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    Cobblepot, Bane, and Talia continue to look on as Batman

    savagely takes down the Shadows. The sound of bone snapping is

    the final sound before the last Shadow drops to the ground.

    Cobblepot begins to clap: Impressive Mr. Wayne. I see Lazarus

    Pit was able to restore the fire and anger that drives you.

    Batman breathing heavily from his violent assault walks toward

    Cobblepot cracking his knuckles.

    Batman: Youre about to see how angry Ive become.

    Cobblepot: Before I have the privilege

    As Batman approaches the sound of gunfire and explosion can be

    heard from outside the building. This catches his attention,

    Cobblepot smiles with satisfaction.

    Cobblepot: you should look outside.

    Batman goes to the window to see the police being over ran by a

    fleet of Tumblers and Batwings showering the streets with fire.

    Cobblepot: You see Mr. Wayne when a man takes over a company he

    inherits the good, the bad, and the extraordinary. In my case

    thousands of files and schematics on how to build a Batman. Its

    quite a different point of view when your toys are coming afteryou isnt it?


    Harper: Pull back into the parking deck now!

    Three Tumblers zoom by firing on a row of police cars and

    scattering citizens.


    Pilot: Man that gun Henry. Batman is coming around for another


    Henry slides the cargo door open loading a 50 caliber. The

    Batwing blasts a GCP chopper out of the sky and then banks hard

    right toward them.

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    Henry: Here he comes!

    The pilot violently torques the stick attempting to move away

    from the Batwings path. Henry unloads fire toward the Batwing

    tagging its hull. A missile emerges from below the Batwings

    hull and is fired straight for the chopper.

    Alarms buzz and sound alerting them of the incoming missile. The

    pilot strains to move out of harms way but to no prevail as the

    chopper becomes a fireball crashing amongst the scattering



    Cobblepot walks up beside the helpless Batman looking out at the


    Cobblepot: How it must devastate Gotham to be destroyed by the

    one sworn to protect it.

    Batman clinches his teeth in anger swinging a punch for

    Cobblepots head only to be caught by Bane.


    With stealth like precision Robin makes his way down the empty

    hall when he begins to hear a light beeping noise. As it becomes

    louder he realizes it is a tracking device on his boot.

    BAM!! An explosion tears through the wall. Followed by another

    and another. Frantically, Robin sprints down the hall has the

    explosions follow.


    A Batwing hovers outside the top floor peppering it with



    Barbara is also chased down the hall from a Batwings gunfire.

    At the hallways end her face is met by the stock of gun

    knocking her unconscious.


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    A sprinting Nightwing sees an elevator door dead ahead.

    Reaching into his belt he pulls two explosive pellets tossing

    them ahead to the doors blowing them open. He leaps into the

    shaft just ahead of the Batwings fire.

    While in the freefall he aimlessly fires a grapple gun upwards.

    The grapple catches abruptly stopping his fall. Nightwing lets

    out a relieving sigh has he takes in his surround environment.

    Red laser dots one by one cover his body. Looking up toward

    their source his eyes meet a group of disguised SWAT members

    guns pointed at him.

    SWAT member: Times up boy.


    A row of police sirens and lights meet demolition vans

    surrounding the tunnels entrance. Gordon exits his car walking

    up to a man wearing a hard hat, safety goggles, and a demolition


    Demolition man extends his hand toward Gordon: James Arnold


    Gordon shakes his hand: Mr. Arnold Im gonna be frank with you

    Im not sure what were going to walk up on but I can guarantee

    it will be hostile. Any of your men had any training with a fire


    Arnold smiles: Nothing official but we can handle our own.

    Gordon: Lets hope so. How long will it take you to set up.

    Arnold: If we do it quick and dirty give my team 45 minutes.

    Gordon: Pray for that luxury. Load up.


    The stench of corroding underground and the sound of infectedwater slowly dripping make up the tunnels murky habitat. With

    Gordon in the lead, twitching flash lights paint the walls and

    architecture of the rotting tunnel. The crew of nearly thirty

    slowly makes their way toward the unknown.

    As their trek progresses on, a dim light begins to glow

    brighter. The team continues into what becomes a large open room

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    playing home to an unmanned Lazarus Pit. The sound of bubbling

    water and low toned electrical hum works as background noise in

    the large area. The team cannot help but explore the unique

    nature of Lazarus Pit.

