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Version 1.5 JANUARY 6, 2021

Return to Indoor Volleyball Plan


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All participants (teams, players, coaches, referees, managers and administrators) in competitions, meetings and activities under the authority of VNB have a duty to conduct themselves in a reasonable and acceptable manner. Participants must avoid all unsportsmanlike conduct, acts or practices, which are, in the opinion of VNB, detrimental to the sport. Implementation and compliance to The Return to Indoor Volleyball Plan is of the utmost importance to the association and therefore falls within the scope of the VNB Code of Conduct policy. Violations of non-compliance of the Return to Volleyball Plans will be met with severe consequences due to the possible devastating negative impact to the entire association.

Volleyball New Brunswick requests the support of all volleyball clubs, coaches, participants,

parents/guardians/spectators and referees in following this ‘Return to Indoor Volleyball Plan’ for a safe

resumption of indoor volleyball in the province. It is important for us to do our part in mitigating the

ongoing risk of contracting and spreading the COVID-19 virus. Sport and recreation play an important role

in the social, emotional and physical wellbeing of individuals and our wider community however, returning

to indoor volleyball should only be considered when Public Health restrictions and physical distancing

measures allow it. As New Brunswick is embracing the new normal, this plan will provide guidelines to re-

start indoor volleyball in a COVID-19 environment. A safe return to indoor volleyball will follow a phased

approach abiding by the New Brunswick Public Health Recovery Plan. Public Health restrictions will always

guide what is allowable in each community. See Appendix A for helpful resources.

Please visit for our current phase

The website will be updated regularly with COVID-19 information, public health resources and volleyball

resources relevant to COVID-19. As this plan may be updated at anytime based on public health guidelines,

please make sure you are reviewing the most up-to-date version from the website.

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Phased Approach | Indoor Volleyball For each Phase below, all public health guidelines and the Volleyball New Brunswick Guiding Principles

must be followed. Individuals need to consider these guidelines when preparing for a volleyball activity as

some guidelines will require modification and additional planning. All VNB members looking to sanction

indoor events under VNB’s umbrella, must complete and submit the Club Agreement. For non-VNB

associated groups, leagues, and tournaments, please refer to the information below as a valuable

reference. Each club or team must have its own unique COVID-19 Operational Plan in place that outlines

how they will manage the safe operation of their programs and activities. The plan must address risk

mitigation measures listed in this document including physical distancing, cleaning and disinfecting, hand

and respiratory hygiene pre-screening for symptoms.

Definitions • Playing Area – includes the playing surface and the free zone.

• Playing Surface – volleyball court measuring 18 X 9 m.

• Free Zone – surrounds the playing surface which is a minimum of 3 m wide on all sides.

• Total Gym Space – includes all playing area within a gymnasium.

PHASE 5 | All Indoor Volleyball Permitted

PHASE 4 | Competition Permitted

PHASE 3 | Skill-based Activites Permitted

PHASE 2 | Individual Training & Skill-based Permitted

PHASE 1 | Unsanctioned Home Training

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Phase 1 – Indoor Volleyball

• VNB will not sanction any events.

• Only unsanctioned home training and skill-based activities can occur during Phase 1.

• All public health guidelines must be followed.

Phase 2 – Indoor Volleyball • VNB will not be sanctioning any in person events. • Only individual training, skill-based activities and education (i.e. coach workshops, online referee

clinics) can occur if public health restrictions allow it. • All public health guidelines must be followed. • Sharing equipment is discouraged (i.e., volleyballs, flags, whistles, etc.).

• Ensure personal hygiene before, during, and after.

Phase 3 – Indoor Volleyball • Indoor skill-based activities are permitted.

• Indoor competition is not permitted.

• Indoor development-based activities (i.e., referee clinics, coach workshops) are permitted with

VNB approval.

• Participants must abide to Public Health guidance provided in this document and facility


• Participants should make all efforts possible to maintain physical distancing wherever possible.

• Set up courts to adhere to physical distancing requirements.

• Set up courts to minimize numbers and ensure spacing.

