Page 1: Rev. Mr. Thomas Healey Rev Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith

March 31, 2013 – Easter Sunday Readings: Acts 10:34-43– Colossians 3:1-4– John 20:1-9

OFFICE HOURS: 8:30am-2:00pm Monday 8:30am–4:30pm Tuesday–Friday

(Closed: 12:20–12:50pm daily) LITURGY SCHEDULE:

Monday–Friday: Mass times on page 2 Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 9:00am, 11:30am & 4:30pm – English

1:30pm- Español Nursery: 9:00am,11:30am & 1:30pm

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4:30–5:00pm or by appointment Sunday 12:45-1:15pm (Español) or by appointment

Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith through Relationships

A ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY � 1465 INCARNATION DRIVE � CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 Office Phone: (434) 973-4381 Fax: (434) 973-1757 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:

Fr. Gregory Kandt, Pastor ~ Fr. Edwin Montanez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Christopher Morash, Deacon ~ Rev. Mr. Thomas Healey, Deacon ~ Rev. Mr. Bernard Taylor, Deacon

THE FAITHFUL REVOLUTION Next session, Wednesday, March 6

7:00pm in the PAC!

The Parish Office will be closed Monday, April 1, and reopen on Tuesday, April 2.

INCARNATION SOFTBALL! Get your gloves greased and bats ready, itʼs softball time! If you are interested in joining Team Incarnation, contact parishioner, John Breen: [email protected] or 975-1984 . A great way to stay fit and make friends! Practices begin soon; games begin in late April and are played on Friday evenings!

Our first TNT (Theater ʻNʼ Theology) of the Easter season takes place on Friday, April 5, beginning promptly at 7:00pm. All are welcome to come watch a movie in our Incarnation Movie Theater (the “Stone Chapel”) with comfortable seating, large projection, and good sound. Afterwards (the “Theology” part), we discuss the

movieʼs relevance to our life in Christ. Our April feature is the 1989 morality play Crimes and Misdemeanors. The filmʼs title indicates the themes of two separate stories, which are neatly tied up in the final scene. Martin Landau plays a married man who is desperate to cut off an adulterous relationship in this somberly tragic tale. Woody Allen is an unhappy documentary filmmaker whoʼs wooing attractive Mia Farrow while making a film about insufferably self-centered TV producer Alan Alda, in a hilariously bittersweet story. Arguably Woody Allenʼs most ambitious film, playing heavy drama against often uproarious comedy, and certainly one of his most passionately debated; a one-of-a-kind effort that only he could pull off. Also starring Claire Bloom, Anjelica Huston, Jerry Orbach, Sam Waterston, and Daryl Hannah. Rated PG-13. Facilitated by Fr. Gregory. Come watch a great movie with your brothers and sisters in Christ!

Dear Friends in Christ, The name of our parish is very significant in identifying what our Christian Community is about. The mystery of the Incarnation reveals to us that the living God became fully human without surrendering His divine nature. Since then all humanity will never be the same; God has become organically united with the human race. Therefore, all that is human is holy, and we celebrate that here in this Christian community. We consecrate our tongues to the Lord by praying and singing with enthusiasm, using our human bodies as instruments for His glory. We love to laugh and be with each other in good cheer and Christian fellowship. We become fully involved in being present to God and to others in our humanity. We cherish and honor Christ present in human beings who are needy, either materially or spiritually, by compassionately seeking to meet their needs. We are pleased that you have chosen to participate in this holy human adventure with us! For those of you who are visiting or looking for a church home, we invite you to visit our website:, call us at 434-973-4381, or just stop by and visit our Parish Staff! Wishing you the blessings and joy of the Resurrection! Fr. Gregory

PARISH FOOD MINISTRY: ADOPT-A-FAMILY WEEKEND In this time of Easter abundance, please remember those families served by our parish Food Ministry. We rely largely on your generosity to meet the food needs of our brothers and sisters experiencing hunger. The most needed items are canned chicken/tuna, canned refried beans, canned fruit, pasta/spaghetti, breakfast cereal, and canned tomatoes. Remember, next Sunday is our monthly Adopt-a-Family Collection Weekend! Join with our parish community in continuing to be the hands and feet of Christ to those struggling with food insecurity.

