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Review of Corporate Social

policies and acti

in Mauritius and Rod

Final Report

April 2008




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Table of Contents

1 Introduction................................................................................. 3 1.1 Background information........................................................3 1.2 Structure of the Report .........................................................3

2 Methodology ................................................................................ 4 2.1 Data collection: secondary data review ...................................4 2.2 Data collection: CSR review survey.........................................4

2.2.1 Planning activities .............................................................. 4 2.2.2 Design of survey................................................................ 4 2.2.3 Sampling .......................................................................... 5 2.2.4 Conduct of survey.............................................................. 9

2.3 Discussion forums and working sessions..................................9 2.4 Interviews ..........................................................................9 2.5 International benchmarking................................................. 11

3 Overview of CSR ........................................................................ 12 4 Findings – large organisations ................................................... 22

4.1 Strategic approach to CSR................................................... 22 4.2 Internal CSR ..................................................................... 27 4.3 Framework for external CSR activities................................... 31 4.4 Evaluation of implementation of CSR activities ....................... 40 4.5 Philanthropic and sponsorship activities................................. 44 4.6 Partnerships with other organisations ................................... 46 4.7 Corporate views on NGO ..................................................... 48 4.8 Potential partnerships......................................................... 53 4.9 Interest in policy dialogues.................................................. 58 4.10 Concluding comments......................................................... 59 4.11 Summary of key findings .................................................... 61

5 Findings - SMEs.......................................................................... 64 5.1 Strategic approach to CSR................................................... 64 5.2 Internal CSR ..................................................................... 65 5.3 Framework for external CSR activities................................... 67 5.4 Evaluation of implementation of CSR activities ....................... 71 5.5 Philanthropic and sponsorship activities................................. 74 5.6 Partnerships with other organisations ................................... 76 5.7 End word .......................................................................... 81 5.8 Summary of key findings .................................................... 82

6 Findings – Rodrigues ................................................................. 84 7 Legal review .............................................................................. 85

7.1 Existing regulatory framework ............................................. 85 7.1.1 Fundamental Rights ..........................................................85 7.1.2 Labour ............................................................................88 7.1.3 Environment ....................................................................90 7.1.4 Trading ...........................................................................93

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7.1.5 Business..........................................................................95 7.1.6 Security ..........................................................................99

7.2 Local voluntary codes of conduct and ethical standards ......... 100 7.2.1 Joint Economic Council – Model of Conduct ......................... 100 7.2.2 Mauritius Code of Ethics................................................... 101 7.2.3 Code of Corporate Governance ......................................... 102

7.3 International codes and guidelines...................................... 105 7.3.1 United Nations Global Compact ......................................... 105 7.3.2 OECD Guidelines............................................................. 107 7.3.3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI Guidelines) ............ 109

7.4 Mechanisms of control from the State and civil society .......... 110 7.4.1 Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit ....... 110 7.4.2 Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations ......................... 111 7.4.3 Ministry of Women’s Rights, Child Development, Family Welfare & Consumer Protection.................................................................. 112 7.4.4 Registrar of Companies.................................................... 113 7.4.5 The Office of the Ombudsman........................................... 113

8 Recommendations ....................................................................115 8.1 Overview ........................................................................ 115 8.2 An enabling framework for partnerships .............................. 116 8.3 Initiatives at individual sector level..................................... 117

8.3.1 Overview ....................................................................... 117 8.3.2 Private sector initiatives................................................... 117 8.3.3 Government initiatives..................................................... 119 8.3.4 Reform at NGO level ....................................................... 123

8.4 Joint partnership initiatives................................................ 127 8.4.1 Government and private sector dialogue ............................ 127 8.4.2 Private sector and NGO sector dialogue.............................. 127 8.4.3 Government and NGO sector dialogue................................ 131

8.5 Towards a three-sector partnership model ........................... 131 8.5.1 Mission.......................................................................... 133 8.5.2 Membership ................................................................... 133 8.5.3 Specific objectives .......................................................... 134 8.5.4 The modus operandi........................................................ 134

8.6 The Rodrigues case .......................................................... 137 9 Thematic areas of potential partnerships..................................140 10 Conclusion ................................................................................144

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background information

Kemp Chatteris Deloitte (KCD) was commissioned by the Government of Mauritius, in

partnership with the Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) and the United

Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to undertake a review of Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) in Mauritius Republic. This assignment is part of an overall program

set to reinforce the NGO sector both in Mauritius and Rodrigues.

The objectives of the project are:

♦ To assess CSR strategies in major industries and Small and Medium Enterprises in the Republic of Mauritius and make recommendations to target enterprises and the public sector;

♦ To assess the relation between the Private Sector and the NGO sector; and

♦ To identify potential areas of strategic partnerships between the Private Sector and the NGO sector.

1.2 Structure of the Report

Section 2 details our multifaceted methodology adopted to review CSR in Mauritius

including the data review, conduct of survey, participatory discussion forums and

working sessions, interviews with authorities and relevant opinion leaders as well as

international benchmarking.

Section 3 presents an overview of CSR, with attempting a definition of the term,

reviewing the history of, views on, key drivers and evolution of CSR. It then proceeds to

look at the advantages of CSR, analyse the impact of law on CSR and provide examples

of CSR in the workplace.

Sections 4, 5 and 6 present our findings on large organisations, SMEs and in Rodrigues


Section 7 focuses on the existing regulatory framework, local voluntary codes of conduct

and ethical standards, international codes and guidelines and goes on to analyse the

adequacy of the mechanisms of control from the state and from civil society.

Section 8 sets out our recommendations.

Section 9 identifies thematic areas of potential partnerships.

Section 10 closes with the conclusion.

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2 Methodology

2.1 Data collection: secondary data review

Extensive and critical literature search

Our team members engaged in a literature review on CSR. This was essential for the

exploratory research and design of the questionnaire. The literature review englobed the

Deloitte network, academic and business sources, the internet, and the media.

2.2 Data collection: CSR review survey

2.2.1 Planning activities


A work plan was prepared for approval by the Project Management Unit (PMU). The

work plan:

♦ Provided the necessary information to assist in establishing the assignment charter, boundaries and execution approach;

♦ Helped in the preparation of contingency plans (if necessary); and

♦ Set out quality of work expected and frequency of monitoring of the assignment.

2.2.2 Design of survey

For this study, given the unique research objectives we engaged in:

♦ Exploratory research; and

♦ Descriptive research.

Exploratory Research

In order to (i) verify the applicability and extent of CSR in the Mauritian context (ii)

refine the research objectives and (iii) obtain additional input for the questionnaire, we

conducted informal interviews with professionals from various organisations. Simple

questions were put to them such as:

♦ How do you define CSR?

♦ Does your organisation have a formal policy towards CSR?

♦ Which resources do you devote to CSR activities?

♦ What does CSR activities encompass in your organisation?

♦ Does your organisation have a team/employee looking after CSR?

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Descriptive Research

A descriptive study was undertaken to find answers for the research objectives. A

questionnaire was designed to collect the primary data.

2.2.3 Sampling

Segment identified Sampling unit

1 Major national corporations We referred to the “Top 100 Companies 2006” to obtain the sampling frame for the major national corporations in Mauritius. This compilation was a good starting point as it provided valuable information such as turnover, profit, sector of activity etc.

2 International corporations The sampling unit consisted of all international corporations present in Mauritius.

3 SMEs We referred to the list of SMEs registered with the defunct Small and Medium Industries Development Organisation, now Small Enterprises & Handicraft Development Authority (SEHDA).

Selection of sampling variables

The sampling frame addressed the 3 segments identified by the Strengthening of the

NGO Sector in Mauritius (SNSM):

♦ Major national corporations;

♦ International corporations; and

♦ SMEs.

We proposed 3 sampling variables (for the first two segments), which we believe, were

pertinent to our survey:

Sampling variable Retained by SNSM Project Manager

1 Sector of activity Retained

2 Turnover; and Retained

3 Whether organisation is engaged in CSR or not Not retained

Sampling process

For this study, organisations in major industries of the economy and SMEs were

investigated. More specifically, the sampling aimed at addressing:

♦ Major national organisations;

♦ International corporations; and

♦ SMEs.

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For the purpose of this assignment, both the probability and non-probability sampling

methods have been used, as summarised below:

Target Sampling Frame Sampling Variables

Sampling Method

1 Major National and International Corporations

Top 100 Companies - Sector of Activity - Turnover

Probability Sampling

2 SMEs SME Directory - Sector of Activity Non-Probability Sampling

1. Major National and International Corporations

For major national and international corporations, the sampling frame that we have used

is the Top Hundred Companies as this gives a reliable and complete overview of major

national and international corporations.

Moreover, these organisations have been categorised along 2 major variables namely (i)

sector of activity (ii) turnover. We stratified the organisations with the following


Sectors Turnover (RsM)

<1000 1001 - 2000 >2000 No.

1 Agriculture 5 1 1 7

2 Aviation, Shipping and Transport 3 - 1 4

3 Construction 4 2 1 7

4 Consumer Business 17 9 8 34

5 Energy - 1 3 4

6 Investment and Financial Services 7 1 4 12

7 Manufacturing 16 1 3 20

8 Technology, Media and Telecommunications 1 - 1 2

9 Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure 5 3 2 10

58 18 24 100

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For major national and international corporations, we considered a sample size of 63,

distributed as follows across the sectors:


Turnover (RsM)

Sectors <1000 1001 - 2000 >2000 No.

1 Agriculture 4 4

2 Aviation, Shipping and Transport 2 1 3

3 Construction 3 1 1 5

4 Consumer Business 12 3 5 20

5 Energy 1 1

6 Investment and Financial Services 3 1 2 6

7 Manufacturing 9 1 10

8 Technology, Media and Telecommunications 1 1 2

9 Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure 5 2 1 8

39 7 13 59

We considered the banking sector separately given that most, if not all, of them indulge

in CSR. The Top Hundred Companies has also been used as the sampling frame for

banks. We classified banks on the basis of total assets and took a sample of 4 banks

proportionately stratified as follows:

Total Assets (RsM) Number Sample

<5,000 6 2

5,001 - 10,000 5 1

>10,000 7 1

18 4

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2. SMEs

For SMEs, we considered a sample of 37 organisations. The sampling variable was the

sector of activity of organisations with the SME directory as the sampling frame.

Sector Number


1 Food and Beverage 221 7

2 Leather and Garments 166 4

3 Wood and Furniture 205 7

4 Paper products and Printing 100 3

5 Chemical, Rubber and Plastic 84 3

6 Pottery and Ceramic 6 -

7 Jewellery and Related items 73 2

8 Fabricated Metal Products 169 5

9 Others 151 4

1175 37

Summary of sample used

A summary and detailed description of the sample used is as follows:-

Total sample size



Large national and

international corporations

SMES in Mauritius and


In Mauritius and Rodrigues

63 37

Large organisations Banks



Contact method

We used the face-to-face interview to administer the questionnaire because this


♦ Enables the interviewer to establish rapport with the respondent;

♦ Allows the interviewer to observe as well as listen; and

♦ Permits the respondent to get clarification from the interviewer.

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We ran a training session whereby all interviewers were instructed into how to properly

administer the questionnaire so as to avoid ambiguity in questions and answers, and

how to interpret body language of respondent.

2.2.4 Conduct of survey

We conducted the survey once our pilot test was over and the questionnaire and/or the

approach to administering same was/were vetted by SNSM, Ministry of Social Security

and MACOSS, and the CSR Task Force.

Teams of 2 interviewers administered the questionnaires with Heads of the


2.3 Discussion forums and working sessions

We facilitated consultative working sessions with the Steering Committee on the CSR

project. The Steering Committee comprised representatives from:

♦ the Government (e.g. the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Senior Citizens Welfare & Reform Institutions, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade & Cooperation);

♦ the private sector (private companies, and bodies such JEC, and MEF); and

♦ the civil society (Fondation Medine Horizons, SOS Femmes, Trust Fund for Social Integration of Vulnerable Groups, Prévention Information et Lutte contre le SIDA, Centre de Solidarité pour une Nouvelle Vie etc).

2.4 Interviews

We also conducted interviews with representatives of major stakeholders to obtain their

views on various aspects of CSR. Organisations met are as follows:

Body Whom we met

Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity, and SCW & RI Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity, & SCW and RI Assistant Secretary

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Financial Secretary

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Director Financial Policy Analysis

National Economic and Social Council (NESC) Chairperson

National Economic and Social Council (NESC) Research Coordinator

Decentralized Corporation Programme International Expert

Trust Fund for Social Integration of Vulnerable Groups Co-coordinator

NGO Trust Fund Officer in Charge

Law Reform Commission Chief Executive Officer

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Body Whom we met

National Committee on Corporate Governance Chairperson

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Senior Programme


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Project Coordination


International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) International


Joint Economic Council (JEC)


Mauritius Employers Federation (MEF) Director

Mauritius Employers Federation (MEF) Research Officer

Mauritius Commercial Bank Communication and

Media Specialist

British American Investment Group of Companies (BAI) Vice President

British American Investment Group of Companies (BAI) Responsible CSR

T-Printers Director

Fondation Médine Horizons Social Implementation


Fondation Nouveau Regard Administrator

ANAHITA (Ciel Group) Director Communication

Association des Hoteliers et Restaurateurs – Ile Maurice

(AHRIM) Chief Executive Officer

Association des Hoteliers et Restaurateurs – Ile Maurice

(AHRIM) Officer Responsible CSR

Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) President

Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) Secretary

Centre de Documentation, de Recherche, de Formation

Indiaocéanique (CEDREFI) President

Centre de Documentation, de Recherche, de Formation

Indiaocéanique (CEDREFI) Director

Befrienders Mauritius Secretary

Prevention Information et Lutte contre le SIDA Director

Fondation Tamriv Administrative Director

Fondation Tamriv Field Coordinator

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Body Whom we met

Fondation Tamriv Field Coordinator

Institute for Consumers Protection (ICP) President

Right Now Secretary

Mouvement Autosuffisance Alimentaire (MAA) President

Priorité Enfants Psychologist

Force Vive Poudre d’Or Village President

2.5 International benchmarking

We have also carried out internet-based international benchmarking to collect data on

best practices in other countries.


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3 Overview of CSR


The conduct of business has been an increased concern for society and subject to

continuous criticism over the years. Out of such criticism has grown the notion of

corporate social responsibility (CSR). Many critics argue that organisations must

evaluate the impact of their decisions and actions on society as a whole and that they

must assume responsibility for their activities and related consequences.

Furthermore, it is also argued that organisations should take steps to protect and

improve the welfare of society. Some have even suggested that organisations exist to

serve the needs of society. Therefore, being a steward of the needs of society is a

socially responsible, appropriate, and natural act. In short, organisations must evaluate

their decisions and actions not merely from the perspective of organisational

effectiveness, but also from the perspective of the greater good.

Against this background of rights and obligations, many organisations have responded

to the challenge with a commitment to social responsibility that has led to increased

corporate responsiveness to stakeholders and improved social (stakeholder)



The definitions provide some insight into the ideal of CSR. Some of the well-known

definitions of CSR are as follows:

♦ “Corporate social responsibility is a commitment to improve community well-being through discretionary business practices and contributions of corporate resources” (Kotler & Lee, 2005).

♦ CSR is the "continuing commitment by business to behaving ethically and contributing to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the community and society at large" (R. Sims, 2003).

♦ According to Caroll (2003), “The social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary (philanthropic) expectations that society has of organisations at a given point in time."


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Elements of corporate social responsibility (CSR) are not a new phenomenon nor

indeed are the business practices associated with it. “Traditions of corporate

philanthropy date back to the Victorian era with the activities of Quaker families such

as the Cadburys, Rowntrees and Hersheys who sought to improve their employees'

standard of living as well as enhancing the communities in which they lived” (Hancock,


CSR has rapidly grown in the last 20 years, moving up the boardroom agenda of even

the most hard-headed companies. At its most passive, there is the 'hands-off'

approach, with charitable giving and patronage of charities decided by the chairman or

a board committee. Even where there is a more business-based approach a great deal

of what passes as CSR at top companies has been described as merely ‘passive box

ticking’ driven by external pressures rather than a genuine desire to do business in an

ethical way. But increasingly there is support for more active CSR involving a range of

stakeholders. Many companies now back and organize specific schemes, often in

conjunction with the not-for-profit sector, with the belief that this will contribute to

both the medium-and long-term success of their business.

Moreover, research published by the UK's Institute of Business Ethics, comparing

companies in the FTSE 250, provides strong evidence that “those clearly committed to

ethical behaviour perform better financially over the long term than those lacking such

a commitment” (Alison Maitland, Financial Times, 3 April 2003). It is also argued that

CSR strategy can help manage the effects of globalization, cut environmental cost,

raise productivity and improve staff recruitment and retention rates. Furthermore,

following the Enron, Andersen and WorldCom scandals, there is a greater recognition

by businesses that CSR can help to restore public trust in the corporate world.

The current world business climate is positive for CSR. A global CEO survey undertaken

in the year 2002 found that 70 per cent of chief executives globally agree that CSR is

vital to profitability.

Moreover, according to Business in the Community, more than 70 per cent of business

leaders believe that integrating responsible business practices makes companies more

competitive and profitable.


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Views on CSR

According to Hancock (2005), there exist 3 views on CSR namely: a sceptic view, a

utopian view and a realist view.

♦ Sceptic view

According to this view, the notion of CSR is inimical to democracy and freedom,

frustrating business focus on its purpose of wealth creation. Milton Friedman best

defines the approach: “Few trends would so thoroughly undermine the very

foundations of free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social

responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as they

possibly can”.

♦ Utopian view

The utopian view of CSR reflects the idea that companies have a prior duty to any-one

touched by their activity, their stakeholders rather than their shareholders, and

especially the vulnerable, who may be exploited by the company's operation.

♦ Realist view

The view that gathers the greatest following is the realist view. According to this view,

CSR is not simply about whatever funds and expertise companies choose to invest in

communities to help resolve social problems, it is also about the integrity with which a

company governs itself, fulfils its mission, lives by its values, engages with its

stakeholders, measures its impacts and reports on its activities.

The Key Drivers

There are many drivers of CSR programmes namely:

♦ Bottom line effect: By far the most relevant driver of CSR programmes is the

bottom-line effect of incorporating a socially responsible element into corporate


♦ Lower equity risk premium: A comprehensive CSR programme, as argued by some

ratings agencies, will lower a company's equity risk premium.

♦ Reputation management: A model designed by the global public relations company

Bell Pottinger illustrates a direct correlation between reputation and financial

outcome measures – share price and credit rating (Hancock, 2005).

♦ Influence of the corporate disasters: The corporate scandals affecting Enron,

WorldCom and the like have undoubtedly increased the perception of greed among

senior business officials in the corporate world. CSR is important in counteracting

allegations of corporate greed. As a result, in the US as in the UK there has been a


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shift away from philanthropy in approaches to CSR and a movement towards the

greater alignment of CSR to business strategy and corporate governance.

♦ Customer loyalty: A CSR programme can build loyalty with customers and offer a

competitive advantage in a marketplace where consumers demand goods and

services ethically delivered or produced.

♦ Further investment case: A strong investment case exists for the avoidance of

expensive action suits and the ability to attract, motivate and retain a talented

workforce. In terms of a proactive strategy, CSR may give the opportunity for

business to inform shareholders of potential risks and issues. Any dialogue engaged

in allows companies to understand their stakeholders, including shareholders,


CSR evolution

Organisations have moved away from traditional philanthropic approaches, focused on

one-way disbursement of charitable funds, to efforts aimed at engaging the core

competencies of the company and building mutually beneficial partnerships between

the company and NGOs. Some of the key trends are illustrated below.

As shown above, CSR is no longer confined to one-off philanthropic activities; it is now

integrated into corporate strategy, with full-fledged department overseeing CSR



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Moreover, breadth of CSR strategies and initiatives has also evolved immensely over

recent years as follows:


“Most health care professionals promise that if we engage in regular physical activity

we’ll look better, feel better, do better, and live longer. There are many who say that

participation in corporate social initiatives has similar potential benefits. It appears that

such participation looks good to potential consumers, investors, financial analysts,

business colleagues, in annual reports and in the news” (Kotler & Lee, 2005).

CSR proffers a number of advantages to organisations namely:

♦ Stronger financial performance and profitability

Businesses can use CSR and corporate sustainability to produce direct benefits for the

bottom line. For example, operational efficiencies can be achieved through reducing

energy and materials as input factors for production. Wastes can also be reduced and

materials can be recycled. These sorts of actions from eco-efficiency can produce

concurrent environmental and economic benefits for the company and thereby

contribute to stronger financial performance and more positive profitability.