    Police Officer: What is this?

    Gordon: The devils work. Arnold youre on.

    Arnold: Yes sir.

    The demo team begins unloading their gear. Gordon turns toward

    the police officer.

    Gordon: Stay alert. Its too quiet.

    BANG!! The officer drops to the ground from a gunshot. The team

    scatters as gunfire begins raining down from henchmen emerging

    from the shadows. Gordon makes his way to cover returning fire.

    Several officers counter the henchmens assault but are quickly

    cut down. Gordon peaks out from his cover taking down several

    henchmen. He is then blindsided to the back of his head knocking

    him to the ground. The henchman towers over the helpless Gordon

    knocking his gun way.

    Henchman: Looks like even Commissioners have their day of


    With his gun pointed at Gordon the henchman takes a bullet to

    the chest. Gordon turns toward the bullets origin to find

    Arnold knocking off approaching henchmen one by one. Gordon gets

    back to his feet as Arnold drops the last one.

    Gordon: Nothing official?

    Arnold: Agent Faraday with S.H.A.D.E.

    Gordon: S.H.A.D.E?

    Arnold: Super-Human Advanced Defense Executive, I can explain

    later Mr. Commissioner but my men and I need to clean this up.

    Faraday cocks his pistol

    Gordon: All yours.

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    With sniper precision the demo team mows down the entire defense

    of henchmen in a matter of moments. The once warzone is returned

    to the background Lazarus Pit provides amongst a littered floor

    of henchmen and cops.

    Faraday: Rig it up.

    SHADE agents begin aligning explosives around the Pit.

    Faraday holsters his gun walking up beside a stunned Gordon.

    Faraday: I apologize for the secrecy of our involvement. We

    felt it necessary due to the recent invents taking place within

    your police force. Honestly we didnt know who to trust.

    Gordon: Understandable, I myself find trusting people difficult

    right now. Really the only question I have is why you people got


    Faraday: Lets just say we have certain assets that need to be


    SHADE agent approaches Faraday.

    SHADE agent: Charges are set sir.

    Faraday: Time to finish the job.


    The team runs out of the tunnel making it safely behind a row of

    police cars. A large explosion follows shaking the Earth as

    debris and smoke emerge from the tunnels entrance.


    Harper and her men continue to take fire from a pair of Tumblers

    as they are pinned.

    Harper: Wheres our backup Bullock?

    Bullock ducks his head as debris peppers his body.

    Bullock: I dont know. They probably cant penetrate with all

    this gun fire.

    Harper: They better start penetrating or theyll have nothing

    to back up.

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    Two stray blasts tag the closest Tumbler followed by a third

    sending it into flames. While a single missiles destroys the

    second Tumbler.

    Harper, Bullock, and her team temporarily hold fire scanning for

    the origin of the gun fire. A platoon of army soldiers pile into

    the area lead by General Carter.

    Carter: General Carter United States Army, we are taking

    control of the situation.

    Harper: Under whose authority?

    Carter: Above your pay grade Captain.

    Harper: What do you mean pay grade? Im not military personnel

    General. I dont fall under your protocols.

    Carter: Captain, Im asking you nicely to stand down and let us

    do our job.

    Harpers face feels with anger as she prepares to lash out at

    the General. Bullock grabs her attention.

    Bullock: Its not worth it Captain.

    Harper quickly turns her head toward the typical hot head


    Bullock shakes his head: Not today.

    Harpers raging face calms and begins to follow Bullock away

    from the area.

    Harper: You of all people are gonna give in that easy?

    Bullock: Shut up and keep walking. Theres something I need to

    show you.

    CUT TO:

    Soldiers take post surrounding the police perimeter laying down

    cover fire at a second wave of Tumblers.

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    General Carter speaks into his com: Area is secure. Mission is

    a go. Get Raptors in the air.

    A voice comes from the com: Copy that


    Bane lands brutal punches to Batmans side before connecting

    with a violent hook to his head. Batman stumbles back but

    quickly regains composure retaliating with combos to Banes face

    and ribs. The mercenary does not flinch as he grabs Batmans

    head landing a head butt that knocks him into a pillar. Batman

    stunned from the blow, gets weak in the legs, and slowly slides

    to the floor.

    Bane walks over Batman as if conquering him in the boxing ring.

    Cobblepot takes a knee in front of the woozy hero slumped

    against the stone pillar.

