Download pdf - Resi Bulletin - Week 9


Week 9 Your official bulletin for all the latest resi news and events info!

Residences must observe a party/guest/noise-free period from Friday 30th May until 4pm Friday

20th June.

Breaches of the party, guest & noise-free policy will NOT be tolerated during the study/exam

period and a $100 charge will apply.

Breaches include:

guests (registered or not)

noisy gatherings

noise when coming home late

using BSV basketball court (except between 2-4pm)

The successful completion of the trimester is dependent on all residents showing consideration and

respect for each other.

Your cooperation is sought to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to do well in their exams.

Best of luck to all of you with your exams!

Resi Beanies and Socks If you ordered resi beanies and/or socks, they are ready to be collected from reception now!

Hoodies are yet to arrive.

Party/Noise/Guest-Free Period


WANTED! Enthusiastic supporters of the Deakin Smoke-Free Policy to become ambassadors. Deakin

is looking for people who can fill one of two ambassador positions:

1. First is a paid position where the ambassadors are required to work for 1 hour 3 days a week

for 12 weeks. They will be paid $250 onto their Deakin card and they will receive a certificate

acknowledging their support.

These ambassadors will be required to wear a Deakin Smoke-Free t-shirt whilst on campus and

in groups of 2 will politely approach anyone they see smoking. They'll also be provided with

merchandise to hand out to anyone who wants to show their support.

Essentially, they will be Deakin’s eyes and noses whilst creating a "presence" on campus to

help Deakin promote and enforce the Smoke-Free policy.

2. The second position is a volunteer position for those who aren’t able to make this time

commitment. Deakin requires volunteers to help out with events such as open day and world

tobacco free day. While you won't get paid, it will certainly be a great addition to your CV!

Deakin also asks that the ambassadors help the university come up with different and engaging

ways to promote the Smoke-Free policy. All ambassadors will receive training. Dates haven’t been

set but they are aiming to run it in the week of May 19th.

If this is something that interests you, could you please email Rachel Isaacs at

[email protected] detailing what your background is (i.e. what you’re studying) and

what sort of experience you could bring to the position? Also please confirm which campus you’re

primarily based at.

Become a Smoke-Free Ambassador


With study and exam time fast approaching, the following

workshop may be very beneficial!

All Deakin students welcome!

Workshop: Conquering Stress Using Mindfulness and


This workshop (via Lync) will help you to manage stress


When: Thursday, 22, May 2014 – 2.00pm to 2.30pm.

Please register your interest with Emma Keldan, Counsellor at

Student Life: [email protected]

Trimester 1 is more than half over, and the work is flowing in fast!

If you want to discuss your studies with an experienced

student, or if you have questions about anything related to studying

at Deakin, ask at the Students Helping

Students Drop-In Station.

Peer mentors at the Students Helping Students Drop-in Station pride

themselves in helping other students, whether the issue is

academic, practical or something else.

Just go to the drop-in station at The Learning Space, Building H,

Level 1 or contact a peer mentor online. They can and WANT to

help you with all your questions or concerns.

Managing Stress Workshop

Academic Support!


Intercampus Clash On Sunday 11th May we had the annual Intercampus Clash

down at the Waurn Ponds Campus. Due to a clash with

Mother’s Day, our numbers were low but our enthusiasm

was high. With Warrnambool as a late scratching, our boys

had two games against Deakin and Barton/NRAS, while the

girls had the one match against the combined Geelong


Our boys started well with a win against Deakin, however a

lack of numbers and size started to wear on the boys and

went down to a very strong Barton/NRAS team. Trent Bacon

had leather poisoning running out of half back (perhaps

because he forgot how to handball), however Tim Hicks

took BOG honours but fell ill with altitude sickness after a

great attempted specky.

The girls only had 13 for the day but put in a solid effort.

Even if the ball was at the opposite end, the girls kept

themselves entertained by dancing along to the music.

Highlights for the day were Kiki’s miracle goal from the

pocket, not bad considering she had never played before.

Jade Williams was a solid performer, however BOG honours

go to Abber Harangozo. The boys were very impressed with

her blind turns on the wing!