• Participants must stay with the same group for the duration of the session to minimize contact.

• Equipment (i.e., volleyballs, flags, whistles, etc.) are assigned to each group and are not to be

shared with other groups/courts until sanitized.

• A “clean bin” must be utilized to ensure that sanitized volleyballs can be separated from those

requiring cleaning.

• It is recommended that equipment (i.e., volleyballs, flags, whistles, etc.) is sanitized regularly

during the activity (before and after each practice/game).

• Where benches are permitted in facilities, they should be extended to allow for physical

distancing. Where not possible, athletes should adhere to physical distancing while standing.

• During skill-based activities (practice), coaches not required to wear a mask in the playing area

but it is strongly recommended. Physical distancing should be maintained.

• Athletes are not required to wear a mask when on the playing area. Physical distancing should be


Skill-based The total number of participants allowed is 20 on the playing area. Participants must be divided into pre-identified groups of 20 on each playing area. Groups must stay in their pre-identified group for the duration of the session. Please see the Guiding Principles.

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Externally monitored volleyball programs including educational institutions and community recreational leagues, that have a separate biding approval process with a defined start or approval date, are permitted to transition into phase four (4) of the VNB Return to Indoor Volleyball plan (once the province/zone is in Yellow Phase) after fourteen (14) consecutive days at Phase three (3) with no new diagnosed cases of COVID-19 within in your institution/league. For example:

1. A Post-Secondary Educational Institution (College/University) team with a sport specific approval process would be permitted to transition to Phase 4 if they met the following conditions: spent 14 days in Phase 3 directly prior to transitioning, and received final approval from the institution’s specified process and the province/zone being in the Yellow Phase.

2. A public educational (High School/Middle School) team with a sport specific approval process would be permitted to transition to Phase 4 if they met the following conditions: spent 14 days in Phase 3 directly prior to transitioning, and received final approval from the institution’s specified process and the province/zone being in the Yellow Phase.

3. A community recreational league (Rec team) with a specific approval process would be permitted to transition to Phase 4 if they met the following conditions: spent 14 days in Phase 3 directly prior to transitioning, and received final approval from the institution’s specified process and the province/zone being in the Yellow Phase.

Phase 4 – Indoor Volleyball • Indoor skill-based activities are permitted.

• Indoor competitions are permitted, within your own Public Health zone.

• Tournaments less than 150 participants within your own Public Health zone will be permitted.

Refer to the table below and Appendix C.

• Tournaments more than 150 participants are not permitted until further notice. • Indoor development-based activities (i.e., referee clinics, coach workshops) are permitted.

• Set up courts to adhere to physical distancing requirements.

• Set up courts to minimize numbers and ensure spacing.

• Participants must abide to Public Health guidance provided in this document and facility


• Participants should make all efforts possible to maintain physical distancing wherever possible.

• It is recommended that equipment (i.e., volleyballs, flags, whistles, etc.) is sanitized regularly

during the activity (before and after each practice/game).

• Where benches are permitted in facilities, they should be extended to allow for physical

distancing. Where not possible, athletes should adhere to physical distancing while standing.

• Teams must not change sides during competition.

• Coaches are always required to wear masks during competition. The only exception is if coaches

are in the playing area exerting themselves as part of a warmup drill.

• During skill-based activities (practice), coaches are encouraged but not required to wear a mask

in the playing area. Physical distancing should be maintained.

• Officials are always required to wear a mask while conducting the coin toss, the warmup and post

match responsibilities. Officials are not required to wear a mask when they are in position to start

and are officiating the match.

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• Athletes are not required to wear a mask when on the playing area to participate in a competitive

match. This includes warmup, playing in the match and cool-down. No mask is required while you

are in the warmup zone at the end of the bench. Physical distancing should be maintained.

Skill-based Competition All skill-based activities are permitted. Indoor competitions within your own Public Health zone are

permitted. If there are no teams to compete against within

your region, please contact the VNB Executive Director and

an exemption may be granted.

All participants must follow the

Guiding Principles.

A ‘competition’ is defined as two teams on the playing area

at any given time.

