure to submit a proposal containing all the specified information and documentation (incl. allcompleted forms and templates, and a declaration that the entire specified ToR will be accepted)

    within the stated submission deadline will lead to rejection of the proposal.

    1.1.  Timetable / Deadlines

    Subject Date

    Deadline for requesting clarifications from the HAAD May 07 , 2014

    Last date for issuing clarifications by the HAAD May 11 2014

    Deadline for submission of proposals May 20, 2014

    Public Bid opening of technical proposals to all participated

    Bidders in the Tender

    Terms for attending the Public Bid opening Session:

    The bidder’s representative who wishes to attend the PublicBid opening should hold authorization letter stating his ID

    no. (Passport no.) Signed and stamped by the authorized

    person in his Company.

    Date: May 21, 2014

    Time: 10:00 am

    Venue: Meeting room

    – 2nd floor – HAADbuilding (address

    stated below in Article

    3/Section A)

    1.2.  Packing and Labeling of Proposals

    Each submitted proposal must comprise a Technical offer and a Financial offer, each of which must

    be submitted separately (see clause 03). Each technical offer and financial offer must contain one

    original, clearly marked "Original", and 2 copies, each marked "Copy". Failure to respect the

    requirements in clauses 03 and 04 will constitute a formal error and will result in the rejection of the


    1.3.   Submission of Proposals

    Proposals must be submitted either by recorded delivery (official postal service) or   hand deliverydirectly to the Contracting Authority in return for a signed and dated receipt to the following address:

    Mr. Saif Khalifa Ahmed Saif Al Suwaidi – 

    Section Head of Procurement

    Health Authority – Abu Dhabi

    P.O. Box 5674

    2nd  floor – Procurement Section

    Proposals submitted by any other means (i.e. facsimile or e-mail) will be rejected.

    Proposals must be submitted using the double envelope system, i.e., in an outer envelope containing

    two separate, sealed envelopes, one marked "Envelope A - Technical offer" and the other "Envelope B

    - Financial offer".  All parts of the proposal other than the financial offer must be submitted in Envelope A.

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    Abiding from these rules (e.g., unsealed envelopes or references to price in the technical offer) is to

    be considered a breach of the rules, and will lead to rejection of the proposal.

    The outer envelope should carry the following information:


    The address for submission of proposal indicated above;

    b)  The reference code of the bid to which the bidder is responding (16/S/HAAD/PT/2014)

    c)  The name of the bidder.

    The pages of the Technical and Financial offers must be numbered. 

    1.4.  Proposal Contents

     A.  Technical offer

    Document Title Check ListY/N

    Table of Contents, including page numbers.

    Full contact details of the key person in the company in case of any

    clarification requirements. 

    *Letter of Submission on Contractor’s letterhead signed and stamped

    by the person in charge or the Contractor’s authorized representative

    acknowledging the Contractor’s agreement to the terms and conditions

    of this RFP and certifying that all information offered in the submitted

    proposal are true, accurate, and complete.

    * An executive summary & Technical approach, demonstrating the

    bidder’s understanding of the project’s requirements,…etc)requirements and the proposed solution for such project.

     Audited Financial Statements for the past two years.

    Copy of valid trade license/ Legal registration documents/agency

    registration in UAE.

    Bidder’s project team organisation chart .

    Business references  for at least three (3) projects of similar nature

    executed in the UAE/GCC that shows that the bidder has a satisfactory

    performance record. Business References can be either copies of

    contracts (i.e., pages that shows the agreement and scope of work) or

    letter of references from entities for which the bidder has performed

    services of similar nature, to demonstrate the bidder’s capability ofmeeting the project’s requirements. Bidder is required to include

    details of points of contact (name, address, telephone number, etc.)

    for such references.

    Soft copy of the Technical proposal ONLY  (with No reference to

    commercial offer).

    *Unconditional bid Bond

    Detailed CVs for the key experts and project team showing the

    number of staff involved in the project implementation, full time or

    part time and the time allocated to the project, per staff.

    Project Time schedule of the management's plan for the activities

    and the proposed solution.* Note: After the bid opening of the TECHNICAL proposals and in case any bidder did not

    submit the required documents stated above, the proposal will be administratively rejected

    without further consideration for review.

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      Failure to submit the bid bond on time of the closing of the tender submission will lead to

    immediate rejection of the proposal. 


    Financial offerThe Financial offer must be presented as an amount in U.A.E currency (AED), inclusive of all

    applicable tariffs and /or taxes and must be submitted using the attached template (Annex II-

    Financial Template). Bidder has to provide the prices showing the price per item and the total cost.

    Bidder has to provide the prices using the financial offer template.

    Payments under this contract will be made in U.A.E currency (AED).

    1.5.  Bid Bond

    The bidder must submit a bid bond with an amount of AED 24, 000 (Twenty Four Thousands Dirham)

    enclosed in the technical proposal. The bond shall be unconditional, valid for 120 days starting fromthe closing date of proposal submission and addressed to the Health Authority – Abu Dhabi. Priorityfor issuing the Bid bonds in UAE should be from an Abu Dhabi Banks. The bid bond will be returned

    back to bidders after the evaluation and awarding processes are completed. The Bid Bond will be

    forfeited for the benefit of the Contracting Authority in case the bidder withdraws prior to the lapse

    of the 120 days validity. The Bid Bond shall be returned back to the bidders as follows:

    -  To those who are not awarded this RFP;

    -  In case the Contracting Authority cancels this RFP; and

    -  To the bidder who is awarded this RFP on condition that the contract is signed.

    1.6.  RFP terms and conditions

    Failure to accept the terms and conditions of the RFP at time of award may result in awarding the

    contract to the next bidder.

    1.7.  Validity of proposal

    Proposal must remain valid and open for the acceptance of HAAD for 90 days from the RFP closing

    date. Proposals specifying shorter acceptance period will be considered non- responsive proposal.

    1.8.  Incomplete and Late Offers

    Incomplete and late proposals will not be accepted. It is the bidder responsibility to ensure that the

    proposal is submitted complete, on time and in accordance to the RFP terms and conditions. Late

    proposals shall be returned back unopened.