Operational efficiencies can be achieved in other facets of CSR such as streamlining the

way that information is provided to the investment community as well as to other

stakeholders that demand increased transparency. Managing potential risks and

liabilities more effectively through CSR tools and perspectives can also reduce costs.

Using corporate responsibility and sustainability approaches within business decision-

making can result not only in reduced costs but can also lead to recognizing new


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market opportunities such as when new manufacturing processes are developed that

can be expanded to other plants, regions or markets. There are various studies that

have examined the relationship between CSR and corporate financial performance and

most of the evidence suggests that the links are positive.

♦ Improved relations with the investment community and better access to capital

The investment community has been exploring the links between corporate social

responsibility and financial performance of businesses. There is growing evidence

(through indices such as the Dow Jones Group Sustainability Index (DJGSI), the FTSE4

Good indices, and the Jantzi Social Index) that companies that embrace the essential

qualities of CSR generally outperform their counterparts that do not use features of

CSR. This information is being translated into action within the investment community

(e.g. with creation of funds such as Socially Responsible Investment, Domini Social

Equity Fund, EcoValue 21).

An increasing number of mutual funds are now integrating CSR criteria into their

selection processes to screen in sounder companies and/or screen out businesses that

do not meet certain environmental or social standards. Thus, a CSR approach by a

company can improve the stature of the company in the perspective of the investment

community, a company’s stock market valuation, and its capacity to access capital

from that community.

♦ Enhanced employee relations, productivity and innovation

A key potential benefit from CSR initiatives involves establishing the conditions that

can contribute to increasing the commitment and motivation of employees to become

more innovative and productive. Companies that employ CSR related perspectives and

tools tend to be businesses that provide the pre-conditions for increased loyalty and

commitment from employees.

These conditions can serve to help to recruit employees, retain employees, motivate

employees to develop skills, and encourage employees to pursue learning, to find

innovative ways to not only reduce costs but to also spot and take advantage of new

opportunities for maximizing benefits, reduce absenteeism, and may also translate into

marginally less demands for higher wages.

♦ Stronger relations within communities through stakeholder engagement

A key feature of CSR involves the way that a company engages, involves, and

collaborates with its stakeholders including shareholders, employees, debtholders,

suppliers, customers, communities, non-governmental organisations, and

governments. To the extent that stakeholder engagement and collaboration involve

maintaining an open dialogue, being prepared to form effective partnerships, and


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demonstrating transparency (through measuring, accounting, and reporting practices),

the relationship between the business and the community in which it operates is likely

to be more credible and trustworthy. This is a potentially important benefit for

companies because it increases their "licence to operate", enhances their prospects to

be supported over the longer term by the community, and improves their capacity to

be more sustainable.

Companies can use stakeholder engagement to internalize society’s needs, hopes,

circumstances into their corporate views and decision-making. While there are many

questions about how far a company’s responsibilities extend into communities relative

to the roles of governments and individual citizens, there is a strong argument that

CSR can effectively improve a company’s relations with communities and thereby

produce some key features that will improve business prospects for its future.

♦ Improved reputation and branding

A potential benefit of CSR is that it can improve a company’s reputation and branding

and this in turn improves the prospects for the company to be more effective in the

way that it manages communications and marketing in efforts to attract new

customers and increase market share. CSR as a concept with various tools can help a

company to position itself in the marketplace as a company that is more responsible

and more sustainable than its competitors.

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law

The issues of "social responsibility" and "legality" are not one and the same. CSR is

often viewed as acts that stretch beyond what is prescribed by the law. Indeed, many

believe that certain existing laws do not promote socially responsible behaviour.

“Thinking about legality and responsibility identifies four distinct organisational

approaches to social responsibility: illegal and irresponsible, illegal and responsible,

irresponsible and legal, and legal and responsible” (Sims, 2003)


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Approaches Examples (Sims, 2003)

1. Illegal and


An investigation was launched to examine claims that

some companies took advantage of the catastrophic

Pennsylvania Ashland Petroleum tank collapse by

dumping their own toxic wastes into the already

polluted Monongahela River. Dumping this type of

material into the river is prohibited by law, and it was

clearly irresponsible to further contaminate the water.

2. Illegal and responsible Greenpeace has on many occasions engaged in illegal

acts in an effort to protect the environment. For

example, during the mid-1990s, they attempted to

block French nuclear tests in the South Pacific by

illegally occupying French territory and harassing French

military operations.

3. Irresponsible and legal For example, beer companies produce commercials that

appeal to underage drinkers, and casinos sometimes

make special offers that encourage people to trade their

Social Security checks for gambling chips. These

organisations are acting within the letter of the law but

not the spirit of the law.

4. Legal and responsible Since 1984 Patagonia has given 10 percent of its pre-

tax profits to such groups as the Wolf Fund, the

Audubon Society, and the Nature Conservancy. Ben &

Jerry's gives 7.5 percent of its pre-tax profits to charity,

while the Hallmark Corporation for the past 80 years

has donated more than 5 percent of its corporate pre-

tax profits to charitable causes. These charitable acts on

the part of Patagonia, Ben & Jerry's, and Hallmark are

both legal and highly socially responsible.


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Examples of CSR in the workplace

It is widely agreed that CSR is a concept that is theoretical and basically meaningless

to practice unless it is applied in some organisational context. Just wearing the CSR

badge does not necessarily mean that an organisation is responsible. Some

organisations use being responsible simply as a marketing ploy.

Generally speaking, social responsibility can be categorized into four major areas of

impact or performance: (i) human resources—development and protection of people;

(ii) community, cultural, and societal involvement and philanthropy; (iii) environmental

protection, waste reduction, and sustainability; and (iv) product, consumer, and

service contributions and protections.

Social responsibility

area of impact

Some examples of Policies and practices

1. Human resources:

development and

protection of people

♦ Helping employees with family responsibilities

♦ Providing employees a safe, clean, healthy, and pleasant work environment

♦ Providing equal opportunities in hiring and promotion

♦ Provide employees with adequate training and educational opportunities in a timely manner that enhances organisational and personal career goals.

2. Community, cultural

and societal

involvement and


♦ Obeying all applicable laws and regulations.

♦ Giving back to the community, in which the organisation resides, does business or impacts on stakeholders in terms of philanthropy, donations, foundations, volunteerism, or other contributions.

♦ Supporting educational, humanitarian, and/or environmental causes with financial donations or volunteer assistance or other socially responsible investments.

♦ Participate in community environmental programs and forums that seek to protect the environment, support human rights, restore biodiversity, and enhance sustainability

3. Environmental

protection, waste

reduction and


♦ Adoption of recognized environmental guidelines

♦ Seek to introduce environmentally friendly processes and practices though continuous improvement policies

♦ Identifying and reducing in every way possible the overall damage the organisation does to the environment

♦ Purchase only energy saving and recyclable equipment and materials

♦ Applying environmental and sustainability standards to purchasing and vendor relationships.


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Social responsibility

area of impact

Some examples of Policies and practices

4. Product, consumer,

service contributions

and protections

♦ Provide guidelines and means for consumer protection in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

♦ Design products and services for the environment that use fewer raw materials and less energy in production or implementation.

♦ Design products to minimize consumption of energy and production of wastes, including reduction in packaging requirements.

♦ Provide truthful information on the known environmental impacts of the organisation and its products and services.


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4 Findings – large organisations

4.1 Strategic approach to CSR

History of CSR in Mauritius

CSR across the modern world traces its origin back to governmental regulation shaping

personnel and environmental issues back in the 1970s. At that time, CSR activities

were mainly confined to compliance with prevailing laws and regulations. Since then,

CSR has become embedded into the organisational culture, strategy and operations

across frontiers.

Chart 1

History of the company's engagement in CSR

Since start-up39%

About 20 years back7%

About 10 years back10%

Recently (~3 years)25%

Others (include vague answers and

undisclosed answers)


CSR initiatives go quite a long way back in Corporate Mauritius as well, up to 20 years

back. Involvement in CSR has started at varying points in time for the companies

surveyed. In order to assess the history of CSR and its trend over time, companies

were surveyed on their engagement in CSR activities. It is interesting to note that the

highest percentage of respondents (39%) have started CSR activities since their star-

up. 25% of companies engaged in CSR activities since recently only (less than 3

years) confirming the belief that CSR is an emerging trend in the country.


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Introduction of CSR in Mauritian companies

Chart 2




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Global Policy

Enhance image vis-à-visinternal community

Enhance image vis-à-visexternal community

Why did you start at all?

CSR seeped into Mauritian enterprises for various reasons. Most organisations initially

engaged in CSR activities mainly to enhance their image vis-à-vis (i) the internal

community (60.3%) and (ii) the external community (54%). The CSR adoption was

thus mainly for image building. Multinationals engaged in CSR not only to enhance

their image but also because they have to abide by their global policy.

Other reasons put forward by organisations include: transparency, compulsory banking

guidelines, preservation of jobs, corporate reputation and image, employee retention

and loyalty.

Evolution of CSR

There is, thus, overwhelming evidence that private sector firms across the world and in

Mauritius and Rodrigues are aware that they have to balance, if not reconcile, their

obligations to shareholders with explicit contributions to the external community.

However, the way they make these contributions differs greatly. Different firms may

be at different stages of awareness of and work on CSR, which will dictate the contents

of their strategy: some may decide to adopt a "minimum necessary" stance. Others

may wish to make strategic forays into particular areas.

In its most basic application, CSR may be viewed as compliance with laws and the

presence of corporate ethics as laid out in codes of ethics / codes of conduct / codes of

corporate governance. These codes:

♦ Set forth norms for corporate behaviour and behaviour to be observed by each director and employee;


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♦ Set the rules for outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for all in the organisation; and

♦ Shape organisational behaviour towards employees and society at large.

The survey has revealed that more than 73% of large organisations have a code of

conduct/ethics/corporate governance. This is positive as the existing knowledge on

codes and their applications by large organisations can be a stepping stone towards the

adoption of good CSR practices. However, the fact that more than one quarter of large

organisations surveyed does not have any code demonstrates that there is room for

improvement to populate this practice.

CSR policy

A CSR strategy is a road map for moving ahead on CSR issues. It sets the direction

and scope over the long term with regard to CSR, allowing the organisation to be

successful by using its resources within its unique environment to meet market needs

and fulfil stakeholder objectives. A good CSR strategy identifies the following:

♦ overall direction for where the firm wishes to go in its CSR work

♦ a basic approach for proceeding

♦ specific priority areas

♦ immediate next steps.

Despite the long history of CSR in Mauritius & Rodrigues, only 22% of organisations

surveyed have a formal policy towards CSR. As such, there is no formal framework for

CSR initiatives in Mauritius and Rodrigues. This is evidence that CSR is not yet

embedded in the culture of many organisations in Mauritius and Rodrigues. This finding

conveys other strong messages such as:

♦ A proper CSR structure is not a priority for many organisations in Mauritius and Rodrigues. Hence, in the future, while many organisations will continue to engage in CSR, their approach will not be planned and formal.

♦ The majority of organisations do not realise the importance of a coherent and systematic CSR undertaking on their organisational performance.

Yes No Does your company have a formal policy towards CSR? 22% 78% Engagement in Strategic CSR Partnership at community level 85% Engagement in Strategic CSR Partnership at national level 64%

♦ Out of the 22% of respondents that have a formal CSR policy, more than 80% of them engage in strategic CSR partnership at community level while more than 60% do so at national level. This implies a strong positive correlation for existence of a


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formal CSR policy and an engagement in strategic CSR partnership at community and national level.

♦ This is a key finding as it reveals that organisations that have a structured and disciplined approach to CSR find it easier to engage in strategic partnerships both at community and national level.

Motives behind developing a CSR policy

The organisations which have developed a formal CSR policy were asked about the real

motives driving this policy adoption.

Chart 3

Motives behind developing CSR policy

Enhancement of society14%

Social reponsibility58%

Image of company14%


♦ More than 50% of companies have done so (either formal or informal) in order to be socially responsible, 14% aim to enhance the general well-being of the society, 14% to enhance the image of their organisations. Other reasons include welfare of employees and stakeholder value as shown in the above chart.

♦ It is clear that there has been a shift in CSR motives, from originally to improve corporate image, to achieving social objectives.

♦ Organisations with CSR policy/policies have had to adapt such policy/policies over time as shown below.

Out of these, 62% have reviewed their policy/policies

Out of these 85% of the organisations developed their own policies and the rest having recourse to external consultants

30% Yes

Firms having a formal CSR


No Out of these 54% have a designated person to ensure compliance with law and international codes



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Coupled with CSR policies, organisations surveyed were prompted on the existence of

any risk management policies. As mentioned earlier in the literature review, some

rating companies have argued that an organisation’s equity risk premium may be lower

with the implementation of a comprehensive CSR programme.

It is encouraging to note that a majority, 65%, of companies surveyed have risk

management policies. This confirms the belief that CSR is still in its most basic

application: compliance with laws. Risk management is a positive indication that large

companies are well geared to protect themselves against risks such as money

laundering (predominantly in the financial sector), unethical behaviour by employees

and clients, fraud amongst others. The current Mauritian business community wants to

be known by its international counterparts as a clean jurisdiction to do business.

However the remaining 35% of companies not having risk management policies shows

that there is still room for improvement in this area.

Furthermore, only 52% of the companies surveyed were able to appreciate the bearing

CSR may have on risk management. This clearly shows that a lot of companies may

not really understand what CSR encompasses and are underestimating its importance,

and thus fail to see CSR as a key tool for risk management.


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4.2 Internal CSR

The myriads of CSR initiatives are so much hyped about and made visible by media

today that it may lead to the fallacy of interpreting CSR as social activities external to

private enterprises. This would be erroneous in that CSR has evolved into two

perspectives: one related to internal corporate behaviours and the other related to

external corporate behaviours.

Internal behaviours refer to the way an enterprise conducts the day-to-day operations

of its core business functions. External behaviours refer to a corporation’s engagement

outside of its direct business interest, traditionally defined as a corporation’s giving


Occupational health and safety, equal opportunity and environment protection

measures, to name a few, created standards for responsible corporate business

practices which became thresholds for minimal internal CSR behaviour. The current

business trend is to establish codes of corporate governance and codes of ethics as

well as inculcating shared values at the corporate level and engaging fully in internal

CSR initiatives.

Strategic approach to internal CSR

The approach to internal CSR is somewhat similar to CSR in general with 65% of

organisations without any formal policy on internal CSR. This confirms that internal

CSR is yet to be integrated in the management culture of companies in Mauritius. The

issue of internal CSR pertains to “people management”, which has a fundamental

bearing on organisational performance.

Dimensions of internal CSR

Internal CSR encompasses a vast range of dimensions pertaining to good modern

human resources practice. These dimensions range from the regular conduct of

training to the less regular employee satisfaction surveys or social climate surveys.

Despite the fact that few companies have an internal CSR policy, the survey revealed

that all companies surveyed engage in one way or the other in internal CSR as

depicted in chart 4 below.


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Chart 4

What does internal CSR encompass for the company?















































ation in







Health &











When companies surveyed were asked what internal CSR encompass for them, training

and development has the highest rating (87%) followed by occupational health and

safety (76%) and incentive programs (76%). Workplace diversity (73%) is another

important dimension of internal CSR. Profit sharing/share options, employee

satisfaction surveys and collective bargaining score relatively low (37%, 41% and 43%

respectively). This indicates that employers tend to arm their employees with the

necessary tools in order to become more productive.

Benefits of internal CSR

Chart 5

70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95%

Higher staff morale

Better staff retention

Higher productivity

How do you benefit from internal CSR?


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Organisations have come to realise that people are their most important assets and

CSR does have a positive bearing on their performance and/or attitude. The

organisations benefit in multifold ways: higher productivity, better staff retention and

higher staff morale as illustrated in the above chart.

Thus, internal CSR has a positive impact on human resource and should be considered

as an investment for companies and not a cost, in that it contributes to organisational


Whilst there is a general consensus amongst organisations that benefits are indeed

reaped from CSR, these organisations stress that the promotion of CSR is dependent

on several factors. The majority of respondents (96.8%) believe that commitment of

top management is fundamental for inculcating CSR in the organisational culture of

companies. Therefore, it is very important for top management of companies to be

sensitised to the benefits of internal CSR in order to have their support, which would

cascade down the organisation.

Other key factors that are important to promote internal CSR include: integration of

internal CSR in the core values of organisations, commitment of employees, employee

participation in CSR activities and communication of CSR undertakings within the



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Chart 6

Does CSR form part of the induction program and/or training?



Chart 7

Are employees evaluated upon their CSR undertakings during their performance appraisal?



It is interesting to note that 70% of organisations surveyed do not have CSR in their

induction programs and training activities and that 79% do not evaluate their

employees upon their CSR undertakings during performance appraisal. This

consolidates the finding that the majority of organisations do not have a solid internal

CSR framework.

Induction is a key activity in that it is the process of receiving and welcoming

employees when they first join a company. Disclosure of CSR during induction may

lead new employees to developing a favourable attitude to the company.

As for top management, they do show concern about CSR undertakings of their

organisations. Indeed, the survey has revealed that 87% of organisations have


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reported that CSR undertakings are important for members of top management. They

are aware of CSR’s impact on corporate performance. This is a key finding in that top

management can be convinced to formalise and structure their CSR policies in order to

benefit further from CSR.

The Government of Mauritius can capture this opportunity and capitalise on the

interest and willingness of firms to engage in CSR activities.

4.3 Framework for external CSR activities

Despite the fact that Mauritian organisations have been involved in one way or the

other in CSR undertakings, the country still lags behind the western countries when it

comes to CSR being integrated in organisational strategy, structure and operations.

The future evolution of CSR rests upon the organisational framework within which CSR

takes place:

- how is it carried out?

- who is involved and responsible?

- how much is spent on CSR?

- what time frame is considered?

- what is being devoted, what is being done?

- with whom is CSR being carried out?

- is there any control?

- are CSR activities communicated?

The organisations have been assessed on the above framework.


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Approach (how)

Chart 8

Do you carry out CSR activities in a formal or informal way?



The majority of respondents (63%) carry out CSR activities in an informal way. This

demonstrates that CSR is not carried out in a structured way. This may be due to the

fact that the majority of companies (70%) do not have a formal CSR policy.

Hence, formalisation and structuring of CSR will bring more discipline and consistency

on how CSR activities are conducted in Mauritius.

Responsibility and involvement (who)

Implementation of CSR activities calls on for internal resource deployment, unless the

organisation is involved in charity works (donations) or outsources its CSR


The majority of respondents (54%) have someone to overlook CSR activities. This is a

positive signal as it shows that there is an increasing commitment to CSR.


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Chart 9

Who oversees CSR activities?


Dedicated team/person


Others (Board, top management,


No answers5%

Marketing, Communications, External Affairs,

Business Development


HR, Personnel, Administration


Whilst a majority of organisations do have a designated person for CSR, it is

interesting to note that for a significant percentage, that person is in human resource

(39%) and marketing/communications (23%) departments respectively. This is one

indication that to many organisations, compliance with laws and regulations is the

primary concern of CSR. There is someone who is fully involved in CSR activities on a

daily basis in only a few companies. Almost all companies interviewed have

demonstrated that their management team engage more substantially than their

employees in CSR undertakings as shown in the chart 10. This shows that employees

in companies do not take initiatives to conduct CSR which is rather driven by



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Chart 10

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

M anagement


Who is/are actually involved in the CSR activities?

Budget (how much)

However, despite the fact that organisations conduct CSR in an informal way, 70% of

companies surveyed set budgets for conducting CSR activities. This is a very positive

signal as it shows that there is a financial commitment on the part of these companies

to conduct CSR activities.


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Timeframe (when)

Chart 11

Which time frame do you devote to such activities?


Full Time10% Limited


Ad Hoc71%

When it comes to the frequency of CSR activities, most companies surveyed (71%)

carry out CSR activities on an ad hoc basis. This is because the majority of companies

do not have a full fledged CSR committee or department nor have formal CSR policies.

It also indicates that the CSR culture is yet to be embedded in Mauritius.

Resource allocation (what)

Chart 12

Which resources do you devote to your CSR activities?

















Funds Products Skills Premises People


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A majority of companies (90 %) allocate funds to CSR. A substantial percentage

(60%) also provides employees for organisation and participation in CSR activities.

These various resources may be linked to demand by NGOs.

Types of CSR undertakings (what)

Chart 13










0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Employees - Internal CSR

Community & Broader Society


Governance / Code of ethics


Public Reporting


Stakeholder Engagement


What are the activities that you conduct?