Tournaments with less than 150 participants are permitted

within their Public Health zone. A “tournament less than 150

participants” includes a maximum of 8 teams which includes

participants (i.e., athletes, coaches, VNB Staff/ Event

organizers, referees, volunteers).

If there are no teams to compete against within your zone,

please contact the VNB Executive Director and an exemption

may be granted.

Tournaments with less than 150 participants must:

• Complete a risk assessment.

• Create an operational plan.

• Receive approval from the respective facility to host

the tournament.

Tournaments with more than 150 participants are not permitted.

Refer to Appendix C for Competition Protocol

Refer to Appendix D for VNBOA Onsite Protocol for Phase 4.

Phase 5 – Indoor Volleyball • Update will be provided in 2021.

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Guiding Principles

Overview • The following individuals are considered participants:

o Athletes

o Coaches

o VNB Staff/Event Organizers

o Referees

o Parents/Guardians/Spectators

• Participant safety is paramount

• You must adhere to all public health measures

• Participants should leave immediately after the activity and not congregate or socialize.

• Follow site/facilities operational plan to establish protocol

Definitions • Playing Area – includes the playing surface and the free zone.

• Playing Surface – volleyball court measuring 18 X 9 m.

• Free Zone – surrounds the playing surface which is a minimum of 3 m wide on all sides.

• Total Gym Space – includes all playing areas.

Risk Assessment • Each Club and Coach conducting training should complete the Club Risk Assessment and

Mitigation Tool and is required to:

o Keep their results on file as they may be requested from Volleyball New Brunswick,

Volleyball Canada or Public Health.

o Achieve a score defined as “Moderate Risk (low-moderate)” to proceed with the


o Reference: Volleyball Canada a Safe Return to Volleyball and Risk Mitigation



• All participants must pre-register with VNB. No person will be allowed to participate without a

complete registration and no walk-up registration/participation will be allowed.

• All participants should know the common symptoms of COVID-19 and must stay at home if

displaying symptoms as per local health requirements.

• It is recommended that all payments are completed through online payment (i.e. e-transfer,

PayPal, etc.).

• If you must handle money, ensure regular handwashing and have

minimum 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer readily available.

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Screening & Tracking • Please refer to Public Health for screening and monitoring guidelines.

• Appoint an individual to screen participants and complete the Participant Screening & Tracking


• All participants must be screened using the Screening Questionnaire for COVID-19 before


o Verbal acknowledgement must be given that a participant is symptom-free and healthy

to participate.

o If a participant is showing symptoms they must be removed from the activity and self-

isolate immediately. Only participants who are healthy, with no signs or symptoms of

illness, will be allowed to participate.

• Participants who are over 65 years old, immuno-compromised, or with underlying health

conditions are deemed to be higher risk. Their involvement should be carefully considered and

likely discouraged. Those who live with high-risk individuals should consider their participation


• Should a participant subsequently be diagnosed with COVID-19 will be required to isolate as per

Public Health direction and not be allowed to participate in volleyball activity until given


Physical Distancing • All participants must follow New Brunswick Public Health guidelines for practicing physical

distancing (i.e. 2 meters apart) in resuming activities:

• Entering and exiting the site/facility masks are required for all participants (athletes, coaches,

referees, staff, and spectators). Coaches, referees, and spectators must wear a mask when

physical distancing is not possible.

o Utilize visual cues to direct participants (i.e., ensure two-metre markings on floor,

directional movement for participants, no-stopping areas in narrow hallways).

• Although brief contact is allowed during the activity, participants should maintain physical

distancing wherever possible. Coaches should look to modify their practices to promote physical

distancing as much possible.

• Car pooling to and from should be avoided as much as possible. Where car pooling is required,

masks should be worn and passengers should try to sit in a different row.

• The elimination of handshakes, high fives, huddles, and participants switching sides.

• Follow site/facilities operational plan to establish protocol to ensure people do not congregate

in groups (i.e., lockers rooms, change rooms, showers, water fountains, bathrooms).