    1.9.  Inquiries

    Bidders may submit questions in writing either through fax or e-mail to the following address as in

    the table 1.1 above before the deadline for submission of proposals,:

    Contact name : Ms. Dina Mohsen – 

    Procurement Officer

     Address : Health Authority – Abu Dhabi

    Fax No . : +971 24193692

    E-mail : [email protected]

    Note: Responses to bidders’ inquiries will be published on HAAD website.  Bidders’ are

    requested to regularly check HAAD website for tender updates.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    1.10.   Alteration of ProposalsAny clarification to be issued by the Contracting Authority will be communicated  in writing to all the

    bidders before the deadline for submission of proposals. No further clarifications will be given after

    this date.

    Any prospective bidders seeking to arrange individual meetings with the Contracting Authorityconcerning this contract during the bidding period may be excluded from the bidding procedure.

    1.11.  Eligible Bidders

    Bidder considered eligible to submit proposal is defined as the entity /organization that is legally

    registered to do business and can provide a valid certificate of legal registration/ trade registration


    1.12.  Costs for preparing proposals

    Under no circumstances will HAAD be liable for any costs incurred in connection to the preparation

    and submission of the proposal even if the Contracting Authority decides to reject all the proposals or

    cancel the bid.

    1.13.  Clarification

    During the evaluation process, HAAD may request additional information from bidders if it is

    necessary for further clarification in regards to the submitted proposal.

    1.14.  Evaluation of proposals

    Evaluation process aims to select the responsible bidder whose proposal is technically superior at

    reasonable price.


    The weight of the technical factors = 70 %

      The weight of the price = 30 %

    Only proposals with average scores of at least 70 points qualify for the financial evaluation

     A.  Technical evaluation of bidsThe quality of each technical offer will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation factors

    specified in (Annex I) of this bidding document. No other award criteria will be used. The award

    criteria will be examined in accordance with the requirements indicated in the Terms of Reference.

    B.  Financial evaluation of bids

    Upon completion of the technical evaluation, the financial offer, for those bidders who passed thetechnical evaluation stage, will be opened.

    1.15.   Amendments

    During the proposal submission period, if the Contracting Authority decides to modify/ change any

    requirement/s of the RFP, then the modification/s shall be released through the issuance of an

    amendment to the RFP. Amendment will be issued in writing and will be sent to all bidders.

    1.16.  Confidentiality

    The entire evaluation procedure is confidential and all proposals are for official use only and may be

    communicated neither to the bidders nor to any party other than the Contracting Authority.

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    1.17.  Ownership of proposals

    The Contracting Authority retains ownership of all proposals received under this bidding procedure.

    Consequently, bidders have no right to have their proposals returned to them.


    Bid CancellationHAAD has the right at any stage in the bidding process to cancel the whole bid without the need to

    give a justified reason to any of the bidders. Bidders will be notified in writing of the cancellation by

    the Contracting Authority.

    1.19.  Bidder’s Responsibilities 

    It is bidder’s responsibility to examine all of the RfP’s terms and conditions and to request for

    clarification from the Contracting Authority’s (only to the contacts mentioned in this RfP in writing)

    for unclear or vague statements, if any. It shall be bidder’s responsibility if his proposal is eliminated

    due to submission of unclear, improper, incomplete or loose proposals


     Award  Successful bidder will be notified in writing of the award. An award is not a contract and can bewithdrawn at any time by HAAD prior to its signing of a definitive contract. Successful bidder will be

    required to sign at the completion of the selection process to sign a formal agreement on such terms

    and conditions as per HAAD’s standard terms. The final agreement will stipulate that the application

    software and the recommended hardware configuration specified will satisfy the functions as stated

    in the RFP. Vendors should also be aware that the following documents would be included as

    attachments to the final contract:

      this RFP


    the vendor’s proposal and attachments  any other official correspondences between the authorized persons only from both parties in

    terms of emails, letters and faxes that may be used to convey clarifications, commitments or

    requirements between HAAD and the selected Bidder.

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    Section B. Terms of Reference

    2-1  General Background of HAAD

    The Health Authority - Abu Dhabi (HAAD) is a local governmental entity established by a special

    Decree (01/2007); it was previously known as "The General Authority of Health Services for the

    Emirate of Abu Dhabi", the main function(s) of HAAD is to regulate the Healthcare Sector within the

    Emirate of Abu Dhabi, both Public and Private, through Policies, Laws, Regulations, Inspections and

    Audits. The corporate office of HAAD is located in the capital of UAE, Abu Dhabi.

    HAAD regulates healthcare services delivered by more than 800 healthcare facilities in the Private


    HAAD is responsible for licensing, quality control and in regulating all the health care facilities and

    health professionals in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, with the vision of developing health communities,

    and to monitor healthcare facilities so that they deliver high quality healthcare services in accordance

    with the best international practices and quality standards to its population.

    2-2  Purpose of RFP

    HAAD is seeking proposals from experienced and qualified firms to build and develop a secure

    Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP) for mobile application(s) for the HAAD current

    business applications and provide a continuous support for 12 months (one year), which is

    compatible with most mobile platforms and devices.


    Results to be achieved by the Vendor / Consultant / Service Provider

    HAAD has many current applications and systems that are used across all business functions that do

    not have mobile interface. HAAD seeks to build and develop a secure Mobile Enterprise Application

    Platform (MEAP) and interface for HAAD current business applications and provide a consolidated

    view with interactive access and integration with current systems and applications at HAAD. This

    MEAP platform should support multiple operating systems iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Tizen and

    Windows Phone.

    2-4  Project Overview


    IntroductionHAAD is embarking on transformational stage to achieve Abu Dhabi government strategic objectives

    and improve government services, customer experience and satisfaction. As part of that effort HAAD

    is executing multiple strategic initiatives, and building up capabilities the subject of this RFP address

    those objectives by capitalizing investment on Enterprise Mobility platform, that is capable of

    providing services through different mobile platforms.

    B-  Project Objectives

    The purpose of issuing this RFP is to select a competent and highly qualified bidder, who has

    sufficient experience in supply, installation, implementation, developing, designing, and training

    and continues on site operation and improvement for one year of Mobile Enterprise Platform.This will serve HAAD’s business and the public users to access our mobile services as well as

    web services.

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    C-  Project Constraints and Assumptions

      The bidder must have experience in Android application development, Android SDK and APIs,

    Java, C, and C++.

      The bidder must have experience in Objective C, iOS application development for iPhone, iPad

    and iPod Touch.

      The bidder must have experience in Microsoft Apps (C#, Visual Basic, XAML).

      The bidder must have experience in Mobile Web Apps (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery).

      The bidder should have experience with large data sets and various data formats (XML, KML,

    CSV), JSON and web services and APIs.