Nearly all companies surveyed engage in internal and/or external CSR as illustrated in

chart 13. Companies carry out various CSR activities. More than 90% of companies

carry out internal CSR activities and external CSR activities to the community and

broader society. More than 60% of respondents carry out CSR activities in areas of

environment and governance/code of ethics.

This triggers a positive signal that companies are indulging in CSR activities, especially

in priority areas.


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Forms of action (with whom)

Chart 14

What form do your activities take?

Individual actions only35%

Both individual and collection actions


Collective actions only19%

Another important consideration which often determines the success or failure of CSR

undertakings is whether organisations partner up with other organisations or not.

These partners can be:

♦ Other private firms;

♦ NGOS; and

♦ Governmental bodies.

The survey revealed that around one third of respondents (35%) prefer to carry out

their CSR activities on an individual basis. This may be due to the fact that they carry

out those activities on an adhoc basis at their own pace and convenience.

Chart 15

What form do your activities take?

Collective actions only19%

Individual actions only35%

Both individual and colletcive actions



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The remaining 65%% conduct CSR either (i)through collective actions only (19%) or

(ii) through both individual and collective action (46%). This shows that partnerships

between NGOs and companies do exist and work and, can be enhanced. Private sector

– NGO partnership may be developed using existing ones as showcases.

Controlling CSR activities

A proper organisational framework comprises the essential, though often neglected,

function of control to ensure that objectives have been met efficiently and effectively.

The survey has confirmed that this crucial function is often neglected in corporate

Mauritius in their CSR undertakings.

Indeed, 65% of companies do not measure the impact of their CSR activities. This may

be explained by the following:

♦ Absence of CSR policy;

♦ No full-fledged CSR Department./Committee; and

♦ CSR is done in an informal way and on an ad-hoc basis.

Communication about CSR

Communication is yet another aspect of a proper organisational framework for CSR

undertakings. The attention devoted by management gurus, the theses and academic

papers and the columns in corporate newsletters allotted to CSR undertakings all

indicate that there is currently much written material on the subject. A few

organisations even publish regular CSR reports or social reports.

Such communication is common practice in Mauritius as well. The majority of

companies surveyed (68%) communicate about their CSR activities mainly through

their annual report and Newspaper/Magazine. This is in line with their objective of

enhancing their image vis-à-vis the external community as previously mentioned, by

informing the general public about their social responsibilities. It is also observed that

only 9% of respondents that communicate their CSR activities do so through a social

report as shown in the following chart


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4.4 Evaluation of implementation of CSR activities


The way CSR has seeped, as a reality, if not as an imperative, in corporate Mauritius is

insightful in that organisations have come to recognise the many benefits which can be derived

from such undertakings.

Indeed, most of the companies (69%) surveyed have reported having benefited from CSR

activities. However, 29% are not sure that they have benefited by undertaking CSR activities.

This is in line with the finding that a majority of respondents do not measure the impact of their

CSR activities. Absence of proper measurement does not reassure and convince organisations

of the benefits proffered by CSR.

Chart 16

How has your organisation benefited from conducting CSR?





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Better motivationamongst employees

Better relations withsuppliers

Better relations withclients

Better public relations

Companies which have benefited from CSR enjoy enhanced employees motivation (79%) and

better public relations (79%). In other words, companies are achieving their desired objectives

by carrying out both internal and external CSR activities. This may be a motivation to further

engage in CSR activities and encourage others to follow suit. However, the impact of CSR on

their trading partners was less apparent.


Despite the multifold advantages attached to CSR, organisations face a number of constraints

and challenges. These may crop up before the start of the CSR activity (e.g. lack of

information) or during the implementation (e.g. lack of proper partnership or coordination) or

after implementation (e.g. lack of audit).


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Chart 17

Did you encounter the following challenges when implementing your CSR activities?

















of audit





No p









The survey has reported that the lack of information on specific areas where CSR activities had

to be conducted is an important challenge, faced by as many as 33% of companies. They

pointed out that the government has to communicate more on areas requiring urgent focus and

actions and their strategies to address these so that the private sector could be in a better

position to know how they may help and target priority sectors.

The next important challenge is lack of audit after implementation of CSR (22%). This is the

result of conducting CSR in an unstructured way. In fact, as previously mentioned, the majority

of companies do not measure the impact of CSR activities, from their perspective and that of

the targeted group.

The challenges faced by organisations obstruct the evolution and expansion of CSR, and should,

thus be dealt with at root source.

Future of CSR undertakings

Organisations are, on one hand allured by the multifold benefits derived from CSR undertakings

and, on the other hand, deterred by the practical challenges faced before, during and after

carrying them out. The way these two opposing forces would interact and dealt with would

greatly influence the future of CSR undertakings.


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Chart 18

Do you foresee to continue conducting CSR activities?

Curtail CSR activities


Engage into new CSR activities


Cease CSR activities


Continue CSR activities


Expand CSR activities


Given these opposing forces, the survey tried to investigate into the foreseeable trend of CSR

activities. More than 50 % of companies surveyed stated that they would expand their CSR

activities while some 38% mentioned that they would continue as usual implying that

companies are more concerned about the many benefits reaped by CSR activities than deterred

by the challenges they face during or post-implementation.

These are clear indications that companies are increasingly sensitised to the importance and

impact of CSR. The prospective surge in CSR undertakings would benefit both internal and

external stakeholders.

Whilst the survey has indicated a favourable response for CSR activities in the future, one

should address the identified challenges in order to entice other organisations on CSR board

and thus creating a snowball effect.

Factors promoting CSR

The above results convey a strong message that companies would maintain the status quo (i.e.

continue the same CSR activities), or expand their activities, or engage into new activities in

the future. None would curtail or cease their CSR activities.


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Chart 19

Factors that would encourage your organisation to increase its CSR activities

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A revision of the actual tax policy regarding CSR activities

A better information dissemination about NGOs

Partnership with other PS firms or NGOs

Transparency in implementation of activities at NGO level

The guarantee that targeted groups are indeed benefiting

A forum whereby pressing needs (economic, social etc) can be identified

Positive outcomes for the organisation

Very Important Important Somehow Important Not important at all

When further prompted for factors which would encourage them to increase such activities, the

two most important factors that surfaced were: the guarantee that the targeted groups are

indeed benefiting from those activities and the need for transparency in implementation of

activities at NGO level. Companies have thus indicated that they indeed would want value for

money and there may be a perception of lack of transparency from the NGO perspective.

Another important result is that all companies consider positive outcomes to them when

deciding whether to expand CSR or not. This indicates that companies do have, after all, vested

interests in whatever CSR undertakings they carry out and seek some rewards. More

information on NGOs, a forum whereby pressing needs are identified and a revision of the

actual policy are other factors which would promote CSR.

Role of government

The role played by the government impacts directly on CSR. As shown in the above chart,

almost all companies would consider a revision of tax policy regarding CSR activities as a very

important to somewhat important factor encouraging them to increase CSR. Thus, it is

impending to review the role of the government in CSR undertakings.


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Chart 20

How can the government assist companies in the implementation of CSR

No answer By providing taxincentives 17%


By acting as a facilitator47%

Almost half of the companies surveyed pointed out that the government could be of help by

acting as a facilitator, intermediary and regulator. In fact, as mentioned previously, lack of

information is one of the main challenges faced by companies in their CSR endeavour.

Therefore, the government could assist in bridging that gap.

A significant proportion of them (30%) mentioned that the government policy could encourage

them in conducting CSR activities by way of fiscal incentives.

4.5 Philanthropic and sponsorship activities

Philanthropic activities

Many organisations have started their CSR journey by initially indulging in philanthropy. Over

time, their approach has evolved and they have adopted a more strategic one. Despite the use

of philanthropy and CSR interchangeably by management gurus, these two concepts are not

the same. The former is the practice of performing charitable or benevolent actions. The latter

is more embedded in corporate strategy, structure and operations.

Yes No Do you engage in

philanthropic activities?

90%: health and safety, education and community (sports) 10%

Yes No Are you satisfied with your philanthropic


91% 9%


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An overwhelming majority, 90%, of companies surveyed carry out philanthropic activities which

tend to revolve around 3 main areas namely health and safety, education and community

(including sports). A matching study may be carried out in order to ensure that NGOs needs

and requirements are really met.

Among those companies that are involved in philanthropic activities, the majority of them

(91%) are satisfied with their activities. This shows that these companies are achieving their

philanthropic objectives.

For those organisations that are not satisfied with their philanthropic activities, the reasons put

forward include:

♦ The organisation has the potential and resources to contribute more to CSR; and

♦ The organisation should engage in strategic CSR.

The existence of philanthropy indicates an opportunity to develop and refine a CSR framework.

The organisations are already participating in give-aways; however the method adopted may be

wanting in that there are debates as to whether philanthropy is sustainable or not. The fact

that most of those engaged in philanthropy are satisfied from such undertakings may represent

a formidable resistance to adopt a more strategic approach by actually engaging in CSR.

Nonetheless, with proper education and sensitisation, an organisation engaged in philanthropic

activities represents a good opportunity to a natural move towards strategic CSR, thus

enhancing the chances of sustainable CSR initiatives.

Sponsorship activities

Yes No Do you engage in sponsorship activities?

83%: sports and education 17%

Yes No Are you satisfied with your sponsorship


94% 6%

Sponsorship is another concept close to CSR and philanthropy. It is a business tool used by

many companies as part of their communications, advertising and public relations budget to

associate the company name/brand/people with dynamic events and images for their media

broadcast and audience. Sponsorship usually requires a service, or action, in return for

financial support, so this frequently has clear marketing benefits and is therefore directly linked

to a company’s bottom line.


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It is very encouraging to note that 83% of companies surveyed indulge in sponsorship

activities. Therefore, this is an opportunity of which both NGOs and the community at large

could take full advantage.

Among the priority sectors in which companies indulge in sponsorship activities, sports and

education top up the list.

Among those companies that are involved in sponsorship activities, as much as 94% are

satisfied with their activities, having achieved their set objectives.

4.6 Partnerships with other organisations

There has been much convergence between CSR initiatives of private organisations and civil

society actions with a view to identifying opportunities to leverage corporate investment for the

benefit of NGO programs. Indeed many international institutions are drivers of such integrated

effort such as the UN Global Compaq and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The 8th

MDG is to “develop a global partnership for development”. As such, there is consensus around

the world that partnership is a quicker, very often more efficient vehicle to achieve national,

and ultimately global goals. Such partnerships may take multifold forms and involve different


Popularity of collective action

Awareness about the multiple benefits to be reaped from collective actions has already arisen in

corporate Mauritius as well. The survey investigated into whether companies partner up with

other organisations in their CSR activities. 54% of companies surveyed partner up with other

organisations in their CSR activities while 36% are not involved in any partnerships. Those

existing partnerships may prompt other companies to partner with others for CSR activities.

Timeframe of partnership

When prompted for the timeframe concerned, it has been found that the majority of

collaborations (76%) are on a long-term or short-term basis and 24% on a one-off basis. In

view of the fact that the majority of collaborations are not just one-off, sustainable benefits to

the community may be achieved.


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Chart 21

Are you collaborating with this/these organisation/s?

Short term (2007-2010)


Long term (beyond 2010)



Initiating step

An important finding yielded by the survey is that partnerships between companies and NGOs

started by the latter approaching the former in an overwhelming majority of cases, 76%.

Chart 22

How did that relationship begin?


24%My company

approached them

0% 70% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 80% 90%

The NGO approached us


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This shows that there is a willingness of the private sector to partner with NGOs for a common

cause. NGOs should thus be more proactive in looking for potential partnerships with

companies and buying them in, with clear objectives and transparency.

Satisfaction derived from partnerships

Whilst there are national and global efforts to promote partnership, it is also imperative to

evaluate such partnerships to assess whether they have brought satisfaction, and thus achieved

common and desired goals, or have resulted in incongruent goals and ultimately overall


Chart 23

Are you satisfied with that partnership?



Almost all companies that partner with NGOs have reported that they are satisfied with their


This is a compelling finding in that when partnerships do take place, the actual

outcome portends well for the private sector and that existing partnerships between

companies and NGOs do work and can lead to a surge in private sector / NGO

Partnership, to the benefit of the community.

4.7 Corporate views on NGO

The proactiveness of NGOs has yielded many satisfactory partnerships. They have actively

sought and found assistance and participation from the private sector. This sheds light on an

important player in CSR undertakings, the NGOs.

Civil society engagement present since the 19th century now pervades most if not all spheres

of activities: social, economic, cultural, environmental, political, sports, and religious in

Mauritius. There are over 6,000 voluntary organisations with non-profit making goals. A


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majority of these are community-based whilst around 300 are termed “non-governmental


These NGOs have developed for a variety of purposes humanitarian issues, developmental aid,

emergency aid, sustainable development, improving the state of the natural environment,

encouraging the observance of human rights, improving the welfare of the disadvantaged, or

representing a corporate agenda. The focus of the NGOs varies as well in that the ways the

NGOs reach their target beneficiaries are different.

♦ Focus on relief and welfare ♦ Deliver relief services directly to

beneficiaries ♦ Examples: distribution of food,

shelter or health services

♦ Focus on small scale, self-reliant local development

♦ Build capacit ies of local communit ies to meet needs through “ self reliant local action”

♦ Focus on sustainable systems development

♦ Try to advance changes in policies and institutions at a local, national and international level

♦ United Way, Befrienders

♦ Terre de Paix

♦ PILS, ACIM, Lizié dans la Main, Mauritius, Mental Health Association, APEIM, Friends in Hope, PAWS, Maurit ius Wildlife Fund, Maurit ius Marine Conservation Society

Evolutionary stages of

development NGOs

A useful classification of NGOs is categorising them into advocacy and operational. The primary

purpose of an operational NGO is the design and implementation of development-related

projects. Advocacy NGOs are set up to defend or promote a specific cause. These

organisations typically try to raise awareness, acceptance and knowledge by lobbying, press

work and activist events.

For instance, the Mauritius Wildlife Fund is both an operational and advocacy NGO as shown


To conserve and manage the indigenous flora and fauna of Mauritius and its territories. To raise and supply funds necessary for the conservation projects undertaken by the MWF and its associate organizations. To co-ordinate and administer these projects. To inform, educate and involve the Mauritian people in this vital work.

Operational aims

Operational/ advocacy aim Operational aim Advocacy aim

Another important aspect when considering NGOs is the funding of these NGOs. Major sources

of NGO funding include membership dues, the sale of goods and services, grants from


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international institutions or national governments, and private donations. Several EU-grants

provide funds accessible to NGOs.

Bearing the ultimate objective of the survey in mind, it becomes imperative to investigate into

the following;

♦ Which are the popular NGOs in corporate Mauritius?

♦ How does corporate Mauritius view the NGO sector?

♦ Which characteristics do companies seek prior to entering into partnership/s with NGOs?

NGO popularity

Chart 24

NGO popularity





3% 3%5%







8% 8%



5% 5%3%




5% 5%














od D









e d

e s




ile E





in h






n r



é d


la m











life F

















ry c


Save t

he c














e d

e P


Ti D



United W


NGO listed by companies

% o

f co


s lis

ting t




Surprisingly, when prompted to enumerate NGOs in Mauritius, the respondents have named at

most 6 NGOs, a meagre response. PILS is the most popular NGO amongst the respondents.

This may be due to a combination of factors such as the topical nature of the cause it defends,


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its visibility due to its wide press coverage, the endorsement of Government to its cause and

the stated achievements to combat AIDS and its stigma.

Other popular NGOs include: Association des Parents d’Enfants Inadaptes de l’ile Maurice,

Mauritius Wildlife Foundation, Terre de Paix, SOS Village amongst others.

NGO rating

It was difficult to obtain a good rating of the NGO sector because of the following:

♦ The population is so big and disparate;

♦ The NGOs function so differently;

♦ There is so little information available on all of them;

♦ Companies know a few NGOs very well, thus, in a position to assess them, whilst not able to evaluate the big majority; and

♦ They are not regulated.

♦ Activities of the NGOs, however noble, are seldom reported in the media or when covered are often presented as matters of course.

However, when prompted to provide a rating of the overall NGO sector, the majority of

respondents had either good or fair opinion of NGOs in Mauritius while very few companies

rated NGOs as excellent/very good as shown below:

Chart 25

How would you rate NGOs in Mauritius?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Aims and mandate of the NGOs

Structure and organisation

Commitment and professionalism


Membership and quality of resources

Mobilisation of resources

Performance towards goals

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

A better evaluation of each of the above criteria can be made by analysing the mean score as

shown below:


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Apart from the aims and mandate of the NGOs which achieves a mean of 3 (i.e. good), all the

other criteria listed have means below 3 (i.e. fair). This implies that they are perceived as being

fair to poor by the majority organisations surveyed. Hence, while the aims and mandates of

NGOs might be noble and interesting, the way NGOs are structured, their commitment and

professionalism, level and quality of communication, resources mobilisation, membership and

quality of resources and performance towards goals are perceived to be below expected

standards by Mauritian organisations.

Perception is as good as reality – NGOs should reverse this perception by addressing the above



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NGO characteristics encouraging partnership

Lastly, respondents were invited to pick the characteristics of NGOs which count most in their

partnership search decision.

Chart 26

Which factors would you consider when partnering with an NGO?

- 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0%

Aims and mandate ofthe NGOs

Brand Credibility

Community Outreach

Structure &Organisation

Commitment &Professionalism


Membership & qualityof resources

Mobilisation ofresources

Performance towardsgoals

Aims and mandate of NGOs, commitment and professionalism and performance towards goals

are the most important factors that companies consider when partnering with an NGO. This

may explain why PILS top up the popularity list of companies since they successfully satisfy the

above dimensions.

4.8 Potential partnerships

Tri-sector partnerships that engage private sector, civil society, and the government are very

much in vogue currently and have become particularly powerful engines of change in recent

years. These multi-stakeholder partnerships have become an established form of actualising

corporate commitments as shown in the following table:


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Multinational company

Sector of activity NGO/Company Partnership area

BNP Paribas Banking GoodPlanet Agence de L’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l”Energie

Environment protection

Accor Group Hotel Pomozte detem Foundation (Czech Republic) SOS Children’s Village (Morocco) Cue Kids (Oceania) Plan International

Children’s welfare

Ben and Jerry’s Consumer Business Dave Matthews Band

Environment protection

IBM IT Seedco (USA) Poverty

DHL Transportation UNICEF UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Disaster management

TOTAL Energy Union Mondiale pour la Nature Environment protection

Coca Cola Consumer Business United States Agency for International Development

Toyota Manufacturing - heavy

Environmental Assistance Center Green Earth Center

Environment protection

Procter and Gamble

Consumer Business Children’s Safe Drinking Water Children health promotion

Body Shop Consumer Business British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection MTV Network International

Animal protection Health promotion

Unilever Consumer Business World Food Programme Poverty

Wal-Mart Retail Red Cross Fighting AIDS

Gap Inc Manufacturing (PRODUCT) RED Fighting AIDS

NOKIA Electronic business UN Children’s Fund Children welfare

L’Oreal Consumer Business CSR Europe Gender equality

Singapore Airlines Aviation Singapore Chinese Orchestra Promotion of arts

BBC Media Countryside Agency National Trust Forestry Commission

Environment protection

Indeed partnership models that link private, public and civil society contain the twin possibilities

of both addressing pressing social, economic and environmental challenges as well as benefiting

the partnership agencies.


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This survey will ultimately have to recommend potential multi-stakeholder partnerships. Key to

such an endeavour is:

♦ the assessment of whether the respondents possess adequate benchmarking information, locally and/or globally. Only then can they provide valuable and novel contribution to such partnerships;

♦ the interest shown by Corporate Mauritius in such partnerships;

♦ the interest demonstrated by private companies in engaging in policy dialogues; and

♦ identification of areas of CSR where private firms lack information.

Awareness of private sector/NGO/government partnership

Respondents were asked about their awareness of partnerships which exist between the private

sector, NGOs and the Government, and their level of satisfaction with such partnerships.

75% of them were aware of such partnerships in Mauritius. However, almost half of them were

not satisfied with them. This high rate of dissatisfaction may be due to the perceived stand-

alone position of each stakeholder in CSR activities resulting in a lack of coherence and goal



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Interest in partnership

Respondents were asked whether they would be interested to partner up with other

organisations to conduct CSR activities.

Chart 27

Would your organisation be interested to partner up with other organisations to conduct CSR activities?



79% of respondents have shown interest to partner up with other organisations to carry out

CSR activities. This is a key finding in that if such intent is materialised into meaningful

and long-term partnerships, then the state of CSR in Mauritius could drastically

improve, with the result of an embedded CSR culture in Mauritius.