• Consider court set-up and scheduling to encourage the safe movement of participants and

sanitisation of equipment (i.e., stagger start times, ensure ample time before a start sessions).

• Skilled based activities, such as drills and warm-ups will need to be modified to adhere to the

physical distancing requirement for all individuals within the competition area and the

surrounding free zone.

• Teams must understand that travel requires additional risk mitigation which need to be


o Teams should avoid dine-in restaurants and carpooling

o Hotel stays for team competitions are not permitted in this phase

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Hand and Respiratory Hygiene

• All participants must follow the appropriate personal hygiene guidelines as recommended by

Public Health. The following should be executed:

• Wash their hands before and immediately following participation in volleyball activities.

• Avoid touching one's face throughout volleyball activities.

• Cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when they cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in

the trash and wash their hands, or sneeze/cough into their elbow.

• Practice physical distancing of 2 meters except brief contact during activity

• Breaks must be scheduled to ensure hand washing or sanitizing (minimum of 60% alcohol) at

intervals throughout the activity.

• All participants are not permitted to share water bottles, towels, or other personal items.

Communal food tables are also not permitted.

• All participants should arrive dressed ready to participate and with a full water bottle.

• All participants are not permitted to engage in unnecessary physical contact such as

handshaking, high-fives, hugs, meeting at the net, etc.

Cleaning and Disinfection • All participants must follow New Brunswick Public Health guidelines for cleaning and disinfection

when resuming activities:

• Ensure availability of all necessary supplies for cleaning and disinfecting for common areas

• Ensure the necessary sanitation and protective supplies are at hand.

• Following the facility’s Operational Plan for cleaning disinfecting guidelines.

• All common contact surfaces (i.e. balls) should be cleaned and disinfected after each session

(practice/game). In a game, the ball should be sanitized during timeouts and between sets.

• Only essential seating, benches and tables should be made available. The use of common water

fountains and change rooms should be discouraged.

Facilities • Facility guidelines and operational plan must be obtained and abided by.

• Facility guidelines may limit the number of non-essential individuals (spectators, fans, etc.).

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Appendix A: Reference Materials

• Dept of Tourism, Heritage and Culture COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

• Screening Tool for COVID-19

• Personal Hand Hygiene

• Cleaning and Disinfection

• Community Mask

• Volleyball Canada: A Safe Return to Volleyball and Risk Mitigation

• Volleyball Canada: A Safe Return to Volleyball Graphic

• Volleyball Canada: Risk Mitigation Tool

• COVID-19 Club Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tool

• Participant Screening & Tracking Sheet

• Volleyball New Brunswick Website

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Appendix B: Club Agreement

By signing this agreement, as the club delegate, you acknowledge that you have completed the club approval checklist and you have a clear understanding of the content, requirements, and expectations of VNB’s Return to Play Plan. You also agree to abide by all Public Health guidelines.

Please check in the boxes below once you have completed each task.

☐ Read VNB’s Return to Volleyball Plan and Appendices

☐ Complete and sign VNB Club Agreement

☐ Individual Club Operational Plan

☐ Obtain and abide by Operational Plan for each facility

☐ Send Club Agreement to VNB Executive Director, Michaela Allaby

Club Name:


Printed Name:


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Appendix C: Competition Protocol

Organizing competition • Competition Host must:

o Complete risk assessment.

o Create operational plan based on VNB’s Return to Volleyball Plan, tournament format

and the facility operational plan.

o Send operational plan to facility for approval.

Tournament Guidelines • Up to 8 teams will be permitted in tournaments

• Each tournament will have a Final

• Semi-Finals will be decided on number of teams in the tournament. See schedules


• There will only be Quarter-Finals permitted for 6 and 7 team tournaments.

Round Robin: 2/2 sets

*Externally monitored volleyball institutions may want 2/3 matches.

Playoffs: best ⅔ sets

Teams are guaranteed at least 3 matches

There will be 30 minutes added onto each match time slot for:

• Sanitization of the balls, the benches, the score table etc.