    Cobblepot: Youre the only man Ive seen take a beating like

    that and keep breathing.

    Batmans face tells the story of a man in intense pain

    struggling for each breath. Cobblepot pulls a handkerchief from

    his pocket wiping his face.

    Cobblepot (continued): Its taken a lot of work to get you

    here, but people always end up where they are meant to be. In

    your case at the forefront of the worst terroristic attack inGothams history. What sets us apart from our predecessors is

    they failed to completely break Gothams spirit because they

    lacked the knowledge of where that spirit lives.

    Cobblepot leans closer say that only Batman can hear.

    Cobblepot (continued): Us, you and me Bruce, this city feeds

    off the belief someone can bring peace to lives so desperately

    lacking it.

    Batman struggles to speak: You cant offer these people peace.Cobblepot: I offer Gotham a new light for the tragedy that is

    about to shake its core. The legacy of Bruce Wayne and Batman

    will soon be written. The great mystery solved. At this moment

    Batman is holding a Mayor hostage. But this hostage situation is

    soon to escalate when your Batwing comes crashing through that

    window setting off a hundreds of explosions. Oswald Enterprise

    will crash to the streets killing us all. Search teams will find

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    the bodies in the wreckage including your own. Theyll pull back

    that mask to find the face of Bruce Wayne. Gotham will mourn.

    Not for the death of a man but the death of hope. The people

    will realize the true nature of their Batman and the world will

    recognize billionaire Bruce Wayne as a terrorist.

    Batman: Steep price to pay with your life.

    Cobblepot smiles: Man does not die with the water of Lazarus

    Pit. My body will not be found as I am taken away to be reborn.

    People will bow and worship me after my resurrection. Its the

    final hour Bruce. Theres nothing you can do.

    Batman: I never intended to do all the work.

    Cobblepots turns to a puzzled expression.

    Batman: Just like a company one man never does all the work.

    You might want to check the security on that Pit of yours.

    Cobblepot turns toward one of the henchman who is shaking his


    Henchman: Im not getting a signal from Swisher Tunnel.

    Batman: Its taken a lot of work to get you here, but people

    always end up where they are meant to be.

    Batman kicks Cobblepot in the chest with both feet knocking himback. Bane charges at Batman who gets to his feet activating his

    iron wrist device. It comes to life, generating iron around his

    fist as he unloads a jaw shattering punch to Banes face

    cracking his mask. Wasting no time Batman lands punch after

    punch to Banes face and body beating him into submission. With

    blood running from his mouth and nose Bane struggles to breathe

    barely able to stand. He attempts a counter punch that Batman

    ducks under landing a blow to Banes ribs. He falls to one knee

    in severe pain. Finally Batman lifts Bane over his head.

    Batman: This is going to hurt.

    With all his might, Batman slams Bane onto his knee breaking his

    back. Bane screams in pain as he lies on the floor beaten,

    barely able to move.

    Batman looks up at a stunned Cobblepot gazing upon the fallen


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    Batman: Theres not going to be a resurrection Oswald. The

    people will not be forced to believe a lie.

    Cobblepot: Strong words but Bane was never intended to be the

    death of you when true revenge is among us.

    Talia: It is time to pay your debt.

    Batman quickly turns around catching Talias sword with his iron

    fist. The force drops Batman to his back. Talia raises the sword

    again crushing it down onto Batmans wrist.

    Talia: After all my father gave you.

    Talia lands another blow.

    Talia: The trust he implanted in you.

    Talia goes for another shot but Batman rolls out of the swords

    path, popping to his feet.

    Talia: You repay him with murder!

    Batman puzzled at her actions.

    Batman: Talia, I had nothing to do with your fathers death.

    Talia raises the sword charging at Batman.

    Talia: You lie!

    Batman is able to deflect the sword away from his chest. Talia

    lands a punch to his face. Aimed for his face, Batman knocks the

    sword from her hand. She counters with a round house kick to the

    face before pulling a dagger from her belt ramming it into

    Batmans shoulder. He groans in pain grabbing the dagger pulling

    it out. Slowly he falls to the floor. Talia picks up her

    fathers sword from the ground.

    Batman: Bane murdered your father.

    Talia: Your attempts at creating mutiny within us pathetic. You

    deserve the same fate as the man responsible for killing your

    own parents.