Page 2: Rev. Mr. Thomas Healey Rev Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday, 1:00 – 9:00pm


Deacon Chris Morash: [email protected]

MASS INTENTIONS: March 23-31 Saturday 30: 8:00 Missa Pro Populo Sunday 31: 9:00 Paul & Angela Mahoney (Cottrell Family) 11:30 Missa Pro Populo 1:30 Elias Alexis Rivas (Mary & Bill Balsam)

No 5:30pm Vigil Mass On Saturday, March 30 No 4:30pm Mass on Easter Sunday, March 31

Monday 1: 12:15 No Mass Tuesday 2: 12:15 Bruno Vascott (Vivian Chisolm) Wedʼday 3: 12:15 Billy Shea (Bill Shea) Thursday 4: 12:15 Teresa Schinco (Mary Balsam) Friday 5: 12:15 Missa Pro Populo Saturday 6: 5:30 Charles James Brindmore (Karen & Jim Lansing) Sunday 7: 9:00 Brenda Ann LaBauve (Nancy & Tom Strassburg) 11:30 Carl Funes (Rita Holt) 1:30 Missa Pro Populo 4:30 Missa Pro Populo

JOIN US FOR FOOD-FUN-FELLOWSHIP: Incarnation Night at BAJA BEAN on Tues., March 19, 5:00-7:30pm, across from Samʼs Club. Just drop your receipt in the labeled box to help support our parish!

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Izzy Menchero: [email protected]

CHRISTIAN FORMATION Nancy Brinkac: [email protected]

NO Christian Formation Classes March 31 (Easter) and April 7 (school holiday)

All classes resume April 14. Easter blessings to all! Our last session of The Great Adventure Bible Timeline series will be on Tuesday, April 2, at 10:00am in the Parish Activities Center. In the period of The Church, which continues today, God's people bear witness to the gospel first in Jerusalem, then in Judea and Samaria, and then to the ends of the world. In closing, we'll look at Paul's second and third missionary journeys and arrest imprisonment. (Acts 15 - 28) Won't you join us! Just bring your Bibles and a heart open to God's Word.

Bulletin printing sponsored by courtesy of Gary Albert, State Farm Agent 434-296-1222

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: In the Diocese of Richmond you are required to contact a priest or deacon at least 6 months before your wedding. No dates should be set before meeting with one of the clergy. To register for a Catholic Engaged Encounter retreat, please call 804-270-7788.

Charlottesville Catholic Worker ~ Casa Alma [email protected]

WINE SUNDAY: We are very low in Mass wine. A reminder that several times a year, we ask each parish household to help replenish the supply of wine used at our Masses, by donating a bottle of RED WINE.

You may bring it when you come to Liturgy, or drop it off at the Parish Office during the week. We ask that you DO NOT bring white, rosé, or sweet wines. Thank you.

Before men can come to the liturgy they must be called to faith and to conversion. ~Vatican II, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy #9

Church of the Incarnation - Parish Planned Giving A Simple Provision Leads to Immeasurable Impact One of the most unique and impactful ways of ensuring the future of Church of the Incarnation is through a legacy gift. A legacy gift can take many forms such as a simple bequest as a part of your estate plans and can be of great benefit in helping fulfill your personal financial objectives. Creating a provision in your will is simple and easy to do, as the following sample provision demonstrates. Sample Bequest Language I give, devise, and bequeath to (Church of the Incarnation, Charlottesville, Virginia) the sum of $_____ (or) ______percent (%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, for the following purposes (if any): If you are interested in more information or would like to let us know of plans already in motion, please contact Izzy Menchero, 434-973-4381 or [email protected]. This announcement is for educational purposes only and not considered professional financial or legal advice.

NFP Introductory Session - A free introductory session for the Creighton Model System of Natural

Family Planning will be held on April 5, 6:30pm in the Conference Room at Church of the Incarnation. This educational system enables couples to make life-affirming procreative choices in their marriage in order to avoid or achieve pregnancy. The Creighton Model System is unique in featuring NaProTECHNOLOGY with support for infertility, repeated miscarriage, PCOS, PMS, and many others. Due to the medical support to the system and promotion of knowledge involved in women's reproductive health, all single women are invited to attend as well. Please contact Joanna Roa at [email protected] if you are planning to attend.

FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING: The Health Ministry will be screening blood pressures in the Counseling Room (directly across from the Parish Hall) after the 9:00am Mass next Sunday, April 7. Blood pressure is one of the most important screenings for

cardiovascular health because high blood pressure has no symptoms so it can't be detected without being measured.

The flowers adorning the altar this weekend are offered to the glory of

God by the Pastoral Care Ministry

Our VATICAN II SERIES will take a short break in April and will resume in May to prepare us for our Pentecost parish retreat May 19-22. Join us for more Vatican II fun as we observe the 50th

anniversary of this Council that Pope John Paul II called one of the greatest religious & cultural events of the 20th century. On May 1 and May 15 we will have our last 2 sessions. Coffeehouse begins at 7:00pm in the PAC, followed by our stimulating video segments and engaging open discussions. Come learn what “CATHOLIC IDENTITY” is really about! All are welcome. Facilitated by Fr. Gregory.