    The bidder should demonstrate experience in similar projects in UAE or GCC.

    2-5  Project Duration

    The duration of this project should be 5 months from the date of contract signatures. And

    provide a continuous support for 12 months (one year) from delivery and acceptance of the

    project deliverables.


    Project Scope

     A- Software & Hardware

    The scope of services includes purchase, Business requirement Anslysis, delivery, installation,

    develop, train and support of MEAP.

    Developed predefined mobile services based on MEAP, See list of Current HAAD applications

    and services as listed in Annex VI.

    B- Delivery, Installation, Deployment, and Configuration

      The Bidder is responsile to conduct Business requirement Anslysis for the current

    applications and services that HAAD is currently using ( see attached sample list Annex VI).

    The Bidder is required to review interfaces needed and mutiple input sources to collect

    information from all sources.

      The Bidder is required to create business requirement documents, technical designs using full

    screen mokups and system design dcouments to represent requirements for HAAD approval  The bidder is responsible to deliver, install, deploy, and configure MEAP on HAAD delivered

    hardware environment.

    Note: For the avoidence of doubt , bidders are not requested to delver any hardware . The

    hardware will be provided through HAAD.

      The bidder is responsible to develop and implement (distribution format of each platform)

    for predefined mobile services, for requirements detailed in Annex I.

      The bidder is also expected to provide all necessary documentation and conduct handover

    and knowledge transfer sessions to HAAD resources for installation, configuration of MEAP

    and developed Apps.


    bidder is responsible for providing the licenses required for the function of the delivereditems.

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      The bidder shall deliver to HAAD all source code, tools, third party tools, engines, and

    libararies used in the entire development and deployment cycle to HAAD reposnisble team

    and provide full training to HAAD technical team.

      Bidder shall provide stress testing that can be used to simulate actual load in the test

    enviornment before deoploying solution to production. Tests need to simulate between 100 – 500 Concurrent sessions.

      Stress testing shall be able to record actual navagiation through web screens on any mobile

    device and capture screens, ketstrokes, and data entered. Also be able to inout data from

    outside sources like excell sheet to provide different sets of data when running a astess test.

      Ability to rerun stress testing scenarios and compare results capturing hits per page, I/O and

    disk and other performance metrics that can provide enough infirmation to trouble shoot SQL

    or code problems and provide better understanding t the code and ailiyty to test code before

    running in production

      Bidder shall generate a benchmark report or stress testing baseline that any new chnages and

    development shall be better than the baseline.

      Bidder shall perform the stress testing in the below :

    Functional Testing- ensures that the application is working as per the requirements.o  Performance Testing- This is the undertaken test to check the performance and

    behavior of the application under certain conditions such as low battery, bad network

    coverage, low available memory, simultaneous access to application’s server by

    several users and other conditions.

    o  Memory Leakage Testing.

    o  UAT-

      validation of the implemented scope and assurance that it meets both

    functional and technical requirements.

      Automate and script all User Acceptance Test Case

    o  Operational/Interrupt Testing - An application while functioning may face several

    interruptions like incoming calls or network coverage outage and recovery. The

    different types of interruptions are:

      Incoming and Outgoing SMS and MMS

      Incoming and Outgoing calls

      Incoming Notifications

      Battery Removal

      Cable Insertion and Removal for data transfer

      Network outage and recovery

      Media Player on/off

      Device Power cycle

    An application should be able to handle these interruptions by going into a suspended

    state and resuming afterwards.

    This entails checks for back-up of necessary information in the app, save and recovery

    plan if battery goes down, data lost in case of app upgradation from appstore market,

    app access if user gets any alarm, call, message, reminder, etc., and battery power

    usage while app is being accessed.

    o  Installation testing- This testing process covers installation, updating and

    uninstalling of an application.

    o  Certification Testing  - To get a certificate of compliance, each mobile application

    needs to be tested against the guidelines set by different mobile vindor such as

    guideline for apple “App Review Guidelines”.

    o  Security Testing –  This  includes encryption/decryption techniques used for data

    communication, checks for multi-user access without interfering with the data

    between them, check for access to files saved in the app by any unintended


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      Bidder shall provide training required to run and use the stress testing scenarios

      Bidder shall be responsible to provide bandwidth consumption and number of sessions

    estimates for all mobile applications.


    Pre-Existing Work and/or Commercial Software

      Bidder shall have similar expereince developing mobile applications in similar capacity and

    able to provide references for HAAD to review.

      HAAD will require to call references and verify Bidder experience.

      HAAD will require Bidder to arrange for site visits and to demonstarte application

    development cycle and deployment methofolody show sample application on all Operating

    system devices required.

    ii.   Architecture and Standards

    The system is expected to comply with high level of security as per international and

    organization application security standards. HAAD IT Department is complying with various

    ADSIC standards (ADSIC v.2) ( HAAD IT and Strategy Departments are

    currently certified to ISO / IEC 27001: 2005 standard.

    The environment shall have the following system and infrastructure design:

    -  Clustered web servers

    User connect using mobile devices and interact with Web servers.o  Users can connect to any of the clustered web servers

    o  Web servers connect to application servers ( any of the two clustered application


    o  Static information can be presented to users sing http protocol

    o  Once authenticated and log in is required only HTTPS is allowed. Access to any

    authenticated and secure data should be using SSL and HTTPS

    o  Web servers cannot and should not connect directly to the database servers, But only

    can connect through application servers.

    Clusters application serverso  Application servers received SSL requests from Web servers

    o  Applications servers can communicate with mobile devices if needed or required

    o  Applications servers communicate with database servers using SQL query

    -  Clustered database servers

    o  Two database server nodes are required for high availability

    o  At any point in time any application server can retrieve data from the database cluster

    o  Admin tools can connect directly to database using secure method but no devices or

    mobiles are allowed to connect to the database directly.

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    -  Disaster Recovery

    o  The Bidder is required to assist and support the creating of a disaster recovery DR

    environment in case of primary site failure. HAAD infrastructure team will be

    responsible for all infrastructure and administration. Bidder is required to provide

    supportive designs and requirement to create the DR environment at HAAD DR site.o  Bidder is required to configure and clone production environment at DR site and

    assist infrastructure team to design the DR solution

    o  HAAD infrastructure team will automate a process supported by Bidder to

    synchronize data from primary to DR site.