Types of partners sought

This high interest shown by large firms in future partnership triggered the following question,

who would they wish to partner up with.

Chart 28




0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Private Firms



If yes, who?


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Although there is a perception that NGOs have significant room for improvement, in general,

88% of companies are interested to partner with them, 76% with other private sector firms and

only 54% with the government.

In fact, for NGO-private firm partnership, they aspire to partner with certain specific NGOs

which seem to perform well such as PILS, Mauritius Wildlife foundation amongst others.

CSR Areas with limited information

The respondents were then prompted to share areas where they would like to conduct CSR

activities but have limited information.

Chart 29

Is there an area(s) where you would like to conduct CSR activities but have limited information?



44% of companies surveyed would like to conduct further external CSR activities but have

limited information in areas of need. Education, environment and poverty are the main areas

where organisations are keen to engage in but lack information.

In fact, as previously mentioned, lack of information was one of the main challenges of

companies in their CSR endeavour. Hence, there is an urgent need to bridge this information


Areas for potential private sector and NGO partnership

The survey has revealed that private sector firms are willing to partner up in varied areas

ranging from promoting children welfare and health to protection of environment and

promoting education.


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Areas of potential partnership Number of private sector (large) firms showing interest in this field*

Education 17

Environment/wildlife 15

Humanitarian 12

Health 11

Community and society 10

Business conduct, empowerment and training


Drug/alcohol 4

Criminality 4

Women 3

Sports and culture 3

Children 2

Civic life 2

Elderly people 2

Animal welfare 1

Development 1

* These areas of interest are not necessarily mutually exclusive, e.g. a firm may wish to engage in CSR to help women with drug problems.

Poverty is an area where companies would like to intervene, and poverty recurs both under “humanitarian” and “community and society”.

Companies wishing to help children may wish to intervene in areas as diverse as education, health, dru/alcohol.

The above table shows that certain areas interest a large number of respondents such as:

humanitarian (poverty, hunger and homelessness), environment, education, community and

society, and health.

4.9 Interest in policy dialogues

Engaging in policy dialogue is another form of activity which can shed light into various aspects

of CSR:

♦ What should be done to promote a CSR culture;

♦ What should be the role of each stakeholder: the private sector, civil society and the government;

♦ What are the areas where resources should be devoted; etc

Therefore, respondents were probed to identify any interest in engaging policy dialogues.


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Chart 30

Would you be interested to participate in policy dialogues initiatives involving NGO/PS/Government?



The majority of companies surveyed (79%) are interested to participate in policy dialogues

initiatives involving NGO/Private Sector/Government. This could be a stepping stone for

possible partnerships between the private sector, NGO and the Government.

Organisations willing to participate in such policy dialogues are of the view that areas of focus

should be on the following: community, education, health and safety, poverty, social flaws

(AIDS, alcoholism, drugs, violence, and criminality)

Moreover, the main criterion for partnership between private sector, NGOs and Government is

congruence of ideas. In other words, partnerships can best happen if there is a shared vision.

This can be achieved by bringing major stakeholders together at workshops, discussion forums,


4.10 Concluding comments

The respondents were invited to:

♦ Share the benefits that their engagement in CSR has brought about;

♦ Provide the trend that they foresee in CSR activities.


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Benefits of CSR

Chart 31

Main benefits reaped by engaging in CSR

















Other No answer

Benefit category

% o

f Com



Most companies mentioned that the main benefits of CSR undertakings are twofold:

♦ Affecting internal stakeholders, i.e. employees – there is better employee relations, higher employee productivity and satisfaction, sense of belongingness, better employee retention. Companies benefit directly in that employee productivity increases and indirectly by avoiding costs such as recruitment, training, team building sessions etc.

♦ Affecting external stakeholders, i.e. customers, public at large, government. Companies have cited that they are able to retain customers, attract more customers, the corporate image is enhanced, there is better brand recognition and awareness amongst others.

This indicates that companies are achieving their objective of enhancing their image vis-à-vis

both the external and internal community.

A few respondents have reported that they derive a sense of satisfaction for “doing good in


CSR trend

The companies were invited to share their views on trends for companies with respect to

adopting CSR practices. Nearly half of the respondents (49%) surveyed believe that CSR trend

will be increasing in Mauritius. This may create a snowball effect to the benefit of the


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community. Moreover, this reinforces the finding that the majority of companies will continue

and/or expand their CSR activities. Around 9% of the companies have however indicated that

they anticipate CSR to remain stagnant or to decrease.


Chart 32


Government should act as a


CSR is important and is a must


There should be more concrete

commitment from the Private


The players should be more



59 % of companies concluded that CSR is important and must be practised for the benefit of

both the internal and external community. Other reflections and arguments included: more

commitment from the private sector, need for the government to act as a facilitator.

4.11 Summary of key findings

CSR culture

♦ CSR culture is not yet embedded in Mauritius. 25% of respondents have started their CSR

undertakings in the past 3 years only. However, there is an increasing interest and

sensitisation to the CSR cause.

CSR policy

♦ CSR is not structured and formalised in terms of policy, procedures and planning in most


♦ The majority of organisations do not realize the importance of a coherent and systematic

CSR undertaking on their organisational performance.

♦ A proper CSR structure is not a priority for many organisations. While many organisations

will continue and/or expand their CSR activities in the future, their approach will not be

planned and formal.


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♦ A significant proportion of respondents (i) do not consider CSR as a key tool for risk

management and (ii) fail to appreciate the bearing that CSR may have on risk management.

Internal CSR

♦ Internal CSR is yet to be integrated in the management culture of companies in Mauritius.

♦ Organisations in Mauritius tend to arm their employees with the necessary tools in order to

become more productive while neglecting the social and family life aspects.

♦ Very few organisations have internal CSR dynamics embedded in their Human Resource


♦ Organisations have benefited from conducting internal CSR activities in terms of higher

productivity, better staff retention, higher staff morale, goodwill and corporate image.

Framework for external CSR activities

♦ The majority of organisations in Mauritius conduct CSR activities in an informal way.

♦ 68% of respondents have a person/team designated to overlooking over CSR activities.

♦ 70% of organisations surveyed set budgets for conducting CSR activities.

♦ The majority of organisations conduct CSR on an individual level.

♦ A large proportion of organisations do not measure the impact of their CSR activities.

♦ Most organisations in Mauritius communicate about their CSR activities mainly through their

annual report and/or newspaper/magazine.

Evaluation of implementing CSR activities

♦ Most companies surveyed have reported having benefited from CSR undertakings in terms

of goodwill, productivity, employee and client satisfaction.

♦ The 2 major challenges that organisations encounter when conducting CSR activities

include: lack of information on needy CSR areas and lack of audit after implementation of

CSR initiatives.

♦ The majority of companies in Mauritius will continue and/or expand their CSR activities in

the future, and believe that CSR is important and must be practised for the benefit of both

the internal and external community.

♦ According to organisations in Mauritius, the Government can help in the promotion of CSR

by acting as a facilitator, intermediary and regulator.


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Philanthropic and sponsorship activities

♦ 90% of respondents carry out philanthropic activities while 83% indulge in sponsorship


Partnerships with other organisations

♦ 54% of respondents partner up with other organisations in their CSR activities.

♦ 79% of large companies surveyed have shown interest to partner up with other

organisations to carry out CSR activities in the future.

♦ Fields of potential partnerships include: education, environment, humanitarian, health,

poverty, sports and wildlife, and empowerment and training.

NGO in Mauritius

♦ While the aims and mandates of NGOs in Mauritius might be noble and interesting, the way

they are structured and governed are perceived to lack excellence and professionalism.

♦ Organisations will lay much emphasis on aims and mandate of NGOs, commitment and

professionalism, structure and organisation and performance towards goals when partnering

with NGOs in the future.

Policy dialogues

♦ The majority of companies surveyed (78%) are interested to participate in policy dialogues

initiatives involving NGO/Private Sector/Government.

♦ Organisations willing to participate in such policy dialogues are of the view that areas of

focus should be on the following: community, education, health and safety, poverty, social

flaws (AIDS, alcoholism, drugs, violence, and criminality).


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5 Findings - SMEs

5.1 Strategic approach to CSR


Although CSR undertakings are generally attributable to large organisations and multinationals,

SMEs play a growingly significant part considering their economic role in creating employment

and their social embedding.

History of CSR

Chart 33

History of the company's engagement in CSR

Since start up54%



The introductory question aimed at gaining information about the engagement of the SMEs in

CSR. The survey revealed that 54% of them have been carrying out CSR activities since start

up, 33% trace their CSR commitment to a long time back (more than 10 years) and the rest

have started less than 10 years ago. When prompted further, it emerged that most of them

conduct CSR in an informal way:

♦ 97% do not have a CSR policy;

♦ 54% have not designated someone to oversee compliance with law and international codes; and

♦ 86% do not have risk management policies; and

♦ 86% do not consider CSR as a key tool for risk management.

This is in harmony with the fact that in SMEs,

♦ One person may cumulate various, if not all, functions;

♦ Work is carried out in an unstructured way, often ad-hoc;

♦ Many SMEs are micro-businesses (often one-man show) so that aspects such as risk management are only considered, and not formalised as policies and procedures;


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♦ Often carry out CSR as an integral part of their operations

Chart 34

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%


Enhance image vis-à-vis externalcommunity

Enhance image vis-à-vis internalcommunity

Global Policy

Why did you start at all?

Upon inquiring into the motives for engaging in CSR activities, these were mostly done for

image building purposes.

5.2 Internal CSR

As for large companies, SMEs have been probed for their internal CSR undertakings.

Strategic approach to internal CSR

Chart 35

Do you have an internal CSR policy?Yes17%


When asked whether they have an internal CSR policy in place, 83% of the respondents

answered negatively. This is probably because they are too small and lack the means for

implementing internal CSR policies.


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Types of internal CSR

Chart 36

What does internal CSR encompass for the company?







51% 51%














































n in










& S










When asked about what internal CSR encompassed for them, it was evident that all the

SMEs engage in at least one form of internal CSR. The most popular form of internal

CSR activities was provision of good occupational health and safety atmosphere for

their employees (54%). Training/career advancement of employees and Incentive

programs are other forms of CSR adopted by SMEs. These dimensions are considered

the basic ingredients for business success.

This confirms that SMEs still operate in a very informal way, with little, not to say

none, written policies and procedures.

Benefits of internal CSR

Chart 37

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Higher staff morale

Better staff retention

Higher productivity

How do you benefit from internal CSR?


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The survey inquired in detail about the benefits the SMEs reap from engaging in

internal CSR. The most important benefit is higher staff morale for 65%, followed by

better staff retention for 60% and higher productivity 46%.

The following question concerned the factors that were important to promote internal

CSR in SMEs. 68% of companies stated that “Commitment of top management to

inculcating CSR in the organisational culture ” was a powerful promotional dimension in

SMEs. Communication about CSR commitment and people commitment surveys were

brought up as less important factors.


Commitment of top management to inculcating CSR in the organisational culture


Having shared values emphasising an internal CSR culture 59%

Allowing and encouraging employees to participate in community CSR activities


Commitment of employees to CSR 62%

Communication about CSR commitments, formally (e.g Newsletter) or informally (e.g through emails)


People commitment surveys 22%

Important factors for the promotion of internal CSR

5.3 Framework for external CSR activities

Responsibility and involvement (who)

Chart 38

Who overlooks CSR activities?




Owner Appointed person Appointed team


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The next question aimed at identifying who assumed responsibility for CSR in SMEs.

Most SMEs, 38%, appointed a third party to conduct CSR. In 31% of SMEs the owner

assumed the CSR responsibility and in the remaining 31%, a team was allocated that


It was also interesting to see whether there was a clear demarcation in involvement of

management and employees in CSR.

Chart 39



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

M anagement


Who is/are actually involved in the CSR activities?

In the majority of SMEs surveyed (84%), the management team is involved in CSR

activities. Employees generally are not involved in CSR activities. This is probably

because SMEs are small by nature and they have limited resources for CSR endeavour.

Resource allocation (what)

Chart 40

Which resources do you devote to your CSR activities?













Funds Products Skills Premises People


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The survey tried to identify resources which SMEs allocated to CSR: funds, products,

skills, premises or people. Most SMEs contribute to CSR activities by funding activities

and donating their products. It is interesting to note that SMEs contribute to CSR

activities more in kind than in funds. Furthermore, SMEs do not allocate their premises

for CSR undertakings. NGOs may thus gear their demands accordingly.

Types of CSR undertakings (what)

Chart 41










0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Employees - Internal CSR

Community & Broader Society


Governance / Code of ethics


Public Reporting


Stakeholder Engagement


What are the activities that you conduct?

The CSR undertakings of most SMEs feature a strong focus on society and employees.

This confirms that SMEs have a great social embedding. It is noted that due to their

sheer size, they are less involved on topical issues such as the environment and

governance/code of ethics.

Forms of action

Chart 42

What form does your activities take?

Individual Action86%

Collective Action 14%


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SMEs were also asked whether they conduct CSR individually or by partnering up with

other organisations. Most organisations prefer to act individually when they undertake

CSR activities (86%). The underlying reason for such a decision would seem that they

encounter unequal participation from other organisations in which they have

collaborated in the past. Out of the remaining 14% which do CSR through collective

action, 14% carry out CSR activities by partnering up with NGOs and 16% with the

private sector.

Chart 43





0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Collective Action withPS firms

Collective Action withNGOs

Collective Action withGovernmental Bodies

Collective Action withInternational Bodies

Collective Action

Controlling CSR activities

Chart 44

Do you measure the impact of your CSR activities?



Only 19% of SMEs ensure that the targeted groups have benefited from CSR activities.

This is explained by the fact that SMEs’ contribution to CSR is too minimal on one hand


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and on the other, SMEs lack the necessary personnel and time to go on site to evaluate

the backdrop of their CSR undertakings.

5.4 Evaluation of implementation of CSR activities

There are a number of areas pertaining to implementation of CSR activities requiring

further probing:

♦ What benefits do SMEs reap;

♦ What challenges they face;

♦ How they foresee the future of CSR undertakings;

♦ Which factors promote CSR according to them; and

♦ What should be the role of the government?


Chart 45

How has your organisation benefited from conducting CSR?





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Better motivationamongst employees

Better relations withsuppliers

Better relations withclients

Better publicrelations

The engagement of SMEs in CSR activities clearly indicates that there are many

benefits to be reaped. These firms were asked how they have benefited from

conducting CSR. Most companies surveyed reap benefits of CSR activities through

enhanced employees motivation (59%) and better public relations (49%).

Companies are thus achieving their desired objectives by carrying out both internal and

external CSR activities. This would definitely encourage them to carry more of such



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Chart 46

Did you encounter the following challenges when implementing your CSR activities?


























No p









It was also interesting to identify challenges facing SMEs before, during and after

implementing CSR activities. Lack of coordination and information are the main

challenges that the organisations have to face. This is attributed to the fact that SMEs

have limited structure and resources to carry out CSR activities.

Many companies pointed out that the government has to intervene by identifying on

needy CSR areas and devise strategies to address these issues.

Future of CSR undertakings

Chart 47

Do you foresee to continue conducting CSR activities?

Continue CSR activities


Expand CSR activities

11%Engage into new

CSR activities16%

Curtail CSR activities

11%Cease CSR activities


Respondents were required to indicate whether they foresee to continue conducting

CSR activities. More than 85% of the organisations are willing to further their

engagement in CSR activities. This is positive as although the impact of their CSR


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undertakings is not significant, this would at least help to breed the CSR culture in the

business community in Mauritius. However, it is interesting to note that 14% of SMEs

foresee to curtail or cease their engagement in CSR. This may be due to the many

challenges they have faced before, during and after implementing CSR.

Factors promoting CSR

Chart 48

Factors that would encourage your organisation to increase its CSR activities

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

A revision of the actual tax policy regarding CSR activities

A better information dissemination about NGOs

Partnership with other PS firms or NGOs

Transparency in implementation of activities at NGO level

The guarantee that targeted groups are indeed benefiting

A forum whereby pressing needs (economic, social etc) can be identified

Positive outcomes for the organisation

Very Important Important Somehow Important Not important at all

When prompted to share what would encourage them to increase CSR, the guarantee

that targeted groups are indeed benefiting from CSR activities turned out to be the

most important factor. On the other hand, partnership with external organisations

does not hold much of importance. As regards to revision of tax policy regarding CSR,

this measure would be well appreciated and help to enlarge SMEs’ CSR activities.

Role of government

Chart 49

Required assistance from Government




0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Fiscal Incentives

Assistance in kind orfund

Acting as Supervisor andFacilitator


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SMEs, having reported that they do not necessarily wish to partner up with others in

their CSR undertakings, have nevertheless reported that the government may play a

more active role. 32% of the SMEs surveyed welcome fiscal incentives from the

government. This demonstrates that the willingness for CSR endeavour is present

among SMEs but they lack funding to carry out such activities.

5.5 Philanthropic and sponsorship activities

Philanthropic activities

Chart 50

Do you indulge in philanthropic activities?



Respondents were also required to state whether they indulge in philanthropic

activities. 86% are involved in philanthropic activities. This is an opportunity which the

community at large could take advantage.

Chart 51

Philantrophy: priority areas supported







0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%






Social evils


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Community and Education are the two most common priority areas in which SMEs

conduct CSR activities. It is interesting to note that large companies have also

earmarked these two areas as the most important to carry CSR activities.

Sponsorship activities

Chart 52

Do you indulge in sponsorship activities?



In addition to philanthropic activities, we also investigated whether SMEs in Mauritius

indulge in sponsorship activities. Only 49% of the SMEs surveyed undertake

sponsorship activities. This may be with a view to enhance their visibility. 51% are not

involved in sponsorship activities, most probably due to lack of funds.

Chart 53

Priority areas sponsored




0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%



Community ingeneral

Priority areas sponsored by SMEs are mainly in sports, the general community and in

religious activities. Sports is the most common area which SMEs provide sponsorship.

Again this may be due to a quest for more visibility.


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5.6 Partnerships with other organisations

Chart 54

Are you collaborating with this/these organisation/s?

Short term (2007-2010)


Long term yond 2010)



A key finding from our study reveals that 84 % of SMEs do not partner up with other

organisations for CSR activities. This is because they are not well structured and like to

do their CSR activities in their own way and in their own pace. Many SMEs have also

encountered unequal participation during previous partnerships with other


Those SMEs that collaborate with other organisations do it on a one-off basis. This is

probably because they carry CSR activities in an informal way and due to limited


Chart 55

NGO popularity










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We also queried the respondents on NGO popularity. SMEs consider PILS to be the

most popular NGO. It is important to note that PILS is also the most popular NGO

among large companies.

Chart 56

How would you rate NGOs in Mauritius?

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Aims and mandate of the NGOs

Structure and organisation

Commitment and professionalism


Membership and quality of resources

Mobilisation of resources

Performance towards goals

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Furthermore, just like for large companies, the majority of SMEs rate NGOs in

Mauritius as good/fair. Very few rate NGOs as excellent/very good. The mean score

gives a better evaluation of each of the above criteria.

Mean Score

Aims and mandate of the NGOs 2.8

Structure and organisation 2.6

Commitment and professionalism 2.5

Communication 2.6

Membership and quality of resources 2.5

Mobilisation of resources 2.5

Performance towards goals 2.6

Aims and mandate of the NGOs obtains the highest mean score but all of the above

criteria obtain a mean score of less than 3. This implies that they are perceived by

SMEs as being fair to poor. Perception is as good as reality – NGOs should reverse this

perception by addressing the above dimensions.


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Chart 57

Would your organisation be interested to partner up with other organisations to conduct CSR activities?



Another key finding is that more than 50% of SMEs reject the idea of a partnership

with other organisations to conduct CSR activities, hence substantiating the fact that

SMEs are not prepared to devote significant funds and time to the provision of CSR

activities. This is mainly due to their small size and limited resources.

Chart 58




0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Private Firms



If yes, who?

Those SMEs that are interested to do partnerships with other organisations are not

keen to partner with the Government. They prefer to partner with NGOs to carry out

CSR activities.


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Chart 59

Ares where organisations lack information




It is also to be noted that SMEs favour education as an area for potential collaboration,

but they lack information on this sector. This is also the case for large companies.

Therefore, there is an urgent need for the government and the NGOs to provide all

necessary information on education in order to allow business organisations to carry

out their CSR activities properly.

Chart 60

Areas for NGO/PS/Govt partnerships




The main areas which SMEs consider important to partner with NGOs, private sector

and the government are namely in Education, Poverty and Health. Just like for large

companies, the majority of SMEs consider Education to be the most important area to

have partnerships.