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    Batman: Killing me will only give Cobblepot what he wants. He

    was going to give Bane Lazarus Pit to end his need for the

    venom. Its been a set up from the start. Only a matter of time

    before he kills you too.

    Cobblepot quickly butts into the conversation: Kill him Talia.

    Hes only trying to manipulate you.

    Batman slowly climbs to his feet: Listen to me. He wants the

    League of Shadows for himself. He has no intention of honoring

    your fathers purpose.

    The confusion enters Talias eyes. Henchmen enter the room

    cocking their weapons. Batman looks at Talia with a reassuring


    Batman: A lot of heat just for me.


    Harper and Bullock lean over the shoulders of a technician. They

    are viewing a screen with rows of dissected sound waves.

    Technician: This is Skyhawks frequency before they breached

    the top floor of Gotham Financial and this is the frequency

    after the breach.

    Harper: Theyre different.

    Bullock: Someone else radioed in the area was secured, but its

    not secured by us.

    Harper: What about the other buildings?

    Technician: Same discrepancy.

    Harper: Radio into those buildings and see what we get.

    Technician manipulates the controls speaking into his head set.

    Technician: Skyhawk this is command, over? Skyhawk do you copy?

    The technician looks up at Bullock and Harper with an

    pessimistic expression.

    Bullock: Try another team.

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    Technician speaks into the headset: Dark Screen, Road Hide

    anyone copy?

    Static is all that returns through the speaker.

    Harper: I want squadrons in those buildings ASAP. If the

    General has a problem with that he can take it up with the



    Batwings continue to pepper General Carters soldiers with

    fire. Two F-22 Raptors drop in from above tailing one of the



    Pilot: Engaging Bogey 1 bearing 29 Alpha.


    Pilot: Copy that Raptor 2 on your flank.

    EXT: SKY

    The Raptors begin peppering the Batwing with gunfire having

    little effect on its armor.


    The pilot manipulates his control panel: Switching to side


    EXT: SKY

    Two missiles launch from both Raptors targeting the Batwing. As

    the missiles close in a second Batwing swoops in taking the hit.

    A massive fireball fills the sky as the two pilots shield theireyes from the brightly lit debris.


    Pilot: Did that thing intentionally intercept those missiles?


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    Pilot: Looks that way. Theyre protecting this one for

    something special---Ground control you copy that?


    Carter: We copy that Raptor 1. See if you can get those bogeys

    over our heads. Weve got a little surprise waiting.


    Pilot: Copy that.

    EXT: SKY

    As the two Raptors prepare to bank around a skyscraper another

    Batwing meets them head on blasting them out of the sky.


    General Carter and his men turn toward the loud sound to see the

    two Raptors crash through several buildings before smashing onto

    the street.

    The two Batwings drop altitude flying directly toward the

    platoon of soldiers.

    General Carter: Move!

    The platoon quickly darts for cover countering with little fire.

    The Batwings pulverize the central command area leaving no one



    Harper leads a team of police officers up the stairs. As they

    continue to climb they find bullet holes in the wall along with

    dried blood.

    Police Officer: Something happened here.

    Harper: Scan for an ID.

    The officer pulls an electronic scanner from his belt hovering

    it over the bloody residue. After a moment the device beeps

    revealing a picture of a SWAT member.

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    Police Officer: Henderson, Daniel SWAT Skyhawk team.

    Harper cocks her pistol and nods to an officer as they prepare

    to breach the floor. Harper kicks in the door taking a mixture

    of henchmen by surprise. Both parties unload gunfire lighting up

    the room.

    Harper and her team proceed into the room overwhelming the



    Bullock and his team follow suit gunning down the stunned


    Bullock: Keep it up! Theyre on the run!


    Four armed henchmen stand around Nightwing who is restrained to

    a metal pillar. The gunfire echoes into the room. The henchmen

    looked concerned.

    Henchman: You bring back-up boy?

    Nightwing shrugs his shoulders: I work alone. Sounds like

    someone else wants your head.

    A henchman looks at one of the other henchmen: Stay here with

    the boy. He moves kill him.

    Three of the henchmen exit the room. The lone henchman gives a

    glaring look as Nightwing gives a tight smirk.


    Armed policemen make their way down the empty hallway passing

    the large burn holes left behind from the Batwing. The force

    rounds a corner to see a henchman facing them. The copsimmediately swing their guns his way. FREEZE!