    -  Infrastructure responsibility

    o  HAAD will be responsible to provide all hardware solutions, operating systems

    licenses, networking, storage and database licenses

    o  Infrastructure will be based on VMware and Microsoft technology

    All development tools should be compatible with Microsoft technology

    iii.  Methodologies

    The Bidder must fit with Agile Methodologies as part of their proposal. Bidder shall also use

    SDLC standard for software development and comply will all technical documentation.

    Three environments are required to be maintained and prepared by the bidder. The

    environment are Development, test and production.

    Middleware is required in which there should be n-tiers web, application and database servers.

    Development shall be deployed to application servers and mobile devices only interact with the

    web server. No connection between mobile devices is allowed directly to the database.Connections have to be securely allowed through the application servers.

    iv.  User Help

    The application should have help user guide and user manuals for assistance.

    v.  Training

    Training is part of the project’s requirements and the bidder shall provide details on the level of

    training recommended.

    Describe training courses that are provided as part of the solution as a know how to minimum

    two persons.

    Provide hands on training to HAAD developers in a way that the developers can follow the same

    development cycle and are able to develop, deploy changes; however, a detailed designed

    document of Application interfaces, with other applications/modules shall be provided.

    Develop and provide end user training guidance documents/manuals for end users of the

    system – i.e. program staff, managers. 


    Maintenance & Support

    Following are the minimum expectations, but the Bidder may propose improvements:

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      Bidder shall cover after go live for 1 year warranty all support issues and maintenace

    problems. the vendor is able to resolve code and function problems that arrise from

    applications developed.

      Guaranteed technical support services to resolve installation, configuration and integration


      Preferable support by bidder would be via Telephone, Email, Web or Fax. Bidder should

    ensure that the complaints be logged and routed to a proper specialist.

      HAAD resource should also be able to log and track the progress of reported issues.

      Assistance for guaranteed product support from main supplaiers such as IBM.

      For more details about Service Level Agreement, please refer to Annex III.

    Note: Please note above maintenance and support period varies depending on nature of the deliverables

    vii.  Target Environment Business Context

    The target enterprise mobility platform will provide and enable customers and HAAD users

    interaction with HAAD application and services using a mobile delivery channel, additionally will be

    used to expose business related and business support services that enable HAAD employees to

    conduct some of their work remotely through their mobile devices. Therefore, it should have the

    following high level functional components:

    Mobile application development:

    Tool that can coexist within different platforms and enable the development of cross mobile

    Operating System applications. i.e. build once and deploy on multiple operating systems likeWindows Mobile, RIM, Symbian, iOS and Android. Some of the main features of the tooling

    environment include:

    •  Visual Interface design

    •  Data Presentation

    •  Enterprise Data Connectivity

    •  Business Logic Development

    •  Event and Message Development

    •  Mobile SOA Development

    •  Debugging, etc.

    Enterprise Data Access

    Should support transparent data access and shield from the complexities of the data sources and

    hence a data virtualization layer provides a simplified interface between the varied data sources and

    the mobile application layer.

    Enterprise Service Access

    Adopts Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) for enterprise applications, leveraging SOA interfaces

    for mobile application development is critical. Infrastructure elements within the platform should

    support access to SOA and aid in mobilizing SOA interaction points which allows loosely connected

    mobile applications.

    Enterprise Events and Messages

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    Should enable mobile environments use messages to exchange information in a reliable, seamless,

    secure exchange of messages between mobile devices and the enterprise across various network

    protocols, like GPRS and Wi-Fi, provides a backbone for building mobile applications that represent a

    view into the enterprise and also allows for enterprises to have a real-time view of the mobile


     Application/Device Management and Security

    The intended platform should enable customer to government and employee to government services

    to be run across smart mobile application therefore, it should provide mobile management

    infrastructure handling various tasks associated with application deployment and post deployment

    maintenance. Considering that users are prone to losing devices, and there are a large number of

    security threats that are quick to capitalize on the losses, securing applications, data, and devices will

    become a critical element in a mobile ecosystem. In addition to managing the applications on devices

    in a secure way, managing the devices is a critical piece as the volume and heterogeneity of devices


    Systems Administration and ManagementIt should provide simplified administration and management in addition to a common interface

    (graphical and programmatic) should be available that will also enable 3rd party management tools

    to support the system using standards-based integration.

    Mobile Client Platform

    With the heterogeneity of mobile devices, the functionality they provide, and the interfaces that each

    of them expose, developers need access to a standardized client platform that provides a uniform

    interaction model hiding the differences and unique complexities from a development standpoint

    while still leveraging the full potential of the individual devices.

    viii.  Target Architecture (Technology)

    The following diagram depict the target solution:

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    ix. Target Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP)


    This section will describe the target MEAP specification.

    Component Mobile enterprise application platform



    MEAP will be used to design, develop, deploy and operate mobile

    delivery channel that exposes business services through mobile

    applications. Business services audience might be Public customers or

    HAAD Employees.

    Scope of Work Complete implementation of the mobile platform

    Ref. # Requirement


    Customization of User Interface  Must follow the look & feel of HAAD Standard with colors

      Easy-to-use interface with well-designed, intuitive interface that

    supports elegant solutions.

      Globalization and Localization based on the end user settings

    (Currency, Date, Arabic characters plus other languages)

      Should support right to left layout as well as left to right layout.

      Solution should support the production of native, hybrid and HTML5

    interfaces for the following mobile platforms:


    Android2.  iOS

    3.  Windows 8/RT

    4.  RIM & Blackberry

    5.  Tizen


      Manage & Deploy Apps across All Mobile Devices through proper

    deployment tool.

      Deploying a content updates should occur without

    reinstalling/remove the applications from the end users.


    Should have a real time monitoring & administrating tools for Apps.

    4   Separate back-end and front-end apps using middle ware concept

    such as REST, JOSN and Web services.


      Device traffic with HAAD back end should be through HTTPS

      For static pages such as “About HAAD” and “Location of HAAD”should use cashing concept.

    6  The solution should support the offline/online with proper error

    handling in case of required internet access for online but the device

    does not have it.


    The solution should be support push notifications services and CloudMessaging services

    8   Should support the major stateless architecture runs over HTTP


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    9   Should have high performance and scalability features to be able to

    handle high volumes of transactions

    Component Email


    DescriptionEmail services are needed to facilitate exchanging digital messages.

    Scope of WorkAn HAAD Email Interface already exits and need to be integrated with that


    Ref. # Requirement

    1   Should integrate with the existing MS Exchange.

    Component SMS Gateway



    An SMS gateway is required to allow for interaction between

    applications/web-services and mobile devices through the exchange of

    SMS (Short Messaging Services).