Moreover, credibility of partners is the most important criteria for SMEs prior to

partnering up. This is because SMEs funds are limited and they want to ensure that


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their partners will make good use of their funds. Other criteria include: goal

congruence, communication and formal CSR structure.

Chart 61





0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%



Public relations


Benefits derived from CSR undertakings

Our study also investigated whether SMEs in Mauritius are deriving benefits from CSR

activities. The findings reveal that the main benefits that SMEs have obtained from

CSR undertakings are public relations, employee satisfaction, goodwill and personal

satisfaction. Public relations is considered to be the most important benefit for SMEs

since they are small in size and thus lack visibility. Therefore, CSR activities have

helped to make their name known to the general community and have thus enhanced

their visibility.

We also queried SMEs on CSR trend in Mauritius. To an overwhelming majority of

them, there will be an upward trend. This demonstrates that SMEs are adopting a

positive approach to CSR activities. An upward trend may also prompt other SMEs to

indulge in CSR.


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5.7 End word

Chart 62

End word

Government should act as a


Increased commitment from Private


As an end word to the interview, SMEs mentioned that in order to enhance CSR

development, there must be an increased commitment from the private sector in

general and the government must reinforce its role as a facilitator.


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5.8 Summary of key findings

CSR culture

♦ Though not formalised and structured, CSR culture and interest is very much

present among SMEs in Mauritius.

CSR policy

♦ 97% of respondents do not have a formal policy towards CSR

Internal CSR

♦ 80% of SMEs surveyed do not have an internal CSR policy.

♦ However, the majority of SMEs in Mauritius indulge in internal CSR activities mainly

in the form of training/career advancement and occupational health and safety.

Framework for external CSR activities

♦ 87% of SMEs surveyed prefer to carry out their CSR activities on an individual


Evaluation valuation of implementing CSR activities

♦ More than 75% of SMEs will maintain/increase/start CSR activities in the future.

♦ The major benefits that SMEs have derived from CSR undertakings are public

relation, employee satisfaction, goodwill and personal satisfaction.

Philanthropic and sponsorship activities

♦ 87% of respondents carry out philanthropic activities while 60% indulge in

sponsorship activities.

Partnerships with other organisations

♦ Only 20% of SMEs partner up with other organisations in their CSR activities.

♦ More than 50% of SMEs reject the idea of a partnership with other organisations to

conduct CSR activities. It is also worth noting that SMEs that are willing to partner

up with other organisations are not keen to partner with the Government.

NGO in Mauritius

♦ SMEs perceive NGOs in Mauritius to lack excellence and professionalism.


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Policy dialogues and areas for potential collaboration

♦ 53% of SMEs are interested to participate in policy dialogues initiatives involving

NGO/Private Sector/Government.

♦ SMEs favour education as an area for potential collaboration. Other interest areas

include poverty, health and environment.


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6 Findings – Rodrigues

♦ CSR in Rodrigues is carried out in an informal way. The concept has not yet seeped

into the vision and strategy of companies, big or SMEs.

♦ Companies have not elaborated codes of conduct/ethics/corporate governance or

risk management policies.

♦ None of the companies surveyed in Rodrigues have a formal CSR policy.

♦ Internal CSR practices are not common in Rodrigues showing that the concept of

organisational development is yet to gain popularity.

♦ CSR is carried out in an ad-hoc way:

o Responsibility for CSR is not assigned to anybody or team;

o No budget is set for CSR;

o Time is also allocated to CSR activities on an ad-hoc basis;

o Engagements in CSR are mostly carried out through individual


o Companies do not communicate about their CSR activities;

♦ Despite the ad-hoc nature of CSR in Rodrigues, companies intend to continue

and/or increase their CSR undertakings in the future;

♦ Companies engage more readily in philanthropy and sponsorship than strategic


♦ Current philanthropic and sponsorship activities by organisations in Rodrigues

are concentrated on the following areas: environment, education, sports,

poverty and health;

♦ Major problems in Rodrigues – water supply, unemployment, alcoholism,

teenage pregnancy, health care (lack of doctors, equipment, pharmacy), lack of

leisure activities, education (lack of teachers);

♦ Areas of potential partnership include: education, environment, health, combat

against teenage pregnancy, sports, handicapped persons, juvenile delinquency;

♦ NGOs have reported lack of funding from Private Sector and Government as

being a major cause for lack of integrated CSR projects in Rodrigues; and

♦ The well-known NGOs in Rodrigues include: Craft Aids, Red Cross, ACIR, ABRO,

Shoals of Rodrigues.


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7 Legal review

We have carried out a high level overview of relevant laws and codes that may affect

CSR directly or indirectly and have identified improvement areas to them.

7.1 Existing regulatory framework

The applicable laws and regulations are listed hereunder:

7.1.1 Fundamental Rights The Constitution of Mauritius

The Constitution of Mauritius is a framework of fundamental human rights.

Some of the principles laid out in the Constitution of Mauritius are namely:

♦ The right to freedom;

♦ Protection of right to life;

♦ Protection of right to personal liberty;

♦ Protection from slavery and forced labour;

♦ Protection from inhumane treatment;

♦ Protection from deprivation of property;

♦ Protection of privacy of home and other property;

♦ Provisions to secure protection of law;

♦ Protection of freedom of conscience;

♦ Protection of freedom of expression;

♦ Protection of freedom of assembly and association;

♦ Protection of freedom of movement; and

♦ Protection from discrimination.

The Constitution of Mauritius further contains provisions for the enforcement of those



♦ The principles laid out in the Constitution of Mauritius take precedence over

laws and are at the highest level of the legal hierarchy.


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♦ The recourse to remedies for breaches of the Constitution of Mauritius is a

heavy one as it necessitates a lot of efforts and funds and for the said reasons,

ordinary citizens are in practice often deprived of those remedies, which are

only left to persons of means or persons with considerable support behind


♦ The Ombudsman is there in theory, but ordinary citizens are not aware of same.


♦ There is a need to improve the system for reporting breaches of the

Constitution, improve substantially the help given to normal citizens who want

to take redress for breaches of the Constitution and ease the system where

breaches of the Constitution are dealt with.

♦ Once the above measures are in place, adequate information campaigns must

be done so that ordinary citizens are aware of the existence and mechanism of

those systems. The Protection of Human Rights Act

The Act puts into place a Commission to deal with any complaints pertaining to human

rights violation. In the execution of its duties, the Commission is empowered to visit

places of detention; resolve any complaint/ matter subject of an enquiry; summon

witnesses and examine them on oath; call for the production of documents.


♦ The Act provides that the Commission will enquire into any complaint not only

from anyone alleging that his rights are being violated but also when there is a

likelihood of his rights being violated.

♦ The Commission is also empowered to review any factor or difficulties that

would inhibit the enjoyment of human rights.

♦ There is a set time limit of a maximum of 2 years within which the Commission

will enquire.

♦ The Commission works quite independently but at the same time has to report

each year to the President.


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♦ The Act is limited to complaints relating to acts or omission of anyone acting in

the performance of any public function conferred by law or in the performance

of the functions of any public office or public body only.

♦ Though the Commission has quite vast powers, it still cannot deal with any

complaint subject to its enquiry and has to refer the matter to the appropriate

body based on the matter at issue. For example where a complaint deals with

the commission of an offence, the matter is referred to the DPP.


♦ The Commission could be given more powers so that it could deal directly with

any matter without having to have recourse to other institutions. The

Commission should have powers to act immediately and without notice in case

where celerity is needed. Sections 96 and following of the Constitution and Ombudsman Act

The above provide for the setting up of the office of an Ombudsman who shall, with his

officers, have the responsibility to investigate any complaint made to it mainly

regarding persons employed in the public sector.


♦ The Act provides for a definite set procedure to deal with complaints and sets

up an amicable way of resolving same.


♦ The Ombudsman has no sanctioning powers and no powers to implement his



♦ The Ombudsman could be given powers to implement his decisions directly. He

could also be given sanctioning powers. Other legislations

There are also some specific legislative enactments for special situations such as the

Child Protection Act 1994, which provides for the protection of children against ill

treatment, sexual offences, child trafficking; and the Consumer Protection Act 1991,

which provides for general safety requirements for consumers, the legal power to

revoke any of those safety regulations.


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7.1.2 Labour Labour Act 1975

This Act governs all employer-employee relationships and deals with issues such as the

payment of remuneration, the modes of payment of remuneration, any advances or


This law also provides for internal working conditions such as hours of work, including

overtime, conditions of work, measures against workplace violence and includes

provisions on termination of employment as well as payment of severance allowance,

both normal and punitive and other related matters.


♦ The Labour Act provides positive measures such as the prohibition of employing

children or even young persons in dangerous environment. Moreover, it

provides penalties against violence at the place of the work.


♦ The Act does not make provision for enforcement agent to check the

employment of children or any employment of young persons in a dangerous


♦ Penalties against workplace violence are very low.


♦ Provision for enforcement agent to verify and to sanction employment of

children or any employment of young persons in a dangerous environment.

♦ Increase penalties against workplace violence. Industrial Relations Act 1982

This Act caters for aspects of good relationship between management and workers and

contains a code designed to promote better relationship between the various players of

the workplace.

It also provides for the recognition of trade unions and relationships between the

unions and management. Sex Discrimination Act 2002

The Sex Discrimination Act 2002 provides for the elimination of all forms of gender

discrimination and sexual harassment in certain areas of public activity.

It includes provisions against discrimination, inter alia in, employment, profession,

trades or occupation, education, provision of goods, services or facilities, in


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accommodation, in companies, partnerships or other associations, in clubs on grounds

of sex, marital status, or pregnancy.


♦ The Act establishes a Sex Discrimination Division which :

a) Receive and enquire into any written complaints related to alleged

infringements of this Act.

b) Cause such enquiries to be made into a complaint in such a manner it thinks


c) Endeavour by conciliation to effect a settlement of the matters to which the

alleged. infringements relate.

d) Make recommendations as it deems appropriate to any relevant authorities.


♦ There is the need for the Sex Discrimination Division to promote understanding,

acceptance and compliance of the Act. It has to undertake research and

educational programs and other relevant programs for promoting the objects of

the above Act.


♦ It is suggested that the Sex Discrimination Division must show more visibility

and thus encourages victims of sex discrimination to come forward for the

necessary protection.

♦ The division must also play a more proactive role in the provisions of sexual

education. This may be by disseminating guidelines to the public starting from

schools to work places.

♦ Moreover, seminars must be organised to cover the main provisions of the Sex

Discrimination Act. The Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Act 1996

This Act caters for the training and employment of disabled persons.

It establishes the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board which provide

for the welfare of disabled persons and prevent discrimination in employment.


♦ The Act imposes a duty on every employer having in its employ 35 or more

people to recruit a percentage of disabled persons.


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♦ The Act provides that a disabled person shall not be employed in a work which

is unsuitable having regards to the nature of the disability.

♦ Breaches of any obligations under the Act is considered to be an offence.

♦ The Act includes tax incentives or other incentives to employers to recruit

disabled persons.


♦ The Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Act does not make any

provisions in respect of enforcement agents at work places.


♦ An enforcement body must be set up to verify any potential infringements of

the Act and ensure that the rights of disabled persons in employment are


♦ Seminar / campaigns should be organised to promote the awareness of the

rights of disabled persons.

7.1.3 Environment The Environment Protection Act 2002

The Environment Protection Act 2002 has been enacted to provide for the protection

and management of the environmental assets of Mauritius so that their capacity to

sustain the society and its development remains unimpaired and to foster harmony

between quality of life, environmental protection and sustainable development for the

present and future generations.

More specifically, the Act provides for the legal framework and the mechanism to

protect the natural environment, to plan for environmental management and to

coordinate the inter-relations of environmental issues, and to ensure the proper

implementation of governmental policies and enforcement provisions necessary for the

protection of human health and the environment of Mauritius.

The law includes:

♦ The provision of a “Police de l’Environnement”, a unit of the Mauritius Police

Force whose task would be to enforce environmental law.

♦ The obligation to supply an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) before

undertaking works which are listed under the Act and can have an impact on

the environment. Opponents can contest the project, and appeal procedures

before the Environment Appeal Tribunal are provided for.


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♦ Powers of entry and arrest on its authorised officers in the enforcement of its


♦ Obligations on a person responsible for an activity discharging a pollutant into

the environment to provide for monitoring of such discharge and provide

records of such monitoring.

♦ Regulations in relation to hazardous waste, water, air, effluent discharge,

disposal of used oil and so forth.


♦ The obligation to supply an EIA compels big projects to adhere to environmental

norms in various sectors such as hotels, manufacturing, etc.

♦ The impact of such projects on the environment is assessed prior to the

carrying out of the project, and measures to mitigate any possible

environmental effect are laid out in the EIA report.


♦ The enforcement aspect can be greatly improved.

♦ No proper Land Management.

♦ Appeals before Environmental Appeal Tribunal are not efficient. The frequent

change in the Chairmanship of the Tribunal is often the cause of delays in the

processing of appeals.

♦ Fines under the Act are not severe.


♦ Prosecution of offenders should be facilitated, with more means given to the

enforcement authorities.

♦ Land management principles should be better adhered to. For example,

factories should not be allowed to be present in residential zones. A clearer

demarcation between the various zones is necessary.

♦ Appeals before the Environment Appeal Tribunal can be more efficiently dealt


♦ Fines should be substantially increased for instance large companies should be

requested to pay fines of up to several million rupees in major cases.


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Caution must however be exercised as too much protection is also not good since

sometimes actions under the Environment Protection Act can block projects of national

interest which provide create employment. Beach Authority Act 2002

The Beach Authority Act 2002 establishes a Beach Authority to ensure the proper

control and management of public beaches in Mauritius and Rodrigues.

The Beach Authority has the duty to:

♦ Implement projects relating to

• The conservation and protection of the environment of public beaches

• Uplifting and landscaping works of public beaches

• Infrastructural development, including provision of amenities for the use of the public and their maintenance, on public beaches

• Provision of leisure facilities on public beaches

• The enhancement of the quality of sea water

• Day to day cleaning of public beaches

♦ Regulate activities on public beaches and ensure the security and safety of

users of public beaches

♦ Issue beach traders' licence for activities at such places on public beaches as

may be specifically reserved for that purpose

♦ Set standards and establish guidelines for beach management so as to enable

users of public beaches to derive maximum enjoyment from clean, safe and well

equipped beaches whilst safeguarding the environment

♦ Advise the concerned Minister on all matters relating to the management and

development of public beaches Biological And Toxin Weapons Convention Act 2004 and The Chemical Weapons Act 2003

This law gives effect to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,

Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on

their Destruction and to the Convention of the Prohibition of the Development,

Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.

This enables police officers who have reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has

been, is being or is likely to be committed in breach of this Act, to apply to a

Magistrate for a warrant to enter and search any premises and seize any material kept

in contravention of the said Acts.


Page 94: Review of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and ... · PDF fileReview of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and actions ... ♦ To assess CSR strategies in major industries Dangerous Chemicals Control Act 2004

The Dangerous Chemicals Control Act 2004 provides for the prevention of damage to

health and to the environment caused by dangerous chemicals and for better

protection of the workers, members of the public and the environment against

dangerous chemicals.

It confers the powers of search on the enforcement agency where it suspects that

there is imminent danger to the public health, public safety or environment.

Any persons suspecting the illegal handling of dangerous chemical by any one should

have a duty to report to the enforcement agencies established under the Act.

7.1.4 Trading The Fair Trading Act 1979

The Fair Trading Act is one of the cornerstones of our consumer protection law. The Act

protects consumers by prohibiting misleading or deceptive conduct in trade .

Two of the main provisions of the Act are that,

♦ Some consumer trade practices are prohibited. By virtue of the said Act, no

person shall for the purposes of trade or promotion carry on a consumer trade

practice which has the effect or is likely to have the effect of -

a) misleading consumers as to, or withholding from them adequate

information as to, their rights and obligations under any consumer


b) otherwise misleading or confusing consumers with respect to any matter

in connection with any consumer transaction;

c) subjecting consumers to undue pressure to enter into any consumer


d) causing the terms or conditions on which consumers enter into any

consumer transaction, to be so adverse to them as to be detrimental to

their interests.

♦ Except as otherwise provided by any enactment or as approved by the Minister,

no trader shall enter or induce another trader to enter any undertaking,

agreement, contract or other instrument which has the effect or is likely to have

the effect of preventing, restricting or distorting competition or of promoting,

establishing or observing any exclusive sales agreement or monopoly in

connection with the production and supply of goods branded or otherwise, or of



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The Act also :

♦ provides for Codes of Practice to be introduced;

♦ gives powers to officers of the Minister to make searches to ensure compliance

with the Act.

General views

The issue of competition cannot be viewed in Mauritius in the same way as it is viewed

in large countries. We are a small country, with a limited market, limited resources,

and an adaptation of the norms prevailing in other countries is necessary. Failure to

make such an adaptation will be detrimental to the country.


♦ The Act prohibits unlawful consumer trade practice and upholds consumer

protection, whilst expressly providing for traders not to mislead or confuse

customers .

♦ Section 6 promotes the spirit of fair competition and restricts any unlawful and

prohibited agreements made with a view to prevent, restrict or distort


♦ Specific codes of practice may be prepared and regulated by the Minister or his

designated officers.

♦ The Act provides that non-compliance with any compulsory code of practice or

any other contravention of the Act will constitute an offence and may be

punished by a fine or a term of imprisonment.

♦ Any goods which is the subject matter of an offence under the Act may be

seized and detained.


♦ An adaptation of the concept of “fair competition” and of norms prevailing in

other countries to the local context is necessary.

♦ The Act provides for the protection of consumers but in too general terms. No

channel of complaint or any powers of the consumer is expressed for the

protection of the consumer to operate. This may cause prejudice to customers

in as much as in case of non compliance with the Act, no direction is available

to customers as to the form or tenor of their respective complaints.

♦ The Codes have not been published.


Page 96: Review of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and ... · PDF fileReview of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and actions ... ♦ To assess CSR strategies in major industries The Consumer Protection Act

The purpose of the Act is to promote protection of safety and quality of goods supplied.

The Act further provides that the Minister may make regulations under the Act. Only

two regulations have been published, one for toys and another for laser pointers.


The law provides for powers of search and prohibition notices.


Only two regulations having been passed under the Act, the scope of the Act is limited.

The Consumer Protection (Price and Supplies Control) Act

This Act, which is frequently applied, gives wide powers to the Minister of Commerce to

fix maximum prices, fix maximum mark-ups and recommend maximum prices.

The Act further imposes obligations on traders, like, for example, the obligation to

display goods traders have on sale, the obligation to keep goods in specific places and

the obligation to sell gods exposed or kept for sale.

Many regulations have been fixed in relation to several products, such as milk,

petroleum products, bread, fertilizers, second hand motor vehicles, etc.

Penalties apply if traders do not comply with the Act or with the Regulations.

The Minister has quite wide enforcement powers.

Several traders interviewed complain about the effects of this law and of the

regulations passed thereunder, the Ministry’s position being that the regulations are


7.1.5 Business The Companies Act 2001

The Companies Act 2001 provides for:

♦ The duty of directors to act in good faith and in the best interests of the


♦ The exercise of powers of directors in relation of employees

♦ Indemnity and insurance relating to directors

♦ Measures against the falsification of records


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♦ Framework for the protection of minority shareholders


♦ It is a well-drafted piece of legislation which covers the major areas of Company



♦ There are very limited practical recourses for breach of duties under the

Companies Act 2001. Very few directors and officers are prosecuted, although

the breaches are more frequent than the number of actions against directors

and officers.

♦ The poor results tend to cause victims to be very reluctant to take actions

against directors and officers.


♦ Better enforcement methods are necessary; for instance prosecution of

directors and officers for breaches of duties must be enhanced, better

enforcement of prohibition to act as directors or officers, better facilitation of

measures to enable victims to take actions against directors. There is also a

need to improve awareness of the public on the importance of the Companies



Page 98: Review of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and ... · PDF fileReview of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and actions ... ♦ To assess CSR strategies in major industries The Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2002

The Act, inter alia,

♦ deals with offences involving proceeds of crime as well as putting into place a

Financial Intelligence Unit which has wide powers to deal with financial

information relating to proceeds of crime, issues of money laundering and

transactions related to terrorism financing;

♦ imposes specific duties on banks, financial institutions and cash dealers, and

imposes on them an obligation to take all necessary precautions to prevent

money laundering. The said persons must report any case in which they

consider that there has been money laundering;

♦ punishes all persons who are involved in money laundering;

♦ limits payment in cash to a fixed amount, in order to avoid money laundering


♦ The Act penalizes not only instances where a person deals with property which

represents the proceeds of a crime, but also where the person suspects or has

reasonable grounds to suspect that the property represents the proceeds of a


♦ The Act penalizes individuals as well as financial institutions.