    The henchman does not make a sound as he slowly falls to the

    floor with Robin standing behind him. Robin retracts his staff

    holstering it.

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    Robin: The building is secure. Concentrate your fire on those


    Police Officer: You work with the Bat. Were not trusting you.

    Robin: I can assure you this is not Batmans doings. If you

    dont get those Batwings out of the sky theyre going to plow a

    hole through the middle of Gotham.

    The officers drop their weapons. The team leader reaches for his


    Leader: Building is secure, request immediate deliverance of

    AT4 Rocket Launcher to rooftop.


    Harper and her team stand amongst a littered floor of dead


    Harper: Is that all of them?

    A door kicks in followed by gunfire from a team of henchmen.

    After a moment the henchmen fall to the floor pulled out of the

    room. Out of sight the sounds of men yelling and bones cracking

    fill the air. As the violence stops Barbara emerges into the

    room removing chain shackles from her wrist.

    Barbara: The one thing in common with all criminals is theyrecheap.

    Harper raises her gun: Stop right there. Who are you?

    Barbara stops in her tracks realizing Harper does not recognize

    her. The rest of the team raises their guns at Barbara.

    Barbara: Not the enemy Jamie.

    Harper: You didnt answer my question. Who are you?

    Barbara: Someone like you, someone trying to make a difference.

    You know Oswald is behind everything. Batman would not do this.

    Harper slowly lowers her gun followed by the rest of her team.

    Harper: What do we need to do?

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    The armed henchman keeps his back to Nightwing with his

    attention toward the outside gunfire.

    Nightwing: First day holding a gun?

    The henchman keeps his back turned: I dont think youre in a

    position to speak.

    The hum of Nightwings staffs powering up echoes in the room.

    Nightwing: This better?

    The henchman quickly turns to see a freed Nightwing holding the

    staffs in a combat pose.


    Bullock and his team exchange gunfire against the relentless

    henchmen. The two officers flanking Bullock take bullets to the

    chest dropping them to the floor. Bullock realizes the tide may

    be turning against them. Two henchmen begin closing in on

    Bullock but are stopped dead in the tracks after electric staffs

    crash into their necks.

    Nightwing burst into the room unleashing is advanced combat

    skills onto the henchmen. He maneuvers through the flying

    bullets catching henchmen in the face and ribs with bonecrushing blows. He glides to the pair of electric staffs

    retrieving them from the floor finally crashing them into the

    final henchmans skull.

    Bullock and his team look in awe at the ease Nightwing took down

    their adversaries.

    Bullock: Alright well follow your lead from here on out.


    Talia and a wounded Batman stand surrounded by two dozen armed


    Cobblepot: As fate would have it Bruce here we are again with a

    difficult decision and no answer.

    Batman: You havent won anything Oswald.

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    Cobblepot: This isnt a game Bruce. I have you within minutes

    of your death with no Ras al Ghul to save you.

    Talia: Do not breathe a word of my fathers name!

    Cobblepot: You have nothing to threaten me with sweetheart.

    Your name no longer has any meaning in the world. It died with

    your father.

    Anger over takes Talia who charges directly toward Cobblepot,

    sword aimed for his head. BANG! BANG! BANG! The gunfire stops

    Talia in her tracks in front of Cobblepot.

    Oswald looks on, with a smirk, at the barely standing Talia:


    BANG Cobblepots gun goes off. Talias fathers sword drops to

    the ground followed by her body.

    Oswald leans down to her with a glaring smirk. Talia barely

    breathing in intense pain.

    Cobblepot: Ironic the immortality surrounding the al Ghul name

    has been proven false in a matter of days. You would have lived

    longer as Susan Wade.

    Talias eyes close as she takes her final breath. Oswald stands.

    Cobblepot: Care to try your luck Bruce or has the great Batman

    finally run out of options?

    Batman: I prefer to improvise.

    Windows shatter as Robin, Nightwing, and Barbara crash into the

    room. With the henchmen stunned Batman jumps into action

    slugging the first two henchmen, he sees, to the ground. The

    team of four work like a well oiled machine beating down every

    henchmen within reach.

    CUT TO:

    Barbara fires a grapple gun through a henchmans shoulder

    dropping the man in pain. She wraps the cable around a second

    henchmans neck flipping him to the ground.