    Scope of Work

    An SMS Gateway already exits (no implementation is required). Winning

    bidder will need to integrate with the existing SMS Gateway.

    Ref. # Requirement

    1 Should integrate with the existing SMS Gateway (Web services interface).

    2Should support Unicode messages and all the international character

    maps and special characters of languages (including Arabic).

    Component Adapters



    HAAD using different back end technology such as:Database : Oracle, SQL Server, XML … etc 

    Protocols : LDAP, SMTP, TCP/IP … etc 

    Technology : Documentum, Arc GIS server, DotNetNuke… etc 

    Gateway: e-Payment gateway, SMS gateway and email notification


    Scope of Work Complete implementation of adapters

    Ref. # Requirement

    1 Should have ready-made adapters for all HAAD back ends

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    Component Integration



    Integration the apps with HAAD back-end applications such as BPM

    applications, ERP system and .Net Applications.

    Scope of Work Complete implementation of integrations

    Ref. # Requirement

    1Should support the major stateless architecture runs over HTTP including:


    2 Must register all interactions and activity done through the services.

    3The ability to integrate with the various portals, applications, web services,

    databases, etc that are communicating across the EMP

    4Authentication must only be done on server with customer profile , and

    should never happen locally

    Component Service Security management



    Security management is required to protect the information exchanged

    and stored within HAAD by maintaining the information’s confidentiality,integrity and availability and to consume HAAD identity management and

    access control services across HAAD MEAP

    Scope of Work Complete Integration of Service Security Management Modules

    Ref. # Requirement

    1Should consume BPM user management module for any services required

    user access.

    2Should consume the centralized and policy based access control

    mechanism for authentication

    3Should support LDAP based mechanisms for storing and accessing user

    credentials, access rights, and user profile information


    Should be able to support different user access technologies such as usercredentials, biometrics, token, etc

    Should be Ensure Secure Connections to the HAAD back end by using SSL


    4 Should support policy based authorization services


    Should provide encryption and data integrity functionality (symmetric &

    asymmetric signatures) to maintain secure messaging across the platform

    and should support various encryption and signature standards

    7Should be able to integrate with and provide security management

    services to external entities such as ADSIC

    8Should support SAML security token standard and a framework for

    exchanging security information


    Should support security standards and protocols such as Ws-Security, Ws-

    Trust, SMAL, XACML, XKML XML-Signature, XML Encryption Ws-


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    10Should support various hashing algorithms (including SHA-1, and SHA-

    256) and signature protocols (including HMAC)


    Should support Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Socket Layer

    cryptographic protocols for providing cryptography and message



    Should be able to expose all the Security Management component services

    (authentication, authorization, encryption, data integrity) as secure web


    13Should provide an easy to use administration console and a security

    monitoring tool

    Component Logging and Alerting Engine



    A logging and Alerting engine is needed to provide a measure of

    accountability over the platform by monitoring transactions and activitieshappening across the platform, analyzing these transactions and activities,

    ensuring compliance to set policies, and evaluating efficiency of controls

    This module serves two functional purposes:

      Logging –  this is typically file based and is used for detailed activity

    logging with ability to define different levels (e.g. information, errors,

    warnings, debugging) which can be enabled and disabled at run time.

      Audit Trail –  this is typically stored in a database and is used fortransaction and service logging (e.g. start and end of transaction /

    service / process with details such as input and output, success/failure,

    duration, service details, user / account details, custom fields as

    required for ease of query). Audit Trail data will be used for reportingand transaction duplicate checking.

      Alerting – providing the capability to alert MEAP users of alerts errorsbusiness events through different delivery channels ( SMS, Email and

    SNMP traps)

    Scope of Work Complete implementation of a Logging & Alerting Engine

    Ref. # Requirement


    Should have Should have Log management tools that ability to capture logs

    and provide audit trails of transactions and activities happening across theplatform such as user profile changes, access rights changes, operational

    events, transactions etc

    2Should have flexible and configurable predefined audit policies and allow

    for easy creation of additional audit policies

    3Should have a reporting feature that generates audit trail reports with the

    ability to flexibly define various filters on the data reported on

    4Should provide predefined audit report templates and a tool for easy

    creation of additional report templates

    5 Should have a robust and reliable audit record data store

    6 Should support a standardized audit record format


    Should have the ability to integrate with common industry frameworks and

    technologies (e.g. log4j, log4Net, logBack, etc)8 Should have the ability to write logs into files and / or databases

    9 Should provide the ability to offer logging and auditing APIs through .NET

    10 Should provide support for the following logging levels:

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    Debug (level 1 to level 10)11 Should support logging multiple languages including (Arabic and English)

    12Should provide search functionalities allowing for comprehensive search of

    logs and audit / trails

    13 Should support event-based triggers and time-based triggers.

    14 Should support distributed and bulk recipient notification.


    Should support dynamic messaging content to generate any type of alerts

    and support different notification types such as SMS, e-mail and SNMP


    Component Error Handling Engine



    Error Handling Engine is needed to ensure that errors occurring across

    the platform are properly logged, handled, tracked and error alerts sent in

    a timely manner to the right channels

    Scope of Work To integrate with the centralized Error Handling engine

    Ref. # Requirement


    Should have ability to handle errors by identifying exceptions and

    determining the best action to take (e.g. Abort, retry, execute error

    handlers, etc)

    2Should have the ability to track platform wide errors and log service desk

    tickets to HAAD Help Desk platform to ensure their resolution and closure


    Should have ability to integrate with the HAAD “Logging Engine alertingengine” to log all the errors of the distributed applications and services ina central location to facilitate centralized troubleshooting

    4Should have ability to use standardized error logging format across all the

    different environments communicating through the platform.

    5 Should have ability to convert common exceptions that may occur indifferent services into a common predefined exception message

    6 Should have the ability to display customized descriptive error messages

    7 Should have the ability to support multi-language error messages


    Should provide error message templates that could be used with

    capability to override system messages to provide more accurate


    9Should have the ability to apply exception handlers at any level within

    mobile application, web services, Web Server , etc


    General Requirements

    S. No. Specifications

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    The mobile application must be compatible with all current platforms (iPhone (iOS 4+),

    Android (2.0)+, Windows (RT/8+), Blackberry (4.5+) and Tizen), and be flexible to

    conform with other operating systems in the future.