Page 3: Rev. Mr. Thomas Healey Rev Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith

To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven . . .

“. . . a time to be born . . .” Nolan Robert Drauschak

Son of Stephanie & Nicholas Drauschak “. . . a time to be healed . . .”

Dorothea Anthony, Ginnie Boucher, Stanley Brezinski, Frank Brinkac, Marilyn Buck, Elaine Bunch, Rose Byrne, Jude Campbell, Jane Cavolo, Nancy Chambers, Vivian Chasin, Jenny Balsam-Christensen, Delores Coia, Richard Cook, Christine Cormier, Simon Cory, Meliton Costilla, Cox Family, Joe Crowley, John DʼCosta, Evans DiSantis, Kay Dannals, Alyssa Diver, Thomas Eaton, Nancy Floyd, Richard Gargett, Matthew Grimes, Ben Guthrie, Fr. Ralph Hamlet, Ines Hernandez, Kelly Hibbs, Jean Holienka, Morgan Huff, Ray Jacquin, Richard Jansen, Michelle Johnson, Maureen Knabb, Tippie Koenig, Helen Krespach, Kitty Kroner, Tyler Lafferty, Alan Leidecker, John Llewellyn & John, Paul Lochli, Diane Lohrer, Amy Martin, Helen Miska, Vito Maltese, Lena Mariotti, May Macionis, Chris Maslyk, Sophia Marie McCandlish, Susan McKeowin, Msgr. Chester Micheal, Vito Morlino, Candice Morris, Ed Morris, Melanie Dinh Morrison, Stanley Narkon, Melvin Nash, Jenny & Chris Nygren, Frank & Jane OʼLeary, Kelly Owens, Patrick Paczkowski, Betty & Paul Peck, Katie Prendergast, Kathy Graf Pierce, Bernard J. Pleiss, Bob Pomeroy, Rachel Reilly, Irene Reynolds, Chris & Jadea Riener, James Robins, Theresa Ruddy, Patrick Russamano, Jennifer & David Scheer, Jessica Schnittka, Patricia Schuster, Roger Scott, Bill Shea, Tom Shepherd, Naomi Sissons, Brenda Shortall, Matthew Sweeney, Jo Marie Tanzola, Ellena Toro, Glenda Voelmeck, Joey Wahlin, Baby McKenna, Pat Velikov, John Vlasis, Jeanne Wagner, Ashlann Walter, Denise Washington, Lisa Weakley, Carole Wells, Rebecca West, Heather Wetzel, Baby Rihanne Elaine Workman.

“. . . a time to love . . .” “. . . a time to die . ..”

Marie Norrisey “. . . and a time of peace .”

Thomas Dudley, Christopher Jones, Bill O'Hara, Charles Pitt, Chris Rowland, David Wallace


Charlottesville Catholic School ~ CCS 434-964-0400

Bulletin printing sponsored by courtesy of Gary Albert, State Farm Agent 434-296-1222

EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES [email protected]

FOR HEALING AFTER ABORTION, a Rachelʼs Vineyard Retreat, April 5-7 at Shalom House Retreat Center, for women and men whoʼve