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    CUT TO:

    Robin plows through a row of seven henchmen wrecking their bones

    with his elongated bow staff.

    CUT TO:

    Nightwing over powers a group of henchmen frying their brains

    with his humming staffs. He turns firing darts from a wrist

    brace spraying their bodies with painful piercings.

    CUT TO:

    Batman mutilates a set of enemies snapping their guns in half

    crushing their week bodies into the floor beneath.

    CUT TO:

    Cobblepot cocks his pistol darting for the nearest exit. As he

    approaches the door he is blindsided off his feet crashing to

    the floor. The powerful grip of Batman jerks Cobblepot to his


    Batman: Nowhere to run Oswald.

    Batman lands a concussing head butt to the shaken man breaking

    his nose. He is then slammed into the wall.

    Batman: No one to punch back.

    Oswald catching his breath: I can fight my own wars.

    Cobblepot aimlessly takes a swing at the Dark Knight who easilyavoids it. Batman then jaw jacks Oswald blasting him into the



    Oswald crashes to the floor. He frantically tries to scoot

    across the floor away from a pursing Batman.

    Batman: Did you honestly believe you could come into my city,

    take my company, and charade people into believing you are a


    Oswald smiles spitting a mouth full of blood.

    Cobblepot: Not a god Bruce, a better man. A better man than

    what you claimed to be.

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    Overtaken with anger Batman jerks Oswald from the ground

    slamming him against a wall.

    Blood drains from Cobblepots nose and mouth as he smirks.

    Cobblepot(continued): Look at you and all your strength. But

    its worthless at this point. In a matter of moments your

    Batwings will crash into this building and your legacy will be


    Batman: Gotham will soon learn of the man you are. Words out

    Oswald, youre a wanted man and Im here to deliver.

    With all the strength Batman can compose he throws Oswald

    through the door of his personal office tearing his name plate

    from the wood.


    Batman walks through the room covered with beaten unconscious

    evil. He manipulates a button on his built walking toward the

    large broken window.

    Robin: Where you headed big guy?

    Batman: To finish this.

    Nightwing: The Batwing is back at the cave. Could take a

    The Batwing halts in front of the broken window.

    Batman: Ive got it.

    Batman hops in the open cockpit and flies off.

    Barbara: I think hes got a handle on the situation.


    Bullock: Here they come!

    Several cops aim rocket launchers toward the speeding Batwings.

    Pressing the triggers a pair of missiles fire toward the planes.

    One of the Batwings deviates from the formation gunning down the


    Bullock: Can we please catch a break?

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    Harper: Light em up!

    Three missiles are fired toward the Batwings to be equally

    knocked out of the sky by returned gunfire.


    The Batwings change course toward Rico Supplies.


    Police Officer: Take cover! Here they come!

    The team sprints toward the roof exit as gunfire begins to swarm

    around. The Batwings launch four missiles at the running men

    igniting the roof in flames.


    Harper looks on in shock at the flaming building.


    The Batwings turn course toward Gotham Financial loading

    missiles for fire. BAM BAM, the two shots hit the modified wing

    of the rear Batwing spinning it out of control crashing to the



    Batman manipulates controls locking in on his target firing

    missiles away.


    As missiles quickly approach the Batwing performs a 180 degree

    flip leaving Bass Building in the missiles path. The builds top

    floors ignite from the explosion.


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    Batman attempts evasive maneuvers as the Batwing launches a pair

    of missiles crashing into the wing and engine. Alarms sound as

    the Batwing begins losing control.


    Batman turns his Batwing toward the sky for a vertical climb as

    the enemy Batwing sets its course for Oswald Enterprise.


    Barbara, Nightwing, and Robin look on at the oncoming plane.


    Sirens continue to scream. Power 18% Batman manipulates

    controls displaying a trajectory path. Power 17% Batman

    punches a button blowing the Batwings canopy pulling him from

    the cockpit.


    Batman rights his body toward the street below, tightens his

    cape beginning a speedy descent downward toward the evil

    Batwing. As he approaches the cockpit he fires a grapple gun

    breaching the canopy ripping it off to find no pilot. Batman

    lands in the open cockpit.


    Batman attempts to manipulate the controls but the computer

    resistant Auto pilot locked. Running out of time Batman pulls

    all the explosive pellets from his belt cramming them into the

    computer. He jumps out of the cockpit followed by a large

    explosion separating the cockpit.