♦ The penalties set out in the Act appear quite stringent and in our view

constitute a strong deterrent.

♦ The setting up of the Financial Intelligence Unit having wide powers and acts as

an independent body to scrutinize the issue of money laundering and terrorist


♦ The Act provides for a series of measures such as reporting obligations,

exchange and dissemination of information and exchange of information,

reporting of suspicious transactions and so on, put into place to combat the

offences relating to money laundering.

♦ The Act also provides for mutual assistance with overseas bodies in relation to

money laundering and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.


♦ Very few offenders are prosecuted, and prosecutions do not bring the desired

results. The prosecution side can be improved.



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♦ In our view, the inquiries so far have not been carried out at the right places.

Better methods of collaboration between Mauritius and foreign States are

necessary, and the legal framework for such international collaboration can be

improved (e.g. for frauds involving several jurisdictions). An improvement of

the prosecution side is necessary to improve the deterrent effect. The Income Tax Act 1995

The Act caters for individual and corporate taxation policies as well as the international

aspects of income tax. It puts into place the PAYE system of taxation.

The Act further establishes the office of the Commissioner of Income Tax and gives

vast powers to request for production of books and records and other information, of

inspection as well as to waive penalty to the Commissioner.


♦ A variety of penalties are available for various offences relating to Income Tax

from minor ones such as failing to submit tax returns to failing to pay tax.


♦ Tax deductions in respect of donations to charitable institutions are no longer

available. However, effects are mitigated with the fall in income tax rate to 15%

for both corporates and individuals.


♦ Incentives could be granted on an ad hoc basis in relation with expenditure

made on specific CSR projects of national importance, rebates for projects

prompting a better environment or inversely heavier taxes should be levied on

projects which are not environment-friendly. The Borrower Protection Act 2007

This Act regulates credit agreements for a sum not exceeding 2 million rupees and to

provide for the establishment of the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of


The Act provides for protection to a borrower who is unable to meet his obligations

under a credit agreement as a result of illness, injury, loss of employment, death of

working spouse or other reasonable cause of hardship, which affects his capacity to

repay the debt and who reasonably expects to be able to discharge his obligations if

the terms of the credit agreement are revised.


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It covers any lending institution such as banks, insurance companies, and such other

prescribed financial institutions.

It also contains some good ideas but tends to go too far in protective measures. Such

over-protection can have a counter-effect and constitute a handicap for a category of

persons who can be deprived of credit due to the unwillingness of lending institutions

to grant loans due to the obstacles of the Act.

7.1.6 Security The Prevention of Terrorism Act 2002

The Prevention of Terrorism Act 2002 provides for measures to combat terrorism and

for related matters.

Under the Act, an offence shall also be committed if a person who participates in

terrorist meetings, harbours terrorists, do not disclose information about acts of

terrorism or even obstruct terrorist investigation.

Under the Act, an act of terrorism would include an act which in a large sense may

seriously damage a country, its population or an international organisation.

This encompasses acts such as:

♦ Seriously intimidating a population

♦ Unduly compelling a Government or an international organisation to perform or

abstain from performing any act

♦ Seriously destabilising or destroy the fundamental political, constitutional,

economic or social structures of a country or an international organisation

♦ Influencing such government, or international organisation

♦ Attacking upon a person's life which may cause death

♦ Attacking upon the physical integrity of a person

♦ Kidnapping of a person

♦ Extensive destruction to a Government or public facility, a transport system, an

infrastructure facility, including an information system, a fixed platform located

on the continental shelf, a public place or private property, likely to endanger

human life or result in major economic loss

♦ The seizure of an aircraft, a ship or other means of public or goods transport.


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♦ The manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport, supply or use of weapons,

explosives or of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, as well as research

into, and development of, biological and chemical weapons

♦ The release of dangerous substance, or causing of fires, explosions or floods,

the effect of which is to endanger human life

♦ Interference with or disruption of the supply of water, power or any other

fundamental natural resource, the effect of which is to endanger life.

Moreover under the Act, an offence shall also be committed if a person who

participates in terrorist meetings, harbours terrorists, do not disclose information about

acts of terrorism or even obstruct terrorist investigation. The Convention For The Suppression Of The Financing Of Terrorism Act 2003

This Act provides that any person who by any means whatsoever, wilfully and

unlawfully, directly or indirectly, provides or collects funds with the intention or

knowledge that they will be used, or having reasonable grounds to believe that they

will be used, in full or in part, to commit in Mauritius or abroad terrorist activities shall

commit an offence.

The Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism Act 2003 gives effect

to the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.

7.2 Local voluntary codes of conduct and ethical standards

7.2.1 Joint Economic Council – Model of Conduct

The code provides for observance of the laws of Mauritius, whilst at the same time

providing for straight, fair, honest and efficient dealings in business. Disclosure of

unauthorized company information and non observance of rules could result in

disciplinary action. Shareholders will benefit from Company growth and profits and the

financial records should be true, accurate and up to date. Generally, the code covers

aspects of the personal conduct of directors and employees, relations with suppliers

and contractors, relations with customers and consumers, responsibilities to

shareholders and the financial community, employment practices and responsibilities

to the community.


♦ The Company operates within a framework of fair and open competition where

competitors are treated fairly and trade is done to the highest ethical standards

in order to ensure and maintain long terms business relationships.


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♦ The Company must function with the aim of increasing growth and profits for

the benefit of shareholders and all financial records must be kept in the most

concise, complete and up to date manner.

♦ The Company shall be an equal opportunity employer and shall offer high

health, safety and welfare to its employees.

♦ Care for the environment is one of the Company's main concerns. The

manufacture, handling and disposing of materials is done in such a way that

risks to human health and environment is minimised.

♦ Directors and employees are encouraged to participate in community activities

in charitable organizations.

♦ Channels of complaints are open to everyone and all complaints are considered

impartially and efficiently.

♦ A very efficient and courteous service is offered to customers, who at the same

time have the privilege of benefiting from products that meet a high standard of

safety, quality and reliability.


♦ The code provides for strict adherence to the laws of Mauritius whilst at the

same time not trying ‘to bribe any public official in any circumstances

anywhere’. It would seem that from this section it could be inferred that officials

‘other than’ public officials could be bribed or induced! This section, as it is

presently worded, would not apply to officials employed by private companies

or private banking institutions for example, as they do not fall within the

category of ‘public officials’.

♦ The code fails to provide for the type of penalty for those who act in breach of



♦ The code may provide for penalties and punishment in case there is any breach

of the code. This will ensure a better compliance with the code. Moreover it

should provide for a unit whereby complaints may be made by any person.

7.2.2 Mauritius Code of Ethics

The code provides for the standards of correct conduct expected of public officers. It

emphasizes the importance of a responsible, responsive and caring public service and

is intended to promote effective administration and responsible behaviour. The code

applies to all officers irrespective of grade or rank. It rests on a number of values and


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principles which guide the behaviour and action of public officers so as to inspire public

confidence and trust and those values and principles are Integrity, Objectivity,

Conscientiousness and Loyalty to the Government of the day.


♦ The code provides for the relationship between public officers and ministers to

be based on mutual trust and confidence. Public officers should work with their

ministers to the best of their ability with integrity, courtesy and respect.

♦ In their relations with the public, public officers must always act in a courteous

and careful manner. Every member of the public must get an equal and efficient

treatment, irrespective of their social class. Officers must always act with a view

to enhance the reputation of the public service.

♦ Public officers should ensure that public assets and other resources are used for

official purposes only and are managed scrupulously, properly, efficiently and

effectively. Waste and extravagance in the use of resources must be avoided.

♦ Officers must be careful in what they do, say or in the way they behave or dress

and they should operate in a proper work environment where respect and

mutual understanding prevails between colleagues.


♦ The code does not provide anything in case of breach or failure to abide by its

provisions nor does it make any mention about any penalties to those who

contravene its provisions.

♦ The code contains only the general applicable principles, and is not a detailed

one. More details of what is expected from the public officers, or of what they

should not do, could be given.

♦ This code is not known to the public in general, so that members of the public

do not know when public officers trespass the code. No mention is made of

where breaches of the code should be reported by members of the public.

Moreover, there is no specific form on which complaints can be made.

♦ Principles contained in the code should be more disseminated in the public


7.2.3 Code of Corporate Governance

The Code of Corporate Governance for Mauritius is a major advancement in modern

business life and has brought several major changes in boardroom day to day life.


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In this Code, various functions of the different players of a company are detailed, and

their roles are carefully defined to protect investors and the other stakeholders of the


The Code applies to all companies with turnover exceeding Rs250M and these

companies have to comply or else furnish explanations for non-compliance.

The Code covers a number of key areas of CSR which are as follows : Risk Management

Risk Management includes systematic identification and evaluation of risks pertaining

to the organisation.

According to the Code of Corporate Governance, companies in Mauritius are called

upon to have sound risk-management policies.

The objective of risk-management is not to completely eliminate risk but to reduce it to

an acceptable level, having regards to the objects of the company.

Risk-management should include reporting, consideration and taking of appropriate

action on risk exposure of the organisation in the following areas:

(1) Physical;

(2) Operational;

(3) Human Resources;

(4) Technology;

(5) Business Continuity;

(6) Financial;

(7) Compliance; and

(8) Reputational Accounting

The Code of Corporate Governance for Mauritius also lays emphasis on preparation and

presentation of accounts which fairly represent the state of affairs of the company and

the results of its operations.

Companies are also required to select appropriate accounting policies supported by

reasonable judgements.


Page 105: Review of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and ... · PDF fileReview of Corporate Social Responsibility policies and actions ... ♦ To assess CSR strategies in major industries Integrated Sustainability Reporting

It is in the long-term economic interest of a company to conduct itself as “a

responsible corporate citizen”.

Every company should report regularly to its stakeholders on:

♦ Ethics;

♦ Environment;

♦ Health and Safety; and

♦ Social Issues.


♦ The Code introduced several new principles, and changed quite substantially the

day-to-day life of boardrooms.


♦ The enforcement of the Code is not really effective. Many companies with

turnover exceeding Rs250M, especially state-owned enterprises, do not comply

with the Code since it is not legally binding.

♦ It is open to debate as to whether it is necessary to render the Code legally

binding, and if it is made legally binding, whether its legal effect should not be

restricted to a certain category of companies only.


♦ At any rate, some principles contained in the Code should be rendered


♦ Additional CSR principles can be introduced in the Code for example the

obligation to introduce a report on CSR activities, strategies and policies in the

annual report. The Code can introduce the requirement of a new full time

officer, a CSR officer, for all companies of a certain size or of a certain turnover.

Corporate Governance should be viewed in the local context, and some

principles applied internationally may be adapted to the local context.


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7.3 International codes and guidelines

7.3.1 United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact is an initiative to encourage businesses worldwide

to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on them. Under

the Compact, companies are brought together with UN agencies, labour groups and

civil society.

The Global Compact was first announced by the then United Nations Secretary-General

Kofi Annan in an address to The World Economic Forum on January 31, 1999, and was

officially launched at UN Headquarters in New York on July 26, 2000.

The United Nations Global Compact Office is supported by six UN agencies: the United

Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; the United Nations Environment

Programme; the International Labour Organisation; the United Nations Development

Programme; the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation; and the United

Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

The Global Compact’s ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the

environment and anti-corruption enjoy universal consensus and are derived from:

♦ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

♦ The International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles

and Rights at Work

♦ The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development

♦ The United Nations Convention Against Corruption

The ten principles include:

Human Rights

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of

internationally proclaimed human rights; and

Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Labour Standards

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the

effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory Labour;

Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and


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Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and



Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to

environmental challenges;

Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;


Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly



Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including

extortion and bribery.

The Global Compact is not a regulatory instrument, but rather a forum for discussion

and a network for communication including governments; companies and labour,

whose actions it seeks to influence; and civil society organisations, representing its

stakeholders. The Compact’s goals are intentionally flexible and vague, but can

promote local networks and policy dialogues.

However many NGOs, such as Greenpeace, ActionAid, Global Policy Forum, CorpWatch,

SOMO and Berne Declaration, believe that in the absence of any effective monitoring

and enforcement provisions, the Global Compact fails to hold corporations accountable.

Moreover, these organisations argue that companies can misuse the Global Compact as

a public relations instrument for bluewash, as an excuse and argument to oppose any

binding international regulation on corporate accountability, and as an entry door to

increase corporate influence on the policy discourse and the development strategies of

the United Nations.


♦ Human Rights:

1) Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally

proclaimed human rights and make sure they are not complicit in human rights


♦ Labour Standards:

2) The freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to

collective bargaining must be upheld by businesses.


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3) Elimination of all forms of forced labour and compulsory labour must be a

primary aim.

4) Child labour must be effectively abolished.

5) Discrimination in employment and occupation must be upheld in businesses.

♦ Environment:

6) Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental


7) Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote environmental

responsibility and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally

friendly technologies.

♦ Transparency and Anticorruption:

8) Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion

and bribery.


♦ Many NGOs, such as Greenpeace, ActionAid, CorpWatch and Berne Declaration

believe that, without any effective monitoring and enforcement provisions, the

Global Compact fails to hold corporations accountable.

♦ Moreover, these organizations argue that companies can misuse the Global

Compact as a public relations instrument for 'bluewash', as an excuse and

argument to oppose any binding international regulation on corporate

accountability, and as an entry door to increase corporate influence on the

policy discourse and the development strategies of the United Nations.

♦ the Global Compact has no legal effect in Mauritius, and is not known by most

companies of Mauritius, even though the general principles contained in the

Global Compact are known to most Mauritian businesses.

7.3.2 OECD Guidelines

The OECD Guidelines are recommendations to enterprises made by the governments of

OECD member countries.

Their aim is to ensure that multinational enterprises operate in harmony with the

policies of the countries where they operate and with some standards set out in the



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The Guidelines are voluntary and consequently, not legally enforceable. This however,

does not imply less commitment by OECD governments to encourage their observance.

The guidelines address private parties, i e, enterprises and not the government


The Guidelines contain a set of Concepts and Principles.

General Policies

The General Policies: contain the first specific recommendations, including te need to

protect human rights, to have sustainable development, supply chain responsibility, to

cooperate with the local community, to encourage human capital formation, to refrain

from seeking or accepting exemptions not contemplated in the statutory or regulatory

framework, to support and uphold good corporate governance principles, to develop

and apply effective self-regulatory practices and management systems, to promote

employee awareness of ,and compliance with company policies, to refrain from

discriminatory or disciplinary action against employees who make bon fide reports to

management, to encourage (where applicable) business partners to apply principles of

corporate conduct compatible with the Guidelines, and to abstain from any improper

involvement in political activities.

The Guidelines contain provisions on Disclosure of Information, Employment and

Industrial Relations, Environment, Combating Bribery, Consumer Interests, Science

and Technology, Competition, and Taxation,

General comment on the Guidelines

♦ The guidelines are the only comprehensive, multilaterally endorsed code of

conduct for multinational enterprises.

♦ They establish principles covering a broad range of issues in business ethics

♦ The guidelines are non binding for enterprises. Nonetheless, several

Governments have committed themselves to promote their observance and

effective implementation.

♦ They are designed to prevent misunderstandings and build an atmosphere of

confidence and predictability between business, labour, governments and

society as a whole.

♦ The guidelines are supported by OECD governments, as well as several non-

member countries and are supported by businesses and labour organisations,

as well as several non-governmental organisations.


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With Mauritius moving into the global sector, and wanting to attract more and more

international investments, the OECD guidelines are a good example of the standards

that should be achieved by the MNEs investing in Mauritius and the Mauritian

companies which want to extend their activities by foreign investments.


The OECD guidelines are not legally enforceable and do not contain any penalties in

case of breach.

7.3.3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI Guidelines)

The Sustainability Reporting Guidelines are not a code or set principles of conduct.

They are a framework for reporting on an organization’s economic, environmental and

social performance.

The guidelines present reporting principles and specific content to guide the

preparation of organizational-level sustainability reports, assist organizations in

presenting a balanced and reasonable picture of their economic, environmental and

social performance, promote comparability of sustainability reports, while taking into

account the practical considerations related to disclosing information across a diverse

range of organizations, many with extensive and geographically dispersed operations,

support benchmarking and assessment of sustainability performance with respect to

codes, performance standards and voluntary initiatives and serve as an instrument to

facilitate stakeholder engagement.


♦ The guidelines provide a holistic framework that addresses broad performance -

social, economic, environmental - as to how an organization is reporting to


♦ They guide an organization’s approach to 'proving' its impact.

♦ GRI is used widely internationally as a generally accepted reporting framework

and as such provides a method for increased comparability.

♦ Organisations can use the GRI reporting to help measure and benchmark

performance, both against their own targets and externally. Management can

use GRI indicators to encourage employees to make good progressive


♦ The Guidelines are flexible and can be used in different sectors and

geographical contexts.


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♦ Adhering to the Guidelines may be labour intensive and full reporting may

represent a challenge for smaller organizations.

♦ Their history of use in the social enterprise sector is limited and some of the

language and approaches are more familiar and appropriate for multinational


♦ They provide guidance, but not accreditation. a mark or external evaluation

unless combined with other tools, such as an assurance standards.

♦ Their main focus is 'sustainability' for example, reporting external impact but

not necessarily focusing on positive outcomes or impacts.

7.4 Mechanisms of control from the State and civil society

We have undertaken a review of the existing mechanism of control from the state

through meeting with various Ministries and Authorities namely the Ministry of

Environment, Labour, Women, the Registrar of Companies and the Office of


7.4.1 Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit

The Ministry of Environment is primarily responsible for the administration of the

environmental protection legislations and the design and development of

environmental guidelines and standards for the country.

Enforcement provisions and mechanism of control

There are a myriad of provisions for penalties in the Environmental Protection Act

(EPA) for infringement of environmental laws.

The EPA stipulates that certain projects have to obtain an Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) or Preliminary Environment Report (PER) prior to obtaining approval

from the Government for their implementation stage.

The Ministry of Environment has a compliance division that assess EIAs and

consultation is made with various Ministries and Authorities prior to granting EIA

certificates to promoters.

There is a unit at the Ministry of Environment, “Police de L’environment’ that

addresses all the environmental problems encountered by the public in general and

authorised officers of the Ministry have powers to prosecute offenders.


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♦ There is a lot of abuse on behalf of business organisations in respect of non

conformance to local environmental regulations since fines in the EPA are not

severe enough and do not therefore act as a deterrent.

♦ The ‘Police de L’environment” unit of the Ministry lacks visibility throughout the


♦ There is a dire lack of sentisation campaigns on environmental issues especially

in the business community.


♦ A manifold increase in fines is required in order to prevent business

organisations from damaging the environment and sensitise the public in


♦ The “Police de L’Environnement” must be spread throughout the country

through the recruitment of additional manpower. For instance, they must be

present in some pertinent police stations.

♦ The Ministry of Environment must invest more in sensitisation campaigns on the

protection of the environment so that this may be embedded in their work


7.4.2 Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations

One of the core duties of the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations is to ensure

that the rights of workers are respected. The ministry handles issues such as working

conditions, salary and health and safety of employees.

Enforcement provisions and mechanism of control

The compliance department of the Ministry does regular checks in companies to ensure

that the rights of workers are not infringed. Regular payroll checks are conducted to

ensure that salaries are paid according to the applicable renumeration order. Officials

of the Ministry also interview employees of Companies in respect of their working



♦ The Ministry of Labour lacks legal assistance to the detriment of prosecutions

♦ The penalties in the labour Act are too lenient and the legal procedures are not

user-friendly for employees.


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♦ There is a lack of sensitisation campaigns from the Ministry of Labour that

inform and educate employees about their rights


♦ The Ministry of Labour could be assisted by a full time legal person to improve


♦ It is impending for the government to review the Labour Act and make it

become more user-friendly for employees. Penalties must be increased

substantially to act as a deterrent to labour law infringement.

♦ The Ministry of Labour must invest more on sensitisation campaigns.

7.4.3 Ministry of Women’s Rights, Child Development, Family Welfare & Consumer Protection

The Consumer Protection Unit (CPU) has the responsibility of enforcing the various

consumer legislations, of providing overall consumer satisfaction and security and

probing on consumer complaints.

Its main objectives are as follows :

♦ To protect the rights of consumers

♦ To educate consumers of their rights and responsibilities

♦ To settle disputes between traders and consumers

Enforcement provisions and mechanism of control

The CPU ensures that imported products (steel, toys, fire crackers, etc) are safe for

consumers and are in line with local and international standards.