known regret, sorrow, guilt or shame from abortion. The weekend combines living scripture meditations, spiritual exercises, and discussions in a guided process that leads to the heart of Godʼs love, compassion, and mercy. Contact Marie Geiger, Retreat Facilitator, at 804-330-3137, or Molly Smith at 804-794-0222. Email: [email protected]. Visit: DAY AWAY: Graduates of Msgr. Chester Michael's Spiritual Direction Institute will offer a "Day Away" at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery near Crozet, Va on Sat., April 13, from 8:30-4:00pm. We will continue with the Celtic Spirituality topic, drawing from the writing and audiotapes of John O'Donohue on Death and Dying. There will be periods of interaction, time for quiet reflection, journaling, walking, etc. There is no fee. Donations for the Sisters accepted. Bagels and fruit provided in the morning. Please bring a bag lunch, your Bible, writing materials, and comfortable walking shoes. To register email Bev Mirmelstein @ [email protected] or call 434-996-8291. MENʼS CURSILLO RETREAT WEEKEND: April 18-21, Camp Holiday Trails, Cʼville. Catholic Men, spend an inspiring weekend with God and other men who want to deepen their relationship with God and enrich the way you live out your faith each and every day. The weekend is led by a team Catholic men who have made a Cursillo, along with spiritual directors Fr. Dan Bain and Ms. Patty Huffman. Mass and prayers each day, and engaging talks on issues of Catholic Christian living. Cost: $60.00 (donations will be accepted on the weekend to allow others to go on a Cursillo Weekend). For info/applications, visit: or, if you do not have computer access, call Rob /Ann Michel at 434-978-3954. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION INSTITUTE (SDI): The next two-year SDI course, established by Monsignor Chester Michael, will hold its first informational meeting on April 6, at 2:00pm at Incarnation. This program covers more than 50 tools that enhance our individual spiritual journey and help us accompany others on their journey. During the 2 years, we meet the first Saturday of each month, except summer, plus 2 weekend retreats each year. Through group discussions, lectures, personal daily prayer, study time and book reports, we cover such topics as the wisdom of the spiritual masters, prayer and temperament, the MBTI, intensive journaling, depth psychology, lectio divina, personal growth plans, etc. For more information contact Patty Huffman @ 540-434-1179 or email [email protected]. Teachers will be Al and Bev Mirmelstein, and Patty Huffman. OFFICE OF BLACK CATHOLICS: The African Mass will be at 9:00am on April 27, at the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Norfolk, all are welcome! DIOCESAN JOB LIST: visit Click on “subscribe for job updates” to receive new notices.

Charlottesville Catholic School would like to extend warm wishes for a Blessed Easter to you and your family! CONGRATULATIONS: Februaryʼs Virtue-of-the-Month was Temperance. Students, Fay Kobyra, Reese Murray and teacher, Anne Carbone, were recognized for exemplifying this virtue VISIT CCS: If you would like your child to learn in a faith-filled, Catholic community with a vigorous academic curriculum, please consider visiting us! Join us for our April inquiry tour on Wed., April 17 at 9:00am. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit the school and meet the administration. Applications for the 2013-2014 school year are being accepted. Contact our Admissions Coordinator, Kim Emmert at 434-964-0400, email at [email protected] to RSVP or to schedule another convenient time for you to visit. Additionally, you may visit our website at to learn more about Charlottesville Catholic School and how your family can become a part of our nurturing community.

FINANCIAL RESOURCES For the weekends of March 23/24, March 30/31 & April 6/7:

Will be reported in the April 14 bulletin

Page 4: Rev. Mr. Thomas Healey Rev Growing in Christ and Living Our Faith

We celebrate the life of our parish! Please let us know if you are new to the parish, are moving from it, are celebrating a significant

event or are in need of prayers.

Twinning with the Little Brothers and Sisters of the Incarnation, Pandiassou, Haiti

JUSTICE AND CHARITY MINISTRY Kristen Schenk: [email protected]

BEING THERE IS WHY IʼM HERE! Let me show you how combining home & auto policies can add up to big savings! Itʼs how I treat all my customers and you can be sure Iʼll always do my best to meet your needs. Call me today.

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

Gary Albert CPU CLU ChFC, Agent 1380 Rio Road E – Charlottesvillle, VA 22901 Corner of Hillsdale Dr. & Rio Road East BUS: 434-296-1222 [email protected]

CRS RICE BOWL-- Alleluia! During the past six weeks, our parish community has prayed, fasted, and given alms with a special focus on the poorest members of our global community. Our lives were touched by stories from Burkina Faso, East Timor, Lesotho, Dominican Republic, Pakistan, and the United States. Through our Lenten prayers and donations, we have touched the lives of millions of people served by Catholic Relief Services, our representative to the poorest communities in the world. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please return your Rice Bowl (check preferred/cash welcomed) to the Narthex area by April 21. IMPACT Rally - April 9: The annual IMPACT Rally will be held at Incarnation Tues., April 9, from 6:30-8:00pm (sign-in at 6:00pm). We have committed to having at least 90 of our parishioners in attendance, so plan to be there! Children are welcome to attend. The evening will be a time of updating all congregations on the findings about homelessness and youth unemployment by our research committees, a chance for fellowship with other congregations in the IMPACT coalition, and an event to get Justice Ministry Network members—thatʼs you!—excited about the upcoming Nehemiah Action on April 29. GET INVOLVED WITH OUR COMMUNITY GARDEN: Thanks to everyone who has helped to prepare our community garden for our spring planting in any way. The food grown in our garden will go to help families in our Parish Food ministry. As the weather gets warmer and our garden starts producing, weʼll need more hands to help with this ministry. If you can help with planting, harvesting, weeding, and/or watering, please contact Kristen in the Parish Office to get involved. We welcome any amount of help (weekly, once a month, for one week during the summer, etc.) Families and children are encouraged to participate. PREGNANCY CENTERS OF CENTRAL VA-WALK FOR LIFE: On Saturday, April 13, the PCCV will hold their annual Walk for Life, beginning at 8:30am at St. Thomas Aquinas. In addition to the 1.5-2 mile walk, there will be food, music, face painting, and more, and those who raise $150 will receive t-shirts. This is a great way for your whole family to support the important work of the Pregnancy Center, and we hope that Incarnation will be well-represented! Please look for registration forms in the Narthex or contact parishioner Mike Brown ([email protected]). ALLIANCE FOR INTERFAITH MINISTRIES - Chili Cookoff:For over 31 years, AIM has provided emergency assistance to families threatened with homelessness, loss of power, or other temporary financial emergencies. Incarnation is proud to be one of 46 area congregations who partners with AIM in this work. To help AIM continue its ministry, come to the chili cookoff on Saturday, April 20, at St. Mark Lutheran Church (100 Alderman Road). Dinner will be served from 5:30-7:00pm, suggested donation is $5/person. We still need parishioners to help with our contributions: a pot of chili, cornbread, and a dessert are needed. If you want to go and/or want to contribute any food, please contact Kristen or Vivian Chisolm ([email protected]). Come for a wonderful dinner, great fellowship, and an important cause!