    2.  The mobile application should be based on AD SDI map and utilize GPS technology.


    The mobile application must provide a method of attaching electronic images from themobile device.

    4.  The mobile application must follow the look & feel of HAAD Standard.

    5. Integrate with HAAD back-end data sources. Please refer to ( Databases and


    6.  Analytics report and dashboard presentation

    7. Secure Mobile Apps, Safeguard mobile security at the device, application and network



    Single code for cross / multiple mobile platforms. Deployment will vary according to

    native / hybrid mobile platform, and the Code result should be optimized for the targeted



    Ability to connect and use HAAD SMS web services10.  Ability to audit and track connectivity and user interaction with different systems

    11.  Ability to generate reports and analytical dashboards such as number of app’s

    12. Ability to use mobile API such as camera, GIS sensors, OCR reader(such as barcode

    reader), audio, email … etc 

    2.  Environment and Resource Requirements

    S. No. Specifications


    Use three environments TEST, Development and production2.  Provide source versioning tool to store, reuse and rollback code

    3. Provide change control procedure where changes are logged, approved by owner before

    rolling forward and deployment to production with alerts and workflow notifications

    4.  Using HAAD TFS as version and source code control

    3.  Performance Requirements

    S. No. Specifications


    Bidder is responsible to provide stress testing to test and simulate load2.  Test need to generate up to 500 concurrent of simulated sessions

    3. Stress testing session simulation shall be compared with baselines and previous testing

    session to make sure performance is better or at least the same than best benchmark

    4.  Database Requirements

    S. No. Specifications

    1.  Ability to support multiple database solutions Oracle, SQL, SQL lite,


    Ability to read/write from multiple data sources such as xlsx, cvs, xml, JOSN, web services,

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    5.  Security Requirements

    S. No. Specifications

    1.  Comply with ADSIC requirements


    All screens and web transactions should communicated through SSL and https protocols

    3. Auditing logs shall be kept secured and access restrictions on these files needs to be


    4.  Concurrent application access, using same access credentials, shall be disabled.

    5.  Identifies Idle session timeout

    6. Authentication parameters used, for performing privileged operations, and for application

    access, shall comply with the HAAD Access Control Policy

    6.  Data Conversion or Migration Requirements

    S. No. Specifications

    1. Development tools and third party shall all be able to use multiple sources like excel files,

    external files, database Oracle, SQL

    7.  User Interface Requirements

    S. No. Specifications


    Web HTML5 format, adobe flash, Javascript, cascade style sheet, Jquery, XAML2.  Native interface through all device stores and or device interface

    3.  Admin tool for repository configuration

    4.  Admin tools for all development repository and stress testing

    8.  Training

    S. No. Specifications

    1.  Conduct technical training

    2. Conduct developer training sessions, development, deployment, source versioning, change

    control3.  All required development tools training

    4.  Stress testing training capturing, recording, scripting and stress run

    5.  Easy access to documentation 

    6.  End user training guidance documents/manuals for end users of the system

    7.  Internal Portal access to documentation

    b.  Project Management

    i.  Project management methodology 

    Vendor should demonstrate project management capability and provide project management

    role for the entire project throughout all project management phases. Vendor shall comply

    with the following IT PMO Methodology:

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      Follow PMBOK guidance and standards

      Divide project into initiation, planning, execution & monitoring, and closing phases

      Develop charter, business requirement, and scope document

      Create project management plan documents as per PMBOK standards


    Create time schedule, resources, roles and responsibilities

      Quality planning, quality control, monitoring and manage execution

      Develop change management control

      Create communication plan, risk management, risk register

      Work with HAAD IT project manager to follow HAAD IT PMO standards

      Provide weekly status reports to HAAD PM

      Conduct monthly steering committee meetings with stakeholders

      Comply with HAAD ADSIC adopted standards for Abu Dhabi Government

      Conduct knowledge transfer sessions for specific project management tasks

      Update project management plan reflecting milestones and critical path

    Vendor shall deliver all projects within a maximum ±10% tolerance in time, scope and/or


    ii.  Project Reporting

      Conduct weekly status reports with time and cost updates

      Conduct monthly steering committee reports, describing achievements, delays, next

    actives until next steering committee, risk and mitigations

      Conduct continuous risk analysis feedback and updates

    iii.  Project Phases & Deliverables

    Project Phases 

    Detailed Project Plan Within ____ business days of the orientation meeting, the Vendor will update the

    draft Project Plan from their proposal. For all project tasks, subtasks, and

    activities, the detailed plan will:

      Include a schedule and Gantt chart, milestones, and deliverables.

      Include Vendor and Partner resources that exist as line items within the

    Project Plan.

      Include the following date-related information:

    o  Originally scheduled start and end dates (including milestones and


    Anticipated start dates and end dates for future tasks, subtasks, andactivities, if schedule fluctuation has occurred

    o  Actual start and end dates for all current and completed tasks,

    subtasks, and activities

    o  Be updated, at a minimum, weekly and

    o  Identify issues that affect deadlines.

    o  Include the purchase of any products required to complete the project . 

    o  The partner(s) reserves the right to purchase the hardware and

    software outside of this contract.

    Phase 1. Project Initiation, Business Process Analysis, Technology Research, Infrastructure


    Initiation and Project Management  Vendor’s

    responsibilities  Develop Project Plan, including quality assurance plans

      Establish a Facilitator to work with the project team

      Clarify roles and responsibilities, which include diagramming how

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    deliverables, comments, and outstanding issue will flow between the different

    project team members and their counterparts within their own agency, along

    with the format for comments (i.e. blank comment sheet that clearly defines

    the section being commented on)

      Establish a mechanism to track all project communications and deliverables

    and allow the project members to access the information

      Submit project weekly reports

    HAAD Staff


      Coordinate vendor’s resources needed 

    Provide work area

      Define project standards and controls required by the contractor

      Attend project kickoff

    Deliverables   Project plan (including Gantt chart, all steps/tasks, review and revision time

    frames for documentation (i.e. schedules, plans, and system documentation,

    and application testing. Estimate of the hours of work required from staff.

    The Project GANTT chart shall be updated as needed to reflect project status.)

      Project kickoff meeting with HAAD IT and representatives.


    Monthly project reports Acceptance Criteria The project team will approve the project plan, call minutes, and monthly

    project reports, and then the project manager will approve for final acceptance.