Surprise checks are carried out at trading outlets to check on any overpricing and to

ensure that all products on display have a price tag and indication of the country of

origin. They also ensure that retailers do not sell stale products. The CPU also indulges

in information campaigns by distributing brochures on consumer rights to the general



♦ The absence of a legal person acts as a constraint to the effective prosecution of


♦ The Ministry of Women Rights is not the appropriate Ministry for the CPU.

♦ The CPU lacks visibility.


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♦ The CPU could be assisted by a full time legal person to improve prosecutions.

♦ The CPU must be under the aegis of an appropriate Ministry say the Ministry of

Commerce in order to ensure better coordination and concerted actions by the

government in their endeavour to enhance consumer rights.

♦ The CPU must make more use of the Media in order to show more visiblity and

provide insightful advices to both retailers and consumers.

7.4.4 Registrar of Companies

The core function of the Registrar of Companies is to enforce companies to comply with

company law requirements.

Enforcement provisions and mechanism of control

The compliance department of the Registrar of Companies(ROC) has a monitoring

system that ensures that companies fulfill their statutory obligations such as payment

of annual registration fees, filing of annual return, etc. Companies that do not comply

with the Registrar of Companies are automatically struck off the companies register.


♦ ROC lacks prosecution powers

♦ ROC needs to sensitise more the business community (especially the family

businesses) about the legal implications of non-compliance with their statutory



♦ The ROC must have a better control over the prosecution aspect in order to

speed up legal cases and bring more cases to a positive result.

♦ The ROC must play a dual role in organising regular training sessions to the

entrepreneurs (especially the family businesses) to ensure proper statutory

compliances by companies.

7.4.5 The Office of the Ombudsman

The role of the Ombudsman in Mauritius is to ensure that the human rights of all

citizens of the country are respected.


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Enforcement provisions and mechanism of control

The Office of Ombudsman carries out regular inspections for instance in prisons to

ensure that the rights of prisoners are respected. They usually work under close

collaboration with the police


♦ The office of Ombudsman lacks prosecution powers.

♦ The Office of Ombudsman and his powers are not sufficiently known and user-



♦ The office of Ombudsman must have prosecution powers in order to slash

bureaucracy and speed up legal cases.

♦ The ombudsman must play a linchpin role in reinforcing its presence in the

country through media for instance in order to encourage the general public to

come to them for assistance.


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8 Recommendations

8.1 Overview

Partnership models for CSR initiatives

Case 1: Ethos Institute – Business and Social Responsibility is a non-governmental organization created with the mission of mobilizing, sensitizing and helping companies to manage their businesses in a socially responsible manner, making them partners in the construction of a fair sustainable society. Its 907 members comprise companies of different segments and sizes, which account for annual revenues of approximately 30% of the Brazilian GDP and employ roughly 1.2 million people. Their main characteristic is their interest in establishing ethical patterns for the relationship with employees, customers, suppliers, community, shareholders, public power, and the environment.

Conceived by businessmen and executives from the private sector, Ethos Institute is a center for mobilization, organization of knowledge, exchange of experiences and development of tools that can help companies to analyze their management practices and deepen their commitment with corporate responsibility. It is today an international reference in the issue and develops projects in partnership with several bodies worldwide.

Case 2: UK Government - The UK Government has a vision for UK businesses to consider the economic, social and environmental impacts of their activities, wherever they operate in the world and has set a role in promoting continuous improvement in the business contribution to the three pillars - economic, social and environmental - of sustainable development. The base level of responsible behaviour for any organisation is legal compliance and the Government has a role to play in setting standards in areas such as environmental protection, health & safety and employment rights.

Case 3: NGO Forum - The government's 1999 white paper 'Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation' established the National Forum of Non-Governmental Public Health Organisations (subsequently known as the NGO Forum) as part of its developing public health strategy. The Forum is sponsored by the Department of Health and is managed by the Royal Society of Health.

Membership is open to any national NGO and interested orgnisations can sign up for the monthly email news bulletin to be kept regularly informed of developments.

The NGO Forum today is the key vehicle for engaging key national NGOs in the planning and delivery of all future social marketing enhanced national programmes and campaigns."


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The main finding of the survey was that CSR is not embedded in corporate culture.

However, CSR has been gaining momentum gradually in Corporate Mauritius as

companies engage more and more into multi-stakeholder initiatives. It has become

the force behind and very often the enabler of sustainable development whether

companies act alone or in joint partnerships with other stakeholders in their CSR


8.2 An enabling framework for partnerships

The survey has revealed that 79% of companies have demonstrated interest in diverse

partnerships for CSR initiatives.

Interest in partnership with private sector

Interest in partnership with Government %

In addition, companies have r

important in encouraging CSR:

♦ A forum whereby pre


♦ Partnerships with oth

companies); and

♦ A better information


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This policy framework will provide the required impetus to CSR by addressing issues at

various levels:

♦ At Corporate

Mauritius level, at

the civil society level

and at the

Government level;


♦ At joint partnership

level by ensuring a

better liaison between the various stakeholders (between Government and

private sector, Government and NGO sector, private sector and NGO

sector); and

Private Sector NGO sector

♦ By providing a platform for the three-sector partnership.

8.3 Initiatives at individual sector level

8.3.1 Overview

In order for each stakeholder to be able to fully play their role in this tripartite

partnership and discharge their responsibilities with commitment, care and diligence, it

is imperative that reform be initiated on an individual player level and on an individual

sector level.

8.3.2 Private sector initiatives

Coordinated CSR activities

“A vision of development that leaves out the private sector is only vision,” said a UNDP

official. Indeed, the private sector is playing a vital role through the CSR endeavours

to address national development issues at the national and/or community level.

However, coordinated and concerted actions by the private sector may be more fruitful

than individual actions and CSR initiatives. The survey has revealed that around three

quarters of the companies would wish to team up with other private sector companies

in conducting CSR. The rationale for this interest in private sector partnership resides

in the fact that companies understand their counterparts better than they do NGOs and

Government, and they are more compatible in terms of culture and work ethics.

Companies would hold similar expectations from partnerships. Coordinated private

sector CSR initiatives offer a number of benefits:


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♦ Rationalising resource utilisation and improve projects' complementarities

while reducing intervention overlap by ensuring coordination amongst the

various counterparts through joint programming;

♦ Allowing information sharing on experiences, CSR design, implementation

and best practices, and knowledge sharing on technical issues;

♦ Sharing information on NGOs, their accountability, their project

implementation capacity;

♦ Allowing joint formulation of CSR thematic strategies;

♦ Allowing promotion of implementation synergies by combining support and

common services.

Strategic approach

Our survey has revealed that there is a strong positive correlation for existence of a

formal CSR policy and an engagement in strategic CSR partnership at community and

national levels.

Another area of focus for the private sector would therefore be to improve their

approach to CSR and give more structure to CSR initiatives by:

♦ Private companies would benefit from adopting a more strategic approach

by mainstreaming CSR into management practice. The organisational vision

and mission call for inclusion of the CSR concept so as to demonstrate

commitment to overall national development. It should also be able to

promote the link between corporate citizenship , productivity and creation of

wealth. The time, and human and financial resources devoted to

philanthropy, sponsorship and ad-hoc CSR can fruitfully be translated into

more meaningful strategic CSR by:

a. Designating a dedicated person or team to carrying CSR activities;

b. Involving more people, both management and employees, in CSR;

c. Agreeing on a budget at the start of the calendar year; and

d. Incorporating an aspect of CSR in employee induction and

performance appraisal so as to promote employee initiatives in CSR.

♦ Private companies may partner up with NGOs in their CSR activities, and

strategise about such partnerships by :

a. Agreeing on a set of criteria for potential partnership;


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b. Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) for each project so as

to be able to monitor performance;

c. Communicating more about their past and forthcoming CSR activities

– this may attract eligible NGOs; and

d. Establishing a partnership charter so as to establish the roles,

responsibilities of each party for more accountability and better

coordination of effort.

Proposed mechanism

The coordination of CSR initiatives requires instituting some kind of formal or informal

body as facilitator or assigning the responsibility to an existing representating body of

the private sector. The Joint Economic Council (JEC), “the coordinating body of the

private sector in Mauritius”, regroups the main business organisations of the country:

♦ Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

♦ Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture;

♦ Mauritius Employers’ Federation;

♦ Mauritius Sugar Producers’ Association;

♦ Mauritius Export Processing Zone Association;

♦ Mauritius Bankers’ Association;

♦ Mauritius Insurers’ Association

♦ Asociation des Hôteliers et Restaurateurs de l’île Maurice ; and

♦ Association of Mauritian Manufacturers.

The JEC qualifies as an appropriate organisation to take on the CSR promoter


8.3.3 Government initiatives

The Government plays a vital role in CSR. According to Peter Vass “governments have

to take overall responsibility for ensuring that conduct failures - whether market or

non-market failures - are regulated appropriately, taking account of each of the three

pillars of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental pillars.”

Other schools of thought preach that governments should do nothing and allow market

forces to dictate the world and national order. A World Bank report on CSR has

identified four roles for governments (Fox, Ward, & Howard, 2002): mandating,

facilitating, partnering and endorsing. The report also identifies ten government

activity areas to support CSR:


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♦ Setting and ensuring compliance with minimum standards;

♦ Public policy role of business;

♦ Corporate governance;

♦ Responsible investment, philanthropy and community development;

♦ Stakeholder engagement and representation;

♦ Pro-CSR production and consumption;

♦ Pro-CSR certification, “beyond compliance” standards and management


♦ Pro-CSR reporting and transparency; and

♦ Multilateral processes, guidelines and conventions.

In the Mauritian context, the intervention of the government could have a three-tier


♦ Regulation and legislation;

♦ Non-regulatory activitism; and

♦ Best practice demonstration.

Regulation and legislation (mandating)

The Government already possesses various legislative instruments that regulate

corporate behaviour in most, if not all, areas that are focal points of CRS agenda, such

as the environment, education, health and safety, labour, industrial laws amongst

others. The need for more regulation of corporate behaviour is caught in the debate of

voluntarism versus regulation.

Furthermore, “soft laws” bring in additional, if not missing, regulation guiding private

sector practices and these soft laws include a myriad of national, regional and

international codes, conventions, directives, agreements and standards.

Please refer to Section 7 for more information.

One area that would promote the development of CSR is to improve accountability of

NGOs through new regulation as proposed in the Assessment Report of the legal and

Regulatory framework affecting NGOs in Mauritius. Corporate sector representatives

interviewed would welcome a clearer legal framework that provides for more

accountability of NGOs across the board through introducing a public benefit status (or

minimum standards for governance, operation and reporting).


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There are mixed views regarding tax incentives for donations to registered charitable

institutions which have been abolished. The Financial Secretary has expressed the

view of the Government in that, despite the abolishment of this incentive, with the

recent introduction of a lower corporate tax rate, companies have more to spend. As

such, for the Government this measure should not be interpreted as a deterrent to

CSR. However, almost 70% of companies surveyed reported that a revision of the

actual tax policy would encourage them to increase their CSR activities. In addition,

30% of companies have stated that the Government assistance should be in terms of

fiscal incentives.

We would tend to agree that the prevailing low tax rate for the both individuals and

corporate should counter balance the abolishment of previous tax incentives and

therefore the interventions in CSR should not be tax incentive driven.

Non-regulatory activities (facilitating and partnering)

The survey and discussions with stakeholders have revealed that CSR should remain as

a voluntary activity. The government can however, and in fact should, limit its role to

being a facilitator in supporting the development of CSR. The British government’s

approach may be one of the best example of non-regulatory activism model with the

following public policy framework:

♦ Ensure coordination of CSR and corporate citizenship policies and activities

across the whole of government;

♦ Raise the profile of CSR and corporate citizenship;

♦ Promote the link between corporate citizenship and productivity;

♦ Assist in the development of CSR and corporate citizenship skills through the

provision of education and training;

♦ Assist smaller and medium sized firms apply corporate citizenship practices;

♦ Fund research into corporate citizenship; and

♦ Create a range of “soft” or “enabling” legislation of relevance to corporate


Activities which may promote CSR include:

♦ Having recourse to key resource persons facilitating working sessions aimed

at corporate leaders. The 3-day (26-28 October 2007) training sessions on

CSR by experts from Business of Social Responsibility from the U.S.

provided a forum to stakeholders to share experiences on CSR design,

getting internal commitment (from top management) and external


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commitment (other stakeholders), benefits reaped from CSR, challenges

faced, implementation issues including monitoring of CSR activities,

amongst others;

♦ Organising telecast debates regrouping all stakeholders (e.g. Business

Watch) or a series of documentaries on the subject;

♦ Encouraging targeted workshops by business groups (e.g. the various

Chambers of Commerce, the Mauritius Banking Association, the Mauritius

Employers Federation, the Joint Economic Council);

♦ Offering information resources to collect, exchange and disseminate best

practices and tools on CSR – studies and reports , on a website devoted to

the subject in the local context with the possibility of links to international

websites for best practice and quick and easy benchmarking;

♦ Organising information and awareness campaign for a period of time long

enough to allow stakeholders to appreciate the business case for CSR on a

national level with heavy media coverage, and stakeholder participation;

♦ Producing CSR guides providing practical advice on how to introduce CSR in

the organisation, from the vision to the action plan;

♦ Introducing a module on CSR at degree-level courses at the University of

Mauritius (as is the case for MBA programs). Young graduates joining the

labour market may more easily start and implement CSR activities, or

through their empirically researched ideas assist in improving such


♦ Introducing national awards for big companies and SMEs on CSR; and

♦ Encouraging researchers through grants to do more research, through their

thesis, on CSR.

Best practice demonstration (endorsing)

The Government should “lead by example” and act as demonstrators of best practice in

corporate citizenship. For instance, the Government may:

♦ Adopt principles of triple bottom line reporting;

♦ Apply procurement and tender policies in all instances requiring same; and

♦ Promoting public-private partnerships (PPP) amongst others.


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Advisory Body to Government

The Government could draw from such best practice and institute an advisory group to

oversee and promote CSR and providing the required framework to support multi-

stakeholder dialogues on the subject. This advisory group could operate under the

aegis of the Ministry of Social Security, with experts from other relevant Ministries and

should establish the following:

♦ Its objectives – to promote CSR at corporate level, to assist and provide

support in capacity building initiatives aimed at NGOs and private companies


♦ Its members; and

♦ Its activities.

The UK government has gone one step ahead by conferring the responsibility of CSR to

the Minister of State for Competitiveness and Consumer Affairs.

8.3.4 Reform at NGO level

Whilst this study has not surveyed NGOs, there have been multi-stakeholder

discussions whereby the major weaknesses and limitations of NGOs surfaced, albeit

from the corporate viewpoint. The survey itself revealed the following:

♦ Individuals responsible for CSR initiatives in companies can enumerate a

select few NGOs at most (6). This indicates that because of their lack of

competences (how to communicate efficiently with modern means such as

the internet and e-newsletters) and resources (human, financial and

equipment), NGOs cannot achieve proper communication to various

stakeholders. This leads to a vast majority of NGOs being unknown.

♦ Rating the whole of civil society was difficult because the population is so

big, there is so little information available on NGOs, these are not regulated,

amongst others. However, when prompted for such a rating, companies

provided average ratings for all charateristics, showing a need for


1. Aims and mandates of NGOs;

2. Structure and organisation;

3. Commitment and professionalism;

4. Communication;

5. Membership and quality of resources;


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6. Mobilisation of resources; and

7. Performance towards goals.

♦ All of these dimensions are taken into consideration by companies when

they are solicited by NGOs for funding or partnerships.

The NGO sector should imperatively reform itself. The logical step would be a review

of civil society in Mauritius. The following recommendations are based on views

opiniated by Corporate Mauritius and limited consultation with NGOs.

Capacity building

The greatest need that was revealed during the research for this project was to build

the capacity of NGOs so as to become more reliable partners for the corporate (as well

as the government) sector. NGOs need support to develop in several fronts but from

the point of view of intersectoral cooperation, their most urgent needs include:

♦ On the attitude level: to develop a deeper and more holistic understanding

of social problems and possible responses; to move away from the “charity”

approach of helping beneficiaries to a “social change” approach of

empowering beneficiaries to take their lives into their own hands.

♦ On the skill level:

- Increasing their capacity to fundraise (e.g. write a grant proposal);

- Project development and project management;

- Developing their financial management systems;

- Communication skills; and

- Reporting and other accountability mechanisms.

♦ On the knowledge level: more up-to-date knowledge in professional

development they are concerned with (strongly related to the above two

levels as well).

In terms of how this capacity building can be implemented, there are several

interconnected ways:

♦ some companies interviewed are doing such capacity building already for

the NGOs they choose to work with (e.g., helping them develop grant

proposals or reports);

♦ the UNDP and other international actors may take on this task within their

range of competence;


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♦ MACOSS is engaged in capacity building for NGOs though not at the level

that would be demanded based on the sheer volume of the needs of the


♦ There are some NGOs already who possess one or another skill mentioned

above and who could serve as a resource for others; and

♦ In addition, as in other countries, the government could consider to embark

on an NGO capacity building program, which if properly designed could lead

to great and measurable benefits in the ability of NGOs to cater for social

problems as partners to the corporate sector and to the government.

Networking of NGOs

The multitude of NGOs in Mauritius could be more effective if organised in various

networks and federations so as to avoid fragmented efforts and goal incongruence.

Such networks are usually developed on the basis of thematic response. The rationale

for this network approach is that grouping allows:

♦ Rationalising resource utilisation and improve projects' complementarity

while reducing intervention overlap by ensuring coordination amongst the

various counterparts through joint programming;

♦ Extending target population reach by supporting activities of multiple

community-based NGOs;

♦ Building management capacity and allowing organisational development;

♦ Sensitising community/national leaders in the Government and private

sector about the social issues, their aims and mandates and their specific


♦ Buying in active support from the government and private sector for their

integrated network activities;

♦ Allowing information sharing, knowledge sharing on technical and policy


♦ Allowing joint formulation of sectoral/thematic strategies;

♦ Allowing promote implementation synergies by combining support and

common services; and

♦ Allowing sharing of standards for self-regulation.

The major barriers to such network grouping are the unique program strategies of

individual NGOs, their specific organisational characteristics, their wish to retain a

certain level of autonomy and at time even rivalry.


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Representation body, MACOSS

The umbrella organisation in Mauritius, the Mauritius Social Council (MACOSS), should

be proactive in trying to increase its affiliation from the current 220 (approximate)

member NGOs (the unofficial figure of some 6,000 civil society organisation (CSOs)

has been echoed regularly). Alternately, MACOSS could encourage NGOs to initiate

networks and build bottom-up representation. The MACOSS has already classified its

existing members into the following 16 categories:

♦ Advocacy;

♦ Children;

♦ Community development;

♦ Disabled;

♦ Education;

♦ Elderly;

♦ Environment and sustainable development;

♦ Gender and family;

♦ Health and quality of life;

♦ Material help and support;

♦ Natural and other disasters;

♦ Poverty alleviation;

♦ Religious and cultural;

♦ Service clubs;

♦ Training and human resource development; and

♦ Youth.

Indeed, amongst its objectives, the MACOSS should:

♦ Assist in the planning and coordination of the activities of Member


♦ Organise workshops, seminars, conferences and training courses for

voluntary social workers, personnel of voluntary organisations, non-

governmental organisations and professionals to strengthen their

organisational and managerial capabilities;

♦ Promote, encourage and undertake experimental work.


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Several stakeholders interviewed asserted that MACOSS should aim to become more

effective in achieving its objectives. E.g., it could rationalise efforts of NGOs on a

grouping basis and as mentioned above assist in their capacity building (project

proposal writing, financial management, project management, fund raising activities,

communications etc).

In addition, the existence of MACOSS should not deter other emerging networks from

organizing themselves into their own representational bodies and assist their members

in becoming better partners for the corporate and government sectors.

8.4 Joint partnership initiatives

There should be liaison and concerted efforts between the various stakeholders:

between Government and private sector, Government and NGO sector, private sector

and NGO sector. Such two-stakeholder dialogues and coordination allow a better focus

on specific needs of the stakeholders.

8.4.1 Government and private sector dialogue

Government and private sector, through the Advisory Body and the JEC, should engage

in exploring opportunities to encourage more CSR. Two of JEC’s main objectives are:

♦ to provide for joint consultation among the various organisations of the

Private Sector; and

♦ to liaise with Government and other bodies on matters relating to the socio-

economic development of Mauritius;

In addition, there already exist formal and informal mechanisms of interaction between

the two stakeholders:

Formal Informal

♦ Government/JEC meetings ♦ Regular meetings between Private Sector organisations and relevant Ministries on sectoral issues

♦ Tripartite wage negotiations Proposals for the National Budget

♦ Representation in a number of committees ♦ Joint promotional activities ♦ Ad-hoc committees

CSR could be taken in the agenda of the JEC as a major business endeavour to

contribute to the socioeconomic development of Mauritius.