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Health Ministry has started a "Prayer Shawl Ministry". The shawl serves as a mantle and sign of God's healing presence to strengthen someone who is weary, to ease their suffering and to comfort them when in pain or when they feel alone. The shawls are made with love by parishioners. Prayer shawls are available in the Parish Office. There is no cost for the shawl. Donations are accepted.

Lenten Care for Creation Challenge Donʼt forget to hang your final Lenten leaves on the Care for Creation tree. The tree represents some of the many actions we, as a community, have taken over the past six weeks to become better stewards

of Godʼs gift of creation. Take a moment to look at some of the things parishioners have done. Our Green Team hopes this is only the beginning of your environmental stewardship journey. Remember, your actions do make a difference.

JUST HAITI COFFEE SALE Next week, our Haiti ministry will have Just Haiti coffee available after Masses (until the supply runs out) for $10 per bag. Just Haiti is a fair-trade coffee cooperative in southern Haiti that works to end poverty by teaching

people leadership and farming skills, revitalizing the natural environment of Haiti, and helping farmers to generate a decent income for themselves and their family. As the second most traded commodity in the world after oil, coffee brings in a lot of profit--most of which stays with the marketers and retailers in the US and Europe. While most coffee farmers around the world receive a little less than a dollar for a pound of coffee, those who are a part of the Just Haiti fair trade cooperative receive about $4 per pound, since all of the profit is returned to them. If you already buy coffee, consider making the switch to fair trade and Just Haiti!

HABITAT HOME DEDICATION: Sunday, April 7, at 2:00pm, Habitat for Humanity will celebrate two families receiving new homes. A number of our parishioners have helped with these houses over the past few months, and we are invited to the home dedication and reception that will follow. The home addresses are 548/550 Cleveland Avenue, due to limited parking, you may need to park at 1113 5th Street at the Carter Bank & Trust and catch a shuttle to the site. If you have questions, please contact Habitat at 293-9066. IMMIGRATION RALLY Members of our parish and our Charlottesville community are excited to support just, humane immigration reform efforts and will gather for an immigrant rightsʼ rally on Monday, April 8, from 5-6:30pm in front of the County Office Building on Preston. The US Bishops continue to call for comprehensive reform with five elements: global anti-poverty efforts, reunification of families, a temporary worker program, broad-based legalization, and restoration of due process. (See for more info.) Joining with others in our community to stand up for immigrants during the rally is one way that we, too, can advocate for immigration reform.

SPRING WORK DAY Saturday 4/13 from 9:30-12:30pm at Casa Alma. A pot-luck lunch will follow our time of work in the gardens and with home improvement projects. All ages are welcome! Consider bringing a group of friends or family for a fun and productive morning. FRIDAY SUPPER series returns! Join us at Casa Alma for a casual supper at 6:30pm on the following Fridays: April 5, April 19, May 3, May 17, and May 31. Please bring a dish to share or a bag of beans or rice for a future meal. This is a great time to get to know folks in the extended Casa Alma community and enjoy a time of fellowship. Come on by! OPEN HOUSE: Our Annual Community Open House and Celebration will be held at Casa Alma on Saturday, April 27 from 2:00-5:00pm. Join us as we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Catholic Worker movement with food, live music, workshops, community building activities and more.