    Business Process Analysis and Technology Research Vendor’s

    responsibilities  Develop Business Requirements Document (BRD)

      Develop Preliminary Project Scope

      Review existing schemas for relevance

      Conduct feasibility study and technical evaluation of the process to determine

    the feasibility.

      Document the data flow requirements, including data elements, and business

    processes for all party.  The requirements shall be confined to process

    activities only. Details of process activities will not be required.  Conduct a review and evaluation of the project Items and their applicability to

    the project.

      Defined & document third party access roles which shall be approved by

    Head of IT department

    HAAD Staff

    Responsibilities  Coordinate contractor’s resources needed

      Provide work area

      Define project standards and controls required.

    Deliverables   Business Requirements Document (BRD) with focus on process needs, flow

    requirements, including data elements to exchange and evaluation of needs

    from project participants


    Technology Recommendation Report (TRR) to provide technical options toimplement MEAP

     Acceptance Criteria The Business Requirement document (BRD) will be reviewed by the project

    team to compare all content deliverables to the defined project business

    requirements specified by the program area experts.

    The Technology Recommendation (TRR) will be followed by a review and

    approval of the individual partner information technology staff involved in

    application development, security and system team. Once this is accomplished,

    then final approval will be provided by the project manager.

    HAAD Readiness




    Assess each HAAD’s technical readiness to proceed with the project  Analyze each HAAD process to identify infrastructure needs & node-to-node

    data exchanges.

    HAAD Staff   Review the Assessment and Readiness reports (RAR)

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    Responsibilities   Attend business requirement analysis meetings

    Deliverables   Readiness Assessment Reports (RAR) with focus on partner-level technical


     Acceptance Criteria Verify and receive sign-off from Partner of report content and compliance with

    IT standards and procedures. Once this is accomplished, then final approval will

    be provided by the project manager.

    Infrastructure Preparation to Support MEAP Vendor’s

    responsibilities  Determine system requirements.

      Document infrastructure requirements to support the project.

      Set up development environment/lab

      Install required development software.

      Establish security procedures.

      Develop System Design Documents (SDD)

    HAAD Staff

    Responsibilities  Provide access to infrastructure for installation.

      Schedule HAAD staff required.


    Ensure resources available as needed.  Adopt standards and procedures required.

      Review and approved SDD.

      Provide vendor with business rules for data and data accessing.

    Deliverables Report for Technology & Security Requirements (1 report) to support MEAP,

    including any applicable:

      Infrastructure requirements

      Software requirements

      Technical standards

      Security standards

      Technical procedures


     Acceptance Criteria Verify and receive sign-off from HAAD IT of report content & compliance with

    required standards and procedures for project specifics (i.e. infrastructure

    hosting, installation, testing & deployment). Once this is accomplished, then

    final approval will be provided by the project manager.

    Phase 2. Design


    responsibilities  Develop functional specifications

      Develop prototype / mockups based on functional specifications

      Incorporate feedback into functional specifications and prototype

      Develop use case document

      Defined Log Monitoring & Auditing

    HAAD StaffResponsibilities


    Review documents and verify accuracy  Review functional specifications

    Deliverables   Functional specifications

      prototype / mockups

      Use Case Document

      Log Monitoring & Auditing

     Acceptance Criteria Review and approval by HAAD project representatives, including program area

    experts (business users and ADSIC), to ensure acceptance of prototype and

    functional specification, then approval by HAAD IT staff for compliance with IT

    standard, police and security. Once these reviews are completed, the project

    manager will consider the deliverables acceptable and approve.

    Phase 3. Development


    responsibilities  Review and update functional specifications based on HAAD IT and end user

    feed back

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      Identify modular/tiered design parameters

      Assign development staff and identify team roles

      Develop target applications

      Implement Log Monitoring & Auditing


    Test individual components, developer testing (primary debugging)  Test integrated application

    HAAD Staff

    Responsibilities  Facilitate the vendor requirement for development.

      Update development plan.

      Perform milestone review.

      Code review

    Deliverables   Target applications with primary tested

      Development staff with roles

      Implement Log Monitoring & Auditing

     Acceptance Criteria The project manager will consider the deliverables acceptable and approve.

    Phase 4. Testing



    Develop unit test plans using product specifications

      Develop stress test plans using product specifications and include:

    o  Functional Testing

    o  Performance Testing

    o  Memory Leakage Testing.

    o  Operational/Interrupt Testing

    o  Installation testing

    o  Certification Testing

    o  Security Testing

      Develop user acceptance test criteria for test scripts

      Perform user acceptance testing

    HAAD StaffResponsibilities


    Provide staff resources and server access needed for testing and productionenvironments

      Validate system installation on test and production environments

      Validate/accept test scripts and testing results

    Deliverables   Test result

      Provision of test plan and test scripts

     Acceptance Criteria Review and approval by HAAD project manager.

    Phase 5. Pilot



      Develop software delivery mechanism


    Install/deploy software  Coordinate tasks for implementation, including scheduling logistics

      Implement/install the data flows

    HAAD Staff

    Responsibilities  Identify test group

      Validate the production environment

      Facilitate the Vendor to implement/install flows according to agreed upon


      Evaluate testing information

      Performance Review

    Deliverables   Production setup plan and schedule

      Migration task list for installs


    Production system installed, tested and validated Acceptance Criteria Review and approval by HAAD IT staff, followed by sign-off by project manager

    Conduct End-User Training 

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    responsibilities  Develop and provide end user training guidance documents/manuals for end

    users of the system.

      Provide training to HAAD IT technical Team.

    HAAD Staff

    Responsibilities  Identify and facility representatives for training attendance


    Provide feedback on training documentation  Provide and schedule training rooms

      Establish appropriate training sessions and agenda.

      Conduct end user training

    Deliverables   End user training documents

      Training plan

      User training sessions

      Technical training sessions and handover

     Acceptance Criteria Review and approval by HAAD IT project representatives followed by sign-off

    by project manager

    Phase 6. Deployment


    responsibilities  Determine final deployment strategy

      Develop deployment methodology

      Secure deployment resources

      Train support staff

      Deploy software

    HAAD Staff

    Responsibilities  Facilitate the deployment

    Deliverables   Deployment methodology

      Final deployment strategy

      Train support staff


    Software Deployed

     Acceptance Criteria Review and approval by HAAD IT staff, followed by sign-off by project manager

    Phase 7. Post Implementation Review

    Post Production Support  Vendor’s

    responsibilities  Provide [X#] months free maintenance and support to resolve any

    implementation issues and problems, as detected.