Could Tim and Abbey please come to MB reception to collect their prizes for their performances on the

day. Well done to everyone who participated and supported on the day. Thank you to the Red Frogs

Team and the GOATS (Geelong’s BEARS) for putting on the day.

Wednesday Sesh There will be a Wednesday Sesh next Wednesday 21st May in the MB Rec Room.

If you missed out on performing last time, make sure you get your name down to perform this time. If you

have any questions, please see Ryan McClure or Louis Coad. Otherwise, send a message to the BEARS

Facebook page.


DUSA DAY TRIPS Mornington Peninsula

On this trip we head straight to Arthurs seat where you will have morning tea and take in the remarkable

views of the Mornington Peninsula. We then visit a working strawberry farm, Cape Shank National park and

then Mornington Peninsula hot springs.

When: Saturday 17th May

Time: 8.30am Pick Up

Where: Deakin University, Burwood Campus, Gate 1, Holland

Street, car park area

Cost: DUSA Gold/Silver: $85 All others: $105

Includes: All transport, picnic style lunch

Please remember to bring a waterproof jacket, good walking shoes and money if you would like to

purchase food and souvenirs.

Healesville Sanctuary If you would like to see some Australia favourite animals in their natural habit, this is the trip for you!

Get up close to koalas, kangaroos, wombats, emus, cockatoos, parrots and many more and witness the

amazing and exciting Eagles Fly demonstration within the sanctuary. See the renowned nocturnal house

with the shy platypus and stroll through large aviaries and pond areas. After our amazing day we travel

back to Melbourne.

When: Saturday 24th May

Time: 8.30am Pick

Where: Deakin University, Burwood Campus, Gate 1,

Holland Street, car park area

Cost: DUSA Gold/Silver: $85 All others: $105

Includes: All transport, picnic style lunch

* Please remember to bring a waterproof jacket, good walking shoes and money if you would like to

purchase food and souvenirs.


Name: Louis Coad

Nickname: Louie, Lewi McKirdy, Louie the Fly,

Age: 20

Hometown: Hobart

Course: Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science / Bachelor of Business

(Sports Management)

Favourite food: Grill’d

Favourite movie: Anchorman

Favourite sporting team: Liverpool and the Brisbane Lions

Most memorable moment on res: Mystery bus tour 2013

·Dream job: To work in the EPL or NFL as a high profile sports manager or sports scientist.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?: A tropical island in the Pacific.

If you could have dinner with any one person, who would it be?: David Attenborough

What 3 things would you choose if you were stranded on a deserted island?: My running shoes, my

dog Jasper and FIFA 14

Not too many students are aware that the Medical centre on campus can provide FREE Nicotine

Replacement Therapies including, gum, lozenges, patches and spray.

NRT is not for everyone wishing to QUIT but for those people who wish to manage cravings and work

towards quitting, they can be very helpful.

Make an appointment online to see the Campus Nurse or drop into Building B to have a chat. All the

Campus nurses are QUIT Educators and can provide information and a non-judgemental,

supportive approach.

BEARS Profile

Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy


Recipe of the Week

Italian-style risoni soup Ingredients (serves 6)

· Cooking spray

· 1 medium fennel bulb, ends trimmed, finely chopped

· 1 large carrot, peeled, finely chopped

· 1 large zucchini, ends trimmed, finely


· 2 garlic cloves, crushed

· 3 x 500ml ctns chicken consomme

(Campbell's brand)

· 75g (1/3 cup) risoni

· 85g (1/2 cup) shelled fresh peas

· 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh tarragon

· Salt & freshly ground black pepper


1. Spray a large saucepan and put on high heat. Add the fennel, carrot, zucchini and garlic and

cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until just tender.

2. Add the consomme and bring to the boil.

3. Add the risoni and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes or until pasta is al dente. Add the

peas and cook for 2 minutes or until peas are bright green and tender. Remove from heat.

4. Add the tarragon and stir to combine. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

5. Ladle the soup among serving bowls, and serve with bread.

Please direct any queries to Resi Reception at

[email protected] or via extension 17671