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WKU Student P u b l icat ions , Gra duate Ass ista nt in Ma rket ing Mon itor socia l m ed ia intera ct ion a nd ins ights on mu lt ip le p latforms. Develop rea dersh ip su rvey a nd a na lyze resu lts . Des ig n ca m pa ig ns to increase on l in e a nd m ob i le a ud iences. Create a nd ma inta in re lat ionsh ips w ith sponsors a nd contra ct a dvert isers.

WKU Gra duate Stud ies a nd Resea rch, Student Ass ista nt Address dom est ic a nd internat iona l g ra duate student inqu ir ies. Ma na ge a nd ma inta in gen era l office ema i l . Ass ist in tra ns it ion to a pa per less office. Create sprea dsheets a nd form letters for da i ly office use.

Nat iona l Corvette Muse u m Motorsports Pa rk, Ma rket ing Intern Prepa re a Na m ing Rights presentat ion for potent ia l sponsors. Resea rch costs a nd ben efits of b u i ld ing NCM Motorsports Pa rk. Co l laborate w ith educat ion a nd env iron m enta l g ro u ps as strateg ic pa rtn ers.

Advert is ing Resea rch, Socia l Med ia Ma rket ing, Consu m er Profi l ing , Bra nd Pos it ion ing

Softwa re: Microsoft Office Adobe InDes ig n Adobe Photoshop Ba n n er CRM Wordpress

Ma c a nd PC ca pab le

WESTERN KENTUCKY U NIV ERSITY Ba chelor of Arts - 2011 Advert is ing, m inor in Sa les Master of Bus in ess Adm in istrat ion g ra duat ing August 2012

MBA Student Associat ion Event Pla n n ing Cha ir Gra duate Co u nci l Co l lege of Bus in ess Student Representat ive Ru les Com m itteeAdvert is ing Federat ion 2011 NS A C ca m pa ig n tea m

CONTA CT ME270.791.6876 ma r ia.b la [email protected]

w w w. l in ked riab la ir @m eb la irw w riab la ir .com











NCE Aug 2011-


May ‘09-


May- Sept


ma r ia b la ir