8.4.2 Private sector and NGO sector dialogue

The private sector and the civil society, through the JEC and the MACOSS and other

stakeholder groupings, should explore:


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♦ The funding support for projects and/or overheads private sector can

provide to NGOs; and

♦ The technical assistance NGOs can provide to companies in project


Such mutual assistance may take the form of partnerships as follows:

1. NGOs as Consultant partnership model


♦ NGO is contracted for identifying target group needs, project concept development, and technologies transfer.


♦ There is efficient delivery of company’s CSR programs whilst at the same time the ability to focus on business activities.

♦ The project(s) impacts(impact) on targeted groups, aptly identified by NGOs.

♦ Such partnership contributes to the fund generation activities of NGOs, should the NGO service delivery be contractual and remunerated.


♦ The efficiency of the program would depend on the professionalism of the NGO.

♦ Credit for the projects may be wholly taken by the NGOs so that the company(nies) do not benefit from enhanced image in the external communities.


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2. NGOs as Project Manager partnership model


♦ The management of the project is outsourced to an NGO, based on its sectoral expertise, aims and mandates and principles.


♦ Both the private sector and the NGO focus on their competitive advantage.

♦ The partnership allows efficient deployment of resources.

♦ The project(s) impacts(impact) on targeted groups, aptly identified by NGOs.

♦ Such partnership contributes to the fund generation activities of NGOs, should the NGO service delivery be contractual and remunerated.

♦ Both the company and the NGO gain recognition for service rendered in the external communities.


♦ Efficiency of programs is dependent on the professionalism of the NGO and all resource limitation at NGO level will impact directly on efficiency of project implementation.

3. NGOs as Strategic Partners partnership model


♦ A working group including NGO staff members and representatives from the private sector is established.

♦ These groups work on concept development and/or project implementation.

♦ The group may include government at least on the local level.


♦ Both the private sector and the NGO focus on their competitive advantage.

♦ The partnership allows efficient deployment of resources.

♦ Large-scale projects can be implemented when more than one player from the private sector team up.


♦ The working group may lack structure and roles and responsibilities may not be explicitly spelt out so that the partnership may suffer.

♦ The role of the government is limited.


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4. Other innovative forms of corporate –NGO partnerships:

- Payroll giving – initiatives when the employees agree that a

small part of their salary will be directed by the company to an

NGO. Examples United Way and the Save the Children (UK).

- Employee volunteering programs – when the company

organises volunteer involvement for its employees with an NGO,

usually some kind of event which is fun and helping at the same

time (cleaning the beach, painting the school etc.). Western

Power in Australia teams up with the National Heritage Trust in a

volunteer-based revegetation project, with more than 1500

volunteers planting native tree and shrub seedlings. Under the

Leadership Fellows programme, Cisco, the US technology group,

is sponsoring employees who live in Louisiana and Mississippi to

work on a 21st Century Schools initiative that is rebuilding and

improving educational institutions in areas that were affected by

Hurricane Katrina.

- Secondment – when the company sends usually a senior or

middle manager to help an NGO, e.g. to improve communications

or financial management of the NGO, or just to help out with its

work depending on skills and interest. Vodafone developed a

whole program around this called World of Difference and they

implemented it in several countries. Already one hour per week

can already be of big help to an NGO but the World of Difference

program even funds a Vodafone employee being “deployed” to an

NGO for six months to a whole year to help the NGO develop and

strengthen its capacities.

- Cause related marketing – when the company co-brands a

product with an NGO and a (small) percentage of each product

sold goes to the NGO. One example of cause-marketing would be

the partnership of Yoplait's "Save Lids to Save Lives" campaign in

support of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The

company packages specific products with a pink lid that

consumers turn in, and in turn Yoplait donates 10 cents for each



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- Corporate collections – similar to the previous but even more

flexible - the company actively promotes the NGO either through

its regular services or in other ways and sometimes even matches

the funds collected. E.g., in Hungary T-Com (Deutsche Telecom

owned Hungarian phone company) provides a fundraising hotline

to NGOs throughout the year, each selected NGO gets two

months and during those two months T-Com actively promotes

them to its clients to call in. Similar campaigns are done to

prompt people to send text messages to raise funds for NGOs.

Or in another example, Tesco awards the “Charity of the Year”

each year with a serious amount of money based on the votes of

its employees (they do this locally and nationally as well). Or we

can mention the British Airways “Good for Change” campaign

when they collect the left-over coins and small change from

passengers on-board to help UNICEF.

- Joint project implementation – similar to the “strategic

partnership” model. A very good example for this internationally

is the Citigroup – Junior Achievement cooperation, who have

been working together for years to design and implement training

of children and young adults in life-management, financial

management, enterprise development etc. In every country

where this is run, JA organizes it and local Citigroup companies

provide not only financial support but also teaching expertise as


8.4.3 Government and NGO sector dialogue

Government and civil society, through the Advisory Body and the MACOSS, should

engage in exploring opportunities for provision of funds and subsidies and/or capacity

building support by Government.

8.5 Towards a three-sector partnership model

A three-tier approach is suggested for this three-sector partnership model.

First, key actors in all three sectors should build on existing good practice and boost

the potential of already established initiatives to advance three sector partnership. A

case in point is the Empowerment Programme, which was initiated by the government

to create employment and bring social justice but both other sectors are increasingly

involved in its operation. Within the Empowerment Programme there is a chance to

further explore and encourage solutions based on three sector partnership, not just


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two-way engagements as is the current trend (i.e. the government making separate

partnerships with companies and with NGOs to realize the Fund’s goals). A small

three-sector policy planning expert group could be set up and work out new methods

to help reach the objectives in implementing government policies. One successful

existing partnership is the Zone d’Education Prioritaire which regroups the UNDP, the

Government of Mauritius (Ministry of Education and Human Resources) and private

sector companies to give special support and compensatory education in schools in

deprived and underprivileged localities, caters for the special needs of the pupils, and

includes the provision of a midday meal of bread, cheese and fruit/juice to every pupil,

This approach could be applied to other initiatives as well.

Second, the stakeholders may adopt an informal Policy Round Table approach as a

self-initiated platform for stakeholders from the three sectors to undertake joint policy

planning and implementation. Its work would be aimed at one priority area (at least

initially) to be determined by the participants, a more concrete area where reform is

needed and where the actors can deliver tangible results. (However, it would likely

address an issue outside the competence of the Empowerment Programme, such as

education, housing or extreme poverty.) The group would then determine the need for

research and needs assessment in this area; take part in conducting or commissioning

the research; and based on the data would devise strategies involving all three sectors

to address the identified root problems. The “division of work” would not necessarily

resort to the classic roles of the partners in relation to each other (i.e. government =

regulator, company = funder, NGO = project implementer) but could also result in

innovative and efficient public policies that involve ongoing cooperation and build on

the respective strengths of each sector. (See the examples above on strategic


The group could over time decide to become more formalised but could also be in

existence only for the duration of successful delivery of its concrete objectives. The

group would of course set up its own internal modus operandi, elect its leadership etc.,

but with considerably less cost and bureaucracy than a permanent, government

endorsed structure.

Third, a Body with a clear Charter enabling the three-sector partnership, may be

instituted to provide a forum for the three-sector participatory process whereby the

private sector, the NGO sector and the Government can meet to discuss about

economic and social opportunities and issues, and address national development

challenges. The Charter will clarify in detail the membership of the Body, its mission,

its specific objectives, the modus operandi, the various roles and responsibilities,

reporting duties, and donor and NGO review mechanisms.


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8.5.1 Mission

The mission of the Body would be to provide a forum for policy dialogue and a

framework to coordinate three-sector participatory activities for addressing national

development challenges.

8.5.2 Membership

The Body would be made up of the following members:

♦ Representatives from the Ministries;

♦ Representatives from the private sector; and

♦ Representatives from the civil society.

Issues which may have to be addressed with respect to membership areas are as


♦ Representation of the private sector may be worked out faster and more

easily than representation of the civil society.

GOVERNMENT ♦ Needs focus on:

Policy Round Table

1. Finding competent partners the private sector and NG

sector; in O

2. achieving more transparency and efficiency in its relations

to its partners

Key mechanisms: Key mechanisms: 1. Funds and subsidie

JEC 1. IRS 2. Registration Accountability regulations

2. Corporate Governance code

3. tax incentives? 3. Capacity building support MACOSS

PRIVATE SECTOR NGO SECTOR ♦ Needs focus on: ♦ Needs focus on:

o Assistance in CSR design and implementation especially in extending the CSR culture beyond the top level of the


o Capacity strengthening in organizational development, communication, fund raising

and partnership o increased accountability (vision

and results) o Finding more information on NGOs and more accountable

NGO partners o coordination, networking and

self-regulation o Coordination


Key mechanisms: 1. Funding support, support for

overheads 2. Technical assistance in

implementation 3. Pooling of funds


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♦ Another issue pertaining to membership may be the chairing or co-chairing

responsibility. It is recommended that an independent person, trusted and

respected by each stakeholder, chair the Body.

8.5.3 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the Body would be to:

♦ Engage in policy dialogue on broad issues pertaining to sustainable national


♦ Capacity development for all stakeholders;

♦ Identify and prioritise social projects and issues for tripartite action;

♦ Identify and seek funding; and

♦ Finance social projects.

8.5.4 The modus operandi

Structure and operations

We propose the following structure for the Body:

Executive Committee

Secretary General

Support staff Administration – Liaison,

Documentation Operations – Research and


♦ The Executive Committee should consist of representatives from all three


a. Representatives from the Advisory Group;

b. Representatives from the JEC; and

c. Representatives from NGOs.

♦ A Secretary General, Administration staff, Operations staff and support staff

will have to be recruited.


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CSR project initiation

The three-sector partnership would identify social issues and draw up a list of priority

areas for intervention.

Project selection criteria will be established, and these may include:

♦ Whether the area of intervention is a priority area or not;

♦ The credibility of the NGO;

♦ The targeted beneficiary group;

♦ The fund required;

♦ The project proposal, with milestones for project monitoring and post

project review;

♦ The amount of funds brought in by the NGO; etc

♦ The Body will evaluate various projects for part or full funding. A Project

Evaluation Commission may be designated to evaluate the project


Project funding

The Body may select any of two modes of funding project:

♦ Proceeding by a call of funds as and when required. The advantage of this

approach is that funds are collected only when required so that there should

be fund administration only (no fund management issues). However, the

major disadvantage of this approach is that should many projects get

approved simultaneously, the amount of funds that need to be collected

may be colossal.

♦ Adopting a pooling of funds approach. Private companies contribute a set

percentage of their profits to the fund. These funds are then applied to

approved projects. This approach would require the management of the

funds to optimise cash flows. The major disadvantage of pooling of funds

might be the lack of trust shown by private sector firms. Another issue

would be the selection of the fund manager. However, the main advantage

would be to have a large fund available for many small scale projects or

larger projects.

The Body may adopt the call of funds during the initial phase, and once trust has been

built and instilled move to a pooling of funds phase.


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Monitoring and review mechanism

During the survey, clear signals were obtained that transparency and credibility at the

NGO level were a major concern for private companies. Transparency can be ensured


♦ For operations at the Body level, an independent body

♦ Auditing the accounts of the Body;

♦ Ascertaining that appropriate books of records, proper voucher system and

relevant authorities have been obtained before payment and whether funds

allocated have been judiciously utilised;

♦ Monitoring financial, human and technical resources with a view to evaluate

whether funds allocated have been judiciously utilised.

♦ Training and supporting NGOs to improve their practices in reporting;

♦ For specific projects implemented by NGOs, a resource person from the


♦ Assessing the cost effectiveness of the projects and identifying possible

constraints that could impede implementation (prior to disbursement, this

may be carried out during project evaluation phase);

♦ Ascertaining whether projects are being implemented in accordance with the

agreement between the Body and the NGO (during project implementation);


♦ Identifying strengths and weaknesses of projects and making

recommendations (post implementation).

Enabling Body

Initially, pending the instituting of the Body and finalisation of its Charter, the NESC

can provide a temporary platform for the three-sector partnership given its mission

and objects.

The NESC’s mission is to:

♦ promote dialogue as a means to achieving consensus for social integration

to keep pace with economic development; and

♦ express its opinions and make appropriate recommendations to

Government, for the promotion of social integration and national



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Furthermore, the major functions of the Council are to:

♦ undertake studies on socio-economic issues of national importance;

♦ build consensus through a permanent and sustained social dialogue for a

greater participation of civil society in the democratic process with the aim

of ensuring that social harmony keeps pace with economic development;

♦ formulate its opinions and make recommendations to Government regarding

economic and social policies;

♦ undertake such studies as it deems fit and give its opinions and


♦ examine and express opinions on any proposed legislation; and

♦ promote industrial relations at large to ensure social harmony.

The NESC already has in place a Secretariat and a research team, as well as a

commission for economic affairs, a commission for infrastructure, physical resources,

environment and sustainable development and a commission for social affairs and

human resource development.

8.6 The Rodrigues case

The policy framework approach with representatives of all three stakeholders to

promote, encourage, facilitate and support CSR initiatives within a broader social and

economic integration so as to address national development challenges is valid in

Rodrigues as well, with a different implementation though, given the specificities of the


The specificities of Rodrigues

♦ A small economy, a small close-knit business community, and a small civil


♦ Limited resources, both infrastructural and human;

♦ Difficult communication;

♦ Different areas of partnership from those identified in Mauritius;

The reform at individual sector level highlighted in Sections 8.3.2 (Private sector

initiatives), 8.3.3 (Government initiatives), and 8.3.4 (Reform at NGO level) are valid

and applicable in Rodrigues as well:


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♦ More coordinated and concerted CSR actions leading to rationalisation of

resource utilisation and better projects’ complementarity, reduced

intervention overlap;

♦ Adoption of a strategic approach to implementing CSR by the private sector

with private companies mainstreaming CSR in management practice;

♦ More facilitation by the Government though the various Commissions in


Arts and Culture

Social Security

Education and Training

Youth and Sports

Health and Others

♦ Capacity building of NGOs at the attitude level, skill level and knowledge

level; and

♦ Networking of NGOs leading to rationalisation of resource utilisation and

projects’ synergy, reduced intervention overlap.

Two sector partnerships can also be applied in Rodrigues as highlighted in Section 8.4.

Three sector partnership

Given the small size of the island and the close-knit communities, formal

representation at individual sector level would require rigid structures and deployment

of resources. A more informal approach may be warranted in Rodrigues, with regular

tripartite partnership working sessions to serve as a forum for discussion, experience

sharing, and need identification, coordination in project development and

implementation, and role sharing. Recommended informal representation may take

the following form:

♦ NGOs represented by the Rodrigues Council of Social Service (which should

aim to identify, classify, register and support NGOs in Rodrigues);

♦ Private sector represented by one representative from a large company and

one from a SME; and

♦ Government representatives from the different Commissions to attend

meetings as appropriate.


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It is recommended that specialists from Mauritius facilitate the tripartite partnership

initially, and chart out a capacity building plan specifically for Rodrigues during regular

missions to the island. It is specifically recommended that the specialists be those who

have been engaged and active in the Mauritian context. The specialists would support

and train interested parties from all three sectors. Eventually, the tripartite partnership

would function as an independent cell in Rodrigues.

Facilitator role 1. Facilitates:

- project development: based on needs assessment findings of NGOs, provide assistance in developing an action plan and/or assist in matching NGOs needs with privates sector CSR initiatives - project implementation: assist NGOs and private sector to implement projects in selected thematic areas


Support role Implementer role 1. Design CSR strategies

and initiatives to contribute to development challenges

1. Engage in needs assessment

2. Seek appropriate support from private sector Private Sector NGO sector

2. Assist NGOs to implement projects approved by relevant parties in various ways (Section 8.4.2)

3. Manage and implement projects

3. Assist NGOs by building capacity


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9 Thematic areas of potential partnerships


The survey has revealed the following:

♦ Corporate Mauritius intervenes in a number of areas for CSR activities.

Popular thematic areas are: education, health and quality of life,

environment and sustainable development, poverty alleviation, community

development and sports.

♦ There is general lack of information (about the area of focus, about NGOs

activies in such areas, government assistance in such areas, etc). The more

companies wish to intervene in one area, the greater the lack of information

they face. The two main areas where companies have reported lack of

information are education and environment and quality of life.

♦ Companies have demonstrated interest in partnering up with other

stakeholders in the future in a number of thematic areas among which the

following come first: education, environment and sustainable development,

health and quality of life, poverty alleviation and community development. .

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Thematic areas - current areas of intervention, areas where there is a lack of information and areas of potential partnership

5% 5%


























0% 0%




2% 2%


























































and f



Health a

nd q


y o




rial help




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y a





and c





g a

nd h





e d







and a



al w








Thematic areas

% o

f co



Current areas of intervention Areas where there is a lack of information Areas of potential partnership

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♦ Large organisations carry out philanthropy in the following areas: health and

safety, education, and community (mainly sports).

♦ Sponsorship by large companies are mainly in sports and education.

♦ For SMEs, priority areas are:

a. Priority areas for philanthropy are community, education, poverty,

religious activities, environment and social flaws (drug, alcohol, etc);

b. Priority areas for sponsorship are sports, community, and religious


c. Areas where SMEs lack information are education, environment and


d. Areas of potential partnership are education, poverty, and health.

♦ In Rodrigues, the companies conduct philanthropic and sponsorship

activities in the following areas: environment, education, sports, poverty

and health.

♦ Areas of potential partnership include: education, environment, health,

teenage pregnancy, health, leisure.

Immediate actions

Immediate actions with respect to a matching of areas of CSR interest reported by

companies to the needs of NGOs (matching demand and supply) could be envisaged

pending the elaboration of the three-sector partnership model as developed in Section

8.5. This may be carried out during the next national workshop where companies

would meet with relevant NGOs. The survey has clearly indicated that the four areas

in which companies, large and small, have shown the utmost interest are:

1. Ed

2. En

3. He

4. Po

The Rodrigues Case

During the first mission of t

workshop to match private sec

intervention. This “demand an



alth and quality of life; and

verty alleviation.

he specialist in Rodrigues, there could be a national

tor initiatives and areas of interest and NGOs’ sector of

d supply” matching would allow a number of significant


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partnerships to take form and bear fruitful projects. Three major thematic areas of

interest have been noted as follows:

1. Social ills – teenage pregnancy, juvenile

delinquency, alcoholism; 2. Health (lack of doctors, equipment, pharmacy)

and quality of life (water supply); and 3. Education (lack of teachers)


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10 Conclusion

CSR is not embedded in the corporate culture in Mauritius. It has yet to be integrated

in mainstream management whereby private sector firms adopt a strategic approach to

CSR from policy making to implementation to resource allocation. However, recent

corporate undertakings show the increasing awareness about the concept and

relevance and applicability of CSR to address national development challenges and the

gradual engagement in CSR. For CSR to become the national development tool, it is

important that coordinated and concerted efforts be undertaken at the private sector

level, in the civil society and at government level. This will allow rationalising resource

utilisation, reduce intervention overlap and facilitate information and experience

sharing. Partnerships, whether at a two sector level or a three sector level should be

well thought out.

A myriad of two-sector partnership models exist which can adopted immediately at the

following levels:

1. Government and private sector level – exploring opportunities to encourage

more CSR to contribute to the national socio-economic development;

2. Private sector and NGO level – exploring the following

a. funding support for projects and or overheads of NGOs, with NGOs as

Consultant for thematic areas, NGOs as Project Manager for specific

projects, or NGOs as Strategic Partner for long term joint project


b. payroll giving;

c. employee (of private firms) volunteering programs;

d. secondment in private firms;

e. cause related marketing; and

f. corporate collections.

3. Government and NGO level – explore opportunities for provision of funds and

subsidies and capacity building support by Government.

A three phased approach is recommended to implement three sector partnership

bringing together the Government, the private sector and NGOs .

Firstly, the three players should build on existing good practices and boost the

potential of already establish initiatives to advance three sector partnership.


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Secondly, the players may engage in a self-initiated platform and adopt an informal

policy round table and focus on one theme at a time.

Thirdly, the three sectors should institute a three-sector partnership model based on

sound representation and should aim at group synergy It is recommended that a

private-sector-driven body with representatives from the three sectors be set up to

promote CSR. It is also recommended that the NESC be designated temporarily as the

body with this responsibility initially, pending the institution of the more permanent

body to oversee CSR.