• Teams to enter and exit the facility safely

Tripleball and 14U tournaments: Referees will be assigned to a single court for the duration of their


15U, 16U, 18U tournaments: Referees will be assigned to a single court for the duration of their shift.

Schedule Examples: 1 Playing Area Schedule 3 Team Tournament

Pools Courts Playoff Rounds

Round Robin Sets Playoff Sets Matches


1 1 Semi-Final,

Final 2/2 Sets 2/3 Sets 3

4 Team Tournament

Pools Courts Playoff Rounds

Round Robin Sets Playoff Sets Matches

Guaranteed 1 1 Final 2/2 Sets 2/3 Sets 3

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2 Playing Areas Schedule 5 Team Tournament

Pools Courts Playoff Rounds

Round Robin Sets Playoff Sets Matches

Guaranteed 1 2 Final 2/2 Sets 2/3 Sets 3

6 Team Tournament

Pools Courts Playoff Rounds

Round Robin Sets Playoff Sets Matches


2 pools, 3

teams in each 2




2/2 Sets 2/3 Sets 3

7 Team Tournament

Pools Courts Playoff Rounds

Round Robin Sets Playoff Sets Matches

Guaranteed Pool A: 3

teams, Pool B:

4 Teams





Pool A: 3/3

Sets, Pool B:

2/2 Sets

2/3 Sets


guaranteed 6


8 Team Tournament

Pools Courts Playoff Rounds

Round Robin Sets Playoff Sets Matches

Guaranteed 2 pools, 4

teams in each 2


Final 2/2 Sets 2/3 Sets 3

Preparing to Play • Participants must:

o wash their hands before entering the facility

o bring a full water bottle

o arrive as close as possible to their start time

o avoid touching doors/gates, fences, etc. Wipes or sanitizer must be available.

• Competition Host must:

o have additional signage for hand washing, screening, symptoms, etc. in case the

facilities do not have them

o have hand sanitizers, masks, gloves, etc.

o sanitize common areas

o provide referees with a designated space for their personal items.

o provide masks, hand sanitizer and writing utensils for each score table.

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§ each score keeper must wear a mask and sanitize their hands before and after

keeping score.

§ each score keeper must sanitize the flipchart, table and chair at the end of the


o sanitize all volleyball balls before each match/tournament.

§ Provide two balls for each playing area.

o Eliminate or reduce the number of items at the event that will be handled by multiple

people (programs, handouts, promotional materials, prizes, clipboards/pens).

o Avoid offering hospitality rooms for participants.

During Play • Participants must:

o avoid touching their face

o stay on their side of the court

o practice physical distancing when taking breaks

o use their foot to return volleyball from another court

• Competition Hosts are:

o discouraged to have a canteen or communal food stations

After Play • Participants must:

o Leave the facilities immediately after play

o Wash their hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer

• Competition Host must:

o sanitize common areas (tables, chairs, score keeper area, etc.)

o sanitize all volleyballs after each match/tournament

o The presentation of awards must be completed in a manner where participants

maintain physical distance from opposing teams and volunteers.

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Appendix D: VNBOA Onsite Protocols Phases 1 - 3 VNB will not be sanctioning onsite referees for Phase 1, 2 and 3.

Phase 4

1) Changing Rooms: o Referees must come dressed for the match and will not have access to a referee room.

o Referees must place their personal items in a designated space appointed by the host.

2) Pre-match Preparation: o Ensure personal hygiene before, during and after match.

o Referees must adhere to physical distancing requirements.

o Referees must bring their own mask and wear it for pre-match preparation.

o Volleyballs must be sanitized before and after each match by the tournament host.

a) Score table: o Scorekeeper must wear a mask and sanitize their hands before and after keeping score.

o Scorekeeper must adhere to physical distancing requirements.

o Scorekeeper must wipe down the table and chair between each match.

b) Bench: o Referees must enforce Volleyball Canada Rule 4.1 that only members of the team are on

the bench (i.e. 12 athletes and coaching staff).

o Coach and R2 interactions will be divided by attack/3- meter line. Each party must

practice physical distancing and stay within their zone.

c) Coin Toss: o Athletes will stay behind attack/3-meter line on their respected side of the playing area

and referees will conduct coin toss wearing a mask.

o If the score table needs assistance, R2 will practice physical distancing and wear a mask

when approaching the table.