    The enemy Batwing quickly loses altitude crashing into the

    street below. His cape spread resembling a bat, Batman soresthrough the sky over the flaming Batwing.


    Nightwing, Robin, and Barbara look on with relief and


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    A police car drives up near the flaming wreckage. Gordon steps

    out. He looks up to the sky as Batman soars overhead. His face

    glows with pride.


    A beaten Cobblepot sits at his desk. An empty bottle of liquor

    sits next to a handgun. Oswald slams back another shot throwing

    the glass against a wall. He picks up the handgun looking down

    the barrel cocking it.

    The door kicks open as armed men dressed in black tie suits

    enter. A well dressed man enters flashing a badge.

    Well Dressed Man: Agent Zimmer FBI, Mr. Cobblepot you are under

    arrest on 380 counts of homicide, drug trafficking, money

    laundering, and aiding the terrorist organization Cell Six.


    Vale: Reports are leaking in that Mayor Oswald Cobblepot has

    been arrested for his involvement aiding an underground

    terrorist organization known as Cell Six. A second source is

    reporting Cobblepot was also behind a devastating train crash in

    India. No one has seen or spoken with the Mayor since

    yesterdays incident at Oswald Enterprise but an anonymous

    source reports it was a setup by the Mayor himself


    Wayne looks on at the mainframe screen watching Viki Vales

    newscast. Mug shots of Hagen and Bane appear on screen.

    Vale: Aliases in the case include Matthew Hagen and an unknown

    mercenary Bane. It was confirmed to be Hagen impersonating

    Batman. We apologize for the lack of details at this time but

    will keep you updated as reports come in.

    The screen goes blank.

    Grayson: The Batman name is going to be cleared.

    Wayne: Itll take time but one day.

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    Drake: If it takes awhile just remember Robin is still in good

    standing with the public.

    Barbara: A good name only gets you so far in this town.

    Drake: Gets you further than your real name.

    Grayson: Hes got a point. If youre gonna put on that suit I

    dont recommend wearing a Barbara Gordon name tag.

    Wayne: Batgirl isnt very original but it would work.

    Barbara smiles: Says from Batman. Ill sleep on it.


    Gordon stands at a podium addressing media.

    Gordon: Mayor Grange was the victim of evils strongest will. As

    we continue to wrap our minds around the brutality of his final

    days his memory will live on with honor


    Construction crews and cranes work to repair the damage.

    Vale V.O. Oswald Cobblepots arrest has left his company OswaldEnterprise at a stalemate. Due to the language of documents the

    company was made public for sale this morning. An anonymous

    buyer has been identified for purchasing the majority share.

    Bruce Wayne is said to have no involvement with the issue.

    INT: CAR

    Wayne: I really looked forward to taking a day off Alfred.

    Ahead in the drivers seat Alfred responds.

    Alfred: Do you realize the trouble I undertook in arranging

    this meeting?

    Wayne: You were supposed to be lying on a beach with umbrella


    Alfred: Well I took it upon myself to do a little extra work.

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    Wayne, visibly restless, sits in a chair. The door opens and

    Alfred enters with an African American male appearing Bruces


    Alfred: Master Wayne I would like you to meet the majority

    holder of Oswald Enterprise.

    Wayne stands greeting the man: Bruce Wayne, pleasure to meet

    you Mr

    The African American man shakes his hand: Fox, Lucius Winston

    Fox Jr. but Winston will do.

    Bruces eyes look as they have seen a ghost.

    Fox Jr.: You meant a lot to my father Mr. Wayne.

    Wayne: Lucius never mentioned having a son.

    Fox Jr. smiles: He was a dedicated man. I plan to make a few

    changes. Add a little more familiarity to Wayne Enterprise.

    Wayne: Wayne Enterprise?

    Fox Jr. smiles


    A crane moves a large W to the side of the building.




    Bat signal lights up the sky.


    Batman lands atop the roof to find Faraday and Gordon waiting.

    Faraday looks at his watch in amazement.

    Faraday: Thirty eight seconds, he is fast.

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    Gordon: This is Agent Faraday of SHADE.

    Batman: Weve meet. Time for our discussion?

    Faraday smiles: Tired of the solo act Wayne?

    Batman: Ive got a team.

    Faraday: Im not talking about just any team Bruce. Im talking

    about an extraordinary team.

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