      Develop lessons learned report to communicate the lessons learned. Include

    guidance to serve as a “How to Manual” for the project  

      Provide a document that maps the data elements between the back-end data

    systems and the schema (If there are elements missing from the back-end

    system, the Vendor should produce a report listing them and how they should

    be addressed.)

    HAAD Staff

    Responsibilities  Provide support to user community

      Develop an annual plan for enhancements and maintenance team

    Deliverables   Lessons learned Document and distribute to all team members

      Lessons Learned Report

     Acceptance Criteria Review and approval by partner project representatives, including ____, followed

    by sign-off by project manager prior to agreement to reimburse.

    iv.  Project Organization Requirements

    Bidders are required to describe the proposed project structure identifying all project individuals

    including senior project manager, business analysts, software developers, QA engineers, hardware /

    network engineers, administrators, and others. Bidders are required to specify the roles and

    qualifications of the various team members proposed for the project as well as identify the key roles

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    Client technical staff are expected to play. Bidders are required to provide details of any sub-

    contractors likely to be involved. Bidders are required to indicate the number of full time

    HADD requires that a strong Arabic speaking technical team including a fulltime senior project

    manager be assigned to manage the entire project, technical team and contract, including the

    performance of subcontractor(s) personnel if any. The following are the requirements for the

    project’s senior project manager: 

    In addition to the senior project manager, HAAD expects strong technical support team to be

    assigned to the project. It is required that all members of technical team have demonstrated sound

    experience in implementation of similar projects. HAAD will review and approve selected Bidder’spersonnel for assignment to the project. HAAD reserves the right to interview and approve the

    technical team members. In addition, HAAD has the right to require replacement of Bidder’spersonnel if dissatisfied with their performance.

    Bidders are required to include the following in their Bids:d)  Provide an organizational chart for the assigned project team.

    e)  Resumes / CVs for all technical team members.

    f)  Provide a brief one-half page biography for each key team member assigned to the

    project. The information provided shall include the following: name, position, time with

    company, previous related experience (last three years), and the roles and

    responsibilities of the team member on the project.

    g)  Describe the role and percentage of the assignment of project technical team members to

    the project.

    h)  Explain how the proposed technical staff has experience and training to deliver on the

    RFP scope of work.i)  Detail clearly the on-site / offsite team composition throughout the project duration,

    Project Team Member Requirements

    Senior Project Manager

    S.NO. Requirement

    1The senior project manager must be available full-time throughout the duration of the


    2The senior project manager must not be reassigned during the period of the project without

    the written consent of Client

    3The senior project manager will function as the Bidder’s authorized point of contact withClient and must be available to respond promptly and fully to all project requirements


    The responsibilities of senior project manager will include, but are not limited to: providing

    administrative, supervisory, and technical direction to project personnel, monitoring work

    performance for accuracy, timeliness, efficiency, and adherence to contract requirements,

    coordinating the resolution of contract problems and the implementation and enforcement

    of problem escalation procedures

    5The senior project manager must be an employee of the Bidder and must be authorized to

    make decisions on behalf of the Bidder and all subcontractors


    The senior project manager shall have a minimum of (12) years’ experience managing

    similar projects (both in nature and scale) involving IT deployment in the governmentsectors, and application integration operations for accounts similar in scope and complexity

    to this project and must have demonstrated effective oral and written communication skills


    The senior project manager will be located on-site at HAAD premises in AD, UAE. A

    reference for each of the senior project manager’s last two (2) projects including companyname, address, phone number and contact person must be provided

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    Required resources:

    Project Team Member Role Minimum qualifications

    Project Manager

    Bachelors/Masters of Computers

    PMP Certified (Desirable)

    Prior implementation experience

    2 onsite at HAAD Software developer Experts of

    the relevant used software during the full project


    Bachelors of Computer Science

    Prior implementation experience

    1 user interface management and admin expert,

    to be onsite two a week during the entire project


    Bachelors of Computer Science

    Prior implementation experience

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    Section C. Draft Contract Agreement and Conditions

    This Contract (“Contract”) is entered into by and between the Health Authority - Abu Dhabi  (the

    Contracting Authority) having its principal place of business at  - P.O Box: 5674–

     Abu Dhabi–

     United Arab Emirates ,  and ----------------------  (“the Vendor”) having its / their principal place of businesslocated at --------------------------------------

    The Contracting Authority issued a Request For Proposal number ------- ( the “RFP”) requesting

    experienced, qualified and competent technology firms to submit proposals offering to create a

    HAAD’s Mobile Application on such terms and conditions as set out in the RFP; 

    The Vendor submitted its proposal dated ------- where it represented to have the experience

    necessary, that it meets all the requirements and terms and conditions of the RFP while offered to

    provide the Mobile Application needed; and

    Accordingly the Contracting Authority awarded the RFP to the Vendor on the following terms andconditions.

    Now therefore the Parties to this Contract hereby agree as follows:

     Article 1.   Subject

    The subject of this Contract is----------------, with identification number: ----------------

     Article 2.   Structure of the contract

    The Vendor will create the HAAD’s Mobile Application on the terms and conditions set out in this

    contract, which comprises, in order of precedence, the special conditions ("Special Conditions")

    defined in this document and the following annexes:

    Annex I: Request for Proposal

    Annex II: Vendor’s proposal 

    Annex III: Personnel

    Annex VI: Correspondences between both parties

    The above Contract Document are intended primarily to be explanatory of and complement each

    other. However, in case of any contradiction between the above documents, their provisions shall be

    applied according to the above order of precedence to the extent necessary to explain or remove the


     Article 3.  Contract Value

    The contract value is ----- AED  

     Article 4.  Commencement Date

    This Contract commence on the day immediately following its signature and shall be valid for a

    period of ----- when it expires without notice. On or before the Contract expiry date, HAAD may

    extend the Contract duration at its discretion upon executing a written change order. No extension or

    change order shall be valid unless executed in writing and signed by the authorised persons of both

    parties to this Contract.

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     Article 5.  Period of Execution & Maintenance

    The period of execution of the Mobile App under this Contract shall be ---------- months from the

    Commencement date unless extended pursuant to a change order as per Article 4 above. The

    Maintenance period shall be ----- months with effect from the day immediately following the last day

    of the execution period, as extended.

     Article 6.  Personnel

    1. The Personnel specified in the Staffing Plan set out in Annex III (the “Personnel”) shall carry out

    the Ser