3) Screening: o Zone Assignors will provide the COVID-19 Screening Tool 3 days in advance of an event.

o Any referee that indicates symptoms or is feeling ill cannot accept the assignment.

o The list of the approved referees will need to be kept on file by the Zone Assignor.

4) Assigning of officials to a tournament o Zone Assignors must keep a copy of the final match/tournament assignments for tracing


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Phase 5

1) Changing Rooms: o Referees are encouraged to come dressed for the match. If a referee’s room is

assigned, referees must adhere to physical distancing requirements.

o Referees should consider keeping their personal items separated from other items in


2) Pre-Match Prep: o Ensure personal hygiene before, during and after match.

o Referees must adhere to physical distancing requirements.

o It is recommended the volleyball should be sanitized before and after each match by the

tournament host.

a) Score table: o Scorekeeper will adhere to physical distancing requirements.

o Scorekeeper must wear a mask and sanitize their hands before and after keeping score.

o Scorekeeper must wipe down the table and chair between each match.

b) Bench: o Coach and R2 interactions will be divided by attack/3- meter line. Each party must

practice physical distancing and stay within their zone.

o Referees must enforce Volleyball Canada Rule 4.1 that only members of the team are on

the bench (i.e. 12 athletes and coaching staff).

c) Coin Toss: o Adhere to physical distancing requirements.

2. Assigning of Referees to a Tournament o Small tournament – keep pairs together for the day

o Large Tournament – keep pairs together for a wave or a certain amount of time (i.e. 3

matches) when possible.

o This may mean that more referees will need to be assigned to large tournaments to

make the waves occur (i.e. Big Pink, Age Class Provincials, Senior Open).

o Zone Assignors must keep a copy of the final match/tournament assignments for tracing


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Appendix E: Volleyball Canada Risk Assessment

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Appendix F: Participant Screening & Tracking Sheet

ALL athletes/coaches/volunteers/spectators are required to be screened prior to any participation in any VNB or Club activities. Please see Appendix G for the Screening Questionnaire. The expectation is that a tracking sheet must exist for each on-court session to facilitate contact

tracing in the event COVID-19 exposure. The program/activity lead will be required to keep this document on file should VNB or the New Brunswick Department of Public Health request it. See for an excel template of the tracking sheet.

Activity Lead Activity Location Activity Date Activity Time

Name of each individual included in this session. Please list all coaches, athletes, volunteers, and spectators.

Participant's Phone Number

Health Screening

Passed (Yes/No)

Court # Participant’s










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Appendix G: Screening Questionnaire

If you answer ‘YES’ to any of the following questions, DO NOT ENTER this building. Please return home and self-isolate.

If you answered ‘NO’ to the above questions, YOU MAY ENTER the facility.

If you are experiencing any symptoms, you should get tested. You can register for a test online by clicking ‘Get tested’ on the GNB Coronavirus website, calling Tele-Care 811 or by

contacting your primary health-care provider.

Do you have TWO (2) of the following symptoms that are not related to a known pre-existing health condition (i.e., seasonal allergies)? If YES, you should be tested for COVID-19.

Have you been advised by Public Health, a health-care provider or a peace o!cer that you are currently required to self-isolate?

Are you waiting for a COVID-19 test or COVID-19 test results AND have been told you need to self-isolate?

Have you travelled outside of the Atlantic bubble in the past 14 days (unless exempt from self-isolation)?

Has an individual in your household returned from outside of the Atlantic bubble in the past 14 days for any reason, and now someone within the household has developed one or more symptoms of COVID-19 as listed above?

For the latest information visit: 22nd, 2020

Fever Cough (or worsening cough) Diarrhea

Loss of sense of smell and taste

In children, purple markings on the "ngers and toes

Runny nose HeadacheSore throat Fatigue/exhaustion


Muscle pain
